There are always mean, bossy, overreacting people who want to be the police of the world. Don't let them ruin your day, Earl.

On Apr 12, 2005, at 8:39 PM, Mike S wrote:

DO NOT forward spam to a list. Most certainly DO NOT - NEVER, EVER - buy a product advertised via spam. To do so is the act of a naif, as it only encourages more spam. I'm trying to think of any reasonable criteria by which you shouldn't be immediately dispelled from the list for spamming (which you have in fact done), and can't. I've a mind to file a report with your ISP for violation of their TOS/AUP. Sorry if this seems harsh, but spam in any form cannot be tolerated.

At 07:50 PM 4/12/2005, Earl W Cunningham wrote...
I just received the following e-mail about a toroid winding machine.
Perhaps it may interest some of you Elecrafters. It was spam, so take it
for what it's worth.

73, de Earl, K6SE

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