Re: [Elecraft] K3: SSB - WPX - Filters - Controls

2008-04-01 Thread S Sacco
Why a 1.8 kHz filter?

Despite the belief that DSP can accomplish all things, it's not
necessarily true.

After experimenting around with only the 2.8 kHz filter for SSB, I
decided that I didn't like the way the DSP version of the 1.8 kHz
bandwidth sounded; it had a slight "ringiness" to it.  I ordered a 1.8
filter on a Thursday afternoon, and it was in my mailbox on Monday.

The sound was definitely more pleasant to my ears.

Remember - we are analog beings, not digital.


Steve NN4X
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Re: [Elecraft] K3: SSB - WPX - Filters - Controls

2008-04-01 Thread Ed Gray W0SD

Why a 1.8 filter?

Well put Ed-W0YK. I am no electrical engineer, ie have no electronics 
background, but I do my best to understand.   In addition to what 
Ed-W0YK mentioned there are at least a few more situations besides 
contests for a 1.8 filter on receive for SSB. I have been on the bands 
everyday working a lot of DX and I note the RTTY and CW and SSB DX 
stations are more and more going to split frequency.  Many are just 
saying UP and many are saying up 1 and many SSB stations are just saying 
up.  I have no problem with this as it is best if the DX station does 
not use anymore bandwidth than possible operating split.  I can see why 
they go split as "simplex" can be a real mess.  The point is calling 
stations are really getting close to the listening(DX)frequency.  As we 
move into a season of more sporadic E(can really be strong) on the 
higher bands calling stations this close are going to be a problem as 
they will be much louder than they are now.  With hopefully more 
sunspots down the road F2 signals more local will be very loud on 17M 
and up.  Even now on 20 meters and down they already often are loud so 
we need all the IMD protection we can get.  The l.8 filter roofing 
filter with DSP can make a difference.

On CW, RTTY and SSB I think a number of people lose track how close they 
are getting to the DX station and I often have stations on CW and RTTY 
calling with in 300-500 hz and on SSB with in 1000 hz.  What makes this 
especially bad is they can call that close for a long time as they don't 
get worked by the DX station.  Having operated a number of DX-Peditions 
I always made sure not to work anyone real close to my frequency and I 
note others do the same to prevent station getting almost on top of the 
DX stations frequency. Sometimes the calling stations figure it out that 
they are to close and sometimes the "policeman" get them moved(not easy 
as they often are not listening to their transmit frequency) but then 
you have the policeman QRM.

Another thing that happens quite commonly is two DX stations with the 
one having a listening frequency range that includes or gets extremely 
close to the other DX stations frequency.

A second reason is a DX station operating split often accidentally gets 
"TRASHED" by a very close station(usually does not know the DX station 
is there) 1 or 2 Khz away or right on top of them and then there are the 
"Policeman" trying to get them to move. It can be difficult to copy a DX 
station even with reasonable strength when this happens.  Obviously if 
they are right on top there is nothing we can do with the rcv but often 
they are not right on the frequency and the rcv comes into play.

A third possible reason that I am interested in finding out about under 
actual operation is combating QRN on SSB with 1.8 and the proper AGC vs 
a wider filter and the proper AGC. I think this somewhat depends on the 
hearing from person to person but there is a lot of difference between 
2.7 to 1.8 in filter width.  This would mainly apply to 80 and 60 meters 
I would think as there is little SSB on 160M on the low end but could 
come into play higher in the band.  I know from a lot of moonbounce 
experience a narrower filter often helped as long as it was not to narrow.

A fourth reason which has often been mentioned is if you have hams that 
live close to you! Admittedly they are not likely to operate that close 
to you normally that the difference in filters would make any difference 
but you both might want to chase the same DX station at the same time as 
sometimes the window to a rare one is just 10 or 15 minutes a day and 
the DX station is just listening in a narrow range up a little.  In this 
situation the other station can be pinning your meter so you need all 
the help you can get!

Fifth even if you don't work DX or Contest but have any schedules or 
just get on and call CQ and ragchew so often even after asking several 
times if the frequency is in use some one can get very close to you and 
also band conditions change.  Also if you like nets it is not at all 
unusual to have a very strong station interfering with NCS and other 
stations on frequency.  Maybe it is because I live in the middle of the 
country but QRM very close in frequency is a constant issue for me; 
especially on SSB no matter what type of operation I am doing.

Obviously as W0YK said it depends on what type of operating you do. If 
you only do cw, digital and rarely if ever get on SSB then the 1.8 
filter is not needed.  If you get on SSB much at all to me it seems to 
make economic sense to eventually get a 1.8 or 2.1 filter for receive 
given we are not talking about a lot of money difference, maybe 4% -7% 
of the total price.  IMHO on SSB receive the major advantage a K3 has 
over any other radio on the market would be the narrower roofing filter 
than the competition.  The only other advantages I can see on SSB over 
others might be a more effective NR/NB but of 

RE: [Elecraft] K3: SSB - WPX - Filters - Controls

2008-04-01 Thread Ed Muns
In crowded band conditions, narrow filtering is often helpful.  In
particular, for SSB contests, a receive bandwidth of 1500-1800Hz is very
effective.  For me, 1500Hz (300-1800Hz) works great on the K3.  There is no
intelligibility above 1800Hz that is useful in a contest QSO.  If you think
200-2000Hz is easier to copy (1.8kHz bandwidth), then use that.  But there
is no reason to use a 2.7 or 2.8kHz filter in a contest and letting in
another kHz or so of QRM.

Depending on preference some people like to narrow their SSB bandwidth by
using a combination of WIDTH and SHIFT.  I prefer to simply reduce HI CUT
because the high audio frequencies (2000-3000Hz) are the least useful in
contest communication.  So, it is a simple one-knob adjustment to narrow the
SSB bandwidth on receive.

You can select these narrow bandwidths with the K3 DSP and the stock 2.7kHz
crystal filter.  You don't need narrow crystal filters unless you also want
protection from splatter and signal components from nearby strong signals
that fall between the bandwidth of the 2.7kHz filter and whatever narrower
crystal filter, e.g., 1.8kHz, you might use.

Ed - W0YK

> During my first foray into SSB Contesting with the K3 during 
> WPX, I found that I need either:
> 1.  Understand more about the DSP and the controls for BW, 
> Hcut and Lcut
> 2.  Obtain a narrower roofing filter for SSB - like a 1.8 Khz filter
> 3.  Or both.
> I spent some time trying to find the sweet spot in the radio 
> for SSB using the 2.8 Khz filter.  I don't think I found it.  
> At least, I am not satisfied.
> I tried narrowing up the filter bandwidth to 2.4 or 
> 2.2some times 1.8.  
> I tried shifting it up and down the bandpass.
> I tried to use High Cut and Low Cut depending on where the 
> offending signal was coming from.  
> AGC was on Slow with the standard settings.
> Used the RIT a lot
> It seemed I was always fighting some sort of side band 
> splatter or stations close in on the frequency.  Maybe it was 
> just a crowded 20 meter band, but the same things happened on 
> 40 meters.
> Do I need to go to a 1.8 Khz filter to give the DSP a break?  
> Do I need to understand and play with the RX more to make 
> sure I am doing it right.

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RE: [Elecraft] K3: SSB - WPX - Filters - Controls

2008-04-01 Thread Ed Muns
> I see no point at all in buying a 
> 1.8kHz filter for SSB , it is just not necessary. If there is 
> a signal 2kHz away inside the 2.7 but outside the
> 1.8 and 100dB above noise you are going to have problems with 
> their IMDs anyway.

Few people will benefit from narrow SSB filters, but "no point at all" is
going too far.  The 1.8kHz crystal filter is very effective for strong
signals in its stopband but still within the passband of a 2.7kHz filter,
e.g., a clean SSB signal 3kHz away.  For most situations the additional
900Hz of IMD protection is not needed, but it is quite useful for serious
contesters trying to keep the rate up on crowded bands.

Ed - W0YK

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Re: [Elecraft] K3: SSB - WPX - Filters - Controls

2008-04-01 Thread AD6XY - Mike

I also noted the splatter problem - as well as the poor operators who are
unable to listen properly (a station in Singapore) vs the good ones (an
Italian) who can.

I think the reason for this close in rejection problem might be the shape
factor of the DSP. In my case, it was not spatter as we normally think of
it, but just getting rid of the adjacent channel without seriously
compromising the wanted channel. 

My K3 is worse in shape than my IC7400 but it depends on whether or not you
use narrow or sharp mode of the IC7400. Luckily, I can install new firmware
in the K3. I am sure shape factor adjustment is in the pipeline - or even
already there but missed by me. The IC7400 is also a DSP based radio, but I
have not seen any options to update the firmware. DSP is the place to fix
this - I see no point at all in buying a 1.8kHz filter for SSB , it is just
not necessary. If there is a signal 2kHz away inside the 2.7 but outside the
1.8 and 100dB above noise you are going to have problems with their IMDs
anyway. No filter is going to help if the adjacent station is transmitting a
wide signal.

NR is not helpful towards copying weak signals amongst strong QRM. That is
not what it is for and you should be able to do much better without it than
with it. NR comes into its own when the band is not so crowded but is noisy.

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Re: [Elecraft] K3: SSB - WPX - Filters - Controls

2008-03-31 Thread Matt Zilmer
FWIW, I run two SSB filters - 2.7 and 1.8 KHz.  I find the 2.7 is fine
for ragchewing and light (no crowds) DXing and contesting.  I can also
vouch for the 1.8 KHz roofing filter.  It *kills* sidesplatter, esp.
when used judiciously with the DSP to clean up the passband edges.  I
plan to substitute the 2.8 8-pole for the 2.7 one of these days, but
it's not a priority.

Eventually, you get used to pulling down the Hi Cut to rub out high
freq chatter.  The 1.8 and DSP together are a very powerful

Also, FWIW - the human brain is The Ultimate Filter.  NR can only help
compensate for its front-end input.  That being said, the K3's NR is
the best I've heard in my limited 37-year ham experience.

matt, W6NIA
K3 # 24


>After the WPX
>experience I am now willing to try a sharper SSB filer, I think it is
>I also tried noise reduction as higher bands sometimes where very noisy and
>signals weak. For me, DSP NR never really worked well. The NR in the K3
>seems to do a pretty nice job, but still my brain is far better.

>> Do I need to go to a 1.8 Khz filter to give the DSP a break?
>> Do I need to understand and play with the RX more to make sure I am doing it
>> right.
>> I would like to some feedback and comments on how other people set up their
>> K3s for SSB contesting.
>> I want to learn more about this radio.
>> Lee - K0WA
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Re: [Elecraft] K3: SSB - WPX - Filters - Controls

2008-03-31 Thread Björn Mohr

The WPX contest was an interesting experience with the K3. I was working 670
contacts in single op all band non assisted high pwr mode. I am not a very
experienced contester, but I have been working a number of SSB contests with
my MP over the past 2-3 years.

My impression of the K3 is similar to what you and Mark Roz describe. First
I thought it was the headphones but soon I realized that the radio sounds a
little different that I am used to. Some high pitched audio appeared very
sharp, and less filtered than I am used to and splatter was hard to fight.

I was normally starting with a 2.4 kc bandwidth, working my way down below 2
kc when there was a lot of splatter. I also noticed that I had to center the
passband very low in most cases to dig out the signal. That seemed a little
different depending on the spectrum energy in the received signal, but most
often my passband was tuned very low for best receive. After the WPX
experience I am now willing to try a sharper SSB filer, I think it is

I also tried noise reduction as higher bands sometimes where very noisy and
signals weak. For me, DSP NR never really worked well. The NR in the K3
seems to do a pretty nice job, but still my brain is far better.

I have also noticed the fluctuation in output, not being sure if it was my
low band antennas rocking in the wind or something else. I read Sunday about
some SSB issues in the current firmware release, so they might be dealt with
soon. Unfortunately I updated my firmware right before the contest.

On the positive note I have to say that the K3 is well thought trough. I
feel comfortable with the physical layout and the radio is very easy to
operate. Most of the time I used the filters in shift/width mode, not LO/HI
and sometimes I was running with AGC off using RF-gain instead.

Would be interesting to hear others experience. With 600 radios out there,
there should be quite a few that's been exercised this weekend.

73 de Björn /SM0MDG & 7S0X

On 080331 15:31 , "Lee Buller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I would like to make a few comments and ask some questions.  This is by no
> means a put-down of the the K3, because I am not sure I am operating the rig
> correctly.  After all it is a SDR and it is new.
> During my first foray into SSB Contesting with the K3 during WPX, I found that
> I need either:
> 1.  Understand more about the DSP and the controls for BW, Hcut and Lcut
> 2.  Obtain a narrower roofing filter for SSB - like a 1.8 Khz filter
> 3.  Or both.
> I spent some time trying to find the sweet spot in the radio for SSB using the
> 2.8 Khz filter.  I don't think I found it.  At least, I am not satisfied.
> I tried narrowing up the filter bandwidth to 2.4 or 2.2some times 1.8.
> I tried shifting it up and down the bandpass.
> I tried to use High Cut and Low Cut depending on where the offending signal
> was coming from. 
> AGC was on Slow with the standard settings.
> Used the RIT a lot
> It seemed I was always fighting some sort of side band splatter or stations
> close in on the frequency.  Maybe it was just a crowded 20 meter band, but the
> same things happened on 40 meters.
> Do I need to go to a 1.8 Khz filter to give the DSP a break?
> Do I need to understand and play with the RX more to make sure I am doing it
> right.
> I would like to some feedback and comments on how other people set up their
> K3s for SSB contesting.
> I want to learn more about this radio.
> Lee - K0WA

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Re: [Elecraft] K3: SSB - WPX - Filters - Controls

2008-03-31 Thread mark roz
I have made 700 QSO's in WPX SSB contest(part time). I have also tried 
different adjustment on the K3 including RX EQ.

I have to say the same thing "It seemed I was always fighting some sort of side 
band splatter or stations close in on the frequency".

Splatter is always in the contest but not as pronounced as with K3.
I don't know if it is the freq. response or something else with DSP.
I was so tired after few hundred QSO's. I have switched to TS930S.
With TS930s it was much better. Signals were much cleaner more dynamic
and the splatter not as offending as with K3.
I have 2.7kHz filter in my K3.

I like K3 very much in CW CONTEST but don't like in SSB contest at all.

Also, for some reason the output power from the K3 was fluctuating in time.
I had to keep adjusting PWR. My alpha 87A was showing 1500W PEP and than about 
900W and so on. Than after 10 second or so again 1500W.
Looked to me like ALC action in the K3 was not always the same. I don't connect 
ALC to the amp. Same thing when I switched to IC-4KL amp.




--- On Mon, 3/31/08, Lee Buller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> From: Lee Buller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: [Elecraft] K3:  SSB - WPX - Filters - Controls
> To: "Elecraft Reflector" 
> Date: Monday, March 31, 2008, 6:31 AM
> I would like to make a few comments and ask some questions. 
> This is by no means a put-down of the the K3, because I am
> not sure I am operating the rig correctly.  After all it is
> a SDR and it is new.
> During my first foray into SSB Contesting with the K3
> during WPX, I found that I need either:
> 1.  Understand more about the DSP and the controls for BW,
> Hcut and Lcut
> 2.  Obtain a narrower roofing filter for SSB - like a 1.8
> Khz filter
> 3.  Or both.
> I spent some time trying to find the sweet spot in the
> radio for SSB using the 2.8 Khz filter.  I don't think
> I found it.  At least, I am not satisfied.
> I tried narrowing up the filter bandwidth to 2.4 or
> 2.2some times 1.8.  
> I tried shifting it up and down the bandpass.
> I tried to use High Cut and Low Cut depending on where the
> offending signal was coming from.  
> AGC was on Slow with the standard settings.
> Used the RIT a lot
> It seemed I was always fighting some sort of side band
> splatter or stations close in on the frequency.  Maybe it
> was just a crowded 20 meter band, but the same things
> happened on 40 meters.
> Do I need to go to a 1.8 Khz filter to give the DSP a
> break?  
> Do I need to understand and play with the RX more to make
> sure I am doing it right.
> I would like to some feedback and comments on how other
> people set up their K3s for SSB contesting.
> I want to learn more about this radio.
> Lee - K0WA
> In our day and age it seems that Common Sense is in short
> supply.  If you don't have any Common Sense - get some
> Common Sense and use it.  If you can't find any Common
> Sense, ask for help from somebody who has some Common
> Sense.  Is Common Sense divine?
> ___
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