Re: Surprising semantics

2008-07-18 Thread Waldemar Horwat
We've been down this road before, and the arguments you present have been 
hashed out over years.  This approach doesn't work.  Read the archives of the 
ES4 group.

The problem is that you then get a plethora of ways to define things:

let const
let function
let type
let namespace

Furthermore, some of them don't make sense (such as function without let) 
because they can conditionally capture variables that may not even exist.

The example you give of conditional definitions:

if (foo) {
  const c = 37;
} else {
  const c = abc;
... do something with c ...

is particularly disruptive.  You must then support conditional holes:

// outer scope
function c() ...;

// inner scope
  if (foo) {
const c = 37;
  ... c can be either 37 or the outer scope function here ...

It gets worse:

// outer scope
function c() ...;

// inner scope
  function f() {
return c;
  a = f();
  if (foo) {
const c = 37;
  b = f();
  ... just what do a and b hold here?  Was f's captured variable rebound by the 
if statement? ...

Also consider:

for (i = 0; i  foo.length; i++) {
  const v = foo[i];

You'll catch everyone off-guard if you make folks do a let const instead of a 
const here.

In E4 it gets worse still because c can have a type:

type c = ...
  if (foo) {
const c:Number = 37;
  } else if (bar) {
var c:String = abc;
... do something with c, which is either a type, a constant, or a variable, and 
can be statically typed as either a Number or a String ...

const d:c = ... // Conditional definition requires variable types to be 
evaluated at run-time, which is not somewhere we want to go in the first version

I don't know of anyone here who wants to support something like that.


Ingvar von Schoultz wrote:
 These are some impressions looking at what I expect from the
 language, and how some things in the specification can cause
 I would have contributed here during the discussions, but I
 discovered the mailing lists just a couple of days ago.
 I expect the compiler's interpretation of program-code text
 to be close to my intuitive understanding of what the text
 says. It's very unfortunate if keywords have unexpected
 meanings that cause mysterious side effects.
 If I learn that ECMAScript will let me change my var(iables)
 into const(ants) I expect this to turn them into constants, in
 the sense that trying to change their value will be considered
 an error. It's very disappointing that by default they are
 instead defined to have the baffling and mysterious behavior
 of silently ignoring an attempt to change them, acting as if
 no error had occurred.
 You'll have to keep this oddity in mind at all times, and even
 then errors related to this will sometimes cause symptoms to
 appear far from where the error is, costing quite some time
 to explore. Why doesn't my program change its behavior even
 though I'm provoking changes? Where in this big program's
 complicated sequence of events is the change silently, secretly
 If instead you use var, at least the problems that can come
 from this will tend to give symptoms closely connected to the
 incorrect change in the value.
 So this is a disappointing red flag: Don't use const, it is
 likely to cause baffling problems and unlikely to help.
 Unfortunately there's another problem with const that is much
 more important. I often use constants for conditional settings:
  if (Debugging)
  {   var DatabaseName = TestDatabase;
  var DisplayCount = 5;
  {   var DatabaseName = RealDatabase;
  var DisplayCount = 15;
 The redundant vars are a defensive habit, omitting them would
 be a warning about accesses outside the current scope.
 If I haven't been warned, and hear that ECMAScript understands
 const, I expect that replacing var with const will change
 the above from variables into constants. The keyword in no way
 suggests that it will hide them from view. If they disappear
 I'll inevitably consider such a completely unrelated side effect
 a compiler bug.
 Because of this I'm unhappy about the conclusions of ES3.1 that
 the visibility scope of const should be the enclosing brace-
 delimited block. Such intricate semantics hidden in words that
 express something completely unrelated will make the language
 seem difficult and fraught with hidden surprises.
 I much prefer what ES4 says in various places on the website:
 that you express this localness with let const and let function.
 One block-scope keyword for all block-scope visibility. Consistency
 and clarity.
 However this brings me to the unfortunate word let. Although
 this word has a precise and clear technical meaning for the
 initiate, for us in the unwashed masses I can't see that the
 English word let gives even the remotest suggestion of local
 containment. In fact it suggests very clearly that it's related
 to the = 

Re: ES3.1 Object static methods rationale document

2008-07-16 Thread Waldemar Horwat
Allen Wirfs-Brock wrote:
 In summary, not providing reflective access to an object's prototype doesn't 
 really provide any real security, it just makes some useful tasks less 
 convenient.  Reverting to barnyard analogies: the barn door is already wide 
 open and we're debating an inch wide trench that spans the opening.  If we 
 want to keep the horses in we need to think about how to put an iron gate 
 across that gap rather than worrying about the risks of filling in the trench.

On the other hand, providing reflective access to an object's prototype is 
harmful to compatibility because it prevents implementations from introducing 
intermediate prototypes without breaking the web.  Consider the example of 
having just Numbers and later compatibly introducing more specific subkinds of 

Es4-discuss mailing list

Re: A read/write __proto__ that can vanish

2008-07-16 Thread Waldemar Horwat
Ingvar von Schoultz wrote:
 Some people yearn hotly for __proto__, preferrably writable if
 at all possible, while others point to problems with security
 and software privacy.
 I get the impression that this could be solved by adding a fourth
 flag among the property flags Enumerable, Writable and Flexible.
 There might be a flag called Visible, so you could make __proto__
 apparently vanish by setting Visible to false.

Adding switches like this is making code too complicated and will result in 
plenty of arguments about whether a particular class should have the switch 
turned on or off.  Often the classes you want to use will have it set the wrong 
way, leading to more balkanization of libraries.  In the committee we've 
already spent too much time discussing which properties should be enumerable, 
dontDelete, etc., and we still get those wrong at times.

Es4-discuss mailing list

Re: BOM inside tokens

2008-07-15 Thread Waldemar Horwat
Igor Bukanov wrote:
 It seems the current IE7/IE8 behavior is to allow Cf only in srtring
 and regexp literals and to allow BOM only in string/regexps or at the
 beginning of the source,

Precisely what does in string and regexp literals mean?  The exact 
interpretation of this phrase is the core source of the aforementioned security 

Folks have exploited putting special characters right after a backslash to 
break out of whitelisted literals and execute arbitrary code from JSON; a few 
months ago I demonstrated such an attack.  Regular expressions offer even more 
opportunities for this kind of mischief.

Es4-discuss mailing list

Re: ToString for Numbers: reducing variation.

2008-07-11 Thread Waldemar Horwat
David Jones wrote:
 After I wrote a blog article on this subject someone suggested I  
 raise the issue here.
 Currently, ECMA 262 3rd edition section 9.8.1, the ToString operator  
 permits implementations to vary in how they convert certain numbers  
 to strings.  For example the number 5e-324 could legally be converted  
 as 3e-324, 4e-324, and so on up to 7e-324.
 This would permit an implementation to evaluate the following  
 expression as undefined:
 I do not think any reasonable implementation would have a good reason  
 for doing this.
 It also permits the value of 'a' to vary between implementations in  
 the following loop body:
 for(a in {5e-324:true}) {...}
 In order to ensure implementations all behave the same way I suggest  
 the note at end of section 9.8.1 be moved to normative status.  As  
 far as I can tell, the text is essentially the same between ECMA 262  
 3rd edition and the Oslo draft published on 2008-07-04.

I don't mind specifying it if the implementations agree.

Incidentally, this is a big problem with C and C++ right now.  gcc will 
generate code for 

  double x = some floating-point expression;
  double y = x;

  bool b1 = x == y;
  bool b2 = x == y;
  bool b3 = x == y;

where b1 and b3 will evaluate to true and b2 to false (the results depend on 
its register allocation strategy).

Es4-discuss mailing list

Re: Newly revised Section 10 for ES3.1.

2008-07-10 Thread Waldemar Horwat
Mike Shaver wrote:
 On Thu, Jul 10, 2008 at 1:48 AM, Allen Wirfs-Brock
 FWIW, this sort of thing is a reason that I'm pretty concerned about
 ES3.1 getting into an advanced specification state without the benefit
 of any in-browser implementation.

 You need to have an advance specification state before you can meaningfully 
 test it in an implementation.
 Sure, there's an interdependency, but it seems like you wouldn't want
 to propose something for inclusion into a short-turn spec like ES3.1
 unless you'd seen it run _somewhere_ relevant, no?  Is there a
 document somewhere that tracks which ES3.1 features have been
 implemented in what prototype engine?

The key criterion here is whether you can come up with a language that makes 
sense.  None of the existing behaviors make sense because they would make 
'function' hoist differently from 'const' hoist differently from declaring 
other kinds of things in ES4, etc., with the only way of fixing it being 
introducing yet more ways of declaring things.  The net result would be 
gratuitously hostile to everyone in the long term.

Es4-discuss mailing list

Re: Update on ES3.1 block scoped function declarations

2008-07-10 Thread Waldemar Horwat

You're beating a dead horse here.  If this call to eval is allowed, the only 
reasonable answer is 21.  All that means is that you must be able to recreate 
the bindings if the function uses eval.  Unless you're proposing to take 
block-scoped declarations out of ES4, what's the harm with ES3.1 having a 
compatible subset of them?


Brendan Eich wrote:
 On Jul 10, 2008, at 3:28 PM, Mark S. Miller wrote:
 On Thu, Jul 10, 2008 at 2:51 PM, Allen Wirfs-Brock 
 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I see, yes there is a potential eval tax.  If I thought this was
 really a concern (and as you say, we already have the issue for
 catch and such) I'd be more inclined to fiddling with the scoping
 rule of eval rather than discarding lexically scoped consts.  BTW,
 I think many of the use cases for such const are more in support
 of code generators then actual end user programming.

 Could you explain the eval tax issue you guys are concerned about? I 
 don't get it. Thanks.
 In ES1-3, the scope chain is a linked list of objects. Every function 
 call creates an activation object to be the variable object used when 
 entering the execution context for that function's code. Thus when 
 entering the execution context for eval code, one uses the caller's 
 scope chain.
 Real implementations do not reify objects for all activations. This is a 
 good way to be slow.
 Separately, we aspire to lexical scope. This does not necessarily mean 
 block scope, see e.g. ES4 comprehensions. But however it maps onto 
 syntax, lexical scope holds out the hope that the binding information is 
 compile-time only. After that, the implementation can forget about 
 bindings and the lexical scopes they inhabit.
 That's not possible if eval can see const bindings in ES3.1 as proposed, 
 or let/const/sub-statement-function bindings in ES4. The Previously
 thread I cited talks about an alternative where eval cannot see lexical 
 bindings. But that thread concluded (IMHO) with the victorious and 
 inevitable usability argument that programmers would be greatly put out, 
 as well as surprised, if eval could not see its caller's lexical bindings.
 So implementations have to save lexical binding information when 
 compiling, and reify or otherwise propagate it to eval.
 Implementations that support indirect eval must not only save the 
 lexical binding information, they must reify bindings as properties and 
 scopes as objects (or something morally equivalent), since the compiler 
 cannot see all eval calls and make a private arrangement to pass private 
 binding/scope data structures preserved with the function or script that 
 calls eval. The indirect eval activation really does need to see objects 
 on a scope chain. This can be done on demand, but it is not pretty.
 Imposing this tax on implementations of ES3.1 and not giving them let 
 and function sub-statements seems half-hearted, and implementations are 
 likely to extend.
 Block scope is nice, but it's a big change for ES3.1. The alternative is to
 a. confine const grammatically to top level where it can be treated like 
 a property of the global or activation object in the spec, and
 b. deal with eval referencing a catch variable or named lambda specially.
 The (b) cases were specified in ES3 using as if by new Object or 
 equivalent, which is a bug, but some implementations ignored ES3 and 
 used lexical binding machinery. I'm not sure whether all such all eval 
 to see such bindings. Firefox 2 and 3 do for catch variables. I'll test 
 Opera and report back.
Es4-discuss mailing list

Re: Forwards-compatible syntax proposal

2008-07-09 Thread Waldemar Horwat
I've had a request to repeat the example I showed at the meeting, so here's one:

  if (false) {
// Say we're introducing a new cast syntax '(expr) expr'
var y = (int)/fo+/.exec(abcfoo);
  push_the_button = false;
z = y/x;

In ECMAScript parsing and lexing are interleaved.  There is no way to tell 
without correctly parsing a piece of code whether / starts a regexp or is a 
division.  In the above example the regexp was meant to be /fo+/, but the 
syntax error recovery code will instead think that /.exec...y/x is an extended 
(multiline) regexp, missing the crucial closing brace of the block and the 
push_the_button = false statement.  Many other syntax errors can lead to this 
kind of lexer misalignment, hence it is impossible to isolate a syntax error to 
the first inner block above (or any other similar syntactic construct), despite 
the fact that it never executes due to the if (false).  You can make guesses 
based on indentation and such but guesses don't belong in a standard.


Waldemar Horwat wrote:
 This wouldn't work.  Without syntactically distinguishing a / that is a 
 division from a / that starts a regexp, there is no way to find the end 
 of the block.  To make this distinction you need to be able to parse the 
 contents of the block without errors.
 To complicate matters further, various language extension proposals, 
 ranging from ES3.1 to various ES4 extensions, muck with the regexp syntax.
Es4-discuss mailing list

Re: Forwards-compatible syntax proposal

2008-05-13 Thread Waldemar Horwat
This wouldn't work.  Without syntactically distinguishing a / that is a 
division from a / that starts a regexp, there is no way to find the end of the 
block.  To make this distinction you need to be able to parse the contents of 
the block without errors.

To complicate matters further, various language extension proposals, ranging 
from ES3.1 to various ES4 extensions, muck with the regexp syntax.


Ian Hickson wrote:
 One of the problems with ES4 relative to ES3 is that the new syntax means 
 that a script using ES4 features doesn't work in ES3 compilers.
 There's not much we can do in the ES3-ES4 language migration about this. 
 But we _can_ prevent this problem from existing again in ES5 and up.
 I propose that ES4 clients, when they hit a syntax error, back up to the 
 start of the current block, and then look for the end of the block, which 
 is the } corresponding to the last token in this grammar:
block = { tokens* }
tokens = block | string | comment | regexp | other
string = single-quote [ no-backslash | escape ]* [ single-quote | end of 
 line ]
string = double-quote [ no-backslash | escape ]* [ double-quote | end of 
 line ]
string = (triple-quoted string)
no-backslash = anything but \
escape = \ followed by anything
comment = /* ... */
comment = // ... end of line
comment = !-- ... end of line
regexp = / [ no-backslash | escape ]* [ / | end of line ]
other = anything else
 ...and then compile the whole block to one throw SyntaxError statement.
 I may have missed some things we should include, and the grammar above may 
 be too simple and may have to have changes made, but hopefully it conveys 
 the basic idea.

Es4-discuss mailing list

Re: ES4 note: Reserved namespaces

2008-04-29 Thread Waldemar Horwat
Lars Hansen wrote:
 -Original Message-
 From: Waldemar Horwat [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: 28. april 2008 18:39
 To: Lars Hansen
 Cc: es4-discuss
 Subject: Re: ES4 note: Reserved namespaces

 I agree with everything except:

 * reserved namespaces may not be aliased (ie they are illegal
   on the right hand side of = in namespace ns1 = ns2)

 If we want to make reserved namespaces into keywords, 
 We do not...
 might be ok.  However, at the current time they're not 
 keywords, and one could write:

   const foo = intrinsic;
 But foo can't be used as a namespace qualifier in any
 context, so that's OK.

   namespace instrinsic = my_namespace;
 That one either shadows an existing namespace or causes an 
 ambiguity, so I don't think that's a problem either.
 Being able to write those but not:

   namespace foo = intrinsic;

 is just splitting hairs without achieving anything important. 
 I disagree.  The rules guarantee that it is possible for the
 implementation to determine statically whether a particular
 fixture definition introduces a binding in one of the reserved
 namespaces.  (That actually depends on namespace annotations
 always being statically resolvable.   Some of the details
 of how that's handled are still open but that's the goal.)

That's missing the point.  As far as I've seen in this discussion so far, 

  namespace foo = intrinsic;

does not achieve anything important and it does introduce a weird asymmetry 
(and yet another strange rule for programmers to memorize) into the language.  
It does *not* achieve the guarantee that it's statically possible to determine 
whether a particular fixture definition introduces a binding in one of the 
reserved namespaces.  That guarantee is satisfied by resolving namespaces at 
compile time, with or without this prohibition.

Es4-discuss mailing list

Re: Next meeting

2008-04-29 Thread Waldemar Horwat
Brendan Eich wrote:
 On Apr 28, 2008, at 6:50 PM, Lars Hansen wrote:
 To my knowledge we are not having a meeting in Vancouver.  The next
 scheduled meeting for ES4 work is the TC meeting in San Francisco
 at the end of May.
 That's right -- the tentative plan for a meeting in Vancouver fell 
 through, as the travel burden was too high for key people.

OK.  That meeting was on the meeting schedule page on the wiki as of yesterday. 
 I don't know if it's there today -- the wiki doesn't answer me right now.

Es4-discuss mailing list

Re: ES4 note: Reserved namespaces

2008-04-28 Thread Waldemar Horwat
I agree with everything except:

* reserved namespaces may not be aliased (ie they are illegal
  on the right hand side of = in namespace ns1 = ns2)

If we want to make reserved namespaces into keywords, that might be ok.  
However, at the current time they're not keywords, and one could write:

  const foo = intrinsic;


  namespace instrinsic = my_namespace;

Being able to write those but not:

  namespace foo = intrinsic;

is just splitting hairs without achieving anything important.  You still 
shouldn't be able to define properties in the reserved namespaces except as 
outlined in the proposal.

One can also write:

  var intrinsic = 3;

which (I hope) would shadow the intrinsic namespace within its hoisted scope.

Es4-discuss mailing list

Re: Iteration in ES4

2008-04-28 Thread Waldemar Horwat
Brendan Eich wrote:
 On Apr 25, 2008, at 2:08 PM, Brendan Eich wrote:
 for (prop in obj) {
  ... obj[prop] ...

 to look like

 for each (value in obj) {
  ... value ...

 where obj might be an Array. The symmetry between for-each-in and for-
 in that E4X half-supports (viz, prototype property enumeration with
 shadowing, and deleted-after-loop-starts coherence) is broken.
 Just in case this is not well-known, SpiderMonkey starting in Firefox  
 1.5 supported E4X and made the for-each-in loop work for all object  
 types, not just XML/XMLList. But not on Array element (indexed  
 property) values only, in index order -- again property creation  
 order, and named as well as indexed enumerable properties, are  
 visited. This shares code with for-in and preserves the equivalence  
 shown in the rewrite example above.

I'm baffled trying to figure out what you're trying to say in the last 

Es4-discuss mailing list

Next meeting

2008-04-28 Thread Waldemar Horwat
Are we having a meeting in Vancouver?  What day and time and what's the agenda?

Es4-discuss mailing list

Re: Namespaces on definitions

2008-04-16 Thread Waldemar Horwat
There is an old downside to the attribute syntax:  You can't put line breaks 
between the attributes and the definition, even though it's tempting to do so 
on long lines.  Otherwise you silently change the meaning of existing ES3 code 

var bar = 3


Jeff Dyer wrote:
 Here are some other interesting cases involving destructuring patterns.
 Qualified syntax:
   var {x = ns::x, y = ns::y, z = ns::z}: {x:A, y:B, z:C } = ...
var [ns::x, ns::y, ns::z}: [A, B, C ] = ...
 Attribute syntax:
ns var {x, y, z}: {x:A, y:B, z:C} = ...
ns var [x, y, z]: [A, B, C] = ...
 To my eye the latter are cleaner and clearer. There is another sense in 
 which I think the attribute syntax is better. The identifier is the 
 short name of the binding and having it cleanly delineated from the 
 namespace part of the name makes the meaning of the binding clearer.
 I agree that having two ways of naming properties is unfortunate, but 
 it’s probably unavoidable. I tried the opposite approach of using ‘var’ 
 and ‘const’ forms in object initializers to get rid of some uses of 
 qualified names there. But in the end, that is just noisier. I’ve 
 resigned myself to the view that “N::X” is the way to name dynamic 
 properties, and “N var X” (and the like) is the way to name fixed 
 On 4/16/08 6:38 AM, Brendan Eich wrote:
 On Apr 16, 2008, at 2:50 AM, Yuh-Ruey Chen wrote:
 I agree. I don't see why there should be multiple syntaxes that
 are as 
 concise as each other and both have about equal precedent (AS3
 vs. E4X). 
 If in some futuer spec, properties can inhabit multiple
 namespaces, then 
 we can consider the |ns1 ns2 ... var foo| syntax again.
 The syntaxes are not equally concise, not only because :: is heavier
 visually and in terms of keyboard input (two shifted chars) than
 spaces. Consider
   ns var foo, bar;
   var ns::foo, ns::bar;
 It's true you can't distribute one type across several variables:
   var foo:T, bar:T;
 but that's not a reason to restrict namespace syntax /per se/.
 Cases of ns including public, protected, private, and internal may
 be the most useful ones for this distributive syntax, but are those
 namespaces? Either way, the ns var foo syntax is more concise.
 Es4-discuss mailing list
 Es4-discuss mailing list

Es4-discuss mailing list

Re: ES4 draft: the global object

2008-04-16 Thread Waldemar Horwat
My comments on this chapter:

The operator form of eval is used before it's described, which confused me 
while reading this document.

It bothers me that the eval operator form and the eval function form produce 
different valid results for the same input.  If we provide both and both are 
called eval, then the latter must be a subset of the former.

Es4-discuss mailing list

Re: ES4 draft: enumerability

2008-04-16 Thread Waldemar Horwat
My comments on this chapter:

I understand and agree with the simple form of iteration though an object using 
the empty set of namespaces.

On the other hand, I don't see why extending this beyond that functionality is 
useful.  It makes things larger and more complicated and, given that namespaced 
fixtures aren't enumerated anyway, isn't useful for anything I'd want to use it 
for like exploring the environment or introspecting data held in records some 
of whose properties are const.

Es4-discuss mailing list

Re: DRAFT: Names spec

2008-04-16 Thread Waldemar Horwat
Mark S. Miller wrote:
 2008/4/6 Jeff Dyer [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 Every unforgeable namespace is considered non-equal to every other
 fun compareNamespaces (n1: NAMESPACE, n2: NAMESPACE) : bool =
 case (n1, n2) of
 (ForgeableNamespace s1, ForgeableNamespace s2) = s1 = s2
 | _ = false
 In ES3, NaN is the only value that isn't reflexive, i.e., for which x != 
 x or x !== x. Does this spec propose that unforgeable namespaces are 
 also non-reflexive?

I pointed out the same thing.  I'm pretty sure that's a bug in the document.

Es4-discuss mailing list

Re: Declarations

2008-04-15 Thread Waldemar Horwat
Michael O'Brien wrote:
 As a follow up, the following somewhat surprised me.
  let b = 1
  function fun() {
  print(CALL:  + b)
 **ERROR** EvalError: uncaught exception: ReferenceError: unresolved  
 lexical reference {multiname: [ns public '']::b [ns internal '']::b  
 [ns public '__ES4__']::b } (near /Users/dherman/es4/src/builtins/
 ie. the function is hoisted to the outer var block, but does not seem  
 to capture the scope chain of where it was declared and b is out of  
 Is this correct or an RI bug?

This is incorrect and an RI bug, but for a different reason:  fun should be 
undefined in the outer scope, since it should not get hoisted out of the inner 
block, as we agreed at the last face-to-face meeting.

Es4-discuss mailing list

Re: ES4 stable draft: object initializers

2008-04-15 Thread Waldemar Horwat
My comments:

The grammar doesn't work:

can be parsed as either a FieldName or as the meta::prototype production.  To 
make parsing unambiguous you can't allow meta to be included in AnyIdentifier 
(or implement some other similar fix).

Class type discussion:

Do the properties in the literal need to have any correspondence to the members 
of the class?  As far as I can tell, they can be anything.

 If a property name in the record type that annotates the literal

What record type?  You didn't say that the type has to be a record type here.

 If a literal field is annotated by |const| or |var| and the field is 
 also named in the record type that annotates the literal then the type 
 of the property is the type given in the record type, not the type 
 implied by the initial value of the property (see below).

This paragraph is misplaced.  Instead, fix the descriptions of const and var 
below, as they lead to the wrong conclusion in this case without any hints that 
they're overridden here.

What is the type of fields without a type annotation?

Es4-discuss mailing list

Re: ES4 stable draft: object initializers

2008-04-15 Thread Waldemar Horwat
There is also another ambiguity in the grammar:

var {x:y, p:q} = expr;

is both an assignment expression statement and a destructuring variable binding 

Es4-discuss mailing list

Re: ES4 draft: array initializer expressions

2008-04-15 Thread Waldemar Horwat
My comments:

The grammar is ambiguous.

var [x, y] = expr;

is both an assignment expression statement and a destructuring variable binding 

How does the length property work for structural type literals?  Is it always 
a fixture?

 If the array initializer is prefixed by |const| or |var| then the array 
 properties created will be created as fixtures; if the prefix is |const| 
 those fixtures will additionally be read-only.

Am I to read this as stating that the length is also a constant if const is 
used?  It's a bit unclear.

Es4-discuss mailing list

Namespaces on definitions

2008-04-11 Thread Waldemar Horwat
My views on this are:

- There should be only *one* syntax for specifying namespaces in definitions.  
It shouldn't be
  ns::foo = xyz
in one place (object initializers) and
  ns var foo = xyz
someplace else (variable definitions).

- The historical reason I chose the syntax
  ns var foo = xyz
for ES4 was that I allowed the same definition to simultaneously go into 
several namespaces:
  ns1 ns2 ns3 var foo = xyz
would create ns1::foo, ns2::foo, and ns3::foo, which would be aliases of the 
same variable (not three different variables).  ES4 doesn't support that any 
more, so this reason goes away and the issue can be reconsidered.

Now that the issue has been brought up, I'm warming up to the syntax 
  var ns::foo = xyz
everywhere.  It's simpler to remember.  It doesn't match Java, but if that were 
a goal then we should first change our type annotation syntax to that of C++ 
and Java.


Lars Hansen wrote:
 -Original Message-
 Behalf Of Jon Zeppieri
 Sent: 11. april 2008 09:50

 The question is:  why not apply it to classes, too?

 By the way, I was wrong about the grammar allowing

 var public::count = ...

 in classes.  It doesn't.  But why not allow it there and consider it
 canonical?  (Doesn't 'var' also indicate that the property is a
 fixture in a class definition, too?  It's not part of the name,
 One motivation is that programmers are likely to prefer the Java-like
 syntax where the namespace (in its role as access control) shows
 up early:
   public var count =
   private var key =
 I really think this is the right syntax for variables.  The syntax
   var private::key, private::foo, public::x, private::bar; 
 is certainly workable and unambiguous but 
   public var x;
   private var key, foo, bar;
 works better for me, because the access control is visible and 
 separated from the names, because each phrase is shorter, and
 because I'm guaranteed to separate my privates from my publics.
 Classes are sort of funny since you can consider a property name 
 in a class both as a property on the instance ( but also 
 just as a scoped variable, inside all the methods of the class.
 If you're *really* into Java the former case disappears completely
 because  there will be getter/setter pairs for everything ;) so the 
 scoped variable case is completely dominant.  I'm not sure
 that's wrong, and I think a variable declaration syntax is
 more natural than an object property syntax.
 (The syntax of field names in object initializers, on the other hand,
 is a consequence of how that syntax has evolved.)
 Matters of taste?  To an extent.  But preserving brain print from
 other languages (Java, Python) is not unimportant, it's one of the
 principles that have been used in designing the language.
Es4-discuss mailing list

Re: Strict mode recap

2008-04-01 Thread Waldemar Horwat
Mark Miller wrote:
   - Disable FunctionObject.arguments (not actually in ES3 but
   woefully used in practice)

  This is an interesting one, since disallowing it would mean that
  the ES3.1 and ES4 specs would have to re-allow it so that they could
  explicitly disallow it :)
 Yes. It's also an interesting test of how strong our stomachs are in
 codifying reality. Any web browser that doesn't provide these will
 break  (or be broken by) the web. However, it has never been specified
 and should never have been implemented or used. I do think that
 standards mode should include it and strict mode should ban it.
 Otherwise, de-facto JavaScript continues to differ too greatly from
 what's documented.

I think this would be going too far.  I would not want to normatively introduce 
this little abomination into the spec even if it's de facto used by legacy 
scripts in browsers -- it was never in the spec and there are other uses of 
JavaScript not in browsers that shouldn't have to suffer from it.  The same 
goes for a few of the regexp features/bugs that aren't in ES3.

Es4-discuss mailing list

Re: ES4 draft LAST CALL: Map

2008-03-21 Thread Waldemar Horwat
The current definition in 1.2.2 of what Map(o) does is a harmful dead end.  The 
current behavior is:

- If o is already a Map then leave it alone.
- Otherwise enumerate the visible properties of o and construct a Map out of 

This is harmful because it's guaranteed to cause current and future 
incompatibilities.  There are many other map-like things for which this is the 
wrong default and we'll be unable to fix them for compatibility reasons.  Here 
are just a few:

- If you construct a Map out of a Vector, you want the mapping of indices to 
the elements, with nothing else.  The default behavior brings in extraneous 
miscellaneous housekeeping properties (length, maybe fixed, perhaps more in the 
- Folks will write libraries that define MultiMap and Set classes.  We'll want 
to later allow natural conversion of these to a Map, but the default will get 
in the way.

For these reasons the current definition of Map(o) is broken and should not be 
adopted.  The fix is to take out the auto-enumerating behavior.  If it's 
needed, it should be done by a static function.

Es4-discuss mailing list

Re: ES4 draft: Name

2008-03-21 Thread Waldemar Horwat
Mark S. Miller wrote:
 The one use-case I can see for names and namespaces that isn't
 addressed adequately by existing patterns is expanding the
 property-name-space, to avoid accidental collisions on extensions to
 common abstractions. I note that Smalltalk has long faced this issue,
 and I know of at least three independent proposals for first-class
 selector names that were intended to address it. At least one of these
 were actually implemented. None were ever adopted by a significant
 user community. The problem with all of these is that, by introducing
 another layer of translation between the identifier the programmer
 wrote and the thing that's looked up, you have to introduce and
 explain all the mechanism for determining which translation to use in
 what context. (The T variant of Scheme is the only example I know
 where first-class selectors saw significant use. Though widely
 admired, no other Scheme or Lisp variants picked up on this feature.)

Really?  Lisp is a great example of the benefit of namespaces.  Namespaces are 
essential to Common Lisp.  In my Netscape days I wrote the semantic engine for 
the reference implementation of ES4 in Common Lisp.  Lisp namespaces were 
crucial to maintaining my sanity while structuring that program.

Es4-discuss mailing list

Re: Nature of Parametrized types

2008-03-21 Thread Waldemar Horwat
Doing this would require multiple inheritance if you tried to apply it to a 
two-level class hierarchy.

class A.X;
class B.X extends A.X;

Now consider where the unqualified type B would belong in the hierarchy.


Peter Hall wrote:
  Note that this is not to say that the type Cls is nonsensical on its
  own. Some operations are possible with it: it can be compared to other
  types, it can be captured as a value and passed around, and it can be
  instantiated with argument types. You just can't reach into it before
  it's been parameterized, any more than you can reach into an
  un-applied function.

 Ok. Does is Cls evaluate to true? ie, could the
 specification be written so that:
  class Cls.T1,T2 extends S {  /* code using T1 and T2 */ }
 is compiled as if you had written:
  class Cls extends S {   }
 but somehow internally marked with the parameters that are required in
 order to instantiate it.
 And, on encountering references to Cls.string,int, generate an
 unnamed class  as if created by the following ES4 code:
  class Cls_string_int extends Cls { /* replace T1,T2,.. here */}
 So that:
 new Cls.string,int is Cls;
 evaluates to true.
 Then it could also allow code like this:
  class MyCls.S1 extends Cls.S1,int {  /* code using S1 */  }
 So, when MyCls.string is referenced, it would generate an unnamed
 class as if written:
  class MyCls_string extends Cls_string_int {  /*  */  }
 And the is relationship holds throughout.
 The only obvious niggle is that the Java behaviour for statics would
 naturally emerge, so you would have to take them into special account
 to get the behaviour you want.
Es4-discuss mailing list

Re: union type syntax

2008-03-21 Thread Waldemar Horwat
There is no solid technical reason for requiring parentheses here.  They're 
here because of people's preferences.  I don't find them particularly useful 


Peter Hall wrote:
 Now that union type uses | instead of , for the delimiter, could
 the parentheses be made optional? It seems like parentheses are used
 elsewhere only for grouping and function calls/definitions.
 UnionType ::=  Type ( | UnionType )?
 which should be easily distinguishable from a bitwise OR expression.
Es4-discuss mailing list

Re: ES4 draft: Namespace

2008-03-21 Thread Waldemar Horwat
Lars Hansen wrote:
 Please define the terms forgeable and unforgeable in the 
 synopsis before using them later.
 The terms are (will be) defined in the language part of the spec,
 and there is already an entry in the NOTES section that defines
 what they mean for the moment, since the language part does not
 yet exist.  Will that not suffice?

I don't know; I'm reviewing the sections based solely on the text you've shared 
so far, so the questions I note might be answered in parts I haven't seen yet.  
In this case I'm not sure what you mean by the language part of the spec; ES3 
has an overview but it's non-normative.

Es4-discuss mailing list

Re: ES4 draft: Object

2008-03-13 Thread Waldemar Horwat
Yuh-Ruey Chen wrote:
 Brendan Eich wrote:
 If we end up making all namespaced properties non-enumerable, then we  
 may want a property iterator that returns the names of all properties  
 in a given object. Even if this is not in the standard, it's likely  
 to be an extension. Or it could be added in the future.
 Absolutely. In fact, I thought there was already an iterator that yields 
 all properties regardless of enumerability, just that this iterator 
 would not be the default iterator for objects. If it's not in ES4, it 
 should definitely be there because it's essential for those that want to 
 customize enumerability.

As was discussed before, the language cannot have such an iterator.  Were this 
iterator to exist, an attacker could use it to discover hidden properties of 
objects, get access to private and other restricted namespaces, alter private 
state, and break through abstraction barriers.

Es4-discuss mailing list

Re: ES4 draft: Function

2008-03-13 Thread Waldemar Horwat
I agree with Lars on this issue for exactly the same reasons as what he stated.

Es4-discuss mailing list

Re: ES4 draft: Function

2008-03-13 Thread Waldemar Horwat
Here are my comments on this section:

 static public function apply(fn /*: function*/, thisArg: Object=null, 
 argArray: Object=null)
 static public function bind(method /*: function*/, thisObj: Object=null, 
 static public function call(fn /*: function*/, thisObj: Object=null, ...args)
 prototype function apply(/*this: function, */ thisArg=undefined, 
 prototype function bind(/*this: function, */ thisObj=undefined, ...args)
 prototype function call(/*this: function, */ thisObj=undefined, ...args)

What does /*: function*/ mean here?  Are these arguments required to have the 
function type or not?

Although apply is redundant in the presence of the splat operator, I see no 
harm in keeping it for consistency with ES3.

 The implementation of the meta function |invoke| is 

Omit the implementation section altogether.  Saying implementation-dependent 
is misleading here, as its behavior should not be implementation-dependent.

 intrinsic function apply(thisArg: Object=null, argArray: Object=null)
 Function.apply(this, thisArg, argArray);

 intrinsic function bind(thisObj: Object=null, ...args)
 Function.helper::bind(this, thisObj, args);

 intrinsic function call(thisObj: Object=null, ...args)
 Function.apply(this, thisObj, args);

The middle one is not like the other two.  Hmmm  another use case for the 
splat operator.

Es4-discuss mailing list

Re: ES4 draft last call: line continuation in string and regexliterals

2008-03-12 Thread Waldemar Horwat
Jeff Dyer wrote:
 Waldemar, can you suggest a fix?

The correct fix is to add the relevant productions to the lexer grammar.  It's 
fairly straightforward in the string literal grammar.  It's painful in the 
regexp grammar.

Es4-discuss mailing list

Re: eval

2008-03-12 Thread Waldemar Horwat
Lars Hansen wrote:
 In my opinion the following is roughly right:
   if eval is the original global eval function then
 if obj is an ES global object (window, frame) then
   invoke eval as follows:
 the scope chain holds that window (global) object only
 the variable object is that window object
 the value of this is that window object  
   this is an error
 we don't care; invoke the method eval on obj
   look up eval
   if the found value v is the original eval function and
  the binding object x holding eval is an ES global object and
  the global object on the scope chain for v is x then
invoke eval as follows:
  the scope chain is the lexical chain in effect at the point of
  the variable object is the innermost variable object in effect
 (which is to
  say that it excludes binding objects introduced for let,
 catch, named
  function expressions, switch type, and note also that
 code at the top
  level of a class is static initialization code so the
 variable object
  is the global object)
  the value of this is the global object x
 we don't care; invoke v as a normal function

Seems reasonable, although anything dealing with eval evil can get tricky.

What about the other cases such as:
new foo(x)

where foo happens to contain the original eval function.  Do you try to do the 
eval, throw an EvalError, or do something else?  ES3 gave the implementations a 
choice of either doing the eval or throwing an EvalError.

Es4-discuss mailing list

Re: ES4 draft: Vector

2008-03-10 Thread Waldemar Horwat
 new Vector.T ( length=..., fixed=... )

It would be helpful for readability to have the types here.

 The |Vector| constructor is implementation-defined.

This is misleading.  Usually when a standard states that something is 
implementation-defined, it means that its semantics are not specified in the 
standard.  Having no standard-defined vector constructor would be strange 

If you merely don't want to write pseudo-code for the Vector constructor, 
please just omit the Implementation section.

 Vector( object )

 When the |Vector| class object is called as a function, it creates a new 
 variable-length |Vector| object of type |*| ...
 static meta function invoke(object) {
 if (object is Vector.*)
 return object;

The description and code don't match.

[Also, I'm a bit unclear about how parametrized types currently work.  The 
overview document has examples that seem to indicate that you call bound types 
as functions.  What happens when you call Vector.Foo as a function and pass 
it a Vector.Bar?]

toLocaleString:  This seems overspecified.  Do you want to explicitly define 
what happens if the vector is modified in the middle of running this?


VectorX cannot be a subtype of VectorY even if X is a subtype of Y.  If it 
were, the type system would be unsound:  you could pass a VectorX to a 
function F expecting a VectoryY and then have F write a Y into that vector.

every, filter, etc.:  These seem overspecified.  For example, the definition of 
filter states that the implementation must perform the lookup and fetch of each 
found element twice, which unnecessarily forbids more efficient implementations.

forEach:  Why is clamp here?

The static indexOf method ...:  indexOf isn't a static method.

Why does indexOf return AnyNumber?

lastIndexOf:  What happens when you do i-- on a uint with the value of 0?  Do 
you get 4294967295?

sort:  Doesn't return anything.

 if (items.length  delcnt) {
 let shift = delcnt - items.length;
 for ( let n=0, i=first; n  shift ; n++, i++ )
 this[i] = this[i+shift];
 length -= shift;
 else {
 let shift = items.length - delcnt;
 for ( let n=shift-1, i=first+shift; n = 0 ; n--, i-- )
 this[i] = this[i-shift];

Both of these seem wrong.  I think there are at least four different errors 


Need to raise length first.

 for ( let i=0 ; i  numitems ; i++ )
 this[newlimit-i] = this[oldlimit-i];

The bounds on this loop are wrong.

1.4:  Typo:  defined on directly on

When you iterate through Maps, you get the old length if the Map is modified 
during the iteration.  When you iterate through Vectors, you get the new 
length.  The discrepancy seems jarring.

fixed should be a constant property or be removed altogether.  It's useless as 
a variable -- anybody can change the length of the vector at any time anyway, 
and now code that hands out references to vectors to clients has to deal with 
bozos who make those vectors fixed just for grins.

What happens if you try to index a vector with +Infinity or NaN?  I assume it's 
RangeError, but don't know enough about how numerically named properties work.

 prototype function every(this:Vector.*, checker, thisObj=undefined)
 (this.intrinsic::every(checker, thisObj is Object) ? thisObj : null);
 prototype function filter(this:Vector.*, checker, thisObj=undefined)
 (this.intrinsic::filter(checker, thisObj is Object) ? thisObj : null);
 prototype function forEach(this:Vector.*, eacher, thisObj=undefined)
 (this.intrinsic::forEach(checker, thisObj is Object) ? thisObj : null);

Why are you passing a boolean as the thisObj argument to intrinsic::every et 

Es4-discuss mailing list

Re: ES4 draft: Object

2008-03-10 Thread Waldemar Horwat
 intrinsic function propertyIsEnumerable(name: EnumerableId, flag: 
 (boolean|undefined) = undefined): boolean

I too find the second parameter here abhorrent.  Please find another way to 
solve it (Brendan's namespace idea maybe) or remove this feature altogether.

How does property lookup deal with properties indexed by numbers that are not 
int or uint?  toEnumerableId converts them to strings, but the Vector proposal 
indicated that vectors don't.


Es4-discuss mailing list

Re: ES4 draft last call: line continuation in string and regex literals

2008-03-10 Thread Waldemar Horwat
 The character sequence BACKSLASH lineterminator (where lineterminator 
 will be one of the characters LF, LS, or PS) is removed from string literals 
 delimited by either single or triple SINGLEQUOTE or DOUBLEQUOTE characters. 
 (Triple-quoting is defined in [5].)

This states that:


evaluates to the string abctabde.

Is this really what we want?  I'd find such nested escape sequences really 

Es4-discuss mailing list

Re: ES4 process tweaks

2008-03-10 Thread Waldemar Horwat
Jeff Dyer wrote:
 - Phone calls as needed

Is there one tomorrow?  There's a blank agenda page for it.

Es4-discuss mailing list

Re: ES4 draft last call: line continuation in string and regex literals

2008-03-10 Thread Waldemar Horwat
Lars Hansen wrote:
 The character sequence BACKSLASH lineterminator (where 
 lineterminator will be one of the characters LF, LS, or PS) is 
 removed from string literals delimited by either single or triple 
 SINGLEQUOTE or DOUBLEQUOTE characters. (Triple-quoting is 
 defined in 
 This states that:


 evaluates to the string abctabde.

 Is this really what we want?  I'd find such nested escape 
 sequences really strange.
 That looks like an illegal token to me, since the lexer will read a
 b c \ and then see an unescaped linefeed.
 Since the speclet states nothing about changing the way strings are
 lexed, normal escape character processing should be in effect, and that
 dictates that \\ is processed into \ independently of what follows.

It's what we all want.  As written, that's not what it states.  This isn't 
ready to go in until this bug is corrected.

Es4-discuss mailing list

Re: ES4 draft: Object

2008-03-10 Thread Waldemar Horwat
Lars Hansen wrote:
 The feature was approved by the WG and solves a practical problem.
 If another way to solve this practical problem is proposed (in a
 more structured form than in the ongoing discussion) and finds favor
 with the WG, then fine -- of course we can replace it.  Until then,
 this feature stays as it is until the WG can be convinced that it
 needs to be removed.  Personally I think that it is ugly/abhorrent
 is a weak basis on which to remove the current feature.

We are the WG.  Are you saying that substantive discussions of your proposals 
are not welcome?  Not sure what the point of participating is if that's the 

I'm dealing with a serious insurrection of folks who believe that the ES4 
working group has a bad attitude, based on Brendan's public comments and 
responses to issues like this one.  They're quite visible.

Es4-discuss mailing list

Re: Default argument values

2008-03-03 Thread Waldemar Horwat
Steven Mascaro wrote:
 One last issue. I was going to leave it till later, but I realised it
 may affect ES4.
 The nicest syntax for named arguments would be to use ':', just like
 with object literals. e.g.:
 /// Define
 function foo(arg1 = 0, arg2 = 1) { ... }
 /// Call
 foo(arg2: 10, arg1: 5);
 (I find this even more attractive than the Python syntax.) But this
 could potentially conflict with the type annotation syntax. e.g.:
 /// Call
 foo(arg1: ClassA, arg2);
 At the moment, the RI throws a ParseError for that, so there's no
 conflict. I'd like to request that this syntax be reserved solely for
 named arguments.

Fair enough.  I don't see any issues with preserving that call syntax for the 

Es4-discuss mailing list

Re: ES4 draft: Map

2008-02-29 Thread Waldemar Horwat
 The optional /hashcode/ argument is a function that takes a key and 
 returns a numeric code for it. This code may be used to find 
 associations more quickly in the map. Two calls to the /hashcode/ 
 function on the same key value must return the same numeric code, and 
 the /hashcode/ function must always return the same numeric code for two 
 objects that compare equal by the /equals/ function. The default value 
 for /hashcode/ is the intrinsic global function |hashcode|.

Dost thou desire arbitrary numeric hashcodes or integral ones?

   Map( object )
 When the |Map| class object is called as a function, it creates a new 
 |Map| object from |EnumerableId| to |*|, populating the new |Map| object 
 with the own properties of /object/.

Making Map(x) do something specialized like this seems like a bad idea.  If x 
is already a Map, I'd expect Map(x) to be idempotent and return x.

Should thou need this functionality, use a static method to get it.

Why does get return null instead of undefined when it fails to find an instance?

A version of get with a second parameter X that returns X when the value isn't 
present would be useful.

Need a clear() method that deletes all bindings.

The iteration protocol makes a copy before starting to iterate.  It might be 
implemented via copy-on-write but I'd like to see how expensive this is.

Es4-discuss mailing list

Re: Access to spreadsheet

2008-02-27 Thread Waldemar Horwat
Brendan Eich wrote:
 On Feb 27, 2008, at 3:59 PM, Waldemar Horwat wrote:
 I'd like write access to the spreadsheet so we can fill in the Google 

 Also, some features have been omitted from the spreadsheet, such as 
 tuple types.  Are those out of the language?
 It's not that fine-grained. Array types under Structural types includes 
 homogeneous array types (e.g, [int]) and tuple types ([boolean, string]).

Most of the categories are quite fine-grained in the spreadsheet.  The other 
kinds of types are in there, so tuples should be listed as well or the entry 
renamed Array and Tuple types.  It's mighty confusing otherwise.

Es4-discuss mailing list