[dspace-tech] DSpace 6.3 - Time zone issue

2022-02-08 Thread Juan López
Hi all!

I'm seeing an odd behaviour on my Dspace 6.3. Whenever there is a new item 
submission, the dc.date.accessioned and dc.date.available are saved with 
UTC time but it should be with the local time that my server and database 

[image: imagen_2022-02-08_083220.png]

Do you guys know if DSpace uses only UTC time to create this metadata?

Is there a way to make DSpace use America/Bogota timezone?



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[dspace-tech] How to migrate your UI Configurations to YAML ?

2022-02-08 Thread Chris Clawson

Upgrading DSpace 7.x (7.1 to 7.2), upgrading the Front-end, step 'C' says I 
should use yarn to convert the earlier installation's .ts files to .yml. I 
am not able to get past this step. Perhaps I only need some assistance in 
the specific grammar in using the conversion script.

The path to my my old DSpace 7.1 angular 'environments' directory


My unzipped DSpace 7.2 angular is at:


My command prompt is located at /opt/dspace-angular-dspace/config

Given these conditions, *would someone please provide me* with a specific 
example of how to produce a working command for the this documentation 
example to convert environment.prod.ts

yarn env:yaml src/environments/environment.prod.ts config/config.prod.yml 

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Re: [dspace-tech] DSpace 7.1. front page error

2022-02-08 Thread Mark H. Wood
On Mon, Feb 07, 2022 at 07:32:01AM -0800, Mohammad S. AlMutairi wrote:
> On Monday, February 7, 2022 at 4:14:26 PM UTC+3 Mark H. Wood wrote:
> > The three processes (dspace-server-webapp, dspace-angular, solr) 
> > interact only through network connections. They do not need direct 
> > access to each others' files, and I would argue that they *should 
> > not* have direct access to each others' files. 
> >
> > One does not even need to run these processes on the same server.
> >
> Thanks for the rich information comment Mark. It seems you are running a 
> different flavor of Linux not the Ubuntu. You need to try installing Dspace 
> & Solr on a Ubuntu server to see what the users complains were all about. 
> here is 
> one https://groups.google.com/g/dspace-tech/c/z2N2BBBiu2E/m/dJyaLMZoCwAJ

Well, Ubuntu Focal has Solr in its package repository, but it's a
decade old, so Ubuntu is one of the distro.s on which you need to do
the installation manually.  That means you'll need to create a user to
run it, very like Gentoo which I use.

I called that user 'solr'.  I unpacked the Solr v8 files in
/opt/solr-8, created /var/solr-8 to hold the configuration and cores,
created /etc/solr-8 to hold the solr.in.sh and log4j2.xml, created
/var/log/solr-8 to hold the logs, and edited solr.in.sh to set
appropriately.  I set the /var/lib/solr-8 directory and contents to be
owned by 'solr'.  I created an initscript (Ubuntu will need a "system
unit" or some such) to start /opt/solr-8/bin/solr as user 'solr'
running in ${SOLR_HOME}, with SOLR_INCLUDE set to
'/etc/solr-8/solr.in.sh' and passing options '-p 8983 -s
${SOLR_HOME}'.  Much of this is what one does for any daemon that
isn't in the package manager.

At that point Solr should start and run, with no cores.  I created a
directory ${SOLR_HOME}/ds7 and copied the DSpace 7 empty cores to
there, setting them owned by 'solr'.  (You can put the cores directly
into ${SOLR_HOME} but I like to keep related cores organized this

With reference to the dspace-tech discussion linked above:  I don't
know where Solr is getting that path '/dspace/solr/statistics'.  We
would need to see how Solr is configured at that site.  Assuming that
DSpace is installed at '/dspace', then '/dspace/solr/*' should have
been copied into ${SOLR_HOME} and the copies set owned by the user
that runs Solr.  The copies in '/dspace' are just templates, and are
not referenced by DSpace or Solr in use.

Setting up dspace-angular follows the same pattern, with details as
needed by nodejs:  create a user to run node; put the package's files
in some place that makes sense to you such as '/opt/dspace-v7-fe';
create a directory to hold the logs such as '/var/log/ds7'; write a
startup file appropriate to your OS, passing environment properties
and options as needed; set file ownership appropriately.  Debian
(thus, presumably, Ubuntu) packages a fairly recent 'nodejs' so
installing that is simple.  (Hmmm:  Focal is still packaging node v10
which is pretty old.  Raspbian Bullseye packages v14.  I haven't got
an Impish instance to check.  Gentoo packages v14.17.6 so that's what
I'm using.)

Mark H. Wood
Lead Technology Analyst

University Library
Indiana University - Purdue University Indianapolis
755 W. Michigan Street
Indianapolis, IN 46202

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[dspace-tech] Re: How to migrate your UI Configurations to YAML ?

2022-02-08 Thread 'Tim Donohue' via DSpace Technical Support
Hi Chris,

That "yarn env:yaml" command only requires one input, whish is your old 
"environment.*.ts" file.  So, that second input is *optional*.  If you only 
give it one input, it'll write the output YAML file into that same 
directory.  That's perfectly ok...you'd just want to eventually ensure that 
YAML file gets moved over into 
/opt/dspace-angular-dspace/config/config.prod.yml , which is where the UI 
will look for your configs in 7.2 (and above).

So, I would recommend trying the script with a single input, if the 
multiple inputs is getting confusing.

If somehow the script is erroring out or not working at all, send the error 
message to this list and we'll take a closer look at it.   

If worst came to worst, you also can just recreate your configs in YAML 
(based on the examples in config.example.yml) ... but, I completely 
understand that it's a ton easier to just migrate the settings over.


On Tuesday, February 8, 2022 at 9:44:46 AM UTC-6 Chris Clawson wrote:

> Upgrading DSpace 7.x (7.1 to 7.2), upgrading the Front-end, step 'C' says 
> I should use yarn to convert the earlier installation's .ts files to .yml. 
> I am not able to get past this step. Perhaps I only need some assistance in 
> the specific grammar in using the conversion script.
> The path to my my old DSpace 7.1 angular 'environments' directory
> /opt/dspace-angular-old/src/environments
> My unzipped DSpace 7.2 angular is at:
> /opt/dspace-angular-dspace
> My command prompt is located at /opt/dspace-angular-dspace/config
> Given these conditions, *would someone please provide me* with a specific 
> example of how to produce a working command for the this documentation 
> example to convert environment.prod.ts
> yarn env:yaml src/environments/environment.prod.ts config/config.prod.yml 

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[dspace-tech] Re: I can't login to my Dspace Backend login.

2022-02-08 Thread 'Tim Donohue' via DSpace Technical Support

Unfortunately, we'd need more information about your setup. That error 
message is just saying that either your email address or password was 
incorrect.  So, you may want to double check that your email is really 
"myemail" (which appears to be what you entered), and make sure you typed 
the password correctly. 

As an example, if you call "create-administrator", you are prompted for an 
email and a password.  If you enter the email "t...@test.edu" and password 
"testing123", then you'd have to enter "t...@test.edu" and "testing123" in 
the login form in order to authenticate.

If this doesn't help, then you may want to also check your other log 
files... maybe there's an second error in your Tomcat logs or Postgres logs 
which is resulting in this login failure.  You also should verify that when 
you call "create-administrator", no errors appear in your dspace.log (if 
they do, then the administrative user is not being created successfully).

Let us know on this list if you have further questions.


On Monday, February 7, 2022 at 11:40:20 PM UTC-6 phillip...@gmail.com wrote:

> Im getting this in the logs: 
> 2022-02-08 13:38:30,228 INFO  unknown unknown 
> org.dspace.authenticate.PasswordAuthentication @ 
> anonymous::authenticate:attempting password auth of user="myemail"
> 2022-02-08 13:38:30,230 INFO  unknown unknown 
> org.dspace.app.rest.security.EPersonRestAuthenticationProvider @ 
> anonymous::failed_login:email= "myemail"  , result=2
> 2022-02-08 13:38:30,230 ERROR unknown unknown 
> org.dspace.app.rest.security.StatelessLoginFilter @ Authentication failed 
> (status:401)
> org.springframework.security.authentication.BadCredentialsException: Login 
> failed
> at 
> org.dspace.app.rest.security.EPersonRestAuthenticationProvider.authenticateNewLogin(EPersonRestAuthenticationProvider.java:129)
> ~[classes/:7.2]
> at 
> org.dspace.app.rest.security.EPersonRestAuthenticationProvider.authenticate(EPersonRestAuthenticationProvider.java:76)
> ~[classes/:7.2]
> at 
> org.springframework.security.authentication.ProviderManager.authenticate(ProviderManager.java:175)
> ~[spring-security-core-5.2.2.RELEASE.jar:5.2.2.RELEASE]
> at 
> org.dspace.app.rest.security.StatelessLoginFilter.attemptAuthentication(StatelessLoginFilter.java:74)
> [classes/:7.2]
> at 
> org.springframework.security.web.authentication.AbstractAuthenticationProcessingFilter.doFilter(AbstractAuthenticationProcessingFilter.java:212)
> [spring-security-web-5.2.2.RELEASE.jar:5.2.2.RELEASE]
> at 
> org.springframework.security.web.FilterChainProxy$VirtualFilterChain.doFilter(FilterChainProxy.java:334)
> [spring-security-web-5.2.2.RELEASE.jar:5.2.2.RELEASE]
> at 
> org.dspace.app.rest.security.StatelessAuthenticationFilter.doFilterInternal(StatelessAuthenticationFilter.java:102)
> [classes/:7.2]
> at 
> org.springframework.web.filter.OncePerRequestFilter.doFilter(OncePerRequestFilter.java:119)
> [spring-web-5.2.5.RELEASE.jar:5.2.5.RELEASE]
> at 
> org.springframework.security.web.FilterChainProxy$VirtualFilterChain.doFilter(FilterChainProxy.java:334)
> [spring-security-web-5.2.2.RELEASE.jar:5.2.2.RELEASE]
> at 
> org.springframework.security.web.csrf.CsrfFilter.doFilterInternal(CsrfFilter.java:141)
> [spring-security-web-5.2.2.RELEASE.jar:5.2.2.RELEASE]
> at 
> org.springframework.web.filter.OncePerRequestFilter.doFilter(OncePerRequestFilter.java:119)
> [spring-web-5.2.5.RELEASE.jar:5.2.5.RELEASE]
> at 
> org.springframework.security.web.FilterChainProxy$VirtualFilterChain.doFilter(FilterChainProxy.java:334)
> [spring-security-web-5.2.2.RELEASE.jar:5.2.2.RELEASE]
> at 
> org.springframework.web.filter.CorsFilter.doFilterInternal(CorsFilter.java:92)
> [spring-web-5.2.5.RELEASE.jar:5.2.5.RELEASE]
> at 
> org.springframework.web.filter.OncePerRequestFilter.doFilter(OncePerRequestFilter.java:119)
> [spring-web-5.2.5.RELEASE.jar:5.2.5.RELEASE]
> at 
> org.springframework.security.web.FilterChainProxy$VirtualFilterChain.doFilter(FilterChainProxy.java:334)
> [spring-security-web-5.2.2.RELEASE.jar:5.2.2.RELEASE]
> at 
> org.springframework.security.web.header.HeaderWriterFilter.doHeadersAfter(HeaderWriterFilter.java:92)
> [spring-security-web-5.2.2.RELEASE.jar:5.2.2.RELEASE]
> at 
> org.springframework.security.web.header.HeaderWriterFilter.doFilterInternal(HeaderWriterFilter.java:77)
> [spring-security-web-5.2.2.RELEASE.jar:5.2.2.RELEASE]
> at 
> org.springframework.web.filter.OncePerRequestFilter.doFilter(OncePerRequestFilter.java:119)
> [spring-web-5.2.5.RELEASE.jar:5.2.5.RELEASE]
> at 
> org.springframework.security.web.FilterChainProxy$VirtualFilterChain.doFilter(FilterChainProxy.java:334)
> [spring-security-web-5.2.2.RELEASE.jar:5.2.2.RELEASE]
> at 
> org.springframework.security.web.context.SecurityContextPersis

[dspace-tech] Cor-origin blocked in dspace 6.3

2022-02-08 Thread lucas....@gmail.com
Dear colleagues,
I'm having problems using api-rest from dspace 6.3 for blocked cors-origin. 
How can I get around this situation?

Thanks in advance.

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[dspace-tech] Re: DSpace 6.3 - Time zone issue

2022-02-08 Thread 'Tim Donohue' via DSpace Technical Support
Hi Juan,

At the database level, DSpace will only save dates in UTC format (this is 
true for any version of DSpace, including 7.x).  So, all dates are 
formatted to UTC before they are saved in the database as metadata. This is 
necessary to make things like time-base access restrictions (e.g. 
embargoes) and other date comparisons easier in the codebase.

It's currently not possible to change this behavior (at least not easily, 
and it could have side effects for embargoes and similar if you change it).

That said, you might be able to customize how those dates are displayed in 
the User Interface, if you want them to appear in local timezone (you'd 
just need to translate them back form UTC to local time).  But, just be 
aware that if you change/save a date in the User Interface, it'll always be 
converted to UTC before it's saved to the database.


On Tuesday, February 8, 2022 at 7:35:14 AM UTC-6 juanlop...@gmail.com wrote:

> Hi all!
> I'm seeing an odd behaviour on my Dspace 6.3. Whenever there is a new item 
> submission, the dc.date.accessioned and dc.date.available are saved with 
> UTC time but it should be with the local time that my server and database 
> have:
> [image: imagen_2022-02-08_083220.png]
> Do you guys know if DSpace uses only UTC time to create this metadata?
> Is there a way to make DSpace use America/Bogota timezone?
> Regards,
> Juan

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[dspace-tech] Re: How to migrate your UI Configurations to YAML ?

2022-02-08 Thread Chris Clawson
Thanks, Tim, but still frustrated!
I understand you are saying to go to my old /src/environments directory, 
and run this command:
yarn env:yaml environment.prod.ts
Here is the response I get:
root@melo4:/opt/dspace-angular-old/src/environments# yarn env:yaml 
yarn run v1.22.17
error Command "env:yaml" not found.

-- embarrassing, did I break something?
On Tuesday, February 8, 2022 at 12:55:19 PM UTC-5 Tim Donohue wrote:

> Hi Chris,
> That "yarn env:yaml" command only requires one input, whish is your old 
> "environment.*.ts" file.  So, that second input is *optional*.  If you only 
> give it one input, it'll write the output YAML file into that same 
> directory.  That's perfectly ok...you'd just want to eventually ensure that 
> YAML file gets moved over into 
> /opt/dspace-angular-dspace/config/config.prod.yml , which is where the UI 
> will look for your configs in 7.2 (and above).
> So, I would recommend trying the script with a single input, if the 
> multiple inputs is getting confusing.
> If somehow the script is erroring out or not working at all, send the 
> error message to this list and we'll take a closer look at it.   
> If worst came to worst, you also can just recreate your configs in YAML 
> (based on the examples in config.example.yml) ... but, I completely 
> understand that it's a ton easier to just migrate the settings over.
> Tim
> On Tuesday, February 8, 2022 at 9:44:46 AM UTC-6 Chris Clawson wrote:
>> Upgrading DSpace 7.x (7.1 to 7.2), upgrading the Front-end, step 'C' says 
>> I should use yarn to convert the earlier installation's .ts files to .yml. 
>> I am not able to get past this step. Perhaps I only need some assistance in 
>> the specific grammar in using the conversion script.
>> The path to my my old DSpace 7.1 angular 'environments' directory
>> /opt/dspace-angular-old/src/environments
>> My unzipped DSpace 7.2 angular is at:
>> /opt/dspace-angular-dspace
>> My command prompt is located at /opt/dspace-angular-dspace/config
>> Given these conditions, *would someone please provide me* with a 
>> specific example of how to produce a working command for the this 
>> documentation example to convert environment.prod.ts
>> yarn env:yaml src/environments/environment.prod.ts config/config.prod.yml 

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[dspace-tech] administrator actions in 7.2

2022-02-08 Thread 'Bill Tantzen' via DSpace Technical Support
Configuration question I guess.

I am a member of the Administrators group.  However when I log in, most of
the administrator actions on the sidebar are not available to me (for
instance, create a community/collection, access control, administer
workflow etc).  The only options available are create an item, and
import/export metadata.  All those actions are available to me upon login
in our current version, 5.10.

Can you point me to where this is configured in 7.2? Or better yet to the
documentation (if it exists yet)?
Thanks a million,

Human wheels spin round and round
While the clock keeps the pace... -- John Mellencamp

Bill TantzenUniversity of Minnesota Libraries
612-626-9949 (U of M)612-325-1777 (cell)

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Re: [dspace-tech] administrator actions in 7.2

2022-02-08 Thread 'Tim Donohue' via DSpace Technical Support
Hi Bill,

Those side menus should be checking which groups you are a member of 
automatically (by querying the backend/REST API when you login). They are coded 
to do so in the AdminSidebar component, starting around here: 

If you look at each of the sections, they are coded to detect if you are a 
SiteAdmin (i.e. in "Administrator" group), or a Community or Collection admin 
(of any community/collection), and based on your permissions, it'll show 
appropriate menus.  So, for a SiteAdmin, all menus should be displayed.

I doubt​ it's that code that's to blame...as this is the first time I've heard 
of this behavior & it seems to work fine on demo7.dspace.org.  You may want to 
look around more closely at your logs (in case any error is occurring), and 
even look at whether the UI is throwing a client-side error...see this guide 
for finding UI errors in your browser's DevTools: 

My best guess is there's some sort of error occurring that's causing this 
behavior... either that, or something with your Administrator group or user 
account has gotten messed up.


From: 'Bill Tantzen' via DSpace Technical Support 
Sent: Tuesday, February 8, 2022 1:00 PM
To: DSpace Technical Support 
Subject: [dspace-tech] administrator actions in 7.2

Configuration question I guess.

I am a member of the Administrators group.  However when I log in, most of the 
administrator actions on the sidebar are not available to me (for instance, 
create a community/collection, access control, administer workflow etc).  The 
only options available are create an item, and import/export metadata.  All 
those actions are available to me upon login in our current version, 5.10.

Can you point me to where this is configured in 7.2? Or better yet to the 
documentation (if it exists yet)?
Thanks a million,

Human wheels spin round and round
While the clock keeps the pace... -- John Mellencamp

Bill TantzenUniversity of Minnesota Libraries
612-626-9949 (U of M)612-325-1777 (cell)

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[dspace-tech] Re: How to migrate your UI Configurations to YAML ?

2022-02-08 Thread 'Tim Donohue' via DSpace Technical Support
Hi Chris,

It sounds like our the docs need clarifying here.  You need to run `yarn 
env:yaml` from the *NEW 7.2 codebase directory*.  Since you are trying to 
run it from your old 7.1 code, it is throwing an error as that command 
didn't exist in the 7.1 codebase.

So, the docs were written assuming you were going to essentially install 
7.2 "on top of" 7.1.  In that situation, you'd have the 7.2 code...but your 
old 7.1 "environment.prod.ts" would still be around (as the update to 7.2 
doesn't delete that file).

For your purposes, it sounds like your 7.2 code *is in a separate directory 
from 7.1 code*.  So, for your purposes, do this:
1. Copy the "src/environment/environment.prod.ts" from your 7.1 (old) 
directory, over into the 7.2 (new) directory.  Where you choose to copy it 
into doesn't really matter, but you could put it under "[src-7.2]/config", 
where the configs eventually need to be.
2. Now, go to [src-7.2] (root 7.2 directory) and run:  "yarn env:yaml 
config/environment.prod.ts config/config.prod.yml".   

That should be it.  You can then look at that config/config.prod.yml to 
double check it looks correct (the same settings exist in both the YAML and 
TS config files, they just have a different syntax).  Once you are 
satisfied, you can delete the "environment.prod.ts" from your 
[src-7.2]/config/ folder.  It's not used in 7.2 at all.


On Tuesday, February 8, 2022 at 12:26:12 PM UTC-6 Chris Clawson wrote:

> Thanks, Tim, but still frustrated!
> I understand you are saying to go to my old /src/environments directory, 
> and run this command:
> yarn env:yaml environment.prod.ts
> Here is the response I get:
> root@melo4:/opt/dspace-angular-old/src/environments# yarn env:yaml 
> environment.prod.ts
> yarn run v1.22.17
> error Command "env:yaml" not found.
> -- embarrassing, did I break something?
> On Tuesday, February 8, 2022 at 12:55:19 PM UTC-5 Tim Donohue wrote:
>> Hi Chris,
>> That "yarn env:yaml" command only requires one input, whish is your old 
>> "environment.*.ts" file.  So, that second input is *optional*.  If you only 
>> give it one input, it'll write the output YAML file into that same 
>> directory.  That's perfectly ok...you'd just want to eventually ensure that 
>> YAML file gets moved over into 
>> /opt/dspace-angular-dspace/config/config.prod.yml , which is where the UI 
>> will look for your configs in 7.2 (and above).
>> So, I would recommend trying the script with a single input, if the 
>> multiple inputs is getting confusing.
>> If somehow the script is erroring out or not working at all, send the 
>> error message to this list and we'll take a closer look at it.   
>> If worst came to worst, you also can just recreate your configs in YAML 
>> (based on the examples in config.example.yml) ... but, I completely 
>> understand that it's a ton easier to just migrate the settings over.
>> Tim
>> On Tuesday, February 8, 2022 at 9:44:46 AM UTC-6 Chris Clawson wrote:
>>> Upgrading DSpace 7.x (7.1 to 7.2), upgrading the Front-end, step 'C' 
>>> says I should use yarn to convert the earlier installation's .ts files to 
>>> .yml. I am not able to get past this step. Perhaps I only need some 
>>> assistance in the specific grammar in using the conversion script.
>>> The path to my my old DSpace 7.1 angular 'environments' directory
>>> /opt/dspace-angular-old/src/environments
>>> My unzipped DSpace 7.2 angular is at:
>>> /opt/dspace-angular-dspace
>>> My command prompt is located at /opt/dspace-angular-dspace/config
>>> Given these conditions, *would someone please provide me* with a 
>>> specific example of how to produce a working command for the this 
>>> documentation example to convert environment.prod.ts
>>> yarn env:yaml src/environments/environment.prod.ts config/config.prod.yml 

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You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
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Re: [dspace-tech] administrator actions in 7.2

2022-02-08 Thread 'Bill Tantzen' via DSpace Technical Support
Sorry, forgot to copy the list.

In the apache logs, I see a number of GETs that look like:


Is this what you are referring to?  With different features like
isCommunityAdmin, etc.  Likely the stuff I am looking for.  All of them
result in a code 200; no errors.

The same urls in the HAL browser result in:

  "_embedded": {
"authorizations": [
"type": "authorization",
"_links": {
  "eperson": {
"href": "
  "feature": {
"href": "
  "object": {
"href": "
  "self": {
"href": "
"_embedded": {
  "feature": {
"id": "isCollectionAdmin",
"description": "It can be used to verify if the current user is
admin of any collection in the site",
"type": "feature",
"resourcetypes": [
"_links": {
  "self": {
"href": "
  "_links": {
"self": {
  "href": "
  "page": {
"size": 20,
"totalElements": 1,
"totalPages": 1,
"number": 0

Again, no errors
Does this look right?

Yep, I'm on 7.2 on both ends!!


On Tue, Feb 8, 2022 at 3:18 PM Bill Tantzen  wrote:

> In the apache logs, I see a number of GETs that look like:
> /server/api/authz/authorizations/search/object?uri=
> https://udc-prd.lib.umn.edu/server/api/core/sites/0175ee52-5642-4302-89a1-99c444e5bd2c&feature=isCollectionAdmin&embed=feature
> Is this what you are referring to?  With different features like
> isCommunityAdmin, etc.  Likely the stuff I am looking for.  All of them
> result in a code 200; no errors.
> The same urls in the HAL browser result in:
> {
>   "_links": {
> "self": {
>   "href": "
> https://udc-prd.lib.umn.edu/server/api/authz/authorizations/search/object?uri=https://udc-prd.lib.umn.edu/server/api/core/sites/0175ee52-5642-4302-89a1-99c444e5bd2c&feature=isCollectionAdmin
> "
> }
>   },
>   "page": {
> "size": 20,
> "totalElements": 0,
> "totalPages": 0,
> "number": 0
>   }
> }
> Again, no errors (but no results either)
> Does this look right?
> Yep, I'm on 7.2 on both ends!!
> ~~Bill
> On Tue, Feb 8, 2022 at 3:11 PM Tim Donohue 
> wrote:
>> Good luck!
>> It's definitely not a configuration issue...this area of the code is not
>> configurable.  It's either got to be an error causing it, or the data sent
>> to the frontend from the backend is incorrect (make sure your backend is
>> also running 7.2 obviously, as both frontend & backend should be on the
>> same version.)
>> Let us know what you find (on the list please, so that if others hit
>> this, they can figure out what worked for you)
>> Tim
>> --
>> *From:* Bill Tantzen 
>> *Sent:* Tuesday, February 8, 2022 2:50 PM
>> *To:* Tim Donohue 
>> *Subject:* Re: [dspace-tech] administrator actions in 7.2
>> Oh no, I'm sure it's not a code issue;  I was thinking it was a new
>> configuration setup.  I'll check the logs and see if there is any help
>> there.  This worked fine in 7.0 and 7.1 (as well as the demo site), and I'm
>> for sure a member of the Administrator group, so it's a little weird!
>> ~~Bill
>> On Tue, Feb 8, 2022 at 2:47 PM Tim Donohue 
>> wrote:
>> Hi Bill,
>> Those side menus should be checking which groups you are a member of
>> automatically (by querying the backend/REST API when you login). They are
>> coded to do so in the AdminSidebar component, starting around here:
>> https://github.com/DSpace/dspace-angular/blob/main/src/app/admin/admin-sid

[dspace-tech] Re: How to migrate your UI Configurations to YAML ?

2022-02-08 Thread Chris Clawson
Still doesn't work and I think I know why. The environment.prod.ts file 
declares 4 files to import, so the script is unable to find them if  
environment.prod.ts is placed in some arbitrary location under the DSpace 
7.2 angular root directory. Shall I presume that these import paths  need 
to point to the earlier, DSpace 7.1 files? I guess I may eventually figure 
it out. Unless I hear different, I suppose I need to modify 
environment.prod.ts to correctly point to these other 4 files:
On Tuesday, February 8, 2022 at 3:54:58 PM UTC-5 Tim Donohue wrote:

> Hi Chris,
> It sounds like our the docs need clarifying here.  You need to run `yarn 
> env:yaml` from the *NEW 7.2 codebase directory*.  Since you are trying to 
> run it from your old 7.1 code, it is throwing an error as that command 
> didn't exist in the 7.1 codebase.
> So, the docs were written assuming you were going to essentially install 
> 7.2 "on top of" 7.1.  In that situation, you'd have the 7.2 code...but your 
> old 7.1 "environment.prod.ts" would still be around (as the update to 7.2 
> doesn't delete that file).
> For your purposes, it sounds like your 7.2 code *is in a separate 
> directory from 7.1 code*.  So, for your purposes, do this:
> 1. Copy the "src/environment/environment.prod.ts" from your 7.1 (old) 
> directory, over into the 7.2 (new) directory.  Where you choose to copy it 
> into doesn't really matter, but you could put it under "[src-7.2]/config", 
> where the configs eventually need to be.
> 2. Now, go to [src-7.2] (root 7.2 directory) and run:  "yarn env:yaml 
> config/environment.prod.ts config/config.prod.yml".   
> That should be it.  You can then look at that config/config.prod.yml to 
> double check it looks correct (the same settings exist in both the YAML and 
> TS config files, they just have a different syntax).  Once you are 
> satisfied, you can delete the "environment.prod.ts" from your 
> [src-7.2]/config/ folder.  It's not used in 7.2 at all.
> Tim
> On Tuesday, February 8, 2022 at 12:26:12 PM UTC-6 Chris Clawson wrote:
>> Thanks, Tim, but still frustrated!
>> I understand you are saying to go to my old /src/environments directory, 
>> and run this command:
>> yarn env:yaml environment.prod.ts
>> Here is the response I get:
>> root@melo4:/opt/dspace-angular-old/src/environments# yarn env:yaml 
>> environment.prod.ts
>> yarn run v1.22.17
>> error Command "env:yaml" not found.
>> -- embarrassing, did I break something?
>> On Tuesday, February 8, 2022 at 12:55:19 PM UTC-5 Tim Donohue wrote:
>>> Hi Chris,
>>> That "yarn env:yaml" command only requires one input, whish is your old 
>>> "environment.*.ts" file.  So, that second input is *optional*.  If you only 
>>> give it one input, it'll write the output YAML file into that same 
>>> directory.  That's perfectly ok...you'd just want to eventually ensure that 
>>> YAML file gets moved over into 
>>> /opt/dspace-angular-dspace/config/config.prod.yml , which is where the UI 
>>> will look for your configs in 7.2 (and above).
>>> So, I would recommend trying the script with a single input, if the 
>>> multiple inputs is getting confusing.
>>> If somehow the script is erroring out or not working at all, send the 
>>> error message to this list and we'll take a closer look at it.   
>>> If worst came to worst, you also can just recreate your configs in YAML 
>>> (based on the examples in config.example.yml) ... but, I completely 
>>> understand that it's a ton easier to just migrate the settings over.
>>> Tim
>>> On Tuesday, February 8, 2022 at 9:44:46 AM UTC-6 Chris Clawson wrote:
 Upgrading DSpace 7.x (7.1 to 7.2), upgrading the Front-end, step 'C' 
 says I should use yarn to convert the earlier installation's .ts files to 
 .yml. I am not able to get past this step. Perhaps I only need some 
 assistance in the specific grammar in using the conversion script.

 The path to my my old DSpace 7.1 angular 'environments' directory


 My unzipped DSpace 7.2 angular is at:


 My command prompt is located at /opt/dspace-angular-dspace/config

 Given these conditions, *would someone please provide me* with a 
 specific example of how to produce a working command for the this 
 documentation example to convert environment.prod.ts

 yarn env:yaml src/environments/environment.prod.ts 


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Re: [dspace-tech] administrator actions in 7.2

2022-02-08 Thread 'Tim Donohue' via DSpace Technical Support
Hi Bill,

Yes, those GET requests are your UI attempting to check your permissions on the 

The one you sent has a "uri" equal to your "Site object", and a 
"feature=isCollectionAdmin".  That means it's attempting to check if you have 
Collection Admin rights on any​ Collection in the entire site.  Since it looks 
to be returning "totalElements: 0" that means the backend thinks you are not​ a 
Collection Admin on any Collection.  If you had this permission, that 
"totalElements" would be greater than zero.

Your result from the HAL browser is more accurate (returns "totalElements: 1" 
instead), and you should​ see the same result from the UI and HAL Browser if 
everything is setup properly.

So, this implies to me that something may be wrong with your setup.  My guess 
is that for some reason the backend doesn't "believe" you are 
authenticated...or it isn't trusting​ your frontend in some way.

You should look very closely at the "Network" tab of your browser's DevTools 
when you login and especially after​ you have just logged in.  You shouldn't 
see any red, error responses from the backend...but my best guess is you likely 
will see something odd there.  Again, here's how to look for errors on the 

I'd venture to guess you might be hitting an installation/upgrade error, it 
might even be one of these common installation issues: 
  (Usually these are caused by a misconfiguration between the frontend & 

If none of that helps...check all your backend logs very closely and look for 
ERROR messages there.  Something seems "off", and it sounds to me like your 
Backend is either not trusting the frontend, or your Backend is silently 
erroring out every time you try to login.


From: 'Bill Tantzen' via DSpace Technical Support 
Sent: Tuesday, February 8, 2022 3:31 PM
To: DSpace Technical Support 
Subject: Re: [dspace-tech] administrator actions in 7.2

Sorry, forgot to copy the list.

In the apache logs, I see a number of GETs that look like:


Is this what you are referring to?  With different features like 
isCommunityAdmin, etc.  Likely the stuff I am looking for.  All of them result 
in a code 200; no errors.

The same urls in the HAL browser result in:

  "_embedded": {
"authorizations": [
"type": "authorization",
"_links": {
  "eperson": {
  "feature": {
  "object": {
  "self": {
"_embedded": {
  "feature": {
"id": "isCollectionAdmin",
"description": "It can be used to verify if the current user is 
admin of any collection in the site",
"type": "feature",
"resourcetypes": [
"_links": {
  "self": {
  "_links": {
"self": {
  "page": {
"size": 20,
"totalElements": 1,
"totalPages": 1,
"number": 0

Again, no errors
Does this look right?

Yep, I'm on 7.2 on both ends!!


On Tue, Feb 8, 2022 at 3:18 PM Bill Tantzen 
mailto:tantz...@umn.edu>> wrote:
In the apache logs, I see a number of GETs that look like:


[dspace-tech] Re: How to migrate your UI Configurations to YAML ?

2022-02-08 Thread Chris Clawson
These 4 imports in environment.prod.ts, in turn refer to all sorts of other 
.ts files from the old installation. It is not as simple as copying four 
files over, in addition to environment.prod.ts and place under the DSpace 
7.2 angular code root.

Okay - From the DSpace 7.2 angular root directory this following command 
produced a config.prod.ts file in the same root directory:
yarn env:yaml ..//dspace-angular-old/src/environments/environment.prod.ts 

So, all I need is to move this to the [angular-root]/config directory and 
then :
yarn run build:prod 
On Tuesday, February 8, 2022 at 5:18:19 PM UTC-5 Chris Clawson wrote:

> Still doesn't work and I think I know why. The environment.prod.ts file 
> declares 4 files to import, so the script is unable to find them if  
> environment.prod.ts is placed in some arbitrary location under the DSpace 
> 7.2 angular root directory. Shall I presume that these import paths  need 
> to point to the earlier, DSpace 7.1 files? I guess I may eventually figure 
> it out. Unless I hear different, I suppose I need to modify 
> environment.prod.ts to correctly point to these other 4 files:
> ../config/global-config.interface
> ../app/shared/notifications/models/notification-animations-type
> ../app/browse-by/browse-by-switcher/browse-by-decorator
> ../app/core/data/rest-request-method
> On Tuesday, February 8, 2022 at 3:54:58 PM UTC-5 Tim Donohue wrote:
>> Hi Chris,
>> It sounds like our the docs need clarifying here.  You need to run `yarn 
>> env:yaml` from the *NEW 7.2 codebase directory*.  Since you are trying to 
>> run it from your old 7.1 code, it is throwing an error as that command 
>> didn't exist in the 7.1 codebase.
>> So, the docs were written assuming you were going to essentially install 
>> 7.2 "on top of" 7.1.  In that situation, you'd have the 7.2 code...but your 
>> old 7.1 "environment.prod.ts" would still be around (as the update to 7.2 
>> doesn't delete that file).
>> For your purposes, it sounds like your 7.2 code *is in a separate 
>> directory from 7.1 code*.  So, for your purposes, do this:
>> 1. Copy the "src/environment/environment.prod.ts" from your 7.1 (old) 
>> directory, over into the 7.2 (new) directory.  Where you choose to copy it 
>> into doesn't really matter, but you could put it under "[src-7.2]/config", 
>> where the configs eventually need to be.
>> 2. Now, go to [src-7.2] (root 7.2 directory) and run:  "yarn env:yaml 
>> config/environment.prod.ts config/config.prod.yml".   
>> That should be it.  You can then look at that config/config.prod.yml to 
>> double check it looks correct (the same settings exist in both the YAML and 
>> TS config files, they just have a different syntax).  Once you are 
>> satisfied, you can delete the "environment.prod.ts" from your 
>> [src-7.2]/config/ folder.  It's not used in 7.2 at all.
>> Tim
>> On Tuesday, February 8, 2022 at 12:26:12 PM UTC-6 Chris Clawson wrote:
>>> Thanks, Tim, but still frustrated!
>>> I understand you are saying to go to my old /src/environments directory, 
>>> and run this command:
>>> yarn env:yaml environment.prod.ts
>>> Here is the response I get:
>>> root@melo4:/opt/dspace-angular-old/src/environments# yarn env:yaml 
>>> environment.prod.ts
>>> yarn run v1.22.17
>>> error Command "env:yaml" not found.
>>> -- embarrassing, did I break something?
>>> On Tuesday, February 8, 2022 at 12:55:19 PM UTC-5 Tim Donohue wrote:
 Hi Chris,

 That "yarn env:yaml" command only requires one input, whish is your old 
 "environment.*.ts" file.  So, that second input is *optional*.  If you 
 give it one input, it'll write the output YAML file into that same 
 directory.  That's perfectly ok...you'd just want to eventually ensure 
 YAML file gets moved over into 
 /opt/dspace-angular-dspace/config/config.prod.yml , which is where the UI 
 will look for your configs in 7.2 (and above).

 So, I would recommend trying the script with a single input, if the 
 multiple inputs is getting confusing.

 If somehow the script is erroring out or not working at all, send the 
 error message to this list and we'll take a closer look at it.   

 If worst came to worst, you also can just recreate your configs in YAML 
 (based on the examples in config.example.yml) ... but, I completely 
 understand that it's a ton easier to just migrate the settings over.


 On Tuesday, February 8, 2022 at 9:44:46 AM UTC-6 Chris Clawson wrote:

> Upgrading DSpace 7.x (7.1 to 7.2), upgrading the Front-end, step 'C' 
> says I should use yarn to convert the earlier installation's .ts files to 
> .yml. I am not able to get past this step. Perhaps I only need some 
> assistance in the specific grammar in using the conversion script.
> The path to my my old DSpace 7.1 angular 'environments' directory
> /opt/dsp

[dspace-tech] Re: How to migrate your UI Configurations to YAML ?

2022-02-08 Thread Chris Clawson

These 4 imports in environment.prod.ts, in turn refer to all sorts of other 
.ts files from the old installation. It is not as simple as copying four 
files over, in addition to environment.prod.ts and place under the DSpace 
7.2 angular code root.

Okay - From the DSpace 7.2 angular root directory this following command 
produced a config.prod.ts file in the same root directory:
yarn env:yaml ..//dspace-angular-old/src/environments/environment.prod.ts 

So, all I need is to move this to the [angular-root]/config directory and 
then :
yarn run build:prod

On Tuesday, February 8, 2022 at 5:18:19 PM UTC-5 Chris Clawson wrote:

> Still doesn't work and I think I know why. The environment.prod.ts file 
> declares 4 files to import, so the script is unable to find them if  
> environment.prod.ts is placed in some arbitrary location under the DSpace 
> 7.2 angular root directory. Shall I presume that these import paths  need 
> to point to the earlier, DSpace 7.1 files? I guess I may eventually figure 
> it out. Unless I hear different, I suppose I need to modify 
> environment.prod.ts to correctly point to these other 4 files:
> ../config/global-config.interface
> ../app/shared/notifications/models/notification-animations-type
> ../app/browse-by/browse-by-switcher/browse-by-decorator
> ../app/core/data/rest-request-method
> On Tuesday, February 8, 2022 at 3:54:58 PM UTC-5 Tim Donohue wrote:
>> Hi Chris,
>> It sounds like our the docs need clarifying here.  You need to run `yarn 
>> env:yaml` from the *NEW 7.2 codebase directory*.  Since you are trying to 
>> run it from your old 7.1 code, it is throwing an error as that command 
>> didn't exist in the 7.1 codebase.
>> So, the docs were written assuming you were going to essentially install 
>> 7.2 "on top of" 7.1.  In that situation, you'd have the 7.2 code...but your 
>> old 7.1 "environment.prod.ts" would still be around (as the update to 7.2 
>> doesn't delete that file).
>> For your purposes, it sounds like your 7.2 code *is in a separate 
>> directory from 7.1 code*.  So, for your purposes, do this:
>> 1. Copy the "src/environment/environment.prod.ts" from your 7.1 (old) 
>> directory, over into the 7.2 (new) directory.  Where you choose to copy it 
>> into doesn't really matter, but you could put it under "[src-7.2]/config", 
>> where the configs eventually need to be.
>> 2. Now, go to [src-7.2] (root 7.2 directory) and run:  "yarn env:yaml 
>> config/environment.prod.ts config/config.prod.yml".   
>> That should be it.  You can then look at that config/config.prod.yml to 
>> double check it looks correct (the same settings exist in both the YAML and 
>> TS config files, they just have a different syntax).  Once you are 
>> satisfied, you can delete the "environment.prod.ts" from your 
>> [src-7.2]/config/ folder.  It's not used in 7.2 at all.
>> Tim
>> On Tuesday, February 8, 2022 at 12:26:12 PM UTC-6 Chris Clawson wrote:
>>> Thanks, Tim, but still frustrated!
>>> I understand you are saying to go to my old /src/environments directory, 
>>> and run this command:
>>> yarn env:yaml environment.prod.ts
>>> Here is the response I get:
>>> root@melo4:/opt/dspace-angular-old/src/environments# yarn env:yaml 
>>> environment.prod.ts
>>> yarn run v1.22.17
>>> error Command "env:yaml" not found.
>>> -- embarrassing, did I break something?
>>> On Tuesday, February 8, 2022 at 12:55:19 PM UTC-5 Tim Donohue wrote:
 Hi Chris,

 That "yarn env:yaml" command only requires one input, whish is your old 
 "environment.*.ts" file.  So, that second input is *optional*.  If you 
 give it one input, it'll write the output YAML file into that same 
 directory.  That's perfectly ok...you'd just want to eventually ensure 
 YAML file gets moved over into 
 /opt/dspace-angular-dspace/config/config.prod.yml , which is where the UI 
 will look for your configs in 7.2 (and above).

 So, I would recommend trying the script with a single input, if the 
 multiple inputs is getting confusing.

 If somehow the script is erroring out or not working at all, send the 
 error message to this list and we'll take a closer look at it.   

 If worst came to worst, you also can just recreate your configs in YAML 
 (based on the examples in config.example.yml) ... but, I completely 
 understand that it's a ton easier to just migrate the settings over.


 On Tuesday, February 8, 2022 at 9:44:46 AM UTC-6 Chris Clawson wrote:

> Upgrading DSpace 7.x (7.1 to 7.2), upgrading the Front-end, step 'C' 
> says I should use yarn to convert the earlier installation's .ts files to 
> .yml. I am not able to get past this step. Perhaps I only need some 
> assistance in the specific grammar in using the conversion script.
> The path to my my old DSpace 7.1 angular 'environments' directory
> /opt/d

[dspace-tech] Re: How to migrate your UI Configurations to YAML ?

2022-02-08 Thread 'Tim Donohue' via DSpace Technical Support
Hi Chris,

You are 100% correct.  It looks like during 7.2 development, after we 
created the "yarn env:yaml" script, we then moved some code around, and 
broke those imports at the top of the old "environment.prod.ts".   So, if 
you copy it over into the 7.2 directory structure, it won't work because 
those imports are broken.

Currently, it appears there are two options:
1) If your 7.1 folder is separate for the 7.2 folder, you could keep 
"environment.prod.ts" in the 7.1 directories, and *reference it* from the 
7.2 folder.  It'd be a little odd, but look kinda like this. You'd run this 
from 7.2 root folder.

yarn env:yaml ../../dspace-7.1-old/src/environments/environment.prod.ts 

2) Or, if you want to copy your environment.prod.ts into the 7.2 
directories first (or don't have the old 7.1 code handy), then do this:

Remove/comment out all 4 existing imports in `environment.prod.ts`.  
Replace them with these lines at the top of that file. (With those 4 
imports removed, You need 4 objects, all of which are fully defined below)

interface GlobalConfig { }

enum NotificationAnimationsType {
Fade = 'fade',
FromTop = 'fromTop',
FromRight = 'fromRight',
FromBottom = 'fromBottom',
FromLeft = 'fromLeft',
Rotate = 'rotate',
Scale = 'scale'

enum BrowseByType {
Title = 'title',
Metadata = 'metadata',
Date = 'date'

enum RestRequestMethod {
GET = 'GET',
PUT = 'PUT',

If you have those imports commented out, and replaced with those lines, 
then the "environment.prod.ts" can be placed *anywhere* (as it no longer 
has imports) and the "yarn env:yaml" command can be pointed at it wherever 
it sits.

I'll get this all moved over into our official docs, as this is obviously 
more complex then I initially thought...but I'm glad you've helped us 
discover the issue.


On Tuesday, February 8, 2022 at 4:18:19 PM UTC-6 Chris Clawson wrote:

> Still doesn't work and I think I know why. The environment.prod.ts file 
> declares 4 files to import, so the script is unable to find them if  
> environment.prod.ts is placed in some arbitrary location under the DSpace 
> 7.2 angular root directory. Shall I presume that these import paths  need 
> to point to the earlier, DSpace 7.1 files? I guess I may eventually figure 
> it out. Unless I hear different, I suppose I need to modify 
> environment.prod.ts to correctly point to these other 4 files:
> ../config/global-config.interface
> ../app/shared/notifications/models/notification-animations-type
> ../app/browse-by/browse-by-switcher/browse-by-decorator
> ../app/core/data/rest-request-method
> On Tuesday, February 8, 2022 at 3:54:58 PM UTC-5 Tim Donohue wrote:
>> Hi Chris,
>> It sounds like our the docs need clarifying here.  You need to run `yarn 
>> env:yaml` from the *NEW 7.2 codebase directory*.  Since you are trying to 
>> run it from your old 7.1 code, it is throwing an error as that command 
>> didn't exist in the 7.1 codebase.
>> So, the docs were written assuming you were going to essentially install 
>> 7.2 "on top of" 7.1.  In that situation, you'd have the 7.2 code...but your 
>> old 7.1 "environment.prod.ts" would still be around (as the update to 7.2 
>> doesn't delete that file).
>> For your purposes, it sounds like your 7.2 code *is in a separate 
>> directory from 7.1 code*.  So, for your purposes, do this:
>> 1. Copy the "src/environment/environment.prod.ts" from your 7.1 (old) 
>> directory, over into the 7.2 (new) directory.  Where you choose to copy it 
>> into doesn't really matter, but you could put it under "[src-7.2]/config", 
>> where the configs eventually need to be.
>> 2. Now, go to [src-7.2] (root 7.2 directory) and run:  "yarn env:yaml 
>> config/environment.prod.ts config/config.prod.yml".   
>> That should be it.  You can then look at that config/config.prod.yml to 
>> double check it looks correct (the same settings exist in both the YAML and 
>> TS config files, they just have a different syntax).  Once you are 
>> satisfied, you can delete the "environment.prod.ts" from your 
>> [src-7.2]/config/ folder.  It's not used in 7.2 at all.
>> Tim
>> On Tuesday, February 8, 2022 at 12:26:12 PM UTC-6 Chris Clawson wrote:
>>> Thanks, Tim, but still frustrated!
>>> I understand you are saying to go to my old /src/environments directory, 
>>> and run this command:
>>> yarn env:yaml environment.prod.ts
>>> Here is the response I get:
>>> root@melo4:/opt/dspace-angular-old/src/environments# yarn env:yaml 
>>> environment.prod.ts
>>> yarn run v1.22.17
>>> error Command "env:yaml" not found.
>>> -- embarrassing, did I break something?
>>> On Tuesday, February 8, 2022 at 12:55:19 PM UTC-5 Tim Donohue wrote:
 Hi Chris,

 That "yarn env:yaml" command only requires one input, whish is your old 
 "environment.*.ts" file.  So, 

[dspace-tech] Re: How to migrate your UI Configurations to YAML ?

2022-02-08 Thread Chris Clawson
Thank you. Yes, it is a bit awkward. 
I kept and renamed my 7.1 angular directory and properly referenced  
"environment.prod.ts" in the yarn command. I moved the new config.prod.yml 
to it's proper place and ran the " yarn run build:prod" command to build 
the final production version.
I will later delete my old version directories. 

Everything seemed to finish well, although a full system reboot failed to 
start angular as a service. I guess this is my last barrier to a functional 
upgrade, but it is the stuff of a new thread if I need help.
Again - I appreciate the support and am happy to help ring out the new 

On Tuesday, February 8, 2022 at 5:58:07 PM UTC-5 Tim Donohue wrote:

> Hi Chris,
> You are 100% correct.  It looks like during 7.2 development, after we 
> created the "yarn env:yaml" script, we then moved some code around, and 
> broke those imports at the top of the old "environment.prod.ts".   So, if 
> you copy it over into the 7.2 directory structure, it won't work because 
> those imports are broken.
> Currently, it appears there are two options:
> 1) If your 7.1 folder is separate for the 7.2 folder, you could keep 
> "environment.prod.ts" in the 7.1 directories, and *reference it* from the 
> 7.2 folder.  It'd be a little odd, but look kinda like this. You'd run this 
> from 7.2 root folder.
> yarn env:yaml ../../dspace-7.1-old/src/environments/environment.prod.ts 
> config/config.prod.yml
> 2) Or, if you want to copy your environment.prod.ts into the 7.2 
> directories first (or don't have the old 7.1 code handy), then do this:
> Remove/comment out all 4 existing imports in `environment.prod.ts`.  
> Replace them with these lines at the top of that file. (With those 4 
> imports removed, You need 4 objects, all of which are fully defined below)
> interface GlobalConfig { }
> enum NotificationAnimationsType {
> Fade = 'fade',
> FromTop = 'fromTop',
> FromRight = 'fromRight',
> FromBottom = 'fromBottom',
> FromLeft = 'fromLeft',
> Rotate = 'rotate',
> Scale = 'scale'
>   }
> enum BrowseByType {
> Title = 'title',
> Metadata = 'metadata',
> Date = 'date'
> }
> enum RestRequestMethod {
> GET = 'GET',
> POST = 'POST',
> PUT = 'PUT',
> HEAD = 'HEAD',
> }
> If you have those imports commented out, and replaced with those lines, 
> then the "environment.prod.ts" can be placed *anywhere* (as it no longer 
> has imports) and the "yarn env:yaml" command can be pointed at it wherever 
> it sits.
> I'll get this all moved over into our official docs, as this is obviously 
> more complex then I initially thought...but I'm glad you've helped us 
> discover the issue.
> Tim
> On Tuesday, February 8, 2022 at 4:18:19 PM UTC-6 Chris Clawson wrote:
>> Still doesn't work and I think I know why. The environment.prod.ts file 
>> declares 4 files to import, so the script is unable to find them if  
>> environment.prod.ts is placed in some arbitrary location under the DSpace 
>> 7.2 angular root directory. Shall I presume that these import paths  need 
>> to point to the earlier, DSpace 7.1 files? I guess I may eventually figure 
>> it out. Unless I hear different, I suppose I need to modify 
>> environment.prod.ts to correctly point to these other 4 files:
>> ../config/global-config.interface
>> ../app/shared/notifications/models/notification-animations-type
>> ../app/browse-by/browse-by-switcher/browse-by-decorator
>> ../app/core/data/rest-request-method
>> On Tuesday, February 8, 2022 at 3:54:58 PM UTC-5 Tim Donohue wrote:
>>> Hi Chris,
>>> It sounds like our the docs need clarifying here.  You need to run `yarn 
>>> env:yaml` from the *NEW 7.2 codebase directory*.  Since you are trying to 
>>> run it from your old 7.1 code, it is throwing an error as that command 
>>> didn't exist in the 7.1 codebase.
>>> So, the docs were written assuming you were going to essentially install 
>>> 7.2 "on top of" 7.1.  In that situation, you'd have the 7.2 code...but your 
>>> old 7.1 "environment.prod.ts" would still be around (as the update to 7.2 
>>> doesn't delete that file).
>>> For your purposes, it sounds like your 7.2 code *is in a separate 
>>> directory from 7.1 code*.  So, for your purposes, do this:
>>> 1. Copy the "src/environment/environment.prod.ts" from your 7.1 (old) 
>>> directory, over into the 7.2 (new) directory.  Where you choose to copy it 
>>> into doesn't really matter, but you could put it under "[src-7.2]/config", 
>>> where the configs eventually need to be.
>>> 2. Now, go to [src-7.2] (root 7.2 directory) and run:  "yarn env:yaml 
>>> config/environment.prod.ts config/config.prod.yml".   
>>> That should be it.  You can then look at that config/config.prod.yml to 
>>> double check it looks correct (the same settings exist in both the YAML and 
>>> TS config files, they just have a different syntax).  Once you 

[dspace-tech] Re: I can't login to my Dspace Backend login.

2022-02-08 Thread Phillip jan
So, I tried creating a new admin with an even easier password. now it 
works. Maybe there is some issue with the first few created admins. I 
located the eperson table in pgadmin 3, it shows that all of the admin 
emails are correct but i dont know about the password. Thanks for your 
time, Sir!

On Wednesday, February 9, 2022 at 2:02:36 AM UTC+8 Tim Donohue wrote:

> Hi,
> Unfortunately, we'd need more information about your setup. That error 
> message is just saying that either your email address or password was 
> incorrect.  So, you may want to double check that your email is really 
> "myemail" (which appears to be what you entered), and make sure you typed 
> the password correctly. 
> As an example, if you call "create-administrator", you are prompted for an 
> email and a password.  If you enter the email "te...@test.edu" and 
> password "testing123", then you'd have to enter "te...@test.edu" and 
> "testing123" in the login form in order to authenticate.
> If this doesn't help, then you may want to also check your other log 
> files... maybe there's an second error in your Tomcat logs or Postgres logs 
> which is resulting in this login failure.  You also should verify that when 
> you call "create-administrator", no errors appear in your dspace.log (if 
> they do, then the administrative user is not being created successfully).
> Let us know on this list if you have further questions.
> Tim
> On Monday, February 7, 2022 at 11:40:20 PM UTC-6 phillip...@gmail.com 
> wrote:
>> Im getting this in the logs: 
>> 2022-02-08 13:38:30,228 INFO  unknown unknown 
>> org.dspace.authenticate.PasswordAuthentication @ 
>> anonymous::authenticate:attempting password auth of user="myemail"
>> 2022-02-08 13:38:30,230 INFO  unknown unknown 
>> org.dspace.app.rest.security.EPersonRestAuthenticationProvider @ 
>> anonymous::failed_login:email= "myemail"  , result=2
>> 2022-02-08 13:38:30,230 ERROR unknown unknown 
>> org.dspace.app.rest.security.StatelessLoginFilter @ Authentication failed 
>> (status:401)
>> org.springframework.security.authentication.BadCredentialsException: 
>> Login failed
>> at 
>> org.dspace.app.rest.security.EPersonRestAuthenticationProvider.authenticateNewLogin(EPersonRestAuthenticationProvider.java:129)
>> ~[classes/:7.2]
>> at 
>> org.dspace.app.rest.security.EPersonRestAuthenticationProvider.authenticate(EPersonRestAuthenticationProvider.java:76)
>> ~[classes/:7.2]
>> at 
>> org.springframework.security.authentication.ProviderManager.authenticate(ProviderManager.java:175)
>> ~[spring-security-core-5.2.2.RELEASE.jar:5.2.2.RELEASE]
>> at 
>> org.dspace.app.rest.security.StatelessLoginFilter.attemptAuthentication(StatelessLoginFilter.java:74)
>> [classes/:7.2]
>> at 
>> org.springframework.security.web.authentication.AbstractAuthenticationProcessingFilter.doFilter(AbstractAuthenticationProcessingFilter.java:212)
>> [spring-security-web-5.2.2.RELEASE.jar:5.2.2.RELEASE]
>> at 
>> org.springframework.security.web.FilterChainProxy$VirtualFilterChain.doFilter(FilterChainProxy.java:334)
>> [spring-security-web-5.2.2.RELEASE.jar:5.2.2.RELEASE]
>> at 
>> org.dspace.app.rest.security.StatelessAuthenticationFilter.doFilterInternal(StatelessAuthenticationFilter.java:102)
>> [classes/:7.2]
>> at 
>> org.springframework.web.filter.OncePerRequestFilter.doFilter(OncePerRequestFilter.java:119)
>> [spring-web-5.2.5.RELEASE.jar:5.2.5.RELEASE]
>> at 
>> org.springframework.security.web.FilterChainProxy$VirtualFilterChain.doFilter(FilterChainProxy.java:334)
>> [spring-security-web-5.2.2.RELEASE.jar:5.2.2.RELEASE]
>> at 
>> org.springframework.security.web.csrf.CsrfFilter.doFilterInternal(CsrfFilter.java:141)
>> [spring-security-web-5.2.2.RELEASE.jar:5.2.2.RELEASE]
>> at 
>> org.springframework.web.filter.OncePerRequestFilter.doFilter(OncePerRequestFilter.java:119)
>> [spring-web-5.2.5.RELEASE.jar:5.2.5.RELEASE]
>> at 
>> org.springframework.security.web.FilterChainProxy$VirtualFilterChain.doFilter(FilterChainProxy.java:334)
>> [spring-security-web-5.2.2.RELEASE.jar:5.2.2.RELEASE]
>> at 
>> org.springframework.web.filter.CorsFilter.doFilterInternal(CorsFilter.java:92)
>> [spring-web-5.2.5.RELEASE.jar:5.2.5.RELEASE]
>> at 
>> org.springframework.web.filter.OncePerRequestFilter.doFilter(OncePerRequestFilter.java:119)
>> [spring-web-5.2.5.RELEASE.jar:5.2.5.RELEASE]
>> at 
>> org.springframework.security.web.FilterChainProxy$VirtualFilterChain.doFilter(FilterChainProxy.java:334)
>> [spring-security-web-5.2.2.RELEASE.jar:5.2.2.RELEASE]
>> at 
>> org.springframework.security.web.header.HeaderWriterFilter.doHeadersAfter(HeaderWriterFilter.java:92)
>> [spring-security-web-5.2.2.RELEASE.jar:5.2.2.RELEASE]
>> at 
>> org.springframework.security.web.header.HeaderWriterFilter.doFilterInternal(HeaderWrit

Re: [dspace-tech] DSpace 7.1. front page error

2022-02-08 Thread Mohammad S. AlMutairi
On Tuesday, February 8, 2022 at 7:23:55 PM UTC+3 Mark H. Wood wrote:

> Well, Ubuntu Focal has Solr in its package repository, but it's a 
> decade old, so Ubuntu is one of the distro.s on which you need to do 
> the installation manually. That means you'll need to create a user to 
> run it, very like Gentoo which I use. 
> I called that user 'solr'. I unpacked the Solr v8 files in 
> /opt/solr-8, created /var/solr-8 to hold the configuration and cores, 
> created /etc/solr-8 to hold the solr.in.sh and log4j2.xml, created 
> /var/log/solr-8 to hold the logs, and edited solr.in.sh to set 
> appropriately. I set the /var/lib/solr-8 directory and contents to be 
> owned by 'solr'. I created an initscript (Ubuntu will need a "system 
> unit" or some such) to start /opt/solr-8/bin/solr as user 'solr' 
> running in ${SOLR_HOME}, with SOLR_INCLUDE set to 
> '/etc/solr-8/solr.in.sh' and passing options '-p 8983 -s 
> ${SOLR_HOME}'. Much of this is what one does for any daemon that 
> isn't in the package manager. 
> At that point Solr should start and run, with no cores. I created a 
> directory ${SOLR_HOME}/ds7 and copied the DSpace 7 empty cores to 
> there, setting them owned by 'solr'. (You can put the cores directly 
> into ${SOLR_HOME} but I like to keep related cores organized this 
> way.)

I see why you doing it manually. Gentoo is not included as one of the 
supported OS's ( Debian, RedHat, The late CentOS, SuSE and Darwin are the 
supported ones ). By using the bundled installation script it will do just 
all of that. In Ubuntu it will create the Solr folders in accordance with 
the default Ubuntu filesystem hierarchy and will sets the main Solr 
environment variables as it seen below where the cores by default can be 
placed/copied into $SOLR_HOME or $SOLR_HOME/configsets ... Solr and the 
Dspace 4 cores installation are perfectly fine. I think the issue is with 
the solr-reindex-statistics script it's still referencing the statistics 
core in it's original location and that's should explain why I had to add 
that location as an allowed path to satisfy Solr ( 
https://solr.apache.org/guide/8_11/format-of-solr-xml.html. ). I'm totally 
new to dspace  ( Three months ). I was surprised seeing your comment that 
Dspace services by design can be isolated and the communication between the 
services should happen over the network and they do not need direct
access to each others' files.

# /etc/default/solr.in.sh

With reference to the dspace-tech discussion linked above: I don't 
> know where Solr is getting that path '/dspace/solr/statistics'. We 
> would need to see how Solr is configured at that site. Assuming that 
> DSpace is installed at '/dspace', then '/dspace/solr/*' should have 
> been copied into ${SOLR_HOME} and the copies set owned by the user 
> that runs Solr. The copies in '/dspace' are just templates, and are 
> not referenced by DSpace or Solr in use.

It's not specific to how Solr installed on Chris server. It can be easily 
replicated on any Linux distro by excluding [dspace]/solr/statistics from 
Solr Allowed paths and running [dspace]/bin/dspace solr-reindex-statistics 
( I confirm this issue still exist in Dspace 7.2 ).

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[dspace-tech] Re: How to migrate your UI Configurations to YAML ?

2022-02-08 Thread Mohammad S. AlMutairi
On Wednesday, February 9, 2022 at 2:47:08 AM UTC+3 Chris Clawson wrote:

> Everything seemed to finish well, although a full system reboot failed to 
> start angular as a service. I guess this is my last barrier to a 
> functional upgrade, but it is the stuff of a new thread if I need help.
You need to replace the ExecStart line in the service startup script as you 
see below and you also need to change the WorkingDirectory path to reflect 
the new path if it's changed.
vi /lib/systemd/system/dspace-angular.service
ExecStart=/usr/bin/node dist/server/main

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