Re: [expert] XFdrake

2001-08-25 Thread Felix Miata

Praedor wrote:
> On Saturday 25 August 2001 08:19 am, Felix Miata wrote:

> > I looked into XFdrake, a shell script. It appears that it makes a call
> > to Xconfgurator, but if I try to run Xconfigurator, I get the exact same
> > result as trying to execute XFdrake.
> [...]
> > "Warning: server SVGA is not available (should be in
> > /mnt/usr/X11R6/bin/XFree86) at /usr/bin/perl-install/ at
> > line 385"
> [...]

> I did a looksee at my system's file.  I have Mandrake 8.x+
> (almost Cooker).  It resides in /usr/lib/libDrakX.  I scanned through it and
> see nowhere within it any mention of a /mnt/usr anything.  It has several
> lines directed to /usr/X11R6 and various subdirectories.  Be that as it may,
> it appears to me that your Xconfigurator is looking in the wrong/non-existent
> place for XFree86.

I think that that was where it may have been supposed to look while
original installation was taking place.

> Do you have /mnt/usr?


> How/why did this come about? 

I tried to install 8.0 on a system which has a perfectly operational

> You can try another
> method.  Go to /usr/X11R6/bin and run "XFree86 -configure". 

I did that. I says do 'XFree86 -xf86config /root/'. That
appeared to do what was intended. Then I copied /root/ to
/etc/X11/XF86Config-4 (old /etc/XF86Config-4 was zero bytes). When I did
startx, I got:

"xauth: creating new authority file /root/.Xauthority
execve failed for /etc/X11/X (errno 2)
giving up
xinit: No such file in directory (errno 2) unable to connect to X server
xinit: No such process (errno 3): server error"

I looked for /etc/X11/X and found no such file.

> First off,
> XFree86 should be in this location, not /mnt/usr/...etc.  Second, running the
> above command will have XFree86 autoconfigure your system for you.  It may
> not be the best, most desired setup but it should be a workable setup.  You
> can then edit the config file from there or try running one of the x
> configuration apps after getting X running.  At least you will end up with a
> proper form and function XF86config file in the proper location.
Certainly what I would expect not having first had the original install
fail. So far, no joy. Until I know what the real problem is, I have no
idea what, if anything, needs editing. I know the X server has to be set
in motion first, and then a window manager, before KDE can start, but
I've yet to find in what config and executable files this stuff is
found. /etc/rc5.d has nothing in it but links.
"Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is
wholly inadequate to the government of any other."
President John Adams

Felix Miata  ***

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Re: [expert] XFdrake

2001-08-25 Thread civileme

On Saturday 25 August 2001 12:43, Praedor wrote:
> I did a looksee at my system's file.  I have Mandrake 8.x+
> (almost Cooker).  It resides in /usr/lib/libDrakX.  I scanned through it
> and see nowhere within it any mention of a /mnt/usr anything.  It has
> several lines directed to /usr/X11R6 and various subdirectories.  Be that
> as it may, it appears to me that your Xconfigurator is looking in the
> wrong/non-existent place for XFree86.
> Do you have /mnt/usr?  How/why did this come about?  You can try another
> method.  Go to /usr/X11R6/bin and run "XFree86 -configure".  First off,
> XFree86 should be in this location, not /mnt/usr/...etc.  Second, running
> the above command will have XFree86 autoconfigure your system for you.  It
> may not be the best, most desired setup but it should be a workable setup. 
> You can then edit the config file from there or try running one of the x
> configuration apps after getting X running.  At least you will end up with
> a proper form and function XF86config file in the proper location.
> On Saturday 25 August 2001 08:19 am, Felix Miata wrote:
> > I looked into XFdrake, a shell script. It appears that it makes a call
> > to Xconfgurator, but if I try to run Xconfigurator, I get the exact same
> > result as trying to execute XFdrake.
> [...]
> > "Warning: server SVGA is not available (should be in
> > /mnt/usr/X11R6/bin/XFree86) at /usr/bin/perl-install/ at
> > line 385"
> [...]
The XFdrake used in the installer would point at /mnt/usr, but unless you build from 
you usually do not get that one in your install.  It has other differences, being much 
strict to make the size smaller, etc.


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Re: [expert] XFdrake

2001-08-25 Thread Felix Miata

Praedor wrote:
> On Saturday 25 August 2001 08:19 am, Felix Miata wrote:

> > > On Friday 24 August 2001 11:41 pm, Felix Miata wrote:

> > > > No man of info entries for this in Mandrake 8. What is it for? When I
> > > > execute it, nothing happens for a few seconds, then a SCSI parity error
> > > > flashes on screen (no CD in drive, install on IDE HD), then prompt
> > > > returns.

> > I looked into XFdrake, a shell script. It appears that it makes a call
> > to Xconfgurator, but if I try to run Xconfigurator, I get the exact same
> > result as trying to execute XFdrake.

> I am rather confused by the fact that you are getting an error message
> because the configurator is looking for files in /mnt/usr...  Huh?  /mnt/usr?
> Unless you have a really odd setup, there shouldn't even be a /mnt/usr, just

I got the message (found /mnt/usr*) *during* installation of Mandrake
from CD. There is/was no /mnt/usr after reboot.
> /, /usr, etc.  You could try editing the
> usr/bin/perl-install/ file, line 385 or thereabouts.  If it
> really says /mnt/usr/...change it to /usr/... - delete the leading /mnt part
> and try again.

I never looked at a perl script before, and still don't know much of
what it was I saw. Lots of variable names, so not easy to be sure about
what is really there by a non-perl user.

> You likely don't need XFree86-Xvfb.  What I listed is what you need to do all
> normal XFree serving/graphics on your system.  The Xvfb rpm is a really
> specialized sub-rpm for monitor-less systems I believe.  It wont hurt your
> system to have it there but it does take up space for no good purpose.
I tried to find some command line way to discover the application within
any particular RPM and so far have been unsuccesful. Until I can do
that, my guess is it means X Virtual Frame Buffer. Are you using
framebuffer and have Xvfb not installed?
"Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is
wholly inadequate to the government of any other."
President John Adams

Felix Miata  ***

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Re: [expert] XFdrake

2001-08-25 Thread Praedor

I did a looksee at my system's file.  I have Mandrake 8.x+ 
(almost Cooker).  It resides in /usr/lib/libDrakX.  I scanned through it and 
see nowhere within it any mention of a /mnt/usr anything.  It has several 
lines directed to /usr/X11R6 and various subdirectories.  Be that as it may, 
it appears to me that your Xconfigurator is looking in the wrong/non-existent 
place for XFree86.

Do you have /mnt/usr?  How/why did this come about?  You can try another 
method.  Go to /usr/X11R6/bin and run "XFree86 -configure".  First off, 
XFree86 should be in this location, not /mnt/usr/...etc.  Second, running the 
above command will have XFree86 autoconfigure your system for you.  It may 
not be the best, most desired setup but it should be a workable setup.  You 
can then edit the config file from there or try running one of the x 
configuration apps after getting X running.  At least you will end up with a 
proper form and function XF86config file in the proper location.

On Saturday 25 August 2001 08:19 am, Felix Miata wrote:
> I looked into XFdrake, a shell script. It appears that it makes a call
> to Xconfgurator, but if I try to run Xconfigurator, I get the exact same
> result as trying to execute XFdrake.
> "Warning: server SVGA is not available (should be in
> /mnt/usr/X11R6/bin/XFree86) at /usr/bin/perl-install/ at
> line 385"

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Re: [expert] XFdrake

2001-08-25 Thread Praedor

I am rather confused by the fact that you are getting an error message 
because the configurator is looking for files in /mnt/usr...  Huh?  /mnt/usr?
Unless you have a really odd setup, there shouldn't even be a /mnt/usr, just 
/, /usr, etc.  You could try editing the 
usr/bin/perl-install/ file, line 385 or thereabouts.  If it 
really says /mnt/usr/...change it to /usr/... - delete the leading /mnt part 
and try again.

You likely don't need XFree86-Xvfb.  What I listed is what you need to do all 
normal XFree serving/graphics on your system.  The Xvfb rpm is a really 
specialized sub-rpm for monitor-less systems I believe.  It wont hurt your 
system to have it there but it does take up space for no good purpose.

On Saturday 25 August 2001 08:19 am, Felix Miata wrote:
> I looked into XFdrake, a shell script. It appears that it makes a call
> to Xconfgurator, but if I try to run Xconfigurator, I get the exact same
> result as trying to execute XFdrake.
> Praedor Tempus wrote:
> > On Friday 24 August 2001 11:41 pm, Felix Miata wrote:
> > > No man of info entries for this in Mandrake 8. What is it for? When I
> > > execute it, nothing happens for a few seconds, then a SCSI parity error
> > > flashes on screen (no CD in drive, install on IDE HD), then prompt
> > > returns.

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Re: [expert] XFdrake

2001-08-25 Thread Felix Miata

I looked into XFdrake, a shell script. It appears that it makes a call
to Xconfgurator, but if I try to run Xconfigurator, I get the exact same
result as trying to execute XFdrake.

Praedor Tempus wrote:
> On Friday 24 August 2001 11:41 pm, Felix Miata wrote:

> > No man of info entries for this in Mandrake 8. What is it for? When I
> > execute it, nothing happens for a few seconds, then a SCSI parity error
> > flashes on screen (no CD in drive, install on IDE HD), then prompt
> > returns.

> It still appears you are missing something.
> You should have:
> XFree86-4.0.3
> XFree86-server-4.0.3
> XFree86-100dpi-fonts
> XFree86-75dpi-fonts
> XFree86-libs-4.0.3

# rpm -qa | grep XFree86 | sort > /tmp/rpmXFqa
# cat /tmp/rpmXFqa

The original install left out the server, Xvfb & doc packages, which I
RPM'd later because I can't get X to run.

> ---
> MAYBE want XFree86-xfs-4.0.3 (I see some posts indicating that this is
> optional but not having it will certainly remove some functionality)
> ---
> I believe that with those, you should do OK.  Do you have each of the above
> installed?  What is your video card?

ET6100. Claimed supported in all Linux video docs I can find.
> XFdrake is supposed to be a nice X setup utility.  Are you certain you
> selected 4.0.3 during install rather than 3.3.6?  Are you short on drive

When the installer first failed to configure my choice of 4.0.3, I tried
to have it configure 3.3.6, but that failed in the same manner with:

"Warning: server SVGA is not available (should be in
/mnt/usr/X11R6/bin/XFree86) at /usr/bin/perl-install/ at
line 385"

> space in /usr?  All the XFree stuff will end up in /usr/X11R6 directories and
> subdirectories.

# df /usr
Filesystem   1k-blocks  Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/hda8  2376900540471   1713534  24% /
"Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is
wholly inadequate to the government of any other."
President John Adams

Felix Miata  ***

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [expert] XFdrake

2001-08-25 Thread Praedor Tempus

It still appears you are missing something.
You should have:
MAYBE want XFree86-xfs-4.0.3 (I see some posts indicating that this is 
optional but not having it will certainly remove some functionality)

I believe that with those, you should do OK.  Do you have each of the above 
installed?  What is your video card?

XFdrake is supposed to be a nice X setup utility.  Are you certain you 
selected 4.0.3 during install rather than 3.3.6?  Are you short on drive 
space in /usr?  All the XFree stuff will end up in /usr/X11R6 directories and 

On Friday 24 August 2001 11:41 pm, Felix Miata wrote:
> No man of info entries for this in Mandrake 8. What is it for? When I
> execute it, nothing happens for a few seconds, then a SCSI parity error
> flashes on screen (no CD in drive, install on IDE HD), then prompt
> returns.

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Re: [expert] XFdrake freezes -- PLEASE help!

2001-07-11 Thread Tom Strickland

Thanks for the reply David,
I may well try that. At the moment I've reinstalled all that I can see
of X, also drakxtools and drakxtools-newt, and all of KDE. I used rpm
-ivh  --force.
I still can't get XFdrake to work, which is weird because it did
before. The freeze appears to take place at the card detection
stage. Adding the -expert and -noauto options makes no difference. At
the moment I am running fvwm from my own .xinitrc file. The whole
thing was put together using xf86config and a bit of hand-editing of
XF86Config. I can't get things to telinit 5 properly and KDE doesn't
work. I am confused as to how I have managed to fsck things up this
The nice thing about Linux is that I'm fairly sure that it's me
that's messed up somewhere, I've just got to find out how!


On Wed, Jul 11, 2001 at 02:00:40PM -0600, David Joham wrote:
> What about downloading XConfigurator for RedHat and trying that?
> I'm coming in late to this conversation so apologies if this has already
> been suggested.
> -Original Message-
> From: Tom Strickland [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, July 11, 2001 4:34 AM
> To: expert-mandrake
> Subject: Re: [expert] XFdrake freezes -- PLEASE help!
> On Tue, Jul 10, 2001 at 08:00:42PM +, Tom Strickland wrote:
> > I recently transferred my hard drives to a friend's machine to help
> > him sort a problem out. I had to reconfigure X to get things
> > moving. When I came home and tried to reconfigure X, I found that
> > XFdrake completely freezes. What gives? I've done it enough times
> > before. This is a total freeze - I can't change terminals or the caps
> > lock light and I have to hard-reset.
> > What am I doing wrong?
> I just can't work this out. The freeze is total - I can't even break out
> using Alt-SysReq. I've completely reinstalled X from rpms and I'm
> still stumped. BTW - what happened to Xconfigurator? It would be nice
> if I still had it as a 2nd option, but now it links to XFdrake.

RE: [expert] XFdrake freezes -- PLEASE help!

2001-07-11 Thread David Joham

What about downloading XConfigurator for RedHat and trying that?

I'm coming in late to this conversation so apologies if this has already
been suggested.


-Original Message-
From: Tom Strickland [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, July 11, 2001 4:34 AM
To: expert-mandrake
Subject: Re: [expert] XFdrake freezes -- PLEASE help!

On Tue, Jul 10, 2001 at 08:00:42PM +, Tom Strickland wrote:
> I recently transferred my hard drives to a friend's machine to help
> him sort a problem out. I had to reconfigure X to get things
> moving. When I came home and tried to reconfigure X, I found that
> XFdrake completely freezes. What gives? I've done it enough times
> before. This is a total freeze - I can't change terminals or the caps
> lock light and I have to hard-reset.
> What am I doing wrong?

I just can't work this out. The freeze is total - I can't even break out
using Alt-SysReq. I've completely reinstalled X from rpms and I'm
still stumped. BTW - what happened to Xconfigurator? It would be nice
if I still had it as a 2nd option, but now it links to XFdrake.


Re: [expert] XFdrake freezes -- PLEASE help!

2001-07-11 Thread Tom Strickland

On Tue, Jul 10, 2001 at 08:00:42PM +, Tom Strickland wrote:
> I recently transferred my hard drives to a friend's machine to help
> him sort a problem out. I had to reconfigure X to get things
> moving. When I came home and tried to reconfigure X, I found that
> XFdrake completely freezes. What gives? I've done it enough times
> before. This is a total freeze - I can't change terminals or the caps
> lock light and I have to hard-reset.
> What am I doing wrong?

I just can't work this out. The freeze is total - I can't even break out
using Alt-SysReq. I've completely reinstalled X from rpms and I'm
still stumped. BTW - what happened to Xconfigurator? It would be nice
if I still had it as a 2nd option, but now it links to XFdrake.
