Re: [expert] Re: 3c905B

2000-11-21 Thread mike veltman

On Sun, 19 Nov 2000, you wrote:

> > Tom,
> The eth0 card is SMC-ultra hardware assigned IRQ 3 at io 280.  So I am not
> nuts Mandrake has a problem with 3c905b cards!

Funny because I have two of them in my system and never had a problem.


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Re: [expert] ext3, reiserfs, and MDK 7.x?

2000-11-21 Thread mike veltman

Well I am running Reiser commercial for more then a year now.

And I have tested it in crisis situations.

:-) I love pusing the powerbutton on a full running system with gigs of 

And so far less problems then with ext2 where I got breakdowns in my file 


> If you don't have a commercial system, and want that
> nervous, fuzzy feeling about using bleeding edge
> developments, go for it.  Otherwise, just stick to the
> old ext2 and be happy.

E-mail   : [EMAIL PROTECTED]   OS : Linux 
Country  : The Netherlands   Kernel : 2.2.17 on a PII/233/128MB 
Function : Technical Consultant  Target : Next Project
- Use any OS, If it does what it needs to do --

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Re: [expert] IBM ThinkPad 1200

2000-11-21 Thread mike veltman

I can say about the 1200, but I have 390E and it works like a dream.

On Thu, 16 Nov 2000, you wrote:

> > Has anyone had any success installing 7.2 on an IBM ThinkPad 1200?  I am
> considering purchasing one and that is a major factor in whether or not I
> do purchase the laptop.

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E-mail   : [EMAIL PROTECTED]   OS : Linux 
Country  : The Netherlands   Kernel : 2.2.17 on a PII/233/128MB 
Function : Technical Consultant  Target : Next Project
- Use any OS, If it does what it needs to do --

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Re: [expert] apache and mod_perl

2000-11-21 Thread gene

At 5:26 PM -0500 11/11/00, Jean-Michel Dault wrote:
>On Sat, 11 Nov 2000, gene wrote:
>>  This might be a little off-topic, but perhaps someone has
>>  dealt with this here.  I'm still trying to get the new
>>  proxified apache mod_perl set up to work.
>>  First, since I have perl scripts in various places, I changed
>>  this:
>>ProxyPass  /perl/
>>ProxyPassReverse   /perl/
>>  to this:
>>  Rewrite on
>>  RewriteRule ^(.*\.pl)$$1 [P]
>>  ProxyPassReverse   /perl/
>The problem with that approach is that it forwards all perl scripts to
>mod_perl, which can be a bad thing, because most scripts are not designed
>for it.
>That's why the mod_perl people put the scripts in /perl, so only well
>behaved scripts get run with mod_perl.
>>  I haven't tried that out, but I assume it would work fine for serving
>  > a single domain, but I have several name-based virtual hosts.  With the
>>  configuration above, the proxy server wouldn't know which virtual host
>>  was supposed to be responding.  I started doing some more complicated
>>  rewrite rules that would call the proxy server with the name of the
>>  virtual server, but I wasn't sure if I was on the right track with
>>  that.
>Maybe we could do:
>   ProxyPass  /perl/ http://$1:8200/
>   ProxyPassReverse   /perl/ http://$1:8200/
>And have both httpd.conf and httpd-perl.conf have the same
>"Include conf/vhosts/DynamicVhosts.conf" directive so you don't have to
>duplicate all your settings.
>It's just a suggestion, not tested.

I've got this setup working now.  I have a separate rewrite rule in each
of the virtual host sections.  The trick to getting the proxy server to
know which virtual host it is serving is to preserve the host info in
the port, i.e., each virtual host gets it's own port.  Below is the
configuration that I am using.  For virtual host 1, I send the proxy
requests to port 8201.  For vh 2, I use 8202, etc.  I send all perl
scripts to the apache-mod_perl, though, of course, the rewrite rules
can be changed to just do perl scripts in a specific directory.

in httpd.conf:


CustomLog   /var/log/httpd/example/access_log combined

RewriteEngine   on
RewriteLogLevel 0
NoCache *
RewriteRule ^/(.*\.pl)$$1 [P,L]
ProxyPassReverse /

in httpd-perl.conf:

Listen 8201


CustomLog   /var/log/httpd/example/access_log-perl script


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Re: [expert] Glibc_2.2

2000-11-21 Thread Tom Berkley

What the h are you talking about? If you're a newbie and it it
sounds like you are, then you want to go hang out with the newbie list
for a while, spend some time reading the howto's
and then come here when you are informed enough to ask an intelligent
question of intelligent people.

Tom Berkley

Ryan La Mothe wrote:
> I have a question...What is the deal with EVERY SINGLE RPM needing
> Glibc_2.2?  What is exactly is the reason and how do I acquire Glibc_2.2
> without seriously messing everything up on Linux?  This is ridiculous...I
> can't even download 1 single RPM anymore, ANYWHERE without it being
> dependant on Glibc_2.2.  Why hasn't Mandrake's website or something at least
> made any mention of this fact/problem before I started wasting my valuable
> time the past couple of weeks looking for tar.gz or src.rpm files so that I
> could try and compile against LM 7.2 Glibc libraries instead of getting what
> I truly need and needing Glibc_2.2?  What I want is a definite answer if
> someone has it.  I am NOT going to compile source for anything at the
> moment, as I need to keep the system in either an all RPM or all tarball
> format, but this particular machine, I don't have the time to waste
> compiling and screwing with the whole tarball mess.  Thanks.
> Keep in touch with
> Subscribe the "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" mailing list.

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Re: [expert] 7.2 Sound problems

2000-11-21 Thread Tom Berkley

SB Live works wooonnderrrfuly combined with my
bose amp, this place rocks or tranquils depending on how I want it.
Never have had any problems with it and linux (redhat, mandrake, debian)

Tom Berkley

Wayne Wilson wrote:
> "Linke, Thomas" wrote:
> >
> > Hi,
> >
> > you can also use DrakeConf , choose HardDrake. If the system detect the
> > soundcard you have a + in the first column, click on it and you see your card.
> > Click on the card,  in the right window are the preferences. Now you have a
> > button to start a configuration tool. Open it and check the values.
> >
> Yep, as I said, been there and done that.  Tried all permuations just to
> make sure. NO effect, same bad sound when it works.  I am beginning to
> think that the crystal audio drivers are just plain bad.  Does anyone
> have a good audio card that Mandrake 7.2 can install by default that
> works?
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[expert] is this list seeing double yet again???

2000-11-21 Thread stephen

nuff said


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[expert] pilot-link errors

2000-11-21 Thread Stephen Boulet

I get this error when trying to execute jpilot or binaries like "addresses" 
that comes with the pilot-link RPM:

   pi_bind Permission denied

/dev/pilot and /dev/ttyS0 are owned by the group tty, of which I'm a member. 

Anyone know why I get this error?

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[expert] crypt

2000-11-21 Thread Tib

Greetings Programs!

Apparently I'm in need of the crypt module on my system for a particular
program I'm using that needs it - where can I get the latest? I generally use - but it only pulled one hit this time and I'm looking for good
sources for mandrake RPMs specificly. Thanks.


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Re: [expert] I give up on linux

2000-11-21 Thread faisal

Yes ok i admit linux does make you work a bit on your hardware but only if
it is not supported but it a a small price to pay for a hell of a stable &
secure system , also it make a greate server & the best of all its
FREE. "best things in life are always

take care
Best of luck with your choice
- Original Message -
Sent: Tuesday, November 21, 2000 10:19 AM
Subject: Re: [expert] I give up on linux

> If you must give up linux, at least,-
> at least get a Macintosh, it would be better than
> windows.
> Or a silicon graphics workstation.
> Just not winblows. Please for your
> own good.
> On Tue, 21 Nov 2000, Brent Timmer wrote:
> >
> > I give up on linux.  Now I boot in and usb just decides not to work.
> > spend sooo much time trying to get the hardware working (which it very
> > rarely ever does), then you do something so small like change a
character in
> > some file, or click the worng button, or not even do anything at all,
> > the whole system stops working, just shuts down completely.  Someone has
> > come up with an os that's as friendly as windoze, with all the perks of
> > linux :)
> >
> >
> >
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Re: Re: [expert] How to enable telnet in 7.2?

2000-11-21 Thread xylonite

set your secutity to level 3 
  msec 3

read your msec man for other info.
after issuing 'msec 3' try telnet 


At 11/21/00 11:38:00 PM, you wrote:
>I think that you only have to install the telnetd package. It's a stupid mistake
>that I did, and I was breaking my mind trying to know what was happen and the
>error was obvious.
>Best regards,
>Tom Eastman wrote:
>> Sorry,
>> I hate having to ask stupid simple questions but I can't seem to work it out!
>> How do I allow people to telnet to my computer?
>> This is what is in my inetd.conf file:
>> #
>> # These are standard services.
>> #
>> ftp stream  tcp nowait  root/usr/sbin/tcpd  in.ftpd -l -a
>> telnet  stream  tcp nowait  root/usr/sbin/tcpd  in.telnetd
>> #
>> telnet is uncommented... so why doesn't it work?
>> There must be something simple I'm missing... anyone have any ideas?
>> Thanks,
>> Tom
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Re: [expert] Very Small Install

2000-11-21 Thread John D. Kim

I'm not sure what you are asking for.

If you want to install over a network where the cdrom is on another
machine on the network, you can look in "images" directory of the cdrom
and make a floppy of network.img.  This will let it install over ftp or

If what you want is a working linux system that fits on a floppy, check
out tomsrtbt at  It's a basic linux distribution that fits
in a floppy.  Has most necessary hardware drivers built in.

On Tue, 14 Nov 2000, Ivan wrote:

> Hello,
> Is there a way to make afloppy to install a base system that can be used in a
> LAN?  I have a couple of old laptops that I would like to hook up as a learning
> experiance, but they only have floppy drives and HDDs.  no cdrom.
> Thanks,
> Ivan

John Kim
Linux System Engineer @ ASL - visit us at

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Re: [expert] Netzero problems (long)

2000-11-21 Thread Matthew Persico

Be forewarned... I went to one of those web pages where you put in your password and 
get the encrypted one out. I set up my NT box to get into NetZero sans the Zero Port. 
Everything seemed fine. I was doing this as a test to make sure I could also do it in 

Then I got this mail...

> Hello NetZero Member,
> We have discovered that you are accessing NetZero without
> The ZeroPort loading and displaying advertisements. Without
> effective advertisements, we are unable to provide FREE
> Internet and FREE e-mail. Therefore, we have employed
> technology that disconnects any member who does not have
> The ZeroPort loaded within several minutes. 
> If you are experiencing trouble with the ZeroPort not loading
> and want to continue enjoying FREE e-mail and FREE Internet
> access, please follow the instructions listed below. If you
> have any problems with the instructions below, please call
> NetZero Customer Care at (805) 418-2020. 
> Please note that it is a violation of NetZero's Acceptable
> Use policy, which states: "Any action to defeat or disable,
> or conduct that facilitates defeating or disabling, any
> functionality of the NetZero Services or alters the look,
> feel or functionality of the NetZero Site or user interface
> is prohibited. This includes, without limitation, altering 
> or blocking the display of any advertisement, banner or other
> promotional materials appearing on the NetZero Site or through
> the use of NetZero Services." 
> Customer Care is available 24 hours a day to assist you in
> resolving this problem. Please act quickly as your account will
> be terminated in 15 days if you do not upgrade your software.
> Thank-you for helping NetZero keep the Internet FREE!
> Sincerely,
> Justin W. Newton
> Director, Networks
> NetZero
> Instructions for uninstalling and reinstalling NetZero.
< Snip the instructions>

Ok, fine. Here's my reply:

> "Justin W. Newton" wrote:
> > 
> > Hello NetZero Member,
> > 
> > We have discovered that you are accessing NetZero without
> > The ZeroPort loading and displaying advertisements. 
> Because NetZero has failed to provide a suitable interface for Linux.
> There is a press release on your site at least six months old saying
> that a Linux release is imminent. Votes are counted in Florida faster
> than that. :-)
> Seriously though, I have NetZero installed on my PC under NT and use the
> ZeroPort when I am in NT, which is most of the time. However, I am
> starting to use Linux. If I cannot access NetZero under Linux, then I
> will have to consider using another ISP that can provide suitable Linux
> support.
> Windows may have the lion share of of desktops, but Linux useage is
> growing. Please consider a Linux port. After all, it's all Java anyway,
> isn't it?

Now let's see what Mr. Newton has to say...
Matthew O. Persico

"If you were supposed to understand it,
we wouldn't call it code." - FedEx
Why pay for something you could get for free?
NetZero provides FREE Internet Access and Email

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Re: [expert] final straw with pppd

2000-11-21 Thread Tom Brinkman

On Tuesday 21 November 2000 02:25 pm, root wrote:
> - kppp can connect to the ISP, but when pppd is
> run from the command line, the connection mysteriously dies before
> the PAP handshake is even complete.

   Did you try CHAP?
Tom Brinkman   [EMAIL PROTECTED] Galveston Bay

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Re: Re: [expert] I give up on linux

2000-11-21 Thread xylonite

gates own mac now.
when you buy mac it's mean you support windowz too


At 11/21/00 12:19:00 PM, you wrote:
>If you must give up linux, at least,-
>at least get a Macintosh, it would be better than
>Or a silicon graphics workstation.
>Just not winblows. Please for your
>own good.
>On Tue, 21 Nov 2000, Brent Timmer wrote:
>> I give up on linux.  Now I boot in and usb just decides not to work.  You
>> spend sooo much time trying to get the hardware working (which it very
>> rarely ever does), then you do something so small like change a character in
>> some file, or click the worng button, or not even do anything at all, then
>> the whole system stops working, just shuts down completely.  Someone has to
>> come up with an os that's as friendly as windoze, with all the perks of
>> linux :)
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linux project
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[expert] Kernel Error: Out of input data

2000-11-21 Thread hex

yesterday i decided to recompile my kernel to 
create a custom kernel.  The compile went well and i managed to get the 
kernel installed.  I rebooted and when i 
chose to boot the new kernel i got the Out of Input Data error on the thrid or 
fourth dot after loading the kernel.  I had 
to hard reset the machine and i tried the failsafe option on the next boot 
cycle. nada same error.  I dont have a boot disk because i accidentally formatted it 
yesterday.  I need to get back into linux this stupid windows interface 
drives me crazy.  Btw im using LM 7.2

Re: [expert] USB dying unexpectedly (was: I give up on linux)

2000-11-21 Thread xaos

On Tuesday 21 November 2000 16:30, some strange person did etch this in stone:

> > On Wednesday 22 November 2000 07:39, you wrote:
> > > I noticed that usb cuts out from time to time for no apparent reason,
> > > but
> I
> > thought it might just be my machine.
> Hi there... I have this problem as well.. If I leave my computer untouched
> for a period of time (long enough for the monitor to turn itself off)  my
> USB mouse stops completely.  It's an Intelli-Eye, and the light actually
> goes out completey!
> Any ideas?  I'm thinking it's a power management thing... but where are the
> settings kept for that?

i have the logitech firstmouse plus USB. never have a prob at all with it 
cutting out. i have an Abit BX-6 II with an overclocked celery in it with all 
intel chipsets. ACPI is enabled as well as PNP with my resources set to AUTO. 
i have IRQ for USB and VGAenabled in the BIOS. are your USB host controllers 
perhaps VIA chipsets? i notice on some of my customers whose puters i've 
built with chaintech boards (built with VIA chipsets) that they have some 
probs with the USB in winblows. hope this helps..


"Death is merciful, for there is no return therefrom, 
but for him who has come back out of the nethermost 
chambers of night, haggard and knowing, peace rests 
nevermore" - Howard Phillips Lovecraft

ICQ 4841244

Re: [expert] Netzero problems

2000-11-21 Thread xaos

On Tuesday 21 November 2000 13:17, some strange person did etch this in stone:

> Is there anyone out there who uses netzero under Linux?
> If so, how did you do it?

i use it at work in linux. i do know that sometimes the rasspy proggie makes 
the zeros look like the capital letter "O" so check your pass first. (this 
was to the person who couldn't log in)

to the person who can log in but go nowhere or get disconnected. when i 
didn't put the password in right at first it would do the same thing with me 
"the ppp daemon has died unexpectedly" otherwise it works fine for me in 
redhat. in mandrake i had to do all kinds of funky stuff using ipchains to 
route packets from my machine to the DNS servers and vice versa and also 
route from my machine to the remote connection. when i did that it connected 
and browsed fine. i've done this with Juno, Blue light (as well as any of the 
other spinway services), and Netzero.


"Death is merciful, for there is no return therefrom, 
but for him who has come back out of the nethermost 
chambers of night, haggard and knowing, peace rests 
nevermore" - Howard Phillips Lovecraft

ICQ 4841244

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[expert] A LaTeX question of lucida fonts

2000-11-21 Thread Leopold Palomo


I don't know if is a correct place to ask this, but I'm a rockie in
LaTeX, and I have a doubt in the configuration from mdk.

I try to use the lucida fonts, LaTeX compiles ok, but xdvi says a lot of
errors saying that don't found the lbmo.pfb file. I have installed all
the tex* package, I think that the lucida's font are, (this file no).
Any ideas?



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[expert] KDE Login Manager Wallpaper

2000-11-21 Thread Ron Heron


Does anyone know how to fix the KLogin
Wallpaper?Regardless of what wallpaper or background
color is selected, it always reverts to the pale blue.

Thanks, Ron

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[expert] final straw with pppd

2000-11-21 Thread root

Some of you may recall a few recent discussion threads involving
stubborn pppd problems. I have had such a problem on one of the machines
I administer for several months now. The strangest part of this
particular problem is that the system worked fine for at least 6 weeks
before refusing to work any longer.

I have contacted the ISP, and they insist they have not made any changes
to their configuration, and given my past experience with them, I have
no choice but to believe them.

The machine is running Mandrake 6.1.

Summarized briefly - kppp can connect to the ISP, but when pppd is run
from the command line, the connection mysteriously dies before the
PAP handshake is even complete. I've been hammering away at this problem
for hours now, and I'm at a total loss.

I've inserted two sections of log output, along with the contents of
/etc/ppp/options and the chat script. Have a look at these and tell me
what you think.

Scenario 1: I connect with kppp - there is no /etc/options file. Here
are the contents of /var/log/messages. (This shows two connections)

Nov 21 13:08:30 localhost pppd[1312]: pppd 2.4.0 started by root, uid 0
Nov 21 13:08:30 localhost pppd[1312]: Using interface ppp0
Nov 21 13:08:30 localhost pppd[1312]: Connect: ppp0 <--> /dev/ttyS1
Nov 21 13:08:34 localhost pppd[1312]: local  IP address
Nov 21 13:08:34 localhost pppd[1312]: remote IP address
Nov 21 13:08:56 localhost pppd[1312]: Terminating on signal 15.
Nov 21 13:08:56 localhost pppd[1312]: Connection terminated.
Nov 21 13:08:56 localhost pppd[1312]: Connect time 0.5 minutes.
Nov 21 13:08:56 localhost pppd[1312]: Sent 331 bytes, received 374
Nov 21 13:08:56 localhost pppd[1312]: Exit.
Nov 21 13:11:08 localhost pppd[1338]: pppd 2.4.0 started by root, uid 0
Nov 21 13:11:08 localhost pppd[1338]: Using interface ppp0
Nov 21 13:11:08 localhost pppd[1338]: Connect: ppp0 <--> /dev/ttyS1
Nov 21 13:11:12 localhost pppd[1338]: local  IP address
Nov 21 13:11:12 localhost pppd[1338]: remote IP address
Nov 21 13:11:27 localhost pppd[1338]: Terminating on signal 15.
Nov 21 13:11:27 localhost pppd[1338]: Connection terminated.
Nov 21 13:11:27 localhost pppd[1338]: Connect time 0.4 minutes.
Nov 21 13:11:27 localhost pppd[1338]: Sent 325 bytes, received 371
Nov 21 13:11:27 localhost pppd[1338]: Exit.

Scenario 2: Now I have an options file, and I run /usr/sbin/pppd:

Nov 21 13:12:06 localhost pppd[1361]: pppd 2.4.0 started by root, uid 0
Nov 21 13:12:07 localhost chat[1362]: timeout set to 10 seconds
Nov 21 13:12:07 localhost chat[1362]: abort on (\nBUSY\r)
Nov 21 13:12:07 localhost chat[1362]: abort on (\nNO ANSWER\r)
Nov 21 13:12:07 localhost chat[1362]: send (^MAT^M)
Nov 21 13:12:07 localhost chat[1362]: expect (OK)
Nov 21 13:12:07 localhost chat[1362]: ^MAT^M^M
Nov 21 13:12:07 localhost chat[1362]: OK
Nov 21 13:12:07 localhost chat[1362]:  -- got it
Nov 21 13:12:07 localhost chat[1362]: send (ATH0^M)
Nov 21 13:12:07 localhost chat[1362]: expect (OK)
Nov 21 13:12:07 localhost chat[1362]: ^M
Nov 21 13:12:07 localhost chat[1362]: ATH0^M^M
Nov 21 13:12:07 localhost chat[1362]: OK
Nov 21 13:12:07 localhost chat[1362]:  -- got it
Nov 21 13:12:07 localhost chat[1362]: send (ATZ^M)
Nov 21 13:12:07 localhost chat[1362]: expect (OK)
Nov 21 13:12:07 localhost chat[1362]: ^M
Nov 21 13:12:07 localhost chat[1362]: ATZ^M^M
Nov 21 13:12:07 localhost chat[1362]: OK
Nov 21 13:12:07 localhost chat[1362]:  -- got it
Nov 21 13:12:07 localhost chat[1362]: send (ATM1L1^M)
Nov 21 13:12:07 localhost chat[1362]: timeout set to 40 seconds
Nov 21 13:12:07 localhost chat[1362]: expect (OK)
Nov 21 13:12:07 localhost chat[1362]: ^M
Nov 21 13:12:08 localhost chat[1362]: ATM1L1^M^M
Nov 21 13:12:08 localhost chat[1362]: OK
Nov 21 13:12:08 localhost chat[1362]:  -- got it
Nov 21 13:12:08 localhost chat[1362]: send (ATDT5411811^M)
Nov 21 13:12:08 localhost chat[1362]: expect (CONNECT)
Nov 21 13:12:08 localhost chat[1362]: ^M
Nov 21 13:12:35 localhost chat[1362]: ATDT5411811^M^M
Nov 21 13:12:35 localhost chat[1362]: CONNECT
Nov 21 13:12:35 localhost chat[1362]:  -- got it
Nov 21 13:12:35 localhost chat[1362]: send (^M)
Nov 21 13:12:35 localhost pppd[1361]: Serial connection established.
Nov 21 13:12:35 localhost pppd[1361]: Using interface ppp0
Nov 21 13:12:35 localhost pppd[1361]: Connect: ppp0 <--> /dev/modem
Nov 21 13:12:38 localhost pppd[1361]: Hangup (SIGHUP)
Nov 21 13:12:38 localhost pppd[1361]: Modem hangup
Nov 21 13:12:38 localhost pppd[1361]: Connection terminated.
Nov 21 13:12:39 localhost pppd[1361]: Exit.

Here are the contents of the options file that created the above

kdebug 4
connect '/usr/sbin/chat -v -f /etc/ppp/peers/nucleus'
asyncmap 0
lcp-echo-interval 30
lcp-echo-failure 4
idle 600

And here is the chat script:

'' \rAT

Re: [expert] How to enable telnet in 7.2?

2000-11-21 Thread Tom Eastman

Thank you!!

I knew it had to be something stupid... installed the server package and it 
came straight up!

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Re: [expert] 7.2 = loss of productivity

2000-11-21 Thread mdkexpert-g

Wayne Wilson wrote:

> Well, for whatever reason, after using 7.1 since it's onset, the move to
> 7.2 has been a disaster.  After the upgrade failed, I was forced to
> install from scratch.  As I said previously, sound is so bad I am
> turning it off in the BIOS.  Today, Helix-Gnome (something else I've
> used on 7.1) has become unuseable.  Two things:  whenever I boot up,
> somehow, the permissions in /etc/X11/gdm/Sessions for Gnome get changed
> such that gdm login can't access Gnome!  I am tired of going to root at
> every boot and changing those permissions.
> Even more catastrophic was today, I launched one my standard X-window
> apps from our servers, and the Windowing system just failed completely
> and left me back at gdm login. Since Gnome was not available now, I
> switched to KDE, and tried runing my X-app again. This time the
> windowing system just hung with a blank screen, forcing me to re-boot
> (and once again, Gnome is not a option - I think I get the message: use
> KDE :)
>   So Gnome is unuseable, X-Window seems problematical (is the Sawfish
> windowing system broke in 7.2?), Sound doesn't work,  I can't come close
> to my 7.1 system. Now I know you will all think I must be some kind of
> idiot to have all these problems, but let me assure you that I had no
> such problems in 7.1 and other than installing some applications (like
> MIT Kerberos) and using standard customizations (like panel auto-hide),
> everything is default from the installer process.  I have tried loading
> all the updates available for Mandrake and Helix-Gnome, they don't
> change this behavior at all.
> Am I the only unfortunate person to have these kinds of problems?
No you aren't the only one. Mandrake 7.2 is exciting in what it is 
attempting to do, and I guess that if you fit an idealized hardware profile 
everything will most probably work. I have several unresolved problems but 
have enjoyed the experience. I had the luxury of being able to install it 
on a secondary machinemy primary machine is a simpler distro (also 
KDE2) that I use for my day to day workit's using Best Linux...(my 
favorite distro for stability and as near "bug" free as any I've used)


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[expert] booting problem

2000-11-21 Thread Moe

Hi all,
   I am installing mandrake corporate 1.0 onto a Sparc
Ipx.  I got this error message:

mounting /proc filesystem... done
opening /proc/cmdline... done
checking command line arguments... done
failed to open /dev/tty1failed.

I can't recover from this.

Any ideas? I am instaling via serial line no keyboard
present nor monitor.


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Re: [expert] How to enable telnet in 7.2?

2000-11-21 Thread Leopold Palomo

I think that you only have to install the telnetd package. It's a stupid mistake
that I did, and I was breaking my mind trying to know what was happen and the
error was obvious.

Best regards,


Tom Eastman wrote:

> Sorry,
> I hate having to ask stupid simple questions but I can't seem to work it out!
> How do I allow people to telnet to my computer?
> This is what is in my inetd.conf file:
> #
> # These are standard services.
> #
> ftp stream  tcp nowait  root/usr/sbin/tcpd  in.ftpd -l -a
> telnet  stream  tcp nowait  root/usr/sbin/tcpd  in.telnetd
> #
> telnet is uncommented... so why doesn't it work?
> There must be something simple I'm missing... anyone have any ideas?
> Thanks,
> Tom
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> Subscribe the "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" mailing list.

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Re: [expert] How to enable telnet in 7.2?

2000-11-21 Thread Ewcapada Ewa Kaus

"David M. Kufta" wrote:
> ** Reply to message from Tom Eastman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on Wed, 22 Nov 2000
> 02:25:21 +1300
> You might try rpm -q telnet-server Should your system respond telling you it is
> not installed, simply install the telnet-server rpm and you should be fine

And launch inetd


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Re: [expert] How to enable telnet in 7.2?

2000-11-21 Thread Aaron M. Hirsch

Exactly correct.  Insert your install CD and go into the RPMS directory. 
Scroll down to the telentdrpm and install it and you're worries should be
over.  Also you want to verify the your /etc/hosts.deny isn't setup for
ALL:ALL.  This will also keep people from being able to telnet into a box.

Good luck

> I think that you only have to install the telnetd package. It's a stupid mistake
> that I did, and I was breaking my mind trying to know what was happen and the
> error was obvious.
> Best regards,
> Leo
> Tom Eastman wrote:
> > Sorry,
> >
> > I hate having to ask stupid simple questions but I can't seem to work it out!
> >
> > How do I allow people to telnet to my computer?
> >
> > This is what is in my inetd.conf file:
> > #
> > # These are standard services.
> > #
> > ftp stream  tcp nowait  root/usr/sbin/tcpd  in.ftpd -l -a
> > telnet  stream  tcp nowait  root/usr/sbin/tcpd  in.telnetd
> > #
> >
> > telnet is uncommented... so why doesn't it work?
> >
> > There must be something simple I'm missing... anyone have any ideas?
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Tom
> >
> >
> >   
> > Keep in touch with
> > Subscribe the "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" mailing list.

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Aaron M. Hirsch
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Re: [expert] How to enable telnet in 7.2?

2000-11-21 Thread Jay Woods

On a simple setup, check your /etc/hosts.allow. It will contain:
Tom Eastman wrote:
I hate having to ask stupid simple questions but I can't seem to work
it out!
How do I allow people to telnet to my computer?
This is what is in my inetd.conf file:
# These are standard services.
ftp stream  tcp
nowait  root    /usr/sbin/tcpd  in.ftpd -l -a
telnet  stream  tcp nowait 
root    /usr/sbin/tcpd  in.telnetd
telnet is uncommented... so why doesn't it work?
There must be something simple I'm missing... anyone have any ideas?
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Re: [expert] Upgrading glibc on MDK 7.2

2000-11-21 Thread J . A . Magallon

On Tue, 21 Nov 2000 23:02:42 Jasenko Blazevic wrote:
> I did the same thing and upgraded to RehHat 7.0, it worked so well that i 
> formatted the drive and installed Mandrake 7.2, don't do this, new glibc is 
> so buggy, I couldn't compile and start any new application not to mention 
> stability

I am running previews of glibc for Mdk from 2.1.97 i think, and not a hang.
Now I have 2.2-5mdk, and all works fine.

The only problem was gcc2.96. Initially it was a bag of bugs. It didn't 
compile the simpler thinks in C++. But the actual rpm works fine. And the
problem upgrading gcc+libstc++ is that you have to also update many programs
that use lbstdc++. So everything will work in an upgrade to the latest
cooker, but be prepared for a heavy session of rpm'ing. It's the cost of
being update-adict (like me).

Juan Antonio Magallon Lacarta #> cd /pub
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] #> more beer

Linux 2.2.18-pre22-vm #7 SMP Sun Nov 19 03:29:20 CET 2000 i686 unknown

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Re: [expert] How to enable telnet in 7.2?

2000-11-21 Thread pgeorges

Tom Eastman a écrit :

> How do I allow people to telnet to my computer?
> This is what is in my inetd.conf file:
> #
> # These are standard services.
> #
> ftp stream  tcp nowait  root/usr/sbin/tcpd  in.ftpd -l -a
> telnet  stream  tcp nowait  root/usr/sbin/tcpd  in.telnetd
> #
> telnet is uncommented... so why doesn't it work?
> There must be something simple I'm missing... anyone have any ideas?

did you enable telnet on the target with ntsysv, for example ?

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RE: [expert] I give up on linux

2000-11-21 Thread Mark Derricutt

On Tue, 21 Nov 2000, SIR admin wrote:

> someone needs to come up with a os that is as friendly as linux, with the
> perks of windowslike world domination.  stroke the linux.

Isn't that what OS/X is supposed to be?

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Re: [expert] USB dying unexpectedly (was: I give up on linux)

2000-11-21 Thread Tom Eastman

On Wednesday 22 November 2000 07:39, you wrote:

> > I noticed that usb cuts out from time to time for no apparent reason, but 
> thought it might just be my machine.

Hi there... I have this problem as well.. If I leave my computer untouched 
for a period of time (long enough for the monitor to turn itself off)  my USB 
mouse stops completely.  It's an Intelli-Eye, and the light actually goes out 

Any ideas?  I'm thinking it's a power management thing... but where are the 
settings kept for that?

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Re: [expert] Hard disk problems

2000-11-21 Thread J . A . Magallon

On Tue, 21 Nov 2000 17:16:46 Tejinder Singh wrote:
> 2) Duplicate the contents if the existing drive on the new one. The new one
> may have extra partitions if the partitions on
> it are exactly the same size as on the old disk.
> 3) Take out the old disk, or maybe even leave it in there as an extra disk and
> place the new one in as the main /dev/hda
> boot disk.
> 4) Power On the PC and the system comes up exactly as it used to before the
> noise started (with some extra disk space).
> Am I hoping for too much or is there a utility out there that can help me do
> this.

I have just done this, manually. The only tricky step is partitioning the new
I have Mandrake 7.2, and I used DiskDrake to partition-format the drive. I
suppose RH has any GUI tool similar to do that. In the worst case, you would
have to use
fdisk/mkfs. The thing is to get your drive partitioned and mounted in, say,
You can have a distinct partition scheme than your original drive. Just format
all your parts and mount them in their right point under /disk.
Say /dev/hda is your current disk, and /dev/hdb will be the new:

/dev/hdb1 ---> /disk
/dev/hdb5 ---> /disk/usr
/dev/hdb6 ---> /disk/usr/local
/dev/hdb7 ---> /disk/home

Copy all your dirs from your actual root to the future root, but WITH THE -a
(so device files, links, dates and so on are preserved). All BUT /proc. Make
that dir manually with mkdir /disk/proc:
cp -a /bin /boot ... /var /disk

Make a boot disk with your current kernel (mkbootkdisk). If you have all your
mandatory stuff (disk drivers) in kernel, not modules, just
dd if=/boot/vmlinuz of=/dev/fd0.

Shut down, remove your old disk (or swap master and slave if they are ide, or
scsi ids to make the new disk seen before the old), boot with the floppy and
run lilo on the new disk.

The advantage of this method is that the partioning scheme does not have to be
equal to the old.

Juan Antonio Magallon Lacarta #> cd /pub
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] #> more beer

Linux 2.2.18-pre22-vm #7 SMP Sun Nov 19 03:29:20 CET 2000 i686 unknown

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[expert] Another boot problem with Mandrake 7.2

2000-11-21 Thread Jeff Malka

My Mandrake 7.2 boots up just fine from a cold boot.  But if I do a
ctrl-Alt-Del, it gooes to the text "OK booting linux ." and stops there.
Never happens with a cold boot (power off/on).

What could be the problem?

Registered Linux user  183185

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[expert] Tix version

2000-11-21 Thread Mike Clarkson

Tix has a new home page at
The latest release is tix-8.1.0.

Could you synchronize your release with this version, and
let me know if there are any problems. 

Many thanks,


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Re: [expert] How to enable telnet in 7.2?

2000-11-21 Thread David M. Kufta

** Reply to message from Tom Eastman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on Wed, 22 Nov 2000
02:25:21 +1300

You might try rpm -q telnet-server Should your system respond telling you it is
not installed, simply install the telnet-server rpm and you should be fine


David M. Kufta
  Konsult. Ltd.

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RE: [expert] Hard disk problems

2000-11-21 Thread Tejinder Singh

First of all thank you all for your speedy and helpful responses.

Unfortunately, I do not have a copy of the Linux Journals, but I may be able to find a 
person who does.

Is the dd performed on a partition by partition basis using /dev/hda...(old disk 
source)  /dev/hdb...(new disk dest) ?

Oh... and it's an 8 GB disk. And I still didn't realise my mistake after I read this 
response, I was actually thinking that
20 GB must be on the way out. Even my very first system back in 92 had a 120 MByte 
Hard Disk !!!

It's worrying when a supposedly carefully written note contains mitsakes...





-Original Message-
From:   Charles Curley [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent:   Tuesday, November 21, 2000 7:44 PM
To: Tejinder Singh
Subject:Re: [expert] Hard disk problems

On Tue, Nov 21, 2000 at 04:16:46PM -, Tejinder Singh wrote:
> Dear reader(s),
> I have a machine running RH Linux. It's taken me a long time and numerous package 
>downloads to set this up just so...
> The Linux machine now acts as an intranet server and provides access to the outside 
>world for my other machines.
> Anyway, that's the background, now for the problem:
> Just lately I've started to notice a low frequency whirring sound when the machine 
>is initially powered up. This remains
> for about a minute and then goes. I'm diagnosing this as the beginning of a failure 
>of my hard disk, the one with all the
> Linux bits on it.
> Ideally I would find the following course of action least daunting:
> 1) Buy a new hard drive. The existing one is 8 MByte. I would like a larger ~20MByte 
> 2) Duplicate the contents if the existing drive on the new one. The new one may have 
>extra partitions if the partitions on
> it are exactly the same size as on the old disk.
> 3) Take out the old disk, or maybe even leave it in there as an extra disk and place 
>the new one in as the main /dev/hda
> boot disk.
> 4) Power On the PC and the system comes up exactly as it used to before the noise 
>started (with some extra disk space).
> Am I hoping for too much or is there a utility out there that can help me do this.

To see one way to rebuild your system, see my recent article on bare metal
restore at 79 Linux Journal 104.

What I want to know is how your 8 MB hard drive has lasted so long? I
don't know if you can get 20 MB hard drives any more. :-)


-- C^2

No windows were crashed in the making of this email.

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Re: [expert] Upgrading glibc on MDK 7.2

2000-11-21 Thread Jasenko Blazevic

I did the same thing and upgraded to RehHat 7.0, it worked so well that i 
formatted the drive and installed Mandrake 7.2, don't do this, new glibc is 
so buggy, I couldn't compile and start any new application not to mention 


On Tue, 21 Nov 2000 21:21, you wrote:

> > Tony K. Olsen said at Ò[expert] Upgrading glibc on MDK 7.2Ó.
> [2000-11-21 11:38]
> > Hi Everyone,
> >
> > I am in the process of upgrading my MDK 7.2 default installation to
> > allow
> > me to run Enlightenment 0.16.5-1 (mdk.i586) but it requires the latest
> > glibc-
> > 2.2-5mdk.i586.rpm which I am about to install.
> I upgraded recently and dont' remember exactly the full set of
> dependencies, but I am sure you must get glibc, glibc-devel, nscd, db1,
> db2l, db3 ans sash and upgrade all at the same time:
> rpm -U sash*
> rpm -U glibc* nscd* db*, to avoid cyclic dependencies.
> After a couple rpm upgrades, everything works fine.

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[expert] How to enable telnet in 7.2?

2000-11-21 Thread Tom Eastman


I hate having to ask stupid simple questions but I can't seem to work it out!

How do I allow people to telnet to my computer?

This is what is in my inetd.conf file:
# These are standard services.
ftp stream  tcp nowait  root/usr/sbin/tcpd  in.ftpd -l -a
telnet  stream  tcp nowait  root/usr/sbin/tcpd  in.telnetd

telnet is uncommented... so why doesn't it work?

There must be something simple I'm missing... anyone have any ideas?


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Re: [expert] 7.2 Sound problems

2000-11-21 Thread Chris Spencer

On Tue, 21 Nov 2000, Wayne Wilson wrote:

> Yep, as I said, been there and done that.  Tried all permuations just to
> make sure. NO effect, same bad sound when it works.  I am beginning to
> think that the crystal audio drivers are just plain bad.  Does anyone
> have a good audio card that Mandrake 7.2 can install by default that
> works?

Yes, I have a SB Live. No need to configure anything...


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[expert] Netzero problems

2000-11-21 Thread Bob [EMAIL PROTECTED]

DO this: change your NetZero password (in the Windows program) to: "abcde".  Now your 
encrypted password you need for Dial up networking will be: "0a1"  (that's number 
0, five a's, and number 1)

have fun!

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[expert] Glibc_2.2

2000-11-21 Thread Ryan La Mothe

I have a question...What is the deal with EVERY SINGLE RPM needing
Glibc_2.2?  What is exactly is the reason and how do I acquire Glibc_2.2
without seriously messing everything up on Linux?  This is ridiculous...I
can't even download 1 single RPM anymore, ANYWHERE without it being
dependant on Glibc_2.2.  Why hasn't Mandrake's website or something at least
made any mention of this fact/problem before I started wasting my valuable
time the past couple of weeks looking for tar.gz or src.rpm files so that I
could try and compile against LM 7.2 Glibc libraries instead of getting what
I truly need and needing Glibc_2.2?  What I want is a definite answer if
someone has it.  I am NOT going to compile source for anything at the
moment, as I need to keep the system in either an all RPM or all tarball
format, but this particular machine, I don't have the time to waste
compiling and screwing with the whole tarball mess.  Thanks.

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Re: [expert] Title bar under Gnome

2000-11-21 Thread Laurent Duperval

On 22 Nov, Steve Vertigan wrote:
> Does anyone know how I can configure the title bars and
> minimise/maximise/close buttons in 7.2?  I'm using sawmill as the window
> manager and I would've expected it to be in the sawmill configuration
> utility but I can't find it anywhere.

You mean like the themes in Sawfish?



Laurent Duperval   "Montreal winters are an intelligence test,
Netergy Networks - Java Centerand we who are here have failed it."
Phone: (514) 282-8484 ext. 228   -Doug Camilli
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Penguin Power!

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[expert] webmin

2000-11-21 Thread SIR admin

does webmin not get installed with the secure kernel?  or am i losing my
i'm trying to install 7.2 on my mail server, after corporate server didn't
work out.


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Re: [expert] I give up on linux

2000-11-21 Thread Turgut Kalfaoglu

I think that guy deserves Windows.. Maybe then he'll realise that perhaps
something is wrong with his hardware instead.  -turgut

Turgut Kalfaoglu, EgeNet Internet Services
All of Turkey Online:

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Re: [expert] I give up on linux

2000-11-21 Thread pablito

I noticed that usb cuts out from time to time for no apparent reason, but I
thought it might just be my machine.

- Original Message -
From: "Brent Timmer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Expert@Linux-Mandrake. Com" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, November 21, 2000 1:07 AM
Subject: [expert] I give up on linux

: I give up on linux.  Now I boot in and usb just decides not to work.  You
: spend sooo much time trying to get the hardware working (which it very
: rarely ever does), then you do something so small like change a character
: some file, or click the worng button, or not even do anything at all, then
: the whole system stops working, just shuts down completely.  Someone has
: come up with an os that's as friendly as windoze, with all the perks of
: linux :)

: Keep in touch with
: Subscribe the "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" mailing list.

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Re: [expert] Hard disk problems

2000-11-21 Thread Charles Curley

On Tue, Nov 21, 2000 at 04:16:46PM -, Tejinder Singh wrote:
> Dear reader(s),
> I have a machine running RH Linux. It's taken me a long time and numerous package 
>downloads to set this up just so...
> The Linux machine now acts as an intranet server and provides access to the outside 
>world for my other machines.
> Anyway, that's the background, now for the problem:
> Just lately I've started to notice a low frequency whirring sound when the machine 
>is initially powered up. This remains
> for about a minute and then goes. I'm diagnosing this as the beginning of a failure 
>of my hard disk, the one with all the
> Linux bits on it.
> Ideally I would find the following course of action least daunting:
> 1) Buy a new hard drive. The existing one is 8 MByte. I would like a larger ~20MByte 
> 2) Duplicate the contents if the existing drive on the new one. The new one may have 
>extra partitions if the partitions on
> it are exactly the same size as on the old disk.
> 3) Take out the old disk, or maybe even leave it in there as an extra disk and place 
>the new one in as the main /dev/hda
> boot disk.
> 4) Power On the PC and the system comes up exactly as it used to before the noise 
>started (with some extra disk space).
> Am I hoping for too much or is there a utility out there that can help me do this.

To see one way to rebuild your system, see my recent article on bare metal
restore at 79 Linux Journal 104.

What I want to know is how your 8 MB hard drive has lasted so long? I
don't know if you can get 20 MB hard drives any more. :-)


-- C^2

No windows were crashed in the making of this email.

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RE: [expert] I give up on linux

2000-11-21 Thread Brent Timmer

Actually, I started in the Mac world, and have been eagerly wanting to go
back :)

-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Vic
Sent: Tuesday, November 21, 2000 1:19 PM
Subject: Re: [expert] I give up on linux

If you must give up linux, at least,-

at least get a Macintosh, it would be better than

Or a silicon graphics workstation.

Just not winblows. Please for your
own good.

On Tue, 21 Nov 2000, Brent Timmer wrote:
> I give up on linux.  Now I boot in and usb just decides not to work.  You
> spend sooo much time trying to get the hardware working (which it very
> rarely ever does), then you do something so small like change a character
> some file, or click the worng button, or not even do anything at all, then
> the whole system stops working, just shuts down completely.  Someone has
> come up with an os that's as friendly as windoze, with all the perks of
> linux :)

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[expert] ISA ethernet card Tx timeout

2000-11-21 Thread Jeremy Bishop

After moving one of my computers from redhat 5.2 to Mandrake 7.1 I am
having problems with the ethernet card.

As the subject says, it's an ISA card, using the ne2k module. io and irq
are correct, as it detects the card and gives the correct MAC address.
pings to the machine's ip ( work, pings to and from another
( do not work.  Before the upgrade it was fully functional.

I've seen some literature saying an older PCI card may have this
problem, and to use the ne.c instead of the ne2k-pci module.  So what
should I do if I'm already using the ne.c?

Thanks for any help

"The irony is that Bill Gates claims to be making a stable operating
system and Linus Torvalds claims to be trying to take over the world."
 -- Drakmere

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Re: [expert] 7.2 Sound problems

2000-11-21 Thread Scott Tyson

My SoundBlaster Live! basic works with no problems.


On 11/21/2000 at 11:47 AM Wayne Wilson scribbled:

>"Linke, Thomas" wrote:
>> Hi,
>> you can also use DrakeConf , choose HardDrake. If the system detect the
>> soundcard you have a + in the first column, click on it and you see your card.
>> Click on the card,  in the right window are the preferences. Now you have a
>> button to start a configuration tool. Open it and check the values.
>Yep, as I said, been there and done that.  Tried all permuations just to
>make sure. NO effect, same bad sound when it works.  I am beginning to
>think that the crystal audio drivers are just plain bad.  Does anyone
>have a good audio card that Mandrake 7.2 can install by default that
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Re: [expert] Hard disk problems

2000-11-21 Thread Denis HAVLIK

Except for the fact that your machine is running RH, and not LM, I don't
see any reasons why you should not be able to do that. "dd" should be able
to do exactly what you have asked for.

If you feel that dd is too much for you, you can always opt for installing
some minimal linux install, just to get your new HD partitioned the easy
way, then erase everything which the installer put on new server and copy 
all the files from old HD to new one. 

When you are done, you'll have to fix /etc/fstab and /etc/lilo.conf, and
run lilo to get your bootloader in sync, but that's about it.

On Tue, 21 Nov 2000, Tejinder Singh wrote:

:~>Dear reader(s),
:~>I have a machine running RH Linux. It's taken me a long time and numerous package 
:downloads to set this up just so...
:~>The Linux machine now acts as an intranet server and provides access to the outside 
:world for my other machines.
:~>Anyway, that's the background, now for the problem:
:~>Just lately I've started to notice a low frequency whirring sound when the machine 
:is initially powered up. This remains
:~>for about a minute and then goes. I'm diagnosing this as the beginning of a failure 
:of my hard disk, the one with all the
:~>Linux bits on it.
:~>Ideally I would find the following course of action least daunting:
:~>1) Buy a new hard drive. The existing one is 8 MByte. I would like a larger 
:~20MByte replacement.
:~>2) Duplicate the contents if the existing drive on the new one. The new one may 
:have extra partitions if the partitions on
:~>it are exactly the same size as on the old disk.
:~>3) Take out the old disk, or maybe even leave it in there as an extra disk and 
:place the new one in as the main /dev/hda
:~>boot disk.
:~>4) Power On the PC and the system comes up exactly as it used to before the noise 
:started (with some extra disk space).
:~>Am I hoping for too much or is there a utility out there that can help me do this.
:~>Thanks for reading this.
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:~>Content-Disposition: inline; filename="message.footer"
:~>Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
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:~>Subscribe the "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" mailing list.

Dr. Denis Havlik
Mandrakesoft||| e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Quality Assurance  (@ @)(private: [EMAIL PROTECTED])
The mailserver is on strike. It wants better working conditions,
paid days off and a female connector. ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

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[expert] gaby anyone?

2000-11-21 Thread John


I am trying to make a database using "Gaby" and I am having absolutely
no luck at all. Is there anyone on the list who is using gaby and knows
how to make fresh database?

I need the following database structure for our LUG:


I need it to be graphically searchable.

I have no clue how to make this work, and the documentation seems sparse
to say the least.

Please help


John Luttrell
CLlug - Clarksville Linux Users Group

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Re: [expert] I give up on linux

2000-11-21 Thread Vic

If you must give up linux, at least,-

at least get a Macintosh, it would be better than

Or a silicon graphics workstation.

Just not winblows. Please for your
own good.

On Tue, 21 Nov 2000, Brent Timmer wrote:
> I give up on linux.  Now I boot in and usb just decides not to work.  You
> spend sooo much time trying to get the hardware working (which it very
> rarely ever does), then you do something so small like change a character in
> some file, or click the worng button, or not even do anything at all, then
> the whole system stops working, just shuts down completely.  Someone has to
> come up with an os that's as friendly as windoze, with all the perks of
> linux :)

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[expert] Mount Limit on Linux

2000-11-21 Thread Tejinder Singh

Dear Reader(s),

With my current set up of Linux, my hard drive is split into something like 6 

One of these I have called /win and is formatted as a FAT16 >32 MByte partition.

When Linux first comes up and attempts to mount this one, it complains of unknown FS 
Type or too many mounts.

Has anyone come across this one. Is there a limit to the number of mounted file 
systems or is the partition not
formatted properly ?

Thanks for your time.



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Re: [expert] Problem with the print quality in 7.2

2000-11-21 Thread Tom Berkley

Interesting crash here after I tried this method with my 7.2 Mandrake
installation. I have an hp895Cxi inkjet printer connected to the usb
port on my abit bp6 board (ru bios). When I configured the printer and
ran a test print. The computer locked up (stopped responding). On
reboot, the printer started printing the test page but with a lot of
garbage characters throughout the output(got the same type of output
during the printer installation during the mandrake 7.2 install). In
addition I could not login. The graphical login screen refused to accept
the password input (ie nothing typed entered the password window which
usually shows asterisks when you type the password == weird!). After a
long session of trying to login (linux single, console login, ...
...) I just do not remember how I finally got in to the system, but
I did and deleted the print queue, deleted the files in the spooler,
shutdown cupsd, reconfigured the boot to not start cups and it'll be a
long time before I try that one again. 

The printer setup and the usb work just fine with win98se. Also usbview
shows the usb setup with the printer attached both in redhat 7.0 and
mandrake 7.2. 

I think that for now I will use samba to run the printer off a windows
box than to suffer through another ordeal with mandrake and cups. Great
idea cups, but it does have a few serious defects, yet.

Tom Berkley

Till Kamppeter wrote:
> You have to configure the options of your printer:
> Web interface: http://localhost:631/printers/ Look for your printer,
> click "Configure printer" and set the options.
> kups: click with the right button on your printer, choose "Configure
> printer" in menu, set options.
> Settings needed for your printer to gain maximum quality:
>Printing Quality: Presentation
>RET:  On
> Do not forget to set the correct paper size and paper type, too.
> The options can be also set up for every particular printout, see "xpp",
> "qtcups", "lphelp".
> See also
> Good luck,
> >
> > I recently changed to mandrake 7.2 and everything's works fine except the printer.
> > The problem is that the quality of the print is pore very pore, and I don't know
> > how to change it. I am using a Desk Jet HP 850c attached over the network, and it
> > worked fine in mandrake 7.1 so if anyone knows how to fix this problem Please let
> > me know
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[expert] Hard disk problems

2000-11-21 Thread Tejinder Singh

Dear reader(s),

I have a machine running RH Linux. It's taken me a long time and numerous package 
downloads to set this up just so...

The Linux machine now acts as an intranet server and provides access to the outside 
world for my other machines.

Anyway, that's the background, now for the problem:

Just lately I've started to notice a low frequency whirring sound when the machine is 
initially powered up. This remains
for about a minute and then goes. I'm diagnosing this as the beginning of a failure of 
my hard disk, the one with all the
Linux bits on it.

Ideally I would find the following course of action least daunting:

1) Buy a new hard drive. The existing one is 8 MByte. I would like a larger ~20MByte 

2) Duplicate the contents if the existing drive on the new one. The new one may have 
extra partitions if the partitions on
it are exactly the same size as on the old disk.

3) Take out the old disk, or maybe even leave it in there as an extra disk and place 
the new one in as the main /dev/hda
boot disk.

4) Power On the PC and the system comes up exactly as it used to before the noise 
started (with some extra disk space).

Am I hoping for too much or is there a utility out there that can help me do this.

Thanks for reading this.



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Re: [expert] Netzero problems

2000-11-21 Thread S. Newhouse

The program is rasspy.exe

You can get it at

You just unzip the package and put rasspy.exe into the Netzero

Then, you go to that directory in an MSDOS window and type 

rasspy.exe cmd=nzstart.exe

Netzero will start, but the encripted userid and password will
appear.  I did that and get far enough also to get the 

'kppp died unexpectedly'

The log file shows that it is because the peer is unauthorized as I
indicated before.

Is there anyone out there who uses netzero under Linux?

If so, how did you do it?


 > netzero encrypts the password into a different password, there is a special 
 > program that encrypts it for you so you can use the new password with linux 
 > but im not sure where it is on the net, 
 > in my case i cant get kppp to get that far i get "pppd daemon died 
 > unexpectedly"
 > netzero encrypts the password into a different password, there is a special 
 >program that encrypts it for you so you can use the new password with linux 
 >but im not sure where it is on the net, 
 > in my case i cant get kppp to get that far i get "pppd daemon died 

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[expert] cmos clock

2000-11-21 Thread Lars Roland Kristiansen

My cmos clock is not working - so i would like to now how i boot
mandrake without it try to check my cmos clock.

Mvh./Yours sincerely


Lars Roland Kristiansen | Email:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Stud. Scient. Mathematics   | TLF(home):39699914 - 116 
Copenhagen University - | Home address: Bispebjerg parkalle 
Institute for Mathematical Sciences | 22 - 2400 københavn NV - room 116. 
Url: |

   "Politics is for the moment, equations are forever"
- Albert Einstein

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[expert] Title bar under Gnome

2000-11-21 Thread Steve Vertigan

Does anyone know how I can configure the title bars and
minimise/maximise/close buttons in 7.2?  I'm using sawmill as the window
manager and I would've expected it to be in the sawmill configuration
utility but I can't find it anywhere.


FreeBSD 3.4-STABLE i386
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Re: [expert] Netzero problems

2000-11-21 Thread Mwinold

netzero encrypts the password into a different password, there is a special program that encrypts it for you so you can use the new password with linux but im not sure where it is on the net, 

in my case i cant get kppp to get that far i get "pppd daemon died unexpectedly"

[expert] I give up on linux

2000-11-21 Thread Brent Timmer

I give up on linux.  Now I boot in and usb just decides not to work.  You
spend sooo much time trying to get the hardware working (which it very
rarely ever does), then you do something so small like change a character in
some file, or click the worng button, or not even do anything at all, then
the whole system stops working, just shuts down completely.  Someone has to
come up with an os that's as friendly as windoze, with all the perks of
linux :)

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Re: [expert] Netzero problems

2000-11-21 Thread Mwinold

well can you give an example on how the name is supposed to be typed, i tried it in windoze first and couldent connect

Re: [expert] 7.2 Sound problems

2000-11-21 Thread Bruno Damour

As I said earlier, it's exactly what _I_ did, I checked up IRQ/DMAs and just say 
OK but I got this message box with a STOP icon and only one OK button saying (I 
don't remember all and I'm not in front of it) :
"lib/modules/2.2.17/sb.o :_init_module() device or ressource busy"

then 2 other lines complaining. 

I guess it might be a problem with modules, but it's a brand new config from my 
install of yesterday night so in that case something must be broken in 7.2.

En réponse à "Linke, Thomas" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Hi,
> you can also use DrakeConf , choose HardDrake. If the system detect the
> soundcard you have a + in the first column, click on it and you see your
> card.
> Click on the card,  in the right window are the preferences. Now you
> have a
> button to start a configuration tool. Open it and check the values.
> Thomas
>  Am
> Die, 21 Nov 2000 schrieben Sie: > 
> > "Linke, Thomas" wrote:
> > > 
> > > Hi,
> > > 
> > > I had the same problem,
> > > try to go in the controlcenter and then information -> sound. Check
> the
> > > I/O, IRQ, DMA . Set the right values depends on your card.
> > > 
> > I don't know what control center this is?  As I said, I can set all
> > those things via DrakConf running HardDrake, but it makes no
> > difference.  I can set the values correctly, but still every sound
> event
> > in the windowing system, every application that tries to use sound
> > generates a very loud POP from the speakers.  I can't listen to CD's
> or
> > RealPlayer anymore because the sound drops out and distorts with the
> > least CPU activity.
> > 
> > 
> Content-Type: text/plain; name="message.footer"
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
> Content-Description: 
> -- 
> Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Thomas Linke; Abt.: VI.21
> Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung
> Unter den Eichen 87
> 12205 Berlin
> Telefon   : 030/ 81044308
> Fax   : 030/ 81041627

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Re: [expert] 7.2 Sound problems

2000-11-21 Thread Wayne Wilson

"Linke, Thomas" wrote:
> Hi,
> you can also use DrakeConf , choose HardDrake. If the system detect the
> soundcard you have a + in the first column, click on it and you see your card.
> Click on the card,  in the right window are the preferences. Now you have a
> button to start a configuration tool. Open it and check the values.
Yep, as I said, been there and done that.  Tried all permuations just to
make sure. NO effect, same bad sound when it works.  I am beginning to
think that the crystal audio drivers are just plain bad.  Does anyone
have a good audio card that Mandrake 7.2 can install by default that

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Re: [expert] serious boot problem with 7.2

2000-11-21 Thread EagleIce

Thank's for your reply!

On Tuesday 21 November 2000 15:16, Chris Spencer wrote:

> > On November 21, 2000 07:27 am, you wrote:
> > I am new to the Mandrake system but an experienced Linux user (SuSE,
> > Caldera), I made two successful installations of Mandrake 7.2 and it
> > worked perfectly. But now when I try to make a new installation the
> > installation itself seems to work perfectly but on reboot everything just
> > stops and the system hangs when trying to initiate with the
> > /etc/re.sysinit file, all it's calls get the reply 'Permission Denied'
> > and then everything stops.
> Probably unrelated, but the only time I have ever had a problem with
> Mandrake hanging during the boot sequence when I turned on hard drive
> optimizations during the install.
I didn't do that.

> What you could do is boot from the install CD, select the expert
> installation and go through the install until you get to the disk
> partitioning section. Hit alt-ctrl-f2 to get to a prompt, mount your root
> partition under /mnt, then chroot to /mnt. Then, make sure /etc/rc.sysinit
> is a symbolic link to /etc/rc.d/rc.sysinit and ensure the permissions on it
> are -rwxr-xr-x  root root.
Hmmm...sounds like an interesting alternative, I'll try that one too.

> Never heard of this happening before. Good luck...
Me neither and I install different Linux dists several times a week.
> -Chris


@~~ EagleIce ~ [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~~@
@~~ Running GNU/Linux & KDE ~~@

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[expert] New (server) install of LM 7.2

2000-11-21 Thread Tim Litwiller

Apache works but PHP doesn't I just get the source.  I checked to
make sure that PHP was installed rpm -q php shows php 4.0.3***  I
checked the http.conf file and there is nothing there about php
except the default that is commented out.

what would be best, uninstall php and reinstall and hope it
installes correctly this time, of find a non-mandrake
apache-php-mysql setup and put this on,   I have already spent
more time trying to get mandrake to work than I spent updating
apache and adding mysql and php to a redhat machine.

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Re: [expert] serious boot problem with 7.2

2000-11-21 Thread Rune Kallhovd

I'm struggling with the same problem myself (posted on [newbie]
In my case, I have two IBM HD's on the ATA66 channel (/dev/hde &
which seems to be the problem. Don't know if EagleIce have two HD's too,
just one (ref. your reply to my post on [newbie])? :-)

 - Abit BE6-II (latest BIOS (UH))
 - Celeron 466
 - /dev/hde: IBM 30GB DTLA 307030 (ATA100)  (primary master, /boot)
   /dev/hdf: IBM 13.5GB   (ATA66)   (primary slave)
   (both are 7200rpm's, and not contaminated with Windoze)

BillK wrote:
> Are you doing a new install or an upgrade?  Is the disk totally wiped?
> Sounds like it could be picking up something it cannot handle from a
> previous install?  Tried a boot disk as created during the install?
> Boots into single user mode?  Well, thats a few things to try anyway!
> BillK
> EagleIce wrote:
> > I am new to the Mandrake system but an experienced Linux user (SuSE,
> > Caldera), I made two successful installations of Mandrake 7.2 and it worked
> > perfectly. But now when I try to make a new installation the installation
> > itself seems to work perfectly but on reboot everything just stops and the
> > system hangs when trying to initiate with the /etc/re.sysinit file, all it's
> > calls get the reply 'Permission Denied' and then everything stops.
> >
> Keep in touch with
> Subscribe the "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" mailing list.

==  Rune Kallhovd, CORENA Norge AS  ==
= Software Engineer  =
=   P.O.Box 1024, N-3601 Kongsberg, NORWAY   =
=  Tlf: +47 32 73 7448, Fax: +47 32 73 6877  =
==  CORENA Home Page:  ==

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Re: [expert] 7.2 Sound problems

2000-11-21 Thread Linke, Thomas


you can also use DrakeConf , choose HardDrake. If the system detect the
soundcard you have a + in the first column, click on it and you see your card.
Click on the card,  in the right window are the preferences. Now you have a
button to start a configuration tool. Open it and check the values.


Die, 21 Nov 2000 schrieben Sie: > 
> "Linke, Thomas" wrote:
> > 
> > Hi,
> > 
> > I had the same problem,
> > try to go in the controlcenter and then information -> sound. Check the
> > I/O, IRQ, DMA . Set the right values depends on your card.
> > 
> I don't know what control center this is?  As I said, I can set all
> those things via DrakConf running HardDrake, but it makes no
> difference.  I can set the values correctly, but still every sound event
> in the windowing system, every application that tries to use sound
> generates a very loud POP from the speakers.  I can't listen to CD's or
> RealPlayer anymore because the sound drops out and distorts with the
> least CPU activity.

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Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Thomas Linke; Abt.: VI.21
Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung
Unter den Eichen 87
12205 Berlin
Telefon : 030/ 81044308
Fax : 030/ 81041627

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RE: [expert] serious boot problem with 7.2

2000-11-21 Thread Matthew J Fletcher

> > I am new to the Mandrake system but an experienced Linux user (SuSE,
> > Caldera), I made two successful installations of Mandrake 7.2
> and it worked
> > perfectly. But now when I try to make a new installation the
> installation
> > itself seems to work perfectly but on reboot everything just
> stops and the
> > system hangs when trying to initiate with the /etc/re.sysinit
> file, all it's
> > calls get the reply 'Permission Denied' and then everything stops.

If you have edited that file you might have used a rubbish editor (like
early versions of
gxedit) that dont save the permissions correctly,.. its probably had the
executable flag
removed, or read access removed, you will need to edit the properties to put
them back to normal.


Matthew J Fletcher
NPD Firmware

Serck Controls Ltd, Rowley Drive, Coventry, CV3 4FH, UK
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[expert] (no subject)

2000-11-21 Thread Naside Ozer

I have troubles to mount to new IDE Helios loaded on it. He did see some
of my old disk partitions not all. here is the document for 
fdisk  /dev/hd* -l

fdisk /dev/sd* -l

files as attached. 

He does mount sda* without problem but


can not be mounted. At the beginning he was saying bad superblock for
hdb1  after e2fsck.. he does mount but I can not see the disk directory
under /mnt after I mounted and when I do ls -la /mnt/Linux_hdb1 
ls: /mnt/Linux_hdb1: Input/Output error.

As I could not solve Netscape outgoing mail problem I do send this
e-mail from the old linux and machine.

Any help on I would appreciate very much.

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[expert] 7.2 = loss of productivity

2000-11-21 Thread Wayne Wilson

Well, for whatever reason, after using 7.1 since it's onset, the move to
7.2 has been a disaster.  After the upgrade failed, I was forced to
install from scratch.  As I said previously, sound is so bad I am
turning it off in the BIOS.  Today, Helix-Gnome (something else I've
used on 7.1) has become unuseable.  Two things:  whenever I boot up,
somehow, the permissions in /etc/X11/gdm/Sessions for Gnome get changed
such that gdm login can't access Gnome!  I am tired of going to root at
every boot and changing those permissions.

Even more catastrophic was today, I launched one my standard X-window
apps from our servers, and the Windowing system just failed completely
and left me back at gdm login. Since Gnome was not available now, I
switched to KDE, and tried runing my X-app again. This time the
windowing system just hung with a blank screen, forcing me to re-boot
(and once again, Gnome is not a option - I think I get the message: use
KDE :)

  So Gnome is unuseable, X-Window seems problematical (is the Sawfish
windowing system broke in 7.2?), Sound doesn't work,  I can't come close
to my 7.1 system. Now I know you will all think I must be some kind of
idiot to have all these problems, but let me assure you that I had no
such problems in 7.1 and other than installing some applications (like
MIT Kerberos) and using standard customizations (like panel auto-hide),
everything is default from the installer process.  I have tried loading
all the updates available for Mandrake and Helix-Gnome, they don't
change this behavior at all.

Am I the only unfortunate person to have these kinds of problems?

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Re: [expert] serious boot problem with 7.2

2000-11-21 Thread EagleIce

Thank's for your reply!

On Tuesday 21 November 2000 15:30, BillK wrote:

> > Are you doing a new install or an upgrade?  Is the disk totally wiped?
I tryed both.

> Sounds like it could be picking up something it cannot handle from a
> previous install?  Tried a boot disk as created during the install?
No I didn't try the boot disk, I like LM's lilo...:-)  but I might try this.

> Boots into single user mode?  Well, thats a few things to try anyway!
I'll test that too.

> BillK
> EagleIce wrote:
> > I am new to the Mandrake system but an experienced Linux user (SuSE,
> > Caldera), I made two successful installations of Mandrake 7.2 and it
> > worked perfectly. But now when I try to make a new installation the
> > installation itself seems to work perfectly but on reboot everything just
> > stops and the system hangs when trying to initiate with the
> > /etc/re.sysinit file, all it's calls get the reply 'Permission Denied'
> > and then everything stops.


@~~ EagleIce ~ [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~~@
@~~ Running GNU/Linux & KDE ~~@

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Re: [expert] Netzero problems

2000-11-21 Thread S. Newhouse

I used RASSPY. That is why I get as far as logging into the network.

The problem seems to be related to authorization either at my end
(most likely) or their end.


xaos writes:
 > in order to use netzero with linux you need to know the encrypted username 
 > and password the windoze proggie sends to the isp.  have you used RASSPY.EXE 
 > in windoze to sniff it out? without that name and pass you'll never log into 
 > the server.
 > -x.

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Re: [expert] serious boot problem with 7.2

2000-11-21 Thread BillK

Are you doing a new install or an upgrade?  Is the disk totally wiped? 
Sounds like it could be picking up something it cannot handle from a
previous install?  Tried a boot disk as created during the install? 
Boots into single user mode?  Well, thats a few things to try anyway!


EagleIce wrote:

> I am new to the Mandrake system but an experienced Linux user (SuSE,
> Caldera), I made two successful installations of Mandrake 7.2 and it worked
> perfectly. But now when I try to make a new installation the installation
> itself seems to work perfectly but on reboot everything just stops and the
> system hangs when trying to initiate with the /etc/re.sysinit file, all it's
> calls get the reply 'Permission Denied' and then everything stops.

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Re: [expert] serious boot problem with 7.2

2000-11-21 Thread EagleIce

On Tuesday 21 November 2000 15:17, civileme wrote:
> EagleIce wrote:
> > Hello all Mandrake users!
> >
> > I did send this mail some days ago to the 'newbie' list but didn't get a
> > single reply so I try it here. At the time beeing I am unable to use
> > Mandrake which I consider very sad because I like LM 7.2.
> >
> > I am new to the Mandrake system but an experienced Linux user (SuSE,
> > Caldera), I made two successful installations of Mandrake 7.2 and it
> > worked perfectly. But now when I try to make a new installation the
> > installation itself seems to work perfectly but on reboot everything just
> > stops and the system hangs when trying to initiate with the
> > /etc/re.sysinit file, all it's calls get the reply 'Permission Denied'
> > and then everything stops.
> >
> > I have tryed 5-6 different installations with the same results, a friend
> > of mine has had the same problem on different hardware and with different
> > cd-rom's (he gave up Mandrake). I really liked the 7.2 Mandrake and would
> > love to have it back as I had thought of using it on a course in Linux
> > for new users (sic)
> > ..
> > Can someone please help me with this?
> >
> > Cheer's,
> > ei
> OK
> What installation CDs?  Where did you get them?
Bought from LM 7.2 2xcdrom

>Not all CDs were created equal for this release.
> What install class and mode did you use? 
Tryed them all, the one that was successful in the first two installations 
were 'expert' and the 'one in the middle' (don't remember wahat it's called)

> And most important, what
> security setting?

> Did you set the machine to automatically start X?

> To automatically log
> in a specific user?

> This is odd behavior, indeed, so please provide some details.
Indeed odd, because I had made two fine installations earlyer. I did nothing 
out of the ordinary when I installed LM. This is a single box with Win98 & 
SuSE 7.0 on one harddisk. I frequently install different Linux distributions 
on this box and have never had this kind of problem before.

> Also you might scrub the disk you are using (format all Mandrake
> partitions) 
This I have tryed

> then try an expert development install with low security,
> just to see if it will work.
I might try that tomorrow when I'll be back here.

> Civileme
> --
> QA/Software Testing   Mandrakesoft
> Paris

Thank you,


@~~ EagleIce ~ [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~~@
@~~ Running GNU/Linux & KDE ~~@

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[expert] Mail Error

2000-11-21 Thread Gary DeMontigny


When I try to post a message using Pine I get the following error in my
mail log file and the message refuses to go through.  Any idea?

Nov 21 07:47:09 bonnie sendmail[32376]: eALDl8Z32376: SYSERR(gjd): Can't
create transcript file ./xfeALDl8Z32376: Permission denied



/ Gary de Montigny / [EMAIL PROTECTED]
/ TeleSoft Systems /

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Re: [expert] serious boot problem with 7.2

2000-11-21 Thread Chris Spencer

On November 21, 2000 07:27 am, you wrote:
> I am new to the Mandrake system but an experienced Linux user (SuSE,
> Caldera), I made two successful installations of Mandrake 7.2 and it worked
> perfectly. But now when I try to make a new installation the installation
> itself seems to work perfectly but on reboot everything just stops and the
> system hangs when trying to initiate with the /etc/re.sysinit file, all
> it's calls get the reply 'Permission Denied' and then everything stops.

Probably unrelated, but the only time I have ever had a problem with Mandrake 
hanging during the boot sequence when I turned on hard drive optimizations 
during the install. 

What you could do is boot from the install CD, select the expert installation 
and go through the install until you get to the disk partitioning section. 
Hit alt-ctrl-f2 to get to a prompt, mount your root partition under /mnt, 
then chroot to /mnt. Then, make sure /etc/rc.sysinit is a symbolic link to 
/etc/rc.d/rc.sysinit and ensure the permissions on it are -rwxr-xr-x  root  

Never heard of this happening before. Good luck...


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Re: [expert] 7.2 Sound problems

2000-11-21 Thread Wayne Wilson

"Linke, Thomas" wrote:
> Hi,
> I had the same problem,
> try to go in the controlcenter and then information -> sound. Check the
> I/O, IRQ, DMA . Set the right values depends on your card.
I don't know what control center this is?  As I said, I can set all
those things via DrakConf running HardDrake, but it makes no
difference.  I can set the values correctly, but still every sound event
in the windowing system, every application that tries to use sound
generates a very loud POP from the speakers.  I can't listen to CD's or
RealPlayer anymore because the sound drops out and distorts with the
least CPU activity.

[expert] serious boot problem with 7.2

2000-11-21 Thread EagleIce

Hello all Mandrake users!

I did send this mail some days ago to the 'newbie' list but didn't get a 
single reply so I try it here. At the time beeing I am unable to use Mandrake 
which I consider very sad because I like LM 7.2.

I am new to the Mandrake system but an experienced Linux user (SuSE, 
Caldera), I made two successful installations of Mandrake 7.2 and it worked 
perfectly. But now when I try to make a new installation the installation 
itself seems to work perfectly but on reboot everything just stops and the 
system hangs when trying to initiate with the /etc/re.sysinit file, all it's 
calls get the reply 'Permission Denied' and then everything stops.

I have tryed 5-6 different installations with the same results, a friend of
mine has had the same problem on different hardware and with different 
cd-rom's (he gave up Mandrake). I really liked the 7.2 Mandrake and would 
love to have it back as I had thought of using it on a course in Linux for 
new users (sic)
Can someone please help me with this?


@~~ EagleIce ~ [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~~@
@~~ Running GNU/Linux & KDE ~~@

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Re: [expert] Netzero problems

2000-11-21 Thread xaos

in order to use netzero with linux you need to know the encrypted username 
and password the windoze proggie sends to the isp.  have you used RASSPY.EXE 
in windoze to sniff it out? without that name and pass you'll never log into 
the server.

"Death is merciful, for there is no return therefrom, 
but for him who has come back out of the nethermost 
chambers of night, haggard and knowing, peace rests 
nevermore" - Howard Phillips Lovecraft

ICQ 4841244

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Re: [expert] CUPS Fonts Printing Problem

2000-11-21 Thread Till Kamppeter

You should repost this with another subject, the right people for KDE
stuff will not find your mail.


RedRat wrote:
> This is a multi-part message in MIME format...
> =_974678366-6208-1492
> Content-Type: text/plain;
>   charset="iso-8859-1"
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
> Hello List !
> I want text under the icons in the toolbars. In one beta you could change
> that for every kde application, but now in KDE final this option is gone.
> Only a global setting is there, but it doesn't work. I can chose whatever I
> want (text only, icon only, text under icon, text beside icon) it only shows
> the icon without text. Any hints?
> Timo
> =_974678366-6208-1492
> Content-Type: text/plain; name="message.footer"
> Content-Disposition: inline; filename="message.footer"
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
> Keep in touch with
> Subscribe the "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" mailing list.
> =_974678366-6208-1492--

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[expert] PhpGroupware not on the cds

2000-11-21 Thread Mads Rasmussen

When MDK 7.2 was announced, one of the features listed was phpgroupware from
But as far as I can see the package does not seem to be on either of the

Anyone knows where to get the package? I could get it from the source at the
distro site, but I would like to see mandrakes package.



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Re: [expert] Mandrake 7.2

2000-11-21 Thread Anton Graham

Submitted 20-Nov-00 by Gary DeMontigny:
> Python.  When I try to upgrade to the lastest cooker version of these
> application they require the latest glibc, libstdc++.  If I try to
> install these libraries I have serious compatibility problems with other
> libraries and other applications.  Is there a work around for this.

Cooker is the development version of LM and generally unstable.  It is
particularly so at present with the libraries being in flux and the current
use of gcc 2.96.

That said, if you don't want to run into compatibility
problems you should download the source RPMS and recompile locally as much
of contrib and most of cooker have now been built with libraries and a
compiler that are not part of your 7.x distribution and any c++ binaries
generated by gcc 2.96 are not binary compatible with 2.95.

Anton GrahamGPG ID: 0x18F78541
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> RSA key available upon request
H. L. Mencken suffers from the hallucination that he is H. L. Mencken --
there is no cure for a disease of that magnitude.
  -- Maxwell Bodenheim

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Re: [expert] Upgrading glibc on MDK 7.2

2000-11-21 Thread J.A. Magallon

Tony K. Olsen said at Ò[expert] Upgrading glibc on MDK 7.2Ó.
[2000-11-21 11:38]

> Hi Everyone,
> I am in the process of upgrading my MDK 7.2 default installation to
> allow
> me to run Enlightenment 0.16.5-1 (mdk.i586) but it requires the latest
> glibc-
> 2.2-5mdk.i586.rpm which I am about to install.

I upgraded recently and dont' remember exactly the full set of dependencies,
but I am sure you must get glibc, glibc-devel, nscd, db1, db2l, db3 ans sash
and upgrade all at the same time:
rpm -U sash*
rpm -U glibc* nscd* db*, to avoid cyclic dependencies.

After a couple rpm upgrades, everything works fine.

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Re: [expert] 7.2 Sound problems

2000-11-21 Thread Bruno Damour


Well I think I tried everything because under 7.1 I used to go into DrakConf 
run the configuration tool for sound card and get the same screen asking for 
IRQ,DMAs, etc... with (like in the present case) DMAs set to 0 ; I coud select 
values for DMAs and if they weren't right the test sample couldn't be heard.
However, now I'm trying to do the same but it just displays a message box with a 
STOP icon and the OK button and the message I said... no test is done so far.
So I guesse something else must be wrong somewhere (modules ??)
BTW I am using (I think) must be a standard feature in LM 7.2 ?
What do you mean w/ control center (not KDE ?)

Thanks anyhow.

En réponse à "Linke, Thomas" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Hi,
> I had the same problem,
> try to go in the controlcenter and then information -> sound. Check the
> I/O, IRQ, DMA . Set the right values depends on your card.
> Thomas
> Am Die, 21 Nov 2000 schrieben Sie:
> > 
> > Hello Wayne,
> > 
> > I have also a sever problem with sound in my fresh install of LM 7.2 -
> I just 
> > have no sound whatsoever.
> > I tried to get into DiskDrake and my Sound Blaster 16 card is detected
> allright, 
> > but when I run the configuration tool it justs answers like you saw :
> > _initmodule : Device or ressource busy
> > Everything was working fine under LM 7.1 before...
> > What could be wrong ?
> > 
> > En réponse à Wayne Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > 
> > > I just did a re-install of 7.2 on my freshly re-formatted drives
> (which
> > > used to have 7.1 on them, but the upgrade left a big mess).  I still
> > > have assorted problems which didn't exist in 7.1.
> > > 
> > > Sound is very annoying.  It  clicks and pops when effects are
> played. 
> > > When playing CD's it is distorted and sometimes just drops out
> > > altogether.  I was hoping a clean install would fix things, but no
> > > luck.  Here is the error I get on startup:
> > > 
> > > kernel: isapnp: Card 'CS4236B'
> > > kernel: isapnp: 1 Plug & Play card detected total
> > > kernel: ad1848/cs4248 codec driver Copyright (C) by Hannu Savolainen
> > > 1993-1996
> > > kernel: cs4232: dma, dma2, irq and io must be set.
> > > modprobe: /lib/modules/2.2.17-21mdk/misc/cs4232.o:  
> > > modprobe: Hint: insmod errors can be caused by incorrect module
> > > parameters, including invalid IO or IRQ parameters 
> > > modprobe: init_module: Device or resource busy 
> > > modprobe: /lib/modules/2.2.17-21mdk/misc/cs4232.o: insmod
> > > /lib/modules/2.2.17-21mdk/misc/cs4232.o failed 
> > > modprobe: /lib/modules/2.2.17-21mdk/misc/cs4232.o: insmod cs4232
> failed 
> > > sound: Loading sound module (cs4232) failed 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > And when doing a insmod after startup from root, I get this:
> > > insmod cs4232
> > > Using /lib/modules/2.2.17-21mdk/misc/cs4232.o
> > > insmod: a module named cs4232 already exists
> > > 
> > > 
> > > And then in messages, after startup the following errors are
> reported:
> > > modprobe: Can't locate module char-major-4  - maybe not related?
> > > modprobe: Can't locate module char-major-180 - maybe not related?
> > > kernel: ad1848/cs4248 codec driver Copyright (C) by Hannu Savolainen
> > > 1993-1996
> > > Nov 20 09:32:20 wwilson modprobe: modprobe: Can't locate module
> > > sound-service-0-3
> > >  kernel: ad1848/cs4248 codec driver Copyright (C) by Hannu
> Savolainen
> > > 1993-1996
> > > Nov 20 09:50:33 wwilson modprobe: modprobe: Can't locate module
> > > sound-service-0-3
> > > 
> > > And in kernel/errors I found this:
> > > cs4232: dma, dma2, irq and io must be set.
> > > 
> > > When I do a lsmod I get this:
> > > cs4232  2960   0  (autoclean)
> > > ad1848 16848   0  (autoclean) [cs4232]
> > > uart401 6384   0  (autoclean) [cs4232]
> > > sound  58368   0  (autoclean) [cs4232 ad1848
> uart401]
> > > soundlow 464   0  (autoclean) [sound]
> > > soundcore   2800   5  (autoclean) [sound]
> > > 
> > > And /etc/modules.conf has this in it:
> > > 
> > > alias sound-slot-0 cs4232
> > > options sound dmabuf=1
> > > options sound-slot-0 io=0x530 irq=5 dma=1 dma2=1 mpuio=0x330
> mpuirq=-1
> > > 
> > > 
> > > Now these setting I verified using HardDrake and running the sound
> > > configuration program.  I can hear things, but lots of loud pops,
> faint
> > > and scratchy sound.  I have systematically gone through all the
> setting
> > > and while many of them work, none work better than these.
> > > 
> > > 
> > 
> > 
> Content-Type: text/plain; name="message.footer"
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
> Content-Description: 
> -- 
> Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Thomas Linke; Abt.: VI.21
> Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung
> Unter den Eichen 87
> 12205 Berlin
> Telefon   : 030/ 81044308
> Fax   : 030/ 81041627

Keep in touch with 

[expert] Upgrading glibc on MDK 7.2

2000-11-21 Thread Tony K. Olsen

Hi Everyone,

I am in the process of upgrading my MDK 7.2 default installation to allow 
me to run Enlightenment 0.16.5-1 (mdk.i586) but it requires the latest glibc-
2.2-5mdk.i586.rpm which I am about to install.

Before I do this does anybody have any suggestions.  I have had some 
minor problems and one major problem a few years ago when updating the 
libraries and hope to make this one go as smooth as possible.  Without 
testing I am pretty certain there will be some dependency issues :-)

Any suggestions greatly appreciated.  Thanks in advance.  Cheers.

P.S. this is the first time I have tried it using an *.rpm
 ~(@ @)~
| "I played before the greatest fans in baseball, the Boston|
| fans, and I know what you're going to say about that: Old |
| Teddy Ballgame loved those fans, all right." --- Ted Williams |
| Tony K. Olsen  | mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] |

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Subscribe the "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" mailing list.

[expert] Fwd: Upgrading glibc on MDK 7.2

2000-11-21 Thread Tony K. Olsen

Hi Everyone,

I am in the process of upgrading my MDK 7.2 default installation to allow 
me to run Enlightenment 0.16.5-1 (mdk.i586) but it requires the latest glibc-
2.2-5mdk.i586.rpm which I am about to install.

Before I do this does anybody have any suggestions.  I have had some 
minor problems and one major problem a few years ago when updating the 
libraries and hope to make this one go as smooth as possible.  Without 
testing I am pretty certain there will be some dependency issues :-)

Any suggestions greatly appreciated.  Thanks in advance.  Cheers.

P.S. this is the first time I have tried it using an *.rpm
 ~(@ @)~
| "I played before the greatest fans in baseball, the Boston|
| fans, and I know what you're going to say about that: Old |
| Teddy Ballgame loved those fans, all right." --- Ted Williams |
| Tony K. Olsen  | mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] |

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Subscribe the "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" mailing list.

Re: [expert] 7.2 Sound problems

2000-11-21 Thread Linke, Thomas


I had the same problem,
try to go in the controlcenter and then information -> sound. Check the
I/O, IRQ, DMA . Set the right values depends on your card.


Am Die, 21 Nov 2000 schrieben Sie:
> Hello Wayne,
> I have also a sever problem with sound in my fresh install of LM 7.2 - I just 
> have no sound whatsoever.
> I tried to get into DiskDrake and my Sound Blaster 16 card is detected allright, 
> but when I run the configuration tool it justs answers like you saw :
> _initmodule : Device or ressource busy
> Everything was working fine under LM 7.1 before...
> What could be wrong ?
> En réponse à Wayne Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > I just did a re-install of 7.2 on my freshly re-formatted drives (which
> > used to have 7.1 on them, but the upgrade left a big mess).  I still
> > have assorted problems which didn't exist in 7.1.
> > 
> > Sound is very annoying.  It  clicks and pops when effects are played. 
> > When playing CD's it is distorted and sometimes just drops out
> > altogether.  I was hoping a clean install would fix things, but no
> > luck.  Here is the error I get on startup:
> > 
> > kernel: isapnp: Card 'CS4236B'
> > kernel: isapnp: 1 Plug & Play card detected total
> > kernel: ad1848/cs4248 codec driver Copyright (C) by Hannu Savolainen
> > 1993-1996
> > kernel: cs4232: dma, dma2, irq and io must be set.
> > modprobe: /lib/modules/2.2.17-21mdk/misc/cs4232.o:  
> > modprobe: Hint: insmod errors can be caused by incorrect module
> > parameters, including invalid IO or IRQ parameters 
> > modprobe: init_module: Device or resource busy 
> > modprobe: /lib/modules/2.2.17-21mdk/misc/cs4232.o: insmod
> > /lib/modules/2.2.17-21mdk/misc/cs4232.o failed 
> > modprobe: /lib/modules/2.2.17-21mdk/misc/cs4232.o: insmod cs4232 failed 
> > sound: Loading sound module (cs4232) failed 
> > 
> > 
> > And when doing a insmod after startup from root, I get this:
> > insmod cs4232
> > Using /lib/modules/2.2.17-21mdk/misc/cs4232.o
> > insmod: a module named cs4232 already exists
> > 
> > 
> > And then in messages, after startup the following errors are reported:
> > modprobe: Can't locate module char-major-4  - maybe not related?
> > modprobe: Can't locate module char-major-180 - maybe not related?
> > kernel: ad1848/cs4248 codec driver Copyright (C) by Hannu Savolainen
> > 1993-1996
> > Nov 20 09:32:20 wwilson modprobe: modprobe: Can't locate module
> > sound-service-0-3
> >  kernel: ad1848/cs4248 codec driver Copyright (C) by Hannu Savolainen
> > 1993-1996
> > Nov 20 09:50:33 wwilson modprobe: modprobe: Can't locate module
> > sound-service-0-3
> > 
> > And in kernel/errors I found this:
> > cs4232: dma, dma2, irq and io must be set.
> > 
> > When I do a lsmod I get this:
> > cs4232  2960   0  (autoclean)
> > ad1848 16848   0  (autoclean) [cs4232]
> > uart401 6384   0  (autoclean) [cs4232]
> > sound  58368   0  (autoclean) [cs4232 ad1848 uart401]
> > soundlow 464   0  (autoclean) [sound]
> > soundcore   2800   5  (autoclean) [sound]
> > 
> > And /etc/modules.conf has this in it:
> > 
> > alias sound-slot-0 cs4232
> > options sound dmabuf=1
> > options sound-slot-0 io=0x530 irq=5 dma=1 dma2=1 mpuio=0x330 mpuirq=-1
> > 
> > 
> > Now these setting I verified using HardDrake and running the sound
> > configuration program.  I can hear things, but lots of loud pops, faint
> > and scratchy sound.  I have systematically gone through all the setting
> > and while many of them work, none work better than these.
> > 
> > 

Content-Type: text/plain; name="message.footer"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit


Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Thomas Linke; Abt.: VI.21
Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung
Unter den Eichen 87
12205 Berlin
Telefon : 030/ 81044308
Fax : 030/ 81041627

Keep in touch with 
Subscribe the "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" mailing list.

Re: [expert] Mod_perl + Embperl&Mdk 7.2

2000-11-21 Thread Jean-Michel Dault

On Tue, 21 Nov 2000, Antti Linno wrote:

You have to put this config into httpd-perl.conf, and put your .epl files
in the /perl directory.

Apache starts with httpd.conf. Apache+mod_perl+Embplerl starts with
httpd-perl.conf and runs in proxified mode according to the instructions


> During start shows httpd, httpd-perl, and even localhost exists if I look
> at it through some browser. 
> Now I wanted to use HTML-Embperl, and decided to modify httpd.conf. So I
> added lines
> DefaultType text/html
> SetHandler perl-script
> PerlHandler HTML::Embperl
> Options +ExecCGI +Includes +Indexes
> AddType text/html .html
> When I did configtest, it failed miserably, complaining about PerlHandler.
> So, my second question is: How to use Embperl, if it is installed?
> Where to write what?

Jean-Michel Dault <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
MandrakeSoft inc, Montreal (Canada)
HTCPCP/1.0 Developper  (

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[expert] Upgrading glibc on MDK 7.2

2000-11-21 Thread Tony K. Olsen

Hi Everyone,

I am in the process of upgrading my MDK 7.2 default installation to allow 
me to run Enlightenment 0.16.5-1 (mdk.i586) but it requires the latest glibc-
2.2-5mdk.i586.rpm which I am about to install.

Before I do this does anybody have any suggestions.  I have had some 
minor problems and one major problem a few years ago when updating the 
libraries and hope to make this one go as smooth as possible.  Without 
testing I am pretty certain there will be some dependency issues :-)

Any suggestions greatly appreciated.  Thanks in advance.  Cheers.

P.S. this is the first time I have tried it using an *.rpm
 ~(@ @)~
| "I played before the greatest fans in baseball, the Boston|
| fans, and I know what you're going to say about that: Old |
| Teddy Ballgame loved those fans, all right." --- Ted Williams |
| Tony K. Olsen  | mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] |

Keep in touch with 
Subscribe the "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" mailing list.

Re: [expert] 7.2 Sound problems

2000-11-21 Thread Bruno Damour

Hello Wayne,

I have also a sever problem with sound in my fresh install of LM 7.2 - I just 
have no sound whatsoever.
I tried to get into DiskDrake and my Sound Blaster 16 card is detected allright, 
but when I run the configuration tool it justs answers like you saw :
_initmodule : Device or ressource busy
Everything was working fine under LM 7.1 before...
What could be wrong ?

En réponse à Wayne Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> I just did a re-install of 7.2 on my freshly re-formatted drives (which
> used to have 7.1 on them, but the upgrade left a big mess).  I still
> have assorted problems which didn't exist in 7.1.
> Sound is very annoying.  It  clicks and pops when effects are played. 
> When playing CD's it is distorted and sometimes just drops out
> altogether.  I was hoping a clean install would fix things, but no
> luck.  Here is the error I get on startup:
> kernel: isapnp: Card 'CS4236B'
> kernel: isapnp: 1 Plug & Play card detected total
> kernel: ad1848/cs4248 codec driver Copyright (C) by Hannu Savolainen
> 1993-1996
> kernel: cs4232: dma, dma2, irq and io must be set.
> modprobe: /lib/modules/2.2.17-21mdk/misc/cs4232.o:  
> modprobe: Hint: insmod errors can be caused by incorrect module
> parameters, including invalid IO or IRQ parameters 
> modprobe: init_module: Device or resource busy 
> modprobe: /lib/modules/2.2.17-21mdk/misc/cs4232.o: insmod
> /lib/modules/2.2.17-21mdk/misc/cs4232.o failed 
> modprobe: /lib/modules/2.2.17-21mdk/misc/cs4232.o: insmod cs4232 failed 
> sound: Loading sound module (cs4232) failed 
> And when doing a insmod after startup from root, I get this:
> insmod cs4232
> Using /lib/modules/2.2.17-21mdk/misc/cs4232.o
> insmod: a module named cs4232 already exists
> And then in messages, after startup the following errors are reported:
> modprobe: Can't locate module char-major-4  - maybe not related?
> modprobe: Can't locate module char-major-180 - maybe not related?
> kernel: ad1848/cs4248 codec driver Copyright (C) by Hannu Savolainen
> 1993-1996
> Nov 20 09:32:20 wwilson modprobe: modprobe: Can't locate module
> sound-service-0-3
>  kernel: ad1848/cs4248 codec driver Copyright (C) by Hannu Savolainen
> 1993-1996
> Nov 20 09:50:33 wwilson modprobe: modprobe: Can't locate module
> sound-service-0-3
> And in kernel/errors I found this:
> cs4232: dma, dma2, irq and io must be set.
> When I do a lsmod I get this:
> cs4232  2960   0  (autoclean)
> ad1848 16848   0  (autoclean) [cs4232]
> uart401 6384   0  (autoclean) [cs4232]
> sound  58368   0  (autoclean) [cs4232 ad1848 uart401]
> soundlow 464   0  (autoclean) [sound]
> soundcore   2800   5  (autoclean) [sound]
> And /etc/modules.conf has this in it:
> alias sound-slot-0 cs4232
> options sound dmabuf=1
> options sound-slot-0 io=0x530 irq=5 dma=1 dma2=1 mpuio=0x330 mpuirq=-1
> Now these setting I verified using HardDrake and running the sound
> configuration program.  I can hear things, but lots of loud pops, faint
> and scratchy sound.  I have systematically gone through all the setting
> and while many of them work, none work better than these.

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[expert] netscape outgoing mail problem

2000-11-21 Thread Naside Ozer

I did install Helios(7.0). I have mail outgoing problem. What I missed?

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[expert] realplay problems with

2000-11-21 Thread S. Newhouse

Anyone able to get realplay to work with ?
At the page where it asks you to choose your streaming format, I don't
get any chance to make the choice.  My mouse won't click on the format
choices.  This does not happen in Windows.

Any ideas?

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[expert] Mod_perl + Embperl&Mdk 7.2

2000-11-21 Thread Antti Linno

I tried to install machine with Apache,mod_perl and HTML-Embperl
capabilities. First I installed Mandrake 7.2 custom-development. I chose
apache, mod_perl, html-embperl etc.(perl modules). When I started up
interface showed httpd and httpd-perl coming up. Then I tried to check
localhost via browser, but none was there.

First question: How does one give machine name(localhost,whatever) if it
is not asked during install.

Ok, got tired of such scramble, and decided to install Apache+mod_perl
from source. Then I discovered that perl libraries are not where they
should be, so Apache won't install. (hmm, install new perl from source and
all modules that are needed :P) It said something about missing perl
headers that are needed to build mod_perl and Apache in one step.

Ok, so I changed to custom-server install. Installed stuff, apache etc.
During start shows httpd, httpd-perl, and even localhost exists if I look
at it through some browser. 
Now I wanted to use HTML-Embperl, and decided to modify httpd.conf. So I
added lines

DefaultType text/html
SetHandler perl-script
PerlHandler HTML::Embperl
Options +ExecCGI +Includes +Indexes
AddType text/html .html

When I did configtest, it failed miserably, complaining about PerlHandler.

So, my second question is: How to use Embperl, if it is installed?
Where to write what?


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Re: [expert] more crashes than the Indy 500.

2000-11-21 Thread Tom Berkley

had a similar problem with my abit bp6 smp mobo and had to update the
bios before the smp kernel would run without hanging in a similar
fashion to your box. The 2.2.17 kernel compiled for smp would
work just fine however. Go figure. In the meantime consider you current
bios rev and evaluate whether you want or need to update it. Also
anything noted in the log files.

Tom Berkley

michael rogers wrote:
> i'm absolutely clueless.  linux simply likes to crash on me.  7.1 and
> 7.2 have both been doing it and i don't know why.  and the thing i love
> about linux is the stability!
> so, if anyone knows where such things are logged by the system, or if i
> need to turn logging on, or what could possibly doing this, i'll love
> you forever.  if need be i'll supply a list of my hardware, etc.  but
> geez!
> when it crashes, it DIES.  i have an MS intellimouse optical, the
> 5-button mouse with the 'purdy' red light, and when it dies, even the
> light goes out.  the display still shows, but there is no response,
> coma-style.
> help, please.
> michael j. rogers.
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> Subscribe the "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" mailing list.

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