[expert] Anyone get flash player 6 working under mandrake 9.2?

2003-11-09 Thread Vincent Chen
Hi, all

I downloaded flash player 6 from macromedia download
site and install it on mandrake 9.2. It used to work
on mandrake 9.0 with mozilla 1.1 but not 9.2 with
mozilla 1.4. Anyone get this work?


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[expert] problems after upgrade mandrake 9.0 to 9.2?

2003-11-06 Thread Vincent Chen
Hi, all

After upgrade to mandrake 9.2,I have several new

1. Since freeswan 2.x not working in my environment, I
installed mandrake 9.0 in another partition. Can I use
LILO installed in MBR from mandrake 9.2 to boot into
mandrake 9.0? I tried to duplicate 9.2 text segment
and change device,boot to 9.2 is ok but not 9.0. Is
there any working example?

2. I tried to restore a partition image which stored
in encrypted loop device. While running partimage
0.6.2 from mandrake 9.2 contrib pacakge, it complain
about not support encryption. Why it work under
mandrake 9.0?

3. Can I tell mandrake 9.2 which sound driver to use?
It prefer i810_audio but I like nvaudio. Everytime I
change setting in /etc/modules.conf, mandrake 9.2
change it back next reboot.

Thanks and to be continued...

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[expert] mandrake 9.2 nVIDIA nforce board problme?

2003-11-04 Thread Vincent Chen
Hi, all

I just upgrade to mandrake 9.2 and got little audio
problem here. I compile and install nforce driver from
nVIDIA and modified /etc/modules.conf. First, I
removed 'snd-slot-0 i810_audio line' which generated
during install and replaced with 'snd-slot-0 nvaudio'.
After reboot, mandrake 9.2 restore sound driver to
i810audio. How can I let mandrake 9.2 use nvaudio as
default audio driver? If I use i810_audio driver, will
I lose any great feature from nforce chipset?


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[expert] freeswan 1.9x on mandrake 9.2

2003-11-03 Thread Vincent Chen
Hi, all

I tried to get freeswan work on mandrake 9.2 but not
so lucky so far. I am not familiar with freeswan 2.x
yet, so I tried to install super-freeswan rpm from
9.2's contrib directory. But super-freeswan package
complains about KLIPS version and refused to install.
Rebuild rpm got the same result. Any one know how can
I get freeswan 1.9x with x509 support work under
mandrake 9.2? Is there a working source rpm available?


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[expert] HP PSC 1210 on mandrake 9.0

2003-11-02 Thread Vincent Chen
Hi, all

I just bought a HP PSC 1210 multifunction days ago.
It's strange that scan is ok but not printing. I use
printdrake to install and setup printer. Everything
sent to cups are always pending and never print out.
cups and hpoj both are running. Anything I can do to
get printing work?


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[expert] mandrake linux wireless problem?

2003-10-26 Thread Vincent Chen
Hi all,

I just installed mandrake 9.2 but a little confused
about wireless setting. My AP activated WEP and my
notebook running windows xp can connect to AP using
WEP key (26 hex 
digit). When I look at the examples in
wireless.opt,they all looks like 13 alphanumeric. Can
I use 26 hex digit as WEP key under linux? My current
key contains non-alphanumeric characters,besides I
believe 26 hex digits is more secure.

BTW: How can I do authenticate for wireless? Do I need
radius server or something else?



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[expert] install from hard disk?

2003-10-26 Thread Vincent Chen
Hi, all

It already bothered me for a while since mandrake 9.0
to current 9.2.
Usually I mirror a copy of mandrake linux and install
from that hard disk partition. I works well and really
fast. But when I tried to add some package,software
manager always told me that file was missing. If I
change the source to a local ftp mirror,this problem
won't happen. How can I verify or setup a source
profile, so I can save some bandwidth?


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[expert] where are mozilla,xine stuff in mandrake 9.2?

2003-10-23 Thread Vincent Chen
Hi, all

I just got a copy of mandrake 9.2 download edition.
It's very easy to perform a new install. But I found
some of my favorite apps like mozilla,xine,etc in 9.1
are missing after login, are they in default
installation of power pack or prosuite?

I know package management can add those stuff but I am
willing to pay to save some trouble. If this is how
mandrake define their product line,I am happy to
accept and wish it will bring more incoming for
mandrake. It's a good marketing stragety. If not, why
they are not in default installation?


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[expert] nforce2 ATA problem?

2003-10-21 Thread Vincent Chen
Hi, all

I got a new nforce2 mainboard recently and attached an
old hard drive which BIOS identified as ATA66 drive.
But according to dmesg output,it's ATA33. Using hdparm
utility, it is a udma2 drive. Isn't ATA66 drive be
identify as udma4? I am totally confused now, what
speed my hard drive is running under mandrake linux?


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[expert] strange sound system problem?

2003-10-21 Thread Vincent Chen
Hi, all

I got a strange sound system problem here. If I login
from local console,the sound system works perfectly.
But if I login from remote X session,I got sound
device permission error. It seems that sound device
owner is root during system start but KDE will change
owner to those who try to login after start. It works
fine in local but something goes wrong with remote
session. Any idea?

BTW: anyone know which script give permission to user
during KDE startup?


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[expert] mandrake 9.1 reboot problem?

2003-10-16 Thread Vincent Chen
Hi, all

It have been a while. Sometimes I do'nt have any menu
options after logout from KDE and try to reboot.
Sometimes I get a menu to choose windows or linux.
When I do'nt get a menu, I have to switch to console
and reboot with command line. Another problem here,
console display something like ';2R' and take very
long time to reboot. Is this a known issue? How can I
get rid of it?


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[expert] Is there OpenOffice 1.1 RPM for mandrake 9.0?

2003-10-16 Thread Vincent Chen
Hi, all

Is there OpenOffice 1.1 RPM for mandrake 9.0
available? I prefer to upgrade using RPM. If RPM is
not available, will it cause any problem if I use OO's


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[expert] nforce2, I don't know how to use it or a bad choice for linux?

2003-09-16 Thread Vincent Chen
Hi, all

My old VIA mainboard was gone weeks ago and I bought a
nforce2 board to replace it. I got a lot of situation
with this new board:

1. usb mouse won't work during mandrake 9.0
installation event I set it to USB 1.0/1.1 only,but it
works ok after new system start up. Is this a hardware
or mandrake problem?

2. while review dmesg output,my IDE drive hda doesn't
indicate as UDMA100. It does show as UDMA100 in the
old board. Should I run hdparm to get better

3. It quit offen that I got heavy disk I/O while using
mozilla to surf the net. At this time, I can barely
move mouse or do anything else. How can this happen?
This is my first terrible experience under linux. Is
it possible to tune the system for better performance.

4. Each day I use ntpdate to sync system time with a
time server, I got offset > 100s. The value for old
system always less than 5s. Is it possible caused by
point 3?

I have to say that this board works much better under
windows than linux. Do you have recommendation for AMD
boards which has best performance under linux? VIA?



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[expert] tightvnc startup problem?

2003-09-16 Thread Vincent Chen
Hi, all

I installed and started a tightvnc server on an IPC. I
can connect to this IPC from another workstation with
no problem. But only icewm is available. If I put the
following line in xstartup:

exec /usr/X11R6/bin/icewm

I got a windows manager after connection established.

exec /usr/X11R6/bin/startkde

I got nothing.

Why I can't get a KDE desktop?


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[expert] via82c686 sound problem?

2003-09-13 Thread Vincent Chen
Dear all,

I have a desktop based on nforce2 chipset and sound
system works ok after I logon. Another IPC I have
equipped with via82c686 sound chip but I can't get
sound system work for months. Recently, I found that
via82c686 driver loaded ok during startup device owner
is root. I look at my desktop and found that device
owner is normal user on this machine. How can I get
sound system work for all normal user? Can I configure
mandrake 9.1 to set permission correctly for all
normanl user during startup?



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[expert] linux multitask performance?

2003-09-10 Thread Vincent Chen
Dear all,

Recently, I bought a CDR. While burning CD using
xcdroast at 48x, I can barely move my mouse or do
anything else. It is still very smooth burning cd and
surfing net under windows 2000. How should I tune my
mandrake 9.0 for better performance?


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[expert] english user interface but can process chinese

2003-08-25 Thread Vincent Chen
Dear all,

I use mandrake 9.0 for a while. The only reason I
didn't upgrade to mandrak 9.1 is I can edit .i18n to
have english  environment but still can use chinese
input method and display chinese content. After
upgrade to 9.1, I must set locale to zh.TW to have
chinese input work correctly. But all menu are chinese
and kconsole display everything in double byte. Is it
possible to keep user interface english but still can
process chinese properly? If yes, how can I do that in
mandrake 9.1?


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[expert] mandrake wireless WEP problem?

2003-08-14 Thread Vincent Chen
Dear all,

I tried to connect to mandrake 9.1 to an wireless AP.
When WEP disabled, everything works fine. After WEP
enabled, I can't access network. I believe it's WEP
key problem. My AP an PCMCIA card use 13 hex digit as
WEP key and works fine under windows xp. How can I set
up WEP key under mandrake 9.1 and what's the format?


Vincent Chen

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[expert] Is there any GUI front end for wireless?

2003-07-21 Thread Vincent Chen
Hi, all

Is there any GUI front-end that can help to find
available access point and get more detailed
information for wireless connection? I am using asus
wl-100 on xp and bundled GUI front-end is very
impressive. I wonder if I can get similar one for


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[expert] wireless tools doesn't work?

2003-07-14 Thread Vincent Chen
Hi, all

I have a pcmcia wireless network adapter, the card
manager will start it up and bring up eth1 during
booting. When I try to ues iwlist,iwspy,etc tools,
those tools response 'not supported' or something like
that. How can I use thoese tools to monitor wireless
status? iwconfig works ok , though.


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[expert] asus wl-100 wireless pcmcia card

2003-07-05 Thread Vincent Chen
Hi, all

is anyone using this card on mandrake 9.1? i plug it
in and card manager told me that this card not
supported. how can i configure it  to work under

btw: which chip this product using? prism2?


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[expert] alsa vs. via686 sound

2003-06-09 Thread Vincent Chen
Dear all,

I have an IPC equipped with via686 ac97 sound. After
alsa start, it seems ok. Here is info I got:

--- lsmod output ---
snd-seq-midi5024   0 (autoclean) (unused)
snd-seq-oss31104   0 (unused)
snd-seq-midi-event  5640   0 [snd-seq-midi
snd-seq42608   2 [snd-seq-midi
snd-seq-oss snd-seq-midi-event]
snd-pcm-oss43556   0 (unused)
snd-mixer-oss  14488   0 [snd-pcm-oss]
snd-via82xx14092   0
snd-ac97-codec 40160   0 [snd-via82xx]
snd-pcm77536   0 [snd-pcm-oss
snd-timer  18376   0 [snd-seq snd-pcm]
snd-mpu401-uart 4396   0 [snd-via82xx]
snd-rawmidi17600   0 [snd-seq-midi
snd-seq-device  5832   0 [snd-seq-midi
snd-seq-oss snd-seq snd-rawmidi]
snd-page-alloc  7732   0 [snd-via82xx snd-pcm]
snd40868   0 [snd-seq-midi
snd-seq-oss snd-seq-midi-event snd-seq snd-pcm-oss
snd-mixer-oss snd-via82xx snd-ac97-codec snd-pcm
snd-timer snd-mpu401-uart snd-rawmidi snd-seq-device]
soundcore   6276   0 [snd]
--- lsmod output ---

--- /etc/modules.conf ---
above snd-via82xx snd-pcm-oss
alias sound-slot-0 snd-via82xx
--- /etc/modules.conf ---

But I can't set mixer, here is what I got:


alsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default:
Permission denied

How can I fix it, kmix has the same problem?


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[expert] wrong CPU speed?

2003-06-06 Thread Vincent Chen
Dear all,

I have a IBM ThinkPad 560Z notebook equipped with PII
300 CPU. It works reasonablely under winodws 98 but
really slow under mandrake linux 9.1. And I got the
following kernel message:

--- kernel output ---

Initializing CPU#0
Detected 75.588 MHz processor.
Console: colour dummy device 80x25
Calibrating delay loop... 169.57 BogoMIPS
Memory: 93364k/98112k available (1410k kernel code,
4360k reserved, 1118k data,
136k init, 0k highmem)
Dentry cache hash table entries: 16384 (order: 5,
131072 bytes)
Inode cache hash table entries: 8192 (order: 4, 65536
Mount cache hash table entries: 512 (order: 0, 4096
Buffer-cache hash table entries: 4096 (order: 2, 16384
Page-cache hash table entries: 32768 (order: 5, 131072
CPU: L1 I cache: 16K, L1 D cache: 16K
CPU: L2 cache: 512K
Intel machine check architecture supported.
Intel machine check reporting enabled on CPU#0.
CPU: After generic, caps: 0183f9ff 
CPU: Common caps: 0183f9ff 
CPU: Intel Pentium II (Deschutes) stepping 02
Enabling fast FPU save and restore... done.
Checking 'hlt' instruction... OK.
POSIX conformance testing by UNIFIX

--- kernel output ---

Is it possible that my notebook's CPU work at
75.588Mz? If so, how can I fix it?



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[expert] mandrake 9.1 vs. VIA sound

2003-05-27 Thread Vincent Chen
Hi, all

I have a IPC which has sound system base on VIA
82C686. I add the following the to modules.conf

alias sound-slot-0 via82cxxx_audio

kernel seems recognize it:

Via 686a/8233/8235 audio driver 1.9.1-ac2
PCI: Setting latency timer of device 00:07.5 to 64
ac97_codec: AC97 Audio codec, id: ALG16 (ALC200/200P)
via82cxxx: board #1 at 0xD000, IRQ 10

But I can't use kmix to configure volume and no audio
while playing avi file. Is there anything I missed?


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