Re: [expert] Mandrake's Arrogance

2000-07-22 Thread AG

On Sat, 22 Jul 2000, Ken Archer wrote:

 Funny how you remember things your father used to say.  Mine used to look at me
 and say, "Experience is a cruel teacher, but a fool can learn from no other." 

Good one.  While certain (safe) commands have had permissions modified
to allow me to run them as a normal user (of a particular group).
Having to type su or sudo (or whatever other program you use for the
purpose) is a reminder that what you are about to do may have

For our flippant friend who thinks that he loses nothing if he trashes
his install by running as root constantly, remember that may be true
if you have nothing but the stock distribution on your drive(s).  But
if, like most people you have custom configurations and packages
compiled specifically for your system, you could spend a week
recovering from it.  And if you don't back up (and we all know most
people don't) it can take much longer.

  ( )   *Anton Graham
/(   )X
 (m_m)   GPG ID: 18F78541
Penguin Powered!

Re: [expert] EXPERTS are needed for NIGHTMARISH Ver 7.1 Installproblem help

2000-07-18 Thread AG

On Wed, 19 Jul 2000, Ron Stodden wrote:

 Anton Graham wrote:
  *Try* XFDrake (yes, it works from the cli as well).  
 Nope.  In Mandrake 7.1:
 [root@CO3000655-A ron]# XFDrake
 bash: XFDrake: command not found
 [root@CO3000655-A ron]#   

Doh!  Typo :p

/tmp rpm -ql drakxtools | grep XF

  ( )   *Anton Graham
/(   )X
 (m_m)   GPG ID: 18F78541
Penguin Powered!

Re: [expert] Postfix and Procmail

2000-06-20 Thread AG

Hi Glyn!

On Mon, 19 Jun 2000, Glyn Millington wrote:

 I'm running Mandrake 7.0 with a  dial-up connection.
 My mail system involves 
 Postfix to send , fetchmail to collect on POP3, procmail to
 distribute, mutt to read, write and generally be man's best
 It works!
 It works because I invoke procmail from within my .fetchmailrc
 like this
 mda '/usr/bin/procmail -f - RCPT=%T /home/glyn/.procmailrc'
 Now the fetchmail manual says this is a bad idea, so I've tried
 to use let postfix call up procmail direct but can't get it to
 work - incoming post gets placed in the queue and returned to
 sender if I'm not careful.  
 Can anyone tell me how to get Postfix and Procmail to talk to
 each other?  Or where to find clear guidance on the subject?

The procmail man page tells the tale :)  You need to invoke procmail
from the .forward file in the user's home directory as:

"|exec /usr/bin/procmail"

The quotes are important, so keep them.


  ( )   *Anton Graham
/(   )X
 (m_m)   GPG ID: 18F78541
Penguin Powered!

Re: [expert] Changing bootable partition

2000-05-07 Thread AG

On Sun, 07 May 2000, Ken Archer wrote:

| I don't have the "initrd=/boot/initrd.img" line in lilo.conf that was written
| on the original install.  I also can't find a initrd.img file with locate.

Not everyone has/needs an initrd.  Generally, it is used to load modules that
the kernel needs to have available to it at boot time (example: SCSI disk
drivers on systems that boot from SCSI).

| On Sun, 07 May 2000, you wrote:
|  Also there are a series of lines indicating where files
|  necessary to the boot process may be founnd in the mounted
|  filesystem.
|  map=/boot/map
|  install=/boot/boot.b
|  keytable=/boot/us.klt  
|  image=/boot/vmlinuz
|  initrd=/boot/initrd.img
|  So on your system, lilo must already be installed on the mbr
|  or you wouldn't be getting the LI.  But the LI indicates that
|  it can't find a file necessary to the booting process, so the
|  root= line needs to be correct as do the map=, install=,
|  keytable=, image=, and initrd= lines.
|  As root you need to edit the /etc/lilo.conf file and when
|  you've got all these lines corrected then issue this command
|  at a command line as root:


Re: [expert] Dumping postfix

2000-05-07 Thread AG

Hi Bruce!

On Sun, 07 May 2000, Bruce E. Harris wrote:

| How can I erase postfix without damaging fetchmail and procmail?
| I want to switch to sendmail, and when I tried rpm -e postfix, I got a
| dependence error saying procmail and fetchmail needs it.
They don't actually need postfix, per se.  What they require is an SMTP daemon.
So, rpm -e --nodeps postfix  rpm -Uvh /your/path/here/sendmail*

Re: [expert] Permissions

2000-05-06 Thread AG

What about giving the directory they will be created inside to nobody? (i.e.
chown nobody dir)

On Fri, 05 May 2000, Steve Philp wrote:

| Wizaerd wrote:
|  Coming from a MS background, the hardest thing I've had to deal with in
|  trying to learn Linux is the file permissions stuff.  In MS, everything is
|  open until you specify permisssions for it, but in Linux it's completely
|  opposite of that.  Everything is locked down until you tell it to be more
|  open.  This has always been a stumbling blcok for me.
|  I have Apache and PHP on my system.  Apache starts as root but child
|  instances are run as nobody.  In a PHP script I'm trying to make a directory
|  but am told I do not have the required permissions to do that (which would
|  mean 'nobody' doesn't have the correct access rights.).
|  How do I make /home/Apache/htdocs a directory that 'nobody' can create other
|  directories in?
| Add "other" group permissions to the htdocs directory.  Something like:
|   chmod o+rwx
| should do the trick, but is NOT RECOMMENDED.  Allowing the webuser to
| modify the web site is a problem just waiting to be exploited.

Re: [expert] Lexmark 1100 printer and Mandrake 7.02

2000-05-06 Thread AG

It's one of those dreaded WinPrinters.  But, you can make it work.  First of
all, select an HP Deskjet 500C (don't bother with the test page).  You can
download the drivers from or I will have an RPM
up within the hour at

On Sat, 06 May 2000, Juhis wrote:

| Hi there all Linux people :)
| I just installed Mandrake 7.02 and everything works fine, but printer.
| I have Lexmark 1100 printer. I cant get test pages out. What printer should i choose 
|from printer install menu??
| I used Slackware Linux between 1994-1997. And i'm back again using Linux.

Re: [expert] Re: [newbie] CD Rom not accessible

2000-05-06 Thread AG

Okay, I guess I missed the biginning of this. . .

On Fri, 05 May 2000, Alan Shoemaker wrote:

| Jimit sounds like /dev/cdrom is a softlink pointing to
| /dev/fd0.  It should be a softlink pointing to /dev/hdd
| instead.
| Alan
| Jim Brown wrote:


|  Eduardo Arauz wrote:
|   what types of files are you trying to mount? remember that you cant mount music 
|cd roms in your hdd
|   -Original Message-
|   From:   Jim Brown [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
|   Sent:   Friday, May 05, 2000 7:44 AM
|   Subject:Re: [newbie] CD Rom not accessible
|   I tried "mount /dev/hdd cdrom" but that doesn't work.  I messed
|   with my fstab.  Not it looks like "/dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom supermount
 ^^ ^^ ^^
should be /mnt/cdrom /mnt/cdrom supermount

Yes, it looks screwy, but that's how supermount works.

Also, since you're using supermount, explicit mounting generally is not needed.
If you want to explicitily mount, use /mnt/disk instead of /mnt/cdrom because
supermount needs that mount point.

Re: [expert] /opt

2000-05-06 Thread AG

On Sat, 06 May 2000, Ted Wager wrote:

| Hi...
|   I see quite a lot of mail about kde files being in /opt...On all three
| distros I am using /opt is emptyWondered why ?? 

Packaged distros tend to relocate KDE (and anything else) to /usr.  If you 
compile your own KDE from the sources, it defaults to /opt.  /opt is
traditionally for commercial or OPTional software.  Just as /usr/local is
traditionally for software/data unique to that machine.

Re: [expert] Coordinating Address Books

2000-05-06 Thread AG

Hi Piero!

On Sat, 06 May 2000, Piero wrote:

| In order to coordinate the Netscape address books in the Windows partition and
| those on the Linux partition, I erased the files corresponding to the last ones
| and substituted them with symlinks to the files existing in the Windows
| partition.
| It wasn't so smooth, but it finally worked.
| Now, in the process of doing this napoleonic manoevre, I stumbled over
| something that made me perplexed, and for which somebody has perhaps an
| explanation.
| All the files in the Windows partition belong to root and have mode: rwxr--r--.
| When I work under Linux I work under username piero.
| Since the changes in the addressbooks, that piero makes under Linux, have to be
| reflected on the Windows partition files, I logged in as root, and tried to
| change the permissions of these files (chmod o+w  filename). Impossible. I
| tried the to change their ownership: impossible. I finally modified /etc/fstab,
| in such a way that piero has the ownership of all the files in the Windows
| partition (uid=piero's user number). 
| This made the think work, but I do not find it satisfactory. Does anybody know
| what prevents root form changing permission or ownership of the files belonging
| to the Windows partition?

Permissions and ownership of files on a FAT/VFAT partition are determined at
mount time.  The solution is (generally) to modify the umask and/or gid.

/dev/hda1 /mnt/DOS_C vfat umask=002,uid=0,gid=100,nosuid,nodev,noexec 0 0

This allows read access to everyone, and full rw access to everyone in the
group users.  The noexec option is set because my Win partition exists to
support only one piece of software which requires DirectX :(.

Re: [expert] [newbie] multiple X sessions

2000-05-06 Thread AG

Hi bascule!

Default display is :0 and it is already in use when you try to start again.
You must pass arguments to startx like:

startx -- :1

will start a second X session on the second X VC (ctl-alt-f8).

On Sat, 06 May 2000, bascule wrote:

| i have read that it is possible to have more than one X session open (on
| different consoles) but when i switch to ctrl-alt-2 for example, and
| login and then run startx i get an error message

Re: [expert] XMMS

2000-05-06 Thread AG

Just select +DIR from the playlist buttons and select the mount point of your
CD as the directory.

On Sat, 06 May 2000, Asheesh Laroia wrote:

| Sorry to ask such a silly question, but how can I get XMMS to play CDs?
| In Windows, you drag-n-drop E:\Track05.cda to the window, and it starts
| playing, but there's no Linux/UNIX equivalent.
| I right-clicked everwhere, but I must have something wrong.
| Thanks so much in advance.
| Sincerely,
| Asheesh Laroia.
| -- 
| YOW!!  Everybody out of the GENETIC POOL!

Re: [expert] Re: [newbie] Connecting to the Internet - why is it so difficult?

2000-05-05 Thread AG

Of course!  His LAN connection is probably set up as the default route/gateway
and as a result internet requests are being routed to the Appletalk network.

Try doing a '/sbin/route del default' (sans quotes) before dialing and see what
happens.  In theory, kppp will assign a new default route.  If you still have 
no joy after dialing try the following:

/sbin/route add default gw $(/sbin/route -n | grep ppp | awk '{print $1}')

What this does is set the default gateway to whatever ip your ppp link is
connected to.  Note that it can screw things up if you have more than one line
containing 'ppp' in the /sbin/route output, so make sure you don't before
running it.

Obviously this is just a testing solution.

(Some notes below)

On Thu, 04 May 2000, Mike  Tracy Holt wrote:

| One thing I've noticed (and written to this list and the expert list about,
| nobody seemed to want to answer), is that you can either have a lan
| connection, or you can have an internet connection, but not both. 


|  rant
|  I see no need to have to edit files with cryptic commands when there are
|  GUI interfaces that do the same thing.  

Most of the GUI interfaces to do those things don't have the power/flexibility
to do things in other than ideal circumstances.  The only GUI configuration
tool I use is linuxconf and I use it at least as often from the console.

|  I am amazed that it does not work, and
|  that the only way to get it to work seems to be to read a ton of Linux
|  books and docs.


|  OK, this is wonderful.  All the doc says it is so easy...  Some kind
|  souls tell me that I need to add the "noauth" argument.  OK, why do I
|  need to do this?  I mean, why does it default to auth?

Security.  If I'm using ppp to dial in to the office, both machines must
authenticate themselves.  

|  But when I try to do this, Computer tells me that I can only do it as
|  root.  Now, all the docs and books say, don't use root unless you really
|  need to.  But if I can't connect to the Internet as a normal user, I need
|  to be root.  So I log in as root, and "noauth" and get the connection up.
|   The connection, and nothing more.

This is why you edit the file /etc/ppp/options instead of using a kppp option.
The noauth option is privliged, and therefore must be specified by root.  If it
is the file then root must have specified it and you're in business.

|  In spite of the fact that I have my ISPs DNS numbers correctly entered,
|  nothing happens.  Computer is searching in the ether and cannot find any
|  nameservers.  I try, on the advice of a kind soul on this list, to
|  uncomment the lines in the resolv.conf file, to no avail.

See above about gateways.

|  What gives?  If everyone else can get a connection up, is there something
|  wrong with my installation or my computer?  If the books and docs show it
|  is so easy, why I am having so many problems?  And this noauth thing -
|  why do I have to add it, when, apparently, no one should need auth except
|  in special cases?
|  I'm a bit taken aback by some of the stuff I need to do to get this up
|  and running.  Especially because I have been hired to write tutorials
|  about Mandrake for a web site, and need to explain to others how to do
|  these things.  Sure, most things work out ok, but when I see just how
|  complicated it is to get a simple ppp connection, I am really shocked.
|  (BTW, it was actually much easier to get my Linux box networked with my
|  Mac over AppleTalk; definately a power user thing, while a ppp connection

   This is what is making life difficult.

|  is really a basic).

Re: What's so special about postfix? Re: [expert] Problem with postfix virtual domains

2000-05-04 Thread AG

Actually, it works quite well, but your default config file lacks a local
transport.  If you checked your logs (or /var/spool/postfix/deferred), you'd
likely discover that it was indeed picking up the mail, just not delivering
it.  FYI, neither sendmail or Postfix "collect" mail.  Mail is delivered to
them and they then deliver it to the appropriate mailbox/daemon.


On Thu, 04 May 2000, Vic wrote:

| I removed postfix from my machine.
| I installed good old fashioned sendmail because
| postfix was not collecting mail in my personal
| e mail server.
| So what is soh special about postfix if
| it does not do anything/

Re: [expert] Re(2): [newbie] Can't connect to the internet....

2000-05-03 Thread AG

kay, open up /etc/ppp/options in your least favorite text editor and add a line
that says "noauth" without the quotes.  The authentication failure is because
pppd now defaults to requiring PAP authentication from the other end.  If
you're dialing your ISP, it's not going to authenticate itself and pppd will


On Wed, 03 May 2000, Kirk McElhearn wrote:

| On 2/05/00, at 18:52, Paul [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:
| Did you write a /etc/ppp/pap-secrets file?
| The format is:
| login name * password
| The * designates the server you are logging into, if you only have 1 ISP,
| the * will do.
| Nope, this doesn't work either
| Why should this be a problem?  The doc clearly shows that all you need to
| do is enter a few simple things in kppp...  I am confused.
| Kirk
| vice versa   
|   Translations - French to English, English to French | Technical Writing
|   Traductions francais-anglais, anglais-francais  | Redaction technique
|   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
|   Kirk McElhearn | Chemin de la Lauze | 05600 Guillestre | France

Re: [expert] What rpm is telnetd in?

2000-05-01 Thread AG

On Sun, 30 Apr 2000, Ron Johnson wrote:

| Dave Lers wrote:
|  telnet-server
| H.  Since I have telnetd, but don't have the telnet-server
| rpm, where does /usr/sbin/in.telnetd come from?
| Is there an rpm command to find which rpm contains a certain
| file?
| # rpm -qal | grep telnetd
| /usr/man/man8/in.telnetd.8.bz2
| /usr/man/man8/telnetd.8.bz2
| /usr/sbin/in.telnetd 
| "rpm -qal | grep telnetd" almost works, but not quite...

rpm -qf /usr/sbin/in.telnetd

Re: [expert] Installing SMP Kernel

2000-05-01 Thread AG

On Mon, 01 May 2000, Bill Shirley wrote:

| I'm not sure what is going wrong here, but my modules are in
| /lib/modules/2.2.14-15mdk
| there are other directories under /lib/modules also.  (I made an error in my
| original response.)  I think there is some option in the kernel build that
| specifies where the modules should be found.
| However, the kernel is STILL trying to load your SCSI low-level driver as a
| module.  This makes me think you are not executing the kernel you created
| ("I am told that linux is Loading the module").  Check the date on
| /boot/vmlinuz to verify it is the one you built.  Then check that lilo.conf
| is pointing to your kernel build.  If you didn't change Makefile to
| INSTALL_PATH=/boot then your new kernel will be in /, which you should copy
| to /boot.

This is my number one argument for incrementing the release number on kernels
you build (example 2.2.14-15.1mdk).  When you build the kernel with the same
version and release number, the modules get installed in the same (old)
directory.  So when the modules list is generated, it still finds those modules
which have been integrated into the new kernel.  This *can* cause errors like
loading modules that are already integrated into the kernel.

  ( )   *Anton Graham
/(   )X
 (m_m)   GPG ID: 18F78541
Penguin Powered!