[DSTAR_DIGITAL] Re: D-STAR to APRS MSG and visa-versa

2009-01-26 Thread n0uyx
Right it totaly makes sense now because they two aren't equal but see 
that was my whole point of investigating this. Because I just did a 
Presentaion on APRS and that was a question that came up. APRS versus 
D-Star and all I knew at the time was that D-Star could send MSG from 
one radio to the other and from what I am told here it can not. But I 
just got off the the 2M Radio with a guy in Shreveport, LA who still 
tells me it can be done with a PC or maybe keyboard. So basically I 
am not getting the whole story or two different stories.

And I really appreciate Pete's explanation but man he needs to get 
some more common terms to use to help explain things better. It's 
like when I go to the Doctors office. They explain all these big 
words for simple body parts and I have to tell them to say it in lay 
mans terms. You know? 

But why is it a  simple straight answer is so hard to find these days?
Reason being is I am sick of staying up wee hours of the night doing 
stuff like this. Or reasearching up on something like D-Star for no 
good reason. I don't get enough rest as it is. I need simple and 
straight to the point answers please.

See all Pete had to say was. There is no Messaging in D-Star. That 
would have been the end of it. Except for maybe why do the guys in 
Shreveport, LA keep telling me there is. But why drag something as 
simple as there is no mesaaging in D-Star out like this? Because if 
D-Star had MSG capabilities then all would have to be done is set up 
a Server to tie the Two D-Star and APRS Servers together for the MSG 
mode. It doesn't matter if the two aren't compatable let the Computer 
or Server do all of the conversion, out the Internet to the Local D-
Star Repeater or APRS I-Gate and then on to the proper Station.

But this is where I am at. It doesn't matter to me what D-Star can or 
can't do at this point because even if I wanted one there is no point 
in it. I am in East Texas and we don't even have a decent APRS 
Network much less a D-Star repeater. So bottom line is this If I 
could affortd one of the high priced jewles I still couldn't use it. 
Unless I had two and had some type of Simplex link up. Because I dang 
sure can't afford a whole repeater. I can't even afford an FM 
Repeater much less a D-Star Repeater for that matter. Then where 
would I put it? All the Tower space is either taken or gone these 
days. I actually forsee Repeaters like we are used to in the past 
being a thing of the past. Instead of one big Tower and bunch of 
little towers linked together to get the same coverage. Like the cell 
Phone Network or APRS Network.

So like I said whats the point? I can't see the point of going 
DIGITAL with my Voice communications. FM sounds so much better than 
HF that I am totaly happy with that. So what do I need to save the 
extra band width for? I can't send Text MSG thru it. I see where you 
can add a exspensive GPS and send location DATA thru it but why? I 
can't add a laptop and see other stations on it like APRS can. D-STAR 
is going to have to add alot more features to sell these exspensive 
radios to us because at the present time it just isn't worth the 
hassle and change over from what we already have. It doesn't make 

We have to much invested in the old stuff at this point and time. And 
that is the bottom line. Oh and to add to that I believe in some 
other States there are other Radios for Public service in use already 
for different EMCOMM or official work. So when we add a D-Star radio 
to the list then we gotta find even more room for yet another radio 
under the dash. Great!


--- In dstar_digital@yahoogroups.com, Bob McCormick W1QA 
ya...@... wrote:

 Randall WW5RM wrote:
  Sorry I was told there was MSG capabilities on D-Star. 
  So you guys can't send a TEXT MSG from one radio to 
  the other? Right?
  If not then why not? Why go DIGITAL if you cant send a MSG?
 D-STAR has been out for quite some time now;
 there are a ton of resources on the Internet
 (and elsewhere) that probably can better describe
 (in both detail as well as high level) what D-STAR
 is all about.  
 I would strongly suggest that you consider delving
 into your favourite search engine and taking some
 time to come up to speed on the technology and
 capabilities.  That would probably be more prudent
 and efficient than having a number of folks attempting
 to answer your questions about why go digital 
 and what functions are and are not in D-STAR.
 To help you get going - the D-STAR implementation
 is one of a continuous stream of bits.  In that
 data stream we can carry both digital voice as
 well as a separate low speed data channel in parallel.
 None of today's radios do anything more with that
 data stream other than provide an interface that
 you can send/receive the bits (via serial interface).
 It is and was not designed as a packet based system;
 high level applications such as what is provided 
 today in cellular 

[DSTAR_DIGITAL] Re: D-STAR to APRS MSG and visa-versa

2009-01-26 Thread n0uyx
Man you guys are killing me. Do we or do we not have MSG capapbilities.
Crap how many times do I have to ask this question? OMG! If you can add
a MSG in the text of a beacon or whatever you guys call then yes it can
be done. I don't need to know your term for it just yes or no will do.
If I tell somebody who is not using APRS that we can send short
charater limited SMS CEll Phone MSG through the APRS Server SAMAIL,
WLNK-1 or WLNK-2 Server too they will say WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY?

Dang it guys what does it matter what the term you guys use for it is?
If you can add info into something that isn't being used then what does
it matter what term you guys use for it? Why me? And why is this so
dern hard? If it can be done then it is a Yes if not then it is
a No !

Life isn't this hard guys! This is to much like dealing with
Democrats and Lawyers! Neither one will ever give you a straight
answer! And they believe that a Grey area exsists between right and

At this point I really don't care any more. I don't have time for this

Good night!

[Moderator: Simple answer Yes]

{Disarmed} [DSTAR_DIGITAL] Re: D-STAR to APRS MSG and visa-versa

2009-01-26 Thread n0uyx
But that is APRS which has nothing to do with D-Star. Anybody can do
that without a radio. If you loose the Internet connection what
happens? You loose the MSG capabilities? Then how are you sending D-
Star MSG? Thru the Terminal program still? If so then great it can be
done what a freaking long way to get to this answer.

But to answer your questions yes I learned alot from my mistakes.
Never ever trust a woman! Give them enough rope and they will always
hang themselves! And a few others too. LOL Mainly that when most
people open their mouths its nothing but hot air rising.

But with the Terminal program can you send that same MSG not only
thru the Repeater but over the Internet as well? If so then we can
send MSG from APRS to D-Star and visa versa it's just a matter of
creating the software to convert the protocol or format of each and a
Server to do it. Probably the hardest part is it pulling the MSG out
of the D-Star string and putting back the response. Probably have to
have some type of ID to let it know this is a D-Star to APRS MSG
please send to the Server and visa versa. With the APRS side we will
need a name for the Server such as D-SMSG or something similar which
will direct it to the MSG Server for delivery to the D-Star unit. For
the D-Star user it wont leave much room for text. If it could be
something like APRS space then the text. Hopefully something short as
that or shorter so you don't loose to many characters. Maybe even AP
space and still leave room for 17 characters.

Anyways just food for thought I guess.

But now I have gotten some answers here.


[DSTAR_DIGITAL] Re: D-STAR to APRS MSG and visa-versa

2009-01-26 Thread Peter Loveall
--- In dstar_digital@yahoogroups.com, n0uyx n0...@... wrote:

 [Moderator: Simple answer Yes]

Actually, moderator, the simple answer is no.  The front 
panel message is not a message but a comment that is repeated as 
long as you are transmitting and is -not- passed to the Icom serial 
port.  It is also not part of the D-STAR protocol but an Icom 
extended use of the data portion of the digital voice frame.

The inclusion of the front panel message in the Icom GPS strings is 
also an Icom extension and is not part of the D-STAR protocol.  That 
is also repeated continuously while a person is tranmitting voice if 
GPS mode is enabled (GPS-A mode uses a different comment field).

It is very misleading to claim that the Icom radios do messaging.  
They don't.  GPS mode includes a fixed message that is repeated with 
the GPS information that can be retrieved via the serial port, 
period.  Unlike AX.25, this information is not protected, is not 
modifiable while transmitting, and is repeated as long as the radio 
is keyed down.

It is a mistake to look at the D-STAR digital voice protocol as a 
data protocol like AX.25.  It isn't.  They are completely different 
animals.  I understand N0UYX's consternation over this discussion.  
Because Icom called the front panel pre-programmed comment 
a message, everyone assumes (bad word, especially in this case) 
that the radios are messaging capable or that the protocol has 
messaging built-in.  They aren't and it doesn't.  D-STAR is purely a 
digital bit-streaming transport protocol which does it jobs (DV and 
DD) very well.  Programs like D-RATS, D-Chat, D-PRS, etc. make use of 
the Icom serial port extension for their transport mechanism (very 
well, also) but the serial port extension or the protocols those 
programs used should not be confused with the programmable radio 
capabilities or the D-STAR protocol.


Pete AE5PL

Re: [DSTAR_DIGITAL] Re: D-STAR to APRS MSG and visa-versa

2009-01-26 Thread Jay Maynard
On Mon, Jan 26, 2009 at 02:40:34PM -, n0uyx wrote:
 So can the D-Star dual band rig scan FM Repeaters on the Sub Band and 
 run D-Star on the Main band?

The IC-2820H can.
Jay Maynard, K5ZC at K6ZC port Bhttp://www.conmicro.com
http://www.k6zc.org  http://www.tronguy.net
http://jmaynard.livejournal.com   (Yes, that's me!)

Re: [DSTAR_DIGITAL] Re: D-STAR to APRS MSG and visa-versa

2009-01-26 Thread John Hays

I understand where you are coming from, and you are right to  
differentiate what is in the protocol.  However, if you are looking  
for the one word answer, you can, from a practical point of view, send  
a message over D-STAR.  It may require an external program like D- 
RATS, but it can be done.  To say that the D-STAR bitstream does not  
carry messages, is false.  The Icom extensions that put it on the  
display, or the GPS stuff, are just that, Icom extensions, but that  
doesn't mean there aren't other ways to send a message over D-STAR.   
No, it's not a packet protocol like AX.25, but you can embed data/ 
text in the D-STAR stream.

On Jan 26, 2009, at 4:04 AM, Peter Loveall wrote:

 --- In dstar_digital@yahoogroups.com, n0uyx n0...@... wrote:
  [Moderator: Simple answer Yes]

 Actually, moderator, the simple answer is no. The front
 panel message is not a message but a comment that is repeated as
 long as you are transmitting and is -not- passed to the Icom serial
 port. It is also not part of the D-STAR protocol but an Icom
 extended use of the data portion of the digital voice frame.

John Hays
Amateur Radio: K7VE

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Re: {Disarmed} [DSTAR_DIGITAL]

2009-01-26 Thread john_ke5c
 Why do people change the Subject to the message?  This wrecks
threads and
 makes following them very difficult because it becomes fragmented.

Most of the time I have seen it done the subject of the thread has
changed.  Yahoo has groups have messages, but Yahoo is not suited to
be thread-based forum, an excellent example of which, is
http://www.howardforums.com/ for cell phones.

BTW, why do people use mailers that add that distracting and
irritating {Disarmed} tag?  A direct post or reply on the groups
website would eliminate that.

73 -- John

[DSTAR_DIGITAL] D-Star Repeater System

2009-01-26 Thread Vicky Bagwalla-VA3VJB
Hello Group,


Does anyone know of a link that will explain step by step what equipment I
need to set up a D-STAR repeater system?


Thanks and 73


Vicky Bagwalla


blog: http://va3vjb.blogspot.com


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

RE: {Disarmed} [DSTAR_DIGITAL] Re: D-STAR to APRS MSG and visa-versa

2009-01-26 Thread Barry A. Wilson


 D-STAR (Digital Smart Technologies for Amateur Radio) is a digital voice
and data protocol specification developed as the result of research by the
Japan Amateur Radio League to investigate digital technologies for amateur
radio. It connects repeater sites over microwave and internet links to
provide a wide area ham radio network. You don't even need a D-STAR radio to
communicate with D-STAR radios if connected via a gateway.


   You can send text messages on D-STAR radios.  Avoiding all the technical
methodology if you connect a computer to a D-STAR radio you can send text
messages, files, pictures etc. with supporting software. All you need is
your D-STAR Radio, a data cable, a computer and a software program readily
available to send messages.  There are size limitations to your file sizes
sent on the DV Mode for efficiency sake.


   The radio will beacon short messages which you can either program into
the radio with software or keyboard enter them. Not efficient but works.


   If you connect your D-STAR DV capable radio to a computer it will
actually transmit your voice and computer data at the same time on the DV
data stream. So you can talk and send your data at the same time in the DV
mode.  If you have an ID-1 it has both DV and DD modes. in all of the radios
in DV mode your data is sent along with your voice. In the DD mode it is
data only and sent at about ISDN speeds. The DD mode when using a DD
repeater connected to the internet will allow web browsing, e-mail etc. just
like you could do over your home internet connecting except anywhere within
the D-STAR DD Repeater range. I am uncertain how far the range would be
since I don't think we have tested the DD module long distance here. but the
DV range is about 95 miles from the repeater. Oddly enough if you have an
analog signal strength of lets say S3 you may start having difficulty
hearing the transmission. with D-STAR DV Mode it can be heard with a signal
strength of D0. in other words you may not see any signal indication at all
but will have perfect copy. Its pretty much there or goes digital  (R2D2).
With a TNC connected you can communicate directly with other digital modes
when in analog on your D-STAR radio.


   The moderator is correct, simply yes. the radio will send data, it will
do everything your analog radio will do plus more. You can send APRS data
through the radio, connect a TNC to your radio, or simple connect a computer
using an RS-232 Data cable and with the ICOM programming software or a
program like D-RATS to send messages.


   With D-RATS it will also allow you to connect a GPS to the computer and
via the program you can send position information to other D-RATS users, to
APRS stations etc. You can even send e-mail from your e-mail program through
D-RATS to the internet or any cellular phone with text messaging
connectivity if you know how to do it.  (NEXTEL
xxx...@messaging.nextel.com where xxx is the phone number) .


   If you just want to send position information you can connect a GPS using
the data cable directly to a D-STAR radio and send your position every time
you key your radio, or at selected intervals. There is a way to have your
D-STAR position relayed to APRS stations too.  


Lucky for you since you live in the Texas booneys.. you can still get on
D-STAR using a D-STAR Dongle from any highspeed internet connection. so you
can talk to any D-STAR repeater with a gateway worldwide. You can  call
individual D-STAR radios, repeaters, or join in on reflectors (D-STAR
roundtables with multiple repeaters linked). 


   What D-STAR radio is not is a TNC. But like with any analog radio you can
connect it  to a TNC and you have the same capabilities. But with the added
digital modes you have more state of the art communications, the ability to
use less bandwidth in digital modes, send voice and data simultaneously, and
in many cases better distance than on analog. So with D-STAR you don't need
a TNC to send data. messages. just a cable and a computer with software.


Hope that helps a little bit more in understanding D-STAR. Watch some of the
U-TUBE videos too. They will demonstrate a lot of D-STAR capabilities. Below
are some D-STAR links too that are using some of the D-STAR capabilities.


.   D-STAR

.   D-STAR Users .ORG http://www.d-starusers.org/  

.   D-STAR Link Directory http://www.d-star.cc/  

.   D-STAR http://www.opendstar.org/tools/readme.txt  Reflectors

.   D-RATS Beta http://d-rats.danplanet.com/download/beta/  Downloads

.   D-CHIRP Beta http://chirp.danplanet.com/download/beta/  Downloads 







[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Re: [DSTAR_DIGITAL] D-Star Repeater System

2009-01-26 Thread John Hays
The hardware part is relatively simple, assuming you are not rolling  
your own:

- 1 or more repeater/access modules   ID-RP2000V, ID-RP4000V, ID-RP1V,  
ID-RP1D (up to 4 on a controller)
- A controller: ID-RP2C

Once you have those in hand, the rest is pretty much standard repeater  
building stuff - see: http://www.repeater-builder.com/rbtip/

- Feed line with connectors (as low loss as you can afford)
- Antenna(s) - preferably commercial grade and a separate one for each  
- Duplexer(s) or separate TX/RX antennas (appropriately spaced. )
- Power supplies (w/backup)

If you want gateway/dplus connectivity, then you must add:

- A computer meeting the specs, appropriate for the site, see 
- A router that supports Class A addresses on the LAN, I suggest  
something in the MikroTiK line (http://www.roc-noc.com/home.php?cat=4)
- A good broadband connection from the Internet to the site (shoot for  
1 Mbit each way, especially if you have 4 modules), low latency and  
jitter) If you can't get wire to the site, look at wireless solutions.
- Icom's G2 software
- Scripts and DPLUS - follow instructions at 
- Join the D-STAR Gateway and D-STAR Admins mailing lists


- Have a thick skin, your users are going to expect 100% up time and  
complain about everything
- Be prepared to spend substantial amounts of time and money to build  
and maintain the repeater
- You will have to get a separate callsign for the repeater (current  
software does not allow you to use your own for your radio and a  
- Use the Gateway list for your questions
- Remember the Trust Server folks are volunteers, they do a great job,  
but have jobs and lives beyond the Trust Server - patience and  
gratitude are the marks of the day

On Jan 26, 2009, at 8:55 AM, Vicky Bagwalla-VA3VJB wrote:

 Hello Group,

 Does anyone know of a link that will explain step by step what  
 equipment I
 need to set up a D-STAR repeater system?

 Thanks and 73

 Vicky Bagwalla


 blog: http://va3vjb.blogspot.com

John Hays
Amateur Radio: K7VE

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[DSTAR_DIGITAL] Orlando Hamfest

2009-01-26 Thread beamar
The West Central Florida D Star Club will have a booth at the Orlando 
Hamfest, Feb. 13~15. We would like to invite everyone to visit our booth. We 
could use some help staffing the booth. The only requirment is to be somewhat 
knowledgable about D Star and be willing to talk to people and answer 
If you can help, please e mail me privately. 

Buddy Morgan WB4OMG
WCF D Star Club President/KJ4ACN Trustee

A Good Credit Score is 700 or Above. See yours in just 2 easy 

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

RE: {Disarmed} [DSTAR_DIGITAL] Re: D-STAR to APRS MSG and visa-versa

2009-01-26 Thread Nate Duehr
D-STAR (the protocol) defines a continuous voice and data stream during ALL
transmissions for DV mode.  (We'll focus on DV, but DD is high speed
wide-area IP/Internet and works far better than non-native IP protocols for
interfacing with just about *everything* today.)


How you decide to USE that data stream is up to you.  Some software exists
to gateway DPRS to APRS position reporting at the Gateway-equipped


Text messaging between D-STAR and APRS via Gateways probably never will take
off in popularity with free software like D-RATS taking us straight past
small text messages and all the way to full-blown e-mail protocols, direct
from the D-STAR on-air side of things.


Why crawl when you can run, would be the idea there?  


But there's nothing stopping you from figuring out how to integrate APRS
messaging back and forth with some kind of mapping and custom PC software to
receive custom-formatted messages on the D-STAR side.  


It's just a data modem. you do with it what you want.  Far more useful than
more restrictive hardware/software that forces you to stay on a single
protocol, like APRS.




From: dstar_digital@yahoogroups.com [mailto:dstar_digi...@yahoogroups.com]
On Behalf Of n0uyx
Sent: Monday, January 26, 2009 2:23 AM
To: dstar_digital@yahoogroups.com
Subject: {Disarmed} [DSTAR_DIGITAL] Re: D-STAR to APRS MSG and visa-versa


But that is APRS which has nothing to do with D-Star. Anybody can do 
that without a radio. If you loose the Internet connection what 
happens? You loose the MSG capabilities? Then how are you sending D-
Star MSG? Thru the Terminal program still? If so then great it can be 
done what a freaking long way to get to this answer.

But to answer your questions yes I learned alot from my mistakes. 
Never ever trust a woman! Give them enough rope and they will always 
hang themselves! And a few others too. LOL Mainly that when most 
people open their mouths its nothing but hot air rising.

But with the Terminal program can you send that same MSG not only 
thru the Repeater but over the Internet as well? If so then we can 
send MSG from APRS to D-Star and visa versa it's just a matter of 
creating the software to convert the protocol or format of each and a 
Server to do it. Probably the hardest part is it pulling the MSG out 
of the D-Star string and putting back the response. Probably have to 
have some type of ID to let it know this is a D-Star to APRS MSG 
please send to the Server and visa versa. With the APRS side we will 
need a name for the Server such as D-SMSG or something similar which 
will direct it to the MSG Server for delivery to the D-Star unit. For 
the D-Star user it wont leave much room for text. If it could be 
something like APRS space then the text. Hopefully something short as 
that or shorter so you don't loose to many characters. Maybe even AP 
space and still leave room for 17 characters.

Anyways just food for thought I guess.

But now I have gotten some answers here. 



[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

RE: {Disarmed} [DSTAR_DIGITAL] Re: D-STAR to APRS MSG and visa-versa

2009-01-26 Thread Evans Mitchell KD4EFM / AFA4TH FL / WQFK-894
LAY MANS TERM: Can You use D-STAR to send text messages?


Next question:

This will take a while, but when your ready, I (Evans) would be
willing to set up something somewhere and show you

Are you coming to the Orlando ham fest?

YES? I will be there, I will show you.

NO? no problem, I will look for some one who has a dstar radio
near you and I will be happy to do a live demo.

Fair enough?

Evans F. Mitchell

 Fla. D-Star Tech Support Group

Polk ARES E.C.
Train Safety:
There is a train coming 
in either direction
at any time, ALWAYS 
stop, look,  listen.

Re: [DSTAR_DIGITAL] Orlando Hamfest

2009-01-26 Thread Bob Cumming

If I can find some spare time among my HamCation Duties I'll spend a 
few minutes there.

BTW - Icom is loaning us an IC2820 for the Talk In Station.  We will 
be on 147.76 analog FM and 146.82 D-Star for Talk-In.  I will set up 
the 2820 to send the GPS coordinates of the Fairgrounds.

I also will try to have the 146.97/442.300 running for HamCation at 
the Fairgrounds (hopefully with a Gateway enabled).  Let me know if 
there is room for it in the D-Star Booth.

VRY 73

Bob Cumming
Commercial Chairman
HamCationsm 2009
(407) 333-0690

At 12:51 PM 1/26/2009, you wrote:

The West Central Florida D Star Club will have a booth at the Orlando
Hamfest, Feb. 13~15. We would like to invite everyone to visit our 
booth. We also
could use some help staffing the booth. The only requirment is to be somewhat
knowledgable about D Star and be willing to talk to people and 
answer questions.
If you can help, please e mail me privately.

Buddy Morgan WB4OMG
WCF D Star Club President/KJ4ACN Trustee

A Good Credit Score is 700 or Above. See yours in just 2 easy

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Re: [DSTAR_DIGITAL] D-Star Repeater System

2009-01-26 Thread OD5RW
Hello John
If I read you well, you mentioned the option of : rolling our own ???
Can we roll our own hardware ?  Is there a way around buying the whole bunch ?
If not, then can we use just an ID-RP2C to create a simplex gateway without a 
repeater, say connecting it to an IC-2200 with a UT-118   ?

Our computer is ready, but we are having trouble gathering the necessary funds 
to buy the ID-RP2000V and the ID-RP2C ...

Thanks for your patience..

John, OD5RW

  - Original Message - 
  From: John Hays 
  To: dstar_digital@yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Monday, January 26, 2009 7:34 PM
  Subject: Re: [DSTAR_DIGITAL] D-Star Repeater System

  The hardware part is relatively simple, assuming you are not rolling 
  your own:

  - 1 or more repeater/access modules ID-RP2000V, ID-RP4000V, ID-RP1V, 
  ID-RP1D (up to 4 on a controller)
  - A controller: ID-RP2C

  Once you have those in hand, the rest is pretty much standard repeater 
  building stuff - see: http://www.repeater-builder.com/rbtip/

  - Feed line with connectors (as low loss as you can afford)
  - Antenna(s) - preferably commercial grade and a separate one for each 
  - Duplexer(s) or separate TX/RX antennas (appropriately spaced. )
  - Power supplies (w/backup)

  If you want gateway/dplus connectivity, then you must add:

  - A computer meeting the specs, appropriate for the site, see 
  - A router that supports Class A addresses on the LAN, I suggest 
  something in the MikroTiK line (http://www.roc-noc.com/home.php?cat=4)
  - A good broadband connection from the Internet to the site (shoot for 
  1 Mbit each way, especially if you have 4 modules), low latency and 
  jitter) If you can't get wire to the site, look at wireless solutions.
  - Icom's G2 software
  - Scripts and DPLUS - follow instructions at 
  - Join the D-STAR Gateway and D-STAR Admins mailing lists


  - Have a thick skin, your users are going to expect 100% up time and 
  complain about everything
  - Be prepared to spend substantial amounts of time and money to build 
  and maintain the repeater
  - You will have to get a separate callsign for the repeater (current 
  software does not allow you to use your own for your radio and a 
  - Use the Gateway list for your questions
  - Remember the Trust Server folks are volunteers, they do a great job, 
  but have jobs and lives beyond the Trust Server - patience and 
  gratitude are the marks of the day

  On Jan 26, 2009, at 8:55 AM, Vicky Bagwalla-VA3VJB wrote:

   Hello Group,
   Does anyone know of a link that will explain step by step what 
   equipment I
   need to set up a D-STAR repeater system?
   Thanks and 73
   Vicky Bagwalla
   blog: http://va3vjb.blogspot.com

  John Hays
  Amateur Radio: K7VE

  [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

RE: [DSTAR_DIGITAL] Re: D-STAR to APRS MSG and visa-versa

2009-01-26 Thread Evans Mitchell KD4EFM / AFA4TH FL / WQFK-894
First off Randall , it's not a waste of band width,
Dstar runs Skinny Band (Narrow Band FM) at 2.5 KHz Div.
I don't want to put you in to info-overload, but there's
a group of hams who are running the dstar vocoder (AMBE-2020)
on hf now.

It's not a money for options deal here. I applaud your questions,
but your also jumping on a horse that's in the barn asleep still too...

Please slow down, I am having to play catch up with all your questions,
yet your pulling the firing cord on the canon and blowing us out of
the water too

1) you asked about messaging with dstar to aprs..
Pete answered it correctly. NO

2) Can dstar do messaging?
Myself and others answered, YES.

3) Is it anything like cellular SMS???
LOL, ok, now it's getting into what
came first the chicken or the egg?
Yes we can, but your going to get bored
with the answer we give.

Can you scan with the 2820???

YES, I scan the railroad AAR channels and scan
my local dstar channels (4 sites mind you)
I scan AFMARS repeters that are now Narrow Band FM,
I have over 375 channels programmed into my 2820,
almost half more then my commercail Kenwood TK-7180
and my TK-8180 UHF radio and hand-held.

Do I mention I scan more crap then I could ever listen
to in a 30 second time frame, and use my 2820 to decode
Rail Road ATCS activities on 900 MHz to my laptop
using the PACKET RADIO connection on the radio too
(which btw will do 1200 or 9600 baud AX.25 Packet)

OH CRAP, another can of worms, Randall, you can hook
up a tiny2, to your dstar radio and do aprs on both
sides, APRS and D-PRS.

Not to over load the mind, but the 2820 wont
clean the kitchen nor will it replace the
common house wife.


NOW, a meaty note to you, YOU CAN NOT USE D-STAR ON BOTH
BANDS, the radio will only decode one band or the other,
not both at the same time.


-Original Message-
From: dstar_digital@yahoogroups.com
[mailto:dstar_digi...@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of n0uyx
Sent: Monday, January 26, 2009 9:41 AM
To: dstar_digital@yahoogroups.com
Subject: {Disarmed} [DSTAR_DIGITAL] Re: D-STAR to APRS MSG and

Great so it is more like a display MSG or Beacon text that is sent with
every transmission?

You know I really must say what in the name of HAYDEES was ICOM thinking
when they opened this can O worms? But to go DIGITAL and leave out MSG
capabilities is really really a waste of band width wouldn't you say? I
mean if you are putting so much info in such little space why wasn't
that part of the idea? Look at the open possibilities that could be
added if they had only left room for that? Sure would have been nice to
have one mode that would have done it all huh? So it seems we will still
have to have our FM Voice radio, D-Star Radio and APRS Radio if we want
to be able to run all modes. Plus an HF Rig of course. =D 

So can the D-Star dual band rig scan FM Repeaters on the Sub Band and
run D-Star on the Main band?

Thanks Pete for understanding my frustrations too! =D




2009-01-26 Thread Simon Templar
That's just being LAZY!

On Tue, Jan 27, 2009 at 08:23, Evans Mitchell KD4EFM / AFA4TH FL / WQFK-894
kd4...@polkemcomm.org wrote:

 because my isp broke it's wonderfully great virus scanner
 and they can't fix it correctly

 So no I am not changing the subject line, I just
 don't remember to DELETE the stupid disarmed statement.

 Thanks for your understanding J

 Evans F. Mitchell

  Fla. D-Star Tech Support Group

The views I present are that of my own and NOT of any organisation I may
belong to.

73 de Simon, VK3XEM.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]