[FairfieldLife] Re: More advice, please

2009-06-18 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, shempmcgurk shempmcg...@... wrote:

 So, as I told you folks a few months ago I am going through 
 a crisis in my life in which I am experiencing a lot of 
 depression and anxiety, the likes of which I've never 
 experienced in my life (at least, since I started TM at age 
 18...I'm 54 now).
 Here's the advice I seek: three months ago when this crisis 
 started, my GP prescribed me 0.5mg of Xanax.  I have never 
 taken such a drug before in my life and, up to now, have been 
 afraid to. But this nervousness that I feel everyday, I'm fed 
 up with.  So I am seriously considering taking it.  I filled the 
 prescription today and the bottle is sitting on my kitchen counter.
 what do you think: should I take it?
 Pro's and con's, please.  I'm desperate!
 As this is my 49th post of the week and I won't be able to 
 respond, I will nevertheless read all of your advice on this.


I do not speak from experience, merely observation.
And, from observation, many people have been helped
by such drugs. If you want evidence of the kinds of
changes in what one chooses to focus on and relief
from obsessional patterns of thinking, one need go
no further than Fairfield Life.

At least two of our members have (IMO) benefitted 
greatly from the drugs that were prescribed for them
in recent months/years. In one case, a person seems
to have overcome a great deal of obsessional behavior
and posting (thinking) patterns, and another overcame
a period of depression related to some extent with
the economic downturn and being out of work. From my
perspective, both of their turnarounds were profound
enough to be a clear commercial for the positive 
benefits of such drugs.

Weigh this against that which is probably causing a
lot of your resistance to taking the drugs. A lot of
that resistance might be based on Maharishisez.
That one word dictates what a lot of people on this
forum believe represents Truth (on a subtle level, 
even if they have rejected it on a conscious level).
There is still this feeling that Maharishisez
somehow represented some Eternal Truth from the Vedas,
which as we all know (being Old) were Truth Incarnate.

So, just *look around* at the lives of and the recur-
ring thought patterns (as represented by the things
they choose to post about here) of those who have lived
their lives according to Maharishisez. Do they strike
you as HAPPY people? Do they seem fulfilled and free 
of stress? You've been around the TM movement as long
as many people here, and have seen many of the walking
wounded who represent the collective wisdom of Maha-

My advice would be to weigh these two perceptions and
come to your own conclusions. Ruth can offer more exper-
ienced advice on the medical pros and cons of a partic-
ular drug. I can offer only observational second-hand
advice based on seeing their effects on other people,
some of them on this forum. Yeah, I've heard some of 
the horror stories told by believers in Maharishisez
and in Other Gurus say, but I don't buy it. *Most*
of the people I've encountered who took such drugs, 
and in moderation, under a doctor's care, seemed to
benefit from them. The only negatives I have ever
seen were in people who turned drugs that were pre-
scribed for them for a short time into a multi-year
drug dependency, and an escape from reality. For every-
one else, what I've observed is an enhanced ability to
appreciate reality, freed to some extent from the
types of habitual thought and behavioral patterns
that were preventing them from enjoying reality.

Good luck with making your decision, and making progress
in whatever way you want to. As I've said, I've never
taken any of these drugs and thus cannot comment on them
first-hand. But based on my second-hand observation of
those who have taken them and benefitted, trying some-
thing new seems to work better than repeating the same
old same old and hoping that someday it'll work.

[FairfieldLife] Re: TM critical site blocked for MUM students

2009-06-18 Thread TurquoiseB
I'll chime in on this only from the point of view
of a confirmed omnivore, not as a hunter. I was a 
vegetarian for years, and felt better in every
possible way when I dropped it and went back to
eating what my body felt like eating. That now is
my only guide. Sometimes I'll go for weeks without
eating meat; other times I'll eat lots of it.

As for hunting and eating one's own kill, I have
more respect for that than I do someone (including
myself) who buys some shrink-wrapped meat at a market.

Those who believe that the vegetables they eat don't
feel being killed just haven't looked very deeply 
into things. Those who scream Ahimsa kill thousands
of micro-organisms with every breath they take. I've
heard supposed vegetarians claim that fish are OK 
because they're just fast vegetables and don't 
feel pain, so it's OK to eat them. Yeah, right.

The whole planet is an entropy sink, with one set of 
energy beings replenishing the energy lost to entropy
with energy from other sources. It's just how things 
work. Until you can exist on pure air, without eating 
*anything*, it doesn't seem to me that you have the 
right to look down your nose at anyone who chooses 
to eat something different than you do.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradh...@... wrote:

 On Jun 17, 2009, at 8:34 PM, Alex Stanley wrote:
  Some years ago, I witnessed a coyote chasing one of our cats up a  
  tree, right in the back yard. My policy is that on most of our 190  
  acres, the coyotes can do whatever the hell they want, and if a cat  
  gets caught out there, so be it. But, right around the house, I have  
  a zero tolerance policy for coyotes, and in the past, I've shot a  
  few of them. Our coyotes aren't very big.
 I feel the same way, although I haven't shot anything, it's New  
 England custom for everyone to have some sort of varmint gun handy  
 when such situations arise.
 I only have 20 acres, but my neighbor, recently deceased, has 500+  
 acres. Prime hunting grounds and near a mile of lakefront.
  And, guys who only hunt bucks also do nothing to control the
  deer population (because one buck can service a huge number
  of females.) Hunting does is what controls the population.
  Most deer hunting states won't even give you a buck tag until
  you've taken a certain number of does, but Iowa doesn't do that.
  My sole interest in hunting deer is the meat, so I only hunt
  does (buck meat is much less desirable).
  One has to wonder if the almost universal desire to kill a
  buck is a type of oedipal complex.
  I let a friend of mine come out here to hunt, and he shot a buck  
  last winter. One reason he likes hunting out here, besides the fact  
  that it is perfect deer ground, is that I have a tractor with a  
  front-end loader. I went out in the tractor to scoop up his buck,  
  and the stench of it nearly made me gag. The fascination with trophy  
  bucks completely escapes me.
 I'm curious since my own dislike of venison is it's gamey taste  
 (although I do like male deer bologna or sausage). It's common in cow  
 meat to castrate the males used for meat. Could it be the un-castrated  
 male buck meat that I'm reacting to? Is doe meat sweeter and more  
  Have you read the book In Defense of Hunting by James A. Swan?
  He's an expert on sacred space and the sacred aspect of hunting.
  Show me a real hunter/huntress and I'll show you a man or woman
  with a very deep appreciation for the interconnectedness of life
  and reality.
  No, I haven't read it. My perspective is that biologically, humans  
  are omnivores, and that from my own experience, a vegetarian diet is  
  suboptimal for my physiology. What isn't at all a consideration for  
  me are any fear-based religious dogmas. I don't regard diet type as  
  having anything whatsoever to do with spiritual awakening. As Rory  
  remarked this afternoon, the Gita says to be *without* the three  
 When I trained in Ayurveda--pure Ayurveda, not the Maharishi variety,  
 we were taught how to prescribe various animal meats. It's  
 interesting, the whole vegetarian trip is relatively late in the Hindu  
 mindset. It's largely derived from Jainism and Buddhism, not original  
 Hinduism. From an original Shaivite perspective, it's looked at as a  
 type of deviation from the natural order.
  I do try to avoid factory farmed meat, so I buy some local, pasture  
  raised lamb, and I took up deer hunting. I still buy organic Smart  
  Chicken at the grocery store, which I'm sure is factory raised on  
  grain, but I'm less fussy about that because chickens naturally eat  
  lots of seeds, so grain-fed chicken doesn't bother me as much as  
  grain-fed grazing animals. If local pastured chicken becomes  
  available, I'll buy it.
 I'm fortunate in that we have one of the oldest organic co-ops in the  
 US here in Maine and the Maine Organic Farmers and Gardeners  
 Association (MOFGA) is looked at as the 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Don't Eat Frogs, was: TM critical site blocked for MUM students

2009-06-18 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer r...@... wrote:

 I was hoping you'd explain why eating frogs is such a sin, 
 not that I do it anymore. And you skipped over explaining 
 why it was OK for Rama, Sita, and Lakshman to shoot and 
 eat deer, but Alex is a baddie for doing so.

Rick, Rick, Rick...

You miss the obvious. Chowing down on venison
was OK for Rama, Sita, and baby brother because
1) they were Gods, and Gods can get away with
anything; 2) they were More Highly Evolved than
others, and thus *entitled* to not have to walk
their talk; and 3) they preceded each meal by
chanting the holy mantra Do-wadI-say-not-wadI-do,
which gets you off the karmic responsibility hook 
for almost anything.



2009-06-18 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog raunchy...@... wrote:

 I don't hate Obama, I'm just not in love with him, which 
 means I am able to compare his rhetoric with his actions 
 and make an unbiased assessment. 

Raunchy, this is such self-unaware bullshit
that you simply MUST be called on it.

IF it were, true, you would be posting as many
articles congratulating Obama for his positive
achievements as you do posting articles criti-
cizing him for the things you consider negative.


It's the TREND that reveals the obsessional and
grudge-based motivation behind your postings. You
are with regard to Obama *exactly* as Judy is with
regard to me...just lying in wait, ever-vigilant,
waiting for him to do something -- anything -- that
you can criticize. And when he does, or when you
believe he does, you pounce. And it's the *glee*,
the unmitigated hatred *with which* you pounce that
also reveals that your claim to be unbiased is 
a bigger lie than any he has ever told.

Get real. NO ONE on this forum believes that you
do not have a bias against Obama. NO ONE on this
forum believes that your obvious bias has anything
to do with anything other than getting back at him
for all the supposed Bad Things he did to Hillary.

You share a kind of self-dishonesty with Judy Stein.
That is, you actually seem to believe that if you
say stuff about the supposed why of the things 
that you obsess about ad infinitum, that theoretical
why makes them less an obsession. It doesn't. Most
of us here are evolved enough perceivers to be able
to perceive TRENDS. Clearly you cannot. But the fact
that you cannot see your own TRENDS and see them for
what they are does not mean that they do not exist. 
The fact that you can come up with self-serving 
claims *about* the TRENDS does not make the 
claims true.

For the record:



And what you DO is obsess about Barack Obama, and 
play adolescent gotcha games to get back at him 
for revealing that your preferred candidate for 
President wasn't qualified to be President. THAT 
is what you can never forgive.

[FairfieldLife] Re: More advice, please

2009-06-18 Thread cardemaister
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, shempmcgurk shempmcg...@... wrote:

 So, as I told you folks a few months ago I am going through a crisis in my 
 life in which I am experiencing a lot of depression and anxiety, the likes of 
 which I've never experienced in my life (at least, since I started TM at age 
 18...I'm 54 now).
 Here's the advice I seek: three months ago when this crisis started, my GP 
 prescribed me 0.5mg of Xanax.  I have never taken such a drug before in my 
 life and, up to now, have been afraid to. But this nervousness that I feel 
 everyday, I'm fed up with.  So I am seriously considering taking it.  I 
 filled the prescription today and the bottle is sitting on my kitchen counter.
 what do you think: should I take it?
 Pro's and con's, please.  I'm desperate!
 As this is my 49th post of the week and I won't be able to respond, I will 
 nevertheless read all of your advice on this.

Because benzos, like Xanax, tend to be quite addictive, if I were
you, I might give a try to low dose mirtazapine:


[FairfieldLife] Interesting articles in the UK edition of Wired

2009-06-18 Thread TurquoiseB
I was traveling back to Sitges from France 
yesterday, and picked up a copy of the new
UK edition of Wired magazine in the airport.
There were a few articles in it that might 
be of interest here.

The first (and it may have been quoted in
the original thread) concerns homosexuality
in animals, and reasons why this may occur:


The second struck me as relevant because of
everyone chiming in about drugs (and occasion-
ally vitamins) here as if they knew what they
were talking about. This is a scary article 
about Mathias Rabb, a vitamin salesman who 
essentially perpetrated a kind of genocide in 
South Africa by convincing the public (and
worse, public officials) that his vitamins
could prevent contracting AIDS. Scary stuff:


Finally, for those who are interested in the
science of persuasion, the reason I bought
the magazine is that it said right on the 
cover, in big letters, YOU WILL BUY ME. :-)
I was intrigued, and picked it up and thumbed
through it enough to realize that it was a 
very detailed and excellent article about the
methods of advertising and persuasion (many 
of them far more high-tech and intrusive than
you may be aware of) that are *already* being
used to control what you buy...and *who* you
buy as politicians. Good articles, not all of
which are in the online version of the mag, 
but this one is:


[FairfieldLife] Re: Interesting articles in the UK edition of Wired

2009-06-18 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_re...@... wrote:

 Finally, for those who are interested in the
 science of persuasion, the reason I bought
 the magazine is that it said right on the
 cover, in big letters, YOU WILL BUY ME. :-)

Interestingly, the in-joke about this cover (and for all I know
one that may have worked on me, because I just now noticed
it, yet I bought the magazine) is that it showed the WIRED
masthead, and underneath it YOU WILL BUY ME in big
white letters on a red background.

However, if you tilt the cover so that you can see light reflected
off of it, *underneath* the text above is another set of text,
created by making certain areas of the background shiny and
others not. The subliminal cover says:


You can see a digital re-enactment of this effect at:


Very clever...

[FairfieldLife] Re: More advice, please

2009-06-18 Thread Alex Stanley
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, min.pige min.p...@... wrote:

  what do you think: should I take it?
  Pro's and con's, please.  I'm desperate!
 Not an easy answer!
 If you have the potential for addiction, might not be a good
 choice long term.
I Googled, and xanax should only be prescribed for the short term. So, using it 
as directed, for 8 weeks max, might be ok. But, the stuff is highly addictive, 
and withdrawal is a bitch. 

I think that if I were faced with this, I would ponder whether the crisis 
situation causing the anxiety is likely to be longer term than the max 8 weeks 
on xanax. If a short time on xanax would be sufficient, I'd probably go for it. 
If longer term medication were likely to be needed, I might use xanax for a 
month or less for immediate relief, and I'd immediately start seeking out 
medical advice on a suitable longer term medication.

[FairfieldLife] A Challenge To The Hillary Hanger-On-ers

2009-06-18 Thread TurquoiseB
Having written earlier about TRENDS in people's
posts, here's another I've noticed. Here it is
over a year after Hillary lost her bid for the
Presidential nomination, the Hillary Hanger-On-ers
keep bringing it up, and yet I cannot remember a
single post in which they pointed out a reason for
her losing *that was Hillary's fault*.

Everything has been in terms of victim mentality.
Hillary lost because such-and-such was done to her.
Hillary lost because so-and-so done her wrong. 
Hillary lost because the deck was stacked against
her by such-and-such nefarious people or organization.

NOT ONCE do I remember the two strident Hillary sup-
porters citing anything that was actually Hillary's
FAULT as a reason for her loss. It was always SOMEONE
ELSE'S FAULT. So here's my challenge:

Write a post in which you list five things that Hillary
Clinton did wrong or did badly -- so wrong or so badly
that these mistakes or inadequacies cost her the nom-
ination. These five bullet points cannot be back-door
blame arguments, like Hillary wasn't tough enough on
all the people using sexism against her, which implies
(again) that losing wasn't really her fault...it was
these *other* people's fault...the ones she wasn't tough
enough on. Nope, these have to be five mistakes or mis-
steps that she herself bears the responsibility for.

Because -- damnit -- Hillary was running for the biggest
The Buck Stops Here office in the world. IF she had
won the nomination and the Presidency, she would not have
been *able* to play the blame game and point fingers at
others when criticized. As President, the buck stops with
her. As a candidate for President, and the person in charge
of her campaign, I think that the buck stops equally with

To her credit, I've seen Hillary be open about and take
responsibility for some of these fuckups on her part. To
her credit, *she* does not whine and play the blame 
game, especially now that the game is history, and 
forgotten by all except those who don't seem to be able 
to play anything *else*.

This should not be a hard task. I can think of five such
points just off the top of my head. If I needed to Google
to back them up, I can think of five or six articles 
written during the primaries by journalists traveling
with Hillary's campaign that wrote eloquently about the
chaos behind the scenes, the ego-battles and histrionics,
the in-fighting, the economic shambles that her campaign
became, and the effect that *her* behind-the-scenes 
tendency to rip her campaign members a new asshole when
things were going badly. You Hillary Hanger-On-ers should
equally be able to find such articles, and thus come up
with five points to meet my challenge.

But will you? Are you even ABLE to put into writing the
things that Hillary did wrong *without* blaming them on
someone else?

I guess we'll see...

[FairfieldLife] Re: More advice, please

2009-06-18 Thread cardemaister
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, shempmcgurk shempmcg...@... wrote:

 So, as I told you folks a few months ago I am going through a crisis in my 
 life in which I am experiencing a lot of depression and anxiety, the likes of 
 which I've never experienced in my life (at least, since I started TM at age 
 18...I'm 54 now).

I think Xanax would be almost like poison, if your anxiety is
accompanied with depression, unless the depression is merely
through lack of sleep. As I told before, mirtazapine (Remeron)
might IMO be much better in a situation like yours.

[FairfieldLife] Re: A Challenge To The Hillary Hanger-On-ers

2009-06-18 Thread WillyTex
 But will you? Are you even ABLE to put into writing the
 things that Hillary did wrong *without* blaming them on
 someone else?
So, its all about Hillary. 

Turq, the election is over, in case you have not been 
keeping up with the news. You're better at keeping up
with how many messages Judy posts - why don't you post
the reasons that you think Hillary lost the election?


 I guess we'll see...

This is going to be fun to watch - Turq getting waxed,
again. for posting sexist remarks. But nobody will 
probably even reply to his flame. Now wouldn't that be 

You already lost the debate, Turq, by being forced
to waste your last post in order to show that you have
a bigger dick than anyone, when in reality, you probably
can't even find it, to thrust into anything but your 
own hand.

TurquoiseB wrote:
 Having written earlier about TRENDS in people's
 posts, here's another I've noticed. Here it is
 over a year after Hillary lost her bid for the
 Presidential nomination, the Hillary Hanger-On-ers
 keep bringing it up, and yet I cannot remember a
 single post in which they pointed out a reason for
 her losing *that was Hillary's fault*.
 Everything has been in terms of victim mentality.
 Hillary lost because such-and-such was done to her.
 Hillary lost because so-and-so done her wrong. 
 Hillary lost because the deck was stacked against
 her by such-and-such nefarious people or organization.
 NOT ONCE do I remember the two strident Hillary sup-
 porters citing anything that was actually Hillary's
 FAULT as a reason for her loss. It was always SOMEONE
 ELSE'S FAULT. So here's my challenge:
 Write a post in which you list five things that Hillary
 Clinton did wrong or did badly -- so wrong or so badly
 that these mistakes or inadequacies cost her the nom-
 ination. These five bullet points cannot be back-door
 blame arguments, like Hillary wasn't tough enough on
 all the people using sexism against her, which implies
 (again) that losing wasn't really her fault...it was
 these *other* people's fault...the ones she wasn't tough
 enough on. Nope, these have to be five mistakes or mis-
 steps that she herself bears the responsibility for.
 Because -- damnit -- Hillary was running for the biggest
 The Buck Stops Here office in the world. IF she had
 won the nomination and the Presidency, she would not have
 been *able* to play the blame game and point fingers at
 others when criticized. As President, the buck stops with
 her. As a candidate for President, and the person in charge
 of her campaign, I think that the buck stops equally with
 To her credit, I've seen Hillary be open about and take
 responsibility for some of these fuckups on her part. To
 her credit, *she* does not whine and play the blame 
 game, especially now that the game is history, and 
 forgotten by all except those who don't seem to be able 
 to play anything *else*.
 This should not be a hard task. I can think of five such
 points just off the top of my head. If I needed to Google
 to back them up, I can think of five or six articles 
 written during the primaries by journalists traveling
 with Hillary's campaign that wrote eloquently about the
 chaos behind the scenes, the ego-battles and histrionics,
 the in-fighting, the economic shambles that her campaign
 became, and the effect that *her* behind-the-scenes 
 tendency to rip her campaign members a new asshole when
 things were going badly. You Hillary Hanger-On-ers should
 equally be able to find such articles, and thus come up
 with five points to meet my challenge.
 But will you? Are you even ABLE to put into writing the
 things that Hillary did wrong *without* blaming them on
 someone else?
 I guess we'll see...

[FairfieldLife] Re: TM critical site blocked for MUM students

2009-06-18 Thread WillyTex
fflmod@ wrote:
 Fish is a favorite of mine and not only provides 
 quality protein but helps kindle digestive fire. 
Do you catch them? From what lake?

[FairfieldLife] Bad Karma - I Can't Get No Relief...

2009-06-18 Thread Richard M
 Eating Frogs during your lifetime will get you in big trouble 
 the day you inevitably will have to drop your body.
 BIG trouble.

  You think the plants don't resent being eaten? 
  Wait till you run onto a vegetable rights activist..

[Swiss Gov]
 You just knew it was coming: At the request of the Swiss government, 
an ethics panel has weighed in on the dignity of plants and opined 
that the arbitrary killing of flora is morally wrong. This is no hoax. 
The concept of what could be called plant rights is being seriously 

...A clear majority of the panel adopted what it called a 
biocentric moral view, meaning that living organisms should be 
considered morally for their own sake because they are alive. Thus, 
the panel determined that we cannot claim absolute ownership over 
plants and, moreover, that individual plants have an inherent worth. 
This means that we may not use them just as we please, even if the 
plant community is not in danger, or if our actions do not endanger the 
species, or if we are not acting arbitrarily.

The committee offered this illustration: A farmer mows his field 
(apparently an acceptable action, perhaps because the hay is intended 
to feed the farmer's herd--the report doesn't say). But then, while 
walking home, he casually decapitates some wildflowers with his 
scythe. The panel decries this act as immoral...


The Silent Scream of the Asparagus:

[FairfieldLife] Re: Palin vs. Letterman: The Fox Nation gets outraged

2009-06-18 Thread WillyTex
fflmod wrote:
 This article is six days old and Palin has 
 accepted Letterman's recent apology since 
Is there some kind of rule on FFL that says 
you're not supposed to post links to articles 
that are older than ten minutes? 

See, this is why all that 'have you no decency?' 
stuff from Democrats rings so hollow

Read more:

'David Letterman on Willow Palin'
Posted by Glenn Reynolds

[FairfieldLife] Re: A Challenge To The Hillary Hanger-On-ers

2009-06-18 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, WillyTex no_re...@... wrote:

 This is going to be fun to watch - Turq getting waxed...

Willy, I must protest at this outrageous lie.

I have never been waxed by anyone on this forum, 
or by anyone else, for that matter. My pubic area 
is as hairy and unkempt as it has ever been. 

I'd post a photo to prove this, but Shemp got in
trouble recently for doing that, so you'll just
have to take my word for it...


[FairfieldLife] Fwd: Fw: Fwd: False economy?

2009-06-18 Thread WLeed3


 ,bFrom: rfl...@brocku.ca
Sent: 6/17/2009 10:33:47 P.M. Eastern Daylight  Time
Subj: Fw: Fwd: False economy?

Date: Monday, June 15, 2009, 6:42  PM

Subject: Fw: False  economy?


It  is the month of August, a resort town sits next to the shores of a   
lake. It is raining, and the little town looks totally  deserted.  It  
is tough times,  everybody is in debt, and  everybody lives on  credit..

Suddenly, a rich tourist comes  to town.  He  enters the only hotel,  
lays a 100  dollar bill on the reception counter, and goes to inspect  
the  rooms upstairs in order to pick one.

The hotel proprietor  takes the 100 dollar bill and runs to pay his  
debt to  the butcher.

The Butcher takes the 100 dollar bill and runs  to pay his debt to the  
pig raiser.

The pig raiser  takes the 100 dollar bill and runs to pay his debt to   
the supplier of his feed and fuel.

The supplier of feed  and fuel takes the 100 dollar bill and runs to  
pay his debt to the  town's prostitute that, in these hard times, gave  
her 'services' on  credit.

The hooker runs to the hotel and pays off her debt with  the 100 dollar  
bill to the hotel proprietor to pay for the  rooms that she rented when  
she brought her clients  there.

The hotel proprietor then lays the 100 dollar bill back on  the counter  
so that the rich tourist will not suspect  anything.

At that moment, the rich tourist comes down after  inspecting the rooms  
and takes his 100 dollar bill, after  saying that he did not like any  
of the rooms, and leaves  town.

No one earned anything.  However, the whole town is now  without debt,  
and looks to the future with a lot of  optimism.

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is how the United States  Government is  
doing business today.

- End  forwarded message -

- Forwarded Message 
From: Ken Duffy  pinnacl...@sbcglobal.net
To: paul/alice Achtzehn  paa...@yahoo.com
Sent: Monday, June 15, 2009 10:48:52  PM
Subject: Fwd: False  economy?

--- On Mon, 6/15/09, JGary Hoadley  jg...@mac.com wrote:

From:  JGary Hoadley jg...@mac.com
Subject: Fwd: False  economy?
Date: Monday, June 15, 2009, 6:42 PM

Subject: Fw: False  economy?






It is the month of  August, a resort town sits next to the shores of a 
lake. It  is raining, and the little town looks totally  deserted.  It is tough 
times,  everybody is in  debt, and everybody lives on   credit.

Suddenly, a rich tourist comes to  town.  He  enters the only hotel, lays a 
100  dollar bill on the reception counter, and goes to  inspect the rooms 
upstairs in order to  pick one.

The hotel proprietor takes the  100 dollar bill and runs to pay his debt to 
 the butcher.

The Butcher takes the 100  dollar bill and runs to pay his debt to the  pig 

The pig raiser takes the 100  dollar bill and runs to pay his debt to the 
supplier of  his feed and fuel.

The supplier of feed and fuel  takes the 100 dollar bill and runs to pay 
his debt to the  town's prostitute that, in these hard times, gave her  
'services' on credit.

The hooker runs to the  hotel and pays off her debt with the 100 dollar 
bill to  the hotel proprietor to pay for the rooms that she rented  when she 
brought her clients  there.

The hotel proprietor then lays the 100  dollar bill back on the counter so 
that the rich  tourist will not suspect anything.

At that  moment, the rich tourist comes down after inspecting the  rooms 
and takes his 100 dollar bill, after saying that  he did not like any of the 
rooms, and leaves  town.

No one earned anything.  However, the  whole town is now without debt, and 
looks to the future  with a lot of optimism.

And that, ladies and  gentlemen, is how the United States Government is 
doing  business  today.



**Download the AOL Classifieds Toolbar for local deals at your 


2009-06-18 Thread raunchydog
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_re...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog raunchydog@ wrote:
  I don't hate Obama, I'm just not in love with him, which 
  means I am able to compare his rhetoric with his actions 
  and make an unbiased assessment. 
 Raunchy, this is such self-unaware bullshit
 that you simply MUST be called on it.
 IF it were, true, you would be posting as many
 articles congratulating Obama for his positive
 achievements as you do posting articles criti-
 cizing him for the things you consider negative.

Well, that's the thanks I get for trying to be nice to do.rflex. I left out 
slamming him with, I don't hate Obama, I'm just not in love with him, [LIKE 
YOU ARE] which means I am able to compare his rhetoric with his actions and 
make an unbiased assessment [AND YOU ARE NOT].

Barry won't call out do.rflex for bias because he is in love with Obama too. 

Message #222175 Nelson wrote:
Trying to point out the many reasons why the prez is a dud to the hypnotized 
masses makes explaining color to a blind man look easy. 

I don't agree Obama is a dud but yes indeed, there's no talkn' to these guys.

do.rflex had no problem objecting to authoritarian control of information in a 
rant about MUM but couldn't see that Obama was doing exactly the same thing. 
Nope. Once smitten by Obama the rational mind goes on vacation.

ABC in the White House is more about corruption of the press than about Obama. 
Obama is only continuing a long-standing practice of controlling his message by 
controlling a sycophantic press. I agree with do.rflex that authoritarian 
control of information is the antithesis of freedom... (I almost asked him if 
him wrote that all by himself.) It's just that he thinks it applies to small 
matters like MUM and not our country as long a Obama is in charge. 

So rather than have a discussion about erosion of a free press, Barry 
obsessively shoots the messenger and misses another opportunity for an 
intelligent conversation.

 It's the TREND that reveals the obsessional and
 grudge-based motivation behind your postings. You
 are with regard to Obama *exactly* as Judy is with
 regard to me...just lying in wait, ever-vigilant,
 waiting for him to do something -- anything -- that
 you can criticize. And when he does, or when you
 believe he does, you pounce. And it's the *glee*,
 the unmitigated hatred *with which* you pounce that
 also reveals that your claim to be unbiased is 
 a bigger lie than any he has ever told.
 Get real. NO ONE on this forum believes that you
 do not have a bias against Obama. NO ONE on this
 forum believes that your obvious bias has anything
 to do with anything other than getting back at him
 for all the supposed Bad Things he did to Hillary.
 You share a kind of self-dishonesty with Judy Stein.
 That is, you actually seem to believe that if you
 say stuff about the supposed why of the things 
 that you obsess about ad infinitum, that theoretical
 why makes them less an obsession. It doesn't. Most
 of us here are evolved enough perceivers to be able
 to perceive TRENDS. Clearly you cannot. But the fact
 that you cannot see your own TRENDS and see them for
 what they are does not mean that they do not exist. 
 The fact that you can come up with self-serving 
 claims *about* the TRENDS does not make the 
 claims true.
 For the record:
 And what you DO is obsess about Barack Obama, and 
 play adolescent gotcha games to get back at him 
 for revealing that your preferred candidate for 
 President wasn't qualified to be President. THAT 
 is what you can never forgive.

[FairfieldLife] Hillary broke her elbow

2009-06-18 Thread raunchydog
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton fell and broke 
her elbow on Wednesday while en route to the White House but will resume her 
full duties soon as the top U.S. diplomat, the State Department said.

Clinton will have surgery to repair her elbow in the next week, her chief of 
staff Cheryl Mills said in a statement released overnight.

On the way to the White House late this afternoon, Secretary Clinton fell and 
suffered a right elbow fracture. She was treated at The George Washington 
University Hospital before heading home, Mills said.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Hillary broke her elbow

2009-06-18 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog raunchy...@... wrote:

 WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State Hillary 
 Clinton fell and broke her elbow on Wednesday while en 
 route to the White House...

We're waiting for the followup post, in which
you claim that it was Obama who tripped her.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Hillary broke her elbow

2009-06-18 Thread raunchydog
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_re...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog raunchydog@ wrote:
  WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State Hillary 
  Clinton fell and broke her elbow on Wednesday while en 
  route to the White House...
 We're waiting for the followup post, in which
 you claim that it was Obama who tripped her.

I was waiting for a boneheaded reply.

[FairfieldLife] Carrot Juice is Murder (was) Re: TM critical site blocked for MUM students

2009-06-18 Thread hermandan0
Brilliant vegetable rights song by the Canadian comical music group The 
Arrogant Worms:


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Nelson nelsonriddle2...@... wrote:

   You think the plants don't resent being eaten? 
Wait till you run onto a vegetable rights activist..

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 no_reply@ wrote:

  Eating Frogs during your lifetime will get you in big trouble the day you 
  inevitably will have to drop your body.
  BIG trouble.
   You think the plants don't resent being eaten? 
Wait till you run onto a vegetable rights activist..

[FairfieldLife] Carrot Juice is Murder (was) Re: TM critical site blocked for MUM students

2009-06-18 Thread hermandan0
And the band's own vidro of the song--even better.


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, hermandan0 no_re...@... wrote:

 Brilliant vegetable rights song by the Canadian comical music group The 
 Arrogant Worms:
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Nelson nelsonriddle2001@ wrote:
You think the plants don't resent being eaten? 
 Wait till you run onto a vegetable rights activist..
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 no_reply@ wrote:
   Eating Frogs during your lifetime will get you in big trouble the day you 
   inevitably will have to drop your body.
   BIG trouble.
You think the plants don't resent being eaten? 
 Wait till you run onto a vegetable rights activist..

Re: [FairfieldLife] A Challenge To The Hillary Hanger-On-ers

2009-06-18 Thread Sal Sunshine

On Jun 18, 2009, at 7:06 AM, TurquoiseB wrote:

This should not be a hard task. I can think of five such
points just off the top of my head.

I'll take a gander:
1) Iowa
2) Iowa
3) Iowa
4) Iraq war vote
5) I'll be the nominee.

(Not necessarily in that order, BTW...)


[FairfieldLife] Re: A Challenge To The Hillary Hanger-On-ers

2009-06-18 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine salsunsh...@... wrote:

 On Jun 18, 2009, at 7:06 AM, TurquoiseB wrote:
  This should not be a hard task. I can think of five such
  points just off the top of my head.
 I'll take a gander:
 1) Iowa
 2) Iowa
 3) Iowa
 4) Iraq war vote
 5) I'll be the nominee.
 (Not necessarily in that order, BTW...)

Your points 1, 2 and 3 are IMO directly related
to your point 5, which would be at the top of my
list. She could not keep herself from emanating
a sense of *entitlement* about deserving the
nomination. I feel that the reaction to that was
the biggest factor in her not getting it.

Believing that she was such a lock for the nom-
ination that she didn't have to show up in Iowa
was the effect. The sense of entitlement was 
the cause.

I'd certainly agree with your point 4, but I 
would place it further down the list. Higher 
would be her (and her staff's) almost *complete*
misreading of the capabilities and the intelli-
gence of Obama and his staffers. Again, IMO this
is related to the entitlement thang in that at
the start she didn't consider them worthy of tak-
ing seriously as opponents because she couldn't
conceive of anyone *being* a real opponent. She
really felt she had it locked and that made
her sloppy. The first rule of combat -- hand-to-
hand or political -- is to *never* underestimate
your opponent. She broke that rule.

[FairfieldLife] Re: More advice, please

2009-06-18 Thread nablusoss1008
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, cardemaister no_re...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, shempmcgurk shempmcgurk@ wrote:
  So, as I told you folks a few months ago I am going through a crisis in my 
  life in which I am experiencing a lot of depression and anxiety, the likes 
  of which I've never experienced in my life (at least, since I started TM at 
  age 18...I'm 54 now).
 I think Xanax would be almost like poison, if your anxiety is
 accompanied with depression, unless the depression is merely
 through lack of sleep. As I told before, mirtazapine (Remeron)
 might IMO be much better in a situation like yours.

shemp, if you're reading this I would advice you to stay away from any 
potentially harmful drugs. 
Instead, have regular checkings of your meditation, do Asanas and engage in 
rigorus excercise. Eat plenty of wholesome food and get as much fresh air as 
possible. I've personally seen this help for persons with heavy depressions and 
could help for anxiety also.
Good luck !

Re: [FairfieldLife] More advice, please

2009-06-18 Thread Bhairitu
shempmcgurk wrote:
 So, as I told you folks a few months ago I am going through a crisis in my 
 life in which I am experiencing a lot of depression and anxiety, the likes of 
 which I've never experienced in my life (at least, since I started TM at age 
 18...I'm 54 now).

 Here's the advice I seek: three months ago when this crisis started, my GP 
 prescribed me 0.5mg of Xanax.  I have never taken such a drug before in my 
 life and, up to now, have been afraid to. But this nervousness that I feel 
 everyday, I'm fed up with.  So I am seriously considering taking it.  I 
 filled the prescription today and the bottle is sitting on my kitchen counter.

 what do you think: should I take it?

 Pro's and con's, please.  I'm desperate!

 As this is my 49th post of the week and I won't be able to respond, I will 
 nevertheless read all of your advice on this.
I can appreciate your apprehension in taking the drug.  Many here have 
already cited the downside the this particular pharmaceutical.  After 
all so many of these drugs come with long litanies of contraindications 
its a wonder they're even legal.About the only pharmaceutical I've 
taken in recent years was just an antibiotic that my dentist or oral 
surgeon would prescribe.  They also provided a prescription for a pain 
killer which I had filled once but never used because I didn't need it.

A few years back after have a tooth extract the surgeon prescribed 
Vioxx.  I felt so lousy on that that I just put it on my drug allergy 
list (very short, sulfa is the other).

You've never said what your ayurvedic constitution is.  Some of us can 
make vague stabs and you seem to be interested in treating vata. But I 
also know that some people are under the assumption that they have a 
vata imbalance when they may not.  Vata imbalances are quite common but 
with often quickly treatable.  The constitution can give a better clue 
as to why you have having these panic attacks.  They can occur with both 
vata and pitta depression.  You might look up a practitioner or two and 
see what they say.  There is often no harm in experimenting with some of 
the teas and seeing how they effect you.  Whether they improve or worsen 
the situation.  The more you know about ayurveda the more you can use it 
as a powerful tool to keep you on track mentally and physically.

Unfortunately on FFL you'll have some ayurvedic naysayers who do not 
understand the practice and may have had a bad experience with a poor 
practitioner.  And we have a few who will critique the movie without 
having seen it if you catch my drift.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Don't Eat Frogs

2009-06-18 Thread nablusoss1008

 As usual you are over-rationalizing. 
 If you are a killer you will be killed; as you sow so shall you reap. 
 What do you think happens to a killer when he drops the body ? He has
 already lost his body, so what further mishaps could happen to him, in your
 opinion ?
 Since I do not expect an informed answer from Rick; to all the foolish
 meat-eaters out there: Whatever ignorant harm you choose to do to yourself;
 do not eat Frogs. 
 Eating Frogs during your lifetime will get you in big trouble the day you
 inevitably will have to drop your body.
 BIG trouble.

snip We dropped some acid and lived like woodsmen. Frogs legs were
 part of our strange and meager. Pray tell, what's going to happen to me when
 I die, Nabby? 

When you die ? It has already happened; a person dedicated to slandering Saints 
is already enjoying his karma.

While you're at it, tell us what happened to Rama, Lakshman,
 and Sita after they died. When they were in exile, they shot and ate deer.

But not frogs. 

[FairfieldLife] excellent 5 minute movie ...

2009-06-18 Thread vedamerlin

dear friends,
on my sidhi course i had a similar experience ...

this movie 
everyone can understand.
it does not matter which country or religion,
or which lanuage,
everyone will understand 

enjoy michael


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: A Challenge To The Hillary Hanger-On-ers

2009-06-18 Thread Sal Sunshine

On Jun 18, 2009, at 10:33 AM, TurquoiseB wrote:

On Jun 18, 2009, at 7:06 AM, TurquoiseB wrote:

This should not be a hard task. I can think of five such
points just off the top of my head.

I'll take a gander:
1) Iowa
2) Iowa
3) Iowa
4) Iraq war vote
5) I'll be the nominee.

(Not necessarily in that order, BTW...)

Your points 1, 2 and 3 are IMO directly related
to your point 5, which would be at the top of my
list. She could not keep herself from emanating
a sense of *entitlement* about deserving the
nomination. I feel that the reaction to that was
the biggest factor in her not getting it.

Believing that she was such a lock for the nom-
ination that she didn't have to show up in Iowa
was the effect. The sense of entitlement was
the cause.

I'd certainly agree with your point 4, but I
would place it further down the list. Higher
would be her (and her staff's) almost *complete*
misreading of the capabilities and the intelli-
gence of Obama and his staffers. Again, IMO this
is related to the entitlement thang in that at
the start she didn't consider them worthy of tak-
ing seriously as opponents because she couldn't
conceive of anyone *being* a real opponent. She
really felt she had it locked and that made
her sloppy. The first rule of combat -- hand-to-
hand or political -- is to *never* underestimate
your opponent. She broke that rule.

Indeed...she did so because she arrogantly,
and totally unrealistically, felt she *had*
no opponent, at least none worthy of the name.
And Obama represented her home state, for
crying out loud!  If anything should have taught
her that politics is unpredictable and anything
can happen, you'd think it would have been growing
up in the state that produced an unexpected
victory for the Dems in 60 and one for the
Repugs 8 years later.  But, no.  She was looking
so far ahead into the future she didn't she
the looming challenge right in front of her
in the present.

Her campaign will be presented for generations
to come as a textbook example of what not to
do, I predict.


[FairfieldLife] Change Starts Within - part I

2009-06-18 Thread nablusoss1008

[FairfieldLife] Re: excellent 5 minute movie ...

2009-06-18 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, vedamer...@... wrote:

 dear friends,
 on my sidhi course i had a similar experience ...
 this movie 
 everyone can understand.
 it does not matter which country or religion,
 or which lanuage,
 everyone will understand 
 enjoy michael


I've seen this happen, too. In New York I worked
for a time in a very tall skyscraper, near the top
floor. Well, one day I got on the elevator going
down, and found it almost full. Those elevators 
were weight sensitive, which meant that it 
knew that it was full and thus didn't stop at
any of the other floors unless someone on it had
pushed a button to get off on that floor. 

Well, everyone was being New Yawkers, which means
that they were standing their sullen and glum, no
one interacting with anyone else, no one saying a
thing or even looking at anyone else. This went on
until the elevator got to one of the middle floors
of the building. Then the car stopped, and one guy
got off. 

The doors closed and glum silence returned. After 
a few floors, a guy at the back of the elevator  
said out loud, I don't know about the rest of you,
but I kind of miss him.

Everyone cracked up. Laughter just like in this
film clip. By the time we reached the ground floor,
some people had tears in their eyes from laughing
so hard. And when we got to the ground floor, 
people looked around and said goodbye to these
people they had never said hello to in years of
working in that building together. Interestingly,
over the next few months, every time one of us
ran into someone who shared the same elevator 
ride, we would crack up and laugh all over again.

[FairfieldLife] Re: excellent 5 minute movie ...

2009-06-18 Thread Richard M
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, vedamer...@... wrote:

 dear friends,
 on my sidhi course i had a similar experience ...
 this movie 
 everyone can understand.
 it does not matter which country or religion,
 or which lanuage,
 everyone will understand 
 enjoy michael

Marvellous! Thanks.

(On my sidhi course too)

[FairfieldLife] Re: Change Begins Within - part II

2009-06-18 Thread nablusoss1008
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 no_re...@... wrote:



Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: More advice, please

2009-06-18 Thread fflmod

Shemp, have you had your testosterone levels checked? Low levels can cause 
these symptoms.

Love will swallow you, eat you up completely, until there is no `you,' only 
- Amma  

--- On Thu, 6/18/09, nablusoss1008 no_re...@yahoogroups.com wrote:

From: nablusoss1008 no_re...@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: More advice, please
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Date: Thursday, June 18, 2009, 11:37 AM

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, cardemaister no_re...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, shempmcgurk shempmcgurk@ wrote:
  So, as I told you folks a few months ago I am going through a crisis in my 
  life in which I am experiencing a lot of depression and anxiety, the likes 
  of which I've never experienced in my life (at least, since I started TM at 
  age 18...I'm 54 now).
 I think Xanax would be almost like poison, if your anxiety is
 accompanied with depression, unless the depression is merely
 through lack of sleep. As I told before, mirtazapine (Remeron)
 might IMO be much better in a situation like yours.

shemp, if you're reading this I would advice you to stay away from any 
potentially harmful drugs. 
Instead, have regular checkings of your meditation, do Asanas and engage in 
rigorus excercise. Eat plenty of wholesome food and get as much fresh air as 
possible. I've personally seen this help for persons with heavy depressions and 
could help for anxiety also.
Good luck !

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[FairfieldLife] Re: A Challenge To The Hillary Hanger-On-ers

2009-06-18 Thread WillyTex
  This is going to be fun to watch - Turq getting 
TurquoiseB wrote:
 I have never been waxed by anyone on this forum, 
 or by anyone else, for that matter... 


Just for the record, Barry's past failures have 
taken place in debates with *many* people, not just 
with me. Barry is pleased here to ignore the 
difference between I won and You failed when 
the context is a group of people all debating each 

Read more:

From: Judy Stein
Subject: Re: Judge Judy and her Many Hats
Newsgroups: alt.religion.gnostic, 
Date: September 28, 2003

[FairfieldLife] Essential Reading

2009-06-18 Thread Matt
here is an essential site for anyone interested in spirituality 



2009-06-18 Thread nablusoss1008

[FairfieldLife] Re: A Challenge To The Hillary Hanger-On-ers

2009-06-18 Thread WillyTex
Sal Sunshine wrote: 
 I'll take a gander:
 1) Iowa
 2) Iowa
 3) Iowa
 4) Iraq war vote
 5) I'll be the nominee.
Well, the political pundit has spoken, But she 
failed to mention sexism as a reason for Hillary 
Clinton's defeat in the 2008 election. Apparently 
Sal and Turq are in denial  - they just can't 
seem to admit what lots of other commentators 
have noted. Go figure.

I won't miss reading another treatise by a man 
or woman, of the left or right, who says that 
sexism has had not even a teeny-weeny bit of 
influence on the course of the Democratic 

Read more:

'Clinton Campaign Brought Sexism Out of Hiding'
By Marie Cocco

The 2008 campaign has demonstrated it is more 
politically correct to be sexist than racist. 
American culture tolerates sexism to a degree 
it would never tolerate racism...

Read more:

'Lesson of the 2008 Election Is That Sexism Is 
Still More Pervasive Than Racism'
By Bonnie Erbe
US News  Workd Rerport, October 29, 2008

Only in retrospect are the national media 
outlets coming to acknowledge the gender 
discrimination that pervaded coverage of 
Hillary's 2008 presidential campaign. From 
radio and television to newspapers and print 
sources, examples abound...

Read more:

'Sexism and Gender Bias in Media Coverage' 

[FairfieldLife] Re: More advice, please

2009-06-18 Thread ruthsimplicity
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, shempmcgurk shempmcg...@... wrote:

 So, as I told you folks a few months ago I am going through a crisis in my 
 life in which I am experiencing a lot of depression and anxiety, the likes of 
 which I've never experienced in my life (at least, since I started TM at age 
 18...I'm 54 now).
 Here's the advice I seek: three months ago when this crisis started, my GP 
 prescribed me 0.5mg of Xanax.  I have never taken such a drug before in my 
 life and, up to now, have been afraid to. But this nervousness that I feel 
 everyday, I'm fed up with.  So I am seriously considering taking it.  I 
 filled the prescription today and the bottle is sitting on my kitchen counter.
 what do you think: should I take it?
 Pro's and con's, please.  I'm desperate!
 As this is my 49th post of the week and I won't be able to respond, I will 
 nevertheless read all of your advice on this.

Xanax is very effective for short term treatment of anxiety.  If you are 
concerned about the addictive potential, you might ask your doctor about BuSpar 
which is also an antianxiety agent but is not  related to the benzodiazepines 
(like Xanax), barbiturates, or other sedating anxiolytic drugs. 

If you have issues that are more long term you might look into the SSRIs 
(selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors) which are very effective for anxiety 
and depression.  There are side effects (everyone hears about the potential for 
sexual side effects) and you have to wean yourself off of them carefully. 
Paroxetine (Paxil) is one example. These take a few weeks to build up in your 
system to work.

[FairfieldLife] David Lynch poem with Donovan and Paul McCartney

2009-06-18 Thread nablusoss1008

[FairfieldLife] Followup to sexual barbarians -- Calvin Klein ad

2009-06-18 Thread TurquoiseB
OK, this is what I was talking about. An outrage
over a billboard featured three models revealing
no skin worth mentioning, calling it pornography.

And why? Because the ad shows a woman making out
with two men:


40% of the readers of the *fashion* website thought
it was inappropriate. 

In France or Spain, all of the people in the ad
could be completely naked, and no one would even
blink. Certainly no one would object or think the
ad inappropriate.

America really got the short end of the stick by
getting stuck with the uptight, repressed Prot-
estants who had been thrown out of every country
in Europe *for* being uptight and repressed. And
it's still never recovered...

[FairfieldLife] Re: More advice, please

2009-06-18 Thread ruthsimplicity
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine salsunsh...@... wrote:

 I would stay away from anything as addictive as xanax
 supposedly is, and I'm sort of surprised your doctor
 would even prescribe it.
 There's got to be other things that would work without
 such a major side-effect, along with talking to  someone.

Many people do use Xanax for a brief period of time with no trouble at all.  
Other people use it off and on in small doses (like the one prescribed for 
Shemp) for years with no problem.The problem is that if you take it all the 
time  you will end up needing a higher dose and you will become addicted.  So, 
for generalized anxiety disorder and other chronic problems it is better to 
find another treatment.  

[FairfieldLife] Cosmically Conscious- Paul McCartney, Ringo Star, bettye Lavette, Sheryl Crow

2009-06-18 Thread nablusoss1008

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: Don't Eat Frogs

2009-06-18 Thread Rick Archer
From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:fairfieldl...@yahoogroups.com]
On Behalf Of nablusoss1008
Sent: Thursday, June 18, 2009 10:56 AM
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Don't Eat Frogs
Pray tell, what's going to happen to me when
 I die, Nabby? 

When you die ? It has already happened; a person dedicated to slandering
Saints is already enjoying his karma.
Just came back from seeing one. Sri Karunamayi. Nice experience. Nothing
about her to attract slander.

While you're at it, tell us what happened to Rama, Lakshman,
 and Sita after they died. When they were in exile, they shot and ate deer.

But not frogs. 
'Cause there's not much meat on them. But you still haven't told us why
eating them is such a sin. Do the Vedas say so? Maitreya? Or is this one of
your own personal edicts?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: More advice, please

2009-06-18 Thread Sal Sunshine

On Jun 18, 2009, at 12:29 PM, ruthsimplicity wrote:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine salsunsh...@...  

I would stay away from anything as addictive as xanax
supposedly is, and I'm sort of surprised your doctor
would even prescribe it.

There's got to be other things that would work without
such a major side-effect, along with talking to  someone.


Many people do use Xanax for a brief period of time with no trouble  
at all.  Other people use it off and on in small doses (like the one  
prescribed for Shemp) for years with no problem.The problem is  
that if you take it all the time  you will end up needing a higher  
dose and you will become addicted.  So, for generalized anxiety  
disorder and other chronic problems it is better to find another  



[FairfieldLife] Re: More advice, please

2009-06-18 Thread off_world_beings

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com , shempmcgurk shempmcg...@...

 So, as I told you folks a few months ago I am going through a crisis
in my life in which I am experiencing a lot of depression and anxiety,
the likes of which I've never experienced in my life (at least, since I
started TM at age 18...I'm 54 now).

Fruit diet will cure you. Although you will have some real downer days
in the first few days - so you have to be aware of that - after a week
you will feel better than you have ever felt. You need something drastic
like a fruit diet, because your body has become entrenched and
stagnated. At your age this would be common, but completely curable with
a fruit diet.

Satisfy very strong craving only, otherwise any fruit (and some nuts,
seeds, etc if you feel hungry.)


[FairfieldLife] The taste of venison (was: Re: TM critical site blocked for MUM students)

2009-06-18 Thread Alex Stanley
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradh...@... wrote:

 I'm curious since my own dislike of venison is it's gamey taste  
 (although I do like male deer bologna or sausage). It's common
 in cow meat to castrate the males used for meat. Could it be the
 un-castrated male buck meat that I'm reacting to? Is doe meat
 sweeter and more  palatable?

Buck meat does have a much stronger taste than doe meat, but doe meat has a 
strong taste compared to beef. I use a lot of seasoning on venison to balance 
out the flavor. One reason buck meat may taste so strong is that hunting season 
takes place during mating season, when the bucks have hormones up the wazoo 
flowing through their systems.

Also, proper butchering makes a big difference. I watched the guy butcher 
several of my deer, and there are a few places between large muscle groups 
where there are small glands about the size of a pea that need to be removed. 
If they are not removed, they ramp up the gamey taste considerably.

[FairfieldLife] Re: More advice, please

2009-06-18 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, off_world_beings no_re...@...

 Fruit diet will cure you. Although you will have some real
 downer days in the first few days - so you have to be aware
 of that - after a week you will feel better than you have
 ever felt. You need something drastic like a fruit diet,
 because your body has become entrenched and stagnated. At
 your age this would be common, but completely curable with
 a fruit diet.

Off probably believes that fruit will cure or prevent AIDS, too.

Shemp, read this article before you pay much attention
to anyone's advice here but Ruth's (the best so far). This
guy (Mathias Rabb) had odd ideas about miracle cures,
too. His ideas killed an estimated 343,000 people.
The man who sold out medicine
-sold-out-medicine.aspx#comments By Ben Goldacre|03 June 2009 [Wired UK
magazine reports on the activities of Mathias Rath, who believes
vitamins can cure HIV]

The alternative-therapy industry is worth billions of pounds and the
techniques used to market it are very familiar: buzzwords like
natural and holistic, distortions of trial data, the
denigration of mainstream medicine, conspiracy theories involving the
pharmaceutical industry, and so on. They are indulged because they seem
harmless, and tend to target the worried well. But what would
happen if we took these sleights of hand and transplanted them out of
our Western context, into a situation where medicines can literally mean
living or dying?

In an ideal world, this would be only hypothetical. Aids is the opposite
of anecdote, and the numbers involved are so huge that it is hard to
mount an emotional response to them. Around 25 million people have died
from it already, three million in the last year alone, and 500,000 of
those who died were children. In South Africa it kills 300,000 every
year: that's 800 people every day, or one every two minutes. This
one country has 6.3 million people who are HIV-positive, including 30
per cent of all pregnant women. There are 1.2 million Aids orphans. Most
chillingly of all, this disaster has appeared suddenly, and while we
were watching: in 1990, just one per cent of adults in South Africa were
HIV-positive. If you were walking into this situation with a solution,
you'd make very certain that you were on solid footing.

Matthias Rath is one of the world's leading vitamin-pill salesmen,
his fortune made in Europe and America on the back of huge sales in
health-food shops and online. He went to South Africa in 2004, and began
taking full-page adverts in newspapers.

The answer to the Aids epidemic is here, he proclaimed.
Antiretroviral (ARV) drugs were poisonous, and a conspiracy to kill
patients and make money. Stop Aids Genocide by the Drugs
Cartel, ran one headline. Why should South Africans continue
to be poisoned with AZT? There is a natural answer to Aids. The
answer came in the form of vitamin pills. Multi-vitamin treatment
is more effective than any toxic Aids drug. Multivitamins cut the risk
of developing Aids in half. Rath's company ran clinics that
gave multivitamins away for free. In 2005, he decided to run a trial of
his own formulation, VitaCell, in a township near Cape Town called
Khayelitsha, giving it to people with advanced Aids. Tragically, he had
taken these ideas to the right place. Thabo Mbeki, South Africa's
president until 2008, is an Aids denialist who has compared
Aids researchers to Nazis. At various times during the peak of the Aids
epidemic in South Africa, his government argued that HIV is not the
cause of Aids, and that antiretroviral drugs are not useful. It refused
to roll out proper treatment programmes; it refused to accept grant
money from the UN's Global Fund to buy anti-Aids medication; and it
refused to accept donations of medication.

The consequences were inevitable. One study estimates that if the South
African national government had used antiretroviral drugs for prevention
and treatment at the same rate as the Western Cape province, which
defied national policy on the issue, around 171,000 new HIV infections
and 343,000 deaths might have been prevented between 1999 and 2007.
It's an astonishing death toll for nothing more than a bad idea.
Another study estimates that between 2000 and 2005 there were 330,000
unnecessary deaths, 2.2 million person years lost, and 35,000 babies
born with HIV unnecessarily because of the failure to implement a cheap
and simple mother-to-child transmission- prevention programme. Between
one and three doses of an ARV drug can reduce transmission dramatically.
The cost is negligible. It was not available.
Matthias Rath's colleague and employee, a South African barrister
named Anthony Brink, takes the credit for introducing Thabo Mbeki to
many of these ideas. In his letter of introduction to Matthias Rath,
Brink described himself as South Africa's leading Aids
dissident, best known for my whistleblowing exposé of the 

[FairfieldLife] I Saw Her Standing There PAUL McCARTNEY RINGO STARR at Radio City

2009-06-18 Thread nablusoss1008

What a party; wish I was there ! 
LaFayette; what a woman !

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: More advice, please

2009-06-18 Thread lesley mc coy
*sticks a stick  out *
...'friend' ??
yes, friend,here,have you a moment?
(runs along water s edge)here-
*sticks out a branchy stick*
.'.Glug glug..'
I mean you no harm,there's a warm place over there-..
...'What?The water about is loud'..
*extends stick* 
*talks through her eyes
(grabs on)
(steadies self on stones and steps to ground)
come?The ground is warm here-
'The waves were so loud crashing,I couldn't hear myself think...'
The loud mm.
warm?There ia a bag of herbs I brought;may be of some comfort to you?
some valerianmusta tea
almond milk-
here, I wrote L - O - V - E - in the sugar before I put it in,
will you have some tea?
...Why, yes,
yes, it would be nice, a little refreshing'
oh good,I couldn't bear to see you suffering
'I have this'
Oh, xanax,amazing it didn't get wet-the dentist used to give that to me 
because I would shake.He couldn't do any work on me.It just put me to sleep.I 
still had anxiety,then i would go to sleep.I think something else would have 
been better for me.I don't know if it is good for you.The more I get to know, 
the more I realize I know so little!So much to understand.
When I write in my journal,I re read it and put it together like a puzzle.It 
looks different on paper somehow.Oh Dear One, I have rambled, have I offended?
'No,I am weary from paddling against the current,drone on while I rest'
ha ha!Okay, well,my mind is a wild horse-I am giving time to rein it and tame 
it and re train it lately.I am embarrased to admit to you, but is truth.
I read some things lately of help to me, if they are of some gift to your 
wellness, please take them and put in your pocket there-
my mind is never quiet
I read on a website that the brain is more protein dependent than people 
This, to my dismay.I don't like thinking of the suffering part, it doesn't 
taste good to me either,and when I try to eat it,to help my mind,and my not 
clotting too well blood,
well then the next day-it is hurting me, cramps,ugh, too much evacuation, 
It's not too bad if I try shrimp/crab...that whole thing is a can of worms so 
to speak.
I was reading the brain is 75%water, too, and needs more water than people 
So here my fight is with eat protein somehow everyday so my mind can make 
proper connections with the synapses , hopefully .Waiting now, for it to heal 
and be well.
I do meditation too, and ask questions of myself-what am i feeling there, in my 
heart?What is that in my brain?Why am I thinking/feeling that?I am afraid.I 
think why?I tell it go and sprinkle wing dust on it so it can fly away.
.'wing dust?Is there such a thing?!!!'
I don't know, but they would not be willed away, so I pulled out some wing 
dust out of mt heart one day, sprinkled it on the hanging thought, and it flew 
away.They go when I do that.I can't explain or prove in a court of public 
opinion, I just know it was there, then it wasn't.I think I can, and want to 
let it go and replace it with what I want to do, and think I can.
I read recently that knots in your muscles are because one is in a place of not 
flowing.Squooshed up.Move to the side-or that other side, and do something 
Do you think that you, before you were born decided on this life, this way, to 
help yourself learn certain things and all is for the good that way?This helped 
me.This is good,somewhere, somehow,something, some purpose, some thing...I 
would help you in some concrete way if I could,friend, but I know not how-I 
could rub your forehead w/ this sesame oil, is that good for you?
'..You have many words...'

-I know,it gets me into 
trouble.I have much to learn.
Then you will flow-when you are cramped squooshed, move.I was reading that 

--- On Wed, 6/17/09, min.pige min.p...@yahoo.com wrote:

From: min.pige min.p...@yahoo.com
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: More advice, please
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Date: Wednesday, June 17, 2009, 10:36 PM

 what do you think: should I take it?
 Pro's and con's, please. I'm desperate!

 : : : : :;

Not an easy answer!

If you have the potential for addiction, might not be a good choice long term.

Xanax has a short half-life, so you will get immediate relief which will fade 
out after a few hours.

Xanax is the treatment of choice for panic attacks, do you have the signature 
'impending doom feeling'?

For general anxiety and certainly for depression, i don't understand this was 
prescribed. There are better meds for those issues, which will last longer, be 
smoother, less side effects and no addiction potential.

You probably wouldn't want to take a Xanax again as one wears off, to keep 
yourself level on Xanax, it is highly 

[FairfieldLife] Bill Maher Discusses Obama, Letterman And Palin

2009-06-18 Thread do.rflex

Bill Maher, who aired his displeasure with the pace at which President Obama is 
accomplishing his policy objectives on his HBO show Friday night, made an 
appearance on CNN's Situation Room with Wolf Blitzer tonight to reiterate his 


Maher weighed in on the David Letterman-Sarah Palin controversy, stating that 
Letterman is a fundamentally decent Midwesterner and that his remarks were 
twisted into a lie that [got] into the media and then [became] the truth. 
Maher said it was a shame that Letterman had to apologize.

Watch video at link: http://snipurl.com/kdxqd  [www_huffingtonpost_com] 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Don't Eat Frogs

2009-06-18 Thread nablusoss1008
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer r...@... wrote:

 When you die ? It has already happened; a person dedicated to slandering
 Saints is already enjoying his karma.
 Just came back from seeing one. Sri Karunamayi. Nice experience. Nothing
 about her to attract slander.
 While you're at it, tell us what happened to Rama, Lakshman,
  and Sita after they died. When they were in exile, they shot and ate deer.
 But not frogs. 
 'Cause there's not much meat on them. But you still haven't told us why
 eating them is such a sin. Do the Vedas say so? Maitreya? Or is this one of
 your own personal edicts?

Your problem is that you do not have access to any real Saints anymore because 
they will never again take you seriously after all the slandering you have 

You don't have a real Saint to ask this question to and never will, but I will 
answer it on behalf of them based on what several Saints have said and written: 
If you eat a Frog you will spend time in intense Tamas after having left the 
If you ate a Frog not being aware of their sacred status you will still have to 
experience intense Tamas for a while (and so will I) but it will not be very 
long, just longish.

If you in your hippe-days ate a Frog, it will not harm you much since you did 
not know the sacred status of Frogs. I ate two Frog-legs myself in San 
Fransisco in 1969 and womitted afterwards, not knowing anything about the 
sacred status of Frogs (I was 13 years old). But if you today as much as think 
of eating one you'll be in big trouble. 

Not that you're not in big trouble already for slandering Saints and Yogis.

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: Don't Eat Frogs

2009-06-18 Thread Rick Archer
From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:fairfieldl...@yahoogroups.com]
On Behalf Of nablusoss1008
Sent: Thursday, June 18, 2009 1:59 PM
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Don't Eat Frogs
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
mailto:FairfieldLife%40yahoogroups.com , Rick Archer r...@... wrote:

 When you die ? It has already happened; a person dedicated to slandering
 Saints is already enjoying his karma.
 Just came back from seeing one. Sri Karunamayi. Nice experience. Nothing
 about her to attract slander.
 While you're at it, tell us what happened to Rama, Lakshman,
  and Sita after they died. When they were in exile, they shot and ate
 But not frogs. 
 'Cause there's not much meat on them. But you still haven't told us why
 eating them is such a sin. Do the Vedas say so? Maitreya? Or is this one
 your own personal edicts?

Your problem is that you do not have access to any real Saints anymore
because they will never again take you seriously after all the slandering
you have committed. 

You don't have a real Saint to ask this question to and never will, but I
will answer it on behalf of them based on what several Saints have said and
written: If you eat a Frog you will spend time in intense Tamas after having
left the body. 
If you ate a Frog not being aware of their sacred status you will still have
to experience intense Tamas for a while (and so will I) but it will not be
very long, just longish.

If you in your hippe-days ate a Frog, it will not harm you much since you
did not know the sacred status of Frogs. I ate two Frog-legs myself in San
Fransisco in 1969 and womitted afterwards, not knowing anything about the
sacred status of Frogs (I was 13 years old). But if you today as much as
think of eating one you'll be in big trouble. 
Thanks for the explanation. I hadn't heard of this before. Not inclined to
eat them anymore. They're a somewhat endangered species. Dying off due to
climate change.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Don't Eat Frogs

2009-06-18 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer r...@... wrote:

  From: nablusoss1008
  You don't have a real Saint to ask this question to and 
  never will, but I will answer it on behalf of them based 
  on what several Saints have said and written: If you eat 
  a Frog you will spend time in intense Tamas after having
  left the body. 
  If you in your hippe-days ate a Frog, it will not harm 
  you much since you did not know the sacred status of Frogs...

 Thanks for the explanation. I hadn't heard of this before. 
 Not inclined to eat them anymore. They're a somewhat endangered 
 species. Dying off due to climate change.

The thing is, Rick, it's the endangered thang that
has Nabby up on his high horse. I have it on good
authority that our Nabby is a certified frog licker:



Yep. Nabby gets high by licking frogs. THAT is why
he's upset that you ate a few. It's like you killed
his dealer.

[FairfieldLife] Re: More advice, please

2009-06-18 Thread off_world_beings

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com , TurquoiseB no_re...@...

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com , off_world_beings no_reply@
  Fruit diet will cure you. Although you will have some real
  downer days in the first few days - so you have to be aware
  of that - after a week you will feel better than you have
  ever felt. You need something drastic like a fruit diet,
  because your body has become entrenched and stagnated. At
  your age this would be common, but completely curable with
  a fruit diet.

 Off probably believes that fruit will cure or prevent AIDS, too.

You have been brain-washed by the most profitable business in the world
Turq. These corporations make more profit than oil or any other
corporations - the Pharmaceuticals. Doctors who have used diet (with a
lot of raw fruit) as a means to help aids patients have been more
successful than any drug, but they are being harrassed and sued by the
pharmaceutical mafia, who sue them claiming they are using dangerous
methods, where in fact the drugs are far less proven and much more
dangerous. It is the same as Monsanto now suing farmers. The
corporations have locked down the system into the kind of ignorance that
you spew on their behalf. Idiot.

These are the facts of the world Turq. But you are too stupid to see


[FairfieldLife] Re: More advice, please

2009-06-18 Thread Robert
Here are a couple of people that could help via telephone:

This first one would be of assistance to anyone:
This is a new methodology that is called `Theta Healing:


This second woman, is an expert in helping people who are `Empaths'...
Highly sensitive people:

Carolyn Wilson-Elliott
Master Spiritual Life Coach


[FairfieldLife] Re: Bill Maher Discusses Obama, Letterman And Palin

2009-06-18 Thread WillyTex
do.rflex wrote:
 Maher said it was a shame that Letterman had 
 to apologize...
Following a week of back and forth between CBS 
late night comic David Letterman and Sarah Palin 
over a crude joke he told about the Alaska Republican 
governor's daughter, the Olive Garden restaurant says 
it is cancelling all of its scheduled ads on 
Letterman's 'Late Show' for the rest of the year...

Read more:

'Olive Garden pulls Letterman ads'
By Andy Barr
Politico, June 18, 2009

[FairfieldLife] Swell cover of Voodoo Chile (slight return)?

2009-06-18 Thread cardemaister


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Palin vs. Letterman: The Fox Nation gets outraged

2009-06-18 Thread fflmod

Is there some kind of rule on FFL that says 
you're not supposed to post links to articles 
that are older than ten minutes? 
So when the article has a quote like:
The ball is in Letterman’s court. If he backs down and apologizes the 
controversy will end much more quickly.
...you don't think that makes the article dated? 
By the way, the 'David Letterman on Willow Palin' video you linked to is no 
longer available.
Love will swallow you, eat you up completely, until there is no `you,' only 
- Amma  

--- On Thu, 6/18/09, WillyTex no_re...@yahoogroups.com wrote:

From: WillyTex no_re...@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Palin vs. Letterman: The Fox Nation gets outraged
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Date: Thursday, June 18, 2009, 9:08 AM

fflmod wrote:
 This article is six days old and Palin has 
 accepted Letterman's recent apology since 
Is there some kind of rule on FFL that says 
you're not supposed to post links to articles 
that are older than ten minutes? 

See, this is why all that 'have you no decency?' 
stuff from Democrats rings so hollow

Read more:

'David Letterman on Willow Palin'
Posted by Glenn Reynolds

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: TM critical site blocked for MUM students

2009-06-18 Thread fflmod

Do you catch them? From what lake?
Yes, I catch them. I catch them at Lake Trollingforfishseemstometobe 
Love will swallow you, eat you up completely, until there is no `you,' only 
- Amma  

--- On Thu, 6/18/09, WillyTex no_re...@yahoogroups.com wrote:

From: WillyTex no_re...@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: TM critical site blocked for MUM students
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Date: Thursday, June 18, 2009, 8:52 AM

fflmod@ wrote:
 Fish is a favorite of mine and not only provides 
 quality protein but helps kindle digestive fire. 
Do you catch them? From what lake?

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[FairfieldLife] Re: More advice, please

2009-06-18 Thread bob_brigante
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozg...@... wrote:

 shempmcgurk wrote:
  So, as I told you folks a few months ago I am going through a crisis in my 
  life in which I am experiencing a lot of depression and anxiety, the likes 
  of which I've never experienced in my life (at least, since I started TM at 
  age 18...I'm 54 now).
  Here's the advice I seek: three months ago when this crisis started, my GP 
  prescribed me 0.5mg of Xanax.  I have never taken such a drug before in my 
  life and, up to now, have been afraid to. But this nervousness that I feel 
  everyday, I'm fed up with.  So I am seriously considering taking it.  I 
  filled the prescription today and the bottle is sitting on my kitchen 
  what do you think: should I take it?
  Pro's and con's, please.  I'm desperate!
  As this is my 49th post of the week and I won't be able to respond, I will 
  nevertheless read all of your advice on this.
 I can appreciate your apprehension in taking the drug.  Many here have 
 already cited the downside the this particular pharmaceutical.  After 
 all so many of these drugs come with long litanies of contraindications 
 its a wonder they're even legal.About the only pharmaceutical I've 
 taken in recent years was just an antibiotic that my dentist or oral 
 surgeon would prescribe.  They also provided a prescription for a pain 
 killer which I had filled once but never used because I didn't need it.
 A few years back after have a tooth extract the surgeon prescribed 
 Vioxx.  I felt so lousy on that that I just put it on my drug allergy 
 list (very short, sulfa is the other).
 You've never said what your ayurvedic constitution is.  Some of us can 
 make vague stabs and you seem to be interested in treating vata. But I 
 also know that some people are under the assumption that they have a 
 vata imbalance when they may not.  Vata imbalances are quite common but 
 with often quickly treatable.  The constitution can give a better clue 
 as to why you have having these panic attacks.  They can occur with both 
 vata and pitta depression.  You might look up a practitioner or two and 
 see what they say.  There is often no harm in experimenting with some of 
 the teas and seeing how they effect you.  Whether they improve or worsen 
 the situation.  The more you know about ayurveda the more you can use it 
 as a powerful tool to keep you on track mentally and physically.
 Unfortunately on FFL you'll have some ayurvedic naysayers who do not 
 understand the practice and may have had a bad experience with a poor 
 practitioner.  And we have a few who will critique the movie without 
 having seen it if you catch my drift.


MAPI has an anxiety-reducing natural approach, and at $40/60 tabs, not absurdly 

Researchers at the University of California at San Diego (UCSD) conducted a 
randomized, controlled pilot study to measure the effects of Worry Free on ten 
patients who suffered from Generalized Anxiety Disorder, a condition that 
affects 25% of the population.

The treatment period was three months. One group took two tablets of Worry Free 
twice a day, while the other group took a placebo. At post-testing, after three 
months of taking Worry Free, 80% of the Worry Free group no longer exhibited 
Generalized Anxiety Disorder, exhibiting a two-fold greater decrease in the 
Hamilton Anxiety Scale than the placebo subjects.

What is the Ayurvedic explanation for this dramatic drop in generalized anxiety?

In ayurveda, mental abilities are divided into three categories. They are dhi 
(acquisition) dhriti (retention) and smriti (recall). Worry Free helped 
patients with Generalized Anxiety Disorder because it contains a special group 
of herbs such as Herpestis Monniera, Aloeweed, and Heart-leaved Moonseed, which 
have an enhancing effect on dhi, dhriti and smriti.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Followup to sexual barbarians -- Calvin Klein ad

2009-06-18 Thread sgrayatlarge
How do you say, that as a Frenchman, we have given up on pretty much anything 
that's worth fighting for:

Je renonce ?

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_re...@... wrote:

 OK, this is what I was talking about. An outrage
 over a billboard featured three models revealing
 no skin worth mentioning, calling it pornography.
 And why? Because the ad shows a woman making out
 with two men:
 40% of the readers of the *fashion* website thought
 it was inappropriate. 
 In France or Spain, all of the people in the ad
 could be completely naked, and no one would even
 blink. Certainly no one would object or think the
 ad inappropriate.
 America really got the short end of the stick by
 getting stuck with the uptight, repressed Prot-
 estants who had been thrown out of every country
 in Europe *for* being uptight and repressed. And
 it's still never recovered...

[FairfieldLife] Sam Seder Talks To Letterman Protesters

2009-06-18 Thread do.rflex

Our buddy, Sam Seder, decided to go check out the protest talk show hack (and 
professional potty-mouthed angry person) John Ziegler organized to take David 
Letterman off the air in light of his joke about Sarah Palin's daughter, a joke 
for which he had already apologized twice.

Give Sam credit. It wasn't easy to find those whole fifteen protesters amongst 
the sea of media covering them. I'm not sure that your protest can be 
considered effective if the media outnumbers the protesters by more than 2 to 

See if anyone interviewed sounds familiar - 

Watch video at link: 

[FairfieldLife] NYC murder map

2009-06-18 Thread bob_brigante

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: More advice, please

2009-06-18 Thread Bhairitu
bob_brigante wrote:

 MAPI has an anxiety-reducing natural approach, and at $40/60 tabs, not 
 absurdly expensive:

 Researchers at the University of California at San Diego (UCSD) conducted a 
 randomized, controlled pilot study to measure the effects of Worry Free on 
 ten patients who suffered from Generalized Anxiety Disorder, a condition that 
 affects 25% of the population.

 The treatment period was three months. One group took two tablets of Worry 
 Free twice a day, while the other group took a placebo. At post-testing, 
 after three months of taking Worry Free, 80% of the Worry Free group no 
 longer exhibited Generalized Anxiety Disorder, exhibiting a two-fold greater 
 decrease in the Hamilton Anxiety Scale than the placebo subjects.

 What is the Ayurvedic explanation for this dramatic drop in generalized 

 In ayurveda, mental abilities are divided into three categories. They are dhi 
 (acquisition) dhriti (retention) and smriti (recall). Worry Free helped 
 patients with Generalized Anxiety Disorder because it contains a special 
 group of herbs such as Herpestis Monniera, Aloeweed, and Heart-leaved 
 Moonseed, which have an enhancing effect on dhi, dhriti and smriti.


They also sell Worry Free Tea for $6.95 a box.

[FairfieldLife] Re: More advice, please

2009-06-18 Thread nablusoss1008
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, bob_brigante no_re...@... wrote:
 MAPI has an anxiety-reducing natural approach, and at $40/60 tabs, not 
 absurdly expensive:
 Researchers at the University of California at San Diego (UCSD) conducted a 
 randomized, controlled pilot study to measure the effects of Worry Free on 
 ten patients who suffered from Generalized Anxiety Disorder, a condition that 
 affects 25% of the population.
 The treatment period was three months. One group took two tablets of Worry 
 Free twice a day, while the other group took a placebo. At post-testing, 
 after three months of taking Worry Free, 80% of the Worry Free group no 
 longer exhibited Generalized Anxiety Disorder, exhibiting a two-fold greater 
 decrease in the Hamilton Anxiety Scale than the placebo subjects.
 What is the Ayurvedic explanation for this dramatic drop in generalized 
 In ayurveda, mental abilities are divided into three categories. They are dhi 
 (acquisition) dhriti (retention) and smriti (recall). Worry Free helped 
 patients with Generalized Anxiety Disorder because it contains a special 
 group of herbs such as Herpestis Monniera, Aloeweed, and Heart-leaved 
 Moonseed, which have an enhancing effect on dhi, dhriti and smriti.

Wonderful. Thanks for posting this Bob !

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: More advice, please

2009-06-18 Thread Sal Sunshine

On Jun 18, 2009, at 4:14 PM, Bhairitu wrote:

In ayurveda, mental abilities are divided into three categories.  
They are dhi (acquisition) dhriti (retention) and smriti (recall).  
Worry Free helped patients with Generalized Anxiety Disorder  
because it contains a special group of herbs such as Herpestis  
Monniera, Aloeweed, and Heart-leaved Moonseed, which have an  
enhancing effect on dhi, dhriti and smriti.


They also sell Worry Free Tea for $6.95 a box.

Does that one come with or without the snake oil?


[FairfieldLife] Re: More advice, please

2009-06-18 Thread off_world_beings

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com , Sal Sunshine salsunsh...@...

 On Jun 18, 2009, at 4:14 PM, Bhairitu wrote:

  In ayurveda, mental abilities are divided into three categories.
  They are dhi (acquisition) dhriti (retention) and smriti (recall).
  Worry Free helped patients with Generalized Anxiety Disorder
  because it contains a special group of herbs such as Herpestis
  Monniera, Aloeweed, and Heart-leaved Moonseed, which have an
  enhancing effect on dhi, dhriti and smriti.
  They also sell Worry Free Tea for $6.95 a box.

 Does that one come with or without the snake oil?

Has he tried snake-oil? It might work.



[FairfieldLife] New Crop Circle; Avebury Avenue, Near Avebury,

2009-06-18 Thread nablusoss1008
Avebury Avenue, Near Avebury,


Reported June 17 2009.

This formation was destroyed by the farmer in the morning of day one. No
ground shots or  additional information is available at this time.


All the second day additions were discovered at around 6am on June 18
2009. The tail section measures approximately 200 feet in length..
Overall diameter of the main body of the circle is approximately 160

Report by Charles R Mallett
http://www.silentcircle.co.uk/MALLETT.1.html  © 2009


Day one..


Day two..


Ground Photos by Charles R Mallett
http://www.silentcircle.co.uk/MALLETT.1.html  © 2009


Photo by Monique Scholten- Klinkenbergh © 2009

BACK TO 2009 CROP CIRCLES http://www.silentcircle.co.uk/rpt092.html

HOME http://www.silentcircle.co.uk/FRONT.2.html


[FairfieldLife] New Crop Circle at Barbury Castle, Near Swindon, Wiltshire.

2009-06-18 Thread nablusoss1008


Reported June 14 2009.

This formation measures approximately 400 feet in length. The bird can
be clearly viewed from Barbury Castle from the North bride.

On the ground the circle was considered messy with much damage to the
laid barley, perhaps due to a substantial number of previous visitors.

The farmer of this field is not happy and does not want people on his

Report by Charles R Mallett© 2009


Photo by Lucy Pringle © 2009




Ground Photos by Charles R Mallet
http://www.silentcircle.co.uk/MALLETT.1.html t © 2009


Photo Monique Scholten- Klinkenbergh © 2009

BACK TO 2009 CROP CIRCLES http://www.silentcircle.co.uk/rpt092.html

HOME http://www.silentcircle.co.uk/FRONT.2.html



[FairfieldLife] Yatesbury Field, Near Yatesbury,

2009-06-18 Thread nablusoss1008
Yatesbury Field, Near Yatesbury,


Reported June 3 2009.

Due to the fact that vital information regarding the existence and
whereabouts of this pattern was withheld from researchers by the initial
photographer no first day examination of the glyph was possible.

Report by Charles R Mallett
http://www.silentcircle.co.uk/MALLETT.1.html  © 2009


Photo by Lucy Pringle http://www.lucypringle.co.uk/  © 2009


Ground Images by R Armstrong © 2009

BACK TO 2009 CROP CIRCLES http://www.silentcircle.co.uk/rpt092.html

HOME http://www.silentcircle.co.uk/FRONT.2.html

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: More advice, please

2009-06-18 Thread Sal Sunshine

On Jun 18, 2009, at 5:05 PM, off_world_beings wrote:

 Does that one come with or without the snake oil?
Has he tried snake-oil? It might work.

Here was the question:

Here's the advice I seek: three months ago when this crisis started,  
my GP prescribed me 0.5mg of Xanax.  I have never taken such a drug  
before in my life and, up to now, have been afraid to. But this  
nervousness that I feel everyday, I'm fed up with.  So I am  
seriously considering taking it.  I filled the prescription today  
and the bottle is sitting on my kitchen counter.

what do you think: should I take it?

Shemp was specifically asking about *xanax.*
What's so difficult about that?

Any number of responses have nothing whatsoever
to do with that, but are instead trying to peddle
some nonsensical junk treatment that will
do nothing, or else something like xanax (and
other psycotropic medications) never would
have been necessary in the first place.

Talking about fruit diets, doshas, herbal
teas et al when someone is trying their best
to get informed opinions on what could be
a potent drug just shows, IMO, the desperation
of people who will do anythying for attention.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: More advice, please

2009-06-18 Thread Bhairitu
Sal Sunshine wrote:
 On Jun 18, 2009, at 5:05 PM, off_world_beings wrote:

  Does that one come with or without the snake oil?
 Has he tried snake-oil? It might work.

 Here was the question:

 Here's the advice I seek: three months ago when this crisis started, 
 my GP prescribed me 0.5mg of Xanax.  I have never taken such a drug 
 before in my life and, up to now, have been afraid to. But this 
 nervousness that I feel everyday, I'm fed up with.  So I am seriously 
 considering taking it.  I filled the prescription today and the 
 bottle is sitting on my kitchen counter.

 what do you think: should I take it?

 Shemp was specifically asking about *xanax.*
 What's so difficult about that?

 Any number of responses have nothing whatsoever
 to do with that, but are instead trying to peddle
 some nonsensical junk treatment that will
 do nothing, or else something like xanax (and
 other psycotropic medications) never would
 have been necessary in the first place.

 Talking about fruit diets, doshas, herbal
 teas et al when someone is trying their best
 to get informed opinions on what could be
 a potent drug just shows, IMO, the desperation
 of people who will do anythying for attention.


Nonsense.  How do you know that herbs won't work?  Or is it just your 
unqualified gut reaction?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Swell cover of Voodoo Chile (slight return)?

2009-06-18 Thread Richard M
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, cardemaister no_re...@... wrote:


Not bad!

I'd love to see a really good stab at House Burning Down. This
guy gets points for effort (but not much else!):


[FairfieldLife] Re: TM critical site blocked for MUM students

2009-06-18 Thread WillyTex
 Do you catch them? From what lake?

fflmod wrote:  
 Yes, I catch them. I catch them at Lake 

So, you bought them frozen at a grocery store 
- I thought so.
 Love will swallow you, eat you up completely, 
 until there is no `you,' only love. 
Why do FFL moderators post political propaganda?

[FairfieldLife] Were Iran's election numbers too good to be true?

2009-06-18 Thread bob_brigante

http://www.slate.com/id/2220608 http://www.slate.com/id/2220608

...on purely statistical grounds, the Iranian election numbers look
more or less reasonable. It might be a different story if Ahmadinejad
had drawn between 67.1 percent and 67.3 percent in all six batches,
suggesting a standard deviation of less than 0.1 percent—or if 500
mini-batches of data, each making up 0.2 percent of the vote, were all
in that 62 percent to 70 percent range. (One reason American readers may
be more used to seeing wide swings in the vote totals is that our
fine-grained media start reporting results when just a few percent of
the votes are in.)

I'm not saying the election wasn't fixed; Juan Cole
http://www.juancole.com/2009/06/stealing-iranian-election.html  and
Richard Sexton
s.html  offer more reasons for doubting the government's numbers. On
the other side, Ken Ballen and Patrick Doherty argue
61401757.html  that their pre-election polling is consistent with a big
Ahmadinejad win. Either way, the final verdict on the Iranian election
won't be settled by drawing a graph. The official numbers may or not be
authentic, but they're definitely messy enough to be true.

  [Iran's Presidentail Election Results.]

[FairfieldLife] Re: Palin vs. Letterman: The Fox Nation gets outraged

2009-06-18 Thread WillyTex
 Is there some kind of rule on FFL that says 
 you're not supposed to post links to articles 
 that are older than ten minutes? 
fflmod wrote: 
 So when the article has a quote like...

So, there's no rule, you were just trying to 
shut me up. Is that one of the moderators jobs,
to shut people up? 

Remember in the campaign, Barack Obama said 
'Family's off limits. You don't talk about my 
family,'... everybody adhered to that, and 
they did leave his family alone, and they 
haven't done that on the other side of the 
ticket, and it has continued to this day. 
So that's a political double standard...

Read more:

'Palin v. Letterman: Who won?'
Posted by Bill Dalton
Prime Buzz, June 18, 2009

[FairfieldLife] Re: More advice, please

2009-06-18 Thread meowthirteen
--There's a group on yahoo-
like this one is on yahoo-
there's one called 
you log in, and then you may ask for healing
This is a very good thing.
There are quite a few people
there that will light candles for you and lift hands to the screen
may have a vision for you or do a reiki  for you.

It was a very good suggestion earlier about the empaths
Just trying to expound a little on that.

- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robert babajii...@... wrote:

 Here are a couple of people that could help via telephone:
 This first one would be of assistance to anyone:
 This is a new methodology that is called `Theta Healing:
 This second woman, is an expert in helping people who are `Empaths'...
 Highly sensitive people:
 Carolyn Wilson-Elliott
 Master Spiritual Life Coach

[FairfieldLife] Re: Sam Seder Talks To Letterman Protesters

2009-06-18 Thread WillyTex
do.rflex wrote:
 John Ziegler organized to take David Letterman 
 off the air in light of his joke about Sarah 
 Palin's daughter...

During his monologue on June 8, Letterman called 
Palin a slutty flight attendant. Not only is this
an insult to Palin, but to all flight attendants.

So, when is David Letterman going to apologize for 
the slut comment? 

Don Imus got fired for calling the black female 
basketball players 'hos'. Maybe David Letterman 
should be fired too, for being a sexist pig.

Fire David Letterman:

[FairfieldLife] Kids 4 to10 Speak about Love ....and Marriage

2009-06-18 Thread do.rflex

-- Kids on Love

Love is what makes you smile when you're tired.
Terri - age 4

Love is when my mommy makes coffee for my daddy and she takes a sip before 
giving it to him, to make sure the taste is OK.
Danny - age 7

Love is what's in the room with you at Christmas if you stop opening presents 
and listen.
Bobby - age 7

If you want to learn to love better, you should start with a friend who you 
Nikka - age 6

I know my older sister loves me because she gives me all her old clothes and 
has to go out and buy new ones.
Lauren - age 4

When you love somebody, your eyelashes go up and down and little stars come 
out of you. :)
Karen - age 7

A four year old child had a next door neighbor was an elderly gentleman who had 
recently lost his wife. Upon seeing the man cry, the little boy went into the 
old gentleman's yard, climbed onto his lap, and just sat there.

When his Mother asked what he had said to the neighbor, the little boy said, 
Nothing, I just helped him cry.

-- Kids on Marriage

How do you decide who to marry?

No person really decides before they grow up who they're going to marry. God 
decides it all way before, and you get to find out later who you're stuck with.
-- Kristen, age 10

How can a strangeer tell if two people are married?

You might have to guess, based on whether they seem to be yelling at the same 
-- Derrick, age 8

What do most people do on a date?

Dates are for having fun, and people should use them to get to know each 
other. Even boys have something to say if you listen long enough.
-- Lynnette, age 8

What would you do on a first date that was turning sour?

I'd run home and play dead. The next day I would call all the newspapers and 
make sure they wrote about me in all the dead columns.
-- Craig, age 9 (ingenious)

Is it better to be single or married?

It's better for girls to be single but not for boys. Boys need someone to 
clean up after them.
-- Anita, age 9 (bless you child)

How would the world be different if the people did not get married?

There sure would be a lot of kids to explain, wouldn't there?
-- Kelvin, age 8

How would you make a marriage work?

Tell your wife that she looks pretty, even if she looks like a dump truck.
-- Ricky, age 10

via: http://www.darkroastedblend.com/2008/05/transforming-tables.html

[FairfieldLife] Re: More advice, please

2009-06-18 Thread WillyTex
  Talking about fruit diets, doshas, herbal
  teas et al when someone is trying their best
  to get informed opinions on what could be
  a potent drug just shows, IMO, the desperation
  of people who will do anythying for attention.
Bhairitu wrote:
 How do you know that herbs won't work? 

Because nobody has ever been cured of depression 
by eating fruits or herbal teas?

Or, that millions of people have overcome the
same depression by taking Xanax or Valium?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Swell cover of Voodoo Chile (slight return)?

2009-06-18 Thread WillyTex
cardemaister wrote:
 Swell cover of Voodoo Chile (slight return)?

Stevie Ray Vaughan - Voodoo Chile (Slight Return):

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: More advice, please

2009-06-18 Thread Bhairitu
WillyTex wrote:
 Talking about fruit diets, doshas, herbal
 teas et al when someone is trying their best
 to get informed opinions on what could be
 a potent drug just shows, IMO, the desperation
 of people who will do anythying for attention.

 Bhairitu wrote:
 How do you know that herbs won't work? 

 Because nobody has ever been cured of depression 
 by eating fruits or herbal teas?
How do you know that?

My sister went through some clinical depression about 15 years ago.  I 
got her to snap out of it one afternoon with kapha tea.
 Or, that millions of people have overcome the
 same depression by taking Xanax or Valium?
Valium is a synthetic drug supposedly based on the chemical structure 
valerian root.  Ephedrine is of course based on the chemical structure 
of the herb Ephedra which grows wild all over the place.  But you're 
probably very familiar with the latter.  Theres nothing all that magical 
about pharmaceuticals other than the illusion their marketing people 
cast on the public.  Seems they've succeeded with some of the minds here.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Were Iran's election numbers too good to be true?

2009-06-18 Thread WillyTex
Bob wrote:
 Were Iran's election numbers too good to be true?
Each day President Obama's blasé business-as-usual 
attitude toward Iran seems more out of touch with 
reality. Today's New York Times reports that the 
president is coming under increased pressure from 
Republicans and other conservatives who say he 
should take a more visible stance in support of the 

Read more:

'We're All Neocons Now' 
By James Taranto
Wall Street Journal, June 18, 2009

[FairfieldLife] Post Count

2009-06-18 Thread FFL PostCount
Fairfield Life Post Counter
Start Date (UTC): Sat Jun 13 00:00:00 2009
End Date (UTC): Sat Jun 20 00:00:00 2009
582 messages as of (UTC) Fri Jun 19 00:08:16 2009

50 authfriend jst...@panix.com
50 Robert babajii...@yahoo.com
49 shempmcgurk shempmcg...@netscape.net
46 nablusoss1008 no_re...@yahoogroups.com
43 raunchydog raunchy...@yahoo.com
37 TurquoiseB no_re...@yahoogroups.com
35 WillyTex no_re...@yahoogroups.com
32 do.rflex do.rf...@yahoo.com
27 Alex Stanley j_alexander_stan...@yahoo.com
26 Bhairitu noozg...@sbcglobal.net
25 Sal Sunshine salsunsh...@lisco.com
23 Rick Archer r...@searchsummit.com
17 bob_brigante no_re...@yahoogroups.com
14 meowthirteen meowthirt...@yahoo.com
10 off_world_beings no_re...@yahoogroups.com
10 ffl...@yahoo.com
10 cardemaister no_re...@yahoogroups.com
10 Vaj vajradh...@earthlink.net
 9 Duveyoung no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 8 sparaig lengli...@cox.net
 6 scienceofabundance no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 4 seekliberation seekliberat...@yahoo.com
 4 BillyG. wg...@yahoo.com
 3 ruthsimplicity no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 3 emptybill emptyb...@yahoo.com
 3 wle...@aol.com
 3 Richard M compost...@yahoo.co.uk
 3 Richard J. Williams willy...@yahoo.com
 2 hermandan0 no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 2 Nelson nelsonriddle2...@yahoo.com
 2 Mike Dixon mdixon.6...@yahoo.com
 2 John jr_...@yahoo.com
 1 wayback71 waybac...@yahoo.com
 1 vedamer...@yahoo.de
 1 shukra69 shukr...@yahoo.ca
 1 sgrayatlarge no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 1 pranamoocher bh...@hotmail.com
 1 menkemeyer menkeme...@yahoo.com
 1 lesley mc coy meowthirt...@yahoo.com
 1 guyfawkes91 no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 1 dhamiltony2k5 dhamiltony...@yahoo.com
 1 Shammu T shammu...@yahoo.com
 1 Peter drpetersutp...@yahoo.com
 1 Matt beriliu...@gmail.com
 1 Joe Smith msilver1...@yahoo.com
 1 min.pige min.p...@yahoo.com

Posters: 46
Saturday Morning 00:00 UTC Rollover Times
Daylight Saving Time (Summer):
US Friday evening: PDT 5 PM - MDT 6 PM - CDT 7 PM - EDT 8 PM
Europe Saturday: BST 1 AM CEST 2 AM EEST 3 AM
Standard Time (Winter):
US Friday evening: PST 4 PM - MST 5 PM - CST 6 PM - EST 7 PM
Europe Saturday: GMT 12 AM CET 1 AM EET 2 AM
For more information on Time Zones: www.worldtimezone.com 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: More advice, please

2009-06-18 Thread It's just a ride
On Thu, Jun 18, 2009 at 6:34 PM, meowthirteen meowthirt...@yahoo.comwrote:

 --There's a group on yahoo-
 like this one is on yahoo-
 there's one called
 you log in, and then you may ask for healing
 This is a very good thing.
 There are quite a few people
 there that will light candles for you and lift hands to the screen
 may have a vision for you or do a reiki  for you.

 It was a very good suggestion earlier about the empaths
 Just trying to expound a little on that.

Thank you for the very humorous clarification.  Kind of reminds me of the
long answer to the question how many (mention many different religious
practitioners) does it take to change a light bulb?  Evangelicals?  Who can
tell?  They all have their hands in the air.  Catholics?  They use candles.

This thetan lady mentioned in a previous post isn't doing all that well
healing people (at $150 or something like that a clip?).  Once a month I get
a new calendar from her offering a free thetan healing session.  She warns
that space is filling up quickly.  The only times she still has available
for me are Monday 8 AM to 8 PM, Tuesday 8 AM to 8 PM, Wednesday 8 AM to 8
PM, Thursday 8 AM to 8 PM, Friday 8 AM to 8 PM.

Come to a man's aid when he needs help and he will remember you.  Next time
he needs help.

[FairfieldLife] Re: More advice, please

2009-06-18 Thread WillyTex
  Because nobody has ever been cured of depression 
  by eating fruits or herbal teas?
Bhairitu wrote:   
 How do you know that?
 My sister went through some clinical depression 
 about 15 years ago.  I got her to snap out of it 
 one afternoon with kapha tea...

Well, I probably missed reading about this in 
peer-reviewed journals like 'Science', 'Journal of 
Applied Psychology', and the 'American Journal of 

The problem is not drinking tea, but failing to 
follow a real medical doctor's advice. If we could 
cure depression with just tea, why would we need  
national health care with medical doctors?

A stimulating blend of spices that perk up body 
and mind, Kapha Tea is guaranteed to wake you up. 
100% herbal Kapha Tea is a caffeine-free alternative 
to coffee, great for early mornings or damp, cold 
days. Includes Ginger, Pepper and Saffron.

Maharishi Ayurveda Mind-Body Herbal Tea:

[FairfieldLife] Re: More advice, please

2009-06-18 Thread off_world_beings

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com , Sal Sunshine salsunsh...@...

 On Jun 18, 2009, at 5:05 PM, off_world_beings wrote:

   Does that one come with or without the snake oil?
 Has he tried snake-oil? It might work.

 Here was the question:

  Here's the advice I seek: three months ago when this crisis started,
  my GP prescribed me 0.5mg of Xanax.  I have never taken such a drug
  before in my life and, up to now, have been afraid to. But this
  nervousness that I feel everyday, I'm fed up with.  So I am
  seriously considering taking it.  I filled the prescription today
  and the bottle is sitting on my kitchen counter.
  what do you think: should I take it?

 Shemp was specifically asking about *xanax.*
 What's so difficult about that?

God, what a fucking asshole you are Sal. No sense of humor. Let's try
that agian you miserable old humorless fuckhead.

Has he tried snake oil yet?...that might work.


 Any number of responses have nothing whatsoever
 to do with that, but are instead trying to peddle
 some nonsensical junk treatment that will
 do nothing, or else something like xanax (and
 other psycotropic medications) never would
 have been necessary in the first place.

 Talking about fruit diets, doshas, herbal
 teas et al when someone is trying their best
 to get informed opinions on what could be
 a potent drug just shows, IMO, the desperation
 of people who will do anythying for attention.


[FairfieldLife] Shemp, don't take advice from Turq.......was///Re: More advice

2009-06-18 Thread off_world_beings

Shemp, don't take advice from Turq. He is heavily medicated with whisky
and wine and other drugs, by his own admission. Do you want to become an
old drunk like him.

Also, Sal is heavily medicated on marujuana and Sal is actually a man in

Try the fruit diet for a week that I suggeted. What have you got to
loose? Its only a week, and after that you will know the truth. There
will be no gray area. It will be very clear to you.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Shemp, don't take advice from Turq.......was///Re: More advice

2009-06-18 Thread Sal Sunshine

On Jun 18, 2009, at 8:14 PM, off_world_beings wrote:

Shemp, don't take advice from Turq. He is heavily medicated with  
whisky and wine and other drugs, by his own admission. Do you want  
to become an old drunk like him.
Also, Sal is heavily medicated on marujuana and Sal is actually a  
man in drag.

Try the fruit diet for a week that I suggeted. What have you got to  
loose? Its only a week, and after that you will know the truth.

Well, whether he knows the truth or not,
a week on The Fruit Diet should certainly set him free.

There will be no gray area. It will be very clear to you.


[FairfieldLife] Natl Geog pics

2009-06-18 Thread bob_brigante
http://snipurl.com/kev77  [ngm_nationalgeographic_com] 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: More advice, please

2009-06-18 Thread Bhairitu
WillyTex wrote:
 Because nobody has ever been cured of depression 
 by eating fruits or herbal teas?

 Bhairitu wrote:   
 How do you know that?

 My sister went through some clinical depression 
 about 15 years ago.  I got her to snap out of it 
 one afternoon with kapha tea...

 Well, I probably missed reading about this in 
 peer-reviewed journals like 'Science', 'Journal of 
 Applied Psychology', and the 'American Journal of 
I'm sure you read these on a regular basis. 
 The problem is not drinking tea, but failing to 
 follow a real medical doctor's advice. If we could 
 cure depression with just tea, why would we need  
 national health care with medical doctors?

What exactly is a real medical doctor?  I don't know many of those.  
Instead we seem get MDs whose dream it was to have a gig that would 
afford them more time on the golf course.  Only about 10-15% of the 
doctors I've meant were truly interested in medicine and the practice of 
it.  Real medical doctors are curious about the effects of herbs and 
interested in things like ayurveda and often take the doctor's courses 
that those schools teach.

And working at a company with a health care plan I watched as many 
people went to the doctor for a friggin' hangnail.  Such plans were 
ripe for abuse.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Palin vs. Letterman: The Fox Nation gets outraged

2009-06-18 Thread fflmod

So, there's no rule, you were just trying to 
shut me up. Is that one of the moderators jobs,
to shut people up? 
If only members would police themselves in that regard. :)
Love will swallow you, eat you up completely, until there is no `you,' only 
- Amma  

--- On Thu, 6/18/09, WillyTex no_re...@yahoogroups.com wrote:

From: WillyTex no_re...@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Palin vs. Letterman: The Fox Nation gets outraged
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Date: Thursday, June 18, 2009, 7:17 PM

 Is there some kind of rule on FFL that says 
 you're not supposed to post links to articles 
 that are older than ten minutes? 
fflmod wrote: 
 So when the article has a quote like...

So, there's no rule, you were just trying to 
shut me up. Is that one of the moderators jobs,
to shut people up? 

Remember in the campaign, Barack Obama said 
'Family's off limits. You don't talk about my 
family,'... everybody adhered to that, and 
they did leave his family alone, and they 
haven't done that on the other side of the 
ticket, and it has continued to this day. 
So that's a political double standard...

Read more:

'Palin v. Letterman: Who won?'
Posted by Bill Dalton
Prime Buzz, June 18, 2009

To subscribe, send a message to:

Or go to: 
and click 'Join This Group!'Yahoo! Groups Links


[FairfieldLife] Re: More advice, please

2009-06-18 Thread meowthirteen
I laughed at this

I am sorry
and I regret I did not do a good job of explaining this site/forum group.
It is much different than I heard in your post, and that is my mis 
communicating information.

*digs in pocketbook for change*
There!A penny!Hooray!

looks in wishing well-so much hope in here-
I wish we could all see beauty in each other .
I wish-
Oh, I need another penny...
*digs in purse again*
I wish when we met online
and met in real time
we would talk sweetly to each other,honoring the Divine.
I wish we could all believe there could be a world with no suffering
and use words of healing and hope and encouragement...(song comes to mind-)
Imagine all the people
living life in peace
You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
-Hope someda you will join us
and the world will live as One

*digs in purse for other penny*


- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, It's just a ride 
bill.hicks.all.a.r...@... wrote:

 On Thu, Jun 18, 2009 at 6:34 PM, meowthirteen meowthirt...@...wrote:
  --There's a group on yahoo-
  like this one is on yahoo-
  there's one called
  you log in, and then you may ask for healing
  This is a very good thing.
  There are quite a few people
  there that will light candles for you and lift hands to the screen
  may have a vision for you or do a reiki  for you.
  It was a very good suggestion earlier about the empaths
  Just trying to expound a little on that.
 Thank you for the very humorous clarification.  Kind of reminds me of the
 long answer to the question how many (mention many different religious
 practitioners) does it take to change a light bulb?  Evangelicals?  Who can
 tell?  They all have their hands in the air.  Catholics?  They use candles.
 This thetan lady mentioned in a previous post isn't doing all that well
 healing people (at $150 or something like that a clip?).  Once a month I get
 a new calendar from her offering a free thetan healing session.  She warns
 that space is filling up quickly.  The only times she still has available
 for me are Monday 8 AM to 8 PM, Tuesday 8 AM to 8 PM, Wednesday 8 AM to 8
 PM, Thursday 8 AM to 8 PM, Friday 8 AM to 8 PM.
 Come to a man's aid when he needs help and he will remember you.  Next time
 he needs help.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Kids 4 to10 Speak about Love ....and Marriage

2009-06-18 Thread meowthirteen
--I am w u v v v v ing this!

More please!

Second helping!

- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, do.rflex do.rf...@... wrote:

 -- Kids on Love
 Love is what makes you smile when you're tired.
 Terri - age 4
 Love is when my mommy makes coffee for my daddy and she takes a sip before 
 giving it to him, to make sure the taste is OK.
 Danny - age 7
 Love is what's in the room with you at Christmas if you stop opening 
 presents and listen.
 Bobby - age 7
 If you want to learn to love better, you should start with a friend who you 
 Nikka - age 6
 I know my older sister loves me because she gives me all her old clothes and 
 has to go out and buy new ones.
 Lauren - age 4
 When you love somebody, your eyelashes go up and down and little stars come 
 out of you. :)
 Karen - age 7
 A four year old child had a next door neighbor was an elderly gentleman who 
 had recently lost his wife. Upon seeing the man cry, the little boy went into 
 the old gentleman's yard, climbed onto his lap, and just sat there.
 When his Mother asked what he had said to the neighbor, the little boy said, 
 Nothing, I just helped him cry.
 -- Kids on Marriage
 How do you decide who to marry?
 No person really decides before they grow up who they're going to marry. God 
 decides it all way before, and you get to find out later who you're stuck 
 -- Kristen, age 10
 How can a strangeer tell if two people are married?
 You might have to guess, based on whether they seem to be yelling at the 
 same kids.
 -- Derrick, age 8
 What do most people do on a date?
 Dates are for having fun, and people should use them to get to know each 
 other. Even boys have something to say if you listen long enough.
 -- Lynnette, age 8
 What would you do on a first date that was turning sour?
 I'd run home and play dead. The next day I would call all the newspapers and 
 make sure they wrote about me in all the dead columns.
 -- Craig, age 9 (ingenious)
 Is it better to be single or married?
 It's better for girls to be single but not for boys. Boys need someone to 
 clean up after them.
 -- Anita, age 9 (bless you child)
 How would the world be different if the people did not get married?
 There sure would be a lot of kids to explain, wouldn't there?
 -- Kelvin, age 8
 How would you make a marriage work?
 Tell your wife that she looks pretty, even if she looks like a dump truck.
 -- Ricky, age 10
 via: http://www.darkroastedblend.com/2008/05/transforming-tables.html

[FairfieldLife] MMY discussing kundalini and the 5 major deities; pretty good!

2009-06-18 Thread BillyG.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Kids 4 to10 Speak about Love ....and Marriage

2009-06-18 Thread BillyG.
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, meowthirteen meowthirt...@... wrote:

 --I am w u v v v v ing this!
 More please!
 Second helping!

Good stuff

[FairfieldLife] Spiritually hot in FF, chakras.

2009-06-18 Thread dhamiltony2k5
Couple nites ago a power-point lecture presentation down at the public library. 
Was pretty extraordinary here.   3-D animated presentation of chakras
based on digital drawings by Janet Sussman as she sees  works with the energy 
of the human system.

The evening presentation was a dry-run presentation of what she and Doug Mackey 
are going to be presenting at a scientific conference coming up on health and 
subtle energy systems.  A series of animations very unlike those traditional 
chakra representations, but 3-D fibrous flows of the different chakras and 
their natures.  Real interesting insight and commentary.

Remarkable and possibly a newer way of discerning and seeing them.  

Dateline FF,

[FairfieldLife] Re: Sam Seder Talks To Letterman Protesters

2009-06-18 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, WillyTex no_re...@... wrote:

 do.rflex wrote:
  John Ziegler organized to take David Letterman 
  off the air in light of his joke about Sarah 
  Palin's daughter...
 During his monologue on June 8, Letterman called 
 Palin a slutty flight attendant. Not only is this
 an insult to Palin, but to all flight attendants.
 So, when is David Letterman going to apologize for 
 the slut comment? 

I agree on this one. 

Implying that Sarah Palin is a slut is 
an insult to sluts everywhere. They *do* 
deserve an apology.

[FairfieldLife] Re: DOME ANNOUNCEMENTS--Summer Assembly

2009-06-18 Thread dhamiltony2k5

is anybody else signing up for this?

Jai Guru Dev,
-Doug in FF

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Dick Mays dickm...@... wrote:

 Date: Wed, 03 Jun 2009 10:36:24 -0500
 From: Dome Announcements owner-dom...@...
 Guru Purnima Summer Assembly
 * Guru Purnima - On July 7 celebrate with our 
 world family the most auspicious day of the year 
 when we honor the greatness of the Holy Tradition.
 * Maharishi - float in the bliss of Maharishi's 
 Pure Knowledge each evening with a selection of 
 the most inspiring and historic lectures from his 
 50 years of teaching, and enjoy each morning 
 program as Maharishi comments on the Invincible 
 America participants #1 experiences.
 * Group Program - Do your program with the 
 largest coherence-creating group in the western 
 hemisphere - 2,000 Yogic Flyers altogether, 
 including nearly 1,000 Maharishi VedicSM Pandits, 
 members of the PurushaSM Program, and Mother 
 DivineSM Program.
 * Vedic Performances - sit in the presence of our 
 Maharishi Vedic Pandits and experience the 
 thrilling performance of Rudrabhishek Maha Yagya.
 * Special TM-Sidhi® Checking Meeting - with the 
 TM-Sidhi Program Administrators of North America 
 Drs. Doug and Linda Birx. Personal consultations 
 will also be possible.
 * Create coherence for the nation - help keep our Super-Radiance numbers
 high while the Maharishi School of the Age of EnlightenmentSM and Maharishi
 University of ManagementSM students are on vacation.
 * Raja John Hagelin, Raja of Invincible America - 
 on the success of the David Lynch Foundation and 
 the rapid expansion of our Movement in North 
 * Prime Minister, Dr. Bevan Morris - will present 
 the latest news and inspiration from around the 
 world and will answer questions from Assembly 
 participants. He will also show beautiful slides 
 from his recent two-month stay in India.
 * Father Gabriel Mejia - the Catholic priest who 
 has established schools where thousands of poor 
 Columbian children practice the Transcendental 
 Meditation® and TM-Sidhi programs. Maharishi 
 called him the saint of
 * Enjoy highlights of the New York
 * City Change Begins Within benefit
 * concert on April 4.
 * Dr. David Lynch, Dr. Bobby Roth, and Dr. Mario 
 Orsatti - will present and reflect on highlights 
 of the New York City Change Begins Within benefit 
 concert on April 4. They will also show video 
 footage of the concert. Dr. Lynch will be 
 connected by conference call.
 * Professor Evan Finkelstein, National Director 
 of Religion and Culture and Professor of 
 Maharishi Vedic ScienceSM at M.U.M. - will give a 
 two-lesson seminar on Universal Principles of 
 Life expressed in Maharishi Vedic Science, 
 Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.
 * Governor Refresher (i.e. Recertification) 
 Course  July 6-21 - Attend this precious two-week 
 course and join the growing number of Governors 
 of the Age of Enlightenment actively teaching the 
 Transcendental Meditation program throughout 
 North America. For information and to apply, go 
 * Become a Sidha - Complete your TM-Sidhi Program 
 by joining 55 Rising Sidhas for this two-week 
 flying block July 4-18.
 * Vedic Architecture - Tour the sites and hear 
 presentations on new construction of affordable 
 ideally located Vastu housing being built for 
 Invincible America Assembly participants.
 * Maharishi Tower of InvincibilitySM - Help celebrate its completion.
 * Maharishi Gandharva VedaSM concerts.
 * Paul Faureso and Rick Stanley - performing both 
 individually and together their Natural Tendency 
 hits (to be confirmed).
 * Live Local Entertainment - at the July 4 Celebration Picnic.
 * Art Walk - July 3 - enjoy the sights, and 
 sounds and beautiful art of one of Iowa's tourist 
 * Great food - Enjoy delicious organic vegetarian 
 meals in our new Argiro Student Center dining 
 halls or dine in one of Fairfield's many fine 
 * Student rooms vacated during summer break will 
 be available to Invincible America participants 
 from July 1 through July 31.
 * Faculty and staff of Maharishi University of 
 Management and Maharishi School of the Age of 
 Enlightenment warmly invite guests and friends to 
 stay with them during this important time for the 
 * Sidha residents of Maharishi Vedic City and 
 Fairfield are also happy to open their homes for 
 guests during this month.
 To apply to the Invincible America Assembly please visit:
 Any questions about the Invincible America 
 Assembly can be sent to de...@... or call 
 641-472-1212, Monday through Saturday, 1:30 to 
 3:45 PM. Anyone requesting on-campus housing will 
 be contacted directly by the Housing Office.
 Questions about 

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