RE: [DX-CHAT] P5, 7O and stuff....

2005-03-06 Thread mausoptik ltd
Perhaps Ed realised that people wading in with hob-nailed boots may have
upset the very delicate situation?  Remember that he spent several years
carefully persuading the NK military and had spent a lot of time
building up relationships.  Sometimes when someone without the requisite
diplomatic skills wades in, those who have been carefully talked into
agreement begin to either lose their nerve (after all, they had stuck
their necks out in a land where that's not encouraged) or go back into
their entrenched anti stance and follow the rule book.  I would
imagine that soldiers in a particularly nasty military dictatorship
would react this way!

I don't know if Ed knew YT1AD and friends from Adam before they visited
NK.  I'm sure that they're good guys - indeed when I've spoken to Hrane
he seems like a nice and knowledgeable chap - but maybe Ed didn't want
to take any chances.  Maybe they did screw things up for him as he had
his permission revoked not long after that?

On the subject of Yemen, I worked 7O/OH2YY in May 2002 - and that was
accepted by ARRL.  Does anyone know what OH2YY did differently to the
7O1YGF gang?  Perhaps he knew the right people, both in Yemen and
Newington?  I believe he was there to work, rather than for a
Dxpedition, and since the Arab world works on a basis of you scratch my
back and I'll scratch yours (some people call it other things) maybe
that made the difference?

Perhaps OH2YY knew the right people at ARRL.  A few years ago G3VMW and
I were planning a trip to Somalia which never happened - when we
approached the ARRL to find out what permission would be needed and from
whom, they were most obstructive and unhelpful.  Because there was (and
still is) no central government in Somalia they just didn't seem
interested in exploring other possibilities.  Interestingly they now
give approval to just about anyone who's got a scrap of paper from
anyone who calls themselves an authority in Somalia - exactly what they
said they wouldn't do for us.  How does that differ from the mess
described in this thread?  Maybe I should have said I was OH2BH - do you
think the answers may have been different?

As Ron correctly says Hey folks, it's just DX - why are ARRL so anal
about all this permission stuff.  Weren't 7O1YGF THERE?  Wasn't
VU4/VU2JPS THERE?  Weren't 7O1A THERE?  What bloody difference does a
scrap of paper from some little power crazed jerk in a peaked cap make?
Remember all the rubbish around BS7H? If ARRL want rules, they should
obey them in a consistent manner, not pick and choose on the basis of
who they know and how they feel that day.  If they'd done that, then
there wouldn't be this debate.

Ah, that's better.  Now I've got that off my chest, I'll have a nice
Sunday :-)


Dave G0OIL

-Original Message-
Of Ron Notarius
Sent: 06 March 2005 00:58
Cc: Mome Z32ZM
Subject: Re: [DX-CHAT] [DX-NEWS] P5

Am I reading this right?

Is it now being asserted that P5/4L4FN went into hiding to avoid contact
with YT1AD  YU7AV when they attempted the aborted P5A operation?  And
that Ed may have had something to do with the lack of DPRK Military
permission to operate P5A?

What is this, the X-Files?  Aren't we all letting the conspiracy
theories get a little out of hand here?

It is extremely unfortunate that the P5A operation was scrubbed.  Did
YT1AD  YU7AV get the proverbial shaft after being led down the
proverbial primrose path by the DPRK officials and such they were in
contact with? Yes!  No doubt!  But what did Ed have to do with that?

Hey folks, it's just DX.  Let's crank the paranoia down a notch or
three, shall we?


- Original Message - 
Sent: Saturday, March 05, 2005 5:20 PM
Subject: Re: [DX-NEWS] P5

 You  touch the main point (and mni others on QAP too).

 Just to remaind all DX'ers here:

 YT1AD-Hrane  YU7AV-Vojo been in P5 at the time when P5/4L4FN was 
 active. But, ED was not active at all, when this two verry good frends

 of mine
 in his local, He just deseappear so that AD  AV was not eable to see 
 him or his permition licence   even the antenna was down , 
 (some R7
 AD  AV , HAVE a radio-amateur licence to operate from P5, but not the

 military permition to transmit from, as everybody know this 
 DXPN finished as Touristic-one.

 Any way, its verry dificult to think about the things like P5/4L4FN vs

 P5A  7O1YGF vs 7O/OH2YY. which unfortenetely happend

 Stay Tuned on SIX !!!

  73,GLDX!!!   de: MOME -  Z32ZM

 From: Fred Souto Maior [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Subject: Re: [DX-NEWS] KH8ZM
 Date: Saturday, March 05, 2005 21:35 PM

 No Tom.

Re: [DX-CHAT] P5, 7O and stuff....

2005-03-06 Thread Georg Einfalt
Dave G0OIL wrote:
As Ron correctly says Hey folks, it's just DX - why are ARRL so anal
about all this permission stuff.  Weren't 7O1YGF THERE?  Wasn't
VU4/VU2JPS THERE?  Weren't 7O1A THERE?  What bloody difference does a
scrap of paper from some little power crazed jerk in a peaked cap make?
I remember a statement of the 7O1A crew, that they had at hand a permission
of the Aden office of the Ministry of Communcations and that this paper has
also been presented at Newington. The permission has been revoked by a guy
at the headquarters of the Ministry of Communications in Sanaa weeks after
the operation. Btw...that shows, how weak governmental structures are in 
that kind of countries.

In summer '04 the ARRL announced, that for Somalia written permissions are
accepted from any recognized authority that is acknowledged to be in
control of a particular region. Authority acknowledged by whom?
Particular regions of Somalia have declared their autonomy or independence,
but as the CIA World Factbook states, these regions are not recognized by
any government. I read, that permissions issued by a development aid
volunteer from Australia should be valid for 6O (is that really true?).
7O1A was there and during the operation, they apparently had a written 
permission. 7O1YGF was there, they had no paper. Both have not been 
accepted. Ed was in P5, he also had no paper. His operation was accepted. 
Nowadays for 6O a kind of wildcard-solution is used.

I agree with Dave: What difference do such scraps of paper make? It is about 
time for the league to review some of their decisions...

Georg, DL5NO
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