Re: [Emc-users] Oversized balls

2013-02-19 Thread Steve Blackmore
On Sun, 17 Feb 2013 20:23:40 -0600, you wrote:

If the rebuilder uses two different sizes then the smaller ones 
alternate with the larger, that way the smaller counter rotate to keep 
down friction. The load capacity decreases. Any other ratio defeats the 

Your right - I asked today and it seems they replace most balls with
oversize and use smaller balls evenly placed to take up the gap. They
said if the fingers that pick up the balls are broken, the nut is
scrapped. They replace the tubes too. The screw is usually harder than
the balls and often doesn't wear, if so it's just polished and cleaned.

Steve Blackmore

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Re: [Emc-users] Spindle rpm display

2013-02-19 Thread Chris Morley

 Date: Mon, 18 Feb 2013 22:15:18 +
 Subject: Re: [Emc-users] Spindle rpm display
 So something like this could work?:
 # load a near component and attach it to a thread
 loadrt near
 addf near.0 servo-thread
 # connect one input to the commanded spindle speed
 net spindle-cmd = near.0.in1
 # connect one input to the encoder-measured spindle speed
 net stepgen.2.velocity-fb = near.0.in2
 # connect the output to the spindle-at-speed input
 net spindle-at-speed motion.spindle-at-speed = near.0.out
 # set the spindle speed inputs to agree if within 1%
 setp near.0.scale 1.01

That's the idea.
Don't forget the addf  command for the near component
and check that the cmd speed and feedback speed are the same units.
I can't remember if the near expects absolute values or not ...
I would bet 1% is too tight a tolerance without filtering .
Sorry it's been awhile since I looked at this in detail so forget the details...

Chris M
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Re: [Emc-users] Spindle rpm display

2013-02-19 Thread Tomaz T .

there is one thing I noticed with probing velocity-fb from stepgen... When it 
starts counting, it counts up as long as spindle runs, so it doesn't reach 
certain number and stops counting up... and it also cunts up again after 
spindle pause or stop.
Maybe I should try with spindle-ramp.maxv anyway...


 That's the idea.
 Don't forget the addf command for the near component
 and check that the cmd speed and feedback speed are the same units.
 I can't remember if the near expects absolute values or not ...
 I would bet 1% is too tight a tolerance without filtering .
 Sorry it's been awhile since I looked at this in detail so forget the 

 Chris M

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Re: [Emc-users] Trim Posts

2013-02-19 Thread Erik Christiansen
On 18.02.13 12:13, John Kasunich wrote:
 On Mon, Feb 18, 2013, at 10:06 AM, John Thornton wrote:
  Another thing I dislike about the mailing list is all the ads that get 
  tacked onto each message like this:
 If you are trimming your posts, you are also trimming the ads.
 It took me about three seconds to click my mouse near the top
 of this message (after the part I wanted to keep), drag it
 to the bottom, and hit the delete key.

There's much to recommend that, but when the poster isn't up to it,
there are always tools. We're tool users, after all¹. If we don't want
to set up a tool like t-prot to automatically trim advertising footers
on this list, because the ads fund our free list, then there are
additional conveniences, beyond cropping long quotes.

For the case of long quotes with interspersed replies, we can within

1) Display quoted text in a different colour, which helps a bit.
   (I expect GUI MUAs can do that too.)

2) Zap straight to the next chunk of reply, skipping the quoted gumpf.
   (Just hit S, and (pages of) untrimmed quotes are instantly scrolled
   out of sight.)

With enough verbiage-mulching gear, it's quite possible to maintain
equanimity in the face of deteriorating netiquette, and even fake
tolerance of it.

Apropos ads, I visited Avrfreaks once. Talk about ads - those flashy
jiggling and bopping things which appear on fora are so egregious that
the only way I ever find myself on one now is as the result of a google
hit. And a requirement to log in is anathema. 


¹ And the discipline of quote trimming wasn't taught in school. ;-)

One man's constant is another man's variable.
- A.J. Perlis

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Re: [Emc-users] Endmills for aluminium

2013-02-19 Thread Sven Wesley

You will find a number of decent traders at both German and UK eBay.
I buy many tools in Germany, always fast delivery and much better prices
than the local dealers.

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[Emc-users] Winner of quote-of-the-day, was Re: Trim Posts

2013-02-19 Thread Kent A. Reed
On 2/19/2013 5:48 AM, Erik Christiansen wrote:
 it's quite possible to maintain
 equanimity in the face of deteriorating netiquette, and even fake
 tolerance of it.

I love it! Thanks for putting a smile on my face.


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Re: [Emc-users] Trim Posts

2013-02-19 Thread Kent A. Reed
On 2/18/2013 10:05 AM, John Thornton wrote:
 No, the forum is like the IRC and a separate communications medium that
 many prefer.


All my email---and we're talking three different accounts---passes into 
my client, which functions as a virtual one-stop-shop.

As it is, I barely have time to look at my unread messages let alone go 
to the forum site to look for new topics/messages or attempt to stick my 
teacup into the firehose stream that is the IRC.

In your opinion, do the forum and the email list(s) tend to cover the 
same issues or are there topics discussed on one that aren't on the 
other? Perhaps more to the point, on the basis of information rather 
than preference, should one be reading the forum regularly even if not 
actively using it?


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Re: [Emc-users] Trim Posts

2013-02-19 Thread John Thornton

The forum seems to stay more focused on the question at hand and does 
not drift off topic much and almost zero idle chit chat. It's a 
different medium, and as for topics covered like the mailing list and 
the IRC they are wide and varied. Are they the same topics as the 
mailing list? Vary rarely will a topic be broadcast over all three 
communication avenues.

If there is a topic your interested in on the forum it is pretty easy to 
lurk and just read the ones interesting to you. The forum doesn't have 
near the traffic or static that the mailing list has so it only takes me 
a few minutes a day to at least scan every post. If you have never been 
to the forum it is broken down into sections and subsections by topic. 
For example there is a Hardware section that contains Computer, Driver 
Boards, and CNC Machines and like wise for other sections. The forum is 
active enough that since it has been turned on there have been 29,984 
messages in 3150 subjects. The most poplar is General LiniuxCNC 
Questions with 622 topics and next is Advanced Configuration with 299 
topics. FAQ's are stickey to the top of a section so you don't have to 
wade through all the topics looking for common answers.

If I had to guess I'd say there is 20 times more traffic here than on 
the forum but so much is not on topic it is hard to stay focused. Then 
you have abby normal people like me that prefer top posting because I 
like to see the reply first and not wade down through a long email with 
a bunch of signatures and ads to find the reply(s). But that is just my 
personal preference. For me the forum is much better organized from a 
subject point of view with 22 sections related to LinuxCNC not counting 
the International Users sections and forum sections.

As for the question should someone read the forum, only they can answer 


On 2/19/2013 11:12 AM, Kent A. Reed wrote:
 On 2/18/2013 10:05 AM, John Thornton wrote:
 No, the forum is like the IRC and a separate communications medium that
 many prefer.

 All my email---and we're talking three different accounts---passes into
 my client, which functions as a virtual one-stop-shop.

 As it is, I barely have time to look at my unread messages let alone go
 to the forum site to look for new topics/messages or attempt to stick my
 teacup into the firehose stream that is the IRC.

 In your opinion, do the forum and the email list(s) tend to cover the
 same issues or are there topics discussed on one that aren't on the
 other? Perhaps more to the point, on the basis of information rather
 than preference, should one be reading the forum regularly even if not
 actively using it?


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[Emc-users] Plasma table

2013-02-19 Thread Viesturs Lācis

Since I posted lots of questions on this list about the plasma table I
was building, I thought that I should share something:

I took that video with my phone.
I was not able to get the servos work correctly, so I ended up with
stepper motors, which included also new gearboxes with smaller
reduction ratio.

I wrote a custom kinematics module for that machine for better THC
process - thc offset is added there so that LinuxCNC and user always
know the actual joint position. That means that machine soft limits
are never exceeded.

The thing yet to be solved is the fact that calling MDI commands with
gladevcp buttons switch LinuxCNC to joint mode. There are simply
gladevcp buttons, linked to halui.mdi-command-nn pins and in INI file
I have defined some actions, like G53 G00 X5 Y5 Z100 or G0 X0 Y0. If I
use any of these buttons, LinuxCNC will switch to joint mode, once
that is completed.

Can anyone explain, why is it so and what can I do about it?


If you can't fix it, you don't own it.

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Re: [Emc-users] Trim Posts

2013-02-19 Thread Kent A. Reed
On 2/19/2013 1:31 PM, John Thornton wrote:
   The forum is
 active enough that since it has been turned on there have been 29,984
 messages in 3150 subjects.
Wow. That's a huge increase over what I saw the last time I looked, 
which I admit was donkeys' years ago. Guess I should sweep through it 
from time to time. (So much to read; so little time!)

Thanks for your thoughtful reply.


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Re: [Emc-users] Plasma table

2013-02-19 Thread John Stewart

On 2013-02-19, at 2:35 PM, Viesturs Lācis wrote:

 Since I posted lots of questions on this list about the plasma table I
 was building, I thought that I should share something:

Interesting! Thanks for posting the video. 

(have no experience with the MDI command/joint mode switching question - sorry)

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