[e-gold-list] Re: (new twist on premium...)

2002-11-29 Thread Jim Davidson
Dear Ed,

First of all, I'm not a tax accountant or a lawyer, and
therefore cannot offer a learned opinion on your situation.
But, I suspect that if you carefully examine the actual
laws governing tax obligations in the United States, as
Bob Schulz and numerous others have done, you'll find
that you quite possibly don't owe any.  On Thursday
14 November 2002, Bob met a crowd of enthusiasts in
Washington, DC with the slogan, No answers = no taxes.
I think he has made a very good case that nobody actually
owes the taxes that are being extorted, in which case
what you say about the Silver Liberty is certainly true
of all money.

However, what gave you the idea that Liberty currency
isn't taxable?  I believe the documentation is quite
bold face, on the web site and in the redemption center
kit, that the Liberty currency is not a tool for evading
taxes.  You must acknowledge that you were informed on
this matter, I think, as it is more sporting that way.

Taxes at all levels are around 50%, I think, if one
counts all import duties, all levels of government,
including homeowner association busy bodies, and the
many hidden taxes such as gasoline tax and inflation.
But, when you consider the economic multiplier effect
of taxes, imagine what would happen if taxes were to
be eliminated.  Prices would drop dramatically, since
each shopkeeper and merchant has to charge enough on
his goods and services to make his profit, plus that
of the government.  You pay your taxes, and so does
he, so your prices to him are higher and his to you.

In the case of government, we can certainly ask James
Turk's question: what is the value added?  If they
have no actual law obligating the paying of taxes,
and if they come and take money from your wages or
levy your bank account or seize your property, are
they not simply thieves?  And what is the correct
individual property owner's proper response to a

Redemption centers are not market makers exactly.
They provide local redemption opportunities, and
often are also Liberty merchants, accepting the
Silver Liberty for products and services.  The
process of becoming a redemption center is easy,
though.  You send $250 to NORFED.org, put my name
in as your sponsor.  NORFED sends me a sponsor
fee of $100, and you e-mail me so I can send you
$50.  (We are using the FRN dollar accounting
unit throughout, but I'm happy to pay in dollar's
worth of e-gold or in Liberty Dollars if you
would prefer; out of respect for James I won't
offer GoldMoney; also please understand that my
redemption center is my personal business.)

As far as Bernard makes lots I don't think so.
He's a pretty modest guy, with simple needs.  He
travels around a lot, has a home somewhere on
Treasure Island in Florida, and works very long
hours.  What is vital to know is that Bernard would
hang it up tomorrow and walk away happy if the
Federal Reserve Act were repealed and the IRS
were eliminated.  That's what NORFED stands for:
the National Organization for the Repeal of the
Federal Reserve Act and the IRS.

Who here believes that either of those events
are going to happen without widespread public
education throughout the United States, beginning
with a movement to deny the issue power over
money to government?  I think the number one issue
in America today, all of the Hemisphere in fact,
is the abuse of monetary power.

This abuse is felt in the behavior of the IMF
in countries like Ecuador and Bolivia, it is
felt most powerfully today in Argentina, and it
is experienced in the United States, although
few realize what is being done.  A very great
many Americans, and certainly a huge number of
Texans, understand that there is something
wrong about the Federal Reserve.

The redemption centers certainly stand to make a
good return on their investment.  Sponsor a few
others to be redemption centers, move your
monetary behavior into the monetary alternatives,
and you'll reap significant rewards.  But, so do
the people who use metal money (of all kinds)
and step away from the precipice of hyperinflation
and the destructive power of the authoritarians
controlling the currency.

If we could pay Bernard enough money and he had the
power to wave a magic wand once that amount were
paid him, and by that wave of the hand he could make
the Federal Reserve Act be repealed and the IRS
brought low, how much do you suppose it would be
worth to have that happen?  What would be the
economic implications of that sort of event on
the engines of free enterprise?  What if he could
pay us, instead, to make it happen for him? How
much would it be worth, if you were paid to make
it happen?

The issue of critical mass is actually quite vital.
How many people does it take? I do not know.  But,
I'll tell you this much: who else have we got? If
we won't do it, if we won't take control of our
monetary power, who will?  Put it another way,
who already has?

Can we afford to leave the issue power of money in
the hands of the central bankers and 

[e-gold-list] AnyGoldNow.com

2002-11-29 Thread Geronia Bowman

Patrick, I am waiting for the funding of my e-gold account. I sent you the
receipt that the sends have been sent and I checked with Western Union and they told 
me you have
received the money transfer for me.

I am waiting
Geronia Bowman

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2002-11-29 Thread Hakeem Davis
Hi dear list

Something bad happenned and I am thinking of sending them to justice.
I wanted to fund my e-gold account through Western Union, so I sent a transfer to the 
www.AnyGoldNow.com provided on their website.

Patrick Verbeeck immediately picked up the transfer, but he failed to fund my e-gold 
account since
last 3 days, requesting me to fax him PHOTO ID and LATEST UTILITY BILL.

In the 3rd millenium economy, I can't beleieve IDENTITY THEFTS stilll happen at such a 
HE REFUSED TO SEND MY MONEY BACK until I provide him with my PHOTO ID and utility bill.
There is no more privacy, I SENT HIM THE WESTERN UNION RECEIPT, I tried to call him 
but his phone 
rings occupied all the time (maybe for all angry customers he just leave his phone 
opened so noone
can call)

And we're not talking here a small amount, we're talking 3000 USD 

I will take it to court if needed

Sincerely yours
Hakeem Davis

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[e-gold-list] 1. and 2. clear points

2002-11-29 Thread Hakeem Davis
You showed NO PROOF my order was fraudulent

Once YOU TOOK MY MONEY OUT FROM WESTERN UNION, you took in order to 
complete the order
and process the order ? As I see, you did not process the order, then 

Western Union has been informed and soon all the exchange prviders the 
same. I have nothing left
to do then to track you down and get my money back from the electronic 
criminal that you are,
Patrick !

Hakeem Davis

--- AnyGoldNow (SSL) [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Let's have some fun on this one :
 «Customer Protection
 In order to protect our customers' interests, their Gold Accounts, 
 funds, AnyGoldNow may investigate any trade that might be suspicious 
 questionable. In such cases, customers may be asked to provide 
picture ID
 and/or other pertinent information, in order to prove that they are 
 legitimate customers.
 Should proper information or documentation not be supplied to its
 satisfaction, AnyGoldNow reserves the right to refuse service and not
 process orders»

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[e-gold-list] 100% entry bonus at the New York E-Gold Casino!

2002-11-29 Thread White Bear

Really Realtime Payouts (tm) System

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[e-gold-list] Re: Moderator message, please read. Re: ahahahahaha !!!!!!!!!

2002-11-29 Thread SnowDog

 Folks, I know the emotions are high these days, but if we could
 leave off the profanities I won't be forced to moderate. Thanks
 in advance for expressing yourselves strongly-but-civilly. Also,
 I hope that few-not-many messages to this list will become the
 last-not-first resort, when people have issues with exchange
 services. Thanks to all for your cooperation in remembering
 this is a family list.
 JMR -- wearing my moderator-hat.

Jim, you should kick that guy off of the list for impersonating Graham
Kelly. That's illegal behavior.


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[e-gold-list] Introduction

2002-11-29 Thread Terry Kickstrom
Hello Everyone,

I just signed up to the e-gold list and wanted to introduce myself. My name is Rowdy 
Rhodes, from Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Sometimes called the Great White North.

By now you might be asking Who's this guy? or you might be saying So what? or some 
of you might even be wondering whether that's my real name.

Well, first off, let me explain that I run the Freelance Writing Organization - Int'l 
at http://www.fwointl.com 

If you've never heard of it, then you're probably not an author, journalist, writer or 
wannabe. We're a not-for-profit site that hosts one of the largest free writing 
resource links databases on the net. We publish NEWSWATCH Writer's Newsletter and 
FREEdom Ezine. 

I'm also in pre-launch of a third publication [2nd web site] called Auto Surf News 
http://www.autosurfnews.com, which will be providing extensive coverage on the auto 
traffic generator industry, as well as a searchable database of traffic generators and 
exchange programs.

Both of these sites, FWO-INTL and ASN, are e-gold accepters and I have a question for 
the group here that I could use some advice on.

I'm thinking of making ASN an e-gold payment only site for the future advertising 
purchasers and was wondering, 1) whether there are any members here who run sites that 
are e-gold payment exclusive and 2) whether anyone might have some promotional tips 
for me to help increase revenues through my e-gold account.

That's about it for now.
I'll wait and see who says hello.
Take care,

PS Brief bio over the years includes being: publisher, sr partner pc consulting corp, 
accounting consultant, import/export ops mgr, and advertising sales.

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[e-gold-list] Re: GoldNow privacy

2002-11-29 Thread Steve Schear
At 05:48 PM 11/29/2002 +1100, Graham Kelly wrote:


Thank you for the testimony... yes, we do deal privately with folks, but
we ALSO need to verify customers name, address, and phone numbers, as we
never want to be accused of money laundering, or dealing with NON
entities etc etc. Also, we appreciate our customers, and want to deal
with REAL people. So, I make no apology for not dealing with non
verifiable people. BTW, this information is not shared with ANYONE,
including scurrilous agents acting on behalf of OSRevovery? Inc.

Sorry, but accepting the premise that money laundering can exist without 
the a predicate crime is the equivalent of trail without right to be 
confronted with evidence or accusers.  Anyone who adheres to this policy, 
including most financial organizations, are just part of a tyranny.  When I 
exchange e-gold for other value all I care about is whether I later possess 
that value.


Liberty cannot be preserved without a general
knowledge among the people... Be not intimidated,
therefore, by any terrors, from publishing with the
utmost freedom...nor suffer yourselves to be wheedled
out of your liberty by any pretenses of politeness,
delicacy, or decency. These, as they are often used,
are but three different names for hypocrisy,
chicanery, and cowardice. -- John Adams

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[e-gold-list] Re: BAD EXPERIENCE: INDEED !

2002-11-29 Thread jpm
hilarious ... AnyGoldNow rocks ...


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[e-gold-list] Most outrageous fraud attempt yet!

2002-11-29 Thread Destiny Worldwide Net
Today I received the most outrageous fraud message yet.  These guys must be
getting really desperate!



It has come to our attention that you may be the recipient of
potentially fraudulent funds. We have initiated an investigation
into this event. In the meantime, we have placed a
pending reversal on the funds in question until the
investigation is complete. This pending reversal will
show as a deduction in your available balance. In
the meantime, you are free to continue transacting using
your E-Gold account.

To check the transaction in question please go to:

and log in into your e-gold account.

Transaction Date: Oct 14, 2002 07:39:34
Transaction Amount: $680.00
Payor's E-Gold:

E-Gold Support Team.

 Thank you for using e-gold!

This automatic email sent to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Do not reply to this email.

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[e-gold-list] Re: Most outrageous fraud attempt yet!

2002-11-29 Thread T.E. Wilder
On Fri, 29 Nov 2002 15:36:49 -0600, Destiny Worldwide Net wrote:

Today I received the most outrageous fraud message yet.  These guys must be
getting really desperate!

I got the same message.

The interesting thing is that it was sent to me at four addresses
concocted in various ways from the account name, so that the sender did
not know the real one and was trying various combinations.

T.E. Wilder

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2002-11-29 Thread Goldtoday


I  am  always  surprised to see some MM claiming to verify the ID of a
customer, AFTER they get the money !

Mariman Center

Our verification is done prior to receipt of the funds .With bank transfers or Paypal now we do not issue the bank details until such time as we are satisfied with the order and the client.We do not accept money orders.

We only accept orders from Australia also which has reduced the 
incidents of attempted fraud by 90%.  No reflection on the rest of the 
world of course.

Kind regards,

A Member of the eCurrency Trade Association Inc.

Men make history and not the other way around. In periods where there is no leadership, society stands still. Progress occurs when courageous, skillful leaders seize the opportunity to change things for the better.
- Harry Truman

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