[Elecraft] Musings on Noise Reduction

2008-12-07 Thread John Graf
I ran a single-op QRP effort in the ARRL 160M contest this weekend.  I ran
about half the time with my K2, and the other half with my K3 @ 5 watts.  It
was interesting to compare the two rigs.

I did not run any laboratory tests, so this clearly falls into the category
of opinion.  But the K2 DSP noise reduction is far superior to the K3's, at
least on 160M.

I played with the settings on the K3's NR throughout the contest, but it
always appears to me that engaging NR reduces the signal level by a good 10
dB (or more) no matter what you do.  By setting it to F1-1, there is a
reasonable tradeoff between noise reduction and signal strength, but just
about any other setting seems to drop the signals into the mud,

I also did some reading (during daylight hours) and found a good article on
K3 NR at http://www.zerobeat.net/mediawiki/index.php/K3_DSP  The gist of
that article is that in order to get the most benefit from the NR system,
you need to keep your bandwidth set rather wide.  There may be some truth to
that. but it is not a strategy that works well during a contest.

The K2, on the other hand, does not significantly reduce signal level when
NR is engaged.  It also does a great job of dropping the noise level by
several S-units.  There is some signal distortion, but it is not
objectionable.  The best part is that you can reduce the bandwidth using the
narrower CW filters, and the noise reduction is not affected.

The K3 is a superior rig in most aspects and is still my choice for
contesting in LP and HP categories, as well as for DXing.  But so far I have
not been enamored with the noise reduction system.

Thanks and 73,

John, WA6L


Joe E. Lewis  - The way taxes are, you might as well marry for love.
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[Elecraft] K3 #611 QRV

2008-03-25 Thread John Graf
The Mojo continues!  I finished the K3 this weekend.  The first two  
answers to my CQ were Paraguay and Chile.  Then I worked 5T5DC split  
on 40M.  So, how do you get non-DX stations to answer you?  :-)

I am still learning the rig, but wow -- that receiver is sure quiet.   
I am loving life!


John, WA6L
K3: 611

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[Elecraft] Filter preset question

2008-03-24 Thread John Graf

With the FM filter in slot 1 and the 2.7 kHz filter in slot 3 (slot 2  
empty).  The latest firmware is installed:

I go to any band and select USB.  The rig is set at 6.0 kHz bandwidth  
and FL1 is selected.  I change it to 2.7 kHz and FL3.

I then go to CW on another band.  When I switch back to the original  
band and back to SSB, the rig is once again at 6.0 kHz bandwidth and  
FL1.   If I am reading the manual correctly, shouldn't it remember the  
previous settings?  I tried turning off FL1 for USB and LSB and it  
didn't make any difference.

I have only a few hours in the pilot's seat, so it is quite possible I  
have something misconfigured, although I have been through the filter  
settings a half-dozen times.  Anyone have any ideas as to what might  
be wrong?

Thanks and 73,

John, WA6L

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[Elecraft] K3 Serial #611

2008-03-19 Thread John Graf
K3 Serial number 611 was waiting for me when I got home this evening.   
It was ordered on 09/04/07.


John, WA6L

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[Elecraft] I can't take it any more . . .

2007-09-04 Thread John Graf

I tried and tried, but I finally had to give in.  I ordered my K3  
today.  Delivery will be late November or early December.


John, WA6L

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Re: [Elecraft] K2 Optical Encoder Test Problem

2007-07-01 Thread John Graf
My K2 just started doing the same thing.  I redid all the solder  
joints between the board and the encoder, then checked the list  
archives to see if anyone else had that problem.

I am going to order and install a new encoder.  The reason I think  
that it is the encoder itself is that with the knob off and the nut  
on the encoder loose, I can wiggle it around to get it to work.  You  
would think that would be a bad solder joint, but as I said, I redid  
all four wires and checked them with an ohmmeter.  I think it's  
something internal to the encoder.

It's not a hard part to replace.  I will let you know how it goes.   
In the meantime, I am using rig control to adjust frequency. :-(


John, WA6L

Just started the the alignment  test Part 1 on my K2 (Rev. f) page  
Everything went well, no smoke or error codes, until I got to the  
Encoder Test step2. It says to turn VFO knob in both directions and  
verify that
displayed freq. changes accordingly. The only change I see is the  
right most
digit, and it only changes from  7100.00 to 7100.01. Obviously not  
movement. Have not seen this particular problem posted so I'm in  
the dark as to
know how to fix it other than check my previous work. Any help  
would be

Guy Bridge

The world is best viewed through the ears of a horse.

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[Elecraft] CQ Field Day de K6S

2007-06-19 Thread John Graf

Special event station K6S will be operating from the American Cancer  
Society's Relay for Life at the UCSD campus in La Jolla  
California.  This will be a 2B (solar and battery) QRP operation  
featuring a K2, a K1, and a PSK-20 from Small Wonder Labs.

We will undoubtedly be doing a lot of SP, but we may also try some  
CQ at the QRP frequencies.  If anyone is interested in a sked, please  
let me know.

Additional information is available at http://www.qrz.com/k6s.  We  
have a nice QSL card planned for the operation as well.


John, WA6L

The world is best viewed through the ears of a horse.

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Re: [Elecraft] K2 CW and DSP

2007-06-06 Thread John Graf

Hi, Robert,

Yep -- I am sure that is what it is.  You have confirmed what other  
people have told me and I will change the BFO this weekend.  It is  
sure nice to have the resources and experience that I have found on  
the Elecraft reflector.

Well, I think filter settings are a lot a chile recipe.  Different  
people have different ideas of what is good and bad.  But having said  
that, I am happy to share what works best for me.

I haven't owned the K2 for that long.  I also have a K1 and an  
IC-746pro.  Both of these have different filtering setups, and the  
IC-746pro has DSP, but implemented much differently than the K2.  So  
my settings are the result of experimentation.

I have my 2nd crystal filter set for 800 Hz.  I have found that this  
is a great compromise between the 1st filter (wide open) and the  
narrower filters.  This then feeds 800 Hz bandpass to the DSP.  So I  
just keep the crystal filters at that setting.

The DSP I have set up with 800, 400, and 200 Hz.  Noise reduction is  
on and set to 2.  When I am searching for a signal I keep it at 800.   
Once I find the signal I have the option of narrowing the DSP to 400  
or 200 if the band is busy.

I have tried both the soft and regular CW filter settings on  
DSP.  Honestly, I don't see much difference.  However, after  
operating on a couple of contests I decided I liked the way things  
worked with the regular setting (big 'C' on the filter window) a  
little better.

Anyhow, this works for me.  Thanks again  for your help on the BFO  


John, WA6L

On Jun 5, 2007, at 8:03 PM, Robert G. Strickland wrote:


Perhaps you have your BFO set in the middle of the wide band. That  
way you'd get a tone on either side. That said, I sure would like  
to hear about the CW filter settings that you found useful.

Thanks in advance.

robert  #5957

At 06/04/2007 12:42, John Graf wrote:

The world is best viewed through the ears of a horse.

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Re: [Elecraft] K2 CW and DSP

2007-06-06 Thread John Graf

Excellent!!  Thanks for taking the time to write and for the in-depth  
explanation.  I am constantly amazed (and grateful) for the expertise  
available here on the reflector.

I will be working to correct the problem this weekend.  I have used  
Spectrogram (though obviously not well) and have a copy.  I like your  
idea of using the OPT1 filter and will give that a try.

Thanks again and 73,

John, WA6L

On Jun 5, 2007, at 8:54 PM, Don Wilhelm wrote:


That is not a consequence of any construction error, but a  
consequence of your filter alignment.

When you align a wide filter for either CW or SSB, do NOT CENTER  
it. Use Spectrogram and align it so that the low frequency edge of  
the passband cuts off above zero frequency (I prefer 200 Hz at the  
lowest corner).  In other words, an 1800 Hz wide CW filter should  
have an audio response from 200 to 2000 Hz.

The world is best viewed through the ears of a horse.

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[Elecraft] K2 CW and DSP

2007-06-04 Thread John Graf

I've been experimenting with the DSP filters on my K2 and I have  
found several combinations of DSP and crystal filtering that work  
very well on CW (at least for me).  However, I have run into a  
strange phenomenon.

Here is how I reproduce it:  I set my crystal filter at its widest  
setting (1.8 KHz).  The DSP filter is set for low pass with noise  
reduction on.  With this combination, I am able to find two identical  
CW signals on either side of a center frequency.  It operates just  
like a direct-conversion receiver.

So here are a couple of questions for the group:  First, has anyone  
else seen this happen?  If not, do you think it may be a construction  
error on the DSP board?  How about a screw-up in the filter alignment  
or programming?

Thanks and 73,

John, WA6L

The world is best viewed through the ears of a horse.

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[Elecraft] K2: No 12m or 10m Transmit

2007-05-26 Thread John Graf

Hi, Folks,

I lost power out on both 10 Meters and 12 Meters.  Reception on those  
bands is fine.  Other bands put out full power.

Any ideas of where to look?  I would think that the band-pass filters  
are good if I can receive.  I'm not sure what else is specific to  
those two bands.


John, WA6L

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[Elecraft] K3 and K2

2007-04-28 Thread John Graf

From what I've seen of the K3, it is truly an impressive rig!  But I  
think I am going to stick with my plans to build a K2 this summer.   
Having built the K1, I think I am hooked on the full-blown kit- 
building experience.

So with that said, what is the future of the K2 (and K1)?  How long  
will they continue to be offered and supported?


John, WA6L

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