[DXR] By the numbers

2001-06-17 Thread NT4TT
  One of my only comments isIt depends on the Dx station and how 
comfortable he or she is working the mass multitudes...We are not all like 
OH2BH...some of us
TRY to be equal in the treatment of all...of if we work 25 per call area then 
we are trying to be as equal to everyone as we can..
    I wished WE in the radio community would not be so vocal in our condemming
someone who does not have the talents that others do.  And try to undrerstand 
that he or she might be doing the best that they can...We all have to start 
   When I go on an expedition...I do the things that I feel comfortable 
with...I know that I can not please everyone..so I try to please me..If I do 
my best to work as many as I can...then NO one should complain.  If I descide 
to work a NET...Blasphemy..
then I will...it is my choice..you do not have to work me...it will not hurt 
my feelings...
  I made someone the net happy and that makes my day...
  Even if we all were someone like Marty...someone would still complain 
because they did not get worked or in the log...not thinking that we can NOT 
work them all..
  or we did not work the masses as THEY think we should...so it will never 

  Ed    NT4TT   


[DXR] By the Numbers

2001-06-17 Thread Jsryan28
Quit your griping and just go do it.  I've seen and heard them all.  Pileups, 
by the Numbers, third party, Nets or Whatever.  Your just griping because 
they didn't pick  you up the first time you called. To quote a famous NYC 
Mayor, "Patience and fortitude gets the job done."  

The thing that gripes me the most is the blustering, inconsiderate, 
loudmouth, overbearing so-called Hams the bugger up the frequency when a DX 
station is trying to make as many contacts as he can.  Only to be overridden 
but these jerks. Just remember, they are try a whole lot harder than you are.

My advice to you is, " you don't like the way the DX station is doing it.  YOU
 go out there and try it just once. Then come back and tell us all about 
"Either that or try to help the guy as best as you can. Which may require you 
to just keep you mouth shut.

Even the very worst DX station does an adequate job or you wouldn't have 
anything to gripe about.

To every DXpeditioner - Thank you for being there for me!

John - KD2NL   

Re: [DXR] By the numbers

2001-06-17 Thread Norman Gertz

Why start with W1's when the propagation favors W6 land?
I am a number 1 but am located in W4 land.
Some call areas only have a rather small time window to communicate with 
certain parts of the world.  Skillful DX operators are aware of this and 
call the areas in order of optimum conditions.
Old timers will remember Lloyd & Iris Colvin who operated from all over 
creation.  They never started with #1 and went up in sequence; instead they 
called for areas in order to give them a chance to use the conditions to best 
No matter what the technique there will always be some who complain that 
they have been slighted.
73    Norm    K1AA

Re: [DXR] By the numbers

2001-06-17 Thread Tom Wylie
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<DIV><FONT face=Arial size=2>Amen to that!</FONT></DIV>


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Re: [DXR] By the numbers

2001-06-17 Thread Billy R. Gallier

Hey -- play THEIR game or create YOUR own!!!
Bill W4WX

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Re: [DXR] By the Numbers

2001-06-17 Thread Dan Zimmerman

I think some of the griping is legitimate.  A straight pileup allows the 
loudest and/or the most skillful ops through.  By the numbers COULD allow 
more DXers to get thru a huge pileup, but only if it is done well and 

I would probably have Malpelo Island in the log had he not been operating by 
numbers, the first time I heard him on 20m.  He never got back around to 
3's, but he was booming in, and with the number of people he was working in 
each district, I would have had plenty of time.  I would have much preferred 
a "regular" pileup that night.

Couple of nights later, T5W was operating 20 SSB by numbers.  He hit 3's, I 
had no problem (100W + A3S @ 30ft)  No gripe there.  My biggest problem with 
operating by numbers is the inconsistency in how it's done.  I was pretty 
frustrated after I sat by the radio for an hour just listening and waiting 
for 3's to come around for the /0M and he just quit after 0's.  If I had 
know he was going to QRT, I would have spent the time looking for more DX.

I agree with the guys and gals that contend that by the numbers should not 
necessarily be done in numerical order.  On the other hand, I can't agree 
with the people who say to work proportional numbers to the size of the call 
district, unless the DX is ONLY calling the U.S.A.

The fact of the matter is, the 4th call district may be the largest in the 
U.S., but it's not other places.  Just take this area of the world.  Let's 
see.  VE4... I think there are a lot more VE7's VE3's and VE2's than there 
are VE4's.  How about an XE4?  I've never even heard one.  V34?  no.  6Y4?  
TG4?  OX4?  Not too common.  Yes, the few I've mentioned are a smaller 
fraction of the ham community than the W4's, but we need to let the DX work 
the DX sometimes.

I apologize for picking on the 4's.  I don't want to seem like I'm singling 
out the 4's or attacking the guy who mentioned the 4's before... just an 

I personally think that by the numbers tends to be unfair and frustrate 
people.  You get too many people getting hot under the collar waiting a 
chance to even TRY to call.  You get people in Pennsylvania signing N3xxx/7. 
  That's no good.

By the numbers should be used sparingly and with thought but sometimes it's 
just the default way the DX operates.  I try to deal with it as best as I 
can but I'd rather have a straight pile most of the time.

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Re: [DXR] By the Numbers

2001-06-17 Thread John and Mari Minke

Dan Zimmerman wrote:
> I think some of the griping is legitimate.  A straight pileup allows
> the loudest and/or the most skillful ops through..

Oh, the heck with it. Why not just request all those who are left
handed call now!

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RE: [DXR] By the Numbers

2001-06-17 Thread Bruce Makas

"A straight pileup allows the
loudest and/or the most skillful ops through. "

I don't understand the issue; the above is the essence of DXing isn't it?
Shouldn't the loudest and/or the strongest prevail? I can think of
absolutely no reason to deprive a well engineered station with a skillful
operator and the propagation a contact or should we all stand by for the
weak and poor operators without propagation?

Think about it,

Bruce K1MY

-Original Message-
Behalf Of Dan Zimmerman
Sent: Sunday, June 17, 2001 5:54 PM
Subject: Re: [DXR] By the Numbers

I think some of the griping is legitimate.  A straight pileup allows the
loudest and/or the most skillful ops through.  By the numbers COULD allow
more DXers to get thru a huge pileup, but only if it is done well and

I would probably have Malpelo Island in the log had he not been operating by
numbers, the first time I heard him on 20m.  He never got back around to
3's, but he was booming in, and with the number of people he was working in
each district, I would have had plenty of time.  I would have much preferred
a "regular" pileup that night.

Couple of nights later, T5W was operating 20 SSB by numbers.  He hit 3's, I
had no problem (100W + A3S @ 30ft)  No gripe there.  My biggest problem with
operating by numbers is the inconsistency in how it's done.  I was pretty
frustrated after I sat by the radio for an hour just listening and waiting
for 3's to come around for the /0M and he just quit after 0's.  If I had
know he was going to QRT, I would have spent the time looking for more DX.

I agree with the guys and gals that contend that by the numbers should not
necessarily be done in numerical order.  On the other hand, I can't agree
with the people who say to work proportional numbers to the size of the call
district, unless the DX is ONLY calling the U.S.A.

The fact of the matter is, the 4th call district may be the largest in the
U.S., but it's not other places.  Just take this area of the world.  Let's
see.  VE4... I think there are a lot more VE7's VE3's and VE2's than there
are VE4's.  How about an XE4?  I've never even heard one.  V34?  no.  6Y4?
TG4?  OX4?  Not too common.  Yes, the few I've mentioned are a smaller
fraction of the ham community than the W4's, but we need to let the DX work
the DX sometimes.

I apologize for picking on the 4's.  I don't want to seem like I'm singling
out the 4's or attacking the guy who mentioned the 4's before... just an

I personally think that by the numbers tends to be unfair and frustrate
people.  You get too many people getting hot under the collar waiting a
chance to even TRY to call.  You get people in Pennsylvania signing N3xxx/7.
  That's no good.

By the numbers should be used sparingly and with thought but sometimes it's
just the default way the DX operates.  I try to deal with it as best as I
can but I'd rather have a straight pile most of the time.

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RE: [DXR] By the Numbers

2001-06-17 Thread Bruce Makas

"A straight pileup allows the
loudest and/or the most skillful ops through. "

I don't understand the issue; the above is the essence of DXing isn't it?
Shouldn't the loudest and/or the strongest prevail? I can think of
absolutely no reason to deprive a well engineered station with a skillful
operator and the propagation a contact or should we all stand by for the
weak and poor operators without propagation?

Think about it,

Bruce K1MY

-Original Message-
Behalf Of Dan Zimmerman
Sent: Sunday, June 17, 2001 5:54 PM
Subject: Re: [DXR] By the Numbers

I think some of the griping is legitimate.  A straight pileup allows the
loudest and/or the most skillful ops through.  By the numbers COULD allow
more DXers to get thru a huge pileup, but only if it is done well and

I would probably have Malpelo Island in the log had he not been operating by
numbers, the first time I heard him on 20m.  He never got back around to
3's, but he was booming in, and with the number of people he was working in
each district, I would have had plenty of time.  I would have much preferred
a "regular" pileup that night.

Couple of nights later, T5W was operating 20 SSB by numbers.  He hit 3's, I
had no problem (100W + A3S @ 30ft)  No gripe there.  My biggest problem with
operating by numbers is the inconsistency in how it's done.  I was pretty
frustrated after I sat by the radio for an hour just listening and waiting
for 3's to come around for the /0M and he just quit after 0's.  If I had
know he was going to QRT, I would have spent the time looking for more DX.

I agree with the guys and gals that contend that by the numbers should not
necessarily be done in numerical order.  On the other hand, I can't agree
with the people who say to work proportional numbers to the size of the call
district, unless the DX is ONLY calling the U.S.A.

The fact of the matter is, the 4th call district may be the largest in the
U.S., but it's not other places.  Just take this area of the world.  Let's
see.  VE4... I think there are a lot more VE7's VE3's and VE2's than there
are VE4's.  How about an XE4?  I've never even heard one.  V34?  no.  6Y4?
TG4?  OX4?  Not too common.  Yes, the few I've mentioned are a smaller
fraction of the ham community than the W4's, but we need to let the DX work
the DX sometimes.

I apologize for picking on the 4's.  I don't want to seem like I'm singling
out the 4's or attacking the guy who mentioned the 4's before... just an

I personally think that by the numbers tends to be unfair and frustrate
people.  You get too many people getting hot under the collar waiting a
chance to even TRY to call.  You get people in Pennsylvania signing N3xxx/7.
  That's no good.

By the numbers should be used sparingly and with thought but sometimes it's
just the default way the DX operates.  I try to deal with it as best as I
can but I'd rather have a straight pile most of the time.

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RE: [DXR] By the Numbers

2001-06-17 Thread Howard Klein

I totally agree with Bruce. Regardless of the method (or no method for that 
matter) used by the DX operator the outcome should depend on operator skill 
and station engineering. In situations where DX operators say they are 
listening from 200 to 225, how close is that to throwing a dart blind 
folded?  How about when the operator is operating simplex and is in great 
demand and it is ALMOST impossible to tell who he has come back to?  How 
about working a needed station in middle of the night when propagation is 
not expected? These are some of the conditions that when overcome give joy 
to the chase and make DX'ing the thrill that it can be. The satisfaction of 
finally working a long sought after station, when the deck is stacked 
against you, is often proportionate to the effort involved. Just think when 
you have worked them all you might have to watch TV :((.

>"A straight pileup allows the
>loudest and/or the most skillful ops through. "
>I don't understand the issue; the above is the essence of DXing isn't it?
>Shouldn't the loudest and/or the strongest prevail? I can think of
>absolutely no reason to deprive a well engineered station with a skillful
>operator and the propagation a contact or should we all stand by for the
>weak and poor operators without propagation?
>Think about it,
>Bruce K1MY

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Re: [DXR] By the numbers

2001-06-18 Thread Dave Shrader

About 1 week ago I was in a pile for my number 215. The DX operator
first went to split operation, QSX +5. The pile dutifully followed.
After a few posts to different reflectors appeared the pile became
unmanageable and the DX operator complained that he had a 30 over nine
10 kHz wide pile and could copy NO-ONE. He requested a little discipline
for the pile. The pile still grew larger.

>From the perspective of the DX operator, how would you manage the

Go QRT?  QSY? Or, force a discipline by calling numbers?

He started with numbers beginning with number 5. He worked a number for
about 3 minutes and then counted down.

When he got to one's I jumped in.  BTW, I'm still looking for #215

Think about using numbers from the perspective of the DX operator not a
member of the pile.

73 and God Bless you,

Deacon Dave, W1MCE


> Hi,
>  One of my only comments isIt depends on the Dx station and how
> comfortable he or she is working the mass multitudes...We are not all
> like
> OH2BH...some of us
> TRY to be equal in the treatment of all...of if we work 25 per call
> area then
> we are trying to be as equal to everyone as we can..
>I wished WE in the radio community would not be so vocal in our
> condemming
> someone who does not have the talents that others do.  And try to
> undrerstand
> that he or she might be doing the best that they can...We all have to
> start
> somewhere..
>   When I go on an expedition...I do the things that I feel comfortable
> with...I know that I can not please everyone..so I try to please
> me..If I do
> my best to work as many as I can...then NO one should complain.  If I
> descide
> to work a NET...Blasphemy..
> then I will...it is my choice..you do not have to work me...it will
> not hurt
> my feelings...
>  I made someone the net happy and that makes my day...
>  Even if we all were someone like Marty...someone would still complain
> because they did not get worked or in the log...not thinking that we
> can NOT
> work them all..
>  or we did not work the masses as THEY think we should...so it will
> never
> end...
>  73,
>  EdNT4TT
>   HZ1AB

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Re: [DXR] By the numbers

2001-06-18 Thread Bill Inkrote

I cant understand the thread here If the pileup is 10 kHz wide and 30
over nine - you couldn't ask for any thing better... Any skilled operator
should work the margins of the pileup and his rate should not dip below
200/hour.  Its the ones that are 1khz wide and s1 that are the hard ones to
work through.

By the numbers are a lazy (or unskilled) operators out.  It still wont help
him in the long run.

It does however help to go geographically because propagation is different
for each region... but then, how do you do that other than by the numbers???

Two weeks ago I heard some clown going by call areas WORLDWIDE... he would
ask for 1's then work a DL1 and then a JA1 then a W1... now that really made

Gus Browning would shudder at today's spoon fed DXers who don't tune,
monitor, live in the shack... they just wait for the beep of their spotting
network... and if they have the filters set right - they wont be bothered by
mundane callouts either.

Bill K2NJ
- Original Message -
From: "Dave Shrader" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, June 18, 2001 11:37 AM
Subject: Re: [DXR] By the numbers

> About 1 week ago I was in a pile for my number 215. The DX operator
> first went to split operation, QSX +5. The pile dutifully followed.
> After a few posts to different reflectors appeared the pile became
> unmanageable and the DX operator complained that he had a 30 over nine
> 10 kHz wide pile and could copy NO-ONE. He requested a little discipline
> for the pile. The pile still grew larger.
> >From the perspective of the DX operator, how would you manage the
> pile???
> Go QRT?  QSY? Or, force a discipline by calling numbers?
> He started with numbers beginning with number 5. He worked a number for
> about 3 minutes and then counted down.
> When he got to one's I jumped in.  BTW, I'm still looking for #215
> Think about using numbers from the perspective of the DX operator not a
> member of the pile.
> 73 and God Bless you,
> Deacon Dave, W1MCE
> __
> >
> > Hi,
> >  One of my only comments isIt depends on the Dx station and how
> > comfortable he or she is working the mass multitudes...We are not all
> > like
> > OH2BH...some of us
> > TRY to be equal in the treatment of all...of if we work 25 per call
> > area then
> > we are trying to be as equal to everyone as we can..
> >I wished WE in the radio community would not be so vocal in our
> > condemming
> > someone who does not have the talents that others do.  And try to
> > undrerstand
> > that he or she might be doing the best that they can...We all have to
> > start
> > somewhere..
> >   When I go on an expedition...I do the things that I feel comfortable
> >
> > with...I know that I can not please everyone..so I try to please
> > me..If I do
> > my best to work as many as I can...then NO one should complain.  If I
> > descide
> > to work a NET...Blasphemy..
> > then I will...it is my choice..you do not have to work me...it will
> > not hurt
> > my feelings...
> >  I made someone the net happy and that makes my day...
> >  Even if we all were someone like Marty...someone would still complain
> >
> > because they did not get worked or in the log...not thinking that we
> > can NOT
> > work them all..
> >  or we did not work the masses as THEY think we should...so it will
> > never
> > end...
> >
> >  73,
> >  EdNT4TT
> >   HZ1AB
> >
> >
> Subscribe/unsubscribe, feedback, FAQ, problems http://njdxa.org/dx-news
> To post a message, DX NEWS items only, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Archives available at  http://www.mail-archive.com/dx-news%40pro-usa.net/
> This is the DXR reflector sponsored by the NJDXA http://njdxa.org

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Re: [DXR] By the numbers

2001-06-18 Thread Waldemar DK3VN

Dave Shrader wrote:
> .. and the DX operator complained that he had a 30 over nine
> 10 kHz wide pile and could copy NO-ONE. 

hmm .. what the hell is the RF-Gain knob for?  =:-)

73 de Waldemar, DK3VN
GDXF#207:Big antennas, high in the sky, are better than small ones, low!

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