had a similar problem with my abit bp6 smp mobo and had to update the
bios before the smp kernel would run without hanging in a similar
fashion to your box. The kernel.org 2.2.17 kernel compiled for smp would
work just fine however. Go figure. In the meantime consider you current
bios rev and evaluate whether you want or need to update it. Also
anything noted in the log files.

Tom Berkley

michael rogers wrote:
> i'm absolutely clueless.  linux simply likes to crash on me.  7.1 and
> 7.2 have both been doing it and i don't know why.  and the thing i love
> about linux is the stability!
> so, if anyone knows where such things are logged by the system, or if i
> need to turn logging on, or what could possibly doing this, i'll love
> you forever.  if need be i'll supply a list of my hardware, etc.  but
> geez!
> when it crashes, it DIES.  i have an MS intellimouse optical, the
> 5-button mouse with the 'purdy' red light, and when it dies, even the
> light goes out.  the display still shows, but there is no response,
> coma-style.
> help, please.
> michael j. rogers.
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