RE: [expert] 7.0-2 Hardware conflict

2000-07-01 Thread Jose M. Sanchez

His is not an isolated problem.

I also have this problem on a clean install of 7.1.

After viewing 4-5 fonts in Gimp, the fontserver crashes.

It will also crash in Drakconfig's font utility after viewing a few more...
i.e. 8 - 10.

I'm running a rock solid SMP DUAL 450Mhz PIII with 512Megs of RAM.

Gimp is from the Helix-Gnome download, but this also happens in the font


|-Original Message-
|[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Anton Graham
|Sent: Sunday, June 25, 2000 12:16 PM
|Subject: Re: [expert] 7.0-2 Hardware conflict
|Submitted 24-Jun-00 by Pj:
| Anton,
| Ok, I need to clarify myself a little: Font server crashes in GIMP
| everytime I try to select a font. I can click and preview the first
| four fonts in the list without problem. Click and preview number five
| locks the program and creates the error mesage.
|This I cannot reproduce in GIMP 1.1.22.  Could you provide your
|version number so that I can try with that version?

Re: [expert] 7.0-2 Hardware conflict

2000-06-25 Thread Anton Graham

Submitted 24-Jun-00 by Pj:
 Ok, I need to clarify myself a little: Font server crashes in GIMP
 everytime I try to select a font. I can click and preview the first
 four fonts in the list without problem. Click and preview number five
 locks the program and creates the error mesage.

This I cannot reproduce in GIMP 1.1.22.  Could you provide your
version number so that I can try with that version?

 I am not completely familiar with the boot process. I see a comment
 that X number of blocks were cleaned..followed by a statement that
 /dev/hdb1 reached maximal mount count, check forced..I watch the
 percent process. It finishes with the statement that .01% is non
 contiguous. The login finishes in a normal manner

Okay, this is normal behavior.  Essentially Linux keeps track of how
many times a particular partition has been mounted and forces an fsck
at boot time if the number of mounts exceeds a certain number :)  The
message just tells you the result of that check.

 Kppp is configured for server assigned addresses. I have two ISP's. I've
 never had the *reset* problem before, if this is a *normal function* that
 is all I need to know.  

Alright, go into the setup menu for kppp, select one one of the
accounts and click edit.  Select the IP tab in the new window and
ensure that the checkbox at the bottom (Auto-configure hostname from
this IP) is _not_ checked.

 Everytime I log out I see many Gnome error messages. Here is a small
 sample: rm: Cannot remove '/home/ibi/.gnome //gmc-0L6CF2': No such
 file or directory. Gnome VT-warning **: Could not open help topic
 file NULL. Warning: gnome_is_image_filename called, you should use
 gnome mime instead.

Hmm...  So these errors are on your terminal screen when you close the
X session?  If this is the case, they may be errors generated by
applications used within GNOME.  One way to test this is to open a
teminal and run the applications from there.  It is apparent that
*something* is not quite right :/

You said GNOME always starts with two windows open.  Assuming that you
want these two windows open everytime you start GNOME, try closing all
windows, repoen those two and logout checking the save current setup
box.  This *may* remove any extraneous entries from your
~/.gnome/session file.

 BTW, I don't think the AMD CPU is the problem. I am quite unsure
 about the motherboard though. I don't know that I've ever seen the
 TYAN S1590s mentioned in this list. In fact I don't recall any
 Tyan/VIA chip being mentioned here.

I would agree with that assessment.  The only thing I can remember
specifically about VIA chipsets is a kernel compile option with regard
to the onboard drive controllers.

  ( )   *Anton Graham
/(   )X
 (m_m)   GPG ID: 18F78541
Penguin Powered!

Re: [expert] 7.0-2 Hardware conflict

2000-06-25 Thread John Aldrich

On Sat, 24 Jun 2000, you wrote:
 I seem to have a conflict that causes Mdk to perform poorly. No version
 I've tried to date runs well. This includes 6.0, boxed 6.1 PowerPack-which
 wouldn't install the first disk, and 7.0-2. Needless to say I am as
 frustrated as the kind folks who are privately trying to help me. 
Did you try making sure you have the updated initscripts?
That's caused some problems in the past.

 Symptoms: The fontserver crashes in Gnome when I try to select a font from
 the pull down menu. I see many warnings and error messages about the
 screensaver Atlantis in Gnome. The GUI Netscape and Xterm will not open
 once an internet connection has been established. During boot ? is force
 checked. 0.1% is "non contiguous." Gnome help file warning error "NULL"

I don't know how you connect to the 'Net, but KPPP has a
little check box in the setup, under "IP" which has
"autoconfigure hostname from this IP." IF this is checked
in KPPP, you'll get the problems you've described with
programs refusing to open when you're on-line. Not sure
EXACTLY why this happens, but I know it's generally caused
because you've changed the name of your box and now your X
server can't connect

 The monitor was never been correctly identified
 but once configured does not seem to cause any

I generally don't bother with the auto-configured X
settings. IMNSHO, the auto-setup isn't "ready for
primetime" when it comes to setting up X. Maybe it's just
that I like to mix and match hardware, but I've found that
I generally have to use one of the X configuration utils to
set up my X.

 What is the answer and is there a solution? Do I have a timing or hardware
 conflict or a combination? 
Probably a combination of the two. Or, maybe you're
expecting a bit too much from Linux. After all, it's not
quite at the same level of hardware detection and setup as
Windows 9x is. 

Re: [expert] 7.0-2 Hardware conflict

2000-06-25 Thread John Aldrich

On Sat, 24 Jun 2000, you wrote:
 I am not completely familiar with the boot process. I see a comment that X
 number of blocks were cleaned..followed by a statement that /dev/hdb1
 reached maximal mount count, check forced..I watch the percent process. It
 finishes with the statement that .01% is non contiguous. The login finishes
 in a normal manner

This is normal behavior, unless it does it EVERY time.
Think of it as an automatic SCANDISK at bootup. It will do
a QUICK check of the filesystem every time it boots, and a
more thorough check after every few boots, which is one
good reason NOT to reboot frequently, if you can help it,
and to leave the system on 24/7, if it's an option.

 Kppp is configured for server assigned addresses. I have two ISP's. I've
 never had the *reset* problem before, if this is a *normal function* that
 is all I need to know.  

Basically, do NOT check the box that says "autoconfigure
hostname from this IP." If you do, you're changing your
machine name, which means that X programs will no longer be
able to start. 

I'm afraid I can't help with Gnome problems, as I don't use

Re: [expert] 7.0-2 Hardware conflict

2000-06-25 Thread Pj


First, many thanks. The auto configure host name box was checked! I unchecked 

"Atlantis" is the screensaver I have enabled.  

Gimp 1.04; Gnome Panel: 1.0.55; 2.2.14-24mdk_i486 on a i586. 

When X starts I see the blue screen; the Gnome logo; enlightenment
starting; user screen; desktop icons; Gnome Help Index** window and
/home/ibi/directory open. 
**Gnome Users Guide; Error loading ghelp: users-guide not installed.   
TOC: man pages.. OK 
(Aside: I don't think I can prevent these two 'start' windows from opening,
but it sure would be nice.*)

At shut down I see the previously mentioned Gnome errors plus these comments:
xscreensaver-command: no screensaver is running on display :0.0
xscreensaver disabling server builtin screensaver
xscreensaver: you can re-enable it with "xset s on." 

rm: cannot remove /home/ibi/.gnome //gmc-(this number changes each time) 

This is how I create the Gimp lockup: 
1-open Gimp
2-select: new
3-select: default window size
4-select color: red
5-select: alphabet tool. Drop down menu appears with area to type text
6-Type text: "Test" 
7-Select first font and preview. Do not select font. 
8-Repeat font selection and preview. Do not select font. 
9-Select fifth font. *No preview.* Gimp Locks up. 


At 09:15 AM 6/25/00 -0700, you wrote:
Submitted 24-Jun-00 by Pj:
This I cannot reproduce in GIMP 1.1.22.  Could you provide your
version number so that I can try with that version?

 I am not completely familiar with the boot process. I see a comment
 that X number of blocks were cleaned..followed by a statement that
 /dev/hdb1 reached maximal mount count, check forced..I watch the
 percent process. It finishes with the statement that .01% is non
 contiguous. The login finishes in a normal manner

Okay, this is normal behavior.  Essentially Linux keeps track of how
many times a particular partition has been mounted and forces an fsck
at boot time if the number of mounts exceeds a certain number :)  The
message just tells you the result of that check.

 Kppp is configured for server assigned addresses. I have two ISP's. I've
 never had the *reset* problem before, if this is a *normal function* that
 is all I need to know.  

Alright, go into the setup menu for kppp, select one one of the
accounts and click edit.  Select the IP tab in the new window and
ensure that the checkbox at the bottom (Auto-configure hostname from
this IP) is _not_ checked.

 Everytime I log out I see many Gnome error messages. 

Hmm...  So these errors are on your terminal screen when you close the
X session?  If this is the case, they may be errors generated by
applications used within GNOME.  One way to test this is to open a
teminal and run the applications from there.  It is apparent that
*something* is not quite right :/

You said GNOME always starts with two windows open.  Assuming that you
want these two windows open everytime you start GNOME, try closing all
windows, repoen those two and logout checking the save current setup
box.  This *may* remove any extraneous entries from your
~/.gnome/session file.

Re: [expert] 7.0-2 Hardware conflict

2000-06-25 Thread Pj


Thanks for the reply. I'm leaning toward a combination problem: me and ?

I don't think I expect too much from Linux. This is like any other
new-to-me OS. I'm working my way thru conflicts and learning from the seat
of my pants.
I do feel however, I should be able to connect to the internet, use email
and have some type of stable desktop without locking up or crashing
everytime I start X. I do not want to point a finger I only want to correct
the problems or understand the methodology if it isn't a *problem* that I

I did uncheck the autoconfigure host box as suggested. To answer your
question I haven't been able to get back online to update any versions of
Gnome or Gimp. I think you're right about the CRT and Xconfigurator. My
current monitor configuration seems to be ok. 

I hope Linux never drops to the level of micro-sloth. The only reason to
have Mdk is so I can install a system that suits me and not a billion other
users. I love Mandrake..warts and all.. but the process of elimination sure
is frustrating. 


At 03:28 PM 6/25/00 -0400, you wrote:
On Sat, 24 Jun 2000, you wrote:
 I seem to have a conflict that causes Mdk to perform poorly. No version
 I've tried to date runs well. This includes 6.0, boxed 6.1 PowerPack-which
 wouldn't install the first disk, and 7.0-2. Needless to say I am as
 frustrated as the kind folks who are privately trying to help me. 
Did you try making sure you have the updated initscripts?
That's caused some problems in the past.

 Symptoms: The fontserver crashes in Gnome when I try to select a font from
 the pull down menu. I see many warnings and error messages about the
 screensaver Atlantis in Gnome. The GUI Netscape and Xterm will not open
 once an internet connection has been established. During boot ? is force
 checked. 0.1% is "non contiguous." Gnome help file warning error "NULL"

I don't know how you connect to the 'Net, but KPPP has a
little check box in the setup, under "IP" which has
"autoconfigure hostname from this IP." IF this is checked
in KPPP, you'll get the problems you've described with
programs refusing to open when you're on-line. Not sure
EXACTLY why this happens, but I know it's generally caused
because you've changed the name of your box and now your X
server can't connect

 The monitor was never been correctly identified
 but once configured does not seem to cause any

I generally don't bother with the auto-configured X
settings. IMNSHO, the auto-setup isn't "ready for
primetime" when it comes to setting up X. Maybe it's just
that I like to mix and match hardware, but I've found that
I generally have to use one of the X configuration utils to
set up my X.

 What is the answer and is there a solution? Do I have a timing or hardware
 conflict or a combination? 
Probably a combination of the two. Or, maybe you're
expecting a bit too much from Linux. After all, it's not
quite at the same level of hardware detection and setup as
Windows 9x is. 

Re: [expert] 7.0-2 Hardware conflict

2000-06-25 Thread Pj

Hi John,

Ok..your explanation may resolve some problems. I suspected some kind of
scaning was going on. Unfotunately, I can't run linux 24/7 until I move
from W9x completely. 

Generally I am in Linux a couple of times a day. One of the things I was
taught in Winblows is... if I have lockups and errors to reboot because in
theory it resets the registry. Yes, I know Linux doesn't have a registry,
but what I don't know is.. if Linux needs to be rebooted because of errors? 


At 04:06 PM 6/25/00 -0400, you wrote:
On Sat, 24 Jun 2000, you wrote:
 I am not completely familiar with the boot process. I see a comment that X
 number of blocks were cleaned..followed by a statement that /dev/hdb1
 reached maximal mount count, check forced..I watch the percent process. It
 finishes with the statement that .01% is non contiguous. The login finishes
 in a normal manner

This is normal behavior, unless it does it EVERY time.
Think of it as an automatic SCANDISK at bootup. It will do
a QUICK check of the filesystem every time it boots, and a
more thorough check after every few boots, which is one
good reason NOT to reboot frequently, if you can help it,
and to leave the system on 24/7, if it's an option.

 Kppp is configured for server assigned addresses. I have two ISP's. I've
 never had the *reset* problem before, if this is a *normal function* that
 is all I need to know.  

Basically, do NOT check the box that says "autoconfigure
hostname from this IP." If you do, you're changing your
machine name, which means that X programs will no longer be
able to start. 

I'm afraid I can't help with Gnome problems, as I don't use

Re: [expert] 7.0-2 Hardware conflict

2000-06-25 Thread John Aldrich

On Sun, 25 Jun 2000, you wrote:
 First, many thanks. The auto configure host name box was checked! I unchecked 
Well, that oughta take care of the problem of not being
able to open programs. :-) Good luck with the rest!

Re: [expert] 7.0-2 Hardware conflict

2000-06-25 Thread John Aldrich

On Sun, 25 Jun 2000, you wrote:
 Generally I am in Linux a couple of times a day. One of the things I was
 taught in Winblows is... if I have lockups and errors to reboot because in
 theory it resets the registry. Yes, I know Linux doesn't have a registry,
 but what I don't know is.. if Linux needs to be rebooted because of errors? 
It depends on what's erroring. :-)
You MIGHT try booting to console mode and learn the "guts"
of Linux first. Many of the graphical programs you're using
are just "graphical front-ends" to console based programs.
If you learn how to make the console programs work, you
should be able to get the GUI programs to work. :-)

For example, you can use ppp-on to go on-line and retrieve
updated packages. Sure there's more to configure and it's
not all in one nice neat package like KPPP, but it'll get
you on-line. :-) OTOH, we seem to have resolved THAT
problem for now... ;-)

[expert] 7.0-2 Hardware conflict

2000-06-24 Thread Pj

I seem to have a conflict that causes Mdk to perform poorly. No version
I've tried to date runs well. This includes 6.0, boxed 6.1 PowerPack-which
wouldn't install the first disk, and 7.0-2. Needless to say I am as
frustrated as the kind folks who are privately trying to help me. 

Symptoms: The fontserver crashes in Gnome when I try to select a font from
the pull down menu. I see many warnings and error messages about the
screensaver Atlantis in Gnome. The GUI Netscape and Xterm will not open
once an internet connection has been established. During boot ? is force
checked. 0.1% is "non contiguous." Gnome help file warning error "NULL"

The monitor was never been correctly identified but once configured does
not seem to cause any problems. 

Tyan S1590s/VIA chipset AT motherboard; K2-500 CPU; 160 P-100 RAM.
2-Western Digital Caviar drives; 1-Seagate harddrive. All 5400 spin speed. 
Hi-Val CD-ROM; generic floppy.
Sound Blaster AWE16. 
Aopen S3Virge PCI or Diamond S3Trio AGP. PCI in use currently. 
Digiview HR 70+ 17" multisync capable.
Deere brand 250watt AT power supply. 

hda1: 3.2GB WD /boot(LILO)19MG   
Winblows 98 (bad block in G partition.
hdb1: 8.4 WD /swap  Mdk
hdb3: .850 Seagate Winblows

Distro: Mdk7.0-2. 
Monitor 800x600 and 100dpi font 
Installed: Openssh, Openssl mdk-rpm
Window Manager: Gnome / Enlightenment. 

What is the answer and is there a solution? Do I have a timing or hardware
conflict or a combination? 

Thanks for the help, 



Re: [expert] 7.0-2 Hardware conflict

2000-06-24 Thread Anton Graham

Submitted 24-Jun-00 by Pj:
 Symptoms: The fontserver crashes in Gnome when I try to select a font from
 the pull down menu.

Which application?

 The GUI Netscape and Xterm will not open once an internet connection
 has been established.

This *sounds* like the problem that crops up when kppp (or any other
dialer) is configured to reset your host name upon connect.  After
that, X programs no longer have permission to start on your machine.

 During boot ? is force checked. 0.1% is "non contiguous."

Is that question mark what is displayed or ?  0.1% non contiguous is
just an informative message and can be ignored.

 Gnome help file warning error "NULL"

Umm... When do you see this?  What actions lead up to it?
  ( )   *Anton Graham
/(   )X
 (m_m)   GPG ID: 18F78541
Penguin Powered!

Re: [expert] 7.0-2 Hardware conflict

2000-06-24 Thread Pj


Ok, I need to clarify myself a little: Font server crashes in GIMP
everytime I try to select a font. I can click and preview the first four
fonts in the list without problem. Click and preview number five locks the
program and creates the error mesage. 

I am not completely familiar with the boot process. I see a comment that X
number of blocks were cleaned..followed by a statement that /dev/hdb1
reached maximal mount count, check forced..I watch the percent process. It
finishes with the statement that .01% is non contiguous. The login finishes
in a normal manner

Kppp is configured for server assigned addresses. I have two ISP's. I've
never had the *reset* problem before, if this is a *normal function* that
is all I need to know.  

I don't know what precipitates the Gnome errors. I get the same error even
if I do nothing more than play solitaire and log out. [Gnome always starts
with two windows open.] 

Everytime I log out I see many Gnome error messages. Here is a small sample:
rm: Cannot remove '/home/ibi/.gnome //gmc-0L6CF2': No such file or directory.
Gnome VT-warning **: Could not open help topic file NULL. 
Warning: gnome_is_image_filename called, you should use gnome mime instead. 

BTW, I don't think the AMD CPU is the problem. I am quite unsure about the
motherboard though. I don't know that I've ever seen the TYAN S1590s
mentioned in this list. In fact I don't recall any Tyan/VIA chip being
mentioned here.  

Thanks to our list for your continuing support, 


At 02:34 PM 6/24/00 -0700, you wrote:
Submitted 24-Jun-00 by Pj:
 Symptoms: The fontserver crashes in Gnome when I try to select a font from
 the pull down menu.

Which application?

 The GUI Netscape and Xterm will not open once an internet connection
 has been established.

This *sounds* like the problem that crops up when kppp (or any other
dialer) is configured to reset your host name upon connect.  After
that, X programs no longer have permission to start on your machine.

 During boot ? is force checked. 0.1% is "non contiguous."

Is that question mark what is displayed or ?  0.1% non contiguous is
just an informative message and can be ignored.

 Gnome help file warning error "NULL"

Umm... When do you see this?  What actions lead up to it?
  ( )   *Anton Graham
/(   )X
 (m_m)   GPG ID: 18F78541
Penguin Powered!