Re: [Elecraft] MY SECOND K2

2005-08-30 Thread Paul Bruneau

On Aug 30, 2005, at 4:18 AM, Nick Waterman wrote:

Bill Coleman wrote:
Antennas where disconnected and the house next door took the direct  

and blew a big chunk out of the back of the house.

Don't just disconnect your antennas - GROUND them.
Possibly would have saved your rig.


What's more likely to be hit by lightning? A big, high-up, earthed 
conductor, or a big, high-up conductor who's potential is allowed to 
drift around a bit?

In fact, when scientists want to study lightning, don't they do it by 
attaching earthed wires to fireworks and shooting them into 

You might be right, but I'd like to understand why - it sounds like 
you'd be making an almost ideal lightning target   :-)

I think it's already a target, being a conductor in the sky and all, 
and nothing short of taking it down will change that (the lightning 
would much rather go through metal for some distance rather than air).

The question is, is it a target that is open at the bottom, very near 
your rig, with lightning shooting out of it across your desk, looking 
for a place to go?

Or is it a target that is grounded at the bottom, giving the lightning 
someplace to go that isn't your rig?

That's how I think of it, but having said all that, I'm in a nice low 
area that never ever gets struck, so I don't worry about it.

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Re: [Elecraft] K2 Mic wiring problems

2005-07-21 Thread Paul Bruneau

On Jul 20, 2005, at 8:38 PM, W3FPR - Don Wilhelm wrote:

I would advise anyone contemplating cutting one of those 'very 
flexible' mic

cords (particularly the coiled ones) to create an adapter rather than
cutting the cord - only becuase of the soldering problem.

Great advice, Don. They make the cables that way to prevent them from 
breaking caused by flexing the cable during normal use. Phone cords are 
the same way, on purpose (not because they are cheap or trying to cut 
corners), and the tradeoff for being almost unworkable in a splicing 
situation is that they last far far longer than a heavier gauge, more 
traditional wire would.

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Re: [Elecraft] RE: KX1 C45 or C56?

2005-07-09 Thread Paul Bruneau
Well, two people thought C45 was the one on the right, and two thought 
it was the one on the left. No one from Elecraft wrote, so I'm still 

One person made what seemed to be a good argument for the blue one to 
be C45, but then another person said that Wayne himself told him that 
the blue one was C56.

Due to time constraints keeping me from my construction, I haven't had 
to flip a coin yet. Does anyone else care to throw in their vote? Is 
there any electrical difference between two caps with the same value? 
Will my KX1 care?

Thanks again,

Can someone check out the picture I took and let me know which one is

Thank you!

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Re: [Elecraft] RE: KX1 C45 or C56?

2005-07-09 Thread Paul Bruneau

On Jul 9, 2005, at 12:37 PM, W3FPR - Don Wilhelm wrote:


Use the small blue one at C56.  It not only fits better, but it looks 
that one more closely resembles the cap shown in the photo on page 34 
of the


I agree with you (as well as the other 2 or 3 who agree with you also, 
but check out appendix D photo where the little blue one is c45!

But I'm going to ignore that photo and put the little blue one in c56 
unless Wayne or Eric calls me in the next 15 minutes :)

  If you did it the other way around, there will be no electrical
difference - as long as everything fits mechanically, all will be well.

OK, very good. I appreciate everyone's help!
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[Elecraft] KX1 C45 or C56?

2005-07-04 Thread Paul Bruneau


I have KX1#1194 construction going well, but I can't tell C45 from C56.

The manual says to rely on the lead spacing, but both caps' leads have 
the same spacing of about .1

The manual does say that C45 might be a disc cap, and one of my 68pF 
caps is indeed a disc, but it says to go by the lead spacing to know 
for sure, so I'm a little stuck.

Can someone check out the picture I took and let me know which one is 

Thank you!

Paul, KB8NMZ
K2 4818 and now KX1 1194
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Re: [Elecraft] Elecraft Net Errata

2005-05-23 Thread Paul Bruneau

On May 23, 2005, at 1:23 AM, Kevin Rock wrote:

KB8NMZ - Paul - MI - K2 - 4818 (not 4808)  Sorry :(

Hey, between my location, my marginal antenna (a multiband Hustler 
vertical with no radials and about a 2:1 swr), my power of 12 watts and 
my poor code skills, I was thrilled to be able to copy you at all, let 
alone have you copy me! You must have really dragged me out of the mud.

Here in Michigan I could hear you throughout the net, but there was 
some fading and lots of static that made it hard to hear at times. I 
had a much harder time hearing the people check in, which surprised me. 
I could only copy two or three checkins.

Thanks for a fun net. I've been trying to catch it for some weeks now. 
Maybe next week I'll get a chance to try 20 meters too. Out of 
curiosity, what speed do you send? I have to practice!


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Re: [Elecraft] Single versus Dual Lever Paddles

2005-05-18 Thread Paul Bruneau
As was stated, the slapping comment was not aimed at the Leno guy. It 
was about some old news guy or something. I really hesitated to send 
this for fear that it just adds to the noise about this topic, but it 
doesn't seem to want to die!

On May 18, 2005, at 4:51 AM, VR2BrettGraham wrote:

By slapping, perhaps W4ZV meant a greater movement of fingers
than is really necessary to work a paddle.  At least that's the way
I took it  in the last shot of Chip sending, it looked like he could
have been getting into character, with more exaggerated finger
movement as a bug - at least for me - seems to encourage.

73, VR2BrettGraham

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Re: [Elecraft] Morse on the Tonight Show, Tonight, Friday the 13th

2005-05-14 Thread Paul Bruneau

On May 14, 2005, at 10:14 AM, Don - W7DAH wrote:

Paul wrote:

and for reliable point to point communication, the instant messaging 
devices are way better in every way.

My experience with employer-company-supplied-paid cell devices has 
been different.

When I worked one of this U.S.'s largest technology tradeshows in Las 
Vegas, NV, and I'm standing in a line at a cab-stand, waiting to catch 
a ride back to my hotel,
and I can't get enough signal (bars) to make a call, in a place like 
that, the last word I expect anyone to associate with any cell device 
is reliability. PLEASE.

OK, so did you pull out your KX1 and keyer and call him up?

Because that's what we're talking about is the more reliable way to 
communicate, not whether you got any bars at a cab stand once.

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Re: [Elecraft] Morse on the Tonight Show, Tonight, Friday the 13th

2005-05-13 Thread Paul Bruneau

On May 13, 2005, at 11:12 AM, Ken Miller, K6CTW wrote:


Tonight Chip, K7JA and I, K6CTW will be having a contest on The 
Tonight Show with Jay Leno.  It will pit morse code vs text messaging 
(by the current US champions).  Please watch, and if you enjoy the 
segment, please write, telegram, call or email the Tonight show and 
tell them you want to see more about this!  It's a great chance for us 
to plug Morse, telegraphy and ham radio!  Thanks.

A noble idea to write them to try to plug the hobby, but realistically, 
the reason they chose morse code is because in the public's eye, it is 
a ridiculously archaic (to the point of humor) method of communication 
from the turn of the century.

To have it beat text messaging kids and their amazing modern electronic 
devices from this century is funny.

The last thing they care about is broadening the public's understanding 
of a fading hobby. They are after all, a comedy/entertainment show, not 
any kind of educational resource.

I wish you the best of luck and I will certainly be cheering you on 
because I love the hobby and all it has done for communication over the 
years, but I can't imagine that this is going to do anything to promote 
amateur radio.

The contest shows the weakness of the small instant messaging devices' 
human interfaces more than anything else. Any competent keyboardist on 
a full size keyboard could whip any coder, and for reliable point to 
point communication, the instant messaging devices are way better in 
every way.

For a real race, they would set you up with a radio and the other guy 
with a Blackberry and have each contestant send a message to a buddy 
without any pre-arrangement. The winner would be the first one whose 
buddy got the message. You'd likely lose that one!

But I'll certainly Tivo it!

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Re: [Elecraft] start with straight key or paddles?

2005-05-10 Thread Paul Bruneau

On May 10, 2005, at 11:23 AM, Jeff Rosenberger wrote:

Mike wrote:
When I took my Extra exam 25 years ago, they had already eliminated 

Morse sending test.  Too bad, I thought.  When I took my commercial
telegraph exam the same year, Morse sending tests were still required 
minute without error at 20 wpm plain language, and16 wpm code 
groups).  I
still remember having qualms about using a ratty old FCC office 
straight key
for the 20 wpm test.  That's always been about my limit for straight 


How was the speed determined for a sending test?  I know I couldn't 
sit down at a straight key and send at a specific numeric speed.  I 
can send at a comfortable speed for me to receive, or roughly match 
speeds with the other operator, but send at exactly 16wpm, no way.

Certainly it was a minimum for certification, not a target to be

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Re: [Elecraft] RE: Can Elecraft take over the global HF ham radiobusiness ?

2005-05-01 Thread Paul Bruneau

On May 1, 2005, at 8:46 AM, Nigel KC8NHF/G8IFF wrote:

Most people, I would imagine, build primarily as a means of saving 
There's no point in building something if I can buy something similar 
for less money.

Greetings Nigel-

I can't argue with you because I don't have any stats (just like you), 
but for me, the only reason I chose the K2 was because I could build it 
myself. I could have bought used kenwoods all day on ebay for 1/3 the 
money and been on the air in minutes. I thought about spending that 
extra $300-$400 long and hard.

I imagine this conversation comes up on the list about 4 times a year, 
so why reply? It's hard for me to read someone's theory that goes so 
completely against my own experience and not respond. It's definitely a 
weakness. For that I apologize!

K2 #4818

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Re: [Elecraft] RE: Can Elecraft take over the global HF ham radiobusiness ?

2005-05-01 Thread Paul Bruneau

On May 1, 2005, at 11:43 AM, Nigel KC8NHF/G8IFF wrote:

Sokay Paul, you're entitled to voice an opinion.
It must also be remembered that most amateurs are not on this 

Most of those here will be keen constructors.

Yes, but you weren't talking about most amateurs. You were talking 
about most who build. To match you, I was also talking about most who 

Here is your quote:

Most people, I would imagine, build primarily as a means of saving 

No fair changing the people we are talking about ;)

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Re: [Elecraft] Premature Emails on the Amp $$$

2005-04-25 Thread Paul Bruneau

On Apr 25, 2005, at 4:37 PM, Lee Buller wrote:

Gosh fellows

Lets stop talking about the price.  It seems that we
are jumping to a lot of conclusions here.  Remember,
the guys at Aptos are reading on this and we need to
give them the benefit of the doubt.

Yes, I'm sure they are reading it, and I'm sure they are finding the 
different responses very useful information. They are big boys, I'm 
sure they can take the input that people have given so far without 
getting their feelings hurt.


Strictly a QRPer with no dog in the fight

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[Elecraft] K2 #4818 on the air

2005-04-24 Thread Paul Bruneau
I haven't finished the final construction (speaker, etc), but I 
couldn't wait to try my new K2 out so I answered a CQ this afternoon on 
40 and was heard by poor KE4FIG. The band was iffy (lots of fading) and 
my code is currently horribly rusty so I had to bail out early, but my 
new K2 went from Michigan with a windom type antenna just above my 
roofline to Kentucky on 10 watts.

Thanks to the list for being there and I hope to work some more K2 
operators soon!


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Re: [Elecraft] Elecraft K2 S/n 01432...LIVES.!!

2005-04-23 Thread Paul Bruneau

On Apr 23, 2005, at 7:16 AM, Tom Hammond wrote:

At 09:29 PM 4/22/05, Paul Bruneau wrote:
And as I turn down the RF gain, the S meter climbs and climbs until 
it is all lit up. I don't know if that is the way it is supposed to 
be or not.

Most S-Meters digital or analog act this way... as the RF Gain is 
DEcreased, the S-meter INcreases in level... it's a function of the 
AGC voltage, which is an INVERSE function.

Thanks Tom and Don-

It makes sense that relatively speaking as you turn down the RF gain, 
the signals that still come through must be stronger so I guess the S 
meter compensates to try to give an accurate idea of the strength.

The only other rig I have ever used, the HW-8, has left me ill-prepared 
for all the goodies that the K2 is about to spoil me with, so most of 
my questions are pretty basic. Thanks for the guidance!

I will definitely re-calibrate my S meter next time the radio is 

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Re: [Elecraft] Elecraft K2 S/n 01432...LIVES.!!

2005-04-22 Thread Paul Bruneau

On Apr 22, 2005, at 10:04 PM, Andy GM0NWI wrote:

Still got a couple of problems to sort out,... Like WHY..the S-Meter 
is still sitting at S3 of constant... when there is nothing to be 
heard on the band...or any stations on a particular frequency 
Suppose I'll come across why later in the manual... perhaps a tweak 
still to be done...??

Andy, your writing style is very interesting and fun to read and your 
energy level is inspiring! (and your . key on your keyboard must be 

I also have that same S meter issue on my #4818 which is in the middle 
of its receiver alignment (is it the way it is supposed to be I 

And as I turn down the RF gain, the S meter climbs and climbs until it 
is all lit up. I don't know if that is the way it is supposed to be or 

But congratulations on getting to hear stuff on 40m!

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[Elecraft] Low PLL reference oscillator range

2005-04-21 Thread Paul Bruneau

Hi all-

K2 #4818 here, I'm in Alignment and Test part II

Everything has gone great, my soldering is nice if I do say so myself, 
I'm very careful with my parts, but I have an issue with the PLL 
Reference Oscillator Range.

My High freq: 12099.03
My Low Freq: 12089.77
My range: 9.26

The book says it must be at least 9.8 and to see troubleshooting. I 
wish they had put a nice three digit number next to that note so I knew 
where in troubleshooting to look, but even if I knew, I don't know what 
I would do...

Is 9.26 really too low? And what is it too low for? I'm just a guy with 
a soldering iron who knows most letters of morse code without peaking!

I have been continuing for now. VCO Alignment went fine. BFO test went 
fine. If this is really a problem, where will I see the negative 
aspects of it?

Thanks everyone, you all make one fine list!


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Re: [Elecraft] Low PLL reference oscillator range

2005-04-21 Thread Paul Bruneau

9.8 may be fine, but I have 9.26 (see below)  :)

I will check out the What's New section as Dave G3VGR suggested, and 
if that doesn't make sense to me I'll contact Elecraft as Dave 
Lowenstein suggested.

Thanks all, and any additional comments definitely welcome!


On Apr 21, 2005, at 7:08 PM, Tim Cailloux wrote:

9.8 is fine.  Wayne has mentioned in the past that 8.8 is the real
minimum.  I just finished #4539 and I was at 9.8 also.

.. Original Message ...
On Thu, 21 Apr 2005 18:55:06 -0400 Paul Bruneau 


My High freq: 12099.03
My Low Freq: 12089.77
My range: 9.26

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[Elecraft] Quoted text

2005-04-14 Thread Paul Bruneau
Is there a specific reason why some of you folks don't have your email 
software adding the quote characters   to the quoted material from 
the messages to which you are replying, or is it just an accident? It 
makes it very hard to see what the reply is and who has replied (see 
below for an example). I've never seen this behavior before I joined 
this mailing list.



In a message dated 14/04/05 05:36:04 GMT Daylight Time,

Jonesy,K9NX wrote:

My K2 #4198 is running just fine and I am  wondering how often to check 
Calibration of my K2 to help make sure it  is running at peak 

Say every 6 months or  yearly?


Just a guess, but I'd say you can ignore  it for a couple of years at 
Even then, 'recalibration' will catch  any tuned circuits drifting, but 
really a test to see if there's  performance degradation from other 

I have a habit of  recalibrating or doing other repairs only when I see
something wrong. I see  something wrong when some critical values 

I log the key data  about a new rig so I can look back from time to 
time if
I'm suspicious that  something's amiss or if I'm simply bored and want 



What Ron says sums up the situation very well, why would you want to
recalibrate the radio unless the performance is falling off. To quote 
the often  used
phrase if it ain't broke, don't fix it. Not many hams would do this  
to the
latest Japanese/USA black box, so why do this to a K2? The radio is  
to a degree every time it is switched on and used on the bands.  A fall 
off in

TX power output or RX sensitivity soon becomes apparent.

Is important however, to record *all* the tests you make on original
commissioning, calibration and after any mods that may be done for 
troubleshooting if required. By and large unlike earlier tube 
equipment, solid  state
equipment performance does not change all that much unless a fault  
develops and

one is usually made aware of this pretty quickly by other hams if  not
apparent to yourself. Apart from odd quirks that can occur with some 
radios,  I
would be rather more worried if the performance does drift as that 
would not  say

much about the quality of the original design or the components used.

With commercial communication systems these are tested with specific  
maintenance programs on a regular basis to ensure that any defect is  

up before it becomes a problem. The reasoning behind this is to prevent
unforeseen outages as these can mean lost revenue for the company or a 
threat to safety. Ham radio does not normally fall into this category, 
so unless
 tinkering with the K2 calibration really turns you on, it is far 
better to

use the radio for the purpose it was designed for in the first  place,
communicating with other hams.

Bob, G3VVT
(retired comms maint tech)

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Re: [Elecraft] Quoted text

2005-04-14 Thread Paul Bruneau

On Apr 14, 2005, at 8:46 AM, Dan Barker wrote:

The reason we do our quoting manually is that many list-members are on 
slow or pay-by-the-kilobit connections, and all 'Crafters on the list 

supposed to minimize the amount of text quoted.

If I'd just let Outlook quote your note, 3,811 bytes would be appended 
my sig. and the listserver additions would occur many times over the 
life of

a thread. As it is done, only  138 bytes are.

Admittedly, some postings are done more clearly that othersg.

There were several responses along this line, so let me clarify. I am 
all in favor of trimming the quoted text to an appropriate snippet, 
that was not my point.

The point of my query was that regardless of how much of the quoted 
text is included in the reply, if there is no quote character in front 
of it, it is darn hard to see what is being quoted and what is the 

K2 #4818 still winding toroids!

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Re: [Elecraft] Fw: Need winding machine?

2005-04-12 Thread Paul Bruneau
There are always mean, bossy, overreacting people who want to be the 
police of the world. Don't let them ruin your day, Earl.

On Apr 12, 2005, at 8:39 PM, Mike S wrote:

DO NOT forward spam to a list. Most certainly DO NOT - NEVER, EVER - 
buy a product advertised via spam. To do so is the act of a naif, as 
it only encourages more spam. I'm trying to think of any reasonable 
criteria by which you shouldn't be immediately dispelled from the list 
for spamming (which you have in fact done), and can't. I've a mind to 
file a report with your ISP for violation of their TOS/AUP. Sorry if 
this seems harsh, but spam in any form cannot be tolerated.

At 07:50 PM 4/12/2005, Earl W Cunningham wrote...

I just received the following e-mail about a toroid winding machine.
Perhaps it may interest some of you Elecrafters.  It was spam, so 
take it

for what it's worth.

73, de Earl, K6SE

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Re: [Elecraft] AGC Alignment

2005-04-09 Thread Paul Bruneau
At least a few of us saw exactly the same thing in the last few weeks. 
We never heard anyone giving grave warnings that we were in I don't know what to tell you, except that I'm in exactly 
the same boat.

I planned on measuring it again when I get to the next alignment/test 
where that board is powered up. For now I'm still winding toroids.

-Paul KB8NMZ
K2 #4818

On Apr 9, 2005, at 7:38 AM, Evert Bakker wrote:

Hi all,

I'm assembling the K2 here (SN 4836) and came to the first 
check/alignment.  No smoke here so far, but when adjusting the setting 
for the AGC as described on page 47 I became suspicious about the 
alignment procedure. Adjust R1 for 3.80 V on the DMM. I turned R1 and 
reached the end and got stuck on 3.78V. The absolute value of 3.78 
doesn't worry me but that I ended up at the limit of the R1. I thought 
I should check all variables like DC voltage which should be 8V (was 
7.98V so OK). Checked the resistors (mainly RP6 / 5.1K) and, RF gain 
potentiometer 5K and the R1 (50K). All looked fine. So what's wrong?

I started making calculation on the resistor dividing network and came 
to the conclusion that the maximum voltage (theoretically) could be 
close to 3.82V when the RF-gain is fully CW  (0 Ohm) and  the R1 is 
set fully CCW (50K).

I wonder if something is wrong here and if not, why was the alignement 
procerdure setup like this (it could heve been something like: Set 
RF-Gain full CW, R1 full CCW and check the voltage at pin 5 of U2 to 
be close to3.80V)? Or did I miss some errata info?

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Re: [Elecraft] z5 resonator leads

2005-03-30 Thread Paul Bruneau

On Mar 30, 2005, at 12:23 PM, Dan Barker wrote:

The confusion would come from the warning not to trim the leads of the
relays. Trim ALL other leads.

Even ICs??

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Re: [Elecraft] z5 resonator leads and AGC voltage

2005-03-30 Thread Paul Bruneau

On Mar 30, 2005, at 1:34 PM, Rolf Moberg, OH6KXL wrote:

My own (SN 4759) measurements with external DMM were as follows:
- U2 pint 5 max 3.79 V
- U4 OUT 7.9 V

I understand there is no big difference between 3.80V and 3.79V. 
However, when manual asks (page 47) to adjust R1 for a reading of 
3.80V volts it seems peculiar not to have enough adjustment scale to 
achieve or exceed the required voltage.

that was exactly why I was somewhat concerned. I was ALMOST there, but 
not quite. It was disconcerting to me that to get almost there, I had 
to fully crank the pot to its end stop.

When a manual tells me to adjust to a voltage, I like to be somewhere 
in the middle with my pot...otherwise it makes me wonder what I did 
wrong. I am still wondering :)

As for the alleged 5-10% tolerance of DMMs that one poster suggested, 
I'm skeptical. If they are that bad, then why doesn't the manual say to 
adjust to 3.8 volts since the hundredths digit must be totally 

In fact, I see that Fluke claims a .3% DC voltage accuracy of their 
basic 73/77 multimeters, so thinking the problem lies with my meter 
doesn't really cut it for me.

K2 SN 4818
Just getting to the toroids and loving every minute

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Re: [Elecraft] Delaware! AGC

2005-03-28 Thread Paul Bruneau

On Mar 28, 2005, at 10:55 AM, Mike Markowski wrote:

Last night I completed what the manual calls Assembly, Part I of the
RF board.  What a great feeling to power up the K2 to check out the
control and display boards, and to hear the relays click and see the
menus working.  So far the only thing that hasn't quite reached
recommended values is that my control board AGC voltage maxes out at
7.92 V rather than the 8 V mentioned in the manual.  I'll have to 

 see if anyone has reported a similar thing.

I'm really glad you posted that because I just ran mine through those 
tests a few days ago and was slightly troubled to note that mine also 
maxed out just under the 8v. I think mine got up to 7.98. I'll be 
interested to see what you find out, or who else might chime in with 
some data.

KB8NMZ (This weekend I upgraded to General from Grandfathered Novice in 
anticipation of my K2's completion!)

K2 SN 4818

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Re: [Elecraft] K2 construction options, now or later?

2005-03-20 Thread Paul Bruneau

On Mar 20, 2005, at 4:35 PM, Yves Dussault wrote:

Hi K2 friends!
I have built a K1, with all options and it works beautifully! But, 
now, I would like to build the K2.
My question: may I build the basic K2 and add options later when my 
bank account lets me do it, like the 100 watts options or noise 
blanker, internal antenna tuner, etc?

Yes. In fact, the manual strongly advises (almost orders) you to build 
the bare K2 first and add the options after it is all verified running. 
Makes sense for troubleshooting as well as for pocketbook!

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Re: [Elecraft] The K2 can compete with the big boys.

2005-03-12 Thread Paul Bruneau

On Mar 12, 2005, at 8:02 PM, Larry Phipps wrote:

That's $4000 in 1978 dollars... probably less than a K2 in today's 
dollars. I wish I still had my TR7...

Unless I am misunderstanding what you mean, I think you went the wrong 
way with the dollars...$4000 in 1978 is about $12,000 today.

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Re: [Elecraft] QRO Power Supplies

2005-03-10 Thread Paul Bruneau

On Mar 10, 2005, at 1:36 PM, ANNE NORMAN wrote:

From:  Pete Norman,  g0pks.

I've come across some very neat, physically small, switch mode power 
supplies, rated at 23A.  Is the general consensus that these are A 
Good Thing or To Be Avoided At All Costs?

I'll be needing to equip myself with something soon (I hope) and any 
advice would be helpful.   Regards to all.   Pete.

Wow, 23A...just how QRO are you going to go? Is this for use with the 
K2/100? Isn't that a lot of amps?

I was looking at a Pyramid 5A or something along that line.


curious and ignorant

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Re: [Elecraft] Elecraft Product Selection ..Dummy Run..

2005-03-09 Thread Paul Bruneau

On Mar 9, 2005, at 9:04 AM, Andy GM0NWI wrote:


Can someone point me in the correct direction on this one

Ifsomeone wanted to make a selection of say a... Fully Loaded 
K2 Transceiver...with the options of the users choice this done on the website in the View Cart ...Check Out 


I.E .  making a dummy run to try an assertain what the eventual 
cost would be..?

On the Elecraft website, (from as far as I can see)...when a user 
tries to do a dummy run...I think that you may end upactually 
placing an order...and I dont

want to do that just yet...

I'm not seeing that. I went to the order page, checked a few items, 
clicked add to cart.

The system then asked my zip code and shipping method.

The next screen had my shopping cart with the items and the shipping 
and the grand total which seems to be what you are looking for unless I 
am misunderstanding.

Only upon clicking Check out now is the next step reached, which 
still requires several more screens of selecting payment type and 
entering the credit card, etc etc. As a note to the Elecraft folks, 
it's a very nice cart system.

Good luck!

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