[DX-CHAT] Confused

2002-06-21 Thread David Johnson

Hey fellow DXers,
I really am confused.  I would very much 
appreciate a serious and helpful response to this question:  Why does 
working an all time new country carry more weight with many, than another Ham 
working very hard for the ARRL Challenge Award which is a band country 
award?  They are both ARRL awards and are intended to promote activity on 
the ham bands which in turn promotes better understanding, knowledge, enjoyment 
and experimentation.
I honestly don't mean to step on any toes here but 
I just can't understand the criticism leveled at those who try to work rare DX 
contacts on multiple bands in pursuit of their goal which is just as important 
to them as their first DXCC was.
Please be kind with your remarks.
Dave - K4SSU

[DX-CHAT] Confused Reply

2002-06-21 Thread David Johnson

Thanks Tony,
I honestly appreciate your reply to my 
question.  I'm sure you realize that I don't agree with you but life sure 
would be dull if everyone agreed about everything.  The old saying 
"Different strokes for different folks"  applies here I'm sure.  
Please allow me to make a few comments about what you wrote.   How 
about the frustration of the "old" ham who has worked them all or nearly all and 
is thrilled by the new Challenge Award, just to be jumped on by others when he 
tries to work a new band country.  And he may or may not be a "Big 
Gun".  There are many Hams with very modest stations who use their skills, 
learned from many years of DXing to compete for the Challenge 
I absolutely agree with you about the name 
calling.  This is no place for that for any reason.
I must repeat what I wrote a while back about Ed 
P5/4L4FN since you mentioned it.  I have heard him on several occasions 
congratulating callers for working him on 3 bands.  This leads me to 
believe that if he made that "one contact only" statement at the 
beginning of his operation, he has changed his mind.  The congratulatory 
comments I have heard him make are sincere, not tongue in cheek.
I also wish NEW ONES FOR THE DESERVING on all 
Dave - K4SSU

[DX-CHAT] Military Contacts

2002-07-14 Thread David Johnson

Last week, while tuning around on 20 meters, I heard a 
conversion between a VK station and a US military aircraft.  The Australian 
ham ask the air mobile operator if he had a ham call and the answer was 
no.  The operator on the aircraft said that he was bored up there on a long 
flight and just wanted to chat with someone.  He said they were over the 
Northwest US and was amazed that he could talk with someone in Australia.  
The VK ham told him that he didn't think that he was allowed to communicate with 
a non-ham unless it was an emergency.  The military operator told him that 
he thought it was OK because they did it all the time.
Question:  Could a US ham get one of those official 
letters in his mail box if he had a long QSO with a non-ham US military 
aircraft? I don't remember the rule.
Dave - K4SSU

[DX-CHAT] freebanders and QRM

2002-12-05 Thread David Johnson

I know for sure that SOME of the intentional 
interference that occurs on dxpeditions is from these unlicensed operators who 
have better ham equipment that a lot of us have.  They get a big thrill 
from doing that when their efforts are rewarded by hams trying to get them to 
stop.   We can look for more and more interference when the 10 
and 11 meter bands are gone.
Dave - K4SSU

Re: [DX-CHAT] Peter 1

2006-01-04 Thread David Johnson

Hello Frank,
Please visit www.peterone.com for all the news.  
Thanks for your interest.

  - Original Message - 
  To: DX CHAT 
  Sent: Wednesday, January 04, 2006 9:09 
  Subject: [DX-CHAT] Peter 1
  Last year the expedition to Peter 1 was postponed 
  until this year. What is the latest news on this?

Re: [DX-CHAT] KP5 ?

2006-03-14 Thread David Johnson

I'll bet there are at least 50 different theories 
about the guy that caused the problem. Here is mine.  The guy needs 
KP5 for a all time new one,  he is convinced that F&WL has not 
given permission and the contacts will not count for DXCC.  He is sure that 
these guys have ruined his chance for a good contact for many years to 
come.  So with his DO GOOD attitude he picks up the phone.  He is 
saying to himself that he is helping the worthy.   BTW, I don't need 
Dave - K4SSU

  - Original Message - 

  To: Ron Notarius WN3VAW 
  Cc: dx-chat@njdxa.org 
  Sent: Tuesday, March 14, 2006 8:44 
  Subject: Re: [DX-CHAT] KP5 ?
  The schmuck should be punished.  It seems pretty obvious 
  to me that it was someone else who was wanting to go, but didn't have the 
  right connections to get approval.  Then, in a selfish, sour grapes move, 
  he saw to it that if he couldn't go, nobody would.The FOIA is a good 
  idea and if/when the person is outed, he should be disqualified from DXCC for 
  good.73,Barry W2UPRon Notarius WN3VAW wrote: 
  I agree.  Not to punish the schmuck per se, but to make sure that this type
of stunt doesn't happen again.

-Original Message-
Of Gary McClellan
Sent: Tuesday, March 14, 2006 8:03 PM
Cc: dx-chat@njdxa.org
Subject: Re: [DX-CHAT] KP5 ?

Peter, sorry - NO we don't.  I want to know WHY what was done WAS done.
Open story.

73, Gary K7ZD

Peter Penta wrote:

Whats done is done, no one can do anything about it so it's a closed
DONE. No one likes what happened , just have to put it in the past.

 73 Pete
-Original Message-
Ron Notarius WN3VAW
Sent: Tuesday, March 14, 2006 6:21 PM
To: dx-chat@njdxa.org
Subject: RE: [DX-CHAT] KP5 ?

And now the thread has gone full circle, as we've come right back to where
we started...

The question remains, though, as to WHY this schmuck did what they did.


-Original Message-
Of Scott Manthe
Sent: Tuesday, March 14, 2006 4:57 PM
To: dx-chat@njdxa.org
Subject: Re: [DX-CHAT] KP5 ?

Actually, according to information posted on Bernie's Daily DX site, it
was not "some bureaocrat/political appointee," but rather a licensed
amateur who complained to his congressperson, who then complained to the

So, it is a licensed amateur, motivated by reasons known only to him/her
at this point, that "allegedly" was responsible for getting the KP5
operation shut down. It would be nice to know who this amateur is...

Scott, N9AA

Norm Gertz wrote:

  Not surprised.some bureaocrat/political appointee was mad that he
was not consulted etc
The sad part is that dope runners and others go ashore there all the
time without getting caught.

73   Norm   K1AA

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Barry Kutner, W2UP 
Newtown, PA 

[DX-CHAT] Question

2006-03-18 Thread David Johnson

Gentlemen DXers,
Here is a hypothetical situation and a 
question.  I am on a dxpedition to a top 10 entity and lets say I'm 
operating on 20 meters.  I'm transmitting at 14.195 and listening 200 to 
220.  I tune down to my transmit frequency and hear all kinds of 
intentional QRM.  It's so bad that I know the stations I am trying to work 
are having a bad time hearing me.  What would happen if I waited a few 
minutes then announced that I am no longer working split, please call between 
14.200 and 14.220 and I will work you on your transmit frequency?
If this has come up before, please excuse me.  
I will be very interested to read your comments.
Dave - K4SSU

Re: [DX-CHAT] Question

2006-03-19 Thread David Johnson


I must add one more as I know this for a fact.  Now that we are near the 
bottom of this sunspot cycle, some of those Freeband Nuts in Europe and the 
US that have all that expensive ham gear can't use it much on 27 & 28 MHz. 
They are having "Big Fun" QRMing ham DXpeditions and braging about it on 
their web sites.

I will take this opportunity to thank all the "Gentlemen DXers" that have 
responded to my question here on dx-chat and direct.  It has been very 

Dave - K4SSU  (K4SSU/KP1)

- Original Message - 
From: "Ron Notarius WN3VAW" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Sunday, March 19, 2006 11:05 AM
Subject: RE: [DX-CHAT] Question


Hmmm.  Not a bad idea, but I'm not so sure how well it would work.
Remember, at the time that US Phone privileges started at 14.200, the 
14.1 -

14.2 part of the band was filled with DX Phone.  Now, while a lot of the
region below 14.150 still has DX Phone, you're also finding more and more
digital modes in the same area.

More importantly, moving the unofficial calling frequencies won't solve 

fundamental problem involved.  Wherever the DX station listening "up"
transmits, on any band, you will always have the combined problems of:

1. The DX'er who accidently forgets to put his rig in split and transmits 

top of the DX
2. The lid who deliberately neglects to put his rig in split and transmits
on top of the DX
3. The alleged DX'er who claims that they can't work split... sometimes
true, sometimes not
4. The operator (sometimes DX'er, sometimes not) who hears the DX calling,
but doesn't hear or doesn't understand "listening up" who calls on the 

5. The frequency cops, most of whom mean well, who transmit on top of the 
to try and tell the aforementioned ops that they're QRM'ing the DX... and 

the process, QRM the DX
6. The net or alleged net or sked or alleged sked that "always" operates 

or around this frequency and time, thus giving them hypothetical ownership
of the frequency range, who either demand that the DX move, the pile-up
move, or who blunder on with their QSO anyway
7. The usually innocent QSO that suddenly gets QRM from the DX and/or 
due to propagation shift, who rather than move (if they can) try to 

on, either not knowing or not caring that they're now QRM'ing the DX &
pileup back

I can go on, and I'm sure someone will add a few, but you get the point.
Some of this can be solved by better operators... and better operators
happen when those of us who know them try to teach them or show them 

Some of this is just, well, bad luck.  And some of this is caused by that
extremely small percentage of lids (and even smaller percentage of those 

make regular lids look good) who for their own reasons of ego, perceived
slights, general mean streaks, sadism, or mental illness (diagnosed or
otherwise) enjoy making life miserable for the rest of us.


-Original Message-
Of Peter W2IRT
Sent: Sunday, March 19, 2006 10:45 AM
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; dx-chat@njdxa.org
Subject: Re: [DX-CHAT] Question

At 10:01 03/19/06, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

What is the solution to the qrm on the DX frequency?  Well, if
someone doesn't know the DX is woking split, or by accident is on
the wrong VFO, or whatever, it would be no problem if ppeople had
the smallest amount of self control. If the offending station is
calling with proper timing, when the Dx says QRZ, or is otherwise
ready for a call, calling on the DX transmit frequency is of no
consequence other than a waste of time for the caller.

If I recall, 14195 became the DX frequency because it was a place
where DX stations could TX but that Americans could not (US
privileges started at 14200 for the longest time). Maybe it's time to
revive that tradition and make 14145 the new default DX frequency on
20 SSB. It could have the added advantage of EU/JA pileups down 5 to
15 and stateside callers up 10-20 or something like that.

The advice I'd give to anyone going to a top-10 entity and operating
SSB would be to not use half the band and once in a while mention
where you're listening. That means concentrating the pile between two
hard limits ("listening 5 to 20 up") -- and staying within those
limits. That in turn means you need an operator  on the DXpedition
who can run a pileup that's very intense and concentrated. Most of
the Peter1 guys were great, but a couple of their 40m CW guys would
just keep going up up up up up. 30 kHz for a CW pileup is nuts,
especially when you're not announcing where you're listening and just
saying UP.

- Peter


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Re: [DX-CHAT] 3Y0X

2006-05-13 Thread David Johnson

Hey Rag,

FYI, The QSL's were donated by Franklin Printing (WZ8P).  No cost to the 
3Y0X Team.

Dave - K4SSU
3Y0X Team Member

- Original Message - 
From: "Ragnar Otterstad" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

To: "DX-CHAT" 
Sent: Saturday, May 13, 2006 2:13 AM
Subject: RE: [DX-CHAT] 3Y0X

Read several comments about their card and today received mine... You are
right, that is one class act card...

Must have cost somebody big bucks

Rod WC7N

Nice , with glossy picture cards.  But I tend to agree, it must add
considerately to the cost.
Is it worth it when it makes no difference for DXCC ?

73  Rag LA5HE

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[DX-CHAT] Interference

2006-07-25 Thread David Johnson

Hey Guys,
I need some help.  I am about to buy a new big 
screen, flat panel TV and I have heard that the plasma units cause some 
significant interference in some parts of the ham bands.  Has anyone had 
any experience with such a problem?  I would hate to spend the big bucks 
then ask the XYL to turn the TV off while I work DX.  She would get a 
big laugh from that.
Dave - K4SSU

Re: [DX-CHAT] Why the new DXCC rule

2006-07-29 Thread David Johnson
This rule has been discussed many times.  At the Visalia DX Convention for 
example, Wayne Mills talked about it at length before a very large crowd of 
DXers.  He even ask for a show of hands from those who would like to see 
some new additions to the list.  The response was overwhelmingly positive. 
Rule changes are one reason we have a DX Advisory Committee made up of every 
day good DXers.  The DXAC was in favor of this rule change.  Maybe those who 
are unhappy should contact their DXAC member.

Dave - K4SSU

- Original Message - 
From: "Ron Notarius W3WN" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

To: "Dx-Chat" 
Sent: Saturday, July 29, 2006 10:13 AM
Subject: RE: [DX-CHAT] Why the new DXCC rule

Under the existing DXCC rules (aka DXCC 2000), there was originally a rule
that permitted recognizing a new or existing entity if there was an 

IARU society.  The purpose of that rule, IMHO, was to keep Hong Kong and
Macau on the list once administration of those two territories were turned
back over to the People's Republic of China.

As it turns out, ironically, Hong Kong and Macau remain pretty much
autonomous (although not 100% so), so if that was the purpose of the rule,
it was unneccesary.

The unintentional side effect was the creation of several new entities by
creation of an IARU society -- Ducie for one comes to mind, which followed
from the creation of the Pitcairn Is IARU society.  Consider that at least
one of these IARU groups was created solely to in turn create a DXCC 

and appear to otherwise be inactive groups (if not total shams).  So I for
one was not upset when the rule in question was removed.  However, as you
will recall, the previous KH8SI group was more than a little upset, since
they were in the process of trying to set up their "American Samoa ARA" to
be another IARU society... which in and of itself is another story.

So now we have another rule change which permits redefinition of certain
entities into political entities.  Did we need this rule change?  I don't
know... I never heard any discussion of a rule change either, it was just
suddenly announced, and there it was.

And almost simultaneously, application is made for Swain's Island to be a
new one, it's approved, and here comes the KH8SI team for another go.


I have nothing per se against a new entity.  It's the process that bothers
me.  I'm in favor of open discussion and debate.  Now I'm not saying that
anything wrong was done... but I dislike an appearance of impropriety, and
right now, there is (IMHO) such an appearance.

In the future, I believe open discussion of rules changes should be
undertaken prior to new rules being adopted.

73, ron w3wn

-Original Message-
Of Barry
Sent: Saturday, July 29, 2006 6:42 AM
To: Dx-Chat
Subject: [DX-CHAT] Why the new DXCC rule

Just wondering why DXCC changed the rules to seemingly create one new
country for JA1BK.  I didn't hear anything about rule change discussion
until rules were changed.  Reminds me of the Okino Torishima situation...


Barry Kutner, W2UP
Newtown, PA

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Re: [DX-CHAT] Coax

2007-04-12 Thread David Johnson


- Original Message - 
From: "Ron Notarius W3WN" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

To: "DX Chat Reflector" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, April 12, 2007 6:57 PM
Subject: [DX-CHAT] Coax

Any suggestions on where to get good coax at a reasonable price without
waiting 5 weeks for Dayton?

Preferably Beagle-proof?

The puppy destroyed my spliced in section today... and dug up and chewed 

most of the ~60' RG8X run.  I am not a happy camper.  My daughter has
pleaded for mercy, so I haven't done something unmentionable to the pup...
yet.  (I have decided, though, that Lucy's last name must have been "Fur"
before... think about it)

I may have enough laying around to do a temporary replacement (and it's
going to be placed on the OUTSIDE of the fence this time... I kept it at
ground level to keep it stealth, I never figured on this!) which would 
this a moot point.  If not, then I have to decide whether to get a 

fix (RadioWorks has a nice deal on-line on a 100' section of RG-8X with
connectors for under $30) and wait for Dayton, or just bite the bullet & 

something done now.  I'm just so used to shopping at Dayton or at the
Breezeshooter's hamfest for coax needs that I'm at a bit of a loss as to
where to start looking.  Yes, you can find coax everywhere, but until you
get your hands on it, you don't always know what you're buying and how 

it truly is.

So much for N8S.  I wonder if I'll even get a shot at BS7H this time 

Maybe someone is trying to tell me something...

And, no, I can't afford 50 ohm hardline right now.  Tempting as it is.

Any suggestions welcome.

73, ron w3wn

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Re: [DX-CHAT] DXing pioneers

2007-05-06 Thread David Johnson
I will never forget the Colvin's.  A long time ago,  we closed down our 
stations on Navassa Island and climbed down that wire rope ladder to the 
boat below.  After the all night trip back to Jamaica we couldn't believe it 
but there was Lloyd and Iris standing on the end of the dock waving to us. 
What a thrill.

Somewhere in your list you must add the current chairman of the ARRL DX 
Advisory Committee, Bob Allphin - K4UEE.

Dave - K4SSU

- Original Message - 
From: "Ronald Loneker Sr." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Sunday, May 06, 2007 4:48 PM
Subject: Re: [DX-CHAT] DXing pioneers

NEVER Forget the Colvins

HK3CW wrote:
And how bout the Colvins? - Original Message - From: "Mike(W5UC) 

Sent: Sunday, May 06, 2007 2:26 PM
Subject: Re: [DX-CHAT] DXing pioneers

At 02:09 PM 5/6/2007, Gary Danaher wrote:
Anyone offer suggestions here for 'pioneers' following Don and before 
Martti and Chuck Brady?

I don't know how the chronology fits in, but Gus Browning and Danny Weil 
have to be in that category.

Mike, W5UC

"age & treachery will overcome youth & skill"

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Ronald Loneker Sr.- KA2BZS
#1DXCC Honor Roll - 9BDXCC
A-1 Op  - QCWA

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Re: [DX-CHAT] Old QSK Cards

2008-02-21 Thread David Johnson
I'm not trying to beat you Frank because this is not exactly the same, but I am 
the QSL manager for a operation that took place in 1977 and I recently got a 
card from a guy that needed a contact conformation to add to his DX Challenge.  
I found his contact in the log and sent him a card.  I know what some of you 
are thinking, but he only sent his QSL and a SASE.
Dave - K4SSU
  - Original Message - 
  From: Frank Macklin 
  To: DX CHAT 
  Sent: Thursday, February 21, 2008 7:31 PM
  Subject: [DX-CHAT] Old QSK Cards

  I recently received through the bureau a card for a contact I had 23 years 
ago.  I know the Bureaus are notoriously slow but this must be a record.  Can 
anyone beat it?

  Frank   VK1ZL

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Re: [DX-CHAT] Clipperton Group

2008-03-18 Thread David Johnson
The satellite phone they have requires a beamed signal to the satellite and 
in the rough sea with the ship rocking and rolling they can't keep a 
connection.  It worked fine when they were on land.

Dave - K4SSU

- Original Message - 
From: "T. David Yarnes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Monday, March 17, 2008 11:19 PM
Subject: [DX-CHAT] Clipperton Group

Anyone know why they haven't posted any more updates on their logs?  The 
last update was almost 2 days before they pulled the plug.

Dave W7AQK

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Re: [DX-CHAT] Clipperton Group

2008-03-18 Thread David Johnson
The VP6DX group was using a phone from a different satellite phone company 
and it uses a different technology.  The Clipperton group had very calm seas 
on the way down and were able to keep a connection  but that's not the case 
on the way back to San Diego.

Dave - K4SSU

- Original Message - 
From: "T. David Yarnes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Tuesday, March 18, 2008 11:06 AM
Subject: Re: [DX-CHAT] Clipperton Group

Well, the reason I asked was that I assumed it could be done from the 
ship.  The VP6DX group made their final updates that way, and the 
Clipperton group was updating their page while they were on their way to 
Clipperton.  So, I wondered why it was different.  I didn't mean it to be 
deemed a naive question.

Dave W7AQK

- Original Message - 
From: "David Johnson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Tuesday, March 18, 2008 6:25 AM
Subject: Re: [DX-CHAT] Clipperton Group

The satellite phone they have requires a beamed signal to the satellite 
and in the rough sea with the ship rocking and rolling they can't keep a 
connection.  It worked fine when they were on land.

Dave - K4SSU

- Original Message - 
From: "T. David Yarnes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Monday, March 17, 2008 11:19 PM
Subject: [DX-CHAT] Clipperton Group

Anyone know why they haven't posted any more updates on their logs?  The 
last update was almost 2 days before they pulled the plug.

Dave W7AQK

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Re: [DX-CHAT] Descheo Island

2009-01-26 Thread David Johnson
Hi Tim,

First may I suggest that you go to the team web site www.kp5.us and read the 
latest press release.  The team wishes to work folks like you with modest 
stations and has ask the big guns to hold off a bit.  Now we know that will not 
happen in some parts of the world but the request may help some.  The team will 
be there for 2 weeks with very good equipment and high power.  I may suggest 
that you not get real anxious to work then in the first days.  There is no 
doubt that they will be calling CQ toward the end of the dxpedition.

73 & Good DX,


  - Original Message - 
  From: Tim Holmes 
  To: dx-chat@njdxa.org 
  Sent: Monday, January 26, 2009 10:44 AM
  Subject: [DX-CHAT] Descheo Island

  HI Folks:

  Just looking for some hints and tips

  I am an extra class (W8TAH). My station is VERY much a little pistol

  IC 706MKIIG barefoot
  10-15-20 Rotateable Dipole at about 25 feet 
  135 Foot wire dipole - fed with window line at about 50 feet -- wiht LDG 
AT200 Pro tuner for 10 - 80 (160 is miserable)
  3 Ele Cushcraft Yagi on 6 at about 30 feet

  I have worked a number of DXpeditions in the past, including the VERY 
EXCELLENT Ducie Island group last year -- 

  I want to try to make contact with Descheo island this february, as well as 
improve my over all DXing.  Right now in this economy, hardware upgrades are 
not much of an option -- so im looking for techniques and the like.

  can any one give me any good ideas

  Im located in EN91cd


  Tim Holmes
  W8TAH - Amateur Extra Operator
  Medina County AEC
  Skywarn Advanced Storm Spotter Certified
  Certified Severe Weather Specialist
  StormNet Chase 9

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Re: [DX-CHAT] Descheo Island

2009-01-29 Thread David Johnson
The European DXers that need KP5 will be pleased to know that the US Fish & 
Wildlife Service has allowed the expansion of the area for antennas.  This 
expansion includes the top of the high hill on the island.  That hill would 
have a blocking effect on signals to Europe but with the antennas on top, 
there should be no problem.  The area has been checked for unexploded bombs 
and several suspicious cites well marked.  The team was told not to drive 
any ground rods in these areas.

Good DX,
Dave - K4SSU

- Original Message - 
From: "Dave" 

To: ; 
Sent: Thursday, January 29, 2009 5:29 AM
Subject: RE: [DX-CHAT] Descheo Island

Nicolas, I agree wholeheartedly with what you say.

I have to say that I almost never hear such bad manners from French-speaking 
operators.  Parisian driving technique does not seem to have spread to ham 

The bigger question is: what can we do constructively to improve things?

Dave G0OIL

-Original Message-
From: f5...@free.fr
Sent: 29 January 2009 09:16
To: dx-chat@njdxa.org
Subject: Re: [DX-CHAT] Descheo Island

I am not sure the lack of enough understanding of English is the main 
factor. It is a logical fact to DO NOT shout your callsign (or even just 
your suffix) when a QSO is already in progress or when another suffix is 
asked. It is a nonsense and an egocentric behavior. I think the 
international alphabet is clear enough to avoid these kind of confusions by 
anyone from any country. I would not call if I hear from the DX "Alpha 
Sierra, go ahead", even if my name is ending by "AS"... Another part of the 
problem could be a culture difference (and the latin culture might have 
these significative differences: << me and what peoples would think about me 
and about my "power", first... >> (...let's worry about the others later).

And to reply to another comment, this "problem" has nothing to do with this 
particular coming KP5 operation but is simply redundant with most of the 
rare DXpeditions.

73 de Nicolas F5FRM (a french/spanish latin one :-)

- Mail Original -
De: "ragnar otterstad" 
À: w8tahra...@gmail.com, dx-chat@njdxa.org, jdav...@mindspring.com, 
Envoyé: Lundi 26 Janvier 2009 18:57:41 GMT +01:00 Amsterdam / Berlin / Berne 
/ Rome / Stockholm / Vienne

Objet: [DX-CHAT] Descheo Island

I can see right now what's going to happen when they
work Europe:

When the operator says quite clearly for the fifth time
"Golf Nine Alpha Alpha Alpha five and nine", all
the Italians will keep shouting their last two for ten
minutes solid on the G9's frequency, overmodulating
their 3kW amplifiers and without pausing for
breath..even if they are in the log twelve times

Unfortunately, I think you are right.  Part of the problem is lack of proper 
understanding of English, which applies to all the latin countries, where 
films are dubbed. Up here, we have subtitles, so people get language lessons 
without even knowing it !!

These guys are all pretty good o

[The entire original message is not included]

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[DX-CHAT] Fw: Dayton DX Banquet

2009-05-06 Thread David Johnson
Hey Guys,

I need 3 tickets to the DX Banquet.  Anyone have more than they need?

Dave - K4SSU

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