[Drakelist] On...or off?

2011-09-09 Thread TC Dailey
Back in the day... I borrowed an idea from the color-TV "instant on" 
feature... soldered a reverse-biased diode across the ON/OFF switch, so that 
only the negative-going pulses entered the power xfmr - it would light the 
filaments half-brilliance, but no B+ was generated. the radios would be 
"instant on" with very little drift after initial power-up.  NEVER had a 

Tom - WØEAJ 

Drakelist mailing list

[Drakelist] Cooling Fans

2011-08-23 Thread TC Dailey
In the "for what it's worth" department - I used to hold a muffin fan ATOP 
my SB-220 and SB-200, with a pair of toothpicks.  It made NO permanent 
holes, held the fan where it did some good, AND I had it "sucking out", as 
opposed to "blowing in".  Any physics or fluid-mechanics guy will tell you 
that when you compress a fluid (like air), it heats up (albiet, in this 
case - very slightly), a negative pressure [sic] tends to lower the temp - 
whatever works for you, but my fans PULL - they don't PUSH.

Tom - W0EAJ 

Drakelist mailing list

[Drakelist] Spun Aluminum inserts

2011-08-15 Thread TC Dailey
Theres always an advert in ELECTRIC RADIO magazine catering to SPUN ALUMINUM 
KNOB INSERTS.  He makes 'em for SWAN, Drake, et.al.

Tom - EAJ 

Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] Drakelist Digest, Vol 38, Issue 18

2011-08-08 Thread TC Dailey
the Hallicrafters DDR-1 was specifically designed to do JUST THIS.  In 
Uncle's Navy, we used two types - frequency diversity (different propagation 
characteristics) and "space" diversity - 2 different antennae (sometimes, 
with different receivers AND at different locations),  If ya got the real 
estate, it works splendidly.


Drakelist mailing list

[Drakelist] Tuning

2011-08-06 Thread TC Dailey
While not as easy to do with DRAKE stuff, I used to run SWAN stuff (still 
have a 350 & 500C I listen to), and the best method for preserving those 
sweep-tube finals was to UNBALANCE the Carrier Balance control, thereby 
injecting a very small amount of carrier - peak the grid - dip the plates, 
then REZERO the carrier-balance.  Worked swell, and the 500C that I got in 
1972 still had the ORIGINAL finals in 1982, when I replaced the rig... and 
yes - they were still good after many, many hours of use.  [ the SWANS 
required balanced tubes - they REALLY did - and they weren't cheap ]

Tom - WØEAJ 

Drakelist mailing list

[Drakelist] HP-606B & HP-608E

2011-06-20 Thread TC Dailey
This was on our local swaplist - the "E" model of 608 has a separate counter 

For sale--
HP 608E RF generator, 10 to 480 MHz, $150 or best offer;

HP 606B RF generator, 50 kHz to 65 MHz, $125 or best offer;

Both generators in very good to excellent condition, checked out and
working properly on all bands, with AM modulation capability
(internal and external), internal crystal calibrators, AC line cords,
RF outputs continuously adjustable from +20 dBm to -110 dBm,
modulation meter on the 606B sticks at the bottom end of its scale
rather than returning completely to zero, no other problems found,
both items can be evaluated using other HP test equipment prior to
purchase, no manuals, local pickup only, pictures on the 285
TechConnect Radio Club website at na0tc.org, both items recently
donated to the club, all proceeds to support club activities.

Bill N0CU 303-679-0117___
Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] Drakelist Digest, Vol 36, Issue 26

2011-06-17 Thread TC Dailey
Steve brought up a radio that's quite overlooked, but was the ORIGINAL 
transceiver for hams - the Gonset G-76.  It was pretty (still is), and 
worked darned well.  I've always lusted for one, so someday when I see one 
at a 'fest - I'll grab it.  A pity that it didn't include SSB, as it would 
have been REAL competition for everybody else.

Tom - W0EAJ 

Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] Drakelist Digest, Vol 36, Issue 25

2011-06-17 Thread TC Dailey
Aside from the Ford spark-coil, hooked up to a long wire, and using the SW 
band of a Phico "Fiver" to make that first one (got in REAL trouble with 
everybody except the FCC), I'm right there with Eddy.  My first rig was a 
really ugly 5Y3 with a 6AG7 "final" sitting atop an honest-to-goodness bread 
pan, and a Heathkit AR-3.  The beauty of such broad-banded radios AND 
crystal control, was that you couldn't help but learn how to HUNT for the 
guy calling you - while he was HUNTING for YOU.  Later came a Heath AT-1 & 
an old NC-100 - first "real" rig was a Central Electronics 20A, with the 
converted ARC-5 VFO, a 600L linear (they should have called it the 600 
LB )and a 1941 Super Pro, the combination of which, nearly filled the 
kitchen of my apartment - who cooked, then?  Me, I wanted a basement full of 
RACKS - all HB, and all wrinkle-black, with meters and tons of knobs, 
looking like a WW-II battleship.  1971 brought the SWAN 500C, and a world of 
really HOT DX.

Tom - W0EAJ 

Drakelist mailing list

[Drakelist] Smoky Radios

2011-05-16 Thread TC Dailey
Back when I was the Chief Tech for a division of the old B-A, I had some 
studio video gear come in which had suffered through the same event - smoke 
exposure.  The only thing I could find to cut it was 99% Isopropyl Alcohol. 
Of course, we have some really good cleaning products NOW, so you might not 
need to go that far.  I also discovered that the chemistry of the smoke (and 
some heat) had rendered the wiring + insulation quite brittle, and 
ultimately the units all failed.  Be careful, moving the wiring.


Drakelist mailing list

[Drakelist] L4 tuner

2011-03-17 Thread TC Dailey
Why would you need a tuner for the L4?  The Pi Network output is ALREADY an 
L network, designed to match about 30 to 100 ohms, isn't it? 

Drakelist mailing list

[Drakelist] My plates are shorted, and I can't tune up

2011-03-08 Thread TC Dailey
Hearing the plates shorting is your first clue - another way to find the 
points at which they DO short, is with an ohmmeter (analog is best). 
Aluminum plates of caps, in some climates, develop something akin to "tin 
pest" in that metal.  Aluminum oxides begin to "grow" on the plates; they 
can and will short out.  Old fashioned contact-burnishers (for relays) work 
swell for getting rid of them, but in severe cases, you'll have to use 
sandpaper.  Remember, the oxide IS kind a semi-conductor, so be sure to get 
all the remains OUT.

Tom - WØEAJ 

Drakelist mailing list

[Drakelist] Let's beat it to death

2011-02-26 Thread TC Dailey
Okay guys, let's not keep kicking this AC-4R horse.  He agreed to let me 
write up some different instructions, and we'll both distill them down. 
It's a DAMNED GOOD PRODUCT, and nicely made.  Like the man said "ya gotta 
use your head a bit".


Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] Drakelist Digest, Vol 32, Issue 58

2011-02-25 Thread TC Dailey


I clearly did NOT over-react to YOUR messages, as you did to mine.  I merely 
attempted to discern where things went, as the descriptions were not clear 
(at least, to me.. and apparently to others as well).  I sent you an 
off-reflector Email, referencing my offer.  If you don't want the 
assistance, well okay... but with such a NICE product, that's obviously WELL 
MADE and WELL THOUGHT OUT, I'd think you'd want to sell more of 'em?  Just 
an offer -


Drakelist mailing list

[Drakelist] AC-4R kit

2011-02-24 Thread TC Dailey

If you're using HIS kit, one HUGE caveat.

His instructions are not very good, and he's really not in the mood to 
appreciate feedback, so here ya go:  Follow his instructions for REMOVAL of 
all of the components to be replaced + remove ALL old caps (you don't need 
'em - who cares what it looks like under the METAL SHIELD?...duh

NOW - install the spacers and "fit" the board - leave ALL fasteners loose. 
Take the board back out.

Now skip steps - lengthen all SECONDARY windings of the transformer (except 
for the filament - they've not been disconnected).  RECONNECT all secondary 
windings to their pad points on the board.  At this point most of the 
confusion is ended.  You need only to connect the bias wires (he said 
they're white - he sent brown wire... no biggie), and the REMAINING wires 
from the output cable... small orange, small yellow, etc.  After it's all 
hooked up, and you've checked your wiring - bring it up slowly on a Variac 
so IF you've messed up, you won't fry anything.  Once you're happy, tighten 
up all the hardware, and put the case on.

Tom D. - WØEAJ 

Drakelist mailing list

[Drakelist] Those Dishpan hands.. er radios

2011-02-22 Thread TC Dailey

Dishwashers work swell on carbureators, but not so pretty good on radios.

Tom - WØEAJ 

Drakelist mailing list

[Drakelist] Test n' Fix

2011-02-01 Thread TC Dailey

THE most valuable piece of test gear on MY bench is my trusty Variac.  I 
run mine through an isolation xfmr, and use the heck out of it.  Mounted 
it in a nice box with ACV and ACA meters (EICO made one like this), 
"standard spacing" banana jack outputs, AND a single 117vac outlet.  I 
also have a plug-in bridge rectifier (again, using the standard-spacing 
banana plug & jack config) with a big cap I can parallel on the output, 
that provides up to about 145vdc @ 4a of HV if I need another source. 
Simply put - if your amps go up faster than your volts as you're bringing 
it up from ZERO, it's time to begin looking HARDER.

Number two is an ANALOG type VTVM - you can't beat a swinging needle for 
peaking circuits quickly.
Number three is my old Kenwood TS-430S (used as a receiver) - great for 
finding out if that oscillator really IS working. - quicker than a counter 
which comes later.
Soldering iron AND a soldering GUN - yep... old receivers used 
solder-to-the-chassis grounds a lot, and they're pretty tough to get hot 
with a soldering station.

My old HP-606A (great signal generator) was analog of course, so I made a 
minibox with a .1 cap in series with the gozinta and the gozouta - with a 
pickup loop for a counter - it's easy to zero up that way.

Like the earlier poster said "Just Do It"


Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] Drakelist Digest, Vol 31, Issue 45

2011-01-27 Thread TC Dailey
Speaking of the AC-4 - Anybody used one of the "upgrade" boards on a NON 

Story I get is that there are different versions of them, and the "inventor" 
refuses to supply adequate information on the various versions - I got the 
thing in, but it was no Heathkit - rather an "invent it as you go" sort of 

Tom - Denver 

Drakelist mailing list

[Drakelist] Solder Suckers

2011-01-12 Thread TC Dailey
I too, recommend the "SoldaPullit".  I still have an original from 1975, 
when I was the Chief Tech for the old Burstein-Applebee, and later Denver 
SvcMgr.  Be sure to buy extra tips, as even though they last quite a while - 
when you finally decided to replace it, you MAY NOT have one, otherwise.  I 
also have one of the El Cheapo RatShack suckers that's an iron with a sucker 
head, "powered" by a bulb you push with your thumb, then release to pull the 
solder.  It's terrific for PC boards, but pretty marginal for Drakes, Swans, 

Tom - WØEAJ 

Drakelist mailing list