Re: [Drakelist] R-4C frequency

2013-07-15 Thread John Brown
I have 2 R4-C's and which behave in much the same way. I believe the PTO
generally is not exactly linear from one end of its range to the other.




From: []
On Behalf Of Henry Foglesong
Sent: Tuesday, 16 July 2013 3:10 AM
Subject: [Drakelist] R-4C frequency


I just recently obtained an R-4C, made some upgrades to it, and aligned it.
It is working very well with one small issue:


On all bands, if I set the frequency to the calibrator at the low end, at
the high end the dial readout is high by one or more khz when set to the
calibrator (depending on the band width).  I assume the issue is with the
pto, but since I have had little experience with the R-4C, I would like
suggestions about the easiest way to correct the problem before I dig into


Note:  I have checked the calibrator with other frequency standards, and it
is on the money.





Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] R4C BFO Leakage

2012-07-11 Thread John Brown
Have you been able to remove the NB-4 and bypass it with the jumper plug as
yet? I have experienced this problem and I have found the NB-4 to be the
culprit. You may be embarking on a process to eliminate symptoms rather than
fixing the problem.



From: []
On Behalf Of Bill  Becky
Sent: Thursday, 12 July 2012 9:21 AM
Subject: [Drakelist] R4C BFO Leakage


A few weeks back I wrote about PBT levels in SSB/AM modes.  It would change
S-Meter levels depending on adjustment of the  PBT.  I ruled out the 4NB
board by removing change.

However when I removed the bottom cover almost 6 S-Units of PB feedthrough
were reduced and performance was enhanced with less white noise. Interesting
to know the interference is being conducted by the metal bottom cover to key
area's of the bottom chassis. Next I will attempt adding metal shields to
isolate internal RF from conducting to nearby by circuits that are prone.


Best 73


Bill  KB9IV

Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] WANTED TO BUY

2012-07-09 Thread John Brown
What is a Poser Supply a new suit or free drinks? I know I know Power



From: []
On Behalf Of
Sent: Tuesday, 10 July 2012 12:50 PM
Subject: [Drakelist] WANTED TO BUY


Cover for PS-75 Poser Supply.  Must be new or in absolute mint condition.
Please contact me off list stating price and condition.


73 and thanks,


John,  W4AWM

Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] R4C Questions

2012-07-02 Thread John Brown
Is the NB-4 Noise Blanker installed? If so remove the NB from the R4-C and
install the jumper socket and see if the effect remains.

Chances are the NB is the issue and will need to be realigned and the NB
gain reset.


From: []
On Behalf Of Bill  Becky
Sent: Monday, 2 July 2012 12:24 PM
Subject: [Drakelist] R4C Questions


Hi Group  I recently obtained a Sherwood upgraded R4C (SN 22xxx), the only
Sherwood upgrade it doesn't have is the 2K Upper  Lower SSB filters. It
performs very well but it has one oddity.


When in  SSB mode and the PBT is adjusted Upper  Lower end of travel it
varies the S-Meter from S6 middle center PBT to S1 either PBT endpoint. On
CW using the 1.5Khz, 500Hz or 250Hz it works like it should or what I'm
accustom to.


I've corrected many small problems by treating grounds and filter sockets,
tube sockets from the topsidebottom side next.  It just seems like
I'm getting allot of white noise or bleed through from somewhere to cause
the SSB mode oddity.


Question?  How can it tell if this has the T7C version xfrmer??


These Sherwood upgrades were done 20+ yrs ago and this nice condition R4C
has sat unused for many years.


Perhaps all is typical as I don't have another to compare to.


Best 73


Bill KB9IV

Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] Crystal

2012-06-05 Thread John Brown
Whoops made a typo: should read 4644.999 Khz. crystal.




From: []
On Behalf Of John Brown
Sent: Tuesday, 5 June 2012 2:32 PM
To: Drake List
Subject: [Drakelist] Crystal


Folks, I am in the process of restoring an R-4C and I am having difficulty
getting the Carrier Oscillator stable. It seems to drift from about 400hz
below 4645khz up to 450Hz above and anywhere in between over time. It really
should stabilise quickly +/- 50Hz after turn on. The power supply to the
oscillator is clean and stable. The oscillator is part of the mode switch
assembly and would have to be removed to get to the electronics. So I guess
the drift issue could be attributed to any of the components and /or the
crystal. So before I commit to pulling this assembly apart I am wondering if
there is a possible supplier for the 4654.999 crystal? I figure if I am
going to do this I should at least have a replacement crystal in hand. 

Any ideas on a crystal source? 




Drakelist mailing list

[Drakelist] Crystal

2012-06-04 Thread John Brown
Folks, I am in the process of restoring an R-4C and I am having difficulty
getting the Carrier Oscillator stable. It seems to drift from about 400hz
below 4645khz up to 450Hz above and anywhere in between over time. It really
should stabilise quickly +/- 50Hz after turn on. The power supply to the
oscillator is clean and stable. The oscillator is part of the mode switch
assembly and would have to be removed to get to the electronics. So I guess
the drift issue could be attributed to any of the components and /or the
crystal. So before I commit to pulling this assembly apart I am wondering if
there is a possible supplier for the 4654.999 crystal? I figure if I am
going to do this I should at least have a replacement crystal in hand. 

Any ideas on a crystal source? 




Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] R4B AF GAIN

2012-04-04 Thread John Brown
It's the same on both of my R-4C radios seems to be an unintended



From: []
On Behalf Of Peter Ravn
Sent: Thursday, 5 April 2012 1:52 AM
Subject: [Drakelist] R4B AF GAIN


When the AF gain control on my R4B is turned fully CCW, the receiver is not
completely quiet. Is this an anomality or a characteristic feature with the

Thanks in advance.

OZ8CTH Peter

Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] R4C Sherwood mods

2011-12-30 Thread John Brown
Max, if you are inclined towards doing all of the R-4C Sherwood mods on your
receiver then I would say it would be well worthwhile. The complete mods
really puts the R4-C ahead of the pack. I have done 2 R4C's this way and
wouldn't hesitate to do them again.

In terms of individual mods, then the power supply is a must and perhaps the
filter capacitors at the same time. The audio module gets rid of the class A
audio amp which is a heat generator and source of PTO drift. I believe you
would need to do the audio mod if the power supply is upgraded. So once you
start you might as well keep going.

Best of luck


From: []
On Behalf Of AirRadio
Sent: Saturday, 31 December 2011 8:28 AM
Subject: [Drakelist] R4C Sherwood mods


I am thinking about doing the full works Sherwood mods on my R4-C. Which are
the best to do?  I don't mind how far I go with this, I just want the best
receiver for my money, I would like it for Top band use but I know it will
be good for all frequencies however 160M is where I want to go.

73 Max


Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] strange relay setup for T4X

2011-12-28 Thread John Brown
No mention of Vox but I can't see how there would be any if the relay is
picked via a 12volt mod via the Mic PTT. If the rig is generally working OK
(SSB) then I guess it's up to Dale as to the next move. If it was my issue
then I would source an appropriate relay and restore the rig to its as
built functionality.
Best regards

-Original Message-
From: Garey Barrell [] 
Sent: Thursday, 29 December 2011 2:37 AM
To: John Brown
Subject: Re: [Drakelist] strange relay setup for T4X

Possibly.  Dale didn't mention whether the VOX worked or not.  It wouldn't
be that difficult to put 
a fet (2N7000?) in place of the last 6EV7 section to retain VOX.

If the VOX (Semi-Breakin) doesn't work then the 'dit chop' doesn't matter!
Of course the 
transmitter is much less pleasant to operate, at least to me.:-)

73, Garey - K4OAH
St Charles, IL

Drake 2-B, 2-C/2-NT, 4-A, 4-B, C-Line
and TR-4/C Service Supplement CDs

John Brown wrote:

 I guess there will not be any VOX capability if it is hard wired to the


[] *On Behalf Of 
 *Sent:* Wednesday, 28 December 2011 12:15 PM
 *Subject:* [Drakelist] strange relay setup for T4X

 Put the T4X on the bench today, noticed the relay had been changed out. I
found a sealed relay in 
 place of the open frame relay. The relay was for 12 vdc.. they powered the
relay via a small 
 rectifier and a small filter network,taken from the 12 volt ac feed to the
rig from the AC-4.   
 The Ptt circuit is now 12 vdc at the mic jack. I  tried to follow what was
changed in the PTT 
 wiring really hard to follow as they wove the new wire into the old
harness. I set the rig up with 
 the ac-4, and checked it out. Everything seems to work as it should, T4X
had no trouble tuning to 
 full output.
  I guess the question is , this mod seems to work fine ,as its done
,is there any thing I 
 should be concerned about using the mod , as to the way the T4X was
originally set up? any one see 
 any pitfalls ?
 dale wt4t

Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] strange relay setup for T4X

2011-12-27 Thread John Brown
I guess there will not be any VOX capability if it is hard wired to the PTT.



From: []
On Behalf Of
Sent: Wednesday, 28 December 2011 12:15 PM
Subject: [Drakelist] strange relay setup for T4X


Put the T4X on the bench today, noticed the relay had been changed out. I
found a sealed relay in place of the open frame relay. The relay was for 12
vdc.. they powered the relay via a small rectifier and a small filter
network,taken from the 12 volt ac feed to the rig from the AC-4.   The Ptt
circuit is now 12 vdc at the mic jack. I  tried to follow what was changed
in the PTT wiring really hard to follow as they wove the new wire into the
old harness. I set the rig up with the ac-4, and checked it out. Everything
seems to work as it should, T4X had no trouble tuning to full output.
 I guess the question is , this mod seems to work fine ,as its done ,is
there any thing I should be concerned about using the mod , as to the way
the T4X was originally set up? any one see any pitfalls ?
dale wt4t

Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] Nastiest Drake Gear

2011-12-21 Thread John Brown
NahI think it will come up pretty well.

-Original Message-
From: []
On Behalf Of Steve Wedge
Sent: Wednesday, 21 December 2011 11:46 PM
Subject: [Drakelist] Nastiest Drake Gear

I'm going to nominate this as the most-abused, nastiest-looking piece of
Drake gear I've ever seen:

I wouldn't even bet that the meter's working given how much moisture this
one has seen.

Enjoy those Drakes - but not underwater...

Steve, W1ES/4

Drakelist mailing list

Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] R-4B low sensitivity low output on 10 meters 28 MHZ

2011-11-09 Thread John Brown
Probably the inj level is higher from the T4X. Might need to investigate
the R4B mixers.



From: []
On Behalf Of J G
Sent: Thursday, 10 November 2011 9:29 AM
Subject: [Drakelist] R-4B low sensitivity low output on 10 meters 28 MHZ



Now that 10 is alive and well, I decided to put the B line (T-4XB, R-4B) on
10. Hasn't been there in a long time. 


The low sensitivity part:

The R-4B has low sensitivity on 10. I do not recall that from 20 some years
ago when I was last on 10 with it.


Using the R-4B to control, the calibrator will get an S meter reading of
about S5. Using the T-4XB to control the calibrator will yield an S8
reading. This was done at 28.5, and this is after adjusting the 4 trimmers
for 28.0. I notice the same results using the cw range (28.0 - 28.5) crystal
at both 28.0 and at 28.5. I do have 28.0 and 28.5 crystals in both the R-4B
and the T-4XB. A low S meter reading is also obtained using the 24.5 meg
crystal that I have in an accessory socket of the R-4B (I do not have one
for the T-4XB). As expected, real signals are louder using the T-4XB to


This situation did exist on 15 meters, but adjusting the 21 trimmers did
take care of that.


The low output part:

Using the R-4B to control, power out is low. About the best it can do is 30
watts with .16 plate current.

Using the T-4XB to control (transceive), about 75 watts with .26 plate
current (gain full open)

Using the SEPARATE position about 110 watts with .32 plate current (gain at
a bit less than 12:00)

Power readings as per wattmeter in C-4, so may not be accurate, but they are


I think the low sensitivity and low output problems are related, but I am
not sure why the output would vary so much between the T-4XB as the
transceive control and the separate control.


Any ideas welcomed.

Thank you,


Drakelist mailing list

[Drakelist] Scammer

2011-08-23 Thread John Brown
I advertised for a T-4XC front panel on the Australian VKHam classified
website and immediately received an Email response from somebody supposedly
located at: 46 medomak mobile home park waldoboro,me 04572 offering either
the T-4XC or just the front panel, claiming he has tried to sell the
transmitter but hasn't as yet and would just sell the panel. Seems very odd
indeed. I am aware there are some scammers responding to Hams placing
wanted ads on online classified sites claiming to have exactly what was
advertised. Anybody have any insight into this activity in the USA , or is
this address familiar, or am I being a bit too cautious?



Drakelist mailing list

[Drakelist] Re Diversity Reception

2011-08-08 Thread John Brown
Probably need two antennas, two receivers and a multiplexer that can switch
between either receiver as the signal on each antenna fades in and out. It
was called Diversity Reception and was used for commercial RRTY (among
others uses)in order to maintain a constant signal feed to the RTTY
machines. The 2 antennas that were typically used were 4 acre Rhombics or
similar, so they were spread out over a relatively broad area of land able
to react to the ionospheric changes causing the fading. Don't see how you
can do it with just two antennas without having them reasonably separated
and some way of detecting the change in signal strength to select the
appropriate antenna.

Interesting thought however



Drakelist mailing list

[Drakelist] Re GUF filter

2011-02-01 Thread John Brown
I used the Irad 6Khz 1st IF. Works well.



Drakelist mailing list

[Drakelist] Re Rob Sherwood

2011-01-17 Thread John Brown
Gents, my thanks again to all who replied with advice regarding Rob. I
eventually made contact and it appears his business Email has a SPAM filter
that for some reasons rejects certain emails. mostly mine darn it.

Again many thanks and most appreciated.

Best regards to all



Drakelist mailing list

[Drakelist] Re Sherwood Engineering

2011-01-16 Thread John Brown
I have been trying to contact via Email Rob Sherwood of Sherwood Engineering
over the past couple of months to place an order with his company to no
avail. I wonder if any members of the list have any info re Rob and his
wellbeing and if he is still trading? The Sherwood Engineering website is
still active.

Thanks  regards to all.

John Brown

Drakelist mailing list