[Elecraft] Simple spectrum analyser for SSB TX testing

2007-10-06 Thread Dave G4AON
For those who are eager to build something while waiting for the courier 
to bring your K3, you might like to try a simple spectrum analyser. In 
the best traditions of amateur radio this can be built in a few minutes 
using parts from your junk box. All that is required is a computer with 
sound card and a signal generator or at least a oscillator of sufficient 
level to feed a diode ring mixer. Details at http://www.astromag.co.uk/ssa/

Now you can check out your K2 with a two tone test!

What do you think?

73 Dave G4AON
K1 #1154, K2 #1892, K3... waiting...
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Re: [Elecraft] K2 SSB TX Alignment Tools Proposal (was: New Product request ...)

2007-10-06 Thread David Woolley

Paul Pollock wrote:
2). A pad buffer (at the output of the dummy load) to be used to filter 
out/reduce the transmitter RF, and detect/output the audio. This is used 
as the input to a computer soundcard (for use with Spectrogram or other 
spectrum analyzer)) for transmitter bandwidth/BFO analysis.

You would also need to tap the BFO, and include a mixer.

However, are you aware that there is an, undocumented, IF loop back 
feature in the K2 firmware?  If you key the transmitter in CAL FIL mode, 
at least for an SSB FL1 filter, the signal is looped back to the receive 
side, through the filter.  This is true for the most recent firmware, as 
its undocumented, I don't know if it is in any older versions.

I assume this uses the same loop back path as the carrier balance 
adjustment mode.

David Woolley
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[Elecraft] Soldering Iron Temperature

2007-10-06 Thread David Robertson

I find that 700 degrees F is good for most of your pc board work. You mithe run 
it down to 600 degrees F for delicate components or plastic connectors. 
800 degrees F is good for older tube equipment, terminal lugs, and power cables 
or coax (I always solder my Anderson Power Pole connector pins after crimping).

Dave KD1NA

Hi guys,

  My Hakko 936 with several T-1 for surface mounted tiny
components arrived today.  It is not warm yet.
 I have been using an Antex 15 Watt iron since 1971, and
I built my K2 #4962 with it.   Now, variable temperature is,
well, a variable that I have never had to consider.
So,  my questions:
 What temperature do you set with 60/40 solder on such as
a K2, and perhaps a different temperature when soldering
an AD9851?

Ian, G4ICV, AB2GR, K2 #4962, LP-100 #278
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Re: [Elecraft] KPA100/KAT100 trouble

2007-10-06 Thread Don Wilhelm


I am pleased to learn that you have had success with the diode 
replacement.  They are a bit difficult to reach, and there is no reason 
they cannot be placed on the bottom of the board as you have done.
Do correct the power supply situation before drawing any further 
conclusions about maximum power output, but you can calibrate the 
wattmeters even with your limited current battery.

You can calibrate the wattmeter in the KPA100 and the KAT100 at 10 watts 
and that typically provides good results over the entire range.  The 
KAT100 manual gives you voltage measurements to do that calibration and 
will normally yield quite acceptable calibration results - just follow 
the manual instructions.

Actually doing the KPA100 wattmeter calibration at 10 watts will provide 
good accuracy over the entire range too (there is scaling at high power 
built into the KPA100).  Power only the base K2 and the power control 
steps will provide more resolution during the calibration, and if you 
have an accurate dummy load, you can read the RF voltage across the 
dummy load with an RF Probe and calculate the actual power.

The K2 LED bargraph does not have sufficient resolution to measure the 
actual power output - if you have the Elecraft DL1, you can use it with 
the built-in detector to determine the actual power, but lacking that 
tool, use an RF Probe and a good 50 ohm non-reactive dummy load to 
calculate the power - most RF Probes will withstand RF voltages across a 
50 ohm load for up to about 18 watts.


Christopher A. Kantarjiev wrote:


It's taken me several weeks to get to this, but tonight was the night. 
I had tested and determined that the base K2 was fine, but neither the 
KPA nor KAT controlled power correctly. The parts folks had sent me 

Boy, what a nuisance these are to replace! Julius N2WN had suggested 
putting the KPA's diodes on the underside of the board, where they are 
easier to get at, and I followed that advice. For the KAT, there's 
just no good way to get at the backside of the board w/o removing all 
the connectors. I used a stainless dental pick to clean out the holes 
from the front, and soldered from that side, too.

Power control works great now. Both bridges seem to want to be 
recalibrated - the max output is about 75W, even when I have 100+ 
dialed in. I didn't do the original calibration on these, so I'm not 
certain of how close they were ... and I guess I'm not sure that I 
measured for full power out when I bought them.

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Re: [Elecraft] Simple spectrum analyser for SSB TX testing

2007-10-06 Thread Don Wilhelm


Yes, such a 'block converter' (mixer) to convert the transmitted output 
to baseband is a great tool.
If I may, let me add some alternatives.  Some Elecraft builders already 
have some of the pieces required for this Spectrum Analyzer and may not 
realize it.

The spectral display can be most any of the audio spectrum analyzers 
that are available.  Many Elecraft builders already are familiar with 
Spectrogram which will also do the task nicely.   The dynamic range is 
limited by the soundcard, but even with only 60 dB of dynamic range, 
useful information can be obtained.

The Elecraft mini-modules can be used for several of the pieces.

In place of the 40 dB tap - a CP1 can provide either a 20 or 30 dB 
(depending on how it was constructed) coupling at its forward port (be 
certain to terminate the reverse port).  The Elecraft attenuator can be 
used between the coupler forward port to provide additional attenuation 
and prevent overdriving the mixer.  Also the 2T-GEN can be used to 
provide the 2 tone output if your computer soundcard does not do full 

The signal generator should provide a +7 dBm to the mixer LO port for 
optimum performance (any attenuation built into the mixer will require a 
greater level).  The Elecraft XG1 or XG2 generators do not have enough 
output (50 uV is only -73 dBm) - but a QRP transmitter can be pressed 
into service for that purpose - only about 5 or 6 mW is required (do not 
overdrive the mixer), so the power from most transmitters must be 
reduced - a 2nd Elecraft attenuator mini-module will do that job.  Yes, 
you can test the SSB spectrum while tuned to the CW bands since 
everything is running into a dummy load - just don' try it with an 
antenna if you value your license!

Bottom line, most everything to do this task except the mixer and signal 
generator is available in the Elecraft mini-module line.

You did not publish a schematic of the mixer, although you described it 
well in the text.
There is a similar mixer module shown in Experimental Methods in RF 
Design page 7.35 for those who have that publication.


Dave G4AON wrote:
For those who are eager to build something while waiting for the 
courier to bring your K3, you might like to try a simple spectrum 
analyser. In the best traditions of amateur radio this can be built in 
a few minutes using parts from your junk box. All that is required is 
a computer with sound card and a signal generator or at least a 
oscillator of sufficient level to feed a diode ring mixer. Details at 

Now you can check out your K2 with a two tone test!

What do you think?

73 Dave G4AON
K1 #1154, K2 #1892, K3... waiting...
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[Elecraft] K2: Using PC Microphone - How To.

2007-10-06 Thread David Woolley
As it might be immediately obvious, you can use non-USB PC microphones 
with the K2 by using a straight through microphone jumper block and a 
stereo line socket with pin 1 on the microphone connector connected to 
the tip connection, pin 8 connected to the barrel and pin 6 connected to 
the ring, through a resistor (5k6 seems good).  (The Elecraft 
configuration, with the ring unconnected, should also work for most, 
i.e. electret ones.)

The PC microphone logic seems to be that electret microphones have ring 
and tip connected together in the plug, so the resistor provides the 
load and pull up for the internal pre-amplifier, and dynamic ones use a 
mono jack, which shorts the resistor to ground.  Using the pure Elecraft 
configuration will put a DC bias on the dynamic microphone, which might 
not be good for it.  (I suppose there could be microphones that use the 
ring but don't connect it to tip.)

As always, electret microphones are preferred, as dynamic ones have 
rather a low output level.

Obviously, you have to use them VOX, or use the key input for the PTT 
function.  You could wire a separate switch on the microphone connector.

I haven't evaluated the RF tolerance of PC microphones, yet.

Incidentally, I was surprised to find that the shell on the microphone 
connector is floating, although I was aware of a mod for better 
grounding, although that is old and says that better support for 
grounding is planned.

David Woolley
Emails are not formal business letters, whatever businesses may want.
RFC1855 says there should be an address here, but, in a world of spam,
that is no longer good advice, as archive address hiding may not work.
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Re: [Elecraft] Simple spectrum analyser for SSB TX testing

2007-10-06 Thread Dave G4AON


I've added a diagram!

Thanks for your thoughts. I would prefer a real two tone test oscillator 
to the one from the sound card...

73 Dave G4AON
Elecraft mailing list
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Re: [Elecraft] KX1 power on problem

2007-10-06 Thread Kurt Pawlikowski


   The first thing that usually comes up is the "standard" answer of 
making sure all the solder joints are solid. Sometimes, just reheating 
them will make the difference. It's possible that you do have some sort 
of component failure, but I wouldn't expect it to be intermittent. That 
is, most of the time something fails, it's dead. If you are unfortunate 
enough to have a part that is static damaged, this sort of behavior is 
possible (referring to the memory loss). I'm not sure I'd be thinking 
filter cap (particularly if the noise is 60 cycle) since you get the 
same thing on battery. Anyway, that's just a few quick thoughts. Hope it 
helps. Let us know what you find.



   Kurt Pawlikowski, AKA WB9FMC
   The Pinrod Corporation
   (773) 284-9500

Mike Scott wrote:

My 3-band KX1 does not always come fully on when I hit the power switch.

I am plugged into external 14 VDC power. I also have the same symptoms on
battery power.

Symptoms are as follows:

Log lamp always works

Sometimes power comes on normally with the frequency shown in the display
and band noise and signals in the headphones.

Sometimes when I turn it on I hear noise, but not band noise and the display
remains dark. The noise right now is accompanied with a start up buzz that
fades to white noise with a dark display.

After a lot of power cycling when I am trouble shooting the KX1 starts up
every time and the start up buzz goes away and the display works.

One more symptom that is odd, I just used recall memory to tune to 7.040
MHz. I then cycled the power. The radio came up on 6.0691 MHz, it forgot the
last frequency used. 

No matter what the prior frequency is the radio comes up at the following
40M -  6.0691
30M - 10.1068
20M - 14.0054

The buzzing noise makes me think an electrolytic is going somewhere.

I am not sure where to start, anyone have a pointer?

Mike Scott - AE6WA
Tarzana, CA (DM04 / near LA)
QRP-ARCI #12326/ KX1  #1311/ Swan 350C

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Elecraft mailing list
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RE: [Elecraft] Soldering Iron Temperature

2007-10-06 Thread Ron D'Eau Claire
The answer is in how fast the solder flows on  the joint. With most good
irons and tips appropriate to the size of the solder joint, 700F to 750F is

Once you put the iron to the joint, solder should flow freely in about 3
seconds, not much longer. Dwell times (time the iron is on the joint)
greater than 5 seconds means you don't have enough heat, no matter what the
iron temperature says.

One can produce a FB solder joint even if the iron has to be on the joint
much longer, but you're in serious danger of damaging components or
de-bonding traces from the pc board. It isn't the temperature that destroys
the components so much as it is the length of time they are kept hot. It's
much easier on most components to be subjected to higher temperatures for a
short period of time than to be subjected to 100 degrees less for a longer
time. So a "hotter" iron is a safer iron around sensitive components. 

Some builders like to keep their irons below 700F. That's fine IF they get
enough heat fast enough to flow solder in 3 seconds or so, but, in addition
to damaging components, cooler irons are one of the most common reasons for
poor, "cold" solder joints in which the solder covers the pad and leads, but
doesn't actually bond to them, leaving a mechanical connection that will
oxidize and become intermittent over time. Cold solder joints used to be
easy to spot because they had a satin sheen to the solder when it cooled.
Unfortunately, the new solder formulations that reduce or eliminate lead may
produce that sheen even when soldered correctly. That means proper technique
is more important than ever to produce safe, reliable solder connections. 

If you have to use iron temperature settings above 750F to keep the dwell
time down to about 3 seconds for pc board work, look at the tip you're
using. Tips aren't terribly critical, but a tiny tip on a relatively big
joint simply won't transfer heat fast enough. Also, make sure you're using a
wet tip with a tiny film of solder that greatly helps heat transfer. I
generally touch the wire solder to the joint and set the iron on the edge of
the solder so it melts a tiny bit of the end on contact. That provides the
transfer medium. On most pc boards, melting off 0.5 mm or less of very thin
wire solder is plenty to provide good thermal contact. That's where using
appropriate size solder comes in too. Very fine solder is needed to work
easily on small pads. 

Another place to pay attention is the condition of your iron. Every few
years I disassemble my Hakko 936 to clean out any black oxidation that is
accumulating between the heating element and the tip. The Hakko has a
wonderful tip heater that really pour on the calories to keep the tip hot.
You don't have to worry about tip "temperature droop" with it unless perhaps
you're using it on a production line soldering SO-239 coaxial connector
shells . But it needs to move that heat from the heater to the tip
efficiently, and to do that it needs to be clean inside as well as outside. 


Hi guys,

  My Hakko 936 with several T-1 for surface mounted tiny components arrived
today.  It is not warm yet.  I have been using an Antex 15 Watt iron since
1971, and
I built my K2 #4962 with it.   Now, variable temperature is,
well, a variable that I have never had to consider.
So,  my questions:
 What temperature do you set with 60/40 solder on such as
a K2, and perhaps a different temperature when soldering
an AD9851?

Ian, G4ICV, AB2GR, K2 #4962, LP-100 #278

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[Elecraft] next K3 communication/update due today

2007-10-06 Thread DOUGLAS ZWIEBEL
The Aptos crew indicated that we'd get weekly communications (updates)
about the K3.

Last update I saw was on the last day of last week (Sept 29).  Guess
we're due for another update today!


de Doug KR2Q
Elecraft mailing list
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Re: [Elecraft] OT - Heath CW Twins

2007-10-06 Thread John H Gibson
Hello David,

Chuck Penson's excellent book, HEATHKIT: A GUIDE TO THE AMATEUR RADIO 
PRODUCTS, 2nd Ed., lists both the HR-1680 and the HX-1681. According to 
Chuck, the HR-1680 was released in the Fall of 1967, but the HX-1681, which 
initially was advertised as "coming soon," was plagued with problems and not 
released until the summer of 1979. 

Continuing Chuck's comments, early HX-1681s had key-click problems, and 
Heath provided a free modification to owners to remedy this. This modification 
was included in later-production HX-1681s. A modification to solve the key-
click appeared in the March, 1981, QST. Eventually the HX-1681 was pulled 
from production a year earlier than the HR-1680. 

Chuck further says that, the both the HR-1680 and the HX-1681 use plug-in 
circuit cards, and the card-edge connectors are subject to oxidation over time. 
These connector contacts may need periodic cleaning.

Overall, Chuck Penson has kinder things to say about the HR-1680 than he does 
about the HX-1681.

I hope this is helpful

John, no8v
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[Elecraft] Re: [N1MM] Elecraft K3 with N1MM

2007-10-06 Thread Tom Hammond


This is a response to a message posted on the N1MM Logger reflector, 
but since it's

K3-related, I'm posting to Elecraft as well...

At 07:30 10/06/2007, lu_w4lt wrote:

Anyone using an Elecraft K3 with the software?
Any issues or praise?
I am considering a station upgrade.
Thanks in advance
Lu - W4LT

At 10:29 AM 10/6/2007, Jim Denneny wrote:
Since factory has not shipped K3 yet,
answer is no (other than a few beta testers).
Jim K7EG

Up until about 5-6 days ago, the K3 was not able to communicate
with N1MM in BOTH directions... it could RECEIVE (and act upon)
commands from N1MM, but N1MM was not able to get info FROM the K3.

That's all changed now, and I'm helping test N1MM LOGGER on the
K3 and so far it's working quite well.


N1MM may not have FULL K3 functionality installed quite yet.
K3CT is working with Elecraft and the FTs to get all the functionality
installed, but this takes time.

I have full faith in John's abilities however.

I'm hoping to try N1MM Logger a bit later today in the Cal QSO Party
and then again next weekend in another 'activity' as well. Will report
if I find ANY show stoppers.


Tom Hammond   N0SS   K3 Field Tester

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[Elecraft] re: next K3 communication/update due today

2007-10-06 Thread Mark Hampton
Well it seems that the second batch is due to start shipping 8th November.   
The third batch 'late December' according to the shipping status page.

I'm in the third batch so i'm not concerned about there not being a solid date 
at the moment.

Mark M5MDH
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[Elecraft] K3 "status" update is not the same as "when will it ship"

2007-10-06 Thread DOUGLAS ZWIEBEL
Fellow K3 droolers

Seems that every time I post a friendly reminder (actually more like
when my anxiousness becomes extreme) about the "weekly communication"
promised by the Aptos crew, I get a bunch of private emails (and some
not private) giving me the last "shipping" update as posted on the
Elecraft page.

I am looking forward to the weekly COMMUNICATION, irrespective of
whether or not it updates the shipping date of run 1, 2, 3, 4n.

I want to hear about "what is happening" inside Elecraft in terms of
stuff K3-relatedany updates.  More Communication is what was
promised; I take that to mean more than merely the next targeted
shipping date.

So thanks for the "week of Nov 8" info, which I already knew since I
too read Eric's last post, but that's not the only thing that I am
looking forward to.

de Doug KR2Q
Elecraft mailing list
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[Elecraft] Comparison: K3 and SDR 5000A

2007-10-06 Thread John Wiener
I would like to hear from my fellow Elecraft fans regarding general  
impressions of the K3 versus the SDR 5000A, software defined radio.
Just as in the Elecraft reflector, FlexRadio has some very stout  
supporters.  I hope this topic is not inappropriate.  Just interesting.

Elecraft mailing list
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Re: [Elecraft] Comparison: K3 and SDR 5000A

2007-10-06 Thread John A. McCabe

Hi John,

Although I do not have a 5000, I do have a SDR-1000. Elecraft and Flex 
are both Good companies that produce great radios. However, I believe 
one major difference between the K3 and the Flex 5000 will be in wider 
space dynamic range. The close-in 2Khz dynamic range for the 5000 I 
believe was measured by Rob Sherwood at 96db which is a good number. 
But  the 5000 does not have roofing filters, so if I am not mistaken, 
the 96db IMD dynamic range will the same at 2Khz, 5Khz, 10Khz, 20Khz, 
and beyond,  as it is with most sound card based SDR's.  To me a 96db 
Dynamic range beyond 20Khz is not good. I believe that a 96DB dynamic 
range is around 40-45db over S9, so if my calculations are correct, IMD 
could be a problem from a 45db over S9 signal 20Khz or more away. That 
is one of the reason's why I chose the K3 over the 5000. The K3's close 
in numbers will be around the same is the 5000, but the wider spaced 
measurements I expect to be much better then the Flex-5000.

John, KD8K
Elecraft mailing list
Post to: Elecraft@mailman.qth.net
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RE: [Elecraft] KX1 power on problem

2007-10-06 Thread Bob Waddell


In addition to checking soldering joints, double check carefully components on 
the board with the manual.  Yeah, I know, it's a pain but the only thing you 
can do.  Also check the battery plug on the board.  I had a problem with the 
type of wire they chose, as it would break easily if you took it in and out of 
the case too much.


> To: Elecraft@mailman.qth.net
> Date: Fri, 5 Oct 2007 13:31:09 -0700
> CC:
> Subject: [Elecraft] KX1 power on problem
> My 3-band KX1 does not always come fully on when I hit the power switch.
> I am plugged into external 14 VDC power. I also have the same symptoms on
> battery power.
> Symptoms are as follows:
> Log lamp always works
> Sometimes power comes on normally with the frequency shown in the display
> and band noise and signals in the headphones.
> Sometimes when I turn it on I hear noise, but not band noise and the display
> remains dark. The noise right now is accompanied with a start up buzz that
> fades to white noise with a dark display.
> After a lot of power cycling when I am trouble shooting the KX1 starts up
> every time and the start up buzz goes away and the display works.
> One more symptom that is odd, I just used recall memory to tune to 7.040
> MHz. I then cycled the power. The radio came up on 6.0691 MHz, it forgot the
> last frequency used.
> No matter what the prior frequency is the radio comes up at the following
> frequencies:
> 40M - 6.0691
> 30M - 10.1068
> 20M - 14.0054
> The buzzing noise makes me think an electrolytic is going somewhere.
> I am not sure where to start, anyone have a pointer?
> Mike Scott - AE6WA
> Tarzana, CA (DM04 / near LA)
> QRP-ARCI #12326/ KX1 #1311/ Swan 350C
> ___
> Elecraft mailing list
> Post to: Elecraft@mailman.qth.net
> You must be a subscriber to post to the list.
> Subscriber Info (Addr. Change, sub, unsub etc.):
> http://mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/elecraft
> Help: http://mailman.qth.net/subscribers.htm
> Elecraft web page: http://www.elecraft.com

Boo! Scare away worms, viruses and so much more! Try Windows Live OneCare!
Elecraft mailing list
Post to: Elecraft@mailman.qth.net
You must be a subscriber to post to the list.
Subscriber Info (Addr. Change, sub, unsub etc.):

Help: http://mailman.qth.net/subscribers.htm
Elecraft web page: http://www.elecraft.com

[Elecraft] Comparison: K3 and SDR 5000A

2007-10-06 Thread Bill Tippett

>I would like to hear from my fellow Elecraft fans regarding general
impressions of the K3 versus the SDR 5000A, software defined radio.

Good question John...unlikely it can be answered
completely until after the K3 ships.  I've also been following
the 5000, and here are some strictly *academic* thoughts based
on published info:

RX Performance (2 kHz spacing, 500 Hz filter):

Metric  K3  5000Advantage   Sources

IMDDR3  94  96  neutral Eric/Sherwood
BDR 138 123 K3 

Note:  Sherwood published data for 5 kHz only but the 5000
should have identical IMD/BDR performance at 2 kHz.

Phase Noise:

Rig 1kHz2   10   20   50   100   1M
K3  -110  -119 -136 -140 -143 -144  -150
5000 -123(flat)*
*(Sherwood) "Phase noise does not fall off at 6 dB per octave as expected.
Flex believes the present phase noise limitations are caused by A/D
clock jitter".  ("Clock jitter" is another word for phase noise).

Advantage K3.  It has lower integrated phase noise
over the entire spectrum.  The 5000's relatively higher
phase noise will likely be an issue, especially for
VHF users.

Form Factor:

This is a religious issue with some.  Knobs versus
no knobs.  "Real Radios Don't Need Knobs" (Flex's slogan).
I suppose the K3's corollary slogan is "Real Radios Don't
Need Computers".  :-)

Cost (for the 5000 it depends on whether you already have
a fairly high-performance computer dedicated to your shack.
I'm going to compare the 5000C which includes the computer
and will assume $200 for an LCD display):

5000C $5098 (no ATU, $200 display plus a $99 knob option)
K3$2825 (assembled K3/100, KXV3, KRX3, 2X 500 Hz filters)

Of course the K3 does not include a bandscope, but the KXV3
provides the wide bandwidth buffered IF output to do this.
Eventually Elecraft, Clifton Labs or someone will provide
this.  The solution could be as simple as a SoftRock40 on
the 8.215 MHz output to something much more exotic.  Let's
assume $400 for something like a Clifton Labs Z91 plus
another $600 for an adequate computer and display, resulting
in an additional $1000 for interface hardware, computer and
display.  I'm assuming free software based either on Rocky
or PowerSDR.  This results in:

5000C $5098
K3+   $3825

Advantage:  K3 which will have basic RX performance
exceeding the 5000 (see above) and a parallel SDR bandscope.
Assuming someone like HB9DRV integrates this with his Ham
Radio Deluxe program, I believe the K3 will maintain a
significant price advantage over the 5000C.


Metric: K3  5000C

Dimensions: 4X10X10"8.72X17.67X14.67"
Cubic inches:   400 2260
Weight: 8 lbs.  13 lbs.
Power:  Similar...I'm tired of typing!

Advantage:  K3.  I suspect it will very quickly become a
gold standard for DXpeditions, not to mention contesting.

Let's remember that neither of these rigs is
a finished product and both will likely be upgraded via
firmware/software as they evolve.  Both have very good
designers and very good mechanisms in place for customer
feedback, so any weakness today may be solved tomorrow.

I also think there's simply a different mindset
appeal of both rigs.  Some of us enjoy tinkering with
computers, software, etc and those will love the 5000C.
Some of us are more into ergonomics, operating, etc
and those may like the K3 better (IMHO).  Time will tell.

73,  Bill  W4ZV

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Re: [Elecraft] OT - Heath CW Twins

2007-10-06 Thread N2EY
In a message dated 10/6/07 12:07:38 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

> According to 
> Chuck, the HR-1680 was released in the Fall of 1967, 

I think he meant "fall of 1976". 

The first advertisement for the HR-1680 that I could find was QST for 
October, 1976. The ARRL Product Review came out in January 1977.

1967 was the year of the HW-100 and soon after the HW-16. Much too early for 
the all-solid-state HR-1680.

The Product Review says the VFO stability deserves special note, as it was 
measured as under 75 Hz from cold start to stabilization, and less than 20 Hz 
per hour after that. 

Using the SSB-bandwidth filter (CW selectivity is provided by an active audio 
the rx noise floor was measured as -137 dBm, BDR of 108 dB, and IMD two-tone 
IMD as 82 dB.

The review notes some of the corners that were cut to keep the price down 
($200 range). The RF circuits are diode switched, the IF xtal lattice filter is 
only 4 poles and made of discrete components rather than packaged, and the 
builder assembles the VFO. Only the first 1 MHz of 10 meters is covered, and 
is no provision for more band xtals nor other IF filters. 

Since the receiver predates WARC-79 by several years, there's no 30, 17 or 12 
meter coverage.

The HR-1680 seems to me to have been meant as a replacement for the HR-10, 
but with much better performance and features. But at over $200 for the kit, I 
don't recall it being a big seller. If you wanted a hamband receiver, a used 
Drake 2B could be had for about that price or less, and offered a lot more 
features. The HW-101 transceiver cost only about $100 more than the HR-1680, 
needed a power supply, but the '101 was a full-scale 100-watt class CW/SSB 
transceiver, covered all of 10 meters, and could be set up with the optional CW 

73 de Jim, N2EY

 See what's new at 
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[Elecraft] Comparison: K3 and SDR 5000A

2007-10-06 Thread Bill Tippett


>The K3's close in numbers will be around the same is the 5000,
but the wider spaced measurements I expect to be much better
then the Flex-5000.

John you are correct that the 5000 will have
constant IMD and BDR over the entire range of spacings.
But IMD does not appear to be *significantly* different
(I define significantly as >6 dB).

Quoting Eric:

Filter20kHz  10kHz  5kHz  2kHz
200 Hz, 5 pole100+   100+   100+   95
250 Hz, 8 pole100+   100+   100+   95
400 Hz, 8 pole100+   100+   100+   95
500 Hz, 5 pole100+   100+   100+   94
1 kHz, 8 pole 100+   100+   10094
2.7 kHz, 5 pole   100+   98  92n/a
2.8 kHz, 8 pole   100+   100 93n/a

...versus 96 dB for the 5000 at all spacings.

In my opinion, BDR is a much more significant
issue.  The 5000 will be flat at 123 dB for all
spacings versus the K3 at:

"For the particular K3 I tested the phase noise on below, I measured a
typical BDR of 140-141dB at spacings 5 kHz and wider and about 138dB at
2 kHz."  (again quoting Eric)

~20 dB difference in BDR and/or Phase Noise (from my
previous post) will be very noticeable in the following

1.  During multi-transmitter operations (multiop or SO2R
in contests, Field Day, expeditions, etc).

2.  If you have a very close neighbor (either a ham or
a powerful broadcast station).

So I agree with your comments in general, but I
feel they apply more to BDR and Phase Noise than IMD.

73,  Bill  W4ZV

P.S.  And let's all not forget that there could be some
differences in what Elecraft measures versus others!

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[Elecraft] KX1

2007-10-06 Thread Mike Scott
Thank you for the replies on my KX1 power on issues. Don Wilhelm has me
going in a good trouble shooting direction. I will post resolution after I
finish the process.
The issue of the KX1 not remembering my last frequency was an operator
error, one needs to be on a frequency for 30-seconds before the KX1 commits
a frequency to memory. Duh, a real tail chase!

This is a good diversion from K3 want-itis.

Mike Scott - AE6WA
Tarzana, CA (DM04 / near LA)
QRP-ARCI #12326/ KX1  #1311/ Swan 350C

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Re: [Elecraft] Comparison: K3 and SDR 5000A

2007-10-06 Thread John A. McCabe

Bill Tippett wrote:

So I agree with your comments in general, but I
feel they apply more to BDR and Phase Noise than IMD.

Hi Bill,
Yes you are correct on that. For some reason I got the BDR and IMD 
numbers mixed up. However, I do believe that one of the FAQ's mentioned 
a 20KHZ dynamic range greater then 104db. That's still  pretty good :)

73,  John

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Re: [Elecraft] Comparison: K3 and SDR 5000A

2007-10-06 Thread Lyle Johnson

Hello Bill!

A few additional things to note:


1a) In the K3 architecture, the 24-bit analog to digital converter (ADC) 
is exposed only to signals that make it through the roofing filter. This 
is typically less than a 3 kHz slice of spectrum, and may only be a 
couple hundred Hz.

2a) In a quadrature sampling detector (or integrating sampling detector) 
architecture, used by the SDR-1000/5000 series, the ADC is exposed to 
all the signals in the detector passband, typically more than 200 kHz 
wide even if the displayed passband is less.


1b) In the K3, the synthesizer generates a single, clean signal for 
mixer injection.  Subsequent oscillators/mixers (including the software 
oscillators inside the DSP) are only dealing with band-limited signals 
due to the roofing filter.

2b) In the typical QSD/ISD system, a quadrature signal is generated by a 
DDS.  DDSes can have very low phase noise, but typically have numerous 
spurs.  While mitigation techniques exist, the fact remains that there 
are usually several spurs only 70 or 80 dB down inside a given 200 kHz 
wide passband.  These spurs can mix with other signals.


3a) Radios based on embedded DSP, like the K3, can take advantage of 
processing techniques on a sample-by-sample basis.  This may translate 
to reduced latency (the time it takes for a signal at the antenna to 
appear in the speaker or headphones).

3b) Receivers relying on PCs for DSP deal with data in blocks, rather 
than sample-by-sample.  This results in significant latency - often 100 
to 200 milliseconds or even more -- regardless of the speed of the PC's CPU!

I hooked up an SDR-14 (using a dual core 3 GHz PC in block mode 
processing for its DSP) to the IF output of my K3 (which uses 
sample-by-sample processing in its embedded DSP) and listened to the 
same signal.  The audio from the SDR-14 appeared in the speakers *much* 
later than the audio from the K3.

In some cases, this may not be important.  In other cases (QSK CW comes 
to mind), latency can be very important.


Lyle KK7P

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[Elecraft] Re: Comparison: K3 and SDR 5000A

2007-10-06 Thread wayne burdick

Lyle Johnson wrote:

2b) In the typical QSD/ISD system, a quadrature signal is generated by 
a DDS.  DDSes can have very low phase noise, but typically have 
numerous spurs.  While mitigation techniques exist, the fact remains 
that there are usually several spurs only 70 or 80 dB down inside a 
given 200 kHz wide passband.  These spurs can mix with other signals.

Just a quick follow-up to Lyle's posting.

The K3's synthesizer uses a DDS, too, but it's almost completely 
isolated from the signal path, in two ways.

First, it is followed by a very narrow 4-pole crystal filter (about 2.5 
kHz wide), which removes harmonics as well as both narrowband spurs 
(over a carefully selected tuning range) and wideband Nyquist sampling 

Second, the DDS drives a PLL and very low-noise VCO. The VCO has a high 
C-to-L ratio, and very little of the capacitance is represented by the 
varactor diodes. This is accomplished by breaking the VCO tuning range 
into 128 bands.

All of the above makes life difficult for your MCU firmware guy, but 
the result is a *very* clean signal. And this code was finished a long 
time ago:)




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Re: [Elecraft] Re: [N1MM] Elecraft K3 with N1MM

2007-10-06 Thread Jay Schwisow

Any news regarding Writelog?

Jay - KT5E

I have full faith in John's abilities however.

I'm hoping to try N1MM Logger a bit later today in the Cal QSO Party
and then again next weekend in another 'activity' as well. Will report
if I find ANY show stoppers.


Tom Hammond   N0SS   K3 Field Tester

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[Elecraft] K3: Have any FT tried WinTest out yet?

2007-10-06 Thread Toby Deinhardt
In the Bavarian Contest Club and in much of the EU WinTest has become 
very popular for contest logging.

Do any of the field testers have experience with WinTest and the K3 yet?

vy 73 de toby
DD5FZ (ex 4n6fz, dj7mgq, dg5mgq, dd5fz)
K2 #885
K2/100 #3248
K3 #??? (<200)

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[Elecraft] Comparison: K3 and SDR 5000A

2007-10-06 Thread Randy Downs
I sold my SDR1k due to the spur issues. I loved the radio, mostly. The 
panadaptor I really miss. My Icoms scope is nowhere as flexible and slick. I 
don't have any issues with BDR, IMD as I live in the country with no 
competition. If the bands ever open back up and I get some real activity I may 
see minor issues. I have not owned a K2 but have found virtually no one who 
doesn't like it that owns one or has owned one. Hardly ever see one for sale. I 
was going to buy a 5000. Then the K3 came out. (Almost). Now I am watching and 
waiting. If the specs and performance is as good as it seems, and a panadaptor 
becomes available that rivals the Flex, I'll the buy a K3. If not I'll be 
leaning toward a 5000. I would prefer to see the pana, if one comes out, feed 
into the audio card in my pc after the appropriate mixing etc. I do not want a 
standalone DMU ala Ft2000 A waste of time and money. It would be ok for 
contesters I guess. But for my application the pc based pana would be 
preferred. That way I could window the sweep. The future looks bright for both 
companies. And the ham community.
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[Elecraft] Re: Comparison: K3 and SDR 5000A

2007-10-06 Thread Bill Tippett

>Just a quick follow-up to Lyle's posting.

You guys are simply awesome!  Now get
my K3 shipped!  :-)

73,  Bill  W4ZV

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RE: [Elecraft] K3: Have any FT tried WinTest out yet?

2007-10-06 Thread AB7R
I have an older version of WT (2.28).  It does not have any Elecraft support
options.  That said, the Kenwood protocol seems to work with band changes.
But changing mode on the K3 does not seem to pick up in WT.  I don't know
what changes they've made since this older version.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Toby Deinhardt
Sent: Saturday, October 06, 2007 3:56 PM
To: elecraft@mailman.qth.net
Subject: [Elecraft] K3: Have any FT tried WinTest out yet?

In the Bavarian Contest Club and in much of the EU WinTest has become
very popular for contest logging.

Do any of the field testers have experience with WinTest and the K3 yet?

vy 73 de toby
DD5FZ (ex 4n6fz, dj7mgq, dg5mgq, dd5fz)
K2 #885
K2/100 #3248
K3 #??? (<200)

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Re: [Elecraft] OT - Heath CW Twins

2007-10-06 Thread John H Gibson
Jim, N2EY, is correct; the 1967 is a typo on my part. Chuck Penson states that 
the HR-1680 was released in the Fall of 1976.

 Original message 
Date: Sat, 6 Oct 2007 15:54:32 EDT
Subject: Re: [Elecraft] OT - Heath CW Twins  
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], elecraft@mailman.qth.net

In a message dated 10/6/07 12:07:38 PM Eastern
Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

>According to Chuck, the HR-1680 was released in the Fall of 1967,

 I think he meant "fall of 1976".

John, no8v

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Re: [Elecraft] K3: Have any FT tried WinTest out yet?

2007-10-06 Thread Toby Deinhardt

> But changing mode on the K3 does not seem to pick up in WT.

That's interesting to hear. All versions of WinTest I've used in the 
last 2 or 3 years, have worked nicely in Kenwood mode with my K2.

Wonder what the difference is?

vy 73 de toby
DD5FZ (ex 4n6fz, dj7mgq, dg5mgq, dd5fz)
K2 #885
K2/100 #3248
K3 #??? (<200)

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RE: [Elecraft] Comparison: K3 and SDR 5000A

2007-10-06 Thread Joe Subich, W4TV

> 2a) In a quadrature sampling detector (or integrating sampling 
> detector) architecture, used by the SDR-1000/5000 series, the 
> ADC is exposed to all the signals in the detector passband, 
> typically more than 200 kHz wide even if the displayed passband 
> is less.

This is key in relation to IMDDR (mixing and spurious generation). 
Any signal handling circuits must be able to handle the total 
peak power of all signals within that 20) KHz window ... not just 
the average power.  If the amplifiers/mixers cannot handle the 
"sum of the peaks," there is a real chance that signals well off 
frequency will generate IMD products on the operating frequency 
and the IMDDR measured by a two tone process (Sherwood, ARRL, etc.)
will be significantly optimistic with a receiver design like the 
SDR-1000/FLEX-5000 as it only measures third order (2F1-F2, 2F2-F1) 
products and fails to consider fifth and higher order products 
that result from three, four and more strong interfering signals. 

This is a major issue on 160 meters where there may be several 
strong AM broadcast signals just below the band or on 40 meters 
(particularly in Europe) with multiple strong broadcasters IN 
the band.  It's also an issue on 80/75 meters where there can 
be multiple VERY STRONG "local" signals within 50 - 100 KHz 
of the operating frequency.  

With a "roofing filter" design, mixers and amplifiers (other 
than a preamplifier) need to contend with strong signals only 
within +/- 2.5 KHz (2.7 x 1.6 / 2).  The number of potentially 
interfering signals are reduced significantly with the roofing 
filter design. 


   ... Joe, W4TV 

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[Elecraft] re: K3 "status" update is not the same as "when will it ship"

2007-10-06 Thread Mark Hampton
I'll keep my mouth shut in future.

Mark M5MDH
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[Elecraft] K2 problem with 4 MHZ calibration

2007-10-06 Thread Mike Scott
K2 Problem (serial No. 4159)

Hello dear builders...I have a problem.
At the 4 Mhz Oscillator calibration a problem occurred:

First the counter did not show 12090 +/- 30 KHz but: ~ 8.9 MHz

I checked the board and discovered that I had made a mistake with D16; then
I soldered D16 in the correct way and the measurement now is around 7,5 MHz
(with built-in frequency counter)

- verified all components and their polarity, all seems ok (yes - X1 is the
12,09 MHz oscillator)

I verified the frequency of the oscillator with the help of my FT-1000MP and
yes, around 7.562 KHZ you can hear the oscillation...

by the way: the VCO Test is OK

a friend who has successfully built a K2 thinks perhaps the 12.09 MHz
oscillator is faulty...

what do you think...so far the building was fun and successful...but now i
do not know what to do..

THANK YOU VERY MUCH for your help

Very 73 de Markus, DL9RCF

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[Elecraft] KSB2 OP1 filter USB response...

2007-10-06 Thread Steve Kallal
It has been a few weeks since I built the KSB2 option. There is one problem
I haven't yet resolved. The response on the USB side of OP1 is not as broad
as the LSB side, and has a narrower peak. I didn't pay much attention to
this before. I've never transmitted in USB except for the digital modes
using RTTY reverse. I'm not much of a SSB guy.

These observations were made with the Spectrogram software. The symptoms are
quite noticeable by listening also.


Steve N6VL
K2 #2289

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Re: [Elecraft] K2 problem with 4 MHZ calibration

2007-10-06 Thread Don Wilhelm


For now you do not know if the problem is with the counter or with the PLL.

Is your friend close enough that you might be able to borrow his K2 
control board (and his internal counter probe) for a quick test?

If so, then substitute the known working control board for yours and 
measure the PLL frequency.  If it still indicates a frequency in the 7.5 
MHz range, then you have a problem with the PLL circuit, but if it 
indicates a correct range for the PLL, then you have a counter problem.

Do not make any menu settings with the substitute Control Board because 
the settings will be written into your friends EEPROM - restrict the 
testing to the counter indication.

In either case, check the soldering carefully.  Most failures are caused 
by improper solder connections.


Mike Scott wrote:

K2 Problem (serial No. 4159)

Hello dear builders...I have a problem.
At the 4 Mhz Oscillator calibration a problem occurred:

First the counter did not show 12090 +/- 30 KHz but: ~ 8.9 MHz

I checked the board and discovered that I had made a mistake with D16; then
I soldered D16 in the correct way and the measurement now is around 7,5 MHz
(with built-in frequency counter)

- verified all components and their polarity, all seems ok (yes - X1 is the
12,09 MHz oscillator)

I verified the frequency of the oscillator with the help of my FT-1000MP and
yes, around 7.562 KHZ you can hear the oscillation...

by the way: the VCO Test is OK

a friend who has successfully built a K2 thinks perhaps the 12.09 MHz
oscillator is faulty...

what do you think...so far the building was fun and successful...but now i
do not know what to do..

THANK YOU VERY MUCH for your help

Very 73 de Markus, DL9RCF


Elecraft mailing list
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Re: [Elecraft] KSB2 OP1 filter USB response...

2007-10-06 Thread Don Wilhelm


Tell us more.  The SSB OP1 filter as observed with Spectrogram in LSB or 
USB should show a relatively flat passband extending from about 300 Hz 
to 2600 Hz.  I do not understand 'peak' in that context.  It may be that 
your BFO frequencies are not adjusted properly, but your use of the 
'peak' term causes some doubt about what you are observing.  Can you be 
more specific and descriptive?


Steve Kallal wrote:

It has been a few weeks since I built the KSB2 option. There is one problem
I haven't yet resolved. The response on the USB side of OP1 is not as broad
as the LSB side, and has a narrower peak. I didn't pay much attention to
this before. I've never transmitted in USB except for the digital modes
using RTTY reverse. I'm not much of a SSB guy.

These observations were made with the Spectrogram software. The symptoms are
quite noticeable by listening also.


Steve N6VL
K2 #2289


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[Elecraft] Elecraft CW Net Announcement

2007-10-06 Thread Kevin Rock

Good Evening to You All,
   Weather has switched here in Oregon, it is now coming straight out of  
the Gulf of Alaska.  It is very chilly and very wet.  Good thing I have  
plenty of wood in the stove and next to it.  Sam is happy indeed roasting  
next to the fire.  I must remember to turn him soon so he does not melt!
   This week I was able to work with my mentor on twenty meters a few  
times with great results.  There was little QSB and the contacts were  
solid.  We chatted for an hour each time about many subjects: black powder  
shooting, antennas, selling houses, travel, and enjoying cold weather.  We  
both would love to move back to where winter is a force to reckoned with  
instead of the mild weather we both experience.  He to Alaska, me to  
Northern Wisconsin.  I miss the snow with a passion.  Having three sets of  
skis stuck in a snow bank waxed for various conditions; ah I miss it  
   I've a movie on hold (Th Hunt for Red October) but did wish to get this  
note out before tomorrow.  I have also found someone to help me while I  
travel.  She will come up here to take care of Sam and the fire.  While my  
new friend is here I will get to travel and Sam will be spoiled even more  
than he already is.  We both miss Pat but that cannot be helped; she  
cannot be replaced.  Some of her clothes will be donated to charity, some  
to rest homes.  Some of her books and tools will go elsewhere.
   Hopefully soon all you folks who desire a low number K3 will have your  
wishes granted.  One never can tell what else may come out of the skunk  
works at Aptos :)  I'll be here to read the mail, hear the news, and work  
the folks with new serial numbers.  But, then, I like chatting with you  
all each and every Sunday.

Please join us tomorrow evening.


1) Hail signs  (first letter or two of the suffix of your call)
2) NCS help (as well as QSP/QNP  help)

Please join us:

Sunday 2300z (Sunday 4 PM PDT) 14050 kHz
Monday 0200z (Sunday 7 PM PDT)  7045 kHz

   Kevin.  KD5ONS


P.S. I will call East first so, as the band changes, I'll eek out the most  
contacts.  Please still your paddles while I call further away from  
Oregon, it truly helps.


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Post to: Elecraft@mailman.qth.net
You must be a subscriber to post to the list.
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Help: http://mailman.qth.net/subscribers.htm
Elecraft web page: http://www.elecraft.com

[Elecraft] ECN update

2007-10-06 Thread Kevin Rock

Sam has been turned; Chesire expression unchanged.
   73 All,

Elecraft mailing list
Post to: Elecraft@mailman.qth.net
You must be a subscriber to post to the list.
Subscriber Info (Addr. Change, sub, unsub etc.):

Help: http://mailman.qth.net/subscribers.htm
Elecraft web page: http://www.elecraft.com