Re: [ECOLOG-L] In search of Min/Max daily temperatures global dataset.

2008-08-19 Thread David M. Lawrence

Try the Global Historical Climate Network (GHCN), both versions 1 and 2.

I have a Windows utility that allows users to search and retrieve data 
for specific areas from the original GHCN files 
(  Either that program, or something 
like it, will be needed as the GHCN download files contain all data 
(global data) available for a specific phenomena, such as precipitation.

I see you have a .fr (France) Web address.  For some reason, some users 
in Europe cannot get the program to either install or run, but none of 
them have sent me sufficient information for me to diagnose, much less 
fix the problem.  I don't know what the specific error(s) is/are, and 
cannot reproduce any error on my home computers -- either on XP or 
Vista.  (It runs fine on all my computers.)

I would love assistance in figuring out the problem, as it is 
frustrating to have such a useful utility for such a useful dataset 
remain unusable for a large part of the world.



Simon Chamaille-Jammes wrote:

Dear all Ecolog-ers,
I'm trying to find a dataset which would provide minimum and maximum DAILY
temperatures (precipitation would be nice bonus) at the global scale (the
spatial resolution doesn't matter much). I don't really care if the data
come from spatial interpolation of real station data or from a general
circulation model. Dataset with global change predictions (and
uncertainties) would be a plus.
I've been going through many data repository but haven't been able to find
one providing daily data at global scale, although I'm pretty sure there
must be several ones outhere.
Any suggestions would be most welcomed. Have a nice week,

 David M. Lawrence| Home:  (804) 559-9786
 7471 Brook Way Court | Fax:   (804) 559-9787
 Mechanicsville, VA 23111 | Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 USA  | http:

"We have met the enemy and he is us."  -- Pogo

"No trespassing
 4/17 of a haiku"  --  Richard Brautigan

Re: [ECOLOG-L] counting Japanese beetles

2008-08-19 Thread Russell Burke
is anyone else out there counting Japanese beetles?

I have access to data on the number of Japanese beetles collected from
several phermone traps on a daily basis for the last couple of summers. 
I'd like to compare my data to similar data from other places, who
know's, maybe there's a whole network of Japanese beetle counters with
similar data, but I can't find them.  

Dr. Russell Burke
Department of Biology
114 Hofstra University
Hempstead, NY 11549
voice: (516) 463-5521
fax: 516-463-5112

[ECOLOG-L] Paper and Yellow Birch

2008-08-19 Thread Sean McKenzie
Dear Micheal,
B. alleghaniensis will smell and taste like wintergreen when you scratch its
bark whereas B. papyrifera will not.  Be careful though because B. lenta
will also have this characteristic, but it is easily distinguishable from B.
alleghaniensis by sight and it doesn't sound like you have had any problems
with B. lenta.  I hope this helps.

Re: [ECOLOG-L] Mac or PC? Hardware issue

2008-08-19 Thread Jane Shevtsov
But the flip side of that is that the PC, because of its DOS background, has
way more keyboard shortcuts than the Mac. If you care to learn them, you can
do almost everything with the keyboard.

Jane Shevtsov

On Mon, Aug 18, 2008 at 11:24 AM, Robert Scheller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:

> Thanks for all the great information, Scott.
> I have been considering switching from Mac to PC up until I discovered a
> significant hardware compatibility issue:  the keyboard.  Our office is
> mostly PC, including my primary computer.  I work at home 2 or 3 days a week
> and use remote desktop to connect to the office computer.  Although a Mac
> should have no problem connecting, I would lose all of the keyboard
> shortcuts that I have learned over the past 20 years: Shift-arrow,
> Shift-end, Alt-tab, and all the other little things I do to use the mouse
> less and the keyboard more.  And constantly switching between the two
> keyboard styles would be difficult and inefficient.  So, if you will be
> connecting to a PC frequently or for long stretches of time, take the
> keyboard and keyboard shortcuts into consideration.
> Cheers,
> Rob
> Scott D Lapoint wrote:
>> Hello all again,
>>  About a week ago I posted a message asking for input on whether I should
>> move from a PC to a Mac. I was particularly concerned with the higher costs
>> of a Mac and if one can run Windows programs such as ArcGIS and some
>> statistics packages. I received ~200 e-mailed responses from Ecolog alone,
>> not to mention the dozens that I received from my additional efforts.
>>  So this is what I?ve decided: Buy a MacbookPro (if you want a laptop),
>> put at least 2GB of in it (more memory means that ArcGIS will run more
>> smoothly), and install Windows XP on the Mac. Apparently, you can run
>> Windows on a Mac by either booting directly into Windows on your Mac via
>> Bootcamp, or you can run it simultaneously through Parallels or Fusion. That
>> means, apparently, that you can install and run any Windows-based programs
>> on your Mac (but only if you have an Intel processor on your Mac, which all
>> the new laptops seem to have).
>>  Cost- It looks like a Mac is not that much more expensive than a
>> comparably equipped PC. Mac offers substantial discounts to students and it
>> is rumored that the prices of their Macbooks and MacbookPros will be
>> dropping this fall as Apple is releasing new versions of both systems. Even
>> though most people agree that Macs are a bit more expensive than a PC, they
>> all seem to agree that they are well worth the extra money; less viruses,
>> more stable OS, less maintenance, etc.
>>  But, if you?re scared of Vista and you?re not sure you want to learn how
>> to use a Mac (many responses mentioned the learning curve when switching to
>> a Mac), you can still buy new PCs with Windows XP on them.
>>  So that?s the summary. In case I did a poor job, I?ve pasted a few
>> tidbits of advice that some of the responders had below:
>> ??to a PC as far as speed, stability, boot up time, lack of viruses, and
>> openness go. It is especially good if you are going towards open source
>> software such as Grass for GIS or R.?
>> ?macs tend to last longer.?
>> ?pages is better than word and keynote is better than powerpoint.?
>> ?Excel is better than Mac?s equivalent, but you shouldn?t be using Excel
>> for stats when there are superior packages out there that will run on Macs.?
>> ??should also take a look at Linux -- keep the Dell just ditch Vista.?
>> ?I bought a new Dell and paid $99 for it to come with XP rather than
>> Vista. They call it Genuine Windows Vista Downgrade, XP Pro Installed."
>> ?I saw that about 1/4 to 1/3 of all laptops the ESA meeting last week were
>> Macs.?
>> ??cost is actually quite similar, and macs have a higher resale value.?
>> ?I just don't really support apple as a serious counterpart - they seem
>> more bent on finding the next trend than supplying reliable work solutions,
>> especially for scientific endeavors.?
>> ??get the extra memory, especially for GIS if you?ll have to install XP
>> too.?
>> Here are a bunch of links sent to me in responses for those of us thinking
>> about making the switch:
>> Thanks again to all that respond

[ECOLOG-L] Photos of cleistogamous _Impatiens_ flowers?

2008-08-19 Thread Andrew C. McCall
Dear colleagues,

I am trying to design a lab centered around chasmogamous and cleistogamous
flowers in _Impatiens capensis_.  

Unfortunately, I am unsure what to look for when looking for the
cleistogamous flowers -- I was wondering if anyone had a good picture of one
or could point me to a web resource with one --I haven't found one yet!

Many thanks, I'll try and post the pics somewhere if I get some,
Andy McCall

Denison University

[ECOLOG-L] RA I/II Arctic Tundra Ecosystems

2008-08-19 Thread Marian in Human Resources
The Ecosystems Center is seeking a full-time, year-round Research 
Assistant I or II to participate in a new research project on CO2 exchange 
and vegetation canopy structure of arctic tundra ecosystems. Exact 
position will depend upon previous education and experience.   
In the field, the principal tasks of the assistant will be to participate 
in measurements of whole-system CO2 exchange using an infrared gas 
analyzer system, to measure canopy reflectance using a scanning 
spectroradiometer, and to make ancillary measurements of soil and canopy 
microclimate, leaf area, and biomass. In the laboratory, the assistant 
will participate in data analysis and comparison, in drying and weighing 
plant and soil samples, and in chemical analysis of plant tissues and 
soils. Experience with any or all of these techniques is desired. 

The expected starting date is flexible but should be sometime between 
January and May, 2009.   
Applicants should be college graduates with BS or MS degrees, with 
significant course work and/or field experience in ecology. 

Candidates must be able to spend most or all of the summer months in a 
field camp, Toolik Field Station, in northern Alaska; travel to other 
arctic sites is also planned. During the fall, winter, and spring months 
the assistant will work at the Ecosystems Center in Woods Hole, 
Familiarity with spreadsheets and data analysis and with laboratory 
chemical analysis of ecological samples is desired.   
Physical Requirements   Applicants should be in good health, capable of 
rigorous outdoor activity (often in foul weather), and prepared to live in 
a field camp where cooperation with others is essential, personal privacy 
is limited, and living accommodations are spare and simple.   
Special Instructions to Applicants: Unofficial Transcripts are 
required documents, but may be uploaded with your application via this web-
site or faxed to the Human Resources Office, 508-289-7931. If faxing, 
please reference this posting.   

Apply online at
An Equal Opportunity Employer

Re: [ECOLOG-L] In search of Min/Max daily temperatures global dataset.

2008-08-19 Thread malcolm McCallum
Does this work for you?

Malcolm mcCallum
Associate Professor of Biology
Texas A&M University-Texarkana

On Mon, Aug 18, 2008 at 2:07 AM, Simon Chamaille-Jammes
> Dear all Ecolog-ers,
> I'm trying to find a dataset which would provide minimum and maximum DAILY
> temperatures (precipitation would be nice bonus) at the global scale (the
> spatial resolution doesn't matter much). I don't really care if the data
> come from spatial interpolation of real station data or from a general
> circulation model. Dataset with global change predictions (and
> uncertainties) would be a plus.
> I've been going through many data repository but haven't been able to find
> one providing daily data at global scale, although I'm pretty sure there
> must be several ones outhere.
> Any suggestions would be most welcomed. Have a nice week,
> simon

Malcolm L. McCallum
Associate Professor of Biology
Texas A&M University-Texarkana
Editor, Herpetological Conservation and Biology

Summer Teaching Schedule & Office Hours:
Wildlife: M-R 9:00 to 11:40pm
Wildlife Techniques: M-R 1:00-4:00 pm
Office Hours: by appointment

"Every once in a while, there's an aberration, a crack in the
pavement..., because it's just so good, that it slides in between all
of the meaningless, tasteless, cardboard cut-out crap."
-David Crosby (of the Byrds, Hollies, Crosby Stills, Nash [& Young], etc.)

[ECOLOG-L] open position: Director of Clark University’s School of Geography

2008-08-19 Thread Dominik Kulakowski
Dear Colleagues,

Please see the following advertisement for the Director of Clark 
University’s School of Geography: 

Clark University. Associate or Full Professor with tenure starting August 
2009. PhD required.  Clark’s School of Geography seeks a scholar with 
expertise in any area of geography or a cognate field who has the 
demonstrated ability to serve as a successful Director of the Graduate 
School of Geography. We seek a faculty member who is familiar with the 
field of geographical studies broadly defined, has experience in directing 
an academic department, research center or similar institution, has 
secured significant extramural funding, and has been involved in 
collaborative research. Clark’s School of Geography is the oldest PhD-
granting program of Geography in the U.S. It has also long been regarded 
as one of the world’s premier places to study geography at both 
baccalaureate and PhD levels. The candidate must show an interest in a 
process of program development that will ensure that the Clark School of 
Geography maintains and strengthens its prominent position within and 
outside the university and the discipline. As a research school in a 
liberal arts environment, the School of Geography is committed to 
excellence in graduate and undergraduate scholarship and teaching. While 
the field of research interest and teaching is open, the Clark School of 
Geography has international reputations in human-environment geography, 
urban/economic geography, GIS/remote sensing, globalization and feminist 
geography. Earth System Science is a new initiative with links across the 
university (see the geography website at 
Apply: Send CV; a detailed statement of professional experience, research 
and teaching interests; and contact information for three references by 
email to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Review of applications will 
begin on September 15, 2008 and will continue until the position is 
filled.  AA/EOE Minorities and Women are strongly encouraged to apply.  

Please feel free to contact me for further information.


Dominik Kulakowski

School of Geography
Clark University
950 Main Street
Worcester, MA 01610-1477
Tel: 508-793-7383
Fax: 508-793-8881

[ECOLOG-L] open tenure-track position at Clark University

2008-08-19 Thread Dominik Kulakowski
Dear Colleagues,

Please see the following advertisement for an open tenure-track position 
at Clark University:

Clark University.  Open rank, tenure-line position starting August 2009.  
PhD required at time of appointment.  Clark’s School of Geography seeks a 
scholar to join the department’s existing Human-Environment cluster.  We 
seek a faculty member who is contributing to cutting edge scholarship, and 
who is committed to collaborative research and securing extramural 
funding.  Expertise in the theoretical and empirical study of a variety of 
substantive research areas will be considered.  Preference will be given 
to candidates who complement the department’s strengths in human-
environment relations/interactions 
(  Strong undergraduate and 
graduate teaching, advising, and mentoring are a requisite in 
the “university college” tradition of Clark.  The successful candidate 
will play an important educational and leadership role in Clark’s Marsh 
Institute ( and affiliate with 
Clark’s Environmental Science program.  
Apply: Send CV; a detailed statement of professional experience, research 
and teaching interests; and contact information for three references by 
email to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Review of applications will 
begin on October 1, 2008 and will continue until the position is filled.  
AA/EOE Minorities and Women are strongly encouraged to apply.

Please feel free to contact me for further information.


Dominik Kulakowski

School of Geography
Clark University
950 Main Street
Worcester, MA 01610-1477
Tel: 508-793-7383
Fax: 508-793-8881