Re: [O] Org-mode for school work

2011-12-21 Thread Christian Moe

6. Finaly it is possible to make a table that i use a lot a form that

 i can fill and it is possible with i don't know a short-cut or
 something to call this form when i need it.

Depending on what exactly you have in mind, Org Capture might be the 


Re: [O] The Org-ODT exporter is now in Org's core (latest git)

2011-12-15 Thread Christian Moe

On 12/15/11 8:26 AM, Jambunathan K wrote:


That solved the problem. I was loading an old version.

If you had copied etc/styles dir by hand to the installation dir I
would consider that a bug.

This copying should happen auto-magically.

I hope things work auto-magically now without any manual intervention.

Not for me. Could be specific to make install into on Mac (I 
know squat about this, except that we have to edit our Makefile to get 
lisp and docs installed in the right place, and maybe we have to do 
something special for the etc dir too?). Could someone confirm that 
etc/styles is automatically installed on Linux / that it isn't on Mac?


Re: [O] ODT export custom link colors?

2011-12-15 Thread Christian Moe

On 12/15/11 8:41 AM, Jambunathan K wrote:

I usually put the cursor on the text that I am interested in, press F11
and switch to char styles or whatever category. The right style would be
highlighted which you can directly inherit from.

Indeed, that's a better recipe. (On a Mac laptop keyboard, Cmd-T 
instead of F11.)

The exact scenario you describe here is documented in the manual.

(info (org) Creating one-off styles)

The scenario was not mixing raw ODT XML in with Org, but using a 
custom link type to color text. The manual page you point to gives all 
the info one would need to figure out how to do it, and I should have 
given the reference. But the manual does not spell out exactly how to 
solve that scenario, so I thought that would be helpful.

#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(org-odt-format-fontify This text is in red red-style)

It will mark the text in red-style. You can similarly use this or this
for marking text in bold.

#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(org-odt-format-fontify This text is in red 'bold)

That's cool, but how do you suggest to use it? I tried it with 
=:exports results=, but that didn't work (the angle brackets got 

But I probably misunderstood, and you meant to use it to generate the 
correct raw XML and then include the result in the text, with =@= 
signs added?

That works out of the box for the bold example, but not for 
red-style -- I assume we'd have to create that style first?

If you look at OrgOdtStyles.xml (C-h v org-odt-styles-dir) and you can
see a bunch of styles marked as Org Agenda Styles. These are used for
marking TODO in red and DONE in green etc.

Copy  paste those styles, fix the name and background color and you are

Thanks, that's helpful.


Re: [O] odt export error

2011-12-14 Thread Christian Moe


Looking into your styles.xml, it seems openoffice is choking on the 
representation of the bullet character.

Exporting your org document with the default stylesheet in Org 7.8 
works (result attached), with a valid unicode bullet character in the 

It is likely that you are running an old bleeding-edge development 
version of the ODT exporter.

If you can update to Org 7.8, you should do that; as of this week, the 
ODT exporter is part of core Org. (And when you update, clean out old 
versions of org-odt from your load-path and your .emacs.)

hope this helps,

On 12/14/11 4:03 AM, Kevin Emerson wrote:

Hello all,
I am relatively new to org-mode, but I am certainly a convert - a
great piece of work!  I usually export things as html, but my employer
always wants updates in doc format.  I was hoping to use the new odt
export functionality and then I can save the odt as a doc file.  This
works for me sometimes - but not always.

I can not pinpoint exactly what yields the error, but it reads Format
error discovered in the file in sub-document styles.xml at
415,108(row,col) when the file attempts to open in openoffice 3.2.  I
am using org-mode 7.6.

I have attached my org file and the resulting odt file.

Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.


Description: application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text

Re: [O] The Org-ODT exporter is now in Org's core (latest git)

2011-12-14 Thread Christian Moe

Of course, getting libreoffice to do what I want is another story... ;-)
I imagine I'll have to use a mouse :-(

Well, you can always author your own styles file in plain XML 
conforming to the ODF specification. No mouse required!...


Re: [O] ODT export custom link colors?

2011-12-14 Thread Christian Moe


I'm not sure about this, because I don't really know the ODT spec, but 
I *think* you will have to define an ODT Character style for *each* 
color you want to use, using a consistent convention for naming these 

For instance, in the LibreOffice Styles and Formatting window, choose 
the Character styles tab, right-click on Default, select New. Name 
your style (e.g.) Bgcolor red. Right-click it, select Modify, in the 
Background tab give it a red background.

Repeat for other colors you use, e.g. Bgcolor blue, Bgcolor yellow...

Now, modify your custom link code as follows:

bgcolor  nil
   (lambda (path desc format)
 ((eq format 'html)
  (formatspan style=\background-color:%s;\%s/span  path desc))
 ((eq format 'latex)
  (format\\colorbox{%s}{%s}  path desc))

((eq format 'odt)
 (format text:span text:style-name=\Bgcolor 
%s\%s/text:span path desc))

  (formatBGCOLOR LINK (%s): {%s}{%s}  format path desc)

(You can change the style-name in the format string to follow whatever 
naming convention you've adopted for your styles. If you want to call 
them simply red, blue and so on, it would be text:style-name=\%s\.)

(Judging from the manual, if you have space in your style names, like 
above, you should perhaps escape the spaces with _20_, but the 
Bgcolor %s above seems to work fine.)

Please report back if this works for you. If so, and depending on what 
Jambunathan might have to add, I'll look into updating the Worg examples.

(By the way, before I added my 't' case above, it returned nil, which
caused the odt exporter to blow up with an unhelpful error.  Would a
patch for that be considered too much of a corner-case?  I'd be happy
to submit one.)

I don't know what others think, but I think the habit of always 
providing one's custom links with an explicit fallback should be 
encouraged, if necessary by rude reminders from failing exporters...



Re: [O] The Org-ODT exporter is now in Org's core (latest git)

2011-12-13 Thread Christian Moe

2. I see where the default styles are and I am happy with these
generally.  However, as a libreoffice n00b, how do I create my own
style file that would be appropriate for the ODT exporter?  It's not
so much about the creating of style files (although help in that
regard would not be sniffed at ;-) but about whether there is a list
of paragraph styles that can be customised somewhere?

The easiest way is now described in the manual: write your document in 
Org, including all the sorts of stuff you might want to have styles 
for, then export it to ODT, open it in LibreOffice, and tweak the 
styles you find there. Because you exported it from Org, you can be 
sure that the styles have the names the exporter uses. You can 
customize any style, no limits.

LibreOffice's Styles and Formatting window is your friend (accessible 
from the Format menu or from an icon usually at the far left of the 
toolbar). It has tabbed lists of Paragraph, Character, Page, Frame and 
List styles. Right-click on a style to modify it.

When your LibreOffice document looks like you want it to, simply save 
it somewhere smart. The next time you export from Org, point 
org-export-odt-styles-file to that file as your style template.


[O] [BUG] LaTeX subtree export gives spurious unbalanced begin/end_%s blocks error

2011-12-12 Thread Christian Moe


Here's a minimal document:


#+title: Testing

* Src blocks

Here's some Lisp:

#+begin_src emacs-lisp
  (message Hello world!)


When I try to export the Src blocks subtree to PDF via LaTeX, I get 
the error:

unbalanced begin/end_src blocks

Export of the whole document to PDF via LaTeX is not affected.

Neither, initially, is HTML export, including subtree export to HTML. 
However, after getting an error by trying to export the subtree to 
LaTeX, I get the same error when trying to export to HTML (whether 
subtree or the whole document). I can clear the HTML export error by 
exporting the whole document via LaTeX again.

I'm using Org 7.7 (pulled this morning) on GNU Emacs 23.3.1 on a Mac.


[O] [BUG] Various problems with org-odt export

2011-12-12 Thread Christian Moe


Either something's gone wrong with my setup, or there are a number of 
issues to straighten out after org-odt moved to core.

Here's what I have so far (with Org 7.7 pulled this morning, Emacs 
23.3.1, on a Mac). Issues 1 and 3 look urgent.

1. The org-export-odt-styles-file variable

still points to
as the default style template. The defcustom comes with a FIXME note, 
and that has become urgent, as the lack of a default styles file in 
the default place would cause Org-odt export to fail out of the box 
for most users. I'm not sure where this should point, but I assume it 
should not point to anything in contrib any longer.

2. The #+ODT_STYLES_FILE directive

does not seem to work. It's ignored and the value of 
org-export-odt-styles-file is used instead.

3. Current backend not set to 'odt?

During ODT export, org-export-format-source-code-or-example
fails while trying to load a file called org-nil. So apparently 
org-export-current-backend fails to be passed the value 'odt on ODT 

The latter problem could also explain why, trying to export a file 
with verse environments, I got LaTeX mixed in with the ODT XML...


Re: [O] [BUG] Various problems with org-odt export

2011-12-12 Thread Christian Moe


Thanks, the problem was indeed with setup and not with org-odt as 
such, so I'm really sorry about the noise. But I'm wondering if 
something needs to be done about the Makefile to make sure etc/styles 

Background: I'm in the habit of compiling and installing Org each time 
I pull, and as I'm on a Mac, that means changing a couple of 
installation paths in the Makefile so as to install into 
All this probably puts me in a small minority of users.

The lisp files got installed all right, including the up-to-date 
org-odt.el and org-odt.elc.

And yes, I did for some reason have an older org-odt.el in my loadpath 
that was interfering. Very embarrassing. But after I got rid of that, 
I was definitely running the new org-odt.

However, things still did not work, and the reason seems to be that 
the etc/styles directory did not get installed into the appropriate 
etc directory in Because the directory was missing, 
org-odt-styles-dir never got set; it kept throwing an error that it 
couldn't find the factory styles.

I copied the etc/styles dir manually over into, and now 
everything seems to work.

Could it be that, because there hasn't been anything to install from 
the etc directory before, the Org-mode Makefile doesn't take care of 
it? The only reference to etc/ I've found in the Makefile is in 
connection with ELPA, which I don't use.


On 12/12/11 2:46 PM, Jambunathan K wrote:



Either something's gone wrong with my setup, or there are a number of
issues to straighten out after org-odt moved to core.

Here's what I have so far (with Org 7.7 pulled this morning, Emacs
23.3.1, on a Mac). Issues 1 and 3 look urgent.

1. The org-export-odt-styles-file variable

still points to
as the default style template. The defcustom comes with a FIXME note,
and that has become urgent, as the lack of a default styles file in
the default place would cause Org-odt export to fail out of the box
for most users. I'm not sure where this should point, but I assume it
should not point to anything in contrib any longer.

The default style files have been moved from contrib/odt/styles to

Make sure that you are loading the right version of org-odt with M-x

Also the following variables:

C-h v org-odt-lib-dir =  ~/src/org-mode/lisp/
C-h v org-odt-styles-dir =  ~/src/org-mode/etc/styles/

The first variable says wherefrom org-odt is loaded.

The second variable -- which was newly introduced a 2-3 days ago --
should tell where the default style files come from.

If you are unable to find the second variable, then it most postively
suggests that it is the old org-odt that is loaded.

2. The #+ODT_STYLES_FILE directive

does not seem to work. It's ignored and the value of
org-export-odt-styles-file is used instead.

May be related to (1).

Is everything OK when there is *no* ODT_STYLES_FILE and
org-export-odt-styles-file is *reset* to nil?

3. Current backend not set to 'odt?

During ODT export, org-export-format-source-code-or-example
fails while trying to load a file called org-nil. So apparently
org-export-current-backend fails to be passed the value 'odt on ODT

The latter problem could also explain why, trying to export a file
with verse environments, I got LaTeX mixed in with the ODT XML...

I hope org-odt loads fine...
Does M-x load-library RET org-odt RET report any errors?


Re: [O] Avoiding div from special blocks to be in p…

2011-12-11 Thread Christian Moe



On 12/11/11 2:11 PM, Bastien wrote:

Hi Christian,

Christian  writes:

I submitted a patch to this effect a month and a half back.

Apart from uncommenting that line, I put in an org-open-par after the div
and rearranged a few lines to follow the same structure as other similar
bits of code.

I just applied it.  Sorry for the delay and thanks for this.


Re: [O] The Org-ODT exporter is now in Org's core (latest git)

2011-12-11 Thread Christian Moe

this is wonderful!  many thanks to Jambu, Bastien, Christian and
everyone involved.

That would be Jambu, for developing the whole thing, and Bastien, for 
integrating it. (I have only done a bit of testing and cheerleading.)


Re: [O] [PATCH] Re: Export as HTML does not preserve nonstandard entities as TODO signs

2011-12-11 Thread Christian Moe

On 12/11/11 6:57 PM, Bastien wrote:

Applied, thanks!



Re: [O] [ANN][RFC] org-odt.texi/org-odt.pdf preview (was Re: Org-odt table format)

2011-12-10 Thread Christian Moe

Great news!

I'll go over the documentation as promised.


On 12/11/11 12:13 AM, Jambunathan K wrote:

Hello Christian

Christian  writes:


Great, I'll just wait for your revised draft so we don't get versions
mixed up.

You would have seen this announcement[1] by Bastien. I have checked in
the revised Info documentation for ODT exporter in to the master repo. I
have tried my best to act on all your inputs.

Let me know what you think.



On 10/28/11 6:19 AM, Jambunathan K wrote:

I will work on your suggestions and circulate a
revised draft shortly.

Once an initial org.texi gets in to the repo, improving it would be a

Re: [O] [feature request] Org as an Excerpt Database (or Multivalue Properties)

2011-12-10 Thread Christian Moe


I've successfully used the regular expression searches Herbert Sitz 
describes to search and query a small (~ 500 kB) Org database of all 
my source materials (text clippings) for a project, where some of the 
properties I used had multiple values.

You will find Matt Lundin's Advanced searching tutorial invaluable:

Org has some basic support for multivalue properties, mainly for 
editing (getting, putting, adding, removing) and also a membership 
test. See the manual:


Note that unlike your example setup, the values are not comma-separated.

The multivalue support does not, as far as I remember, extend to match 
expressions for searches etc. This would probably be non-trivial to 
implement. Something could probably be cobbled up with 
org-entry-member-in-multivalued-property. But regexp searches are 
fairly simple to use, and work now.

You'll want to think carefully about what you put in properties, what 
you put in tags, and what you put in multi-value properties, with a 
view to making this easy to search and change as your file grows.


On 12/11/11 1:09 AM, Herbert Sitz wrote:

Sven Bretfeldsven.bretfeldat  writes:

A property search for code-writing should match this citation and all
others with this property. An additional search for career should
narrow the matches down. But orgmode understands money, ... ethics as
ONE value, not FOUR. That's the problem.

Sven --

I think you should be able to get results you want using regular expression
searches on your 'keyword' field.  E.g., the following tags-todo search should
find headings that have both 'career' and 'code-writing' in a 'keyword' 


This search would find headings that had one or the other or both:


Regular expressions start out simple but can get very complex.  I expect there's
a way to get whatever you want out of the multi-value property strings you
want to use.

-- Herb

Re: [O] The Org-ODT exporter is now in Org's core (latest git)

2011-12-10 Thread Christian Moe



On 12/10/11 6:22 PM, Bastien wrote:

Dear all,

as the subject says.  Please all test this heavily and report
any problems.  This will be part of Org 7.8 and soon in Emacs.

Thanks a lot to Jambunathan for all this efforts, let's make
sure everything is smooth before the release!


Re: [O] Directional quotes in html

2011-12-07 Thread Christian Moe

On 12/7/11 10:44 AM, Christer Boräng wrote:

Does it handle possessive ' at the end of words ending with an s or
z sound? Like James' house?

Sure, but not because it cares what letter they end with, only because 
it turns any straight single quote that doesn't become an opening 
curly quote into a closing curly quote, identical to curly apostrophe.


Re: [O] Directional quotes in html

2011-12-06 Thread Christian Moe

On 12/6/11 7:25 PM, Herbert Sitz wrote:

What is best way to get directional pairs of open- and close-quotes in html

-- Herb

Hi, Herb,

I keep this in my .emacs:

(setq org-export-html-special-string-regexps
   '( \\\([^\]+\\)\ .  ldquo;\\1rdquo;)

There may be a better way to do it altogether, and I'm sure the very 
simple regexp could be improved on (in fact, I'm posting this in the 
hope someone will improve on it), but it mostly works.


Re: [O] Directional quotes in html

2011-12-06 Thread Christian Moe

On 12/6/11 9:37 PM, Herbert Sitz wrote:

Question: Does this work only if quotes both appear on the same line of Org-mode
text?  Or is the regex applied to paragraph as a whole after it's been assembled
as part of export?

Oops, that's embarrassing. I never even noticed. I'm not sure why it 
doesn't work -- the regexp /does/ catch multiline quotes.

Anyway, after some experimenting, the following mess seems to work in 
most cases:

(setq org-export-html-special-string-regexps
   '((\\(^\\|[ \(]\\)' . \\1lsquo;)
 (\\([^ ]\\)' . \\1rsquo;)
 (\\(^\\|[ (]\\)\ . \\1ldquo;)
 (\\\([ [:punct:]]\\|$\\) . rdquo;\\1))

At least, it should work
- if the opening single or double quotation mark comes at the 
beginning of the line, after a space, or after opening parenthesis,
- or if the opening single quotation mark comes after an opening 
double quotation mark,
- and if the closing double quotation mark comes before a space, 
before punctuation, including a closing parenthesis, or at the end of 
the line.

It will work if you put the period /after/ the closing quotation mark, 
like this. Typographically, though, you should do it like this.

It looks like it does only double-quotes; makes me realize single quotes are a
bit harder because they're often used alone as apostrophes.

The above now also handles single quotes, including apostrophes 
between word characters (it's). The rule is that any single quote 
that is not an opening quote is turned into a closing quote, which 
works for apostrophes too.

It also handles nested quotes (single quotes within double quotes). 
The following example should illustrate parentheses and nested quotes:

Philosophy ain't easy (being is a surprisingly difficult concept,
but not as hard as non-being). Who said: 'Being' is a surprisingly
difficult concept, but not as hard as 'non-being'?

It seems like even
single-quote pairs could work well if you put beginning-of-word (\) and
end-of-word (\) regex anchors in there.

I've experimented with those anchors, but ended up doing without them; 
punctuation mixes with quotation marks in odd ways.


Re: [O] Avoiding div from special blocks to be in p…

2011-12-04 Thread Christian Moe


I submitted a patch to this effect a month and a half back.

Apart from uncommenting that line, I put in an org-open-par after the 
div and rearranged a few lines to follow the same structure as other 
similar bits of code.


On 12/4/11 5:01 PM, Jonathan BISSON wrote:


I just uncommented a line in org-special-blocks.el that made div special
blocks (like #+begin_foo) in html export to be betweenp…/p…
It seems to work well like this (and now the produced documents are W3C

Any clue on why it was commented ?

Re: [O] HTML export and Zotero-friendly headers

2011-11-23 Thread Christian Moe

On 11/22/11 3:44 PM, Erik L. Arneson wrote:

Do I then understand correctly that what you want to do is simply to
generate one COinS snippet with metadata about the document itself
(author, title, etc.)?

Yes, though it doesn't need to be only COinS.  Zotero supports a number
of different formats, but COinS looks like it may be the easiest and the
most concise.


Does Org document header data include more than author, title, date, 
description and keywords. So I'd be inclined to go with Dublin Core 
for this, and just twin the ordinary META tags (which Zotero doesn't 
bother with, probably wisely) with DC equivalents.

Doing it as below, with a hook at the end of html export, is more than 
a little clumsy, but it will do for testing purposes. If people think 
it's a good idea to do this in HTML exports on a permanent basis, a 
non-clumsy version could be patched into org-export-as-html.

#+begin_src elisp
  (defun org-export-with-dc ()
   Add Dublin Core metadata from Org document headers to exported
  HTML. Comma-separated keywords and multiple authors separated
  with ` and ' will be correctly imported into Zotero. Note: For
  testing purposes only. It is only called as a hook from
  org-export-as-html, where it gets TITLE, DATE, AUTHOR,
   (let ((creators (split-string author  and ))
 (subjects (split-string keywords , ?))
 (when (string-match [0-9]+-[0-9]+-[0-9]+ date)
   (setq fdate (match-string 0 date)))
 (goto-char (point-min))
 (when (re-search-forward /head)
   (goto-char (match-beginning 0))
   (while creators
  (format meta name=\DC.Creator\ content=\%s\/\n
  (car creators)))
 (setq creators (cdr creators)))
 meta name=\DC.Title\ content=\%s\/
  meta name=\DC.Date\ content=\%s\/
  meta name=\DC.Description\ content=\%s\/\n
 title fdate description))
   (while subjects
  (format meta name=\DC.Subject\ content=\%s\/\n
  (car subjects)))
 (setq subjects (cdr subjects))

  (add-hook 'org-export-html-final-hook 'org-export-with-dc)


Re: [O] HTML export and Zotero-friendly headers

2011-11-23 Thread Christian Moe

On 11/23/11 5:45 PM, Erik L. Arneson wrote:

Thanks, that looks like a good start!

Let me know how it went.


Re: [O] HTML export and Zotero-friendly headers

2011-11-22 Thread Christian Moe


Then I misunderstood you, sorry about the noise (to both Eriks, A. and 
H.). I thought you meant including Zotero-readable metadata for each 
citation in the Org document.

Do I then understand correctly that what you want to do is simply to 
generate one COinS snippet with metadata about the document itself 
(author, title, etc.)?


On 11/21/11 10:14 PM, Erik L. Arneson wrote:

I thought zotero-plain was used to add citations.  What I'm trying to do
is use org-mode to export HTML files with Zotero-friendly headers that
the Zotero plugin will pick-up on in the browser.

I can make the COinSspan  snippets myself using the tool available on
the COinS website, but it would be handy if org-mode could do that
automatically using the org header data that already exists.

Re: [O] HTML export and Zotero-friendly headers

2011-11-22 Thread Christian Moe

Hi, Adam Smith,

You're repeating my misunderstanding -- that's not what he's looking 
for, see the thread above.


On 11/22/11 7:35 PM, adam.smith wrote:

Yes, though it doesn't need to be only COinS.  Zotero supports a number
of different formats, but COinS looks like it may be the easiest and the
most concise.

You're aware that bibliographies exported as HTML from Zotero already
contain COinS?

Re: [O] HTML export and Zotero-friendly headers

2011-11-21 Thread Christian Moe


Does Erik Hetzner's zotero-plain work for you?

If so, I'd try this experiment: set zotero-default-bibliography-style 
to COinS. Then insert a citation in Org using zotero-plain. In the 
link description, instead of a nicely formatted bibliographic 
reference, I imagine you should get the COinS data.

If that works, zotero-plain could be very easily extended with a 
function to insert COinS data for all items in zotero links, and it 
could be run as a hook on HTML export.

It hasn't worked for me lately, so I can't try the experiment myself.


On 11/21/11 7:19 PM, Erik L. Arneson wrote:


I've just stumbled across Zotero and have been reading about how folks
are working to integrate it with org-mode, but from what I've read so
far, all of the work has been on the citation end.

Has anybody pursued creating Zotero-friendly headers/metadata in HTML
exports?  I use org-mode to manage a few websites and it would be handy
to have the HTML snippets generated automatically.  It looks like both
COinS[1] and Dublin Core are fairly straightforward.

I'm looking forward to hearing if anybody has done anything with this




Re: [O] How to estimate effort by week?

2011-11-18 Thread Christian Egli
Christoph LANGE writes:

 is there any way of estimating effort by week?

Have a look at the doc string of org-effort-durations. 

Conversion factor to minutes for an effort modifier.

Each entry has the form (MODIFIER . MINUTES).

In an effort string, a number followed by MODIFIER is multiplied
by the specified number of MINUTES to obtain an effort in

For example, if the value of this variable is ((hours . 60)), then an
effort string 2hours is equivalent to 120 minutes.

Christian Egli
Swiss Library for the Blind, Visually Impaired and Print Disabled
Grubenstrasse 12, CH-8045 Zürich, Switzerland


2011-11-16 Thread Christian Moe

On 11/16/11 9:21 AM, Michael Hannon wrote:

(2) I typically use the following BABEL line:

#+BABEL: :session *R* :cache yes :results output verbatim :exports
both :tangle

How would I express that using the PROPERTY syntax?

#+PROPERTY: session *R*
#+PROPERTY: cache yes
#+PROPERTY: results output verbatim

Or if you've got everything under the same (parent) heading:

* Top-level heading
  :session: *R*
  :cache:   yes
  :results: output verbatim
  :exports: both
  :tangle:  yes


Re: [O] zotero plain, org-odt, and citations in general

2011-11-13 Thread Christian Moe

* Towards a solution for Zotero - Org - ODT

I think I have a way to get Zotero references from Org links into ODT 
as working reference marks. Interested parties, please

test if this works for you at all.

1. Create Zotero links such as e.g.:

   : [[zotero:0_RADJMJ8Q][{Bolin, 1958}]]

   Below, I include code for a simple Zotero export translator
   (OrgMode.js) that will create such links at a keystroke/mouse drag,
   since some of us are currently experiencing difficulties with

2. Define a custom link export function to fake a Zotero field code
   for ODT. Code below.

3. Export to ODT and do the things you normally do with Zotero, like
   generating a bibliography. (Note that Zotero won't let you insert a
   bibliography until you've inserted at least one Zotero reference
   from within LibreOffice. You can always delete it afterwards.)

If this works for you, the code (which is a quickly thrown-together 
mess) can probably be improved on.

Christian Moe

** OrgMode.js translator


1. Tangle or copy the below to a file called OrgMode.js.
2. Place it in the Zotero translators folder (on Mac, that's


3. Restart Firefox.
4. Open Zotero  Actions (the cogwheel icon)  Preferences. From the
   drop-down menu, select Org-mode as the Quick Copy default format.

Use: you can

- drag and drop references from the Zotero panel to the Emacs buffer,
- Quick Copy to clipboard with Shift-Cmd-C (Mac) and yank in the
  Emacs buffer

#+name: OrgMode.js
#+begin_src javascript
translatorID: b0006c6f-b743-4508-beaf-490bbd68a403,
label: Org-mode,
creator: Christian Moe,
target: org,
minVersion: 2.1.9,
maxVersion: ,
priority: 200,
displayOptions: {
exportCharset: UTF-8,
exportNotes: true,
exportFileData: false
inRepository: false,
translatorType: 2,
browserSupport: gcs,
lastUpdated: 2011-11-12 17:05:00

// Loosely based on Scott Campbell's ZotSelect.js
// posted at

function doExport() {
// Zotero.write(zotero://select//);
// Zotero.write(\n);

var item;
var notfirst = false;
while(item = Zotero.nextItem()) {

// Separate multiple links
if (notfirst) {
Zotero.write(; )

// Org link path
var library_id = item.LibraryID ? item.LibraryID : 0;

// Org link descr
// create a unique citation key
//var descr = buildCiteKey(item, citekeys);

// write citation key

// Authorname
if(item.creators  item.creators[0]  item.creators[0].lastName) {
} else {
// Separator
Zotero.write(, )
// Year
var numberRe = /^[0-9]+/;
if( {
var date = Zotero.Utilities.strToDate(;
if(date.year  numberRe.test(date.year)) {
} else {

// Close Org link

notfirst = true;

** Zotero link type

Evaluate the following (or place it in your .emacs for repeated use).

Note that clicking the links does not work on Mac and probably won't 
work on Linux/Windows, either (but please let me know if it does!). 
Consider org-zotero-open a placeholder for now.

#+begin_src elisp
  (org-add-link-type zotero

  (defun org-zotero-open (path)
(browse-url (format zotero://select//%s path)))

  (defun org-zotero-export (path desc format)
 ((eq format 'odt)
  ((refmark text:reference-mark-start 
text:name=\%s\/%stext:reference-mark-end text:name=\%s\/)
   (zitem ZOTERO_ITEM 
   (citation-id (substring (org-id-new) -10)) ; Is this a 
good way to make a unique ID?

   (library-id (car (split-string path _)))
   (item-key (car (cdr (split-string path _
   (rnd (concat RND (substring (org-id-new) -10
(setq zitem
  (format zitem
(setq desc (format (%s) desc))
(format refmark zitem desc zitem)))
 (t desc)))

[O] [ODT] [BUG?] Custom links are formatted as for html

2011-11-12 Thread Christian Moe

Hi, Jambunathan,

When I try to define a custom link type with special formatting for 
ODT export, the exporter behaves as if the backend is html.

I'll exemplify with a tweaked version of org-bbdb-export, since that's 
the textbook example of a custom link. I've rewritten it below so that 
if the export FORMAT is 'odt, BBDB links should be in bold.

(defun org-bbdb-export (path desc format)
  Create the export version of a BBDB link specified by PATH or DESC.
If exporting to either HTML or LaTeX FORMAT the link will be
italicized, in ODT it's bold, in all other cases it is left unchanged.
  (when (string= desc (format bbdb:%s path))
(setq desc path))
   ((eq format 'html) (format i%s/i desc))
   ((eq format 'latex) (format \\textit{%s} desc))
   ((eq format 'odt) (format text:span 
text:style-name=\Bold\%s/text:span desc))

   (t desc)))

Now, when I export this:

   Here's my own address (bbdb:Moe).

...the ODT document does not contain the expected:

   Here's my own address (text:span 

...instead, it contains the formatting intended for HTML:

   Here's my own address (iMoe/i).

...which, of course, displays as:

   Here's my own address ().


Re: [O] [ODT] [BUG?] Custom links are formatted as for html

2011-11-12 Thread Christian Moe

On 11/12/11 10:24 PM, Jambunathan K wrote:

When I try to define a custom link type with special formatting for
ODT export, the exporter behaves as if the backend is html.

I have pushed a fix for this. Note that I haven't modified org-bbdb yet.


I confirm that it's fixed. Thanks!

Just to be clear, I only used org-bbdb as an example, I wasn't 
planning to change it (but what I *was* trying to do with custom links 
and ODT was a bit too involved for a minimal example). (And I did not 
mean to imply that changing it is your job.)


Re: [O] zotero plain, org-odt, and citations in general

2011-11-12 Thread Christian Moe

On 11/11/11 5:12 PM, Erik Hetzner wrote:

At Fri, 11 Nov 2011 10:51:22 -0500,
Matt Price wrote:

  Wouldn't the rigt target be, not the sqlite db, but the Zoteor*service*
  that runs on port 50001 when Zotero is running?  Aren't there some
  higher-level tools for working through that interface -- e.g., erik, your
  rst tool uses a python library, does it talk to Zotero that way?

the server that runs on port 50001 is undocumented, last I
checked. And there are no tools to connect to it. Frank Bennett put
together a hack of the jsbridge Firefox extension which works quite
well. [1] But that is python only, as far as I can tell.

A good while back -- before zotero-plain -- I spent some late nights 
eavesdropping on SOAP talk between OpenOffice and Zotero, and writing 
a Perl script to emulate some of it. It wasn't fun, and though I had 
some basic functionality going for a while,

Re: [O] zotero plain, org-odt, and citations in general

2011-11-12 Thread Christian Moe

On 11/13/11 12:45 AM, Christian Moe wrote:

A good while back -- before zotero-plain -- I spent some late nights

Sorry about the noise: I didn't mean to send this fragment. Please ignore.


Re: [O] zotero plain, org-odt, and citations in general

2011-11-10 Thread Christian Moe

On 11/10/11 5:53 AM, Erik Hetzner wrote:

It works for me, with MozRepl 1.1beta2, and the latest Zotero plain.

Thanks. If that's with the latest Firefox too (apparently I'm on 8.0, 
Mozilla's new approach versioning makes me dizzy), there must be some 
problem with my setup. I'll try to figure it out.


Re: [O] problems with mathjax CDN and HTML export

2011-11-09 Thread Christian Moe

On 11/8/11 5:09 PM, Giovanni Ridolfi wrote:

Yes, You're right. It is exported correctly and correctly formatted
if you export only *this* subheading. The subheading ** $$.

But, if you export the whole subtree, from the
* mathjax test  heading, the equation is
converted in HTML format e.g.:alpha; = \frac{1}{Lsub0/sub}


Ah, I see.

The problem is that the $$ in the subheading is interpreted as an 
unclosed math snippet. (Interesting that it's still exported as a 
heading.) After that, math closes when it should open.

Try closing the subheading: * $$ $$ and exporting again.

Getting $$ as a subheading is not quite straightforward, but the 
following will work. Create a user-defined dollar-sign entity (org 
doesn't have one by default):

(setq org-entities-user
   '((dollar \\$ nil #36; $ $ $)))

Now * \dollar\dollar should work.


Re: [O] org-capture-template: How to correctly capture email addresses?

2011-11-09 Thread Christian Moe


If org-contacts-template-email doesn't find an address, it doesn't 
insert a simple text prompt, it inserts a property prompt, which sets 
the property. A property prompt does not need to be positioned in an 
explicit property drawer in the template -- in fact, it looks like 
that will not work.

Removing the EMAIL property and moving the 
%(org-contacts-template-email) field out of the property drawer works:

(setq org-capture-templates
 '((t TODO in ~/org/ - Tasks entry (file+headline 
~/org/ Tasks)

* TODO %?\nSCHEDULED: %^t\n%U %a)
   (c Contact in ~/org/ - Contact entry 
(file+headline ~/org/ Contact)
* %?%(org-contacts-template-name) %^g 


You still get EMAIL at the end of the property drawer, but the order 
is arbitrary anyway. You could replace the whole properties drawer 
with property prompts:

(setq org-capture-templates
 '((t TODO in ~/org/ - Tasks entry (file+headline 
~/org/ Tasks)

* TODO %?\nSCHEDULED: %^t\n%U %a)
   (c Contact in ~/org/ - Contact entry 
(file+headline ~/org/ Contact)

* %?%(org-contacts-template-name) %^g
%^{URL}p %^{WORK}p %^{HOME}p %^{MOBILE}p
%^{LOCATION}p %^{BIRTHDAY}p %^{NOTE}p)))

...but then you'd be prompted for everything, each time; you may not 
want that.


Re: [O] zotero plain, org-odt, and citations in general

2011-11-09 Thread Christian Moe


Is zotero-plain working for others?

I test drove zotero-plain back when it was just developed. Looked 
promising, but I had uneven success with the MozRepl communication, 
possibly something to do with being on an older and slower machine.

Trying it again today (with the most recent zotero-plain, MozRepl and 
moz.el I could find), I press `C-c z i' to insert a citation and 
nothing happens. Well, the Org buffer hangs until I press C-g, and 
except that the *MozRepl* buffer says Process MozRepl deleted.


Re: [O] org-taskjuggler export problems

2011-11-07 Thread Christian Egli

Johnny writes:

 I am trying to export a simple project plan from org to taskjuggler
 through org-taskjuggler.el. I cannot get the behavour I expect and
 need do some manual tweaks to get the taskjuggler file working. What
 am I doing wrong?

You're not doing anything wrong. You've hit some bugs in the taskjuggler

 1) The 'end' date specified in the ':taskjuggler_project' base is ignored and
 the default 280d is used. Because the project duration is long this
 throws an error. The 'start' date however seems properly picked up.

Indeed the end date is not picked up. I remember to have tried to fix
this once, but the problem is that the root task serves as both a
container for the project attributes and is a task at the same time. So
if you define the end, you'll both define the end of the project and the
task, which might not be what you want. Can you try to increase the
org-export-taskjuggler-default-project-duration instead?

 2) The 'task_id' fields are not exported properly.

The taskjuggler exporter uses the task_ids you define just for
dependency resolution. Other than that it creates automatic ids based on
the title of the task. The assumption is that you are not that
interested in defining ids. What do you need them for?

 3) The 'precedes' property is not exported at all

Yes, this is not implemented. Could you use 'depends' instead? And
possibly use alap scheduling?

Hope that helps

Christian Egli
Swiss Library for the Blind, Visually Impaired and Print Disabled
Grubenstrasse 12, CH-8045 Zürich, Switzerland

Re: [O] problems with mathjax CDN and HTML export

2011-11-07 Thread Christian Moe

On 11/7/11 5:02 PM, Giovanni Ridolfi wrote:

the math snippets are always converted in HTML format e.g.:alpha; = 

Do I understand correctly that this is your problem? (Not very clear 
from your long example, which starts with the CDN service.)

If so, I can't reproduce it. Your

\alpha = \frac{1}{L_{0}} \left( \frac{L_2-L_1}{T_2-T_1} \right)
= \frac{1}{L_0}\frac{\Delta L}{\Delta T}

exports verbatim for me, and is correctly formatted.


Re: [O] About commit named Allow multi-line properties to be specified in property blocks

2011-11-03 Thread Christian Moe

On 11/3/11 2:26 AM, Bastien wrote:

Hi Nicolas,

Nicolas  writes:


There is also #+bind:, whose purpose is close enough.

Indeed.  Eric, would it be possible to use

#+bind foo 1

instead of

#+property var foo=1

Correct me if I'm wrong, but the purpose of #+BIND is to specify a 
file local variable, isn't it? The manual gives one example of how to 
modify export settings with it.

With Babel blocks, there should be clarity what variables are to be 
passed to the block as arguments, and what variables should not. 
Currently this is completely clear: Only variables named in a `var' 
property or header argument are passed.

Using =#+bind foo 1= would be ambiguous; you wouldn't know when it's 
for Babel and when it's not. Say we make Babel use BIND values, and 
someone has this setup:

#+BIND: org-export-latex-low-levels itemize
#+BIND: foo 1
#+BIND: bar 2

Then this:

#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(+ foo bar)

would tangle to something like:

(let ((org-export-latex-low-levels (guote itemize))
  (foo (quote 1))
  (bar (quote 2)))
(+ foo bar))

-- which was not the intention.


Re: [O] About commit named Allow multi-line properties to be specified in property blocks

2011-11-03 Thread Christian Moe

On 11/3/11 2:42 AM, Bastien wrote:

But allowing a top-level :PROPERTIES: drawer with properties
whose scope is the entire file looks like a good idea to me.

How other would feel about this?

Not sure if this is already clear, but just in case: The functionality 
is already there. PROPERTY lines set buffer-wide properties.

This works now:

#+TITLE: My foobar file
#+PROPERTY: foo 1
#+PROPERTY: bar 2
#+PROPERTY: baz 3

Replacing it with a top-level property drawer before the outline would 
make another bit of syntax redundant, and it would sometimes save a 
bit of typing (if there are many buffer-wide properties tobe set):

#+TITLE: My foobar file
:foo: 1
:bar: 2
:baz: 3

I have come to expect that any file-wide settings are in #+... lines 
and that any property drawers are associated with outline entries. I 
don't know how important it is to maintain those expectations.


Re: [O] Video showing Jambunathan's ODT exporter

2011-11-03 Thread Christian Moe

On 11/3/11 8:57 PM, Herbert Sitz wrote:

This is some seriously cool functionality for Org that deserves wider exposure.
Jambunathan's done a great job.



[O] FSF assignment

2011-11-02 Thread Christian Moe


I've signed the FSF papers (assignment 711933).

Bastien, shall I just add myself to the list, or is there more procedure?

Christian Moe

Re: [O] wrap long table formula

2011-11-01 Thread Christian Moe

On 11/1/11 8:17 AM, henry atting wrote:

I was thinking of a column formula but have no clue if it's
possible and if so, how.

In this short example the formula's length is no problem but for a
table with 12 rows or more it certainly is; -- and currently it's the
only way I can realize it.

|   |   |
| 2 |   |
| 6 | 4 |
| 7 | 5 |
#+TBLFM: @3$2=vmean(@2$1..@3$1::@4$2=vmean(@2$1..@4$1

|   | |
| 2 | |
| 6 |   4 |
| 7 |   5 |
| 3 | 4.5 |
| 9 | 5.4 |
#+TBLFM: @3$2..@$2=vmean(@2$1..@0$1)


Re: [O] About commit named Allow multi-line properties to be specified in property blocks

2011-11-01 Thread Christian Moe

On 10/31/11 10:36 PM, Eric Schulte wrote:

4. My own idea of allowing any defined property to be passed as an
argument to src blocks (which would require some changes to how Babel
reads its :var header args).

I do see how this approach could be powerful, however I fear both the
size of the change and the potential negative consequences of combining
the property and variable name spaces.

Well, you would know better than me on both scores, so I'll stop 
pushing. Thanks for considering it.


Re: [O] About commit named Allow multi-line properties to be specified in property blocks

2011-11-01 Thread Christian Moe

On 11/1/11 5:58 PM, Eric Schulte wrote:

 so assuming var is an accumulating property, then

#+property: var foo=1
#+property: var bar=2

would result in `org-file-properties' having the following value

   ((var . foo=1 bar=1))

Given this:


#+property: var foo=1
#+property: var bar=2

* Heading
  :var: foo=3


Would it result in ((var . foo=3 bar=2))?


Re: [O] About commit named Allow multi-line properties to be specified in property blocks

2011-11-01 Thread Christian Moe

On 11/1/11 8:02 PM, Eric Schulte wrote:

As for variable handling, I think the solution is to ensure that on the
code-block side of things, a var string like foo=3, bar=2, foo=1
results in,


that is, subtree variable definitions will pre-empty earlier definitions
of the same variable..

Yes, that sounds like the way to go. My previous message implied that 
the var string should only contain unique variable names, but I see 
that that would be needlessly complicated.

This is an interesting approach; I like it better than the property 
block. I'm sure we will think of other useful applications for 
cumulative properties, too (conversely, there'll probably be some side 
effect that will turn around and bite us at some point, though I can't 
think what it would be).


Re: [O] About commit named Allow multi-line properties to be specified in property blocks

2011-10-31 Thread Christian Moe


Having followed the thread on Babel and properties after the removal 
of the #+BABEL headers, I understand the motivation for introducing this.

But I share Nicolas' feelings that a property block doesn't rhyme with 
existing usage of blocks and properties.

There were many other ideas that came up:

1. PROPERTY+ lines (as discussed in Eric's message above).

2. A similar approach to the table formula editor (C-c ') for properties.

3. Allowing some properties to accumulate values, in particular making 
the :var: property for Babel blocks cumulative (slightly different 
versions suggested by Eric and Darlan; either would require some 
changes to Org's property handling), and

4. My own idea of allowing any defined property to be passed as an 
argument to src blocks (which would require some changes to how Babel 
reads its :var header args).

Solutions 1-2 would solve the long lines problem. Solutions 2-4 would 
avoid introducing new syntax (#+BEGIN_PROPERTY or #+PROPERTY+) largely 
to make up for having removed old syntax (#+BABEL). Solutions 3-4 
would have wide-ranging effects and would need some careful study, but 
I think the advantages might outweigh the risks.


Re: [O] About commit named Allow multi-line properties to be specified in property blocks

2011-10-31 Thread Christian Moe

On 10/31/11 9:49 PM, Nicolas Goaziou wrote:

#+begin_src org
#+property: :var foo=1
#+property: :var bar=2
#+property: :var baz=3
#+property: :var qux=4

Two problems:

1) You need to drop the colons before var.

2) The outcome is not what you expect.

#+property: var foo=1
#+property: var bar=2
#+property: var baz=3
#+property: var qux=4

#+begin_src perl :results output
  print foo is $foo, bar is $bar, baz is $baz, qux is $qux

: foo is 1, bar is , baz is , qux is

Because as things currently work, further assignments to the same 
property (var) by subsequent #+PROPERTY lines are ignored. (Whereas 
further assignments to the same property in property drawers further 
down an outline tree will `overwrite' assignments higher up.)


Re: [O] [ANN][RFC] org-odt.texi/org-odt.pdf preview (was Re: Org-odt table format)

2011-10-28 Thread Christian Moe


Great, I'll just wait for your revised draft so we don't get versions 
mixed up.


On 10/28/11 6:19 AM, Jambunathan K wrote:

I will work on your suggestions and circulate a
revised draft shortly.

Once an initial org.texi gets in to the repo, improving it would be a

Re: [O] [ANN][RFC] org-odt.texi/org-odt.pdf preview (was Re: Org-odt table format)

2011-10-27 Thread Christian Moe

Hi, Jambunathan,

This is great. I'd be happy to proofread. What's the best way to 
return the proofs to you? A diff of the .texi?

A couple of questions and suggestions. First, about the syntax rather 
than about the manual:

- Image attributes: Are the parentheses needed in the ATTR_ODT line? 
(This is not about the manual, but about the syntax.) It would be 
simpler and generally more consistent with user expectations from 
other ATTR lines, I think, if it worked like this:

  #+ATTR_ODT: :width 10 :height 10

About the manual:

- Literal examples:
  - Add a hint, where does one get an enhanced htmlfontify.el?

- References and captions (not covered): It would be worth mentioning 
in the Tables and Images sections that these will work, but that you 
may need to use ToolsUpdateFields in LibreOffice to get them 
displayed right.

- There are some long technical sections that are great if you want to 
get under the hood, but may be a bit intimidating, and that come 
before the short first-aid stuff. You might want to consider:

  - Starting Applying Custom Styles with a simple howto setting out 
the user-friendly steps: export an ODT (with num:t and any other 
settings needed to get all the styles), tweak its looks in LibreOffice 
(preserving heading numbering as an option), save the result and point 
to it with ODT_STYLES_FILE.

(As it is, the manual gives a strong impression that the user will 
have to mess with XML files to get custom styles.)

- Possibly moving Exporting and Converting to Other Formats to the 
end of the manual.

- Possibly separating out the explanation of custom table styles as a 
separate section and moving it to the end of the manual. (BTW, custom 
table styles sounds great, I'm looking forward to trying this out.)


On 10/26/11 8:04 PM, Jambunathan K wrote:

The org-odt.texi and org-odt.pdf are in the parent of this mail. It is
also accessible as attachment at

Proof readers invited.

Re: [O] Bug: Remote reference (@$1) doesn't work while ($LR1) works. [7.7]

2011-10-27 Thread Christian Moe

Reproduced. I think this qualifies as a bug.


Re: [O] Bug: Remote reference (@$1) doesn't work while ($LR1) works. [7.7]

2011-10-27 Thread Christian Moe

Yes, that fixed it. Thanks!


On 10/27/11 6:13 PM, Carsten Dominik wrote:

This should be fixed now, please verify.


- Carsten

Re: [O] [RFC] Standardized code block keywords

2011-10-25 Thread Christian Moe

Surprisingly (to me) srcname is the winner here, but luckily I haven't
yet voted, and although I would have though #+source: would have been
the winner I like the simplicity of using #+name: for named code blocks
as well as named data.

Ditto -- it just wasn't on the table yet when I cast my vote.


Re: [O] [ANN] BREAKING CHANGE -- removing #+BABEL file-wide property lines

2011-10-24 Thread Christian Moe
 for that, and would be equally happy to see 
that solution extended to solve your problem.


Re: [O] [ANN] BREAKING CHANGE -- removing #+BABEL file-wide property lines

2011-10-24 Thread Christian Moe

On 10/24/11 2:11 PM, Sebastien Vauban wrote:

But I just have a comment on your second advantage, something that can render
your example inefficient: inheritance is not on by default, and you need to
enable if for *specific properties*.

You can set `org-use-property-inheritance' to t, to make all 
properties inheritable, or you can set it to a list to enable specific 
properties. I suppose you meant that the former would be a bad idea. 
(And it could be, depending on your working habits, file size, outline 
nesting depth and the speed of your machine.)

But you're right, property inheritance is not on by default and I 
forgot to mention that this time around. (I think I did mention it in 
the previous long message where I presented the idea.)

Make it on by default would be a very bad idea -- just think at examples of
the mails sent through Org-mime: what about setting a Cc or To somewhere and
inheriting that in all the file/subtree/etc. May be scary or inefficient

Anyway, setting inheritance of properties to on, means you should declare the
behavior for vars x, y and z, ie declaring it 3 times... Except, maybe, if you
say that var: x, y, z does that too (then you've two things in one shot --
why not?).

Yes, if my suggestion becomes reality, this could be a useful refinement.


Re: [O] [ANN] BREAKING CHANGE -- removing #+BABEL file-wide property lines

2011-10-22 Thread Christian Moe

On 10/21/11 8:40 PM, Rainer M Krug wrote:

Just to add to it: at the moment I have e.g:

#+BABEL: :var SVNVERSION=(vc-working-revision (buffer-file-name))
#+BABEL: :var SVNSTATE=( symbol-name (vc-state (or (buffer-file-name)
#+BABEL: :var SVNSTATENUM=(if (eq (vc-state (or (buffer-file-name)
org-current-export-file)) 'up-to-date) 0 13)
#+BABEL: :var DISP_PACKAGE=seedDisp_0.4-13.tar.gz

which would look horrible in one line and a nightmare to edit.

Any suggestions how this cold be changed?

Wow. I guess I was wrong to imagine your problem was solved.

If your code blocks share the same language, and it supports sessions, 
I'd bite the bullet and transform them into #+HEADERS lines for the 
first src block, then reuse them through a session. Does that make sense?

If your variables are going to be used by different src blocks in 
different languages, I don't have any elegant solution.


Re: [O] [ANN] BREAKING CHANGE -- removing #+BABEL file-wide property lines

2011-10-22 Thread Christian Moe
 somelocalvar=something or other
  while(...) {

This should expand to something like:

use warnings;
my $SVNVERSION = 0.4.13;
my $SVNSTATE = something or other
my $DISP_PACKAGE = seedDisp_0.4-13.tar.gz;
my $somelocalvar = something or other;
while(...) {


OK, hopefully my idea is clear by now.

Could it be made to work?
Would it solve some problems?
Would it mess other things up even worse?


Re: [O] [RFC] Standardized code block keywords

2011-10-21 Thread Christian Moe

I disagree with Tom on [1]: it should clearly be srcname, in analogy
to #+tblname - and also so I don't have to change my files :-} (but see
my question about tblname below).

I'll have to change my files, either way. The price one pays for 
inconsistency. But as I've recently learned from Carsten, it should be 
a one-liner in Perl. :-)

For the sake of analogy, I'll cast my vote for SRCNAME, even if SOURCE 
is more aesthetically pleasing.

I agree on [2] call.


I'm confused by [3] so I will say nothing for now, except to ask some
questions: are we talking about what a human would use to label a piece
of data for consumption by a block (including perhaps the future
possibilities of lists and paragraphs that Tom brought up)? what babel
would use to label a results block (possibly so that it could be
consumed by another block in a chain)? both? would that mean
that #+tblname would go the way of the dodo and that tables would be
labelled with #+data (or #+object or whatever else we come up with)?

+1 (Confused, too)

I wasn't even aware of #+DATA. Does it do anything TBLNAME and SRCNAME 

A reason to keep TBLNAME is that it's also used by the spreadsheet 
remote references. If Babel looked for DATA instead, a table that is 
both a remote reference for another spreadsheet and a data source for 
a src block would need both TBLNAME and DATA, which seems redundant.

As for labeling lists and paragraphs, I recall from the list that 
Nicolas Goaziou is working on a generalized way to set captions, 
labels and attributes for various kinds of Org block, as is possible 
now for tables and images. I thought that sounded promising. I don't 
know if he planned for block names, too (currently we have tblname but 
no imgname), but that could make sense. In which case it might be a 
good idea to coordinate.

Re: [O] [ANN] BREAKING CHANGE -- removing #+BABEL file-wide property lines

2011-10-21 Thread Christian Moe

Hi again,

I can quickly think of two advantages of the late lamented (if only by 
me) #+BABEL header over using properties.

1. Allowing you to specify multiple buffer-wide options on the same 
line (keeping things short), in the same colon :syntax as used in a 
src block header (keeping things consistent and easy to copy back and 
forth). None of this makes a substantive difference.

2. Allowing you to pass multiple buffer-wide arguments with :var. This 
could make a substantive difference in some applications. The 
following will work:

  #+BABEL: :var euro=1.3791 :var salestax=.15

The following will not, since it tries to set the same property:

  #+PROPERTY: var euro=1.3791
  #+PROPERTY: var salestax=.15

If BABEL is dropped for PROPERTY, it would be good for the :var: 
property to support multiple arguments (comma-separated would be good 
for consistency with passing arguments through the SRCNAME). E.g.:

  #+PROPERTY: var euro=1.3791, salestax=.15

I think I'd like this better in any case.


On 10/21/11 9:28 AM, Sebastien Vauban wrote:

Multiple lines may be used to specify multiple properties. e.g.,

#+PROPERTY: results silent
#+PROPERTY: cache yes

*But* I did not know it was limited to _one property per line_.

Knowing that:

- there is no confusion at all -- we simply (have to) know that the first word
   is the name without colon, and the rest are values

- my argument in favor of #+PROPERTIES (over #+PROPERTY) simply falls.

To sum up, I'm perfectly happy with the new choice.

Best regards,

Re: [O] Asciidoc

2011-10-21 Thread Christian Egli

Stephen Nelson-Smith writes:

 I have a large piece of writing to do, which my publisher wants in
 asciidoc.  I'd prefer to write in orgmode and export as asciidoc. 

I used to use asciidoc but much prefer orgmode now.

 Is this feasible?  Anyone doing this or done this before?

Not directly as far as I know. You have different options:

- Export to odt and from there to mediawiki followed by some text munging
- Use the generic exporter to generate mediawiki again followed by
  some text munging 
- Tweak the generic exporter (don't know how feasible and easy that is)
- Write an exporter. For simple ascii exporter that should be doable.
  There are however different competing starting points. There is an
  experimental generic exporter by Bastien and there is apparently one
  by Jambunathan. Can't tell you which one is better.

Hope that helps

Christian Egli
Swiss Library for the Blind, Visually Impaired and Print Disabled
Grubenstrasse 12, CH-8045 Zürich, Switzerland

Re: [O] Patch for bug in adjusting time ranges in Agenda

2011-10-21 Thread Christian Egli
Hi Carsten

Carsten Dominik writes:

 I have just checked in a slightly modified patch.

I think there is a problem with this checkin. The variable
org-agenda-move-date-from-past-immediately-to-today is not defined.
Should this be a defcustom somewhere?

Debugger entered--Lisp error: (void-variable 
  call-interactively(org-agenda-do-date-later nil nil)

Christian Egli
Swiss Library for the Blind, Visually Impaired and Print Disabled
Grubenstrasse 12, CH-8045 Zürich, Switzerland

Re: [O] [ANN] BREAKING CHANGE -- removing #+BABEL file-wide property lines

2011-10-21 Thread Christian Moe

On 10/21/11 11:12 AM, Rainer M Krug wrote:

On Fri, Oct 21, 2011 at 10:14 AM, Christian Moe wrote:


2. Allowing you to pass multiple buffer-wide arguments with :var.
This could make a substantive difference in some applications. The
following will work:

  #+BABEL: :var euro=1.3791 :var salestax=.15

The following will not, since it tries to set the same property:

  #+PROPERTY: var euro=1.3791
  #+PROPERTY: var salestax=.15

I think it is a very important point, that the construct with :var
still works - but as Eric only mentioned the *naming*, I assume that
in the actual usage nothing changes.

Hi, Rainer,

My point was that there is at least one (minor) case where properties 
are not functionally equivalent to the BABEL line: You cannot pass 
arguments for more than one variable buffer-wide, because you can't 
have multiple var properties at the same time, and at present, one var 
property only sets one variable.

The behavior of properties has not changed. What has changed is the 
removal of the BABEL header, whose colon (:var) syntax did allow you 
to set multiple variables buffer-wide should you wish to.


Re: [O] [ANN] BREAKING CHANGE -- removing #+BABEL file-wide property lines

2011-10-21 Thread Christian Moe

On 10/21/11 12:59 PM, Rainer M Krug wrote:

So, using your above mentioned example, after the first PROPERTY line,
euro=1.3795 and SALESTAX not set, while after the second one
salestax=.15, and euro is unset? That would be quite bad.

That's what I'd expected, but actually, euro is set and salestax is 
not. Apparently subsequent PROPERTY lines are ignored if they try to 
set an already existing property.

To clarify: before, we could use #+BABEL and #PROPERTY to do similar
things. Now the whole #+BABEL has been removed, and only the
functionality from #+PROPERTY is left - correct?

That's my understanding. And #+PROPERTY offers equivalent 
functionality in almost every way, but not, as far as I can 
understand, in this corner case.


Re: [O] [ANN] BREAKING CHANGE -- removing #+BABEL file-wide property lines

2011-10-21 Thread Christian Moe


Yes, that works nicely, and should solve Rainer's problem.
I haven't been able to think of anything else that can't be handled by 

And I do think it's a good idea to winnow down the syntax a bit, even 
if things break. I just like to grumble.



On 10/21/11 7:37 PM, Eric Schulte wrote:

Nice idea.  This same issue with var arose when we first started
allowing header arguments to be specified inside subtree properties.
I've just implemented your suggestion so the following are now possible.

#+PROPERTY: var foo=1, bar=2
#+PROPERTY: cache yes

#+begin_src emacs-lisp
   (+ foo bar)

: 3


#+begin_src emacs-lisp :var foo=this, bar=that
   (concat foo   bar)

: this that

Thanks for the suggestion and I hope the above is a sufficient
replacement for the now-missing #+BABEL: syntax.

Cheers -- Eric

Re: [O] [ANN] BREAKING CHANGE -- removing #+BABEL file-wide property lines

2011-10-20 Thread Christian Moe

Whoa -- before this gets more confusing:

Eric, did you push up a (new, or at least so far undocumented in the 
manual) syntax involving a #+PROPERTIES line, as Nick and Sebastien 
seem to understand you?

Or was #+PROPERTIES just a typo, and you mean using the #+PROPERTY 
line or :PROPERTIES: drawer, as provided in the manual?


(lamenting the demise of the #+BABEL header I'd just recently started 
to use)

On 10/20/11 10:12 PM, Eric Schulte wrote:

Nick  writes:

Eric  wrote:

I have just pushed up a change to the Org-mode git repository which
removes support for #+BABEL lines.  Please use the more general
#+PROPERTIES lines instead.

Coming late to the dance - sorry. I think that's very confusing.
Property is an overloaded term in org: we now have the :PROPERTIES:
drawer, the #+PROPERTY line and the #+PROPERTIES line (singular and
plural forms are already pretty bad).

Do the #+PROPERTY and #+PROPERTIES lines have different semantics?

Also, there is the general concept of properties (the stuff that the
property API applies to).

Unless there is an underlying unity of which I'm unaware, I'd strongly
suggest another term - perhaps CODE_BLOCK_HEADER_ARGUMENTS (plus
an easy-template for easy insertion).

Code blocks already piggy-back off of subtree properties pulling their
header arguments out of the properties specified on the subtree level.
Given that header arguments and properties are already thus interleaved
I believe that properties should be used on the file-wide level as well,
rather than introducing another synonymous keyword which adds no new

Does that make sense?

Best -- Eric

Re: [O] A more universal markup for exporters with italics/quotes?

2011-10-19 Thread Christian Moe


On 10/18/11 10:14 PM, John Hendy wrote:

- italics: org doesn't handle multiple line italics in between / and

Tip: You can customize org-emphasis-regexp-components to accept more 
than one newline.

Could there be something like #+begin_quote

There is! It makes blockquotes. Just go ahead and use it.


Re: [O] org-odt: specifying fonts

2011-10-19 Thread Christian Moe

On 10/19/11 7:54 PM, Jambunathan K wrote:

#+ODT_STYLES_FILE: /path/to/styles.xml

Perfect. Thanks for the quick response!


Re: [O] org-odt: specifying fonts

2011-10-19 Thread Christian Moe

Hi, Mehul,

It's not that I would be opposed to a fonts option, of course, but I 
don't see it as a priority or even necessary. As long as org-odt 
handles the document structure and semantics right, and allows 
attaching an external stylesheet, I think it's done its job.

There are other developments I'm more keen on, like a finalized set of 
documented header options for images (those often need to be set on a 
per-image basis), or the table styles Jambunathan's been experimenting 
with (OpenOffice, eat your heart out!), or simply the definitive 
integration of the odt exporter into core Org.

On 10/18/11 11:15 PM, Mehul Sanghvi wrote:

As for fonts, like styles, it
would be easier, simpler and more elegant
to be able to do that without having to edit styles.odt every time.
This is not specific to org-odt.  It should be,
at least I think so for now, to do this with any exporting backend.

Some would say tinkering with fonts is a distraction from writing that 
having Your Life In Plain Text allows you to get away from. And the 
consistent use of styles and templates is anyway good word-processing 

But sure, this is possible in other backends. For html export (which I 
know better than latex), one can simply include a header like:

  #+STYLE: style * { font-family: Gentium; } /style

to make every element use the Gentium font if available. If I need 
more than 2-3 STYLE headers to get a job done, though, I find it 
easier, simpler and more elegant to link to an external stylesheet.

HTML comes with the breathtaking power and simplicity of CSS styling; 
LaTeX comes with breathtaking power and ... well, at least it's in 
plain text that Org can pass on to the relevant backend. ODT is a 
slightly different story. Its styles are in XML that was not really 
meant to be hand-edited.

If you send me a styles.odt, and I do not like the fonts you are
using, it becomes cumbersome to be editing the styles.odt
for each font and making sure to change it in all possible places
until I settle on a proper font I want to use.

If I could instead specify the font in org file itself, it would be a
matter of changing the header and re-generating the file.

You'd still need to do the cumbersome work of making sure to change it 
in all possible places, though. Changing the Default paragraph style 
will typically change e.g. the linked Text Body style, too , but not 
the headings (they're linked with Heading). So at a minimum, you'd 
need options to modify both. And once fonts can be specified, users 
will want sizes, weights, colors, borders, etc. Sure, there could be 
an extensive options vocab a la:

  #+ODT_STYLE: Default :type para :font Gentium :size 12pt
  #+ODT_STYLE: Heading :type para :font Arial :size 16pt :weight 
bold :color blue :borders ...etc. etc. ...

But is it needed? While Latex, HTML and DocBook users should never be 
required to sully their hands with a GUI, when we use ODT we can 
reasonably be expected to open up an office application now and again 
to modify our templates.

Okay, #+END_RANT...


Re: [O] outline-demote incorrectly demotes leaf nodes

2011-10-18 Thread Christian Moe


The Org manual (2.5 Structure editing) says to use M-S-right 
(org-demote-subtree) for what the submitter wants to do.


On 10/18/11 10:55 AM, Sébastien Delafond wrote:


from Debian bug #645360 (

   Here's my test file, call it

   * a
   ** aa
   *** aaa

   I put the cursor at the beginning of the file (at the * in the first
   line).  Then I type C-c C-  (i.e. outline-demote).  The result is

   ** a
   *** aa
   ***  aaa

   I expected that the last line (the leaf node aaa) would become a
   fourth-level heading, i.e.  aaa.  Instead, the fourth * that I
   was hoping for looks like it became a space.

There wasn't any patch provided by the submitter.



Re: [O] org-odt: turning off section numbering does not work

2011-10-18 Thread Christian Moe

Hi, Jambunathan,

On 10/18/11 2:05 PM, Jambunathan K wrote:

When you are generating such a custom styles file for templating
purposes, it is highly desirable that H:10 num:t be option used.


I believe the above restriction is not overly restrictive.

No, that makes good sense, and thanks for pointing it out. I can well 
understand that you don't want to handle num:t isn't working 
complaints caused by other people's stylesheets.

3. Pointed org-export-odt-styles-file to styles.odt.
4. Exported to test-odt.odt. Result: no headings at all
-- everything's in the Default style.


I have pushed a fix for this moment ago. Hope things are OK with your

Yes, whatever the problem was, it's gone now. Thanks!


Re: [O] org-odt: specifying fonts

2011-10-18 Thread Christian Moe

Hi, Mehul, cc: Jambunathan,

I agree with Mehul it would be great to have an option to specify a 
styles file on a per-file basis. Something like:

  #+ODT_STYLE: ~/org/odt-templates/cv.odt

Jambunathan, please consider this a feature request (if you haven't 
implemented it already, and I've missed it as usual...)

Many users will want to use different styles files for different kinds 
of document (e.g. report.odt, cv.odt). Customizing 
org-export-odt-styles-file every time they've got a different kind of 
document to export does not seem the best way. There should be a way 
for each Org file to remember what ODT style it wants, parallel to the 
options that exist for html (#+STYLE) and latex (#+LATEX_HEADER).

As for specifying fonts, etc., in ODT export, that's definitely 
something that should be done through the choice of an external style 
template. The org-odt exporter has done its job if everything you 
could reasonably want to style is exported in a named paragraph or 
character style that you can apply a template to.


PS. Mehul, I do have a stopgap solution for specifying the style 
template on a per-file basis. Place this somewhere in your Org 
document (e.g. before the first heading), and replace 
/path/to/template.odt with the path to your styles file.

#+begin_src emacs-lisp :results silent :exports results
(setq org-export-odt-styles-file /path/to/template.odt)

On 10/18/11 6:32 PM, Mehul Sanghvi wrote:

This may not be specific to org-odt, but maybe applies to Org itself.

I have a LaTeX file which I use for my resume at the moment.  The
fonts that are being used with it are great for what I want.
How do I specify fonts that I want to use, rather then the defaults?
Do I have to do that through styles.odt ?
If so, is there a specific OPTION for specifying the style file to use
?   That would be a nice enhancement if it is not already there.

I may want to use different styles/fonts, etc. and probably do not
want to play around with the styles.odt file each time I make
changes to the styles.odt file.

Re: [O] org-odt: turning off section numbering does not work

2011-10-17 Thread Christian Moe


According to this thread, num:nil should work in recent versions of Org:

It works for me.

You might try updating to the most recent version of Org and see if 
that fixes things.

As a one-off fix, in OpenOffice you can turn off the numbering with 
Tools  Outline Numbering. For each of the three heading levels that 
are numbered, you need to set Number to None, and delete the dot in 
Separator After.


On 10/17/11 4:07 PM, Mehul Sanghvi wrote:

I have the following in my org file:

#+OPTIONS: toc:nil H:10 num:nil

Yet in my ODT file I get numbered sections:

 1. Work Experience

  1.1.1   Company A

  1.1.2   Company B

2.  Skills

3.  Education

Am I doing something wrong ?  Or is there another option that I am not
aware of ?

Re: [O] org-odt: turning off section numbering does not work

2011-10-17 Thread Christian Moe

That probably explains it, then.

But, uh, can I borrow this thread for a moment?

I find custom styles in ODT export aren't working as per the manual, 
section 12.8.2. Here's what I've done (test files attached; Emacs 
23.3.1; Org 7.7, freshly pulled):

1. Exported to ODT with default settings.
2. In OpenOffice: Changed the Heading 1 style in the exported ODT 
document to red, then saved it as styles.odt.

3. Pointed org-export-odt-styles-file to styles.odt.
4. Exported to test-odt.odt. Result: no headings at all 
-- everything's in the Default style.

This is how I understand the manual, and the thread I referenced 
before, and I remember having tested it before at some point when it 
worked perfectly, so I'm rubbing my eyes and wondering if it's just 
me. Could I ask someone to please check?


On 10/17/11 8:31 PM, Mehul Sanghvi wrote:

On Mon, Oct 17, 2011 at 14:00, Nick  wrote:

My (factually-baseless but best-that-I-can-do given the paucity
of information you provide) guess is that you are not running the
version you think you are running.


What I have is Org-mode version 7.5 (baseline.533.ga5129.dirty), so it seems
your factually-baseless guess is correct.

% git remote -v
origin (fetch)
origin (push)

I have been pulling from the wrong repository.



#+title: Test ODT export
#+options: toc:nil num:nil

(setq org-export-odt-styles-file ~/org/odt/styles.odt)

* Heading

Bla bla

* Heading

** Subheading

Bla bla

Description: application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text

Description: application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text

Re: [O] Export as HTML does not preserve nonstandard entities as TODO signs

2011-10-16 Thread Christian Moe


I can't reproduce this. After adding your example to a test buffer and 
re-saving the buffer, I get the expected html export. (Before 
resaving, the buffer was still exported in iso-8859-1, producing 
garbage -- but not underscores -- in html; after resaving, in utf-8.)

With point in your example buffer, what does `C-h v 
buffer-file-coding-system' say?


On 10/14/11 5:47 PM, Arne Babenhauserheide wrote:


I started using ✔ and ❢ as replacement for DONE und TODO and I realized that 
they get replaced by an underscore (_) in HTML output. Since I really like 
using symbols for TODO and DONE¹, I wanted to ask, if this is a bug.

Best wishes,

¹: Just compare:

* ✔ Sent bug question
* ❢ check for response


* DONE Sent bug question
* TODO check for response

PS: I actually have ✔ on my keyboard, and C-c C-t makes it easy to use any kind 
of symbol for TODO states which is supported by the font.

Re: [O] Export as HTML does not preserve nonstandard entities as TODO signs

2011-10-16 Thread Christian Moe


First, sorry about the noise: I had failed to activate your symbols as 
TODO keywords. Now I do reproduce your results.

It also doesn't seem to help to add your special characters to Emacs 
word syntax, as the FAQ says you should.

I think there's a bug in org-html.el (org-export-as-html), around line 
1611. A function that is meant to get a valid class name for the todo 
keyword is not called when the class attribute of the span tag is 
inserted, but a  line below, where the visible text content of the 
span tag is inserted. I'm posting a patch.


[O] [PATCH] Re: Export as HTML does not preserve nonstandard entities as TODO signs

2011-10-16 Thread Christian Moe

Correct html export of todo keywords

 * org-html.el (org-export-as-html): Apply
   org-export-html-get-todo-kwd-class-name to the the class attribute
   of the todo-keyword span tag, not to its text content

The problem was that special characters in todo keywords were being
replaced by underscore. This was meant to happen to the class
attributes set around them.


This only swaps two arguments to a concat.

diff --git a/lisp/org-html.el b/lisp/org-html.el
index a2a9426..47adfd2 100644
--- a/lisp/org-html.el
+++ b/lisp/org-html.el
@@ -1608,9 +1608,9 @@ lang=\%s\ xml:lang=\%s\
(if (member (match-string 2 line)
done todo)
- (match-string 2 line)
-   \  (org-export-html-get-todo-kwd-class-name
-   (match-string 2 line))
+ (org-export-html-get-todo-kwd-class-name
+(match-string 2 line))
+   \  (match-string 2 line)
/span (substring line (match-end 2)

  ;; Does this contain a reference to a footnote?

Re: [O] Bug: spreadsheet [7.7]

2011-10-16 Thread Christian Moe

I have made a brute force solution for this issue, pressing
C-c C-c on a #+ line will remove these overlays first.
Not nice, but it helps with this problem.

- Carsten

make complains:

org.el:18170:33:Warning: reference to free variable
org.el:18171:17:Warning: assignment to free variable
org.el:18172:54:Warning: `t' called as a function
org.el:18177:71:Error: Invalid read syntax: )


Re: [O] org-odt: turning off Table of Contents

2011-10-16 Thread Christian Moe

On 10/16/11 4:03 PM, Mehul Sanghvi wrote:

I do not want a table of contents as it makes no sense for a resume.
How do I disable the generation of that ?
I ran the unit test for ODT and it generated a ToC, although I didn't
see anything in the file to indicate
such a  behaviour.

In the #+OPTIONS line, set toc:nil

Hope this helps,

Re: [O] Idea: insert current sort order property

2011-10-13 Thread Christian Moe


Not sure I can help; I don't quite see how this error could be caused 
by anything in the code I sent you. Is this happening on the same 
system as you used before? What version of Emacs are you on when this 


On 10/13/11 1:40 PM, Gez wrote:

Thanks.  I got it to work from a scratch buffer but not from .emacs
(previous version worked fine from my .emacs).  Restarting emacs
showed an error.
Warning (initialization): An error occurred while loading

Invalid read syntax: #

To ensure normal operation, you should investigate and remove the
cause of the error in your initialization file.  Start Emacs with
the `--debug-init' option to view a complete error backtrace.

I couldn't copy the whole backtrace here (an encoding issue?)  Here's
the start and end of it in case it's any help:
Debugger entered--Lisp error: (invalid-read-syntax #)
   eval-buffer(#buffer  *load*  nil
q:/Q_Synced/Portable/emacs-23.3/home/.emacs nil t)  ; Reading at
buffer position 13136
q:/Q_Synced/Portable/emacs-23.3/home/.emacs t t)
   load(~/.emacs t t)
un-pastable stuff snipped
[init-file-user system-type user-init-file-1 user-init-file otherfile
source ms-dos ~ /_emacs windows-nt directory-files nil
^\\.emacs\\(\\.elc?\\)?$ ~/.emacs ^_emacs\\(\\.elc?\\)?$
~/_emacs /.emacs t load expand-file-name init
file-name-as-directory /.emacs.d file-name-extension elc
file-name-sans-extension .el file-exists-p file-newer-than-file-p
message Warning: %s is newer than %s sit-for 1 default alt
inhibit-default-init inhibit-startup-screen] 7]()


Re: [O] Idea: insert current sort order property

2011-10-12 Thread Christian Moe


You can copy the code into a buffer and `evaluate' it, i.e. teach 
Emacs the new function for this session. You evaluate an elisp 
expression by placing point right after the last closing parenthesis 
and pressing `C-x C-e'. When you do, the minibuffer should display the 
name of the function.

After this, Emacs will only remember the function for the rest of the 
session. If you like it and want it available the next time you start 
Emacs, just copy it into your .emacs file (only the bit *between* the 
#+BEGIN_SRC and #+END_SRC lines).

This is the basic drill for using little snippets of code that don't 
merit a file of their own.

Since this is an interactive function, you can call it with `M-x'. 
Place point in the appropriate parent entry in your music outline and 
try `M-x cm/org-store-outline-order'.


- Since the code in this case is surrounded by a #+BEGIN_SRC block, if 
you copy it into an Org buffer, you can also evaluate it simply by 
`C-c C-c' with point anywhere on the code block.

- You can change the name and drop the `cm/' prefix if you like (I 
just use it as a reminder this is my hack, not part of Org-mode).


On 10/12/11 1:35 PM, Gez wrote:

Thanks, Christian.  Please forgive my ignorance but what should I do
with the code?  I've not done anything more advanced than
org-customize before.


On 11 October 2011 20:46, Christian Moe wrote:

Hi, Gez,

On 10/7/11 5:02 PM, Gez wrote:

What I'm imagining is a command executed on a headline to insert a
property into each of its children fixing the current order;
something like :sorted:01, :sorted:02  etc.

I think this is a neat idea, and can see some uses for it for my
own stuff. I've made a first pass below. Please test it and let me
know how it works for you (and please *don't* test it on anything
valuable without backing up first!).


Code follows.


#+begin_src emacs-lisp
  (defun cm/org-store-outline-order (arg prop)
Store the outline of the subtree of the entry at point by
  setting the property PROP of each direct child entry to its
  current position in the tree. With prefix ARG, store the position
  of the whole subtree. The tree can be restored to the stored
  outline by sorting on the property with `C-c ^ r'. Note that this
  will only work properly on the order of each subtree; if headings
  are demoted, promoted, or moved into different subtrees, the
  result may or may not be nonsense, but it will be impossible to
  restore the original order by sorting.
(interactive P\nsProperty key (default OutlineIndex): )
(if (string= prop ) (setq prop OutlineIndex))
(if (or (not (org-map-entries t (concat prop ={.}) 'tree))
(y-or-n-p Property exists; overwrite? ))
(let* ((match (format LEVEL%s%s
  (if arg = =)
  (1+ (org-current-level
   (counter 1)
   (width (1+ (floor (log10 (length (org-map-entries t
match 'tree))
   (fstr (concat %0 (number-to-string width) d)))
  (org-set-property prop
(format fstr counter))
  (setq counter (1+ counter)))
   match 'tree)

Re: [O] Idea: insert current sort order property

2011-10-12 Thread Christian Moe

On 10/12/11 5:59 PM, Gez wrote:

I do use revisioning, but Is there a protocol I should use for testing
code snippets before using them on my original data or can they be
considered safe after being run once?

Save often; backup/commit often; be ready to hit 'undo'...? Do the 
first test run on mock data in a file?

One thing that might be useful to add to the code please ...   If when
prompting for the property key, TAB brought up the list of
auto-complete keys (like when using C-c C-x p) that would make for
easier maintenance and consistency; e.g. when I deliberately want to
overwrite a previous outline index it would avoid a second set of
properties being written accidentally if I made a typo.

Then we need a way to keep track of what property keys are used to 
store outlines in, so we can offer those and only those for 
completion. (We don't want to offer all the property keys used in the 
buffer -- that's an invitation to overwrite data.)

So in my second pass (below), when you use a :foo: property to store 
the outline index, `foo' gets added to a list of keys in the 
:Stored_outlines: property of the parent. When you store an outline, 
the prompt for a property key offers completion on all the keys stored 
in :Stored_outlines:. See how this works for you.


#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
  (defun cm/org-store-outline-order (arg prop)
Store the heading order of the subtree of the entry at point
  by setting the property PROP of each direct child entry to its
  current position in the tree. With prefix ARG, store the position
  of the whole subtree.

  You can store different heading orders in the same subtree by
  using different keys as PROP; these will be listed in the
  Stored_Outlines property of the parent entry. The tree can be
  restored to a given stored outline by sorting on the appropriate
  property with `C-c ^ r'.

  Note that this will only work properly on the order of each
  subtree; if headings are demoted, promoted, or moved into
  different subtrees, the result may or may not be nonsense, but it
  will be impossible to restore the original order by sorting.
(interactive P\ni)
(let* ((match (format LEVEL%s%s
  (if arg = =)
  (1+ (org-current-level
   (counter 1)
   (width (1+
 (length (org-map-entries t match 'tree))
   (fstr (concat %0 (number-to-string width) d))
   (defaultprop OutlineIndex)
   (keychain Stored_Outlines)
   (keys (org-entry-get-multivalued-property
   (point) keychain)))
  (unless prop
(setq prop
   (concat Property to use [ defaultprop ]: )
   (mapcar 'list keys) nil nil nil nil defaultprop)))
  (when (or (not (org-map-entries t (concat prop ={.}) 'tree))
(y-or-n-p Property exists; overwrite? ))
 (point) Stored_Outlines prop)
(org-set-property prop
  (format fstr counter))
(setq counter (1+ counter)))
 match 'tree)


On 10/12/11 1:35 PM, Gez wrote:

Thanks, Christian.  Please forgive my ignorance but what should I do
with the code?  I've not done anything more advanced than
org-customize before.


Re: [O] [agenda] Case-insensitive tag search

2011-10-11 Thread Christian Moe

On 10/11/11 8:22 AM, Carsten Dominik wrote:

(...) To be on the safe side, my suggestion
would be to apply a function to your files which would
downcase all the tags present in the buffer.

Marcelo, maybe this is a nice task to try your elisp on?
With perl, it would be a one-liner

I have one... but I won't spoil Marcelo's fun if he wants to write his 
own; it was indeed a nice task!



Re: [O] Idea: insert current sort order property

2011-10-11 Thread Christian Moe

Hi, Gez,

On 10/7/11 5:02 PM, Gez wrote:

What I'm imagining is a command executed on a headline to insert a
property into each of its children fixing the current order;
something like :sorted:01, :sorted:02  etc.

I think this is a neat idea, and can see some uses for it for my own 
stuff. I've made a first pass below. Please test it and let me know 
how it works for you (and please *don't* test it on anything valuable 
without backing up first!).

Ideally there would
be a prompt for the property key (or part of it) so that there could
be more than one such property for a particular headline, but with the
option to simplify the usage and consistency by having just one
property key as a default and no prompt.

More or less done. There'll be a prompt anyway, but just hit RET to 
select the default (OutlineIndex).

If a sorted headline got moved to a new parent its sort-order might be
a duplicate one of its siblings, but I don't really see that as a
problem - the user knows it's only text after all.

The below will just do sequential numbering, as you suggested (01, 02, 
03...) Then, as long as you've only changed the order of siblings at 
each level, the order can be restored by sorting on the outline-index 
property (C-c ^ r) for each parent.

Irretrievable chaos may and probably will result if headlines are 
demoted, promoted, or moved to new parents. As long as the user's fine 
with that, everything's fine.

An obvious refinement would be to do true outline numbering (e.g. 01, 
01-01, 01-01-01, 01-01-02, 01-02-01, 01-02-02 ...). Then you could 
restore the original outline entirely no matter how headings have been 
moved around. But you couldn't do that by sorting; making that useful 
would take additional code, so I haven't implemented it (yet).

I don't know
whether it might be desired to similarly fix the sort-order of 1st
level headlines; perhaps the command could act per current file, with
a  to narrow down to the current tree.

The below will not number the entry at point, because that could break 
a numbering already set at that level. It will number its direct 
children. With prefix, it will number all its descendants. See how it 
works for you. I made it the default behavior to number only the 
direct children of the entry at point, since littering the whole tree 
with property drawers is not necessarily what you want to do.

I'm also not sure how to deal
with larger numbers - 01-99 seems like a good default but could one
have an option for 001-999?  I also wonder about adding the property
to more than one level at a time, but might that be a bit much in
terms of affecting performance?

Solved; the below counts the total number of headings first, then 
adjusts the zero padding accordingly. Code follows.


#+begin_src emacs-lisp
  (defun cm/org-store-outline-order (arg prop)
Store the outline of the subtree of the entry at point by
  setting the property PROP of each direct child entry to its
  current position in the tree. With prefix ARG, store the position
  of the whole subtree. The tree can be restored to the stored
  outline by sorting on the property with `C-c ^ r'. Note that this
  will only work properly on the order of each subtree; if headings
  are demoted, promoted, or moved into different subtrees, the
  result may or may not be nonsense, but it will be impossible to
  restore the original order by sorting.
(interactive P\nsProperty key (default OutlineIndex): )
(if (string= prop ) (setq prop OutlineIndex))
(if (or (not (org-map-entries t (concat prop ={.}) 'tree))
(y-or-n-p Property exists; overwrite? ))
(let* ((match (format LEVEL%s%s
  (if arg = =)
  (1+ (org-current-level
   (counter 1)
   (width (1+ (floor (log10 (length (org-map-entries t 
match 'tree))

   (fstr (concat %0 (number-to-string width) d)))
  (org-set-property prop
(format fstr counter))
  (setq counter (1+ counter)))
   match 'tree)

Re: [O] [OT] org - InDesign integration possible?

2011-10-10 Thread Christian Moe
No, I don't use it myself, but I expect using the ODT exporter, 
opening in OpenOffice or similar, and saving to .doc or .rtf for 
import into InDesign is your best bet. (As to whether .doc or .rtf, 
experiment. In my limited experience designers prefer RTF, for good 
reason, but OpenOffice RTF export has been quirky for me in the past.)


On 10/9/11 11:06 PM, Marcelo de Moraes Serpa wrote:

Hi list,

I've seen a designer friend layout a book in InDesign so quickly and
the output is amazing. I wonder if there's a way to feed text into
InDesign documents through a plugin ? If so, a book could be written
in text (org) and then fed into inDesign? Anyone around use / ever
used InDesign for layout?


- M

Re: [O] [babel] create tikz pictures in an floating LaTeX environment

2011-10-09 Thread Christian Moe

Hi, Torsten,

Incidentally, I had to remove \end{scope} (there is no corresponding 
\begin{scope}) to make your code example work. Could that be causing 
some of your trouble?


On 10/8/11 4:45 PM, Torsten Wagner wrote:

Hi Eric

``:results output silent'' should suppress that I think.

Nick's solution should work well.  Also, (if you're exporting to LaTeX)
couldn't you just combine the tikz picture and the wrapping figure
environment into a single begin_latex block?

Yep Nick solution is working fine. I just wonder what is the order of
execution during export. E.g. if I generate the link to a file as
output and place it directly under the lines to add a picture in
org-mode, I thought the code block would be execute first and the
result would replace the function call. The exporter will find a link
to a picture and export it as usual. This was the reason I thought the
following code should work.

#+CAPTION:my great picture
#+LABEL:  fig:my_picture
#+srcname: mypicture
#+begin_src latex :file fig/mypicture.pdf :packages '(( tikz))
:border 1em :fit
  \begin{tikzpicture}[line width=1pt,text centered, inner sep = 2]
  \draw[fill=red!50] (0,0) rectangle  ++(5,1);
  \draw[fill=yellow!50] (1,1) rectangle  ++(1,0.25);
  \draw[fill=yellow!50] (3,1) rectangle  ++(1,0.25);
  \draw[fill=green!50] (0.75,1) rectangle  ++(1.5,-0.4);
  \draw[fill=green!50] (2.75,1) rectangle  ++(1.5,-0.4);

or alternatively
#+CAPTION:my great picture
#+LABEL:  fig:my_picture
#+call: mypicture()

As for putting all figure environment and tikz into one latex-code block.
First of all I thought that :file fig/mypicture.pdf will generate and
process an individual LaTeX file. Thus, I could not use any commands
for the main manuscript right? Sure I could skip the :file command
however, I would prefer to generate each picture as an individual pdf
file. This gives me much more flexibility. I can easily convert them
into any other format and share them individually with co-workers.
Furthermore, many journals are very strict (and minimal) with there
supported LaTeX environment. The tikz package is often not installed
on there machines and the upload process would fail. In addition some
journals require to upload each figure individually. Thus, I am used
already to generate individual pdf-files for each figure and include
them into the manuscript by a simple \includegraphic line.

Thanks for the help


CC. I notice something else regarding to babel. Please see my next post

Re: [O] Merge Properties into Template

2011-10-07 Thread Christian Moe
PS. Note that with the code example I sent, your templates can also 
access the special properties listed in section 7.2 of the manual, 

Re: [O] The org paper manual - tools used

2011-10-06 Thread Christian Egli
Nick Dokos writes:

 Marcelo de Moraes Serpa wrote:

 How was the process, from org file to tex to paper? I think it'd be
 nice if whoever did it (Carsten?) documented that on Worg. Org is
 amazing as a publishing platform (for books and ebooks), but I feel
 the information is still scattered around. 

 Unfortunately, the org documentation is not an org file: org.texi is the
 primary file and it has always been a texinfo file. makeinfo is used to
 turn it into an info file, and texi2pdf is used to turn it into a PDF
 file (and thence to paper): see the org Makefile.

Well, back in the olden days the documentation was simple plain text
inside of org.el which I eventually converted into a texinfo file.
Texinfo has some very nice features which at the time org-mode did not
even dream of having (it did not have an agenda and probably no

Christian Egli
Swiss Library for the Blind, Visually Impaired and Print Disabled
Grubenstrasse 12, CH-8045 Zürich, Switzerland

[O] [PATCH] Special blocks: Make well-formed HTML

2011-10-06 Thread Christian Moe

* org-special-blocks.el
(org-special-blocks-convert-html-special-cookies): Close paragraph
before opening or closing the div, and open paragraph after. Also
changed newline placement to be the same as for other blocks.

The problem was that special blocks did not produce well-formed HTML
because they  wrapped the opening and closing
div tags in p tags.


This patch only borrows a few lines from the handling of `CENTER'
blocks in org-export-as-html.

 lisp/org-special-blocks.el |   22 +-
 1 files changed, 13 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)

diff --git a/lisp/org-special-blocks.el b/lisp/org-special-blocks.el
index 2da57f0..f4e6258 100644
--- a/lisp/org-special-blocks.el
+++ b/lisp/org-special-blocks.el
@@ -78,15 +78,19 @@ seen.  This is run after a few special cases are 
taken care of.

 (defvar line)
 (defun org-special-blocks-convert-html-special-cookies ()
-  Converts the special cookies into div blocks.
-  ;; Uses the dynamically-bound variable `line'.
-  (when (string-match ^ORG-\\(.*\\)-\\(START\\|END\\)$ line)
-(message %s (match-string 1))
-(if (equal (match-string 2 line) START)
-   (insert div class=\ (match-string 1 line) \\n)
-  (insert /div\n))
-(throw 'nextline nil)))
+Converts the special cookies into div blocks.
+;; Uses the dynamically-bound variable `line'.
+(when (string-match ^ORG-\\(.*\\)-\\(START\\|END\\)$ line)
+  (message %s (match-string 1))
+  (when (equal (match-string 2 line) START)
+(insert \ndiv class=\ (match-string 1 line) \)
+  (when (equal (match-string 2 line) END)
+(insert \n/div)
+  (throw 'nextline nil)))

 (add-hook 'org-export-html-after-blockquotes-hook

Re: [O] Org-special-blogs does not make well-formed xhtml

2011-10-06 Thread Christian Moe

Hi, Carsten,

I've submitted a patch separately. It seems to play nice with the 
enclosed test file.

If org-special-blocks is supposed to become part of the core (it's 
moved out of contrib, but we still have to require it), it might make 
sense to just move the html and latex formatting code into org-html.el 
and org-latex.el respectively, together with the handling of 
blockquotes, verses, centering etc.


On 10/4/11 11:33 PM, Carsten Dominik wrote:

Hi Christian,

for now I have reverted the patch.  WOuld you like to work on a better one?

- Carsten

On 4.10.2011, at 21:01, Christian Moe wrote:


Carsten, thanks.

Jambunathan's probably right, though, that this fix (while necessary) is 
incomplete. Sorry, I hadn't thought it through.

Now, when the first paragraph of a special block comes right after the #+BEGIN_WHATEVER line, it 
will just come as the first text node of thediv  block, and will not be wrapped in 
ap  element. So among other things, any special CSS styling forps will not be 
applied to it.

It's not a big deal -- if you need ap  (and often you really don't) the 
workaround is as simple as leaving an empty line between #+BEGIN_WHATEVER and the 
first paragraph.

But I guess it would be more consistent/expected/helpful behavior for special-blocks 
to start a new paragraph -- this time *after* the openingdiv  tag and not 
around it!


On 10/4/11 4:36 PM, Jambunathan K wrote:

Carsten   writes:

I see no reason to not uncomment this line.  Shall we just do this?

Shouldn't a paragraph be opened/closed while entering/leaving the div.

, See org-xhtml-format-environment
| (center
|  (case beg-end
|   (org-lparse-end-paragraph)
|   (insert \ndiv style=\text-align: center\)
|   (org-lparse-begin-paragraph))
|   (org-lparse-end-paragraph)
|   (insert \n/div)
|   (org-lparse-begin-paragraph

We can always open a paragraph gratis, because empty paragraphs are
pruned at the end of export.

#+style: style.abstract:before { content: Abstract: ; font-weight: bold; 
display: inline}
#+style: .abstract {font-size: 10pt; margin-left: 3em}
#+style: .sidebar {border: 1px solid black; padding: 1em; background: yellow; 
counter-increment: box}
#+style: .sidebar:before {content: Box  counter(box); font-weight: bold; 
display: block}
#+style: p {font-family: arial}/style

Special blocks test

#+begin_src emacs-lisp
  (require 'org-special-blocks)

: org-special-blocks

  This is a special =abstract= block.

Some text.

  This is a sidebar with additional detail. Check that the first
  paragraph is styled the same as the others.

  It extends over several paragraphs.

Some more text.


  This is another example with lines above/below.


Text again.

  This is centered text. Like special blocks, it's wrapped in a =div=
  element in HTML.

New code:

#+begin_src emacs-lisp
  (defun org-special-blocks-convert-html-special-cookies ()
  Converts the special cookies into div blocks.
  ;; Uses the dynamically-bound variable `line'.
  (when (string-match ^ORG-\\(.*\\)-\\(START\\|END\\)$ line)
(message %s (match-string 1))
(when (equal (match-string 2 line) START)
  (insert \ndiv class=\ (match-string 1 line) \)
(when (equal (match-string 2 line) END)
  (insert \n/div)
(throw 'nextline nil)))

Re: [O] Merge Properties into Template

2011-10-06 Thread Christian Moe


Org doesn't already have a particular way to do this, I think, so a 
little elisp is called for. It's fairly easy with the Org Properties API.

Here's a modest example that will work with your sample document:

#+begin_src emacs-lisp
  (defun cm/org-merge (target)
Fill a template headlined TARGET with the properties of the
  entry at point, replacing e.g. `[AGE]' with the contents of
  an :AGE: property. Use `[HEADLINE]' for the text of the entry
(interactive sTarget template: )
(let ((props (org-entry-properties))
  (setq props (cons (cons HEADLINE (org-get-heading)) props))
(org-open-link-from-string (format [[*%s]] target))
(setq template (org-get-entry)))
  (dolist (p props)
(setq template
   (format \\[%s\\] (car p))
   (cdr p)
   template t)))
  (message template)))

Evaluate this code. Then place point in the Fido entry, do `M-x 
cm/org-merge', and type `Dog Template' at the prompt.

To improve on that, how do you want to use it?
Once Fido's data are merged with the template, what do you want to do 
with the results? Mail them to someone? Export them to HTML? Make a 
new Org entry with the contents and file it somewhere?


On 10/6/11 11:35 AM, Richard Parsons wrote:

Hi all

I'm new to emacs and I'm new to org-mode, apologies if I should have
found this myself, but I have searched and come up blank.

I have a node with properties and I would like to merge that data into
a template.  For example:

* Dogs
** Fido
   :BREED:West Highland Terrier
   :AGE:  2
* Templates
** Dog Template
Your dog, called [HEADLINE], is a [COLOR] [BREED], who is [AGE] years old.

I want to merge the item called Fido into the template called Dog Template.

Could someone point me to the right bit of the manual so I can learn
how to do this?  Or should I be looking to use a different elisp
module to achieve this, something that plays nicely with org-mode?

Many thanks

Re: [O] Merge Properties into Template

2011-10-06 Thread Christian Moe


On 10/6/11 5:56 PM, Richard Parsons wrote:

Firstly, thank you so much for taking the time to write some code,
which (even as a newbie) I was able to get running quickly and easily.

My pleasure. I'm finding my legs in elisp myself, and I often find a 
better solution to a problem I've been grappling with when I think 
about someone else's request. So it was in this case -- I had worked 
on an insanely complicated mail-merge setup, your post made me realize 
it could be done more simply.

Of practical benefit to me would be either: (a) make a new Org entry
and file it (as you suggest) or (b) simply put it in the kill ring, so
that I can yank it wherever I want.

I enclose a new version (below) that does (b), add to the kill ring.

We could also do (a), make an entry and refile it, but if this is what 
you want to do, I'd be more interested in looking into ways to do it 
with org-capture and avoid reinventing the wheel -- even if setting up 
org-capture templates is a little more involved than what you had in mind.

Again, thanks so much for your help, and also the other replies I
received.  I'm very impressed by the org-mode community responding so
quickly to my question.

Pass it forward!


#+begin_src emacs-lisp
  (defun cm/org-merge (target)
Fill a template headlined TARGET with the properties of the
  entry at point, replacing e.g. `[AGE]' with the contents of
  an :AGE: property. Use `[HEADLINE]' for the text of the entry
(interactive sTarget template: )
(let ((props (org-entry-properties))
  (setq props (cons (cons HEADLINE (org-get-heading)) props))
(org-open-link-from-string (format [[*%s]] target) t)
(setq template (org-get-entry)))
  (dolist (p props)
(setq template
   (format \\[%s\\] (car p))
   (cdr p)
   template t)))
  (kill-new template)
  (message template)))

Re: [O] Hyperlink to Lotus Notes documents

2011-10-05 Thread Christian Moe


Looks like someone's solved your problem -- you could try this:

...replacing /usr/local/bin/notes with whatever is the path to the 
Notes client on your system.


On 10/5/11 9:32 AM, bart wrote:

Hi all,

Is there a way how to create external link to Lotus Notes document?
Links work fine in MS Office, in internet browser, but I haven't found
any way, how to make it work in Org mode in Emacs... The sample links
are as follows:



These are sample links to documents in Lotus Notes. These links work
in MS Word (and browser as well), but I just cannot use it in Emacs. I
know, that there is some way, how to program new hyperlink type, but
I'm just a basic user...

Thanks for help


Re: [O] Org-special-blogs does not make well-formed xhtml

2011-10-04 Thread Christian Moe

I see no reason to not uncomment this line.  Shall we just do this?

- Carsten

Yes, would you, please?


[O] Org-special-blogs does not make well-formed xhtml

2011-10-03 Thread Christian Moe


XHTML produced with Org-special-blocks is not well-formed; div tags 
get wrapped in p tags. Example:

   Some text.

 Some details left out of the main text.

 Some more details.

   Some more text.

This results in the following html, which causes XML processors to fail.

   div class=sidebar
 Some details left out of the main text.
 Some more details.
   Some more text.

The problem seems to be fixed by un-commenting the fifth line in the 
below function in org-special-blocks.el:

   (defun org-special-blocks-convert-html-special-cookies ()
 Converts the special cookies into div blocks.
 ;; Uses the dynamically-bound variable `line'.
 (when (string-match ^ORG-\\(.*\\)-\\(START\\|END\\)$ line)
   (message %s (match-string 1))
   (if (equal (match-string 2 line) START)
   (insert div class=\ (match-string 1 line) \\n)
 (insert /div\n))
   (throw 'nextline nil)))

Does anyone know if that was commented out for a reason?


Re: [O] Time estimates time format?

2011-09-20 Thread Christian Egli
Johan Ekh writes:

 But I'd like to make estimates in days, weeks or even months. 

You can certainly do that. Have a look at org-effort-durations. You
could for example define the effort as '2d', '4w' or '7m'.

 And have spent time displayed in percentage of the estimate. Is this

You might be able to do something along this line. Have a look at the
doc string of org-properties-postprocess-alist where it gives you an
example on how to calculate the remaining time (clocked vs estimated).

Christian Egli
Swiss Library for the Blind, Visually Impaired and Print Disabled
Grubenstrasse 12, CH-8045 Zürich, Switzerland

Re: [O] unexpected failure on all formulas

2011-09-20 Thread Christian Moe

Hi, Nick,

I think your vmode() needs to subtract one from the result. The mode 
in the systolic column of Jude's dataset should be 124 (f=12), not 
125 (f=2).

For Jude's limited purposes I got by with less code (but note the 

#+begin_src emacs-lisp
  (defmath vmode (vec)
Returns the mode (most frequent value) of a unimodal vector of
  integers VEC.  WARNING: Will not work with non-integer values or
  multiple vectors. Will only return the lowest mode for multimodal
(let ((freq (histogram vec (1+ (vmax vec)
(1- (find freq (vmax freq)

Using :=vmode(@I..@II), I get 124 (systolic), 80 (diastolic), 68 (pulse).


On 9/20/11 10:26 AM, Nick Dokos wrote:

Nick  wrote:

Jude  wrote:

| mode   |  |   |   |
| Min|  |   |   |
| Max| 127. |   81. |   74. |
#+TBLFM: @$2..@$4=vmode(@i..@ii) :: @$2..@$4=vmin(@i..@ii) :: 

# Local Variables:
# kept-new-versions: 100
# version-control: t
# End:
cut here.
What did I do wrong with this #+TBLFM: line?

Two things:

o as Christian Moe pointed out, calc does not provide a vmode() function.

o the separator lines in the formulas have to be specified using capital
I letters.

Here is an implementation of vmode - afaict, it works correctly but
that may be because I've only tested it on a single set of data. If
you find something wrong, please let me know.

--8---cut here---start-8---
| Date Stamp | Systolic | Diastolic | Pulse |
| [2011-07-19 Tue 02:26] |  138 |92 |74 |
| [2011-07-20 Wed 04:03] |  130 |85 |74 |
| [2011-07-21 Thu 03:50] |  128 |79 |76 |
| [2011-07-22 Fri 02:33] |  121 |80 |79 |
| [2011-07-23 Sat 02:52] |  118 |75 |68 |
| [2011-07-24 Sun 04:13] |  126 |83 |78 |
| [2011-07-25 Mon 02:12] |  122 |79 |76 |
| [2011-07-26 Tue 01:57] |  124 |79 |72 |
| [2011-07-27 Wed 04:03] |  137 |74 |76 |
| [2011-07-28 Thu 03:47] |  136 |80 |76 |
| [2011-07-29 Fri 04:06] |  120 |72 |76 |
| [2011-07-30 Sat 03:18] |  128 |92 |80 |
| [2011-07-31 Sun 07:11] |  124 |84 |72 |
| [2011-08-01 Mon 04:55] |  124 |77 |69 |
| [2011-08-02 Tue 02:47] |  128 |80 |67 |
| [2011-08-03 Wed 06:00] |  132 |89 |70 |
| [2011-08-04 Thu 04:30] |  137 |82 |77 |
| [2011-08-05 Fri 06:10] |  124 |86 |77 |
| [2011-08-06 Sat 04:04] |  139 |88 |78 |
| [2011-08-07 Sun 04:02] |  124 |80 |68 |
| [2011-08-08 Mon 06:36] |  137 |93 |79 |
| [2011-08-10 Wed04:03]  |  120 |80 |68 |
| [2011-08-11 Thu 04:30] |  128 |78 |77 |
| [2011-08-12 Fri 06:36] |  143 |82 |76 |
| [2011-08-13 Sat 06:18] |  125 |76 |69 |
| [2011-08-14 Sun 04:04] |  123 |70 |69 |
| [2011-08-15 Mon 04:04] |  135 |83 |76 |
| [2011-08-16 Tue 04:03] |  128 |80 |69 |
| [2011-08-17 Wed 04:04] |  124 |80 |68 |
| [2011-08-18 Thu 05:58] |  136 |87 |72 |
| [2011-08-19 Fri 05:50] |  116 |80 |64 |
| [2011-08-20 Sat 06:38] |  139 |84 |64 |
| [2011-08-21 Sun 08:20] |  124 |84 |73 |
| [2011-08-22 Mon 03:50] |  138 |76 |70 |
| [2011-08-23 Tue 05:52] |  126 |79 |68 |
| [2011-08-24 Wed 04:53] |  125 |81 |64 |
| [2011-08-25 Thu 05:37] |  124 |79 |68 |
| [2011-08-26 Fri 06:41] |  124 |87 |74 |
| [2011-08-27 Sat 05:44] |  133 |74 |61 |
| [2011-08-28 Sun 03:22] |  124 |76 |61 |
| [2011-08-29 Mon 04:06] |  124 |76 |65 |
| [2011-08-30 Tue 05:52] |  139 |87 |71 |
| [2011-08-31 Wed 06:47] |  152 |86 |68 |
| [2011-09-01 Thu 06:00] |  136 |86 |78 |
| [2011-09-02 Fri 01:22] |  142 |   100 |78 |
| [2011-09-03 Sat 09:12] |  126 |79 |70 |
| [2011-09-04 Sun 11:53] |  130 |90 |72 |
| [2011-09-05 Mon 06:29] |  138 |77 |65 |
| [2011-09-06 Tue 05:42] |  121 |76 |68 |
| [2011-09-07 Wed 06:47] |  131 |77 |68 |
| [2011-09-08 Thu 06:02] |  122 |76 |72 |
| [2011-09-10 Sat 05:38] |  126 |76 |69 |
| [2011-09-11 Sun 10:12] |  137 |87 |64 |
| [2011-09-12 Mon 04:00] |  135 |78 |89 |
| [2011-09-13 Tue 06:00] |  132 |82

Re: [O] Time estimates time format?

2011-09-20 Thread Christian Egli
Johan Ekh writes:

 Thank you,

 I've changed to

 #+PROPERTY: Effort_ALL 2d 1w 2w 3w 4w 2m
 #+COLUMNS: %40ITEM(Task) %17Effort(Estimated Effort){:} %CLOCKSUM

 but there is no mapping between days, weeks, months and hours. For example,
 '2d' + '1w' is summed as '3:00'. How can I change this?

Ah, according to the {:}
sums the times and treats the times as HH:MM, plain numbers are hours.
I guess this is a bug? You can define efforts in terms of weeks, etc.
Some parts of org-mode respect it but column view apparently not. Sorry.
Patches or even just proper bug reports are welcome.

Christian Egli
Swiss Library for the Blind, Visually Impaired and Print Disabled
Grubenstrasse 12, CH-8045 Zürich, Switzerland

Viel Neues fuer Hoerspiel-Fans: Eine aktuelle Uebersicht des Angebots bei der 
SBS finden Sie unter .

Re: [O] unexpected failure on all formulas

2011-09-20 Thread Christian Moe

Hi, Nick,

No whacks intended! It was an easy catch because I was mulling over 
similar problems with my code. My own second pass at a vmode 
implementation for Calc is below, now with support for negative values 
and bimodal data. It takes a different route and is a bit shorter, but 
doesn't handle all the cases your code does (I guess; I don't grok it 


(defmath vmode (vec)
  Return the mode(s), i.e. most frequent value(s), of a vector
  of integers VEC.
  (let ((results (vec)) ; hold results
(index 1)
offset maxfreq)
(setq offset (- 1 (vmin vec))
  vec (+ offset vec) ; bump all ints positive
  freq (histogram vec (1+ (vmax vec)))
  offset (1+ offset) ; histogram added `0' slot
  maxfreq (vmax freq))
;; Collect indexes (less offset) of all max freqs
(while ( (setq index (find freq maxfreq index)) 0)
  (setq results (vconcat results index)
index (1+ index)))
(setq results (- results offset)) ; get neg ints back
;; Return results as vector or number
(if ( (vlen results) 1)
  (head results

On 9/20/11 4:59 PM, Nick Dokos wrote:

Christian  wrote:

I think your vmode() needs to subtract one from the result. The mode
in the systolic column of Jude's dataset should be 124 (f=12), not
125 (f=2).

Yes, this is an off-by-one error: in vfreqs, I should cons prev onto
freqs, not (nth 0 vec). In addition to this and the multimodal problem
that both you and Lawrence Mitchell pointed out, there is another
off-by-one error when vfreqs gets to the end of the list.

All in all, a disaster: can a posting be deleted? or at least marked
with a big, red X so that it won't mislead in the future? I'll try to
post a corrected version later on.

OTOH, my main interest in this was the hooking up of a user function
onto calc and the example, though deeply flawed, does illustrate that.

Thanks to both Christian and Lawrence for the whacks in the head
(although now I have a headache...)


Re: [O] vmin and probably vmax functions don't work

2011-09-19 Thread Christian Moe


I think you'll need to include an actual example that isn't working.

With my own tables I don't see any errors with vmean, vmin, vmax. As 
for vmode, does Calc have such a function? I can't see it documented, 
and putting one in my table doesn't work.


On 9/19/11 4:52 AM, Jude DaShiell wrote:

I'm getting identical numbers with vmean and vmode.  I don't know if that
information is correct but will check it with another system later this
week.  The same figures though also come up for vmin function and I know
for a fact that isn't correct.  That was after saving my org file and
starting up emacs again to see if those figures would change and those
figures did not change.  The only functions from calc that may work are
vmean and perhaps vsum but I've not tried vsum yet so won't make any more
categorical statements about that yet.  I modified the #+TBLFM: line with
the original vmean formulas on it changing them  first to vmode and later
to vmin.  And that's how I got these results.  What I would have liked to
have done would have been to calculate a mode and a min and max for each
of the three figures I'm tracking then had that information show up at the
bottom of the table.

Something like:
| stats: | systalic | diastalic | pulse |
| mode | xxx | yyy | zzz |
| min | xxx | yyy | zzz |
| max | xxx | yyy | zzz |

Though how to get a #+TBLFM: line to calculate for all of this and
position correctly I'll have to figure out later.  I love the Pope, I love seeing him in his
Pope-Mobile, his three feet of bullet proof plexi-glass. That's faith in
action folks! You know he's got God on his side.
~ Bill Hicks

Re: [O] vmin and probably vmax functions don't work

2011-09-19 Thread Christian Moe


You've got row formulas when you want single-cell formulas. Assuming 
it's minima you're after, try

#+TBLFM: @$2=vmin(@I..@II);f0::@$3=vmin(@I..II);f0::@$4=vmin(@I..II);f0


On 9/19/11 12:15 PM, Jude DaShiell wrote:

| Date Stamp | Systalic | Diastalic | Pulse |
| [2011-07-19 Tue 02:26] |  138 |92 |74 |
| [2011-07-20 Wed 04:03] |  130 |85 |74 |
| [2011-07-21 Thu 03:50] |  128 |79 |76 |
| [2011-07-22 Fri 02:33] |  121 |80 |79 |
| [2011-07-23 Sat 02:52] |  118 |75 |68 |
| [2011-07-24 Sun 04:13] |  126 |83 |78 |
| [2011-07-25 Mon 02:12] |  122 |79 |76 |
| [2011-07-26 Tue 01:57] |  124 |79 |72 |
| [2011-07-27 Wed 04:03] |  137 |74 |76 |
| [2011-07-28 Thu 03:47] |  136 |80 |76 |
| [2011-07-29 Fri 04:06] |  120 |72 |76 |
| [2011-07-30 Sat 03:18] |  128 |92 |80 |
| [2011-07-31 Sun 07:11] |  124 |84 |72 |
| [2011-08-01 Mon 04:55] |  124 |77 |69 |
| [2011-08-02 Tue 02:47] |  128 |80 |67 |
| [2011-08-03 Wed 06:00] |  132 |89 |70 |
| [2011-08-04 Thu 04:30] |  137 |82 |77 |
| [2011-08-05 Fri 06:10] |  124 |86 |77 |
| [2011-08-06 Sat 04:04] |  139 |88 |78 |
| [2011-08-07 Sun 04:02] |  124 |80 |68 |
| [2011-08-08 Mon 06:36] |  137 |93 |79 |
| [2011-08-10 Wed04:03]  |  120 |80 |68 |
| [2011-08-11 Thu 04:30] |  128 |78 |77 |
| [2011-08-12 Fri 06:36] |  143 |82 |76 |
| [2011-08-13 Sat 06:18] |  125 |76 |69 |
| [2011-08-14 Sun 04:04] |  123 |70 |69 |
| [2011-08-15 Mon 04:04] |  135 |83 |76 |
| [2011-08-16 Tue 04:03] |  128 |80 |69 |
| [2011-08-17 Wed 04:04] |  124 |80 |68 |
| [2011-08-18 Thu 05:58] |  136 |87 |72 |
| [2011-08-19 Fri 05:50] |  116 |80 |64 |
| [2011-08-20 Sat 06:38] |  139 |84 |64 |
| [2011-08-21 Sun 08:20] |  124 |84 |73 |
| [2011-08-22 Mon 03:50] |  138 |76 |70 |
| [2011-08-23 Tue 05:52] |  126 |79 |68 |
| [2011-08-24 Wed 04:53] |  125 |81 |64 |
| [2011-08-25 Thu 05:37] |  124 |79 |68 |
| [2011-08-26 Fri 06:41] |  124 |87 |74 |
| [2011-08-27 Sat 05:44] |  133 |74 |61 |
| [2011-08-28 Sun 03:22] |  124 |76 |61 |
| [2011-08-29 Mon 04:06] |  124 |76 |65 |
| [2011-08-30 Tue 05:52] |  139 |87 |71 |
| [2011-08-31 Wed 06:47] |  152 |86 |68 |
| [2011-09-01 Thu 06:00] |  136 |86 |78 |
| [2011-09-02 Fri 01:22] |  142 |   100 |78 |
| [2011-09-03 Sat 09:12] |  126 |79 |70 |
| [2011-09-04 Sun 11:53] |  130 |90 |72 |
| [2011-09-05 Mon 06:29] |  138 |77 |65 |
| [2011-09-06 Tue 05:42] |  121 |76 |68 |
| [2011-09-07 Wed 06:47] |  131 |77 |68 |
| [2011-09-08 Thu 06:02] |  122 |76 |72 |
| [2011-09-10 Sat 05:38] |  126 |76 |69 |
| [2011-09-11 Sun 10:12] |  137 |87 |64 |
| [2011-09-12 Mon 04:00] |  135 |78 |89 |
| [2011-09-13 Tue 06:00] |  132 |82 |66 |
| [2011-09-14 Wed 06:01] |  137 |77 |77 |
| [2011-09-15 Thu 04:08] |  141 |87 |64 |
| [2011-09-17 Sat 08:35] |  121 |78 |66 |
| [2011-09-18 Sun 07:04] |  124 |69 |65 |
||  |   |   |
| modes  | 127. |   81. |   74. |
#+TBLFM: $2=vmin(@I..II);f0::$3=vmin(@I..II);f0::$4=vmin(@I..II);f0

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