[e-gold-list] RE: Secure Accounts Ltd history and Sean Hastings

2001-03-26 Thread R. A. Hettinga

--- begin forwarded text

From: Brad Jansen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: Secure Accounts Ltd history and Sean Hastings
Date: Mon, 26 Mar 2001 15:45:14 -0500


Thank you for including me in your response.  Making no attempt to mediate
your dispute, I tried to help a friend who wanted more information so I
forwarded it to others I thought might be able to help (apparently, we run
in the same circles).  While my approach is from the public policy side, I
suspect we are all fighting for the same thing: stopping the government from
violating our rights and giving individuals more choices.


 -Original Message-
 From: Vincent Cate [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Monday, March 26, 2001 12:35 PM
 Subject:  Secure Accounts Ltd history and Sean Hastings


 the work you did was for Secure Accounts Ltd.  On ever piece of code you
 wrote you put "Copyright Secure Accounts Ltd." (as did other programmers).

  From the start the idea was to publish the source when the product was
 launched.  This did not mean releasing all rights to our work.  We
 to make it free for small users but to make banks/stock-exchanges and
 big users pay.

 Your claim that I agreed to open source the patent so you signed over the
 rights to me is a lie.  The rights belonged to Secure Accounts Ltd all
 along.   I bought out your shares in Secure Accounts Ltd for the price you

 asked for.  I never "originally agreed" to this.  In the last month you
 tried to talk me into it and I decided not to.

 If you are out to harm my company, I don't want you to have free accounts
 on my machines any more (Linux security as poor as it is and all) so I am
 closing the accounts you have with me.  Please fill out the form at
 http://nic.ai/  and send it in to let me know what nameservers you want
 your domains (like hastings.ai).  Most people in Anguilla seem to use
 pair.com to host domains as they are good and low priced.

-- Vince

  Original Message 
 Subject: FW: Preventing a bad Patent
 Date: Thu, 22 Mar 2001 22:18:16 +
 From: "R. A. Hettinga" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Digital Bearer Settlement List [EMAIL PROTECTED],
 --- begin forwarded text
 From: Brad Jansen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: FW: Preventing a bad Patent
 Date: Wed, 21 Mar 2001 13:31:24 -0500
 Sean is a friend and fellow traveller down the freedom path. If you could
 offer any advice, suggestions or referrals, it would be most appreciated.
 (he is affliated with HavenCo and Sealand, on the front lines protecting
 privacy rights!). Thanks.
   -Original Message-
   From: Sean Hastings [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
   Sent: Monday, March 05, 2001 12:27 PM
   To: Bradley Jenson
   Subject: Preventing a bad Patent
   I am asking your advice in this matter, as you are more connected to
   government stuff than anyone else I know. I did some design work on
   electronic monetary systems when I was living in Anguilla several
   My Partner Vince Cate is currently trying to patent the work we did.
   Originally he agreed that if he received this patent he would open
   for all to use freely, so I signed the rights over to him. I didn't
   time to do anything with it anyway. Now it looks as if he actually
   to license the patent for a fee if he gets it, and this will have
   effects on open source eCurrency systems already in existence (of
 course I
   did not get his promise not to do this in writing). I do not want to
   another case like the RSA patent, or the digicash blinding patent,
 both of
   which have chilled the development of an online free markets for
 years. I
   also don't think the work is particularly patantable, but I would
   risk it if there is something I can do. Do you know how I can prevent
   patent from being awarded to him? Do you know anyone who would be able
   help me in this matter?
   --Sean Hastings
   --mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 --- end forwarded text
 R. A. Hettinga mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation http://www.ibuc.com/
 44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
 "... however it may deserve respect for its usefulness and antiquity,
 [predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable

[e-gold-list] RE: Secure Accounts Ltd history and Sean Hastings

2001-03-26 Thread R. A. Hettinga

--- begin forwarded text

Date: Mon, 26 Mar 2001 18:22:56 -0400
To: "Sean Hastings" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
From: Vincent Cate [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: Secure Accounts Ltd history and Sean Hastings



   If it was my intention to release all rights to the patent and
source code, why would I spend so much money on getting a patent?   That
would not make any sense.  License it to many people yes, but not for free.

   You can host domains for $1/month on pair.com.   So you are now
telling people that you signed over the patent to save a couple bucks per
month?   If that were the deal you voided it when you tried to attack the
patent.  I don't like you sending emails asking people how to hurt my
company while getting free services from my company (one of which was the
very address you used on the email).I think it is hypocritical to be
using my services for free and attacking me.   It is like biting the hand
that feeds you. Go get an account on pair.com and leave me alone.

 -- Vince

At 01:43 PM 3/26/01 -0800, Sean Hastings wrote:

When I originally protested your patenting my design for SAXAS, It is my
recollection that you told me two things:

1.) That it was always your intention to freely license the patent anyway.

2.) That if I didn't sign the paperwork, you would take away my accounts at
offshore.ai that you had previously said I could have for as long as I
wanted "Like an alumni". Abandoning your previous promise, you said that
only if I signed the patent application could I then have these accounts as
long as I liked, otherwise I would have to start paying for them.

The copyright on the source code is entirely unrelated to the patent issue,
although it is also my recollection that our original intention was to open
source SAXAS code. I certainly recall telling John Gilmore (and several
others) as much at FC98. I also remember numerous discussions with you about
how closed source was wrong, that open source was the way to go to achieve
wide acceptance and use, how horrible the situation created by the RSA and
digicash blinding patents was, and how we would never do anything like that.

Over the past month I have simply been trying to convince you to do the
right thing, and not attempt to use the force of the US government to stifle
information flow by licensing software patents. Since I was unable to
convince you to keep your word, I am now trying to make sure that no such
patent is awarded to you.

It does not surprise me that you are again playing the "I can cancel your
email account" card - despite now two previous promises that I could
continue to use those accounts for free for as long as I wanted. It is now
my standard expectation that you will always act contrary to your stated
ideals and previous promises, when you feel it might be to your benefit. You
are a hypocrite, but you probably shouldn't feel too bad about that - most
people are. Its just a shame that I believed your line of bullshit and
trusted you for so long.

If you think that you are not a complete hypocrite, please explain to myself
and all these other people you have invited into this discussion, how
patenting a method of exchanging account information online fits with your
self proclaimed wish to free online financial transactions from governmental
control by force?


  -Original Message-
  From: Vincent Cate [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: Monday, March 26, 2001 12:35 PM
  Subject: Secure Accounts Ltd history and Sean Hastings
  the work you did was for Secure Accounts Ltd.  On ever piece of code you
  wrote you put "Copyright Secure Accounts Ltd." (as did other
   From the start the idea was to publish the source when the product was
  launched.  This did not mean releasing all rights to our work.
  We intended
  to make it free for small users but to make banks/stock-exchanges
  and other
  big users pay.
  Your claim that I agreed to open source the patent so you signed over the
  rights to me is a lie.  The rights belonged to Secure Accounts Ltd all
  along.   I bought out your shares in Secure Accounts Ltd for the
  price you
  asked for.  I never "originally agreed" to this.  In the last month you
  tried to talk me into it and I decided not to.
  If you are out to harm my company, I don't want you to have free accounts
  on my machines any more (Linux security as poor as it is and all) so I am
  closing the accounts you have with me.  Please fill out the form at
  http://nic.ai/ and send it in to let me know what nameservers
  you want for
  your domains (like 

[e-gold-list] RE: Secure Accounts Ltd history and Sean Hastings

2001-03-26 Thread R. A. Hettinga

--- begin forwarded text

From: "Sean Hastings" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: "Vincent Cate" [EMAIL PROTECTED], "Sean Hastings" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: Secure Accounts Ltd history and Sean Hastings
Date: Mon, 26 Mar 2001 15:11:24 -0800


A threat to cancel my email address at a time when I was broke, looking for
work, and had resumes out using that address was a very real threat. If you
want to break that deal of my signature in exchange for lifetime use of my
offshore.ai accounts (Which in itself was predicated on your breaking a
previous promise), fine. Consider that deal broken by mutual agreement, and
please destroy all copies of the document that I signed, and recall any
actions legal actions based on that document.

As for why you would attempt to obtain a patent at great cost to not license
it. It seems that some people do it. It is what you said you were going to
do. And I had no idea what the costs involved are at the time when I
believed you when you said you would do the right thing. One explanation is
that obtaining the patent is good proof that your company originated the
idea, and openly licensing it would require all users to note that the
protocol was invented at Secure Accounts. This allows the method to become
an open protocol and an international standard, while spreading the fame of
your company far and wide, thus making your company the ideal choice for
doing support and integration work for large businesses seeking to implement
the protocol. This was certainly the sort of path to fame and fortune which
we had always previously discussed.

I duly note your lack of answer to my query for explanation of the
discrepancy between your publicly stated ideals and your current actions.
Your intention to promote yourself as a crypto-anarchist, while at the same
time doing great harm to the cause, would also seem like "Biting the hand
that feeds you".


 -Original Message-
 From: Vincent Cate [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Monday, March 26, 2001 2:23 PM
 To: Sean Hastings
 Subject: RE: Secure Accounts Ltd history and Sean Hastings


If it was my intention to release all rights to the patent and
 source code, why would I spend so much money on getting a patent?   That
 would not make any sense.  License it to many people yes, but not
 for free.

You can host domains for $1/month on pair.com.   So you are now
 telling people that you signed over the patent to save a couple bucks per
 month?   If that were the deal you voided it when you tried to attack the
 patent.  I don't like you sending emails asking people how to hurt my
 company while getting free services from my company (one of which was the
 very address you used on the email).I think it is hypocritical to be
 using my services for free and attacking me.   It is like biting the hand
 that feeds you. Go get an account on pair.com and leave me alone.

  -- Vince

 At 01:43 PM 3/26/01 -0800, Sean Hastings wrote:
 When I originally protested your patenting my design for SAXAS, It is my
 recollection that you told me two things:
 1.) That it was always your intention to freely license the
 patent anyway.
 2.) That if I didn't sign the paperwork, you would take away my
 accounts at
 offshore.ai that you had previously said I could have for as long as I
 wanted "Like an alumni". Abandoning your previous promise, you said that
 only if I signed the patent application could I then have these
 accounts as
 long as I liked, otherwise I would have to start paying for them.
 The copyright on the source code is entirely unrelated to the
 patent issue,
 although it is also my recollection that our original intention
 was to open
 source SAXAS code. I certainly recall telling John Gilmore (and several
 others) as much at FC98. I also remember numerous discussions
 with you about
 how closed source was wrong, that open source was the way to go
 to achieve
 wide acceptance and use, how horrible the situation created by
 the RSA and
 digicash blinding patents was, and how we would never do
 anything like that.
 Over the past month I have simply been trying to convince you to do the
 right thing, and not attempt to use the force of the US
 government to stifle
 information flow by licensing software patents. Since I was unable to
 convince you to keep your word, I am now trying to make sure that no such
 patent is awarded to you.
 It does not surprise me that you are again playing the "I can cancel your
 email account" card - despite now two previous promises that I could
 continue to use those accounts for free for as long as I wanted.
 It is now
 my standard