Re: [Elecraft] [OT] PCI Express sound card for digimodes

2010-01-30 Thread Andrew Forrest


I use an Edirol UA-1EX. It is simple USB stereo in and out, powered by 
USB. Works on Mac and PC. Its about £65 but its a bit out of date now. 
If it does 16 bits at 44KHz, and they all do, it is bound to be good 
enough for sound card modes which actually don't need good sound card 
performance. Signal to noise on the audio will be at best 40dB and the 
sampling rate allows up to 20KHz when you only need about 4KHz.


   Andrew (M1KAZ)
 Apologies for the OT question but I'm at my wits end. I just bought a new
 computer for the shack and find that I can't install my SB Live 24 card that
 I kept from the old one because it doesn't have PCI Slots. Instead, it has
 what I've been told are PCI Express slots. Even my local computer shop
 hadn't heard of a PC without PCI slots, and said PCI EXpress is only for
 graphics cards. But that can't be right as the computer has 4 of them, 3
 short ones which are PCIe x1 and one long one which is PCIe x16.

 The built in Realtek sound card has all kinds of controls for special
 effects, karaoke etc. but I can't find an option for look, just convert it
 to digital as accurately as possible and don't mess with it. In any case, I
 really want to use the internal board for normal audio as it has front panel
 sockets for headphones etc. which is why I had the second sound card.
 However when I search for PCI Express sound cards they are all pretty
 expensive. The cheapest seems to be an Asus Xonar DX 7.1. I admit the DX
 part sounds promising, but it still has these special effects features and
 outputs for subwoofers and so on none of which I need.

 What's a guy who just wants to work digital modes to do? A few years ago you
 could buy a 16-bit ISA sound card for 15 quid. Surely we don't all have to
 go out and splash £200 on a RigExpert or MicroHam now? Someone suggested I
 got a cheap USB audio device but how cheap is OK? You can buy these things
 on eBay for $2, I kid you not, but I bought one once and tossed it after 5
 minutes it was so bad.

 I'd appreciate hearing from anyone who has had this problem and solved it
 satisfactorily because I'm getting withdrawal symptoms not being able to
 work digimodes. Is it just me, or is technology getting way too complicated?

 Julian, G4ILO. K2 #392  K3 #222.
 * G4ILO's Shack -
 * KComm -
 * KTune -


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[Elecraft] K2/100 for sale in London England

2008-11-17 Thread Andrew Forrest

Dear All,

Having got my K3 all running smoothly I'm now getting rid of my K2/100. 
It has a KAT100  antenna tuner in an EC2 case. Options on the K2 are the 
KDSP2 and KSB2. There are actually two KSB2s  One is Elecraft spec. and 
the other has been modified for wider bandwidth and smoother passband as 
suggested by KI6WX, also improves PSK IMD. This is the installed board 
and works very well. Radio was built be myself approx. five years ago. 
Serial no 3679. Has to make way for the K3. Is very good condition and 
has  all manuals, serial cable etc. I want £800 for it. Postage depends 
on distance, insurance etc.

If interested please contact me off list. My e-mail is correct on Don't dare put it on here unprotected.



Andrew Forrest
M1KAZ (K2 #3679,K3 #0499)

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[Elecraft] KRX3 receiver - katiegram arrival

2008-08-20 Thread Andrew Forrest

Dear All,

just got my confirmation of imminent delivery of KRX3. Order on 1st 
July 2007 with 50% pre-payment

on K3 which turned out to be ser. 499

Andrew Forrest
M1KAZ (K2 #3679,K3 #0499)

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Re: [Elecraft] Re: K3 Audio

2008-08-08 Thread Andrew Forrest

Alexandr Kobranov made an interesting post showing a spurious response
in the line out audio

   I just made two basic samples using K3 and TS-850 using Firebox
   external soundcard and Winrad SW.

   You can see screenshot from K3 line-out audio on

   This is K3 with 400Hz roofing filter on some stable carrier.
   LINE OUT setting on level 9. 

Looking at the plot the spurious cannot be harmonics because the
frequency scale of the ghost response is the same as that of the normal
response. It is not doubled or tripled as would be the case with
harmonics. I posted similar results in March which I noticed using PSK
on a computer. Quoting myself:

   The second thing I am
   noticing is ghosts in the waterfall display of MixW. I assumed that I
   was driving the audio card too hard and getting harmonics, but this is
   not the case. The ghost signals do move faster across the waterfall
   the tuning rate implying harmonics but I can decode the ghosts, so the
   bandwidth of the ghost signals has not changed which it would do with a
   harmonic. Ghosts are about 20-30db down on the correct signals

It appears that this effect is nothing to do with clipping or
transformer saturation but some kind of mixing. On the positive side I
have not manged to make a ghost appear in the passband where it would
damage the decoding efficiency, although it may still be there under the
noise. This is an unusual effect that I have not seen before. Anybody
any ideas of how these ghost signals are being generated?

Andrew Forrest
M1KAZ (K2 #3679,K3 #0499)

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[Elecraft] K3 Firmware 2.10,1.81 problems

2008-06-27 Thread Andrew Forrest

Dear All.

operating a K3 with latest beta firmware, using PSK on data modes with 
MixW. The frequency display on MixW now shows incorrect frequencies for 
the signals received in data mode. On SSB frequencies displayed appear 
correct. On data they appear about 3KHz low and on data reverse about 
3KHz high. This tested on 20m band.  Everything OK before update.

Anyone else seeing this behaviour? or is it me that has the problem?


 73 Andrew M1KAZ

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[Elecraft] K3 Firmware 2.10,1.81 problems Update

2008-06-27 Thread Andrew Forrest

Dear All,

did some more on the problem. With MixW using modes RTTY or RTTYR when 
controlled by a K3 in data mode
the frequency scale moves to the right but the signal moves to the left. 
They should obviously be in step i.e the
display should show a signal at a constant frequency as the radio is 
tuned. This works
correctly in USB and LSB.  MixW thinks the radio mixer frequency is on 
the opposite side of the signal to reality.

To attempt to solve the problem I reloaded the K3 software; no change. I 
then went back to the-non beta 2.02 etc
software; everything now working correctly.  I am pretty sure that this 
is a real problem but maybe only for MixW
users using the RTTY modes. It is a problem for us though, because by 
using USB or LSB modes in MixW
automatically switches the K3 to the same modes. This prevents use of 
the K3 data mode features such as prevention

of compression and other data special settings.

Julian (G4ILO) thanks for your interest. All my CAT corrections are zero 
in MixW also. Interesting that you say there
was some change in the last release - K3 was erroneously reporting the 
data modes as reversed This looks very much
like the problem but in the case of RTTY it seems it was correct but is 
now incorrect.

Hope this all gets sorted in version 2.11  Keep up the good work on the 
software and I agree with the release of beta

software so that we can test all the nooks and crannies.

73 Andrew M1KAZ

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[Elecraft] K3 serial 499 build and operation

2008-03-25 Thread Andrew Forrest

Dear all,

finished building K3/100 0499 about a week ago. Took me three days of
not full time effort. No problems or missing parts. Everything went by
the book. Operating did cause some problems to start with. The
configuration and initialisation didn't work to start off with. I did
not realise this. The symptoms were producing 84 watts with a 50 watt
demand and not being able to get a low frequency audio response out of
the standard filter, fine on the others. Setting up the filter offset
correctly and doing the transmitter and watt meter initialisations again
cured the problem. I don't know if updating the firmware overwrote my
settings. I will probably never know. I get the standard 47 watts out
for 50 watt demand using the watt meter in an ACOM1000 amp as reference.
I also didn't get the AFX effects until reading on the list to set
number of speakers to 2, thanks. I use a Mac mostly so used the Mac
firmware update utility. It works really well and its very nice to get
support for the mac. Most radio software ignores the Mac.

Ease of operation is great. The bandwidth choosing controls work
beautifully. The response appears to be completely flat across the audio
spectrum as measured with the MixW spectrum display. This is a very
welcome change from the K2. Setting up the frequency calibration to
better than a Hz was also very easy, again in contrast to the K2. The
general ergonomics are very good, I even dared to operate split with no
problems. The PA appears to be extremely robust. The PA temp rises very
little even with 50 watts continuous digital modes and I can't hear any
fans activity over the noise from my computer. SSB operation is very
smooth. Couldn't resist trying out the K3/10 before putting in the amp.
Called a German station on 40m  and got a reply and 59 first call. I'm
very happy with the whole radio.

Now the less good news. I appear to have lost about 3db of IMD transmit
performance compared to the K2. I use a KK7UQ IMD monitor for PSK31 and
am now often getting -27dB rather than the usual -30dB or better on the
K2. These figures don't seem to be very power dependent and I don't
think theres going to be a firmware fix, although performance is still
in the top half of signals I see on the bands. The second thing I am
noticing is ghosts in the waterfall display of MixW. I assumed that I
was driving the audio card too hard and getting harmonics, but this is
not the case. The ghost signals do move faster across the waterfall than
the tuning rate implying harmonics but I can decode the ghosts, so the
bandwidth of the ghost signals has not changed which it would do with a
harmonic. Ghosts are about 20-30db down on the correct signals, outside
of the chosen radio pass passband. I'm sure I didn't seem them with the
K2. They appear to have no effect on the actual decoding of digital
signals but I'd like to know what they are.

Someone mentioned having to follow PSK signals across the band as each
over occurred at a slightly different frequency.  There are plenty of
fixes involving keeping the transmit frequency fixed and using RIT, but
I've seen the same thing, and am interested to find out how this is
happening.  One possibility is that MixW and other programs can have an
offset between receive and transmit frequencies. When I looked in the
mode settings for PSK on MixW they were 3Hz apart. I even noticed send
and receive offset when talking to another K3, but I am pretty sure this
is a software not radio problem. Some contacts have zero offset.

Overall I highly recommend the K3, its a joy to use (and fun to build).
Looking forward to the sub-receiver, panoramic displays etc.

Andrew Forrest
M1KAZ (K2 #3679,K3 #0499)

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