[ECOLOG-L] Research Assistant Position in Forest Restoration and Modelling

2018-07-02 Thread Steve Chhin
A research assistant position is available in the Quantitative Forest 
Management lab of Dr. Steve Chhin in the Division of Forestry and 
Natural Resources at West Virginia University (WVU).

The general objective of the project associated with this position is 
the restoration of the historical structure and species composition of 
mixed conifer forests in the Sierra Nevada region of California.  The 
project will involve determining the effective intensity of mechanical 
thinning treatments to remove shade tolerant competitors and thereby 
promote the productivity of old-growth trees, reduce the risk of stand 
replacing fires, and ensure forest resilience to climate change. 
Dendrochronological analyses will be conducted to reconstruct historical 
forest stand dynamics to provide a target for forest restoration 
efforts.  The position will also involve modeling growth and survival of 
old-growth trees and young plantations within the Sierra Nevada. The 
research assistant will primarily be responsible for conducting the 
laboratory components of the project and assist with data analyisis and 
report writing.  Secondary roles will include assisting with field 


Applicants should preferably have completed a Master’s degree, but those 
with a Bachelor’s degree and experience with research will also be 
considered.  A completed degree in forestry, biology, ecology, 
environmental sciences, or a similarly related natural resource field is 
acceptable.  Preference will be given to applicants that are highly 
self-motivated, possess a strong work ethic, and have strong oral and 
written communication skills.  A background in conducting field based 
research and working in a laboratory environment is desirable.  
Experience with statistical programs and GIS will be considered an 
assett.  Applicants must enjoy working (e.g., rigorous field work) and 
living outdoors (e.g., camping) and possess a valid driver’s license.  A 
cumulative GPA greater than 3.3 in undergraduate and graduate coursework 
is preferred.  The start date for this position is September 2018.  The 
term of the position will initially be for one year, with the 
possibility of extension of an additional year depending on satisfactory 
performance and funding availability.

Application materials: 

Please submit: 1) cover letter, 2) curriculum vitae, 3) unofficial 
transcripts, and 4) contact information of three references.  Please 
describe your career goals in the cover letter.  Applications will be 
considered immediately and continue until the position is filled.  To 
ensure full consideration, please e-mail your application material to 
Dr. Steve Chhin (sc0...@mix.wvu.edu) by July 20, 2018.  

[ECOLOG-L] Master’s Graduate Assistantship in Forest Restoration & Modelling

2018-01-12 Thread Steve Chhin
A Master’s position is available in the Quantitative Forest Management 
lab of Dr. Steve Chhin in the Division of Forestry and Natural Resources 
at West Virginia University (WVU).

The graduate student will primarily conduct field and laboratory work 
for a project funded by the USDA Forest Service.The general 
objective of the project is to develop new site index curves for Central 
Appalachian red spruce by correcting for historical growth suppression. 
Models will also be developed which relate red spruce site index to the 
site index of commonly associated species such as American beech, black 
cherry, red maple, and yellow birch.  This will aid in restoration and 
resiliency efforts for red spruce by providing site quality information 
in areas where red spruce is absent or where new red spruce habitat is 
expected due to climate change.  Dendroclimatic models will be developed 
to examine sensitivity of red spruce to past and future climate change.  


A completed Bachelor’s degree in forestry, biology, ecology, 
environmental sciences, or a similarly related natural resource field is 
acceptable.  Preference will be given to applicants that are highly 
self-motivated, possess a strong work ethic, and have strong oral and 
written communication skills.  Experience with statistical software 
packages (e.g., R) and proficiency with GIS would be assets.  A 
background or strong interest in conducting field based research and 
working in a laboratory environment is desirable.  Applicants must enjoy 
working (e.g., rigorous field work) and living outdoors (e.g., camping) 
and possess a valid driver’s license.  A cumulative GPA greater than 
3.25 in undergraduate coursework is preferred.  The start date for this 
position is May 2018.  This position includes a tuition waiver and 
health benefits, and a competitive stipend.  

Application materials: 

Please submit: 1) cover letter, 2) curriculum vitae, 3) unofficial 
transcripts, 4) GRE scores, 5) contact information of two references, 
and 6) TOEFL scores (for international applicants).  Please describe 
your career goals in the cover letter.  Applications will be considered 
immediately and continue until the position is filled.  To ensure full 
consideration, please e-mail your application material to Dr. Steve 
Chhin (sc0...@mix.wvu.edu) by February 9, 2018.  

[ECOLOG-L] Master’s Graduate Assistantship in Forest Biometrics & Modelling

2017-09-17 Thread Steve Chhin
A Master’s position is available in the Quantitative Forest Management lab 
of Dr. Steve Chhin in the Division of Forestry and Natural Resources at 
West Virginia University (WVU).

The graduate student will primarily conduct field and laboratory work for 
a project recently funded by the USDA Forest Service.The general 
objective of the project is to develop new site index curves for Central 
Appalachian red spruce by correcting for historical growth suppression. 
Models will also be developed which relate red spruce site index to the 
site index of commonly associated species such as American beech, black 
cherry, red maple, and yellow birch.  This will aid in restoration and 
resiliency efforts for red spruce by providing site quality information in 
areas where red spruce is absent or where new red spruce habitat is 
expected due to climate change.  Dendroclimatic models will be developed 
to examine sensitivity of red spruce to past and future climate change.  


A completed Bachelor’s degree in forestry, biology, ecology, environmental 
sciences, or a similarly related natural resource field is acceptable.  
Preference will be given to applicants that are highly self-motivated, 
possess a strong work ethic, and have strong oral and written 
communication skills.  Experience with statistical software packages 
(e.g., R) and proficiency with GIS would be assets.  A background or 
strong interest in conducting field based research and working in a 
laboratory environment is desirable.  Applicants must enjoy working (e.g., 
rigorous field work) and living outdoors (e.g., camping) and possess a 
valid driver’s license.  A cumulative GPA greater than 3.25 in 
undergraduate coursework is preferred.  The start date for this position 
is January 2018.  This position includes a tuition waiver and health 
benefits, and a competitive stipend.  

Application materials: 

Please submit: 1) cover letter, 2) curriculum vitae, 3) unofficial 
transcripts, 4) GRE scores, 5) contact information of two references, and 
6) TOEFL scores (for international applicants).  Please describe your 
career goals in the cover letter.  Applications will be considered 
immediately and continue until the position is filled.  To ensure full 
consideration, please e-mail your application material to Dr. Steve Chhin 
(sc0...@mix.wvu.edu) by October 9, 2017.  

[ECOLOG-L] Ph.D. Position in Forest Restoration and Modelling

2017-03-12 Thread Steve Chhin
A Ph.D. graduate student position is available in the Quantitative 
Forest Management lab of Dr. Steve Chhin in the Division of Forestry and 
Natural Resources at West Virginia University (WVU).

The general objective of the project associated with this position is 
the restoration of the historical structure and species composition of 
mixed conifer forests in the Sierra Nevada region of California.  The 
project will involve determining the effective intensity of mechanical 
thinning treatments to remove shade tolerant competitors and thereby 
promote the productivity of old-growth trees, reduce the risk of stand 
replacing fires, and ensure forest resilience to climate change. 
Dendrochronological analyses will be conducted to reconstruct historical 
forest stand dynamics to provide a target for forest restoration 
efforts.  The position will also involve modeling growth and survival of 
old-growth trees and young plantations within the Sierra Nevada. The 
Ph.D. student will primarily be responsible for coordinating, planning 
and conducting the field and laboratory components of the project, with 
assistance from field and laboratory technicians.  Field work will be 
conducted in California while lab work and course work will be completed 
at WVU which is located in Morgantown, WV.  


Applicants should preferably have completed a MS degree.  A completed 
degree in forestry, biology, ecology, environmental sciences, or a 
similarly related natural resource field is acceptable.  Preference will 
be given to applicants that are highly self-motivated, possess a strong 
work ethic, and have strong oral and written communication skills.  A 
background or strong interest in conducting field based research and 
working in a laboratory environment is desirable.  Applicants must enjoy 
working (e.g., rigorous field work) and living outdoors (e.g., camping) 
and possess a valid driver’s license.  A cumulative GPA greater than 3.3 
in undergraduate and graduate coursework is preferred.  Short-listed 
candidates eventually will be asked to submit a writing sample.  The 
start date for this position is August 2017.  This position includes a 
tuition waiver and health benefits, and a competitive stipend.  

Application materials: 

Please submit: 1) cover letter, 2) curriculum vitae, 3) unofficial 
transcripts, 4) GRE scores, 5) contact information of three references, 
and 6) TOEFL scores (for international applicants).  Please describe 
your career goals in the cover letter.  Applications will be considered 
immediately and continue until the position is filled.  To ensure full 
consideration, please e-mail your application material to Dr. Steve 
Chhin (sc0...@mix.wvu.edu) by April 7, 2017.  

[ECOLOG-L] Postdoctoral Fellow – Forest Growth Modeling

2016-12-09 Thread Steve Chhin
Postdoctoral Fellow – Forest Growth Modeling (DCANRD 16-0176)

The West Virginia University Research Corporation (WVURC) seeks to hire 
a Postdoctoral Fellow – Forest Growth Modeling in the School of Natural 
Resources at West Virginia University. The position will be measuring 
and modeling growth and health of young plantations within mixed-conifer 
forests. The researcher will be will be responsible for coordinating, 
planning and conducting the field and laboratory components of the 
project, with assistance from field and laboratory technicians.

A PhD in Forest Biometrics, or a doctorate related to quantitative 
forest management; and, experience with operating process-based forest 
models are required. A valid driver’s license is required. 

Competitive salary and benefits package offered. For a complete job 
description and to apply for this position, please visit 
http://hr.research.wvu.edu and click on the “View Jobs” link. 
AA/EOE/Minorities/Females/Vet/Disability/E-verify compliant employer

In addition, applicants should email as a single PDF: 1) a cover letter 
detailing qualifications for the position, 2) curriculum vitae, and 3) a 
list of 3 professional references with contact information to Dr. Steve 
Chhin at steve.ch...@gmail.com.  The position will initially be a one-
year appointment, with the possibility of an annual extension dependent 
on satisfactory performance and continued availability of funds.  The 
desired start date is as soon as possible and preferably no later than 
January 2017.

[ECOLOG-L] Research Assistant Position: Forest Restoration Ecology

2015-10-06 Thread Steve Chhin
Research Assistant Position: Forest Restoration Ecology

A full-time research assistant position is available in the Applied Forest 
Ecology lab of Dr. Steve Chhin (www.msu.edu/~chhin) in the Department of 
Forestry (www.for.msu.edu) at Michigan State University (MSU) 


The research assistant will primarily help complete field and laboratory 
work for a forest restoration project conducted in mixed-conifer forest of 
the Sierra Nevada region of northern California.  The general objective of 
this project is to determine the effective intensity of mechanical 
thinning treatments to remove shade tolerant competitor tree species and 
thereby promote the productivity and health of ponderosa pine and sugar 
pine. The project will also help  limit the risk of large-scale, stand-
replacing crown fires in this forest region.  

Field work responsibilities will primarily involve examining post-
treatment responses of ecophysiological variables (e.g., leaf water 
potential, stem sap flow, stable carbon isotopes, automatic dendrometers) 
and micro-environmental variables (e.g., soil moisture and light).  Lab 
work responsibilities will focus primarily on assisting with 
dendrochronological analyses to reconstruct historical forest stand 
dynamics and examine sensitivity to climatic stress. Field work will be 
conducted in California while lab work will be completed at MSU.  The 
research technician will also provide assistance on other projects in the 
Chhin lab.
Salary will be commensurate with experience and will include health 
benefits.  This position will be initially for a 1 year period with the 
possibility of extension based on satisfactory performance and future 
availability of funding.  The preferred start date is December 2015 but 
the start date is negotiable.


Applicants should preferably have completed a Bachelor’s or Master’s 
degree in forestry, biology, ecology, geography, environmental sciences, 
or a similarly related natural resource field.  Preference will be given 
to applicants that are highly self-motivated, possess a strong work ethic, 
and have strong communication skills.  A background or strong interest in 
conducting field based research and working in a laboratory environment is 
desirable.  Applicants must enjoy working and living outdoors (e.g., 
camping), be able to comfortably carry at least a 35 lb backpack of field 
gear, and possess a valid driver’s license.  A cumulative GPA greater than 
3.0 in undergraduate or graduate coursework is preferred.  

Application materials: 

Please submit a cover letter, resume (include GPA), and contact 
information of at least two references.  Please describe your career goals 
in the cover letter.  Applications will be considered immediately and 
continue until the position is filled.  To ensure full consideration 
please submit material by November 2, 2015.  Please e-mail all application 
material to Dr. Steve Chhin (ch...@msu.edu).

For further information, please contact:

Dr. Steve Chhin
Assistant Professor
Department of Forestry
Michigan State University
Natural Resources Building
480 Wilson Road, Room 126
East Lansing, MI  48824
Tel: (517) 353-7251
Fax: (517) 432-1143
E-mail: ch...@msu.edu; Web: https://www.msu.edu/~chhin/

[ECOLOG-L] Post-Doctoral Position Announcement: Ecophysiologist and Forest Modeler

2015-09-01 Thread Steve Chhin
Post-Doctoral Position Announcement: Ecophysiologist and Forest Modeler

Department of Forestry, Michigan State University

Position description: The Department of Forestry at Michigan State 
University, in collaboration with the USDA Forest Service Pacific 
Southwest Research Station, is seeking a highly motivated post-doctoral 
researcher for measuring and modeling growth and health of large pine 
trees as well as young plantations within mixed- conifer forest in 
California. The researcher will be co-advised by Dr. Sophan Chhin (MSU) 
and Dr. Jianwei Zhang (USDA FS PSW) and will be responsible for 
coordinating, planning and conducting the field and laboratory components 
of the project, with assistance from field and laboratory technicians. 
Primary responsibilities will be focused on measuring ecophysiological 
variables of large trees after stand restoration treatments and modelling 
their growth with process-based models. In addition, the incumbent will 
also model the development of young mixed conifer plantations.  The post-
doctoral researcher will be an integral member of an active research team 
and will be expected to actively participate in publishing and proposal 
writing, and to contribute to mentoring student researchers involved in 
the project. The position will begin as a one-year appointment, with 
annual extensions available for an additional two years depending on 
satisfactory performance and continued availability of funds.

Qualifications: The successful applicant will have: 1) a PhD in forestry, 
ecophysiology, stable isotopes, or related field;  2) knowledge and 
experience with operating ecophysiological instrumentation and process-
based forest models (e.g., 3-PG); 3) demonstrated success in managing 
complex projects, including planning and conducting field work to meet 
multiple research objectives and supervising field and laboratory 
assistants; and 4) excellent verbal and written communication skills 
including publishing in peer-reviewed research journals.

Location: The location is negotiable. It can be based either at Michigan 
State University in East Lansing, Michigan or Pacific Southwest Research 
Station, Northern California, USA.

To Apply: Applicants should email as a single PDF: 1) a cover letter 
detailing qualifications for the position, 2) curriculum vitae, 3) a list 
of 3 professional references with contact information, and 4) three 
samples of professional writing, to Dr. Sophan Chhin at ch...@msu.edu.  
Applicants are also required to formally apply for this position at the 
MSU Job website (https://jobs.msu.edu) for Position # 1919.

Application deadline: September 21, 2015. The desired start date is as 
soon as possible and preferably no later than January 2016.

For more information: Contact Dr. Sophan Chhin at ch...@msu.edu.

[ECOLOG-L] Ph.D. Graduate Student Position: Forest Health and Restoration Ecology

2014-11-03 Thread Steve Chhin
A Ph.D. graduate student position is available in the Applied Forest Ecology 
lab of Dr. Steve Chhin (www.msu.edu/~chhin) in the Department of Forestry 
(www.for.msu.edu) at Michigan State University (MSU) (www.msu.edu).  


The sustainability of forest resources in the 21st century will likely be 
threatened by climate change and induced changes in disturbance regimes.  
Forest management practices may have the potential to promote resiliency to 
forest disturbances (e.g., insects, fungal pathogens, fire, climate change).  
The primary goals of the Chhin lab include promoting forest health to limit 
forest dieback due to climatic stress, insect outbreaks and fungal pathogens; 
and restoration of forest historical structure and species composition to 
reduce fire disturbance risk.  

The Chhin lab is seeking a Ph.D. graduate student who will help complete field 
and laboratory work in either forest health or forest restoration projects 
conducted in either Michigan or northern California.  In forest health 
projects, the general objective is to determine the mechanistic relationships 
between potential underlying drivers of forest decline including insects, 
fungal pathogens, and climatic stress.  The general objective of forest 
restoration projects is to determine the effective intensity of mechanical 
thinning treatments and prescribed fire to remove shade tolerant competitors 
and thereby reduce fire risk.  


Applicants for the PhD position should preferably have completed a MS.  A 
completed degree in forestry, biology, ecology, environmental sciences, or a 
similarly related natural resource field is acceptable.  Preference will be 
given to applicants that are highly self-motivated, possess a strong work 
ethic, and have strong oral and written communication skills.  A background or 
strong interest in conducting field based research and working in a laboratory 
environment is desirable.  Applicants must enjoy working (e.g., rigorous field 
work) and living outdoors (e.g., camping) and possess a valid driver’s 
license.  A cumulative GPA greater than 3.0 in undergraduate and graduate 
coursework is preferred.  Short-listed candidates eventually will be asked to 
submit a writing sample.  The start date for this position is May 2015 
(preferred date) or August 2015.  This position includes a tuition waiver and 
health benefits, and a competitive stipend (currently ~ $24,500).  

Application materials: 

Please submit: 1) cover letter, 2) curriculum vitae, 3) unofficial 
transcripts, 4) GRE scores, 5) contact information of three references, and 6) 
TOEFL scores (for international applicants).  Please describe your career 
goals in the cover letter.  Applications will be considered immediately and 
continue until the position is filled.  To ensure full consideration for 
departmental and university fellowships, please e-mail your application 
material to Dr. Steve Chhin (ch...@msu.edu) and also apply to the MSU Graduate 
School (http://grad.msu.edu/apply/) by  December 1, 2014.  Applications for 
this position will still be accepted until January 31, 2015.

For further information, please contact:

Dr. Steve Chhin
Assistant Professor, Applied Forest Ecology
Department of Forestry
Michigan State University
Natural Resources Building
480 Wilson Road, Room 126
East Lansing, MI  48824
Tel: (517) 353-7251
Fax: (517) 432-1143
E-mail: ch...@msu.edu
Web: https://www.msu.edu/~chhin/

[ECOLOG-L] Research Assistant: Forest Health in the Great Lakes Region

2014-05-06 Thread Steve Chhin
A full-time research assistant position is available in the Applied Forest 
Ecology lab of Dr. Steve Chhin (www.msu.edu/~chhin) in the Department of 
Forestry (www.for.msu.edu) at Michigan State University (MSU) 


The research assistant will primarily help complete field and laboratory 
work for a forest health project recently funded by the USDA Forest Service 
(Forest Health Monitoring program).  The objective of this project is to 
determine the mechanism behind white pine decline in the Great Lakes 
region.   White pine decline was first detected in 2006 in the north-
central Lower Peninsula region of Michigan, and by 2012 this decline 
syndrome has advanced northwards into the Upper Peninsula region.  White 
pine decline has been primarily associated with predisposition due to 
climatic stress, stem and branch cankers induced by fungal pathogens 
(primarily Diplodia spp.), pine spittlebug (Aphrophora parallela), and 
presence of cankers is commonly found under lichens, but the exact 
mechanistic relationships between these potential underlying factors 
requires further investigation.  The research assistant will also provide 
assistance on other projects in the Chhin lab.
This position will be initially for a 1 year period (starting in August 
2014) with the possibility of extension based on satisfactory performance.  
Salary will be commensurate with experience.


Applicants should preferably have completed a BS in forestry, biology, 
ecology, environmental sciences, or a similarly related natural resource 
field.  Preference will be given to applicants that are highly self-
motivated, possess a strong work ethic, and have strong communication 
skills.  A background or strong interest in conducting field based research 
and working in a laboratory environment is desirable.  Applicants must 
enjoy working and living outdoors (e.g., camping) and possess a valid 
driver’s license.  A cumulative GPA greater than 3.0 in undergraduate 
coursework is preferred.  

Application materials: 

Please submit a cover letter, resume (include GPA), and contact information 
of at least two references.  Please describe your career goals in the cover 
letter.  Applications will be considered immediately and continue until the 
position is filled.  To ensure full consideration please submit material by 
June 1, 2014.  Please e-mail all application material to Dr. Steve Chhin 

For further information, please contact:

Dr. Steve Chhin
Assistant Professor
Department of Forestry
Michigan State University
Natural Resources Building
480 Wilson Road, Room 126
East Lansing, MI  48824
Tel: (517) 353-7251
Fax: (517) 432-1143
E-mail: ch...@msu.edu; Web: https://www.msu.edu/~chhin/

[ECOLOG-L] Research Assistant: Forest Restoration Ecology

2014-03-04 Thread Steve Chhin
A full-time research assistant position is available in the Applied Forest 
Ecology lab of Dr. Steve Chhin (www.msu.edu/~chhin) in the Department of 
Forestry (www.for.msu.edu) at Michigan State University (MSU) 


The research assistant will primarily help complete field and laboratory 
work for a forest restoration project conducted in the mixed-conifer forest 
of the Sierra Nevada region of California.  The general objective of the 
project is to determine the effective intensity of mechanical thinning 
treatments to remove shade tolerant competitors and thereby promote the 
productivity and health of the remaining trees.  Prior to treatment 
application, dendrochronological analyses will be conducted to reconstruct 
historical forest stand dynamics which will also be related to the impact 
of past climate and disturbances.  Post-treatment responses in 
physiological variables, micro-environmental variables, and growth and 
stand development will also be examined.  Field work will be conducted in 
California while lab work will be completed at MSU.  The research 
technician will also provide assistance on other projects in the Chhin lab.


This position will be initially for a 1 year period (starting in June 2014) 
with the possibility of extension based on satisfactory performance.  
Salary will be commensurate with experience.


Applicants should preferably have completed a BS in forestry, biology, 
ecology, environmental sciences, or a similarly related natural resource 
field.  Preference will be given to applicants that are highly self-
motivated, possess a strong work ethic, and have strong communication 
skills.  A background or strong interest in conducting field based research 
and working in a laboratory environment is desirable.  Applicants must 
enjoy working and living outdoors (e.g., camping) and possess a valid 
driver’s license.  A cumulative GPA greater than 3.0 in undergraduate 
coursework is preferred.  

Application materials: 

Please submit a cover letter, resume (include GPA), and contact information 
of at least two references.  Please describe your career goals in the cover 
letter.  Applications will be considered immediately and continue until the 
position is filled.  To ensure full consideration please submit material by 
April 1, 2014.  Please e-mail all application material to Dr. Steve Chhin 

For further information, please contact:

Dr. Steve Chhin

Assistant Professor

Department of Forestry

Michigan State University

Natural Resources Building

480 Wilson Road, Room 126

East Lansing, MI  48824

Tel: (517) 353-7251

Fax: (517) 432-1143

E-mail: ch...@msu.edu

Web: https://www.msu.edu/~chhin/

[ECOLOG-L] Graduate Student Position (PhD or MS): Forest Restoration Ecology

2013-10-29 Thread Steve Chhin
Graduate Student Position (PhD or MS):  Restoration of mixed-conifer forest 
in the Sierra Nevada of California

A Ph.D. or Master’s level graduate student position is available in the 
Applied Forest Ecology lab of Dr. Steve Chhin (www.msu.edu/~chhin) in the 
Department of Forestry (www.for.msu.edu) at Michigan State University (MSU) 


The graduate student will help complete field and laboratory work for a 
forest restoration project conducted in the mixed-conifer forest of the 
Sierra Nevada region of California.  Prior to the policy of fire 
suppression in this region, forests were more open and contained lower 
stand density.  Fires historically burned more frequently than today and 
were predominantly understory fires.  Today, forests in this region have 
increased in the density of shade tolerant tree species.  The high density 
stands are considered a risk for large-scale, high intensity, stand 
replacement fires, especially in the context of future climate warming.  
Thinning treatments are needed to help restore these forests to their pre-
fire suppression state, and help reduce fire risk.  

The general objective of the project is to determine the effective 
intensity of mechanical thinning treatments to remove shade tolerant 
competitors and thereby promote the productivity and health of the 
remaining trees.  Prior to treatment application, dendrochronological 
analyses will be conducted to reconstruct historical forest stand dynamics 
which will also be related to the impact of past climate and disturbances.  
Post-treatment responses in physiological variables (e.g., photosynthesis, 
stable carbon isotopes), micro-environmental variables (e.g., temperature, 
precipitation, snowfall), and growth and stand development will also be 

Field work will be conducted in California while lab work and course work 
will be completed at MSU.  This position includes a tuition waiver and 
health benefits, and a competitive stipend (PhD stipend is currently ~ 
$24,500 and MS is ~ $22,000).  


Applicants for the PhD position should have completed a MS.  Applicants for 
the MS position should have completed a BS.  A completed degree in 
forestry, biology, ecology, environmental sciences, or a similarly related 
natural resource field is acceptable.  Preference will be given to 
applicants that are highly self-motivated, possess a strong work ethic, and 
have strong oral and written communication skills.  A background or strong 
interest in conducting field based research and working in a laboratory 
environment is desirable.  Applicants must enjoy working and living 
outdoors (e.g., camping) and possess a valid driver’s license.  A 
cumulative GPA greater than 3.0 in undergraduate and graduate coursework is 
preferred.  Short-listed candidates eventually will be asked to submit a 
writing sample.  The start date for this position is May 2013 (summer 
semester) but preference will be given to applicants who can start 1-2 
months earlier to assist with the field work planning.  

Application materials: 

Please submit: 1) cover letter, 2) curriculum vitae, 3) unofficial 
transcripts, 4) GRE scores, 5) contact information of three references, and 
6) TOEFL scores (for international applicants).  Please describe your 
career goals in the cover letter.  Applications will be considered 
immediately and continue until the position is filled.  To ensure full 
consideration for departmental and university fellowships, please e-mail 
your application material to Dr. Steve Chhin (ch...@msu.edu) and also apply 
to the MSU Graduate School (http://grad.msu.edu/apply/) by December 1, 
2013; preference will be given to applicants who can meet this deadline.  
Otherwise, please submit your application by January 13, 2014.  

For further information, please contact:

Dr. Steve Chhin

Assistant Professor, Applied Forest Ecology

Department of Forestry

Michigan State University

Natural Resources Building

480 Wilson Road, Room 126

East Lansing, MI  48824

Tel: (517) 353-7251

Fax: (517) 432-1143

E-mail: ch...@msu.edu

Web: https://www.msu.edu/~chhin/

[ECOLOG-L] Graduate Student Position: Early Detection of Forest Health Threats

2012-11-26 Thread Steve Chhin
A Master’s level graduate student position is available in the Applied 
Forest Ecology lab of Dr. Steve Chhin (www.msu.edu/~chhin) in the 
Department of Forestry (www.for.msu.edu) at Michigan State University 
(MSU) (www.msu.edu).  

The graduate student will primarily conduct field and laboratory work for 
a project recently funded by the USDA Forest Service (Forest Health 
Protection program).  The general objective of the project is to promote 
field-based application of non-destructive technologies that will allow 
rapid, early detection of emerald ash borer (EAB) in the Great Lakes 
region.  Non-destructive technologies that will be examined include 
acoustic tomography and infrared thermography.  

The preferred start date for this position is May 2013 (summer semester) 
but applicants starting in August 2013 (fall semester) will also be 

Qualifications:  Applicants should preferably have a BS in forestry, 
biology, ecology, environmental sciences, or a similarly related natural 
resource field.  Preference will be given to applicants that are highly 
self-motivated, possess a strong work ethic, and have strong oral and 
written communication skills.  A background or strong interest in 
conducting field based research and working in a laboratory environment is 
desirable.  A cumulative GPA greater than 3.0 in undergraduate coursework 
is preferred.

Please submit: 1) cover letter, 2) curriculum vitae, 3) unofficial 
transcripts, 4) GRE scores, 5) contact information of three references, 
and 6) TOEFL scores (for international applicants).  Please describe your 
career goals in the cover letter.  Applications will be considered 
immediately and continue until the position is filled.  To ensure full 
consideration for departmental and university fellowships please submit 
application material by December 10, 2012 and also apply to the MSU 
Graduate School (http://grad.msu.edu/apply/) by December 14, 2012.  
Otherwise, please submit your application by February 1, 2013.  Please e-
mail all application material to Dr. Steve Chhin (ch...@msu.edu).

For further information, please contact:
Dr. Steve Chhin
Assistant Professor, Applied Forest Ecology
Department of Forestry
Michigan State University
Natural Resources Building
480 Wilson Road, Room 126
East Lansing, MI  48824
Tel: (517) 353-7251
Fax: (517) 432-1143
E-mail: ch...@msu.edu
Web: https://www.msu.edu/~chhin/

[ECOLOG-L] Research Assistant: Climate Change and Forest Health

2012-09-10 Thread Steve Chhin
A full-time research assistant position is available in the lab of Dr. 
Steve Chhin in the Department of Forestry at Michigan State University 

The research assistant will help wrap up part of the final year of a 
project funded by the USDA Forest Service (Forest Health Protection 
program).  The objective of this project is to examine the interactive 
effects of drought, other climatic factors, and biotic factors 
(intraspecific competition) on growth and mortality rates in pine forests  
affected by Diplodia (Diplodia pinea) shoot blight in Michigan.  The 
research assistant will take the lead on field sampling and laboratory 
work, and will contribute to basic statistical analyses and writing 
project reports.  The research technician will also provide assistance on 
other projects in the Chhin lab and provide supervision of undergraduate 

This position will be for a 9-month period starting in December 2012.  
There is the possibility of extension based on satisfactory performance 
and pending the availability of additional grant funding.  Salary will be 
commensurate with experience.

Qualifications:  Applicants should preferably have completed a BS in 
forestry, biology, ecology, environmental sciences, or a similarly related 
natural resource field.  Preference will be given to applicants that are 
highly self-motivated, possess a strong work ethic, and have strong 
communication skills.  A background or strong interest in conducting field 
based research and working in a laboratory environment is desirable.  A 
cumulative GPA greater than 3.0 in undergraduate coursework is 

Please submit a cover letter, resume, and contact information of at least 
two references.  Please describe your career goals in the cover letter.  
Applications will be considered immediately and continue until the 
position is filled.  To ensure full consideration please submit material 
by October 8, 2012.  Please e-mail all application material to Dr. Steve 
Chhin (ch...@msu.edu).

For further information, please contact:
Dr. Steve Chhin
Assistant Professor
Department of Forestry
Michigan State University
Natural Resources Building
480 Wilson Road, Room 126
East Lansing, MI  48824
Tel: (517) 353-7251
Fax: (517) 432-1143
E-mail: ch...@msu.edu
Web: https://www.msu.edu/~chhin/

[ECOLOG-L] Research Assistant: Early Detection of Forest Health Threats

2012-08-21 Thread Steve Chhin
A full-time research assistant position is available in the lab of Dr. 
Steve Chhin in the Department of Forestry at Michigan State University 

The research assistant will primarily conduct field and laboratory work 
for a project recently funded by the USDA Forest Service (Forest Health 
Protection program).  The general objective of the project is to promote 
field-based application of non-destructive technologies that will allow 
rapid, early detection of emerald ash borer (EAB) in the Great Lakes 
region.  The research technician will also provide assistance on other 
projects in the Chhin lab and provide supervision of undergraduate 

This position will be initially for a 1 year period (starting in November 
2012) with the possibility of extension based on satisfactory 
performance.  Salary will be commensurate with experience.

Qualifications:  Applicants should preferably have completed a BS in 
forestry, biology, ecology, environmental sciences, or a similarly related 
natural resource field.  Preference will be given to applicants that are 
highly self-motivated, possess a strong work ethic, and have strong 
communication skills.  A background or strong interest in conducting field 
based research and working in a laboratory environment is desirable.  A 
cumulative GPA greater than 3.0 in undergraduate coursework is desirable.  

Please submit a cover letter, resume, and contact information of at least 
two references.  Please describe your career goals in the cover letter.  
Applications will be considered immediately and continue until the 
position is filled.  To ensure full consideration please submit material 
by September 18, 2012.  Please e-mail all application material to Dr. 
Steve Chhin (ch...@msu.edu).

For further information, please contact:
Dr. Steve Chhin
Assistant Professor
Department of Forestry
Michigan State University
Natural Resources Building
480 Wilson Road, Room 126
East Lansing, MI  48824
Tel: (517) 353-7251
Fax: (517) 432-1143
E-mail: ch...@msu.edu
Web: https://www.msu.edu/~chhin/

[ECOLOG-L] Research Assistant: Climate Change and Forest Health

2011-08-04 Thread Steve Chhin
Research Assistant:  Climate Change and Forest Health

A research assistant position is available in the Silviculture and 
Dendrochronology lab of Dr. Steve Chhin in the Department of Forestry at 
Michigan State University (MSU).  

The research assistant will primarily conduct field and laboratory work 
for a project funded by the USDA Forest Service (Forest Health Monitoring 
program).  The objective of this project will be to examine the 
interactive effects of drought, other climatic factors, and biotic factors 
(intraspecific competition) on growth and mortality rates in pine forests  
affected by Diplodia (Diplodia pinea) shoot blight in Michigan.  The 
research technician will also provide assistance on other projects in the 
Chhin lab.

The period of the position is from September 1, 2011 – July 31, 2012 and 
will involve working 40 hrs/week.  Salary will depend on experience but 
will be at least $11/hour.

Qualifications:  Applicants should preferably have completed a BS in 
forestry, biology, ecology, environmental sciences, or a similarly related 
natural resource field.  Advanced undergraduates will also be considered.  
Preference will be given to applicants that are highly self-motivated, 
possess a strong work ethic, and have strong communication skills.  A 
background or strong interest in conducting field based research and 
working in a laboratory environment is desirable.  A cumulative GPA 
greater than 3.0 in undergraduate coursework is desirable.  

Please submit a cover letter, resume, and contact information of three 
references.  Applications will be considered immediately and continue 
until the position is filled.  To ensure full consideration please submit 
material by August 23, 2011.  Please e-mail all application material to 
Dr. Steve Chhin (ch...@msu.edu).

For further information, please contact:
Dr. Steve Chhin
Assistant Professor
Department of Forestry
Michigan State University
126 Natural Resources Building
East Lansing, MI  48824-1222
Tel: (517) 353-7251
Fax: (517) 432-1143
E-mail: ch...@msu.edu
Web: https://www.msu.edu/~chhin/