Re: [expert] nVidia question

2001-01-10 Thread Chris Spencer

On Wed, 10 Jan 2001, Darin wrote:

> Chris,
>Thanks for the pointer.. That got it working for me.. I can now play UT...
> Thanks again

Good stuff. Glad I could help. Getting UT working nicely under Linux was
the last nail in the coffin for my Windows partition. A great feeling. :)


Re: [expert] nVidia question

2001-01-10 Thread Darin

On Tuesday 09 January 2001 17:33, you wrote:

> Secondly, if the above situation does not apply to you, try disabling AGP
> by doing the following. In the "Screen" section of your XF86Config-4 file
> add the line:
> Option "NvAgp" "0"
> This info is in the Nvidia FAQ and with my AMD-751 mobo I have to add this
> line in order for X to work correctly. Hope this helps...
> -Chris

   Thanks for the pointer.. That got it working for me.. I can now play UT...

Thanks again

Re: [expert] nVidia question

2001-01-09 Thread Jerry Sternesky

On Tuesday 09 January 2001 06:49, you wrote:

Did you install the nvidia drivers from the rpm or tar files?  If you 
installed the rpm's there may be an issue with it not being for the right 
kernel.  Last I checked the mandrake rpms were for  7.1.  So if you are 
running 7.2, you might want to double check the rpm version, since agpgart is 
kernel specific and if it is not for the kernel you are running uninstall the 
rpm and use the tar files, get both the glx and kernel ones.  I have always 
had better luck using the tar files and running make, it compiles the drivers 
for the system kernel you are running.

I can't help you with the AMD-751 chipset, I have an intel bx board and all 
runs well on this, plus my card is from creative.

But check a couple of things:

In /etc/modules.conf do you have the following?
options agpgart agp_try_unsupported=1
alias char-major-195 NVdriver

In XF86Config-4, you are running x 4.01 I hope.

under the modules section
check for:

Load glx

Also, under device for your video card did you change Driver "nv" to "nvidia"?

These are some keys things, but from what you are describing I really have to 
lean towards agpgart or an irq conflict giving you grief.  Did x start before 
you added the nvidia drivers?

Hope this helps


> Hi,
>I've tried following the suggestions on the MandrakeUser site, the
> nVidia site, and any others I could find out there..  I still cannot get
> the bloody thing to work..
>One question:  Is there a known problem with the nVidia kernel driver
> and the AMD Irongate 751 chipset?  I notice that when it loads, it loads an
> AGPGART driver also.. Does this work with the AMD-751 chipset?
> I have the following config:
> FIC-SD11 motherboard with Athlon 700 not overclocked
> 256 meg Micron PC-133 SDRAM
> Guillemot Maxi Gamer Xentor 32 TNT2 Ultra 175/183
> Soundcard with Aureal Vortex2 chipset
> Creative Labs 5x DVD
> Sony CRX-140E CD-R
> WD 10.2 gig EIDE
> D-Link 530TX 10/100 Ethernet
> I can get everything working just fine except for the nVidia drivers..
> After following any of the instructions out there, I get a blank screen and
> a locked system when I try to start X from the console.
> If anyone has any ideas at all, I'd appreciate hearing them..
> Thanks..
> Darin -

Re: [expert] nVidia question

2001-01-09 Thread Chris Spencer

On Tue, 9 Jan 2001, Darin wrote:

> Hi,
>I've tried following the suggestions on the MandrakeUser site, the nVidia
> site, and any others I could find out there..  I still cannot get the bloody
> thing to work..
>One question:  Is there a known problem with the nVidia kernel driver and
> the AMD Irongate 751 chipset?  I notice that when it loads, it loads an
> AGPGART driver also.. Does this work with the AMD-751 chipset?

I have a 751 chipset mobo myself and have the Nvidia drivers working
fine. There are two things you need to be aware of with the drivers.
First, they do not support any resolutions higher than 1024x768. So if
your current XF86Config-4 file is configured for a higher resolution, for
example 1280x1024, then your machine will hang when X starts.

Secondly, if the above situation does not apply to you, try disabling AGP
by doing the following. In the "Screen" section of your XF86Config-4 file
add the line:

Option "NvAgp" "0"

This info is in the Nvidia FAQ and with my AMD-751 mobo I have to add this
line in order for X to work correctly. Hope this helps...


[expert] nVidia question

2001-01-09 Thread Darin

   I've tried following the suggestions on the MandrakeUser site, the nVidia 
site, and any others I could find out there..  I still cannot get the bloody 
thing to work..
   One question:  Is there a known problem with the nVidia kernel driver and 
the AMD Irongate 751 chipset?  I notice that when it loads, it loads an 
AGPGART driver also.. Does this work with the AMD-751 chipset?

I have the following config:

FIC-SD11 motherboard with Athlon 700 not overclocked
256 meg Micron PC-133 SDRAM
Guillemot Maxi Gamer Xentor 32 TNT2 Ultra 175/183
Soundcard with Aureal Vortex2 chipset
Creative Labs 5x DVD
Sony CRX-140E CD-R
WD 10.2 gig EIDE
D-Link 530TX 10/100 Ethernet

I can get everything working just fine except for the nVidia drivers.. After 
following any of the instructions out there, I get a blank screen and a 
locked system when I try to start X from the console.

If anyone has any ideas at all, I'd appreciate hearing them..


Darin -

RE: [expert] NVIDIA question

2000-11-17 Thread J . A . Magallon

On Fri, 17 Nov 2000 18:45:52 RaEl wrote:
> NVIDIA has their own driver.  Very easy to insstall.  Just substitute
> XF86Config-4 for XF86Config in the instructions and all should work fine.  I'm
> playing Quake3 and Unreal Tournament with no problems at all.
> As far getting a V5500 I ask why?  A Geforce2 MX costs about a 100-120 bucks
> for a 32 meg card that pounds the voodoo into the dust in both windows and
> Linux.  I used to be a Voodoo owner V1/V2 but Nvidia gets my cash because
> there cards are the best right now.
> >
> >> Instead of using nvidia's card, try 3dfx voodoo 5500 card, it works great
> on
> >> my linux box running mandrake 7.1.

Perhaps nVidia is not the best "open-source-friendly" company (although they are
doing a great job with their drivers and the community, pitty that 'little' part
they have to ship in binary...), but in hardware they are the best in normal
budget market (don't think about Oxygens or TDZs of $1500).

> >> Beware this 3D acceleration support is experimental and is based upon
> >> previous
> >> version of nvidia drivers for RIVA128 and bug fixed by Utah GLX team. this
> >> version does not include any AGP acceleration, and really works almost
> >> correctly
> >> on RIVA128 card, but newer card may have problems with some games.

Drivers from nVidia work fine. And installing is straightforward in Mandrake
(it comes with XF401, Mesa split in Mesa- and Mesa-common). Over a sane install
of Mandrake 7.2, you can get nVidia's drivers up on 5 minutes (15 if you have to
read the docs)

In my dept. we use Performer, and its a pleasure to see a GeForce2 DDR running
at 100 fps on, at 1280x1024x16, and at 150 fps on a 2GTS (my home
TNT2 only gets 30 fps at 32 bits...jealous...).

Juan Antonio Magallon Lacarta #> cd /pub
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] #> more beer

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Re: [expert] NVIDIA question

2000-11-17 Thread Scott Patten

> I could give a dead rat's ass about whether a driver (or any softrware)
> is GPL/OS or not.  Nothing but OS/GPL FUD against NVIDIA or anyone else
> who chosses to do a binary distribution.   Shit we (the linux community)
> scream for better hardware support from the vendors.  NVIDIA ponies up
> (one of the few companies) and is providing a driver for linux that
> equals the windows driver in performance and what do we (the linux
> community) do?  Rape them for not doing it "our" way.

Whoa, easy there.  Did you read the archive?  It's a rational discussion of 
the problems with supporting closed source drivers.

>  I'd love to have a
> driver from HP for my new P1000 Photosmart printer.  I'd stuff it onto my
> box in a second, OS/GPL or not.  Why? My shit would work the best with it
> instead of having to resort to a driver for a printer that hasn't been
> made for 2 years and getting weak quality.  Yeah that is what I want.

Nobody is stopping HP from releasing binary drivers for Linux.  I think 
that most Linux users would agree that the best solution would be open 
source drivers and the second best would be closed source and no drivers 
would be the worst case.

> Off course when I boo t WinME the printer works great.  NVIDIA's driver
> puts to shame any GPLd'd driver out there and I can use one driver for
> any of their cards.  Has anyone ever considereed that to OS/GPL a driver
> it needs to acutally work and have good specs and documentation?

Do you want something that doesn't actually work?  Good specs and 
documentation are a luxury?  Keep in mind that some of us use Mandrake on 
servers.  We need to know what goes into these machines.  Mandrake does a 
nice job when it comes to security.  Young, messy, closed source drivers 
should be added after the install by people who are willing to take 
chances.  They should not be loaded by the distribution.  Note that I don't 
want to imply that NVIDIA's drivers are young or messy.

> is not a big company and my guess is that they will do the Binary route
> until they feel comforatble opening up the surce to the OS community.
> I'm sure they do not want to do that and have the driver suck becuase
> their code is poorly structured and their specs are inaccurate.

Huh?  I seem to recall it's because they want to protect their IP.

> I've
> used enough bad OS/GPL drivers to know that OS/GPL is no magic cure for
> what ailes you.  If that dirver is touched by a non expert or it  has bad
> specs supporting it your fucked. And to those who think OS/GPL menas you
> get the latest drivers is FUD as well.

No, but you do know what you're getting and if you're not skilled enough to 
see for yourself then there is a community willing to explain it to you. 
Plus there are companies like Mandrake that stake their reputation on the 
system.  This can't be done with closed source software.  Do you think that 
Microsoft doesn't demand source from vendors who get their drivers included 
with Windows?

> Check the date on the current
> Tulip.c that comes with Mandrake 7.2  It says 1998.  That driver is under
> constant updates from Syclid but it does not get into the current kernel
> distro.

Ther's a lot more to that story.  You can get a patch for a more up-to-date 
driver and it is OS.

> Each of us has a choice to use GLP/OS only everything.  If that is your
> choice then that is cool with me, you got to live with yourself, I don't
> :).


> IMHO NVIDIA should be given credit for providing the best 3D driver
> on the market for Linux.

I agree they should be given some credit.  I also think that they would win 
more by opening their drivers.  That's just because of the orientation of 
many Linux users.  It's all just a matter of education and preference. 
Most Windows users don't even know what the GPL is.

> That driver was the last hurdle for me to stop
> using Windows as my main OS and move to linux.  I did not sacrafice frame
> rates or stability and I get to use Linux.   I guess I could have spent
> 250 bucks for a V5500, got the same frame rates as I do on my TNT2 Ultra
> and be using an OS/GPL dirver.  I'll stick with NVIDIA.  But that is just
> me.
> On 11/17/2000 at 1:35 PM Tom Brinkman scribbled:
>> On Friday 17 November 2000 11:45 am, RaEl wrote:
>>> NVIDIA has their own driver.  Very easy to insstall.  Just substitute
>>> XF86Config-4 for XF86Config in the instructions and all should work
>>> fine.  I'm playing Quake3 and Unreal Tournament with no problems at
>>> all. As far getting a V5500 I ask why?
>>   That's why, and not stated strong enough IMO
>> --
>> Tom Brinkman   [EMAIL PROTECTED] Galveston Bay
>> Keep in touch with
>> Subscribe the "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" mailing list.

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Re: [expert] NVIDIA question

2000-11-17 Thread Scott Tyson


I could give a dead rat's ass about whether a driver (or any softrware) is GPL/OS or 
not.  Nothing but OS/GPL FUD against NVIDIA or anyone else who chosses to do a binary 
distribution.   Shit we (the linux community) scream for better hardware support from 
the vendors.  NVIDIA ponies up (one of the few companies) and is providing a driver 
for linux that equals the windows driver in performance and what do we (the linux 
community) do?  Rape them for not doing it "our" way.  I'd love to have a driver from 
HP for my new P1000 Photosmart printer.  I'd stuff it onto my box in a second, OS/GPL 
or not.  Why? My shit would work the best with it instead of having to resort to a 
driver for a printer that hasn't been made for 2 years and getting weak quality.  Yeah 
that is what I want.  Off course when I boo t WinME the printer works great.  NVIDIA's 
driver puts to shame any GPLd'd driver out there and I can use one driver for any of 
their cards.  Has anyone ever considereed that to OS/GPL a driver it needs to acutally 
work and have good specs and documentation?  NVIDIA is not a big company and my guess 
is that they will do the Binary route until they feel comforatble opening up the surce 
to the OS community.   I'm sure they do not want to do that and have the driver suck 
becuase their code is poorly structured and their specs are inaccurate.  I've used 
enough bad OS/GPL drivers to know that OS/GPL is no magic cure for what ailes you.  If 
that dirver is touched by a non expert or it  has bad specs supporting it your fucked.
And to those who think OS/GPL menas you get the latest drivers is FUD as well. Check 
the date on the current Tulip.c that comes with Mandrake 7.2  It says 1998.  That 
driver is under constant updates from Syclid but it does not get into the current 
kernel distro.

Each of us has a choice to use GLP/OS only everything.  If that is your choice then 
that is cool with me, you got to live with yourself, I don't :).  IMHO NVIDIA should 
be given credit for providing the best 3D driver on the market for Linux.  That driver 
was the last hurdle for me to stop using Windows as my main OS and move to linux.  I 
did not sacrafice frame rates or stability and I get to use Linux.   I guess I could 
have spent 250 bucks for a V5500, got the same frame rates as I do on my TNT2 Ultra 
and be using an OS/GPL dirver.  I'll stick with NVIDIA.  But that is just me.


On 11/17/2000 at 1:35 PM Tom Brinkman scribbled:

>On Friday 17 November 2000 11:45 am, RaEl wrote:
>> NVIDIA has their own driver.  Very easy to insstall.  Just substitute
>> XF86Config-4 for XF86Config in the instructions and all should work
>> fine.  I'm playing Quake3 and Unreal Tournament with no problems at
>> all. As far getting a V5500 I ask why?
>   That's why, and not stated strong enough IMO
>Tom Brinkman   [EMAIL PROTECTED] Galveston Bay
>Keep in touch with
>Subscribe the "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" mailing list.

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Re: [expert] NVIDIA question

2000-11-17 Thread Tom Brinkman

On Friday 17 November 2000 11:45 am, RaEl wrote:
> NVIDIA has their own driver.  Very easy to insstall.  Just substitute
> XF86Config-4 for XF86Config in the instructions and all should work
> fine.  I'm playing Quake3 and Unreal Tournament with no problems at
> all. As far getting a V5500 I ask why?

   That's why, and not stated strong enough IMO
Tom Brinkman   [EMAIL PROTECTED] Galveston Bay

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RE: [expert] NVIDIA question

2000-11-17 Thread RaEl

NVIDIA has their own driver.  Very easy to insstall.  Just substitute XF86Config-4 for 
XF86Config in the instructions and all should work fine.  I'm playing Quake3 and 
Unreal Tournament with no problems at all.
As far getting a V5500 I ask why?  A Geforce2 MX costs about a 100-120 bucks for a 32 
meg card that pounds the voodoo into the dust in both windows and Linux.  I used to be 
a Voodoo owner V1/V2 but Nvidia gets my cash because there cards are the best right 


On 11/17/2000 at 9:40 AM Rial Juan scribbled:

>Check the nvidia website; they have their own drivers for 4.0.
>On Nov 9 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>> Instead of using nvidia's card, try 3dfx voodoo 5500 card, it works great on
>> my linux box running mandrake 7.1.
>> -bunty
>> -Original Message-
>> From: Francois Pons [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>> Sent: Thursday, November 09, 2000 9:26 AM
>> Cc: jerrys
>> Subject: Re: [expert] NVIDIA question
>> jerrys <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> > *This message was transferred with a trial version of CommuniGate(tm) Pro*
>> > I installed Mandrake 7.2 using the expert option on my system and I have
>> > a question on how instillation is done.
>> > The first time I installed 7.2 was with Xfree 4.0.1 and I have a Viper
>> > 550 TNT AGP card installed on my system. None of the 3D games that came
>> > with 7.2 would work. I tried to install the nvidia drivers for my card
>> > using rpm, srpm, and with tar files, but nothing worked. I reinstalled
>> > 7.2 using the expert option and when I got to the Xfree option I took a
>> > minute to read all the information on the screen. It stated that 3D
>> > acceleration was only available with Xfree 3.3
>> > I installed with Xfree 3.3 with 3D acceleration and every thing worked.
>> > How do I get 3D acceleration to work with Xfree 4.0.1
>> Beware this 3D acceleration support is experimental and is based upon
>> previous
>> version of nvidia drivers for RIVA128 and bug fixed by Utah GLX team. this
>> version does not include any AGP acceleration, and really works almost
>> correctly
>> on RIVA128 card, but newer card may have problems with some games.
>> François.
>Rial Juan<>
>Belgiumtel: +3289856533
>  cellular:+32496737018
>ulyssis system admininstrator   <>
>If the English language made any sense, lackadaisical would
>have something to do with a shortage of flowers.
> -- Doug Larson
>[Not to mention, butterfly would be flutterby. Ed.]
>Keep in touch with
>Subscribe the "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" mailing list.

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RE: [expert] NVIDIA question

2000-11-17 Thread Rial Juan

Check the nvidia website; they have their own drivers for 4.0.

On Nov 9 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Instead of using nvidia's card, try 3dfx voodoo 5500 card, it works great on
> my linux box running mandrake 7.1.
> -bunty
> -Original Message-
> From: Francois Pons [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, November 09, 2000 9:26 AM
> Cc: jerrys
> Subject: Re: [expert] NVIDIA question
> jerrys <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > *This message was transferred with a trial version of CommuniGate(tm) Pro*
> > I installed Mandrake 7.2 using the expert option on my system and I have
> > a question on how instillation is done.
> > The first time I installed 7.2 was with Xfree 4.0.1 and I have a Viper
> > 550 TNT AGP card installed on my system. None of the 3D games that came
> > with 7.2 would work. I tried to install the nvidia drivers for my card
> > using rpm, srpm, and with tar files, but nothing worked. I reinstalled
> > 7.2 using the expert option and when I got to the Xfree option I took a
> > minute to read all the information on the screen. It stated that 3D
> > acceleration was only available with Xfree 3.3
> > I installed with Xfree 3.3 with 3D acceleration and every thing worked.
> > How do I get 3D acceleration to work with Xfree 4.0.1
> Beware this 3D acceleration support is experimental and is based upon
> previous
> version of nvidia drivers for RIVA128 and bug fixed by Utah GLX team. this
> version does not include any AGP acceleration, and really works almost
> correctly
> on RIVA128 card, but newer card may have problems with some games.
> François.


Rial Juan<>
Belgiumtel: +3289856533
ulyssis system admininstrator   <>

If the English language made any sense, lackadaisical would
have something to do with a shortage of flowers.
 -- Doug Larson

[Not to mention, butterfly would be flutterby. Ed.]

Keep in touch with 
Subscribe the "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" mailing list.

RE: [expert] NVIDIA question

2000-11-09 Thread Bunty Vue

Instead of using nvidia's card, try 3dfx voodoo 5500 card, it works great on
my linux box running mandrake 7.1.


-Original Message-
From: Francois Pons [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, November 09, 2000 9:26 AM
Cc: jerrys
Subject: Re: [expert] NVIDIA question

jerrys <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> *This message was transferred with a trial version of CommuniGate(tm) Pro*
> I installed Mandrake 7.2 using the expert option on my system and I have
> a question on how instillation is done.
> The first time I installed 7.2 was with Xfree 4.0.1 and I have a Viper
> 550 TNT AGP card installed on my system. None of the 3D games that came
> with 7.2 would work. I tried to install the nvidia drivers for my card
> using rpm, srpm, and with tar files, but nothing worked. I reinstalled
> 7.2 using the expert option and when I got to the Xfree option I took a
> minute to read all the information on the screen. It stated that 3D
> acceleration was only available with Xfree 3.3
> I installed with Xfree 3.3 with 3D acceleration and every thing worked.
> How do I get 3D acceleration to work with Xfree 4.0.1

Beware this 3D acceleration support is experimental and is based upon
version of nvidia drivers for RIVA128 and bug fixed by Utah GLX team. this
version does not include any AGP acceleration, and really works almost
on RIVA128 card, but newer card may have problems with some games.


Keep in touch with 
Subscribe the "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" mailing list.

Re: [expert] NVIDIA question

2000-11-09 Thread Francois Pons

jerrys <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> *This message was transferred with a trial version of CommuniGate(tm) Pro*
> I installed Mandrake 7.2 using the expert option on my system and I have
> a question on how instillation is done.
> The first time I installed 7.2 was with Xfree 4.0.1 and I have a Viper
> 550 TNT AGP card installed on my system. None of the 3D games that came
> with 7.2 would work. I tried to install the nvidia drivers for my card
> using rpm, srpm, and with tar files, but nothing worked. I reinstalled
> 7.2 using the expert option and when I got to the Xfree option I took a
> minute to read all the information on the screen. It stated that 3D
> acceleration was only available with Xfree 3.3
> I installed with Xfree 3.3 with 3D acceleration and every thing worked.
> How do I get 3D acceleration to work with Xfree 4.0.1

Beware this 3D acceleration support is experimental and is based upon previous
version of nvidia drivers for RIVA128 and bug fixed by Utah GLX team. this
version does not include any AGP acceleration, and really works almost correctly
on RIVA128 card, but newer card may have problems with some games.


Keep in touch with 
Subscribe the "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" mailing list.

[expert] NVIDIA question

2000-11-09 Thread jerrys

*This message was transferred with a trial version of CommuniGate(tm) Pro*
I installed Mandrake 7.2 using the expert option on my system and I have
a question on how instillation is done.
The first time I installed 7.2 was with Xfree 4.0.1 and I have a Viper
550 TNT AGP card installed on my system. None of the 3D games that came
with 7.2 would work. I tried to install the nvidia drivers for my card
using rpm, srpm, and with tar files, but nothing worked. I reinstalled
7.2 using the expert option and when I got to the Xfree option I took a
minute to read all the information on the screen. It stated that 3D
acceleration was only available with Xfree 3.3
I installed with Xfree 3.3 with 3D acceleration and every thing worked.
How do I get 3D acceleration to work with Xfree 4.0.1


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