RE: {Disarmed} Re: RE: Re: [dstar_digital] Re: D-STAR Field Day Update

2008-07-01 Thread Woodrick, Ed

When I change a few of the words below, it is amazing how it sound just like 
someone said it 30, 50, 80 years ago...

Feel free to replace FM with AM or SSB or CW.

And no, I'm not trying to be funny. This is indeed just about word for word 
what was said about EVERY migration to new modes in Amateur Radio during it's 

The world changes, rules change. CW used to be the best because you could copy 
it in worse conditions that any other mode, until PSK31 came around. You can 
copy PSK-31 when you can't even hear the signal. AM'ers used to complain about 
SSB because they sounded like Donald Duck. SSB'ers complained about FM and 
repeaters because it wasn't Real Amateur Radio

Analog cell phones were turned off a few months ago and no one noticed. Analog 
TV is disappearing very soon. Public Service organizations are going digital.

And the last few paragraphs are just what irk me. When FM Repeaters came out, 
everyone was noisy because there wasn't complete saturation like there is now. 
Just like when I bought a CD player, not everything was available, or when I 
bought a DVD player. There always is a little blood on the leading edge of 
technology. If you don't like it, then don't go there. But don't assume that 
the technology is terrible just because you don't a repeater next door.

As for the DVDongle, it seems as if you proved yourself wrong.  Evidently your 
fast connection just really isn't that reliably fast. If it worked in Hawaii 
very well, doesn't that tell you anything?

I think that General Patton summed up my thoughts quite well.

Lead me, follow me, or get out of my way.
- General George Patton Jr

From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of 
Sent: Monday, June 30, 2008 6:13 PM
Subject: Re: {Disarmed} Re: RE: Re: [dstar_digital] Re: D-STAR Field Day Update

Re-read the post:

So don't get your nose all out of joint Nate.
Simple question about the reliability of D-Star FM as I am still one of those 
that are not convinced that Digital FM is the way to go,
eg...Cell Telephones are wirelessdigital and now we have radio that is digital 
Soon there will be television that will not be analog Black and White anymore.

Sure digital FM takes up less band space but still there is nothing like an 
analog AM signal because with analog AM you get great audio no R2D2.
And yes I do want to pick on D-Star FM a bit because it is an issue with which 
mode do I choose to save a life.

I have a D-Star FM radio, as a matter of fact I have 2, I also had a Dongle.
When my Icom is connected to an 8db gain antenna I still hear all or nothing 
R2D2. Just as much as when I had the 91AD. Sort of get tired of saying, What?
At the very least with the analog AM signal you can catch some of the 

Ah the infamous Dongle, was more trouble then it was worth. Got a fast 
connection, but it kept timing out.
Tried it on 2 or 3 puters and poopNot a means of reliability although when 
I was in Hawaii it worked quite well.
But the local D-Star repeater on G1 couldn't make it through the gateway to the 
G2 that was at my home area.
Rendered the 91AD useless for D-Star to talk home repeater because I had the 
wrong tone set and couldn't dial the autopatch

So the question is reliablity. Like I said, I am on the fence but have found it 
necessary to have a D-Star radio because it is another mode that could be used.
But what do I know, probably nothing at all as I am new to ham radio.

73 de N1TAI

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Re: {Disarmed} Re: RE: Re: [dstar_digital] Re: D-STAR Field Day Update

2008-06-30 Thread Tony Langdon
At 08:12 AM 7/1/2008, you wrote:

So don't get your nose all out of joint Nate.
Simple question about the reliability of D-Star as I am still one of 
those that are not convinced that Digital is the way to go,
eg...Cell phones are digital and now we have radio that is digital.
Soon there will be television that will not be analog anymore.

Yes, progress.  While analog has its strengths (especially with 
regards to using the ears/brain to reconstruct weak/noisy signals), 
digital is generally more versatile.

Sure digital takes up less band space but still there is nothing 
like an analog signal because with analog you get no R2D2.
And yes I do want to pick on D-Star a bit because it is an issue 
with which mode do I choose to save a life.

True, analog copes with some conditions better than D-STAR.  Mobile 
multipath for one.

I have a D-Star radio, as a matter of fact I have 2, I also had a Dongle.
When my Icom is connected to an 8db gain antenna I still hear R2D2. 
Just as much as when I had the 91AD. Sort of get tired of saying, What?
At the very least with the analog signal you can catch some of the 

I found D-STAR to generally work well.  Only time I've had trouble is 
when trying to access the repeater while mobile and with a relatively 
weak signal.  Analog under those conditions results in a choppy but 
mostly readable signal.

Ah the infamous Dongle, was more trouble then it was worth. Got a 
fast connection, but it kept timing out.
Tried it on 2 or 3 puters and poopNot a means of reliability 
although when I was in Hawaii it worked quite well.
But the local D-Star repeater on G1 couldn't make it through the 
gateway to the G2 that was at my home area.
Rendered the 91AD useless for D-Star to talk home.

I have a Dongle, only problem I've seen is a sound issue that causes 
the Dongle to disconnect occasionally.  This appears to be an issue 
with how the software handles certain error conditions.  In other 
words, it's a software bug could be improved over time.

So the question is reliablity. Like I said, I am on the fence but 
have found it necessary to have a D-Star radio because it is another 
mode that could be used.
But what do I know, probably nothing at all as I am new to ham radio.

I'm of the mindset that It's another tool, so I want to learn how I 
can best use it and integrate it into existing operations.  Also, 
I've learnt there's no point trying to force people to use/not to use 
a particular technology.  Instead, work with others and their 
choices.  For example, in the SE of the US, there seems to be a big 
push to use D-STAR for SKYWARN.  This will have an impact on our 
hurricane net operations, and I have been keeping in touch with the 
D-STAR net up there, so we work with them the next time a hurricane 
strikes the US.  I have a Dongle, and I am encouraging others NCOs to 
get D-STAR capability.  In the long term, I hope to be able to 
directly plug our network into the D-STAR one (initially, voice only, 
later, be able to access the data stream as well) for traffic 
handling when traffic levels are low.

D-STAR isn't perfect, but it's here and it's being used, so we should 
familiarise ourselves with it.  Besides, it's fun to play with a new mode. :)

73 de VK3JED

Re: {Disarmed} Re: RE: Re: [dstar_digital] Re: D-STAR Field Day Update

2008-06-29 Thread Nate Duehr

On Jun 28, 2008, at 2:38 PM, KE5KAF wrote:

 We have been listening and it sounds like the Dstar Field Day is  
 dead.. No activity...

 Where is everyone hanging out on Dstar??

Our stack's (W0CDS) power supply was acting flakey and kicked its own  
breaker off (still investigating, but suspected to be a low-voltage  
dropout crowbar circuit) for most of this Field Day weekend.

The power supply was replaced mid-day today (Sunday June 29th).

Things should be stable now, but we did miss out on most opportunities  
to show a lot of people D-STAR during Field Day events all over the  
Front Range area.  A bummer, but stuff happens.

(The original supply was chosen because it had plenty of amps to  
spare, and was a nice rack-mount (Lambda), but it had three strikes  
against it in the last couple of weeks as the thunderstorms started  
rolling through in the afternoon, and it seemed to be misbehaving.   
The owner may or my not have time to debug, but a replacement with  
another known-good supply was in order.

Sorry if we missed FD fun on D-STAR from Colorado...

Nate Duehr, WY0X

[dstar_digital] Re: D-STAR Field Day Update

2008-06-27 Thread txhemi57
Is there an acceptable range of frequencies for simplex?

[ED - Yes, don't use 146.52 (see the rules) and stay out of any repeater 
frequencies, satellite sub bands, cw/ssb segments ... other than that, have 
fun.  In many areas 145.67 mHz. is the D-STAR contact frequency, I'd start 
there.  In some areas there is little or no use of the bottom of 430 (91AD goes 
there, I would venture other D-STAR 70cm radios do as well.]

--- In, Woodrick, Ed [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 D-STAR Field Day Participants,

 With just over 24 hours before D-STAR Field Day begins, the
excitement is growing. Everyone is thinking about what they need to
pack. The generators have all had their oil changed and the games are
about to begin.

 A suggestion for reflector use. From what I've seen, the C modules
on the reflectors are where a number of repeaters are linked full
time. To keep from bothering these folks, why don't we try to stay
away from the C module. And we probably ought to stay off of the non-
North American Reflectors.

 Suggested Reflector Usage

 REF001A   Voice  Simultaneous Data
 REF001B   Data Only
 REF002A   Voice  Simultaneous Data
 REF002B   Data Only
 REF004A   Voice  Simultaneous Data
 REF004B   Data Only

 Simultaneous Data is those who are going for 3 point contacts,
where they can type and talk at the same time.

 If you've misplaced the D-STAR Field Day Rules or Update, you can
download them at www.DSTARINFO.com, there's
even some sample logs.

 Don't forget that D-STAR Field Day goes the entire 27 hour period,
no matter when you start setup. Do some demonstrations before
everyone else starts!


 p.s. I'll be W4GR 7A GA and will probably hang around either of the
REF002A or REF002B ports.

 Good Luck in the Contest!

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Re: [dstar_digital] Re: D-STAR Field Day Update

2008-06-27 Thread n1tai
This is really cool... FD on the internet

-Original Message-
From: txhemi57 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Fri, 27 Jun 2008 11:56 am
Subject: [dstar_digital] Re: D-STAR Field Day Update

Is there an acceptable range of frequencies for simplex?

[ED - Yes, don't use 146.52 (see the rules) and stay out of any repeater 
frequencies, satellite sub bands, cw/ssb segments ... other than that, have 
fun. In many areas 145.67 mHz. is the D-STAR contact frequency, I'd start 
there. In some areas there is little or no use of the bottom of 430 (91AD goes 
there, I would venture other D-STAR 70cm radios do as well.]

--- In, Woodrick, Ed [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 D-STAR Field Day Participants,
 With just over 24 hours before D-STAR Field Day begins, the 
excitement is growing. Everyone is thinking about what they need to 
pack. The generators have all had their oil changed and the games are 
about to begin.
 A suggestion for reflector use. From what I've seen, the C modules 
on the reflectors are where a number of repeaters are linked full 
time. To keep from bothering these folks, why don't we try to stay 
away from the C module. And we probably ought to stay off of the non-
North American Reflectors.
 Suggested Reflector Usage
 REF001A Voice  Simultaneous Data
 REF001B Data Only
 REF002A Voice  Simultaneous Data
 REF002B Data Only
 REF004A Voice  Simultaneous Data
 REF004B Data Only
 Simultaneous Data is those who are going for 3 point contacts, 
where they can type and talk at the same time.
 If you've misplaced the D-STAR Field Day Rules or Update, you can 
download them at www.DSTARINFO.com, there's 
even some sample logs.
 Don't forget that D-STAR Field Day goes the entire 27 hour period, 
no matter when you start setup. Do some demonstrations before 
everyone else starts!
 p.s. I'll be W4GR 7A GA and will probably hang around either of the 
REF002A or REF002B ports.
 Good Luck in the Contest!
 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


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RE: Re: [dstar_digital] Re: D-STAR Field Day Update

2008-06-27 Thread Woodrick, Ed


The rules do not specify the access, so DVDongles are fair game. There are 
basically three types of contacts, Voice, Low Speed Data, and High Speed Data. 
Since D-STAR can do voice and data at the same time, then you can actually get 
a Voice and Low Speed Data Contact at the same time.

The rules and updates are at www.DSTARINFO.com

D-STAR Field Day is not ARRL Field Day, the rules are different (which is why 
there are two activities).

D-STAR Field Day follows the intent of ARRL Field Day in that practice and 
demonstration are the goal of the activity.

In the D-STAR Field Day Update document, the following were listed as things to 

· Voice Contact with source routing, no linking

· Voice Contact with multi-cast (See local administrators to determine 
if possible)

· Voice Contact with two linked repeaters

· Voice Contact through Reflector

· All of the above with a Data contact at the same time

· Low speed Data contacts

· High Speed Data Contacts

· High Speed Internet Access

· DVDongle Contacts

From my point of view, it’s a weekend to do a little playing with D-STAR. 
There should be a number of people on the bands and a lot of activity. If you 
work hard at playing, you might even get a plaque.

From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Ron 
Sent: Friday, June 27, 2008 2:05 PM
Subject: Re: Re: [dstar_digital] Re: D-STAR Field Day Update

Have not read the DStar FD rules, but do DV Dungle?, computer to repeater to 
user contacts count for points???

If testing for emergency comm would think so for this mode would be used in 
disaster just like Echolink and IRLP have been used in some disasters here. It 
has been found Echolink is very useful as I am sure IRLP.

Might consider DV Dungle to DV Dungle also.

This could lead to a whole new EmComm feature.

73, ron, n9ee/r

ps I think I got DV Dungle spelled wrong, sorry.

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