[expert] mandrakeupdate and security features

2001-01-30 Thread goldengull.net administrator

hi.  i'm running mandrake with high security settings.  i installed the
following packages which are needed to run mandrake update:


however:  it's still not working.  what am i missing?  when i try to run
mandrakeupdate, a screen quickly flashes up, then disappears.  any ideas?


RE: [expert] Virus scanning via postfix

2001-02-04 Thread goldengull.net administrator

you're best bet is to search deja news for [EMAIL PROTECTED]
i'm on this list, and there is much discussion in the archives.


-Original Message-
Bill Kenworthy
Sent: Saturday, February 03, 2001 8:33 AM
To: Linux-Mandrake - Expert
Subject: [expert] Virus scanning via postfix

Hi, has anyone been able to get the Mandrake configured postix in 7.2 to
virus scan.  In particular I am looking at using anomy, then eventally
using that to call AVP.  I had go at this some months ago and failed, so
now I am looking for some hints as to the best way to go about this. 
Searching the postfix site/anomy/web hasnt helped much.  The stup
basicly collects mail from one ISP for one user.  All other members of
the family then access this via imap/netscape which does the actual
filtering into appropriate mailboxes.


RE: [expert] Trouble with PHP update

2001-02-05 Thread goldengull.net administrator

assuming i do remove all my php packages and reinstall with the updated
will i lose the /etc/php.ini and other similar files?

i just don't want to get stuck with php not working in apache or something
like that.

i'm assuming that since the update cones from mandrake, they config the RPMs
install without problems (mostly)



Digital Wokan wrote:
> You have no idea how many have been through this now.
> The most efficient way to fix this is as follows.
> 1. Download a copy of the latest PHP rpms from the official mirror
> (don't forget mod_php if you use it as opposed to CGI).
> 2. Remove your current PHP rpms (rpm -e all of them)
> 3. Install your downloaded rpms.
> The problem stems from the scripts invoked in the 4.0.3pl1 rpms.  Since
> these are already committed to CD-ROM, there's little to be done about
> it now except pass on the word to everyone doing the update about the
> remove/reinstall requirement.

> > I have configured my PHP4.0.3pl1-1mdk with
> > postgres database module.
> >
> > Security updates to  PHP4.0.4pl1-1.2mdk is
> > currently available, but when I do the
> > update using "Mandrake Update" postgresqlcommands
> > in PHP script do not work.
> >
> > Does anyone have the same problem?
> > Is there a solution to allow update and
> > also get the postgresql calls in my
> > PHP script to work.
> >
> > Thanks in advance.
> >
> > Venkatesh

RE: [expert] Trouble with PHP update

2001-02-06 Thread goldengull.net administrator

i uninstalled all the packages, then installed the new ones.
every time i did that it ran checks to make sure apache didn't junk out.
it worked very well.

rpm -e packagename
rpm -i newpackagename


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Vincent Danen
Sent: Tuesday, February 06, 2001 12:50 AM
Subject: Re: [expert] Trouble with PHP update

On Mon Feb 05, 2001 at 05:10:52PM -0500, goldengull.net administrator wrote:

> assuming i do remove all my php packages and reinstall with the updated
> RPMs:
> will i lose the /etc/php.ini and other similar files?
> i just don't want to get stuck with php not working in apache or something
> like that.
> i'm assuming that since the update cones from mandrake, they config the
> to
> install without problems (mostly)
> whee.

I have tested the latest php update rpms and they work fine over
here.  Once the php-mysql module gave me difficulties (it commented
itself out in the /etc/php.ini file), but the other times it did not
(I still haven't figured this one out).

Realistically, you should not have to uninstall anything.  Simply
update the PHP rpms, and then double-check your /etc/php.ini to make
sure that all the modules you have installed are uncommented.  Then
restart Apache to ensure that everything gets loaded fresh and you
should be fine.

[EMAIL PROTECTED], OpenPGP key available on www.keyserver.net
1024D/FE6F2AFD   88D8 0D23 8D4B 3407 5BD7  66F9 2043 D0E5 FE6F 2AFD
 - Danen Consulting Serviceswww.danen.net, www.freezer-burn.org
 - MandrakeSoft, Inc. Security  www.linux-mandrake.com

Current Linux kernel 2.4.0-12mdk uptime: 4 days 23 hours 54 minutes.

[expert] mysql update

2001-02-06 Thread goldengull.net administrator

i'm having a hideous time updating mysql here.  i downloaded all the
packages from a ftp mirror when i read about the php/mysql update.  php
installed fine, although i had to rpm -e the old packages before i installed
the new.  (i won't get into this any more.  it's been discussed)


due to my problems with mandrakeupdate dumping the core when i try to run it
on all my machines, i have to dl packages manually and install them with

when i goto install MySQL, i get lots of error messages:

[root@web transfer]# rpm -Fvh MySQL-3.23.31-1.1mdk.i586.rpm
file /usr/bin/mysqlbug from install of MySQL-3.23.31-1.1mdk conflicts with
file from package MySQL-client-3.23.23-1mdk
[root@web transfer]# rpm -Fvh MySQL-client-3.23.31-1.1mdk.i586.rpm
error: failed dependencies:
libmysqlclient.so.10 is needed by MySQL-client-3.23.31-1.1mdk
[root@web transfer]# rpm -e MySQL-client
error: removing these packages would break dependencies:
MySQL-client is needed by MySQL-3.23.23-1mdk
MySQL-client is needed by MySQL-bench-3.23.23-1mdk
[root@web transfer]# rpm -e MySQL-3.23.23
error: removing these packages would break dependencies:
MySQL >= 3.23 is needed by perl-Mysql-1.22_15-3mdk
[root@web transfer]#

i can't seem to get the new packages to install or the old ones to
uninstall.  what am i missing here?  i don't have rpm package manager
installed on my servers (high security).  prehaps that would help?  what is
the name of the rpm to install for that?

'preciate the help.


RE: [expert] mysql update

2001-02-06 Thread goldengull.net administrator

i was able to uninstall the packages you listed below by running
rpm -e --nodeps oldpackagename

however, when i goto install the new server i get:

[root@web transfer]# rpm -i MySQL-client-3.23.31-1.1mdk.i586.rpm
error: failed dependencies:
libmysqlclient.so.10 is needed by MySQL-client-3.23.31-1.1mdk

again.  :/

i've been rooting through archives and other docs, and can't seem to find
any clues.  thanks for everyone's help though.  this list has been good.
any more ideas?


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Altoine B.
Sent: Tuesday, February 06, 2001 4:13 PM
Subject: Re: [expert] mysql update

"goldengull.net administrator" wrote:
> i'm having a hideous time updating mysql here.  i downloaded all the
> packages from a ftp mirror when i read about the php/mysql update.  php
> installed fine, although i had to rpm -e the old packages before i
> the new.  (i won't get into this any more.  it's been discussed)
> but
> due to my problems with mandrakeupdate dumping the core when i try to run
> on all my machines, i have to dl packages manually and install them with
> rpm.
> when i goto install MySQL, i get lots of error messages:
> [root@web transfer]# rpm -Fvh MySQL-3.23.31-1.1mdk.i586.rpm
> file /usr/bin/mysqlbug from install of MySQL-3.23.31-1.1mdk conflicts with
> file from package MySQL-client-3.23.23-1mdk
> [root@web transfer]# rpm -Fvh MySQL-client-3.23.31-1.1mdk.i586.rpm
> error: failed dependencies:
> libmysqlclient.so.10 is needed by MySQL-client-3.23.31-1.1mdk
> [root@web transfer]# rpm -e MySQL-client
> error: removing these packages would break dependencies:
> MySQL-client is needed by MySQL-3.23.23-1mdk
> MySQL-client is needed by MySQL-bench-3.23.23-1mdk
> [root@web transfer]# rpm -e MySQL-3.23.23
> error: removing these packages would break dependencies:
> MySQL >= 3.23 is needed by perl-Mysql-1.22_15-3mdk
> [root@web transfer]#
> i can't seem to get the new packages to install or the old ones to
> uninstall.  what am i missing here?  i don't have rpm package manager
> installed on my servers (high security).  prehaps that would help?  what
> the name of the rpm to install for that?
> 'preciate the help.
> mg

Try this method:

rpm -e perl-Mysql-1.22_15-3mdk
rpm -e MySQL-bench-3.23.23-1mdk
rpm -e MySQL-3.23.23-1mdk
rpm -e MySQL-client

Do that in this order and you should be ok.

-- Al


  .--. `
  |__| .---.   Altoine Barker
  |=.| |.-.|   Maximum Time, Inc
  |--| ||$SEND||   Chicago Based Enterprise
  |  | |'-'|   http://www.maximumtime.com

RE: [expert] mysql update - thank you

2001-02-06 Thread goldengull.net administrator

it complained at me about perl-Mysql, but i silenced it with a --nodeps then
all the other packages worked fine.   thanks all for the help.

now i just need to learn MySQL and php to test the update :P


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Altoine B.
Sent: Tuesday, February 06, 2001 4:34 PM
Subject: Re: [expert] mysql update

Vincent Danen wrote:
> On Tue Feb 06, 2001 at 03:52:45PM -0500, goldengull.net administrator
> > when i goto install MySQL, i get lots of error messages:
> >
> > [root@web transfer]# rpm -Fvh MySQL-3.23.31-1.1mdk.i586.rpm
> > file /usr/bin/mysqlbug from install of MySQL-3.23.31-1.1mdk conflicts
> > file from package MySQL-client-3.23.23-1mdk
> > [root@web transfer]# rpm -Fvh MySQL-client-3.23.31-1.1mdk.i586.rpm
> > error: failed dependencies:
> > libmysqlclient.so.10 is needed by MySQL-client-3.23.31-1.1mdk
> > [root@web transfer]# rpm -e MySQL-client
> > error: removing these packages would break dependencies:
> > MySQL-client is needed by MySQL-3.23.23-1mdk
> > MySQL-client is needed by MySQL-bench-3.23.23-1mdk
> > [root@web transfer]# rpm -e MySQL-3.23.23
> > error: removing these packages would break dependencies:
> > MySQL >= 3.23 is needed by perl-Mysql-1.22_15-3mdk
> > [root@web transfer]#
> >
> > i can't seem to get the new packages to install or the old ones to
> > uninstall.  what am i missing here?  i don't have rpm package manager
> > installed on my servers (high security).  prehaps that would help?  what
> > the name of the rpm to install for that?
> Don't do them one at a time.  Do a "rpm -Fvh MySQL*" and you should be ok.
> --
> [EMAIL PROTECTED], OpenPGP key available on www.keyserver.net
> 1024D/FE6F2AFD   88D8 0D23 8D4B 3407 5BD7  66F9 2043 D0E5 FE6F 2AFD
>  - Danen Consulting Serviceswww.danen.net, www.freezer-burn.org
>  - MandrakeSoft, Inc. Security  www.linux-mandrake.com
> Current Linux kernel 2.4.0-12mdk uptime: 5 days 15 hours 23 minutes.
> Get your free domain name and domain-based e-mail from
> Namezero.com. New!  Namezero Plus domains now available.
> Find out more at: http://www.namezero.com

But then again...
You should know best. You work there.
-- Al


  .--. `
  |__| .---.   Altoine Barker
  |=.| |.-.|   Maximum Time, Inc
  |--| ||$SEND||   Chicago Based Enterprise
  |  | |'-'|   http://www.maximumtime.com

RE: [expert] mysql update - thank you

2001-02-06 Thread goldengull.net administrator

indeed.  i did install that.  caught it at the last minute.


You should install that perl-MySQL package. I have it, maybe, you
should, too!

-- Al

  .--. `   
  |__| .---.   Altoine Barker
  |=.| |.-.|   Maximum Time, Inc
  |--| ||$SEND||   Chicago Based Enterprise
  |  | |'-'|   http://www.maximumtime.com   

RE: [expert] can't connect to Webmin on LM7.2

2001-02-07 Thread goldengull.net administrator

contrary to the message you get when you type 'webmin' at the prompt, you
need to goto the url:


the https is important.
also, make sure the service is running by going into linuxconf.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Doug Gough
Sent: Wednesday, February 07, 2001 1:01 PM
Subject: [expert] can't connect to Webmin on LM7.2

Hopefully, this isn't too much of a newbie question.

I have a fresh install of Linux Mandrake 7.2, which will not allow me to
connect to Webmin from the local console or from another workstation on my
LAN. I can't find much in the way of documentation, especially for
troubleshooting. So my first request would be for a comprehensive source of
documentation. What I've found at the Webmin site and Caldera have been
precious little use, but I have tried what they suggest. Logging in to
localhost:1 doesn't work, and results in this error message -
connection to host localhost is broken. I have tried with Apache running
and not running. I have checked the miniserv config file, and all seems
well except for the following entries which are seemingly incomplete.


Any help would be greatly appreciated. We are trying to build a new mail
and file server for our school, and I am trying to convince my superiors
that we don't need yet another NT server.

Doug Gough
Computer Services
Pacific Academy

RE: [expert] Alternative to postfix

2001-02-08 Thread goldengull.net administrator

postfix is a very very good mailer.  i suggest that you join
[EMAIL PROTECTED] .  they answered all my questions very rapidly,
and now i'm running postfix on all my servers.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Christian A
Strømmen [Number1/NumeroUno]
Sent: Thursday, February 08, 2001 9:37 AM
Subject: [expert] Alternative to postfix

I've been trying to get postfix to work on a server that I'm running, but
after much twiddling and much lingering about I can't seem to get to
the mail from the server,  I've posted mails about this on this list before,
but didn't get any answers that worked for me.

So now I've decided to use another mailserver, but when trying to start
sendmail it just starts up postfix...  What can I do?  How do I fix this ?

\ Christian A Strømmen /
\ Number1/NumeroUno @ Undernet - Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] /
\ Web: www.realityx.net - Cell: +47 911 43 948 /
   Live your life by your dreams,
     not by the limits of reality...

RE: [expert] Alternative to postfix

2001-02-08 Thread goldengull.net administrator


Feb  8 15:04:39 mail ipop3d[627]: Login user=mattg host=lost.goldengull.net
[] nmsgs=0/0
Feb  8 15:04:41 mail ipop3d[627]: Logout user=mattg host=lost.goldengull.net
[] nmsgs=0 ndele=0


postfix runs on my mail server.  it recieves and sends mail.  it holds it
until a pop CLIENT tears it away.  ipop3d comes with LM7.2.  maybe that is
what you are looking for?


> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Christian A
> Strømmen [Number1/NumeroUno]
> Sent: Thursday, February 08, 2001 11:49 AM
> Subject: Re: [expert] Alternative to postfix
> On Thursday 08 February 2001 16:49, you wrote:
> > postfix is a very very good mailer.  i suggest that you join
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] .  they answered all my questions
> very rapidly,
> > and now i'm running postfix on all my servers.
> postfix, as I've learned, is not a pop server, eg. I can not
> download mail
> from it.  So I'm asking for a pop server :)
> --
> \ Christian A Strømmen /
> \ Number1/NumeroUno @ Undernet - Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] /
> \ Web: www.realityx.net - Cell: +47 911 43 948 /
>    Live your life by your dreams,
>      not by the limits of reality...

RE: [expert] Dhcpd and Win clients?

2001-02-08 Thread goldengull.net administrator

they either have to reboot or release/renew.  otherwise it won't get the new
IP address until it's renewal time.  that varies from DHCPd server to DHCPd



> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Stephen Carville
> Sent: Thursday, February 08, 2001 11:48 AM
> Subject: Re: [expert] Dhcpd and Win clients?
> On Thu, 8 Feb 2001, Alen Salamun wrote:
> - Hi!
> -
> - I am running dhcpd on Mandrake for a small network. Whenever
> someone brings
> - a nootebook (Win98) and connects it to the network, nootebook
> first tries to
> - use the IP it got on other network over DHCP. Since the IP it
> uses on other
> - network is used here by another machine, it doesn't work. If I try to
> - release all and reget dhcp info on nootebook it get's the right IP and
> - works.
> -
> - Is there any way to make the nootebook work without this
> "release all/reget
> - all" stuff?
> Probably not.  This is a problem with the Windows DHCP client rather
> than a server side issue.  IIRC, it is because the Windows client does
> not react correctly to the DHCPDENY message.
> --
> --Stephen Carville
> http://www.heronforge.net/~stephen/gnupgkey.txt
> ==
> All religions are equally vile. What the Aztecs did with people's
> hearts, Judaeo-Christianity does with their minds.
> L. Neil Smith
> ==

[expert] recommendations for LM

2001-02-08 Thread goldengull.net administrator

i'm not sure where do post this, or email it to.

i have some comments about postfix, which ships with LM7.2
it should contain a series of sample files that ship with the source, but
not with postfix for mandrake.  one file is "sample-virtual.cf"  which
explains the process of maintaining virtual hosts in postfix.

any reason why they were omitted from LM7.2?  whoever maintains the
RPM/package for mandrake should consider putting these sample files back in.



[expert] proftpd DoS vulnerability

2001-02-08 Thread goldengull.net administrator

is mandrake planning on issuing a security update for this?



RE: [expert] Stupid question

2001-02-22 Thread goldengull.net administrator

cat /proc/version

> -Original Message-
> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of
> Marsden MacRae
> Sent: Thursday, February 22, 2001 12:31 PM
> Subject: [expert] Stupid question
> I'm having a "duh" moment herehow do I tell which version of
> Mandrake I've installed? Augh! Stop Laughing
> M

RE: [expert] webmin

2001-02-22 Thread goldengull.net administrator

no.  root doesn't work.  i don't have any users in webmin, including root,
so i can't log in.  i guess i'm going to have to uninstall the rpm and
reinstall it.  unless you have another idea...


> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Franki
> Sent: Thursday, February 22, 2001 10:46 AM
> Subject: RE: [expert] webmin
> does root work?
> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of goldengull.net
> administrator
> Sent: Thursday, 22 February 2001 4:23 AM
> To: mandrake user
> Subject: [expert] webmin
> i erased my only user in webmin. *takes a bow*
> how can i fix?  i tried running the setup script again, but no such luck.
> mg

RE: [expert] dhcp config help needed

2001-03-02 Thread goldengull.net administrator

when you run dhcpd type:

dhcpd eth0

that will run it on your first ethernet device.

any other device:


see ya.

> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Doug Gough
> Sent: Thursday, March 01, 2001 8:10 PM
> Subject: [expert] dhcp config help needed
> Hi,
> I'm trying to set up the dhcp server, but I don't know how to 
> define which 
> interface I want it to listen on.  The rest of the setup is straight 
> forward, but that bit of information eludes me. Any help would be 
> appreciated.
> Thanks
> Doug Gough
> Computer Services
> Pacific Academy

[expert] cron jobs question

2001-03-02 Thread goldengull.net administrator

how do i get my hourly cron jobs to not mail me.  this is killing my email!
i don't mind daily or weekly, but hourly is a little to expensive.


RE: [expert] cron jobs question

2001-03-02 Thread goldengull.net administrator

that is what i was afraid of.


> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Thomas Sourmail
> Sent: Friday, March 02, 2001 12:26 PM
> To: mandrake user
> Subject: Re: [expert] cron jobs question
> On Fri, 2 Mar 2001, goldengull.net administrator wrote:
> > how do i get my hourly cron jobs to not mail me.  this is 
> killing my email!
> > i don't mind daily or weekly, but hourly is a little to expensive.
> > 
> man 5 crontab
> You can define, in your crontab, MAILTO="" to prevent cron from mailing
> you, but, as far as I know, you can not do set it for a particular line.
> Thomas.

RE: [expert] dhcp config help needed

2001-03-02 Thread goldengull.net administrator

then type

dhcpd eth1

to have it run on the eth1 card.
or see the bottom of http://www.isc.org/products/DHCP/ for faq/mailing


> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Doug Gough
> Sent: Friday, March 02, 2001 1:36 PM
> Subject: RE: [expert] dhcp config help needed
> The only instructions I can find are the man pages. There is no
> DHCP howto,
> although there might be after I figure all of this out :-) The server is
> straight forward to set up, except for this one detail. I want it to
> function as a normal DHCP, giving IPs to all the computers on the
> LAN side
> (eth1) but not on the WAN side (eth0) There is no obvious way to
> do this in
> DrakConf, LinuxConf, or in the man pages (unless I'm missing something
> painfully obvious). So the question still stands; how do I get it
> to listen
> on eth1 but not on eth0? I could just use static IPs since I'm
> only talking
> about 5 workstations, but I'd like to learn how to use DHCP for
> the future.
> Thanks
> Doug Gough
> -Original Message-
> From: Ron Heron [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Friday, March 02, 2001 8:13 AM
> Subject:  Re: [expert] dhcp config help needed
> hi,
> It depends on what you are trying to do.  If you are trying to assign
> dynamic IP's to your lan, you just set it up to listen on the eth of the
> lan network.  Couldn't you just use Drakconf to help you?  Also, check the
> docs (how-to's) and it should give you a 1-2-3 on how to do it.
> Ron
> --- Doug Gough <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I'm trying to set up the dhcp server, but I don't know how to define
> > which
> > interface I want it to listen on.  The rest of the setup is straight
> > forward, but that bit of information eludes me. Any help would be
> > appreciated.
> >
> > Thanks
> > Doug Gough
> > Computer Services
> > Pacific Academy
> >
> >
> >
> =
> ^C
> quit
> :q
> exit
> ?
> help
> shit
> __
> Do You Yahoo!?
> Get email at your own domain with Yahoo! Mail.
> http://personal.mail.yahoo.com/

[expert] postfix updates for mandrake

2001-03-02 Thread goldengull.net administrator

this from the postfix-users list:

I am producing RPMS for postfix for RedHat Linux.
These packages I believe also work on Mandrake linux.

URL:  http://www.pobox.com/~sjmudd/postfix

Latest package postfix-20010225-1.i386.rpm

Note: I'm currently not announcing to this list the updates I apply to the
packages, partly to avoid noise (postfix-users isn't a linux only list).

For those who are interested I maintain a private list of people I notify
when a newer version of the package is released.


Simon J Mudd, Madrid SPAINTel: +34-91-408 4878email:


RE: [expert] MUO Broken

2001-03-07 Thread goldengull.net administrator

i'm not sure if it is maintained by mandrake personell.


> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of William Bouterse
> Sent: Monday, March 05, 2001 12:31 PM
> Subject: [expert] MUO Broken
> Mandrake user.org  has been broken for at least a week now
> Since moving to a new Server it has been down.
> I am very disappointed in Mandrake for this unacceptably long
> lag time in "switching over". It is certainly not a very good
> example to set for those conntemplating using Mandrake's expertise
> in the business world.
> As a long-time Mandrake user;
> I am hoping we will eventually hear a detailed explaination
> of the travails of the administrators/IT personnel involved.
> An excellant "Real World" example of the "CF-Syndrome" perhaps!?
> William Bouterse
> Talkeetna, Ak.

RE: [expert] fortune-mod-1.2.1-1.i386.rpm

2001-03-08 Thread goldengull.net administrator

take a look at your .bash_profile or .bashrc files in your home directory.
comment out appropriate lines.


> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Steve Young
> Sent: Wednesday, March 07, 2001 10:01 PM
> Subject: [expert] fortune-mod-1.2.1-1.i386.rpm
> i installed fortune-mod-1.2.1-1.i386.rpm and now every time i log
> in or run
> a shell script it pops up a fortune, i can't figure out how to turn it off
> but still keep it on my system anyone ever have this problem or
> know a fix?
>  --
> registered linux user #190334

RE: [expert] looking for hardware recommendations

2001-03-08 Thread goldengull.net administrator

i recommend the same setup.  athon/t-bird or duron.
the KT7 is a good mobo too.

(what are you doing with that other box?  ;)  i could use some old parts) 


> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of David Rankin
> Sent: Thursday, March 08, 2001 12:54 PM
> Subject: Re: [expert] looking for hardware recommendations
> I have an Abit KT7 motherboard with a T-bird 800 for my box and 
> Linux/Samba
> screams..
> William Schwartz wrote:
> > I'm going to replace my aging linux box with somethign more 
> modern and I was
> > wondering if there's any problems using an AMD (t-bird or duron) for
> > my linux server.
> >
> > thanks,
> > Bill

RE: [expert] Hello,

2001-03-08 Thread goldengull.net administrator

try the solaris website.  this is a mandrake linux list.
solaris costs money...so you should have a support contract or documentation
at the least.

> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Dave Peat
> Sent: Wednesday, March 07, 2001 5:57 PM
> Subject: [expert] Hello,
> Hello,
> I need to set up a virtual IP address on a SUN box (Solaris 7).
> Can someone tell me how to assign the server multiple IP addresses?
> I have done:
> ipconfig hme0 plumb
> I know I need to type something like:
> ipconfig hme0:1 servername
> Can someone tell me the exact command?
> Thanks for you help,
> Dave Peat
> Registered User #184784

RE: [expert] Web Mail System

2001-03-09 Thread goldengull.net administrator

i use IMP


works well.


> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Stephen Carville
> Sent: Thursday, March 08, 2001 11:48 AM
> To: Mandrake Expert
> Subject: [expert] Web Mail System
> Any recommendations for a good open source web mail systems for Linux?
> Desired characteristics are IMAP support.  I want to set up a system
> for my wife to access her mail from work using a browser.
> -- 
> --Stephen Carville
> http://www.heronforge.net/~stephen/gnupgkey.txt
> ==
> Government is like burning witches:  After years of burning young women
> failed to solve any of society's problems, the solution was to burn more
> young women.
> ==

RE: [expert] Apache error in 2.4 kernel

2001-03-12 Thread goldengull.net administrator

if it was working without a problem...then why switch?


-Original Message-
Sent: Friday, March 09, 2001 12:40 PM
Subject: [expert] Apache error in 2.4 kernel

I've been using Apache on 2.2.x kernels for over a year and never had a
problem with, now I built 2.4.1 and 2.4.2 kernels and Apache gives some mm
error "failed to acquires shared memory segment " or something similar. I
boot back into 2.217 and everything's smooth.  What's the problem?