[ECOLOG-L] ESA Student Award - Urban Ecology

2013-07-30 Thread Myla Aronson
Dear Students:

Are you giving an oral presentation in the field of Urban Ecology at this 
year's ESA meeting in Minneapolis next month? If so, apply for the Joan 
Ehrenfeld Award for Best Student Presentation in Urban Ecology

The award is open to both undergraduate and graduate students giving an 
oral presentation in the field of urban ecology at the annual meeting. If 
you are interested in being considered for this award, then you must send 
the following items to the UEE section vice-chair (Myla Aronson) by 
Thursday, August 1, 2012: first and last name, title of talk, time of 
presentation, location of presentation, degree being sought (BA/BS, MS, 
PhD), your accepted abstract, and e-mail address. We will only be 
considering urban ecology presentations for the award.

Below is a brief description of the award:

Title: The Joan Ehrenfeld Award for Best Student Presentation in Urban 

Section:  Urban Ecosystems Ecology Section of ESA

Short Summary: Joan Ehrenfeld was one of the pioneers of urban ecology 
whose contributions helped shape our knowledge of urban ecosystems.  Her 
work spanned many taxa and systems, ranging from novel work on urban 
wetlands to the role of people in shaping urban ecosystem processes. Her 
former students and postdocs are continuing this work around the globe. In 
recognition of her many contributions to urban ecology, the best oral 
presentation in urban ecology given at the annual Ecological Society of 
America meeting is named in her honor.

Please send your application materials with the subject line

"Ehrenfeld Award" to: Myla Aronson, UEE Section Vice-Chair, 

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.

Myla F.J. Aronson, Ph.D.

Department of Ecology, Evolution and Natural Resources

Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey

1 College Farm Rd, New Brunswick, NJ 08901

848-932-4275 (office)

848-932-4518 (lab)

[ECOLOG-L] Position Announcement: Ecologist/Biologist/Environmental Scientist (Fisheries focus)

2013-07-30 Thread John Withey
The following position announcement is available online: 

Position Announcement: Ecologist/Biologist/Environmental Scientist 
(Fisheries focus)

The Prince William Sound Science Center (www.pwssc.org), a non-profit 
research and education institution located on the shores of Prince William 
Sound in Cordova, Alaska (www.cordovachamber.com and 
www.cityofcordova.net), is seeking a highly motivated scientist for a 
fisheries-related research position focused on pelagic fish assessment and 
systems ecology. This individual will join a multi-disciplinary and multi-
institutional team studying and monitoring various aspects of the 
ecosystem dynamics of Prince William Sound.

Job function:  Perform ecosystem research relevant to understanding 
recruitment of commercially relevant fish populations.
Background: This position requires an enthusiastic fisheries ecologist to 
conduct basic and applied research in Prince William Sound and the Gulf of 
Alaska. The research focus of the PWSSC is on understanding the physical 
and biological mechanisms affecting diversity, productivity and ecosystem 
function in Prince William Sound, the Copper River watershed, and northern 
Gulf of Alaska.

Prince William Sound (PWS) is located in the northeast corner of the 
Pacific at 60° N and includes an intricate network of maritime glaciers, 
rain forests, offshore islands, barrier island, wetlands, and freshwater 
and marine systems. PWS has 4900 km of shoreline and is surrounded by the 
Chugach Mountains that reach 4,300 m and contain the most extensive system 
of tidewater glaciers in North America. Most of the land area is in or 
adjacent to the Chugach National Forest. Of the five PWS communities, only 
Valdez and Whittier have highway access to the main road system. Access to 
Cordova is by boat or plane. The community is regularly served by Alaska 
Marine Highway System ferries and an airport that receives daily 
commercial airline traffic. Commercial salmon fisheries are the 
cornerstone of the local Cordova economy.  Herring, Pacific cod, 
sablefish, halibut, shrimp, crab, and razor clams are among either current 
or historically important fisheries within Prince William Sound.  The 
Sound is also important for subsistence and sport fisheries of these and 
other species.

Qualifications: PhD in ecology, fisheries science, marine biology, aquatic 
sciences, biostatistics, environmental science or related field. Strong 
quantitative and analytical skills (statistics or modeling excellence 
preferred). Able to design and conduct research projects as an individual 
and as part of a team. Insight and ability to apply diverse and 
appropriate field, laboratory, and analytical approaches to hypothesis-
driven ecological research. Familiarity with stable isotope analysis. 
Existing peer-reviewed publication record. Supervisory experience. Willing 
and able to perform fieldwork in remote locations, including at sea, 
during harsh weather conditions. Demonstrated ability to engage and 
communicate scientific information to stakeholders of various backgrounds 
in various settings.

The successful applicant will be expected to: work independently as well 
as in collaboration with other researchers; publish research findings in 
peer-reviewed scientific journals; write proposals to generate funding for 
future work; seek and solidify collaborations with researchers at PWSSC 
and other organizations; submit timely reports; and contribute content to 
other publications and media outlets. 

The ideal applicant will be organized, self motivated, independent, pro-
active, collegial, have a proven ability to produce tangible results from 
significant or difficult tasks, have excellent communication skills, be 
able to work as part of a research team, and complement the research 
interests of existing personnel. Travel may be required. 

Responsibilities include:
Overseeing all aspects of research, implementing research projects 
designed to address management objectives and uncertainties as related to 
commercially relevant fisheries populations in the region. Supervision of 
both permanent and temporary staff is required (field crew members, 
technicians, and the like). This position is funded through two ongoing 
research programs which the successful candidate is required to 
participate in: a multi-year, multi-investigator herring research and 
monitoring program; and a multi-year, multi-investigator salmon research 
program. Copies of the proposals funding this position are available upon 

This position’s herring research is related to juvenile herring energetics 
and ecology conducted in support of a large, multi-institution survey 
effort focused on herring populations in PWS. Knowledge of Pacific herring 
or other forage fish populations is desirable. The position is responsible 
for working with other team members to collect and process fish from both 
scientific and community-based fishin

[ECOLOG-L] Institute for Applied Ecology's July e-Newsletter

2013-07-30 Thread Tom Kaye
For all of you who may be interested, our July e-Newsletter is available at
the link below.  Enjoy!


*Tom Kaye
Executive Director
Institute for Applied Ecology*
Mail: PO Box 2855, Corvallis, Oregon 97339-2855
Street: 563 SW Jefferson Ave, Corvallis, Oregon
541-753-3099 ext. 111 www.appliedeco.org  
"Like" us on Facebook!*

Associate Professor (courtesy)
Dept. of Botany and Plant Pathology
Oregon State University
2087 Cordley Hall, Corvallis, Oregon 97331

[ECOLOG-L] Funded PhD search question

2013-07-30 Thread Neahga Leonard
Hello Fellow Ecologgers,

Does anyone know of a good place to search for funded PhD positions,
preferably in the conservation, environment, sustainable development, or
science outreach fields?

So far most of the opportunities I have found are posted on a
university-by-university basis.  Is there any equivalent to a job-board
that posts available PhD opportunities?

As usual, I am happy to share any results and post them on my blog as well.

Thank you,

Neahga Leonard

*There is not just a whole world to explore, there is a whole universe to
explore, perhaps more than one.*

[ECOLOG-L] Plant Ecology Research Hourly Worker

2013-07-30 Thread Lisa Giencke


The Joseph W. Jones Ecological Research Center invites applications for a
full-time, temporary Research Hourly Worker position. This position will
begin in September 2013 and is a 3 month position to start, with the
potential of being extended.  On-site housing is provided on a limited
basis, but is optional. The employee’s main duties will be to assist with
plant sampling projects and the establishment of a common garden research
plot. Other duties include data entry and seed collection from a native
plant demonstration garden. This position will report directly to the Plant
Ecology Lead Technician.

The 28,000-acre Research Center is located approximately 30 miles south of
Albany, Georgia. The Center’s research, education, and conservation programs
focus on ecology and natural resource management. The site includes 16,000
acres of longleaf pine forests, over 1,000 acres of wetlands, and 26 miles
of stream and river ecosystems.

Job Requirements: Ability to conduct moderate to strenuous physical activity
in the field, under demanding field conditions (i.e., heat, high humidity,
and insects), and to independently follow instructions is required. 

Qualifications: B.S. degree or coursework in biology, botany, horticulture,
plant ecology or a related field. Experience with plant identification is
highly preferred.  Computer and laboratory-related experience is also

Wages: $8.00 per hour (limited housing available)
   $9.50 per hour (without housing)

Qualified applicants should send a cover letter, resume, list of pertinent
courses, and list of references with phone numbers by email to:
j...@jonesctr.org, Subject: Plant Ecology Hourly Position, or mail to, Attn:
Cindy Craft, Joseph Jones Ecological Research Center, 3988 Jones Center
Drive, Newton, GA  39870-9651 or FAX (229)734-4707.   Review of applications
will begin immediately and will continue until the position has been filled.

For specific questions or more information on this position, contact: Lisa
Giencke, Plant Ecology Lead Technician by email: lgien...@jonesctr.org or
phone: (229)734-4706. 

The Joseph W. Jones Ecological Research Center, Ichauway, Inc. is an Equal
Employment Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer.

[ECOLOG-L] NSERC HydroNet Job Post: Communication Officer

2013-07-30 Thread Shannon O'Connor
TITLE: Communication Officer

 JOB DESCRIPTION:  Contribute to the dissemination of HydroNet’s research
and networking activities using different types of media (*e.g. *internet,
print media, radio and television) and the complete range of communication
techniques available (*e.g. *twitter, web pages, press releases, reports,
posters, *etc*).


 1. Participate in the development, and coordinate the implementation, of
communication projects about the research and networking activities of

2. Gather information from HydroNet’s researchers (professors, government
and industry scientists, graduate students, post-doctoral fellows);

3. Write and prepare annual reports, posters, press releases, news briefs,
and briefing notes;

4. Contribute to the organization of HydroNet’s Annual Symposium, and to
the production of related documents (*e.g. *posters, announcements,
programs, reports);

5. Transmit reports, press releases, briefings, notes, announcements and
programs to: HydroNet’s researchers and government and industry partners;
other groups potentially interested in HydroNet’s activities; and the
general public;

6. Distribute press releases, briefings, notes, announcements and programs
via the HydroNet website and social media;

7. Transmit press releases, briefings, notes, announcements and programs to
the press, as well as radio and television networks;

8. Communicate with scientists on the opportunities that may increase
HydroNet’s visibility (public hearings, citizen committees, *etc*) and
coordinate related activities.


 Education: Diploma/training in communication;

Experience: Professional experience in scientific communication;

Others: Capacity to write high quality text in French and in English;
Knowledge in environmental science (*e.g.* ecology, geography, *etc*);
Knowledge of communication and information transfer software.


 Part-time position from September 2013 to February 2014.

Salary: $36 850.39 to 48 050.10 $ per year depending on experience.


 Candidates should send a cover letter and Curriculum vitae to
shannon.ocon...@umontreal.ca before August 30th, 2013.

 Only those candidates selected for an interview will be contacted.

[ECOLOG-L] Post-Doctoral Fellow

2013-07-30 Thread Conor McGowan

The Alabama Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit at Auburn
University, Auburn, Alabama  is seeking a post-doctoral researcher to
develop habitat linked population models and decision support for
continental American Black Duck populations.  This is a 12 month, limited
term non-tenure track position and is funded from external sources.
Continued employment is contingent on availability of funding and
satisfactory performance.  Success of this project will result in the
development of projection models to manage Black duck populations and their
habitats to improve hunting opportunity and achieve predetermined
continental population goals.  This position will focus on developing
methods to reduce ecological uncertainty through data analyses, parameter
estimation, population modeling.   The project may involve mark recapture
estimation of demographic rates and dynamic programming to find optimal
policy recommendations.  The position will work closely with the science
coordinator of the Black Duck Joint Venture and with researchers and
faculty at Auburn University to ensure that research products meet the
needs of Fish and Wildlife Partners.


The minimum qualification is a PhD from an accredited institution in
wildlife biology, conservation biology, ecology, biometrics or a related
field.  Applicants will be evaluated on their knowledge, experience and
abilities in population ecology, quantitative ecology, and simulation
modeling.  The successful applicant will also demonstrate commitment to
timely completion of deliverables, commitment to publication of results in
peer-reviewed outlets, and strong potential to work collaboratively with
multiple agencies on a highly visible research topic.  The candidate
selected for the position must be able to meet eligibility requirements for
work in the United States at the time appointment is scheduled to begin and
continue working legally for the proposed term of the appointment;
excellent communication skills required.

The review date will begin September 1, 2013 and will continue until a
suitable candidate has been identified.

*Salary: *Salary is very competitive and is commensurate with skills and

*To apply:   Go to the following quick link to submit your on-line
application:   *http://aufacultypositions.peopleadmin.com/postings/192**

*Salary is very competitive and is commensurate with skills and

*Women and minorities are encouraged to apply*

*Auburn University is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employe*r

Questions and inquires about the research or the position should be
directed to Conor McGowan, cmcgo...@auburn.edu or cmcgo...@usgs.gov

Conor P. McGowan, Ph.D.
Assistant Leader and Assistant Research Professor
USGS, Alabama Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit
School of Forestry and Wildlife Sciences,
Auburn University
Auburn, AL 36849-5418

Ph:334 844 9231

[ECOLOG-L] Reminder about AGU session on Mountain Observatories

2013-07-30 Thread Franco Biondi
The deadline for submitting an abstract to the AGU Fall Meeting is coming up
soon (August 6th), and we invite ecologists involved in mountain
observatories to consider presenting their research in our session.

Dear Colleagues,

Please consider submitting an abstract to the 2013 AGU Session on
"Observational Networks of Mountain Social-Ecological Systems". 

This session focuses on data capture and integration relative to
social-ecological systems in mountain regions. Mountains concentrate
critical economic resources (particularly water), are extremely dynamic, and
exist within a wide variety of institutional settings. Informed management
of such coupled systems requires accurate and integrated data on the state
and dynamics of both the social and ecological sub-systems. Contributions
are welcome from any region in the world, especially if using observational
networks on biophysical features such as climate, hydrology, and ecology, or
on social features such as demography, economy and governance, and on ways
to combine them to quantify the functioning of coupled human-natural systems.

Confirmed invited speakers include Julio Betancourt and Dave Schimel.

This session is closely linked with the upcoming "Global Fair and Workshop
on Long-Term Observing Systems of Mountain Social-Ecological System" that
will be held at the University of Nevada, Reno (USA) on July 16-19, 2014.

Abstracts can be submitted online until August 6th.

For any questions on the session, please contact the session organizers:

Franco Biondi, franco.bio...@gmail.com
Greg Greenwood, gr...@giub.unibe.ch
Julia Klein, jkl...@nrel.colostate.edu
Bill McConnell, mccon...@msu.edu

For questions on the 2014 Global Fair and Workshop, please contact
Greg Greenwood, gr...@giub.unibe.ch

We hope to see many of you in San Francisco!

Franco Biondi, PhD
Professor and DendroLab Director
Department of Geography, MS 154
University of Nevada
Reno, NV 89557

E-mail: franco.bio...@gmail.com
Ph.: (775) 784-6921
Fax: (775) 682-8416

[ECOLOG-L] 2013 AGU Fall Meeting Special Session on Phenology as Both Forcing and Response: Integrating Measurements and Models Across Terrestrial and Aquatic Ecosystems

2013-07-30 Thread Forrest Hoffman

Dear Colleague,

We are writing to call your attention to a special session at the AGU 
Fall Meeting titled, "Phenology as Both Forcing and Response: 
Integrating Measurements and Models Across Terrestrial and Aquatic 
Ecosystems".  This session will address all aspects of phenology, 
including modeling, analysis, remote sensing, new technologies, and new 
applications.  Please consider submitting a contributed abstract to this 
session, which is described in detail below. The deadline for abstract 
submissions is August 6, 2013.

   *B054. Phenology as Both Forcing and Response: Integrating
   Measurements and Models Across Terrestrial and Aquatic Ecosystems*

   /Co-conveners: William W. Hargrove (USDA Forest Service), Geoffrey
   Henebry (SDSU), Forrest M. Hoffman (ORNL), and Steven Norman (USDA
   Forest Service)/

   *** Confirmed Invited Presenters ***
   * Toby Ault (Cornell University)
   * Greg McCabe (U.S. Geological Survey)
   * Kirsten de Beurs (University of Oklahoma)
   * Court Strong (University of Utah)

   Responsive to climatic and edaphic factors, phenology is as a broad
   and sensitive indicator of ecosystem health and function. Acting as
   a driver, it forces ecosystem functions and services like
   productivity, health, and biomass. Today's Earth system models
   include prognostic phenology, and novel ground-based measurement
   technologies (e.g., webcams, fluorescence, citizen scientist
   observations, crowdsourcing) offer integrative links between models,
   measurements, and satellite Land Surface Phenology across a range of
   ecosystems. This session focuses on measurements and models,
   observing and monitoring technologies, and analytic methods of
   terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems.


Please feel free to forward this message to others who might be 
interested in participating in this session. We hope to see you in San 
Francisco in December!

Bill, Geoff, Forrest, and Steve

Forrest Hoffman   forr...@climatemodeling.org
Oak Ridge National Laboratory http://www.climatemodeling.org/~forrest
Computational Earth Sciences Group(865) 576-7680 voice
Building 2040, Room E249, MS 6301 (865) 574-9501 fax
P.O. Box 2008 Deliveries: One Bethel Valley Road
Oak Ridge TN 37831-6301   35° 55' 23" N   84° 19' 20" W

[ECOLOG-L] Student-PI dinner at ESA - Invitation for STUDENTS

2013-07-30 Thread Kate Buckeridge

Dear ESA Biogeosciences Students,

We would like to invite you to take part in our annual student-PI match 
dinner event. Please look through the PIs who are available (see the 
list below). The dinner will be Tuesday evening (Aug 6th) after the BGS 
section mixer (6:30-8 pm, Blrm EF) - come to the mixer to meet up. We 
are combining the event this year with the Soil Ecology and Microbial 
Ecology sections.

Please reply by Friday Aug 2nd and indicate two PIs you would like to 
have dinner with. We try to limit it to 3-5 students per faculty. Dinner 
will unfortunately not be supported by the section's limited funds - 
please bring cash to cover your own dinner at a reasonably-priced 
restaurant. This is a great opportunity for you to meet some of the many 
fantastic members of our section!

If interested, contact:

Kate Buckeridge
ESA BGS Secretary

*Biogeosciences section dinner PI participants:

*Whendee Silver
University of California, Berkeley
Department of Environmental Science, Policy and Management

Josh Schimel
University of California, Santa Barbara
Department of Ecology, Evolution and Marine Biology and Bren School for 
the Environment


Ruth Yanai
State University of New York
College of Environmental Science and Forestry
Department of Forest and Natural Resources Management

Rich Phillips
Indiana University, Bloomington
Department of Biology

Wendy Yang
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Department of Plant Biology

[ECOLOG-L] Survey about Ecology Journals

2013-07-30 Thread Daniel Hocking
Dear Ecologists, 

I am a postdoctoral research associate at the University of New Hampshire. I
am conducting a survey of ecologists related to perception of journal
influence and prestige. I am recruiting ecologists to participate in a short
survey (5-10 minutes to complete). The questions related to the quality and
relative rank of ecology journals. The perception of ecologists will be
compared with various citation-based metrics of journal influence and
impact. The survey is anonymous and will be used for peer-reviewed
publications. The survey is voluntary and no compensation will be provided
for completion. You can access the survey at

This survey has been approved by the University of New Hampshire
Institutional Review Board. Please contact me with any questions.


Re: [ECOLOG-L] Graphing software

2013-07-30 Thread Richard Boyce
I've been using Kaleidagraph for years. It's available from Synergy Software.

On Jul 30, 2013, at 12:00 AM, ECOLOG-L automatic digest system wrote:

Date:Mon, 29 Jul 2013 16:34:49 +1000
From:Isabelle Wolf mailto:easyw...@web.de>>
Subject: Graphing software

Dear Ecolog,

Can anybody please recommend their favourite graphing software to =
produce graphs for academic papers (in Eology or else)? When I say =
'graphing software', I mean other than for example Excel, R or graphing =
capabilities integrated in software packages.

Many thanks for any recommendations.

Kind regards, Isabelle

Dr. Isabelle Wolf
Research and Analysis Officer
NSW National Parks & Wildlife Service
Office of Environment and Heritage

Richard L. Boyce, Ph.D.
Director, Environmental Science Program
Department of Biological Sciences, SC 150
Northern Kentucky University
Nunn Drive
Highland Heights, KY  41099  USA

859-572-1407 (tel.)
859-572-5639 (fax)

"One of the advantages of being disorderly is that one is constantly making 
exciting discoveries." - A.A. Milne

[ECOLOG-L] AGU 2013 session, B061 - Role of Soil Erosion on Biogeochemical Cycling of Essential Elements

2013-07-30 Thread Asmeret Asefaw Berhe
We are organizing a session on the fall meeting of the AGU that would be of 
interest to the soil science, biogeochemistry, geomorphology and  critical zone 
research networks: B061 - Role of Soil Erosion on Biogeochemical Cycling of 
Essential Elements

Lateral transport of topsoil by erosion is a primary control on the spatial 
distribution of essential elements in the terrestrial biosphere. Exciting 
advances in the understanding of multi-scale dynamics of specific elements have 
been assisted by the development of new tracing and monitoring technologies and 
modelling approaches.  Nevertheless, there still remain important gaps in our 
understanding of how erosion controls elemental cycles at different spatial and 
temporal scales, particularly the regional and global relevance of the 
stoichiometric relationships between different elements. We invite 
presentations from all fields in the geosciences: studies at timescales from 
short term to geological; spatial scales from microbe to globe; and, approaches 
from empirical to theoretical. Papers addressing multiple elements would be 
particularly welcome.

Our session will have the following invited speakers
Robert Stallard (US Geological Survey)
Stephen Porder (Brown University)
Bob Hilton (Durham University)
Sarah De Baetes (University of Exeter)

CONVENERS: Asmeret Asefaw Berhe, Timothy Quine, Jennifer Dungait, Jereon 
CO-SPONSORING SECTION(S): Earth and Planetary Surface Processes (EP), Global 
Environmental Change (GC), Hydrology (H)
As part of the AGU soil-focused SWIRL at the 2013 Fall Meeting (Global 

We hope you are planning on attending AGU and that you will consider our 
If you have any questions in this regard, please feel free to contact me or any 
one of the other session conveners. 


Asmeret Asefaw Berhe, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, Soil Biogeochemistry
School of Natural Sciences
University of California, Merced

Office phone: (209) 228-4712
Cell: (510) 967-7196
Fax: (209) 724-4459
E-mail: aabe...@ucmerced.edu
Web: http://faculty.ucmerced.edu/aaberhe