Re: [O] speed keys for plain lists?

2016-05-09 Thread Bill White
On Mon May 09 2016 at 06:30, Bill White  wrote:

> I'm working on a project that uses deeply-nested plain lists, and I'm
> finding navigation to be a chore.  Is there a way to enable speed keys
> (info "(org) Speed keys") for navigation of plain lists?

Following the ancient tradition of stumbling upon an answer ten minutes
after asking the question... I just found that org-forward-element and
org-backward-element will do the job, and they work fairly intelligently
with org-beginning-of-line.

Now if only one could bind these to more-convenient keys than M-{ and
M-} when in a plain list.

Cheers -

Bill White .
"No ma'am, we're musicians."

Re: [O] speed keys for plain lists?

2016-05-09 Thread Kaushal Modi
On Mon, May 9, 2016 at 10:47 AM Bill White  wrote:

> Now if only one could bind these to more-convenient keys than M-{ and
> M-} when in a plain list.

Now only if emacs allowed changing the default key bindings :P :)

Check out C-h f define-key

(define-key org-mode-map (kbd "KEY") #'COMMAND)

Kaushal Modi

Re: [O] speed keys for plain lists?

2016-05-09 Thread Eric S Fraga
On Monday,  9 May 2016 at 14:15, Bill White wrote:
> Now if only one could bind these to more-convenient keys than M-{ and
> M-} when in a plain list.

Have a look at avy or ace-jump-mode?

I use evil with ace-jump-mode and it works really well for quick
movement around the visible part of a buffer: two chars for moving to
any line on the screen.

: Eric S Fraga (0xFFFCF67D), Emacs, Org release_8.3.4-739-g789412

Re: [O] speed keys for plain lists?

2016-05-09 Thread Marcin Borkowski

On 2016-05-09, at 16:57, Kaushal Modi  wrote:

> On Mon, May 9, 2016 at 10:47 AM Bill White  wrote:
>> Now if only one could bind these to more-convenient keys than M-{ and
>> M-} when in a plain list.
> Now only if emacs allowed changing the default key bindings :P :)
> Check out C-h f define-key
> (define-key org-mode-map (kbd "KEY") #'COMMAND)

I guess that OP would like some key to do this only when in plain list.
It's slightly less easy then, and the preferred way (advice/new
function/maybe some hook) might depend on the particular choice of the


Marcin Borkowski
Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science
Adam Mickiewicz University

Re: [O] speed keys for plain lists?

2016-05-09 Thread John Kitchin
I found this approach to context aware key bindings useful:

Marcin Borkowski writes:

> On 2016-05-09, at 16:57, Kaushal Modi  wrote:
>> On Mon, May 9, 2016 at 10:47 AM Bill White  wrote:
>>> Now if only one could bind these to more-convenient keys than M-{ and
>>> M-} when in a plain list.
>> Now only if emacs allowed changing the default key bindings :P :)
>> Check out C-h f define-key
>> (define-key org-mode-map (kbd "KEY") #'COMMAND)
> I guess that OP would like some key to do this only when in plain list.
> It's slightly less easy then, and the preferred way (advice/new
> function/maybe some hook) might depend on the particular choice of the
> keys.
> Best,

Professor John Kitchin
Doherty Hall A207F
Department of Chemical Engineering
Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh, PA 15213

Re: [O] speed keys for plain lists?

2016-05-09 Thread Kaushal Modi
On Mon, May 9, 2016 at 11:43 AM Marcin Borkowski  wrote:

> I guess that OP would like some key to do this only when in plain list.
> It's slightly less easy then, and the preferred way (advice/new
> function/maybe some hook) might depend on the particular choice of the
> keys.

Right, the define-key solution was under the assumption that M-{ and M-}
already do what the OP needs.

They are bound to org-backward-element and org-forward-element by default
in org-mode-map. So if M-{/M-} already does what he want, he can simply
bind the same commands to keys of his liking.

Actually org uses org-defkey instead of define-key for these bindings. But
they are not context-aware keys; they apply to org-mode-map:


Kaushal Modi

Re: [O] speed keys for plain lists?

2016-05-09 Thread Eric S Fraga
Jumping in again: I wonder if the OP would prefer org-forward-sentence
(M-e) instead of org-forward-element?  It's a bit finer in

: Eric S Fraga (0xFFFCF67D), Emacs, Org release_8.3.4-739-g789412

Re: [O] speed keys for plain lists?

2016-05-09 Thread Bill White
On Mon May 09 2016 at 13:44, Eric S Fraga  wrote:

> Jumping in again: I wonder if the OP would prefer org-forward-sentence
> (M-e) instead of org-forward-element?  It's a bit finer in
> granularity...

Thank you all for the suggestions thus far.  I'll attach the org file
I'm working with:

 - Volume 1

   - Abate 1

 - Abate (ăbēⁱ⸳t), v.¹ 

 - [a. OFr. abat-re, abat-tre, f. à prep. to + batre battre to beat: — late
   L. battĕre, batĕre, from cl. L. batuĕre.  In the technical senses 18, 19,
   the identity of the prefix is uncertain, and the relation to the other
   senses undetermined.]

 - I. To beat down, demolish, destroy.

   - 1. trans. To beat down, throw down, demolish, level with the ground.
 Obsolete except in Law.

 - 1366 Maundev.: viii. 95 (1839) :: Jerusalem hath often tyme ben
  distroyed, & the Walles abated & beten doun.
 - c 1420 Palladius on Husb. II. 5 :: Hem to desolate Of erthe,
  and all from every roote abate.
 - 1494 Fabyan: vii. 490 :: Yᵉ gates of Bruges, of Ipre, of
  Courtray, and of other townes were abated and throwyn downe.
 - 1576 Lambarde: Peramb. Kent 185 (1826) :: Bycause Apultre was
  not of sufficient strength for their defence and coverture
  they abated it to the ground.
 - 1643 Prynne: Doom of Cowardice & Treach. 4 :: And that night
  came a great party of them, and by fine force made an
  assault and abated the Baracadoes.
 - 1664 Evelyn: Kal. Hort. 13 (1729) :: During the hottest months
  carefully abate the weeds.
 - 1809 Tomlins: Law Dict. s.v. :: To abate; to prostrate, break
  down, or destroy.  In law to abate a castle or fort is to
  beat it down.
 - 1864 Wandsw. Br. Act 44 :: If any work made by the Company in,
  over, or across the River Thames .. be abandoned or suffered
  to fall into disuse or decay, the Conservators of the River
  Thames may abate and remove the same.

   - † 2. fig. To put down, put an end to, do away with (any state or
 condition of things). Obs.

 - c 1270 E. E. Poems, Old Age 149 :: When eld blowid he is blode . his
  ble is sone abatid.
 - 1340 Hampole: Pr. Consc. 1672 :: Ded [=death], of al þat it comes to,
  abates And chaunges all myghtes and states.
 - c 1350 Will. Palerne 1141 :: To abate þe bost of þat breme duke.
 - 1413 Lydgate Pylg. Sowle v. xii. 103 (1843) :: And fynally abatid is
  the strif.
 - 1585 Abp. Sandys: Serm. 79 (1841) :: St. Paul abateth this opinion.
  Ibid. 293 To abate the haughty conceit which naturally we have of

   - 3. Esp. Law.

 - a. To put an end to, do away with (as a nuisance, or an action).

   - *1297* R. Glouc. 447 :: And oþer monye luþer lawes, þat hys
elderne adde ywroʒt, He behet, þat he wolde abate.
   - *1768* Blackstone: Comm. III. 168 :: The primitive sense is
that of abating or beating down a nusance.
   - *1780* Burke: Sp. on Econ. Ref. Wks. III. 247 :: They abate the
nuisance, they pull down the house.
   - *1844* H. Rogers: Essays I. ii. 88 :: He has not lived in vain
who has successfully endeavoured to abate the nuisances of
his own time.
   - *1859* De Quincey: The Cæsars Wks. X. 104 :: To put him down
and abate him as a monster.

 - b. To render null and void (a writ).

   - *1580* Baret: Alvearie :: His accusation or writte is abated or
ouerthrowne when the Attorney by ignorance declareth not the
processe in due forme, or the writte abateth.
   - *1621* Sanderson: Serm. Ad. Cl. II. xxii. 30 (1674) :: And any
one short Clause or Proviso, not legal, is sufficient to
abate the whole Writ or Instrument.
   - *1726* Ayliffe: Parergon 266 :: This only suspends but does not
abate the action.
   - *1741* Robinson: Gavelkind vi. 109 :: The Writ was abated by the
   - *1809* Tomlins: Law Dict. s. v. ::  To abate a nuisance is to
destroy, remove, or put an end to it. .. To abate a writ is
to defeat or overthrow it by shewing some error or

   - 4. intr. (through refl.) To be at an end, to become null or void;
 esp. of writs, actions, appeals.

 - *1602* W. Fulbecke: First Part of Parallele 62 :: In the summons
  A. was omitted, wherefore the writte abated.
 - *1745* De Foe: Eng. Tradesm. I. xvi. 148 :: Commissions shall not
  abate by the death of his majesty.
 - *1768* Blackstone: Comm. III. 247 :: The su

Re: [O] speed keys for plain lists?

2016-05-10 Thread Karl Voit
* Bill White  wrote:
> Thank you all for the suggestions thus far.  I'll attach the org file
> I'm working with:

Being curious on your motivation: why do you use only plain list items
instead of headings with paragraphs or headings with plain lists?

mail|git|SVN|photos|postings|SMS|phonecalls|RSS|CSV|XML to Org-mode:
   > get Memacs from < + more on github

Re: [O] speed keys for plain lists?

2016-05-16 Thread Bill White
On Tue May 10 2016 at 03:21, Karl Voit  wrote:

> * Bill White  wrote:
>> Thank you all for the suggestions thus far.  I'll attach the org file
>> I'm working with:
> Being curious on your motivation: why do you use only plain list items
> instead of headings with paragraphs or headings with plain lists?

Mainly because I'm still playing around with possible formats.  Some
manual correction of the ocr text is required for each entry, which
provides a frictionless opportunity to add a little bit of list markup
and then get on with the next entry.

My final goal is a simple electronic version of the old Oxford English
Dictionary as outlined by Corey Doctorow
based on files at the Internet Archive - volume 1 is at

I'd like the thing to be as close to plaintext as possible with a
minimum of markup:
 - org list notation is minimal
 - it's useful within orgmode
 - it doesn't get in the user's way in non-emacs ecosystems
 - it avoids the endless quagmire of adding significant markup to such a
   huge body of text
 - it's a necessary first step for some other brave soul who wants to
   add markup & organization

But I'm open to suggestions & discussion - now's the time to play around
with formats to find the right balance between playing with words and
slogging through markup.  Perhaps this isn't the right mailing list for
that discussion, though.

Cheers -

Bill White .
"No ma'am, we're musicians."

Re: [O] speed keys for plain lists?

2016-05-16 Thread Grant Rettke
On Thu, May 12, 2016 at 12:12 PM, Bill White  wrote:
> But I'm open to suggestions & discussion - now's the time to play around
> with formats to find the right balance between playing with words and
> slogging through markup.  Perhaps this isn't the right mailing list for
> that discussion, though.

If it isn't then please post the name of that list when you find it.

I started out using only lists too because they are exactly as you
describe them.

Eventually I wanted to attach metadata to the lists, and now I love headings.

The case for Org-Mode only as a markup alone isn't very interesting
because it is competing against everything from SGML to ASCIIDoc. When
you throw in the community and infrastructure of tools and literature
then Org-Mode wins. It takes some time for it all to sink in though.

My gut reaction to learning Org-Mode (all aspects listed above) was
recalling this quote from Eric Weisstein:

"Created, developed, and nurtured by Eric Weisstein at Wolfram
Research" []

Org-Mode makes it easy to do that with whatever document you are nurturing.

Re: [O] speed keys for plain lists?

2016-05-17 Thread Karl Voit
* Grant Rettke  wrote:
> On Thu, May 12, 2016 at 12:12 PM, Bill White  wrote:
>> But I'm open to suggestions & discussion - now's the time to play around
>> with formats to find the right balance between playing with words and
>> slogging through markup.  Perhaps this isn't the right mailing list for
>> that discussion, though.
> Eventually I wanted to attach metadata to the lists, and now I love headings.

This is exactly my point: you can't add any meta-data to list items.

However, you've got plenty of possibilities to enrich headings with
suitable meta-data: tags, multiple/own drawers, standardized

mail|git|SVN|photos|postings|SMS|phonecalls|RSS|CSV|XML to Org-mode:
   > get Memacs from < + more on github

Re: [O] speed keys for plain lists?

2016-05-17 Thread Bill White
On Mon May 16 2016 at 13:17, Grant Rettke  wrote:

> On Thu, May 12, 2016 at 12:12 PM, Bill White  wrote:
>> But I'm open to suggestions & discussion - now's the time to play around
>> with formats to find the right balance between playing with words and
>> slogging through markup.  Perhaps this isn't the right mailing list for
>> that discussion, though.
> If it isn't then please post the name of that list when you find it.

I'm happy to post here, especially since I can't see moving this project
out of orgmode.

> I started out using only lists too because they are exactly as you
> describe them.
> Eventually I wanted to attach metadata to the lists, and now I love
> headings.

Could you post an example?

Here's a sample of my second iteration.  A poor man's database - still
pure orgmode and still plain text, but easily parsable:

 - main word|subordinate word, subdivided into grammatical relations A, B, C, 
   - identification
 - main form :: Abbacy
 - obsolete † :: no
 - non-naturalized ‖ :: no
 - pronunciation :: æ•băsi
 - part of speech :: substantive
 - specification :: none
 - status :: default
 - spellings :: 5-6 abbasy, 6-7 abbacie
 - inflections :: none
   - [morphology]
 - derivation (etymology) :: A modification of the earlier
  ABBATIE, assimilated to forms like prelacy, mediaeval Latin
  -acia, -atia.
 - subsequent form-history :: 
 - miscellaneous facts :: 
   - TODO: significations & illustrative quotations

> "Created, developed, and nurtured by Eric Weisstein at Wolfram
> Research" []
> Org-Mode makes it easy to do that with whatever document you are
> nurturing.

That describes most of my uses of orgmode - thanks!


Re: [O] speed keys for plain lists?

2016-05-18 Thread Karl Voit
* Bill White  wrote:
> Here's a sample of my second iteration.  A poor man's database - still
> pure orgmode and still plain text, but easily parsable:
>  - main word|subordinate word, subdivided into grammatical relations A, B, C, 
> &c.
>- identification
>  - main form :: Abbacy
>  - obsolete † :: no
>  - non-naturalized ‖ :: no
>  - pronunciation :: æ•băsi
>  - part of speech :: substantive
>  - specification :: none
>  - status :: default
>  - spellings :: 5-6 abbasy, 6-7 abbacie
>  - inflections :: none
>- [morphology]
>  - derivation (etymology) :: A modification of the earlier
>   ABBATIE, assimilated to forms like prelacy, mediaeval Latin
>   -acia, -atia.
>  - subsequent form-history :: 
>  - miscellaneous facts :: 
>- TODO: significations & illustrative quotations

I am certainly not thinking of all of your use-cases. However, here
is a possible alternative «solution» with headings. Just being
curious: What disadvantages do you see here compared to lists?

*** main word|subordinate word, subdivided into grammatical relations A, B, C, 
:PROPERTIES:  ## or: :identification:-drawer
:mainform: Abbacy
:obsolete: no
:nonnaturalized: no
:pronunciation: æ•basi
:partofspeech: substantive
:specification: none
:status: default
:spellings: 5-6 abbasy, 6-7 abbacie
:spelling: 5-6 abbasy
:spelling: 6-7 abbacie
:inflections: none

#+COMMENT: Previous list as properties does have multiple advantages
#+COMMENT: such as column view (+ corresponding edit functionality)

#+COMMENT: Following lines seem to contain potential multi-line
#+COMMENT: text which does not qualify to be handled well in properties:

- [morphology]
  - derivation (etymology) :: A modification of the earlier
   ABBATIE, assimilated to forms like prelacy, mediaeval Latin
   -acia, -atia.
  - subsequent form-history ::
  - miscellaneous facts ::

 TODO: significations & illustrative quotations

#+COMMENT: I personally prefer todos that can possible get SCHEDULED
#+COMMENT: and/or DEADLINE dates to be headings.

mail|git|SVN|photos|postings|SMS|phonecalls|RSS|CSV|XML to Org-mode:
   > get Memacs from < + more on github

Re: [O] speed keys for plain lists?

2016-05-18 Thread Grant Rettke
On Tue, May 17, 2016 at 10:54 AM, Bill White  wrote:
> Could you post an example?

Sure. I wanted to refer to my heading by UID rather than name since I
wasn't sure of the final format:

Karl provided a format for your example using properties. I would
approach it the same way.

The folks that use Org-Mode to maintain bibliographies and BBDB
databases might have some feedback for you here, too.