Re: [Harmony proxies] add receiver as a first argument to all prototype-climbing traps

2011-04-07 Thread Tom Van Cutsem
2011/4/5 David Bruant

 Le 05/04/2011 10:22, Tom Van Cutsem a écrit :
  If a browser does not support Object.freeze, seal or
  preventExtensions, it likely does not support fixing proxies either.
  Calling the fix() trap explicitly via Proxy.trap would still not
  lead to the expected behavior.
 Thinking about fix and the special TypeError||become behavior happening
 after the trap call, I think it would make sense that for the particular
 fix value, Proxy.trap would call the trap and do the TypeError||become
 behavior. I may be wrong, but I think that if a user calls
 Proxy.trap(fix), s/he expects the proxy to be fixed afterward.

Following your design of allowing proxy users to explicitly call all traps,
rather than special-casing fix, an alternative could be to introduce a
Proxy.fix(proxy, pdmap) method that expects a property descriptor map and
fixes the proxy, so that regular fixing would become expressible as
|Proxy.fix(proxy, Proxy.trap(proxy,fix,[]))|. IIRC, an early version of
the tracemonkey Proxy API had a method similar to Proxy.fix just for the
sake of testing the fix trap, since it didn't support Object.freeze yet.

But again, I would hope that an implementation that supports both
Object.freeze + proxies just supports freezing proxies via the fix() trap as
per the draft spec. I don't see the need for such an implementation to
additionally provide an explicit mechanism like Proxy.fix.

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Re: ECMAScript Object equivalence classes proposal

2011-04-07 Thread Brendan Eich
On Apr 3, 2011, at 11:12 AM, Allen Wirfs-Brock wrote:

 On Apr 2, 2011, at 5:11 PM, Brendan Eich wrote:
 Is multiple inheritance a use case that TC39 intends to address in a 
 generic manner?
 Inheritance-based instanceof testing for the purpose of dynamic 
 classification of objects  is most appropriate in statically typed 
 subclasing===subtyping languages.  Multiple inheritance (at least for 
 interfaces) is almost essential in such languages.  That isn't is the case 
 for dynamically typed subclassing!==subtyping languages.  There is lots of 
 experience with such languages that shows that dynamic classification via 
 class or superclass inclusion testing is a poor practice. 

Thanks for filling in after my terse No.

The countervailing force here is the DOM being implemented in C++ (or C in the 
old days) in browsers. Such implementations use nominal subtyping and it leaked 
right through into JS.

This is not just an accident of history: implementors want fast is-a testing in 
the host programming language. Nevertheless, we are working on self-hosting the 
DOM, which should help dispel concerns about performance and scalability.

I don't see a lot of instanceof checks in modern JS, even DOM-based JS, so I 
believe the nominal subtyping for performance argument is overstated. 
However, there are currently C++-implemented internal-to-the-DOM-and-browser 
code paths that do such is-a tests (e.g., event dispatch and bubbling). These 
need to be self-hosted, and the whole system benchmarked.

We'll keep this list apprised of results.


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Re: ECMAScript Object equivalence classes proposal

2011-04-07 Thread Brendan Eich
On Apr 5, 2011, at 2:19 PM, David Bruant wrote:

 What I'm worried about is the memory cost of such an implementation. The 
 current [[HasInstance]] implementation has a constant memory cost. Keeping 
 references has a linear memory cost in terms of instance number. My favorite 
 real-world memory-intensive use case is the one-page Standard HTML 
 ( Right now, it contains 
 125684 DOM Elements. If trying to implement EventTarget [[HasInstance]] 
 internal method, it would require as many entries in the WeakMap. 

First, there's no free lunch. Either the DOM objects need internal fields 
(vptrs in C++ sense, plus static shared vtbls) or brands or trademarks, which 
is per-object overhead. Or we need an entry in a weakmap for each object, which 
can be quite efficient (better if the map were a set, but still).

Second, although the details do matter, the asymptotic space complexity is the 
same, ignoring static or singleton costs which amortize to epsilon: k*n for 
constant k and n objects, or O(n).

The time complexity to test is-a would be O(1), but of course as David Bacon 
likes to point out, small constant factors can matter: a field load and compare 
beats a hashtable lookup. A C++ virtual call to QueryInterface or the like is 
slower than a well-implemented hashtable lookup.

Again, big-O does not distinguish even if some benchmarks run on different 
implementations could tell.

es-discuss mailing list

Re: [Harmony proxies] add receiver as a first argument to all prototype-climbing traps

2011-04-07 Thread Brendan Eich
On Apr 7, 2011, at 7:49 AM, Tom Van Cutsem wrote:

 But again, I would hope that an implementation that supports both 
 Object.freeze + proxies just supports freezing proxies via the fix() trap as 
 per the draft spec. I don't see the need for such an implementation to 
 additionally provide an explicit mechanism like Proxy.fix.


David, no need to overdesign for pathological partial-ES5 + Harmony-Proxies 
implementations! That's just a non-goal.


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Re: A few more module questions

2011-04-07 Thread Brendan Eich
On Apr 4, 2011, at 9:51 AM, P T Withington wrote:

 On 2011-04-04, at 12:40, Sam Tobin-Hochstadt wrote:
 - I find this syntax slightly unintuitive: import Geometry.{draw: drawShape}
 At first glance this would mean for me: rename drawShape to draw. draw 
 feels to me like the result of the import.
 This is based on the destructuring syntax, where this:
 let {draw: drawShape} = ... some expression ...;
 also binds the identifier |drawShape|.
 FWIW, I read these destructuring patterns backwards too.  Must be a 
 left/right brain thing.  Something I will have to learn the hard way to make 
 it stick.

This does happen, but there's no way to fix it for you mano sinestro types 
;-). The property identifier must be a compile-time constant and on the left of 
:, so the variable name into which to destructure is on the right of :.

Fortunately there's a short-hand:

  let {draw, move} = GraphixAPIObject;

where the property id also names the variable to bind.

It has been proposed that this shorthand be supported for structuring as well 
as destructuring:

  saveObject({draw, move});

would pass a new Object created as if by the initialiser ({draw: draw, move: 
move}). The property id is treated as an identifier expression and evaluated to 
get the property value.

We have some support for this on TC39 but it keeps dropping off the radar. 
Comments welcome.


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Question about Weak Maps

2011-04-07 Thread Mikeal Rogers

Weak Maps seems to have superseded ephemeron tables.

They are non-enumerable, does this also exclude any call that gives you 
an array of the current keys?

If this is the case then it excludes the primary use case we have in 
node for ephemeron tables.

I can understand why you might want to limit enumerability because a gc 
could mutate the map during enumeration but I desperately hope there is 
still a way to get the current list of keys and inspect the values 
provided that you guard against the key going away.

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Question about Weak Maps

2011-04-07 Thread Andreas Gal

Why would you want to enumerate the keys in a weak map?


On Apr 7, 2011, at 4:04 PM, Mikeal Rogers wrote:

 Weak Maps seems to have superseded ephemeron tables.
 They are non-enumerable, does this also exclude any call that gives you an 
 array of the current keys?
 If this is the case then it excludes the primary use case we have in node for 
 ephemeron tables.
 I can understand why you might want to limit enumerability because a gc could 
 mutate the map during enumeration but I desperately hope there is still a way 
 to get the current list of keys and inspect the values provided that you 
 guard against the key going away.
 es-discuss mailing list

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Re: Question about Weak Maps

2011-04-07 Thread Bradley Meck
long post a while back about the security problems w/ enumeration on
weak maps if you search for it.

On Thu, Apr 7, 2011 at 6:13 PM, Mikeal Rogers wrote:
 requests come in to a server, you want to stick them in a hash so that you
 can query the server at any time for all the current queries.

 the problem is that, when using objects, you'll always leak. there are too
 many reasons a request might go away and too many asynchronous owners of
 that request to reliably remove it from the hash, especially in node.

 ephemeron tables looked like a good way to solve this, we can stick them in
 the table and when nobody else has a reference to them they get collected.
 at any point we can query the server for all existing request/response

 if we have no way to enumerate the map we can't do this.
 es-discuss mailing list

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Re: Question about Weak Maps

2011-04-07 Thread David Herman
[Disclaimer: I'm not an expert at server code. That said...]

Don't you generally need to manage the policy for these kinds of requests 
manually anyway? In particular, you can't actually tell if a user has abandoned 
their session, since the browser doesn't let you know when that's happened. So 
it's up to your server to decide what policies to use for expiring requests.

With strong maps, you can do all this stuff explicitly, but it's not dependent 
on the GC:

With weak maps (which BTW are just a renaming of ephemeron tables), you depend 
on the GC for memory management, but you don't get enumeration. This was always 
the case with the design, even before the renaming.

MarkM designed them this way in order to avoid security issues (he can probably 
explain these issues better than I), but there are portability issues as well: 
if you expose the current set of bindings in the table to programs, then they 
will be able to depend on the non-deterministic behavior of the GC. Experience 
shows that when specs introduce unspecified behavior, the web begins to depend 
on implementation-specific details.


On Apr 7, 2011, at 4:13 PM, Mikeal Rogers wrote:

 requests come in to a server, you want to stick them in a hash so that you 
 can query the server at any time for all the current queries.
 the problem is that, when using objects, you'll always leak. there are too 
 many reasons a request might go away and too many asynchronous owners of 
 that request to reliably remove it from the hash, especially in node. 
 ephemeron tables looked like a good way to solve this, we can stick them in 
 the table and when nobody else has a reference to them they get collected. at 
 any point we can query the server for all existing request/response objects.
 if we have no way to enumerate the map we can't do this.
 es-discuss mailing list

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Question about Weak Maps

2011-04-07 Thread Mark S. Miller
Hi Mikeal,

I do not yet understand your server example. Perhaps a bit of illustrative
code would help?

In any case, within memory-safe gc languages, there are several well
motivated enhancements of the API of the collector. Several of these are
fundamental, in that there is no way to emulate them in their absence.
Ephemeron tables aka WeakMaps is one. Weak references is another.
Given just a normal GC, neither can be emulated. Either one by itself is
inadequate to emulate the other. WeakMaps are weak references were written
as separate strawmen because, once separated, they are cleanly different

* WeakMaps by themselves do not make GC observable. They simply provide a
collection abstraction designed to make each value accessible based on the
*conjunction* of access to a WeakMap and to a key. Because access requires
this conjunction of prior access, strong reachability of the value should
likewise be based on strong reachability of both the WeakMap and the key. No
other existing or proposed construct (including weak references) enables one
to arrange such conjunctive reachability relationships. Were WeakMaps
enumerable, then access to the WeakMap by itself would be an adequate
condition to access its keys and therefore its values.

* Weak references, especially when coupled with post mortem notification, is
all about observing and reacting to collection decisions. By fetching a
strong reference from a weak reference, the mutator (i.e., the program
rather than the collector) can cause a non-monotonic transition of a value
from non-strongly-reachable to strongly-reachable, provided it performs this
fetch before the collector notices this non-reachability and collects that
value. To do a distributed object system such as, we desperately need weak references
and post mortem notification, in order to compose local collection into
distributed acyclic collection. Because the ability to create weak
references enables one to observe collection, and therefore enables one to
read a high bandwidth covert channel, the ability to create weak references
is a capability must not be given out lightly, and should be encapsulated by
such distributed object systems (as it was in E). By contrast, the ability
to create a WeakMap can be made generally available.

* Local GC + WeakMaps + weak references with post mortem finalization are
still not adequate to compose local collections into full distributed
collection, including the collection of distributed cycles. explains a full distributed GC
system designed by Arturo Bejar and implemented within (the language now
known as) Original-E. It relied on adding a new API to the JVM collector
(back in Java 1.0.x days IIRC), to obtain reachability-change information
that cannot otherwise be derived from the local collector. Were the
standardization process infinitely malleable I would write up a strawman for
this as well, but my sense is that this would be a bridge too far for a
standards process.

Could your server example be handled by weak references with post mortem
notification? Though I don't yet understand it, that would be my guess. I do
intend to propose weak references for the next round of ES standardization
after ES-next.

On Thu, Apr 7, 2011 at 7:13 PM, Mikeal Rogers mikeal.rog...@gmail.comwrote:

 requests come in to a server, you want to stick them in a hash so that you
 can query the server at any time for all the current queries.

 the problem is that, when using objects, you'll always leak. there are too
 many reasons a request might go away and too many asynchronous owners of
 that request to reliably remove it from the hash, especially in node.

 ephemeron tables looked like a good way to solve this, we can stick them in
 the table and when nobody else has a reference to them they get collected.
 at any point we can query the server for all existing request/response

 if we have no way to enumerate the map we can't do this.

 es-discuss mailing list

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Question about Weak Maps

2011-04-07 Thread Mark S. Miller
On Thu, Apr 7, 2011 at 9:11 PM, Mark S. Miller wrote:

 Hi Mikeal,

 I do not yet understand your server example. Perhaps a bit of illustrative
 code would help?

 In any case, within memory-safe gc languages, there are several well
 motivated enhancements of the API of the collector. Several of these are
 fundamental, in that there is no way to emulate them in their absence.
 Ephemeron tables aka WeakMaps is one. Weak references is
 another. Given just a normal GC, neither can be emulated. Either one by
 itself is inadequate to emulate the other. WeakMaps are weak references were
 written as separate strawmen because, once separated, they are cleanly

Oops. WeakMaps *and* weak references were ...


 * WeakMaps by themselves do not make GC observable. They simply provide a
 collection abstraction designed to make each value accessible based on the
 *conjunction* of access to a WeakMap and to a key. Because access requires
 this conjunction of prior access, strong reachability of the value should
 likewise be based on strong reachability of both the WeakMap and the key. No
 other existing or proposed construct (including weak references) enables one
 to arrange such conjunctive reachability relationships. Were WeakMaps
 enumerable, then access to the WeakMap by itself would be an adequate
 condition to access its keys and therefore its values.

 * Weak references, especially when coupled with post mortem notification,
 is all about observing and reacting to collection decisions. By fetching a
 strong reference from a weak reference, the mutator (i.e., the program
 rather than the collector) can cause a non-monotonic transition of a value
 from non-strongly-reachable to strongly-reachable, provided it performs this
 fetch before the collector notices this non-reachability and collects that
 value. To do a distributed object system such as, we desperately need weak references
 and post mortem notification, in order to compose local collection into
 distributed acyclic collection. Because the ability to create weak
 references enables one to observe collection, and therefore enables one to
 read a high bandwidth covert channel, the ability to create weak references
 is a capability must not be given out lightly, and should be encapsulated by
 such distributed object systems (as it was in E). By contrast, the ability
 to create a WeakMap can be made generally available.

 * Local GC + WeakMaps + weak references with post mortem finalization are
 still not adequate to compose local collections into full distributed
 collection, including the collection of distributed cycles. explains a full distributed GC
 system designed by Arturo Bejar and implemented within (the language now
 known as) Original-E. It relied on adding a new API to the JVM collector
 (back in Java 1.0.x days IIRC), to obtain reachability-change information
 that cannot otherwise be derived from the local collector. Were the
 standardization process infinitely malleable I would write up a strawman for
 this as well, but my sense is that this would be a bridge too far for a
 standards process.

 Could your server example be handled by weak references with post mortem
 notification? Though I don't yet understand it, that would be my guess. I do
 intend to propose weak references for the next round of ES standardization
 after ES-next.

 On Thu, Apr 7, 2011 at 7:13 PM, Mikeal Rogers mikeal.rog...@gmail.comwrote:

 requests come in to a server, you want to stick them in a hash so that you
 can query the server at any time for all the current queries.

 the problem is that, when using objects, you'll always leak. there are too
 many reasons a request might go away and too many asynchronous owners of
 that request to reliably remove it from the hash, especially in node.

 ephemeron tables looked like a good way to solve this, we can stick them
 in the table and when nobody else has a reference to them they get
 collected. at any point we can query the server for all existing
 request/response objects.

 if we have no way to enumerate the map we can't do this.

 es-discuss mailing list


es-discuss mailing list

Re: Question about Weak Maps

2011-04-07 Thread Mark S. Miller
On Thu, Apr 7, 2011 at 9:15 PM, Mark S. Miller wrote:

 On Thu, Apr 7, 2011 at 9:11 PM, Mark S. Miller wrote:

 Hi Mikeal,

 I do not yet understand your server example. Perhaps a bit of illustrative
 code would help?

 In any case, within memory-safe gc languages, there are several well
 motivated enhancements of the API of the collector. Several of these are
 fundamental, in that there is no way to emulate them in their absence.
 Ephemeron tables aka WeakMaps is one. Weak references is
 another. Given just a normal GC, neither can be emulated. Either one by
 itself is inadequate to emulate the other. WeakMaps are weak references were
 written as separate strawmen because, once separated, they are cleanly

 Oops. WeakMaps *and* weak references were ...


 * WeakMaps by themselves do not make GC observable. They simply provide a
 collection abstraction designed to make each value accessible based on the
 *conjunction* of access to a WeakMap and to a key. Because access requires
 this conjunction of prior access, strong reachability of the value should
 likewise be based on strong reachability of both the WeakMap and the key. No
 other existing or proposed construct (including weak references) enables one
 to arrange such conjunctive reachability relationships. Were WeakMaps
 enumerable, then access to the WeakMap by itself would be an adequate
 condition to access its keys and therefore its values.

 * Weak references, especially when coupled with post mortem notification,
 is all about observing and reacting to collection decisions. By fetching a
 strong reference from a weak reference, the mutator (i.e., the program
 rather than the collector) can cause a non-monotonic transition of a value
 from non-strongly-reachable to strongly-reachable, provided it performs this
 fetch before the collector notices this non-reachability and collects that
 value. To do a distributed object system such as, we desperately need weak
 references and post mortem notification, in order to compose local
 collection into distributed acyclic collection. Because the ability to
 create weak references enables one to observe collection, and therefore
 enables one to read a high bandwidth covert channel,

It's worse than a high bandwidth covert channel, it's a high bandwidth side

 the ability to create weak references is a capability must not be given out
 lightly, and should be encapsulated by such distributed object systems (as
 it was in E). By contrast, the ability to create a WeakMap can be made
 generally available.

 * Local GC + WeakMaps + weak references with post mortem finalization are
 still not adequate to compose local collections into full distributed
 collection, including the collection of distributed cycles. explains a full distributed
 GC system designed by Arturo Bejar and implemented within (the language now
 known as) Original-E. It relied on adding a new API to the JVM collector
 (back in Java 1.0.x days IIRC), to obtain reachability-change information
 that cannot otherwise be derived from the local collector. Were the
 standardization process infinitely malleable I would write up a strawman for
 this as well, but my sense is that this would be a bridge too far for a
 standards process.

 Could your server example be handled by weak references with post mortem
 notification? Though I don't yet understand it, that would be my guess. I do
 intend to propose weak references for the next round of ES standardization
 after ES-next.

 On Thu, Apr 7, 2011 at 7:13 PM, Mikeal Rogers mikeal.rog...@gmail.comwrote:

 requests come in to a server, you want to stick them in a hash so that
 you can query the server at any time for all the current queries.

 the problem is that, when using objects, you'll always leak. there are
 too many reasons a request might go away and too many asynchronous
 owners of that request to reliably remove it from the hash, especially in

 ephemeron tables looked like a good way to solve this, we can stick them
 in the table and when nobody else has a reference to them they get
 collected. at any point we can query the server for all existing
 request/response objects.

 if we have no way to enumerate the map we can't do this.

 es-discuss mailing list



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Re: A few more module questions

2011-04-07 Thread Erik Arvidsson
On Thu, Apr 7, 2011 at 12:20, Brendan Eich wrote:
 Fortunately there's a short-hand:

  let {draw, move} = GraphixAPIObject;

Given this, is there any reason for anything but import ModuleName.* then?

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