[e-gold-list] Re: Defense Fund - Update

2001-07-01 Thread SnowDog

 Mr Evans has categorically disputed these alleged claims and is now
 struggling to find the 10,000 dollars required to defend himself and
 his family against this heavy handed attack as a reward for the
 loyalty he displayed whilst working for e-gold.

What damages is GSR seeking? It's not possible to sue without seeking

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[e-gold-list] Re: Defense Fund - Update

2001-07-01 Thread Bob

Chris Lord-Van Voorst wrote:
 There are those of us on the e-gold list who don't even know who Charles
 Evans is.  No one has yet to explain why Evans deserves funding in his
 fight against e-gold.  If there's more to the story, I'd like to hear it.
 Until then, any pleas on Evans' behalf are meaningless, in my opinion...
 Chris Lord-Van Voorst


People fear frivolous law suites now a days so you probably 
won't get much history from this list. 

However, this is a great example of the importance of reputation 
capital. This list is almost 2 years old now. Both on and off list, 
Charles and Ian have built impecable reputations. Doug has built a 
reputation also. Reputations are built by what one says and doesn't 
say. By what one does and doesn't do. On list and off. A single action
can ruin the value built of years of what you say and do. Charles and 
Ian understand this and take their reputations dead seriously. I have 
no doubt about those two. I'd put money up for Charles in a heart beat.
And I have.

And, as a shareholder in GSR, I'm really, really dissapointed
in Doug and Barry, and think Doug's CEO butt should be fired. I
believe chairman of the board is the appropiate place for Doug's

I think these suits (according to a Bob Hettinga post to his list, 
Ian was served again in Edinburgh, They got Ian Grigg, too.) that 
Doug has decided to pursue are going to turn out to be a substantial 
negative for e-gold and the value of my shares. As Khurram Khan a 
while back on this list pointed out, there is no mystery to starting 
a private gold backed currency business. Time will tell.

Did you miss this post?

 [e-gold-list] Termination of services to DigiGold II
 Wed, 20 Jun 2001 01:04:50 +0100
 Digital Bearer Settlement List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 --- begin forwarded text
 Status:  U
 Date: Tue, 19 Jun 2001 16:41:04 -0400
 Organization: Bearerinstruments.com
 To: e-gold Discussion [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: [e-gold-list] Termination of services to DigiGold II
  [Webfunds-users] Termination of services to DigiGold II (June
  Tue, 19 Jun 2001 11:21:58 -0400
  Jeroen C. van Gelderen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Systemics Inc.
  WebFunds Users [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  On 21 May 2001 Ian Grigg announced that Systemics Inc. would
  cease supporting DigiGold on the 25th of May 2001 due to
  non-payment leading to termination of the contract between
  both parties.
  In a subsequent email this shutdown date was pushed forward by
  one week to give DigiGold users a bit more time to take action.
  Tuesday 29th of May an injunction was filed against Systemics
  to prevent us from shutting down the DigiGold Issuance Server.
  The matter was deferred until the 19th of June.
  This morning we went to court 9:00 (GMT-4). The judge heard
  the case in private chambers so we do not have all the details.
  We know our counsel proposed that the injunction could be
  sustained if DigiGold were to pay our operational costs. The
  opposition apparently did not accept this offer.
  The net-effect is that the judge decided to discharge the
  injunction and to award Systemics costs.
  We are still faced with an unfortunate situation: Systemics
  has operated the DigiGold Issuance Server at it's own expense
  for the past year. We can no longer afford to do so as this
  negatively impacts our paying customers.
  We have therefore decided to take the DigiGold Issuance Server
  offline. That will happen today (June 19th).
  For DigiGold users this means that it will no longer possible
  to make payments in any of the four DigiGold metals.
  We regret any inconvenience this may cause.
  Jeroen C. van Gelderen - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  WebFunds-Users mailing list
 You are currently subscribed to e-gold-list as: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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 --- end forwarded text
 R. A. Hettinga mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation http://www.ibuc.com/
 44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
 ... however it may deserve respect for its usefulness and antiquity,
 [predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to
 experience. -- Edward Gibbon, 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire'

Or this one:

 [e-gold-list] Re: it never ends!!!
 Wed, 27 Jun 2001 06:54:54 -0400
 Digital Bearer Settlement List [EMAIL PROTECTED], 

[e-gold-list] Re: Defense Fund - Update

2001-07-01 Thread Viking Coder

 It is not a fight against e-gold.  It is a defense against the fact of being

Donating to a fund that will be used against somebody/some corporation
that you have a grudge against doesn't have anything to do with it?

If this is just a defense fund for defendants of lawsuits, why single out
Charles Evans (and his daughter) as the sole recipient of the donated

 Secondly, for those that do not know who Charles Evans is, here is some
 information which was posted a few days ago on this Discussion Board:
 Gold  Silver Reserve, a multi-million dollar company are Suing a
 former employee whom they sacked without notice last year.

The following document link was posted on this discussion list on Jun 27.

It is no longer a viewable document. It is still there, but the
permissions have been changed.

In the above document, it was stated that Charles Evans was not the model
employee and his termination was not without cause. It stated that he did
not do any work on the last project assigned to him; he mainly spent his
time bad-mouthing Doug's abilites and decisions. Something which seems to
be popular on this list.

There is a reason why a few people are asking for actual facts about this
lawsuit. It is possible, anything is possible, that Charles Evans actually
deserves this lawsuit. It is possible that all of GSR's allegations are
true and factual to the letter. However, the converse is also true.
Without facts, we cannot discern one possibility from the other. Without
facts, we are simply choosing sides based on our personal feelings and/or

Viking Coder

Worth Two Cents?

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[e-gold-list] Re: Defense Fund - Update

2001-06-30 Thread Chris Lord-Van Voorst

There are those of us on the e-gold list who don't even know who Charles
Evans is.  No one has yet to explain why Evans deserves funding in his
fight against e-gold.  If there's more to the story, I'd like to hear it. 
Until then, any pleas on Evans' behalf are meaningless, in my opinion...

Chris Lord-Van Voorst

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[e-gold-list] Re: Defense Fund - Update

2001-06-30 Thread Michael Moore

 There are those of us on the e-gold list who don't even know who Charles
 Evans is.  No one has yet to explain why Evans deserves funding in his
 fight against e-gold.  If there's more to the story, I'd like to hear it.
 Until then, any pleas on Evans' behalf are meaningless, in my opinion...


Firstly,  my understanding is that he is being sued as an individual by a
multi-million dollar company and therefore to defend himself will require
funding comparable to a lone individual defending himself against a large
corporation. It is not a fight against e-gold.  It is a defense against the
fact of being sued.

Secondly, for those that do not know who Charles Evans is, here is some
information which was posted a few days ago on this Discussion Board:
Gold  Silver Reserve, a multi-million dollar company are Suing a
former employee whom they sacked without notice last year.

The former employee, Charles Evans, who was a successful Director in
the e-gold group prior to being booted out, was handed a civil
complaint while attending a conference in Scotland a while ago.

He was personally accused of Misappropriation of Trade
Secrets, Tortious Interference with Prospective Economic
Advantage, Unfair Business Practices, and Breach of the Duty
of Loyalty.

Mr Evans has categorically disputed these alleged claims and is now
struggling to find the 10,000 dollars required to defend himself and
his family against this heavy handed attack as a reward for the
loyalty he displayed whilst working for e-gold.

Perhaps someone should start up a Defence fund for Victims of e-
gold,  with the Evans Family the first beneficiaries.  They are gonna
need it!

Kind regards,


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