Why is there something rather than nothing?

2011-08-08 Thread Roger
Hi.  I used to post to this list but haven't in a long time.  I'm
a biochemist but like to think about the question of Why is there
something rather than nothing? as a hobby.  If you're interested,
some of my ideas on this question and on  Why do things exist?,
infinite sets and on the relationships of all this to mathematics and
physics are at:


An abstract of the Why do things exist and Why is there something
rather than nothing? paper is below.

Thank you in advance for any feedback you may have.


Roger Granet


   In this paper, I propose solutions to the questions Why do things
exist? and Why is there something rather than nothing?  In regard
to the first question, Why do things exist?, it is argued that a
thing exists if the contents of, or what is meant by, that thing are
completely defined.  A complete definition is equivalent to an edge or
boundary defining what is contained within and giving “substance” and
existence to the thing.  In regard to the second question, Why is
there something rather than nothing?, nothing, or non-existence, is
first defined to mean: no energy, matter, volume, space, time,
thoughts, concepts, mathematical truths, etc.; and no minds to think
about this lack-of-all.  It is then shown that this non-existence
itself, not our mind's conception of non-existence, is the complete
description, or definition, of what is present.  That is, no energy,
no matter, no volume, no space, no time, no thoughts, etc.,  in and of
itself, describes, defines, or tells you, exactly what is present.
Therefore, as a complete definition of what is present, nothing, or
non-existence, is actually an existent state.  So, what has
traditionally been thought of as nothing, or non-existence, is, when
seen from a different perspective, an existent state or something.
Said yet another way, non-existence can appear as either nothing or
something depending on the perspective of the observer.   Another
argument is also presented that reaches this same conclusion.
Finally, this reasoning is used to form a primitive model of the
universe via what I refer to as philosophical engineering.

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Re: bruno list

2011-08-08 Thread Stathis Papaioannou
On Sun, Aug 7, 2011 at 11:07 PM, Craig Weinberg whatsons...@gmail.com wrote:

 That, as I keep saying, is the question. Assume that the bot can
 behave like a person but lacks consciousness.

 No. You have it backwards from the start. There is no such thing as
 'behaving like a person'. There is only a person interpreting
 something's behavior as being like a person. There is no power
 emanating from a thing that makes it person-like. If you understand
 this you will know because you will see that the whole question is a
 red herring. If you don't see that, you do not understand what I'm

Interpreting something's behaviour as being like a [person's] is
what I mean by behaving like a person.

Then it would be
 possible to replace parts of your brain with non-conscious components
 that function otherwise normally, which would lead to you lacking some
 important aspect aspect of consciousness but being unaware of it. This
 is absurd, but it is a corollary of the claim that it is possible to
 separate consciousness from function. Therefore, the claim that it is
 possible to separate consciousness from function is shown to be false.
 If you don't accept this then you allow what you have already admitted
 is an absurdity.

 It's a strawman of consciousness that is employed in circular
 thinking. You assume that consciousness is a behavior from the
 beginning and then use that fallacy to prove that behavior can't be
 separated from consciousness. Consciousness drives behavior and vice
 versa, but each extends beyond the limits of the other.

No, I do NOT assume that consciousness follows from behaviour (and
certainly not that it IS behaviour) from the beginning!! I've lost
count of the number of times I have said assume that it has the
behaviour, but not the consciousness, of a brain component. How can I
make it clearer? What other language can I use to convey that the
thing is unconscious but to an external observer, who can't know its
subjective states, it does the same sorts of mechanical things as its
conscious counterpart?

  The human race has already been supplanted by a superhuman AI. It's
  called law and finance.

 They are not entities and not intelligent, let alone intelligent in
 the way humans are.

 What make you think that law and finance are any less intelligent than
 a contemporary AI program?

Law and finance are abstractions. A computer may be programmed to
solve financial problems, and then it has a limited intelligence, but
it's incorrect to say that finance is therefore intelligent.

 When you say that intelligence can 'fake' non-intelligence, you imply
 an internal experience (faking is not an external phenomenon).
 Intelligence is a broad, informal term. It can mean subjectivity,
 intersubjectivity, or objective behavior, although I would say not
 truly objective but intersubjectively imagined as objective. I agree
 that consciousness or awareness is different from any of those
 definitions of intelligence which would actually be categories of
 awareness. I would not say that a zombie is intelligent. Intelligence
 implies understanding, which is internal. What a computer or a zombie
 has is intelliform mechanism.

If a computer or zombie can solve the same wide range of problems as a
human then it is ipso facto as intelligent as a human. If you discover
that your friend whom you have known for twenty years is actually a
robot you may doubt in the light of this knowledge that he is
conscious, but you can't doubt that he is intelligent, since that is
based purely on your observations of his behaviour and not on internal

Stathis Papaioannou

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Re: bruno list

2011-08-08 Thread Stathis Papaioannou
On Mon, Aug 8, 2011 at 4:35 AM, meekerdb meeke...@verizon.net wrote:
 On 8/7/2011 4:42 AM, Stathis Papaioannou wrote:

 That, as I keep saying, is the question. Assume that the bot can
 behave like a person but lacks consciousness. Then it would be
 possible to replace parts of your brain with non-conscious components
 that function otherwise normally, which would lead to you lacking some
 important aspect aspect of consciousness but being unaware of it.

 Put that way it seems absurd.  But what about lacking consciousness but
 *acting as if you were unaware* of it?  The philosophical zombie says he's
 conscious and has an internal narration and imagines and dreams...but does
 he?  Can we say that he must?  If he says he doesn't, can we be sure he's
 lying?  Even though I think functionalism is right, I think consciousness
 may be very different depending on how the internal functions are
 implemented.  I go back to the example of having an inner narration in
 language (which most of us didn't have before age 4).  I think Julian Jaynes
 was right to suppose that this was an evolutionary accident in co-opting the
 perceptual mechanism of language.  In a sense all thought may be perception;
 it's just that some of it is perception of internal states.

The trick is to consider not full-blown zombies but partial zombies
based on partial brain replacement. If your visual cortex is replaced
with zombie neurons your visual qualia will disappear but the rest of
the brain will receive normal input, so you will declare that you can
see normally. The possibilities are:

(a) You can in fact see normally. In general, if the behaviour of the
brain is replicated then the consciousness is also replicated.
(b) You are blind but don't realise it, believe you have normal sight
and declare that you have normal sight.
(c) You are blind and realise you are blind but can't do anything
about it, observing helplessly as your vocal cords apparently of their
own accord declare that everything is normal.

 I think (a) is the only plausible one of theses possibilities.

Stathis Papaioannou

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Re: bruno list

2011-08-08 Thread Craig Weinberg
On Aug 8, 8:19 am, Stathis Papaioannou stath...@gmail.com wrote:
 On Sun, Aug 7, 2011 at 11:07 PM, Craig Weinberg whatsons...@gmail.com wrote:
  That, as I keep saying, is the question. Assume that the bot can
  behave like a person but lacks consciousness.

  No. You have it backwards from the start. There is no such thing as
  'behaving like a person'. There is only a person interpreting
  something's behavior as being like a person. There is no power
  emanating from a thing that makes it person-like. If you understand
  this you will know because you will see that the whole question is a
  red herring. If you don't see that, you do not understand what I'm

 Interpreting something's behaviour as being like a [person's] is
 what I mean by behaving like a person.

I know that's what you mean, but I'm trying to explain why those two
phrases are polar opposites in this context, because the whole thread
is about the difference between subjectivity and objectivity. If a
chip could behave like a person, then we wouldn't be having this
conversation right now. We'd be hanging out with our digital friends
instead. Every chip we make would have it's own perspective and do
what it wanted to do, like an infant or a pollywog would. If we want
to make a chip that impersonates something that does have it's own
perspective and does what it wants to, then we can try to do that with
varying levels of success depending upon who you are trying to fool,
how you are trying to fool them, and for how long. The fact that any
particular person interprets the thing as being alive or conscious for
some period of time is not the same thing as the thing being actually
alive or conscious.

 Then it would be
  possible to replace parts of your brain with non-conscious components
  that function otherwise normally, which would lead to you lacking some
  important aspect aspect of consciousness but being unaware of it. This
  is absurd, but it is a corollary of the claim that it is possible to
  separate consciousness from function. Therefore, the claim that it is
  possible to separate consciousness from function is shown to be false.
  If you don't accept this then you allow what you have already admitted
  is an absurdity.

  It's a strawman of consciousness that is employed in circular
  thinking. You assume that consciousness is a behavior from the
  beginning and then use that fallacy to prove that behavior can't be
  separated from consciousness. Consciousness drives behavior and vice
  versa, but each extends beyond the limits of the other.

 No, I do NOT assume that consciousness follows from behaviour (and
 certainly not that it IS behaviour) from the beginning!! I've lost
 count of the number of times I have said assume that it has the
 behaviour, but not the consciousness, of a brain component. How can I
 make it clearer? What other language can I use to convey that the
 thing is unconscious but to an external observer, who can't know its
 subjective states, it does the same sorts of mechanical things as its
 conscious counterpart?

Isn't the whole point of the gradual neuron substitution example to
prove that consciousness must be behavior? That if behavior of the
neurons are the same, and accepted as the same then the conscious
experience of the brain as a whole must be the same? Sorry if I'm not
getting your position right, and it is a subtle thing to try to
dissect. I think the word 'behavior' implies a certain level of
normative repetition which is not sufficient to describe the ability
of neurological awareness to choose whether to respond in the same way
or a new and unpredictable way. When you look at what neurons are
actually like, I think the idea of them having a finite set of
behaviors is not realistic. It's like saying that because speech can
be translated into words and letters, that words and letters should be
able to automatically produce the voice of their speakers.

   The human race has already been supplanted by a superhuman AI. It's
   called law and finance.

  They are not entities and not intelligent, let alone intelligent in
  the way humans are.

  What make you think that law and finance are any less intelligent than
  a contemporary AI program?

 Law and finance are abstractions. A computer may be programmed to
 solve financial problems, and then it has a limited intelligence, but
 it's incorrect to say that finance is therefore intelligent.

Computer programming languages are abstractions too. Law and finance
are machine logics that program the computer of civilization, and as
such, no more or less intelligent than any other machine.

  When you say that intelligence can 'fake' non-intelligence, you imply
  an internal experience (faking is not an external phenomenon).
  Intelligence is a broad, informal term. It can mean subjectivity,
  intersubjectivity, or objective behavior, although I would say not
  truly objective but intersubjectively imagined as objective. I agree

Re: COMP refutation paper - finally out

2011-08-08 Thread benjayk

John Mikes wrote:
 benjayk wrote:
 *Sorry, I can't follow you... You do not accept the concept of
 **and then want an origin for it?*
 I see you did not follow me... I asked for some identification to that
 mystical noumenon we are talking about exactly* to make it acceptable for
 discussion*.  T H E N  -  I F it turns out to BE acceptable, we may well
 contemplate an origination for it - if???...
 Better followable now?
 Sorry for not having been clearer.
Ah, OK. As I see it, (what I mean when I say) consciousness is simply
self-evident, obvious - you might even say it's obviousness itself. There
can be no remotely exact definition of it, as it is too simple (it can't be
cut into analyzable pieces) and complex (it has many different facets) for
that. It is that in which definitions arise. Just as one sentence in a book
cannot capture the whole book, no definition can capture consciousness.
To define consciousness and talk about it's properties means labeling and
representing it. It's not wrong, but we should clear that it's ultimately
undefinable and not even understandable.

If you ask me what consciousness is, then I can just invite you too look at
what already is obvious. In order to become more aware of how obvious it
really is, it might be useful to not conceptualize it, and not jump to the
conclusion It's trivial that I am conscious.. If we always search for
consciousness as something concretely graspable (by the mind) we will miss
the obvious fact that we simply are conscious and that the mind can't really
grasp it. 

You might say that if we don't know what exactly we are talking about it
makes no sense to talk about it. But I don't think that's necessarily true.
When we first learn about something, we don't know what exactly we talk
about and then learn more about it through asking questions, or

John Mikes wrote:
 BTW I never said that I do not accept the term consciousness - if it is
 identified in a way that makes sens (to me). I even worked on it (1992)
 apply the word to something *more general* than e.g. awareness or similar
 'human' peculiarities.
When I say consciousness I just mean ability to experience (in the broadest

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Re: Math Question

2011-08-08 Thread Bruno Marchal

On 07 Aug 2011, at 21:41, Craig Weinberg wrote:

On Aug 1, 2:29 pm, Bruno Marchal marc...@ulb.ac.be wrote:

Bruno  Stephen,

Isn't there a concept of imprecision in absolute physical measurement
and drift in cosmological constants? Are atoms and molecules all
infinitesimally different in size or are they absolutely the same
size? Certainly individual cells of the same type vary in all of their
measurements, do they not?

If so, that would seem to suggest my view - that arithmetic is an
approximation of feeling, and not the other way around. Cosmos is a
feeling of order, or of wanting to manifest order, but it is not
primitively precise. Make sense?

Not really. The size of a molecule can be considered infinite, if you  
describe the molecule by its quantum wave. I don't see why arithmetic  
would approximate feeling, nor what that could mean. I don't see what  
you mean by cosmos, etc.

Biological processes then, could be conceived as a 'levelling up' of
molecular arithmetic having been formally actualized,

I don't understand. What do you mean by molecular arithmetic, etc.

a more
significant challenge is attempted on top of the completed molecular
canvas - with more elasticity and unpredictibility, and a host of
newer, richer feelings which expand upon the molecular range, becoming
at once more tangible and concrete, more real, and more unreal and
abstract. The increased potential for unreality in the subjective
interiority of the cells is what creates the perspective necessary to
conceive of the molecular world as objectively real by contrast. The
nervous system does the same trick one level higher.

I see the words, but fail to see any precise meaning.

It seems to me that you postulate all the notions that I think we  
should explain from simpler notions we agree on.



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Re: Simulated Brains

2011-08-08 Thread Bruno Marchal

On 08 Aug 2011, at 03:03, Craig Weinberg wrote:

Interesting article:

Residents of the brain: Scientists turn up startling diversity among
nerve cells

No two cells are the same. Zoom in, and the brain’s wrinkly, pinkish-
gray exterior becomes a motley collection of billions of cells, each
with personalized quirks and idiosyncrasies.

New results suggest, for instance, that a population of nerve cells
in which individual responses to an electrical poke differ can process
more information than a group in which responses are the same. 

in addition to losing neurons, the brain would lose diversity, a
deficit that could usher in even more damage.

I would say this tends to support my view that the idea of replacement
neurons or normative behavior modeling is likely to be a dead end as
far as functionalism is concerned. It's more appropriate to consider
your brain a civilization of individual organisms (only some of which
are the conscious 'I')

You mean some neuron are me? That is worst that the grandmother  
neuron idea.

rather than a powerful computer executing
complicated instructions.

This is just a question of making the comp level lower, and has no  
incidence on the consequences of comp.
The molecules themselves have no individual differences, and in case  
they have, again, this would only put the level of substitution lower.
No machines can know-for-sure its own substitution level, and the  
obligation to reduce physics to the arithmetical biology and theology  
of numbers follows only from the *existence* of a level, not on the  
choice of such a level.



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Re: COMP refutation paper - finally out

2011-08-08 Thread Bruno Marchal

On 07 Aug 2011, at 21:50, benjayk wrote:

Bruno Marchal wrote:

Bruno Marchal wrote:

Bruno Marchal wrote:

Then computer science provides a theory of consciousness, and
explains how
consciousness emerges from numbers,

How can consciousness be shown to emerge from numbers when it is
assumed at the start?

In science we assume at some meta-level what we try to explain at
level. We have to assume the existence of the moon to try theories
about its origin.

That's true, but I think this is a different case. The moon seems to
have a
past, so it makes sense to say it emerged from its constituent
parts. In the
past, it was already there as a possibility.

OK, I should say that it emerges arithmetically. I thought you did
already understand that time is not primitive at all. More on this
Yeah, the problem is that consciousness emerging from arithmetics  

just that we manage to point to its existence within the theory.

Er well, OK. But arithmetic explains also why it exist, why it is  
undoubtable yet non definable, how it brings matter in the picture, etc.

We have no
reason to suppose this expresses something more fundamental, that  
is, that
consciousness literally emerges from arithmetics. Honestly, I don't  

know how to interpret this literally.

It means that the arithmetical reality is full of conscious entities  
of many sorts, so that we don't have to postulate the existence of  
consciousness, nor matter, in the ontological part of the TOE. We  
recover them, either intuitively, with the non-zombie rule, or  
formally, in the internal epistemology canonically associated to self- 
referring numbers.

Bruno Marchal wrote:

But consciousness as such has no past, so what would it mean that it
from numbers? Emerging is something taking place within time.
Otherwise we
are just saying we can deduce it from a theory, but this in and of
doesn't mean that what is derived is prior to what it is derived  

To the contrary, what we call numbers just emerges after
consciousness has
been there for quite a while. You might argue that they were there
but I don't see any evidence for it. What the numbers describe was
before, this is certainly true (or you could say there were  


OK. That would be a real disagreement. I just assume that the
arithmetical relations are true independently of anything. For  

I consider the truth of Goldbach conjecture as already settled in
Platonia. Either it is true that all even number bigger than 2 are  
sum of two primes, or that this is not true, and this independently  

any consideration on time, spaces, humans, etc.
Humans can easily verify this for little even numbers: 4 = 2+2, 6 =
3+3, 8 = 3+5, etc. But we don't have found a proof of this, despite
many people have searched for it.
I can see that the expression of such a statement needs humans or  

thinking entity, but I don't see how the fact itself would depend on
anything (but the definitions).
My point is subtle, I wouldn't necessarily completly disagree with  
what you
said. The problem is that in some sense everything is already there  
in some
form, so in this sense 1+1=2 and 2+2=4 is independently, primarily  
true, but

so is everything else.

The theory must explains why and how relative contingencies happen,  
and it has to explain the necessities (natural laws), etc.

Consciousness is required for any meaning to exist,

That is ambiguous. If you accept that some proposition can be true  
independently of us, it can mean that some meanings are true  
independently of us. If not you need some one to observe the big bang  
to make it happen, or the numbers to make them existing.

and ultimately is equivalent to it (IMO), so we derive from the  
meaning in

numbers that meaning exist. It's true, but ultimately trivial.

No, we derive from numbers+addition+multiplication a theory of  
meaning, consciousness, matter. You should not confuse a theory, and  
its meaning, interpretation, etc.
I happens that we can indeed explain how numbers develop meanings for  
number relations, etc.

Either everything is independently true, which doesn't really seem  
to be the
case, or things are generally interdependent. 1+1=2 is just true  
2+2=4 and I can just be conscious because 1+1=2, but 1+1=2 is just  
because I am conscious, and 1+1=2 is true because my mouse pad is  


This view makes sense to me, because it is so simple. One particular
statement true statement is true, only because every particular  
true statement is true, and because what is true is true. In this  

every statement is true because of every other statement. If we derive
something, we just explain how we become aware of the truth (of a
statement). There is no objective hierarchy of emergence (but  
necessarily a subjective progression, we will first 

Re: Why is there something rather than nothing?

2011-08-08 Thread meekerdb

On 8/7/2011 11:40 PM, Roger wrote:

 Hi.  I used to post to this list but haven't in a long time.  I'm
a biochemist but like to think about the question of Why is there
something rather than nothing? as a hobby.  If you're interested,
some of my ideas on this question and on  Why do things exist?,
infinite sets and on the relationships of all this to mathematics and
physics are at:


An abstract of the Why do things exist and Why is there something
rather than nothing? paper is below.

 Thank you in advance for any feedback you may have.


Roger Granet


In this paper, I propose solutions to the questions Why do things
exist? and Why is there something rather than nothing?  In regard
to the first question, Why do things exist?, it is argued that a
thing exists if the contents of, or what is meant by, that thing are
completely defined.

Things that are completely defined are mathematical abstractions: like a 
differentiable manifold or the natural numbers.  One might even argue 
that an essential characteristic of things that exist is that they can 
have unknown properties.  But perhaps I'm misreading what you mean by 
defined.  Maybe you just mean that things that exist either have a 
property or not, independent of our knowledge.  So Vic either has a mole 
on his left side or he doesn't, even though we don't know which; whereas 
is makes no sense to even wonder whether Sherlock Holmes has a mole on 
his left side.


A complete definition is equivalent to an edge or
boundary defining what is contained within and giving “substance” and
existence to the thing.  In regard to the second question, Why is
there something rather than nothing?, nothing, or non-existence, is
first defined to mean: no energy, matter, volume, space, time,
thoughts, concepts, mathematical truths, etc.; and no minds to think
about this lack-of-all.  It is then shown that this non-existence
itself, not our mind's conception of non-existence, is the complete
description, or definition, of what is present.  That is, no energy,
no matter, no volume, no space, no time, no thoughts, etc.,  in and of
itself, describes, defines, or tells you, exactly what is present.
Therefore, as a complete definition of what is present, nothing, or
non-existence, is actually an existent state.  So, what has
traditionally been thought of as nothing, or non-existence, is, when
seen from a different perspective, an existent state or something.
Said yet another way, non-existence can appear as either nothing or
something depending on the perspective of the observer.   Another
argument is also presented that reaches this same conclusion.
Finally, this reasoning is used to form a primitive model of the
universe via what I refer to as philosophical engineering.


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Re: Simulated Brains

2011-08-08 Thread Evgenii Rudnyi


Now I agree that my example was not good. I have searched some more. 
What about phantom pain, that is, pain in a limb that has been removed 
by amputation? What your theory says about such a thing?


On 07.08.2011 22:28 Evgenii Rudnyi said the following:

On 07.08.2011 21:26 Craig Weinberg said the following:

On Aug 7, 11:47 am, Evgenii Rudnyiuse...@rudnyi.ru wrote:

On 07.08.2011 17:12 Craig Weinberg said the following:

It seems that pain is some brain function, see for example


I have just searched in Google

people that do not experience pain

and this was the first link.

It's saying that the amplification of pain is a molecular

It seems there are a whole series of *proteins that detect*
various types of damage, be it hot, cold, pressure, etc. These seem
to be integrated together by this *SCN9A, which seems to be an
amplifier* that takes these small initial tissue damage signals and
turns them into a much larger sodium impulse and a nerve can

What WE feel as pain are what our brain cells feel from other
neurons when they are functioning properly. This genetic mutation
affects the neuron's ability to amplify the pain, not the ability
for the other cells of the body to feel the micro-pain that they
might feel when repairing themselves from damage, and the proteins
of the cell that detect that damage... which suggests that
awareness is operating robustly at the molecular level.

Thanks, I have to read it more carefully.


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Re: Simulated Brains

2011-08-08 Thread Evgenii Rudnyi

On 08.08.2011 00:03 meekerdb said the following:

On 8/7/2011 11:07 AM, Evgenii Rudnyi wrote:

On 07.08.2011 19:58 meekerdb said the following:

On 8/6/2011 11:44 PM, Evgenii Rudnyi wrote:


Please note that according to experimental results (see the
book mentioned in my previous message), pain comes after the
event. For example when you touch a hotplate, you take your
hand back not because of the pain. The action actually happens
unconsciously, conscious pain comes afterward.

Evgenii http://blog.rudnyi.ru

Which invites the question, was it pain before you were conscious
of it? Would it have been pain if you'd never become conscious of

I would say just a series of neuron spikes, what else? I mean that
in the skin there is some receptor that when it is hot excites some
 neuron. That neuron excites some other neurons and eventually your
 muscle move your hand. You see it differently?

No, but some neuron excites some other neuron is all that happens
later in your brain too. So where does it become pain? Is it when
those neurons in your brain connect the afferent signal with the
language modes for pain or with memories of injuries or with a
vocal cry?

This is exactly the Hard Problem. Another example is our visual 
experience. What we see is reconstructed by our brains. The question is 
however who observes it. How brain creates the Cartesian theater and who 
sits there?

These are questions that are considered from the viewpoint of 
neuroscience in the book that I have already mentioned:



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Re: bruno list

2011-08-08 Thread meekerdb

On 8/8/2011 5:34 AM, Stathis Papaioannou wrote:

On Mon, Aug 8, 2011 at 4:35 AM, meekerdbmeeke...@verizon.net  wrote:

On 8/7/2011 4:42 AM, Stathis Papaioannou wrote:

That, as I keep saying, is the question. Assume that the bot can
behave like a person but lacks consciousness. Then it would be
possible to replace parts of your brain with non-conscious components
that function otherwise normally, which would lead to you lacking some
important aspect aspect of consciousness but being unaware of it.

Put that way it seems absurd.  But what about lacking consciousness but
*acting as if you were unaware* of it?  The philosophical zombie says he's
conscious and has an internal narration and imagines and dreams...but does
he?  Can we say that he must?  If he says he doesn't, can we be sure he's
lying?  Even though I think functionalism is right, I think consciousness
may be very different depending on how the internal functions are
implemented.  I go back to the example of having an inner narration in
language (which most of us didn't have before age 4).  I think Julian Jaynes
was right to suppose that this was an evolutionary accident in co-opting the
perceptual mechanism of language.  In a sense all thought may be perception;
it's just that some of it is perception of internal states.

The trick is to consider not full-blown zombies but partial zombies
based on partial brain replacement. If your visual cortex is replaced
with zombie neurons your visual qualia will disappear but the rest of
the brain will receive normal input, so you will declare that you can
see normally. The possibilities are:

(a) You can in fact see normally. In general, if the behaviour of the
brain is replicated then the consciousness is also replicated.
(b) You are blind but don't realise it, believe you have normal sight
and declare that you have normal sight.
(c) You are blind and realise you are blind but can't do anything
about it, observing helplessly as your vocal cords apparently of their
own accord declare that everything is normal.

  I think (a) is the only plausible one of theses possibilities.

I think so too.  But that doesn't show that some different arrangement 
of functions in the brain could not produce a qualitatively different 
kind of consciousness.  Indeed it seems that sociopaths, for example, 
are different in lacking an empathy module in their brain.  Some 
people claim that the ability to understand higher mathematics is 
built-in and some people have it an some don't.  If we build more an 
more intelligent, autonomous Mars Rovers I think we will necessarily 
instantiate consciousness - but not consciousness like our own.  So I'm 
interested in the question of how we can know how similar and in what ways?


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Re: bruno list

2011-08-08 Thread meekerdb

On 8/8/2011 6:13 AM, Craig Weinberg wrote:

The machine doesn't care if it's right or wrong

But my thermostat cares whether it's hot or cold.


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Re: COMP refutation paper - finally out

2011-08-08 Thread benjayk

Bruno Marchal wrote:
 On 07 Aug 2011, at 21:50, benjayk wrote:

 Bruno Marchal wrote:

 Bruno Marchal wrote:

 Bruno Marchal wrote:

 Then computer science provides a theory of consciousness, and
 explains how
 consciousness emerges from numbers,
 How can consciousness be shown to emerge from numbers when it is
 assumed at the start?

 In science we assume at some meta-level what we try to explain at
 level. We have to assume the existence of the moon to try theories
 about its origin.
 That's true, but I think this is a different case. The moon seems to
 have a
 past, so it makes sense to say it emerged from its constituent
 parts. In the
 past, it was already there as a possibility.

 OK, I should say that it emerges arithmetically. I thought you did
 already understand that time is not primitive at all. More on this
 Yeah, the problem is that consciousness emerging from arithmetics  
 just that we manage to point to its existence within the theory.
 Er well, OK. But arithmetic explains also why it exist, why it is  
 undoubtable yet non definable, how it brings matter in the picture, etc.
Well, if I try to interpret your words favourably I can bring myself to
agree. But I will insist that it only explains why it exists (ultimately
because of itself), and does not make sense without consciousness.

I am getting a bit tired of labouring this point, but honestly your theory
is postulating something that seems nonsensical to me. Why on earth would I
believe in the truth of something that *can never be known in any way*
(namely, that arithmetics is true without / prior to consciousness)?

Bruno Marchal wrote:
 We have no
 reason to suppose this expresses something more fundamental, that  
 is, that
 consciousness literally emerges from arithmetics. Honestly, I don't  
 know how to interpret this literally.

 It means that the arithmetical reality is full of conscious entities  
 of many sorts, so that we don't have to postulate the existence of  
 consciousness, nor matter, in the ontological part of the TOE. We  
 recover them, either intuitively, with the non-zombie rule, or  
 formally, in the internal epistemology canonically associated to self- 
 referring numbers.
But what you do is assuming consciousness (you have to!) and then formulate
a theory that claims itself to be primary and ontologically real that
derives that consciousness is just epistemlogically true, by virtue of
hiding the assumption that consciousness already exists!
It seems you are just bullshitting yourself by not mentioning consciousness
as an assumption in the theory and then claim it follows without assuming

What you call ontological part of the theory are just the axioms you make
explicit. I don't see how this make them ontological, and the implicit
assumption epistemological. If anything, it would be the opposite. What is
implicit in everything, ie that which cannot be removed, is ontological, and
what can (apparently) be removed (or not mentioned) is epistemological. We
can be conscious without any notion of numbers, but there is no notion of
numbers without consciousness.

Bruno Marchal wrote:

 Bruno Marchal wrote:
 OK. That would be a real disagreement. I just assume that the
 arithmetical relations are true independently of anything. For  
 I consider the truth of Goldbach conjecture as already settled in
 Platonia. Either it is true that all even number bigger than 2 are  
 sum of two primes, or that this is not true, and this independently  
 any consideration on time, spaces, humans, etc.
 Humans can easily verify this for little even numbers: 4 = 2+2, 6 =
 3+3, 8 = 3+5, etc. But we don't have found a proof of this, despite
 many people have searched for it.
 I can see that the expression of such a statement needs humans or  
 thinking entity, but I don't see how the fact itself would depend on
 anything (but the definitions).
 My point is subtle, I wouldn't necessarily completly disagree with  
 what you
 said. The problem is that in some sense everything is already there  
 in some
 form, so in this sense 1+1=2 and 2+2=4 is independently, primarily  
 true, but
 so is everything else.
 The theory must explains why and how relative contingencies happen,  
 and it has to explain the necessities (natural laws), etc.
OK. It can theoretically explain that, no doubt about that. But from this it
doesn't follow that the means of explanation (numbers) are primary. I can
explain with words why humans have legs, this doesn't mean my words are the
reason that humans have legs.

Bruno Marchal wrote:
 Consciousness is required for any meaning to exist,
 That is ambiguous. If you accept that some proposition can be true  
 independently of us, it can mean that some meanings are true  
 independently of us. If not you need some one to observe the big bang  
 to make it happen, or the numbers to make them existing.
Well, independently of 

Re: Math Question

2011-08-08 Thread Craig Weinberg
On Aug 8, 12:03 pm, Bruno Marchal marc...@ulb.ac.be wrote:
 On 07 Aug 2011, at 21:41, Craig Weinberg wrote:

  On Aug 1, 2:29 pm, Bruno Marchal marc...@ulb.ac.be wrote:

  Bruno  Stephen,

  Isn't there a concept of imprecision in absolute physical measurement
  and drift in cosmological constants? Are atoms and molecules all
  infinitesimally different in size or are they absolutely the same
  size? Certainly individual cells of the same type vary in all of their
  measurements, do they not?

  If so, that would seem to suggest my view - that arithmetic is an
  approximation of feeling, and not the other way around. Cosmos is a
  feeling of order, or of wanting to manifest order, but it is not
  primitively precise. Make sense?

 Not really. The size of a molecule can be considered infinite, if you
 describe the molecule by its quantum wave.

Wouldn't the quantum wave describe the character of groups of the
molecule rather than an actual instance of the molecule? Don't
individual molecules have measurable finite sizes? For instance, here
we can see C60 molecules are in the range of 2nm each.

 I don't see why arithmetic
 would approximate feeling, nor what that could mean. I don't see what
 you mean by cosmos, etc.

For instance, a chef might make a meal by adding informal quantities
of the ingredients and procedures according to how she feels. A pinch
of salt, a chunk of butter, mix well, heat until crispy, etc. If she
wants to publish this as a recipe, she might want to get more
quantitatively precise with ingredient amounts, time and temp, etc. If
however, the quantities were arithmetically precise to begin with,
there would not be any need to blur them into informal terms. If the
recipe for the universe is a book of numbers, there would be no need
for blurry feelings to arise to mask them.

  Biological processes then, could be conceived as a 'levelling up' of
  molecular arithmetic having been formally actualized,

 I don't understand. What do you mean by molecular arithmetic, etc.

I'm characterizing the mechanics of molecules as being more arithmetic
and deterministic than that of organisms. Saying that molecular
mechanics represent one level of feeling actualized into form, and
that the next level is form actualizing a more powerful experience of

  a more
  significant challenge is attempted on top of the completed molecular
  canvas - with more elasticity and unpredictibility, and a host of
  newer, richer feelings which expand upon the molecular range, becoming
  at once more tangible and concrete, more real, and more unreal and
  abstract. The increased potential for unreality in the subjective
  interiority of the cells is what creates the perspective necessary to
  conceive of the molecular world as objectively real by contrast. The
  nervous system does the same trick one level higher.

 I see the words, but fail to see any precise meaning.

I'm saying that it's the difference between feeling and it's opposite
- arithmetic, which gives rise to the experience of 'reality'.

 It seems to me that you postulate all the notions that I think we
 should explain from simpler notions we agree on.

Not sure what you mean. If you're saying that I postulate that feeling
is not reducible but that you think we should reduce it to arithmetic,
I agree. I think the idea that feeling seems like it should be reduced
to something else is a consequence of the fact that our thoughts of
reduction are themselves a feeling.


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Re: Simulated Brains

2011-08-08 Thread Craig Weinberg
On Aug 8, 12:04 pm, Bruno Marchal marc...@ulb.ac.be wrote:

 You mean some neuron are me? That is worst that the grandmother  
 neuron idea.

All of your neurons are you, but the only some groups are aware that
they are you at any given time. If you're drunk, for instance, some
parts of you are not online and what remains is more in the limbic

  rather than a powerful computer executing
  complicated instructions.

 This is just a question of making the comp level lower, and has no  
 incidence on the consequences of comp.
 The molecules themselves have no individual differences, and in case  
 they have, again, this would only put the level of substitution lower.
 No machines can know-for-sure its own substitution level, and the  
 obligation to reduce physics to the arithmetical biology and theology  
 of numbers follows only from the *existence* of a level, not on the  
 choice of such a level.

Not sure what you're saying here. I was trying to point out that how
neurons actually behave seems not to be generic or mechanical on any
level. Each neuron would have to be it's own individualized
simulation, which itself may have to be based upon individualized
intra-cellular simulations, etc.


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Re: Simulated Brains

2011-08-08 Thread Craig Weinberg
On Aug 8, 2:10 pm, Evgenii Rudnyi use...@rudnyi.ru wrote:

 Now I agree that my example was not good. I have searched some more.
 What about phantom pain, that is, pain in a limb that has been removed
 by amputation? What your theory says about such a thing?

I think that phantom limb pain is about the somatic-proprioceptive
neurons in the brain letting you know that they have not heard from
the neurons in your missing limb in a long time, and they want you to
check it out. It's also processing the trauma of the loss, as if to
say I'm not crazy, right? There used to be a limb here and somehow
you, uh, don't have it anymore.


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Re: bruno list

2011-08-08 Thread Craig Weinberg
On Aug 8, 2:21 pm, meekerdb meeke...@verizon.net wrote:
 On 8/8/2011 6:13 AM, Craig Weinberg wrote:

  The machine doesn't care if it's right or wrong

 But my thermostat cares whether it's hot or cold.

I see what you are saying, but no, it doesn't care. If it cared then
it would not have to be programmed or set, it would just try to keep
the temperature comfortable for itself. If it's the dead of winter and
you don't have it set to heat, you will freeze to death and nobody
will pay the electric bill and the thermostat won't ever do anything
again. It has no capacity to understand what it is or what it's doing.


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Re: Simulated Brains

2011-08-08 Thread John Mikes
Brent wrote:

*No, but some neuron excites some other neuron is all that happens later in
your brain too.  So where does it become pain?  Is it when those neurons in
your brain connect the afferent signal with the language modes for pain or
with memories of injuries or with a vocal cry?*

PAIN and more such We are talking here - I suppose - about a complexity
and should not single out individual ingredients for desultory explanation,
or any 'Occamized' characterization 'shaved off' from the rest of the
complex. If we can 'analyze' a complexity it is not a complexity, only that
portion of it what we discovered up to yesterday.

The classic kaon? if a branch falls in the forest and nobody is there to
hear, does it make a noise? and please spare us the physicalist explanation
for 'noise' as airwaves undulating. frequencies etc. etc. - it is only a
description of the mechanism attached to it.
Pain is not a thing (Ding an sich) it is a complex outcome of - among
others - neuronal excitements and memories of injuries etc. that occurred in
connection with a 'feeling'(?).
I would not attempt to describe 'feeling' upon those physical/physiological
data our science so far disclosed as attached to the more complex phenomena.
Think of the inventory a long time ago: 5 senses? Last I read it was 64 and
counting. Now maybe hundreds.

John M

On Sun, Aug 7, 2011 at 6:03 PM, meekerdb meeke...@verizon.net wrote:

 On 8/7/2011 11:07 AM, Evgenii Rudnyi wrote:

 On 07.08.2011 19:58 meekerdb said the following:

 On 8/6/2011 11:44 PM, Evgenii Rudnyi wrote:


  Please note that according to experimental results (see the book
 mentioned in my previous message), pain comes after the event. For
  example when you touch a hotplate, you take your hand back not
 because of the pain. The action actually happens unconsciously,
 conscious pain comes afterward.

 Evgenii http://blog.rudnyi.ru

 Which invites the question, was it pain before you were conscious of
 it? Would it have been pain if you'd never become conscious of it?

 I would say just a series of neuron spikes, what else? I mean that in the
 skin there is some receptor that when it is hot excites some neuron. That
 neuron excites some other neurons and eventually your muscle move your hand.
 You see it differently?

 No, but some neuron excites some other neuron is all that happens later in
 your brain too.  So where does it become pain?  Is it when those neurons in
 your brain connect the afferent signal with the language modes for pain or
 with memories of injuries or with a vocal cry?


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Re: bruno list

2011-08-08 Thread meekerdb

On 8/8/2011 1:33 PM, Craig Weinberg wrote:

On Aug 8, 2:21 pm, meekerdbmeeke...@verizon.net  wrote:

On 8/8/2011 6:13 AM, Craig Weinberg wrote:


The machine doesn't care if it's right or wrong

But my thermostat cares whether it's hot or cold.

I see what you are saying, but no, it doesn't care. If it cared then
it would not have to be programmed or set, it would just try to keep
the temperature comfortable for itself.

Since you're programmed to keep yourself alive I guess that implies you 
don't care whether you live or die.

If it's the dead of winter and
you don't have it set to heat, you will freeze to death and nobody
will pay the electric bill and the thermostat won't ever do anything
again. It has no capacity to understand what it is or what it's doing.

It has the capacity to understand what the temperature is and what it's 
supposed to be.  You're just showing your carbon racism because my 
thermostat is made of glass and metal.


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Re: bruno list

2011-08-08 Thread Craig Weinberg
On Aug 8, 7:18 pm, meekerdb meeke...@verizon.net wrote:
 On 8/8/2011 1:33 PM, Craig Weinberg wrote:

  On Aug 8, 2:21 pm, meekerdbmeeke...@verizon.net  wrote:

  On 8/8/2011 6:13 AM, Craig Weinberg wrote:

  The machine doesn't care if it's right or wrong

  But my thermostat cares whether it's hot or cold.

  I see what you are saying, but no, it doesn't care. If it cared then
  it would not have to be programmed or set, it would just try to keep
  the temperature comfortable for itself.

 Since you're programmed to keep yourself alive I guess that implies you
 don't care whether you live or die.

We're not programmed to keep ourselves alive, we have to learn how to
do that ourselves. There is some vestigial programming from thousands
of years of hominid evolution, but that programming is actually
hostile to our survival now and we are having to hack into our own
diet to keep it from making us obese. A thermostat doesn't do that.

  If it's the dead of winter and
  you don't have it set to heat, you will freeze to death and nobody
  will pay the electric bill and the thermostat won't ever do anything
  again. It has no capacity to understand what it is or what it's doing.

 It has the capacity to understand what the temperature is and what it's
 supposed to be.  You're just showing your carbon racism because my
 thermostat is made of glass and metal.

It has no understanding. The only point of understanding is that you
are able to use it to make choices. A thermostat is just an electric
circuit that opens or closes depending on whether or not a two
particular pieces of metal expand or contract enough to tip a mercury
switch one way or another. No choice is made. I'm assuming that you're
trolling me on this...you don't really believe that a thermostat
understands temperature right?


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Re: bruno list

2011-08-08 Thread Craig Weinberg
On Aug 8, 7:18 pm, meekerdb meeke...@verizon.net wrote:

 It has the capacity to understand what the temperature is and what it's
 supposed to be.  You're just showing your carbon racism because my
 thermostat is made of glass and metal.

To be clear, I do suspect that each metal strip, and any metal strip,
may be 'aware' of temperature (it's own) but that's not an abstract
'understanding'. The thermostat device as a whole is only a coherent
machine from our perspective. Without us, each part of the thermostat
is just a coincidentally adjacent object, having no unifying
subjective sense amongst the parts.


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Re: bruno list

2011-08-08 Thread meekerdb

On 8/8/2011 5:12 PM, Craig Weinberg wrote:

On Aug 8, 7:18 pm, meekerdbmeeke...@verizon.net  wrote:

On 8/8/2011 1:33 PM, Craig Weinberg wrote:


On Aug 8, 2:21 pm, meekerdbmeeke...@verizon.netwrote:

On 8/8/2011 6:13 AM, Craig Weinberg wrote:

The machine doesn't care if it's right or wrong

But my thermostat cares whether it's hot or cold.

I see what you are saying, but no, it doesn't care. If it cared then
it would not have to be programmed or set, it would just try to keep
the temperature comfortable for itself.

Since you're programmed to keep yourself alive I guess that implies you
don't care whether you live or die.

We're not programmed to keep ourselves alive, we have to learn how to
do that ourselves.

Learning how and learning to want to are two different things.

There is some vestigial programming from thousands
of years of hominid evolution, but that programming is actually
hostile to our survival now and we are having to hack into our own
diet to keep it from making us obese. A thermostat doesn't do that.


If it's the dead of winter and
you don't have it set to heat, you will freeze to death and nobody
will pay the electric bill and the thermostat won't ever do anything
again. It has no capacity to understand what it is or what it's doing.

It has the capacity to understand what the temperature is and what it's
supposed to be.  You're just showing your carbon racism because my
thermostat is made of glass and metal.

It has no understanding. The only point of understanding is that you
are able to use it to make choices. A thermostat is just an electric
circuit that opens or closes depending on whether or not a two
particular pieces of metal expand or contract enough to tip a mercury
switch one way or another. No choice is made. I'm assuming that you're
trolling me on this...you don't really believe that a thermostat
understands temperature right?

Just as much as I believe a neuron feels pain.




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Re: bruno list

2011-08-08 Thread meekerdb

On 8/8/2011 5:28 PM, Craig Weinberg wrote:

On Aug 8, 7:18 pm, meekerdbmeeke...@verizon.net  wrote:


It has the capacity to understand what the temperature is and what it's
supposed to be.  You're just showing your carbon racism because my
thermostat is made of glass and metal.

To be clear, I do suspect that each metal strip, and any metal strip,
may be 'aware' of temperature (it's own) but that's not an abstract
'understanding'. The thermostat device as a whole is only a coherent
machine from our perspective. Without us, each part of the thermostat
is just a coincidentally adjacent object, having no unifying
subjective sense amongst the parts.

Unlike those carbon atoms in neurons?




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Re: bruno list

2011-08-08 Thread Stathis Papaioannou
On Mon, Aug 8, 2011 at 11:13 PM, Craig Weinberg whatsons...@gmail.com wrote:

  No. You have it backwards from the start. There is no such thing as
  'behaving like a person'. There is only a person interpreting
  something's behavior as being like a person. There is no power
  emanating from a thing that makes it person-like. If you understand
  this you will know because you will see that the whole question is a
  red herring. If you don't see that, you do not understand what I'm

 Interpreting something's behaviour as being like a [person's] is
 what I mean by behaving like a person.

 I know that's what you mean, but I'm trying to explain why those two
 phrases are polar opposites in this context, because the whole thread
 is about the difference between subjectivity and objectivity. If a
 chip could behave like a person, then we wouldn't be having this
 conversation right now. We'd be hanging out with our digital friends
 instead. Every chip we make would have it's own perspective and do
 what it wanted to do, like an infant or a pollywog would. If we want
 to make a chip that impersonates something that does have it's own
 perspective and does what it wants to, then we can try to do that with
 varying levels of success depending upon who you are trying to fool,
 how you are trying to fool them, and for how long. The fact that any
 particular person interprets the thing as being alive or conscious for
 some period of time is not the same thing as the thing being actually
 alive or conscious.

The chip is not alive because it doesn't meet a definition for life.
It may or may not be conscious - that isn't obvious and it is what we
are arguing about. However, it may objectively behave like a living or
conscious entity. For example, if it seeks food and reproduces it is
behaving like a living thing even though it isn't, and if it has a
conversation with you about its feelings and desires it is behaving
like a conscious thing even though it isn't.

I don't think the phrase does what it wants to do adds anything to
the discussion if you say that only a conscious thing can do what it
wants to do - it is back to arguing whether something is conscious.

 Then it would be
  possible to replace parts of your brain with non-conscious components
  that function otherwise normally, which would lead to you lacking some
  important aspect aspect of consciousness but being unaware of it. This
  is absurd, but it is a corollary of the claim that it is possible to
  separate consciousness from function. Therefore, the claim that it is
  possible to separate consciousness from function is shown to be false.
  If you don't accept this then you allow what you have already admitted
  is an absurdity.

  It's a strawman of consciousness that is employed in circular
  thinking. You assume that consciousness is a behavior from the
  beginning and then use that fallacy to prove that behavior can't be
  separated from consciousness. Consciousness drives behavior and vice
  versa, but each extends beyond the limits of the other.

 No, I do NOT assume that consciousness follows from behaviour (and
 certainly not that it IS behaviour) from the beginning!! I've lost
 count of the number of times I have said assume that it has the
 behaviour, but not the consciousness, of a brain component. How can I
 make it clearer? What other language can I use to convey that the
 thing is unconscious but to an external observer, who can't know its
 subjective states, it does the same sorts of mechanical things as its
 conscious counterpart?

 Isn't the whole point of the gradual neuron substitution example to
 prove that consciousness must be behavior? That if behavior of the
 neurons are the same, and accepted as the same then the conscious
 experience of the brain as a whole must be the same? Sorry if I'm not
 getting your position right, and it is a subtle thing to try to
 dissect. I think the word 'behavior' implies a certain level of
 normative repetition which is not sufficient to describe the ability
 of neurological awareness to choose whether to respond in the same way
 or a new and unpredictable way. When you look at what neurons are
 actually like, I think the idea of them having a finite set of
 behaviors is not realistic. It's like saying that because speech can
 be translated into words and letters, that words and letters should be
 able to automatically produce the voice of their speakers.

I *assume* that behaviour and consciousness can be separated and show
that it leads to absurdity. This means that the initial assumption was
wrong. If you disagree you can try to show that the assumption does
not in fact lead to absurdity, but you haven't attempted to do that.
Instead, you restate your own assumption.

The form of argument is similar to assuming that sqrt(2) is rational
and showing that this assumption leads to contradiction, therefore
sqrt(2) cannot be rational. The only way to respond to this argument
if you 

Re: bruno list

2011-08-08 Thread Stathis Papaioannou
On Tue, Aug 9, 2011 at 4:19 AM, meekerdb meeke...@verizon.net wrote:

 I think so too.  But that doesn't show that some different arrangement of
 functions in the brain could not produce a qualitatively different kind of
 consciousness.  Indeed it seems that sociopaths, for example, are different
 in lacking an empathy module in their brain.  Some people claim that the
 ability to understand higher mathematics is built-in and some people have
 it an some don't.  If we build more an more intelligent, autonomous Mars
 Rovers I think we will necessarily instantiate consciousness - but not
 consciousness like our own.  So I'm interested in the question of how we can
 know how similar and in what ways?

The only way to guarantee identical consciousness would be to
replicate behaviour perfectly. Two entities that produce the same
outputs for all inputs would have the same consciousness.

Stathis Papaioannou

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Re: bruno list

2011-08-08 Thread Craig Weinberg

On Aug 8, 8:42 pm, meekerdb meeke...@verizon.net wrote:
 On 8/8/2011 5:28 PM, Craig Weinberg wrote:

  On Aug 8, 7:18 pm, meekerdbmeeke...@verizon.net  wrote:

  It has the capacity to understand what the temperature is and what it's
  supposed to be.  You're just showing your carbon racism because my
  thermostat is made of glass and metal.

  To be clear, I do suspect that each metal strip, and any metal strip,
  may be 'aware' of temperature (it's own) but that's not an abstract
  'understanding'. The thermostat device as a whole is only a coherent
  machine from our perspective. Without us, each part of the thermostat
  is just a coincidentally adjacent object, having no unifying
  subjective sense amongst the parts.

 Unlike those carbon atoms in neurons?

Right. A neuron does have a unifying subjective sense which is a
cumulative entanglement of the sense of it's organic molecules which
includes the sense of it's atoms. Organisms want to survive and
reproduce, metal strips do not.


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Re: bruno list

2011-08-08 Thread Craig Weinberg
On Aug 8, 8:50 pm, Stathis Papaioannou stath...@gmail.com wrote:
 On Mon, Aug 8, 2011 at 11:13 PM, Craig Weinberg whatsons...@gmail.com wrote:
   No. You have it backwards from the start. There is no such thing as
   'behaving like a person'. There is only a person interpreting
   something's behavior as being like a person. There is no power
   emanating from a thing that makes it person-like. If you understand
   this you will know because you will see that the whole question is a
   red herring. If you don't see that, you do not understand what I'm

  Interpreting something's behaviour as being like a [person's] is
  what I mean by behaving like a person.

  I know that's what you mean, but I'm trying to explain why those two
  phrases are polar opposites in this context, because the whole thread
  is about the difference between subjectivity and objectivity. If a
  chip could behave like a person, then we wouldn't be having this
  conversation right now. We'd be hanging out with our digital friends
  instead. Every chip we make would have it's own perspective and do
  what it wanted to do, like an infant or a pollywog would. If we want
  to make a chip that impersonates something that does have it's own
  perspective and does what it wants to, then we can try to do that with
  varying levels of success depending upon who you are trying to fool,
  how you are trying to fool them, and for how long. The fact that any
  particular person interprets the thing as being alive or conscious for
  some period of time is not the same thing as the thing being actually
  alive or conscious.

 The chip is not alive because it doesn't meet a definition for life.
 It may or may not be conscious - that isn't obvious and it is what we
 are arguing about. However, it may objectively behave like a living or
 conscious entity. For example, if it seeks food and reproduces it is
 behaving like a living thing even though it isn't, and if it has a
 conversation with you about its feelings and desires it is behaving
 like a conscious thing even though it isn't.

At the top you are saying that there is a definition of life to be
met, but then you are saying that there are behaviors which are
'objectively' living or conscious. The two assertions are mutually
exclusive and both in opposition to my view. If life can be observed
as objective behaviors, then it doesn't need a definition, it just is
observably either alive or it isn't. If it needs a definition then you
admit that life cannot be determined objectively and must be defined
subjectively - guessed at.

What I'm saying is completely different. I am taking the latter view
and going much further to say that not only is life defined
subjectively, but that definition is based upon perceived isomorphism
and as a general principle of all phenomena in the universe. As a
living creature, we recognize other phenomena as other living
creatures to the extent that they remind us of ourselves and our own
behaviors. This would normally serve us well, except when hijacked by
intentional technological impersonations designed to remind us of our
own behaviors.

 I don't think the phrase does what it wants to do adds anything to
 the discussion if you say that only a conscious thing can do what it
 wants to do - it is back to arguing whether something is conscious.

We can't say whether a chip does what it wants to do but the fact that
it must be programmed by an outside source if it is to do anything
would suggest that it either cannot do what it wants or that it cannot
want to do much. A chip without firmware or software won't ever learn,
grow, or change itself.

  Then it would be
   possible to replace parts of your brain with non-conscious components
   that function otherwise normally, which would lead to you lacking some
   important aspect aspect of consciousness but being unaware of it. This
   is absurd, but it is a corollary of the claim that it is possible to
   separate consciousness from function. Therefore, the claim that it is
   possible to separate consciousness from function is shown to be false.
   If you don't accept this then you allow what you have already admitted
   is an absurdity.

   It's a strawman of consciousness that is employed in circular
   thinking. You assume that consciousness is a behavior from the
   beginning and then use that fallacy to prove that behavior can't be
   separated from consciousness. Consciousness drives behavior and vice
   versa, but each extends beyond the limits of the other.

  No, I do NOT assume that consciousness follows from behaviour (and
  certainly not that it IS behaviour) from the beginning!! I've lost
  count of the number of times I have said assume that it has the
  behaviour, but not the consciousness, of a brain component. How can I
  make it clearer? What other language can I use to convey that the
  thing is unconscious but to an external observer, who can't know its
  subjective states, it does the same 

Re: bruno list

2011-08-08 Thread Craig Weinberg
On Aug 8, 8:53 pm, Stathis Papaioannou stath...@gmail.com wrote:

 The only way to guarantee identical consciousness would be to
 replicate behaviour perfectly. Two entities that produce the same
 outputs for all inputs would have the same consciousness.

What is an entity and an output? If one entity is made of wood, then
it can output flames when I set it on fire. If it's made of solid
rock, it cannot. Both could be sculpted into some kind of machine that
sorts clothespins by size. If there is any consciousness going on, to
me, it clearly takes place at the chemical level, where the material
itself has to spontaneously reveal it's nature in it's native response
to an energetic change. It takes place in the aesthetic difference
between wood and stone - the texture and weight, the sound and
durability against wind and rain. That is the awareness that the
machine shares with us and with animals and plants, heat and light.

There is no consciousness of the clothespins though. Even though
that's what the machine's 'outputs' means to us. That's not a machine
making sense, being intelligent, consciousness, or understanding.
You've got to be kidding. All it is is human intelligence riding on
the back of an unsuspecting pile of minerals or cellulose. To say that
there might be some kind of understanding of clothespins going on
there that is in some way comparable to a human understanding of
clothespins is flat out sophistry.


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Re: bruno list

2011-08-08 Thread meekerdb

On 8/8/2011 5:53 PM, Stathis Papaioannou wrote:

On Tue, Aug 9, 2011 at 4:19 AM, meekerdbmeeke...@verizon.net  wrote:


I think so too.  But that doesn't show that some different arrangement of
functions in the brain could not produce a qualitatively different kind of
consciousness.  Indeed it seems that sociopaths, for example, are different
in lacking an empathy module in their brain.  Some people claim that the
ability to understand higher mathematics is built-in and some people have
it an some don't.  If we build more an more intelligent, autonomous Mars
Rovers I think we will necessarily instantiate consciousness - but not
consciousness like our own.  So I'm interested in the question of how we can
know how similar and in what ways?

The only way to guarantee identical consciousness would be to
replicate behaviour perfectly. Two entities that produce the same
outputs for all inputs would have the same consciousness.

That's what I'm questioning.  At what level are input, output, and 
behavior defined?  Does it include a slight twitch of the eye?  a 
change in a hormone level in the blood?  a transmission via this nerve 
instead of that?  Does the behavior only have to be similar enough to 
fool the attentive observer, or does it have to be the same all the way 
down to neuron, or sub-neuron level.  I'm content to say that fooling 
the attentive observer is enough to bet on consciousness.  But to be 
identical consciousness you would have to go much lower.  Maybe even to 
neuron level.


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Re: bruno list

2011-08-08 Thread meekerdb

On 8/8/2011 6:14 PM, Craig Weinberg wrote:

On Aug 8, 8:42 pm, meekerdbmeeke...@verizon.net  wrote:

On 8/8/2011 5:28 PM, Craig Weinberg wrote:


On Aug 8, 7:18 pm, meekerdbmeeke...@verizon.netwrote:

It has the capacity to understand what the temperature is and what it's
supposed to be.  You're just showing your carbon racism because my
thermostat is made of glass and metal.

To be clear, I do suspect that each metal strip, and any metal strip,
may be 'aware' of temperature (it's own) but that's not an abstract
'understanding'. The thermostat device as a whole is only a coherent
machine from our perspective. Without us, each part of the thermostat
is just a coincidentally adjacent object, having no unifying
subjective sense amongst the parts.

Unlike those carbon atoms in neurons?

Right. A neuron does have a unifying subjective sense which is a
cumulative entanglement of the sense of it's organic molecules which
includes the sense of it's atoms. Organisms want to survive and
reproduce, metal strips do not.



I guess reductio ad absurdum arguments don't help with those who accept 
the absurd.


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Re: COMP refutation paper - finally out

2011-08-08 Thread Jason Resch
On Mon, Aug 8, 2011 at 1:56 PM, benjayk benjamin.jaku...@googlemail.comwrote:

 I am getting a bit tired of labouring this point, but honestly your theory
 is postulating something that seems nonsensical to me. Why on earth would I
 believe in the truth of something that *can never be known in any way*
 (namely, that arithmetics is true without / prior to consciousness)?


Do you think that the 10^10^100th digit of Pi has a certain value even
though we can never know what it is and no one has ever or will ever (in
this universe at least) be conscious of it?  If I assert the digit happens
to be 8, would you agree that my assertion must be either true or false?  If
so, where does this truth exist?

Note that one cannot say it has an indefinite or value, or that its value is
inconsequential because that level of precision will never make a difference
in any equation we work with.  Euler's identity: e^(Pi * i) + 1 = 0, would
be false without each of the infinite digits of Pi having a definite and
certain value.  These values that are unknown to use, but nonetheless must
be there.


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