Re: [Dspace-tech] media filter problem

2009-09-23 Thread Susan Teague Rector
Hi all,
Just wondering if anyone else is having this issue - I haven't seen 
other comments, which leads me to believe it's either a) a bug or b) our 

Thanks for your help!


Susan Teague Rector wrote:
 Hi all,
 I've been searching in the archives, but haven't found the specific 
 problem I'm having

 I'm on Dspace 1.4.1 and when I run the filter media program, I'm 
 receiving a ton of null pointer exceptions, especially on jpeg files:


 I'm not sure that this is related, but what's happening is that  on the 
 item view, I can see the word 'thumbnail' but there is no image there. 
 If I log in and click on 'edit' to see all metadata, I can view the 
 generated thumbnail.

 See an example here:

 Thanks in advance


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Re: [Dspace-tech] media filter problem

2009-09-23 Thread Susan Teague Rector
Hi Sue,
Thanks - I've had those errors as well - How do you switch to xpdf?


 Hi Susan,
  I'm not sure if the problem we were having is related to yours since 
 you're dealing with .jpg files (we have all .pdfs), but we saw lots of 
 similar errors prior to switching from the use of PDFBox to xpdftotext and 
 xpdftothumbnail.  When we were using PDFBox, approximately 10% of the 
 documents in our repository would not filter due to errors that looked 
 suspiciously like the ones you're getting.  Now that we've switched to xpdf, 
 100% of our documents filter successfully.

 -Original Message-
 From: Susan Teague Rector [] 
 Sent: Wednesday, September 23, 2009 3:07 PM
 Subject: Re: [Dspace-tech] media filter problem

 Hi all,
 Just wondering if anyone else is having this issue - I haven't seen 
 other comments, which leads me to believe it's either a) a bug or b) our 

 Thanks for your help!


 Susan Teague Rector wrote:
 Hi all,
 I've been searching in the archives, but haven't found the specific 
 problem I'm having

 I'm on Dspace 1.4.1 and when I run the filter media program, I'm 
 receiving a ton of null pointer exceptions, especially on jpeg files:


 I'm not sure that this is related, but what's happening is that  on the 
 item view, I can see the word 'thumbnail' but there is no image there. 
 If I log in and click on 'edit' to see all metadata, I can view the 
 generated thumbnail.

 See an example here:

 Thanks in advance


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 is the only developer event you need to attend this year. Jumpstart your
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[Dspace-tech] media filter problem

2009-09-18 Thread Susan Teague Rector

Hi all,

A follow-up to this email - it looks like we're having issues with jpegs 
across the board, both with the media filter and with upload. Png's and 
gif's load and open without problems; jpeg's do not

Anybody else having this issue?


Susan Teague Rector wrote:
 Hi all,
 I've been searching in the archives, but haven't found the specific 
 problem I'm having

 I'm on Dspace 1.4.1 and when I run the filter media program, I'm 
 receiving a ton of null pointer exceptions, especially on jpeg files:


 I'm not sure that this is related, but what's happening is that  on the 
 item view, I can see the word 'thumbnail' but there is no image there. 
 If I log in and click on 'edit' to see all metadata, I can view the 
 generated thumbnail.

 See an example here:

 Thanks in advance


 Come build with us! The BlackBerryreg; Developer Conference in SF, CA
 is the only developer event you need to attend this year. Jumpstart your
 developing skills, take BlackBerry mobile applications to market and stay 
 ahead of the curve. Join us from November 9#45;12, 2009. Register now#33;
 DSpace-tech mailing list

Come build with us! The BlackBerryreg; Developer Conference in SF, CA
is the only developer event you need to attend this year. Jumpstart your
developing skills, take BlackBerry mobile applications to market and stay 
ahead of the curve. Join us from November 9#45;12, 2009. Register now#33;
DSpace-tech mailing list

[Dspace-tech] media filter problem

2009-09-17 Thread Susan Teague Rector
Hi all,
I've been searching in the archives, but haven't found the specific 
problem I'm having

I'm on Dspace 1.4.1 and when I run the filter media program, I'm 
receiving a ton of null pointer exceptions, especially on jpeg files:


I'm not sure that this is related, but what's happening is that  on the 
item view, I can see the word 'thumbnail' but there is no image there. 
If I log in and click on 'edit' to see all metadata, I can view the 
generated thumbnail.

See an example here:

Thanks in advance


Come build with us! The BlackBerryreg; Developer Conference in SF, CA
is the only developer event you need to attend this year. Jumpstart your
developing skills, take BlackBerry mobile applications to market and stay 
ahead of the curve. Join us from November 9#45;12, 2009. Register now#33;
DSpace-tech mailing list

Re: [Dspace-tech] help! migration causes slow loading of files

2009-09-10 Thread susan teague-rector
Hi Vishal,

We don't necessarily need to use https: for everything - it was easier 
to set up with mod_jk

Has anyone set their instance up with http and then used https only for 


Vishal Kakapuri wrote:
 i also tried to access -;
 is dead slow..
 I wanted to know one thing - why do you need https for everything..
 even for links to pdf..if they are to be accessed public.

 Can't you have something which uses HTTPS only for data transfer pages
 or request paremeters sent across.

 On Thu, Sep 3, 2009 at 10:18 PM, susan teague-rector wrote:
 Hi All,
 I migrated my database, assetstore  application to a new server this
 morning (after doing a test migration last week)
 All seems great until I click on a pdf (or other file) in a record. The
 server just sits and spins and the file never opens.
 I've migrated to a new linux server with twice the amount of memory, so
 it seems like memory shouldn't be the problem.
 I'm not seeing anything at all in the error logs.
 I'm still running Dspace 1.4.1

 Does anyone have any ideas what may have happened?

 Thanks so much,


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Re: [Dspace-tech] help! migration causes slow loading of files

2009-09-09 Thread susan teague-rector
Thanks Van - will chekc on it
Thanks so much

Federico Lazcano wrote:
 El Tuesday 08 September 2009 21:29:28 Van Ly escribió:
 On 09/09/2009, at 2:19 AM, susan teague rector wrote:
 For example, here's a couple of larger files (although they're
 still on
 ~24 mb) on our production instance:
 These files never open, but rather just spin.
 Hi Susan,

 I am able to slowly fetch all that file and it renders partially as
 it downloads. You may want to check the local network interface is OK
 or too busy or if there is network traffic throttling deliberately
 slowing transfers somewhere in-between.

 Best wishes,

 Van Ly
 vly at usyd dot edu dot au


 Check for errors in the ethernet interface, for example

 la...@dev:~$ ifconfig
 eth0  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:e0:4c:84:8e:27
   inet addr:200.XX.XXX.XX  Bcast:200.XX.XXX.XX  Mask:
   inet6 addr: fe80::2e0:4cff:fe84:8e27/64 Scope:Link
   RX packets:2670273 errors:62604 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
   TX packets:1238207 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
   collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
   RX bytes:424462774 (404.7 MB)  TX bytes:285456371 (272.2 MB)
   Interrupt:11 Base address:0xec00

 is really really slow. 

 We're planning to check the network interface card.


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DSpace-tech mailing list

Re: [Dspace-tech] help! migration causes slow loading of files

2009-09-08 Thread susan teague rector
Hi all,

Well, my problem is bigger than expected as the files aren't loading 
quickly on either production or test.
Although we're still checking out university networking issues, I'm 
still curious to see if anyone has had trouble opening larger files 
through the Dspace app.
For example, here's a couple of larger files (although they're still on 
~24 mb) on our production instance:
These files never open, but rather just spin. I get no indication in any 
of the logs that there is an issue.
We're using tomcat/apache jk connector, running dspace 1.4.1 on linux

thank you!!

Claudia Jürgen wrote:
 Hi Susan,

 does the newly copied assetstore and its contents got the proper 
 rights i.e. does it belong to the dpace user?
 And does your dspace.cfg point to this assetstore?


 susan teague-rector schrieb:
 Hi all,
 I noticed someone else asked a similar question to mine 

 We're still stuck - we've tried to copy the assetstore over 2 times 
 today to our new server to no avail. I've also tried to reindex, but 
 that doesn't seem to affect my ability to view the files.

 Thanks in advance,


 susan teague-rector wrote:
 Hi All,
 I migrated my database, assetstore  application to a new server 
 this morning (after doing a test migration last week)
 All seems great until I click on a pdf (or other file) in a record. 
 The server just sits and spins and the file never opens.
 I've migrated to a new linux server with twice the amount of memory, 
 so it seems like memory shouldn't be the problem.
 I'm not seeing anything at all in the error logs.
 I'm still running Dspace 1.4.1

 Does anyone have any ideas what may have happened?

 Thanks so much,



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Re: [Dspace-tech] help! migration causes slow loading of files

2009-09-04 Thread susan teague-rector
hi Claudia,
It does have the proper rights - checked that yesterday eve.

My dspace.cfg points there

At this point, we think we may have a network issue, but we're still 
looking into that.

thanks so much for your help and let me know if you have other ideas 
about what it could be. Like I said, we've moved to a much larger server 
and I thought that would increase the load time of the files. I've also 
increased the JAVA_OPTS memory to a gig...


Claudia Jürgen wrote:
 Hi Susan,

 does the newly copied assetstore and its contents got the proper 
 rights i.e. does it belong to the dpace user?
 And does your dspace.cfg point to this assetstore?


 susan teague-rector schrieb:
 Hi all,
 I noticed someone else asked a similar question to mine 

 We're still stuck - we've tried to copy the assetstore over 2 times 
 today to our new server to no avail. I've also tried to reindex, but 
 that doesn't seem to affect my ability to view the files.

 Thanks in advance,


 susan teague-rector wrote:
 Hi All,
 I migrated my database, assetstore  application to a new server 
 this morning (after doing a test migration last week)
 All seems great until I click on a pdf (or other file) in a record. 
 The server just sits and spins and the file never opens.
 I've migrated to a new linux server with twice the amount of memory, 
 so it seems like memory shouldn't be the problem.
 I'm not seeing anything at all in the error logs.
 I'm still running Dspace 1.4.1

 Does anyone have any ideas what may have happened?

 Thanks so much,



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DSpace-tech mailing list

[Dspace-tech] help! migration causes slow loading of files

2009-09-03 Thread susan teague-rector
Hi All,
I migrated my database, assetstore  application to a new server this 
morning (after doing a test migration last week)
All seems great until I click on a pdf (or other file) in a record. The 
server just sits and spins and the file never opens.
I've migrated to a new linux server with twice the amount of memory, so 
it seems like memory shouldn't be the problem.
I'm not seeing anything at all in the error logs.
I'm still running Dspace 1.4.1

Does anyone have any ideas what may have happened?

Thanks so much,


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trial. Simplify your report design, integration and deployment - and focus on 
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Crystal Reports now.
DSpace-tech mailing list

Re: [Dspace-tech] help! migration causes slow loading of files

2009-09-03 Thread susan teague-rector
Hi all,
I noticed someone else asked a similar question to mine 

We're still stuck - we've tried to copy the assetstore over 2 times 
today to our new server to no avail. I've also tried to reindex, but 
that doesn't seem to affect my ability to view the files.

Thanks in advance,


susan teague-rector wrote:
 Hi All,
 I migrated my database, assetstore  application to a new server this 
 morning (after doing a test migration last week)
 All seems great until I click on a pdf (or other file) in a record. The 
 server just sits and spins and the file never opens.
 I've migrated to a new linux server with twice the amount of memory, so 
 it seems like memory shouldn't be the problem.
 I'm not seeing anything at all in the error logs.
 I'm still running Dspace 1.4.1

 Does anyone have any ideas what may have happened?

 Thanks so much,


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 trial. Simplify your report design, integration and deployment - and focus on 
 what you do best, core application coding. Discover what's new with 
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trial. Simplify your report design, integration and deployment - and focus on 
what you do best, core application coding. Discover what's new with 
Crystal Reports now.
DSpace-tech mailing list

[Dspace-tech] versions of postgres and dspace

2009-08-28 Thread susan teague-rector
Hi all,

We're currently running 1.4.1 for dspace on linux and postgres 
PostgreSQL 7.4.19

We're moving to a new linux server next week; I'm going to keep dspace 
running at 1.4.1 for now...but I wanted to upgrade postgres since 7.4 is 

Does anyone forsee problems with the dspace database DDL syntax ?

Thanks in advance,


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trial. Simplify your report design, integration and deployment - and focus on 
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DSpace-tech mailing list

[Dspace-tech] oai feed question

2009-07-29 Thread Susan Teague Rector
Hi folks,

This may be a really obvious question (so please excuse if it is! :)
but for some reason when I do a ListRecords on our repository I only get 
a subset of records unless I use the from optional parameter
For example, this
only returns records from one of our sets  
( not 
the other
If I use the from parameter, it looks like it works: and 
pulls records back from the other set.
I've also tried to specify the set in the oai call to no avail.

Has anyone else come across something like this with Dspace OAI?

Thanks for any insight - it's probably something minor that I'm missing...


Susan Teague-Rector
Web Applications Manager
VCU Libraries

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trial. Simplify your report design, integration and deployment - and focus on 
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DSpace-tech mailing list

Re: [Dspace-tech] Java heap space error

2009-01-05 Thread Susan Teague Rector
HI Sue,
Just got this email. Thanks for forwarding. I would love to see the code 
if you can share.

We've also put George's changes in place. Just so happens that the 
culprit was our university's Google Search appliance which was bringing 
the server to its knees because of the browse indexes...

Thanks again for all the help!

Happy new year,

Thornton, Susan M. (LARC-B702)[NCI INFORMATION SYSTEMS] wrote:
 Hi Susan,
  We are also running 1.4.2 and have made some local mods to to work around the errors that occur in
 filter-media.  Our code basically writes the bitstream_id of the
 documents that cannot be filtered, whether it's due to invalid
 characters, non-OCR'd documents, or the Java heap space error, to a
 locally-created table.  Once a bitstream_id is written to that table,
 filter-media will not attempt to filter it again, and skips it.  A
 report is created from the entries in the local table and is sent to the
 Users for research and possible rescanning.  We have identified a lot of
 documents this way that were scanned, but not OCR'd.  We've also
 identified quite a few documents that corrupted and could not even be
 opened in DSpace.

  I'd be happy to send you our code if you're interested.

 Happy Holidays,
 Sue Walker-Thornton

 Sue Walker-Thornton
 ConITS Contract
 NASA Langley Research Center
 Integrated Library Systems Application  Database Administrator
 130 Research Drive
 Hampton, VA  23666
 Office: (757) 224-4074
 Fax:(757) 224-4001
 Pager: (757) 988-2547 

 -Original Message-
 From: susan rector [] 
 Sent: Monday, December 22, 2008 8:15 AM
 To: George Stanley Kozak
 Subject: Re: [Dspace-tech] Java heap space error

 Thanks George,

 Hmmm. I'm looking at our logs now.

 I would love to see the configs if you would forward.

 I've had trouble with the filter-media program, too and recently took it

 out of cron...

 Thanks again,

 George Stanley Kozak wrote:

 Yes, I have been having the same problem.  I narrowed it down to what
 think is a malicious harvester.  I have blocked them temporarily and I
 think everything is OK (at least for the last 3 days).

 I made some changes to my Tomcat and PostgreSQL config files as well
 allocate more memory and Mark Diggory suggested using mod_cband
 to throttle back aggressive clients.

 Susan Thornton of NASA said that at her site this is caused by the
 filter-media program.

 If you'd like to see what my configs are set to, I'll be happy to
 share that.
 Happy holidays all,

 Need some advice.

 My dspace app is crashing every other day, with a memory leak error
 popping up in the Tomcat logs:

 Dec 21, 2008 3:17:46 AM
 org.apache.tomcat.util.threads.ThreadPool$ControlRunnable run
 SEVERE: Caught exception (java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap
 executing org.apache.jk.common.channelsocket$socketconnect...@7f84c9,
 terminating thread

 I'm still running Dspace 1.4.2 on RedHat Linux 5. Postgres is my
 Anyone else been through this with the Dspace app?


 Susan Teague Rector
 VCU Libraries

 DSpace-tech mailing list

 George Kozak
 Web Development and Management
 Digital Media Group
 501 Olin Library
 Cornell University 14853


 DSpace-tech mailing list

Susan Teague Rector
Web Applications Manager
Library Information Systems, VCU Libraries
804.827.3554 |

DSpace-tech mailing list

Re: [Dspace-tech] thumbnails

2008-08-21 Thread Susan Teague Rector
Thanks - will try it out
I did see one error yesterday, but it seemed to keep chugging along.

Dorothea Salo wrote:
 I just ran /usr/local/filter-media

 Thumbnails aren't showing up

 What am I missing?


 Watch the output from filter-media. My first instinct is to suggest
 that you've been bitten by the PDF-filtering bug such that it's
 crashing out before it reaches your images.

 My dspace.cfg-fu is weak this morning, but maybe try turning PDF
 filtering off and run filter-media again?



Susan Teague Rector
Web Applications Manager
Library Information Systems, VCU Libraries
804.827.3554 | [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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DSpace-tech mailing list

[Dspace-tech] thumbnails

2008-08-20 Thread Susan Teague Rector
Hi All,

I think I'm missing something. I have these settings in my dspace.cfg:

# max dimensions of the browse/search thumbs. Must be = thumbnail.maxwidth
# and thumbnail.maxheight. Only need to be set if required to be smaller 
# dimension of thumbnails generated by mediafilter (1.2+)
webui.browse.thumbnail.maxheight = 80
webui.browse.thumbnail.maxwidth = 80

# whether to display the thumb against each bitstream (1.2+) = true

# where should clicking on a thumbnail from browse/search take the user
# Only values currently supported are item and bitstream
webui.browse.thumbnail.linkbehaviour = item

I just ran /usr/local/filter-media

Thumbnails aren't showing up

What am I missing?


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Build the coolest Linux based applications with Moblin SDK  win great prizes
Grand prize is a trip for two to an Open Source event anywhere in the world
DSpace-tech mailing list

Re: [Dspace-tech] Understanding Workflow Authorizations

2008-07-01 Thread Susan Teague Rector
Hi Claudia,

Yesterday afternoon when I was pulling my hair out, I thought this was 
probably a customization that we implemented last year. Apparently, no 
one testing over the past year has noticed that the file link is gone 
during approval (including myself!). We have a strange set up here in 
that we did customizations and got the system ready a year ago, but no 
one wanted to use it until now...

I switched the logging to debug mode and noticed that resource policies 
are selected before the preview task page is displayed. So I thinking 
that the embargo patch that I loaded (and customized) last year to 
accommodate our ETDs is the culprit. I've also loaded Tim Donahue's 
Configurable Submission system...

Thanks again for your help - I'll take it from here and email the list 
if it's not my own customization bug...eek...


Claudia Jürgen wrote:
 Hi Susan,

 I think this is no authorization problem, but most probably related to 
 customization you made, as the bitstream display is not there if I 
 understood you right. In a vanilla 1.4.2 the workflow pages are 
 displayed correctly. What customizations do you got apart from CSS.


 Susan Teague Rector schrieb:
 Does anyone know
 Could this have to do with permissions at the server directory level?
 Once I approve the item, the file is accessible - it's just in the 
 approval process, I can't access it at all

 Susan Teague Rector wrote:
 Hi Dorothea,

 Thanks for your help!

 All steps have 4 people assigned (including the collection 
 administrator and the administrator of the system).

 Don't know if this matters, but I'm still using Dspace 1.4.2 and 
 have Tim's configurable submission system in place.


 Dorothea Salo wrote:
 On Mon, Jun 30, 2008 at 12:47 PM, Susan Teague Rector 
 No - I thought for sure I had seen a link before - Tis not there...
 There is a link for the license...
 That's strange. If you edit the collection, which of the three steps
 (Accept/Reject, Accept/Reject/Edit Metadata, Edit Metadata) actually
 has people/groups attached to it?



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[Dspace-tech] Understanding Workflow Authorizations

2008-06-30 Thread Susan Teague Rector
Hello all,

I thought I understood the workflow  authorizations in Dspace, but I'm 
beginning to think I may not -

Here's the scenario
1 - User uploads an item.
2 - Collection admin logs into the 'My Account' page and sees the 
3 - Collection admin 'Takes the Task' and then 'Accepts the Task'.
4 - On the 'Perform Task' page, collection admin sees a summary of the 
metadata, file name and description and license as well as opens to 
'Approve', 'Reject' etc.

I thought at this point, the admin would be able to open the file to 
look at it; however, there is no link for the file.

Maybe a silly questions, but is there an authorization that I can set to 
allow the collection admin to be able to open the file while it's still 
in an unapproved state?

I have given the collection admin the following authorizations:


Thanks for your help,


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DSpace-tech mailing list

Re: [Dspace-tech] Understanding Workflow Authorizations

2008-06-30 Thread Susan Teague Rector
No - I thought for sure I had seen a link before - Tis not there...
There is a link for the license...

Dorothea Salo wrote:
 I thought at this point, the admin would be able to open the file to
 look at it; however, there is no link for the file.

 Is there a link for the file on the previous screens (accept and
 perform task)? I suspect this may be a usability wart rather than a
 permissions error.



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Re: [Dspace-tech] Understanding Workflow Authorizations

2008-06-30 Thread Susan Teague Rector
Hi Dorothea,

Thanks for your help!

All steps have 4 people assigned (including the collection administrator 
and the administrator of the system).

Don't know if this matters, but I'm still using Dspace 1.4.2 and have 
Tim's configurable submission system in place.


Dorothea Salo wrote:
 On Mon, Jun 30, 2008 at 12:47 PM, Susan Teague Rector [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 No - I thought for sure I had seen a link before - Tis not there...
 There is a link for the license...

 That's strange. If you edit the collection, which of the three steps
 (Accept/Reject, Accept/Reject/Edit Metadata, Edit Metadata) actually
 has people/groups attached to it?



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DSpace-tech mailing list

Re: [Dspace-tech] Understanding Workflow Authorizations

2008-06-30 Thread Susan Teague Rector
Does anyone know
Could this have to do with permissions at the server directory level?
Once I approve the item, the file is accessible - it's just in the 
approval process, I can't access it at all

Susan Teague Rector wrote:
 Hi Dorothea,

 Thanks for your help!

 All steps have 4 people assigned (including the collection administrator 
 and the administrator of the system).

 Don't know if this matters, but I'm still using Dspace 1.4.2 and have 
 Tim's configurable submission system in place.


 Dorothea Salo wrote:
 On Mon, Jun 30, 2008 at 12:47 PM, Susan Teague Rector [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 No - I thought for sure I had seen a link before - Tis not there...
 There is a link for the license...
 That's strange. If you edit the collection, which of the three steps
 (Accept/Reject, Accept/Reject/Edit Metadata, Edit Metadata) actually
 has people/groups attached to it?



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Susan Teague Rector
Web Applications Manager
VCU Libraries

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just about anything Open Source.
DSpace-tech mailing list

[Dspace-tech] advanced/wildcard authorization help!

2008-06-13 Thread Susan Teague Rector
Hi folks,

Happy Friday...

I'm using Dspace 1.4.1 and need help with authorizations...

I'm importing ETDs into a collection that needs to be ultimately 
restricted to a group of local users (VCU community users).

Here's what I've done so far:

- I've created a collection that is now open and readable by anonymous
- I've imported by ETDs into this collection
- I now need to use the advanced/wildcard authorization (at least I 
think I do) to take anonymous out of the policies and make this 
collection readable only by my VCU group (which is defined in the system 
per the MIT model of checking for emails  IPs).

The advanced/item wildcard policy tool does not seem to be working - 
 From looking online, this should change the permissions for all items 
in a collection, no?

In the tool I'm setting the following policies on my populated collection:

content type: item
group: VCU users
action: READ

content type: item
group: VCU users

content type: item
group: VCU users

Does anyone know why these aren't sticking? Where are these policies 
stored in the database? resourcepolicy table?

Thanks for any help you can provide


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Re: [Dspace-tech] advanced/wildcard authorization help!

2008-06-13 Thread Susan Teague Rector
Thanks Claudia,

So, I just set up a new collection to start fresh. Here's what I have 
for authorizations:

collection_admin   collection_167_admin
add collection_167_submit
default_bitstream_readVCU users
default_item_readVCU users
readVCU users

When I try to import, everything goes in fine, except that I can't see 
the item's file. What am I missing in the permissions?
Do I still need anonymous in there?

Thanks for all your help!

Claudia Jürgen wrote:
 Hi Susan,

 you should have set
 DEFAULT_ITEM_READ on the COLLECTION before importing. From these the 
 READ rights for the items and their bitstreams are derived during 

 If you want to use the advanced authorization tool to achieve the job, 
 you got to
 a) clear the policies for item/bitstreams
 b) then add READ rights for item/bitstreams
 per collection.

 Just adding a new right won't remove the old one.

 hope that helps


 Susan Teague Rector schrieb:
 Hi folks,

 Happy Friday...

 I'm using Dspace 1.4.1 and need help with authorizations...

 I'm importing ETDs into a collection that needs to be ultimately 
 restricted to a group of local users (VCU community users).

 Here's what I've done so far:

 - I've created a collection that is now open and readable by anonymous
 - I've imported by ETDs into this collection
 - I now need to use the advanced/wildcard authorization (at least I 
 think I do) to take anonymous out of the policies and make this 
 collection readable only by my VCU group (which is defined in the 
 system per the MIT model of checking for emails  IPs).

 The advanced/item wildcard policy tool does not seem to be working - 
  From looking online, this should change the permissions for all 
 items in a collection, no?

 In the tool I'm setting the following policies on my populated 

 content type: item
 group: VCU users
 action: READ

 content type: item
 group: VCU users

 content type: item
 group: VCU users

 Does anyone know why these aren't sticking? Where are these policies 
 stored in the database? resourcepolicy table?

 Thanks for any help you can provide



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Re: [Dspace-tech] advanced/wildcard authorization help!

2008-06-13 Thread Susan Teague Rector

I got it working...How or why? I'm not sure, but it's working :)

I created another collection with defaults and imported my items into 
that collection (i.e., change all the instances of VCU users in the 
table below to anonymous)
then, I went back and set gave all read auths to my VCU users group on 
the collection
then, I went into the authorization tool and cleared all policies.

Somehow that worked...I have no idea how this is working (as logically 
this makes absolutely no sense to me - I should have been able to import 
using the permissions below, no?)...


Susan Teague Rector wrote:
 Thanks Claudia,

 So, I just set up a new collection to start fresh. Here's what I have 
 for authorizations:

 collection_admin   collection_167_admin
 add collection_167_submit
 default_bitstream_readVCU users
 default_item_readVCU users
 readVCU users

 When I try to import, everything goes in fine, except that I can't see 
 the item's file. What am I missing in the permissions?
 Do I still need anonymous in there?

 Thanks for all your help!

 Claudia Jürgen wrote:
 Hi Susan,

 you should have set
 DEFAULT_ITEM_READ on the COLLECTION before importing. From these the 
 READ rights for the items and their bitstreams are derived during 

 If you want to use the advanced authorization tool to achieve the job, 
 you got to
 a) clear the policies for item/bitstreams
 b) then add READ rights for item/bitstreams
 per collection.

 Just adding a new right won't remove the old one.

 hope that helps


 Susan Teague Rector schrieb:
 Hi folks,

 Happy Friday...

 I'm using Dspace 1.4.1 and need help with authorizations...

 I'm importing ETDs into a collection that needs to be ultimately 
 restricted to a group of local users (VCU community users).

 Here's what I've done so far:

 - I've created a collection that is now open and readable by anonymous
 - I've imported by ETDs into this collection
 - I now need to use the advanced/wildcard authorization (at least I 
 think I do) to take anonymous out of the policies and make this 
 collection readable only by my VCU group (which is defined in the 
 system per the MIT model of checking for emails  IPs).

 The advanced/item wildcard policy tool does not seem to be working - 
  From looking online, this should change the permissions for all 
 items in a collection, no?

 In the tool I'm setting the following policies on my populated 

 content type: item
 group: VCU users
 action: READ

 content type: item
 group: VCU users

 content type: item
 group: VCU users

 Does anyone know why these aren't sticking? Where are these policies 
 stored in the database? resourcepolicy table?

 Thanks for any help you can provide



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 DSpace-tech mailing list

 Check out the new Marketplace.
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Check out the new Marketplace.
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DSpace-tech mailing list

Re: [Dspace-tech] advanced/wildcard authorization help!

2008-06-13 Thread Susan Teague Rector
I cannot access the items file at all from the item display page either 
being logged in or not.
I can see the metadata, however.

With default_bitstream_read VCU users, default_item_read  VCU users  
set I would assume the same thing :)
With both set (and nothing set for anonymous), you would be able to see 
my collections page, but when you clicked on an item, you would get 
prompted to login. That works great. What doesn't work in this scenario 
is the ability to actually access the file (pdf, txt, etc.) for the item.

Does this make sense?

Claudia Jürgen wrote:
 Hi Susan,

 what do you mean by can't see the item's file?
 default_bitstream_read VCU users
 default_item_read  VCU users
 set on a collection any item and it's bitstreams submitted to a 
 collection should only be visible to VCU users.
 Thus assuming I entered your DSpace instance as an anonymous user I 
 would see the items in browse listings and search results, but as soon 
 as I wanted to display an item I would be presented with the login page.



 Susan Teague Rector schrieb:
 Thanks Claudia,

 So, I just set up a new collection to start fresh. Here's what I have 
 for authorizations:

 collection_admin   collection_167_admin
 add collection_167_submit
 default_bitstream_readVCU users
 default_item_readVCU users
 readVCU users

 When I try to import, everything goes in fine, except that I can't 
 see the item's file. What am I missing in the permissions?
 Do I still need anonymous in there?

 Thanks for all your help!

 Claudia Jürgen wrote:
 Hi Susan,

 you should have set
 DEFAULT_ITEM_READ on the COLLECTION before importing. From these the 
 READ rights for the items and their bitstreams are derived during 

 If you want to use the advanced authorization tool to achieve the 
 job, you got to
 a) clear the policies for item/bitstreams
 b) then add READ rights for item/bitstreams
 per collection.

 Just adding a new right won't remove the old one.

 hope that helps


 Susan Teague Rector schrieb:
 Hi folks,

 Happy Friday...

 I'm using Dspace 1.4.1 and need help with authorizations...

 I'm importing ETDs into a collection that needs to be ultimately 
 restricted to a group of local users (VCU community users).

 Here's what I've done so far:

 - I've created a collection that is now open and readable by anonymous
 - I've imported by ETDs into this collection
 - I now need to use the advanced/wildcard authorization (at least I 
 think I do) to take anonymous out of the policies and make this 
 collection readable only by my VCU group (which is defined in the 
 system per the MIT model of checking for emails  IPs).

 The advanced/item wildcard policy tool does not seem to be working 
 -  From looking online, this should change the permissions for all 
 items in a collection, no?

 In the tool I'm setting the following policies on my populated 

 content type: item
 group: VCU users
 action: READ

 content type: item
 group: VCU users

 content type: item
 group: VCU users

 Does anyone know why these aren't sticking? Where are these 
 policies stored in the database? resourcepolicy table?

 Thanks for any help you can provide



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 Check out the new Marketplace.
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 DSpace-tech mailing list

Susan Teague Rector
Web Applications Manager
VCU Libraries

Check out the new Marketplace.
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just about anything Open Source.
DSpace-tech mailing list

Re: [Dspace-tech] advanced/wildcard authorization help!

2008-06-13 Thread Susan Teague Rector
Hi Claudia,
I am always checking 'New items should be publicly read' which may be 
the source of the problem. I'm going to try to create another collection 
this way and see how it goes.
thanks again!

Claudia Jürgen wrote:
 Hi Susan,

 hmm, that seems a bit weird.
 Basically, if you want to set up a collection with it's content both 
 item and bitstreams restricted this is done during the creation of the 
 Uncheck the first box in the Describe the collection page which 
 states New items should be publicly readable.
 In the next step enter your Collection information, then you got to 
 Authorization to Read.
 There select the group which should be able to access (read) the 
 items. Finish your collection creation and this will result in the 
 appropriate rights of DEFAULT_ITEM_READ and DEFAULT_BITSTREAM_READ set 
 to the group you selected. Note the READ on the collection itself 
 remains anonymous.


 Susan Teague Rector schrieb:

 I got it working...How or why? I'm not sure, but it's working :)

 I created another collection with defaults and imported my items into 
 that collection (i.e., change all the instances of VCU users in the 
 table below to anonymous)
 then, I went back and set gave all read auths to my VCU users group 
 on the collection
 then, I went into the authorization tool and cleared all policies.

 Somehow that worked...I have no idea how this is working (as 
 logically this makes absolutely no sense to me - I should have been 
 able to import using the permissions below, no?)...


 Susan Teague Rector wrote:
 Thanks Claudia,

 So, I just set up a new collection to start fresh. Here's what I 
 have for authorizations:

 collection_admin   collection_167_admin
 add collection_167_submit
 default_bitstream_readVCU users
 default_item_readVCU users
 readVCU users

 When I try to import, everything goes in fine, except that I can't 
 see the item's file. What am I missing in the permissions?
 Do I still need anonymous in there?

 Thanks for all your help!

 Claudia Jürgen wrote:
 Hi Susan,

 you should have set
 DEFAULT_ITEM_READ on the COLLECTION before importing. From these 
 the READ rights for the items and their bitstreams are derived 
 during submission.

 If you want to use the advanced authorization tool to achieve the 
 job, you got to
 a) clear the policies for item/bitstreams
 b) then add READ rights for item/bitstreams
 per collection.

 Just adding a new right won't remove the old one.

 hope that helps


 Susan Teague Rector schrieb:
 Hi folks,

 Happy Friday...

 I'm using Dspace 1.4.1 and need help with authorizations...

 I'm importing ETDs into a collection that needs to be ultimately 
 restricted to a group of local users (VCU community users).

 Here's what I've done so far:

 - I've created a collection that is now open and readable by 
 - I've imported by ETDs into this collection
 - I now need to use the advanced/wildcard authorization (at least 
 I think I do) to take anonymous out of the policies and make this 
 collection readable only by my VCU group (which is defined in the 
 system per the MIT model of checking for emails  IPs).

 The advanced/item wildcard policy tool does not seem to be working 
 -  From looking online, this should change the permissions for all 
 items in a collection, no?

 In the tool I'm setting the following policies on my populated 

 content type: item
 group: VCU users
 action: READ

 content type: item
 group: VCU users

 content type: item
 group: VCU users

 Does anyone know why these aren't sticking? Where are these 
 policies stored in the database? resourcepolicy table?

 Thanks for any help you can provide



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 Check out the new Marketplace.
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Susan Teague Rector
Web Applications Manager
VCU Libraries


[Dspace-tech] ETDs Dspace - Best Practices

2007-11-13 Thread Susan Teague Rector
Hi All,

I'm trying to get a sense of how many universities are using Dspace for 
ETDs and whether institutions are bulk loading ETDs as opposed to 
allowing students to self-submit.

I've looked through the literature, but have been unable to find 
anything on best practices for ETDs in Dspace. Please point me in the 
right direction if I should email another list.


Susan Teague Rector
Web Applications Manager
Library Information Systems, VCU Libraries
804.827.3554 | [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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DSpace-tech mailing list

[Dspace-tech] bulk load communities/collections

2007-10-03 Thread Susan Teague Rector
Good morning,
I want to to bulk load a list of communities and collections that are 
based on the University's schools  departments. Has anyone written a 
pl/sql or postgres procedure to do this that you could pass along?

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Re: [Dspace-tech] ldap dspace

2007-04-18 Thread Susan Teague Rector
Thanks Stuart,

I ended up writing a php script to connect to the ldap server from our 
dspace server. Worked.

Long story short. There were about 3 changes going on at the same time. 
The only one I had control over was a stupid error on my part - through 
the course of the past few weeks, the config file was clobbered (only on 
1 line) and one letter was changed in the ldap object context.
I guess no one noticed as there are only 3 people testing; I was able to 
log in, but no one else was.

Alas. Thanks for the tool tip - We use softerra on windows, but I don't 
have anything loaded on linux.

Thanks again,

Stuart Lewis [sdl] wrote:
 Hi Susan,

 I started receiving the following messages in my dspace log today:

 2007-04-17 15:29:25,244 WARN @
 javax.naming.AuthenticationException: [LDAP: error code 49 - NDS error:
 failed authentication (-669)]

 I'm guessing you are authenticating against Novell? The standard LDAP error
 code 49, and Novell's error code -669 just mean bad username or password,
 so aren't very helpful.

 One little tool that is very useful in debugging LDAP problems is the 'LDAP

 You can give this the same information that you used to configure LDAP in
 DSpace, and see if it lets you in. If it does, the problem will be with
 DSpace (although you say you have changed anything so hopefully it is fine),
 or if it doesn't, the problem will be with the LDAP service.

 If it does also fail, it gives you a nice tool to take to the LDAP
 administrators to show that connections are not working. They should be able
 to turn on tracing to watch authentication attempts to their LDAP service to
 see what is happening.

 Good luck!


 Datblygydd Cymwysiadau'r WeWeb Applications Developer
 Gwasanaethau Gwybodaeth  Information Services
 Prifysgol Cymru Aberystwyth   University of Wales Aberystwyth

 E-bost / E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Ffon / Tel: (01970) 622860

Susan Teague Rector
Web Applications Manager
Library Information Systems, VCU Libraries
804.827.3554 | [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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DSpace-tech mailing list

[Dspace-tech] tomcat ssl

2007-04-12 Thread Susan Teague Rector
Hello all,

Not sure that this is really the right place for this question...but 
since I've been seeing a lot of Apache/Tomcat questions lately on the 
list, I thought I'd give it a try.

I'm wondering if you all are aware of any drawbacks to running Tomcat 
with SSL rather than Apache with SSL. Currently, I have Tomcat 5 
configured to run on :80 and SSL on :443. 
What are the differences between doing this and running Apache on :80, 
SSL on :443 and running Tomcat behind Apache?

Is anyone aware of performance issues with Dspace (or other Tomcat) 

The only reason I need SSL is for our Dspace login page which uses LDAP. 
Are most folks using Apache?

Thanks in advance,

Susan Teague Rector
Web Applications Manager
Library Information Systems, VCU Libraries
804.827.3554 | [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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[Dspace-tech] eperson popup error

2007-04-03 Thread Susan Teague Rector
Hi all,

I did a bad thing :).
I moved my search box to the upper right corner of the UI. The move of 
the form has now broken my eperson pop-ups

Is there a patch/fix for this? I did find something about changing the 
javascript from to window.document.forms[1] from 
window.document.forms[0], however this didn't seem to work.


thank you!


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Re: [Dspace-tech] styles.css.jsp

2007-03-20 Thread Susan Teague Rector
Thank you so much -
Doh! - I should have known that - thanks again!

Stuart Lewis [sdl] wrote:
 Hi Susan,

 ...but to answer your first question, edit:

 [dspace-src]/jsp/layout/header-default.jsp (about line 72)




 Datblygydd Cymwysiadau'r WeWeb Applications Developer
 Gwasanaethau Gwybodaeth  Information Services
 Prifysgol Cymru Aberystwyth   University of Wales Aberystwyth

 E-bost / E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Ffon / Tel: (01970) 622860

 On 19/3/07 21:18, Stuart Lewis [sdl] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi Susan,

 You should be able to edit styles.css.jsp 'live'. You can edit it in:


 JSPs usually automatically compile whenever they are changed, you don't need
 to worry about editing them in [dspace-src] and then recompiling and
 redeploying DSpace.

 The only caveat is to remember to copy your final version back into
 [dspace-src] so you don't loose your changes.

 Hope this helps,



 Datblygydd Cymwysiadau'r WeWeb Applications Developer
 Gwasanaethau Gwybodaeth  Information Services
 Prifysgol Cymru Aberystwyth   University of Wales Aberystwyth

 E-bost / E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Ffon / Tel: (01970) 622860

 On 19/3/07 17:11, Susan Teague Rector [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Has anyone else removed their css styles from a .jsp file yet? I'm
 getting ready to do this (I don't like having to recompile each time I
 change a style) and wanted to see if there were any gotchas.

 Is there a central location that I change the path from .jsp to .css?

 Thanks in advance!

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 DSpace-tech mailing list

Susan Teague Rector
Web Applications Manager
Library Information Systems, VCU Libraries
804.827.3554 | [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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