RE: Terminal Services Forum

2008-03-01 Thread Webster


From: ExchList [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Subject: OT: Terminal Services Forum


Hey Folks:  Does anyone know of a MS Terminal Services forum that I can go


Google Terminal Server Forum and you will find several to select from.
Names that pop into my head are Brian Madden, Doug Brown, Mark Minasi,, TechNet and I am sure there are many more.




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RE: GoExchange Response

2008-03-01 Thread Dane Cue
Easy there David, I think you’re overlooking some pretty critical issues here.

1.  The Online Nightly Maintenance certainly does SOME defragmentation 
internally and makes available some areas to be overwritten with new incoming 
data if all the moons are aligned properly, but it does not reduce the physical 
database size or optimizes indexes etc.

2.  So if you have a database that is physically 100GB and yet it only 
contains say 60GB of actual data what does that tell you?This also means 
that you are unnecessarily backing up 40GB conversely if you do a restore it’s 
a 100GB restore rather than 60GB

3.  NOTE: Archiving firms tell clients that they will reduce database size 
and increase optimization by moving data out of the db and into the archive.  
Its only after implementation that they tell clients oh yeah well to get the db 
smaller and optimized you have to run ESEutil /D to get actually reduce the 
physical db size.

4.  NOTE2: Defragmentation alone is not the answer to database 
optimization, nor was it the answer to this client’s issue. As a matter of fact 
simply running ESEutil /d on its own repeatedly is a sure way to damage or kill 
your database.

5.  NOTE3:  Lucid8 has partnered with the leaders in Exchange Archiving 
systems such as Symantec, Zantaz and others in order to provide their clients 
with an automated maintenance and optimization solution for Exchange. 
6.  GOexchange delivers much more then defragmentation, i.e. it provides db 
maintenance defragmentation and optimization 

If you still think it’s possible to achieve these results by simply letting 
Exchange run and run, then go try it and you will soon learn the truth.   

Better yet, I challenge you to run our product in DEMO mode on a live Exchange 
server that’s been running for some time and hasn’t had any type of manual 
maintenance run, see what the results are and then talk to us. 


-- Responded to  on 2008-01-23 11:43:00  by 

I have found this to be an interesting thread. Chasing down some of the quoted 
testimonials, I Googled “Steve McHargue Chief Information Officer Jackson 
Walker LLP” , which led me to an InformationWeek article which pretty much is 
another GOexchange and gives more details about the “issues” they were having.

“Jackson Walker had been using Veritas’ KVS product for archiving, but while 
KVS had extracted over 200 gigabytes of data from the Exchange Server, the 
databases themselves were not getting any smaller, and the number of errors and 
warnings were growing along with the time it took to backup and restore.”

NO SH!T! They don’t get smaller unless you do an online defrag. 

Dave Lum  - Systems Engineer 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] - (971)-222-1025
"When you step on the brakes your life is in your foot's hands" 

From: Tom Strader [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2008 6:54 AM
To: MS-Exchange Admin Issues
Subject: RE: GOexchange Response

It's looking more like that's the consensus Rene'.
Thanks for your time to look and respond.

From: René de Haas [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2008 8:30 AM
To: MS-Exchange Admin Issues
Subject: RE: GoExchange Response

Had a little look at their website and I agree don’t see much value added 
either.The thing that puzzles me with the comment below from a satisfied 
customer, how does doing offline defrags help you with achieving a high uptime 
since you need to stop services to run it?

“Uptime and Availability: "After just one use of GOexchange, our information 
stores were reduced by 45-50% with thousands of errors, warnings, and 
inconsistencies corrected. Without GOexchange we would be unable to provide the 
current level of 99.999% uptime and availability to our customers."”

Think I only needed to run it once and I’ve worked with exchange since version 

Also they mention defragging the db. Doesn’t exchange do that by itself??? 
Unless they mean an offline defrag which MS even says only if necessary.

From: Michael B. Smith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, January 22, 2008 8:13 PM
To: MS-Exchange Admin Issues
Subject: RE: GoExchange Response

If Dane Cue would like to join this forum (or another that is not vendor 
controlled) I’ll be happy to discuss each and every point. Otherwise, why 
bother? I’ve seen much of the material in that response before. I think a 
number of other MVPs would agree.

He can call me “crazy” or “out in left field” or whatever he wants. And I can 
do the same. In most of this, he says the same thing that I and others said – 
just using different word that spin the answer differently. Several times he 
asserts that I mean something that I did not say.

>From an insurance perspective – I absolutely agree – good backups are 
>important. I don’t know what other value-add they truly provide, other than 
>disaster recovery

RE: GoExchange Response

2008-03-01 Thread Dane Cue
Michael, thanks for the post, however, I thought it best to jump in and add 
some additional information and hopefully provide value here.
1.  You are correct that we are talking about planned vs. unplanned 
downtime and that the # 1 thing that all Exchange administrators should strive 
to avoid is UNPLANNED DOWNTIME  since it’s so very disruptive and costly to the 

2.  While GOexchange certainly leverages ESEutil, ISinteg and other MS 
API’s it provides much more than a GUI to the MS utilities.  Additionally 
GOexchange provides pre and post maintenance backup integration, notification 
etc to provide a set-it-and-forget-it maintenance solution.

3.  BTW, Just to be clear we don’t recommend maintenance take place once a 
week (EverySunday), more like once every 6-8 weeks.



GOexchange Response 2008-01-23 08:38:00  

They are talking about an off-line defrag.

GOexchange is basically a GUI wrapper around offline defrags and isinteg.

They consider downtime only in regards to “unscheduled downtime”. So, if they 
have scheduled 24 hours of downtime every Sunday – that doesn’t count.


Michael B. Smith
MCSE/Exchange MVP

From: René de Haas [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2008 8:30 AM
To: MS-Exchange Admin Issues
Subject: RE: GoExchange Response

Had a little look at their website and I agree don’t see much value added 
either.The thing that puzzles me with the comment below from a satisfied 
customer, how does doing offline defrags help you with achieving a high uptime 
since you need to stop services to run it?

“Uptime and Availability: "After just one use of GOexchange, our information 
stores were reduced by 45-50% with thousands of errors, warnings, and 
inconsistencies corrected. Without GOexchange we would be unable to provide the 
current level of 99.999% uptime and availability to our customers."”

Think I only needed to run it once and I’ve worked with exchange since version 

Also they mention defragging the db. Doesn’t exchange do that by itself??? 
Unless they mean an offline defrag which MS even says only if necessary.

From: Michael B. Smith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, January 22, 2008 8:13 PM
To: MS-Exchange Admin Issues
Subject: RE: GoExchange Response

If Dane Cue would like to join this forum (or another that is not vendor 
controlled) I’ll be happy to discuss each and every point. Otherwise, why 
bother? I’ve seen much of the material in that response before. I think a 
number of other MVPs would agree.

He can call me “crazy” or “out in left field” or whatever he wants. And I can 
do the same. In most of this, he says the same thing that I and others said – 
just using different word that spin the answer differently. Several times he 
asserts that I mean something that I did not say.

>From an insurance perspective – I absolutely agree – good backups are 
>important. I don’t know what other value-add they truly provide, other than 
>disaster recovery.

I can provide documentation to back up my statements. I can provide a quote 
from one of the key developers for ESE that says you don’t do these things on a 
regular basis. To wit:

…I'm glad you'd never recommend a tool that would
recommend offline defrag as standard maintenance! :)  I generally don't
recommend regular offline defrags myself, believing if that becomes
necessary it is an issue that should be fixed in ESE or whatever app
(Exch/AD) is using ESE.  

Lucid8 has a vested interest in selling their product. I respect that. They do 
provide some value-add with reporting. But that is all that I see. And I don’t 
approve of their marketing. I personally think that it is misleading.


Michael B. Smith
MCSE/Exchange MVP

From: Tom Strader [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, January 22, 2008 12:48 PM
To: MS-Exchange Admin Issues
Subject: GoExchange Response

I have a response from Lucid8 concerning their GoExchange product and the 
questions that were posted a week or so back. I've tried to post the response 
here but the Lyris server says its too large so if anyone want to read their 
response, please email me at [EMAIL PROTECTED] and I'll forward it to you. 
It is in DOCX format. 
Tom Strader 
Server Systems Administrator 
NC Blumenthal Performing Arts Center 
704.379.1285 Office | 704.444.2098 Fax 
"There are seldom good technological solutions to behavioral problems." 



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Re: GoExchange Response

2008-03-01 Thread Dane Cue
NOTE:  This is reposted from my Response to Don in the Syaadmin forum, however 
since he posted here as well I thought it best to repost for all involved.

Don, thanks for the message, let’s address each of your points.

1.  I find it interesting that you make a statement about "real" Exchange 
admins.  Care to clarify that statement a bit more?  

a.  You are certainly entitled to your opinion; however, making such a 
swaggering statement of differentiation regarding  “real” vs. what “wannabe” 
Exchange admins is pretty brazen and insulting don’t you think?  
b.  I would agree that Exchange admins have a varying degree of knowledge, 
however, that doesn’t give anyone with “supposedly” more knowledge the right to 
disregard or label everyone else as a non-real Exchange Admin.

2.  Exchange is coming up on its 12th birthday this coming April 2008 and 
from your statement it sounds like you have been working with it since its 
a.  Being that you have been in that game this long, I am sure that you 
have a good grasp of Exchange. 
i.  I do find it interesting that you’ve had little need to utilize the MS 
utilities in all that time, but hey I will take you at your word, you were 
there I was not.  
ii. Although, if one has had little need to use any item, be that a 
product, process or utility (in this case the MS utilities) how can one say 
they have a deep understanding of the item in question?

3.  I’ll agree that your statements are extremely broad, care to clarify 
these broad statements?

a.  You say “I know enough about your product” Really?  Enlighten us with 
your knowledge of the product Don.  While you’re at it, tell me, how did you 
come by this knowledge of GOexchange?

b.  What do you mean exactly when you say “your product increases the risk 
of making things worse...”  Get specific please, let’s see what you are basing 
your statement on here.

4.  You as the question of “where would I find value in your product” Well 
lets start by saying that GOexchange is a PROACTIVE maintenance and 
optimization tool, vs. a reactive solution, tool or process. 

a.  As I am sure you know being Proactive is taking steps to avoid or 
minimize a negative action and being Reactive is dealing with the problem after 
its taken place.

b.  While we agree that being able to react to a negative action, i.e. 
restoring from backup or repairing a corrupted data base is invaluable, I would 
hope that we can all agree the act of  avoiding or minimizing the negative 
action altogether is more desirable, regardless of the issue at hand i.e.

i.  Most people go to the Dr. or Dentist for a checkup every so often as 
part of their personal preventative maintenance. While this takes precious time 
out of their valuable day, however, it’s the right and mart thing to do when 
you consider the alternative of going in on an emergency basis only which is 
much more costly.

ii. The same scenario hold true for car owners, i.e. sheesh what a pain to 
have your car go in for maintenance, I mean I am busy.   Sure you can ignore 
it, maybe you will get lucky, then again maybe you will be stranded on the side 
of the road when the engine completely seizes, brakes, electrical or some other 
part goes south.  The end result is it ends up costing you more time; energy, 
aggravation and resources then it would have if you would have taken care.

iii.Look at the New Orleans/Katrina disaster. Much if not all of the damage 
and suffering could have been avoided had the government officials been 
proactive in many ways.  The levees were known to be insufficient for decades.  
Everyone talked about shoring them up but it was deemed unnecessary or too 
costly a project.In hindsight the cost to shore up the levees and protest 
the people of New Orleans would have been a fraction of the post disaster 
cleanup cost and that doesn’t measure the human suffering. 
c.  Ok so now back to Exchange… As stated before much has changed with 
Exchange since its first release and its underlying database structure has 
evolved into an incredibly resilient and much more reliable system.  Microsoft 
has built mechanisms to protect the JET database from many types of corruption, 
but certain conditions can still cause the ESE engine and databases to fail. 
That being said….

i.  The majority of organizations know innately that the e-mail system is 
business-critical. In a content-driven business ecosystem, it is their primary 
means of employee and business communications. Yet, few organizations can 
quantify the cost of lost business and productivity caused by Unplanned E-Mail 
Server Downtime. 

ii. When it comes to your messaging systems, an ounce of prevention, or in 
this case implementing a preventative maintenance solution, is worth a pound of 
cure (aka Disaster Recovery)—which of course means, unplanned downtime, angry 
users and executives, cancelled p

Exchange 2007 Smart host was an external vendor now gone.

2008-03-01 Thread Stephan Barr
Just inherited this and am new to Exchange 2007...

Exchange 2007 with a smart host configured. The smart host resided with
an external vendor.  That vendor is now gone and of course outbound mail
is failing.  Can you point me to a solution that either removes the
smart host entirely or configs a replacement smarthost?  Thanks in

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RE: Exchange 2007 Smart host was an external vendor now gone.

2008-03-01 Thread Stephan Barr
Disregard I figured it out.  And I only received 21 OOOs.


-Original Message-
From: Stephan Barr [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Saturday, March 01, 2008 7:24 PM
To: MS-Exchange Admin Issues
Subject: Exchange 2007 Smart host was an external vendor now gone.

Just inherited this and am new to Exchange 2007...

Exchange 2007 with a smart host configured. The smart host resided with
an external vendor.  That vendor is now gone and of course outbound mail
is failing.  Can you point me to a solution that either removes the
smart host entirely or configs a replacement smarthost?  Thanks in

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~ Ninja Email Security with Cloudmark Spam Engine Gets Image Spam ~

RE: Managing Public Folders permissions

2008-03-01 Thread McCoy, Davis

You can absolutely do that.  I have done it and it worked just
like it was supposed to.  You can also you PFDAVAdmin to do the same
thing and it works on the users' mailbox folders as well.

Davis McCoy
Network Engineer
Kennedy  Covington
214 N. Tryon St
47th Floor
Charlotte, NC 28202
v. 704-350-4599
f. 704-353-3699

From: Bob Peitzke [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, February 29, 2008 8:19 PM
To: MS-Exchange Admin Issues
Subject: Managing Public Folders permissions

I have a request to add a couple of new people to a huge list of
existing public folders with a fairly deep hierarchy, so they can
add/modify/delete messages in them.  I found an article explaining that
you can do this in ESM, via All Tasks on the parent folder > Manage
Settings > Modify client permissions, then perhaps choosing "Add users".

Has anyone done this on an E2K3 server?  Does it work?  Is it

Certainly I would try it out on a test folder tree before using
it on the live folders full of valuable messages, but I'd like some
feedback before even trying it out.

If there's a better / safer way, I'm all ears.

Grateful for any suggestions.

Bob Peitzke
Senior IT Manager
Colony Advisors, LLC
Century City, CA, USA

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RE: How to pinpoint source of high traffic volume

2008-03-01 Thread Matteson, John H Jr USA Mr USA 25th SigBN (ITT)
You can download (can remember the exact name of the product) Foglight
or Searchlight for Exchange. It can suck up all the transaction
logs/tracking logs on a server and give you a quick overview of who's
sending what.

Then again, Crystal Reports can do the same thing for you, if you have
someone that can set it all up. There were some templates for early
Exchange, 4.0 or 5.0, that were given away for free, but I'm not sure
for E2k, E2k3 or E2k7. 

John H. Matteson, Jr.
Systems Administrator/ITT Systems
FOB Orgun-E
DSN - 318 431 8001
VoSIP - (308) 431 - 
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Roshain - 079 - 736 - 3832

"A man who thinks of himself as belonging to a particular national group
in America has not yet become an American. And the man who goes among
you to trade upon your nationality is no worthy son to live under the
Stars and Stripes."  Woodrow Wilson

-Original Message-
From: Bob Peitzke [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, February 29, 2008 11:08 PM
To: MS-Exchange Admin Issues
Subject: RE: How to pinpoint source of high traffic volume

I didn't see anything stuck in any of the message queues.
Msg limits - global: 100 MB; connector: no "allowed sizes" limit; SMTP
virtual server: no limit.
This is in our Paris office.  I don't know of any Mac users there.
It's back to normal now, so no panic.
But it made me realize that I need a better way to analyze traffic
-  Bob

From: Michael B. Smith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, February 29, 2008 9:41 AM
To: MS-Exchange Admin Issues
Subject: RE: How to pinpoint source of high traffic volume

Look at the message queues.


If you see nothing there - hmmm. Do you have Mac users with Entourage?
Do you have a message size limit?




Michael B. Smith

MCSE/Exchange MVP


From: Bob Peitzke [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, February 29, 2008 12:32 PM
To: MS-Exchange Admin Issues
Subject: How to pinpoint source of high traffic volume


This morning I noticed one of our Exchange 2000 servers has an
abnormally high number of log files, and seems to be filling one about
every 5 - 10 minutes.  Since no mailboxes have grown, I figure it must
be outbound traffic, as if a PC is acting as a spam zombie. Relaying is
restricted to three specific hosts within subnet.


There must be a way to pinpoint the source of the traffic, right?  Turn
up some logging?  I'm looking for it, but would appreciate advice from
someone who works in this area more often than I do.


Grateful for any advice.

Bob Peitzke 
Senior IT Manager 
Colony Advisors, LLC 
Century City, CA, USA






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