RE: Mailbox 'disappeared'

2002-10-24 Thread Jeffrey A. Beckham
Run the DS/IS consistency adjuster on that server.  Select the first
check box at the top and select all inconsistencies at the bottom.  Do
NOT touch anything to do with the public folders.  This should recreate
the directory object for the mailbox listed in the information store.


-Original Message-
From: Niki Blowfield - Exchange [mailto:exchangelist;] 
Posted At: Thursday, October 24, 2002 5:17 AM
Posted To: Exchange Discussion List
Conversation: Mailbox 'disappeared'
Subject: Mailbox 'disappeared'

Dear All,

We have an Exchange installation of a few servers, seperated by ADSL

We are currently reviewing the setup to move everyone to a central
and have everyone working offline

One server does not communicate with the central server at all at the
moment, and I havent been able to ascertain why, but we have continued
let them operate on their own sending messages to each other until we
ready to move everyone to the central server.

I created a mailbox on the problem server, and its been used fine. It is
accessible from any of the other servers as the changes don't seem to
replicated across.

Today, that server had to be rebooted, and that mailbox has disappeared.
list of recipients on that server now resembles the list that the other
servers hold, i.e. without this new mailbox. However, the user and their
store is still listed under Private Information Store \ Mailbox

The mailbox has been used for a couple of weeks, and so has quite a lot
info in it. I've tried exmerge which fails and gives the following
although it doesn allow me to select the problem mailbox;

Microsoft Exchange Mailbox Merge Program, v3.71.001
Start Logging:October 24, 2002   10:53:53

[10:53:53] Logging Level: None
[10:53:53] Reading settings from file 'C:\exmerge\EXMERGE.INI'.
[10:53:53] Reading list of subjects for messages to be selected from
file ''
[10:53:53] Reading list of attachment names for messages to be selected
file ''
[10:53:53] List of folders to be ignored has been read. 0 folders in the
[10:54:53] Using attribute 'PR_MESSAGE_DELIVERY_TIME' for date
[10:54:53] Merging data into target store. The program will copy only
messages that do not exist in the target store.
[10:54:53] Associated folder data will be copied to the target store.
[10:54:53] Copying data from mailbox 'Employee Name' ('ENAME') on Server
[10:54:54] Error configuring message service (MSEMS) (UNKNOWN ERROR)
[10:54:54] Errors encountered. Copy process aborted.
[10:54:54] Number of items copied from the source store for all
processed: 0
[10:54:54] 0 mailboxes successfully processed. 1 mailboxes were not
successfully processed. 0 non-fatal errors encountered.
[10:54:54] Process completion time: 00:00:00 

Servers are all 5.5 sp3

Backup is not a good option for me, as Veritas seems to want to just
overwrite the existing installation, rather than let me restore the IS
another location.

Any thoughts? Help !


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RE: OWA 2000 login prompt

2002-10-23 Thread Jeffrey A. Beckham
Make sure basic authentication is turned on on the public virtual
directory on the fe and be servers.  Also, check the following file
level permissions:


Authenticated Users should have R, RX, and List.  Force the replacement
of permissions on child objects so that it resets the permissions on the
files in the directories.  I've seen problems where permissions on some
of the files are off from their parent folders.


-Original Message-
From: Etts, Russell [mailto:retts;] 
Posted At: Tuesday, October 22, 2002 11:07 AM
Posted To: Exchange Discussion List
Conversation: OWA 2000 login prompt
Subject: RE: OWA 2000 login prompt

I'm curious - why do you ask if any of the public folders are on a



-Original Message-
From: Edwards, Aaron [mailto:AEdwards;]
Sent: Monday, October 21, 2002 12:16 PM
To: Exchange Discussions
Subject: RE: OWA 2000 login prompt

No, None of the public folder are on clustered servers. Just one

-Original Message-
From: McBee, Jim [mailto:JMcBee;]
Sent: Thursday, October 17, 2002 8:51 PM
To: Exchange Discussions
Subject: RE: OWA 2000 login prompt

Are any of your public folders on clustered back-end servers?  

-Original Message-
From: Edwards, Aaron [mailto:AEdwards;] 
Posted At: Thursday, October 17, 2002 12:01 PM
Posted To: Exchange Technical Mailing List
Conversation: OWA 2000 login prompt
Subject: OWA 2000 login prompt


I have an annoying problem with our front-end OWA 2000. Everytime a user
logs in and clicks on the folders view, it promps for authentication
from owa server name.domain 

The only way to get past the login prompt is to either hit escape, which
gives you a Login failed or cancelled error, or enter the OWA server's
local administrator authentication. After you hit escape and ok, it
works just fine though.

I have this feeling it's a permissions problem, but I'm not sure on
what. In Internet Services Manager, I have basic authentication checked
on the Exchange virtual directory level and Anonymous Access (using the
local IUSR_Server Name user) at the website level.

Does anyone have any ideas?



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RE: SP 4 problems

2002-08-30 Thread Jeffrey A. Beckham

Make sure your default shares for exchange are still shared out.

-Original Message-
From: Mike Omilian [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Posted At: Friday, August 30, 2002 8:40 AM
Posted To: Exchange Discussion List
Conversation: SP 4 problems
Subject: SP 4 problems

While upgrading to sp4 (Exchange 5.5), I got the following error:

The specified service is disabled and cannot be started: 
Microsoft Windows NT
ID no:0xc0020422

When I go into Exch Admin I get the following error:
Extension SMTP could not be loaded.  An error occured during file
replication.  Unable to find the extension .dll file with the correct
version number. . . 

The event log says The file version of
c:\exchsrvr\add-ins\smtp\i386\imcadmin.dll installed on the local
is not current.  Looking at servers in servers in the site for a current

Can I restore that dll from a backup or is there more to the problem?


NT server 4.0 sp6a
Exchange 5.5 sp3 - sp4

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RE: Server Protect on an Exchange Server

2002-08-30 Thread Jeffrey A. Beckham

XGEN: Recommendations for Troubleshooting an Exchange Computer with
Antivirus Software Installed;en-us;Q245822

This tells you what and what not to scan.


-Original Message-
From: Chris H [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Posted At: Friday, August 30, 2002 6:38 PM
Posted To: Exchange Discussion List
Conversation: Server Protect on an Exchange Server
Subject: Server Protect on an Exchange Server

I was having a discussion with someone on a Security List the other day
said it was nonsense to NOT run AV on an Exchange Server. Just exclude
DB's and all is well. I have heard also 2 sides: this is true and NEVER
file-level AV on an Exchange server.

What's the group consensus?
And if it is aye! He's right! Is excluding all *.edb enough?



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RE: pop3/imap access question

2002-08-02 Thread Jeffrey A. Beckham

Is the user name that you are using the same as the alias that is listed
on the Exchange General tab in ADUC?  If not, add it to the alias and
then force replication (if you have more than 1 DC) and then try it

Jeff Beckham

-Original Message-
From: Jon [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Posted At: Friday, August 02, 2002 9:17 AM
Posted To: Exchange Discussion List
Conversation: pop3/imap access question
Subject: RE: pop3/imap access question

the error I am getting:
log onto incoming mail server (POP3): unable to logon to incoming mail
server (POP3)  verify settings

I do get an e-mail stating the test is sucessful in my mailbox.  

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RE: OWA 2000 IIS5 redirect question

2002-08-02 Thread Jeffrey A. Beckham

This works great

How to Force SSL Encryption for an OWA 2000 Client Q279681;EN-US;Q279681

Jeff Beckham

-Original Message-
From: Bob Chyka [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Posted At: Friday, August 02, 2002 11:00 AM
Posted To: Exchange Discussion List
Conversation: OWA 2000 IIS5 redirect question
Subject: OWA 2000 IIS5 redirect question

Hello all,

i have a exchange 2000 server set up with OWA also.  i am using SSL and
want to set up a redirect so my users only need to type in
http://servername.domainname and not https://servername/exchange.  i
under the default web site in IIS 5 and went to the home directory tab
chose Redirection to a URL and for the redirect url i put /exchange but
isnt working.

can someone help me out a bit on this one.

thanks for all the help!!

Bob Chyka

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RE: 0x800ccc92 Problem after SP3 Exchange install. Anyone have a sugg estion?

2002-08-01 Thread Jeffrey A. Beckham

What errors are there in the event log?
Are you running Norton?

-Original Message-
From: Dan Mulkiewicz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Posted At: Tuesday, July 30, 2002 5:37 PM
Posted To: Exchange Discussion List
Conversation: 0x800ccc92 Problem after SP3 Exchange install. Anyone have
a sugg estion?
Subject: 0x800ccc92 Problem after SP3 Exchange install. Anyone have a
sugg estion?

There was a problem logging onto your mail server. Your User Name 
of Password was rejected. Server Response: '-ERR The requested 
mailbox is not availiable on this server.'. (Account:'[EMAIL PROTECTED]', 
POP3 Server:', Error Number: 0x800ccc92).

immediately after the Exchange SP3 upgrade. 

No users can access their accounts! Any ideas?

Thanks all!


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RE: Exporting exchange information from Active directory

2002-07-31 Thread Jeffrey A. Beckham

Try this.

Jeff Beckham

-Original Message-
From: Lady Chie [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Posted At: Tuesday, July 30, 2002 9:16 AM
Posted To: Exchange Discussion List
Conversation: Exporting exchange information from Active directory
Subject: Exporting exchange information from Active directory

Hey guys
Is there a way to easily export the smtp aliases for exchange recipients
an organization unit to a .csv or .txt file from active directory ?

any help will be appreciated



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RE: W2k Sp3 is out

2002-07-31 Thread Jeffrey A. Beckham

Yep released on the 7/25.  Thanks for the public link.


-Original Message-
From: David N. Precht [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Posted At: Tuesday, July 30, 2002 9:08 PM
Posted To: Exchange Discussion List
Conversation: W2k Sp3 is out
Subject: W2k Sp3 is out

Nothing mentioned on the Microsoft pages, but

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RE: Exchange 2000 SP3 list of fixes (long)

2002-07-21 Thread Jeffrey A. Beckham

There is no new functionality in SP3 like there was in SP2.  It is just

-Original Message-
From: Christopher Hummert [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Posted At: Sunday, July 21, 2002 8:25 PM
Posted To: Exchange Discussion List
Conversation: Exchange 2000 SP3 list of fixes (long)
Subject: RE: Exchange 2000 SP3 list of fixes (long)

Ok did it add any new functionality?


PS thanks for the list

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Tom Meunier
Sent: Sunday, July 21, 2002 5:54 PM
To: Exchange Discussions
Subject: Exchange 2000 SP3 list of fixes (long)

Sorry about the formatting; I don't have the patience to make it look

XADM: A Memory Leak in Store.exe Degrades Performance (Q322125) 
 Over time, an Exchange 2000 server that is part of a mixed Microsoft
Exchange Server 5.5 and Exchange 2000 environment may gradually become
unresponsive. Clients may report an overall reduction in mail system
performance. Exchange System Ma 
XADM: A Message Tracking Log Is Not Generated After You Restart the
Server (Q319866) 
 After you restart an Exchange 2000 server, the message tracking log
file may not be generated, or a new tracking log may not be written to
the default log file folder in the following location: 

 XADM: The Exchange 2000 Migration Wizard Does Not Work When You Migrate
Exchange Server 5.5 users, and an Event ID 7017 or 7048 Error Message Is
Logged (Q318379) 
 If you try to migrate users or mailboxes from a Microsoft Exchange
Server 5.5 organization to Exchange 2000, the migration may stop working
when you supply the Exchange Server 5.5 server name, account, and
password. You may receive the foll 

 XADM: An Incorrect Time Zone Setting Is Displayed in the OWA Options
After You Upgrade from Exchange 2000 SP1 (Q319606) 
 If you configure the 

 XWEB: You Cannot Create an Appointment That Starts or Ends From 12:01
P.M. Through 12:59 P.M. in a Japanese-Language Environment (Q313977) 
 You may not be able to create an appointment with a start time or end
time from 12:01 P.M. through 12:59 P.M. 

 XADM: A Front-End Server May Use 100 Percent CPU When Using SSL
 In a front-end/back-end configuration with Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)
enabled, Inetinfo.exe and Lsass.exe on a front-end server may use 100
percent CPU. 

 XADM: GetAssociatedAppointment Creates Duplicate Attachments
 In the following scenario, duplicate attachments may be created: 

 XWEB: HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error Occurs When You Use Older
Browsers to View Free/Busy Information (Q316728) 
 In Exchange 2000 Server Service Pack 2 (SP2) with Outlook Web Access
(OWA), when you try to see free-and-busy information in the Calendar,
you receive the following error message. 

 XADM: Canceled Calendar Items in a Notes R4 Calendar Are Migrated to
Exchange 2000 (Q320371) 
 When you migrate users from a Lotus Notes R4 database, canceled
Calendar entries may also be migrated. 

 XADM: You Cannot Perform a Check Names Query Against a Front-End
Exchange Computer (Q319175) 
 After you install Exchange 2000 Service Pack 2 (SP2) or later, new
Messaging Application Programming Interface (MAPI) profiles may not be
able to point to a front-end Exchange computer and perform a check names

 XADM: Message Tracking Error Message: Check to See That the Microsoft
Exchange Management Service Is Started on the Exchange 2000 Server
 You cannot track the messages in the Exchange System Manager message
tracking center. You receive the following error message in Exchange
System Manager. 

 XCLN: The Exchange Multimedia Extension Causes a Memory Leak in Outlook
 When you use Microsoft Outlook connected to Exchange 2000 Server with a
multimedia mail item, you may receive the following error message: 

 XADM: Information Store Process Uses High CPU When BkExpandDontRun Is
Enabled (Q318899) 
 A thread in the information store (Store.exe) process may use a large
amount of the CPU process when BkExpandDontRun is enabled in the
following registry key: 

 XADM: Mailbox Manager Does Not Send Reports and Does Not Log Any Error
Messages (Q322062) 
 If you configure Mailbox Manager to send a report, the report may not
be sent. No error message is logged in the Application event log. 

 XCON: MTA Process Can Leak Memory Because of Excessive Rerouting
 The private bytes usage for the message transfer agent (MTA) process
can reach up to 2 gigabytes (GB) in an environment where minor revision
changes are made to the link state tables. This problem usually occurs
on bridgehead servers. Usual 

 XCCC: Event ID 16387 Error Message Does Not Format Parameters Correctly
 When Exchange 2000 Conferencing Server logs event ID 16387 in the
Application event log, the event contains a meeting ID, error code, and
message parameters that are not formatted correctly. For example: 

 XADM: Information Store 

RE: Exchange Utility?

2002-07-19 Thread Jeffrey A. Beckham

Mailbox Statistics on the E2K reskit

-Original Message-
From: Walbert, Bryan (Bryan) % [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Posted At: Wednesday, July 17, 2002 10:24 AM
Posted To: Exchange Discussion List
Conversation: Exchange Utility?
Subject: Exchange Utility?

Does anyone know of a utility that will give email statistics?  I am in
particularly interested in number of emails received/sent per user over
given time frame.  (week or month)


Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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RE: Question

2002-07-18 Thread Jeffrey A. Beckham

What about it?

-Original Message-
From: Williams Scott CTR [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Posted At: Thursday, July 18, 2002 11:25 AM
Posted To: Exchange Discussion List
Conversation: Question
Subject: RE: Question

What about WINS?

-Original Message-
From: Chris Scharff [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Thursday, July 18, 2002 11:57 AM
To: Exchange Discussions
Subject: RE: Question

Yes. AD provides authentication to Exchange 5.5, Exchange 5.5 doesn't
or care about the mode in which AD is running.

 -Original Message-
 From: Williams Scott CTR [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Thursday, July 18, 2002 10:53 AM
 To: Exchange Discussions
 Subject: Question
 Will an Exchange 5.5 ORG work in a NATIVE Windows 2000 Active
 structure?   If so how?  If not why?

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RE: One more time OWA setup problems

2002-07-18 Thread Jeffrey A. Beckham

If you open exchange admin and for the server go under
ProtocolsHTTPExchange Virtual Server and the properties of Exchange,
you will notice which domain the virtual server is hosting mailboxes are
If you want to change it to something else, create a new virtual server
in here and set it up for the appropriate domain.


-Original Message-
From: M2web [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Posted At: Thursday, July 18, 2002 12:16 PM
Posted To: Exchange Discussion List
Conversation: One more time OWA setup problems
Subject: Re: One more time OWA setup problems

I changed to basic authentication used several usersID and passwords but
trying each 3 times I get access denied.
Our SMTP proxy is
the IIS is in the domain
I added the SMTP email [EMAIL PROTECTED] using the AD user and
computer MMC.
The recipient update service automatically adds [EMAIL PROTECTED]

- Original Message -
From: Mark Rotman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Exchange Discussions [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, July 18, 2002 7:54 AM
Subject: RE: One more time OWA setup problems

Why don't you drop down to basic authentication rather than integrated.
way you can try to logon without the domain. This might help narrow the
issue down. Also check that the recipient update service

Let us know the results.

Also, you say you added an SMTP email address as
[EMAIL PROTECTED]. where did you do this? Why didn't the
recipient update service handle this automatically? What is your default
SMTP proxy?

  Plus Pack for OWA
  SecureLogoff for OWA

-Original Message-
From: M2web [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, July 17, 2002 6:07 PM
To: Exchange Discussions
Subject: One more time OWA setup problems

I asked this problem a couple of days ago but the answers did not help
and I
notice that there are others in this list and several other lists with
same exact problem but still no solution, so I am going to ask one more
having done all the solotions been suggested to my post or posts similar
it here and else-where:

 I have setup a test E2K server running with sp2 and all updates. The
consists of one forest with three subdomains. The forest is called The subdomain which I have installed the E2K
is called .
I have also installed IM and it works fine. However using IE6 to goto
\\servername\exchange or \\IP address\exchange I get a popup to enter
name password and domain like OWA Exch 5.5.
I checked M drive and and the first subdirectory shows
so I added an SMTP email address as [EMAIL PROTECTED] (alias
userids are all the same)

I have used the following entries in the popup authentication box:
username, password,
username, password,
[EMAIL PROTECTED], password,
[EMAIL PROTECTED], password,
[EMAIL PROTECTED], password, pre-Win2k domain name

but I can not get the webpage to come up.
Any further help or points to any paper written on this (I did read
suggestion on Front and Backend servers) will be appreciated.

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RE: Mailbox not created

2002-07-17 Thread Jeffrey A. Beckham

It takes a few minutes for the RUS to stamp the email addresses, the
ShowInAddressBook attribute, and a few others.


-Original Message-
From: Friese, Casey [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Posted At: Wednesday, July 17, 2002 12:04 PM
Posted To: Exchange Discussion List
Conversation: Mailbox not created
Subject: Mailbox not created

I have a wierd issue here that I never before had happen to me.  I am
running Exchange 2000 SP2 in an all Windows 2000 Domain.  This is a one
server, one site setup.  Exchange and DC are on different machines but
on the same network segment and in the same room.

When I create a new account in active directory users and computers and
check the box to create an exchange mailbox the process is carried out
seemingly.  When I refresh the screen and look at the properties of the
newly created account there are no e-mail address (either smtp or x400)
listed in the E-Mail addresses tab.  When I try to connect to the
mailbox through outlook I cant resolve the name

Thank you,

Casey Friese

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RE: uninstall exch services when the directories have been deleted

2002-07-16 Thread Jeffrey A. Beckham

XADM: How to Manually Remove Exchange Server 5.5 Completely (Q259158);en-us;Q259158


-Original Message-
From: Jon [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Posted At: Monday, July 15, 2002 12:43 PM
Posted To: Exchange Discussion List
Conversation: uninstall exch services when the directories have been
Subject: uninstall exch services when the directories have been deleted

the exchange 5.5 services are disabled on this NT4 box.  there are no
exchsrvr directories on the server, on any drive letter.  the service
account that starts the service ahs been disabled over 2 years now.
of course, the server is a production server so reloading the OS is not

How would  I go about removing the services completely from this system?
would I put the CD in and select uninstall and pray it works OR do an
install than an uninstall OR look at technet to modify registry???


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RE: GAL empty

2002-07-09 Thread Jeffrey A. Beckham

Fix the RUS

-Original Message-
From: Laurentiu Bogdan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Posted At: Tuesday, July 09, 2002 8:59 AM
Posted To: Exchange Discussion List
Conversation: GAL empty
Subject: GAL empty

I have Exchange 2000 Server with SP2.
In Outlook my Global Address List is empty. All client have the same
problem. The client can send and recive e-mail but can not see the GAL.
If I try to create another Outlook profile I recive the following
The name could not be resolved. The name could not be matched to a name
in the address list.
I read this articol: Error Message Occurs When Attempting to Resolve
(Q274668) help.

Any idea ??


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RE: Does anyone have a site that you can test to see if your exchange is receiving outside mail?

2002-07-01 Thread Jeffrey A. Beckham

-Original Message-
From: James Casstevens [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Posted At: Friday, June 28, 2002 6:47 PM
Posted To: Exchange Discussion List
Conversation: Does anyone have a site that you can test to see if your
exchange is receiving outside mail?
Subject: Does anyone have a site that you can test to see if your
exchange is receiving outside mail?

[EMAIL PROTECTED] used to work, however it does not anymore.  I was
wondering if anyone else on the list had any additional sites that they
to determine if they are receiving outside mail.

Thanks in advance,

James J. Casstevens
Network Administrator
Napa Valley Unified School District

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RE: Reported emails not available after STM recreation and EDB corruption

2002-06-27 Thread Jeffrey A. Beckham

You have logical corruption now because all of the pointers in the EDB
file that were pointing to the STM are no longer valid.  Run isinteg to
fix logical corruption.  Run it until you get 0 errors, 0 warnings, and
0 fixes or the same results twice.

Isinteg -s servername -fix -test alltests

Jeff Beckham

-Original Message-
From: Sander Van Butzelaar [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Posted At: Thursday, June 27, 2002 1:49 AM
Posted To: Exchange Discussion List
Conversation: Email Problems
Subject: Reported emails not available after STM recreation and EDB

Good morning all

Exchange 2000 SP1. I had a corruption on one of my EDB files and had to
recreate the STM file. At the time it looked like no mail was lost, but
alas, this was not true. Outlook now still reports mail items that can't
be opened. Error: Can not open this item Checked Event logs - no
errors. I had a look at the Eseutil options and MDB Viewer. I really
hope that this is a database cleanup action, rather than an individual
mail item deletion. I checked the Archives, Microsoft Support site and
TechNet. I must say it's quite an art to get the keywords right to get a
meaningful search...:-)

My question is: How to get rid of those items in the EDB file. A
consistency check says the file is consistent. Any answers welcome, even
if you feel I must research more, that's great too, but plse point me in
the right direction. 



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RE: After mailbox move from 5.5 to 2k Administrators can't open users mailboxes?

2002-06-27 Thread Jeffrey A. Beckham

Administrators in E2K don't have full access to a mailbox store.  You
have to go add it manually.  There is an inherited deny.  Go to the
properties of the store, security, and give the accounts that you want
Send As and Receive As rights.

Jeff Beckham

-Original Message-
From: Jason Brown [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Posted At: Thursday, June 27, 2002 12:47 PM
Posted To: Exchange Discussion List
Conversation: After mailbox move from 5.5 to 2k Administrators can't
open users mailboxes?
Subject: After mailbox move from 5.5 to 2k Administrators can't open
users mailboxes?

Shouldn't these permissions remain after a mailbox move?  If not, where
do I
setup the new permissions for access?



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RE: To Find Installed Path of Exchange Server

2002-06-15 Thread Jeffrey A. Beckham


-Original Message-
From: Vijayakumar, T [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Posted At: Friday, June 14, 2002 11:56 PM
Posted To: Exchange Discussion List
Conversation: To Find Installed Path of Exchange Server
Subject: To Find Installed Path of Exchange Server

Hi All,

I need to put One Java Script file in Exchange installed path
Using my installer program.For that i need to get the path at which
Server 2000 is installed.
I do not find any corresponding entry in Environment Variable.There may
be a
place in registry
wher i could find the Exchange Server path.May I know the same?


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RE: backup q

2002-06-14 Thread Jeffrey A. Beckham

You probably had a Post SP3 Store hotfix applied.  Either reapply the
hotfix or upgrade to SP4.  Also, if you are restoring a directory, you
have to be using the same service account.

-Original Message-
From: Kim Schotanus [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Posted At: Friday, June 14, 2002 4:10 AM
Posted To: Exchange Discussion List
Conversation: backup q
Subject: backup q

Hey there,

I'm kinda unknowing in the MS world. I hope I haven't overlooked some
major info resource. My search on the knowledgebase only resulted in
articles on corrupted databases, which frankly, I don't think is my
problem. :-) Please bear with me.

we're trying to restore an exchange server (5.5sp3) with NT Backup.
AFAIK the same sitename/domain are used in the installation. Only, the
old one ran as user exchsrv and this one runs as administrator. We
install exchange, run the service pack, reboot, and use nt backup to
restore the exchange stores. Then when trying to start the information
store we get errors like:
Database too new.
Database too new to be upgraded.

I think the problem is somewhere in the last... Why would it try to
upgrade a store that's already the same version/format? Anyway around

Kind regards,

Ferry van Steen
InfoPart Automatisering B.V.
Beeksestraat 24
4841 GC Prinsenbeek
Phone: +31 (0)76 - 5 44 04 11
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ICQ (UIN (seldom used)): 191458

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RE: Exchange Client

2002-06-12 Thread Jeffrey A. Beckham

Send me a message offline and I will send a copy of it to you.  It's
only 62k and is great for troubleshooting purposes.

-Original Message-
From: Yanek Korff [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Posted At: Wednesday, June 12, 2002 3:06 PM
Posted To: Exchange Discussion List
Conversation: Exchange Client
Subject: Exchange Client

We may be working with a client who needs to test their software on a
with the old Exchange Client installed.  I know nothing about this
Where can we get it?  Does it cost?  More info appreciated...


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RE: How can U check what is in SRS

2002-06-06 Thread Jeffrey A. Beckham

If you want to see what is in the SRS, connect to the E2K server with
the 5.5 admin program.

-Original Message-
From: Leo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Posted At: Thursday, June 06, 2002 8:51 AM
Posted To: Exchange Discussion List
Conversation: How can U check what is in SRS
Subject: How can U check what is in SRS

We have an SRS.edb file on our Exchange 2000 server but we don't think
has any valid data in it as the exchange 5.5 site we joined does not see
any config data (even when we force replication of the config_CA).

We have run eseutil to dump out the table stats and there appears to be
data in there but I don't know for sure as all this displays is a list
table names and a few figures.

We think the exchange 2000 configuraion is not being written into this
file and need to prove it.

Any tools available to do this?


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RE: Mail won't leave Outbox unless till something is clicked on mailbox

2002-06-06 Thread Jeffrey A. Beckham

I'm think GC or DNS issues.

-Original Message-
From: Gagrani, Kishore [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Posted At: Thursday, June 06, 2002 1:42 PM
Posted To: Exchange Discussion List
Conversation: lesser of the evils - ssl or smtp
Subject: Mail won't leave Outbox unless till something is clicked on


After upgrading to Exchange 2000 Server we are having a trouble with
Mails (Incoming as well Outgoing) , it seems that mails don't leave
User's Outbox , also the incoming mail don't show-up in Inbox (though
they are in the user's mailbox) unless user clicks on something in the
mailbox (anything clicked like Calendar/or Inbox etc.) 
I recreated one of the profile in Outlook 2000 and it worked fine for
some time (i.e. without the above written problems) but it started
acting-up again . 

Any ideas what could be the reason ? 

Thank you for your help,


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RE: lesser of the evils - ssl or smtp

2002-06-06 Thread Jeffrey A. Beckham

Want to find out?

-Original Message-
From: Ely, Don [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Posted At: Thursday, June 06, 2002 2:58 PM
Posted To: Exchange Discussion List
Conversation: lesser of the evils - ssl or smtp
Subject: RE: lesser of the evils - ssl or smtp

How the hell can a server be taken down with a DoS to port 25?  You
open the entire exchange server to the internet, only a dumba$$ would do
that.  All that is required for exchange having external access is port

Your theory suggests someone would actually open the entire server up to
world.  As a side note, if I want to DoS you, I'm not going to just
your mail server, I'm going to pick your entire network.

Don Ely - NMBOTWBAS and then some

-Original Message-
From: Jon Butler [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Thursday, June 06, 2002 3:53 PM
To: Exchange Discussions
Subject: RE: lesser of the evils - ssl or smtp

Andy  Chris --

I guess our needs here are somehwat different, perhaps.  We don't use
Exchange in the DMZ (that's ridiculous overkill) but we do have relays
there ... and we lock 'em down to specific ports internally as well.  I
disagree that it would be just as harmful as in the DMZ, though ...
perform a DoS on a box in the DMZ, you only kill communications through
one box.  DoS the Exchange Server, bam -- you just lost ALL email
Granted, we've got more systems to support, but that's the price we pay
the security and redundancy that comes with it.

And Chris, you asked to demonstrate an exploit ... we prefer to not
for one to be demonstrated, but rather do the best we can to
protect ourselves before one is found: use relays in the DMZ, and mix
products so what exploits one may not be expoitable on another.  Have
different flavors of antivirus protection at the relay, Exchange, and at

Like I said before though, it ain't right for everybody ... it takes
bank to make it happen.  Our requirements here are a little more anal


 -Original Message-
 From: Webb, Andy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Thursday, June 06, 2002 3:38 PM
 To: Exchange Discussions
 Subject: RE: lesser of the evils - ssl or smtp
 On specific ports? Sure, why not?
 I'd allow 443 to an inside box.  It requires authentication
 and it's encrypted.  Any vulnerability in the application 
 itself would be just as harmful in the DMZ.
 I'd allow 25 to an inside box.  The endpoint is a system that
 accepts the mail and scans it for viruses and malicious 
 content.  Any vulnerability in the application would be 
 almost as harmful in the DMZ.
 As it stands I have half the number of systems to secure in
 my design as you do in yours.  If we both block 98% of the 
 vulnerabilities on those systems, you're less secure.  I 
 contend that I can do better than you given fewer systems to focus on.
 Now, I'm not saying that there aren't good uses for a DMZ.
 There are. Exchange just isn't one of them.
 -Original Message-
 From: Jon Butler [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Posted At: Thursday, June 06, 2002 1:53 PM
 Posted To: Microsoft Exchange
 Conversation: lesser of the evils - ssl or smtp
 Subject: RE: lesser of the evils - ssl or smtp
 So you'd allow from any to your inside boxes?  That would
 keep me awake at night. :)
  -Original Message-
  From: Webb, Andy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: Thursday, June 06, 2002 2:47 PM
  To: Exchange Discussions
  Subject: RE: lesser of the evils - ssl or smtp
  but you're not talking about a good use of the DMZ.  the
 DMZ should be
  an end point, not a hop.  it doesn't really matter where your SMTP
  virus scanner sits - you should have one, I agree.  but on the DMZ 
  doesn't really make much difference based on your loose 
  between the DMZ and the LAN.
  OWA also doesn't make much difference.  you have to open up rpc
  traffic from the DMZ to the LAN.  might as well keep the DMZ more 
  secure and put OWA inside.  relative security of the LAN is 
 about the
  now, if you want to discuss multiple physical DMZ segments, perhaps
  it's more interesting, but not much.
  there's quite a lot of this discussion in the archives, by
 the way.
  no new arguments so far.  so, if you want to jump forward
 to the end
  of the discussion, look back a couple years.
  Simpler-Webb, Inc.   Austin, TX512-322-0071
  -- Eating XXX Chili at Texas Chili Parlor since 1989 --
  -Original Message-
  From: Jon Butler [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Posted At: Thursday, June 06, 2002 1:30 PM
  Posted To: Microsoft Exchange
  Conversation: lesser of the evils - ssl or smtp
  Subject: RE: lesser of the evils - ssl or smtp
  Perhaps I shouldn't have used 

RE: Exch55 exp/imp user mailbox info

2002-06-05 Thread Jeffrey A. Beckham

-Original Message-
From: Mellott, Bill [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Posted At: Tuesday, June 04, 2002 11:28 AM
Posted To: Exchange Discussion List
Conversation: Exch55 exp/imp user mailbox info
Subject: Exch55 exp/imp user mailbox info

Ive read Q15414 and well I do not happen to have the Exch55 Res Kit

Can anybody give me a  hint/clue on way's get these CSV files and/or
Header.exe tis artical talks about

Im trying to do Address, Tel, etc..updating etc with it



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RE: SMTP Queues

2002-06-05 Thread Jeffrey A. Beckham

Exchsrvr\mailroot\vsi 1\queue

-Original Message-
From: Davis,Scott [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Posted At: Wednesday, June 05, 2002 1:48 PM
Posted To: Exchange Discussion List
Conversation: SMTP Queues
Subject: SMTP Queues

In Exchange 5.5, when a SMTP message bound for a remote host gets queued
because the remote host is temporally down, the message would sit in the
IMC outbound queue as a file on disk usually in the exchsrvr\imcdata\out
This does not seem to be the case for Exchange 2000. Does anyone know
where SMTP queued outbound messages stored?

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RE: missing Contacts in new mail message

2002-05-30 Thread Jeffrey A. Beckham

It sounds like he possibly has a contacts folder in his mailbox and one
in a PST.  Make sure the show this folder as an email address book is
checked on the appropriate one.

-Original Message-
From: Ric Terwilliger [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Posted At: Thursday, May 30, 2002 9:17 AM
Posted To: Exchange Discussion List
Conversation: missing Contacts in new mail message
Subject: missing Contacts in new mail message

Here's the setup:  Exch 5.5 SP4 on NT4 Server.  Outlook 2000 SP2 client
Win2K Pro.
Problem:  I have a user who can see his contacts in the contacts
and can right click and do New Message to Contact, all works fine.
However, when the user starts a new email message, then types in the
from the contacts list, the contact can not be found.  Also, when the
clicks on the to button of the new message, then chooses the
list, the list is blank.  
I've searched but couldn't find anything.  I'm stumped.  Any
ideas?  Need more info?  Let me know.  
Thanks in advance,

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RE: STM Question

2002-05-29 Thread Jeffrey A. Beckham

Information in the edb file is stored in MDBEF and the STM is MIME.

When an SMTP message comes in from the outside, it is put into the STM
file and a pointer to it is put into the EDB for the appropriate
mailboxes.  It will stay in the STM file (Mime format) even if read by
an outlook client.  It will only get converted to MDBEF and kept in the
EDB if the message is then modified and saved.  If a new message is
created in outlook it goes in the EDB file.  It is done this way to cut
back on the conversion that had to be done for every SMTP message from

-Original Message-
From: Webb, Andy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Posted At: Wednesday, May 29, 2002 3:34 PM
Posted To: Exchange Discussion List
Conversation: STM Question
Subject: RE: STM Question

Sort of.  But the equation of MAPI and moreover MAPI Properties with
Rich Text Format is just wrong.  How exactly do you convert a date to
rich text format?  What does that mean?

IMHO that article does little to definitively explain what content is
where and when.  It raises lots more questions though.


-Original Message-
From: Neil Hobson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Posted At: Thursday, May 23, 2002 9:03 AM
Posted To: Microsoft Exchange
Conversation: STM Question
Subject: RE: STM Question

Q232323 might clear things up a bit.


-Original Message-
From: Felicity Smith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Posted At: 23 May 2002 14:58
Posted To: Swynk Exchange List
Conversation: STM Question
Subject: RE: STM Question

Mark, are you sure about this? and if so can you send me any references
to it?  I thought that all content is stored in it's native format in
the Exchange Store.  So Mapi is stored as RTF, HTML as HTML, a Word Doc
as a word doc.  Some of the properties are stored in the priv1.edb, but
everything else is stored in the STM.

I am basing this on what I read and when I open up the priv1.edb and the
priv1.stm in notepad.  You have to stop the server to be able to do
this. I also am looking at the copies of these files in C:\Program



 If all your clients are MAPI based (i.e. Outlook) then in all
 likelihood you have not lost much at all since any attachments 
 originally delivered to the STM will have been converted to a 
 MAPI-readable copy in the EDB file.  Only new messages with 
 internet-formatted content which had not yet been opened by a MAPI 
 client would have been in the STM and not in the EDB as well.
  -Original Message-
  From: Sander Van Butzelaar [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: 23 May 2002 14:28
  To: Exchange Discussions
  Subject: RE: STM Question
  Not that I can see. As soon as we were back lots of mail that was 
  being held flooded in. I did have the up-to-date edb file, al be 
  it somewhat corrupt..:-)What could have been lost, as some of my 
  other stm files are about a Gig or so? They opened attachments and 
  all seemed to be there.
  -Original Message-
  From: Andrey Fyodorov [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: 23 May 2002 03:22
  To: Exchange Discussions
  Subject: RE: STM Question
  Did you lose any mail?
  -Original Message-
  From: Sander Van Butzelaar [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: Thursday, May 23, 2002 4:52 AM
  To: Exchange Discussions
  Subject: RE: STM Question
  Thank you Jeffrey!!
  It repaired some corruption in the tables and created a new stm 
  file. Whenever you are in Cape Town, the first couple of beers are 
  on my tap!
  -Original Message-
  From: Jeffrey A. Beckham [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: 23 May 2002 10:34
  To: Exchange Discussions
  Subject: RE: STM Question
  Eseutil /p databasename.edb /createstm
  -Original Message-
  From: Sander Van Butzelaar [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Posted At: Thursday, May 23, 2002 3:06 AM
  Posted To: Exchange Discussion List
  Conversation: STM Question
  Subject: STM Question
  Morning Admins
  I have appear to have lost (gone, no trace) a stm file for one of my

  Mailbox Stores. Needless to say, the Mailbox store does not mount, 
  nor can I restore my backup bkf file as I get an error: Information 
  (2264) Database recovery/restore failed with unexpected error
  -1811. I searched on -1811 but I do not appear to see 
  anything on the Technet site that helps me on from here. Can 
  one creatre a blank stm file? I tried it but no joy.
  Has anybody got any suggestions, apart from calling PPS, which I 
  will do if I can't get this resolved soon.
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RE: Exmerge Question

2002-05-23 Thread Jeffrey A. Beckham

1.  Use exmerge 3.7.1 (the latest version for Exchange 5.5) to pull the
data off of the 5.5 server

2.  Use Exmerge for E2K to put the data back into the E2K store.

-Original Message-
From: Pennell, Ronald B. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Posted At: Wednesday, May 22, 2002 3:41 PM
Posted To: Exchange Discussion List
Conversation: Exmerge Question
Subject: Exmerge Question

I have another exchange site connected via a site connector.  They have
their own domain name, etc.  Running ex.5.5. , my side is in mixed mode
an ex2000 server.  Trying to moved the other users in our AD along with
email accounts.   I can create the accounts
and create new mailbox's, but, having a time trying to get the data
Is there away to user exmerge 2000 and grab their data.  Or will emerge
5.5 work with Ex2000 mailbox's?


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RE: Exchange 5.5 server won't go away

2002-05-23 Thread Jeffrey A. Beckham

Connect to your E2K server (it's actually the SRS you are connecting to)
with the 5.5 admin program.  This should allow you to delete the 5.5

-Original Message-
From: McCullar, Doug [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Posted At: Monday, May 20, 2002 10:30 AM
Posted To: Exchange Discussion List
Conversation: Exchange 5.5 server won't go away
Subject: Exchange 5.5 server won't go away

I have removed a 5.5 server from my Ex2K environment.  I did not do it
the right way and it still shows up in my System Manager.  I have search
my TechNet to see how to clean it out to no avail.  Can someone help?

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RE: STM Question

2002-05-23 Thread Jeffrey A. Beckham

Eseutil /p databasename.edb /createstm

-Original Message-
From: Sander Van Butzelaar [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Posted At: Thursday, May 23, 2002 3:06 AM
Posted To: Exchange Discussion List
Conversation: STM Question
Subject: STM Question

Morning Admins

I have appear to have lost (gone, no trace) a stm file for one of my
Mailbox Stores. Needless to say, the Mailbox store does not mount, nor
can I restore my backup bkf file as I get an error: Information Store
(2264) Database recovery/restore failed with unexpected error -1811. I
searched on -1811 but I do not appear to see anything on the Technet
site that helps me on from here. Can one creatre a blank stm file? I
tried it but no joy.

Has anybody got any suggestions, apart from calling PPS, which I will do
if I can't get this resolved soon.



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RE: Smtp connector gone mad?

2002-05-16 Thread Jeffrey A. Beckham

You don't need an SMTP connector for sending and receiving email.
that might just be what the SMTP virtual server is for?

-Original Message-
From: Leo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Posted At: Thursday, May 16, 2002 4:43 PM
Posted To: Exchange Discussion List
Conversation: Smtp connector gone mad?
Subject: RE: Smtp connector gone mad?

We want to be able to accept incoming email from the internet.


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RE: Having problems with accounts.

2002-04-19 Thread Jeffrey A.. Beckham

Run the DS/IS consistency adjuster 
choose Synchronize with the directory for the Private Information Store
choose All Inconsistencies
This should update the directory object.  Hopefully then you can delete

-Original Message-
From: Mitchell Mike [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Posted At: Thursday, April 18, 2002 11:13 AM
Posted To: Exchange Discussion List
Conversation: Having problems with accounts.
Subject: Having problems with accounts.

Good morning,

Outlook 98.  Exchange 5.5 sp4. 

When looking at our Mailbox Resources list, we have several users that
up.  They have no 
Windows NT account associated with these accounts.  We receive the

The object cannot be found in the directory.  This may be because
replication has not been completed. 

Microsoft Exchange Directory ID no: c101aae.

We cannot delete these accounts.  I could not find anything in the KB.

Does anyone have a clue at what might be going on?


Mike Mitchell
Systems eMAIL Administrator
Alverno Information Services
(317) 532-7800 ext. 6211

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RE: Accounts not being created

2002-04-19 Thread Jeffrey A.. Beckham

1.  Make sure the RUS is pointed to a GC and not just a DC.  This helps.
2.  Reboot the GC.  It's amazing how many issues this really resolves.
3.  Make sure your ADUC is connected to the GC.
4.  Turn up logging on the MSExchangeAL (all 5 to maximum) and look for
any problems.  Verify that you see the user being querried and that it
updates them.

-Original Message-
From: Vincent Avallone [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Posted At: Thursday, April 18, 2002 11:12 AM
Posted To: Exchange Discussion List
Conversation: Accounts not being created
Subject: Accounts not being created

For some reason, all of sudden, when I try to create a new account on my
Exchange 2000 SP2 computer they never get access.
I create an account through AD Users and Computers, but an email address
is never put in the field, even if I do an Update now on the Recipient
I can't think of anything that changed.  I was able to create an account
last Friday just fine.
I don't see any error in the Event Viewer either.  I even rebooted too.

Any suggestion?

Vincent Avallone
iBiquity Digital
(410) 872-1535

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