[Dx4win] DX4WIN

2006-05-16 Thread Steve Bookout
Hello All,

Since I don't have one of these rigs, I need to ask.  Which Yaesu rig 
driver works with the FT-840.

Think I used to have the answer, but Email stuff so 'hosed up', I 
can't find any reference to it in my archives.

You can just email me directly.


73 de Steve, NR4M

Rapidan Data Systems

DX4WIN... the way logging software should be

Free demo at www.dx4win.com

[Dx4win] Test message; please ignore

2006-05-14 Thread Steve Bookout
Told you to ignore it.

73 de Steve, NR4M

Rapidan Data Systems

DX4WIN... the way logging software should be

Free demo at www.dx4win.com

[Dx4win] Help with Portugese

2005-10-02 Thread Steve Bookout
Anyone willing to explain key installation in Portugese?


73 de Steve, NR4M

Rapidan Data Systems

DX4WIN... the way logging software should be

Free demo at www.dx4win.com  
From [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Sun Oct  2 21:14:35 2005
Date: Sun Oct  2 21:24:37 2005
Subject: [Dx4win] Help with Portugese

Do a Google search on 'translate'.  Google will
translate for you... Here is the help for 'grab spot'
in Portuguese:
Os come?os que adicionam QSOs no real-time, e
incorporam o callsign do ponto atual de DX.  Se nenhum
r?dio for conectado, a faixa e a modalidade atuais
est?o obtidas do ponto de DX.  A se um r?dio for
conectado, o r?dio estar? ajustado a faixa e
modalidade obtida do ponto.  Se o campo do texto do
ponto contiver ' RTTY ' ou ' FSK ', a modalidade
estar? ajustada ao FSK, e se o ponto contiver uma
freq??ncia de QSX, o r?dio ser? ajustado a modalidade
rachada.  Antes de ajustar o r?dio a freq??ncia nova e
modalidade ao selecionar um ponto, ?s freq??ncias e ?
modalidade atuais s?o obtidas do r?dio ser?o usadas
pelo retorno ao ?ltimo comando de Freq.

73, Art  W6KY

--- Steve Bookout [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Anyone willing to explain key installation in
 73 de Steve, NR4M
 Rapidan Data Systems
 DX4WIN... the way logging software should be
 Free demo at www.dx4win.com  
 Dx4win mailing list

[Dx4win] Again: Adding QSOs in real-time

2005-05-27 Thread Steve Bookout
Hello Guys,

Really don't want to get in the middle cuz I'm busy as heck, but...

This was intended to allow you to see the specifics such as beam heading, 
country, etc associated with a certain spot.  The band and mode in the QSO 
window did not used to change from the default you were using.  Somewhere 
along the line (v6.04?) an addition was made to show the country window, 
zone window, WAS window stats for these zipping by spots.  To do this, the 
band / mode would show changed in the QSO window.  The down side was that 
it was also changing the rig as well! Not good!
We changed this in v 7.01 to keep it from changing the rig, as it should 
be.  The band and mode of the rig should be stable and not change.

BTW, as soon as you enter ANY callsign data into the empty callsign field, 
this viewing of the incoming spot information immediately goes away and it 
will only show stats for the callsign being entered.

73 de Steve NR4M

At 06:23 PM 5/27/2005, you wrote:
Wolf (DL5FU) wrote:

When adding QSOs in real-time and the QSO window is still empty, each
time a new spot comes up the mode and band are set according to that
spot. The default settings in Prefs|QSO are ignored.

I concur, Wolf. I've had problems with this issue since v6.03 and had
hoped that it would be rectified in the next major release. It's
essentially impossible to run a casual contest with the packetcluster
active with the mode and band always changing. I would hope that there
could, at least, be some way of disabling this behavior in a future

Rich Eckman

Dx4win mailing list

73 de Steve, NR4M

Rapidan Data Systems

DX4WIN... the way logging software should be

Free demo at www.dx4win.com  

[Dx4win] Upgrade from 6.xx to 6.04 - Please read

2005-02-01 Thread Steve Bookout
Hello Everyone,

Please understand that if you already have version 6.01, 6.02 or 6.03 of 
DX4WIN, 6.04 cost you NOTHING if you download it from the web page.  If you 
want it on CD ROM, then it's $25, plus sh/h, just as if you were upgrading 
from version 5.xx.  It's 'no charge' only if I don't get involved.  If you 
do want/need it on CD ROM, then I am happy to do it for you.  Just want 
everyone to understand how it works.

VERSION 6 PROGRAM.  Use the key file I sent you with your original version 
6 upgrade and if you can not find it, the key file can be found in your 
current installations DX4WIN directory.  It will be called 'yourcall.key', 
with 'yourcall' being your own actual call sign.  For example, if you 
previously used version 6.02 and your call is N1ABC, using 'explore', go to 
C:\program files\dx4w602 and look for the file named 'n1abc.key'.
'Copy' or 'move' this file to the C:\program files\dx4w604 directory and 
the new installation should start as a fully licensed program.

I am being swamped by those sending in orders thru the secure form on the 
web page, knowing there is no charge, but expecting that they will need a 
new key.
Maybe this will help.

73 de Steve, NR4M

Rapidan Data Systems

DX4WIN... the way logging software should be

Free demo at www.dx4win.com  

[Dx4win] DX4WIN support

2004-05-31 Thread Steve Bookout
Hello all,

Just to make it absolutely clear...

I do not, have not and do not intend to do any support thru reflector requests.

As it has always been in the past, if you want or need support, send an 

The first time I had anything sent directly to the 'support' address 
regarding a packet connection problem was on 31 May (today.)  The inference 
in the email, which I have seen posted here, was that support was asked for 
a week ago, but not given.  This is not the case.
If you want help, ask, but you do actually need to ask.

I do not have time to monitor the reflector, and I don't.  I just catch up 
on events when I get the time.
The reflector is intended for the users for their DX4WIN discussions, and 
not any official email route to me.  I may eventually see the email, but it 
may not be in a timely manner.

Have a good holiday.


-Steve Bookout, NR4M (ex NJ4F)
Rapidan Data Systems

'DX4WIN...The way logging programs should be!'
Free demo at http://www.dx4win.com

[Dx4win] Support

2004-05-31 Thread Steve Bookout
Hello all,

Most of what I said still previously is still accurate.

John sent his Emails to Paul, not me.

Paul sent me an Email about Johns problem, which I saw,  but put it with 
some one else (wrong John.)

Enough fault to go around for all.

73 de Steve, NR4M

-Steve Bookout, NR4M (ex NJ4F)
Rapidan Data Systems

'DX4WIN...The way logging programs should be!'
Free demo at http://www.dx4win.com

[Dx4win] CD Format???

2004-05-27 Thread Steve Bookout
Hello All,

Can anyone shed some light on this for me?

This fellow in JA says he can not read the CD I sent him because of how it 
is formatted.  I am not familiar with what is 'standard' and what is not, 
nor am I knowledgeable about what I can do about it.

May 27th,2004 (10:00z)
I have just received DX4WIN Ver.6.03 today.
Unfortunately the CD-ROM with file system-CDFS sent to me can not be started.
Is CDFS file system not common in JA ?
My another CD shows 'filesystem UDF'.
How can I do to solve this problem ?


73 de Steve, NR4M

-Steve Bookout, NR4M (ex NJ4F)
Rapidan Data Systems

'DX4WIN...The way logging programs should be!'
Free demo at http://www.dx4win.com

[Dx4win] Ver 6.02 user guides at a Discount

2004-05-20 Thread Steve Bookout
Hello All,

Version 6.03 of the program AND users guide have been released and I find 
that I have 4 copies of the version 6.02 users guides left.

The MAJOR difference is they don't include anything about electronic QSL 
submissions (LotW.)

I am offering them for $9.00 each, shipped (US only.)  This would normally 
be $18.95, so this is less than half.

First come; first served.

73 de Steve, NR4M

-Steve Bookout, NR4M (ex NJ4F)
Rapidan Data Systems

'DX4WIN...The way logging programs should be!'
Free demo at http://www.dx4win.com

[Dx4win] test - ignore

2004-05-11 Thread Steve Bookout

-Steve Bookout, NR4M (ex NJ4F)
Rapidan Data Systems

'DX4WIN...The way logging programs should be!'
Free demo at http://www.dx4win.com

[Dx4win] Reflector crash

2004-05-11 Thread Steve Bookout
Hello all,

The server hosting the DX4WIN mailing list had a serious crash a few days 
ago. Al and others have done a lot of
work restoring archives and lists.

The DX4WIN list was damaged, resulting in the email you received with your 
new password.

73 de Steve

-Steve Bookout, NR4M (ex NJ4F)
Rapidan Data Systems

'DX4WIN...The way logging programs should be!'
Free demo at http://www.dx4win.com

[Dx4win] Announcing release of version 6.03

2004-05-11 Thread Steve Bookout
Hello all,

Version 6.03 is available on the web page for download .

Thanks to Jim, AD1C, this version sports the new country database.

Paul and Steve

PS See us in Dayton; Steve and I will be in booth 527/528

73 de Paul, KK4HD and Steve, NR4M

-Steve Bookout, NR4M (ex NJ4F)
Rapidan Data Systems

'DX4WIN...The way logging programs should be!'
Free demo at http://www.dx4win.com


2004-05-11 Thread Steve Bookout
Hello all,

If you have 6.02, YOU DO NOT NEED A NEW KEY FOR VERSION 6.03!

If you have 6.02, YOU DO NOT NEED A NEW KEY FOR VERSION 6.03!

If you have 6.02, YOU DO NOT NEED A NEW KEY FOR VERSION 6.03!

Use the one I sent you with 6.02.

If you are lost as to where it may be, it is in your dx4w602 directory 
(C:\program files\dx4w602) and is called 'yourcall'.key.  Move it or copy 
it from that location to the dx4w603 directory (C:\program files\dx4w603)

Once you move or copy it to the new location, the next time the program 
starts, it should come up fully licensed.

Thanks for taking the time to read this.

PS  Who's going to buy me a beer at Dayton?  Will be staying at the Crown 
Plaza downtown.

73 de Steve, NR4M

-Steve Bookout, NR4M (ex NJ4F)
Rapidan Data Systems

'DX4WIN...The way logging programs should be!'
Free demo at http://www.dx4win.com

[Dx4win] Changing bands to 60 meters

2004-05-11 Thread Steve Bookout
Hello all,

In the past versions of DX4WIN, 60 meters was not an option.  Those of you 
who asked how to handle it, I told to log those contacts as if there were 
on one of the bands which you do not use. (I don't know of anyone who uses 
them all.)

Now, that you have 60 meters, you can change all those QSO's to show 60 
meters.  Here is how:

1.  From the QSO window, press 'F8' to get a new blank search window.  In 
the 'band' field, enter the band THAT YOU WERE SAVING THESE QSO'S 
UNDER.  (For example, 12 meters, as I have never worked anyone on that 
band.)   Press 'enter'.  You should now have found all those QSO's which 
SHOULD be listed as 60 meters.

2.  Go to 'QSO window | QSO | multiple QSO operations' and choose 'set 
band'.  From the list, choose '60 m'.  Press 'enter'.

This should change only those QSO's selected by the search filter, to 60 

73 de Steve, NR4M

-Steve Bookout, NR4M (ex NJ4F)
Rapidan Data Systems

'DX4WIN...The way logging programs should be!'
Free demo at http://www.dx4win.com

[Dx4win] Regarding lost or misplaced key files

2004-05-11 Thread Steve Bookout
Hello all,

- In follow up to my last message regarding the key files -

If you can not find the file at all, I will send it to you for nothing  I 
always have and intend to do so in the future.  Since I am really swamped 
right now with Dayton, etc, would appreciate if you looked first in the 
C:\program files\dx4w602 directory for a file called 'yourcall'.key.  This 
is the file you need.

It was not my intent to sound like you are on your own, just that you don't 
have to pay if you already have 6.02.

-Steve Bookout, NR4M (ex NJ4F)
Rapidan Data Systems

'DX4WIN...The way logging programs should be!'
Free demo at http://www.dx4win.com

[Dx4win] Help for IC 751?

2004-03-27 Thread Steve Bookout
Hello all,

Can anyone using an IC-751 tell me which driver they're using and the 
address used.


-Steve Bookout, NR4M (ex NJ4F)
Rapidan Data Systems

'DX4WIN...The way logging programs should be!'
Free demo at http://www.dx4win.com

[Dx4win] Help with Japanese to English language barrier.

2003-12-26 Thread Steve Bookout
Hello all,

I have a user who is Japanese and for as bad as his English is, it's 100% 
better than my Japanese.

I am having a real issue on explaining how/where to put his license key.

Anyone out there who can help me by emailing him direct on my behalf?

73 de Steve, NR4M

-Steve Bookout, NR4M (ex NJ4F)
Rapidan Data Systems

'DX4WIN...The way logging programs should be!'
Free demo at http://www.dx4win.com

[Dx4win] Thanks to all for radio driver input

2003-12-26 Thread Steve Bookout
Like I said, Thanks big time.

73 de Steve, NR4M

-Steve Bookout, NR4M (ex NJ4F)
Rapidan Data Systems

'DX4WIN...The way logging programs should be!'
Free demo at http://www.dx4win.com

[Dx4win] Anyone using an Icom IC-7400

2003-12-26 Thread Steve Bookout
Hello all,

Can anyone tell me which Icom driver works (works best) with the Icom 
IC-7400?  ... and maybe a brief description of the rig?  Mobile?... 
HF/VHF?... new?... old?

73 de Steve, NR4M

-Steve Bookout, NR4M (ex NJ4F)
Rapidan Data Systems

'DX4WIN...The way logging programs should be!'
Free demo at http://www.dx4win.com

[Dx4win] Thanks for all the help on explaining the IC 7400

2003-12-26 Thread Steve Bookout
Thanks all.


-Steve Bookout, NR4M (ex NJ4F)
Rapidan Data Systems

'DX4WIN...The way logging programs should be!'
Free demo at http://www.dx4win.com

[Dx4win] Help with PacTerm setup

2003-10-28 Thread Steve Bookout
Hello all,

Have a DX4WIN user who also uses PacTerm and would like to know how it all 
sets and works together.
Some version of PacTerm was modified so it could communicate to DX4WIN, 
without any real modification to DX4WIN.  My point is since the interface 
really happens on the PacTerm side, I have no idea how it is done.

Could someone please enlighten both this fellow Lou and me.

Please send any info directly to him and CC me.  His address 

Thanks a ton.

-Steve Bookout, NR4M (ex NJ4F)
Rapidan Data Systems

'DX4WIN...The way logging programs should be!'
Free demo at http://www.dx4win.com

[Dx4win] TS-140 Kenwood info

2003-10-14 Thread Steve Bookout
Hello all,

I can not remember anything about the TS-140.  Can anyone tell me if it is 
a RS-232 controllable rig and if it uses the same command set as the 
TS-940.  I *think* this may have been the mobile rig which was out the same 
time the larger TS-940 was out.


73 de Steve, NR4M

-Steve Bookout, NR4M (ex NJ4F)
Rapidan Data Systems

'DX4WIN...The way logging programs should be!'
Free demo at http://www.dx4win.com

[Dx4win] ***** DL1HCM, Michael, please read ******

2003-05-29 Thread Steve Bookout

My Emails to you are bouncing back to me.  Can you give me another address 
to use?

One of them contains your license key for the upgrade.

73 de Steve, NR4M

-Steve Bookout, NR4M (ex NJ4F)
Rapidan Data Systems

'DX4WIN...The way logging programs should be!'
Free demo at http://www.dx4win.com

[Dx4win] LoTW PSK3 error w version 5.03

2003-05-20 Thread Steve Bookout
At 06:11 AM 5/19/2003 -0700, Edgar Brown, N6OU wrote:
The word from the LoTW team says That's an error in DX4WIN. The ADIF file 
has the wrong number of characters listed for the MODE field.

Hello All,

Let me again say that I am not a programmer; that is Paul's job, but if the 
above is what the ARRL group said, I personally think it's a load of 'you 
know what'.  I just checked the ADIF specs and I can't find anything 
specifying minimum or maximum for any field, including MODE.

If I'm wrong, I'll say so, would they do the same.

Look for yourself.  http://www.hosenose.com/adif/adif.html  This site was 
updated just before Xmas.

-Steve Bookout, NR4M (ex NJ4F)
Rapidan Data Systems

'DX4WIN...The way logging programs should be!'
Free demo at http://www.dx4win.com

[Dx4win] Dayton room

2003-03-24 Thread Steve Bookout
Hello all,

Anyone know of an available room at the Dayton Crown Plaza for the 
hamvention?  K7SV and I need one.

73 de Steve, NR4M

-Steve Bookout, NR4M (ex NJ4F)
Rapidan Data Systems

'DX4WIN...The way logging programs should be!'
Free demo at http://www.dx4win.com

[Dx4win] Rick Schwartz, K8HEF

2003-02-09 Thread Steve Bookout

Your ISP is bouncing my Emails as 'user unknown'.  I did a 'reply' so am 
using the address you provided.

73 de Steve, NR4M

-Steve Bookout, NR4M (ex NJ4F)
Rapidan Data Systems

'DX4WIN...The way logging programs should be!'
Free demo at http://www.dx4win.com

[Dx4win] Registration still not received:

2003-02-07 Thread Steve Bookout
Hello All,

This should be taken care of by now.

There was either a problem with Bruce's Email or he didn't notice the order 
when it arrived.  It was sent out electronically on the 30th and never 
bounced back to me.

73 de Steve, NR4M

At 07:14 PM 2/7/03 -0600, Bill Jackson wrote:
Did you try asking Steve first before asking here?  His e-mail address is 
Both Paul and Steve have said many times before they try to watch the 
reflector but many times don't have the time and you should contact them 
directly if you have a problem with your order.  Steve is handling the 
upgrade orders, he can probably best answer your question.

de Bill

Bruce Osterberg wrote:

I still see spots where people have received their email registration 
with 24 hours.  Mine has not shown up after 10 days.  What is going 
on???  My bank cleared the VISA transaction over 8 days ago!!

Bruce N9BX

Dx4win mailing list

-Steve Bookout, NR4M (ex NJ4F)
Rapidan Data Systems

'DX4WIN...The way logging programs should be!'
Free demo at http://www.dx4win.com

[Dx4win] Upgrade orders

2003-01-31 Thread Steve Bookout
Hello everyone,

Just recap.

If you purchased DX4WIN or an upgrade within the last 6 months (since 1 
August 2002) the upgrade to this version is at no cost.  The only way you 
can get this no cost upgrade is if you contact Paul at 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  He is ONLY doing the free upgrades.

If you do not qualify for a no cost upgrade, then you send the order to 
me.  I am ONLY doing those orders which require payment (and I am doing 
them in the order they arrive.)

Doing anything else, slows me down and it will slow down your order.

We have a new SECURE order form on the web site at www.dx4win.com that you 
can now use.

Thanks for your indulgence,

Steve, NR4M

-Steve Bookout, NR4M (ex NJ4F)
Rapidan Data Systems

'DX4WIN...The way logging programs should be!'
Free demo at http://www.dx4win.com


2003-01-30 Thread Steve Bookout
Hello everyone,

PLEASE UNDERSTAND.  I am getting LOTS of upgrade orders, and they have been 
coming in much faster than I can get them out.I am completing then in 
the same order I received them.  To be fair to everyone, I can not make 
exceptions (unless I have a note from your wife.  Married guys know what I 

Doing my best,


-Steve Bookout, NR4M (ex NJ4F)
Rapidan Data Systems

'DX4WIN...The way logging programs should be!'
Free demo at http://www.dx4win.com

[Dx4win] Additional Search Features

2003-01-25 Thread Steve Bookout
At 01:48 PM 1/25/03 -0900, Joe - WL7M wrote:
I'm with you Gary - wish it had a cabrillo save feature - since DX4WIN is 
also intended for the casual contester, its unfortunate that this option 
is not available.


At 01:26 PM 1/25/2003, Gary McConville wrote:

I'm setting myself for a few shots but I'm still
waiting for a cabrillo format on report saves...

Gary - WB4SQ

Hello all,

You fellows need to understand that 'casual contesting' is geared toward 
the DX'er who is in a contest for new band and mode countries, with the 
focus on DX'ing, not contesting.  It has nothing to do with contesting for 
the intent of contesting, at what ever level, but solely in support of the 

Also, Cabrillo is not a 'one size fits all' thing.  It is a contest 
specific format.  Go to 
http://www.kkn.net/~trey/cabrillo/qso-template.html and you will see what 
I am saying.  At a minimum, there are 8 different formats.  Although the 
date, time, mode, band info is stable, the rest of it is all over the 
place, depending upon the contest.  It may be a different story if it was 
one specific file format, such as ADIF.  But, even then, time permitting.

If you need contest support from the contest perspective, get a program 
that's main purpose is contesting.  I understand there are even one or two 
good ones which are freeware, which may be worth looking into.

When I'm contesting, I use Writelog.

73 de Steve, NR4M

[Dx4win] erratic band when using radio control

2003-01-17 Thread Steve Bookout
Hello all,

With my thousands of archived Emails, I haven't been able to find anything 
on this because I can't adequately define my search to keep from getting 
hundreds of undesired Emails being found.

Anyway,  I remember that sometime in the last year someone had 
questions/issues about the band and/or mode jumping around with a rig 
connected, while adding real time.  I know what can cause this in an Icom, 
but this is a Yaesu FT-920.

Can anyone refresh my memory of this and anything discussed?

73 de Steve, NR4M

-Steve Bookout, NR4M (ex NJ4F)
Rapidan Data Systems

'DX4WIN...The way logging programs should be!'
Free demo at http://www.dx4win.com

[Dx4win] Using the QRZ database from the HD

2002-12-27 Thread Steve Bookout
Hello all,

Hope everyone had a good holiday.  Paul and I spent part of ours working on 
version 6, FYI.

A user of DX4WIN, N8XG, is trying to get the program to work with his QRZ 
database, which has been installed on his hard disk.

He told me that he had the CD ROM do the installation (from a menu choice) 
to the HD, so I assume that it has been installed in the 'standard' 
location, as intended by QRZ

If it is in the 'standard' location, can someone please tell me (us) what 
the path would be.  I have never used or seen QRZ, so I am really in the dark.

I figured it would be easier to ask those who have it working, than trying 
it without actually seeing what I'm suggesting.
Any suggestions?

His address is [EMAIL PROTECTED]

73 de Steve, NR4M

-Steve Bookout, NR4M (ex NJ4F)
Rapidan Data Systems

'DX4WIN...The way logging programs should be!'
Free demo at http://www.dx4win.com

[Dx4win] Help with Logic 2.1 log file

2002-05-30 Thread Steve Bookout
Hello all,

A fellow is trying to convert his log from his old program to DX4WIN format 
and what he is sending me, I can't work with.  (I don't have any special 
tools or utilities for working with different file formats, etc)

The files are from Logic version 2.1 and are in a .dbf format, which 
neither DX4WIN nor Excel like.  Anyone out there who may still have this 
program, or at least some working knowledge of it, who may be able to give 
me a hand sorting this file out for this fellow?

73 de Steve, NR4M

-No goats were harmed in the making of this 'cheese'.

[Dx4win] CW port keying with XP

2002-05-30 Thread Steve Bookout
Hello all,

Can someone running XP and DX4WIN, please confirm for Rich that the 
parallel port CW keying scheme which DX4WIN uses, works with XP same as it 
has with the other operating systems.
Rich is having a devil of a time getting the CW to key.

73 de Steve, NR4M

-No goats were harmed in the making of this 'cheese'.

[Dx4win] DX4WIN new users ( and old pros)

2002-05-22 Thread Steve Bookout
Hello everyone,

Another Dayton has passed, and I have survived.  The DX4WIN crew and I went 
real easy on the partying after hours and it made a big difference on how 
we felt at the end of the weekend.  5:30 AM,or so, comes real fast when you 
just went to bed a 1:00 AM.

For those who purchased DX4WIN at Dayton and found the reflector, I would 
like to say 'thank you' and welcome to the group.

The reflector is intended to be used by those interested in DX4WIN, for non 
official DX4WIN related discussions. Paul, being the moderator, may have 
different requirements, but all I ask of you is that you all 'play 
nice-nice' with each other.  If you have a real issue with someone take it 
to private emails, not the reflector.  I have no wish to see this valuable 
resource turn into the squabbling mess some of the other reflectors have 
FYI, as best as I can guess, there are about 1,000 users subscribed, but 
the number varies day to day, so there can be a lot of opinions and help 
available here.

If you want to contact me regarding questions or other support issues 
concerning DX4WIN, then Email me directly, NOT 'Dear Steve, via the 
reflector'.  I only check the reflector when and if I have a break from all 
the directly addressed messages and phone calls.  The OFFICIAL SUPPORT 
Email address is [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Do not wait until you become 
frustrated before you contact me.  You don't like being frustrated and I 
don't like dealing with frustrated people, although I can understand 
frustration.  All I do ask is that you try to find the answer yourself 
first, either by using the 'F1' key in the program or by reading the users 
guide, which all of you either purchased or printed, right?

If you have comments you would like to share with the world outside of the 
reflector, I invite you to post them on eHam's products review page at 
http://www.eham.net/reviews/products/27.  I do hope they are positive, but 
all are OK.

If I can be of help, please contact me at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

73 de Steve, NR4M

-No goats were harmed in the making of this 'cheese'.

[Dx4win] IC 758 pro II

2002-05-22 Thread Steve Bookout
Hello all,

Thanks for the input.  I have all the info I need on the pro II.

73 de Steve, NR4M

-No goats were harmed in the making of this 'cheese'.

[Dx4win] Make that the IC 756 pro II - Thanks all.

2002-05-22 Thread Steve Bookout
Hello all,

Thanks for the input.  I have all the info I need on the pro II.

73 de Steve, NR4M

-No goats were harmed in the making of this 'cheese'.

[Dx4win] Icom IC-756 Pro II

2002-05-20 Thread Steve Bookout
Hello all,

Looking for someone with this specific rig, not the 'non Pro II', who is 
using it with DX4WIN.

Please contact me directly.

BTW, it was really great to see the users who stopped by the booth.  I know 
I didn't have as much time as I would have liked to chat.

73 de Steve, NR4M

-Steve Bookout, NR4M (ex NJ4F)
Rapidan Data Systems

'DX4WIN...The way logging programs should be!'
Free demo at http://www.dx4win.com

[Dx4win] Dayton

2002-05-14 Thread Steve Bookout
Hello all,

Will be shutting things down before long in order to get ready for the 
Dayton trip.  Will probably be up and running again next Tuesday.

If you are going to Dayton, come by and see Paul and me at booths 316/317, 
just down and across from Writelog.  We're in the front row of the big room 
at the top of the long concrete ramp where the 'Buckeye Bells', Heil 
Microphones and others, have slanted booths.  For those of you familiar 
with Dayton, you know what I mean.

73 de Steve, NR4M

-Steve Bookout, NR4M (ex NJ4F)
Rapidan Data Systems

'DX4WIN...The way logging programs should be!'
Free demo at http://www.dx4win.com

[Dx4win] Adding Ducie

2002-03-20 Thread Steve Bookout
Hello all,

I feel I need to mention a couple of important things to everyone about 
adding Ducie to the country database.  It seems most people are making it 
much harder than it needs to be.

The procedure is covered in plenty of detail in the users guide.  EVERYONE 
should have a users guide.  It is installed as a file along with the 
program, so you can print it out.  If you can't or won't print it BUY it 
from me.  Having originally spent the time to enter it here, I find that 
lots of you would like me to type it all out again in private Emails, which 
I really would like to avoid.  If you have tried and can't get it right, by 
all means, contact me and describe your problem and we can get it corrected.

Most of the problems you all are having is caused by not choosing 'update' 
after you add information to a specific area of the country editor.  If you 
want to add an new country, choose 'country | add'  from the top and enter 
all the needed information.  When you are done, choose 'country | UPDATE', 
in order to save what you have just done.

Because Ducie does not have a unique prefix, but shares one with Pitcairn, 
don't try to enter anything under 'mapping'.  This describes the start/stop 
date for unique prefixes used by a country.

'Callsigns' is for callsign exceptions.  You can enter the information 
here, as long as you are here, or you can do it from the QSO window.
If you do it from the QSO window, when you enter VP6DI it will show 
Pitcairn.  Go to the 'prefix' field and press 'F1'.  Locate 'Ducie' and 
double click on it.  Finish the contact if a new one or press 'F10' to 
update if it's an old one.

You have just created a callsign exception record which is the same as if 
you had done it from the country editor.

I mean no disrespect to anyone in my above comments.

73 de Steve, NR4M

-Steve Bookout, NR4M (ex NJ4F)
Rapidan Data Systems

'DX4WIN...The way logging programs should be!'
Free demo at http://www.dx4win.com

[Dx4win] Modifying the country database

2002-03-20 Thread Steve Bookout
Hello all,

As a follow up to my previous message...

When you have a DXCC country that doesn't have a prefix which can be used 
to identify it from another DXCC country, this is how it all works.

If you have a call, for example, 3D2LMB, unless you're psychic, you won't 
know if it's Fiji, Rotuma or Conway Reef.  Odds, being what they are, it 
will most likely be Fiji, so that is the default country displayed when a 
call like this is entered.
If you KNOW for sure that it's Conway or Rotuma, then tab over to the 
'prefix' field and enter the prefix you want it be credited to.  If you 
don't know the DX4WIN prefix, press the 'F1' key in this field and you will 
get the complete list. Double click on your choice.  Finish the 
contact.  When you press the 'enter' key, this call sign exception record 
will be added to the country database, under the 'call signs' tab for that 

In the future, each time that specific call is entered, it will be 
automatically credited to the country indicated by the exception record, 

If the 3D2LMB operation goes from Rotuma to Conway, again, for example, 
when you entered it, it would come up as 'Rotuma'.  Just go to the 'prefix' 
field and enter '3D2/C' for Conway, and from that point on it would be 
credited to Conway, until changed again, if needed.

The point is prefixes, and therefore DXCC country credit, can be manually 
assigned as needed, and is DATE SPECIFIC.

For those of you who entered Ducie into the country database, this is why 
the first time you entered VP6DI, it came up 'Pitcairn'.  At that point, 
you hadn't told the program that it was actually Ducie.  If you change the 
prefix to from 'VP6' to 'VP6/D', from that point on it will be credited 
automatically to Ducie.  If you are lucky enough to work Ducie on more than 
once, you will see that the subsequent times it is entered, it will show up 
as 'Ducie' as it should.

This type of situation covers ZK1 - North  South Cook; 3D2's, CE0's as 
CE0AA has been used on the different islands in the past; Ogasawara and 
Minami Toishima; Most of the UN peacekeeping calls and some of the 
different Antarctic Islands.

I hope this better explains how it works.

73 de Steve, NR4M

-Steve Bookout, NR4M (ex NJ4F)
Rapidan Data Systems

'DX4WIN...The way logging programs should be!'
Free demo at http://www.dx4win.com

[Dx4win] Who is using an IC 756 pro with DX4WIN?

2002-01-31 Thread Steve Bookout
Please contact me directly.

73 de Steve, NR4M

-Steve Bookout, NR4M (ex NJ4F)
Rapidan Data Systems

'DX4WIN...The way logging programs should be!'
Free demo at http://www.dx4win.com