Re: [Drakelist] L7 Fan noise

2011-09-24 Thread Woody
*The L7 fan has a vibration to it like the bearing or bushing, how ever its
made are bad, it actually has a clicking like the blades are hitting
something. I will take it off today and check, but in case its bad can I
find a replacement??*
*Thanks Again*
On Fri, Sep 23, 2011 at 8:11 PM, Woody wrote:

 *Hello, I just picked up a Beautiful L7 today, it seems to work fine-But
 the fan is making a good bit of noise (the guy forgot to tell me that) its
 not jumping off the table or anything but when it goes into the high speed
 its quite obnoxious. I've never fooled with one of these before, I've redone
 the L4B fans before and it was a pain to get out. Anyone know
 any secrets about these? *

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Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] Anyone ever look inside the PBT box?

2011-09-24 Thread Garey Barrell

Steve -

Cool, that makes all that filter stuff irrelevant.  I'm about 97% CW, and only get on SSB when 
forced by circumstance...  :-)

Now if it was a KWM-2, you'd have BIG problems..  !

Yes, as I said,  _MANY_  of the earlier 4 Series radios got the B knob upgrade.  But does it have 
the flat or dished skirt??

Other than the filters, the later transmitters have no 'technical' improvements, just ergonomics, 
until you get to the T-4XC with the 'shared' CO and 3rd LO for stable transceive.

73, Garey - K4OAH
Glen Allen, VA

Drake 2-B, 2-C/2-NT, 4-A, 4-B, C-Line
and TR-4/C Service Supplement CDs

Steve Wedge wrote:

Being a mostly CW operator, I'm not surprised at this.

I've been making an attempt at going back to SSB - which would be a grand movement for me from c. 
1989 and even then, probably more since '85.

It's funny, but the T-4X that I got with the R-4B already had the B-series knob with it.  Since I 
routinely don't run these rigs beyond 100W in either mode, I suppose all of the directives, etc. 
are probably meaningless to me.

I suppose that anything required beyond 100W with these rigs will require a 
helper anyway.

I have that helper and it, too, will be online soon - to be called upon when 
needed. :-)

Steve Wedge, W1ES/4

To be is to do - Socrates
To do is to be - Plato
Do be do be do. - Sinatra

All my computers have my signature with various pearls of wisdom appended 

From: Garey Barrell
Sent: Friday, September 23, 2011 10:57 PM
To: Steve Wedge
Cc: Drake List
Subject: Re: [Drakelist] Anyone ever look inside the PBT box?

Steve -

Not really.  Yes, the neon 'PTO in Use' lights were a nice touch, but the 'above the belt' 
switch from aluminum to black lettering made all the difference in the world in being able to 
READ what they said.  The new MAIN TUNING knob with 'dished' skirt also made them much easier on 
the eyes, especially in lighting with any glare.  That's why MANY of the R-4 and R-4A receivers 
no longer have the old main knob and flat skirt, but ended up with the 'new' style with the nice 
bright aluminum center.  LOTS of those knobs and skirts were sold when the B came out.  Most 
important of all though was the change from 4 pole crystal filters in the T-4X to the 8 pole used 
in all later models.  The T-4X actually doesn't meet the 'Purity of Emissions' requirements in 
the FCC regulations.  Both the Carrier and Opposite Sideband suppression are much poorer in the 
T-4X. Obviously the T-4X is 'grandfathered' in, and if you are not driving an amplifier, most 
will never notice the difference.  However, IF you use an amp, and/or have a nearby ham neighbor, 
you may make new friends!  :-) Of course if you only operate CW, not a problem as the T-4X has 
that nice, smooth T-4X(any) keying.  The 'B' also saw the conversion from bipolar to FET in the 
PTO for improved stability.

Other than the above, not much difference!  :-)

73, Garey - K4OAH
Glen Allen, VA

Drake 2-B, 2-C/2-NT, 4-A, 4-B, C-Line
and TR-4/C Service Supplement CDs

Steve Wedge wrote:
#2 is still in its pristine, late-1960's state.  I just bought it with a very nice-but-dusty 
T-4X and MS-4 and AC-4 from Shelby.  I have shut if down for now, though, as I've noticed 
significant AC hum on the signals. Once I get my PTO back, I'll run my R-4A with the revitalized 
PTO whilst I begin work on R-4B #2.  This will include re-capping all electrolytics.

My take is that this set I bought at Shelby represents what a lot of hams with Drakes had during 
that period: The receiver was enough of a progression from the R-4A to be worth upgrading, but 
the transmitter wasn't really different enough to warrant dumping the T-4X for a T-4XB. From 
what I've seen, the major difference is the neon dial indicator.

Steve Wedge, W1ES/4

To be is to do - Socrates
To do is to be - Plato
Do be do be do. - Sinatra

All my computers have my signature with various pearls of wisdom appended 

From: Garey Barrell
Sent: Friday, September 23, 2011 6:13 PM
To: Steve Wedge
Cc: Drake List
Subject: Re: [Drakelist] Anyone ever look inside the PBT box?

Steve -

What did you do to the PTO in R-4B #2?  I thought they were both jumpy?

I would use just about any small coax you have for the injection.  It's not long enough to 
matter what impedance or loss (within reason!) it is.

The headphone jack on the R-4A was in that location, and the panel still has the locator mark 
in the B location, and of course the main chassis has the cut-out needed.  Drake probably had 
enough 'complaints' about the front panel location interfering with access to the RF GAIN and 
the SSB/CW switch.  I didn't complain, but the PHONE plug body sticking out there made it very 

Re: [Drakelist] Anyone ever look inside the PBT box?

2011-09-24 Thread Garey Barrell

Steve -

The KEY jack was on the front panel in the early T-4X transmitters.  It was moved to the back panel, 
probably in Version 3, but it was never on the side.

I was working at NASA in Huntsville, AL when the 2-B came out.  I had been out of radio for a while, 
school, girls, marriage, all got in the way!  I picked up a QST on the newstand one day, and I was 
hooked again.  There was an ad from AES for a NEW HQ-170 for like $270, and since the last receiver 
I had used was an HQ-129X it seemed a reasonable choice.  Off went the check, and about five days 
later here comes a letter saying that they were now OUT of the HQ-170 but would offer me the brand 
new HQ-170A for about $25 more.  OK.

About a week later, here comes the HQ-170A.  I set it up on the kitchen table (one bedroom 
apartment) and turned it on.  Sounded great, tuned around the bands, played with the controls, 
cool.  Then I noticed that the CW signals weren't very stable, they were ALL drifting up in 
frequency.   H.   Came back a couple of hours later, and it's still drifting up.  Meanwhile, I 
had pulled out the manual and looked at the schematic and noticed that the VFO tube had its own 
filament transformer that was 'always on'.  So I gave up for the evening, leaving the receiver 
plugged in, but turned off.

Next day, I come home from work and turn on the HQ-170A.  Didn't take long to realize that the thing 
was STILL drifting UP!!   Wherever it is, it's probably up past S-Band by now!  So I stuck it in 
it's box, hauled it to the car, and drove to the local ham emporium, Electronic Wholesalers.   I had 
had a Drake 1-A earlier, (yeah, I know...,) and now there was a 2-B!  Not very impressive, no cast 
front panel, little slide switches, BUT it seemed to be sitting very still on frequency.  The sales 
guy used the '2-B Demo' of tuning in an SSB signal, lifting the front end of the receiver off the 
counter by a couple-three inches, and dropping it.  The signal 'boinged' a bit, but came back 
exactly on frequency!  I left the 40 pound HQ-170A and took home the 15 pound 2-B.  It fit better in 
a one bedroom apartment anyway!  :-)

The rest, as they say, is history!  :-)

73, Garey - K4OAH
Glen Allen, VA

Drake 2-B, 2-C/2-NT, 4-A, 4-B, C-Line
and TR-4/C Service Supplement CDs

Steve Wedge wrote:
The KEY jack being located to the back, I can't really say that I thought that anything else was 

Drakelist mailing list

[Drakelist] New crystal not working

2011-09-24 Thread Neil M Califano
I tried a 11.5 to 12 mhz crystal in my R4A and the radio is hearing nothing. 
The preselector peaks the static, but at 15 meters instead of 25 and the 
calibrator does not work. Nearby 31 meters and the ham bands work fine. Could 
it be the crystal?

Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] New crystal not working

2011-09-24 Thread Garey Barrell

Where is the BAND switch set?

73, Garey - K4OAH
Glen Allen, VA

Drake 2-B, 2-C/2-NT, 4-A, 4-B, C-Line
and TR-4/C Service Supplement CDs

Neil M Califano wrote:

I tried a 11.5 to 12 mhz crystal in my R4A and the radio is hearing nothing. 
The preselector peaks the static, but at 15 meters instead of 25 and the 
calibrator does not work. Nearby 31 meters and the ham bands work fine. Could 
it be the crystal?

Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] Anyone ever look inside the PBT box?

2011-09-24 Thread Steve Wedge
Actually, it had an A knob with an applied aluminum disc :)  I took the knob 
and skirt from my junker and put it on the T-4X, so they match a little 
better.  Yeah, the black lettering was also a big ergonomic change.

I've owned two C-lines in the past: an early one with the older-design 
mixers and nylon gears and a very late one that had the frame-grid mixers 
and brass gears.  Liked the way the older one sounded better.  There was a 
fix for the frying-pan sizzling of the 3rd mixer that I recall consisted of 
a new RF choke.  I put that in and the sound was greatly improved.  It's 
definitely much easier to run transceive with the C's.

Steve Wedge, W1ES/4

To be is to do - Socrates
To do is to be - Plato
Do be do be do. - Sinatra

All my computers have my signature with various pearls of wisdom appended 

From: Garey Barrell
Sent: Saturday, September 24, 2011 9:43 AM
To: Steve Wedge
Cc: Drake List
Subject: Re: [Drakelist] Anyone ever look inside the PBT box?

Steve -

Cool, that makes all that filter stuff irrelevant.  I'm about 97% CW, and 
only get on SSB when forced by circumstance...  :-)

Now if it was a KWM-2, you'd have BIG problems..  !

Yes, as I said,  _MANY_  of the earlier 4 Series radios got the B knob 
upgrade.  But does it have the flat or dished skirt??

Other than the filters, the later transmitters have no 'technical' 
improvements, just ergonomics, until you get to the T-4XC with the 
'shared' CO and 3rd LO for stable transceive.

73, Garey - K4OAH
Glen Allen, VA

Drake 2-B, 2-C/2-NT, 4-A, 4-B, C-Line
and TR-4/C Service Supplement CDs

Steve Wedge wrote:

Being a mostly CW operator, I'm not surprised at this.

I've been making an attempt at going back to SSB - which would be a grand 
movement for me from c. 1989 and even then, probably more since '85.

It's funny, but the T-4X that I got with the R-4B already had the 
B-series knob with it.  Since I routinely don't run these rigs beyond 
100W in either mode, I suppose all of the directives, etc. are probably 
meaningless to me.
I suppose that anything required beyond 100W with these rigs will require 
a helper anyway.

I have that helper and it, too, will be online soon - to be called upon 
when needed. :-)

Steve Wedge, W1ES/4

To be is to do - Socrates
To do is to be - Plato
Do be do be do. - Sinatra

All my computers have my signature with various pearls of wisdom appended 

From: Garey Barrell
Sent: Friday, September 23, 2011 10:57 PM
To: Steve Wedge
Cc: Drake List
Subject: Re: [Drakelist] Anyone ever look inside the PBT box?

Steve -

Not really.  Yes, the neon 'PTO in Use' lights were a nice touch, 
but the 'above the belt' switch from aluminum to black lettering made 
all the difference in the world in being able to READ what they said. 
The new MAIN TUNING knob with 'dished' skirt also made them much easier 
on the eyes, especially in lighting with any glare.  That's why MANY of 
the R-4 and R-4A receivers no longer have the old main knob and flat 
skirt, but ended up with the 'new' style with the nice bright aluminum 
center.  LOTS of those knobs and skirts were sold when the B came out. 
Most important of all though was the change from 4 pole crystal filters 
in the T-4X to the 8 pole used in all later models.  The T-4X actually 
doesn't meet the 'Purity of Emissions' requirements in the FCC 
regulations.  Both the Carrier and Opposite Sideband suppression are 
much poorer in the T-4X. Obviously the T-4X is 'grandfathered' in, and 
if you are not driving an amplifier, most will never notice the 
difference.  However, IF you use an amp, and/or have a nearby ham 
neighbor, you may make new friends!  :-) Of course if you only operate 
CW, not a problem as the T-4X has that nice, smooth T-4X(any) keying. 
The 'B' also saw the conversion from bipolar to FET in the PTO for 
improved stability.

Other than the above, not much difference!  :-)

73, Garey - K4OAH
Glen Allen, VA

Drake 2-B, 2-C/2-NT, 4-A, 4-B, C-Line
and TR-4/C Service Supplement CDs

Steve Wedge wrote:
#2 is still in its pristine, late-1960's state.  I just bought it with 
a very nice-but-dusty T-4X and MS-4 and AC-4 from Shelby.  I have shut 
if down for now, though, as I've noticed significant AC hum on the 
signals. Once I get my PTO back, I'll run my R-4A with the revitalized 
PTO whilst I begin work on R-4B #2.  This will include re-capping all 

My take is that this set I bought at Shelby represents what a lot of 
hams with Drakes had during that period: The receiver was enough of a 
progression from the R-4A to be worth upgrading, but the transmitter 
wasn't really different enough to warrant dumping the T-4X for a T-4XB. 
From what I've seen, 

Re: [Drakelist] New crystal not working

2011-09-24 Thread Garey Barrell


10 Mhz is right on the 'border' between the 7 and 14 MHz BAND positions, so can be received on 
either one.  There is a chart in the receiver manual that shows which BAND switch 'should' be used 
for each range.  9.5 to 10 MHz is shown on 7 MHz position, Preselector at ~ 7.5 (shown on graph on 
next page), while 10 - 10.5 is shown on 14 MHz BAND, Preselector about 5.5.  There is considerably 
overlap in the ranges of the Preselector so for instance you 'could' set the BAND to 14 MHz and tune 
9.5 - 10 MHz by setting the Preselector to about 5.

Glad you got it going!

73, Garey - K4OAH
Glen Allen, VA

Drake 2-B, 2-C/2-NT, 4-A, 4-B, C-Line
and TR-4/C Service Supplement CDs

Neil M Califano wrote:

The contacts were filthy, so I cleaned them with alcohol. I found the peak at 
about 6 and I am receiving a station. Interesting, why is the peak for the 9.5 
to 10 mhz band at 7.5 while the peak for 11.5 at only 6?

--- On Sat, 9/24/11, Garey  wrote:

From: Garey
Subject: Re: New crystal not working
To: Neil M,
Date: Saturday, September 24, 2011, 3:05 PM
Not many choices left!  :-)

Are you certain you're selecting the ACCY socket it's
plugged in to?

Perhaps plug in where one of your 'working' crystals are
currently.  Dirty ACCY switch contacts can
be a problem when not selected for years.

It should peak around 6 on the PreSelector.

If you have another receiver that covers 22 MHz you could
run a wire from the ext receiver antenna
to near the ACCY socket board on the back panel.  If
it's oscillating, you should be able to hear it
at 22.6 MHz.  The fact that the CALIBRATOR isn't
working tells me that the R-4A PreSelector is tuned
to a harmonic of the IF or PreMixer product, and the PTO
therefore has no control over the
frequency, i.e., the receiver is not 'tuneable' but
actually on a fixed frequency.

Crystals DO fail, but not very often unless physically or
electrically abused.

73, Garey - K4OAH
Glen Allen, VA

Drake 2-B, 2-C/2-NT, 4-A, 4-B, C-Line
and TR-4/C Service Supplement CDs

Neil M Califano wrote:

I's marked 22.6. The calibrator does work on the 20

meter band. It seems to peak on the 9 position which makes
no sense. Shouldn't the peak by around 7? I got the crystal
on Ebay from someone with a lot of positive feedback.

--- On Sat, 9/24/11, Garey


From: Garey
Subject: Re: New crystal not working

Neil M

Date: Saturday, September 24, 2011, 2:36 PM

What's the crystal 'marked' frequency?

Where'd it come from??  :-)

The PreSelector should peak about '6' on the

'0-10' scale.

73, Garey - K4OAH
Glen Allen, VA

Drake 2-B, 2-C/2-NT, 4-A, 4-B, C-Line
and TR-4/C Service Supplement CDs

Neil M Califano wrote:

At 14.0.

--- On Sat, 9/24/11, Garey


From: Garey
Subject: Re: [Drakelist] New crystal not


Date: Saturday, September 24, 2011, 2:18


Where is the BAND switch set?

73, Garey - K4OAH
Glen Allen, VA

Drake 2-B, 2-C/2-NT, 4-A, 4-B, C-Line
and TR-4/C Service Supplement CDs

Neil M Califano wrote:

I tried a 11.5 to 12 mhz crystal in my

R4A and


radio is hearing nothing. The preselector


the static,

but at 15 meters instead of 25 and the


does not

work. Nearby 31 meters and the ham bands


fine. Could it

be the crystal?

Drakelist mailing list

[Drakelist] My R-4A PTO

2011-09-24 Thread Steve Wedge
I got my PTO back from Garey this morning and just put it back into the R-4A.  
Initially, I panicked because I couldn't get any signals with it.  Turns out I 
had the 11V line shorted to the output of the filter board.  The voltage was 
down to about 7V and the PTO was running but the signal was offset about 7V.  
These old plastic wires burn easily and the 11V line melted its way into the 
coax centre conductor.

I was lucky nothing was damaged.

I've got the receiver on my operating table, listening to 20 CW and everything 
sounds great!  I'll be polishing the knobs and putting it all back together 
tonight.  It will sit at the main Drake position until R-4B #2 is done.

This is a great bunch of folks on here!


Steve Wedge, W1ES/4

To be is to do - Socrates
To do is to be - Plato
Do be do be do. - Sinatra

All my computers have my signature with various pearls of wisdom appended 
Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] Anyone ever look inside the PBT box?

2011-09-24 Thread Garey Barrell
Well then, that's a 'collectible'!!   I've never seen a disc on the domed 'A' style knob.  Perhaps 
it's just aluminum foil!??!?!  :-)

Yeah, the audio of the R-4C wasn't nearly as good as the B line.  Nothing 
like that 'tube audio'!  :-)

Well, yeah that mod is 'also' on your CD, in the 'Drakemod 6A' file.  I never saw much advantage to 
that one, but the C100 change from 0.22 to 0.68 uF really toned down the 'hissiness' of the audio on 
the C.  Most of the 3rd Mixer noise came from the 6EJ7s.  You often have to select from four or five 
to find a 'quiet' one.

73, Garey - K4OAH
Glen Allen, VA

Drake 2-B, 2-C/2-NT, 4-A, 4-B, C-Line
and TR-4/C Service Supplement CDs

Steve Wedge wrote:
Actually, it had an A knob with an applied aluminum disc :)  I took the knob and skirt from my 
junker and put it on the T-4X, so they match a little better.  Yeah, the black lettering was 
also a big ergonomic change.

I've owned two C-lines in the past: an early one with the older-design mixers and nylon gears and 
a very late one that had the frame-grid mixers and brass gears.  Liked the way the older one 
sounded better.  There was a fix for the frying-pan sizzling of the 3rd mixer that I recall 
consisted of a new RF choke.  I put that in and the sound was greatly improved.  It's definitely 
much easier to run transceive with the C's.

Steve Wedge, W1ES/4

To be is to do - Socrates
To do is to be - Plato
Do be do be do. - Sinatra

All my computers have my signature with various pearls of wisdom appended 

From: Garey Barrell
Sent: Saturday, September 24, 2011 9:43 AM
To: Steve Wedge
Cc: Drake List
Subject: Re: [Drakelist] Anyone ever look inside the PBT box?

Steve -

Cool, that makes all that filter stuff irrelevant.  I'm about 97% CW, and only get on SSB when 
forced by circumstance...  :-)

Now if it was a KWM-2, you'd have BIG problems..  !

Yes, as I said,  _MANY_  of the earlier 4 Series radios got the B knob upgrade.  But does it 
have the flat or dished skirt??

Other than the filters, the later transmitters have no 'technical' improvements, just ergonomics, 
until you get to the T-4XC with the 'shared' CO and 3rd LO for stable transceive.

73, Garey - K4OAH
Glen Allen, VA

Drake 2-B, 2-C/2-NT, 4-A, 4-B, C-Line
and TR-4/C Service Supplement CDs

Steve Wedge wrote:

Being a mostly CW operator, I'm not surprised at this.

I've been making an attempt at going back to SSB - which would be a grand movement for me from 
c. 1989 and even then, probably more since '85.

It's funny, but the T-4X that I got with the R-4B already had the B-series knob with it.  Since 
I routinely don't run these rigs beyond 100W in either mode, I suppose all of the directives, 
etc. are probably meaningless to me.

I suppose that anything required beyond 100W with these rigs will require a 
helper anyway.

I have that helper and it, too, will be online soon - to be called upon when 
needed. :-)

Steve Wedge, W1ES/4

To be is to do - Socrates
To do is to be - Plato
Do be do be do. - Sinatra

All my computers have my signature with various pearls of wisdom appended 

From: Garey Barrell
Sent: Friday, September 23, 2011 10:57 PM
To: Steve Wedge
Cc: Drake List
Subject: Re: [Drakelist] Anyone ever look inside the PBT box?

Steve -

Not really.  Yes, the neon 'PTO in Use' lights were a nice touch, but the 'above the belt' 
switch from aluminum to black lettering made all the difference in the world in being able to 
READ what they said. The new MAIN TUNING knob with 'dished' skirt also made them much easier on 
the eyes, especially in lighting with any glare.  That's why MANY of the R-4 and R-4A receivers 
no longer have the old main knob and flat skirt, but ended up with the 'new' style with the 
nice bright aluminum center.  LOTS of those knobs and skirts were sold when the B came out. 
Most important of all though was the change from 4 pole crystal filters in the T-4X to the 8 
pole used in all later models.  The T-4X actually doesn't meet the 'Purity of Emissions' 
requirements in the FCC regulations.  Both the Carrier and Opposite Sideband suppression are 
much poorer in the T-4X. Obviously the T-4X is 'grandfathered' in, and if you are not driving 
an amplifier, most will never notice the difference.  However, IF you use an amp, and/or have a 
nearby ham neighbor, you may make new friends!  :-) Of course if you only operate CW, not a 
problem as the T-4X has that nice, smooth T-4X(any) keying. The 'B' also saw the conversion 
from bipolar to FET in the PTO for improved stability.

Other than the above, not much difference!  :-)

73, Garey - K4OAH
Glen Allen, VA

Drake 2-B, 2-C/2-NT, 4-A, 4-B, C-Line
and TR-4/C Service Supplement CDs

Re: [Drakelist] New crystal not working

2011-09-24 Thread Charles Ring

On 9/24/2011 1545, Garey Barrell wrote:
There is considerably overlap in the ranges of the Preselector so for 
instance you 'could' set the BAND to 14 MHz and tune 9.5 - 10 MHz by 
setting the Preselector to about 5.

That is exactly what I have done for years. Any reason not to?

Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] New crystal not working

2011-09-24 Thread Garey Barrell
Nope, not that I'm aware of.  I guess the higher L/C ratio of using the ones that tune near the 
bottom of each range possibly result in a slightly higher 'Q' (narrower bandwidth), but I doubt 
seriously it's noticeable.

73, Garey - K4OAH
Glen Allen, VA

Drake 2-B, 2-C/2-NT, 4-A, 4-B, C-Line
and TR-4/C Service Supplement CDs

Charles Ring wrote:

On 9/24/2011 1545, Garey Barrell wrote:
There is considerably overlap in the ranges of the Preselector so for instance you 'could' set 
the BAND to 14 MHz and tune 9.5 - 10 MHz by setting the Preselector to about 5.

That is exactly what I have done for years. Any reason not to?

Drakelist mailing list

Drakelist mailing list

[Drakelist] Accessory bank for more crystals

2011-09-24 Thread Neil M Califano
Dis I see an accessory crystal bank somewhere for Drake? The bank would hold 10 
extra crystals and plug into one of the crystal sockets to provide 20 crystals 
instead of ten. Is there such a thing?

Drakelist mailing list