Re: R: [Elecraft] Pedestrian Mobile Antenna

2007-02-19 Thread Martin Gillen

Hi, Sergio/Paolo.

Sergio asked:

what kind of antenna do you use for pedestrian mobile?

You can find full details of my pedestrian mobile antenna here:

Paolo Said:

What I have for antenna is a 24 feet length of small wire, plus another 15 feet 
as a counterpoise.

Yes, me too, that's always in my backpack... I use an elastic band
between the end of the wire and the weight because it's usually the
weight which gets caught when I try to pull the wire back out of the
tree.  I've had a lot of fun making contact with this simple "Elecraft
Recommended" antenna :)

You're right about those ipod-style headphones too, I use Sony
Fontopia earbuds which are the same design and I love them.

What kind of antenna do you use for the 80m option, Paolo?  I use a
135ft dipole with light twinlead feeder but it only works on 80m, no
40/30/20, so I'm going to try an OCF dipole for all KX1 bands soon.

if it wasn't for the couple of Snipers that usually I can see lurking from 
behind a black van,

targeting my brains on a Riflescope

Yikes!!  I never had THAT experience (yet?)  The closest I came was
sitting in a park around midnight, totally in the dark, using the
little white LED for logging, and a couple of police on bicycles
stopped by to see what I was up to.  I was really glad that my antenna
wire was almost vertical straight up from my camp chair to the tree,
so those police did not catch the wire in their bike wheels!

I hooked up a speaker and they were pleased to listen to me make a CW contact :)

73 & Good luck with the brains targeting scope :(
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[Elecraft] KX1 Morse Memories - Suggestion

2007-02-19 Thread Martin Gillen


I've been finding that the keyer memories in the KX1 are a bit too
small for my basic CQ call when I'm pedestrian mobile.  I'd like to be
able to call "CQ CQ CQ CQ CQ CQ DE VA3SIE/PM VA3SIE/PM K".  Sometimes
when conditions are poor maybe another 3 or 4 CQs too!  I have to
resort to loading the CQ calls in one memory and the "DE VA3SIE" part
in the other, which usually means there's a bit of a pause in my CQ

I suggest that it would be a really nice and simple(?) feature to be
able to chain the two memories together so that the KX1 would send the
contents of the first memory and then the contents of the second, (and
repeat if so requested).

This could be signalled by the user by a double press of the memory button, eg.

Current behaviour:

Quickly Press 'A', 'B' - Send first memory.
Quickly Press 'A', 'C' - Send second memory.
Quickly Press 'A', Long press 'B' - Send first memory & repeat.
Quickly Press 'A', Long press 'C' - Send second memory & repeat.

Additional commands:

Quickly Press 'A', 'B', 'B' - Send first memory then second memory.
Quickly Press 'A', 'C', 'C' - Send second memory then first memory.
Quickly Press 'A', 'B', Long press 'B' - Send first memory then second
memory & repeat.
Quickly Press 'A', 'C', Long press 'C' - Send second memory then first
memory & repeat.

I expect the firmware is pretty cramped already though, but I can dream :)

Or maybe I just missed it in the instructions?  I must say I had
missed the "beacon mode" before and was that ever a nice surprise when
I stumbled on it!

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[Elecraft] VA3SIE/PM FYBO/PBMME Event

2007-02-05 Thread Martin Gillen

Hi, All.

Detailed write-up with photos & movies here:

This year, I decided to take part in  Freeze Your B** Off & February
Polar Bear Moonlight Madness Event as a  pedestrian mobile  QRP polar
bear, so I walked from my home to a couple of  local parks all within
grid square  FN25dk and walked around the trees operating 20m and 40m
as a  pedestrian mobile bear.   My coldest  operating temperature was
at the start of the event, with a  wind chill of -6°F.

I mounted a 300 ohm twinlead DCTL loop for 40m and a 16ft quarter-wave
teflon coated wire for 20m on a pair of fishing poles which I attached
to a PVC pipe frame and zipped into my backpack. I dragged 14.5ft of
RG-174 for a 20m counterpoise.

I used a KX1 powered by 8 lithium batteries which I held kept inside
my fleece to extend thier life. The KX1 was attached to a clip board
with rubber bands. I put the clipboard in a shopping bag and just
rested it on the snow if I had to extend or retract the 20m antenna
due to low tree branches.

I walked 6.78 miles in a couple of downtown parks in Ottawa, from
1400Z until 1730Z and again from 1900Z until 2300Z. It was a nice and
sunny day (before dusk) but with a brutal wind chill, and the parks
were by the river, so I was giving out minus temps a few times that I
was not sheltered from the wind.

I think the highlight of the contest for me was working VE3WMB/PM who
was also in Ottawa about 10km distance from me. It's my first /PM to
/PM contact!

All in all, a really fun event!

72 es 73 de VA3SIE/PM
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[Elecraft] KX1 - rotary encoder quirk & birdies on 20m after KXB3080

2006-12-03 Thread Martin Gillen


I tried out 20m for the first time this weekend after having completed
the KXB3080 module.

It works FB, I'm having great fun on 80m... and the 20m worked great,
exchanged 2 X 599 reports with a station running 5W in Georgia...

I realized that one thing which I thought was my imagination the first
couple of times I saw it is really a problem, and I also made the
observation that after the mod I have a lot of internally generated
spurious signals (birdies) on 20m which were not there beforehand.

(1) Rotary Encoder Quirk

If I set the tuning rate to XX.X kHz and then slowly rotate the tuning
knob of the KX1, I notice that for the most part, the tuning does
exactly what you would expect "05.7, 05.8, 05.9, 06.0, 06.1, ...".
Now and again though, it jumps back a couple of 10ths of a kHz.  I
captured this behavior in this movie:

Throughout the movie, I slowly rotate the tuning control positively in
the clockwise direction.  The digits increment correctly right up
until "12.0".  Then we see this happen:

"12.0, 12.1, 12.2, 12.3, 12.1, 12.2, 12.3, 12.1, 12.2, 12.3, 12.5..."

So - twice the frequency jumped backwards by 0.2kHz even although the
tuning control is being moved clockwise.

This seems to happen at random, on all bands.  I noted where the
screw-hole in the side of the tuning knob was pointed to see if it
always happened at the same point in the tuning knob cycle but it
doesn't - it seems to be truly random.

(2) 20m birdies

I've always had a birdie at 14066.1kHz.  It sounded stronger after the
KXB3080 mod, which I put down to the 20m sensitivity having been
increased by the mod (It's true that audio seems to be stronger on 20m
since the mod).

Now, however, there are numerous (easily 50or more) signals
distributed throughout the 20m band.  They are all quite weak but are
certainly there.  It seems to be related to the frequency of the DDS -
on the X.XX tuning scale, incrementing by 0.01kHz changes the tone of
the birdie often by quite a lot.

Although I can live with these (they are quite weak) when I'm
listening to QRPp or DX stations which are also weak it can be a
little bit distracting.

I've captured a sample movie where I tune through a small sample of
the 20m band while connected to a 50 ohm resistor:

In this movie I scan from 14067kHz to 14060kHz, and I pick out the
strong birdie at 14066.1kHz (which was there before the mod) then the
weaker birdies (which were not present before the mod) at:

14065.6, 14063.6, 14061.5, 14061.3, 14061.15, 14060.24, 14060.19, 14.059.92


Any suggestions on where to start with these problems?

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Re: [Elecraft] KXB3080 - Same output power on 40m as 20m - How to fix?

2006-11-22 Thread Martin Gillen

Hi, All.

Thanks to all who responded about the power output being the same
between 20m and 40m.

I was able to run some tests with a recently calibrated HP8591A
spectrum analyzer, and I thought I'd share my results.  (I also had a
chance to calibrate the KXAT1 it was reading about 0.25W high).

My battery voltage was:  9.1V key-up and 8.2V key down.

I was hooked up to the analyzer through a recently certified precision
10dB attenuator and a recently certified low loss coaxial feedline.
(I've adjusted the fundamental power below by 10dB for the pad).

  Fundamental   2nd 3rd
4th   5th
BandPowerHarmonic Harmonic HarmonicHarmonic
 (Adjusted Pad)Delta   Delta

80m 30.6dBm (1.15W) -45dB  -66dB-76dB   -76dB

40m 29.4dBm (0.87W) -39dB  -52dB   -59dB-64dB

30m 30.4dBm (1.09W) -40dB  -70dB   -72dB-71dB

20m 30.1dBm  (1.02W)-60dB  -66dB   -70dB-69dB


The harmonic rejection is within specification, at least at 1W out.  I
assume that the level of harmonic suppression (delta) will remain the
same regardless of the power out, I'd be interested in comments on
that assumption as I did not have the right connector to run the radio
on 12V to hand when I made the measurement.

I do NOT have the 20m power being 0.3-0.6W lower than 40m (any more -
it was before the KXB3080 mod), in fact I have almost the opposite
(0.15W more power on 20m than 40m), and I assume that difference would
be more pronounced at higher output powers.  The manual states that my
harmonic rejection may therefore be sub-optimal:

"If both bands have adequate output power but 20 meters is higher, you
should adjust the windings of toroidal inductor L2. To do this,
"squeeze" the turns of L2 together slightly so that they occupy only
about 70% of the core's circumference. With L2 at its optimal turns
spacing (for best harmonic rejection), 20 meter output will be about
0.3 to 0.6 watts lower than 40 meters."

The worst case harmonic rejection seems to be 40m with the 1st
harmonic being -38.7dB down from the fundamental, but that's close
enough to the specification (-40dB) I think.  Should I be trying to
squeeze my turns to improve it?  I'm not sure.

I did compare my results to John AE5X's measurements for his KXB30 KX1:

 KX12nd 3rd4th   5th
OwnerBandHarmonic Harmonic HarmonicHarmonic
  Delta   Delta DeltaDelta

 AE5X40m -40dB  -53dB   -60dB-66dB
VA3SIE   40m -39dB  -52dB   -59dB-64dB

 AE5X   30m  -35dB  -63dB   -71dB-68dB
VA3SIE  30m  -40dB  -70dB   -72dB-71dB

 AE5X   20m  -58dB  -60dB   -73dB-70dB
VA3SIE  20m  -60dB  -66dB   -70dB-69dB

So the KXB3080 low pass filters apparently offer superior harmonic
rejection compared to the KXB30 except on 40m where it's slightly
worse, although in practice the 1dB difference is probably close

Perhaps I could improve the 40m harmonic rejection by squeezing turns,
but it probably isn't worth it for 1dB.

I hope others can benefit from these measurements.

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Re: [Elecraft] Re: KXB3080 - Same output power on 40m as 20m - How to fix?

2006-11-16 Thread Martin Gillen

Hi, John.

Thanks for the offer - yes, it will be good to compare the spectral
purity of the KX1 against your own or Eds KX1 and some of the other
radios there.  I saw your analyzer output on your web page - I'd kill
to have that tool at the moment :)

Anyway:  I'll probably just go ahead and use the radio as it is for
now, maybe see if my 1st harmonic can be heard across town by another
amateur or something like that, in the meantime.

I'll go back and respread the windings so that it looks as close to
the picture in the manual as possible also :)

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[Elecraft] KXB3080 - Same output power on 40m as 20m - How to fix?

2006-11-15 Thread Martin Gillen

Hi, Elecrafters.

I'm hoping someone can help!

I completed my KXB3080 modification tonight but during testing I
discovered that I am getting pretty much the same transmit power out
(1.8W with 10V) on 40m as 20m (according to the KXAT1 this is the only
watt-meter I have) into a 50 ohm load.  I took the board out and
squeezed the green turns on L2 of the LPF1 board together as tightly
as I could and replaced the board back into the case, but it didn't
make any difference I still get the same power out on 40m as 20m.  I
understand that this may be an indication that the harmonic
suppression is not working correctly as I should be getting about .6W
lower power on 20m (I certainly was before the mod!)

I placed a scanner across the room (with a 2m rubber duck antenna)
from the KX1 driving a magnetic loop antenna tuned to 7040kHz and
transmitted on 7040kHz.  The scanner showed full scale deflection.  I
then tuned the scanner to the 1st harmonic 14080kHz and the scanner
'S' meter was maybe 4/5ths deflected.

I know that isn't very scientific, it may be telling me the harmonic
suppression isn't good or maybe it's not.  I don't have anything
sophisticated like a spectrum analyzer to do a proper analysis of the
relative strength of the 1st harmonic versus the fundamental.

The LPF1 went pretty much the way the manual said it should.  I'm sure
it's getting power as I see a 60mA draw on 80m.  The only difference
between my LPF1 and the manual's picture is that my LPF1 PCB doesn't
sit flush to the KX1 PCB because the turns on L1 and L2 extend
slightly past the edge of the LPF1 board.  It is about 1mm away from
the KX1 board, but the turns of L1 & L2 are flush to the board.

Does anyone have any suggestions about how I could start tracing this
fault?  Should I try compressing the red turns on L2, or the green or
red turns on L1?

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[Elecraft] Wire Antennas and feedline for the KX1

2006-09-21 Thread Martin Gillen

Hi, Chuck.

I usually don't add the transmission line in the EZNEC model, just the
source. I then take the source data for the frequency of interest and
plug it into this tool where I can play around with different kinds of
feedline, add a balun, calculate optimal feedline lenghts, etc:

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RE: [Elecraft] Hearing CW - Fundamental Keying Waveform?

2006-09-20 Thread Martin Gillen


Any detectable chirp seems to drive some of today's ARRL "Official
Observers" into near apoplexy but I enjoy hearing it!

That's interesting.

Which FCC or ARRL guideline mentions chirp, or otherwise attempts to
regulate the keying waveform?

I had a look through our Canadian guidelines:

  RIC 2 - Standards for the Operation of Radio Stations in the
Amateur Radio Service

I can't find anything about chirp, although there is a clause about
frequency stability, and I suppose that chirp could be defined as
frequency stability over a period of time equivalent to a code
element.  But I rather think that it means drift and not chirp.

So - as long as I keep to 6kHz bandwitdh and 1kHz on 30m, then it
looks like I'm allowed to have chirp on my signal.

Now where do I need to solder a small cap on the KX1 to introduce some
nice distinctive chirp on my signal?...

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Re: [Elecraft] KX1 VFO noise

2006-08-30 Thread Martin Gillen

Hi, Mike.

I only ever hear VFO "clicking" when there is a very strong adjacent signal.

For example one time I was using a 44ft doublet at 30ft at a campsite,
and I was operating on 30m, around 10.120MHz.  Suddenly a very very
strong commercial RTTY station started up around 10.130MHz.  Now when
I tune from 10.120MHz down to 10.110MHz I get "faint clicks" as I
tune.  If I tune from 10.120MHz up to 10.130MHz, the clicking got

So I assume it's something connected to the AGC?

I don't know if that helps :)

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[Elecraft] Re: [QRP-L] Japan Ham Fair 2006 photos,

2006-08-23 Thread Martin Gillen

Hi, Folks.

Some confirmation from Nobuki:

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Aug 23, 2006 7:55 PM
Subject: Re: HT-200 Question?
To: Martin Gillen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Extracted specs are ;

Freq.  :  1.8 ~54MHz
RX   :0.5~54MHz
Mode :  SSB, CW, AM. FM
DC  :   13.8V  TX   4A max
   RX1A max
Size  :   154w x 56 h x 175 d mm
Wt  :2.0kgs

TX P.O. :   10W HF,  20W 6m

RX  :   Double Conv. Superhet.
IF  :   45MHz,  2nd  455kHz
AF  :  1W

We will disclose as we know more about teh new toy !

73,   Nobuki,  JA1DJW
1-1 Hatanaka  3chome,  Niiza  Saitama  352-0012
Phone: 048-481-1211   FAX: 048-479-6949

- Original Message -
From: "Martin Gillen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, August 23, 2006 12:00 AM
Subject: HT-200 Question?


I was hoping you could confirm something?

I was quite excited to read about the new HT-200:

I do not read/write Japanese :)

I read that:

Current on Transmit = 5A.
Current on Receive = 1A.

Is this correct?

Do you have an english translation of the HT-200 specification?


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Re: [Elecraft] KX1 Ext. Speaker

2006-06-28 Thread Martin Gillen

Hi, Dale.

I bought a set of Nexxtech speakers for my KX1:

They develop a huge amount of audio and they fold together to a package
about the same size as the KX1.  Very light and Li-ion batteries last a LONG
time (I'm still on my first set after 6 months...).

I'm very happy with those, esp. for back packing.

The only problem is the length of the cord they came with (about 1
foot) but that
was easily solved with an extension :)

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[Elecraft] After re-winding L3 on KX1 (as per errata) - need to re-align?

2006-06-23 Thread Martin Gillen


I finished the first step of the 80m installation - rewinding L3 on
the KX1 board to have more windings.

Rather than press on and install the 80m board I'm taking the rig out
to play for field day.

Should I perform the alignment steps again?

Will the KXAT1 need re-aligned?

I'm not really sure what role L3 plays and what the effect of the
different inductance will be...

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Re: [Elecraft] telescoping poles

2006-06-13 Thread Martin Gillen

Hi, Vic.

Of course the pole has to be guyed as well.

I should have mentioned that using the short pipe with 3 steel rods
(about 1 foot each
extends into the ground), there is enough stability to support a 20
foot fiberglass fishing pole and a #26AWG 88ft dipole fed with radio
shack twinlead without any guying, in low or moderate wind conditions.

Of course the ends of the dipole act as guys to some extent.

I use 6ft tall fiberglass driveway markers for my inverted vee ends.

Views of the whole antenna:

- Martin.

Martin Gillen wrote:

   Or homebrew your own sand spike like I did.  1 or 2 feet of 3/4" PVC
   pipe, an pipe end, 3 stainless steel rods and a couple of jubilee
   clips (hose clamps).

I made one simply by drilling a hole in the center of a PVC pipe cap
and putting a long bolt (about 4 inches -- 10 cm) through it. Then I
ground a point on the end of the bolt. Of course the pole has to be
guyed as well.

Vic, K2VCO
Fresno CA
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Re: [Elecraft] telescoping poles

2006-06-13 Thread Martin Gillen

Hi, Jerry et al,

It is a tube with a spike on one end

Or homebrew your own sand spike like I did.  1 or 2 feet of 3/4" PVC
pipe, an pipe end, 3 stainless steel rods and a couple of jubilee
clips (hose clamps).

Attach the pipe end piece to the pipe.  It is probably slightly
thicker than the pipe.

Drill 3 notches in the pipe end which will guide the 3 steel rods and
keep them equidistant around the pipe, and secure with the jubilee
clips, one around the end piece, one in the middle and one near the

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Re: [Elecraft] Poles

2006-06-12 Thread Martin Gillen

Hi, Benny.

My last and best is Spiderbeam product of still stronger material, 40 ft high.
Very handy telescope. Spider must sell beams also in US, I think.
Look for

Yes - The Wire Man sells them for $99USD+Shipping.

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[Elecraft] Curiosity

2006-06-06 Thread Martin Gillen

Hi, Folks.

I had an interesting experience yesterday.

I was "practicing" using a desoldering tool as I have never used one
before and wanted to get my choreography figured out before I start
desoldering components to install the 80m module, so picture this:

The KX1 board is sitting in a plastic (yuch - I know...) PCB vise
which is attached to a wooden bench.  My weller soldering is not
plugged in.  My FT-51 is monitoring the local repeater.  The cable
between the soldering station and the soldering iron runs very close
to the FT-51 rubber duck antenna.

OK - so I touch the tip of the soldering iron to one of the solder
pads on the PCB, and I get a humming from the FT-51.  Remove the tip,
the humming goes away.  Touch the tip to the pad and the humming
starts again...

What on earth could be causing this?  Neither the KX1 board or the
soldering station are powered, and the hum is only present when the
soldering iron tip touched the board.

Now - in retrospect I suppose it was pretty dumb to touch the iron tip
to the board when the board is "floating" in a plastic vice and the
soldering station is "floating" as it is not plugged in...  I am
wearing a grounding strap but I'm only touching the vacuum pump and
soldering iron...

Hope I didn't fry anything :)

But I am curious what the humm is.   I'm assuming it's 60Hz being
picked up by the soldering station perhaps through the cable, but I
don't now why the hum is only present when I touch the soldering iron
tip to the KX1 board.

73 for now,
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Re: [Elecraft] 10 meter replies

2006-06-02 Thread Martin Gillen

Hi, Ron.

See you on 10 when it opens!

It's open most days at the moment afternoon.  For the past week I've
scanned the beacon
segment around 12pm and I am consistently hearing beacons across the
continental US
from a receiver in London Ontario Canada.  Some slow QSB but these
beacons are mostly
operating CW at QRP levels so QSOs should be possible.

Right now as I write this (2nd June 1615UTC UTC) I'm listening to
N4HLF/B and W3HH/B in Florida and KG4VVV/B in South Carolina, from
London Ontario.  The antenna is a 3.5m HF
whip at 11m AGL feeding back to an Icom PCR-1000 via ~30m of buried
Belden9913, so
nothing spectacular :)

I'm listening to 28.272MHz in CW mode with the IF set to 6kHz.

There are a couple of weaker signals too that could be resolved with
some judicious
filtering, see the spectrum at:

Audio file is here:

I'm looking forward to getting my 10m highmite on the air!!!

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Re: [Elecraft] KXB3080 Manual - minor mistake but important for newbies?

2006-04-04 Thread Martin Gillen

The local electronics store had WESD51D stations on sale when I went
looking last
year for the initial KX1 build... The Elecraft mojo was
working for me even
BEFORE I started building!

I'm holding out for the 'Low Static' Soldapullt now - they had to back
order it for me!

- Martin.

On 4/4/06, Ron D'Eau Claire <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Martin wrote:
> I know it's minor but 0.05" is more like 1.3mm than 0.13mm...
> -
> Thanks Martin!! All the field testers, Wayne, Gary and I all missed it!
> It's doubly embarrassing for me because I live in metric. Here in the USA
> much of the scientific/technical stuff is all in metric and I normally
> convert back to English units for something like this. Shoot, I even cook in
> Metric. All my recepies are in grams and milliliters.
> I peeked and see that we had it right in the KX1 manual too.
> Ron (fumble-fingers) AC7AC
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[Elecraft] KXB3080 Manual - minor mistake but important for newbies?

2006-04-03 Thread Martin Gillen
I was just going out to buy equipment to build this when I noticed:

> Fine-tip temperature-controlled ESD-safe soldering station with 700 to 800°F 
> tip
> (370-430°C). Recommend a spade tip approx. 0.05" (0.13 mm) wide. Do not use a
> high-wattage iron or soldering gun since this can damage pads, traces, or the 
> parts
> themselves.

I know it's minor but 0.05" is more like 1.3mm than 0.13mm...

Looking forward to getting my 80m on the air!

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[Elecraft] Strange: KXAT1: SWR goes up, but so does forward power?? +Baluns

2006-03-14 Thread Martin Gillen

I recently built a W1CG low power balun (Guanella 4:1 two-core design).

I'm pretty new to amateur radio and my on-air results were pretty
confusing to me
so I was hoping someone could help me understand what is or may be going on

For these tests I was using an inverted vee dipole, each leg 32ft
(64ft total length),
fed in the center with 32ft radio shack 300 ohm twinlead, held aloft
by a 20ft fiberglass
fishing pole, with the ends held 6ft off the ground by fiberglass
driveway markers.

Rig was a KX1 with KXAT1 ATU.  Forward power and SWR readings taken from
the KXAT1 (ie. no external metering).

I started by connecting the twinlead directly to the KX1 using a binding post to
BNC adapter.  I was able to tune the radio on 40m, 30m and 20m to under 1.5:1
SWR, often 1.0:1.  Power out read as:

1.5W on 40m
3W on 30m
2W on 20m

I then replaced the binding post to BNC adapter with the 4:1 balun.  Now the SWR
increased on all 3 bands:

1.8:1 on 40m.
3.2:1 on 30m.
4.2:1 on 20m.

On 20m and 30m there was a noticeable attenuation of signals but 40m
sounded fine.

So... so far it looks like the antenna simply didn't need the
impedance transformation,
and has degraded all 3 bands.

I gave up on 20m and 30m with the balun due to the high SWR.

However the odd thing I noticed was that the forward power reported by the KXAT1
on 40m had increased to 3W!

So... I established contact with a station and asked him how my signal
sounded with
and without the balun.

Here is the summary:

Without Balun:

KXAT1 SWR 1.0:1
KXAT1 Forward Power 1.5W
Signal report: 579

With Balun:

KXAT1 SWR 1.8:1
KXAT1 Forward Power 3W
Signal report: 599+

I switched the balun in and out a few times to accound for fading.

So I am left confused.  Why did the SWR go up if the forward power
also went up?

My working theory is that the antenna fairly well matched already on all 3 bands
but unbalanced.  Adding the 4:1 balun had two effects:  (1) Impedance
(2) Balance the transmission line (& dipole).  The impedance
transformation wasn't
actually required and actually placed the impedance outside the KXAT1 matching
range on 20m/30m, and degraded the SWR on 40m, but the balancing of the
transmission line meant more energy radiates from the dipole elements and not
from the transmission line.

So the data seems to be telling me that this antenna could really use
a 1:1 balun.

What am I missing??


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Re: [Elecraft] KX1 s/n 1287 now a four-bander

2006-03-13 Thread Martin Gillen
Hi, Chuck.

I'm just curious - did you have the 30m option already installed, and was
it easy to unsolder it?  If so, did you use solder braid or a plunge vacuum
desoldering tool?  How did that go?

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Re: [Elecraft] KX1 signals peak at low audio beat frequency

2006-03-13 Thread Martin Gillen
Hi, Mike.

I noticed exactly the same thing here.  In fact the
passband ripple of my KX1 is pretty bad, 600Hz is
actually in a trough not a peak!  And when I narrow
the filter to the narrowest setting it centers on
around 480Hz.

Neither of these is a fairly significant issue in
practice though.  If I have occasion to use the filter
in its narrowest position then I zero beat first then
use the RIT to move the signal down to 500Hz before
closing the filter to its narrowest position.

Most of the time my filter stays in one of three

5 oclock - fully open - Quiet band.

12 oclock - halfway open - Fair amount of QRM.

9 oclock - about 2/10 open - In the 9 oclock
position the audio peaks (to the ear) at 600Hz
so this is the most useful position for zero-

I almost never close it right down (7 oclock position)
however I did last weekend when I had a station come
on 100Hz away from my QSO and he couldn't hear me.

In this situation I use the RIT control to send the
wanted signal to 500Hz after zero-beating at 600Hz.

Does that help?

By the way Michael VE3WMB mentioned before that he
has the same ripple pattern in the ten-tec scout
and it may be a feature of the Jones filter design.

After all the component count in the KX1 is tightly
controlled and there are tradeoffs because of that.


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[Elecraft] FYBO 2006 VA3SIE & VE3WMB Outing

2006-02-06 Thread Martin Gillen

Michael VE3WMB and Martin VA3SIE set up a vertical and
an inverted vee in Britannia park in the City of
It was 38F and we had some wind-chill, but it didn't
snow and we even had little snatches of sunlight.

We operated casually for just 3 hours of the contest.

Here is our story:

What a fun contest!!

72 es 73 de Martin VA3SIE.

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Re: [Elecraft] 14.9V to KX1?

2006-01-10 Thread Martin Gillen
Hi, Chris.

> Ah, good catch Tom - it drops to under 13V under Tx
> I'll look for something else.

13V is still well within the specified range.  As long
as that
13V is developing enough RF does it matter that its 2V
below the
RX voltage?

If it were dropping to 7V on transmit I'd be more
worried :)

- Martin.

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Re: RE: [Elecraft] T1 Antenna Considerations

2006-01-05 Thread Martin Gillen
Hi, Peter.

Please excuse my ignorance I'm fairly new
to amateur radio ;)

But I have a question:

> The only reason that the "use the nearby bushes"
> construct now can be tuned by the T1 is that the
> impedance goes low because a part of the antenna is
> lying "on the floor" now, giving high capacitance
> against ground which allways lowers the impedance.

Yes, I understand that;  any radiation from the
counterpoise is effectively lost into the ground.

However another antenna I have used is a 66ft length
of wire at 15feet, fed in the centre with 300 ohm

In this case, the driven half of the wire is still
33ft long - but I get really low SWR om 20m and have
worked DX with it,

So why does that work?  Is the feedline doing
something to help me out here?  Or is a dipole just
a completely different scenario altogether?


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Re: [Elecraft] T1 Antenna Considerations

2006-01-04 Thread Martin Gillen
Hi, Mick.

> please can someone explain why this is important

As previously stated a halfwave end fed wire
represents a very
high impedance which is outside of the matching range
of the

But thats with no counterpoise or fed against a ground

I have found that a halfwave long wire works as long
as it is fed
against a raised counterpoise, ie. a wire lying over
some nearby
bushes.  In this case it works because the two wires
are really an
off center fed dipole with the radio in the middle.

The end fed halfwave wire does have some interesting
characteristics and people do use them, for example
they are
quick to erect DX antennas because they gave a very
low angle
of radiation.  You just have to make another matching
circuit to bring the imedance into the matching range
of the T1.

Check these web pages for details:

For excellent antenna information in general try:

> i wish to use this tuner on the following bands
> so a  suggested wire length would be appreciated I
only have 
> 40ft of space to play  with.

Is that 40ft by 40ft or is it 40ft by 10ft :) ... Are
there any
trees or other antennas in that space?  What kind of
are you interested in making?  QRP?  QRO?  Local?  DX?

One antenna for all bands or separate antennas?

For example if you are interested in DX, you can
probably fit
a full wave loop for 10m into your lot, or even a
cubical quad
which would give excellent performance.

For local contacts you could consiter a doublet fed
with twinlead
or even a fan dipole fed with twinlead.

If it's just a single wire length, are you planning on
it at the end?  Or in the centre?  Against a
counterpoise or
against ground?  For a quick throw-wire I'd use 42
feet with
a 14ft counterpoise.  Bend the extra 2 or 3 feet at 90
if you have to make it fit into your 40 feet.  You
could also
use linear loading by using twinlead to put up a
folded dipole,
or many other ideas.


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Re: RE: [Elecraft] KX1 Ideas

2005-10-26 Thread Martin Gillen
Hi, Simon.

Jim, W0EB, wrote:

The internal AA pack is included with all KX1's, so
buy some good alkaline
batteries to take with you anyway as they might come
in handy.  The rig will
take its power from whichever input has the highest
voltage, so yes, the
small gel cells will be very useful as well.  You
should get 4 watts out
with the 12V gel cells, and 1.9 or so with the AA's.

I'd suggest lithium batteries instead.  They are much
lighter than the alkalines and last for longer.  Buy
one set and fit them internally then never let your
external gel cell get below 9V and you will always
have the lithiums to call on in an emergency :)

If you want to run the gel cell down below 9V often
then install a connector on the internal battery line
and you can take the case off and reconnect the
lithiums in an emergency.


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Re: [Elecraft] balun

2005-10-12 Thread Martin Gillen
Hi, Mike.

I routinely feed a 66ft dipole with 300 ohm TV
by hooking it directly to the KX1 using a BNC to
post converter.

The KX1 ATU seems to match this quite nicely.

The antenna performance seems to be very good.

I have a BLT tuner on order;  when I get it built I
will compare how the antenna performs with/without a


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[Elecraft] Maple Island 2005 - Story, Photos & Log.

2005-09-27 Thread Martin Gillen

VA3QV and VA3SIE activated Maple Island (C.I.S.A
on Sunday 25th September.  We contacted 68 amateurs in
3 countries using QRP to the field equipment.  Our
website contains photographs, story and our log.

Thanks to anyone who contacted us, we had a real fun


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[Elecraft] Reminder: Maple Island 2005 QRP Operation this Sunday 25th.

2005-09-23 Thread Martin Gillen

This is a reminder that VA3QV & VA3SIE will be
Maple Island for the Canadian Island Award Program
this Sunday
25th September.

Full information about this upcoming event can be
found at the following website:

If you hear or work us please use the report card at
website above to send us a report.

WHEN: Sunday 25th September 2005 - 10am EST to 5pm
WHERE: Maple Island, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
ANTENNAS: Low delta loop, Inverted Vee, random wires.

9am-10amSETUP   SETUP
10am-11:00am3.760 SSB*  7.026
11am-11:15am+   3.815 SSB   7.026
11:30am-11:45pm+144.260 SSB, 146.535 FM 7.026
12:00pm-12:15pm+3.815 SSB   7.026
12:30pm-12:45pm 50.128 SSB  7.026
1:00pm-1:15pm+  7.260 SSB   14.026
1:30pm-1:45pm+  144.260 SSB, 146.535 FM 14.026
2:00pm-2:15pm+  7.260 SSB   14.026
2:30pm-2:45pm+  50.128 SSB  14.026
3:00pm-3:15pm+  14.260 LSB  7.026
3:30pm-3:45pm+  144.260 SSB,146.535 FM  14.026
4:00pm-4:15pm+  14.260 SSB  7.026
4:30pm-4:45+pm  50.128 SSB  14.026

  *Bob will control the pot hole net QRP from the

Note: At other times we may call on standard calling


"We will operating two QRP stations from Maple Island
to activate it for the Canadian Island Award Program.
We will be packing all our equipment in on bikes, so
we will be using light field antennas and QRP power
levels. We are hoping for between 25 to 50 contacts
with amateurs from as many different countries as
possible. Please check the website shortly before
the event for any breaking news"

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[Elecraft] 33.25ft vertical with KXAT1 - Why did it work?

2005-09-12 Thread Martin Gillen

I was trying to build a field portable quick to
antenna and I really liked what I read about an end
halfwave having a very low angle of radiation and only

requiring a very short counterpoise however
I remembered that the KXAT1 manual stated not to use
lengths near a halfwave as they would be outside the
matching range.

So... I decided that I would cut an antenna to 33ft
(20m halfwave), and then I would cut it back a foot at
a time until the KXAT1 found a match.

I started at 33.25ft vertical but I did leave a pair
18.5ft counterpoise wires running at about 2 feet
above the ground connected to the ground terminal.

I tuned up and ... 1.2:1 match on 20m!

I then proceeded to work KF6GC with 2W (almost 4000km)
in the middle of a K Index = 8 solar storm!  So I know
the antenna worked well.

I modelled it in EZNEC and the impedance at the base
of that antenna should have been 970 + j 1700 ohms,
so I am surprised that the KXAT1 was able to match it.

Any comments?  Was it because I left the counterpoises
connected that it worked so well?  If I remove the
counterpoises in the NEC model the impedance increases
and becomes inductive to 1456 - j 1819 ohms.


PS.  I am only learning in this stuff so forgive any
overly simplistic analysis!!


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Re: Re: [Elecraft] KX1 Antenna Idea

2005-09-10 Thread Martin Gillen
Hi, Chuck.

I have a question about your feedline:

> I have made up some feedline using #28 teflon
> solid wire wrap wire held together with heat shrink 
> tubing. The characteristic impedance is not
important and 
> it is low loss. I measured some #26 twisted pair
once and 
> it's impedance is about 180 ohms.

I know that coax can be looped around 5 times to
a balun near the dipole feedpoint.  Can twisted pair
be looped around to create a balun also?  Also, what
the distance between the twists?  I'm interested in
making one to feed a dipole for my KX1 field kit :)

How can you measure that a balun is being effective?


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[Elecraft] QRP Island Event Notice - 25th Sept - Maple Island, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

2005-09-10 Thread Martin Gillen

Full information about this upcoming event can be
found at the following website:

WHEN: Sunday 25th September 2005 - 10am EST to 5pm
WHERE: Maple Island, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
FREQUENCIES: HF SSB - 3.815MHz, 7.260MHz, 14.260MHz
HF CW - 7.026MHz, 14.026MHz
VHF - 50.125MHz, 144.2MHz, 146.520MHz
ANTENNAS: Low delta loop, random wires.


"We will operating two QRP stations from Maple Island
to activate it for the Canadian Island Award Program.
We will be packing all our equipment in on bikes, so
we will be using light field antennas and QRP power
levels. We are hoping for between 25 to 50 contacts
with amateurs from as many different countries as
possible. Please check the website shortly before
the event for any breaking news"

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[Elecraft] KX1 Weak Audio on 20M

2005-06-22 Thread Martin Gillen
Hi, Mike.

You're right.  This is normal behaviour for the KX1.

The S meter is lower on 20m because it driven by an 
audio derived AGC, and audio levels are lower on 20m
due to the design of the radio.
It does work though... with a 20-40 foot wire 
vertically in a tree, in good solar conditions, around

6pm in the evening you should see the S meter pegged
max for quite a few of the stronger signals, but the
weak or medium ones will not cause any S meter

I find at other times or on my 10ft indoor RX antenna,

because signals are weaker, the S meter does not
usually show any LED segments for any signals on 20M.

Have you calibrated the S meter?  I have mine
calibrated so that background atmospheric noise on 40m
causes the first LED segment to flicker.  On 20m/30m
there is usually no LED segments lit when there is no
signal, and on 20m it takes a fairly strong signal to
light any segments.

My LED menu settings are:

  H 3
  L 75

For comparison.

Don't forget to perform the S meter calibration on
your "real" antenna not just with 10ft wire connected
in the shack ;)

The receiver sensitivity is fine though as you pointed
out.  I have had most of my contacts on 20m and even
to the Azores Island (8,500 km per watt!).

Using earbuds over standard earphones helps because
they limit the external noise due to the fact that
fit tightly into the ear canal.

Some people have suggested using earbuds with a
greater sensetivity rating.  I have Sony MDR-E848
earbuds which have a sensetivity of 108 dB/mW and
a pair or earphones (not earbuds) with a 117 dB/mW
rating.  I can hear no difference, I need to max out
the AF gain on 20m for both.

There is a behaviour of the KX1 which you will also
discover.  Very strong signals cause a weak "mirror 
image" of the signal on the other side of the carrier
frequency.  I'll explain what I mean:

For a weak or moderate signal as you tune the radio
you will hear the signal start high in pitch and get
lower or start low in pitch and get higher depending
on the tuning direction.  Once the signal is either
too high or too low in frequency that it is outside
receiever's passband you will not hear the signal
if you continue tuning in that direction.

For a strong signal however if you tune in the
direction that the signal goes from high pitch to low
pitch, and continue tuning after the signal is no 
longer audible you will hear the signal again but
much weaker, rising in pitch (while all the other
signals are lowering in pitch).

This is an indication of a very strong signal!


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Re: [Elecraft] Small Straight Keys for /P or Travel

2005-06-20 Thread Martin Gillen
Hi, Jay.

I have one of the keys that Michael mentioned but I
got it a lot less than Morse Express are selling them

I bought mine on ebay from:

I'm very pleased with it!


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Re: [Elecraft] KX1 Question

2005-06-07 Thread Martin Gillen
Hi, Paul.

I find the opposite to be true!  When I connect my
wire to the BNC centre connector the receiver comes
with signals!

When I connect the 16ft counterpoise to the outer of 
the BNC, the receive level doesn't change at all.
But it does match better :)

I also get much better signal reports when my
counterpoise is elevated 4 feet from the ground than
when it just lies along the ground, so the
is playing a more active role on the TX side than the
RX side.

How long was your random length of wire?

By the way if you go for the Pomona BNC to binding
adapter, be sure to get thick enough bannana plugs.

I got radio shack solderless bannana plugs and they
are a "loose fit" into the pomona adapter.  They are
very loose when connected horizontally into the
"main" bannana plug sockets of the adapter.

I have to insert them into the vertical holes, where
they are a bit tighter of a fit.  But they still
all that tight... when it's windy and my wire is
flying around, the movement of the bannana plug causes
a lot of noise in the receiver.

Ottawa, ON, CA.

> If I insert a long random length wire 
> into the KX1 I don't hear receive too many 
> signals; advance or retarding the RF gain has 
> little audible effect in the headphones.  But, 
> when I also attach a wire to the outside of the 
> BNC connector and then to a ground, the receiver 
> comes alive with signals.

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[Elecraft] KX1 #970 alive & kicking!

2005-05-28 Thread Martin Gillen
Hi, All.

My KX1 is complete and I passed my morse exam on
so I am now on the air... mostly using around 2W to a
wire vertical in a tree in various parks in and around
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.

So far I have worked WA4NVD in Virginia, VA3FAC in 
Willowdale and W9ZN in Chicago!

Next I'll be working you!



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[Elecraft] KX1 30m module - Hand capacitance effect?

2005-05-26 Thread Martin Gillen

I noticed last night that if I am listening to 30m and
I place my hand on the case of the KX1 (anywhere on
case but especially over the 30m module), that the
signals get a bit quieter.

I'm wondering if it's a capacitive effect since the
30m module components are separated from the case
by only a thin rubber foot...

I have 26ft wire connected as an antenna and about
as a counterpoise.

I wondered if the 30m module wasn't grounded properly
but I don't suppose it would work at all if the ground
wire was broken (mind you if I remember correctly
are two ground hookups - maybe one has given out).

Can someone else with a KX1 confirm this behaviour?

It doesn't happen on 20m/40m.


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[Elecraft] Protecting the KX1 from short - fuse on the internal batteries?

2005-05-08 Thread Martin Gillen

I'm a bit paranoid about frying the KX1 due to a short
to ground one of these days, with the radio rattling
about in my bike paniers!

I was wondering therefore if anyone has found an
fuse small enough to install on the positive battery
lead from the internal battery holders to the PCB?

That way if I get a short the internal batteries won't
just dump a large current through the short!!


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RE: [Elecraft] KXAT1 with short whip antennas?

2005-04-25 Thread Martin Gillen

Hi, Ron.

A very informative answer, thanks!  I was thinking
in terms of the electrical characteristics of the
when I read the manual, not the physical, because to
it was obvious that a whip should not be directly
connected to the KX1.

Makes much more sense now!


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Re: [Elecraft] KXAT1 with short whip antennas?

2005-04-25 Thread Martin Gillen
Hi, Leigh.

Thanks for the informative reply!

I hadn't thought about the ground since that is the
bike frame!  I'll have to lookup Budd's information
and see what value of inductor to use there or how to
calculate it...

I'll also have to lookup Canadian height regulations
for a mobile antenna :)

Thanks again,

--- "Leigh L Klotz, Jr." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Martin,
> The Maldol 20M whip is fine with a radial 10-16ft
> and a 1ft or so piece 
> of bus wire clipped to the top with an alligator
> clip, at any angle.  I 
> worked Florida from Toronto on vacation twice with
> that antenna, acting 
> on Wayne N6KR's lead.  But on a bike you may want
> something better as 
> you havbe the opportunity (and mechanical need) to
> hold something more 
> substantial, such as a Hamstick or a CB whip. Watch
> the height 
> regulations though!  The ground will be different,
> especially on the low 
> bands.  Budd W3FF operates his Buddipole on a bike
> with great success 
> and he uses an inductor in series with the ground to
> the bike frame on 
> 60M.  I have heard Budd work the south pole on it
> SSB!
> 73,
> Leigh.
> On Mon, 25 Apr 2005 8:20 am, Martin Gillen wrote:
> > Hi.
> > I read the manual for the KXAT1 and the advice for
> antennas states that 
> > short whip antennas should only be used in
> emergencies.

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Re: [Elecraft] KXAT1 with short whip antennas?

2005-04-25 Thread Martin Gillen
Hi, Paul.

You may be right!  I didn't think about the physical
aspect of it.  For bike mobile I would be mouting a
whip behind me with coax running forward to the rig
in a front basket, I wouldn't even have considered
actually attaching a whip directly to such a tiny


--- Paul Bruneau <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Apr 25, 2005, at 11:18 AM, Martin Gillen wrote:
> > Hi.
> >
> > I read the manual for the KXAT1 and the advice for
> > antennas states that short whip antennas should
> only
> > be used in emergencies.
> >
> > Text of the manual included below.
> the way I read it, the manual is concerned about the
> mechanical 
> connection being physically damaged by the leverage
> of a whip being 
> directly connected to it. Is that how you are
> reading it too?
> I'd love to do some bicycle operating myself, but I
> think I would not 
> want to use the radio as the only anchor for such an
> antenna.
> > Whip Antennas: Short whip antennas connected
> directly
> > to the KX1 may damage the antenna jack or PC
> > board, and so should only be used in an emergency.
> > They are also very poor radiators.

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[Elecraft] KXAT1 with short whip antennas?

2005-04-25 Thread Martin Gillen

I read the manual for the KXAT1 and the advice for
antennas states that short whip antennas should only
be used in emergencies.

Text of the manual included below.

This seems strange because when I read the HFPack
yahoo group I can find lots of HAMs who are using the
KX1/KXAT1 with various HF whips attached to bicycles
with varying degrees of success.  Any HF whip
to a bicycle must be a "short" whip, probably loaded.

Anyone have an opinion or personal experience who
can shed some light?

I'd like to fit the KX1 to my bike!


Manual text:

Backpacking Verticals: The KXAT1 may improve the match
to a backpacking-style vertical. If the
antenna has a loading coil, you should first adjust it
for minimum SWR, since such antennas can be very
narrow-banded. Set the ATU menu entry to CAL mode
(bypass) for this purpose, then back to TUN
mode to further match the antenna using the KXAT1 (if

Whip Antennas: Short whip antennas connected directly
to the KX1 may damage the antenna jack or PC
board, and so should only be used in an emergency.
They are also very poor radiators.

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[Elecraft] KX1 Construction Tip - How to tell apart the nylon screws from the metal.

2005-04-21 Thread Martin Gillen

The KX1 kit comes with some metal screws and 2 nylon
screws.  They are both the same thread size and height
and they are both black, however there are three ways
to distinguish them:

1) The nylon screws have a single slot accross the
   entire head;  The metal screws have a philips head.

2) Drop them onto a metal plate from a height of about
   10cm.  It should be possible from listening to the
   sound they make which are metal and which are

3) Try to pick them up with a lightly magnetised


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[Elecraft] KX1 Uncalibrated S meter - only showing one LED bar - normal?

2005-04-20 Thread Martin Gillen

I have not yet calibrated my S meter but I noticed
when I tune in a really strong 40m CW morse signal
the S meter is only showing 1 intermittant bar, same
as for weak signals.

I even have this one intermittent bar when there are
no signals present.

I'm wondering if there's a problem with the AGC, or is
it normal?

I'm using about 10m or wire as the antenna.


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[Elecraft] KX1 alignment - don't peak a birdie!!

2005-04-20 Thread Martin Gillen

Just in case others can benefit from my own stupidity:

The manual says hook up headphones, power and an
and go find a weak 20m signal, and then peak it up
the 20A and 20B trimmers.

So I start tuning around at 11pm and the band is
so I decide to look for some QRM and peak up on that.
I come accross a strong CW signal around 14.066 and I
start fiddling with 20A and 20B.  I can peak it with
but 20A doesn't make any difference at all.

OK, I figure (from the manual) that maybe the AGC is
working on it, so I go in search of another weaker

Great, found one.  Again, 20A and 20B are making no
difference.  So I pull the antenna out.  Signal is

Oops!  It's an internally generated signal.

Back to 14.066 ... that's still there too :)

Ah, well.  The moral of that story?  If you're using
a QRM signal (ie. a CW tone that may not be external,
ie. it's not morse code), then disconnect the antenna
to make sure it's not locally generated.

Now both 20A and 20B can peak it up!



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[Elecraft] Peaking the KX1 ?

2005-04-20 Thread Martin Gillen

I was peaking my KX1 according to the phase II
alignment instructions when I discovered that the
trimmer capacitor can be turned right through 360

My question therefore is... how much should you turn
it?  Does it make any difference if you go through
360 degrees more than once?  Can you damage it by
turning it too many times?

Or if you turn it through ONE 360 turn and hear a
couple of peaks, choose the biggest peak, is that the
procedure complete?


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[Elecraft] KX1 - Normal position of the AF gain control?

2005-04-20 Thread Martin Gillen

I was aligning my receiver yesterday (Phase II).

I noticed that the AF gain seems to be exponential,
which is to say that rotating it from 200 degrees
(fully left rotated) up through 0 degrees (halfway)
produces only a little bit of volume increase.
Rotating from 0 degrees to 90 degrees brings the
volume up to what I would consider a normal level,
then from 90 degrees to fully rotated to the right
causes a very noticeable increase in volume.

So my KX1 will have the volume control 3/4 rotated
(pointing at about 110 degrees) most of the time.

Is that normal, or perhaps my headphones were of the
wrong impedance?

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[Elecraft] Re: KX1 part 1 resistance checks - fail. Any suggestions?

2005-04-19 Thread Martin Gillen
Hi, Reflectees.

I did resolve my resistance problem.  Gary pointed
out that I should really be using a DIGITAL
so I went out and got myself one, and all the
measurements make a ton more sense.

I noted that the AC voltages were out too in the first
test & alignment point;  The analogue multimeter was
registering AC voltages of 100V+ !!  The digital meter
said 3mV ... :) ...

Here's Gary's response (in case anyone else runs into
this problem)...


All resistance measurements in the manual were taken
with digital 
meter, not
an analog meter. An analog VOM will often give much
if a semiconductor is in the circuit being tested.

D2, D3 often have a little reverse leakage, so they
may not show 
ohms in one direction.

Some ohmmeters will give different readings when
measuring active 
Some of them will forward bias a semiconductor while
others will not.  
main thing we are looking for with resistance checks,
is solder shorts 
opens. The absolute values are not terribly important
as long as they 
are in
the ballpark or do not measure much less than is
expected. An infinite 
reading is OK if >100K is specified. Reversing the
ohmmeter probes will 
often produce different ohmmeter readings if a
semiconductor junction 

73, Gary AB7MY
Elecraft Technical Support  

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[Elecraft] KX1 part 1 resistance checks - fail. Any suggestions?

2005-04-18 Thread Martin Gillen

I'm using a modern ANALOGUE multimeter to do the
resistance checks on my KX1.  I have performed the
inspection and everything looks good;  There were no
problems during construction YET some of the
checks fail, and I'm wondering what it could be...

U3 pin 3 is < 5 ohms ... good.
But U3 pins 5, 6 and 7 are all around 2K.  They're
supposed to be >10k.

I checked the calibration with a 2.7k resistor and
pins 5, 6 & 7 to ground all come in below that
by around .7k.

Also, I get odd behaviour with D2/D3.

With switch S2 in one position, I get infinite
resistance for the banded end of D2 and D3 regardless
of the position of S1.

With switch S2 in the other position, I get 1.8k on
both D2 and D3 regardless of the position of S1.  One
of those is supposed to be >10k.

So something is wrong!

But I'm not sure what...

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[Elecraft] KX1 Alignment and Test - Part I - Power Supply - Batteries OK?

2005-04-17 Thread Martin Gillen

Really dumb question.

I don't have a power supply unit but the alignment &
instructions state:

Connect an 8 to 14 VDC power supply to J1 with the 
positive (+) lead to the center pin.

Do you think I can just put 6 AA cells into the
supplied battery holders in series to generate 9V,
and use that in the alignment phases?

Is there enough current there?

Is it stable enough?


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