Re: [expert] (OT)Mandrake and Advertising.

2003-09-14 Thread Frank Cote
On Sun, 2003-09-14 at 07:14, Anne Wilson wrote:

> I have noticed that compulsive knee-jerks are a common phenomenon in 
> certain sections of the linux community 
> Anne

coming in late in the thread (missed a few)

I've noticed a lot of knee-jerk reactions elsewhere on this as well, but
I think a good percentage are people (like me) who fear a "slippery
slope" kind of situation:

today: "We'll only include our partners and only in the install etc..."
with 9.3 (or 4 or 5): "the download version will include random popups
and mandatory product activation..."

Personally, I think Mandrake 1) has a right to make some money, keeping
it going financially is a GOOD THING (tm) 2) They've always tried to do
the right (ie: ethical) thing so far (AFAIK) so I have high confidence
that this move will not corrupt them.

I'm basically on a wait-and-see mode.  So far, the adverts don't affect
me at all (I don't sit by the install and I remove the screensaver and
bookmarks and I change to my own start page).  If it does get worse,
then I'm CERTAIN the backlash will rein Mandrake in because I won't be
the only one screaming :)  Besides, the great thing about linux is that
there's no vendor lock-in, Mandrake is my favorite distro but there's
nothing stopping me from switching if I have to.


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[expert] Konsole segfaults and core-dumps

2002-11-24 Thread Frank Lohmeyer
(FYI--mdk 9.0 on an i686)

I have had problems with Konsole after upgrading to the full Qt
(Qt3, in my case).  Someone on the mandrake newbie list said he also had
the same problem with Konsole and Kmail after building and installing
Qt2.  His problem went away with a reboot.

[I don't use kmail, so that one isn't an issue for me. (It is a hassle
shutting down and restarting artsd after booting to have system sounds,
though.)  Right now, I can do everything I need to do in Konsole with a
virtual console, so I can get along while figuring this out and fixing

When I try to open Konsole, I get a segfault and core dump from   Tracking down the problem, I've found that in /lib/i686/ and
/lib/, it is symlinked to , but in /lib/lsb/ it
is symlinked to  This looks like a good setup for a
conflict.  If I try to list the contents of /lib/lsb/ from _inside_
the directory,I get a core dump...but from _outside_ the directory, with
a full path, I get the contents list.

My first inclination is to change the symlink in /lib/lsb/ for
to point to the  to match the other two and allow to live there, too, in case something needs it.

Before I start changing symlinks, does anyone have an educated guess if
this is the correct change...or if there is something else I need to fix
instead?  Also--(because of the core dump issue) can changes be made
while  running kde/virtual console, do I need to use
a window manager other than kde or will I need to boot the install
CD1/rescue to make the changes without the filesystem mounted?


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Re: [expert] PATH for $QTDIR , etc.

2002-10-29 Thread Frank
On Tue, 2002-10-29 at 00:55, Randall Jonasz wrote:

> man bash for bash shell.  If you want the path vars to be global, put
> them in /etc/profile; if you want them visible only to one user, put
> them in ~/.bash_profile.
> Cheers,
> Randy

Thanks, Randy!  Looks like I've got to brush up on my shell
scripting...but at least I know where to add it now.


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[expert] PATH for $QTDIR , etc.

2002-10-28 Thread Frank
I downloaded the tar.bz2 file for qt-x11-free-3.0.6, configured,compiled
and installed it.  Works nicely.

One problem.  The INSTALL file indicated that I needed to create a
.profile in my user directory and add four lines defining PATH for it's
main directory, libs directory, etc. and then log out and back in for
the paths to be loaded.  I followed the instructions...didn't matter
whether the .profile was in the user home directory or the root home
directoryit didn't load the PATH as indicated.  As long as I typed
in the PATH lines individually (enter after each) and the typed in the
export command at the end (followed by enter), it worked fine.  However,
each time I log out, reboot, etc, I have to type in the PATH and export
commands again!

Where can I add these commands so they become 'permanent' (at least
until I remove them) ??

Thanks for any light you can shed on this.


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Re: [expert] Ide drives take 100% cpu

2002-08-04 Thread Frank Mertens

On Saturday 03 August 2002 12:30, you wrote:
> Hallo!
> I've posted this problem in newbie's list with no luck.
> I've got 4 ide controllers, all of them have 1 HD or CD connected as
> master: DVD: hda, RW: hdc, HD1: hde and HD2: hdg
> I've got kernel installed, and bios recognizes both DVD and RW
> as DMA.  These are set up as scsi-emulated in order for recording programs
> to see them.
> But when I'm reading from DVD using xcdroast in order to make a image from
> which the CDR is going to be burnt it takes 100% cpu cycles (measured using
> gkrellm).  As it's not a laptop that's not a problem...
> ... but when recording that image the RW again uses 100% cpu but now the PC
> is almost unusable.  Using an Athlon 1.2 and 512Mb DDR it cannot be like
> that, so I suppose it's ussing polling instead of DMA... am I right?
> Well, any ideas will be appreciated.  Thanks in advance  ;)
> Ah!  Here's a piece of the dmesg output:
> -
> Uniform Multi-Platform E-IDE driver Revision: 6.31
> ide: Assuming 33MHz system bus speed for PIO modes; override with idebus=xx
> VP_IDE: IDE controller on PCI bus 00 dev 39
> VP_IDE: chipset revision 6
> VP_IDE: not 100% native mode: will probe irqs later
> VP_IDE: VIA vt82c686b (rev 40) IDE UDMA100 controller on pci00:07.1
> ide0: BM-DMA at 0xb400-0xb407, BIOS settings: hda:DMA, hdb:pio
> ide1: BM-DMA at 0xb408-0xb40f, BIOS settings: hdc:DMA, hdd:pio
> PDC20265: IDE controller on PCI bus 00 dev 80
> PCI: Found IRQ 11 for device 00:10.0
> PCI: Sharing IRQ 11 with 00:07.2
> PCI: Sharing IRQ 11 with 00:07.3
> PDC20265: chipset revision 2
> PDC20265: not 100% native mode: will probe irqs later
> PDC20265: (U)DMA Burst Bit ENABLED Primary PCI Mode Secondary PCI Mode.
> ide2: BM-DMA at 0xe400-0xe407, BIOS settings: hde:pio, hdf:pio
> ide3: BM-DMA at 0xe408-0xe40f, BIOS settings: hdg:pio, hdh:pio
> hda: Pioneer DVD-ROM ATAPIModel DVD-105S 013, ATAPI CD/DVD-ROM drive
> hdc: AOPEN CD-RW CRW3248 1.12 20020417, ATAPI CD/DVD-ROM drive
> hde: ST340016A, ATA DISK drive
> hdg: IC35L060AVVA07-0, ATA DISK drive
> ide0 at 0x1f0-0x1f7,0x3f6 on irq 14
> ide1 at 0x170-0x177,0x376 on irq 15
> ide2 at 0xd400-0xd407,0xd802 on irq 11
> ide3 at 0xdc00-0xdc07,0xe002 on irq 11
> hde: 78165360 sectors (40021 MB) w/2048KiB Cache, CHS=77545/16/63,
> UDMA(100) hdg: 120103200 sectors (61493 MB) w/1863KiB Cache,
> CHS=119150/16/63, UDMA(100) Partition check:
>  /dev/ide/host2/bus0/target0/lun0: [PTBL] [4865/255/63] p1 p2 < p5 p6 p7 p8
> > /dev/ide/host2/bus1/target0/lun0: p1 p2 < p5 p6 p7 p8 >
> ...
> SCSI subsystem driver Revision: 1.00
> scsi0 : SCSI host adapter emulation for IDE ATAPI devices
>   Vendor: PIONEER   Model: DVD-ROM DVD-105   Rev: 1.33
>   Type:   CD-ROM ANSI SCSI revision: 02
>   Vendor: AOPEN Model: CD-RW CRW3248 Rev: 1.12
>   Type:   CD-ROM ANSI SCSI revision: 02

Hallo back!

This scsi-emulation seems not to work very well with DMA.
For me deactivating DMA solved always that problem.
(Actually, wherefore you need DMA when burning?)
So, perhaps this helps: #hdparm -d0 /dev/hda , and same for hdc.

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Re: [expert] Eating Crow with mandrake 7.2 beta and sound issues

2000-09-13 Thread frank

On Wed, 13 Sep 2000, Abe wrote:

> > hello list.  seems I'm eating some crow today.  The version of gnome that
> is included with 7.2 is fast, agile, intuitive and overall excellent.  It's
> weird because it seems the KDE and Gnome have traded places.  Previously
> KDE was sort of ugly and utilitarian but pretty fast and very useful while
> gnome was very slow and clunky.  KDE 1.9.3 is beautifuland sllooow.
>  I changed the taskbar icons to be bigger and now the applications don't
> work and I can't figure out how to change them back.  Funny huh?

i believe kde is still carrying a lot of debug code, which slows it 
down...that'll be gone in the afterbeta...downloading the more recent kde 
packages will cure that "big icon = no program" problem...until you do that 
you can delete those icons from the panel, manually pull new ones out of 
/usr/bin or elsewhere depending on the prog, and drop those to the 
panel...icons placed on the panel that way work, or at least did for me when 
i ran into that same "no program" problem...

hope that helps,


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Re: [expert] KDE 1.94 in cooker!!

2000-09-11 Thread frank

On Mon, 11 Sep 2000, Sarang Lakare wrote:

> > There is no announcement on KDE's web-page and mandrake is already out with
> 1.94!! that means 2.0 has to wait a bit :((.. but good.. stability and bug
> fixes are more important!!

yes...and 1.94 is working well in most respects...still some problems with the 
config tools and with kpackage, but i expect they'll be pulling those up snug 


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Re: [expert] [Fwd: canon bj200 printer woes Mandrake 7.2 beta]

2000-09-10 Thread frank

On Thu, 07 Sep 2000, stuartsimpson wrote:

> I am currently having problems printing with my canon bj200.

i've the same printer and it's now working fine, so take hope...the printer 
selection list that was unavailable on install can be reached through 
drakconfan icon on the desktop gets you to it, and you ought be in root 
to use it...a printer configuration option is available there, and the full 
list of printers from which to select appears for you...

hope that helps


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Re: [expert] Windows after Linux???

2000-09-07 Thread frank

On Thu, 07 Sep 2000, maxtor put to word:
> To all:
> Before I installed mandrake 7.1 I had both Windows98 and Linux 7.0
> installed.  While installing 7.1 I formatted all partitions including
> my windows partition.  Then i installed mandrake 7.1.  And my Windows
> partition still exists but with no operating system on it.  When I
> boot with grub I have the option of linux or windows.  My question
> Can i now install Windows NT4 wkstation on my existing windows
> partition?  If I install windows will it take priority over my grub
> boot loader?  And if so how can I make it so that I can still choose
> to either boot to linux or windows in my grub?
> Maybe someone out there can help me.  Really would be appreciated.
> Maxtor

install grub on a floppy...then after windows is done trying to make itself 
the only existing system, boot to your linux and reinstall grub in the mbr, 
with a stanza for your nt...


Re: [expert] How to install Grub?

2000-09-05 Thread frank

On Tue, 05 Sep 2000, Ron Johnson, Jr. put to word:

> If lilo is running fine for me, why change?

i've not advised you to comments went to the poster asking about 
grub and getting answers about lilo...if lilo meets your needs, use it...if 
those needs expand to areas where lilo becomes not efficient, then you ought 
look for a tool which better handles the job...


Re: [expert] How to install Grub?

2000-09-05 Thread frank

correction to previous brief instructions:

3. (optional but advised) install grub first on a floppy:
 dd if=stage1 of=/dev/fd0 bs=512 count=1
 dd if=stage2 of=/dev/fd0 bs=512 seek=1

(i'd left out the equal sign (=) between seek and 1)


Re: [expert] How to install Grub?

2000-09-05 Thread frank

On Tue, 02 May 2000, Stefan Srdic put to word:
> I have installed Linux Mandrake 7.1 a while back. I have been using a boot
> floppy and LINLOAD to boot into Linux whenever I'm not playing games in
> Windows :-D
> Anyway, I want to install Grub on the MBR so that I can choose at boot up
> which OS to load. I cant use LILO because of the location of the root
> filesystem, its above the 1024th cylinder.
> I tried using DrakBoot with no success, I know that I have Grub installed
> on my system. How do I configure and install it?

oddly, most of the responses on this thread deal with lilo rather than grub, 
which is a clearly superior find out more about grub, type:

info grub

while at a command prompt (either in console mode or in a terminal emulator) 

if you've not got the manual on your machine, it's available online at:

the grub manual appears to have been written by someone who not only knew 
grub well, but knew how to effectively write a's excellent...


1. be in root
2. cd to /boot/grub (where the grub files are located)
3. (optional but advised) install grub first on a floppy:
dd if=stage1 of=/dev/fd0 bs=512 count=1
dd if=stage2 of=/dev/fd0 bs=512 seek1
4. after floppy trial-run, be in /boot/grub and type:
grub (this puts you in the grub shell)
5. at grub prompt type: 
setup (hd0) to set in mbr
setup (hdX,X) where X denotes hd and partition

but be aware that grub uses a different and more coherent numbering system 
for hd and partitions than is generally short, rtfm...



Re: xwpe, was: [expert] This thing called "C".

2000-07-10 Thread Frank Meurer

On Mon, 10 Jul 2000, Ken Thompson wrote:

> Frank,
> Use Gftp, log in as anonymous and use your email address as password.. I just
> logged in to make sure the info was correct.

1) I used ftp.
2) login name was of course anonymous (and directory was /incoming).
3) pwd was "loginname"@
4) The file was uploaded and listed with "ls", I just checked it *now*
with "gftp" (shocking! it has a GUI!), it's still there with default
permissions for guest users.
5) If you want I can send the spec to the list.

Linux - A world full of developers cannot be wrong.

Sending unsolicited commercial email to this address may be a violation
of the Washington State Consumer Protection Act, chapter 19.86 RCW.
Das Verschicken unverlangter kommerzieller email an diese Adresse ist
verboten (LG Traunstein, 2 HK O 3755/97 vom 14.10.1997, CR 1998, 171f).

(Frank Meurer, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, PGP ID: 0x5E756DA8)

xwpe, was: [expert] This thing called "C".

2000-07-10 Thread Frank Meurer

On Tue, 11 Jul 2000, Sean Middleditch wrote:

> Also, I don't recommend buying an IDE... You could have gotten the
> Borland IDE for free, which used to be the best (until Microsoft made it
> near impossible to get anything useful done in Windows without VC++).

If you are already familiar with the Borland IDE and you want to
develop under Linux you should try xwpe which looks like the Borland
IDE and runs in tty and X mode.
I uploaded a srpm to


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of the Washington State Consumer Protection Act, chapter 19.86 RCW.
Das Verschicken unverlangter kommerzieller email an diese Adresse ist
verboten (LG Traunstein, 2 HK O 3755/97 vom 14.10.1997, CR 1998, 171f).

(Frank Meurer, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, PGP ID: 0x5E756DA8)

RE: [expert] Remote Access of Root

2000-07-05 Thread Frank Meurer

On Wed, 5 Jul 2000, Richard Fiedler wrote:

> I have Mandrake 7.1 up and running and for maintenance purposes I want to
> log on remotely as root for telnet and ftp from another system.
> Right now this seems to be defeated by the system. Can I change this?

1.) Never ever login as root!
2.) If you still want it:
- check out /etc/securetty (delete it to set all ttys as "secure")
  ("best" securetty has only one line: tty1)
- maybe check /etc/shells (checked by ftpd for valid user shell)
- check /etc/inetd.conf
- check /etc/hosts.deny and /etc/hosts.allow
3.) on telnet and ftp your password is sent readable and unencrypted over
the net, so please (please!) use openssh:
- ssh instead of telnet
    - scp instead of ftp


Sending unsolicited commercial email to this address may be a violation
of the Washington State Consumer Protection Act, chapter 19.86 RCW.
Das Verschicken unverlangter kommerzieller email an diese Adresse ist
verboten (LG Traunstein, 2 HK O 3755/97 vom 14.10.1997, CR 1998, 171f).

(Frank Meurer, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, PGP ID: 0x5E756DA8)

[expert] identd permissions /proc/net

2000-07-03 Thread Frank Reid

I've run into a problem with Mandrake 7.0.  I installed identd (actually,
midentd as this box masquerades internal hosts with ipchains) which
in.midentd runs as nobody.nobody from inetd.  All ident challenges fail with
a log entry that permission is denied for /proc/net/tcp.  If I chmod
/proc/net directory, identd requests succeed.  However, the permissions soon
revert to the old permissions unexpectedly.

Is this a bug with Mandrake or is it something I'm doing wrong?  Should
identd run as a root?


Re: Sort By Thread (WAS: [expert] missing SSH ?)

2000-06-25 Thread Frank Meurer

On Thu, 22 Jun 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Just a quick comment, and I'll probably get blasted for it, but I haven't 
> found a mail client for Linux that does "View by Thread" as well as MS 
> Outlook. Netscape is horrible, I don't think Polarbar does it, and I 
> haven't been happy with other clients I've tried.

pine does also "sort by subject".

"Pause. No sound, exept for the background screams, groans and hisses of
hot iron on perpetually renewed flesh. You could have heard a twenty-foot
molybdenum steel pin drop."
Tom Holt, Faust Among Equals, p.244

Sending unsolicited commercial email to this address may be a violation
of the Washington State Consumer Protection Act, chapter 19.86 RCW.
Das Verschicken unverlangter kommerzieller email an diese Adresse ist
verboten (LG Traunstein, 2 HK O 3755/97 vom 14.10.1997, CR 1998, 171f).

Re: [expert] Printer question

2000-03-09 Thread Frank Arnold

Also you can write any number of little scripts to direct
fetchmail to get mail from any POP account.

Frank Arnold
On Fri, 10 Mar 2000, Ron Stodden wrote:

> Vern wrote:
> > I'm back to using Micro$haft Outlook Express because I have three POP mail
> > accounts and have failed to find anything in Linux that will manage all 3.
> > Netscape will only allow multiple email accounts if they are IMAP and not
> > POP.  
> Have you not tried KDE's kmail?  Any number of POP3 accounts.
> -- 
> Regards,
> Ron. [AU] - sent by Linux.

Re: [expert] rc.local Contains a "Freeze-system line"

2000-03-03 Thread Frank Arnold

On Fri, 3 Mar 2000, Eric wrote:

> I don't believe my win-modem is actually Linux usable, but was unable to
> test, as the Kernels didn't match (apparently the binary I got works on
> Red-Hat 6.1 only).

No "winmodem" works with linux. They are very small cards that
require windows software to work. Essentially junk. Even while
using windows it is better to use a standard modem. Maybe someday
someone will write linux software for winmodems but that's doubtful
in my opinion.

Frank Arnold
Any technology sufficiently advanced is indistinguishable from magic.
Arthur C. Clark

Any technology distinguishable from magic is insufficiently advanced.
Gregory Benford

Re: [expert] Minicom user question -- SOLVED!

2000-02-19 Thread Frank Arnold

The 4 sets the suid, essentially letting the user run the
program as root (su). It's not the safest thing from
a security standpoint but if you are not using the
machine as a internet server you are probably allright.

On Fri, 18 Feb 2000, Benjamin Sher wrote:

> Dear Frank:
> You are right! chmod 4755 /usr/bin/minicom did the trick. May I ask why
> the "4" prefix. Is that for my com 2? That would make sense.
> Thanks again.
> Benjamin
> -- 
> Benjamin and Anna Sher
> Sher's Russian Web

Re: [expert] Minicom user question

2000-02-19 Thread Frank Arnold

I had the same problem although I don't use
minicom all that much. Do a suid
(chmod 4755 minicom, or whatever, the 4 is what you
need to ad to the permissions.)
On Fri, 18 Feb 2000, Benjamin Sher wrote:

> Dear friends:
> Using Mandrake 7.0.
> A simple question about using Minicom as a user.
> Here is my version of Minicom:
> [sher@adsl-77-232-204 sher]$ rpm -q minicom
> minicom-1.82.1-1mdk [sher@adsl-77-232-204 sher]$
> I use it with a Robotics 56k external modem. 
> It works perfectly as root. I then configured it as user with the
> command "minicom -s" and saved the file as "dfl" for default. I have
> tried to make it work as user by adding in /etc/minicom.users my user
> name "sher" (without quotes) and "dfl" (without quotes) to the
> configuration as instructed by the documentation in the file.
> Still, I can't get it to work as user. But it does work perfectly as
> root. So, what could be the problem? I get a permissions error message
> as user:
> [sher@adsl-77-232-204 sher]$ minicom -c on 
> minicom: cannot open /dev/ttyS1: Permission denied 
> [sher@adsl-77-232-204 sher]$  
> Any help would be appreciated.
> Thank you all so much.
> Benjamin
> -- 
> Benjamin and Anna Sher
> Sher's Russian Web

Re: [expert] Opinion, please

2000-02-07 Thread Frank Arnold

I for one have no opjection.
As you noted, CERT Alerts affect us all.

On Mon, 7 Feb 2000, ibi wrote:

> Hello all, 
> This is not a Linux or L-M specific question and is off-topic for which
> I apologize. Ocassionally I post information, such as CERT Alerts, that
> I feel affects the entire computing community including myself. I have
> been taken to task by one individual. If the majority of this list does
> not want to see such postings I will cease. 
> Thank you, 
> Pj

Re: [expert] tcpdump info

2000-02-03 Thread Frank Arnold

You might want to try ethereal instead.
I think is is easier to interpret.
Frank Arnold

On Thu, 3 Feb 2000, Darren Eckhoff wrote:

> I'm using "tcpdump" to analyze some of the traffic on our network.
> Does anyone know a good resource for deciphering some of the data?
> For example:
> 11:48:04.274828 0:0:c:2:f7:30 Broadcast 8137 494:
>   01e0 0004  0012   
>  0452  0012  0c02 f730 0452 0002
>  0107 5352 5645 4c45 3034   
> 11:48:04.279953 0:50:da:72:b3:d9 Broadcast 8137 60:
>   0028 0001  0012   
>  0453  0012 0050 da72 b3d9 4000 0001
>   012c     
> 11:48:04.291271 0:50:da:72:9e:8 Broadcast 8137 60:
>   0028 0001  0012   
>  0453  0012 0050 da72 9e08 4000 0001
>  b0b0 b0b0     
> 11:48:04.303450 0:50:da:72:a8:96 > Broadcast sap e0 ui/C len=43
>   0028 0001 b0b0 b0b0   
>  0453 b0b0 b0b0 0050 da72 a896 4000 0001
>   4242    00
> 11:48:04.324417 arp who-has tell
> 11:48:04.332792 0:50:da:72:a6:29 Broadcast 8137 60:
>   0028 0001  0012   
>  0453  0012 0050 da72 a629 4000 0001
>  b0b0 b0b0     
> 11:48:04.333641 0:0:c:2:f7:30 Broadcast 8137 494:
>   01e0 0004  0012   
>  0452  0012  0c02 f730 0452 0002
>  030c 3130 3030 3930 4241 3630 4633 3030
>  4333 5059 5348
> 11:48:04.346228 0:10:7b:c5:c1:28 > 1:80:c2:0:0:0 802.1d ui/C len=43
>    0020  906f 972c  
>  0020  906f 972c 0081 0100 000e 0002
>  000a     00
> Some of this is pretty obvious (SAP broadcast, netbios, arp requests),
> but a lot of it is cryptic to me.
> Darren Eckhoff

[expert] Plugger 3.2 for Netscape

2000-01-30 Thread Frank Arnold

I just downloaded this thing to use on a music site.
Netscape 4.61 on Mandrake 6.0

It plays OK but has a very annoying announce window that pops up
Anyone know how to turn off that window?

Frank Arnold

Re: [expert] ISP choice

2000-01-14 Thread Frank Arnold

Direct PC is one.
They are related to Direct TV, the Satelite TV people.
They should have an 800 number if no retail in your local area.
BYW, it's satelite download only. Upload is by phone.
Still, in many cases, download is where the speed is needed.
Frank Arnold
On Fri, 14 Jan 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Who offers the satelitte service?  Cable or ASDL are not  going to be
> available where I live.
> On Fri, 14 Jan 2000, Alan Shoemaker wrote:
> > Guillermopersonally, I'd wait for the adsl.  Actually I am
> > waiting for it :-)
> > 
> > Alan
> > 
> > 
> > Guillermo Belli wrote:
> > > 
> > > Hello:
> > > 
> > > My actual ISP does not offer 56k connections, and I'm tired of this turtle slow
> > > internet service. I was offered a satelite internet service, with a $30 monthly
> > > fee and free installation (I wont pay a cent for the hardware). Does this kind
> > > of service work with linux? Or do you think I should wait until cable is
> > > available some months from now? There will be ADSL, too, but this option is even
> > > more distant than cable (6-8 months or so). What do you recommend me?
> > > 
> > > thaks.
> > > 
> > > --
> > > Guillermo Belli - Linux User #131340
> > > ICQ #38321312
> > > (under construction)
> > 

[expert] Cloneing from a network

2000-01-07 Thread Frank Arnold

I am interested in the possibility of cloning a preconfigured
linux box by putting the img on a network drive and then
writing it to several new boxes with the same hardware

Has anyone any experience doing this?
A script would probably needed to set up users
on the cloned machines.

Any thoughts, advice greatly appreciated.
Frank Arnold

Re: [expert] OEM installs?

1999-12-22 Thread Frank Arnold

Check this URL, it may be what you are looking for.
On Wed, 22 Dec 1999, Vanco, Donald wrote:

> Hello -
>   Have any of you ever seen any kind of OEM-style install on a linux
> box?  Something that might have a scripted startup to walk you through
> hostname identification, startup daemon selection, network config, root
> password setting, etc., etc.?  I'm trying to put something like that
> together myself.  Any info appreciated...
> Thanx
> Don

[expert] Need help with parallel port zip drive

1999-12-12 Thread Frank Arnold

When I was running RH 6.0 I had no trouble mounting the Zip drive.
Now, with Mandrake 6.0 I get the following results when
I run "insmod ppa" in preparation to mounting the drive as I did
with RH 6.0:

/lib/modules/2.2.9-27mdk/scsi/ppa.o: unresolved symbol parport_release_Rcdfb4d19
/lib/modules/2.2.9-27mdk/scsi/ppa.o: unresolved symbol 
/lib/modules/2.2.9-27mdk/scsi/ppa.o: unresolved symbol 
/lib/modules/2.2.9-27mdk/scsi/ppa.o: unresolved symbol parport_claim_R4664b1b5
/lib/modules/2.2.9-27mdk/scsi/ppa.o: unresolved symbol parport_enumerate_R52981eea 

Don't use the parallel port zip drive much, but at times it is useful.
Any advice, help, greatly appreciated.
Frank Arnold

Re: [expert] Kde & Template/Autostart

1999-12-09 Thread Frank Arnold

Look inside the folders in Autostart and you will find lots
of icons for applications that are not on your desktop.
Like to have one or more on the desktop?
Drab it from autostart to the desktop and select "Copy"
from the window that pops up. Now it's ready to use with one click.

Want to run your favorite command line application from
a desktop icon? Drag the gear icon in Template to the desktop
and select "Copy" (don't select "Move" or you will not be able
to do this again.) Now right click on the gear and select
"Properties" Input the requested information in the dialog
box that appears, click on the gear icon that is inside the
dialog box to select a new icon for your applicaton or
executable script, select OK and you have a new application
icon ready to use. I used it to create an icon for minicom,
Midnight Commander (-c on) and a script I use with fetchmail.

My recommendation then would be to keep them unless you are
setting the machine up for a user and you don't want making
changes easy for them.

Frank Arnold
On 10 Dec 1999, Pixel wrote:

> Hi,
> Is there anybody here who uses the Template or/and Autostart folders in KDE?
> (otherwise we're gonna remove them!)
> cu Pixel.