Re: [Elecraft] Re: FCC rules part 18 [CF bulbs vs. LED]

2007-04-16 Thread Thom LaCosta

On Sun, 15 Apr 2007, Larry Makoski wrote:

And we survived!  No seat belts or kid's car seats back then, too  And I 
never had to be told not to eat paint chips, either!

'Course not, your momma was prolly so unliberated that she wuz at home raisin' 
ya up...and did funny stuff like clean, so's ther wuzn't no chips///and if there 
were your dad most likely scraped and repainted.

At 89 my Mom is always wondering how my brother and I could have survived 
without all the protections of the do-gooders.

Thom of the Baltimore Lexicon Web Hosting as low as 3.49/month
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[Elecraft] K2 near the sea: leave on or not?

2007-04-16 Thread LAMB, Dick and Judy
During the winter  I live about 200 meters from the Florida Atlantic 
beach.  Usually I have windows open, and although the salty sea breeze 
is pleasant,  it greatly speeds corrosion of metal.

Perhaps a maritime electronics expert could advise me as to whether I 
should leave my K2 (and other gear) on all the time, or power off when 
not it use.  I can speculate that the slightly increased temperature 
from leaving it on might prevent some condensation of moisture.  On the 
other hand, I recall from chemistry classes that increased temperature 
accelerates chemical reactions (like corrosion).  Are there any other 
reasonable precautions I can take?

Dick, K0KK
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[Elecraft] About PC Anywhere

2007-04-16 Thread Ken Kopp

This from long-time friend and computer expert ...

73! Ken Kopp - K0PP

- Original Message - 
From: Travis Jarman (K4TNT)

To: Ken Kopp
Sent: Monday, 16 April, 2007 12:36
Subject: Re: Maybe of interest ... from the Elecraft reflector

A much better solution for secure remote control is VNC (virtual network
over an encrypted tunnel.  Note that it takes a little bit of work to
set up the encryption.

Good description of the technology and various available applications is


- Original Message - 
From: David Wilburn

To: 'Elecraft'
Sent: Monday, 16 April, 2007 03:32
Subject: Re: [Elecraft] PC Anywhere...

In the past, PC Anywhere opened up some major security holes in
computers and networks.  Once installed, it announced itself like a
beacon, screaming for script kiddies to come and get it.  It may have
been fixed by now, but I wouldn't want it on any network I was
responsible for.  This is demonstrated by it being a bandwidth hog.  I
used to get announcements on my network all the time when I was on
cable, where folks had installed it and it was probing the network.

David Wilburn
K2 #5982

Gregg R. Lengling wrote:

The problem with PC Anywhere is the bandwidth that it requires and
latency.  I use Ham Radio Deluxe which operates with a host program
on 1 computer and a client program on the other.  This in conjunction
Skype to pass the 2-way audio works great.  I've done demos (last one
couple weeks ago at Superfest at AES in Milwaukee) and latency ends up
very low.  For my home station from Milwaukee to Cedarburg (home) less
20ms latency on all operations, from Milwaukee to India under 300ms,
great as anything under 400 or so ms works well.  I have tried with
PcAnywhere which requires much more data to transfer and latency goes
way up
and all actions are very delayed.

Gregg R. Lengling, W9DHI

-Original Message-
Sent: Sunday, April 15, 2007 3:09 PM
To: Elecraft
Subject: [Elecraft] PC Anywhere...

Hello Everyone,

Perchance has anyone on the list tried remote control of his/her K2
(e/w a
KIO2 accessory) using PC Anywhere as described in the April, 2007 QST?

Steve Banks
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile
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RE: [Elecraft] Re: Hexkey

2007-04-16 Thread Darwin, Keith
I send backwards.  When I built my first keyer, I had it in my head that
the thumb (thick, heavy) was used to send dashes.  As soon as my Heath
keyer was done I discovered my mistake in logic but it was too late.  I
had already begun to train my brain by sending air morse and the thumb
was tied to dashes.

My solution was very simple.  I send left handed using a right-handed
paddle.  If I operate someone else's station, I just slide the bug to
the left and away we go, no rewiring or changing menu settings.  It also
allows me to keep the pen in the right hand for logging  such.

I've since learned to send with a bug which I do right handed.  That
way, my bug technique and my paddle technique don't get confused in the
same hand.

- Keith N1AS -
- K2 5411.ssb.100 - 

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Re: [Elecraft] Re: FCC rules part 18 [CF bulbs vs. LED]

2007-04-16 Thread Leigh L Klotz, Jr.
Here is a link to a presentation by the CEO of Lumileds, maker of the
Luxeon LEDs you see in those flashlights for sale at hamfests.  I attended
a presentation of this talk and got to ask some questions about warm-white
lighting, but apparently the video feed of the talk is not available.

LEDs for Solid State Lighting and Other Emerging Applications: Status,
Trends, and Challenges
M. George Craford
LumiLeds Lighting

The beginning is good, but slides 14-28 are skippable; after that the
technical content picks up again.  In particular, slide 31 shows the
target efficiencies and costs needed to compete with CF, and later slides
show the technical challenges and possible avenues for remedying them.

This talk is now a couple of years old, so one hopes advances have been
made.  I see 100 lm/w LEDs for sale now, but not in the warm white (3300K)
range, only daylight (5000K) and up, and single colors.

The conclusion of this talk is that general-purpose LED lighting will
happen, but the timing is hard to predict.  It is possible that the push
to legislate use of CF is an attempt by the CF industry to cement their
use before LED lighting reaches this stage.


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[Elecraft] Hexkey and using vibroplex bug

2007-04-16 Thread Arie Kleingeld PA3A
When I was educated morsecode at school (nautical college) I operated
the straight up and down key with my right had. At that time, my teacher
had an elbug, which was a japanese modified paddle and a large
circuitboard with many transistors (it was in the mid 70's).
Every student wanted to try that elbug ofcourse. I was no different but
there was a big BUT My teacher Jaap would cut off my right  hand if
ever touched the paddle with that same right (straight key) hand. Reason
for that, he said, was not to mix up the different keying ways and keep
up the high-quality keying capabilty with the straight key. 
Well he trained me up to 25 wpm with the straight key and I passed the
exam with near perfect morsecode. On the side I built more than one
electronic key and kept operating that with my left hand.
I never regretted that and am still gratefull for so much wisdom of my
teacher. One nice spinn-off was e.g. that in contests (with no computer
at hand at that time) I could write with my rigt hand and send morse
with my left hand.

After a year or two I bought a Vibroplex bug. I started out operating it
with my left hand but that was very confusing so I changed the vibroplex
to my righ hand.
Many years later I still send lefthanded with a squeeze paddle and
righthanded with the vibroplex bug. I can change in a second without any
problem  and never mix up the two ways of operating.

Thank you Jaap.

Arie PA3A

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[Elecraft] K2 frequency adjustment

2007-04-16 Thread David Lankshear
Today I decided to recalibrate my K2 using a very accurate 10MHz source, as 
well as replacing C31 in the KPA100 (Rev. D) to bring it up to the latest Rev. 


After leaving both the 10MHz source and the K2 turned on all day to stabilise, 
I made a start but the first problem encountered was that the filters were just 
too darned good and wouldn't let me find zero-beat.  Plenty 10MHz signal was 
available and the S-meter lit up with a full line of li'l green apples, but as 
zero beat was approached, both the S-meter reading and audio dropped out of 


To get round this problem, I altered the LSB widest filter (2.4kHz - OP 1) down 
in frequency and found a healthy S-meter reading could be maintained.  The low 
beat note could both be seen (highest LED flickering in time with the beat) and 
heard as a slow rise and fall in background noise. 


 Unfortunately, I was distracted by an artefact that appeared only when an SSB 
filter was selected with no antenna connected.  There was a crackling/crunching 
sort of noise that was not present on any CW setting or filter.  During the 
hunt for the culprit, I found that if a finger was dabbed on the cathode of D4 
(DSB output from BM to xtal filter) the problem cleared up.  Also, if a finger 
was dabbed on T2, the problem went away.  Further finger-dabbing along the xtal 
filter was unhelpful as I was acting as an antenna.  Soldering was checked and 
re-done but the problem remained, so D4 bit the dust and was replaced with a 
new 1N4148.  No improvement.


Ah well, time was passing, so I thought I'd return to the calibration task.  No 
problems were encountered and the task was completed successfully.  CAL PLL was 
followed by a CAL FIL where the adjusted LSB filter was returned to its 
previous setting and all other filter settings were moved around before 
restoring them to their original settings.  I noted the last digit of the BFO 
frequency had decremented by 1 in every case.


After this, I was pleased to note that the nasty background noise previously 
heard when SSB was selected had disappeared, so I'm thinking it was an artefact 
caused by everything warming up and drifting.  Now I shall check tomorrow to 
see if the artefact has moved and is present when the rig is cold.


Changing C31 in the KPA doesn't appear to have made any difference to its 
operation, so what was it for?  The PA's power output reading still tends to 
jitter around by +/-10% or so when running into a high quality 50 ohm dummy 

73  DaveL  G3TJP

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[Elecraft] K2 Internal Battery Charger

2007-04-16 Thread w1ujr
Sure that this has already been asked and answered a dozen times, but  
I seem to have a problem being able to search the reflector archives  
(is there a trick to that?).

What is best method to change the internal battery of the K2?
I understand it needs to be about 14 volts, so the typical car  
battery charger is too low.

73 Bruce W1UJR
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Re: [Elecraft] K2 frequency adjustment

2007-04-16 Thread Don Wilhelm


That 'artifact' you heard when you had the filter set to hear zero 
frequency was most likely some BFO feedthru.

Good that you have put C31 in the KPA100 - it is to avoid a possible 
oscillation - it has nothing to do with the power control level.

You can tame the power variation a bit by increasing the value of R98 on 
the bottom of the RF board.  Increase it until you begin to see a 
dropoff in power on 10 meters (check this on low power (power only the 
base K2 and not the KPA100).  Use the largest value that allows normal 
power output on 10 meters.  Normally 1k is a maximum value, but if your 
base K2 has higher than normal gain, you can go a bit higher.


David Lankshear wrote:

Today I decided to recalibrate my K2 using a very accurate 10MHz source, as 
well as replacing C31 in the KPA100 (Rev. D) to bring it up to the latest Rev. 


After leaving both the 10MHz source and the K2 turned on all day to stabilise, 
I made a start but the first problem encountered was that the filters were just 
too darned good and wouldn't let me find zero-beat.  Plenty 10MHz signal was 
available and the S-meter lit up with a full line of li'l green apples, but as 
zero beat was approached, both the S-meter reading and audio dropped out of 


To get round this problem, I altered the LSB widest filter (2.4kHz - OP 1) down in frequency and found a healthy S-meter reading could be maintained.  The low beat note could both be seen (highest LED flickering in time with the beat) and heard as a slow rise and fall in background noise. 


 Unfortunately, I was distracted by an artefact that appeared only when an SSB 
filter was selected with no antenna connected.  There was a crackling/crunching 
sort of noise that was not present on any CW setting or filter.  During the 
hunt for the culprit, I found that if a finger was dabbed on the cathode of D4 
(DSB output from BM to xtal filter) the problem cleared up.  Also, if a finger 
was dabbed on T2, the problem went away.  Further finger-dabbing along the xtal 
filter was unhelpful as I was acting as an antenna.  Soldering was checked and 
re-done but the problem remained, so D4 bit the dust and was replaced with a 
new 1N4148.  No improvement.


Ah well, time was passing, so I thought I'd return to the calibration task.  No 
problems were encountered and the task was completed successfully.  CAL PLL was 
followed by a CAL FIL where the adjusted LSB filter was returned to its 
previous setting and all other filter settings were moved around before 
restoring them to their original settings.  I noted the last digit of the BFO 
frequency had decremented by 1 in every case.


After this, I was pleased to note that the nasty background noise previously 
heard when SSB was selected had disappeared, so I'm thinking it was an artefact 
caused by everything warming up and drifting.  Now I shall check tomorrow to 
see if the artefact has moved and is present when the rig is cold.


Changing C31 in the KPA doesn't appear to have made any difference to its 
operation, so what was it for?  The PA's power output reading still tends to 
jitter around by +/-10% or so when running into a high quality 50 ohm dummy 

73  DaveL  G3TJP

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Re: [Elecraft] K2 Internal Battery Charger

2007-04-16 Thread Don Wilhelm


CAR BATTERY CHARGER??  Those things are usually quite poorly regulated 
and often soar to 17 volts or more with little or no load.  Note that 
the max voltage for the K2 is 15 volts, so you could get into trouble 
with one of the auto battery chargers.

You can use a regulated power supply whose output is 14.1 to 14.3 volts 
with no problem - if the power supply has an output voltage adjustment 
inside, you can boost the voltage above the nominal 13.8 volts.

There is another method - and that is to use a SmartCharger, but for 
those to work they must connect directly to the battery terminals (fuse 
the separate battery connection).  See my webpage to see how I did it.


Sure that this has already been asked and answered a dozen times, but I 
seem to have a problem being able to search the reflector archives (is 
there a trick to that?).

What is best method to change the internal battery of the K2?
I understand it needs to be about 14 volts, so the typical car battery 
charger is too low.

73 Bruce W1UJR
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Re: [Elecraft] K2 frequency adjustment

2007-04-16 Thread Don Wilhelm


Since you can probably hear 10 MHz WWV at your QTH, why not use that 
signal in LSB or USB to set C22 very accurately.  The method to do that 
is on the Elecraft website on the Builder's Resource page.

I also recommend that one use Spectrogram to tell when WWV is tuned 
'just right' - I place markers at 500 and 600 Hz and watch as the 
transmitted tones line up with the markers.  Once you get it right, you 
can expect proper dial calibration within 20 Hz typically.  The whole 
procedure is in the K2 Dial Calibration article on my website

When you are done, if the K2 tunes in WWV in LSB or USB mode with 
accuracy, all bands will also be accurate.  Then if you find yourself 
off frequency, you can blame the other radio.


Brett gazdzinski wrote:

Funny, I had today off and decided to do the same thing.
I used the 756 pro as a source, did the adjustment, redid
all the filter bfo settings, and went from 4000 Hz off to about 500,
but I could not tell as I could not zero beat and did not think
of changing the filter.

When both the 756 and the K2 are tuned to the same frequency,
they hear each other, but at maybe 400 or 500 Hz differences.

Close enough for me anyway...

Last time I did my filters, I paid a lot of attention
on getting things to sound the same between filters and
CW normal and reversed.
Tune a signal in spot on the nose (same as sidetone) and
switching between cw normal and reverse does not change the pitch.

That is useful if you have qrm on one side.

Listening on CW or ssb and changing filters does not change the
pitch any, which is nice...

The radio really does work well!
I enjoy listening to cw (at speeds to fast for me to copy)
for hours!  ssb sounds good in the headphones, the little speaker
inside the K2 does not really cut it for ssb...


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[Elecraft] K2 is simply the best

2007-04-16 Thread Glen Torr
Hello All,

K2 5118 made contact #1 last Friday, random wire tuned by T1, also its first

Has a 30 minute QSO with Rod, VK4LS on 40 with 10 W SSB, over 1200 km, solid
all the way and nice report.

After 30 years and many rigs, some home designed and brewed this was just
great. The K2 has something very special.

Glen VK1FB

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[Elecraft] K2 USB vs. DB9

2007-04-16 Thread John Hoaglun

Hello to the folks on the list.

I am getting ready to order my K2 kit sometime over the next few days.
(I sold my 746pro to be replaced with the K2 in QRP mode.) I was
wondering if anyone on the list has designed a USB connection to the
replace the DB9 serial interface?

I see no point in having to use a USB to Serial dongle in today's age.
Most new PCs only have USB especially laptops. It seems like it would
pretty simple to replace replace the DB9 with USB driver chip. (I
thought that there was an article in Nuts  Volts recently that maybe
tackled the Serial to USB conversion.)

Thanks for the bandwidth.


John Hoaglun
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[Elecraft] KAT100-1 Sold!

2007-04-16 Thread Doug Shields
The KAT100-1 tuner is spoken for.  Thanks very much.

Doug  W4DAS

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Re: [Elecraft] K2 USB vs. DB9

2007-04-16 Thread Matthew D. Pitts


It's mainly because the DB-9 is used for more than just the serial 
interface in the design of the K2. I'm sure Wayne or Eric will chime in 
on the specifics, which have come up on the list in the past year, if 
I'm not mistaken.

Matthew Pitts
K2 #5956

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Re: [Elecraft] K2 USB vs. DB9

2007-04-16 Thread John Hoaglun

Hi Matt,

That is an excellent point. Given that thought, it might be nice to
have a secondary board (or replacement board for those folks that may
not need the DB9 interface) that uses the TX/RX data with a USB driver

It is great radio... now we just need to get the rig interface to same
generation as the PCs that we are buying.

I am excited about ordering my K2.

73, NG0R

On 4/16/07, Matthew D. Pitts [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


It's mainly because the DB-9 is used for more than just the serial
interface in the design of the K2. I'm sure Wayne or Eric will chime in
on the specifics, which have come up on the list in the past year, if
I'm not mistaken.

Matthew Pitts
K2 #5956

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[Elecraft] K2 near the sea: leave on or not?

2007-04-16 Thread Fred (FL)
RUSTY Florida area?

I'm surprised to hear about corrosive salty-air
regions in Florida.  Just never heard of it?
Our son lives on big island of Hawaii - near
Hilo.  The salt water air type of corrosion, on
things like bicycles, etc. - is notorious in Hawaii. 
Things there - not protected, don't last so long.

Islands of Hawaii - are in the trade winds region
of the Pacific - and I guess get their daily dose
of salty air, naturally.  I'm not sure this is 
the case on either coast of Florida.  I'm probably
wrong tho.  The big island, above city of Hilo -
gets a daily dose of natural rain, like 2 pm
every afternoon.  Perhaps the rain there, has
some salinity.

For some reason I've not heard this about Florida.

We live 8 miles from the Gulf Coast of mid-western
Florida.  I can't say I see anything around our home,
or in my garage, etc. - that has any appearance
of salt corrosion.  Cars look exceptional - easy
to keep clean.  No visible corrosion on anything
we have?  No rust on tools, etc.  

I wonder what the salinity is of the Florida
Atlantic ocean, vs the Hawaiian Pacific ocean
and the trade winds?


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Re: [Elecraft] K2 USB vs. DB9

2007-04-16 Thread Larry Phipps
I have played with those chips (FTDI), and the integrated connectors 
with built-in chips, for possible use in my kits to replace the RS232 
ports. The chips are reasonably priced, although still a tad more 
expensive than the MAX232 series, and only available in SMT, which adds 
assembly cost for me. The integrated connector assemblies are not cost 
effective IMO.

I have tested a converter cable sold by ByteRunner... 

It uses a Prolific chipset, and it seems to work just fine. The price is 
$8.69 in unity quantities plus 1st class shipping. That's about $10, and 
it lets the user decide whether to use RS232 or USB. They claim to have 
Vista drivers, but I have no need for them at this time.

I have used it with my K2, TS-480S, IdiomPress rotorcard, and of course 
all my own LP products, and it seems to be solid. Even the handshaking 
pins are implemented properly. I plan to recommend this cable to my 
customers in the future... it appears to be a real bargain.

Larry N8LP

John Hoaglun wrote:

Hello to the folks on the list.

I am getting ready to order my K2 kit sometime over the next few days.
(I sold my 746pro to be replaced with the K2 in QRP mode.) I was
wondering if anyone on the list has designed a USB connection to the
replace the DB9 serial interface?

I see no point in having to use a USB to Serial dongle in today's age.
Most new PCs only have USB especially laptops. It seems like it would
pretty simple to replace replace the DB9 with USB driver chip. (I
thought that there was an article in Nuts  Volts recently that maybe
tackled the Serial to USB conversion.)

Thanks for the bandwidth.


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[Elecraft] Intermittent to no receive or xmit

2007-04-16 Thread Craig Taylor
I purchased a pre-built K2 a couple of years ago.  It seemed to work fine 
except on occasion it would stop receiving, with a tap on the right side of the 
cabinet it would be okay.  These taps became more frequent.  I also noticed 
that the K2 would not transmit at these times.  Finally, about a week ago it 
quit.  Where should I look, or what should I do to get the rig back on the air?
Thank you,
Craig K9CKA
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Fw: [Elecraft] K2 near the sea: leave on or not?

2007-04-16 Thread Ken Kopp

Lived in Florida for 16 years ... in Melbourne and St.Petersburg.
Some salt air-related rust, corrosion, mildew but nothing like here 
on the Oregon coast where we spend winter months away from 
Montana.  Except for the mildew ... we have a dehumidifier.  It's 
a must here.  (:-))

I'd leave the radio ON continously ... better for it in the long
run than turning it on/off ... for several reasons.

73! Ken Kopp - K0PP

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Re: [Elecraft] Intermittent to no receive or xmit

2007-04-16 Thread Don Wilhelm


I am fairly certain that you will find an unsoldered connection.  Those 
things can work for a year or more and then all of a sudden, the amount 
of oxidation begins to increase and you have intermittent operation.

Look in the genreral vicinity of the area where the tapping was more 


Craig Taylor wrote:

I purchased a pre-built K2 a couple of years ago.  It seemed to work fine 
except on occasion it would stop receiving, with a tap on the right side of the 
cabinet it would be okay.  These taps became more frequent.  I also noticed 
that the K2 would not transmit at these times.  Finally, about a week ago it 
quit.  Where should I look, or what should I do to get the rig back on the air?
Thank you,

Craig K9CKA
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