[Elecraft] K3/0 Mini FSK RTTY Setup Info

2014-07-31 Thread Ron Lodewyck
It took me some time to get FSK RTTY working properly with the K3/0 Mini
and the Remote Rig interface.  Getting it to work smoothly with Writelog
was especially challenging so I decided to write up my settings and
connections and pass that info along to others who might be having as much
difficulty as I did. I also use MMTTY standalone, N1MM, and the Remote Ham
Radio service, so I included those details as well. I have posted the
article in PDF format here:


I hope you find this information useful.  Let me know if you have trouble
accessing it.

GL and 73,
Ron N6EE
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[Elecraft] K3/0, Writelog, FSK

2013-03-20 Thread Ron Lodewyck
I am trying to use Writelog with MMTTY to operate FSK RTTY via remote 
using the Remote Rig RRC units and the Elecraft K3/0 to K3.  I have the 
K3/0 Control, K3 Remote, notebook computer connected via hardware COM 5 
to Control RRC COM1 and the RRC 1258 MkIIs units working fine on SSB and 

I also have MMTTY standalone working OK with the following setting:
TX-->PTT&FSK -COM9 (which is my COMFSK port as seen in Win 7 Device 

Radio Command -->PORT = NONE, DTR/RTS PTT checked
When I click TX on MMTTY's Main Panel, the K3 transmits FSK generated 

when I click TXOFF, the K3 returns to receive as expected.

So far,so good.

When I open the RTTY window in Writelog and select
MMTTY as the TU Type,
COM 9 (recall this is COMFSK) under 'Port',
and, under Setup-->Ports, COM 5 (a hardware COM port out of my laptop) 
as the Elecraft K3 port,

I get the radio frequency and mode displayed OK, but the PTT and FSK 
keying are both flaky.  By that I mean sometimes I can key the 
transmitter, sometimes not.  Usually it keys the TX on but won't return 
to Receive.  The typed text might send a few characters OK, then stop 
and send a steady carrier and then, after 10 or 15 seconds (sometimes) 
it continues sending what is in the typing ahead buffer.  I can almost 
never get the radio to return to Receive by typing Alt-K (keyboard 
typing on/off toggle) and I have to hit ESC -several times.   Sometimes 
I have to close the RTTY window completely to return to Receive mode. 
And a couple of times I had to actually power down the K3/0 and K3 to 
get out of transmit.

I suspected RFI, but, recall, everything works fine with MMTTY 
standalone.  And, I turned the output power down to less than a watt and 
no change in behavior.  So I don't think this is an RFI problem.

Has anyone ever gotten Writelog to work FSK RTTY with the K3/0, K3 and 
Remote Rig? I'd very much appreciate hearing from anyone who has.  I 
suspect the problem is in the COM1 and COM2 port settings in the CONTROL 
RRC Web Server settings, but I've tried just about everything to no 
avail.  Or, possibly the problem is some combination of Writelog 
settings that I just haven't got right.

I can really use some help.  Thanks and 73,
Ron N6EE
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[Elecraft] 100W Amp for the KX3?

2012-03-19 Thread Ron Lodewyck
I am planning to operate mobile from all 50 states in the near future.  
The KX3 is exactly what I have been looking for EXCEPT for the 10 watt 
limitation.  The Elecraft KPA100 amp option for the KX3 would work great 
EXCEPT that it apparently won't be available until after my road trips 
have concluded.  So I went looking for an alternative amp to boost the 
KX3 to around 100 Watts or so.  The following reply to my query from 
Tokyo Hy-Power looks very promising and I thought others might also want 
to check it out:
The HL-100bdx... available only direct from Japan is a better 
choice.. Designed for QRP rigs 10W IN = 100W out >> 
The delivered price is in the $650 range...
If you're interested  I can have Japan quote you an exact  price to your 

*Tom Rum*W5RUM
Tokyo Hy-Power Technical Support


P.S. I have no connection whatsoever with Tokyo Hy-Power and make no 
endorsement of this product.
Ron N6EE

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[Elecraft] Remote with K3

2010-09-07 Thread Ron Lodewyck
  I am setting up to remote control the K3 over the Internet. With its 
extensive software command set, the K3 is a great rig for remote 
control.  However, I cannot find commands to control the level of either 
Microphone Gain or Compression.  What am I overlooking?

In addition, I had hoped the K3 would have a built-in Watchdog Timer - a 
menu settable maximum key-down time.  From a few seconds to at least ten 
minutes.  This is essential for remote operation to prevent accidental 
key-down - for example, if the computer crashes or sends an erroneous 
command.  Both have happened here during local testing, so I feel a 
watchdog timer is critical to safe remote operation of the station.  Is 
there such a timer in the K3 which I have missed?

Thanks & 73,
Ron N6EE

Elecraft mailing list
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[Elecraft] LP-Pan for K3

2010-01-22 Thread Ron Lodewyck
For Sale:
Factory assembled LP-Pan for K3 with Infrasonic PCI 192 kHz Pro audio 
interface card and full set of interconnecting cables.  Everything like 
new.  Used maybe one hour.  Looks and works perfect.  $250 including 
CONUS shipping.  Going to a high end separate SDR approach.

See photos at:

Contact off reflector:
Ron N6EE

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Re: [Elecraft] VFO A follows VFO B

2008-10-30 Thread Ron Lodewyck

That was it.  Thanks to all who responded so quickly with the right answer.
Ron N6EE

Lyle Johnson wrote:
After clicking on a packet spot which put the K3 in split mode with 
VFO B up 1 Khz I now find that pressing Rev and tuning, 
simultaneously changes BOTH VFOs... 

Press the SUB button.  The VFO's are probably LINKed and you need to 
UNLINK them.  The kHz decimal point in the VFOB display will slowly 
blink when the VFOs are LINKed.


Lyle KK7P

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[Elecraft] VFO A follows VFO B

2008-10-30 Thread Ron Lodewyck
After clicking on a packet spot which put the K3 in split mode with VFO 
B up 1 Khz I now find that pressing Rev and tuning, simultaneously 
changes BOTH VFOs.  If I release the Rev button and tune my VFO A then 
VFO B simultaneously changes by the same amount.  Move A up 1.1 Khz, 
then VFO B also moves up 1.1 Khz.  Never did this before and cannot find 
a way to unlock this tracking behavior.  The only thing I find relevant 
in the K3 User Manual is  Config: VFO B>A which displays "Function" but 
I cannot change this to anything else by rotating the VFO A knob.

This behavior only exists on the 20M band - it goes away on all other 
bands.  I have turned the radio off and back on and no change.  I know 
it must be a QLF on my part but danged if I can figure it out.  Any 

TIA & 73,
Ron N6EE

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