Re: 15th International Karl Polanyi Institute conference, April 22-24

2020-10-15 Thread Norma Rantisi
*Message sent from a system outside of UConn.*

Thanks Jun!  Yes - April 22-24, 2021...I blame zoom fatigue.

On Thu, 15 Oct 2020 at 10:04, Jun Zhang>> wrote:

*Message sent from a system outside of UConn.*

Thanks, Norma. This is a great subject to be discussed.

Just found a minor error, the conference date in the title should be April 
22-24, 2021, NOT 2020.


Jun ZHANG, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Department of Geography and Planning
University of Toronto
Sidney Smith Hall, 5025B, 100 St. George Street,
Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5S 3G3
Tel:  +1 (416) 978-2958
Fax: +1 (416) 946-3886

On Oct 15, 2020, at 10:00 AM, Norma Rantisi>> wrote:

*Message sent from a system outside of UConn.*

Dear list members:

Please find below a 'Call for Papers' for the 15th International Karl Polanyi 
Institute conference, sponsored by the Karl Polanyi Institute. The conference 
will be held (online) from April 22-24.
Also, further below, please find a newsletter, which includes
announcements about some upcoming webinars that may be of interest.  The first 
webinar is a discussion with Fred Block, Robert Cuttner and Margaret Sommers 
about the upcoming US elections, and will be held on October 23rd, 12:30 PM EST.

Please share with others who may be interested.

Thanks, Norma

Karl Polanyi Institute of Political Economy, Concordia University

Call for Papers
15th International Karl Polanyi Conference

“The Role of the State in the post-COVID 21st Century”

April 22-24, 2020, Concordia University, Montreal, Canada

The 15th International Karl Polanyi Conference April 22-24, 2021 will 
exceptionally take place entirely online. As we live through a major global 
upheaval, we invite participation in a broad and open discussion on the current 
consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic and how governments around the world, 
international organizations and social movements are responding to the crisis 
and what this may mean for the future.
The COVID-19 pandemic requires urgent and immediate response and cooperation. 
It also requires a reset and retooling of the state. It requires greater 
coherence between all levels of government and a reconfiguration of roles and 
responsibilities with the active participation of civil society.  It requires 
greater international cooperation and a concerted action to fight rising 

Despite the diversity of governments in power, from authoritarian to liberal 
democracies, the global economic shock triggered by the COVID-19 pandemic has 
led to active forms of state intervention, both piecemeal and more coordinated. 
Are we witnessing a “pendulum swing” from minimal state intervention to a 
publicly led social and economic transformation? As governments in liberal 
democratic states inject vast sums of money into public health, economic life 
support and stimulus strategies in response to the pandemic, does this signal 
the end of decades of savage cuts to public spending? And even if such actions 
by governments are diverse and fragmented, do they prefigure a deeper 
transformation toward state re-centralization and a commitment to restore 
public service provision, or even a different configuration and role of the 
state altogether? Will populist and authoritarian regimes resist the 
increasingly acknowledged need for the global management of health crises? 
Countries in the global South burdened with the high cost of servicing foreign 
debt, falling commodity prices and economic chaos have little or no capacity to 
invest in health care. Will there be increasing international pressure for debt 

For the 15th International Karl Polanyi conference, we invite participants to 
reflect on questions such as:

- In liberal democracies, will post-COVID state intervention prioritize an 
equal, fair and just recovery or will today’s active crisis management quickly 
fade as governments face unimaginable budgetary deficits and public debt?

- Will this global pandemic result in greater international cooperation between 
nations? Will an eventual vaccine be equitably distributed as a global public 
good with the pooling of patents?

- Can we envisage greater international cooperation, a global Green New Deal,  
in response to the warnings of the UN IPCC that the world has ten years to 
avoid the irreversible impact of climate change?  Or will governments return to 
national agendas as countries struggle to rebuild their economies?

- At the supra-national level, will the current increased coordination within 
the European Union be eclipsed by reclaiming national sovereignty?

- Within countries, will the increasing role of regional and local governments 
be considerably diminished by the re-centralization of power taking place in 
many countries managing the pandemic crisis? This is especially true for cities 
with grea

|Appel à contributions| Colloque international du CRISES 2021 - Derniers jours pour soumettre ! |Call for papers| CRISES International Conference - Last days to submit!

2020-09-11 Thread Norma Rantisi
*Message sent from a system outside of UConn.*

Dear Listserv members:
The following bilingual conference might be of interest to some on this list.  
I realize it overlaps with AAG, but since it will be a virtual conference, it 
might be possible to participate in both with some careful planning/
Nancy Fraser is among the keynote speakers.
Please find more information below.
Best regards,

Voir l'infolettre sur le 

[Bandeau CRISES] 

English message follows

[visuel optionnel]
Au carrefour des possibles.
Quelles innovations sociales contre les injustices sociales, environnementales 
et épistémiques ?

Appel à contributions
Soyez des nôtres « au carrefour des possibles » et contribuez à générer la 
synergie nécessaire à l’émergence de nouvelles pistes de recherches et d’action 
en lien avec la contribution des innovations sociales à la lutte contre les 
injustices sociales, environnementales et épistémiques.

Pour consulter l'appel à communications, cliquez 


Pour accéder au formulaire de soumission électronique, cliquez 

Connexion, diffusion et discussion
Venez présenter les résultats de vos plus récentes recherches, discuter entre 
pair-e-s ainsi qu’écouter et échanger avec notre conférencière d’ouverture, 
 (New School for Social Research) et nos conférencier-ière-s de renom Carolina 
 (Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina),  Flor 
 (Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam), Julie 

AAG 2020 - call for papers for session on“Labour market intermediation: Buttressing, flanking or contesting precarity in neoliberal times”

2019-09-11 Thread Norma Rantisi
Call for papers for a session on “Labour market intermediation:  Buttressing,
flanking or contesting precarity in neoliberal times”

The last several decades have been associated with tremendous instability
in labour markets, what Zizys (2011) refers to as a “perfect storm”.
Increasing number of workers are employed in precarious jobs, with
precarity stratified by gender, race and class (Fudge and Strauss, 2013;
Strauss, 2018; Vosko, 2000).  The decline of the welfare state and rise of
neoliberal modes of governance have prompted the rise of new types of
intervention, and in particular, new types of labour market
intermediaries.  In order to fill the gaps left by cutbacks to state
programs and organized labour, a range of intermediaries and “shadow state”
institutions now play a more important role (Martin 2011; Peck and
Theodore, 2007). These intermediaries include private sector intermediaries
(such as temporary help agencies), membership-based intermediaries
(including guilds and professional associations), but also a range of
publicly-funded agencies, non-profits, and community organizations, such as
neighbourhood workers’ centers or work-integration social enterprises
(Benner 2003; Peck and Theodore, 2001, 2012; Choudry and Henaway 2014).
While many intermediaries are involved in struggles that challenge the
nature of contemporary labour markets, potentially intersecting and/or
allying with organized labour unions, many end up compensating for the
inadequacies of the capitalist market or more actively facilitating the
rise of precarious employment.  This session aims to bring together
scholars who are looking at a range of intermediaries, from the more
regressive to the more transformative, and the contradictions embedded in
these institutional forms.  We are interested in examining the evolving
landscape of labour market intermediation, and what it implies for tactics,
strategies and policies for attaining decent, secure work.

Such intermediaries can include, but are not restricted to, the following:

-   Workers’ Centers (this can range from immigrant workers centers,
workers action councils, neighbourhood-based centers, to for-profit workers

-   Community-Labour Alliances

-   Guilds/Professional Associations

-   Non-profit intermediaries

-   Work-integration Social Enterprises

-   Temporary Agencies

If interested, please send an abstract of *no more than* *250 words* to
Deborah Leslie, University of Toronto (; Norma
Rantisi, Concordia University ( and Mostafa
Henaway, Concordia University ( by October 1st.



Norma M. Rantisi

Department of Geography, Planning & Environment
Concordia University
1-514-848-2424, x2018

Professeure et Directrice des programmes d'études de cycles supérieurs
Département de géographie, urbanisme et environnement Université Concordia
1-514-848-2424, poste 2018

*Concordia University is located on unceded Indigenous lands. The
Kanien’kehá:ka Nation is recognized as the custodian of these lands and
waters on which we gather today. Tiohtiá:ke/Montreal is historically known
as a gathering place for many First Nations. Today, it is home to a diverse
population of Indigenous and other peoples. We respect the continued
connections with the past, present and future in our ongoing relationships
with Indigenous and other peoples within the Montreal community.*

*L'Université Concordia est située en territoire autochtone, lequel n’a
jamais été cédé. Je reconnais/Nous reconnaissons la nation Kanien'kehá:ka
comme gardienne des terres et des eaux sur lesquelles nous nous réunissons
aujourd'hui. Tiohtiá: ke / Montréal est historiquement connu comme un lieu
de rassemblement pour de nombreuses Premières nations, et aujourd'hui, une
population autochtone diversifiée, ainsi que d'autres peuples, y résident.
C’est dans le respect des liens avec le passé, le présent et l'avenir que
nous reconnaissons les relations continues entre les Peuples Autochtones et
autres personnes de la communauté montréalaise.*

*Source: Indigenous Directions Leadership Group (February 16, 2017) *

If interested in urban issues, check out:

Post/Colonial Ports : Place and Nonplace in the Ecotone, Conference at Concordia Univ.

2019-04-02 Thread Norma Rantisi
Dear List members:Please see information below about an upcoming conference
in Fall 2019, and please direct any questions to
Ports : Place and Nonplace in the Ecotone

*Ecotones #6 *Deadline for submitting proposals: April 5, 2019

October 24 - 26, 2019
Concordia University
Language: English

*In partnership with EMMA (Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3),
MIGRINTER (CNRS-Université de Poitiers) and La Maison Française d’Oxford*

After conferences in Montpellier, Poitiers and La Réunion (France, 2015,
2016 and 2018), as well as Kolkata (India, 2018) and Purchase (NY, USA,
2019), this is the 6th opus of this conference cycle in Montreal, Concordia
University. An “ecotone” initially designates a transitional area between
two ecosystems, for example between land and sea. The “Ecotones” program
(2015-2020) is a cycle of conferences which aims to borrow this term
traditionally used in geography and ecology and to broaden the concept by
applying it to other disciplines in the social sciences and the humanities.
An “ecotone” can thus also be understood as a cultural space of encounters,
conflicts, and renewal between several communities. This interdisciplinary
conference will more specifically focus on colonial and postcolonial port
cities as ecotonic dialectics between places and non-places.

Commonly understood, a port is the site where ships’ passengers enter or
exit, and cargo is loaded or unloaded. Thus, it represents the flow of
people and exchange of goods, in the age of sail, as well as in the
contemporary globalized world. The unbounded space of the port offers
opportunities to explore “discontinuous histories” of port cities, and “its
interfaces with the wider world” (Gilroy 1993), as a site that decentres
the nation through its slippery flows. In addition, port cities anchor
urban development around shipping routes and international trade. Ports of
call offer the hope of safe harbours for migrants, a refuge in a storm, or
alternatively a vulnerable site for colonial concessions or gateways that
must be regulated or controlled. Ports are also passages of communications.
In computer networking, a port is a nodal point of communication through
which data flows, a portal to information. Lastly port cities occupy that
liminal space between land and water, an in-between ecotonic zone of

Ports are often referred to as nonplaces – gateways subject to global
forces that historically shaped trans-oceanic connections, expansion into
hinterlands, and crossroads of historical and contemporary encounters.
Nonplaces within cities are commonly perceived as liminal locations reduced
to their function of transportation or commercial nodes, or as locations
that crush the sense of individual empowerment. But artists, writers,
critics and researchers have depicted them as multiple, paradoxical spaces,
where new possibilities arise and new cultures emerge. Nonplaces may
produce social flows and networks that are not only a defining feature of
our “super-modernity”, but also, in the longue durée of urban and
semi-urban dynamics, a matrix for identity formation, cultural transitions
and environmental adaptation.

Port cities, however, are also placed. Cities such as Georgetown in Guyana,
Shanghai, Dar es Salaam, Liverpool, Calcutta, Nantes, or Montreal among
many others, may be viewed through longstanding geographic imaginaries,
linguistic collectivities and/or colonial and postcolonial histories,
suggesting an ongoing struggle over who ‘claims’ the city (in Montreal’s
case, unceded territory), and gestures towards political, social, or
economic insecurities apparent in the spatial configurations of urban life,
with implications that potentially destabilize national narratives. For
example, as an island in the Saint Lawrence River, the city of Montreal is
not only connected to multiple elsewheres through migration, but also
through trade. The Saint Lawrence opens on to the Atlantic ocean through
which flowed a long-standing trade in bauxite from towns in the Caribbean
to Quebec (following circuits laid by imperialism). Thus, ports shape
material channels of profit and power, as well as modes of resistance that
occur around these networks of control.

We seek papers that engage with these multiple formations of ecotone spaces
within port cities, past and present. We encourage abstracts on topics such
as (but not limited to):

   - Circulations and hubs of ideas, migration, or commerce that linked
   cities across empire(s)
   - Interactions and networks of mobile labour in port cities, the
   spatiality of encounters
   - Cultural transitions or environmental adaptions in (post)colonial port
   cities at different historical junctures or across geographic locations
   - Urban colonial heritage, and attendant linkages to global urbanism
   - Memorializing of port city histories and the shaping of identities
   (including sexuality, race, gender, language, religious, 

KPolanyi Int, Conference Call for Papers

2017-03-24 Thread Norma Rantisi
-- Forwarded message --
From: polanyi 
Date: Fri, Mar 24, 2017 at 10:56 AM
Subject: KPolanyi Int, Conference Call for Papers
To: polanyi 


*NEW conference date: October 12-14, 2017*

*NEW deadline for abstract submission: May 31, 2017*

*14th International Karl Polanyi Conference*

*“The Great Transformation” & Contemporary Crises”*

*Karl Polanyi Institute Asia (KPIA), Seoul, South Korea*

*October 12-14, 2017*

*Call for Papers*

The 14th International Karl Polanyi Conference will be hosted by the *Karl
Polanyi Institute Asia (KPIA)* in Seoul, South Korea, October 12-14, 2017.

Colleagues at the KPIA are issuing a call for papers on the following wide
ranging themes. As this is the first International Karl Polanyi conference
to be held in Asia, the many themes proposed will provide an important
occasion to bring together numerous perspectives, disciplines and practice
inspired and influenced by Karl Polanyi. This conference will provide an
opportunity for dialogue between scholars, students, practitioners and
government representatives across continents with a large participation
from Asia, for the first time.

As in previous conferences, we invite individual abstracts and/or proposed
panels on a selected theme. In all cases, please provide name, title,
university, association or organization, and department or division.

Please send abstracts to * *
with a copy to *
*  by *May 31, 2017. *


*I. Macroeocnomics & Contemporary Crises *

   - Post-Keynesian Economics and Polanyi
   - Polanyian Perspectives on “Secular Stagnation”
   - Market Fundamentalism & Inequality
   - Polanyi and the Ecological Crisis
   - Economic Crisis, Social policy and Welfare

*II. Double Movement and Populism *

   - Anti-globalization Movements – Seattle, Occupy Movement, Anti-FTA,
   - New Right Populism: Brexit, Trump, Europe
   - Candle Demonstration in Korea
   - Polanyian Progressive Movements (labor movement, social movements,
   environmental movement, etc.)

*III. Polanyi and Democracy in Complex Society *

   - Polanyian Alternatives for Contemporary Crises – Sustainable and
   Equitable Economy?
   - Polanyi and Renewed Socialism
   - Polanyi and Direct Democracy
   - Basic Income
   - Substantivist Economics for Local Economies
   - Polanyian Perspective on the “Transition Economy”

*IV. Polanyi and Theory*

   - Fictitious Commodities and Contemporary Crises
   - Embeddedness of What?
   - Polanyi and the Commons
   - Polanyi and Marx; Polanyi and Keynes; Polanyi and Ostrom etc.

*V. Polanyi and the Social economy *

   - Polanyian Thought and the Social Economy
   - The Social Economy and Social Innovation
   - The Social Economy and an Ageing  Problem (including Japan)
   - The Social Economy in Practice

*VI. Polanyi in Asia *

   - The Social Economy in Asia  (including economic and social value of
   the social economy in Korea)
   - Polanyi Studies in Asia


Norma M. Rantisi, Ph.D.
Professor & Graduate Program Director, Ph.D./M.Sc. programs
Department of Geography, Planning & Environment
Concordia University
1455 de Maisonneuve Blvd. West
Montreal, Quebec H3G 1M8
Tel.: 514-848-2424, ext. 2018
E-mail: OR

If interested in urban issues, check out:

Fwd: Postgraduate Programmes in Local and Regional Development

2014-06-18 Thread Norma Rantisi

Local and regional development is undergoing a period of unprecedented
change.  New debates about globalisation, knowledge economy,
competitiveness, rebalancing, inclusion, sustainability and wellbeing are
profoundly changing the nature of local and regional development
definitions, processes, institutions and policies.  International trends
towards decentralisation, regionalisation, city-regionalism and localism
are changing administrative and governance structures at the national,
regional, sub-regional and local levels.  The global financial crisis,
economic downturn and austerity have generated thoroughgoing reorganisation
of economic development and regeneration arrangements and practices.  Such
challenges have focused the minds of local and regional policy-makers in
shaping their responses to disruptive economic change, and building the
adaptive capacity and resilience of local and regional economies.
 Together, these inter-related developments are generating new challenges,
and a demand to build capacity for analysis, strategy and policy-making for
local and regional development amongst individuals and institutions in the
public, private and voluntary and community sectors.

The Centre for Urban and Regional Development Studies (CURDS), Newcastle
University, has two postgraduate programmes that connect directly with this
emerging local and regional development agenda:

   - MA in Local and Regional Development (Research) (ESRC-recognised).

   - MA in Regional Development and Spatial Planning – delivered jointly
   with the School of Architecture, Planning and Landscape.

For each course participant, the courses aim:

   - To provide knowledge and understanding of contemporary local and
   regional development, governance and spatial planning theory, policy and
   practice in an international context.
   - To develop the practical skills and capabilities required to engage,
   research, and participate in the emergent local and regional development
   and spatial planning agendas.
   - To achieve a relevant postgraduate qualification in Local and Regional
   Development, and Spatial Planning at MA level.

Course modules include: Local and Regional Development Theory and Policy;
Local and Regional Development and Governance; Local and Regional
Development: Methodology, Analysis and Statistics; and the Research

The MA Local and Regional Development programme has been validated by the
Institute of Economic Development (IED) (

Further details and the CURDS MA podcast are available from the
Postgraduate section in the CURDS (

For further information, please contact:

Danny MacKinnon

Professor of Regional Development and Governance

Degree Programme Director
Tel. +44(0)191 222 8604
Fax. +44 (0)191 232 9259

New contact information for Dr. Javier Revilla Diez

2014-05-13 Thread Norma Rantisi
Forwarded on behalf of Dr. Javier Revilla Diez:


Dear colleagues,

since April 2014 I am working at the University of Cologne. My new
coordinates are:

Prof Dr Javier Revilla Diez

University of Cologne

Institute of Geography

Albertus Magnus Platz

50923 Cologne, Germany

Phone: +49 221 470 7251

Fax: +49 221 470 4971



I look forward to a continued successful and trusting cooperation.

With very best wishes


Call for Abstracts: Precarious Labor in Global Perspective — A special issue of International Labor and Working-class History (ILWCH)

2014-04-27 Thread Norma Rantisi
-- Forwarded message --
From: Chris Tilly
Date: Fri, Apr 25, 2014 at 1:19 PM
Subject: pn-net: Encouraging you to submit proposals for ILWCH special
issue on precarios work; proposals due by June 1!

Call for Abstracts: Precarious Labor in Global Perspective — A special
issue of International Labor and Working-class History (ILWCH)

We invite abstracts for this ILWCH special issue focused on the
dynamics and history of precarious work around the world in global
context.  Definitions of precarious work vary, but a wide range of
observers agree that in many settings jobs have become worse in terms
of employment security, access to social benefits, and protection of
labor rights.  This is especially true in the Global North, where the
1970s marked the beginning of a shift away from relatively stable
postwar labor relations based on long-term employment (along with
highly gendered employment patterns) and a developed welfare state.
Numerous analysts have explored these changes in work, including the
International Labor Organization’s many publications on precarious and
decent work; Arne Kalleberg in Good Jobs, Bad Jobs; Tony Avirgan et
al. in Good Jobs, Bad Jobs, No Jobs, Françoise Carré et al. in Are Bad
Jobs Inevitable?; and many others.

We seek articles that examine the dynamics and history of precarious
work, focused on where, how, and why it has emerged, how contemporary
precarious work differs (or not) from earlier low quality and unstable
work (including work in the Global North before the Fordist era), the
link between precariousness and long-term changes such as
globalization and neoliberalism, as well as whether and how
shorter-term effects such as the recent global slowdown have altered
work’s character.  Our goal is to include analyses from around the
world and different eras that place precarious work in a global
historical context.  In addition to analyses from the Global North, we
especially welcome studies from the Global South, NICs, BRICs,
transitional economies, and others, including cases where precarious
work may be receding due to economic, social, and political change.
We are particularly interested in articles, including comparative
ones, that examine connections between precariousness and changes in
the global division of labor, forms of business organization,
configuration of geopolitics, and immigration flows, as well as
counter-movements of regulation and resistance. Though changes in
public sector employment are noteworthy in many countries, we will
limit our attention to the private sector to sharpen the issue’s

Possible topics for articles include, but are not limited to, the
following themes:

· How the shift of industrial activity to new locales, and
from integrated production to global supply chains, has reshaped the
quality of work around the world vs. earlier industrialization.

· Precariousness in growing service sector industries (both
low-skill and professional), including how it differs from earlier
precariousness, how it varies around the world, and why.

· Precarious work in agriculture and other primary sectors,
including how commodities booms, migration, trade integration, and
other processes have shaped these changes

· Mechanisms separating and stratifying precarious work from
decent work, and sorting workforce populations between one and the

· Top-down and bottom-up strategies and struggles to intensify
precariousness and exploitation or, conversely, to reverse, limit, or
transform precariousness.

· Comparisons of companies, sectors, or countries with regard
to these and other topics.

Prospective authors should send a letter and an abstract of no more
than 500 words of work they wish to submit to the journal. Editors
will determine whether the proposed work fits thematically in an
upcoming issue. The deadline for abstracts is June 1, 2014.  Style and
submission guidelines will be sent to authors whose work the editors
wish to review.

Send correspondence to:

Editor, International Labor and Working-Class History

c/o The Harry Van Arsdale Jr. Center for Labor Studies
SUNY Empire State College
325 Hudson Street
New York, NY 10013

or via e-mail to:,,,

Planners Network 2014 Conference, Ciudad Juárez, Mexico, June 5-7, 2014

2014-03-19 Thread Norma Rantisi
Please excuse multiple postings and please circulate to friends, peers and


Planners Network 2014 Conference: Planning at the Borders

In the 21st century, borders have expanded beyond defined international
borderlines, and they have penetrated into cities - big and small - into
suburbs, towns, and rural areas all over the world.

While unrestrained globalization continues to homogenize some places,
enclose and expropriate others, and produce new tensions and cleavages;
people and communities are resisting. They are resisting and scaling walls,
opposing displacement and segregation, diversifying landscapes, breaking
the ceilings that prevent their mobility and their effective participation,
establishing collaboratives, and reclaiming their health, histories and

Planning in today's globalized spaces implies dealing with multiple
borders, physical and otherwise, and acting in multiple arenas. In order to
broaden the range of the discussion about planning at/over/through the
borders, the 2014 Annual Planning Network Conference calls for addressing
the border in both material and conceptual terms. It also calls for
advancing and sharing innovative and progressive responses to confront the
exclusionary challenges that borders pose to communities all over the
world. Such challenges range from the physical and disciplinary to formal
or informal mechanisms of control, and can encompass an array of themes,
including economic, social, environmental, institutional, cultural,
linguistic, and gender issues, among others.

For the first time in its history, the Planners Network conference will
take place in Mexico, in the border city of Ciudad Juárez, in the State of
Chihuahua, from June 5th to June 7th, 2014 at the Universidad Autónoma de
Ciudad Juárez (UACJ). Ciudad Juárez is an international crossroad of free
trade, and social change in the Americas. It is also part of the
Borderplex, a transborder metropolitan area consisting of three cities
(Ciudad Juárez, El Paso, and Las Cruces), located in three different states
(Chihuahua, Texas, and Nuevo Mexico), and in two different countries
(México and the United States).

The challenge of planning at the borders is here in Ciudad Juárez and we
invite you to cross over and join us at the border.

Abstracts proposing pre-organized sessions, workshops, individual
presentations, posters, or social documentation should be submitted before
April 10, 2014 at:
Preference will be given to participatory sessions.

(Suggested) Tracks for participation:

1. community land trusts

2. fair economic development and solidarity economy

3. food and urban agriculture

4. methods for democratic participation

5. planning in transborder cities

6. film and media as community advocacy tools

7. mobility and transportation justice

Registration Fees

Early Bird PN Member: $80
PN Member after (April 20): $105
Early Bird Non PN Member: $105
Non-Member after (April 20): $130
Low-income (less than $20 k/per year): $40
Friday only: $55
Friday only (Low-income): $30
Volunteers, media, others: Gratis
Sustainer: $250
Super-sustainer: $500

More information about registration, mobile workshops, and accommodations
will be provided soon on the conference website:

One of the tours includes a transborder visit from Ciudad Juárez to El Paso.

Thank you!

The 2014 Planners Network Conference Steering Committee.

CURDS Research Associate Post - Innovative Financing Practices for Infrastructure and their Regulation and Governance (EPSRC/ESRC)

2013-08-01 Thread Norma Rantisi
Posted on behalf of Andy Pike.

Research Associate

The Centre for Urban and Regional Development Studies (CURDS) invites
applications for a Research Associate for 24 months (full-time) or 48
months (50% part-time) to work on the EPSRC and ESRC-funded research
centre for Infrastructure BUsiness models, valuation and Innovation
for Local Delivery (i-BUILD).

You will be working with Professor Andy Pike, Director of the Centre
of Urban and Regional Development Studies (CURDS) and Deputy Director
of the i-BUILD centre.

In addressing interdependencies and the renewal of infrastructure
systems, i-BUILD aims to identify and develop valuation systems and
innovative new business models for local delivery. The post-holder
will be contributing to the identification and understanding of
innovative new financing practices and their regulation and

Informal enquiries may be made to Professor Andy Pike, Director of
CURDS and Deputy Director of the i-BUILD centre on tel: +44 191 222
8011 or by email:

Ref B628R (GPS)
Faculty/ServicesHumanities, Arts  Social Sciences
Department  School of Geography, Politics  Sociology
Job TypeResearch
Hours of Work   Full time

Salary:  £27,854 - £29,541, rising to £36,298 per annum (pro rata if part-time)

Closing Date:  31 August 2013

Professor Andy Pike
Centre for Urban and Regional Development Studies (CURDS)
Newcastle University
Newcastle Upon Tyne
Tel: +44 (0)191 222 8011
Fax: +44 (0)191 208 7741

Planners Network 2013 Conference in NYC - Registration Now Open

2013-04-23 Thread Norma Rantisi
Dear Colleagues:

Apologies for cross-posting (but please feel free to forward on to other
potentially relevant lists).

Registration for the Planners Network Conference Beyond Resilience:
Actions for a Just Metropolis,
which will be held in NYC (Hunter College  Pratt Brooklyn) from June 6-8,
2013, is now open.
Please visit the following site for registration:
The conference is co-sponsored by Architects, Designers and Planners for
Responsibility (ADPSR).

Registration for the *Full Conference* includes:

   - *Thu, June 6* evening *Conference Welcome, s**creening of My Brooklyn, and
   Reception* at Hunter College in Manhattan
   - *Fri, June 7 Day-long Mobile Workshops* on Friday June 7th at sites
   throughout the NYC area (lunch not included)
   - *Fri, June 7 Evening Plenary and Reception*, which includes the *ADPSR
   2013 Lewis Mumford Awards*, at Pratt Institute in Brooklyn
   - *Sat, June 8 Workshop and Panel sessions* (four concurrent conference
   sessions, the main plenary, and a closing ceremony with Rev. Billy and the
   Church of Stop Shopping), including breakfast and lunch, at Pratt Institute
   in Brooklyn

Every effort has been made by the local organizing committee to keep it an
accessible and affordable conference. The costs
are included below. At the same time, those with conference budgets are
asked to contribute more to help subsidize those who
do not have conference budgets.

  Beyond Resilience Options Early Bird Regular Rates (After May 10) Full
Conference (PN, ADPSR, ACD Member) $75$100 Full Conference (Non-Member) $100
$125 Full Conference (Low-Income*) $35$45 SATURDAY ONLY  $40$50 SATURDAY
ONLY (Low-Income*) $20$30 Sustainer ** $250  Super-Sustainer ** $500

 * Low-income is under $20k/yr (or 25K for head-of-household).

** Sustainers and Super-Sustainers contribute a $150 or $400 tax-deductible
donation, respectively. These donations assist those who would otherwise
not be able to attend and enable us to contribute to our mobile community
workshop partners. Sustainers and Super-Sustainers will have their or their
organization's name listed on the conference program as a special
thank-you. This is an easy way for organizations and businesses to support
Beyond Resilience.
Information about Mobile workshops is also provided on the conference
website: *   *
These include tours of different neighbourhoods in New York, based on the
workshop selected, such as Brooklyn waterfront,
East Harlem or South Bronx, among other sites.

Thanks, Norma

Norma Rantisi, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Department of Geography, Planning  Environment
Concordia University
1455 de Maisonneuve Blvd. West
Montreal, Quebec H3G 1M8
Tel.: 514-848-2424, ext. 2018
Fax: 514-848-2032
E-mail: OR

[PPE] Call for Papers - the Politics of Markets

2013-03-27 Thread Norma Rantisi
Posted on behalf of Eric Sheppard.

 *From: *SUBSCRIBE AAHPN Tom Mills
 *Subject: **[PPE] Call for Papers - the Politics of Markets*
 *Date: *March 26, 2013 10:36:20 AM PDT
 *To: *
 *Reply-To: *Probabilistic Political Economy

CfP: The Politics of Markets – shaping, steering and evaluation

*Apologies for cross-posting

Conference organised by University of Westminster (Centre of the Study of
Democracy, Dept of Politics  International Relations) in collaboration
with Goldsmiths, University of London

Keynote speaker: Professor Andrew Gamble, University of Cambridge

Date: 13th June

This inter-disciplinary conference addresses questions concerning politics
and markets. Critiques abound of current national and international
political-economic systems, often characterised as ‘neoliberal,’ with the
role of markets in society being the subject of widespread debate and
concern. At the same time, it is often said that ‘governance’ has shifted
from hierarchical to networked-based arrangements, which has implications
for the debate on markets and the state. Yet in political science and
related disciplines there remains a need for engagement with evaluative
questions related to the scope of markets and specific modes of
‘governance’, particularly the following:

•   What should be the relative scope and inter-relationship between
politics and markets?

•   How can coordination be achieved across different tiers of
governance in steering and shaping markets?

•   How can policy processes more effectively address the different
forms of complexity involved in steering markets?

•   What are the methodological challenges for research addressing
these evaluative questions concerning governance and markets and how can
these questions be effectively addressed?

•   How far and adequately does current academic research engage with
these questions?

These questions about markets are clearly of fundamental importance to the
study and practice of politics and inevitably emerge in research analysing
various areas of national and international policy, being undertaken within
various, quite separate, disciplines and sub-disciplines of the social
sciences. This conference aims to bring together and compare research
intersecting with these questions across policy sectors, mapping their
findings and identifying emerging research agendas. Abstracts (of maximum
200 words) are invited that should summarise a proposed presentation for
the conference. We welcome proposed presentations varying in terms of
empirical/ theoretical/ methodological focus. Contributions might relate to
the following areas (though this may not be an exhaustive list):

International development
Health, education and social policy
Fiscal and monetary policy
Labour markets
Public-private partnerships
Environmental sustainability
Planning, housing and infrastructure
Regulations and industrial policy
Quasi-markets in public policy
Tools for analysing and evaluating policy (e.g. cost/benefit analysis)

We are interested in exploring the possibility of organising a journal
special issue to follow the conference.

Please submit abstracts to Tom Mills by 22 April

Organisers: Dan Greenwood, Tom Mills, Ricardo Blaug (Centre for the Study
of Democracy, Dept of Politics  International Relations) University of
Westminster); Simon Griffiths (Goldsmiths College, University of London).

Conference venue: University of Westminster, Regent campus

Planners Network Conference - New York City, June 6-8, 2013

2013-02-25 Thread Norma Rantisi
Hi All:
The deadline for abstracts for the Planners Network Conference has
been extended to March 15, 2013. Please see information below and
please circulate to potentially interested colleagues, students,
Thanks, Norma

Beyond Resilience: Actions for a Just Metropolis, a conference
co-sponsored by Planners Network and Architects, Designers, and
Planners for Social Responsibility, will be held June 6-8, 2013, in
New York City. We invite your proposals for community-based workshops,
panels, speakers, and discussions. Deadline for proposals extended to
March 15. Please visit for conference
information and updates. Hope to see you there.

Norma Rantisi, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Department of Geography, Planning  Environment
Concordia University
1455 de Maisonneuve Blvd. West
Montreal, Quebec H3G 1M8
Tel.: 514-848-2424, ext. 2018
Fax: 514-848-2032
E-mail: OR


REGISTRATION CLOSING SOON | Constructing Resilience | Berlin | 17-18 January 2013

2012-12-03 Thread Norma Rantisi
+++ Apologies for Cross-Postings +++

Dear colleagues:

we would like to invite you to our International Conference
Constructing Resilience, which will take place on January 17-18,
2013 in Berlin.

Under the impressions of uncontrollable natural disasters like
Hurricane Sandy, socio-technical misjudgements as unveiled in the
nuclear disaster in Fukushima or the controversial negotiations about
the sources and consequences of climate change, societal debates
increasingly have turned from valuing indeterminacy as an opportunity
to perceiving uncertainty as a threat. The world, it seems, lives in a
permanent state of emergency. Somewhere between resignation and the
belief to control risks, a new language of preparedness (Ash Amin)
is emerging, and vulnerability and resilience have become keywords in
this new language.

The aim of this conference is to stimulate cross-disciplinary dialogue
among leading experts representing sociology, political science,
geography, planning studies and regional economics about the notions,
conceptual scope and limitations of resilience. A particular emphasis
will be put on the socio-technical, political and discursive
construction work that underlies calculations of vulnerability and
strategies of enhancing resilience. The conference is co-organized by
the HafenCity University Hamburg (HCU)  and the Leibniz-Institute for
Regional Development and Structural Planning (IRS), and supported by
the German Research Foundation (DFG).


+ Guru Banavar, IBM New York: IBM's Smarter City Program

+ Ash Amin, Cambridge: Surviving the Turbulent Future

+ Susan Christopherson, Cornell: Learning and Adaptation as Key
Processes in Adaptation

+ Jon Coaffee, Birmingham: Spatial Planning and the Shock-Proof City

+ Bruce Goldstein, Boulder: Resilience through Collaborative Storytelling

+ David Stark, Columbia: Futures of Resilience Research

For further details about the program and for registration, please
visit our website:

We hope to see you at our conference!

Best wishes,

Gernot Grabher

on behalf of the co-organizers: Oliver Ibert, Gabriela Christmann and
Heiderose Kilper

| Gernot Grabher |
| Dean | MSc Urban Planning |
| Professor | Urban and Regional Economic Studies |
| HafenCity University Hamburg |
| University for the Built Environment and Metropolitan Development |
| Winterhuder Weg 31 | 22085 Hamburg | +49 40 42827 4561 |

2nd CFP: The geographical anatomy of income inequality (AAG 2013)

2012-10-10 Thread Norma Rantisi
Dear EGSG colleagues:
Please see the Call for Papers below and please direct inquiries to
Chuncui Velma Fan ( or Sébastien Breau
Best, Norma

2013 AAG Annual Meeting, Los Angeles

2nd CFP: The geographical anatomy of income inequality

Organizers: Chuncui Velma Fan (University of California Los Angeles)
and Sébastien Breau (McGill University)

Sponsored by:  Economic Geography Specialty Group

One of the most significant labor market developments over the last
three decades has been the sharp rise in income inequality. Income
inequality has grown substantially and rapidly in many advanced
economies, including the US, UK and Canada, as well as in in emerging
economies such as China and India.
So far, research on this topic has been dominated by the work of
economists who tend to focus their analyses on national-level trends.
We still know surprisingly little about sub-national variations in the
distribution of incomes and of the potential causes of such
variations. Likewise, we know little about how inequality is
configured and maintained spatially through the interplay of
national-level policies and local-level outcomes.
This session seeks to bring together papers that explore the
geographic dimensions of income inequality within countries. More
specifically, we welcome papers that address one of the following

* new regional geographies of income inequality;
* city size and income inequality;
* intra-metropolitan patterns of inequality;
* geographies of the top 1%;
* recent patterns of inequality in emerging economies;
* the causes of increasing income inequality;
* income inequality in the aftermath of the financial crisis;
* the consequences of growing inequality;
* what can governments do in terms of potential policy responses?

Individuals interested in presenting a paper in this session are
invited to submit an abstract (250 words or less) to Chuncui
( or Sébastien ( by 21
October 2012.

Sébastien Breau, Associate Professor
Department of Geography, McGill University
805 Sherbrooke Street West
Montreal, Quebec, Canada H3A 0B9
Tel.: (514) 398-3242
Fax: (514) 398-7437

Journal of World-System Research - New Issue

2012-08-17 Thread Norma Rantisi
-- Forwarded message --
From: Journal of World-System Research
Date: Wed, Aug 15, 2012 at 12:44 PM
Subject: JWSR New Issue

Dear colleague,

** **

Below we announce the newest issue of the *Journal of World-Systems Research
*, which may be of interest to members of your network/association. Kindly
share this information with your group’s listserv and other networks.

** **

Thank you for your assistance,

Jackie Smith, Editor, *Journal of World-Systems Research*

** **

** **

** **

* *


*Journal of *

*World-Systems Research*

Summer 2012 Volume 18, No. 2


** **

** **

World-systems stands out for helping people think creatively about the
limits and boundaries of the capitalist world-system. This issue of
the *Journal
of World-Systems Research *highlights some of the best of this work. This
issue’s special symposium, “Real Utopias and the Politics of
Dispossession,” offers perspectives on this year’s American Sociological
Association conference theme, “Real Utopias.” Contributions explore how
capitalism marginalizes women, Indigenous and rural peoples, Africans, and
nature, and how people resist such exclusion. These analysts show us
emerging and enduring “utopias” that help sustain people and communities
amidst the multiple crises of global capitalism.  

** **


*Real Utopias  the Politics of

**· **Ariel Salleh  *The Green Economy vs. Green Utopia*

**· **Rose M. Brewer  *The Imperative of African-Centered Utopias***

**· **Marina Karides  *The Greek Village’s Local Utopia*

** **

**· **Kevan Harris Interview with Giovanni
* *on U.S. hegemonic decline and his book, *Adam Smith in

** **


Eric Bonds  Liam Downey ‘*Green’ Technology  Unequal
* *

Bonds and Downey provide a compelling case against the technological
optimism seen as panacea to envi-ronmental woes. They test the “ecological
modernization” thesis against evidence from the auto industry.

Brian J. Gareau * World-System  Environmental

Gareau’s analysis of the failures of the Montreal Protocol – deemed the
most successful of environmental agreements – shows how the structure of
inter-state politics and U.S. hegemony account for these failures.

Alexander Thomas  *World-Systems  the Evolution of

Thomas shows how world-systems analysis can better account for meso-level
processes and social relations that reinforce and reproduce this system.
Evidence on ancient Mesopotamian cities reveal urbanization processes that
predate the capitalist world-system but set the stage for its advance.**

Jason Hall  Loretta Bass  *Global Integration 

Hall and Bass contribute additional insights into the connections between
global integration and poverty.

Salvatore J. Babones  Robin M. Farabee-Siers  *Indices of Trade Partner

Babones and Farabee-Siers discuss data on trade partner concentrations over
recent decades, showing the effects of NAFTA on trade networks.

**·Patterns of Empire · Power, Resistance and Conflict in the Contemporary
World · Social Movements, Networks and Hierarchies · Remaking U.S. Trade
Policy · Shutting Down the Streets: Political Violence and Social Control ·
The Undevelopment of Capitalism · Frontiers of Commodity Chains Research* *·
Making the Social World · Global Democracy and the World Social Forums *

** **

The Journal of World-Systems Research is the online journal of the Political
Economy of the World-System
Section the American
Sociological Association. JWSR develops and disseminates
scholarly research from a variety of disciplines and perspectives on topics
relevant to the analysis of world-systems. JWSR also aims to expand
discussions of future trajectories global social change, alternatives to
the modern world-system, and considerations of what can be done to create a
more humane, peaceful and just world society.  *Find us at:
* * 

NARSC 2012 in Ottawa Second Call

2012-07-10 Thread Norma Rantisi
59th Annual North American Meetings of the Regional Science Association
International, 2012.

2nd Call for Papers (Apologies for Cross Posting). August 1 Deadline for

Join us in Ottawa, Canada, for the 59th North American Meetings of the
Regional Science Association International (RSAI), sponsored by the North
American Regional Science Council (NARSC).  The conference will be held at
the Ottawa Westin Hotel from Wednesday November 7th to Saturday November
10th, 2012.

You can learn more about the conference, submit an abstract, and register
at the NARSC Website at: Visit the Conference
section of the Website and click the User Area link to register or sign in.
Individual papers and sessions must be submitted online in the abstract
submission section of the Website between now and August 1, 2012. The
conference registration section will allow secure electronic financial

Conference organizers welcome individual papers and organized sessions
relating to a wide variety of topics inclusive within the diverse realm of
regional science.  We are an international scholarly organization that
focuses on regional analysis, ranging from urban and spatial theory to
applied problems in regional development, sustainability, environmental
management, and rural land use.  We are an interdisciplinary association,
with members representing fields as diverse as economics, agricultural
economics, public policy, urban planning, civil engineering, geography,
finance, sociology and demography.  The annual North American RSAI
conference is the premier regional science meeting in North America and
attracts scholars and practitioners from around the world.

You can participate in the conference in several ways. You can submit a
proposal to present a paper; alternatively, you can prepare a poster that
will be displayed during the conference, if your work is conducive to
visual communication. You can organize a panel session aimed at discussing
a cutting-edge topic of Regional Science. Finally, you can organize a paper
session contributed to by four scholars.

A block of rooms have been reserved at the Ottawa Westin for the nights of
November 7-11, 2012. The cut-off date for making room reservations at the
discounted rate is October 16, 2012.

Graduate students are encouraged to submit their work to compete in one of
the two student paper contests. More information is available on-line at

This year, we have expanded the list of workshops you can attend on
Wednesday November 7. Please check out the complete list and description of
workshops and tutorials at
Registration must be made by October 20, 2012.

Bruce Newbold, Antonio Paez, Mark Brown, Jean-Claude Thill


You are receiving this message because of your NARSC membership or due to
participation in the North American meetings of the RSAI. If you would like
to be removed from further mailings, please send a message to with the word UNSUBSCRIBE in the subject.

Norma Rantisi, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Department of Geography, Planning  Environment
Concordia University
1455 de Maisonneuve Blvd. West
Montreal, Quebec H3G 1M8
Tel.: 514-848-2424, ext. 2018
Fax: 514-848-2032
E-mail: OR

NARSC Student Paper Competitions

2012-07-10 Thread Norma Rantisi
 The North American Regional Science Council (NARSC) Graduate Student Paper
Award contest is held annually in conjunction with the North American
Meetings of the Regional Science Association International (RSAI). This
contest encourages the participation of young scholars by providing a forum
for paper presentation and discussion by senior scholars in the field of
regional science. Two separate competitions will be held for graduate
student papers:
1) Student-Author Paper Competition: Eligibility for the award is limited
to current Masters and PhD students, and/or recent graduates who completed
their degrees after September 16, 2011. Co-authored papers are acceptable;
however, all authors listed on a paper must meet the eligibility criteria
2) Graduate-Student-Led Paper Competition: Eligibility for the award
requires that the paper’s “primary author” be a current Masters or PhD
student, or a recent graduate who completed his/her degree within twelve
months preceding the submission date. Papers with senior co-authors are
acceptable; however, most of the substantive work and contribution of the
paper must be directly attributable to an author who meets the eligibility
criteria above.
Those who wish to submit a paper to the NARSC Graduate Student Paper Award
contest can indicate this when submitting the abstract (by August 1, 2012)
by ticking the relevant box on the abstract submission page. The full paper
must be submitted in electronic form by September 16th, 2012, to:
Bruce Newbold, McMaster University

Full details, including submission criteria, can be found at


You are receiving this message because of your NARSC membership or due to
participation in the North American meetings of the RSAI. If you would like
to be removed from further mailings, please send a message to with the word UNSUBSCRIBE in the subject.

Norma Rantisi, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Department of Geography, Planning  Environment
Concordia University
1455 de Maisonneuve Blvd. West
Montreal, Quebec H3G 1M8
Tel.: 514-848-2424, ext. 2018
Fax: 514-848-2032
E-mail: OR

Teaching Fellow - CURDS, Newcastle University, UK

2012-04-18 Thread Norma Rantisi
Teaching Fellow
Newcastle University - School of Geography, Politics  Sociology

Salary: £27,578 - £35,938 per annum
Closing Date: 9 May 2012

The Centre for Urban and Regional Development Studies (CURDS) within the
School of Geography, Politics and Sociology invites applications for a 2
year fixed-term Teaching Fellow to support the Centre's teaching in local
and regional development and economic geography. You will have expertise in
the field of local and regional development and/or economic geography, and
will be expected to contribute to research-led teaching across the
undergraduate curriculum (including Interconnected World, Economic and
Social Change Field Course, Economic Geography, Geographies of Money and
Local and Regional Development), to run personal tutorial groups and to
mentor dissertation students. You should have a PhD or be close to
completion, and have relevant teaching experience. Informal enquiries may
be made to: Director of CURDS, Professor John Tomaney tel: +44 (0)191 222
8604; email

The post is available from September 2012 and is fixed-term for up to 2

Professor Andy Pike
Centre for Urban and Regional Development Studies (CURDS) Newcastle
University Newcastle Upon Tyne
Tel: +44 (0)191 222 8011
Fax: +44 (0)191 232 9259

Fwd: heterodox feminist economist wanted by UN Women

2012-04-10 Thread Norma Rantisi
UN Women is looking for a heterodox feminist economist with a minimum of 5
years experience in academia, the public sector, or the private sector.
Further details are available here:

Please recirculate to those that might be interested.

Professor A Haroon Akram-Lodhi
Chair of the Department of International Development Studies
Trent University
Peterborough, Canada
Contact details:

Fwd: REGISTRATION DEADLINE: April 15, 2012 - International Conference Proximity Days 7th Edition, Montreal 21-23 May 2012.

2012-04-05 Thread Norma Rantisi
Dear colleague,

The 7th edition of the *Proximity Days* (Septièmes Journées de la
Proximité)  will be held in *Montreal from the 21st to the 23rd of May

This international conference will put emphasis on the following topics:

- Proximity and innovative territories: conceptualization, perspectives and
recent results
- Innovation, invention and creativity on a local scale
- The concept of creative cities
- Comparisons between creative cities
- The underground, the middleground and creative territories
- Creative industries
- Proximity and creative territories: some measures
- Talents, the creative class and proximities
- The temporary creative clusters (local buzz and global pipelines)
- Living labs and other local experiences of co-conception
- Proximity and civic creativity
- The creative territories at the interaction between cultural
and technological activities.
- Creative clusters and peripheries
- Transports, temporary proximity and creativity
- Rural zones and creativity
- Proximity, creativity and sustainable development

*Keynote speakers*:
Allen Scott, Andy Pratt, André Torre, Harald Bathelt, Mark Lorenzen, Ron
Boschma, Marleen Huysman, Patrick Cohendet, Laurent Simon, Richard
Shearmur, Olivier Bouba Olga, Michel Grossetti, Björn Asheim, Meric
Gertler, Davide Ravasi, Nadine Massard

For more details, please refer to the *complete program* (a PDF version can
be downloaded at: or visit the
conference website:

If you wish to attend the conference, please register before *April 15th,

We would be grateful if you could *forward this email *to other members of
your organization that you consider might be interested in this conference.

We look forward to seeing you in Montreal.


The organizing committee


Chère/cher collègue,

Les *Septièmes Journées de la Proximité* auront lieu à Montréal entre le
21 et le 23 mai 2012.

Cette conférence internationale mettra l'accent sur les thèmes suivants:

- Proximité et territoires innovants : conceptualisation, perspectives et
résultats récents
- Innovation, invention et créativité à l’échelle locale
- Le concept de ville créative
- Comparaison de villes créatives
- Underground, « middleground », et territoires créatifs
- Les industries créatives
- Proximité et territoires créatifs : des mesures
- Talents, classe créative et proximité
- Les clusters créatifs temporaires (« Local buzz, global pipelines »)
- Living labs et autres pratiques locales de conception
- Proximité et créativité citoyenne
- Les territoires créatifs à l’interaction des activités culturelles
et technologiques
- Clusters créatifs et périphéries
- Transports, proximité temporaire et créativité
- Zones rurales et créativité
- Proximité, créativité et développement durable

*Conférenciers principaux:*
Allen Scott, Andy Pratt, André Torre, Harald Bathelt, Mark Lorenzen, Ron
Boschma, Marleen Huysman, Patrick Cohendet, Laurent Simon, Richard
Shearmur, Olivier Bouba Olga, Michel Grossetti, Björn Asheim, Meric
Gertler, Davide Ravasi, Nadine Massard

Pour plus de détails, veuillez vous référer au *programme comple*t
(télécharger la version PDF à l'adresse suivante: ou visitez le
site de la conférence:

Pour assister à la conférence, inscrivez-vous avant le *15 Avril 2012*:

Nous vous serions reconnaissants de bien vouloir* transmettre ce
courriel*aux autres membres de votre organisation susceptibles d'être
intéressés par
cette conférence.

Nous espérons vous voir nombreux à Montréal.


Le comité d'organisateur

Theme issue of Progressive Planning on Manufacturing

2012-03-15 Thread Norma Rantisi
Hi all:

The latest issue of Progressive Planning Magazine (PPM), which is the
quarterly magazine of Planners Network (PN), covers some economic
geography content that may be of interest.

The theme of the issue is Manufacturing: New Industries, Progressive
Approaches? and it was co-edited by Jennifer Clark, Georgia Institute
of Technology, and Pierre Clavel, Cornell University.

The table of contents can be found below, and the first three articles can
be accessed for free online (the first article is not about manufacturing,
but about the Occupy Wall Street movement).

The next issue of the Magazine will be focused on the Occupy

For more information about the Magazine, and on how you can become a member
of PN to receive it, visit

Best, Norma

Seventh Generation

   - Sites Speak Louder than Words: Occupy Wall Street
   in New York 
   By Samuel Stein


   - Introduction to the Special Issue on
   By Jennifer Clark and Pierre Clavel
   - Planners and Manufacturing: An Uneasy
   *By Robert Giloth*
   - Job Creation Strategies to Accelerate the Return of U.S. Manufacturing
   *By Susan Christopherson*
   - Is There a Progressive Approach to Innovation Policy?
   *By Jennifer Clark*
   - The Promises and Pitfalls of Planned Manufacturing Districts: Lessons
   from Chicago
   *By Joel Rast*
   - In the Shadow of Real Estate, Linking Designers and Manufacturers in
   New York City
   *By Sarah Crean*
   - A Role for Manufacturing in the Real Estate Capital of the World?
   Furniture and Apparel in New York City
   *By Lynn McCormick with Efrain Borrero, Samantha Imperatrice and Rupesh
   - Chinatown and the Decline of Immigrant Garment Clusters in the Fashion
   Capital of the World
   *By Tarry Hum*
   - Atlanta: How to Remake Cities as Places for Twenty-First Century
   *By Nathanael Z. Hoelzel and Nancey Green Leigh*
   - Post-Industrial Restructuring? The Changing Regional Manufacturing
   Landscape in the U.S.
   *By Marc Doussard and Greg Schrock*
   - Designing an Urban Industrial Future: Philadelphia's Lower Schuylkill
   River District
   *By Laura Wolf-Powers*
   - Manufacturing is not Dead: How to Track its Reemergence
   *By Ron Kelly*

EGSG Co-Sponsored Plenary Lecture: Andrew Ross, NYU

2012-02-18 Thread Norma Rantisi
Dear EGSG members:

Just a reminder -

The Economic Geography Specialty Group, along with the Cultural and
Political Ecology Specialty Group and the Socialist and Critical Geography
Specialty Group, is co-sponsoring a plenary lecture by Andrew Ross,
Professor of Social and Cultural Analysis at New York University.  The
lecture is entitled The Economics of Sustainability and relates to his
new book
Bird on Fire, which looks at issues of sustainability and environmental
justice in Phoenix.

The lecture will be held on Monday, February 27, 2012, from 2:40 p.m. to
4:20 p.m. in New York Ballroom West, Third Floor, Sheraton Hotel.

More information (including an abstract for the presentation) is provided

Hope to see many of you there.


Norma (Chair, EGSG)  Kris (Vice-Chair, EGSG)

The Economics Of Sustainability

Monday, February 27, 2012, 2:40 p.m. to 4:20 p.m., New York Ballroom West,
Third Floor, Sheraton

Chair/Moderator: Susan Parnell, University of Cape Town

Presenter: Andrew Ross, New York University
 Abstract: Today, there is a thriving “sustainable cities” movement all
over the developed world, and in many developing countries. Mayors toot
their horns whenever their cities move up in the national sustainability
rankings, and there is a race afoot right now to claim the title of
America’s greenest city. Even without a decisive shift in energy supply,
more compact patterns of urban development can deliver a jumbo boost to
decarbonization. But for cities to became part of the solution, they need
to avoid being part of the problem. If their green policymaking is aimed
only at the more affluent populations, then the most likely future lies in
a state of urban “eco-apartheid.” Andrew Ross’s lecture draws on his field
research in Phoenix, Arizona, arguably the “world’s least sustainable
city.” In his profile of the metro region’s environmental challenges, and
the political obstacles to addressing them, he will argue that the key to
urban sustainability lies less in technical fixes than in social remedies
directed at the transforming the geography of class inequalities.
Sustainability plans should take as a baseline the needs of the most
vulnerable populations, and City Hall should approach sustainability more
as a matter of civil rights than as a tool for development or cost

Norma Rantisi, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Department of Geography, Planning  Environment
Concordia University
1455 de Maisonneuve Blvd. West
Montreal, Quebec H3G 1M8
Tel.: 514-848-2424, ext. 2018
Fax: 514-848-2032
E-mail: OR

EGSG Graduate Student Research Award

2012-02-16 Thread Norma Rantisi
Dear All:

On behalf of the EGSG committee, we are pleased to announce this year's
graduate student research award winner and an honourable mention.

This year's winner is Rory Horner, Ph.D. Candidate, Clark University, for
his work on the role of state policies in the development of domestic
pharmaceutical industry in India. Rory will receive a $750 contribution
towards research expenses.

We also have one honourable mention:

Kean Fan Lim, Ph.D. Candidate, University of British Columbia, for his work
on the institutionalisation of two emergent sub-national economies in China
as an example of state spatial rescaling.

Congratulations to Rory and Kean, and thanks to all those who submitted an
application. The quality of submissions was excellent, making it a tight

For further details of EGSG awards and competitions, please visit our web
site,  and go to the competitions

Norma  Julie

Norma Rantisi, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Department of Geography, Planning  Environment
Concordia University
1455 de Maisonneuve Blvd. West
Montreal, Quebec H3G 1M8
Tel.: 514-848-2424, ext. 2018
Fax: 514-848-2032
E-mail: OR

Graduate Student focused sessions at the annual meeting

2012-02-15 Thread Norma Rantisi

The Graduate Student Affinity Group (GSAG) is sponsoring a number of
sessions at the upcoming Annual Meeting of the AAG that will address a
variety of issues related to the academic preparation, professional
development, and shared interests of current graduate students, recent
graduates, and early-career faculty.

Highlights will include a session meant as an orientation to the AAG annual
meeting scheduled for Friday Feb. 24, from 8:00-9:40am in the Madison
Suite, on the Second Floor of the Hilton NY, and a  plenary session with
Dr. Kate Swanson, entitled How I survived graduate school and landed a
tenure-track position (and had a baby), followed by a reception. The
plenary is scheduled for Friday, Feb. 24, from 4:40-6:20 pm in the Madison
Suite, on the Second Floor of the Hilton NY with the reception to
immediately follow.

For a complete list of GSAG-organized and co-sponsored sessions, visit**sponsored-sessions-for-2012-**annual-meeting

Zoe Pearson
GSAG Chair

Zoe Pearson
The Ohio State University

Deadline :15th December - CFP: Proximity Days (7th Ed.). 21-23 May 2012 in Montreal

2011-12-10 Thread Norma Rantisi
Between the *21-23 May 2012*, the Proximity Days (7th Edition) will take
place in *Montreal*.

Keynote speakers of the event are Allen J. Scott, Harald Bathelt, André
Torre, Richard Shearmur, among others.

Download the full program here:

The Proximity Days (7th Edition) will be dedicated in particular to the
in-depth exploration of these themes, with a particular emphasis on the
following dimensions

   -   Proximity and innovative territories: conceptualization,
   perspectives and recent results
   -   Innovation, invention and creativity on a local scale.
   -   The concept of a creative city
   -   Comparison of creative cities
   -   Underground, “middleground , and creative territories
   -   The creative industries
   -   Proximity and creative territories: the efforts of measure
   -   Talents, creative and local class
   -   The temporary creative clusters (“local buzz and global pipelines”)**
   -   Living labs and other local experiences of co-conception
   -   Proximity and civic creativity
   -   The creative territories at the interaction of the cultural and
   technological activities.
   -   Creative clusters and suburbs: what kind of balances and
   -   Transports, temporary proximity and creativity
   -   Rural zones and creativity.
   -   Proximity, creativity and sustainable development**

Please submit extended abstracts before *December 15th 2011* (max. 1,000
words) at

To download the program and more information :
or visit


The Proxi 2012 Team

Penn State - Tenure-Track Position in Energy Policy

2011-12-01 Thread Norma Rantisi
*Posted on behalf of Brent Yarnal - economic geographers are encouraged to



*Energy Policy

* *

The Department of Geography (**
welcomes applications for a tenure-track assistant/associate professor
position to begin August 2012 from candidates who have expertise in energy
policy. Examples of potential topics of interest include sustainability
and/or integrated assessment of energy systems; scale linkages between
national policy and state and local energy functions; or emerging
geographies of 21st century energy provision, distribution, and
consumption. Salary and benefits are highly competitive, and commensurate
with qualifications and experience. A Ph.D. in geography, energy and/or
environmental economics, interdisciplinary energy and environmental
studies, a policy science, or a related field and evidence of strong
commitments to teaching undergraduate and graduate courses, productive
scholarship, interdisciplinary collaboration, and extramural research
funding are required. Candidates are expected to contribute to Penn State’s
dynamic, highly integrative network of energy and environmental scholars.
Applications should include a statement describing research, interests in
teaching undergraduate and graduate courses, a complete curriculum vitae,
and up to four reprints. Applicants should request that letters of
reference be forwarded directly at the time of application. All applicants
must submit their materials electronically to Marnie Deibler at
Direct questions to Brent Yarnal (, search committee chair.
Review of applications will begin on January 3, 2012. Penn State is
committed to affirmative action, equal opportunity, and the diversity of
its workforce.

Re: 2012 GSAG graduate student competitions

2011-12-01 Thread Norma Rantisi
Hi Adrian  other EGSG members:

The GSAG (Graduate Student Affinity Group) is a separate group from the
Economic Geography
Specialty Group but they asked us to forward on the information about their
In addition to their competitions, our Group also has a set of competitions
- including a dissertation award competition.  Please see information below
about the EGSG competitions for 2012...

The information can also be found on the EGSG website:

Best, Norma


Best dissertation:

Students completing a dissertation in the preceding calendar year, ending
January 1, are eligible for the best dissertation competition. An award of
$500 is offered for the best dissertation.

Potential candidates should mail one paper copy of the dissertation to each
of the following committee members (for a total of two copies submitted) no
later January 5, 2012.

Martin Hess

Geography, School of Environment and Development

University of Manchester

Oxford Road, Manchester M13 9PL UK


Janelle Knox-Hayes

Georgia Institute of Technology

School of Public Policy

685 Cherry Street

Atlanta, Georgia  30332-0345

Graduate student research award:

These competitive awards ($750 each) are designed to support innovative and
original graduate student research that is likely to make a significant
contribution to the development of the field of economic geography.
Proposals will be judged on the basis of the theoretical and substantive
significance of the research, and the appropriateness of the methods
employed. Funds can be used towards travel, subsistence, equipment and/or
other normal research expenses. Applications should include (a) a one-page
vita, with full contact details, (b) a two-page statement, detailing the
nature of the proposed research, its expected contribution, and the uses to
which award funds would be put. Awardees must be registered graduate
students throughout the duration of the award. Applications should be
submitted to the relevant committee members by January 15, 2012.

Committee members for graduate student awards:

Norma Rantisi
Department of Geography, Planning  Environment
Concordia University
1455 de Maisonneuve Blvd. West
Montreal, Quebec H3G 1M8 Canada
Tel (514) 848-2424, ext. 2018
Fax (514) 848-2032

Julie Silva
Department of Geography
University of Maryland, College Park
2181 LeFrak Hall
College Park, MD 20742

Best student paper:

Students presenting a paper at the AAG annual conference (or who presented
a paper any time in the year preceding the conference) are eligible for the
best student paper competition. An award of $200 is offered for the best
student paper. Potential candidates should contact the appropriate
committee members (see below) before submitting a copy of the paper (either
electronically or in paper) at least one week prior to the AAG conference. The
deadline for submission for 2012 is March 15, 2012.

Committee members for the student paper competition:

Susan Roberts

Department of Geography

University of Kentucky,

1457 Patterson Office Tower

Lexington, KY 40506-0027

Jun Zhang
National University of Singapore
Department of Geography
AS2, #03-01
1 Arts Link
Kent Ridge, Singapore 117570

On Thu, Dec 1, 2011 at 7:10 PM, Adrian Duhalt

 Hi there

 I wonder if there is also a competition of PhD thesis or something like


 Adrian DUHALT
 DPhil Candidate
 Department of Geography
 School of Global Studies
 University of Sussex
 Brighton, BN1 9SL
 United Kingdom
 m: +44(0)7535 703443
   *From:* Norma Rantisi
 *Sent:* Thursday, 1 December 2011, 18:30
 *Subject:* 2012 GSAG graduate student competitions

 Please see below and attached information about the Graduate Student
 Affinity Group Competitions.

 This is a reminder about the deadline for our 2012 research award and
 paper award competitions. Submissions are due December 12.

 You will find the information for each competition attached. *Please pass
 this information on to other graduate students who might be interested!*Even 
 if someone is not currently a GSAG member, s/he can join (only $2!)
 before sending their submission. You can also access this information on
 our website:


 Zoe Pearson
 PhD Student  Teaching Associate
 Department of Geography
 The Ohio State University

 Specialty_groups mailing list


Call for Papers - IGU Mini-Conference, Krakow, Poland, May 2012

2011-11-23 Thread Norma Rantisi
Posted on behalf of Neil Reid.

Dear Colleagues:

Please find attached the call for papers for a mini-conference on the theme
of Innovation and Creativity in Emerging Economic Spaces: Local
Entrepreneurship and Transnational Corporations that will be held under
the auspices of the IGU Commission on the Dynamics of Economic Spaces in
Krakow, Poland on May 3-12, 2012.

Please review the call for papers (below) and contact either Dr. Grzegorz
Micek at or Dr. Neil Reid at if you
have questions.

* *

*International Geographical Union *

*Commission on The Dynamics of Economic Spaces*

*Jagiellonian University *

*Institute of Geography and Spatial Management*

* *


2012 mini-conference

*Innovation and Creativity
in Emerging Economic Spaces:*

*Local Entrepreneurship
and Transnational Corporations***

* *

3rd-5th May 2012

Kraków, Poland

Dense networks of local inter-connected firms facilitate the creation of
innovative milieu. Formal and informal linkages between companies and other
stakeholders lead to enhanced local creativity. A similar role may be
played by transnational corporations, which may gradually become embedded
in relations with local partners. Hence, new economic spaces of innovation
and creativity emerge and lead to geographical, institutional and social

The objective of the Conference is to examine the innovative and creative
local and foreign businesses and to study the relationships between local
companies and global enterprises. It is widely accepted that the scope of
innovative behavior is not limited to high-tech industries or
knowledge-intensive business services; creativity in ‘traditional’
industries is no less important. Since operations and linkages of local and
global enterprises are highly volatile, the dynamics of these relations can
be especially intriguing. Conference organizers are also open for
contributions that focus on the relations between core (North America,
Western and Northern Europe, Japan and East Asia) and emerging economies.

Another important objective of the conference is to create opportunities
for networking. The organizers would like to facilitate transfer of
knowledge and international research collaboration between people,
institutions and countries. We encourage contributions originating from a
variety of academic disciplines such as economic geography, regional
studies, economics, international business, strategic management and
planning. We would welcome sound empirical studies based on the established
theoretical background.

We invite contributions on the following topics:

§  Local, creative entrepreneurship in traditional industries

§  Innovative industries in neo-Marshallian industrial districts

§  Innovative businesses and their contribution to local and regional

§  Family businesses and their role in local and regional development

§  Cluster initiatives focused on local entrepreneurship

§  Evolutionary perspective on local and regional growth trajectories

§  Role of innovative and creative industries in path development/creation

§  Geographical, social and cultural embeddedness of TNCs

§  Clusters and networks of interconnected local and global companies

§  Dynamics of networks, clusters and firms

§  Phoenix industries

§  Influence of EU enlargement on local innovativeness and creativity

§  Role of social capital in enabling creativity of businesses

§  Local and global companies  public policy interactions

The selected papers will be considered for publication in a book.

Charge for attendance at the conference (incl. field trip cost, 3 lunches,
and conference dinner): 850 PLN (1 PLN – approx. 0.22 EUR; 1 PLN – approx.
0.3 USD).

Important deadlines:

   - Abstract submission: *15 February 2012* (abstracts of up to 500 words
   should be submitted to dr Grzegorz Micek at; abstract
   should include names of all the authors, affiliation and full contact
   - Notification about acceptance *28 February* *2012*
   - Fee payment: *31 March 2012*

The conference venue: Institute of Geography and Spatial Management,
Jagiellonian University, Gronostajowa 7, Kraków, Poland

More information about the conference will be forthcoming on the Commission
website -

Call for award nominations, TGSG competition

2011-11-16 Thread Norma Rantisi
Posted on behalf of Julie Cidell:

The Transportation Geography Specialty Group is accepting applications for
the TGSG Student Paper Competition, with separate awards at the Master's
and PhD levels. This award recognizes outstanding theses and dissertations
in transportation geography. Each award has a $300 prize and the winner
will receive a certificate at the 2012 AAG award luncheon. Geography theses
and dissertations completed between December 15, 2010 and December 15, 2011
are eligible. We encourage submissions by students who do not necessarily
consider themselves transportation geographers but are working on exciting
and innovative transportation topics. Students should apply by emailing me ( a copy of their thesis or dissertation along with a
cover letter.  Students *must* be members of the AAG to be eligible for
either award, although they are not obligated to attend the meeting in New

We are also inviting nominations for recipients of the 2011 Edward L.
Ullman Award for Outstanding Contributions to the Study of Transportation
Geography. This is our most significant and prestigious award, and has been
given to a distinguished group of transport geographers in prior years (see
the TGSG website for a complete list:
The winner will receive a plaque at the 2012 AAG award luncheon. By custom,
the winner of this award is invited to give the Fleming Lecture in
Transportation Geography at the following year's AAG meeting. Nominations
for this award should include a letter of introduction and a complete CV.

The deadline for both is November 30.

Julie Cidell
Assistant Professor
Director of Undergraduate Studies
Department of Geography
University of Illinois
220 Davenport Hall
607 S. Mathews Ave.
Urbana, IL 61801

Norma Rantisi, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Department of Geography, Planning  Environment
Concordia University
1455 de Maisonneuve Blvd. West
Montreal, Quebec H3G 1M8
Tel.: 514-848-2424, ext. 2018
Fax: 514-848-2032
E-mail: OR

[Specialty Group Chairs]: GSAG award competition opportunities for all graduate students

2011-10-18 Thread Norma Rantisi
 [image: Association of American Geographers]
award competition opportunities for all graduate students
 #1330ed7338f96a7f_bm1   From:  Zoe
 To:  Specialty
 Posted:  10/16/2011
6:25:00 PM   Subject:  GSAG award competition opportunities for all graduate
students   Attachment(s):
student award 
 Dear Specialty Group Chairs,

The Graduate Student Affinity Group (GSAG) has announced our research and
paper award competitions. These competitions are open to all graduate
students who are members of the GSAG, regardless of sub-discipline. Students
can join at anytime, and dues are just $2. The deadline for submissions is
December 12, 2011. For more information visit our website at  - or see the competition announcements attached.

Please share this information with your graduate student members and/or on
your respective listservs.

Zoe Pearson
GSAG Chair

Zoe Pearson
The Ohio State University
to Sender
You are currently subscribed to aag_specialtygroupchairshtrt as: To change your subscription options (or
unsubscribe), go to: My

Re: paper in search of a session

2011-10-14 Thread Norma Rantisi
Hello all:

PLease see message below regarding someone who is in search of an
economic geography session. The abstract is attached (with paper

If someone is organizing a session for which this could be a possible
fit - and if you still have space, can you please contact Chris at

Thanks, Norma

-- Forwarded message --
From: Chris Hurl
Date: Fri, Oct 14, 2011 at 12:45 PM
Subject: AAG submission

hello there,

My name is Chris Hurl and I'm a PhD student at Carleton University.  I
have recently submitted an abstract to AAG conference, and I was
hoping that you might include in a session of the Economic Geography
speciality group.  My paper is entitled, Making an Essential Service:
Hospital Workers, Industrial Relations, and Geographies of Public
Sector Labour in Ontario, 1959-1969.

As I am new to the AAG, I am unclear on how to submit a paper for
inclusion in a speciality group.  I apologize if I didn't submit it
through proper channels.

thanks for your consideration,


Norma Rantisi, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Department of Geography, Planning  Environment
Concordia University
1455 de Maisonneuve Blvd. West
Montreal, Quebec H3G 1M8
Tel.: 514-848-2424, ext. 2018
Fax: 514-848-2032
E-mail: OR

Hurl - AAG Submission - Ontario Hospital Workers [final].doc
Description: MS-Word document

FINAL CALL FOR PAPERS AAG 2012: '‘Green Commitments

2011-09-12 Thread Norma Rantisi
*FINAL Call for papers - AAG Annual Conference New York 24 -28 February 2012


*Session title: ‘Green Commitments: transitions to a carbon conscious

Sponsored by the Economic Geography Specialty group of the AAG

Organisers: Paul Barratt (University of Hull ), C.
Patrick Heidkamp (Southern Connecticut State University ), Sally Eden (University of Hull), David Gibbs
(University of Hull)

Climate change policies are encouraging individuals and organisations to
change their thinking and behaviours, internationally, nationally and
regionally, to push the transition from a high-carbon society to a
low-carbon society through a range of ‘green commitments’ in policy and
practice.  But how can that transition be understood, operationalised and
implemented? How are technologies opening up new possibilities for green
behaviours – or closing them down? What are the possibilities and problems
in moving towards a ‘carbon-conscious’ society?

This session aims to interrogate a diverse range of changes that are
implicated in this transition to a carbon-conscious society, from smart
metering in houses to ‘green champions’ in offices and factories.  Theoretical
approaches are likely also to be diverse, from co-evolution and
co-production of users and technologies, through transition management and
STS approaches, to governmentality and education to build carbon
consciousness into consumers and other subjects.

We anticipate organising two paper sessions plus a follow-up panel and
particularly welcome empirical papers that address issues such as:

• carbon labelling

• green institutions/universities/buildings

• post-carbon cities/towns/regions

• carbon/climate neutrality

• carbon/green technologies

• green league tables/sustainability indices

Questions that papers might address include: How are universities and other
institutions responding to the climate change agenda by committing to reduce
carbon? What are the problems in levering change in complex systems, such as
international supply chains?  What are the motives and drivers of green
commitments/transitions in different sectors and areas of practice? How
useful are benchmarking exercises such as league tables and sustainability
indices in pushing transitions to a carbon-conscious society? How are carbon
labels being developed and marketed to push sustainable consumption and
production? How important are schemes to measure carbon footprints or to
guarantee climate ‘neutrality’ for products and services?  What
certification services are developing to support and promote low-carbon
consciousness?  What kinds of place-based initiatives (in
towns/cities/regions) are developing to implement green commitments?

Abstracts of 250 words (maximum) should be submitted to Paul Barratt ( and Patrick Heidkamp ( by
September 14th 2011. Please remember to include your name, institutional
affiliation and contact details on your submission.

C. Patrick Heidkamp, Ph.D.
Department of Geography
Southern Connecticut State University
118b Morrill Hall
501 Crescent Street
New Haven CT, 06515
(203) 392-5919

AAG Call for Papers: Scenario Methods in Geographic Research

2011-08-31 Thread Norma Rantisi

Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting, 2012, New York City 

** **

Session Title:  Scenario Methods in Geographic Research

** **

Organizers:  Kathleen Dietrich ( and Mark Read (, The Pennsylvania State University

** **

Sponsorship: Human Dimensions of Global Change Specialty Group

** **

Description:  Scenario planning and analysis have been used extensively by
the business community for decades and are gaining recognition by the policy
and research communities.  Scenarios are well suited to studying plausible
futures in complex geographic problems that are highly uncertain and
uncontrollable.  They can be conducted at any spatial level, from local to
global; some scenario studies have attempted to conduct multilevel
analysis.  Specific methods employed in scenario analysis are quite diverse,
leading to what some have called methodological chaos, but recent efforts in
the academic community have worked to streamline scenario methodologies,
improve the academic rigor of scenario analysis, and make scenario processes
more transparent. 


This paper session seeks to highlight recent or ongoing geographical
research that employs scenario methods to study complex problems related to
climate change, global change, land use, resource management, energy, or
other areas of research.  Papers may address either qualitative or
quantitative scenario approaches, or combinations of the two approaches. ***

** **

Specific questions of interest include:  

**· **What types of geographic research are suitable for scenario

**· **What are advantages and opportunities of scenario-based
research over more traditional research methods?

**· **What are the challenges and limitations of scenario-based
research over more traditional research methods? 

**· **When and how could qualitative and quantitative scenario
methods be combined?

**· **What are effective methods of communicating scenario results?

**· **How do we manage uncertainty both in our scenario methods and
our communication of scenario results?

** **

To participate in this paper session, register and submit your abstract
online following the AAG Guidelines. Then, email your presenter
identification number (PIN), paper title, and abstract to Katie Dietrich ( and Mark Read ( by September 23, 2011. ***


[Specialty_groups] AAG Grants and Awards Upcoming Deadlines

2011-08-26 Thread Norma Rantisi
Dear Specialty and Affinity Group Chairs, please let your group members and
other colleagues know about the following upcoming deadlines for AAG Grants
and Awards.  Links to full descriptions can be found at *Please note that due to the early date of the
2012 annual meeting, several deadlines below have been moved up to November
1, 2011.*

*AAG Enhancing Diversity Award*

*Celebrates pioneers promoting inclusion and broadening participation** **in
geography*; September 15

*Nystrom Award*

*Recognizes a paper based upon a recent dissertation in geography;** *September

*Enrichment Funds*

*Subsidizes participation of distinguished non-geographers in the AAG Annual
Meeting;** *September 22

*Marble-Boyle Undergraduate Achievement Awards in Geographic

*Honors academic performance and leadership**; *October 15

*Meredith F. Burrill Award*

To stimulate and reward talented individuals and groups who have completed
work of exceptional

merit and quality that lies at or near the intersection of basic research
and practical applications or local, national, or international policy
implications; November 1

*Glenda Laws Award*

To recognize outstanding contributions to geographic research on social
issues; November 1

*Mel Marcus Fund for Physical Geography*

To foster personally formative participation by students in field-based
physical geography research in challenging outdoor environments; November 1

*AAG E. Willard and Ruby S. Miller Award in Geography*

To recognize members of the Association who have made truly outstanding
contributions to the geographic field due to their special competence in
teaching or research; November 1

*George and Viola Hoffman Award*

To support student research toward a master's thesis or doctoral
dissertation on a geographical subject in Eastern Europe; November 1

*AAG Community College Travel Grants*

To support outstanding students from community colleges, junior colleges,
city colleges, or similar two-year educational institutions to attend the
next AAG Annual Meeting; November 1

*AAG Disability Fund in Memory of Todd Reynolds*

To support members with disabilities with travel or other services related
to enhancing their participation in the 2012 AAG Annual Meeting; November 1

*AAG International Geographic Information Fund*

To support full-time students who are currently registered in an
undergraduate or graduate degree program within the United States, and who
are working in any area of spatial analysis or geographic information
science or systems, through Student Travel Grants, Graduate Research Awards,
and Student Paper Awards; November 1

*AAG Anderson Medal*

To recognize applied and professional geographers who have contributed
notably to the advancement of the profession in one or more areas of
industry, government, literature, education, research, service to the
profession, or public service; December 1

*AAG Research Grants*

To support direct expenses of research or fieldwork that address questions
of major import to the discipline (excluding master's or doctoral
dissertation research); December 31

*Anne U. White Fund*

To support field research conducted by a member of the AAG jointly with her
or his spouse, regardless of any formal training in geography; December 31

*Darrel Hess Community College Geography Scholarships*

To support students from community colleges, junior colleges, city colleges,
or similar two-year educational institutions who will be transferring as
geography majors to four year colleges and universities; December 31

*AAG Dissertation Research Grants*

To support direct expenses of master's or doctoral dissertation research to
eligible individuals; December 31

*AAG Meridian Book Award for the Outstanding Scholarly Work in Geography*

For a book that makes an unusually important contribution to advancing the
science and art of geography; December 31

*AAG Globe Book Award for Public Understanding of Geography*

For a book that conveys most powerfully the nature and importance of
geography to the non-academic

World; December 31

*John Brinckerhoff Jackson Prize*

For outstanding books about the United States that convey the insights of
professional geography in language that is interesting and attractive to a
lay audience; December 31

Many thanks,


Dr. Patricia Solís
Director of Outreach and Strategic Initiatives
Association of American Geographers
1710 Sixteenth Street NW
Washington, DC 20009-3198
Telephone 202-234-1450 ext. 222
Direct Line 202-558-7491
Fax 202-234-2744

Join us for the AAG 2012 in New York
• Call for Papers: May 15–Sept. 28
• Annual Meeting: Feb. 24–28

Specialty_groups mailing list

2012 EGSG Award Competitions

2011-08-26 Thread Norma Rantisi
Dear list members:

Below is information about the EGSG Award Competitions
for 2012.  Please circulate to colleagues and students. A reminder
will be sent closer to the submission dates.

The information can also be found on the EGSG website:

Also , if you haven't already done so, please check out the EGSG facebook page,
which is being managed by Kris Olds at

It includes relevant ( timely) announcements and news items.




Graduate student research award:

These competitive awards ($750 each) are designed to support innovative and
original graduate student research that is likely to make a significant
contribution to the development of the field of economic geography.
Proposals will be judged on the basis of the theoretical and substantive
significance of the research, and the appropriateness of the methods
employed. Funds can be used towards travel, subsistence, equipment and/or
other normal research expenses. Applications should include (a) a one-page
vita, with full contact details, (b) a two-page statement, detailing the
nature of the proposed research, its expected contribution, and the uses to
which award funds would be put. Awardees must be registered graduate
students throughout the duration of the award. Applications should be
submitted to the relevant committee members by January 15, 2012.

Committee members for graduate student awards:

Norma Rantisi
Department of Geography, Planning  Environment
Concordia University
1455 de Maisonneuve Blvd. West
Montreal, Quebec H3G 1M8 Canada
Tel (514) 848-2424, ext. 2018
Fax (514) 848-2032

Julie Silva
Department of Geography
University of Maryland, College Park
2181 LeFrak Hall
College Park, MD 20742

Best dissertation:

Students completing a dissertation in the preceding calendar year, ending
January 1, are eligible for the best dissertation competition. An award of
$500 is offered for the best dissertation.

 Potential candidates should mail one paper copy of the dissertation to each
of the following committee members (for a total of two copies submitted) no
later January 5, 2012.

Martin Hess

Geography, School of Environment and Development

University of Manchester

Oxford Road, Manchester M13 9PL UK


Janelle Knox-Hayes

Georgia Institute of Technology

School of Public Policy

685 Cherry Street

Atlanta, Georgia 

 Best student paper:

Students presenting a paper at the AAG annual conference (or who presented a
paper any time in the year preceding the conference) are eligible for the
best student paper competition. An award of $200 is offered for the best
student paper. Potential candidates should contact the appropriate committee
members (see below) before submitting a copy of the paper (either
electronically or in paper) at least one week prior to the AAG conference. The
deadline for submission for 2012 is March 15, 2012.

Committee members for the student paper competition:

 Susan Roberts

Department of Geography

University of Kentucky,

1457 Patterson Office Tower

Lexington, KY 40506-0027

Jun Zhang
National University of Singapore
Department of Geography
AS2, #03-01
1 Arts Link
Kent Ridge, Singapore 117570

[Economic Geography]: Cultural Geography Student Paper Competition and Grant Competition

2011-08-22 Thread Norma Rantisi
 [image: Association of American Geographers]
Geography Student Paper Competition and Grant Competition
 #131f1fc71eba21a0_bm1   From:  Sara
 To:  Economic
 Posted:  8/22/2011
10:54:00 AM   Subject:  Cultural Geography Student Paper Competition and
Grant Competition   Message:
 This message has been cross posted to the following Discussions: Urban
Geography and Economic Geography .
*Cultural Geography Specialty Group *
 2012 Student Paper Competition

The Cultural Geography Specialty Group (CGSG) invites students to apply for
the 2012 Terry G. Jordan-Bychkov (PhD) and Masters Level Student Paper
Awards. The competition recognizes outstanding work by graduate students
pursuing research in cultural geography.  The paper must be given at a
professional meeting between April 17, 2011 and February 28, 2012.  Although
this paper need not be presented at the 2012 AAG Meeting, students are
encouraged to submit papers presented at the national or regional AAG
meetings.  Applicants must be student members of the CGSG.  The award
amounts are $250 (PhD) and $200 (MA); awards may not be made if no papers
are deemed suitable.  Entries undergo blind review by a committee of
geography faculty members.  Applications and additional information are
available at the CGSG website (  Applications
are due to Sarah Smiley, CGSG Awards Chair, at no later
than January 4, 2012.
*Cultural Geography Specialty Group*
2012 Research Grant Competition

The Cultural Geography Specialty Group (CGSG) invites proposals for the 2012
Denis E. Cosgrove (PhD) and Masters level Research Grant Competitions. The
competitions aim to provide a measure of support for graduate students to
conduct high-quality research projects for their master's thesis or doctoral
dissertation. Each applicant must be a student member of the CGSG at the
time of application, and the proposed project should be part of her/his
thesis or dissertation research. This year's awards will be made at $500 for
the PhD level and $250 for the MA level; they may not be made if no
proposals are deemed suitable. Applications and additional information are
available at the CGSG website (  Applications
are due to Sarah Smiley, CGSG Awards Chair, at no later
than January 4, 2012.

 Dr. Sarah L. Smiley
Assistant Professor of Geography
Kent State University at Salem
2491 St. Rt. 45 S
Salem, OH  44460
(330) 337-4228 callto:+1330%29%20337-4228

Sara Keough
Saginaw Valley State University
to Sender

Roepke Lecture - nominations for 2013

2011-08-12 Thread Norma Rantisi
Dear EGSG members:

Just a reminder - please send in your nominations for the 2013 Roepke
to by MONDAY, August 15th (please see the message

Thanks, Norma

-- Forwarded message --
From: Norma Rantisi
Date: Thu, Jul 28, 2011 at 12:07 PM
Subject: Roepke Lecture - nominations for 2013
To: AAG Economic Geography Speciality Group

Dear EGSG members:

Nominations are being sought for the Roepke Lecture speaker for AAG 2013 in
Los Angeles.  As we discussed at the EGSG business meeting, the nomination
committee is finding that eight months is becoming increasingly inadequate
lead time to attract notable speakers. As a result, we have decided to
experiment with seeking nominations two years in advance.

The Roepke Lecture is an opportunity to honor and showcase scholars
with significant contributions in the field of economic geography.  For
the list of past lectures, please see: addition to the past
speakers listed on the website, Trevor Barnes (Professor of Geography at the
University of British Columbia) delivered the 2011 Roepke Lecture in Seattle
(the website will soon be updated to reflect this).  And Dani Rodrik (Rafiq
Hariri Professor of International Political Economy at the John F. Kennedy
School of Government, Harvard University) will deliver the 2012 Roepke
Lecture in New York.

The Roepke Lecture is co-sponsored by Economic Geography, the journal,
AAG EGSG, and the University of Illinois. Economic Geography publishes
the manuscripts based on the lecture.

Please send your nominations directly to me at by
August 15.

Thanks  best,


Norma Rantisi, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Department of Geography, Planning  Environment
Concordia University
1455 de Maisonneuve Blvd. West
Montreal, Quebec H3G 1M8
Tel.: 514-848-2424, ext. 2018
Fax: 514-848-2032

Norma Rantisi, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Department of Geography, Planning  Environment
Concordia University
1455 de Maisonneuve Blvd. West
Montreal, Quebec H3G 1M8
Tel.: 514-848-2424, ext. 2018
Fax: 514-848-2032

CFP: Careers-related sessions for 2012 Annual Meeting

2011-08-11 Thread Norma Rantisi
You are currently subscribed to aag_specialtygroupchairshtrt as: To change your subscription options (or
unsubscribe), go to: My
update your preferences.

Norma Rantisi, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Department of Geography, Planning  Environment
Concordia University
1455 de Maisonneuve Blvd. West
Montreal, Quebec H3G 1M8
Tel.: 514-848-2424, ext. 2018
Fax: 514-848-2032

AAG Panel Session on Social Responsibility

2011-08-10 Thread Norma Rantisi
Posted on behalf of Stephanie Day.

The Private/Public Affinity Group (PPAG) is sponsoring a panel session on
the ISO-26,000 Guidance on Social Responsibility, which is a set of
guidelines that the International Organization of Standards (ISO) is working
on in order to help groups in both the public and private sectors implement
socially responsible practices into their organizations.  Many geographers
are currently looking at these same issues.  A discussion is needed on how
these guidelines reflect the work done in the field of geography regarding
social responsibility, what the limitations and benefits of these guidelines
are, how these standards could be implemented, and what the possible
implications of incorporating those guidelines could be for the various
actors involved.  You may find more information about the ISO-26,000
Guidance on Social Responsibility here (

We are looking for geographers from a variety of research interests, both
academic and non-academic, in order to have a multi-faceted discussion on
social responsibility.  We will have a discussion leading up to the AAG
Meeting, via e-mail, to develop questions/talking-points for the various
members involved in the panel.  If you, or someone you know, would like to
be involved, please send me an e-mail.

Thank you,
Stephanie Day
PPAG Student Rep
PhD Student, University of Kansas

Norma Rantisi, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Department of Geography, Planning  Environment
Concordia University
1455 de Maisonneuve Blvd. West
Montreal, Quebec H3G 1M8
Tel.: 514-848-2424, ext. 2018
Fax: 514-848-2032

[Specialty Group Chairs]: Remote Sensing/GIS/Cartography Student Paper Competition

2011-08-08 Thread Norma Rantisi
 [image: American Association of Geographers]
Sensing/GIS/Cartography Student Paper Competition   #131a7fedc8f60eea_bm-1
 #131a7fedc8f60eea_bm1   From:  Paul
 To:  Specialty
 Posted:  8/8/2011
2:05:00 AM   Subject:  Remote Sensing/GIS/Cartography Student Paper
Competition   Message:
 *2012 Student Illustrated Paper
Competition Sponsored by the Remote Sensing/GIS/Cartography Specialty
*Call for Papers*
 *AAG Annual Meeting, February
24-28 2012, New York, New York*

The Remote Sensing Specialty Group of the Association of
American Geographers is pleased to announce the 2011-2012 Illustrated Paper
Competition for Students.  Students at all academic levels are invited to
illustrated papers that advance remote sensing, GIS, and/or cartography.
Research must have been completed within the past academic year as part of
applicant's undergraduate or graduate studies.  Illustrated papers must be
created entirely by the applicant.  While papers may include co-authors, the
applicant must be primarily responsible for the research presented.
selected as finalists will be placed in a special illustrated paper session
the Annual Meeting to be held February 24-28, 2012 in New York, New York.
*Illustrated Paper Information *
An illustrated paper is a poster accompanied by a short
(3- to 5-minute) oral summary of the research problem, data, methods, and
findings, followed by a one-on-one or small group discussion at individual
posters.  All oral summaries will be given at the beginning of each
paper session before participants disperse to the poster boards around the
room.  Each presenter will be provided a microphone; however, oral summaries
must be given without the use of additional AV equipment (e.g., laptops and
projectors).  Each presenter will be provided a 4' tall x 8' wide board on
to display their poster and materials.
*Submission Requirements
*Students who are interested should submit electronically
(1) an abstract, (2) the advisor's form, and (3) a copy of the email receipt
received from the AAG online abstract submission process (which includes the
PIN).  The advisor's form is posted on the RSSG web page
(  The deadline for abstract submission to this
competition is *September 21, 2011, *approximately *one week prior
*to the
final AAG Abstracts Submission date as posted at the AAG website (
to allow non-finalists to be placed in other sessions of their choice.  Up
to 15
finalists will be chosen.
*First, second, and third place awards will be determined
immediately following the competition sessions and awarded at the Awards
Luncheon.  The prizes are: $500 for the first place illustrated paper, $250
second place, and $150 for third place.  The Annual Banquet fee will be
for all winners.  The committee reserves the right to not offer such prizes
the papers are not of appropriate quality.
*Posters and oral summaries will be judged on potential
contribution to two or more of the sponsoring fields (Remote Sensing, GIS,
Cartography), originality, appropriate use of methodology, organization and
composition, clarity, and appropriate use of graphics.  Evaluation will take
into account the academic level of the entrants.

[Specialty Group Chairs]: CFP: Careers-related sessions for 2012 Annual Meeting

2011-08-08 Thread Norma Rantisi
 [image: American Association of Geographers]
Careers-related sessions for 2012 Annual Meeting#131a9849b4d417d9_bm-1
 #131a9849b4d417d9_bm1   From:  Sarah
 To:  Specialty
 Posted:  8/8/2011
9:11:00 AM   Subject:  CFP: Careers-related sessions for 2012 Annual
Meeting  Attachment(s):
Meeting Call for Participation
 Dear specialty and affinity group chairs:

For the upcoming Annual Meeting in NYC (Feb. 24-28, 2012), AAG staff are
organizing a number of activities that will showcase careers and
professional development for geographers. Several of these sessions will
highlight topics and themes addressed in our forthcoming book, *Practicing
Geography: Careers for Enhancing Society and the Environment* (Pearson

Attached is the official call for participation. (With apologies for any
cross-postings!) We are seeking geographers from a variety of backgrounds to
participate in panel discussions, workshops, and/or career mentoring
sessions. Please share this CFP with your specialty or affinity group and
encourage your members to consider joining us in New York. We are planning a
number of special activities for students, early-career professionals, and
newcomers in addition to these careers-related sessions.

Please indicate your interest in participating by emailing Sarah Siegel,
Research Assistant ( with your c.v./resume by September 2,
if possible. If you have any questions about the proposed format of any of
these events and/or what volunteering would entail, please do not hesitate
to contact Joy Adams, Senior Researcher (

For more information about the 2012 Annual Meeting, please visit**annualmeeting We
look forward to seeing you in New York!

Many thanks for your time and assistance!


Sarah Siegel and Joy Adams

Sarah Siegel
Association of American Geographers
to Sender

Director, Walker Institute of International and Area Studies, University of South Carolina

2011-08-01 Thread Norma Rantisi
Posted on behalf of Amy Mills, Assistant Professor, Department of Geography,
University of South Carolina. Candidates with a background in economic
geography are encouraged to apply and Dr. Mills would be happy to respond to
any questions regarding this position or the university (email:

*Director, Walker Institute of International and Area Studies*
The University of South Carolina seeks a visionary leader to direct the
Walker Institute of International and Area Studies.  The Walker Institute,
housed in the College of Arts and Sciences, coordinates many of the
University’s international research, educational, and service programs.
Drawing on more than 175 faculty associates from virtually every college,
school and department in the University, the Walker Institute is a vibrant
hub of broadly interdisciplinary applied research activities focusing on
international relations, U.S. foreign policy, sustainable development, and
the cultures and political and legal systems of numerous countries and
regions of the world.
 Founded in 1961, the Walker Institute is one of the oldest
internationally-focused research institutes at a university in the United
States and has received awards for its innovative programming.  The Walker
Institute provides support for the University’s six area studies programs:
African Studies, Asian Studies, European Studies, Islamic World Studies,
Latin American Studies, and Russian  Eurasian Studies.  In addition, the
Walker Institute supports the Rule of Law Collaborative, an
interdisciplinary program that conducts research and provides expert advice
and training programs for governments, NGOs, and others interested in
promoting the sustainable development of rule of law and promotion of human
rights and justice in fragile, transitional, and post-conflict states.
The qualities we are seeking in a new director include:

   - A record of scholarship and teaching appropriate for appointment at the
   rank of Full Professor with tenure. Possible tenure homes are available in
   the Department of Political Science, Geography or History in the College of
   Arts and Sciences.
   - Experience in administering large interdisciplinary,
   internationally-focused programs and projects.
   - Successful record of obtaining external funding and working with policy
   communities, governments, and NGOs.
   - Extensive experience and contacts in the academic field of
   International Studies, both in the U.S. and abroad.
   - A strong commitment to collegial administration, transparency, and
   - Willingness to engage with local and regional constituencies in
   furthering a broader understanding of complex international issues.

 For more information visit the Walker Institute website at
 Applicants should have credentials suitable for being appointed as a
Professor with Tenure and submit a curriculum vita and names and contact
information for a minimum of three references. It is anticipated that
appointment will begin July 1, 2012.
 Applications and nominations should be sent to:
 Professor Charles Cobb, WI Search Committee Chair
Department of Anthropology
Hamilton Room 317
University of South Carolina
Columbia, SC 29208

Screening of applications is expected to begin in early October. For full
consideration, all application materials must be received no later
than *November
7, 2011.*

Roepke Lecture - nominations for 2013

2011-07-28 Thread Norma Rantisi
Dear EGSG members:

Nominations are being sought for the Roepke Lecture speaker for AAG 2013 in
Los Angeles.  As we discussed at the EGSG business meeting, the nomination
committee is finding that eight months is becoming increasingly inadequate
lead time to attract notable speakers. As a result, we have decided to
experiment with seeking nominations two years in advance.

The Roepke Lecture is an opportunity to honor and showcase scholars
with significant contributions in the field of economic geography.  For
the list of past lectures, please see: addition to the past
speakers listed on the website, Trevor Barnes (Professor of Geography at the
University of British Columbia) delivered the 2011 Roepke Lecture in Seattle
(the website will soon be updated to reflect this).  And Dani Rodrik (Rafiq
Hariri Professor of International Political Economy at the John F. Kennedy
School of Government, Harvard University) will deliver the 2012 Roepke
Lecture in New York.

The Roepke Lecture is co-sponsored by Economic Geography, the journal,
AAG EGSG, and the University of Illinois. Economic Geography publishes
the manuscripts based on the lecture.

Please send your nominations directly to me at by
August 15.

Thanks  best,


Norma Rantisi, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Department of Geography, Planning  Environment
Concordia University
1455 de Maisonneuve Blvd. West
Montreal, Quebec H3G 1M8
Tel.: 514-848-2424, ext. 2018
Fax: 514-848-2032

CFP: Geography of Families—Paper Session organizer: Deborah S Metzel

2011-07-17 Thread Norma Rantisi
Posted on behalf of Deborah Metzel, session organizer; E-mail:

*CFP: Geography of Families—Paper Session organizer:  Deborah S Metzel*

This paper session intends to initiate the geographies of families. Families
are defined broadly as traditional, non-traditional; nuclear, extended; by
birth or by choice. Geographical themes and issues of family may include but
are not limited to, care-giving, socio-spatial relationships between
parents, children, and siblings; disabilities; health and medical issues,
emotional geographies, migration (on various scales), feminist-family
issues; economics; changing demographics of families; and residential
location decisions. Abstracts should clearly identify what spatial themes
will be presented.

CFP: Geographies of Financialization

2011-07-13 Thread Norma Rantisi
Call for Papers:  AAG 2012, New York, 24th - 28th February:

Geographies of Financialization
Session Organizers: Susan Christopherson (Cornell University) and Jane
Pollard (Newcastle University, UK).

Processes of financialisation have attracted growing academic, political and
popular attention, most recently in the wake of the US sub-prime crisis and
its evolving and uneven material, political and social repercussions.
Commentators from diverse theoretical standpoints have pointed to the
deepening social and spatial reach of financializing rationalities and
practices that are re-shaping performance metrics for firms and
corporations, including  non-financial firms in manufacturing and energy.
 Other work on the role of financialisation in everyday life has explored
how financial relations seep into parts of life (the reproduction of labour)
and sites of life (the household) that were once held to be more or less
private and beyond the direct reach of capitalist financial calculation.

This session of paper presentations responds to calls for (i) more complex,
fine grained geographies of financialization that (ii) explore the nature,
extent and material and political effects of financialisation beyond the
oft-researched sites of international financial centres and financial

We therefore welcome paper submissions addressing (but not limited to) one
or more of the following topics:

*   Financializing the firm/production network

*   Financializing the city

*   Financializing households

*   Financializing local and regional development

*   Financializing social reproduction

*   Fianncializing labour

*   Financializing the environment

*   Financializing governance

 Abstracts of 250 words (maximum) should be submitted to Susan
Christopherson ( ) and Jane
Pollard( ) by
September 14th 2011.


2011-07-12 Thread Norma Rantisi

Join us in Miami, Florida, USA for the 58th North American Meetings of the
Regional Science Association International (RSAI) and the 2nd conference of
the Regional Science Association of the Americas (RSAmericas) sponsored by
the North American Regional Science Council (NARSC).  The joint conference
will be held at the Hyatt Regency Miami (400 South East Second Avenue) from
Wednesday November 9th to Saturday November 12th, 2011.

You can learn more about the conference, submit an abstract, and register at
the NARSC Website at:
Visit the Conference section of the Website and click the User Area link to
register or sign in. Individual papers and sessions must be submitted online
in the abstract submission section of the Website between now and August 1,
2011. The conference registration section will allow secure electronic
financial transactions.

Conference organizers welcome individual papers and organized sessions
relating to a wide variety of topics inclusive within the diverse realm of
regional science.  We are an international scholarly organization that
focuses on regional analysis, ranging from urban and spatial theory to
applied problems in regional development, sustainability, environmental
management, and rural land use.  We are an interdisciplinary association,
with members representing fields as diverse as economics, agricultural
economics, public policy, urban planning, civil engineering, geography,
finance, sociology and demography.  The annual North American RSAI
conference is the premier regional science meeting in North America and
attracts scholars and practitioners from around the world. This year, for
the first time, this event will be held in conjunction with the Second
Conference of the Regional Science Association of the Americas. NARSC is
delighted to present to you this double-feature opportunity.

You can participate in the conference in several ways. You can submit a
proposal to present a paper; alternatively, you can prepare a poster that
will be displayed during the conference, if your work is conducive to visual
communication. You can organize a panel session aimed at discussing a
cutting-edge topic of Regional Science. Finally, you can organize a paper
session contributed to by four scholars.

A block of rooms have been reserved at the Hyatt Regency Miami for the
nights of November 8-12, 2011 at the discounted rate of $189/night for a
single or a double (plus applicable taxes of 13%).  Deep discounted rates
are also available to students with proof of status. The cut-off date for
making room reservations at the discounted rate is October 16, 2011.

If you have questions about the program or submitting a paper or session
proposal, or experience any difficulties, contact the 2011 Program Chair,
Neil Reid, phone: 419-530-3593; e-mail: All other
questions about the conference can be directed to the 2011 Local
Arrangements Co-Chairs: Shelby Gerking, phone: 407-823-4729; e-mail: or Shaoming Cheng, phone: 305-348-0432; e-mail: For sponsorship, exhibitor spaces, and overall arrangements,
contact Jean-Claude Thill at

AAG 2012 Annual Meeting - Call for Papers: Biofuels, Food and the Bio-based Economy

2011-07-11 Thread Norma Rantisi
Call for Papers:  AAG 2012, New York, 24th – 28th February:
*Biofuels, Food and the Bio-based Economy*

*Session Organizers: Kean Birch (York University) and Stefano Ponte (Danish
Institute for International Studies)*

*Session Outline:*

Climate change, sustainability and the idea of 'greening' or 'transitioning'
the economy have risen and fallen as public and policy concerns over the
last few years. The high water-mark of 2009 when these issues were at the
forefront of the public agenda has since given way to a slump in interest in
the aftermath of the Copenhagen Summit, rising economic uncertainty and the
continuing scepticism / denial about the importance of climate change. All
this has led to a crisis of confidence in the 'green' movement, despite the
growth of initiatives, projects and policies with the purported aim to
ensure the sustainability of the planet.

Biofuels represent one such agenda aimed at achieving sustainability and a
transition away from a petroleum-based economy to a bio-based economy, at
least in their supporters' eyes. Critics of biofuels, on the other hand,
highlight several problematic socio-ecological issues with their
implementation, the most notable being the impact that changing land-use
patterns has on access to food and to good agricultural land. These critical
voices illustrate how particular neoliberal, market-based mechanisms and
instruments construct nature and natural resources in certain ways: as
scarce and over-used; as abundant and free; as eco-efficient and renewable;
and so on. Technoscience plays a significant part in this process with the
expectation that the development of new generations of biofuels will resolve
many existing problems with the current crop.

The enrolment of technoscience can be seen as part of a broader shift from
an ecological fix associated with 1st generation biofuels to a technological
fix offered by 2nd generation biofuels derived from modern biotechnological
knowledges. Although the application of modern biotechnology to agriculture
has been a strongly contested political terrain, evident in protests against
GMOs, it is now being represented as essential tool for any transition to a
greener political economy. However, it is not clear how significant
biotechnology will be in producing a transition to a bio-based economy. The
reconfiguration of our existing fuel and food value chains is likely to be
dramatic, quite literally creating new socio-ecological landscape around us.
These are likely to entail not only human protest but are also likely to
encounter ecological recalcitrance as we seek to craft nature's

All these issues raise a series of questions that geographers, of different
stripes, are well-placed to answer. We highlight a few questions here in
order to encourage people to contribute to the session, others will
obviously be relevant as well.


1. (Re-)valuing Plants: Making biomass into a resource
What are the new (and existing) sites and landscapes of biomass cultivation?

How has biomass been made into a resource?
Has the construction of biomass as a resource resulted in different
environmental impacts and implications for different places?

2. Neoliberal Natures: Markets, sustainability and biofuels
What role do different policy instruments (e.g. subsidies, mandates etc.)
play in constructing markets for biofuels?
How are these markets meant to account for the sustainability of biofuels
(e.g. sustainability criteria, carbon foortprint, carbon debt etc.)?
Are there particular geographies to the different accounts and discourses
(e.g. certification, labelling etc.) of sustainability?

3.The Emerging Bio-economy: Exit from a crisis?
How does the emerging bioeconomy relate to the ecological crisis in
What are the geographies of the transition from a petroleum-based to a
bio-based economy?
Does the bioeconomy offer us the opportunity to 'green' capitalism?

4.From Ecological to Technological Fix: The evolution of biofuels
Are the geographies of biofuels changing in response to new technoscientific
How has technoscience been enrolled in the expansion of biofuels as a
solution to socio-natural problems?
What are the implications of a shift from 'first' to 'second' generation

5.Bio-value Chains: The reconfiguration of biofuel value chains
How are biofuel value chains being reconfigured?
What are the geographies of these reconfigurations?
Does the reconfiguration of value chains reflect the flow of values in
humans / non-humans relations?

6.Food for Fuel: Commodities, financial speculation and food injustice
What are the geographies of land-use change in response to biofuels?
How are different peoples contesting the transformation of food into fuel?
In what ways do new technoscientific developments encourage food

*Session Participation:*

People wanting to submit papers, please submit an abstract (250 words max)
by email to both 

Lectureship in Human Geography at Newcastle University

2011-07-07 Thread Norma Rantisi
Lecturer in Human Geography position available at Newcastle University

The School of Geography, Politics and Sociology at Newcastle University
seeks to appoint a Lecturer in Human Geography tenable from August 2011.
Candidates should be able to contribute to our existing research themes
(geographies of social change; power, space and politics; economic
geographies) and have a track record of the application of GIS and
quantitative methodologies in an interdisciplinary social science

The successful candidate will have a record of research and publication
commensurate with the level of appointment.  Appointees will be expected to
make a contribution to undergraduate and postgraduate teaching and to
undertake supervision of postgraduate students.

Informal enquiries may be made to the Head of Geography, Dr Stephen Juggins
(tel: 0191 222 8799, e-mail:

Full details are available here:

Jane Pollard
Centre for Urban and Regional Development Studies
School of Geography, Politics and Sociology
Newcastle University
Newcastle NE1 7RU, UK
(44)(0)191 222 7691 (CURDS General Office)
(44)(0)191 222 5876 (direct line)

See my latest book 'Postcolonial Economies' at:

Making Connections Survey data available

2011-06-28 Thread Norma Rantisi
*Announcement to Listserv*

With support from the Annie E. Casey Foundation, NORC at the University of
Chicago is pleased to announce the availability of data from the *Making
Connections* Survey.  This ten‐year data collection effort has produced
nearly 28,000 interviews with residents in ten disadvantaged urban
communities at up to three points in time.  The survey data are now
available to approved researchers through NORC’s Data Enclave, a secure
environment that allows access to sensitive data from any computer.  The
Foundation encourages interested researchers, faculty, and advanced graduate
students to apply for access to the longitudinal and cross‐sectional
datasets.  We are especially interested in collaborating with faculty and
researchers who reside in or near the ten sites.  Please note that
applicants must be affiliated with an institution that is overseen by an
institutional review board (IRB).  For more information, please visit


* *

The *Making Connections* Survey is one component of a ten-year
neighborhood-based initiative sponsored by the Annie E. Casey Foundation.
The survey examines mobility, social capital and networks, neighborhood
processes, civic engagement, economic hardship, the availability and
utilization of services, and child and adolescent well-being. Data were
collected in a set of ten disadvantaged urban communities across the United
States that are diverse in terms of race, ethnicity, immigrant populations,
and physical and economic characteristics. The communities are located in
Denver, Des Moines, Indianapolis, San Antonio, Seattle (White Center),
Hartford, Milwaukee, Oakland, Providence, and Louisville. The *Making
Connections* datasets include a longitudinal sample of households
interviewed at up to three points in time between 2002 and 2011, as well as
representative point-in-time samples of neighborhood and county residents.
The baseline survey was fielded in each of the ten Making Connections
neighborhoods, and in each county that contained the Making Connections
neighborhood. The Wave 2 and Wave 3 survey was fielded in the neighborhoods
only.  Baseline data were gathered between 2002 and 2004. Wave 2 was
completed between 2005 and 2007 in the same ten sites. The Wave 3 cycle was
conducted between 2008 and 2011 in seven of the ten sites.

Researchers are invited to apply for access to the data. We are especially
interested in collaborating with faculty and researchers who reside in or
near the ten sites.  If you would like to speak with someone about the *Making
Connections* survey data or application process, please send an e-mail to

Information regarding data access may be found here:

Publications, working papers, reports, and presentations featuring the *Making
Connections* data may be found here:

[Specialty_groups] Student Paper Competition 2012 - Applied Geography

2011-06-28 Thread Norma Rantisi
Association of American Geographers (AAG)
Applied Geography Specialty Group
The 2012 Meeting of the AAG, February 24-28, 2012, New York, NY

The Applied Geography Specialty Group is sponsoring a student paper
competition this year. The paper and its research should utilize
geographic methods, techniques, or analysis applied in service to a real
world client, while the subject-matter focus of the paper is open. One
prize ($500) will be awarded to the best paper. The student papers
cannot be co-authored with a faculty member but can range from a class
project or term paper to one that has been given at any professional
meeting in the 12 months preceding (and including) the New York, NY AAG

Participants are required to register and present in the AGSG
Interactive Short Paper (ISP) Student Session at the February 24-28,
2012 AAG Annual Meeting.

The Applied Geography Conference Board will award the student paper
winner with a free conference registration to attend the 35th Annual
Applied Geography Conference in October, 2012 in Minneapolis, MN, and an
invitation to submit the winning paper for review and possible
publishing in the Annals from that conference.

The deadline for the submission of abstracts for the Applied Geography
Specialty Group student paper competition is the same date as the AAG
deadline for abstracts. To submit an abstract to the AGSG you must first
register for the meeting. Please review AAG guidelines for abstract

Send an abstract of no more than 250 words as an email attachment and
your personal identification number (received from the AAG after
applying online at, along with a 100 word maximum statement
identifying the applied geography components of their paper to Dr. Dawna
Cerney at

Written papers (8,000 word maximum) are due on January 1, 2012. The
prize will be awarded based on the written papers and not on the
presentations, and the winner will be announced at the conclusion of the
interactive session. If any participants would like informal feedback on
their presentation, please advise Dr. Cerney in advance.

Both Master’s and Ph.D. students are welcome in the competition. One
prize will be awarded in the amount of $500. All authors will be
recognized for their participation.
(See attached file: Call for Student papers_AAG12.pdf)
Specialty_groups mailing list

Call for Student papers_AAG12.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

CfP: Ten Years of Global Production Networks (GPN) Research: Prospects and Future Directions?

2011-06-27 Thread Norma Rantisi
Call for Papers:  AAG 2012, New York, 24th – 28th February:
Ten Years of Global Production Networks (GPN) Research: Prospects and Future

*Session Organizers: Neil M. Coe (University of Manchester, UK), Martin Hess
(University of Manchester, UK) and Henry Wai-chung Yeung (National
University of Singapore)***

Over the last decade, a strong and growing body of literature has emerged in
economic geography and cognate disciplines that uses a global production
networks (GPN) framework to investigate and explain economic globalization
and regional development. Starting with an overarching theoretical framework
first published in 2002 in *Review of International Political Economy* which
built on and provided a sympathetic critique of earlier Global Commodity
Chain and Global Value Chain approaches in economic sociology and
development studies, the GPN framework has since been progressively refined
conceptually and applied to a wide variety of economic sectors and
geographies. Two full special issues in *Environment and Planning *A (2006)
and *Journal of Economic Geography* (2008) have been published to advance
these GPN-inspired studies. As it has evolved, GPN research has made steady
progress in theoretical as well as empirical terms and produced valuable
results while at the same time it has faced ongoing ontological,
epistemological and methodological challenges. 

Firmly grounded in geographical political economy, the concept has sought to
incorporate ideas from poststructuralist theory and the “relational turn” to
better account for the networked nature of the global economy. However, the
focus of GPN analysis on socio-spatial relations and networks at multiple
scales has recently been said, by some commentators at least, to be in
danger of ignoring fundamental capitalist imperatives and to be too
all-encompassing to retain explanatory power. Others have concerns about GPN
methodologies which are largely qualitative and cross-national in nature and
thus may limit the ability to generalise from specific case studies. Despite
these challenges, however, the GPN approach has from the outset been
conscious of acknowledging different on-the-ground social and economic
realities. It has gained considerable currency and impact and has travelled
well beyond economic geography’s disciplinary boundaries, demonstrating its
potential to establish an effective language and analytical platform from
which to undertake sophisticated analysis of socio-economic development at
scales ranging from the global to the local. 

This session of both paper presentations and invited panel discussion seeks
to take stock of ten years of collaborative and geographically-diverse
intellectual endeavour. It aims to explore the directions GPN research has
taken and evaluate its viability as a heuristic device underpinning social
science research into economic globalization and its impacts. We therefore
welcome paper submissions addressing (but not limited to) one or more of the
following topics:

**· **Theoretical foundations of GPN analysis

**· **Developing GPN methodologies

**· **Structure and agency in GPNs

**· **GPNs and (regional development): ruptures and frictions

**· **Variegated capitalism, GPNs and development as a ‘moving

**· **The politics of GPNs in a post-political world

**· **Notions of power, value and embeddedness in GPN research

**· **Labouring in GPNs

**· **Cultural specificities of GPNs

**· **Sectoral specificities of GPNs: industrial upgrading and
economic restructuring

**· **Evolutionary approaches to GPNs

**· **GPNs and environmental economic geographies

**· **GPNs and alternative conceptualizations

** **

Anyone interested in presenting a paper in this session should submit an
abstract of up to 250 words to Neil Coe ( ), Martin
Hess ( ) and Henry Yeung (
by 15th September 2011.

** **

** **


Dr Martin Hess

Geography, School of Environment and Development

University of Manchester

Oxford Road

Manchester M13 9PL


Phone: +44 (0)161 275 3643



CFP: GaWC’s interlocking network model - foundations, applications, and critiques

2011-06-24 Thread Norma Rantisi

** **

*AAG **Annual Meeting New York (24-28 February 2012)*

*CFP: GaWC’s interlocking network model - foundations, applications, and

** **

The objective of this CFP is to develop a timely overview of (i) the main
applications of and (ii) the critiques raised against the ‘interlocking
network model’ (INM) for studying world city networks (WCNs). The INM for
studying WCNs has been devised in the context of the Globalization and World
Cities (GaWC) research network. GaWC is a non-institutionalized,
collaborative venture between researchers in different parts of the world.
GaWC’s main gateway is its website (, where
everyone is welcome to share ideas, publications and data on WCNs, and this
without favoring particular metatheoretical readings, geographical foci, or
conceptual and empirical approaches. 

** **

GaWC’s raison d’être lies in the analysis of the transnational, external
relations of cities, and a key contribution has thus been the formal
analysis of WCNs through this INM. In the initial specification in Taylor
(2001), it was put forward that globalized producer services firms are the
key network makers in the WCN in that these firms ‘interlock’ cities through
their transnational, city-centered location strategies. Since the Taylor
(2001) publication, GaWC’s INM for studying WCNs has been widely used and
debated, e.g.:

**· **The INM has been used as starting point for empirical analyses
of the WCN by applying it to data on the location strategies of a selection
of ‘global’ producer services firms (e.g. Taylor et al., 2002; Derudder and
Taylor, 2005; Taylor et al., 2011).

**· **At the same time, this recurring focus on ‘global’ producer
services firms for studying WCNs has been criticized on numerous grounds,
including alleged structuralist tendencies, potential normative
implications, and ‘Western-centeredness’ (e.g. Robinson, 2002; Massey, 2007;
Bassens et al., 2011).

**· **The INM’s network-analytical foundations have been scrutinized
(e.g. Nordlund, 2004; Lambregts, 2008; Neal, 2011).

**· **The INM’s conceptual underpinnings have been further
contextualized, detailed and refined (e.g. Beaverstock et al., 2002; Taylor,
2007; Derudder, 2006)

**· **The INM has been applied at other scales, especially in the
context of the analysis of polycentric city-regions (e.g. Pain, 2008; Hoyler
et al., 2008; Lüthi et al., 2011)

**· **Other WCN agents have been analyzed through the lens of the
INM, including NGO’s, media firms, and Islamic financial services firms
(e.g. Taylor, 2004; Watson  Hoyler, 2011; Bassens et al., 2010)

**· **…

** **

The purpose of this CFP is to bring together researchers that make use of
and/or critically engage with GaWC’s interlocking network model for studying
WCNs. Based on the ensuing overview of uses and critiques, it also seeks to
develop a round-up of the merits/drawbacks of the model as well as outline
some avenues for future research.  

** **

Interested participants should send a title and an *abstract of about 250
words *to Ben Derudder ( by *September 15th *at the
latest. Note that contributors will have to register for the conference and
submit their abstract the regular way (i.e. through the AAG website:, after which they need send the
code (PIN) *they receive. 



**· **Bassens, D., Derudder, B.  Witlox, F. (2010) Searching for
the Mecca of finance: Islamic financial services and the world city network.
AREA, 42(1), 35-46.

**· **Bassens, D., Derudder, B.  Witlox, F. (2011) Setting ‘other’
standards: on the role, power and spatialities of interlocking Shari’a
boards in Islamic financial services. Geoforum, 42, 94-103.
**· **Beaverstock, J.V., Doel, M.A., Hubbard, P.J.  Taylor, P.J.
(2002) Attending to the World: Competition/Co-operation and Co-efficiency in
the World City Network. Global Networks, 2 (2), 111-132.

**· **Derudder, B. (2006) On Conceptual Confusion in Empirical
Analyses of a Transnational Urban Network. Urban Studies, 43 (11),

**· **Derudder, B.  Taylor, P.J. (2005)The Cliquishness of World
Cities. Global Networks, 5 (1), (2005), 71-91.

**· **Hoyler, M., Freytag, T.  Mager, C. (2008) Connecting
Rhine-Main: The Production of Multi-Scalar Polycentricities through
Knowledge-Intensive Business Services Regional Studies, 42 (8), 1095-.**

**· **Lambregts, B. (2008) Geographies of knowledge formation in
mega-city regions: Some evidence from the Dutch Randstad. Regional Studies,
42(8), pp. 1173-1186.

**· **Lüthi, S., Thierstein, A.  Bentlage, M. (2011) Interlocking
Firm Networks in the German Knowledge Economy:  on Local Networks and Global
Connectivity. Raumforschung und Raumordnung, 69(3), 161-174.

CFP AAG 2012: ‘Green Commitments: transitions to a carbon conscious society'

2011-06-20 Thread Norma Rantisi
*Call for papers - AAG Annual Conference New York 24 -28 February 2012 *

* *

*Session title: ‘Green Commitments: transitions to a carbon conscious

Sponsored by the Economic Geography Specialty group of the AAG

** **

Organisers: Paul Barratt (University of Hull ), C.
Patrick Heidkamp (Southern Connecticut State University ), Sally Eden (University of Hull), David Gibbs
(University of Hull)


Climate change policies are encouraging individuals and organisations to
change their thinking and behaviours, internationally, nationally and
regionally, to push the transition from a high-carbon society to a
low-carbon society through a range of ‘green commitments’ in policy and
practice.  But how can that transition be understood, operationalised and
implemented? How are technologies opening up new possibilities for green
behaviours – or closing them down? What are the possibilities and problems
in moving towards a ‘carbon-conscious’ society? 

** **

This session aims to interrogate a diverse range of changes that are
implicated in this transition to a carbon-conscious society, from smart
metering in houses to ‘green champions’ in offices and factories.  Theoretical
approaches are likely also to be diverse, from co-evolution and
co-production of users and technologies, through transition management and
STS approaches, to governmentality and education to build carbon
consciousness into consumers and other subjects. 

** **

We anticipate organising two paper sessions plus a follow-up panel and
particularly welcome empirical papers that address issues such as: 

** **

• carbon labelling

• green institutions/universities/buildings

• post-carbon cities/towns/regions

• carbon/climate neutrality

• carbon/green technologies

• green league tables/sustainability indices

Questions that papers might address include: How are universities and other
institutions responding to the climate change agenda by committing to reduce
carbon? What are the problems in levering change in complex systems, such as
international supply chains?  What are the motives and drivers of green
commitments/transitions in different sectors and areas of practice? How
useful are benchmarking exercises such as league tables and sustainability
indices in pushing transitions to a carbon-conscious society? How are carbon
labels being developed and marketed to push sustainable consumption and
production? How important are schemes to measure carbon footprints or to
guarantee climate ‘neutrality’ for products and services?  What
certification services are developing to support and promote low-carbon
consciousness?  What kinds of place-based initiatives (in
towns/cities/regions) are developing to implement green commitments? 

** **

Abstracts of 250 words (maximum) should be submitted to Paul Barratt ( and Patrick Heidkamp ( by
September 14th 2011. Please remember to include your name, institutional
affiliation and contact details on your submission.

 C. Patrick Heidkamp, Ph.D.
Department of Geography
Southern Connecticut State University
118b Morrill Hall
501 Crescent Street
New Haven CT, 06515
(203) 392-5919

Description: application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document

Candidates for EGSG Board - Final Call

2011-06-17 Thread Norma Rantisi
Dear EGSG members:

Reminder about two important items...

1) It is that time of the year when we must plan for new elections for
the EGSG Board.  We currently have vacancies for the following three

- At-large board member (2011-2013)
- At-large board member (2011-2013)
- Student representative (2011-2012)

Elections will be held in late June by electronic ballot. Please send
in your nominations (specifying the position) directly to me
( by TUESDAY, JUNE 21.  If you are
nominating someone, please make sure the individual agrees to run for
election. We ask that all candidates send in a brief statement (150-200
words) about themselves to be included on the ballot.

We would like to extend our sincere gratitude to our outgoing EGSG
Board members, who have volunteered their time. Thanks to
board member Megan Blake (2009-2011) and our student
representative Chris Muellerleile (2010-2011).

2) If you are planning to organize a session for the upcoming AAGs
and would like EGSG sponsorship, please send the title of the session and
a brief description to Kris Olds ( and myself (

Thanks, Norma

Norma Rantisi, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Department of Geography, Planning  Environment
Concordia University
1455 de Maisonneuve Blvd. West
Montreal, Quebec H3G 1M8
Tel.: 514-848-2424, ext. 2018
Fax: 514-848-2032

CFP: Evolution in Economic Geography, AAG 2012

2011-06-10 Thread Norma Rantisi

*Call for Papers*

*AAG Annual Meeting Session – Sponsored by the AAG Economic Geography
Speciality Group*

*New York City,  24-28 February 2012*

*Evolution in Economic Geography *

Substantive advances have been achieved in the upsurge in interest in
evolution in Economic Geography. This plural strand of research has offered
much to help understand and explain diversity, variety and heterogeneity in
an unfolding economic landscape. Yet, evolutionary approaches in Economic
Geography are still “under construction” (Boschma and Frenken 2011: 303) and
are wrestling with a number of thorny issues. First, the conceptual and
theoretical variants within this research are diverse and have failed to
coalesce into a body of work capable of providing consistent theoretical
frameworks for systematic and comparative analysis. Second, while
methodologies and research designs are acknowledged to be plural they have
failed to keep pace with conceptual and theoretical advances. Third,
empirical applications of evolutionary approaches have provided much insight
but remain limited to a relatively narrow range of economic activities and
places in an international context. Last, the engagement of work on
evolution in Economic Geography with politics, policy and praxis is markedly
under-developed. This session aims to take stock of where we are at and
seeks to identify and clarify the challenges in moving evolutionary work in
Economic Geography forward.

Potential themes of interest, though not exhaustive, might include:

-  Conceptualising and theorising evolution in Economic Geography

-  Methodologies for researching evolution

-  Empirical insights from a diverse array of sectors and
geographical contexts

-  Evolutionary approaches and policy

-  The politics and praxis of an evolutionary approach to economic

If you wish to participate in this session please submit your abstract by
e-mail to Stuart Dawley and Andy Pike at the Centre for Urban and Regional Development
Studies (CURDS), Newcastle University, UK, by *14 September 2011*.

Regional Studies Association One Day Winter Conference, 'Contested Regions: Territorial Politics and Policy'

2011-06-09 Thread Norma Rantisi

*Regional Association One Day Winter Conference, **Friday 25th November 2011
London, UK*

* *

*Contested Regions: Territorial Politics and Policy*

* *

*To register go to:*

* *


*Conference themes:***

Contributions are invited which focus primarily, although not necessarily
exclusively, on one or more of the following themes:

· Remapping of  regions and localities and the implications of this
for multilevel governance, policy success or policy failure;

· Global comparative perspectives on models of regional and
metropolitan governance;

·  New sites and forms of regional conflict: inter-regional, intra-
regional, and
in-between regional;

· The role of territorial politics in regional strategies for
economic development and state redistribution;

· Cooperation, disputes and political struggles around borders
/boundaries/ sovereignty;

· The politics of local and regional infrastructures; models and
practices of decentralisation and the impacts of this on territorial justice

* *

The last two decades have been dominated by discourses affirming a
resurgence of regions as the primary spatial scale at which competing
political and economic agendas are convened, not least those pertaining to
increasing competitiveness, while simultaneously tackling entrenched
inequalities, encouraging progressive planning and enabling piecemeal
democratic rights. Part and parcel of this discourse has been a series of
well documented territorial conflicts, contests and struggles – most notably
centered on national and sub-national disputes around notions of *inter alia
* identity, sovereignty, borders, legitimacy and democracy. Alongside this,
however, we are seeing a growing appreciation of an alternative set of
territorial politics; one which is leading researchers to focus on new *loci
*, and to engage with new forms, of *intra-regional* disparities and
dispute. This has become increasingly acute *vis-à-vis* a wider context
combining accelerating processes of global economic integration with
geographical differentiation, and as rapid urbanization now sees more than
50% of the world’s population living in cities. On the one hand
globalization is thus fuelling claims of a resurgence of cities as drivers
of competitiveness. Yet, on the other hand, substantive expressions of
accelerated urbanization are increasingly challenging existing urban
economic infrastructures and urban-regional governance, particularly as
metropolitan landscapes stretch far beyond their traditional territorial
boundaries. The extraordinarily rapid urbanization underway in China offers
a vivid example of the challenges posed.

Stirred into action by these developments, the first decade of this century
has seen a whole body of research outlining the emergence of a new and
critically important geographical and institutional phenomenon on the world
stage – the metropolitan city-region. Synonymous with much of this work has
been a series of normative claims relating to how metropolitan regions are:

1) The basic motors of the national economies within which they are located;

2) Fundamental to economic and social revitalisation; and

3) Vital for establishing effective planning and policymaking.

In the USA this has precipitated calls for a ‘New Regionalism’ to
consolidate fragmenting governance at the metropolitan level. But this is
only part of the story. For the pace of change – particularly in relation to
their size, scale and number– is leaving these pivotal societal and
political-economic formations reliant on increasingly outdated and
inadequate institutional structures, infrastructures, territorialities,
statutory frameworks and supports. And herein rests the tension: as the
demand for more ‘appropriate’, widely understood to mean more flexible,
networked and smart forms of urban and regional planning and governance
arrangements increases, new *loci* and/or expressions of territorial
cooperation and conflict are emerging around questions to do with increased
competitiveness, new economic developments, infrastructure, collective
provision of services, and governmentalised re-mappings of state space.

In this context then it is timely to ask some searching questions about
these new intra-regional territorial dynamics and politics, to begin the
process of developing appropriate vocabularies for mapping and
conceptualising the transforming metropolitan economic, political and social
landscape, and to explore notable successes and failures in response to the
profound practical challenges. The Regional Studies Association Winter
Conference 2011 on *Contested Regions *presents an opportunity to discuss
and debate these important issues, to establish the need and nature of
future research imperatives in this field, and to address the concerns, and
challenges confronting 

[Specialty_groups] AAG Call for Nominations for Vice President and National Councillor

2011-06-07 Thread Norma Rantisi

*Call for Nominations for Vice President and National Councillor of the
Association of American Geographers*

The AAG Nominating Committee for the 2012 election is seeking nominations
for AAG Vice President (one to be elected) and for National Councillor (two
vacancies). Those elected will take office on July 1, 2012. Members should
submit the names and addresses of each nominee and their reasons for
supporting nomination *to any member of the committee no later than June 30,
2011.* As part of your nomination statement, please confirm that your
nominee is willing to be considered by the nominating committee for the
position for which you are nominating her or him.

Committee members: James W. Harrington, Jr., University of Washington,
Department of Geography, Box 353550, Seattle, Washington (; Katie Algeo, Western Kentucky University, Department
Geography, 1906 College Heights Blvd., Bowling Green, Kentucky 42101-1066 (; and Susanne Moser, Stanford University and Susanne
Moser Research  Consulting, 134 Shelter Lagoon Drive, Santa Cruz,
California, 95060 (

Lists of past and current AAG officers may be found in the Handbook section
of the current issue of the AAG’s *Guide to Geography Programs in the
Americas*. ■

Specialty_groups mailing list

New Economic Geography book

2011-05-23 Thread Norma Rantisi
Dear EGSG members:

This new book will be of interest to members.  Detailed information
can be obtained from the link below.

R. Hayter and J. Patchell, Economic Geography: An Institutional
Approach (Toronto: Oxford). For more information, see:

Norma Rantisi, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Department of Geography, Planning  Environment
Concordia University
1455 de Maisonneuve Blvd. West
Montreal, Quebec H3G 1M8
Tel.: 514-848-2424, ext. 2018
Fax: 514-848-2032

[Specialty_groups] Travel Grants to IGU Regional Meeting in Santiago, Chile 2011

2011-05-13 Thread Norma Rantisi
-- Forwarded message --
From: Patricia Solis
Date: Thu, May 12, 2011 at 1:50 PM
Subject: Re: [Specialty_groups] Travel Grants to IGU Regional Meeting
in Santiago, Chile 2011

A friendly reminder that the deadline for applications is June 1, 2011.

On Fri, Mar 4, 2011 at 9:17 AM, Patricia Solis wrote:

 The AAG has received funding from the National Science Foundation to defray 
 the expenses of participation by U.S. scientists in the International 
 Geographical Union Regional Conference in Santiago, Chile to be held from 
 November 14-18, 2011.  The program will provide approximately twenty-five 
 travel grants for this meeting: thirteen grants of $1,500 each junior 
 scholars, including graduate students, and twelve awards of $1,000 each to 
 senior scholars. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply.  Details 
 regarding the conference are available at

 Applicants should note that the deadline for submitting abstracts for papers 
 and posters for IGU is March 10, 2011.

 Applications for IGU Travel Grants are due by June 1, 2011.  Submissions 
 received after that date may be accepted as alternates.  Notifications will 
 be made within approximately 2 to 3 weeks after the deadline.

 For information on eligibility and to download the application form, please 
 refer to Digital submissions are 
 required by email to

 Dr. Patricia Solís
 Director of Outreach and Strategic Initiatives
 Association of American Geographers
 1710 Sixteenth Street NW
 Washington, DC 20009-3198
 Telephone 202-234-1450 ext. 222
 Direct Line 202-558-7491
 Fax 202-234-2744

Specialty_groups mailing list

Economic Geography Virtual Issue on Financialization

2011-05-13 Thread Norma Rantisi

Economic Geography
Virtual Issue on Financialization

Economic Geography inaugurates its first virtual issue with a theme on
financialization. The significance of financialization in the
post-crisis era in particular demands a re-examination of existing
frameworks that govern the finance sector in various parts of the
world. Economic geographers analyze how the global and the local
economies intersect under financialization. This collection of papers
represents a variety of treatment on financialization, from ones that
focus on stock markets, pension fund, infrastructure, and to those
that engages with household responses.

Complimentary access to Economic Geography’s Virtual Issue on
Financialization is available at:

Economic Geography is an internationally peer-reviewed journal,
committed to publishing cutting-edge research that makes theoretical
advances to the discipline. Our long-standing specialization is to
publish the best theoretically-based empirical articles that deepen
the understanding of significant economic geography issues around the
world.  Full information on the journal, including subscription rates
and submission guidelines is available at

RSA Conference - LOCALISM - Manchester Nov 2011

2011-05-13 Thread Norma Rantisi


Thursday 3rd November 2011

University of Manchester Conference Centre

Manchester, UK

Localism: Sufficient and fit for purpose?

*To Register and submit an abstract:*

*Please click on this link or copy and paste into your browser*


* *

* *

*Conference Objectives**
*Localism and regionalism tend to be seen as conflicting and competing
conceptions of territorial organisation.  Indeed, there are well rehearsed,
albeit evolving, debates which engage with the theoretical and policy
architectures underpinning regionalism and localism.  These two forms of
territorial organisation have their origins in different schools of thought,
underpinned by fundamentally different ideals around the structure and role
of both government and governance in territorial management, the scales at
which these functions are most effectively operationalised and how they
relate to each other. The current debates in the UK on Local Enterprise
Partnerships (LEPS) illustrate this.

Nevertheless, many successful economies around the world have strong local
government structures which are complemented by regional structures, either
in the form of federal elected regional bodies, regional development
institutions, or special purpose delivery vehicles.  International evidence
suggests that a regional structure provides a mechanism for thinking
strategically about priorities of regional significance such as economic
development and transport; that it allows scope for the setting of
longer-term policy priorities; and that it can coordinate and frame
collective arguments and priorities, and in doing so can provide a conduit
through which to lobby national government and, increasingly, international
agencies, yet also organise a plethora of local interests.  This raises a
crucial question which will form the theme for this conference: can localism
deliver effective interventions and outcomes at a time when economic shifts
have forced an adjustment to social, political, and cultural norms to which
places must respond?

*Target Audience*
The conference is open to all: academics; policy makers and practitioners;
and we especially encourage early career researchers, including individuals
who are currently undertaking an academic degree or post-doctoral studies,
to attend and use this opportunity to present their research.


The day will consist of both parallel workshop sessions and plenary

*Plenary speakers:*

*Morning Session*

· *The Politics and Governance of Territorial Development under

Professor Gerry Stoker, University of Southampton

*Sub-National Economic Development and Localism*

Professor Mike Raco, Kings College London

· *Planning, Regeneration and Localism*

Dr. Hugh Ellis, Chief Planner, Town and Country Planning Association **

* *

*Afternoon Session*

· *Localism and the Environment
*Dr Richard Cowell, Cardiff University* *

Leading the discussion: Baron Frankal, Research Director, New Economy,

*Contributions are welcomed on the following themes:*

* *

· *The Politics and Governance of Territorial Development under

Regionalism and localism have their roots in very different
conceptualisations of the roles and structures of political and governance
architectures that underpin territorial development.  There has been a shift
in recent months towards a post-regional policy framework in England, and
with this shift, there has been increasing emphasis placed on enhancing
participatory democracy at the local level.  In the English context localism
is seen to offer a framework for achieving the decentralisation of power;
the realisation of development driven by neighbourhoods and local
authorities; and increasing accountability at the local level.  These
changes raise interesting questions around the coordination of territorial
development, the role of politics and governance as well as fiscal
responsibility in this coordination exercise which may be locally or
centrally defined.  For example, what is the role of professionals,
policymakers, local authorities, communities and NGOs in coordinating and
delivering territorial development within a localism framework?  Who will
champion strategic priorities?  What are the opportunities and challenges
that participatory democracy present for the achievement of territorial
development goals?  This track is interested in understanding the nature of
this emerging localism architecture and its contrasting form and function to
that which underpins regionalism and will interrogate localism as a
framework for facilitating and managing sustainable territorial development.

· *Sub-National Economic Development and Localism*

There are well-established and ongoing international debates being had
around the viability and sustainability of local and regional economies.


2011-05-09 Thread Norma Rantisi

Dear All


Local and regional development is undergoing a period of unprecedented
change. New debates about the 'knowledge economy', 'globalisation',
'competitiveness', 'rebalancing', 'inclusion', 'sustainability' and
'wellbeing' are profoundly changing the nature of local and regional
development processes, institutions and policies. International trends
towards decentralisation, regionalisation, city-regionalism and
localism are changing administrative and governance structures at the
national, regional, sub-regional and local levels. The economic
downturn and reorganisation of economic development and regeneration
have focused the minds of local and regional policy-makers in shaping
their responses and building the resilience of local and regional
economies. Together, these inter-related developments are generating
new challenges and a demand to build capacity for analysis, strategy
and policy-making for local and regional development amongst
individuals and institutions in the public, private and voluntary and
community sectors.

The Centre for Urban and Regional Development Studies (CURDS),
Newcastle University, has two postgraduate programmes that connect
directly with this emerging local and regional agenda:

*       MA, Diploma and Certificate in Regional Development

*       MA in Regional Development (Research) (ESRC-recognised)

For each course participant, the courses aim:

*       to provide knowledge and understanding of contemporary local
and regional development and governance theory, policy and practice in
an international context

*       to develop the practical skills and capabilities required to
engage, research and participate in the emergent local and regional
development agenda

*       to achieve a relevant postgraduate qualification in Local and Regional
Development at MA, Diploma or Certificate level.

Course modules include: Local and Regional Development Theory and
Policy; Local and Regional Development and Governance; Local and
Regional Perspectives on the Knowledge Society; Local and Regional
Methodology, Analysis and Statistics; Developing Local and Regional
Strategies; Labour Markets, Skills and Training and the Research

The Local and Regional Development programme (MA, Diploma and
Certificate) has been validated by the Institute of Economic
Development (IED)

Further details are available from the Postgraduate section in the
CURDS website:

The CURDS MA programme podcast is at:

For further information, contact:

Andy Pike

Professor of Local and Regional Development
Degree Programme Director
Tel. +44(0)191 222 8011
Fax. +44 (0)191 232 9259

EGSG Best Student Paper Award

2011-05-04 Thread Norma Rantisi
Dear All:

On behalf of the EGSG committee, I am pleased to announce this year's
best student paper award winner.  The winner is Daniel Haberly, Ph.D.
Candidate, Clark University, for his paper entitled Strategic
Sovereign Wealth Fund Investment and the New Alliance Capitalism: A
Network Mapping Investigation.

Congratulations to Daniel. Thanks to all of those who submitted a
paper for this stiff competition, and to the judges Megan Blake and
Janelle Knox-Hayes.



Norma Rantisi, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Department of Geography, Planning  Environment
Concordia University
1455 de Maisonneuve Blvd. West
Montreal, Quebec H3G 1M8
Tel.: 514-848-2424, ext. 2018
Fax: 514-848-2032

Reminder: Register today, Planners Network International Conference 2011

2011-04-28 Thread Norma Rantisi

April 25, 2011

Dear Colleagues,

As May approaches, the Local Host Committee for the 2011 Planners Network
International Conference is very excited about this year’s conference!

Among the highlights of this year’s conference will be:

· A discussion of “Planning in the Face of Austerity, Resistance,
and Hysteria” featuring Peter Marcuse, Bill Goldsmith, Pierre Clavel and

· The Mid-South premier of Canadian Aparteid – a new documentary
film exploring race, class and diversity in Canadian cities by Leonie

· A showing of the award-winning documentary film “I Am a Man”
highlighting the epic struggle of Memphis’ sanitation workers which brought
Dr. King to our city followed by a discussion of contemporary labor rights

· Twenty-six breakout sessions focused on a broad range of
contemporary planning issues including: sustainable planning and design,
affordable housing, alternative transportation, urban food systems, planning
student activism, and immigrants’ rights

· Six neighborhood planning and design charettes in which conference
attendees will provide planning and design advice to local activists
struggling with “wicked” advocacy planning issues

· An evening of American soul food and music at the STAX Museum of
American Soul Music where Aretha, Otis, Isaac, Sam, Dave, Steve, Mavis and
others made intergalactic music history

· A poster session highlighting various forms of contemporary
professional practice

· Tours of historic downtown Memphis, the city’s new six-mile
greenway by bike, the National Civil Rights Museum and Graceland because as
all Memphians know – ELVIS LIVES!

So, take a few minutes to check out the PN conference website, (  ), review your May schedule
and register for this year’s Planners Network Conference! At a time when
very conservative forces are mounting a serious attack on government, public
employees, and planning we need to show our support for and commitment to
progressive urban and regional policies and participatory planning methods.
Do this by attending the 2011 Planners Network International Conference in
Memphis – home of the triumphant Memphis Grizzlies who just vanquished the
Spurs from this year’s NBA Playoffs and the city voted one of the Best
Cities for Young Artists ( )
– something Elvis, BB, Johnny, Isaac, Booker T, and Jerry Lee figured out
some time ago!

So, pack up your fellow progressive planners and designers in the Winnebago
and join us in the Bluff City on May 18th for the year’s best planning

With warm regards,

Ken Reardon

Professor and Director of the Graduate Division of City and Regional

Chair, 2011 Planners Network International Conference Planning Committee

Jessica Buttermore

Administrative Associate

School of Urban Affairs and Public Policy

208 McCord Hall

The University of Memphis


Norma Rantisi, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Department of Geography, Planning  Environment
Concordia University
1455 de Maisonneuve Blvd. West
Montreal, Quebec H3G 1M8
Tel.: 514-848-2424, ext. 2018
Fax: 514-848-2032

New Title: Handbook of Local and Regional Development

2011-03-07 Thread Norma Rantisi
 *Susan Christopherson* 32 SMEs,
Entrepreneurialism and Local/Regional Development *Costis Hadjimichalis* 33
Transnational Corporations and Local and Regional Development *Stuart Dawley
* 34 Innovation Networks and Local and Regional Development Policy *Mário
Vale* 35 Universities and Regional Development *John Goddard and Paul
Vallance* 36 Transportation Networks, the Logistics Revolution and Regional
Development* John T. Bowen Jr. and Thomas R. Leinbach* 37 (Im)migration,
Local, Regional and Uneven Development *Jane Wills, Kavita Datta, Jon May,
Cathy McIlwaine, Yara Evans and Joanna Herbert * 38 Neoliberal Urbanism in
Europe *Sara Gonzalez* 39 Gender, Migration and Socio-Spatial
Transformations in Southern European Cities *Dina Vaiou * *Section VI:
Global Perspectives* 40 The Experience of Local and Regional Development in
Africa* Etienne Nel* 41 Globalization, Urbanization and Decentralization :
The Experience of Asian Pacific Cities Shiuh-Shen Chien 42 Local
Development: A Response to the Economic Crisis. Lessons from Latin
America *Antonio
Vázquez-Barquero* 43 North American Perspectives on Local and Regional
Development *Nancey Green Leigh and Jennifer Clark* 44 Area Definition and
Classification and Regional Development Finance: The European Union and
China *Michael Dunford* *Section VII: Reflections and Futures* 45 The
Language of Local and Regional Development *Phillip O’Neill* 46 The
Evaluation of Local and Regional Development Policy *Dave Valler* 47 The New
Regional Governance and the Hegemony of Neoliberalism. All change – No
change? *John Lovering* 48 Local Left Strategy Now *Jamie Gough and Aram
Eisenschitz* 49 Local and Regional Development: Reflections and
Futures*John Tomaney,
* *Andy Pike and Andrés Rodríguez-Pose*

Author Biography

*Andy Pike* is Professor of Local and Regional Development in the Centre for
Urban and Regional Development Studies (CURDS), Newcastle University, UK.

*Andrés Rodríguez Pose* is a Professor of Economic Geography at the London
School of Economics, UK.

*John Tomaney* is Henry Daysh Professor of Regional Development Studies and
Director of CURDS, Newcastle University, UK, and Professor of Regional
Studies, Institute for Regional Studies, Monash University, Australia.

 ***Published* January 2010 by Routledge

Hardback: 978-0-415-54831-1: *$200.00***

Read More | Recommend
to Librarian

Norma Rantisi, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Department of Geography, Planning  Environment
Concordia University
1455 de Maisonneuve Blvd. West
Montreal, Quebec H3G 1M8
Tel.: 514-848-2424, ext. 2018
Fax: 514-848-2032

EGSG Best Dissertation Award

2011-02-22 Thread Norma Rantisi
Dear All:

On behalf of the EGSG committee, I am pleased to announce this year's best
dissertation award winner.  The winner is Elizabeth Shapiro for her
dissertation entitled To Revalue the Rural? Transformation of the Mexican
Federal Payments for Ecosystem Services Programs from Neoliberal Notion to
Development Dogma.  Elizabeth completed her Ph.D. at the University of
California Berkeley and is now assistant professor at Duke University.

Congratulations to Elizabeth. Thanks to those who submitted a dissertation
for this stiff competition, and to judges Julie Silva and Jun Zhang.

For further details of EGSG awards and competitions, please visit our web
site,  and go to the competitions


Norma Rantisi, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Department of Geography, Planning  Environment
Concordia University
1455 de Maisonneuve Blvd. West
Montreal, Quebec H3G 1M8
Tel.: 514-848-2424, ext. 2018
Fax: 514-848-2032

Norma Rantisi, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Department of Geography, Planning  Environment
Concordia University
1455 de Maisonneuve Blvd. West
Montreal, Quebec H3G 1M8
Tel.: 514-848-2424, ext. 2018
Fax: 514-848-2032

AAG photo contest

2011-02-02 Thread Norma Rantisi
*Announcement text:*

The deadline to submit photos for the AAG’s new “Geography in Focus”
photography competition, created to celebrate geography and geographers, has
been extended to *February 21, 2011*. Photographs may be submitted in any of
three categories: Careers in Geography, Diversity and Inclusion within
Geography, and Unique Landscapes and Places.

Winners will receive cash prices as well as recognition at the 2011 AAG
Annual Meeting in Seattle, Washington (April 12-16). We encourage both
amateur and professional photographers as well as AAG members and
non-members to submit their work. For more information please visit the
photo competition webpage at or contact

Joy K. Adams, Ph.D.
Senior Researcher
Association of American Geographers
1710 Sixteenth St NW
Washington, DC 20009-3198

Phone: (202) 234-1450, ext. 148
Fax: (202) 234-2744

2nd cfp for Global Conference on Economic Geography: The (Re)Production of Difference in Cultural Industries

2011-01-21 Thread Norma Rantisi
Apologies for cross-posting.

More information about the Third Global Conference on Economic
Geography 2011, COEX,
Seoul, Korea, June 28-July 2, 2011, can be found at the following website:

Information about travel awards for post-graduates and early career
academics is also
available on the site.


2nd Call for Papers: *The (Re)Production of Difference in Cultural

As sites/mediums of symbolic representation, cultural industries (film,
fashion, literature, etc.) involve processes where social difference may be
constituted and serve as an integral part of the accumulation process. To
date, most contemporary economic-geographic analyses have focused on the
spatial and economic organization of such industries; in contrast to
cultural studies or political economy analyses, few studies have considered
how these industries operate through social inequalities (gender, race,
class) in terms of either

1) the symbolic-ideological representations that cultural products embody;
2) the material effects tied up with a social division of labour; OR
3) the inter-relation between symbolic representations and
material conditions.

Papers in this session will explore these themes, examining how
the manufacture of cultural products can be implicated in the production of
difference  how difference in turn can become a basis for economic
exploitation in these industries.

If interested in participating, please forward an abstract to Norma Rantisi
( by January 25th.

Thank you  best wishes,


Norma Rantisi, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Department of Geography, Planning  Environment
Concordia University
1455 de Maisonneuve Blvd. West
Montreal, Quebec H3G 1M8
Tel.: 514-848-2424, ext. 2018
Fax: 514-848-2032


[Specialty_groups] Fwd: Reminder: Proposals Due 2/5/11

2011-01-19 Thread Norma Rantisi
Forwarded on behalf of Christopher Riley of the Graduate Student Affinity


Dear all,

 I wanted to issue a friendly reminder to geography graduate students that
the due dates for proposals for Graduate Student Affinity Group's
(GSAG)student paper competition and research award competition are both due
on February 5, 2011.  The attached documents contain all relevant
information.  Please forward this message to your respective lists.

Apologies for cross-postings

Thank you,

Christopher Riley, GSAG Chair

Specialty_groups mailing list

Norma Rantisi, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Department of Geography, Planning  Environment
Concordia University
1455 de Maisonneuve Blvd. West
Montreal, Quebec H3G 1M8
Tel.: 514-848-2424, ext. 2018
Fax: 514-848-2032

Description: application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document

Description: application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document

2011 PN Conference in Memphis

2011-01-18 Thread Norma Rantisi
Please forward on to potentially interested colleagues...  Thanks


Dear Colleagues,

We are delighted to send you this initial announcement for the 2011 Planners
Network International Conference to be held in Memphis, Tennessee (USA) on
May 18-21, 2011. We hope you will make plans to attend and contribute to
this year’s meeting which will focus on the struggle to promote equitable
forms of regional development through participatory planning and design.
Check the 2011 PN Conference website at The University of Memphis for more
info (

The growing influence of conservative citizen movements and governments in
many parts of the world reminds us that this is an important time to be
organizing for social justice! Among the topics to be discussed at this
year’s conference will be: urban food security, affordable housing,
alternative transportation, historic preservation, international
development, crime prevention, and green job generation! So, pack your
partner, kids, and dog in the family Winnebago and join us in Memphis for
this year’s PN Conference. Among those who have already committed to come
are Bill Goldsmith, Pierre Clavel, Leonie Sandercock, Mike Powell, Karen
Hundt and Laura Saija.

Please consider submitting a presentation or panel session proposal to be
offered at the conference (Due March 15th). We welcome authors who wish to
bring copies of their books to be displayed and sold in the PN Conference
Book Room. We also invite organizations to prepare posters boards (30 x 40)
of their work to be displayed throughout this exciting three-day event.
Finally, we invite you to bring literature on your organization’s work to be
distributed to the 400-600 individuals that we expect to be attending this
year’s event.

We look forward to seeing you in The Bluff City where Elvis lives and is
still “The King”. Remember to bring your dancing shoes!

We ask you to share this initial invitation with other colleagues and
networks in your area that are interested in promoting more equitable and
sustainable forms of development through democratic action! We believe the
2011 PN Conference will be of interest to community activists, professional
planners and designers, local elected officials, media representatives,
labor leaders, youth/senior leaders, environmentalists and urban scholars.

With warm regards,

Ken Reardon

Professor and Director of the Graduate Program in City and Regional Planning

School of Urban Affairs and Public Policy

The University of Memphis


Member, Planners Network Advisory Committee

*From:* Laura Saija []
*Sent:* Monday, January 17, 2011 3:41 PM
*To:* Kenneth Reardon (kreardon); Laura Saija (lsaija)
*Subject:* 2011 pn confer in memphis


Norma Rantisi, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Department of Geography, Planning  Environment
Concordia University
1455 de Maisonneuve Blvd. West
Montreal, Quebec H3G 1M8
Tel.: 514-848-2424, ext. 2018
Fax: 514-848-2032

[Specialty_groups] People, Place, and Region Section Editor Sought for Annals of the AAG

2011-01-07 Thread Norma Rantisi
The Association of American Geographers seeks applications and
nominations for the People, Place, and Region section editor for the
Annals of the Association of American Geographers.

Applications and nominations must be submitted by January 20, 2011.
Please see the advertisement below for additional information.

People, Place, and Region Section Editor Sought for Annals of the AAG

The Association of American Geographers seeks applications and
nominations for the People, Place, and Region section editor for the
Annals of the Association of American Geographers. The new section
editor will be appointed for a 4.5-year editorial term that will
commence on July 1, 2011. The appointment will be made by spring 2011.

The AAG seeks an editor who will solicit, review, and accept for
publication articles in the People, Place, and Region subject area,
within publication-space limitations that will be determined annually.

The AAG Council expects that the new editor will accept manuscripts
from across the breadth and depth of intellectual activity in their
subject area of contemporary American geography. The AAG Council
further expects that the Annals will publish items that represent the
very best thinking in American geography. The section editor should be
eager to act as an intellectual entrepreneur to attract the very best
work being produced.

In support of these goals, the editorial candidate should possess
demonstrated expertise within the section subject area (People, Place,
and Region), a distinguished record of scholarly achievement, a broad
perspective on the discipline of geography, respect and affection for
its diversity, and an ability to work constructively with authors
during the review process. Institutional support for the new editor
(especially some time released from teaching) is desirable, but not
mandatory. The AAG will provide a stipend to be used for expenses and
honorarium at the editor’s discretion.

The section editor will work in coordination with the AAG Journals
Managing Editor, located at the Meridian Place AAG office in
Washington, DC. The Managing Editor bears primary responsibility for
the logistics of processing manuscripts and book reviews, and for
assembling and coordinating the publication of each issue of the
journal in collaboration with the editors and the journal’s publisher.
Editor candidates, therefore, should share the AAG Council's vision of
an accessible, decentralized, and collaborative Annals editorship.

A letter of application that addresses both qualifications and a
vision for the People, Place, and Region section should be accompanied
by a complete curriculum vitae. Nominations and applications should be
submitted by January 20, 2011. Please e-mail applications or letters
of nomination to Journals Managing Editor Robin Maier at

Specialty_groups mailing list

[Specialty_groups] Call for Abstracts: Annals Special Issue on the Geography of Water

2011-01-02 Thread Norma Rantisi
Call for Abstracts

Annals of the Association of American Geographers

2013 Special Issue: Geography of Water

The Annals of the Association of American Geographers invites
abstracts of papers to be considered for a special issue on the
Geography of Water. This will be the fifth of a series of annual
special issues that highlight the work of geographers around a
significant global theme. Papers are sought from a broad spectrum of
scholars who address social, cultural, political, environmental,
economic, theoretical, and methodological issues focused on the
geography of water. These include original research in such areas as
water and conflict, spatial disparities in access to water-related
services, water and global environmental change, water and habitats,
analysis and simulation of water systems, water and risk, policy and
law applied to water environments, and other relevant areas. Abstracts
of no more than 250 words should be submitted by February 1, 2011 to Final papers will be due (via Manuscript Central) by
October 1, 2011 for publication in 2013. Papers will have a target
maximum length of 5,000 words, with a smaller limit if a large number
of tables and/or figures are included. All submitted papers will be
subject to full peer review.

Specialty_groups mailing list

Reminder: AAG Applied Geography Awards

2010-12-26 Thread Norma Rantisi
Association of American Geographers
Applied Geography Specialty Group
Citation Award and Praxis Awards

Do you know an individual or organization that has made an outstanding
contribution to the field of applied geography? Nominations are open
until December 31 for the Applied Geography Specialty Group's Citation
Award and Praxis Awards.

The Citation Award celebrates applied geography projects, reports, or
studies of significance. Steven Branting along with Ian Coleman,
Nathaniel Ebel, Emerson Follett, Matthew Schulz, and Christopher Wagner
from Lewiston High School in Lewiston, Idaho, were awarded this honor in
2004 for The 5th Street Cemetery Necrogeographical Study.  Nominations
are due December 31, 2010.

And, the Praxis Awards for the Public and Private Sectors recognize
exceptional applied research within the public and private sectors
respectively. Nominations are due December 31, 2010.

Details on award nomination procedures are available on the specialty
group website at:

To submit your nomination or to discuss the nomination procedure, please
contact Dr. Nairne Cameron, Algoma University at

Nairne Cameron, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Department of Geography  Geology
Algoma University
1520 Queen Street East
Sault Ste. Marie, ON P6A 2G4

Phone: (705) 949-2301 ext. 4374

cfp The (Re)Production of Difference in Cultural Industries - Third Global Conference on Economic Geography

2010-12-26 Thread Norma Rantisi
Call for Papers
Third Global Conference on Economic Geography
Seoul, Korea, June 28- July 2, 2011

Session on The (Re)Production of Difference in Cultural Industries

As sites/mediums of symbolic representation, cultural industries
(film, fashion, literature, etc.) involve processes where social
difference may be constituted and serve as an integral part of the
accumulation process.  To date, most contemporary economic-geographic
analyses have focused on the spatial and economic organization of such
industries; in contrast to cultural studies or political economy
analyses, few studies have considered how these industries operate
through social inequalities (gender, race, class) in terms of either
1) the symbolic-ideological representations that cultural products embody;
2) the material effects tied up with a social division of labour;
3) the inter-relation between symbolic representations and material conditions.

Papers in this session will explore these themes, examining how the
manufacture of cultural products can be implicated in the production
of difference 
how difference in turn can become a basis for economic exploitation
in these industries.

If interested in participating, please forward an abstract to Norma
Rantisi ( by January 25th.

Norma Rantisi, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Department of Geography, Planning  Environment
Concordia University
1455 de Maisonneuve Blvd. West
Montreal, Quebec H3G 1M8
Tel.: 514-848-2424, ext. 2018
Fax: 514-848-2032

reminder/Economic Geography Specialty Group Competitions and awards w deadlines of 30 Dec 2010/15 Jan 2011/5 April 2011

2010-12-16 Thread Norma Rantisi
Dear EGSG members:

Just an update with important information regarding the Dissertation
Award competition.

Dr. Julie Silva will be on leave starting in January and requests that
be sent to her by email to the following address:

Please send both a hardcopy and soft copy to Dr. Jun Zhang (contact information


-- Forwarded message --
From: Kris Olds
Date: Sun, Dec 12, 2010 at 10:22 PM
Subject: reminder/Economic Geography Specialty Group Competitions and
awards w deadlines of 30 Dec 2010/15 Jan 2011/5 April 2011

Competitions and awards

The Economic Geography Specialty Group makes annual awards for the
best dissertation and best student paper in economic geography,
announced each year at the AAG annual conference.

Graduate student research award:
These competitive awards ($750 each) are designed to support
innovative and original graduate student research that is likely to
make a significant contribution to the development of the field of
economic geography. Proposals will be judged on the basis of the
theoretical and substantive significance of the research, and the
appropriateness of the methods employed. Funds can be used towards
travel, subsistence, equipment and/or other normal research expenses.
Applications should include (a) a one-page vita, with full contact
details, (b) a two-page statement, detailing the nature of the
proposed research, its expected contribution, and the uses to which
award funds would be put. Awardees must be registered graduate
students throughout the duration of the award. Applications should be
submitted to the relevant committee members by January 15, 2011.

Committee members for graduate student awards:

Kristopher Olds, Department of Geography, University of
Wisconsin-Madison, 550 North Park Street, Science Hall, Madison, WI
Tel (608) 262-5685; Fax (608) 265-3991

Norma Rantisi, Department of Geography, Planning  Environment,
Concordia University
1455 de Maisonneuve Blvd. West,
Montreal, Quebec
H3G 1M8 Canada. Tel (514) 848-2424, ext. 2018;
Fax (514)848-2032


Best dissertation:
Students completing a dissertation in the preceding calendar year,
ending January 1, are eligible for the best dissertation competition.
An award of $500 is offered for the best dissertation. Potential
candidates should mail one paper copy of the dissertation to each of
the following committee members (for a total of two copies submitted)
no later than December 30, 2010:

Julie Silva, Department of Geography, University of Maryland, College
Park, 2181 LeFrak Hall, College Park, MD 20742 - but
please email them to

Jun Zhang, Department of Geography, National University of Singapore,
AS2, #03-01, 1 Arts Link, Kent Ridge Singapore 117570,


Best student paper:
Students presenting a paper at the AAG annual conference (or who
presented a paper any time in the year preceding the conference) are
eligible for the best student paper competition. An award of $200 is
offered for the best student paper. Potential candidates should
contact the appropriate committee members (see below) before
submitting a copy of the paper (either electronically or in paper) at
least one week prior to the AAG conference. The deadline for
submission for 2011 is April 5, 2011.
Committee members for the student paper competition:

Megan Blake, Department of Geography,
University of Sheffield,
Sheffield S10 2TN
United Kingdom,

Janelle Knox-Hayes, Georgia Institute of Technology, School of Public
Policy, 685 Cherry Street, Atlanta, Georgia 30332-0345

Kris Olds
Professor, Department of Geography
Chairperson, College of Letters  Science Curriculum Committee
University of Wisconsin-Madison
550 N. Park Street, Science Hall
Madison, WI 53706
Tel: 1-608-262-5685
GlobalHigherEd Twitter:
Inside Higher Ed:
Co-editor, Geography Compass:

Norma Rantisi, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Department of Geography, Planning  Environment
Concordia University
1455 de Maisonneuve Blvd. West
Montreal, Quebec H3G 1M8
Tel.: 514-848-2424, ext. 2018
Fax: 514-848-2032

Call for Papers for Third Global Conference on Economic Geography: Rebalancing regional and national economies

2010-12-15 Thread Norma Rantisi
Call for Papers
Regional Studies Association Session(s)
Third Global Conference on Economic Geography
Seoul, Korea, June 28- July 1 2011

Rebalancing regional and national economies

In the wake of the economic downturn of 2007-, the debate about the
causes of the crisis and recession has focused upon the unbalanced
nature of its economic models and geographies. Explanations have been
concerned with the imbalances in international trade and currency
flows, sectoral structures between especially financial and other
services and manufacturing, the relative sizes and roles of the public
and private sectors, the composition of demand between consumption and
production as well as its domestic or external orientation, and its
socially and spatially uneven geographies. Following this diagnosis of
the problems, debate about recovery has focused upon the idea of
‘rebalancing’ as a means of rebuilding new economic models that
somehow correct the problematic and disruptive imbalances that
generated the crisis. ‘Rebalancing’ has become an international
concern for high-income economies such as Australia, UK and Japan,
middle-income economies such as Portugal and South Korea as well as
emerging economies such as Brazil and China. Yet it is not clear what
‘rebalancing’ might mean, whether and how it can be achieved and how
it relates to currently dominant ‘new economic geographical’ models
promoting greater spatial agglomeration and concentration of economic
activities. These sessions will engage this debate on rebalancing
regional and national economies.

Potential themes of interest, though not exhaustive, might include:

-   Conceptualising and theorising rebalancing
-   Agglomeration and geographical concentration versus dispersal and
spatial deconcentration
-   Researching rebalancing
-   Spaces and places of rebalancing – relational and territorial approaches
-   Empirical studies of the economic geographies of rebalancing
-   Comparative international experiences of rebalancing
-   Rebalancing: new opportunities for peripheral regions?
-   The politics and political economy of rebalancing
-   Institutions and the governance of rebalancing
-   Policy approaches to rebalancing

Depending upon the response, the session organisers will consider
publication plans including an edited volume in the Regional Studies
Association Regions and Cities Book Series and/or a special issue of
the journal Regional Studies.

If you wish to participate in this special session please submit your
abstract to through the conference website and by e-mail to and by 24 January 2011.

The conference website is

The Regional Studies Association website is:

For more information, please contact

Andy Pike
Centre for Urban and Regional Development Studies (CURDS)
Newcastle University

Mário Vale
Instituto de Geografia e Ordenamento do Território
Centro de Estudos Geográficos
Universidade de Lisboa

RSA EG Conference 2011 Call for Papers.docx
Description: application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document

Re: [Specialty_groups] Upcoming AAG Grants and Awards Deadlines

2010-12-06 Thread Norma Rantisi
On Mon, Dec 6, 2010 at 11:51 AM, Patricia Solis wrote:

  Dear Specialty and Affinity Group Chairs:  A friendly reminder that the
 deadlines for the following AAG Grants and Awards Program is December 31,

 *Please consult full descriptions posted on the AAG website at *

 * *

 *Meredith F. Burrill Award*

 To stimulate and reward talented individuals and groups who have completed
 work of exceptional

 merit and quality that lies at or near the intersection of basic research
 and practical applications or local, national, or international policy

 *Glenda Laws Award*

 To recognize outstanding contributions to geographic research on social

 *Mel Marcus Fund for Physical Geography*

 To foster personally formative participation by students in field-based
 physical geography research in challenging outdoor environments.

 *AAG E. Willard and Ruby S. Miller Award in Geography*

 To recognize members of the Association who have made truly outstanding
 contributions to the geographic field due to their special competence in
 teaching or research.

 *AAG Research Grants*

 To support direct expenses of research or fieldwork that address questions
 of major import to the discipline (excluding master's or doctoral
 dissertation research).

 *Anne U. White Fund*

 To support field research conducted by a member of the AAG jointly with her
 or his spouse, regardless of any formal training in geography.

 * *


 * *

 *Darrel Hess Community College Geography Scholarships*

 To support students from community colleges, junior colleges, city
 colleges, or similar two-year educational institutions who will be
 transferring as geography majors to four year colleges and universities.

 *George and Viola Hoffman Award*

 To support student research toward a master's thesis or doctoral
 dissertation on a geographical subject in Eastern Europe.

 *AAG International Geographic Information Fund*

 To support full-time students who are currently registered in an
 undergraduate or graduate degree program within the United States, and who
 are working in any area of spatial analysis or geographic information
 science or systems, through Student Travel Grants, Graduate Research Awards,
 and Student Paper Awards.

 *AAG Dissertation Research Grants*

 To support direct expenses of master's or doctoral dissertation research to
 eligible individuals.

 * *

 *AAG Book Awards for works published in calendar year 2010*

 * *

 *AAG Meridian Book Award for the Outstanding Scholarly Work in Geography*

 For a book that makes an unusually important contribution to advancing the
 science and art of geography.

 *AAG Globe Book Award for Public Understanding of Geography*

 For a book that conveys most powerfully the nature and importance of
 geography to the non-academic


 *John Brinckerhoff Jackson Prize*

 For outstanding books about the United States that convey the insights of
 professional geography in language that is interesting and attractive to a
 lay audience.

  Dr. Patricia Solís
 Director of Outreach and Strategic Initiatives
 Association of American Geographers
 1710 Sixteenth Street NW
 Washington, DC 20009-3198
 Telephone 202-234-1450 ext. 222
 Direct Line 202-558-7491
 Fax 202-234-2744

 Specialty_groups mailing list

[Specialty_groups] Research Committee Coordinator Position

2010-11-24 Thread Norma Rantisi
-- Forwarded message --
From: Susan Gallagher
Date: Tue, Nov 23, 2010 at 3:27 PM
Subject: [Specialty_groups] Research Committee Coordinator Position

Dear All,

The AAG has an immediate opening for a Research Committee Coordinator. See
the attached position description for complete details.  Inquiries and/or
applications including a cover letter, current CV, and a writing sample
should be sent to by *December 6, 2010*.

Thank you,


Susan Gallagher Heffron, PhD

Senior Project Manager for Geography Education

*Association of American Geographers*

1710 Sixteenth Street, NW

Washington, DC  20009

Office:  202.234.1450

Fax:  202.234.2477

Please join us at the AAG Annual Meeting in Seattle, April 12-16, 2011.

Description: MS-Word document

Last minute CFP and discussants: Drugs and conflict

2010-11-06 Thread Norma Rantisi
From: Allison Brown

Dear Colleagues

Several sessions have been merged into a new session called: Drugs and
Conflict. The session has space for one additional paper or an
additional discussant (an option for people presenting papers in other
sessions) and I invite expressions of interest. Hurry.

The title of the session is pretty self-explanatory but here is the
abstract in the program:

Military Geography 2: Drugs and Conflict

Where there are drugs there is conflict and civilians are stuck in the
middle. The effect of eradication on insurgency is widely
misunderstood and thus COIN policies downplaying eradication are
widely ridiculed. Similarly, enforcement of civil laws against drugs
sustain conflict in cities yet politicians are relentless in their
support for ever-stronger laws and stricter penalties. This session
will draw on experiences in Laos, Nepal, Afghanistan and the favela of
Brazil to look at the ways that drugs add an extra layer of stress and
danger to national and local peacekeeping, and the positive and
negative effects of easing drug law enforcement.

Book Review Editor Sought for Annals of the AAG

2010-10-26 Thread Norma Rantisi
The Association of American Geographers seeks applications and
nominations for the Book Review editor for the Annals of the
Association of American Geographers.

Applications and nominations must be submitted by January 20, 2011.
Please see the advertisement below for additional information.

Book Review Editor Sought for Annals of the AAG

The Association of American Geographers seeks applications and
nominations for a Book Review editor for the Annals of the Association
of American Geographers. The new Book Review editor will be appointed
for a four-year editorial term that will commence on January 1, 2012.
The appointment will be made by spring 2011.

The Annals publishes original, timely, and innovative pieces that
advance knowledge in all facets of the discipline. It is a forum for
timely debates on geography's contribution to contemporary issues in
the environment, in society, and the interplay between them.

The Book Review editor for the Annals will select books for review in
all subfields of geography and related specialties and edit the Annals
book reviews. She or he is expected to maintain close communication
with the AAG’s Managing Editor as well as arranging for the receipt of
review copies of all appropriate books, finding and commissioning
reviewers, submitting edited reviews to the Managing Editor, reviewing
page proofs, and tracking all books received.

A letter of application should be accompanied by a complete curriculum
vitae. Nominations and applications should be submitted by January 20,
2011. Please e-mail applications or letters of nomination to Journals
Managing Editor Robin Maier at

[Specialty_groups] People, Place, and Region Section Editor Sought for Annals of the AAG

2010-10-22 Thread Norma Rantisi
The Association of American Geographers seeks applications and
nominations for the People, Place, and Region section editor for the
Annals of the Association of American Geographers.

Applications and nominations must be submitted by January 20, 2011.
Please see the advertisement below for additional information.

People, Place, and Region Section Editor Sought for Annals of the AAG

The Association of American Geographers seeks applications and
nominations for the People, Place, and Region section editor for the
Annals of the Association of American Geographers. The new section
editor will be appointed for a 4.5-year editorial term that will
commence on July 1, 2011. The appointment will be made by spring 2011.

The AAG seeks an editor who will solicit, review, and accept for
publication articles in the People, Place, and Region subject area,
within publication-space limitations that will be determined annually.

The AAG Council expects that the new editor will accept manuscripts
from across the breadth and depth of intellectual activity in their
subject area of contemporary American geography. The AAG Council
further expects that the Annals will publish items that represent the
very best thinking in American geography. The section editor should be
eager to act as an intellectual entrepreneur to attract the very best
work being produced.

In support of these goals, the editorial candidate should possess
demonstrated expertise within the section subject area (People, Place,
and Region), a distinguished record of scholarly achievement, a broad
perspective on the discipline of geography, respect and affection for
its diversity, and an ability to work constructively with authors
during the review process. Institutional support for the new editor
(especially some time released from teaching) is desirable, but not
mandatory. The AAG will provide a stipend to be used for expenses and
honorarium at the editor’s discretion.

The section editor will work in coordination with the AAG Journals
Managing Editor, located at the Meridian Place AAG office in
Washington, DC. The Managing Editor bears primary responsibility for
the logistics of processing manuscripts and book reviews, and for
assembling and coordinating the publication of each issue of the
journal in collaboration with the editors and the journal’s publisher.
Editor candidates, therefore, should share the AAG Council's vision of
an accessible, decentralized, and collaborative Annals editorship.

A letter of application that addresses both qualifications and a
vision for the People, Place, and Region section should be accompanied
by a complete curriculum vitae. Nominations and applications should be
submitted by January 20, 2011. Please e-mail applications or letters
of nomination to Journals Managing Editor Robin Maier at

AAG Seattle 12-16.Apr.11: CFP: 'Rural Prospects in a Globalizing World: Trends and Transformations'

2010-10-06 Thread Norma Rantisi
CFP: 'Rural Prospects in a Globalizing World: Trends and Transformations'

Ruralities are currently the target of many discussions - World Bank
reports, investment decisions by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation,
sovereign land acquisitions, and the film satire on farmer suicides in
India, 'Peepli [Live].' Rural geographers have contributed in various ways
to sharpening such discussions, from analyses of globalization of the
countryside (Woods, 2007) to political-economic studies of new trends in
accumulation by dispossession (Moore, 2009).

This session will provide critical reflections on new flows animating rural
geographies. Such rural prospects include:
-- the survival of small-scale livelihoods in the face of violent
appropriation masked as development
-- financial speculation, farm price volatility, land grabs and their
consequences for food production
-- rural-urban intersections which question the claim that the world is
inexorably becoming more urban
-- rural social movements and their class dimensions including peasant
struggles, organic and food sovereignty movements
-- South-South exchanges in sustainable crop-dairy development

Its overall aim is to showcase theoretical, methodological, and empirical
papers on contemporary rural realities and the construction of socially just
rural futures from all parts of the world.

Please email abstracts or expressions of interest now to organizers:
Pratyusha Basu ( ), and  Bruce Scholten ( ,
  **The Economic Geography Specialty Group is a sponsor of this session.

Norma Rantisi, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Department of Geography, Planning  Environment
Concordia University
1455 de Maisonneuve Blvd. West
Montreal, Quebec H3G 1M8
Tel.: 514-848-2424, ext. 2018
Fax: 514-848-2032

CFP - “Creatives after the Crash”

2010-10-06 Thread Norma Rantisi
Dear Colleagues,

Please find below a call for papers for the special session on “Creatives
after the Crash” at the AAG Annual Meeting, April 12-16, 2011 in Seattle,
WA. Betsy Donald (Queen’s University) and Meric Gertler (University of
Toronto) are organizing the call. The session is sponsored by the *Cambridge
Journal of Regions, Economy and Society*, which plans to publish a special
issue on the topic in 2012.

Please send your abstract to Betsy Donald ( by *October
18, 2010*.  You will also have to register at the AAG website and forward
your PIN directly to Betsy no later than October 20, 2010.  If you are
interested in participating, kindly send Betsy an email expressing interest
as soon as possible. If you're already committed as a speaker somewhere else
please indicate whether you would be available to serve as a discussant.

Please pass this announcement along to your students and colleagues who
might be interested.
Thank you,

Betsy  Donald,

* *

*AAG Annual Meeting. Call for Papers: Creatives after the Crash
*April 12-16, 2011, Seattle, Washington

*Abstract*. Much has been written about the rise of the creative class and
the growing importance of creative work in advanced economies around the
world.  At the core of this thesis is the idea that employment in creative
occupations has been growing considerably faster than the overall economy,
and that this marks a long-term secular transition in economic structure.
 Moreover, the implicit contention underlying this approach is that creative
workers are less vulnerable to economic fluctuations than those in
lower-order service and manufacturing occupations.  The recent worldwide
economic downturn and subsequent halting recovery provide the first real
opportunity to appraise the accuracy of these arguments.  In particular,
these events allow us to examine directly how creative workers have fared
during and after the crash.  Is it actually true that they have survived
unscathed and continued to prosper, or has their prosperity and employment
security in fact been undermined by the downturn?  Is there evidence of
differential impacts within the large and internally diverse creative class,
whereby particular occupational subgroups have fared better or worse,
suggesting possible segmentation?  If indeed the crash has challenged the
economic position of some categories of creative workers, what are the
implications for the creative class thesis?

Expressions of interest should be sent to Betsy Donald asap with abstracts
due to Betsy Donald by October 18th .

CFP - Hub Cities and the Knowledge Economy; Deadline extended to Oct. 10

2010-09-30 Thread Norma Rantisi
*Call for papers: *

* *


*Airports. Seaports. Brainports.*

* *

*Deadline extended until October 10th*


*2011 Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting ***

Seattle, Washington State, USA

April, 12-16, 2011


Frank Witlox, Ghent University

Ben Derudder, Ghent University

Alain Thierstein, Munich University of Technology

Sven Conventz, Munich University of Technology **

*Special Session: Hub Cities and the Knowledge Economy. Airports. Seaports.
Brain- ports.*

The starting point is the expanding importance of the knowledge economy in
mature economies. A key question is the role of knowledge in the process of
generating value added. But how is knowledge being generated? Empirical
evidence sees an interplay between physical/geographical proximity and
relational proximity. How then does this translate into certain location
specificities or requirements?

This again puts a focus on accessibility and connectivity both in a physical
and relational perspective.

Again, some evidence sees hub cities benefitting from the process of
(re)location of business activities at spaces of highest accessibility.

From a historic perspective, seaports, airports and nowadays certain
‘brainports’ – centers of competence – are best positioned to be the winners
in the re-structuring process of space.

The session asks for the state of the matter: what do we really know about
the interplay between knowledge generation of firms and
accessibility/connectivity? To what extent are physical infrastructures like
seaports, airports, brainports being re-defined / re-coded against the
backdrop of the knowledge economy?

* *

*Submitting papers*

Both conceptual and empirical papers are welcome, and we look forward to
receiving proposals that make use of a variety of data sources, scales of
analysis and methodological backgrounds. Interested participants should send
expression of interest, questions and/ or title and *abstract of 250 words *or
less to Frank Witlox (, Ben Derudder (, Alain Thierstein (, and Sven
Conventz (, by *October 10, 2010*. Contributors will have to
register for the conference and submit their abstract the regular way
(through the AAG website:, and should then
send the *registration code (PIN)* they receive to us. Please note that you
have to submit the abstract *AND* also pay, and then your PIN is activated.
Once everyone has done this (+/- mid-October), we register for a special
session, and mention all registration codes that will be in our session(s).

Book on Creative Networks and the City

2010-07-07 Thread Norma Rantisi
Of possible interest to list members:

Creative Networks and the City: towards a Cultural Political Economy
of Aesthetic Production

Bas van Heur
Bielefeld: Transcript, 2010

This book offers a fundamental contribution to the literature on the
creative industries and the knowledge-based economy by focusing on
three aspects: urban spaces as key sites of capitalist restructuring,
creative industries' policies as state technologies aimed at economic
exploitation, and the role of networks of aesthetic production in
inflecting these tendencies. It simultaneously goes beyond these
debates by integrating a concern with the cultural and aesthetic
dimensions of the creative industries. As such, the book is relevant
to researchers interested in the transdisciplinary project of a
cultural political economy of creativity and urban change.

Norma Rantisi, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Department of Geography, Planning  Environment
Concordia University
1455 de Maisonneuve Blvd. West
Montreal, Quebec H3G 1M8
Tel.: 514-848-2424, ext. 2018
Fax: 514-848-2032

[Specialty_groups] Editor Sought for Annals of the AAG

2010-06-26 Thread Norma Rantisi
-- Forwarded message --
From: Adam Thocher
Date: Fri, Jun 25, 2010 at 9:32 AM
Subject: [Specialty_groups] Editor Sought for Annals of the AAG

Editor Sought for Annals of the AAG

The Association of American Geographers seeks applications and
nominations for the People, Place, and Region section editor for the
Annals of the Association of American Geographers. The new section
editor will be appointed for a four-year editorial term that will
commence on January 1, 2011. The appointment will be made by November

The AAG seeks an editor who will solicit, review, and accept for
publication articles in the People, Place, and Region subject area,
within publication-space limitations that will be determined annually.

The AAG Council expects that the new editor will accept manuscripts
from across the breadth and depth of intellectual activity in their
subject area of contemporary American geography. The AAG Council
further expects that the Annals will publish items that represent the
very best thinking in American geography. The section editor should be
eager to act as an intellectual entrepreneur to attract the very best
work being produced.

In support of these goals, the editorial candidate should possess
demonstrated expertise within the section subject area (People, Place,
and Region), a distinguished record of scholarly achievement, a broad
perspective on the discipline of geography, respect and affection for
its diversity, and an ability to work constructively with authors
during the review process. Institutional support for the new editor
(especially some time released from teaching) is desirable, but not
mandatory. The AAG will provide a stipend to be used for expenses and
honorarium at the editor’s discretion.

The section editor will work in coordination with the AAG Journals
Managing Editor, located at the Meridian Place AAG office in
Washington, DC. The Managing Editor bears primary responsibility for
the logistics of processing manuscripts and book reviews, and for
assembling and coordinating the publication of each issue of the
journal in collaboration with the editors and the journal’s publisher.
Editor candidates, therefore, should share the AAG Council's vision of
an accessible, decentralized, and collaborative Annals editorship.

A letter of application that addresses both qualifications and a
vision for the People, Place, and Region section should be accompanied
by a complete curriculum vitae. Nominations and applications should be
submitted by September 20, 2010. Please send applications or letters
of nomination to: Chair, AAG Publications Committee, AAG Meridian
Place Office, 1710 Sixteenth Street NW, Washington, DC 20009-3198.
Nominations and applications may be submitted electronically to

Specialty_groups mailing list

Norma Rantisi, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Department of Geography, Planning  Environment
Concordia University
1455 de Maisonneuve Blvd. West
Montreal, Quebec H3G 1M8
Tel.: 514-848-2424, ext. 2018
Fax: 514-848-2032

Re: Roepke Lecture in Economic Geography - nominations sought

2010-06-07 Thread Norma Rantisi
HI Ian:  Thanks for the message.

Information about past Roepke lecturers can be found at the following link:
that was included in the call below.

If you have any trouble accessing it, please let me know.

Best, Norma

On Mon, Jun 7, 2010 at 2:54 PM, MacLachlan, Ian wrote:
 Hello all
 It would be helpful to include a list of past Roepke lecturers in this
 call, including both the recent series and the old series.

 Ian MacLachlan
 Department of Geography
 University of Lethbridge
 Lethbridge, Alberta,  Canada  T1K 3M4
 403 329  2076

 -Original Message-
 From: AAG Economic Geography Speciality Group
 [] On Behalf Of Norma
 Sent: June-07-10 10:59 AM
 Subject: Roepke Lecture in Economic Geography - nominations sought

 Dear EGSG members:

 Nominations are being sought for the Roepke Lecture speaker for AAG
 2011 in Seattle.

 The Roepke Lecture is an opportunity to honor and showcase scholars
 with significant contributions in the field of economic geography. For
 the list of past lectures, please see:

 The Roepke Lecture is co-sponsored by Economic Geography, the journal,
 AAG EGSG, and the University of Illinois. Economic Geography publishes
 manuscripts based on the lecture.

 Please send names directly to me at by June
 Please limit your nominations to 2 names at most.

 Thanks  best,


 Norma Rantisi, Ph.D.
 Associate Professor
 Department of Geography, Planning  Environment
 Concordia University
 1455 de Maisonneuve Blvd. West
 Montreal, Quebec H3G 1M8
 Tel.: 514-848-2424, ext. 2018
 Fax: 514-848-2032

Norma Rantisi, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Department of Geography, Planning  Environment
Concordia University
1455 de Maisonneuve Blvd. West
Montreal, Quebec H3G 1M8
Tel.: 514-848-2424, ext. 2018
Fax: 514-848-2032

Second Call for Candidates for the EGSG Board

2010-05-21 Thread Norma Rantisi
Dear EGSG members:

It is that time of the year when we must plan for new elections for
the EGSG Board.  We currently have vacancies for the following
four positions:

- Secretary/Treasurer/Vice-Chair (2010-2012, Chair 2012-2014)
- At-large board member (2010-2012)
- At-large board member (2010-2012)
- Student representative (2010-2011)

Elections will be held in mid-June by electronic ballot. Please send
in your nominations (specifying the position) directly to me
(  by May 29th.  If you are nominating
someone, please make sure the individual agrees to run for election.
We ask that all candidates send in a brief statement (150-200 words)
about themselves to be included on the ballot.

We would like to extend our sincere gratitude to the four outgoing
EGSG Board members, who have volunteered their time to make possible
the Group's awards and activities. Thanks to our outgoing Chair, Andy Wood,
for his four years of service as Chair (2008-2010) and Vice-Chair
our outgoing 2008-2010 Board members Wendy Jepson and Julie Silva,
and our outgoing 2009-2010 student representative Luke Bergman.

Thanks, Norma

Norma Rantisi, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Department of Geography, Planning  Environment
Concordia University
1455 de Maisonneuve Blvd. West
Montreal, Quebec H3G 1M8
Tel.: 514-848-2424, ext. 2018
Fax: 514-848-2032

First Call for Candidates for the EGSG Board

2010-05-09 Thread Norma Rantisi
Dear EGSG members:

It is that time of the year when we must plan for new elections for
the EGSG Board.  We currently have vacancies for the following
four positions:

- Secretary/Treasurer/Vice-Chair (2010-2012, Chair 2012-2014)
- At-large board member (2010-2012)
- At-large board member (2010-2012)
- Student representative (2010-2011)

Elections will be held in mid-June by electronic ballot. Please send
in your nominations (specifying the position) directly to me
(  by May 29th.  If you are nominating
someone, please make sure the individual agrees to run for election.
We ask that all candidates send in a brief statement (150-200 words)
about themselves to be included on the ballot.

We would like to extend our sincere gratitude to the four outgoing
EGSG Board members, who have volunteered their time to make possible
the Group's awards and activities. Thanks to our outgoing Chair, Andy Wood,
for his four years of service as Chair (2008-2010) and Vice-Chair (2006-2008),
our outgoing 2008-2010 Board members Wendy Jepson and Julie Silva,
and our outgoing 2009-2010 student representative Luke Bergman.

Thanks, Norma

Norma Rantisi, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Department of Geography, Planning  Environment
Concordia University
1455 de Maisonneuve Blvd. West
Montreal, Quebec H3G 1M8
Tel.: 514-848-2424, ext. 2018
Fax: 514-848-2032