[e-gold-tech] e-gold Spend Fee Formula to change 2004-01-01

2003-12-17 Thread Douglas Jackson
Valued e-gold Users:

In January, e-gold Ltd. will announce its new Micropayment Initiative for Online 
Digital Content. To better support enhanced micropayment capabilities, a new formula 
for calculating e-gold Spend fees will be put into effect January 1, 2004, the first 
substantive adjustment since 1996. The new formula corrects some longstanding 
peculiarities.  For example, in the past, extremely small value (less than a penny) 
silver payments were permitted despite both the transaction amount (and especially the 
fee) being so tiny as to serve no consequential economic purpose.  Another anomaly 
that will be corrected is the cap on Spend fees. In the past, this cap has been 
calculated according to US dollar equivalence, at 50 cents. This is being changed to a 
weight-based cap, which varies from e-metal to e-metal. 

Well established advantages of e-gold will not change. Unlike virtually every other 
alternative payment system, e-gold will
continue to be bi-directional, with no arbitrary distinction between consumers 
(payers) and merchants (entities that receive payments). Every e-gold account 
remains fully capable of making and receiving payments and there is no fee for making 
a Spend. 

The new formulas are: 

e-gold Spends...

  =   Formula
--   -----  
AUG 0.0004   AUG 0.15% + AUG 0.0002
AUG 0.1  AUG 0.51.25% + AUG 0.00375
AUG 0.5  AUG 1  AUG 0.01
AUG 1AUG 5  1%
= AUG 5AUG 0.05

e-silver Spends...

  =   Formula
--   -----  
AGG 0.02 AGG 5  5% + AGG 0.009
AGG 5AGG 25 1.25% + AGG 0.1875
AGG 25   AGG 50 AGG 0.5
AGG 50   AGG 2501%
= AGG 250  AGG 2.50

e-platinum Spends...

  =   Formula
--   -----  
PTG 0.0004   PTG 0.15% + PTG 0.0002
PTG 0.1  PTG 0.51.25% + PTG 0.00375
PTG 0.5  PTG 1  PTG 0.01
PTG 1PTG 5  1%
= PTG 5PTG 0.05

e-palladium Spends...

  =   Formula
--   -----  
PDG 0.0004   PDG 0.15% + PDG 0.0002
PDG 0.1  PDG 0.51.25% + PDG 0.00375
PDG 0.5  PDG 1  PDG 0.01
PDG 1PDG 5  1%
= PDG 5PDG 0.05

Thank you for using e-gold.

Doctor Douglas Jackson
Chairman, e-gold Ltd.
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Safe web surfing tip: Get in the habit of checking the SSL key/padlock icon in your 
browser and address/location bar *before* submitting sensitive information like your 
e-gold passphrase.

[e-gold-list] Re: gold price downturn and investment vehicles

2003-12-04 Thread Patrick Chkoreff
On Wednesday, December 3, 2003, at 11:12 PM, Sidd wrote:

Here's an interesting observation:
Thus, I have been MUCH better off keeping my money in a NZ bank at an 
interest rate of 6.5% than I would have been if I had kept it in gold.
Interesting.  You mentioned USD/AU and USD/NZD, but do you have a 
bottom line figure on NZD/AU?  I mean, how much has the price of gold 
in NZD dropped over the last two years?

You Americans must be really pissed at how your currency is being 
Two things happening in the US:

1.  Falling dollar
2.  Rampant protectionism, i.e. punitive tariffs on imports
Both deliberately designed to prop up American businesses who can't 
compete on the world scene but have plenty of lobbying power in 

We Americans will be paying a lot more for steel, textiles, catfish, 
computer chips -- you name it.  If we buy from American companies we 
pay high local prices.  If we buy from Europe, China, Vietnam, South 
Korea, etc. we pay high tariffs and high foreign exchange.

Bush hopes to smell like a rose by November, with low unemployment 
figures, higher American corporate profits, and endorsements from labor 
unions.  Everything will cost more, but shoppers grumbling about the 
price of cars and fish sticks, or invisibly paying $100 more for a 
computer than they otherwise would have, are not going to trace that 
back to Bush  Co. in numbers that matter.  Family funds will just sort 
of drain down a bit for no reason, and everyone will vaguely wonder 
why their take home pay (a disgusting term meaning the 40% of their 
earnings they're allowed to keep) doesn't seem to go as far as it used 

But no Sidd, I don't think many Americans will be pissed about it 
because they don't have much of a clue in the first place.  Those who 
have a clue might take action like buying gold or NZD, and maybe this 
can generate enough price action to get clueless Americans to jump on 
that bandwagon -- though most of them will be too late.  The path of 
least resistance for most of them is still stock and bond mutual funds. 
 Gold and currency investment options are more exotic and harder to 
come by for average investors, and also much less publicized and even 
deliberately downplayed by financial advisors, CNBC, etc.

A friend of mine who's been in the hedge fund industry for quite a 
while has started a Forex currency fund and I think he's right on the 
money so to speak.  The other day I was talking with him about gold and 
we got to thinking that he should include gold in his fund as just 
another currency.  There may come a day when ALL national fiat 
currencies are dropping relative to gold.  Any currency fund which 
merely chases the relative squiggles between Euro, USD, NZD, etc. will 
be chasing those squiggles straight down the tubes in terms of actual 
purchasing power.  So I think AU ought to be in his fund, though right 
now the parent trading system under which his fund is organized does 
not accommodate such a barbaric relic.  But my friend said he might 
call them up and suggest that they include AU in their system somehow.

Or maybe he could find a way to include AU on the side, as an adjunct 
to the normal currency trading in the parent trading system, though it 
would complicate the accounting quite a bit.

-- Patrick

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[e-gold-list] NZ banks

2003-12-04 Thread Mike Schneider
Sidd wrote:
To put this into perspective though, consider the devastation of the 
USD. My interest is in New Zealand, where I reside for much of the 
time. The USD/NZD exchange rate on this day 2001 was  2.41663

Today the USD/NZD exchange rate is  1.54696

This shows an increase of 56% over the 2001 price.

Thus, I have been MUCH better off keeping my money in a NZ bank at 
an interest rate of 6.5% than I would have been if I had kept it in 

Can you recommend an NZ bank that accepts deposit accounts 
(preferably with VISA debit card) from non-natives, offers that 
6.5% rate, and doesn't soak you on conversion fees ?


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[e-gold-list] The EUnuchs

2003-12-04 Thread Mike Schneider
 commonality of systems -- along with
decades of training together and establishing personal relationships
among the warriors -- enabled American and British forces to fight
together in a way that can't be created otherwise. Network-centric
warfare is a favorite buzzword around the American and Brit military
establishments. But behind the buzzword is a concept of ultimate
importance. If you can't plug into the network -- both a literal
computer network and an intellectual network of thinking that provides
its framework -- you can't fight as part of the team. It costs money to
be plugged in, and none of the Weasels is spending it. Last week, the
evolving EU defense deal took a symbolic turn that widens the growing
gap between concept and reality that NATO now needs to cross.
Last week's fight was more symbolic than substantive. The Weasels
wanted a separate EU command structure outside NATO, complete with a
fancy new headquarters building. Tony Blair has set some red lines
that Britain supposedly won't allow the EU constitution to cross. One
is the preservation of NATO, to which Britain is committed. At least
for now. Blair apparently agreed (he and foreign secretary Jack Straw
have sent conflicting signals) that there could be the separate command
structure, to which the UK will devote about 130 officers and men who
would otherwise be assigned to NATO or something else useful. But Blair's
dedication to NATO is being whittled away gradually, and NATO's relevance
is being eroded daily. Regardless of what the EU constitution eventually
says, it's doubtful that many NATO members will be able to provide more
than their good wishes to meet their mutual defense commitments under
the NATO charter.
Thanks to the irresponsible attitude toward defense spending displayed
by most NATO nations since the Evil Empire filed for Chapter 11, NATO
may achieve irrelevance even before the EU constitution is agree to. For
us, the question boils down to this: Can we convince our NATO allies
to provide sufficiently for their own defense so that they can commit,
deploy, and fight in NATO's interests? For nations such as Germany, whose
defense expenditures amount to only about 1% of its GDP, the answer will
be a resounding no.
We need NATO, but not if NATO's only a shell. Big Dog Rumsfeld and the
White House will be putting a lot of pressure on the EU nations to not
destroy NATO outright. But while we do this, we had better ask ourselves
which nations we want to be obligated to go to war to defend? Those
nations that are unwilling to protect themselves -- and to reform their
economies sufficiently to afford to do it -- aren't nations we should
spend blood and treasure to defend.  Again.
Jed Babbin was a deputy undersecretary of defense in the first Bush
administration, and now often appears as a talking warhead on MSNBC.
Lex clavatoris designati rescindenda est.


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[e-gold-list] Re: NZ banks

2003-12-04 Thread Mike Schneider
At 10:56 PM +1300 12/4/03, Graham Kelly wrote:

Can I assist? I cannot get you a NZ account, but I can help other ways,
Graham Kelly CEO

CEO of what?

  Can you recommend an NZ bank that accepts deposit accounts
  (preferably with VISA debit card) from non-natives, offers that
  6.5% rate, and doesn't soak you on conversion fees ?

What I'm looking for should be obvious: A debit card with low or no 
currency-conversion fees which I can use anywhere in the world, off a 
deposit account with a decent rate of interest, in a currency which 
equals or beats gold. If should also be easy to move funds into and 
out of the account, and not require an insane amount of bullshit to 
set up. The issuer should also have an 800 number (preferably 24/7) 
in order to deal with problems (such as placing a lock on my account 
in the event of a stolen card).


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[e-gold-list] Escrow Services

2003-12-04 Thread Daniel Burton
I was wondering if anyone on the list could share their experiences 
using universal-escrow.com.  If you have used the service, did the 
transaction go smoothly?  Was the payment released in a timely manner?

I was also wondering if anyone had any other escrow services to 
recommend.  I am thinking of starting to accept e-gold escrow payments 
for my online sales so that my customers can have a little bit more 
assurance that they will receive the product they ordered -- I think a 
reliable escrow service especially would help me increase sales to 
Western Europe, since there is little legal recourse for individuals 
when transactions go awry across international lines (I sell out of 

I also have some concerns with the protocol Universal Escrow uses that I 
would like to share.  I think the protocol is sound at solving problems 
with the vast majority of contingencies, and probably a better way of 
dealing with things than the way Tradenable and others do things  
The fact that both paries need the other one to agree for either of them 
to withdraw money from the escrow account is a great incentive for them 
to come to some sort of equitable agreement with each other.  (A seller 
will give up nearly the full value of the gold in escrow to get it out, 
so he has a strong incentive to give the buyer either the goods or a 
repund.  Conversely the buyer will give up nearly the full value of the 
gold in escrow to get it refunded, and thus he has a strong incentive to 
accept either the product or an equitable refund.)

This works well most of the time, but I think the fact that both parties 
have to agree before either can withdraw the gold is actually a problem 
in certain situations and can be used in a certain form of attack either 
by a buyer or seller.

Suppose you have a competitor who wants to put you out of business, or a 
disgrunted ex-employee or ex-customer, just basically anyone who has 
some sort of spite against you or some reason to want to see you go out 
of business, without necessarily wanting to rip you off for any other 

For the sake of argument, let's say you are the main competitor with a 
business in a small market with room for only a couple firms of your 
size and that sales in that market are international.  You reside in a 
different legal juristiction from your competitor, and it is difficult 
to to any legal action across international borders.  And let's also say 
that demand for the goods you are selling is relatively inelastic.  Your 
competitor accepts payments by Universal Escrow, but you don't -- you 
rely mostly on reputation instead.  You want to put your competitor out 
of business so that you can monopolize the market, restrain supply, and 
reap the montary benefits.  Here's how you can do it:

First you discretely hire buyers to serve you in a confidential 
capacity.  You have the buyers buy from the competitor using Universal 
Escrow.  You pay the buyers -- except you instruct them not to release 
the money from escrow when the transaction completes.  You then take the 
goods and add them to your own inventory, having acquired them at a 
reasonable rate.  You repackage them as necessary and sell them to 
customers yourself.  You lose little money in overhead costs doing this, 
but your competitor has just sold goods at the full production cost, 
which will never be reimbursed.  The money will sit in the escrow for 
however many years it takes for the storage fees to spend it down to 
zero, but you don't care.  You have just created a cost for your 
competitor far larger than what you paid to create it.

At a certain point, they may get wise and stop accepting escrow 
payments, but not before the damage is done.

You can do this on the opposite end too.  Instead of hiring people to 
secretly act as buyers, you have them secretly act as suppliers.  You 
post advertisements for whatever supplies your competitor needs to do 
business at reasonable, but attractively low rates.  You ignore any 
inquiries or orders by anyone other than your target.  As soon as the 
business you want to damage places an order, you accept payment for it 
by escrow -- except you never ship the goods.  In fact the goods never 
even existed.  You let the money sit in escrow forever and never agree 
to release it.  You don't care how long it sits there, as long is it 
helps put your competitor out of business.  You have done this at very 
little cost to youself, but made your competitor lose a large amount of 
money, probably before he even realizes what is happening.

That was a very specific example, but a disgrunted ex-employee, or 
anyone else who has a grudge against you can pull the same tactics.  
They may have a monetary incentive to release the money from escrow, but 
the money may not be all they care about -- the side-effects of leaving 
your money stuck in escrow are themselves enough incentive for them to 
leave it there.

It seems that these types

[e-gold-list] Re: Fairy Wings Auctions Accepting E-gold -- Great Holiday Gift

2003-12-04 Thread Daniel Burton
Jim Davidson wrote:

Tell anyone else you know who would be interested in buying
these items with e-gold.  I'm not doing this entirely for my
own financial gain.

I must say that the GoldBarter.com auction site exists
entirely for financial gain.  It is not only okay, but
preferred that people place items for auction there for
the purpose of financial gain.
Well I didn't say it wasn't in part for financial gain, or even
primarily so  I'm just giving people small break.  View it as a
selfish act of cooperation if you like.  If we all work together to make
it easier to use alternatives to fiat currency, we all have something to
gain.  I certainly would not be disappointed if one of my buyers
remembered and gave me a discount off the normal dollar rate for
something they were selling in the future.
giving these kinds of discounts, but I'm doing this to
encourage alternatives to government-issued currency.
I would probably save money by not accepting e-gold or

E-gold offers a pretty compelling argument, on their web
site, that e-gold is better for merchants than credit cards.
Jim Ray? What's that link again?
Also, I think e-gold is much better than the typical eBay
alternative, PayPal which sucks so badly people make
web sites about how badly it sucks.  I seem to recall
among others.  PayPal has been very bad for several merchants
I know.
If you already have e-gold, it's a very fast of paying, and it's
probably the fastest way regardless internationally.  The only problem
is that if you haven't already bought some, it costs a premium to get it
fast by credit card, and my buyers could already pay me as convieniently
by money order, perhaps more convieniently, than they could by buying
e-gold by money order at low rates and then making a transfer to me
And they could already do that even before I started accepting Paypal.
The only reason I still accept Paypal after all their abominable changes
to the User Agreement is because the manufacturer agreed to take the
payments in her account, bearing all the risk.  I don't think it's wise
for her, but if she's willing to do that, it's fine with me.  I still
get paid my comissions for selling stuff.
Fairy wing sales are on what I would say is the extreme low-risk end of
chargebacks (that is, people with stolen credit cards tend not to buy
them, and the buyers tend to be fairly honest), but I still won't take
Paypal myself.  If Paypal allowed surcharges, I might consider
implementing one to compensate for the risk.  I tried giving a discount
for every other payment method for a while and raising my prices
instead, but that increased the eBay fees I ended up paying.  I'm still
not sure that was really worth it -- Most buyers would still pay by
money order if they didn't have the choice of Paypal, and I don't offer
guaranteed shipping times anyway, so they're willing to wait.
I think the main obstacle to getting people to buy things with e-gold
directly on more of an impulse-type basis is the difficulty in funding
an account rapidly.  They just seem to have too short of an attention
span, even when I offer discounts twice what I did in those eBay
auctions  Being able to walk into a bank, deposit cash, and get
e-gold the same day, as is increasingly possible is good, but what
people really need to be able to do is buy it online by something like
ATM -- something a little bit more secure and less fraud-prone than
credit cards, so that the rates aren't so high.

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[e-gold-list] Hi, I am new to this list but I have a question re debit cards

2003-12-04 Thread David Boey
I am David from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and I recently got a PlatinumOne
card with an upgrade option to a MasterCard debit card. Has anyone got
this card? How reliable and usable are the cards from PlatinumOneCard?
I tried emailing them on 3 occasions but there was no answer. I got the
card through SolarPay on the assumption that I could fund the cards from
my Solarpay account. The PlatinumOne card does not even give me the info
on how I can fund the cards. Anyone has any info on how I can resolve this

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[e-gold-list] Re: market thrills ..

2003-12-04 Thread Mark S. Ohberg
Robert B.Z. wrote:
Fourthly -- the sensation of being paid .62 grams, forty times, at 
Noon on the first of the month is something like this: 
Somebody get this man laid. 
I Beg to differ Robert, The Marketing Major you write of has no issues 
regarding your concern,  I think your statement rude on this list and 

He is hallucinating of a life back in 1850
when $300 could have bought him all that...
No he is spinning his own version of recent New York State Lottery 
Commercials,  He also left out how DJ Xaviour would be working the 
wheels of steel pool side, while he swims laps.

And they are calling 'me' mad. Shesh. 8% compounding per annum and the guy
is in gagaland.
This is pure gold my golden associate, and a mere start to boot a 
virtual fire sale.

I still think the whole thing is a great idea, why else would we have
invested, but having LSD-like wet dreams over a return that is in no
relation to the risks involved is too much madness, even for me...
Risks? H Philosophy what's yours?  it seemed fair de well
Happy Holidays.

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[e-gold-list] Professional DDOS protection

2003-12-04 Thread FileMatrix
See here: www.ddos.com

George Hara


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[e-gold-list] Re: e-gold Funding on the Virtual Visa

2003-12-04 Thread Internet Investment Group
go directly to the source: http://www.epassporte.com


How do we fund the Virtual Visa by the e-gold sale.  Tom is looking to
sell e-gold now, how does he do it?

We can't find any mention of it on your web (being so new), so should he
use the Fund Debit Card form?  What is the e-gold account number etc.

Thanks, great job by the way, very cool.


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[e-gold-list] Re: gold price downturn and investment vehicles

2003-12-04 Thread James M. Ray
At 5:12 PM +1300 12/4/03, Sidd wrote:
Here's an interesting observation:

You Americans must be really pissed at how your currency is being

So far, it doesn't seem to be much of an issue. Most folks have
probably forgotten the high inflation days of the '70s by now, so
it's a perfect time to have lots of inflation, especially after media
stories earlier this year warning of DEflation (during a war, yeah
right!). Even newspapers like the Wall Street Journal (which is
supposedly filled with people who know economics!) ran these
panicky there might be deflation stories. IMO, how they ever
even got to be news might be an interesting story someday. I
expect http://cryptome.org/ John Young to cover it before the
professional media when that happens. Go buy his CD, John
is a hero of the information-age.

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[e-gold-list] Re: NZ banks

2003-12-04 Thread Drew

 What I'm looking for should be obvious: A debit card with low or no
 currency-conversion fees which I can use anywhere in the world, off a
 deposit account with a decent rate of interest, in a currency which
 equals or beats gold. If should also be easy to move funds into and
 out of the account, and not require an insane amount of bullshit to
 set up. The issuer should also have an 800 number (preferably 24/7)
 in order to deal with problems (such as placing a lock on my account
 in the event of a stolen card).


I have been informed that all banks in New Zealand issue debit cards but

you need to *front up* to get them.

You can't send funds out of the country online either but you can fax 

the New Zealand banks International payment orders.


Banks you could try are: 









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[e-gold-list] Re: NZ banks

2003-12-04 Thread Graham Kelly
Frankly, all members on this list SHOULD fly to NZ, and get a bank
account. The NZ internal P2P transfers are mostly dynamic...

... and come to lunch with me, when you arrive!

BTW, I simply call my bank, and request international transfers, mutiple
times per day.

Graham Kelly CEO

On Fri, 5 Dec 2003 02:52:59 +1100, Drew [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:
 I have been informed that all banks in New Zealand issue debit cards but
 you need to *front up* to get them. 
 You can't send funds out of the country online either but you can fax 

GoldNow http://www.GoldNow.St
Primary Customer Service +61 3 9776-4886
US Phone 1-866-999-1717
US Fax 1-213-559-8555 
UK Phone +44 (0) 709 233-7612
UK Phone +44 (0) 709 201-4015 CEO
UK Fax +44 (0) 870 135-0279

'I was not born to be a second-hander' - Ayn Rand

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[e-gold-list] Re: debit card funding delays grrr! Virtual Visa and ATM card

2003-12-04 Thread Katz Global Media

at least he shows some respect and has business communication skills. You
SHOUT like you are a 12 your old spoiled brat on an aol forum.

Would you not get farther if you calmed down and spoke to Graham offlist and
present your advise professionally? You might get better results.



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via the web and shopping cart interfaces to help thwart keystroke loggers and common 

[e-gold-list] Re: debit card funding delays grrr! Virtual Visa and ATM card

2003-12-04 Thread Viking Coder
 at least he shows some respect and has business communication skills. You
 SHOUT like you are a 12 your old spoiled brat on an aol forum.
 Would you not get farther if you calmed down and spoke to Graham offlist and
 present your advise professionally? You might get better results.

Yep... Communication skills and temper/anger control are paramount. Ad
hominem attacks, SHOUTing, etc... actually succeed in removing any
validity, whatsoever, in your arguments - rather than enhancing them.

I was about ready to suggest that Graham was possibly in the wrong -
but... I digress, because this post really has nothing to do with filthy

Viking Coder


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[e-gold-list] Re: Professional DDOS protection

2003-12-04 Thread Katz Global Media

 from ddos.com 

Thank you for your request.

ISecure 100 $18,000 plus 3 annual maintenance fee payments of 20% of list
pricing (iSecure 100=$3600/yr). (iSecure100 v.1 immediately available with
free upgrade to iSecure100 v.2 January 15th).

Subject: [e-gold-list] Professional DDOS protection

 See here: www.ddos.com

Better be running a big site to cover these costs on a single server. This
is much cheaper than most though.

Anonymous Hosting® Solutions

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[e-gold-list] customer realities

2003-12-04 Thread Graham Kelly

No, Garry is correct... our order form is not correct yet (will it ever
be?) I have about 10 minor changes to do  3 major changes. I live in NZ,
and my programmer lives in Alabama! But, we will soldier on...

Garry gave me USD worth of e-gold, and requested an exchange into
DMT/Alta credits, which was delivered into his DMT/Alta account, albeit
very late. AFTER the deal was concluded, he wanted a cancellation of the
order. So, we reversed the entire process, and we returned USD worth of
e-gold in full, less the actual DMT/Alta fees. Our discounted fee was
also returned.

His initial issue was the late delivery, for which we apologised, and
gave a 50% reduction on the GoldNow fee. His secondary issue now is that
he is concerned about the loss of approx. $13, between the time he
transferred the e-gold to us, and the value of it when returned... the
GoldNow policy states (rightly or wrongly) that we deal in the USD
standard value of e-gold, AT THE TIME of each transfer.

... and that's the story, in a nutshell. As far as I'm concerned, the
issue is over. I made mistakes, and I am now paying for those mistakes by
losing a potentially good customer, in Garry. MOST of the rest of my
customers/suppliers/friends/supporters think it's simply hilarious... I
don't find it amusing at all, but I will get some mileage out of it from
the lessons I learnt (all according to the Master Plan). I have
considered ALL aspects of this scenario, and I have learnt lessons, and I
stand by my decisions.

I'll not bring up this subject again, except for my right of reply, if

Garry: CAPS is considered shouting in a list. Go read some general roolz
regarding it... can some knowledgeable person point me/him to the
netiquite site?


On Thu, 4 Dec 2003 10:33:38 -0800, Katz Global Media
 at least he shows some respect and has business communication skills. You
 SHOUT like you are a 12 your old spoiled brat on an aol forum.

GoldNow http://www.GoldNow.St
Primary Customer Service +61 3 9776-4886
US Phone 1-866-999-1717
US Fax 1-213-559-8555 
UK Phone +44 (0) 709 233-7612
UK Phone +44 (0) 709 201-4015 CEO
UK Fax +44 (0) 870 135-0279

'I was not born to be a second-hander' - Ayn Rand

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via the web and shopping cart interfaces to help thwart keystroke loggers and common 

[e-gold-list] Re: e-gold Funding on the Virtual Visa

2003-12-04 Thread Graham Kelly

Please let me educate you here. Epassport will not fund Mark's/Tom's
debit card by an ecurrency payment. However, I can and will, along with
all the other customers/market makers who wish to use their/our/my

That's what I AM! Proud to be a market maker!

Guys: If you want a virtual debit card  ATM card, please order it at my
site! We can also fund the INGold card, plus the GlobalOne cards. (when
the card issuer finally gets around to transferring the funding, that

(I'm grumpy today, as I have a full days work ahead, again) :( Now, if
all the people we deal with actually do what they say, deliver what they
promise, and actually stick to their word, I wouldn't have a PROBLEM in
the whole world! Life would be WONDERFUL... occasionally, I do have days
like that. But, thank GOD for all my calm, sensitive, smart, intelligent,
hard working, on the ball verifying staff! 100% of whom are women. SOME
of them actually like working with me as well, which is a definate bonus.
Talking of which, I'm on the hunt for more staff. All of which I normally
manage to find in my customer database.


On Thu, 04 Dec 2003 08:28:55 -0500, Internet Investment Group
 go directly to the source: http://www.epasspo
 How do we fund the Virtual Visa by the e-gold sale.  Tom is looking to
 sell e-gold now, how does he do it?

GoldNow http://www.GoldNow.St
Primary Customer Service +61 3 9776-4886
US Phone 1-866-999-1717
US Fax 1-213-559-8555 
UK Phone +44 (0) 709 233-7612
UK Phone +44 (0) 709 201-4015 CEO
UK Fax +44 (0) 870 135-0279

'I was not born to be a second-hander' - Ayn Rand

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via the web and shopping cart interfaces to help thwart keystroke loggers and common 

[e-gold-list] GoldNow has 117 unhappy customers and 12 happy customers. The rest is only lies.

2003-12-04 Thread powerzone
I did business with goldNow and Graham Kelly and I was disgusted.
His unprofessionalism only matches the ones of Ragnar from Gold Age and Steve Renner 
from CashCards. It is a wonder how a guy like him is let to advertise on e-gold-list 
every single day, his bullshits.

His lies are so obvious! His www.goldnow.st page has only about 50 hits daily, check 
on www.alexa.com ! 
He still says he has 100,000 users. LOL. Who do you think that buys your shit, 
Mr.Graham ?
You have no automated system , you hardly ever fund any e-gold account when you have 
an order, you funded my account AFTER 12 DAYS... now this shows your professionalism !

I think you are a shame to e-gold-list and you should be kicked out with all your lies 
and your stupidity.

Just my 2 cents,

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via the web and shopping cart interfaces to help thwart keystroke loggers and common 

[e-gold-list] Re: GoldNow has Happy Customers (mostly!)

2003-12-04 Thread Graham Kelly
LOL, My wife thinks I'm stupid, on a regular basis... but most of my
staff/customers/suppliers seem to like me. Certainly, the customers vote
with their $$$. As always.

If only you knew the truth about Steve Renner... and Ragnar is a complete
gentleman, and a sharp operator. You would be well advised to make
friends with BOTH those guys, but they may find it a tad difficult with
your current attitude! 

Thanks for sharing... and caring! Now, let me go do some WORK! (Why don't
you go do likewise?) Otherwise, my loyal customers may go with... STEVE
RENNER or Ragnar!

Graham results Kelly CEO

On Thu, 4 Dec 2003 10:42:11 -0800 (PST), [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:
 I did business with goldNow and Graham Kelly and I was disgusted.
 His unprofessionalism only matches the ones of Ragnar from Gold Age and
 Steve Renner from CashCards. It is a wonder how a guy like him is let to

GoldNow http://www.GoldNow.St
Primary Customer Service +61 3 9776-4886
US Phone 1-866-999-1717
US Fax 1-213-559-8555 
UK Phone +44 (0) 709 233-7612
UK Phone +44 (0) 709 201-4015 CEO
UK Fax +44 (0) 870 135-0279

'I was not born to be a second-hander' - Ayn Rand

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via the web and shopping cart interfaces to help thwart keystroke loggers and common 

[e-gold-list] Re: GoldNow has 117 unhappy customers and 12 happy customers. The rest is only lies.

2003-12-04 Thread Viking Coder
 I did business with goldNow and Graham Kelly and I was disgusted.

Then don't re-use his services.

 His lies are so obvious! His www.goldnow.st page has only about 50 hits
 daily, check on www.alexa.com ! 


The Alexa Toolbar turns itself off on secure pages (https:). Sites with
more secure page views will be under-represented in the Alexa traffic

Most of the Goldnow.st site are secure pages.

 You have no automated system

Yes he does. I had the opportunity to see it in action a couple years ago.
If you mean hands-off-automated - as in no human-assisted DDU - then no,
he doesn't. He wouldn't still be in business if he did - the crooks would
run him under.

Where did you obtain the 117 vs. 12 figure?

Viking Coder


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via the web and shopping cart interfaces to help thwart keystroke loggers and common 

[e-gold-list] Re: GoldNow has 117 unhappy customers and 12 happy customers. The rest is only lies.

2003-12-04 Thread Katz Global Media

My understanding is that alexa only tracks traffic from alexa users with the
toolbar installed and that makes it a tool with little use and is heavily
underreporting peoples actual traffic.

Anonymous Hosting® Solutions

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via the web and shopping cart interfaces to help thwart keystroke loggers and common 

[e-gold-list] USD, GAU, EUR, AUD, etc.

2003-12-04 Thread Patrick Chkoreff
What a day for gold, with wild swings up and down, still ending up 


That pattern closely parallels how the US dollar did against other 
currencies too, including EUR, AUD, CHF, JPY, and to a lesser extent 
NZD.  (You can bring up intraday charts on http://betonmarkets.com if 
you're interested.)

BTW, a long time ago someone posted a link that showed charts of the 
price of gold in many different national currencies.  I wish I still 
had that link.

Also, I wonder if that temporary drop in the gold price had anything to 
do with Bush's announcement that he was lifting steel tariffs.  The 
drop didn't last long though.

-- Patrick

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[e-gold-list] Re: market thrills ..

2003-12-04 Thread jpm
Somebody get this man laid. He is hallucinating of a life back in 1850
when $300 could have bought him all that...
Robert, my madcap friend, it is not so much the volume of gloriously 
passive monthly money ($300), but the style and ease of having an 
investment in the e-gold universe

Having been a fan of egold for so long the idea of having passive 
monthly income in egold is orgasmic

On your journey of learning what money is, Robert, dont EVER sneer at 
seemingly low volumes of money.  A person with an income of 30 or 40 
grand a month would treat an income stream that generates $100 a 
month with the utmost - the utmost - care and gravity.

And they are calling 'me' mad. Shesh. 8% compounding per annum and the guy
is in gagaland.
Use your keyboard!

Hit return!

Now type in English where else I can invest egold and get returns

I will love you forever!

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[e-gold-list] Re: USD, GAU, EUR, AUD, etc.

2003-12-04 Thread jpm
What a day for gold, with wild swings up and down, still ending up though:


Like the previous day, a very turnaround signal - maybe a short down 
leg will start...

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[e-gold-list] Re: gold price downturn and investment vehicles

2003-12-04 Thread Sidd
Hello Patrick,

Patrick Chkoreff wrote:

 Interesting.  You mentioned USD/AU and USD/NZD, but do you have a 
bottom line figure on NZD/AU?  I mean, how much has the price of gold 
in NZD dropped over the last two years?

Actually, from the data I have, in the same time period I quoted 
before, it appears the gold rose by just over 2% in terms of NZD... 
slightly better than the inflation rate of about 1.5%

I think the charts you want are at http://gold-price.net



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[e-gold-list] RE: GoldNow has 117 unhappy customers and 12 happy customers. The rest is only lies.

2003-12-04 Thread Julie Donska

 I did business with goldNow and Graham Kelly and I was disgusted.
 His unprofessionalism only matches the ones of Ragnar from Gold Age
and Steve Renner 
 from CashCards. It is a wonder how a guy like him is let to advertise
on e-gold-list every 
 single day, his bullshits.

I just have to say that we did business with Graham Kelly and he always
delivered. Sometimes it was a bit later than promised, but this is
understandable, because e-currencies have still a lot to go in terms of
popularity and volume. 

We are an exchange provider ourselves, and working with Graham was a
MUCH MORE positive experience than working with some large e-services
providers, who, it seems have staff who often do not even know what they
are selling.

I think this bashing of one person needs to stop now, this is not why I
signed up to e-gold list.

Best Regards,

Julie Donska
Customer Support
Gold-cash.biz: Digital Exchange. The safe way.
Web: http://www.gold-cash.biz
ICQ: 271396462

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[e-gold-list] Re: GoldNow has 117 unhappy customers and 12 happy customers. The rest is only lies.

2003-12-04 Thread FileMatrix
 His lies are so obvious! His www.goldnow.st page has only about 50 hits
daily, check on www.alexa.com !

Perhaps you would like to tell us how in God's name is that relevant to the
traffic of a site?! Or perhaps you should first understand how a 'hit' of a
web page is and can be counted... or, hell, maybe you know exactly what
you're saying?!

George Hara


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[e-gold-list] RE: GoldNow has 117 unhappy customers BULLSHIT

2003-12-04 Thread pulakis

You are stupid ! I take e-gold from my customers for my services and I
advice them to use goldnow.st to buy egold.

I never heard any complaints and money are coming to me very nice


I dont know Kelly and he does not know me either I dont have any affiliation
with him. You are plain stupid and jealous on nice bussiness

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[e-gold-list] SpeedyExchange.com is back after heavy DDos attack

2003-12-04 Thread David

I am David from Speedy Exchange and I am very happy to announce that our
website is up again. The server where our website was hosted was under
heavy DDos attack and other hacking attempts. The hosting provider solved
the problem and now our website is up and running again.

Thank you for your support.

Please visit us and check out our Evocash and WMcards.com promotions.

David @Speedy Exchange

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[e-gold-list] Re: gold price downturn and investment vehicles

2003-12-04 Thread Patrick Chkoreff
On Thursday, December 4, 2003, at 03:22 PM, Sidd wrote:

 Interesting.  You mentioned USD/AU and USD/NZD, but do you have a 
bottom line figure on NZD/AU?  I mean, how much has the price of gold 
in NZD dropped over the last two years?

Actually, from the data I have, in the same time period I quoted 
before, it appears the gold rose by just over 2% in terms of NZD... 
slightly better than the inflation rate of about 1.5%

But Sidd also said this yesterday:

Thus, I have been MUCH better off keeping my money in a NZ bank at an 
interest rate of 6.5% than I would have been if I had kept it in gold.

OK, so I suppose the net advantage you gained by holding NZD rather 
than gold over that period was about 4.5% (the bank interest rate of 
6.5% minus the gold appreciation of 2%).

Your net advantage of 4.5% in holding NZD was not due to any relative 
strength of NZD over gold, but was due entirely to the fact that you 
were lending your money out and collecting interest on it.  I admit 
there aren't many low-risk opportunities to lend gold -- yet.  But I 
suspect one day we'll see high quality bonds denominated in gold, 
perhaps paying 4.5% or more.  :-)

I think the charts you want are at http://gold-price.net
Great site, thanks for the reminder!  They don't show NZD yet though.

-- Patrick

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[e-gold-list] Reliable paypal - e-gold exchange? (fwd)

2003-12-04 Thread GoldClicks

Hi all, I'm looking for a reliable exchange provider who does
Paypal - e-gold for small amounts, starting around $100 USD and
(hopefully) increasing over time, on a monthly basis.


GoldClicks.net: The Directory of PPC Search Engines and Affiliate Programs
that pay out in e-gold and DGC's.


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via the web and shopping cart interfaces to help thwart keystroke loggers and common 

[e-gold-list] Re: gold price...link to charts

2003-12-04 Thread J Frank
The charts you may be after could be found here... Just change the studies,
I use the EMA's 9,18 with 50 as filter in the 5 and 10 minute intervals,
along with RSI 14 and MACD 12;26;9. For a broader look at things you may
want to adjust time scales for the historic data you are after Sidd. You
will need to have JAVA for these charts to work, but they are really worth



Jim (f)

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[e-gold-list] RE:paypal - e-gold exchange?

2003-12-04 Thread J Frank
Hi Mark

 Hi all, I'm looking for a reliable exchange provider who does
 Paypal - e-gold for small amounts, starting around $100 USD and

Best bet would be goldtrader: www.goldtrader.com or gold-ebank:
Hope that helps.

jim f

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[e-gold-list] Re: GoldNow has 117 unhappy customers and 12 happy customers. The rest is only lies.

2003-12-04 Thread Internet Investment Group
 My understanding is that alexa only tracks traffic from alexa users with the
 toolbar installed 

with millions of users it may not be 100% accurate but it is a very useful tool in 
comparing popularity of sites and traffic fluctuations. 

you may see that paybygold has a traffic rank of 197,030 and goldnow of 203,075. 
paybygold has slightly more visitors. and you may see that paybygold managed to be in 
the top 100,000 several times. in mid october and in mid july. 

Sign-up for Ads Free at Mail.com

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via the web and shopping cart interfaces to help thwart keystroke loggers and common 

[e-gold-list] Re: customer realities

2003-12-04 Thread Internet Investment Group
Garry gave me USD worth of e-gold, and requested an exchange into
DMT/Alta credits, which was delivered into his DMT/Alta account, albeit
very late. AFTER the deal was concluded, he wanted a cancellation of the
order. So, we reversed the entire process, and we returned USD worth of
e-gold in full, less the actual DMT/Alta fees. Our discounted fee was
also returned.

-- That is not correct. We wanted a cancellation of the order because you made 
another failure. We wanted e-gold to get transferred into our ALTA account but you 
delivered USD. Very late funding and wrong currency. 
Graham informed us that he has only USD in his ALTA account. We wanted e-gold. 
Because we didn't want to wait another three weeks we accepted USD instead of e-gold. 
Then we realised that it would be expensive for us to send USD funds out of DMT/ALTA. 
We then asked him to reverse the transaction and he agreed. 
He made two major mistakes (very late funding and wrong currency). We don't think it 
is too much to ask for a FULL refund in this case. 

His initial issue was the late delivery, for which we apologised, and
gave a 50% reduction on the GoldNow fee. His secondary issue now is that
he is concerned about the loss of approx. $13, between the time he
transferred the e-gold to us, and the value of it when returned... 

-- According to my calculation it was about $20. 
I wouldn't say anything if these price fluctuations would have happened within three 
or  four days while you process our order. 

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via the web and shopping cart interfaces to help thwart keystroke loggers and common 

[e-gold-list] horse sense?

2003-12-04 Thread Graham Kelly

I usually hate any kind of gambling (I only like gambling on *sure*
things), but one of my customers (honest and verified, and a nice guy)
runs a horse tipping program, which is, amazingly, having fairly high
proven consistant returns. (HOW does he do it?) IF you are into nag's 
horsies, contact me offlist for the URL link.

His e-gold account is #649508, Punters Edge.

To verify his GoldNow status, go to http://www.goldnow.st/lookup.aspx


Graham Kelly CEO

GoldNow http://www.GoldNow.St
Primary Customer Service +61 3 9776-4886
US Phone 1-866-999-1717
US Fax 1-213-559-8555 
UK Phone +44 (0) 709 233-7612
UK Phone +44 (0) 709 201-4015 CEO
UK Fax +44 (0) 870 135-0279

'I was not born to be a second-hander' - Ayn Rand

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via the web and shopping cart interfaces to help thwart keystroke loggers and common 

[e-gold-list] Re: customer realities

2003-12-04 Thread Jonathan Boles
On 05/12/2003, at 9:18 AM, Internet Investment Group wrote:

Graham: Garry gave me USD worth of e-gold,
Garry: We wanted e-gold to get transferred into our ALTA account but 
you delivered USD.
Looks fair...

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[e-gold-list] Re: GoldNow has 117 unhappy customers and 12 happy customers. The rest is only lies.

2003-12-04 Thread Jonathan Boles
On 05/12/2003, at 9:17 AM, Internet Investment Group wrote:

My understanding is that alexa only tracks traffic from alexa users 
with the
toolbar installed
with millions of users it may not be 100% accurate but it is a very 
useful tool in comparing popularity of sites and traffic fluctuations.
No. Considering that the vast majority of internet users DON'T have it 
installed, your claims of even partial accuracy are complete bull.

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[e-gold-list] Re: NZ banks

2003-12-04 Thread Mike Schneider
  What I'm looking for should be obvious: A debit card with low or no
  currency-conversion fees which I can use anywhere in the world, off a
  deposit account with a decent rate of interest, in a currency which
  equals or beats gold. If should also be easy to move funds into and
  out of the account, and not require an insane amount of bullshit to
  set up. The issuer should also have an 800 number (preferably 24/7)
  in order to deal with problems (such as placing a lock on my account
  in the event of a stolen card).
I have been informed that all banks in New Zealand issue debit cards but
you need to *front up* to get them.

What do you mean by front up? (You mean deposit actual funds? Well, 
that goes without saying for a debit card.)

You can't send funds out of the country online either but you can fax
the New Zealand banks International payment orders.

If I have a debit-Visa, then that's a moot point.

Here's what I want:

[1] I deposit account in a bank in a nation with a stable currency 
(i.e., which equals or beats gold in interest RoR).

[2] Issues a debit-Visa card which works flawlessly anywhere Visa is 
accepted. The issuer's systems would perform conversion on-the-fly 
with low or no transaction fee (so, for example, if it's NZ account, 
and I put in twenty bucks US worth of gas into my car in Chicago, not 
only will the credi-pay pump take the card, but I won't end up 
looking at a huge surcharge on my statement because I bought 
something that wasn't NZ-denominated.

[3] Movin' me swag back and forth to, say, Ameritrade, should be as 
painless as wiring to and fro from a US bank.


-- http://USFamily.Net/info - Unlimited Internet - From $8.99/mo! --

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[e-gold-list] RE: GoldNow has 117 unhappy customers and 12 happy customers. The rest is only lies.

2003-12-04 Thread Ian Green
That is just a piece of nonsense. Hits from whatever subset of DGC users
are Alexa users, has extremely little correlation to the actual business
volume GoldNow is handling. You put up a single information page about
e-gold and you may get thousands of hits per day, but may be doing no
business at all. For better or for worse, GoldNow is undoubtedly one of,
if not the most successful exchange business in the DGC market, whether
or not Graham annoys some people with his marketing announcements and
constant travel to every nook and cranny of the globe, and a few well
publicised errors of judgement.

Ian Green

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[e-gold-list] Alexa

2003-12-04 Thread James M. Ray
At 9:48 AM +1100 12/5/03, Jonathan Boles wrote:
No. Considering that the vast majority of internet users DON'T have it 
installed, your claims of even partial accuracy are complete bull.

Alexa only measures IE use, and everyone here uses Mozilla by
now (www.mozilla.org) don't they?? They certainly SHOULD be
using that or Firebird! I suspect any similar toolbar for Mozilla or
Firebird would end up paying its actual users (business idea?)
for their info. That's certainly the only reason _I_ would install it
and share where _I_ surf with the world...

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via the web and shopping cart interfaces to help thwart keystroke loggers and common 

[e-gold-list] MailVault encrypted emails

2003-12-04 Thread Graham Kelly

For built in PGP encryption and secure emails, go to MailVault.com , and
register an account. I use them, and recommend them!


Graham Kelly CEO

GoldNow http://www.GoldNow.St
Primary Customer Service +61 3 9776-4886
US Phone 1-866-999-1717
US Fax 1-213-559-8555 
UK Phone +44 (0) 709 233-7612
UK Phone +44 (0) 709 201-4015 CEO
UK Fax +44 (0) 870 135-0279

'I was not born to be a second-hander' - Ayn Rand

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via the web and shopping cart interfaces to help thwart keystroke loggers and common 

[e-gold-list] Re: MailVault encrypted emails

2003-12-04 Thread jpm
For god's sake Graham does your email work pal?

Send me an email off list dude !!


For built in PGP encryption and secure emails, go to MailVault.com , and
register an account. I use them, and recommend them!
Incidentally, be careful of these centralized-email systems, if 
privacy matters.


Graham Kelly CEO

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[e-gold-list] Space Gold WW EP News DEC 04, 2003

2003-12-04 Thread Space Gold
Dear Space Gold WW EP Customers and e-gold List Subscribers!

1. We have added a new eCurrency -Pecunix! You are now welcome to buy and
sell this great gold-based electronic currency.

2. We have added a new payment option - MoneyGram Express Payment! You can
now easily fund your eCurrency account at a low fee. MoneyGram will not also
charge you a fee for sending this kind of payment to us! This option is only
available to US customers at this time.

Please do not forget that we accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express and
Discover credit cards. Please contact [EMAIL PROTECTED] if you would
like to apply.

Best wishes,
Space Gold WW EP

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via the web and shopping cart interfaces to help thwart keystroke loggers and common 

[e-gold-list] Re: customer realities

2003-12-04 Thread Drew
Listen to your comments today Graham Kelly.

 Garry: CAPS is considered shouting in a list.

 AFTER the.


 MOST of...

 ALL aspects...

 SOME of...

 with BOTH those...

 do some WORK!

 LOL, My wife thinks I'm stupid,

And finally.


 That's what I AM!


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via the web and shopping cart interfaces to help thwart keystroke loggers and common 

[e-gold-list] Re: MailVault encrypted emails

2003-12-04 Thread Jim Davidson
Dear JP,

For built in PGP encryption and secure emails, go to
MailVault.com , and register an account. I use them,
and recommend them!
Just for what it may be worth, a client of mine in France
opened a MailVault account in 1999 on a visit to Costa
Rica.  Then Laissez Faire City Clerk Jack Freeman aka
Chris Eyerman was later found to be reading my client's
e-mails and actually replied to one of them.
I have been told in the time since that this problem has
been fully rectified.
Incidentally, be careful of these centralized-email systems,
if privacy matters.
Agreed.  I think secure communications are important, and
if secure commo matters to you, you should be using a
Mac or Linux computer (desktop or laptop), you should be
using a reliable e-mail client such as Eudora, you should
be getting your e-mail on your computer, not on a web site,
and you should be using PGP in its native form.  Various
other security protocols like firewalls and virus detectors
are important to keep in mind, and decrypting and composing
while offline seems prudent.
To get PGP, I suggest http://www.pgpi.org/  for the
international customers.  A personal copy is free to download.
You can buy a copy for commercial uses at pgp.com.
Nevertheless, many people just won't be bothered with
really secure commo.  So, they use alternatives like
or MailVault.
By themselves, these aren't terrible choices, but they
are less than optimal for security.  Even so, in the best
of circumstances, anyone who is sending e-mail, even
encrypted e-mail, about a topic he wants nobody else to
know or wherein he communicates something that would get
him into immense trouble (treason, theft, murder, etc.),
he should not be sending any e-mail at all.  It is foolish
to suppose that whatever security measures you've taken are
good enough for that kind of stuff.
Put another way, as I think Ben Franklin first wrote,
three can keep a secret, but only if two are dead.


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[e-gold-list] Re: MailVault encrypted emails

2003-12-04 Thread jpm
Dear Jim,

Dear JP,

 For built in PGP encryption and secure emails, go to
 MailVault.com , and register an account. I use them,
 and recommend them!
Just for what it may be worth, a client of mine in France
opened a MailVault account in 1999 on a visit to Costa
Rica.  Then Laissez Faire City Clerk Jack Freeman aka
Chris Eyerman was later found to be reading my client's
e-mails and actually replied to one of them.
An excellent and typical illustrative story...thanks.

I have been told in the time since that this problem has
been fully rectified.
Oh, thank goodness!  We're all safe then!  :-)

In short: the centralized secure mail concept is just not a good idea.

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[e-gold-list] Fw: gold price downturn and investment vehicles

2003-12-03 Thread Katz Global Media


Can anyone comment on the following?

will gold prices see a downturn and to what level and for how long before it
starts climbing to $500USD per oz.???

When do you estimate the $500 mark will be reached?

Will we see $350-$370 or less again anytime in the short term? and if so
what determines your thinking?

Also, what is your opinion of the top 3 hard gold assets to own for
investment purposes? (I am speaking of the ones that are readily sellable in
a high priced market.)


Anonymous Hosting® Solutions

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via the web and shopping cart interfaces to help thwart keystroke loggers and common 

[e-gold-list] Fairy Wings Auctions Accepting E-gold -- Great Holiday Gift

2003-12-03 Thread Daniel Burton
Have some e-metal in your e-gold account? Looking for somewhere to spend
it? Need a great holiday gift?
I am now pleased to be able to offer several different sets of fairy
wings by Imagination Creations in exchange for e-gold (all e-metals
accepted). All the wings are unique and hand-made. They strap on to your
back with elastic bands that can be adjusted to any person's size.
I am auctioning off six pairs on eBay, including one which will be
custom-made to your specifications after you win the auction. As an
incentive to kick the habit of using the government's money, I am
offering a 5% discount on these wings to anyone who pays by e-gold, out
of my own commission.
I also have two auctions on GoldBarter.com, which are only available to
people paying by e-gold.
Check them out at the following links:


Fire Fairy Wings
Custom Wings
Black Fairy Wings
Root Fairy Wings
Queen of the Dryads Fairy Wings  Crown
White Fairy Wings

Fire Fairy Wings
Custom Wings
Tell anyone else you know who would be interested in buying these items
with e-gold.  I'm not doing this entirely for my own financial gain.  I
would probably save money by not accepting e-gold or giving these kinds
of discounts, but I'm doing this to encourage alternatives to
government-issued currency.

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[e-gold-list] Re: My INTGold / INGold Debit Card

2003-12-03 Thread Andrei
Hi Nits,

Thank you for your suggestion about GOLDNOW - I know they are respectable


 I recieved my card with in 12 days of ordering and preloaded with $11
 in it. I got a preactivated card . 

I don't know was it preactivated or not. I activated it by web and by
phone system. The initial balance was  -0.00 

 Hmmm. just try calling their Customer Support number that came with 
 your CARD . 
 They do not answer any emails hope they answer the phone calls .

I will try to call them.

Many thanks for your help,



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[e-gold-list] Re: Ethical refunds

2003-12-03 Thread Wayne Dawson
Viking Coder [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I'm not arguing backed vs. fiat, or base system denominations, but
inter-currency transaction roll-backs. When a transaction is made across
non-equivalent currencies, is there an *ethical* means of determining what
amount should be refunded?
I don't think it's so clear.

How is this situation usually handled (fiat - fiat transactions)? Is the
merchant/payee's currency used as the basis for refund, or the
customer/payer's currency used?
I might be mistaken, but I believe no refunds is the normal policy - at 
least with most cash exchanges.  If I were to give 500 USD to a cash 
exchange provider in Amsterdam in exchange for Euros, I wouldn't expect to 
be able to go back later and get my USD back.  I would have to make another 
exchange from Euros to USD.

It seems the scenario closest to Graham's situation would be if I push my 
500 USD across the counter and the person on the other side picks it up and 
at that point (before I've received the Euros) I say, wait I changed my 
mind!  In that case I'm guessing the person would hand the money back, and 
say make up your mind.  This suggests to me that Graham should have 
returned the currency given to him (e-gold) in the amount he received 
(which is measured in weight), less fees extracted by the e-gold 
system.  OR he should have said, sorry, no refunds.

OR he should do exactly what he said (on his website) he'd do.

It does seem a bit unfair that a customer can cancel an order because the 
price of dollars in terms of gold went down.  If I send you 100 aug and 
expect 1000 USD for example, it seems a bit cheap and smarmy to cancel the 
order and redo it because the price of 1000 dollars went down to only 90 aug.



Need an experienced programmer who knows
both the Unix and Microsoft worlds?
Then you need to hire Wayne:
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[e-gold-list] Re: Ethical refunds

2003-12-03 Thread Internet Investment Group LLC Internet Investment Group LLC
the order was reversed because goldLATER sent us usd instead of e-gold. 
we are faced with a loss in gold because goldLATER delayed our order. we had to wait 
approximately THREE WEEKS! 
graham kelly delayed it and should pay the price for this delay. 
in fact he has not to pay any price for this delay...simple return what you get from 
we gave you gold and expect to get back the same weight of gold. that's all. 

but i have no hope. this marketing guy has no ethics. 
you may have a look at the osgold case. he promoted osgold heavily at a time he 
already knew that it is a scam to get his inventory of osgold funds sold. 

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via the web and shopping cart interfaces to help thwart keystroke loggers and common 

[e-gold-list] Re: Some reasons why you should do MUCH business with Graham Kelly/GoldNOW!

2003-12-03 Thread Internet Investment Group LLC Internet Investment Group LLC
From: Graham Kelly [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 This person wants me to refund the difference in the cost of the e-gold
 when he delivered it to us, after he cancelled his order, and we refunded
We cancelled the order because you sent us USD instead of e-gold into our ALTA 

 the value of gold reduced by some $13 odd! (Incidently, we would have
 refunded his e-gold for EXACTLY the same amount had the ecurrency value
 increased... he could have made $ on the refund!)
I am not so sure about that. His policy says that in the event the market is against 
GoldLATER/Graham Kelly he could change this so that it is in his favour. 

We faced a loss in gold because you delayed that oder by about THREE WEEKS!...and you 
think thats alright that we should cover this loss as a result of your inabilities to 
process our order. 
Beware of GoldLATER/Graham Kelly. This marketing guy hyped that he could do DMT/ALTA 
exchanges but had obviously no funds in his ALTA account at the time of ordering ant 
at least two weeks after our oder. After we publicly complained he realised that he 
cannot fool us. Other people of the e-gold mailing list had to help this wannabe big 
exchanger to get funds into his ALTA account. But then he gave us USD and we wanted 
Great Service: Wait several weeks and get the wrong currency.

 We have 30,000+ happy customers, who KNOW this. 
If those customers would be faced with price fluctuations which could happen within 
THREE WEEKS they wouldn't be happy. 

 Also, GoldNow is not a gold futures dealer... yet! 
Why a futures dealer? We gave you (e-)gold and we want back (e-)gold. What has this to 
do with futures? 
 Garry, Please keep those *reasons* coming...
you will not be amused. guarranted. 

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via the web and shopping cart interfaces to help thwart keystroke loggers and common 

[e-gold-list] Re: debit card funding delays grrr!

2003-12-03 Thread Internet Investment Group LLC Internet Investment Group LLC
From: Graham Kelly [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 As a result, GoldNow will be able to create a VIRTUAL Visa card for y'all literally 
 within *seconds*, as well as fund it immediately!! (Well, maybe not ALL 32,000+ 
 GoldNow stomers, within seconds!) The card will also have a CVV2 number. This is to 
 be used for  online internet purchases only. You can also order an attached ATM 
 card, which attaches to the SAME account. Card to card transfers are their specialty.
We will be selling this package, an ATM card, plus a Visa virtual debit card. 

 Stay tuned for further announcements... I'm excited, AGAIN!
Graham Kelly CEO 

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via the web and shopping cart interfaces to help thwart keystroke loggers and common 

[e-gold-list] Re: Some reasons why you should do MUCHbusiness with Graham Kelly/GoldNOW!

2003-12-03 Thread Internet Investment Group LLC Internet Investment Group LLC
 I'm not sure in the case of DMT since I'm not that familiar with it. If it
 was for a certain amount of -gold- in the DMT system, then the amt. of gold
 should be returned. 

yes it was for a certain amount of (e-)gold in the DMT system...but goldLATER only had 
USD in their ALTA account.

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via the web and shopping cart interfaces to help thwart keystroke loggers and common 

[e-gold-list] Speedy Exchange website still down

2003-12-03 Thread David

I am David from Speedy Exchange. I am very sorry for all the problems that
I may have caused to our customers but the server where our website is
hosted is under heavy DDos attack and my hosting provider announced that
there were some other hacking attempts against the server.

I just hope I will be able to return to business as soon as possible.

Best wishes,
David @Speedy Exchange

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via the web and shopping cart interfaces to help thwart keystroke loggers and common 

[e-gold-list] Re: Ethical refunds

2003-12-03 Thread Internet Investment Group LLC Internet Investment Group LLC
 The ethical way to deal with a situation like this is to return
 exact amount of gold by weight to the customer, not the USD

Why is that the case when the transaction was done in USD, and the
site/emails contain notices stating such an eventuality?

A transaction should be unraveled in the same manner that it was

2. The ecurrency transfer will occur within 72 hours of receipt

10. In the event of any changes with the spot price of gold/dollar
value, we reserve the right to change our delivery structure between
the current dollar volume and purchased gold volume
(grams) amount.

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via the web and shopping cart interfaces to help thwart keystroke loggers and common 

[e-gold-list] Re: debit card funding delays grrr! Virtual Visa and ATM card

2003-12-03 Thread Internet Investment Group LLC Internet Investment Group LLC
KELLY: :-) 

  Stay tuned for further announcements... I'm excited, AGAIN!
 Graham Kelly CEO 

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via the web and shopping cart interfaces to help thwart keystroke loggers and common 

[e-gold-list] equivalent currency exchange

2003-12-03 Thread Viking Coder
  I'm not sure in the case of DMT since I'm not that familiar with it. If it
  was for a certain amount of -gold- in the DMT system, then the amt. of gold
  should be returned. 
 yes it was for a certain amount of (e-)gold in the DMT system...but goldLATER only 
 had USD in their ALTA account.

Then this whole ethical refunds discussion does not apply to your
current situation. If the transaction never left the realm of grams of
gold (e-gold or DMT/ALTA), then USD should never have been brought into
the mix. One question though - was the exchange order in terms of USD or
grams of gold? It is technically correct that e-gold does the
transactional work on a grams basis. However, what was the spend, and
exchange request, recorded as - 580 USD worth of or x grams of?

Viking Coder


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via the web and shopping cart interfaces to help thwart keystroke loggers and common 

[e-gold-list] Re: debit card funding delays grrr! Virtual Visa and ATM card

2003-12-03 Thread Mike McNamara
At 11:18 AM -0500 12/3/03, Internet Investment Group LLC wrote:

I'm sure that everyone on the list here is excited that you've 
informed them personally of that exciting development.


I'm sure everyone is waiting with baited breath.

If you don't like the services or service that Graham Kelly offers, 
and clearly you don't, then simply don't use them in the future.  I 
think you've made the point about your dissatisfaction many times 

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[e-gold-list] e-gold scheduled downtime notification bonus info

2003-12-03 Thread jrw

Scheduled Downtime link on e-gold home page

Saturday, December 6 2003 0900 EST to
Saturday, December 6 2003 1000 EST

Thursday, January 1 2004 1500 EST to
Thursday, January 1 2004 1630 EST
(see web page for links to convert times to your local timezone)

Miscellaneous hardware upgrades.
System maintenance.

during the time listed on the downtime page, the e-gold system
will be unavailable to end users as it undergoes maintenance.

we appreciate your patience during this timeframe.
as bonus info, here are a few e-gold statistical tidbits:

 * e-gold millionth account opened: 21 november 2003

 * biggest account creation week: 31 aug 2003 thru 6 sep 2003 with 14,435 new accounts

 * average new accounts per day in 2003: 1241
   2002: 717
   2001: 565
   2000: 335

 * average number of e-metal spends per day in 2003: 54379
   2002: 16314
   2001: 8653
   2000: 2928

 * average total USD equivalent in e-metal spent per day in 2003: USD 1,954,765
2002: USD 1,974,555
2001: USD 1,646,962
2000: USD 978,799

 * average total weight of e-gold spent per day in 2003: 5452 ounces
   2002: 6383 ounces
   2001: 6045 ounces
   2000: 3590

 * largest total USD equivalent amount spent in one day: USD 11,763,781

jay w.
Version: PGP 7.0.4


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[e-gold-list] Re: debit card funding delays grrr! Virtual Visa and ATM card

2003-12-03 Thread Internet Investment Group LLC Internet Investment Group LLC
 If you don't like the services or service that Graham Kelly offers, 
 and clearly you don't, then simply don't use them in the future.  I 
 think you've made the point about your dissatisfaction many times 

still waiting for the gold

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[e-gold-list] Re: Ethical refunds

2003-12-03 Thread Graham Kelly

Thank you for the opportunity to respond to this... again! You are
correct, we were delayed 3 weeks, as we had issues accessing the DMT
system. As I recall, so did YOU! As well, one of our suppliers of
ecurrency who promised us fast delivery of DMT let us down (very unusual,
and now fixed). It's fairly common knowledge that I do make the
occassional mistake, just ask my wife! :)

I admit I was tardy in the transaction. I admit I stuffed up. Quite
rightly you cancelled the order, as anyone would have, myself included.
The funds were returned, in full, less the DMT transfer fees. I just have
one concern... why did you cancel AFTER the order was completed?

Now, let's move on, don't you think? OSGold is dead and buried, I lost a
lot of $$$ with my involvement with them, and most valuable lessons
learnt. As my good friend from Ft Worth would say, That old dog don't
hunt no more! Incidently, how much did YOU personally lose with OSGold?

HOWEVER, in any case, I'm prepared to offer you a free virtual Visa debit
card. I can issue you this in about 60 seconds, or less. Funding of it
can take a tad longer, perhaps less than 5 minutes.  Please email me back
your name, address, phone, email, and either your SSN, drivers licence
number, or passport number. You use this card for internet purchases
only, and there is full online access. It also comes with a CVV2 number.
Card to Card transfers are easy.

Garry, This is my one and only offer to you. Take it, or leave it.

To all my customers: we will be selling a combination Virtual Visa
Card, as well as an ATM card, same account. There will be a link
available on my site within a few days. NEW customers will be able to
simply tick a box when placing their order.

I'm EXCITED again!


Graham Kelly CEO

On Wed, 03 Dec 2003 09:50:53 -0500, Internet Investment Group LLC
Internet Investment Group LLC [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:
 the order was reversed because GoldNow sent us usd instead of e-gold. 
 we are faced with a loss in gold because GoldNow delayed our order. we
 had to wait approximately THREE WEEKS! 
 graham kelly delayed it and should pay the price for this delay. 
 in fact he has not to pay any price for this delay...simple return what
 you get from us. 
 we gave you gold and expect to get back the same weight of gold. that's
 all.  but i have no hope. this marketing guy has no ethics. 
 you may have a look at the osgold case. he promoted osgold heavily at a
 time he already knew that it is a scam to get his inventory of osgold
 funds sold. 

GoldNow http://www.GoldNow.St
Primary Customer Service +61 3 9776-4886
US Phone 1-866-999-1717
US Fax 1-213-559-8555 
UK Phone +44 (0) 709 233-7612
UK Phone +44 (0) 709 201-4015 CEO
UK Fax +44 (0) 870 135-0279

'I was not born to be a second-hander' - Ayn Rand

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via the web and shopping cart interfaces to help thwart keystroke loggers and common 

[e-gold-list] Re: equivalent currency exchange

2003-12-03 Thread Internet Investment Group LLC Internet Investment Group LLC
One question though - was the exchange order in terms of USD or
grams of gold? It is technically correct that e-gold does the
transactional work on a grams basis. However, what was the spend, and
exchange request, recorded as - 580 USD worth of or x grams of?

580 USD worth of e-gold

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via the web and shopping cart interfaces to help thwart keystroke loggers and common 

[e-gold-list] I LOVE competition, and my wife!

2003-12-03 Thread Graham Kelly
Hehehe, competition? BRING IT ON! I *LOVE* competition!

I don't find competition brings down profits, AT ALL! In fact, quite the
reverse... what competition *does* do is keep the honest players
honest... and it kicks out the fraudsters!


Graham Kelly CEO

On Wed, 03 Dec 2003 11:18:32 -0500, Internet Investment Group LLC
Internet Investment Group LLC [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:

GoldNow http://www.GoldNow.St
Primary Customer Service +61 3 9776-4886
US Phone 1-866-999-1717
US Fax 1-213-559-8555 
UK Phone +44 (0) 709 233-7612
UK Phone +44 (0) 709 201-4015 CEO
UK Fax +44 (0) 870 135-0279

'I was not born to be a second-hander' - Ayn Rand

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via the web and shopping cart interfaces to help thwart keystroke loggers and common 

[e-gold-list] cranking! Also, I need some help from 4 volunteers

2003-12-03 Thread Graham Kelly

Well, perhaps you are right. Perhaps not so amusing, but very, VERY
profitable. Orders are up again. (ANOTHER full day of work! I'll have to
cancel my flying lessons AGAIN! Doh!)

Guys: I'm testing my system with the new virtual cards. I need 4
volunteers immediately. The cost is $5 each.

Send an email detailing your name, address, phone, email address, and
SSN, passport number, or drivers licence number, and e-gold transaction
number for $5. It would help if you are a GoldNow customer. My e-gold
#103346, GoldNow, then send the email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] , SUBJECT
Virtual Visa request. Let's see how fast you'll get your card details.
I'm told it's literally minutes. In fact, that's what I want to test for.

This card is full featured, and is to be used for internet purchases
only. Card to card transfers are available, plus ecurrecy funding, of

Graham Kelly CEO

On Wed, 03 Dec 2003 10:26:48 -0500, Internet Investment Group LLC
Internet Investment Group LLC [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:
  Garry, Please keep those *reasons* coming...
 you will not be amused. guarranted. 

GoldNow http://www.GoldNow.St
Primary Customer Service +61 3 9776-4886
US Phone 1-866-999-1717
US Fax 1-213-559-8555 
UK Phone +44 (0) 709 233-7612
UK Phone +44 (0) 709 201-4015 CEO
UK Fax +44 (0) 870 135-0279

'I was not born to be a second-hander' - Ayn Rand

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via the web and shopping cart interfaces to help thwart keystroke loggers and common 

[e-gold-list] Re: Fairy Wings Auctions Accepting E-gold -- Great Holiday Gift

2003-12-03 Thread Jim Davidson
Dear Daniel,

Fire Fairy Wings
Well, that's a new one.

Tell anyone else you know who would be interested in buying
these items with e-gold.  I'm not doing this entirely for my
own financial gain.
I must say that the GoldBarter.com auction site exists
entirely for financial gain.  It is not only okay, but
preferred that people place items for auction there for
the purpose of financial gain.
I would probably save money by not accepting e-gold or
giving these kinds of discounts, but I'm doing this to
encourage alternatives to government-issued currency.
E-gold offers a pretty compelling argument, on their web
site, that e-gold is better for merchants than credit cards.
Jim Ray? What's that link again?
Also, I think e-gold is much better than the typical eBay
alternative, PayPal which sucks so badly people make
web sites about how badly it sucks.  I seem to recall
among others.  PayPal has been very bad for several merchants
I know.

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[e-gold-list] Re: Fairy Wings Auctions Accepting E-gold -- Great Holiday Gift

2003-12-03 Thread jrw
 E-gold offers a pretty compelling argument, on their web
 site, that e-gold is better for merchants than credit cards.
 Jim Ray? What's that link again?


e-gold Credit Card Comparison Calculator
can be found using the search feature on the
e-gold home page for Credit Card - top result.

if you are living dangerously and clicking links in email
messages, then:

it can be fun to plug in various scenarios and see 
what pops out.
Version: PGP 7.0.4


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via the web and shopping cart interfaces to help thwart keystroke loggers and common 

[e-gold-list] Re: e-gold scheduled downtime notification bonus info

2003-12-03 Thread Cambist.net


 * largest total USD equivalent amount spent in one day: USD 11,763,781

What day was that?

- John

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via the web and shopping cart interfaces to help thwart keystroke loggers and common 

[e-gold-list] calling all exchange providers

2003-12-03 Thread Viking Coder
I'm fielding a request here...

Are any there exchange providers willing to accept regular and/or
occassional direct deposits (affiliate program checks) for exchange to

Please reply to textads[at-robot]hush[block-dot]com

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via the web and shopping cart interfaces to help thwart keystroke loggers and common 

[e-gold-list] higher and higher gold price..

2003-12-03 Thread jpm
well the NY market made a good balance day which would have 
suggested a little down leg was starting.  But just now in overnight 
markets the price has popped up a couple dollars!

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[e-gold-list] Fraudster apprehended!

2003-12-03 Thread Graham Kelly

A few weeks ago we received a $2500 credit card order for e-gold. The
order didn't pass our standard DD process, so we rejected it as
fraudulent. I then contacted the school he was at (shown from the IP
address), and advised them that a student had stolen a CC  local ID, and
tried stealing e-gold from us. The president of the university,
naturally, was concerned at the reputation of the school, and leapt into
immediate action, and advised the University IT Dept, who were able to ID
the culprit. The head of student services then called the local police,
who checked out my allegations, spoke to the real card holder, then
apprehended the crook, (and the school equipment used by him, as
evidence) who may be deported back to his home country. In fact, the guy
turned out to be a tutor, not a student.

Here is the crooks details;

He uses [EMAIL PROTECTED] as an email address, and his e-gold
account number is 579236. The perpetrators IP was (Lake
Superior State University) and the order was placed
10/23/03 03:02  (CST).


Graham Kelly CEO 
GoldNow http://www.GoldNow.St
Primary Customer Service +61 3 9776-4886
US Phone 1-866-999-1717
US Fax 1-213-559-8555 
UK Phone +44 (0) 709 233-7612
UK Phone +44 (0) 709 201-4015 CEO
UK Fax +44 (0) 870 135-0279

'I was not born to be a second-hander' - Ayn Rand

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via the web and shopping cart interfaces to help thwart keystroke loggers and common 

[e-gold-list] Re: Fraudster apprehended!

2003-12-03 Thread jpm
Outstanding ...

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[e-gold-list] market thrills ..

2003-12-03 Thread jpm
(Where's Danny for an analysis?!)


I noticed that over the last few weeks there was sort of a offer 
war -- somebody wanted to sell a share at  104, then someone 
undercut them at 103.90 and so on ... the cheapest sale for sale now 
is 102.9, currently!

Secondly, there is a similar sort of bid war -- two cheap bastards 
started a kind of bid war at about 70 and it has slowly been 
escalating and you can see now one guy had a bid at 90.00 so the 
other guy went 90.02 !

(There are no large tranches at all for sale, only a handful.)

Thirdly the following amazing observation occured to me   you 
would imagine there are some people who have large numbers of shares 
(20, 30 etc) who accumulate their dividend each month in the DBO 
account.  (I just spend my enormous dividend - but I imagine some 
people accumulate it.)  Now, consider, some of these people must have 
reached a point of having 100 odd grams (drool) so they will want to 
buy another share.   This is an aspect of micromarkets I hadn't 
thought of.  Or, they could be buying the secondary TGC shares that 
are sold on pvcse.

Fourthly -- the sensation of being paid .62 grams, forty times, at 
Noon on the first of the month is something like this: imagine waking 
up in the morning, but you aren't tired or hungry and have no cobwebs 
in your eyes, you sit up in zero gravity and find you are sitting 
naked in the sunshine on a bed of daffodils in the midst of endless 
perfect green fields while seven virgin maidens pour cream and 
strawberries over your body from oak buckets as a flawless string 
quartet tunes up in the distance and two English butlers serve you 
vintage bubbly, caviar and blinis - that is in fact, exactly the 
sensation you get when 25 odd grams of gold is shoved at you for no 
other reason than its the 1st of the month; except its much better.

Fifthly, https://www.dbourse.com/reports/tgc/ the dividend will 
increas to SIX FIVE on new years day. Since that is almost 10% 
increase since the launch, I wonder if there will be any extra 
trading around the dividend

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[e-gold-list] Re: SS Republic wreck is FOUND!!!

2003-12-03 Thread David Beroff

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 And it's in INTERNATIONAL waters, so finders-keepers
 is still possible! WooHoo! 

Forgive my naivette, but wouldn't the proceeds belong
to the insurance firm which covered the original wreck?

-- David Beroff ([EMAIL PROTECTED])   Founder/CEO, note.com LLC
P.O. Box 234, Jenkintown, PA 19046-0234 (USA)   http://LeadFactory.com
Voice: +1 (215) 576-6800   Personal journal: http://David.Beroff.com

I made $10,000 the first day I started reading this book!
You can have it for free:  http://note.com/success/rich.pl

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via the web and shopping cart interfaces to help thwart keystroke loggers and common 

[e-gold-list] Re: calling all exchange providers

2003-12-03 Thread Robert B.Z.
Sure, www.cyfrocash.com does exactly that. But the fees are steep.


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via the web and shopping cart interfaces to help thwart keystroke loggers and common 

[e-gold-list] Re: cranking! Also, I need some help from 4 volunteers

2003-12-03 Thread Internet Investment Group
why pay a middleman when you can have it directly from the source. :-) 
please go to http://www.epassporte.com instead of goldLATER. 

graham, you thought you could make fast bucks by introducing your
cards fast (before i expose it) ...but again you are to loo lategoldLATE.st

From: Graham Kelly [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [e-gold-list] cranking! Also, I need some help from 4

 Send an email detailing your name, address, phone, email address, and
 SSN, passport number, or drivers licence number, and e-gold transaction
 number for $5. It would help if you are a GoldNow customer. My e-gold
 #103346, GoldNow, then send the email to [EMAIL PROTECTED], SUBJECT
 Virtual Visa request. Let's see how fast you'll get your card details.
 I'm told it's literally minutes. In fact, that's what I want to test for.
as far as i know epassporte does not require SSN, passport number or
drivers licence number. 

buy the original: http://www.epassporte.com ;-)

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via the web and shopping cart interfaces to help thwart keystroke loggers and common 

[e-gold-list] Re: SS Republic wreck is FOUND!!!

2003-12-03 Thread James M. Ray
At 2:40 PM -0800 12/3/03, David Beroff wrote:
Forgive my naivette, but wouldn't the proceeds belong
to the insurance firm which covered the original wreck?

Well, there are a variety of legal doctrines which apply to
abandoned property, and the law would probably want
to _encourage_ undersea exploration too, but IANAL so I
don't really know. Maybe they could pay the insurance
company $400,000 and tell them to talk to Uncle Sam if
they want to redeem it for metal coins! :)  Anyone?

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via the web and shopping cart interfaces to help thwart keystroke loggers and common 

[e-gold-list] We ARE the source! (1 card left!)

2003-12-03 Thread Graham Kelly

Hmmm, YOU are too late! We already did the deal, finalized last week! We
ARE the wholesalers for the company :)


ANY of the current card holders (about 100,000) now have access to
GoldNow services, and we already are signing up customers, who are HAPPY
to do business with me, and in fact, PREFER to!

As previously stated, we WELCOME competition! BRING IT ON! 

Guys: OH, and I have 1 card at volunteer level left... first in, best
dressed! Spend to me $5 e-gold #103346, GoldNow, then email me with your
name, address, phone, email address, and the batch number for the $5


Graham Kelly CEO

On Wed, 03 Dec 2003 18:22:51 -0500, Internet Investment Group
 why pay a middleman when you can have it directly from the source. :-) 

GoldNow http://www.GoldNow.St
Primary Customer Service +61 3 9776-4886
US Phone 1-866-999-1717
US Fax 1-213-559-8555 
UK Phone +44 (0) 709 233-7612
UK Phone +44 (0) 709 201-4015 CEO
UK Fax +44 (0) 870 135-0279

'I was not born to be a second-hander' - Ayn Rand

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via the web and shopping cart interfaces to help thwart keystroke loggers and common 

[e-gold-list] Re: Fw: gold price downturn and investment vehicles

2003-12-03 Thread jpm
Also, what is your opinion of the top 3 hard gold assets to own for
investment purposes? (I am speaking of the ones that are readily sellable in
a high priced market.)
Well I think owning IG gold (goldmoney, e-gold or 
whatever) is probably your best bet Gordon.

You can always sell e-gold at or very near spot, within a day.

If you own stupid one ounce gold coins or the 
like, you will pay 5% or 10% or worse premium 
when you sell or buy them, at your local bullion 

If you deal in large amounts of money, and you 
can have your own real gold bars - so called 
400 oz bars, about $130,000 each, then sure, just 
buy those and keep 'em in London or Geneva, just 
like GoldMoney does.


Anonymous Hosting® Solutions

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[e-gold-list] e-gold Funding on the Virtual Visa

2003-12-03 Thread Gold Pages Staff

How do we fund the Virtual Visa by the e-gold sale.  Tom is looking to
sell e-gold now, how does he do it?

We can't find any mention of it on your web (being so new), so should he
use the Fund Debit Card form?  What is the e-gold account number etc.

Thanks, great job by the way, very cool.


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via the web and shopping cart interfaces to help thwart keystroke loggers and common 

[e-gold-list] Re: market thrills ..

2003-12-03 Thread Robert B.Z.

 Fourthly -- the sensation of being paid .62 grams, forty times, at 
 Noon on the first of the month is something like this: imagine waking 
 up in the morning, but you aren't tired or hungry and have no cobwebs 
 in your eyes, you sit up in zero gravity and find you are sitting 
 naked in the sunshine on a bed of daffodils in the midst of endless 
 perfect green fields while seven virgin maidens pour cream and 
 strawberries over your body from oak buckets as a flawless string 
 quartet tunes up in the distance and two English butlers serve you 
 vintage bubbly, caviar and blinis - that is in fact, exactly the 
 sensation you get when 25 odd grams of gold is shoved at you for no 
 other reason than its the 1st of the month; except its much better.

Somebody get this man laid. He is hallucinating of a life back in 1850
when $300 could have bought him all that...
And they are calling 'me' mad. Shesh. 8% compounding per annum and the guy
is in gagaland.
I still think the whole thing is a great idea, why else would we have
invested, but having LSD-like wet dreams over a return that is in no
relation to the risks involved is too much madness, even for me...


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via the web and shopping cart interfaces to help thwart keystroke loggers and common 

[e-gold-list] Re: Fraudster apprehended!

2003-12-03 Thread Robert B.Z.
Good Job !!!

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via the web and shopping cart interfaces to help thwart keystroke loggers and common 

[e-gold-list] Re: market thrills

2003-12-03 Thread Graham Kelly

Talking about market thrills, dontcha just love it when a disgruntled
(ex, I hope!) customer forces your marketing plan just a tad forward?
Ah well, that's life! Nothing harmed, just a bit of excitement, is all!
Just a bit unexpected!!

Orders continue to pour in! :)

Have you sorted out the DDoS problem? Thanks for that link to grc.com ...
I purchased Spinrite and it fixed all my hard drive problems! Also, they
educated me as to how the DDoS deal works. Very nasty...


On Wed, 3 Dec 2003 19:03:59 -0500, Robert B.Z.
  other reason than its the 1st of the month; except its much better.

 Somebody get this man laid. He is hallucinating of a life back in 1850
 when $300 could have bought him all that...
 And they are calling 'me' mad. Shesh. 8% compounding per annum and the
 guy is in gagaland.
 I still think the whole thing is a great idea, why else would we have
 invested, but having LSD-like wet dreams over a return that is in no
 relation to the risks involved is too much madness, even for me...

GoldNow http://www.GoldNow.St
Primary Customer Service +61 3 9776-4886
US Phone 1-866-999-1717
US Fax 1-213-559-8555 
UK Phone +44 (0) 709 233-7612
UK Phone +44 (0) 709 201-4015 CEO
UK Fax +44 (0) 870 135-0279

'I was not born to be a second-hander' - Ayn Rand

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via the web and shopping cart interfaces to help thwart keystroke loggers and common 

[e-gold-list] Will the gold price go up?

2003-12-03 Thread Tien Vo

 Current gold price is $404.xx The highest price I see
since I play with e-gold. Do you think the price will 
go up? How's about the highest price of gold from now
to the end of the year? When is the best time for
redeem egold for cash?

  Kind regards,

Do you Yahoo!?
Free Pop-Up Blocker - Get it now

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via the web and shopping cart interfaces to help thwart keystroke loggers and common 

[e-gold-list] Re: Will the gold price go up?

2003-12-03 Thread Ahmed Ghazi

  Current gold price is $404.xx The highest price I see
 since I play with e-gold. Do you think the price will
 go up?

Yes, sure the prices will go up. I personally expect it to exceed $1000
within a few years. Please see the following article.


Best regards,


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[e-gold-list] Re: calling all exchange providers

2003-12-03 Thread David Beroff

--- Viking Coder [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Are any there exchange providers willing to accept regular and/or
 occassional direct deposits (affiliate program checks) for exchange to

We're not a provider (yet) but I guess we could do it,
assuming that the affiliate program was reasonably known.

We actually go one step better:  One of my sidelines is
physically issuing the affiliate checks themselves; we're
sending out around 600-700 checks each month.  Anyone who 
wants their payment in e-gold, PayPal, etc., can do so.
Only perhaps 1% of the people do this, but those few are
very happy that we can do this.

One nut I haven't yet cracked is how exactly one would
go about marketing this particular activity; any ideas?

-- David Beroff ([EMAIL PROTECTED])   Founder/CEO, note.com LLC
P.O. Box 234, Jenkintown, PA 19046-0234 (USA)   http://LeadFactory.com
Voice: +1 (215) 576-6800   Personal journal: http://David.Beroff.com

I made $10,000 the first day I started reading this book!
You can have it for free:  http://note.com/success/rich.pl

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via the web and shopping cart interfaces to help thwart keystroke loggers and common 

[e-gold-list] Re: Fw: gold price downturn and investment vehicles

2003-12-03 Thread Katz Global Media


I would have to agree... I did call around today and the local rates on
american Eagles are $31.35 over spot and to sell they are paying $4 under
spot. Canadian Maples are going for $28.75 over spot. One would need a
fairly large upswing to overcome that so i don't yet see how holding hard
gold assets is better except for long term saving for non investors.

What I am wondering now are two things: What is going to happen to the real
estate market in the US over the next 1-2 years and how e-gold could be used
to fund real estate assets on the upswing while they dip.

Regarding silver:

I think from what i understand about the market now that holding e-silver
may be a better bet in the short term even with gold going up to $500+

What are your thoughts about the current market value of silver as opposed
to gold? And will silver close the gap faster than gold's upswing?

Anonymous Hosting® Solutions

Well I think owning IG gold (goldmoney, e-gold or
whatever) is probably your best bet Gordon.

You can always sell e-gold at or very near spot, within a day.

If you own stupid one ounce gold coins or the
like, you will pay 5% or 10% or worse premium
when you sell or buy them, at your local bullion

If you deal in large amounts of money, and you
can have your own real gold bars - so called
400 oz bars, about $130,000 each, then sure, just
buy those and keep 'em in London or Geneva, just
like GoldMoney does.

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[e-gold-list] Re: gold price downturn and investment vehicles

2003-12-03 Thread Sidd
Here's an interesting observation:

In the last 2 years, most people have been excited about the rise in 
the gold price. On this day in 2001 the gold price was $275/ounce

Today the gold price is $403/ounce. 

This shows an increase of 46.5% over the 2001 price.

To put this into perspective though, consider the devastation of the 
USD. My interest is in New Zealand, where I reside for much of the 
time. The USD/NZD exchange rate on this day 2001 was  2.41663

Today the USD/NZD exchange rate is  1.54696

This shows an increase of 56% over the 2001 price.

Thus, I have been MUCH better off keeping my money in a NZ bank at an 
interest rate of 6.5% than I would have been if I had kept it in gold.

You Americans must be really pissed at how your currency is being 


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[e-gold-list] IntGold Withdrawal Problem

2003-12-02 Thread Rajesh Ghimire

Recently we read Andrei's problem of withdrawal from debit card of IntGold.

24 hours before I decided to withdraw IntGold fund via e-gold.
For that, I sent the fund $449.95 worth of IntGold to IntGold Company id:
1 to credit my e-gold account. The fund was transferred successfully to
IntGold but the computer gave the notice that transfer was failed because my
computer hanged in the process. I am not able to suggest my e-gold account
to IntGold company with their system.

I promptly emailed [EMAIL PROTECTED]  to notify them and complete the

After 1 hour, I received the receipt of my payment to IntGold via email.
Then I forwarded same email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
for the reminder.

Till time, I did not receive any response with IntGold.

I know that respected list member like Ragnar and Graham can help me for the
justice if necessary.

Let us wait and see the reality.

With Much Respect,

Yog Yatry
Osho Kala Group
Kathmandu, Nepal

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via the web and shopping cart interfaces to help thwart keystroke loggers and common 

[e-gold-list] Re: CASHCARDS

2003-12-02 Thread Steve Renner
 Subject: CASHCARDS: noone cares that they ran with the money?
 From: Patrick Verbeer [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I cannot find you as being one of our Members Who are you and what is your
complaint ? I have sent you emails to offer assistance, but you do not
respond. If you have a legitimate complaint, let us know and we can resolve
it for you.

Voicing your complaints on the e-gold is great, but it does not solve your
personal support issued. Please contact us directly, and we can assist you.

Yours in Success,

Steve Renner, Managing Director
Cash Cards International, LLC

US Support Offices:
250 Second Ave S
Suite # 145
Minneapolis, MN 55401

PH: (612) 332-6025
FX: (612) 332-6032


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via the web and shopping cart interfaces to help thwart keystroke loggers and common 

[e-gold-list] CyberFrontier Hosting // DDOS attack // Finale

2003-12-02 Thread Robert B.Z.
Hello Everyone,

It appears that we do have a few clients hosting with us whom we can't
contact. Especially among the Privacy Hosting packages there are several
clients we could not send their new access details, because the mail box
the hosting account had been opened with either does not exist anymore, or
is full.

If you used to have a site hosted on our server05 and have not yet
received your new log-in details, please contact us with your original
user name, password, and of course domain name.

This obviously means, we are pretty much back in business, managed to grow
despite the attacks. Of course, we do regret the hardship that the
downtime cause for everyone and if anyone needs help installing databases
from the backups, feel free to email us.

Cheers and thanks for all the kind mails and offers of help.


budget  privacy website hosting
e-commerce  e-business services
budget domain registrations

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via the web and shopping cart interfaces to help thwart keystroke loggers and common 

[e-gold-list] Re: My INTGold / INGold Debit Card

2003-12-02 Thread Nits
Hi  Andrei,

I have recently purchased intgold debit card  and have used it a couple of
times .

 I have read the Card announcement at INTGold site:
 https://intgold.com/m/debit.cgi/1. Then I asked INTGold about the
 terms and conditions and so on - NO RESPONSE.

  I  also had similar problems while contacting intgold support (email)
it appears that they do not respond to email queries   :(

 The Card arrived within two weeks via Global priority mail
 (internationally) together with Cardholder Agreement and instruction. The
 card arrived with $0.00 balance not $10.00 as it was announced before


 I recieved my card with in 12 days of ordering and preloaded with $11 in
it. I got a preactivated card .

 Unfortunately the loading fee is 2% by e-gold not 1.5% as it was announced
 before purchasing.

 Then I loaded the card by e-gold. The real fee was 2% + $1.5. It took
 around 1.5 days.

For Loading the card i used GOLDNOW.st
I recently requested  for  a funding on Sunday 
Still waiting for it :)
It takes 3-4 days to fund the card (min.) .

But the best part is no loading fees is charged by goldnow the only fees you
have to pay is $1.5 flat which is the fees for card to card transfer .

Also Graham Kelly the owner of goldnow is an active member of this list .

 I have tried to withdraw funds: CAN NOT PROCESS TRANSACTION (834). Then I
 tried at another ATM network - the same result.
 I mailed to admin and send them image of the ATM receipt - NO RESPONSE.

Hmmm.  just try calling their Customer Support number that came with
your CARD .
They do not answer any emails hope they answer the phone calls .   ;)

Hope this helps .

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[e-gold-list] Graham Kelly/GoldNow is only a marketing guy +++ vermycycle project?

2003-12-02 Thread Internet Investment Group LLC Internet Investment Group LLC
he is great in announcing great things. but thats all. 
very late funding and very unfavourable rates and terms of business. 

by the way what happened to your vermicycle? project which you heavily advertised 
i assume it was a big success. ;-) 
i am waiting for your creative explanations ;-) maybe the summer was too hot and noone 
wanted to invest with goldlater ;-)

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via the web and shopping cart interfaces to help thwart keystroke loggers and common 

[e-gold-list] Some reasons why you shouldn't any business with GrahamKelly/Gold now +++ Your GoldNow.st Order #EX-12453 REFUND

2003-12-02 Thread Internet Investment Group LLC Internet Investment Group LLC
No. 1: The company name itself is false advertising. As everybody
knows it should read GoldNever or GoldLater. 

No. 2: This guy offers exchanges to DMT/ALTA but has obviously no
clue how it works. See below. 

Stay tuned. From now on more reasons will follow every day. 


Thank you for the reminder. Having to Claim the amount is
unusual. It's now claimed. I will credit your e-gold account today.

Graham Kelly CEO

On Wed, 26 Nov 2003 09:10:39 -0500, Internet Investment Group
Internet Investment Group LLC [EMAIL PROTECTED]

again. still waiting for the money (e-gold). 
according to our alta account history you still haven't claimed the
money we payed to you. 
date: 2003-11-21
From: Graham Kelly [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Fri, 21 Nov 2003 13:43:03 +1300
To: Internet Investment Group LLC Internet Investment
Group LLC

Subject: Re: Your GoldNow.st Order #EX-12453
So, we are all newbies together... how delightful! :)

Transfer the funds back into my USD account 
D1FB86F2219EE12B6949C2A777E631B3D3F5A58F9B, and I will credit
your e-gold account as soon as I receive the funds back, same day.

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via the web and shopping cart interfaces to help thwart keystroke loggers and common 

[e-gold-list] debit card funding delays grrr!

2003-12-02 Thread Graham Kelly

We are aware of recent past delays with debit card funding. Basically,
GoldNow has asked for (and paid for) ALL THE CURRENT debit card funding
orders, and we are waiting for the card funder to do his job. AS SOON as
the credits hit our account, the cards will be credited to all customers
immediately. (thank you for your custom, and patience)

Apparently, the ThanksGiving holiday slowed every bank in the US down to
slower than a crawl, as per usual.

On another happier note, today we signed a deal with an another debit
card supplier, with offices in the US, but out of Netherlands Antilles.
(These guys are operating a digital ecurrency, and didn't even know it!
I've been educating them...) As a result, GoldNow will be able to create
a VIRTUAL Visa card for y'all literally within *seconds*, as well as fund
it immediately!! (Well, maybe not ALL 32,000+ GoldNow customers, within
seconds!) The card will also have a CVV2 number. This is to be used for
online internet purchases only. You can also order an attached ATM card,
which attaches to the SAME account. Card to card transfers are their

We will be selling this package, an ATM card, plus a Visa virtual
debit card.

Stay tuned for further announcements... I'm excited, AGAIN!

Graham Kelly CEO

On Wed, 3 Dec 2003 00:25:25 -0800, Nits [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:
 Hi  Andrei, I have recently purchased intgold debit card  and have used
 it a couple of times .

 For Loading the card i used GOLDNOW.st I recently requested  for  a
 funding on Sunday  Still waiting for it :) It takes 3-4 days to
 fund the card (min.) .

 But the best part is no loading fees is charged by goldnow the only
 fees you have to pay is $1.5 flat which is the fees for card to card
 transfer .

 Also Graham Kelly the owner of goldnow is an active member of
 this list .

GoldNow http://www.GoldNow.St
Primary Customer Service +61 3 9776-4886
US Phone 1-866-999-1717
US Fax 1-213-559-8555 
UK Phone +44 (0) 709 233-7612
UK Phone +44 (0) 709 201-4015 CEO
UK Fax +44 (0) 870 135-0279

'I was not born to be a second-hander' - Ayn Rand

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via the web and shopping cart interfaces to help thwart keystroke loggers and common 

[e-gold-list] Some reasons why you should do MUCH business with Graham Kelly/GoldNOW!

2003-12-02 Thread Graham Kelly

This person wants me to refund the difference in the cost of the e-gold
when he delivered it to us, after he cancelled his order, and we refunded
him. He gave us $580 USD worth of e-gold, which was returned in *full*,
less the DMT transfer fees, plus an apology for the delay. Apparantly,
the value of gold reduced by some $13 odd! (Incidently, we would have
refunded his e-gold for EXACTLY the same amount had the ecurrency value
increased... he could have made $ on the refund!)

Sorry, Garry, we cannot guarantee the cost of gold on a future date. In
any case, we ADVERTISE this on every order email confirmation, plus it's
fully viewable/available on our site FAQ. We have 30,000+ happy
customers, who KNOW this. Also, GoldNow is not a gold futures dealer...
yet! (Stay tuned!)

Garry, Please keep those *reasons* coming...

Having said that, we are not perfect, and we DO make mistakes
occassionally.  Just like you, Garry!

GoldNow DMT funding/redemptions are now fully available, and operational.
For larger amounts, contact myself for delivery times.


Graham Kelly CEO

On Tue, 02 Dec 2003 16:48:50 -0500, Internet Investment Group LLC
Internet Investment Group LLC [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:
 No. 1: The company name itself is false advertising. As everybody
 knows it should read GoldNever or GoldLater. 
 No. 2: This guy offers exchanges to DMT/ALTA but has obviously no
 clue how it works. See below. 
 Stay tuned. From now on more reasons will follow every day. 

GoldNow http://www.GoldNow.St
Primary Customer Service +61 3 9776-4886
US Phone 1-866-999-1717
US Fax 1-213-559-8555 
UK Phone +44 (0) 709 233-7612
UK Phone +44 (0) 709 201-4015 CEO
UK Fax +44 (0) 870 135-0279

'I was not born to be a second-hander' - Ayn Rand

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via the web and shopping cart interfaces to help thwart keystroke loggers and common 

[e-gold-list] Re: Some reasons why you should do MUCH business with Graham Kelly/GoldNOW!

2003-12-02 Thread Sidd

Graham Kelly wrote:
This person wants me to refund the difference in the cost of the e-gold
when he delivered it to us, after he cancelled his order, and we refunded
him. He gave us $580 USD worth of e-gold, which was returned in *full*,
less the DMT transfer fees, plus an apology for the delay. Apparantly,
the value of gold reduced by some $13 odd! (Incidently, we would have
refunded his e-gold for EXACTLY the same amount had the ecurrency value
increased... he could have made $ on the refund!)
The ethical way to deal with a situation like this is to return the 
exact amount of gold by weight to the customer, not the USD value.


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