[FairfieldLife] Re: Will God Tell Michele Bachmann To Run For President?

2009-08-24 Thread azgrey
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jst...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, shempmcgurk shempmcgurk@ wrote:
  Barry's platform will be: I push your buttons for
  Jesus. His first act as president will be to strafe
  Atlantic City with cluster bombs in order to do away
  with you-know-who and then blame it on George Bush.
 You mean, blame George Bush for having strafed the
 wrong city?
 (BTW, you don't strafe with bombs, you strafe with



New Oxford American Dictionary
strafe |str#257;f|
verb [ trans. ]
attack repeatedly with bombs or machine-gun fire from low-flying aircraft : 
military aircraft strafed the village.

an attack from low-flying aircraft.

See how stupid you are?

If I thought you would put the knitting down
I'd buy yas a dictionary.

[FairfieldLife] 'Does This Story 'Ring' True?'

2009-08-24 Thread Robert
'JFK's (CIA) Driver pulled the trigger!'


A few years ago, met someone in Sedona, AZ...
Who said his father was a CIA guy, and he had been also...
He invited me to see a ‘Secret CIA’ film he had, to show me:
Of who really winged the murder shot, 
That killed President Kennedy, in broad day light.
And why the limo slowed down, and why Jackie Kennedy tried to escape from the 

The whole thing, seemed to ‘Dark and Spooky’ at the time, so I never took him 
up, on his offer...
Anyway, I was curious to see, what he had told me, would be documented on the 
But, it makes sense, in that it seems this dark shadow government has been 
pulling the strings behind the scenes, since that day, in Dallas, 
Texas...(‘Bush Terror-tory’)

From that day on, we have been ‘At War’ with something, or other...
First their was the Viet Nam war.
The War on Poverty.
The war on MLK
The war on RFK
The adoption of the ‘Southern Stategy’...war on liberals.
The War on Drugs.
The War on the Middle Class’
The War on People like John Lennon(Nixon’s hope to deport John)
Reagan’s war on government, war on the poor, to scheister everything to the 
top, and expect it to ‘Trickle Down?’...what a joke he was! Hollywood movie 
actor, reading his lines, for you know who...
Secret dealing with the Iranians, to sell weapons, sway the election, 
Contra/Drug running...flooding the market with cocaine.
Big Biz Takeover of all media...
Supreme court elects President, illegally.
Cheney strengthens the ‘Shadow Government, with secret dealings..
More and more manipulation of the Wall St. dealings...
Strengthening the grip of the military/ corporate takeover of America.
Outsourcing of jobs, for cheap overseas labor...
Invading Iraq, for oil, and not worrying about the 100,000’s people killed, 
maimed and terrorized.
As he, like his friends are psychopaths, or one having no conscious, soul-less.
The creation of war vehicles, to be sold to the general public(Hummers)
A liar President who manipulated the Corporate owned media, to do his bidding...
The false price gouging of the oil companies, to $4.50 a gallon.
The stealing of 700 billion from the US treasury, as their last act in office, 
after they bankrupted the country..
The war on Liberal and Progressives by the Corporate[CIA] ‘’Christian-Reich 
Wing Media, like Fox, and all the rest of the ‘Brainwashed Soul-less Zombies’...

Add your own


[FairfieldLife] Re: Will God Tell Michele Bachmann To Run For President?

2009-08-24 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, azgrey no_re...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
  (BTW, you don't strafe with bombs, you strafe with


Department of Defense Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms (Joint 
Publication 1-02, Department of the Army, Department of the Navy):

strafing — The delivery of automatic weapons fire by aircraft on ground targets



Punked again...

 New Oxford American Dictionary
 strafe |str#257;f|
 verb [ trans. ]
 attack repeatedly with bombs or machine-gun fire from low-flying aircraft : 
 military aircraft strafed the village.
 an attack from low-flying aircraft.
 See how stupid you are?
 If I thought you would put the knitting down
 I'd buy yas a dictionary.

Got a dictionary, tx. And it follows DOD.

(That's spelled yez, BTW, and it's plural.)

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: Should you be forced to get the Swine Flu Vaccination?

2009-08-24 Thread Rick Archer
From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:fairfieldl...@yahoogroups.com]
On Behalf Of raunchydog
Sent: Sunday, August 23, 2009 4:55 PM
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Should you be forced to get the Swine Flu
I always get mild flu-like symptoms for a few days after I get a flu shot.
I'm sensitive to any medication, so I avoid it whenever possible. I allow
myself to get a flu shot every two or three years and wonder if I'm playing
Russian roulette on years I decide against it. I'm definitely getting a flu
shot this year. I think we're going to see a doozy of a flu season this
year, so I recommend that everyone get a shot.

I work at a hospital and they strongly encourage us to get a free flu shot
for hospital employees every year. When I don't take a shot I always get a
form letter asking me to explain why. I don't think it's any of their
business, but I understand they operate by the numbers and probably have
statistical reports they have to fill out for the government. If we have a
pandemic in the US, odds are we will, and a lot of people start showing up
at the hospital for treatment, I don't want to get sick. Judy is correct,
the more people we can protect with a flu shot the more likely we will avoid
a pandemic.
Gotta go. Dome time. 
I've never had a flu shot and I think I only got the flu once bad enough to
have to lay low and just read a book for a few days. Most years I don't get
sick at all, and if I do get a mild something or other after the sleep
deprivation and crowds of an Amma event, it's usually not bad enough that I
can't work or do normal things.

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: 'The Republican Agenda'

2009-08-24 Thread Rick Archer
From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:fairfieldl...@yahoogroups.com]
On Behalf Of nelsonriddle2001
Sent: Sunday, August 23, 2009 5:31 PM
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: 'The Republican Agenda'
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
mailto:FairfieldLife%40yahoogroups.com , babajii_99 babajii...@...

 Anti-Constitutional and want to establish a monied Monarchy..
 Because they are: 'Of the Money, by the Money, and for the Money...
 Simple, huh?
 Money first, second and third...the people last on the list...
 If you have no money, to the Republicans, you just don't count...as a
human being...
 Kind of demonic, don't ya think?

As an opinion, I think the present administration trying to rewrite the
first and second amendment is a problem. (amongst others)
Might be if they were, but you're just expressing the usual right-wing habit
of getting all wee-weed up (Obama's expression) over fabricated, unfounded

[FairfieldLife] Beltway: the Left is to blame for health care battle

2009-08-24 Thread raunchydog
The prevailing Beltway wisdom has now ossified that the problem with the health 
care debate is that those hardened Leftist ideologues cling childishly and 
petulantly to their little public option fetish and their refusal to give it 
up is jeopardizing enactment of a reform bill.  Just see The Washington Post 
Editorial Page, Post columnist Steve Pearlstein and Joe Klein -- and especially 
the below-documented behavior from Newsweek's Jonathan Alter -- this week 
blaming The Left, as always, for their childish extremism in the health care 
debate.  As always, the obedient servitude of Blue Dogs and centrists to the 
industries that own Congress aren't obstructionist at all.  Somehow, the 
refusal of Blue Dogs to vote for a plan with a public option isn't impeding 
anything; there's no reason they should give anything up, because they're just 
being moderate and centrist.  As always, the way things should be done in 
Washington is that the proper scorn should be heaped on The Left until they're 
bullied into giving up what they believe so that Things Can Get Done (i.e., so 
that corporate dictates can be fulfilled).

Read More:
Glenn Greenwald
Sunday Aug. 23, 2009

[FairfieldLife] Re: Who is Tom Barlow ------------- was////Willytex is on Medicare

2009-08-24 Thread seekliberation
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, off_world_beings no_re...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com , Vaj vajradhatu@ wrote:
  On Aug 22, 2009, at 5:54 PM, off_world_beings wrote:
   I am 47 years old. I swim 80 lengths of butterfly most days - that
   is when I am not literally running up mountains, or cross-country
   skiing at the lodge. In winter, I drive to the lodge, ski for about
   3 hours, then work in a local cafe for about 4-5 hours, then go ski
   or swim for about 1-2 hours, then go home or go out with friends.
  God, are you a little Vata or what?

Actually, anything requiring that kind of endurance described by 'Off is not a 
vata trait, it's more kapha.  Kapha doesn't necessarily mean lazy.  It may 
indicate a resistance to activity up front, but once it gets going.it 
doesn't stop, and it gives the staying power to go to the end.  I think a 
typical vata wouldn't have the endurance to go as long as offworld is 
describing here. 

Offworld's case may be a little different though.  He was a competitive swimmer 
for several years.  I was too, and I can tell you 80 laps at a comfortable pace 
at any stroke is easier than all the sprinting you do during district or state 
trials.  80 laps is probably a warm up for him, a way to wake up.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Will God Tell Michele Bachmann To Run For President?

2009-08-24 Thread raunchydog
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jst...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, azgrey no_reply@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
   (BTW, you don't strafe with bombs, you strafe with

 Department of Defense Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms (Joint 
 Publication 1-02, Department of the Army, Department of the Navy):
 strafing — The delivery of automatic weapons fire by aircraft on ground 
 Punked again...
  New Oxford American Dictionary
  strafe |str#257;f|
  verb [ trans. ]
  attack repeatedly with bombs or machine-gun fire from low-flying aircraft : 
  military aircraft strafed the village.
  an attack from low-flying aircraft.
  See how stupid you are?
  If I thought you would put the knitting down
  I'd buy yas a dictionary.
 Got a dictionary, tx. And it follows DOD.
 (That's spelled yez, BTW, and it's plural.)

Gunship strafing run video

Re: [FairfieldLife] Beltway: the Left is to blame for health care battle

2009-08-24 Thread It's just a ride
On Mon, Aug 24, 2009 at 6:45 AM, raunchydograunchy...@yahoo.com wrote:
 The prevailing Beltway wisdom has now ossified that the problem with the 
 health care debate is that those hardened Leftist ideologues cling childishly 
 and petulantly to their little public option fetish and their refusal to 
 give it up is jeopardizing enactment of a reform bill.

I needed my own health care bill last night.  I was about to barf when
I flipped to Larry King Live.  Larry was interviewing both sides.  The
Rep was saying the government can't do anything right (like Iraq or
Afghanistan?), so why give over our health care to the government.
The Rep said that he didn't disagree that things are a mess and need
fixing, so why not sit down in a room together and just fix what's
wrong and it'll all stay as it is but be 1000% more efficient.  Larry
King, ass kisser he is, asked the Dem can't they just do that?  He
suggested the four of them just get into a room together and hammer
out the inefficiencies.  I thought it was agreed that the government
can't do anything right?

Yup, the Reps got so used to saying black and white and white is black
for the last 8 years that they're getting away with it again.  But
then it's amazing what you can do with $million scripts and talking
points produced by the insurance companies/lobbyists.

[FairfieldLife] Breaking: Baucus: I want a public option

2009-08-24 Thread raunchydog
Baucus is feeling the heat from the left. Jane Hamsher's pressure on the House 
for a public option hit the news after enough House Dems said they would not 
vote for a bill without it. Now the Senate Dems are running scared the bill 
will fail without a public option. WooHoo! Jane! You go girl! The Senate can 
push this through without the Republicans with a Senate reconciliation vote, a 
simple majority of 51. RD

U.S. Senator Max Baucus has finally broken his silence regarding his personal 
position on including a public option in health care reform legislation. Last 
Monday night (8/17), in an unprecedented conference call to Montana Democratic 
central committee chairs, the powerful leader of the Senate Finance Committee 
told his strongest supporters that he supported a public option.

While discussing the obstacles to getting a public option through the Senate, 
he assured his forty listeners, I want a public option too!

The conference call was groundbreaking in that none of the recipients could 
ever remember this kind of call ever happening before. The teleconference was 
set up seemingly in reaction to rising discontent among the local Democratic 
leaders with the Senator's failure to take a clear position on the issue.

The discussion, which became contentious and rancorous at times, also touched 
upon the wisdom of creating insurance cooperatives as an alternative to a 
public option. When several of the county chairs objected, commenting that they 
did not trust the health insurance companies to police themselves and limit 
their outrageous corporate profits, Baucus commented, Neither do I.

In the aftermath of the teleconference, a coalition of eighteen Montana 
counties in the Senator's home state decided to move forward with their plan to 
issue a Unified Statement accompanied by a joint press release. The statement 
sends a loud and clear message to their Senator: Any health care reform package 
coming out of his Senate Finance Committee must contain, at a minimum, a 
provision for a strong public option.

The action is a show of unity not previously seen in Montana political history. 
The statement asserts, Here in Montana, the need for real health care reform 
could not be greater. Families, small business, and small ranches and farms are 
suffering and being crushed by the rising cost of health care. Thousands of 
Montanans are uninsured, and many more are losing their homes, businesses and 
ranches due to exorbitant medical bills.

Calling themselves the Coalition of the United Montana Democratic Central 
Committees, the group's statement announces it has established a position in 
support of a strong public option as an essential element in health care 
reform. In specifying the necessary components needed for such a public 
option, they list:

• National Coverage
• Availability to all Americans
• Portability, which includes maintaining coverage even if one loses his or her 
• No exclusions for preexisting conditions, denial of coverage if one gets ill, 
or develops catastrophic costs
• Publicly run and administered with full transparency and accountability to 
• No triggers

Christina Quijano, a Billings physician, is Chair of the Carbon County 
Democratic Central Committee. Carbon County is located in south-central Montana 
not far from Yellowstone National Park. Speaking for the Coalition, she pointed 
out, For this number of counties from all across Montana to join together 
sends a strong signal to our representatives in Washington that their 
constituents here in Big Sky Country are unified and stand firm in their 
insistence that a public option be included in any health care reform bill.

Senator Jon Tester (D-Mont) has said he would not vote against a public option, 
while Montana's sole US representative, Denny Rehberg (R-Mont) remains opposed 
to such a measure.

Max Baucus, Chair of the Senate Finance Committee, has emerged as a key player 
in the ongoing health care reform deliberations and, until now, has remained 
quiet about his personal view. In the final portion of the Coalition's Unified 
Statement, Quijano emphasizes Senator Baucus' significant role in this piece of 
legislation: We are counting on Senator Baucus to use his influence and 
leadership to create the most meaningful legacy of our times, real health care 
reform. 'Max, Montana's Senator', please don't let Montana down!

Among the other counties in the Coalition is Missoula County, where Baucus got 
his start in politics as a State Representative. Also joining Carbon and 
Missoula Counties in adopting the Unified Statement are Beaverhead County, 
Dawson County, Fergus County, Golden Valley County, Hill County, Jefferson 
County, Lake County, Madison
County, Meagher County, Ravalli County, Richland County, Roosevelt County, 
Rosebud County, Sheridan County, Sweet Grass County, and Teton County.

I posted the actual resolution and my take on how this happened over at 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Beltway: the Left is to blame for health care battle

2009-08-24 Thread raunchydog
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, It's just a ride 
bill.hicks.all.a.r...@... wrote:

 Yup, the Reps got so used to saying black and white and white is black
 for the last 8 years that they're getting away with it again.  But
 then it's amazing what you can do with $million scripts and talking
 points produced by the insurance companies/lobbyists.

You Betcha!

[FairfieldLife] Re: Who is Tom Barlow ------------- was////Willytex is on Medicare

2009-08-24 Thread off_world_beings

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com , seekliberation
seekliberat...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com , off_world_beings no_reply@
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com  , Vaj vajradhatu@ wrote:
   On Aug 22, 2009, at 5:54 PM, off_world_beings wrote:
I am 47 years old. I swim 80 lengths of butterfly most days -
is when I am not literally running up mountains, or
skiing at the lodge. In winter, I drive to the lodge, ski for
3 hours, then work in a local cafe for about 4-5 hours, then go
or swim for about 1-2 hours, then go home or go out with
   God, are you a little Vata or what?

 Actually, anything requiring that kind of endurance described by 'Off
is not a vata trait, it's more kapha.

I would agree with that. I'm nore Kapha-pitta, but with some vata when I
need it.

  Kapha doesn't necessarily mean lazy.  It may indicate a resistance
to activity up front, but once it gets going.it doesn't stop, and it
gives the staying power to go to the end. 

That's exactly right. I am VERY slow in the start of a work-out - people
who see me must be laughing - but after a while, I get in the zone and
things start flowing faster. Its because of the zone that I do it,
especially with swimming butterfly and running up mountains (1,500 -
2,500 feet hieght climbed, depending on what I feel like - in 2 to 3
miles )

 I think a typical vata wouldn't have the endurance to go as long as
offworld is describing here.

 Offworld's case may be a little different though.  He was a
competitive swimmer for several years.  I was too, and I can tell you 80
laps at a comfortable pace at any stroke is easier than all the
sprinting you do during district or state trials.  80 laps is probably a
warm up for him, a way to wake up.

Its true what your saying about swimming. If I swim crawl I get bored
out my mind but could swim for hours at a reasonable pace if I had to.
Butterfly I could swim for a 100 lengths cruising. But in my work-out I
use the first 40 lengths or so to exercise specific areas while I swim (
I focus on using only back muscles as much as I can for example, then
switch to focus on only front muscles, then I focus on the punch
forward, and so on ) - so I'm pretty shagged-out by the time I get past
40 lengths, since its a harder form of butterfly than just cruising. The
rest of the lengths are a creative mix of butterfly and other things, so
I end up doing 100 to 130 lengths total.

Now, I'm off jogging - on the flat, which is my worst sport. Its easier
for me to run up a mountain than to run on the flat. There is an old
railway track (now a bike path) that goes out into the lake for about 3
miles, so you are just out there with nothing but lake on either side.)

Good call on the kapha trait.



[FairfieldLife] Rajas

2009-08-24 Thread ruffedgrousepa
Does any one have the e-mail address of all or any of TM movement  Rajas?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Denied, to Invincible America

2009-08-24 Thread dhamiltony2k5
Folks saying good-bye.  The last few days I learned that five long-time friends 
are leaving Fairfield now.  From different circles.  Long-time meditators.  
From different parts of the meditating community.
Used to be folks figured how to come to FF to be in the domes for group 
meditation .  The sacrifice and excitment was about being in the domes 
meditating in group. 

Seems lot of you writing here don't seem to live close to Fairfield.  Some kind 
of interest in Fairfieldlife but not living here in FF.

Not being here you may not see the complexion of the meditating community in 
FF.  Fact is there are a lot more FF meditators in town outside of the domes 
than inside the domes.  With people out and dome numbers chronically down, that 
gathering impetus is less.  Has been for some while.  Too many turned out who 
are here as meditators is a number that does eats at the dome community.  An 
administrative problem evidently that is the  status quo.

 Trouble in FF,
   Trouble in FF.
   Well, evidently meditator FF folk recently re-registering are being asked 
   at registration if they have 'seen' other saints.  Responding 'yes', 
   these TM meditators are denied re-registration on the spot.  
Raja John Hagelin is aware of this?  Its consequent in the meditating 
   community just by word of mouth on the numbers of people who could be 
   doing program in the domes?
  Does Hagelin know?
  Would seem like Hagelin is getting stabbed in the back by his dogmatic 
  doctrinal types within TMmovement administration.  
  Must be mighty frustrating in there for Hagelin while his dome numbers sag 
   the meditating community gets distanced from the the movement again like 
  this.  Sad to watch tragedy like his.  
Date: Mon, 10 Aug 2009 12:12:39 -0500
Subject: Message to Invincible America from Raja John Hagelin
From: Invincible America communication@

The July 2009 Invincible America Assembly was perfect in every way.
- IA Course Participant

Now it's August. Many visitors have left. Our Super Radiance numbers 
are in a lull until the MUM students return and the next group of 
Maharishi Vedic Pandits arrive.

We urgently need all local Sidhas to attend morning and evening 

   Thank you for being here in wonderful 
Fairfield and Maharishi Vedic City.



[FairfieldLife] Re: Willytex - no children, elderly parents to look after ?

2009-08-24 Thread WillyTex
 Willtex - I assume from your generally selfish 
 attitude, you have no  kids, disabled kids, or 
 sick family members, or elderly parents to look
Well, I fail to see the connection between my 
group policy and my elderly parents. They have 
private insurance and Medicare and Medicaid - 
they're not on my group policy. My kids are all 
grown up. I told my kids to get a job that has 
a group policy, and to save their money. I told
them to not to rely on the government for their
welfare. As for the selfish attitude, I think
that anyone who wants to saddle the young people
with trillions of dollars of debt are the one's
with the selfish attitude. According to what I've
read, each family in the U.S. owes the government
over $17,000 dollars for the bail-out in order to
get the country out of debt. I wonder how much
that figure is in Britain - apparently the whole
U.K. is on the verge of bankruptcy. You Brits 
can't even win a single battle. Go figure.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Should you be forced to get the Swine Flu Vaccination?

2009-08-24 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer r...@... wrote:
 I've never had a flu shot and I think I only got the
 flu once bad enough to have to lay low and just read
 a book for a few days. Most years I don't get sick
 at all, and if I do get a mild something or other
 after the sleep deprivation and crowds of an Amma
 event, it's usually not bad enough that I can't work
 or do normal things.

Yebbut...that you've been sick with flu only once before
doesn't tell you anything about whether you'll get it
again--especially the current swine flu, which is new
and different, so people don't have antibodies to it.

(And if you're able to work and do normal things, that
probably isn't the flu anyway, of any type.)

The real point is, though, that even if you're not
worried about catching the flu yourself, you should
get the shot; because if you do catch it, you can
spread it to other people who haven't had the shot
(even before you actually start having symptoms), and
who may be more vulnerable to getting *very* sick
if they catch it. You wouldn't just be protecting
yourself, in other words.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Beltway: the Left is to blame for health care battle

2009-08-24 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog raunchy...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, It's just a ride 
 bill.hicks.all.a.ride@ wrote:
  Yup, the Reps got so used to saying black and white and white is black
  for the last 8 years that they're getting away with it again.  But
  then it's amazing what you can do with $million scripts and talking
  points produced by the insurance companies/lobbyists.
 You Betcha!

I love the fact that out of one side of their mouths, they
say the gummint can't do anything right; and out of the
other, they claim the public option would be unfair
competition for the private insurance companies because it
would be so much better that people will switch to it.

[FairfieldLife] Re: '[The Prophet]- Returns-Every-Seven-Hundred Years!'

2009-08-24 Thread eustace10679
Dear babajii_99.

I have worked for years along somewhat similar lines. Here are some comments:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, babajii_99 babajii...@... wrote:

 Here's my theory...
 Every 7 hundred years, humanity goes through a transition;
 Usually led by someone, who is remembered as the 'Agent of Change'...
 Many, many years later...
 And act as a catalyst, for an evolutionary next step, in human development...
 Here's my List:
You could start with

Abraham - [founder of Monotheism]

 Moses[inspiration of Old Testament]
 King David[inspiration of Psalms]

I doubt it. I tend to accept Immanuel Velikovsky's chronology of 1495 BCE as 
the year of the Exodus. One thing you haven't done is provide at least the 
approximate dates you base your hypothesis on. You can't work on this kind of 
thing without using dates, you just can't.
 Yeshuam bin Joseph[inspiration of New Testament]
 Mo-Ham-meeed[inspiration of Koran]

The Moslems are well aware of the many similarities of Mohammed the Prophet 
with Moses. The similarities of Abraham and Jesus Christ are not obvious due to 
the highly distorted biographical account of the New Testament.

 Leonardo[inspiration of Renaissance]

But Leonardo was quite different from the rest of your line-up...
 Barack Obama[inspiration for people globally]

Nah... I am afraid that you had been waiting for a Messiah to appear... Obama 
seems to belong to a shorter 105-110 years rhythm. The similarities between 
Lincoln (b. 1809) and Kennedy (1917) are well documented (1917-1809=108y). Also:

Paul Morphy (1837) - Bobby Fisher (1943) = 106y
De la Terre a la Lune (1865) - Apollo 11 landing (1968) = 103y
(and even Walt Whitman (1819) - Allen Ginsberg (1926) = 107y)

Back to Lincoln-Kennedy: Lincoln was the first to found a successful 3rd party. 
Kennedy was the first non-(Protestant+white+male) to be successful in being 
elected president. The most successful third party bid after Lincoln was by 
Teddy Roosevelt (in 1912) (one of the planks of his program was universal 
health care...). Obama (1961) however did succeed to be elected as the second 
non-(Protestant+white+male) president. He does not, however, seem to correspond 
to Teddy Roosevelt exactly. He rather corresponds to Booker T. Washington 
(1856-1961=105y), the first black to dine in the White House - as a guest of 
Teddy Roosevelt (as we were reminded by senator McCain in his acceptance 
speech). Both were of mixed race and raised by their mother.

Booker T. Washington was quite a remarkable person - but hardly the Messiah.


A academic discussion on the genetic make-up of the Jews

[FairfieldLife] Why not nirvana? Ginsberg in India!

2009-08-24 Thread Rick Archer
In 1962 Allen Ginsberg made a historic journey to India. Poets (Gary
Snyder), writers (Gita Mehta, Pankaj Mishra), musicians (Ed Sanders, Steven
Taylor), and historians (Bill Morgan) gather at the Asia Society to explore
the influence of India on the Beat Generation. Recorded 6/14/08. The short
video on YouTube: 


[FairfieldLife] Re: Willytex is on Medicare, so is Shemp.

2009-08-24 Thread WillyTex
  You still don't seem to get it - we
  want to expand the Medicare to cover
  everyone AND bring down the cost of
  health care.
  Everybody is on the government plan, - 
  there's no opt-out, it's an automatic
  payroll deduction. When you reach your
  full retirement age, you get Medicare.
nelson wrote:
 Wouldn't this end up like SS where there 
 are less people working as a proportion 
 of those collecting? Wouldn'i this plan 
 hinge on full employment which is rare?

Apparently the health care reform proposed
by Obama would be paid for by the senior 
citizens, and the health care for the 
senior citizens would be paid for by the 
young people. 

But obviously in order to cover everyone
someone must pay for those who are not 
employed. And someone must pay for the 
care of the guest workers who are using 
our emergency rooms for their primary 

 I would think that the people who don't 
 work would be a problem. It would be 
 nice if everyone could be taken care of
 - hope it could work out.

There are probably millions of people out
there that are opposed to this kind of 
ponzi scheme. Why would young people want
to pay for medical insurance when they
don't need it? And why would seniors want
to pay for the medical care of people who
are not employed? And who would want to
pay for the medical care of illegal 

[FairfieldLife] Why Sunday Talk Shows Should Be Banned

2009-08-24 Thread raunchydog
After reading the list of Talking Heads and realizing that ABC was still 
allowing the thoroughly dishonest George Will to destroy its reputation and 
poison America's political discourse, and even after the clownish Jon Stewart 
showed, as countless others had done, that the person Will, CNN, Fox and others 
relied on for expertise on health reform was a moronic, pathological liar, the 
person formerly known as scarecrow dragged his television into the bathroom, 
dumped it into the tub and after filling the tub, removed his hat, immersed 
himself and flipped the switch, . . . but nothing happened.


RE: [FairfieldLife] Rajas

2009-08-24 Thread Rick Archer
From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:fairfieldl...@yahoogroups.com]
On Behalf Of ruffedgrousepa
Sent: Monday, August 24, 2009 8:26 AM
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Rajas
Does any one have the e-mail address of all or any of TM movement Rajas?
Tom Stanley: stanl...@lisco.com
John Konhaus: rajajohnkonh...@maharishi.net
Rogers Badgett: rogersb...@aol.com
Kingsley Brooks is on Facebook.

[FairfieldLife] Rethink Christianity

2009-08-24 Thread Jason
Lisa Miller needs to rethink 
The Rig Veda, the most ancient Hindu scripture, says this: `Truth is One, but 
the sages speak of it by many names.' A Hindu believes there are many paths to 
God. Jesus is one way, the Qur'an is another, yoga practice is a third. None is 
better than any other; all are equal. This is no monk of the Ramakrishna 
Mission discoursing on the spiritual teachings of Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa 
who had experienced the truth of all three faiths -Hinduism, Islam and 
Christianity -- as valid for their respective faithfuls. It is Lisa Miller, 
Society editor in Newsweek, in her column (August 15, 2009), We Are All Hindus 
Now. By We she means Americans. 
Lisa Miller is highly concerned that Americans, while remaining true to their 
Christian faith otherwise, have begun to think and act like Hindu faithfuls. 
Here is an account of the interesting rendezvous between modern America and 
ancient Hinduism and its potential for global religious harmony . 
From melting pot to WASP The choice of We for Americans by Lisa Miller is 
intentional. It is calculated to reinstate an attempted debate in the US on 
the challenges to America's national identity that had failed to take off. 
Samuel P Huntington, who had prognosticated the clash of faiths and 
civilisations in the 1990s, later wrote a book in 2002 titled Who Are We? -- a 
question addressed to Americans. Huntington's answer to the question was that 
the core American identity -- `America's Creed' as he puts it -- was WASP, 
that is, White (in race) Anglo-Saxon (in ethnicity) and Protestant (in faith). 
All other identities, Huntington says, are subordinate. But, unlike his 
earlier work on clash of civilisations that had set off a furious debate 
within and outside the US, his theory on WASP as American identity did not. 
Now, some history. For over two centuries, the American identity was based on 
the metaphor of `the melting pot' where all identities eventually, inevitably 
melt to become the unique American porridge. The theory of `the melting pot' is 
traced back to 1782 when a French settler in New York, J Hector de Crevecoeur, 
envisioned the US as not merely a land of opportunity but as a society where 
individuals of all nations are melted into a new race of men whose labours and 
posterity will one day cause change in the world. 
But, the metaphor of the `melting pot' received a jolt after Islamist terror 
struck at the US from within. The US identity was alternately seen as a `bowl 
of salads', where all identities remain, but in the same bowl, that is, the US. 
But where is the dressing to cover it all?, asked the dissenters of the 
`Salad Bowl'. The result was Huntington's WASP as the core American identity; 
but that failed to click. 
Now in her article, Lisa Miller seemingly answers Huntington's titular question 
who are we derisively, yet provocatively. She says `we are `Hindu' -- that 
means, not WASP! Her conclusion let us all chant OM; the emphasis on `us' can 
even incite. 
The crisis of national identity in the US is evident in the article. Lisa 
Miller is no novice in matters of faith; she is a specialist. She writes a 
weekly column Belief Watch in Newsweek. Says her bio, `she reports, writes 
and edits stories on spirituality and belief; she wrote The Politics of Jesus, 
a cover story in Newsweek (March 10, 2006) on the impact of religion in the 
midterm elections in the US.' See why she fears that the US might get 
Hinduised America? 
After describing how Hindus accept all Gods and all forms of worship as valid, 
Lisa Miller says: The most traditional, conservative Christians have not been 
taught to think like the Hindus do. 
They learn in Sunday school that their religion is true, and others are false; 
Jesus said, I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the father 
except through me. Shortly, what Lisa Miller says about the two faiths is 
this: Christianity regards all non-Christian faiths as false, but Hinduism 
recognises all faiths as valid, as valid as the Hindu creed itself. But, she 
does not stop at this comparison. She laments that most Christians in the US 
are beginning to think and believe the way the Hindus do. She says: recent 
poll data show that conceptually, at least, we are slowly becoming more like 
Hindus and less like traditional Christians in the ways we think about God, our 
selves, each other, and eternity. 
Lisa Miller goes on to show how Americans are deviating from the fundamentals 
of Christianity. 
Americans, she says, are no longer buying the view that Christianity is the 
only true religion and all other religions are false. She cites a 2008 Pew 
Forum Survey and says that 65 per cent of us believe that many religions can 
lead to eternal life. This includes 37 per cent evangelicals -- the section, 
Lisa Miller points out, most likely to believe that salvation 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Denied, to Invincible America

2009-08-24 Thread hugheshugo
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, dhamiltony2k5 dhamiltony...@... wrote:

 Folks saying good-bye.  The last few days I learned that five long-time 
 friends are leaving Fairfield now.  From different circles.  Long-time 
 meditators.  From different parts of the meditating community.
 Used to be folks figured how to come to FF to be in the domes for group 
 meditation .  The sacrifice and excitment was about being in the domes 
 meditating in group. 
 Seems lot of you writing here don't seem to live close to Fairfield.  Some 
 kind of interest in Fairfieldlife but not living here in FF.
 Not being here you may not see the complexion of the meditating community in 
 FF.  Fact is there are a lot more FF meditators in town outside of the domes 
 than inside the domes.  With people out and dome numbers chronically down, 
 that gathering impetus is less.  Has been for some while.  Too many turned 
 out who are here as meditators is a number that does eats at the dome 
 community.  An administrative problem evidently that is the  status quo.

I can see why you'd be annoyed at the TMO screwing up the 
running of the domes and people leaving town because of it,
but you do have to see the TMOs side of it, they are a
fundamentalist religious sect and like all religions they
do practise a No other God but me approach to their
gatherings. And you can see why, if people go about saying
that such and such Guru is just as good as Marshy then people
might start asking questions like Could I be doing better 
with my choice of meditation? and they don't want that!

The trouble is the TMO insists that it's a secular group and
the stuff about doing puja to Hindu Gods is really just 
enlivening aspects of the laws of nature. People are genuinely
fooled by that and actually act as though they aren't religious
despite the fact they do yoga and meditation for hours every day,
follow a prescribed diet and even say grace before every meal! 
That's not even getting into the weird belief system (and it is 
weird, you may just be so used to it you've forgotten how the 
rest of the world is - easily done in a closed group). Finding
out that their are some serious control freak issues at the heart
of the TMO comes as a shock to most and drives most people away,
I don't know many without some sort of horror story about bad
management. If they were straight with you from the start would
there be all this trouble?

But help is at hand. I sense you are concerned with the effect
on collective consciousness and that the people currently being 
refused dome entry are going to have some sort of negative
impact on world affairs. Regardless of whether the Maharishi 
Effect even exists (I think not - but then I always argue 
according to evidence and not what I'm told to think) the 
greater amount of people doing prog outside the domes will make
up for the fewer people inside the domes. If it's a field effect
(as claimed) then there must be 4000 doing prog and adding their effect (if 
any) to the official number. I think Hagelin and the
boys at MUM should take the numbers of ALL people doing the 
siddhis in FF and add that to  their calculations. Of course, 
they'd then have to explain why it STILL isn't having any effect ;-)

  Trouble in FF,

Trouble in FF.

Well, evidently meditator FF folk recently re-registering are being 
asked at registration if they have 'seen' other saints.  Responding 
'yes', these TM meditators are denied re-registration on the spot.  

 Raja John Hagelin is aware of this?  Its consequent in the meditating 
community just by word of mouth on the numbers of people who could be 
doing program in the domes?
   Does Hagelin know?
   Would seem like Hagelin is getting stabbed in the back by his dogmatic 
   doctrinal types within TMmovement administration.  
   Must be mighty frustrating in there for Hagelin while his dome numbers 
   sag  the meditating community gets distanced from the the movement again 
   like this.  Sad to watch tragedy like his.  
 Date: Mon, 10 Aug 2009 12:12:39 -0500
 Subject: Message to Invincible America from Raja John Hagelin
 From: Invincible America communication@
 The July 2009 Invincible America Assembly was perfect in every way.
 - IA Course Participant
 Now it's August. Many visitors have left. Our Super Radiance numbers 
 are in a lull until the MUM students return and the next group of 
 Maharishi Vedic Pandits arrive.
 We urgently need all local Sidhas to attend morning and evening 
Thank you for being here in wonderful 
 Fairfield and Maharishi Vedic City.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Willytex is on Medicare, so is Shemp.

2009-08-24 Thread WillyTex
raunchydog wrote:
 Well we sure don't have any problem 
 taking care of the banksters when they 
 need a bailout. But when it comes to 
 taking care of the health of our fellow 
 citizens, everyone is suddenly stingy... 

The basic problem is the high cost of 
medical care. If we could bring that down, 
then everyone could afford health care 
insurance. But hardly anyone is going to 
want to pay for someones health care. 

It's that simple. 

And why should they? Give me one reason 
why I would want to pay for your medical 
care. The senior bloc is going to resist 
this, because they don't want to have the 
health care plan funded on their backs. 

Young people don't want to pay for health 
insurance they don't need. And young 
people don't want to pay for the health 
care of older people. Nobody wants to pay 
for the health care of illegal aliens.

Maybe Obama's plan for a government-run 
health care system is just the wrong 
prescription for the present situation. 
Maybe he should concentrate on improving 
the economy and winning the war.

Obama's plan will raise costs for everyone, 
for families, for businesses, and for 
health care providers; Obama's plan will 
increase the deficit. 

Obama's plan will not allow patients to 
keep the doctor or insurance plan of 
their choice. Under the Obamas' plan, 
senior citizens will have to pay a higher 
price and they will have their treatment 
options reduced or rationed by a panel.

I, and many others, suspect that Obama 
wants to raid Medicare by cutting $500 
billion to fund his experiment. That's 
going to go over like a lead ballon with 

[FairfieldLife] Alegre says goodbye

2009-08-24 Thread raunchydog
Alegre's Corner has been a good friend for Hillary supporters. After DKos 
turned sexist-ugly on Hillary any female writer who dared write anything 
positive about her, Alegre left DKos, started her own blog and had a loyal 
following of other writers and commenters for the past two years. She provided 
a safe place, free of sexism, where folks could discusses political issues and 
pro-women issues of the day without having to fight off Obot trolls. She posted 
her last blog last night. I will miss her. 


[FairfieldLife] The God Market

2009-08-24 Thread Jason
Mirror, Mirror on the Wall… 

Is India really an emerging knowledge superpower? Exclusive excerpts from Meera 
Nanda’s book The God Market, which was released recently… 

Photo: R. Eswarraj 
Routine information tinkering? A BPO centre. 

We, the Indians, as Guru of all nations. Yes, I believe in that… 
A.B. Vajpayee
Yad ihasti tad anyatra, yan nehasti na tat kavcit
Whatever is here might be elsewhere, but what is not here could hardly ever be 
Mahabharata, 1.56.33

Of all the people in the world, guess who are the most bewitched by their image 
in the looking glass?
We are.
Indians rank number one in the world in thinking that we are number one in the 
world. Or rather, that our culture is.
This ranking comes from the 2007 Global Attitudes Survey carried out by the 
well-known American think tank, Pew Research Center. The survey asked people in 
47 countries if they agreed or disagreed with this question: “Our people are 
not perfect, but our culture is superior to others.”
Indians topped the list. A whopping 93 per cent agreed that our culture was 
superior to others, with 64 per cent agreeing without any reservations. The 
survey involved 2043 respondents, all of them from urban areas which means a 
higher proportion of literates, English speakers, and relatively well-to-do. 
Within the limitations that apply to all public opinion surveys, the figures 
reported by Pew give us a rough idea of how relatively privileged Indians see 
themselves vis-À-vis the world…
…This unquestioning belief in the superiority of “our culture” is why so many 
otherwise sensible people seem to buy into the glib talk of India as an 
emerging superpower. If one were to believe the political, business, and 
religious leaders, India is barely a couple of decades away from becoming the 
Number One in everything from IT, science (or “knowledge” more broadly), 
technology, higher education, medicine, economy, culture, and of course 
spirituality. By 2050 or so, India will finally achieve the status of jagat 
guru in the realms of both the spiritual and the material…
…This hype about the Hindu mind is preventing a more realistic assessment of 
the state of Indian science and technology including the much-admired IT 
sector. While the general impression is that India is making great strides 
towards becoming a “knowledge economy”, facts on the ground tell a more 
sobering story.
Indian science and technology is not faring very well when compared to our 
Asian neighbours or even when compared to its own earlier record. Consider the 
fact that none of India’s top institutes of science or technology has ever made 
into the top 100 of the prestigious Shanghai ranking of the top 500 
universities of the world. Only three Indian institutions have ever made it 
into the list at all, but at a very low rank: the Indian Institute of Science 
in Bangalore scored in the 251-300 range, and IIT-Delhi and IIT-Kharagpur 
figured in the lowest bracket (451-500). In contrast, five of Japan’s 
universities figured in the top 100 universities and two Chinese universities 
ranked higher than India’s. The irony is that the quantity and quality of 
scientific research has been steadily declining even as the number of 
universities and deemed universities has been growing, and even as the budgets 
for research and development have been getting bigger. The
 number of research papers from India in peer-reviewed journals fell from 
14,987 to 12,227 between 1980 and 2000, while China’s grew from merely 924 to 
22,061. When measured for quality (or impact) of Indian research, the data is 
equally dismal: only 0.33 per cent of research papers published from India make 
it in the top one per cent of the most cited papers in the world, while the 
corresponding figure from China is about twice as high. Even the much-hyped IT 
sector has created stupendous amount of wealth not because of superior 
innovations, but because it is cheap. It is true that the IT industry has come 
a long way from its techno-coolie days, but still the engine driving it remains 
relatively routine information tinkering at a relatively low cost.
All told, invoking the Hindu Mind does not take us very far in understanding 
the modern world that we are creating through the blood, tears, and sweat of 
all Indians…
Pride without prejudice 

…Pride in the achievements of your own tribe is a legitimate emotion. But when 
pride is fuelled by — and contributes to — prejudice against others, it becomes 
…the self-congratulatory conflation of all of India’s achievements into 
Hinduism is contributing to the emergence of a jingoistic Hindu majoritarian 
There are two big dangers of this mindset. The first is an exaggerated sense of 
our achievements as a people. This may be a good ego booster in the short run, 
but it can lead us into a self-defeating complacency.
The second danger is 

[FairfieldLife] Keep up the pressure for the public option

2009-08-24 Thread raunchydog
Jane Hamsher's activism for the public option is paying off. Iowa Blue Dog, 
Rep. Leonard Boswell IA-3 is signaling his support for a public option, but we 
still have to keep the pressure on. Call his office and thank him for his 
support: Iowa Toll Free: 1-888-432-1984 DC (202) 225-3806 

Iowa Rep. Dave Loebsack IA-2 supports a public option in principle but IMO he 
could cave just to get a bill passed. Keep up the pressure: Cedar Rapids (319) 
364-2288 Iowa City (319) 351-0789 DC (202) 225-6576

Tennessee Blue Dog Rep. Jim Cooper TN-5, opposes the public option. His 
district supports the public option. It looks like his district is fed up with 
him enough to vote him out of office.

[FairfieldLife] Rage - Ex

2009-08-24 Thread do.rflex

Join the Anti-Health Care Reform mob and leave the burdens of rationality 
behind !

Mark Fiore animation: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nwAgORszB1weur


[FairfieldLife] Re: Beltway: the Left is to blame for health care battle

2009-08-24 Thread WillyTex
authfriend wrote:
 I love the fact that out of one side of 
 their mouths, they say the gummint can't 
 do anything right; and out of the other, 
 they claim the public option would be 
 unfair competition for the private insurance 
 companies because it would be so much better 
 that people will switch to it.

Lot's of people wouldn't want to switch their
doctors or their health care plan and pay more.
They like their current plan and they like 
their current doctors.

Lot's of people don't like the idea of paying
for other people's health care. Lot's of
seniors don't like the idea of their current
Medicare plan being cut, forcing them to pay 

Lot's of people don't like the idea of an
automatic payroll deduction for health care
insurance they don't want or don't need.
Young people are especially resistent to
paying for the health care of older people.

Nobody wants to pay for the health care of
guest workers. Nobody likes to have to stand 
in line at the emergency room for 24 hours 
waiting to see a doctor becuase it's to 
crowded with illegal aliens. 

But everybody wants the high cost of medical
care brought down. Obama should find ways to
reduce the cost of medical care, like making 
discount medications available from Canada or 
Mexico, but Obama seems to have made a secret
deal with PhARMA to keep cost high. 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Should you be forced to get the Swine Flu Vaccination?

2009-08-24 Thread Bhairitu
authfriend wrote:
 Heh. Bhairitu's as crazy as the town hall shouters, and
 just as resistant to reason.

You could have responded to my original post with something like I 
intend to get the flu shot and here's why  But instead you attacked 
me.  Why do you do that?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Rage - Ex

2009-08-24 Thread WillyTex
John wrote:
 Join the Anti-Health Care Reform mob...
You're not doing any good convincing some 
of us about your health care plan with your 
incessant name calling. You need to explain
the facts, not just call us a 'mob', John. 

In fact, it's beginning to look like you're
the mob, not us. What do you think you're
accomplishing? How is this kind of smearing
going to improve the health care you receive 
down in Brazil? 

Americans should look out for each other, 
but there are smart ways to do that and not 
so smart ways.

President Obama's health care vision is 
confusing. It also may bankrupt the nation. 
That does not sound smart to me. The American 
people do not want to invest trillions of 
dollars in a big government program that is 
confusing. That would be insane. 

If President Obama could articulate exactly 
how the trillion-dollar investment would 
help all Americans, I believe he might 
succeed in his quest to make health care 
more accessible to all...

Read the full story:

'President Obama Goes Into Preacher Mode 
on Health Care'
By Bill O'Reilly
Talking Points, Fox News, August 21, 2009

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Should you be forced to get the Swine Flu Vaccination?

2009-08-24 Thread Bhairitu
authfriend wrote:
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer r...@... wrote:
 I've never had a flu shot and I think I only got the
 flu once bad enough to have to lay low and just read
 a book for a few days. Most years I don't get sick
 at all, and if I do get a mild something or other
 after the sleep deprivation and crowds of an Amma
 event, it's usually not bad enough that I can't work
 or do normal things.

 Yebbut...that you've been sick with flu only once before
 doesn't tell you anything about whether you'll get it
 again--especially the current swine flu, which is new
 and different, so people don't have antibodies to it.

 (And if you're able to work and do normal things, that
 probably isn't the flu anyway, of any type.)

 The real point is, though, that even if you're not
 worried about catching the flu yourself, you should
 get the shot; because if you do catch it, you can
 spread it to other people who haven't had the shot
 (even before you actually start having symptoms), and
 who may be more vulnerable to getting *very* sick
 if they catch it. You wouldn't just be protecting
 yourself, in other words.

Yebbut?  A friend who is a psychology professor and former TM'er 
himself says that TM'ers for some reason respond with yes, but.   He 
therefore calls them yesbutts.  ;-)

Folks are beginning to wonder if Judy has Baxter stock.  The flu spread 
argument is a straw dog.  She's trying to make you feel guilty.  Would 
be really odd if there was a flu epidemic but those who survived were 
the ones who didn't get the shot.   Reminds me of a science fiction 
story where the rulers on this distant planet decided it was 
overpopulated and wanted to reduce the population so they said there was 
a big epidemic coming and told their populace to get vaccinated.  But it 
was actually the vaccine that killed off the populace.

I've read one account of someone who had this flu and said it was 
terrible but survived it.  Other death cases first termed swine flu 
turned out to be regular flu.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Should you be forced to get the Swine Flu Vaccination?

2009-08-24 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozg...@... wrote:

 authfriend wrote:
  Heh. Bhairitu's as crazy as the town hall shouters, and
  just as resistant to reason.
 You could have responded to my original post with something like I 
 intend to get the flu shot and here's why

That's exactly what I did.

 But instead you attacked  me.  Why do you do that?

I didn't attack you (until just now, after *you*
attacked *me*).

[FairfieldLife] Re: Should you be forced to get the Swine Flu Vaccination?

2009-08-24 Thread WillyTex
 Bhairitu's as crazy as the town hall 
 shouters, and just as resistant to 
Bhairitu wrote:
 You could have responded to my original 
 post with something like I intend to 
 get the flu shot and here's why  
 But instead you attacked me.  Why do 
 you do that?

Because she like to attack? To Judy,
everyone who disagrees with her is 
part of a shouting mob, or they are
crazy, or outright liars. She knows that 
there's no cure for the 'flu', never 
has been. She knows we can't afford
medical care reform in the middle of 
a recession. She know that the Dems
are losing the war. So, what else can
she do but attack you for wanting the
right of refusal. Apparently Judy wants
to amend the U.S. Constitution without
even voting on it.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Rage - Ex

2009-08-24 Thread raunchydog
WillyTex, I agree with you, elitist smears from the left do not help further 
the health care debate, nor does disinformation from the right. As I've been 
saying all along this is just a corporately manufactured let's you and him 
fight so we stop paying to the real issues at hand and meet on common ground. 
Obama should be leading such a debate and he's not doing it. As you know Jane 
Hamsher is my hero advocating for a public option. I know you don't agree with 
me on this but it's no reason we can't have a respectful discussion about it. I 
don't have time this morning to discuss your concerns in post #228206, but I'll 
give it a shot this evening. I hope that John will rise also rise to the 
challenge and actually debate you on the issues instead of propagating juvenile 
smears. I'd really like to know if he is in favor of a public option or just 
wants to pass any old bill to save Obama's ass.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, WillyTex no_re...@... wrote:

 John wrote:
  Join the Anti-Health Care Reform mob...
 You're not doing any good convincing some 
 of us about your health care plan with your 
 incessant name calling. You need to explain
 the facts, not just call us a 'mob', John. 
 In fact, it's beginning to look like you're
 the mob, not us. What do you think you're
 accomplishing? How is this kind of smearing
 going to improve the health care you receive 
 down in Brazil? 
 Americans should look out for each other, 
 but there are smart ways to do that and not 
 so smart ways.
 President Obama's health care vision is 
 confusing. It also may bankrupt the nation. 
 That does not sound smart to me. The American 
 people do not want to invest trillions of 
 dollars in a big government program that is 
 confusing. That would be insane. 
 If President Obama could articulate exactly 
 how the trillion-dollar investment would 
 help all Americans, I believe he might 
 succeed in his quest to make health care 
 more accessible to all...
 Read the full story:
 'President Obama Goes Into Preacher Mode 
 on Health Care'
 By Bill O'Reilly
 Talking Points, Fox News, August 21, 2009

[FairfieldLife] Re: Denied, to Invincible America

2009-08-24 Thread nablusoss1008
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, dhamiltony2k5 dhamiltony...@... wrote:

 Folks saying good-bye.  The last few days I learned that five long-time 
 friends are leaving Fairfield now.  From different circles.  Long-time 
 meditators.  From different parts of the meditating community.
 Used to be folks figured how to come to FF to be in the domes for group 
 meditation .  The sacrifice and excitment was about being in the domes 
 meditating in group. 
 Seems lot of you writing here don't seem to live close to Fairfield.  Some 
 kind of interest in Fairfieldlife but not living here in FF.
 Not being here you may not see the complexion of the meditating community in 
 FF.  Fact is there are a lot more FF meditators in town outside of the domes 
 than inside the domes.  With people out and dome numbers chronically down, 
 that gathering impetus is less.  Has been for some while.  Too many turned 
 out who are here as meditators is a number that does eats at the dome 
 community.  An administrative problem evidently that is the  status quo.

They have been seing other saints, no ?
Then it is not an administrative problem but a problem of lack of focus for the 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Should you be forced to get the Swine Flu Vaccination?

2009-08-24 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozg...@... wrote:

 authfriend wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer rick@ wrote:

  I've never had a flu shot and I think I only got the
  flu once bad enough to have to lay low and just read
  a book for a few days. Most years I don't get sick
  at all, and if I do get a mild something or other
  after the sleep deprivation and crowds of an Amma
  event, it's usually not bad enough that I can't work
  or do normal things.
  Yebbut...that you've been sick with flu only once before
  doesn't tell you anything about whether you'll get it
  again--especially the current swine flu, which is new
  and different, so people don't have antibodies to it.
  (And if you're able to work and do normal things, that
  probably isn't the flu anyway, of any type.)
  The real point is, though, that even if you're not
  worried about catching the flu yourself, you should
  get the shot; because if you do catch it, you can
  spread it to other people who haven't had the shot
  (even before you actually start having symptoms), and
  who may be more vulnerable to getting *very* sick
  if they catch it. You wouldn't just be protecting
  yourself, in other words.
 Yebbut?  A friend who is a psychology professor and
 former TM'er himself says that TM'ers for some reason
 respond with yes, but.   He therefore calls them
 yesbutts.  ;-)

Um, Yes, but... is a common phrase used in any

 Folks are beginning to wonder if Judy has Baxter stock.

Oh, yeah, right.

 The flu spread argument is a straw dog.

Google herd immunity. It's a well-established
epidemiological principle.

 She's trying to make you feel guilty.

Translation: Bhairitu feels guilty.

Many people don't know about the herd immunity
principle and don't realize that their personal
decision about whether to get a flu shot doesn't
affect just them.

There's no reason to feel guilty about not knowing
about herd immunity. But once you *do* know about
it, you have a different perspective on whether to
get a shot--again, because it isn't something that
affects only you.

 be really odd if there was a flu epidemic but those
 who survived were the ones who didn't get the shot.

Yes, that *would* be really odd.

 Reminds me of a science fiction story

Me too. Do you usually make decisions about your
health based on science fiction stories?

 where the rulers on this distant planet decided it was 
 overpopulated and wanted to reduce the population so they said there was 
 a big epidemic coming and told their populace to get vaccinated.  But it 
 was actually the vaccine that killed off the populace.
 I've read one account of someone who had this flu and said
 it was terrible but survived it.  Other death cases first
 termed swine flu turned out to be regular flu.

And this is supposed to prove what, exactly?

Unless the swine flu mutates and becomes significantly
more virulent (i.e., more lethal), most people don't
have to worry about surviving it. But some do, and
they're the ones you want to protect by getting a flu
shot yourself so as to increase herd immunity.

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: Should you be forced to get the Swine Flu Vaccination?

2009-08-24 Thread Rick Archer
I don't even know if I'd be eligible for a flu shot. There's a shortage, and
I don't think I'm in a high risk category. 59 yrs. old. Not pregnant.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Should you be forced to get the Swine Flu Vaccination?

2009-08-24 Thread Bhairitu
authfriend wrote:
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozg...@... wrote:
 authfriend wrote:
 Heh. Bhairitu's as crazy as the town hall shouters, and
 just as resistant to reason.
 You could have responded to my original post with something like I 
 intend to get the flu shot and here's why

 That's exactly what I did.

 But instead you attacked  me.  Why do you do that?

 I didn't attack you (until just now, after *you*
 attacked *me*).
It may well be argued that you attacked me in your first reply with this:

So it may seem all wonderfully macho to refuse to get
vaccinated, but if you don't, you're contributing to
the likelihood of other people getting sick.

If you had replaced you with one  readers wouldn't see it that way.  
The you makes it look like it's addressing me.   And that is the only 
sentence in the reply that has you.

[FairfieldLife] All the President’s Zombies - The failure of Reaganism

2009-08-24 Thread do.rflex

All the President's Zombies
c_nowplayinggoto=http://www.foxsearchlight.com/adam By PAUL KRUGMAN
/paulkrugman/index.html?inline=nyt-per  Published: August 23,
The debate over the public option in health care has been
dismaying in many ways. Perhaps the most depressing aspect for
progressives, however, has been the extent to which opponents of greater
choice in health care have gained traction — in Congress, if not
with the broader public — simply by repeating, over and over again,
that the public option would be, horrors, a government program.

h   [190]  Fred R. Conrad/The New York Times
Paul Krugman

Washington, it seems, is still ruled by Reaganism — by an ideology
that says government intervention is always bad, and leaving the private
sector to its own devices is always good.

Call me naïve, but I actually hoped that the failure of Reaganism in
practice would kill it. It turns out, however, to be a zombie doctrine:
even though it should be dead, it keeps on coming.

Let's talk for a moment about why the age of Reagan should be over.

First of all, even before the current crisis Reaganomics had failed to
deliver what it promised. Remember how lower taxes on high incomes and
deregulation that unleashed the magic of the marketplace were
supposed to lead to dramatically better outcomes for everyone? Well, it
didn't happen.

To be sure, the wealthy benefited enormously: the real incomes of the
top .01 percent of Americans rose sevenfold between 1980 and 2007. But
the real income of the median family rose only 22 percent, less than a
third its growth over the previous 27 years.

Moreover, most of whatever gains ordinary Americans achieved came during
the Clinton years. President George W. Bush, who had the distinction of
being the first Reaganite president to also have a fully Republican
Congress, also had the distinction of presiding over the first
administration since Herbert Hoover in which the typical family failed
to see any significant income gains.

And then there's the small matter of the worst recession since the

There's a lot to be said about the financial disaster of the last
two years, but the short version is simple: politicians in the thrall of
Reaganite ideology dismantled the New Deal regulations that had
prevented banking crises for half a century, believing that financial
markets could take care of themselves. The effect was to make the
financial system vulnerable to a 1930s-style crisis — and the crisis

We have always known that heedless self-interest was bad
morals, said Franklin Delano Roosevelt in 1937. We know now
that it is bad economics. And last year we learned that lesson all
over again.

Or did we? The astonishing thing about the current political scene is
the extent to which nothing has changed.

The debate over the public option has, as I said, been depressing in its
inanity. Opponents of the option — not just Republicans, but
Democrats like Senator Kent Conrad and Senator Ben Nelson — have
offered no coherent arguments against it. Mr. Nelson has warned
ominously that if the option were available, Americans would choose it
over private insurance — which he treats as a self-evidently bad
thing, rather than as what should happen if the government plan was, in
fact, better than what private insurers offer.

But it's much the same on other fronts. Efforts to strengthen bank
regulation appear to be losing steam, as opponents of reform declare
that more regulation would lead to less financial innovation — this
just months after the wonders of innovation brought our financial system
to the edge of collapse, a collapse that was averted only with huge
infusions of taxpayer funds.

So why won't these zombie ideas die?

Part of the answer is that there's a lot of money behind them.
It is difficult to get a man to understand something, said
Upton Sinclair, when his salary — or, I would add, his
campaign contributions — depend upon his not understanding
it. In particular, vast amounts of insurance industry money have
been flowing to obstructionist Democrats like Mr. Nelson and Senator Max
Baucus, whose Gang of Six negotiations have been a crucial roadblock to

But some of the blame also must rest with President Obama, who famously
praised Reagan during the Democratic primary, and hasn't used the
bully pulpit to confront government-is-bad fundamentalism. That's
ironic, in a way, since a large part of what made Reagan so effective,
for better or for worse, was the fact that he sought to change
America's thinking as well as its tax code.

How will this all work out? I don't know. But 

[FairfieldLife] WillyTex is a RAGING SOCIALIST !

2009-08-24 Thread off_world_beings

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com , WillyTex no_re...@... wrote:

  Willtex - I assume from your generally selfish
  attitude, you have no  kids, disabled kids, or
  sick family members, or elderly parents to look
 Well, I fail to see the connection between my
 group policy and my elderly parents. They have
 private insurance and Medicare and Medicaid -

I see, so you are happy they have government run medicare and medicaid,
paid for by the taxpayers, so that you do not have to look after them
and pay for them.

 they're not on my group policy. My kids are all
 grown up. I told my kids to get a job that has
 a group policy, and to save their money. I told
 them to not to rely on the government for their

So, when one of them becomes paralyzed (god forbid), and the insurance
companies drop them, you will wish they had government-run healthcare,
paid for by the taxpayers, so that you do not have to look after them
and make yourself bankrupt.

  As for the selfish attitude, I think
 that anyone who wants to saddle the young people
 with trillions of dollars of debt are the one's
 with the selfish attitude. According to what I've
 read, each family in the U.S. owes the government
 over $17,000 dollars for the bail-out in order to
 get the country out of debt.

They owe that money because they have to pay 5,000 to 10,000 a year for
health care you moron !

  I wonder how much
 that figure is in Britain 

In Britain the average amount owed is about 6,000 dollare per person,
but the quality of life is much better on average, and average salaries
are higher.

- apparently the whole
 U.K. is on the verge of bankruptcy. You Brits
 can't even win a single battle

Brits won all the wars, Yanks lost them all, except for WWII, which the
Brits saved them from being blown out of the water with Britich
invention of radar, spitfire aircraft that killed off German airforce,
and stealing German 'Enigma machine' to make U-boats inneffective. Then
the Brits used your grunts as cannon fodder.

You also lost the war against the British when the British defeated the
Papist-fascist armies of the French and the Spanish -- a war in which
your stupid war of independence was an insignificant and strategically
unimportant battle. Americans are so brain-washed about their history.

I have completely beaten you with facts and reason in almost every
argument you make on healthcaer and others. Only a retard cannot see

I perdict that one day your private health insurance will let you down
when it really counts and you will depend entirely on socialist medicine
and you will cry and complain about how you were screwed by the private
insurance company. This is another OffWorld presiction, 99% of which
have come true.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Willytex is on Medicare, so is Shemp.

2009-08-24 Thread off_world_beings

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com , WillyTex no_re...@... wrote:

 raunchydog wrote:
  Well we sure don't have any problem
  taking care of the banksters when they
  need a bailout. But when it comes to
  taking care of the health of our fellow
  citizens, everyone is suddenly stingy...
 The basic problem is the high cost of
 medical care. If we could bring that down,
 then everyone could afford health care

That is the main point of the Democrats plan. That is the inspiration
for it, and that is the goal of it.

WillTex, you are entirely brain washed by the moronic bloggers you read.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Rage - Ex

2009-08-24 Thread do.rflex
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog raunchy...@... wrote:

 WillyTex, I agree with you, elitist smears from the left do not help further 
 the health care debate, nor does disinformation from the right. As I've been 
 saying all along this is just a corporately manufactured let's you and him 
 fight so we stop paying to the real issues at hand and meet on common 
 ground. Obama should be leading such a debate and he's not doing it. As you 
 know Jane Hamsher is my hero advocating for a public option. I know you don't 
 agree with me on this but it's no reason we can't have a respectful 
 discussion about it. I don't have time this morning to discuss your concerns 
 in post #228206, but I'll give it a shot this evening. I hope that John will 
 rise also rise to the challenge and actually debate you on the issues instead 
 of propagating juvenile smears. I'd really like to know if he is in favor of 
 a public option or just wants to pass any old bill to save Obama's ass.

Good Lord, Ms Dog now includes an unintentional comedy act with WillyTex along 
with her OWN irrational anti-Obama crusade ...what a laughable sitcom scene!

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, WillyTex no_reply@ wrote:
  John wrote:
   Join the Anti-Health Care Reform mob...
  You're not doing any good convincing some 
  of us about your health care plan with your 
  incessant name calling. You need to explain
  the facts, not just call us a 'mob', John. 
  In fact, it's beginning to look like you're
  the mob, not us. What do you think you're
  accomplishing? How is this kind of smearing
  going to improve the health care you receive 
  down in Brazil? 
  Americans should look out for each other, 
  but there are smart ways to do that and not 
  so smart ways.
  President Obama's health care vision is 
  confusing. It also may bankrupt the nation. 
  That does not sound smart to me. The American 
  people do not want to invest trillions of 
  dollars in a big government program that is 
  confusing. That would be insane. 
  If President Obama could articulate exactly 
  how the trillion-dollar investment would 
  help all Americans, I believe he might 
  succeed in his quest to make health care 
  more accessible to all...
  Read the full story:
  'President Obama Goes Into Preacher Mode 
  on Health Care'
  By Bill O'Reilly
  Talking Points, Fox News, August 21, 2009

[FairfieldLife] Re: Who is Tom Barlow ------------- was////Willytex is on Medicare

2009-08-24 Thread off_world_beings

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com , off_world_beings no_re...@...

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com  , WillyTex no_reply@ wrote:
  off_world_beings wrote:
   Willytex is on Medicare...
  Medicare is for sick people.
   How ironinc.
  I'll tell you what's ironic, Off. You're
  probably laid-off, but I'm still working,
  and on a group medical insurance plan. 

 I work for myself in Vermont. I cannot be fired. I cannot loose work
 a recession. I pay for my own health insurance through
 Blue-Cross/Blue-Shield. I have more self-sufficiency in money-making
 than you have ever had Willytex. You are a slave from my point of
 I will never ever work for the Man. I am an independent, and I can
 never be laid off, nor can I stop making money. Its almost impossible.
 am also a landlord on the side. I have the varied skills to work
 anywhere I choose in America, and I have a passport to live in 15
 countries in Europe if I please.

 I am 47 years old. I swim 80 lengths of butterfly most days - that is
 when I am not literally running up mountains, or cross-country skiing
 the lodge. In winter, I drive to the lodge, ski for about 3 hours,
 work in a local cafe for about 4-5 hours, then go ski or swim for
 1-2 hours, then go home or go out with friends.

 But that's just me.

 How 'bout you Willytex - sounds like you are an endentured slave
 compared to me. Enjoy your commute and slaveman day on Monday - Lol.

How was your morning commute this morning WillyTex, as you rushed
through the mass of automoton idiots, on your way to your slave post at
the slave-drivers company you are endentured to?



Re: [FairfieldLife] Rajas

2009-08-24 Thread It's just a ride
On Mon, Aug 24, 2009 at 9:27 AM, Rick Archerr...@searchsummit.com wrote:

 Does any one have the e-mail address of all or any of TM movement Rajas?

 Tom Stanley: stanl...@lisco.com

 John Konhaus: rajajohnkonh...@maharishi.net

 Rogers Badgett: rogersb...@aol.com

 Kingsley Brooks is on Facebook.

Do you have the address of the Nazi?  I want to send him fan mail.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Should you be forced to get the Swine Flu Vaccination?

2009-08-24 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozg...@... wrote:

 authfriend wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozguru@ wrote:

  authfriend wrote:
  Heh. Bhairitu's as crazy as the town hall shouters, and
  just as resistant to reason.

  You could have responded to my original post with
  something like I intend to get the flu shot and
  here's why
  That's exactly what I did.

  But instead you attacked  me.  Why do you do that?
  I didn't attack you (until just now, after *you*
  attacked *me*).

 It may well be argued that you attacked me in your first
 reply with this:
 So it may seem all wonderfully macho to refuse to get
 vaccinated, but if you don't, you're contributing to
 the likelihood of other people getting sick.

That's an *attack*?? It applies to women just as 
much as to men. It refers to a feeling of strength
and invulnerability in this context.

 If you had replaced you with one  readers wouldn't
 see it that way. The you makes it look like it's
 addressing me.   And that is the only sentence in the
 reply that has you.

Or one. That's the only sentence that called
for either.

Come on, Bhairitu. How could I possibly have been
suggesting that it *only* applied to you? You
yourself said to start with that 50 percent of the
population would refuse to take the shot.

Even if you thought you had reason to take the
phrase as a little jab, your insult in response was
way, *way* out of proportion (and not the slightest
bit ambiguous).

Not to mention that you used it as an excuse to
ignore the substantive points I made.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Rage - Ex

2009-08-24 Thread It's just a ride
On Mon, Aug 24, 2009 at 11:09 AM, do.rflexdo.rf...@yahoo.com wrote:

 Join the Anti-Health Care Reform mob and leave the burdens of rationality 
 behind !

 Mark Fiore animation: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nwAgORszB1weur

My wife lied to me.  It's not hormones.  Women take a monthly overdose
of Rage-Ex.

[FairfieldLife] Re: The God Market

2009-08-24 Thread shempmcgurk
From the article linked to:

Indians rank number one in the world in thinking that we are number one in the 
world. Or rather, that our culture is.

This ranking comes from the 2007 Global Attitudes Survey carried out by the 
well-known American think tank, Pew Research Center. The survey asked people in 
47 countries if they agreed or disagreed with this question: Our people are 
not perfect, but our culture is superior to others.

Indians topped the list. A whopping 93 per cent agreed that our culture was 
superior to others, with 64 per cent agreeing without any reservations. The 
survey involved 2043 respondents, all of them from urban areas which means a 
higher proportion of literates, English speakers, and relatively well-to-do. 
Within the limitations that apply to all public opinion surveys, the figures 
reported by Pew give us a rough idea of how relatively privileged Indians see 
themselves vis-À-vis the world…

What I find interesting about this is that the Hindu religion/culture is not a 
prostelytizing religion the way Christianity or Islam is.  Yet left on its own 
accord the people feel very happy about it.

You would expect a so-called Christian country or Islamic country to top the 
list believing their culture/religion was tops.  And yet here is India with a 
religion that pretty much embraces all kinds of beliefs ranking #1.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Jason jedi_sp...@... wrote:

 Mirror, Mirror on the Wall… 
 Is India really an emerging knowledge superpower? Exclusive excerpts from 
 Meera Nanda’s book The God Market, which was released recently… 
 Photo: R. Eswarraj 
 Routine information tinkering? A BPO centre. 
 We, the Indians, as Guru of all nations. Yes, I believe in that… 
 A.B. Vajpayee
 Yad ihasti tad anyatra, yan nehasti na tat kavcit
 Whatever is here might be elsewhere, but what is not here could hardly ever 
 be found. 
 Mahabharata, 1.56.33
 Of all the people in the world, guess who are the most bewitched by their 
 image in the looking glass?
 We are.
 Indians rank number one in the world in thinking that we are number one in 
 the world. Or rather, that our culture is.
 This ranking comes from the 2007 Global Attitudes Survey carried out by the 
 well-known American think tank, Pew Research Center. The survey asked people 
 in 47 countries if they agreed or disagreed with this question: “Our people 
 are not perfect, but our culture is superior to others.”
 Indians topped the list. A whopping 93 per cent agreed that our culture was 
 superior to others, with 64 per cent agreeing without any reservations. The 
 survey involved 2043 respondents, all of them from urban areas which means a 
 higher proportion of literates, English speakers, and relatively well-to-do. 
 Within the limitations that apply to all public opinion surveys, the figures 
 reported by Pew give us a rough idea of how relatively privileged Indians see 
 themselves vis-À-vis the world…
 …This unquestioning belief in the superiority of “our culture” is why 
 so many otherwise sensible people seem to buy into the glib talk of India as 
 an emerging superpower. If one were to believe the political, business, and 
 religious leaders, India is barely a couple of decades away from becoming the 
 Number One in everything from IT, science (or “knowledge” more broadly), 
 technology, higher education, medicine, economy, culture, and of course 
 spirituality. By 2050 or so, India will finally achieve the status of jagat 
 guru in the realms of both the spiritual and the material…
 …This hype about the Hindu mind is preventing a more realistic assessment 
 of the state of Indian science and technology including the much-admired IT 
 sector. While the general impression is that India is making great strides 
 towards becoming a “knowledge economy”, facts on the ground tell a more 
 sobering story.
 Indian science and technology is not faring very well when compared to our 
 Asian neighbours or even when compared to its own earlier record. Consider 
 the fact that none of India’s top institutes of science or technology has 
 ever made into the top 100 of the prestigious Shanghai ranking of the top 500 
 universities of the world. Only three Indian institutions have ever made it 
 into the list at all, but at a very low rank: the Indian Institute of Science 
 in Bangalore scored in the 251-300 range, and IIT-Delhi and IIT-Kharagpur 
 figured in the lowest bracket (451-500). In contrast, five of Japan’s 
 universities figured in the top 100 universities and two Chinese universities 
 ranked higher than India’s. The irony is that the quantity and quality of 
 scientific research has been steadily declining even as the number of 
 universities and deemed universities has been growing, and even as the 
 budgets for research and development have been 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Rajas

2009-08-24 Thread Zoran Krneta
most of them communicate through their secretaries... so rajas wont
you will get answer like life is bliss and if you persist probably you are
stressed person and need checking... or you don't live in proper vastu with
eastern entrance...

so before writing have a house with proper entrance and get checking...

[FairfieldLife] Avoid The Problem Before It Comes(TM)

2009-08-24 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, It's just a ride 
bill.hicks.all.a.r...@... wrote:

 On Mon, Aug 24, 2009 at 9:27 AM, Rick Archerr...@... wrote:
  Does any one have the e-mail address of all or any of TM movement 
  Tom Stanley: stanl...@...
  John Konhaus: rajajohnkonh...@...
  Rogers Badgett: rogersb...@...
  Kingsley Brooks is on Facebook.
 Do you have the address of the Nazi?  I want to send him fan mail.

Ah...but if it *isn't* fan mail, and in fact could
go over the line into (dare I say it?) negativity?
Will the email arrive in the Raja's InBox and thus
pollute his cosmically warm and fuzzy aura?

Not if the Raja has purchased our new Avoid The 
Problem Before It Comes(TM) software. We have crafted
this new antinegativityware product with the TM Raja
in mind. 

Merely download (for a small fee...currently pegged 
to the price of learning TM) our software, install it, 
and Raja Emmanuel's InBox will never again display 
an email that contains any of the following words 
or phrases:

* nutjob
* Burger King crown
* Amma, etc. (Our filter list is constantly updated to 
filter out mentions of any spiritual teacher other than 
* spiritual nazi
* blubberous oaf
* embarrassing
* ignorant and proud of it
* so German Germans hate you...

...and many, many others. And the best part is that the 
filter list can be easily updated by the Raja user, to 
include new words and phrases you find insulting.

Try Avoid The Problem Before It Comes today. Just down-
load our software today and never have to worry about
entertaining negativity ever again. 

Selling software to nutjobs since 1981!


Re: [FairfieldLife] Rajas

2009-08-24 Thread Sal Sunshine

On Aug 24, 2009, at 8:25 AM, ruffedgrousepa wrote:

Does any one have the e-mail address of all or any of TM movement   

Here's a phone # I believe might work:


[FairfieldLife] Got a vibe on this movie

2009-08-24 Thread TurquoiseB
It won't be out until January, but rewatching the
criminally-underrated From Hell tonight, I looked
up the director and found his new movie. This is 
how it's described in the IMDB: 

A post-apocalyptic tale, in which a lone man fights 
his way across America in order to protect a sacred 
book that holds the secrets to saving humankind.

It stars Denzel Washington and Gary Oldman. 

This is its trailer:


I am so there on opening night.

[FairfieldLife] Re: WillyTex is a RAGING SOCIALIST !

2009-08-24 Thread WillyTex
  Well, I fail to see the connection between my
  group policy and my elderly parents. They have
  private insurance and Medicare and Medicaid...
 I see, so you are happy they have government run 
 medicare and medicaid, paid for by the taxpayers, 
 so that you do not have to look after them
 and pay for them.
My parents both have private insurance and like
everyone else, Medicare and Medicaid. But the
Medicare and Medicaid are supplements to the
private insurance. I'm am glad my parents had
good jobs and a good group policy: the USAF.

  they're not on my group policy. My kids are all
  grown up. I told my kids to get a job that has
  a group policy, and to save their money. I told
  them to not to rely on the government for their
 So, when one of them becomes paralyzed (god 
 forbid), and the insurance companies drop them, 
 you will wish they had government-run healthcare, 
 paid for by the taxpayers, so that you do not 
 have to look after them and make yourself 
That's my point: young people don't want to pay
for health insurance they don't need or want. 
They don't want to pay for a government plan 
either, they don't want to pay higher taxes. 

Young people don't want to pay for the health 
care of the older people. Young people don't want 
to pay for the emergency room visits of illegal 
aliens. They just don't want to pay. 

You are asking the young people to commit to 
trillions of dollars of payments in the future.

A lot of young people hate paying for things 
they don't need and they hate being told that 
they MUST do something. Young people are mostly 
in good health - they don't need any health 
care and they don't want to pay for yours. 

A lot of young people get very angry when you 
make them do things and pay for things they 
don't want or need.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Willytex is on Medicare, so is Shemp.

2009-08-24 Thread WillyTex
  The basic problem is the high cost of
  medical care. If we could bring that down,
  then everyone could afford health care
 That is the main point of the Democrats plan. 
 That is the inspiration for it, and that is 
 the goal of it.
The only way for costs to come down is for
Congress and our congressional leaders to
pass regulations that bring costs down, like
the high cost of prescription medications.

But there's nothing in any of the current bills
before congress that do that. In fact, Obama
made a secret deal to keep the costs of these
medications artificially high.

A recap:

The single-payer plan puts the government in 
charge of your health care, there are no 
choices - it's a mandatory system where everyone 
is subject to an automatic payroll deduction. 
There are no insurance companies - there's only
one single payer - the government.

It would cost the government trillions of 
dollars to implement and it would mean the 
elimination of Medicare and Medicaide. Most 
seniors will be opposed to this plan - without
them, no politician is going to get any bills

The public option is an insurance plan that 
will drive some insurance companies out of 
business and you'll be forced by your employer 
to change plans and change doctors. The public 
option will cost trillions of dollars to implement. 

Most young people who don't need any health 
insurance will be opposed to this plan. Without
them no politician is going to get any bills

Neither of these plans will bring down the high 
cost of health care. There's only one good way 
to help all Americans get health care insurance: 
bring the cost of the medical care down. 

That way, everyone could afford to pay for their 
own health insurance. There would be many choices 
to the consumer. Everyone is in favor of lower 
health care costs. Any politician who comes up
with a viable plan to reduce costs of medical
care will get a bill passed. Everyone is in 
favor of lowering costs and saving money.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Avoid The Problem Before It Comes(TM)

2009-08-24 Thread WillyTex
TurquoiseB wrote:
 We have crafted this new antinegativityware 
 product with the TM Raja in mind... 
If it's software you wrote, I'd pass. We've
already been thought this before, with you
code cult guys writing software and trying to
help out computer users. Your name is mud all
over the World Wide Web. So, maybe it would be
a good thing for you to keep your pie hole 
shut about computer software.

Preaching enlightenment through computer 
science, Lenz's organization offers a series 
of classes in database management and computer 
systems, but then pushes neophyte programmers 
to misrepresent themselves in order to obtain 
lucrative computer consulting contracts - and 
turn most of the proceeds over to him...

Read more:

'The Code Cult of the CPU Guru'
By Zachary Margulis
Wired, Issue 2.04 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Rajas

2009-08-24 Thread Sal Sunshine

On Aug 24, 2009, at 2:29 PM, Sal Sunshine wrote:

On Aug 24, 2009, at 8:25 AM, ruffedgrousepa wrote:

Does any one have the e-mail address of all or any of TM movement   

Here's a phone # I believe might work:

Then again, if you happen to get a secretary
who won't put you through directly to one of
Their Majesties, try these #s...guaranteed
to work:

or, in a real pinch:


[FairfieldLife] Re: Keep up the pressure for the public option

2009-08-24 Thread WillyTex
raunchydog wrote:
 Keep up the pressure for the public option..,

We don't want a public option - that's just one 
more insurance company to be subsidized by the 
government. We want the cost of medical care to 
be reduced, so we can afford our own medical 
care. Without a reduction in costs, there are 
no choices. 

We don't want the federal government subsidizing 
any insurance companies, public or private, 
without any cost containment, period. 

We want to be able to buy discount prescription 
medications. The politicians need to get some 
smarts, before it's too late, and get out of bed 
with the insurance companies and stop getting 
paid off by the big pharmaceutical companies.

Keep up the pressure for lower health care costs.

Don't vote for any politician that accepts 
donations from insurance companies or big 
pharmaceuticals. Up to and including Barack Obama.

Kick the bums out - don't vote for any of them
until they do their job of protecting the U.S.
consumer. At present, I see almost none of them
doing that - all they are doing is trying to
protect their own backside and get re-elected.

[FairfieldLife] Feds can NOT run social secuerity the mail or much else except military

2009-08-24 Thread WLeed3
Keep the federal government out of the bed rooms of America. Keep them  out 
of health care its an individual responsibility  a state responsibility  
not federal one except for veterans. They can NOT even balance a budget 
except  for debt thanks to the Chinese buying that debt along with the 
gov  to finance this debt. The feds can not collect taxes well not that they 
should  on  on . when they can do well the above  or address the social  
security problem with its finance balance a or one budget then let states do 
 health care till then its an individual job under our constution. 
In a message dated 8/24/2009 4:36:15 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  
no_re...@yahoogroups.com writes:

raunchydog wrote:
 Keep up the pressure for the public  option..,

We don't want a public option - that's just one 
more  insurance company to be subsidized by the 
government. We want the cost of  medical care to 
be reduced, so we can afford our own medical 
care.  Without a reduction in costs, there are 
no choices. 

We don't want  the federal government subsidizing 
any insurance companies, public or  private, 
without any cost containment, period. 

We want to be able  to buy discount prescription 
medications. The politicians need to get some  
smarts, before it's too late, and get out of bed 
with the insurance  companies and stop getting 
paid off by the big pharmaceutical  companies.

Keep up the pressure for lower health care  costs.

Don't vote for any politician that accepts 
donations from  insurance companies or big 
pharmaceuticals. Up to and including Barack  Obama.

Kick the bums out - don't vote for any of them
until they do  their job of protecting the U.S.
consumer. At present, I see almost none of  them
doing that - all they are doing is trying to
protect their own  backside and get  re-elected.

To  subscribe, send a message  to:

Or go to:  
and click 'Join This  Group!'Yahoo! Groups Links

[FairfieldLife] Re: Feds can NOT run social secuerity the mail or much else except military

2009-08-24 Thread WillyTex
Leed wrote:
 Keep the federal government out of the bed 
 rooms of America. Keep them out of health 
 care its an individual responsibility  a 
 state responsibility not federal one except 
 for veterans... 

The lesson is clear: when government and other 
third parties get involved, health care costs 
spiral. The answer is not a system of outright 
socialized medicine, but rather a system that 
encourages everyone – doctors, hospitals, 
patients, and drug companies – to keep costs 

Read more:

'Lowering the Cost of Health Care'
By Ron Paul

[FairfieldLife] What would LBJ do? This one's a hoot

2009-08-24 Thread It's just a ride


CNN) -- LBJ would:

Have a list of every member of Congress on his desk.

He would be on the telephone with members (and their key staffers)
constantly: Your president really needs your vote on this bill.

He would have a list of every special request every member wanted --
from White House tours to appointments to federal jobs and

He would make a phone call or have a personal visit with every member
-- individually or in a group. Charts, graphs, coffee. They would get
the Johnson Treatment as nobody else could give it.

He would have a willingness to horse-trade with every member.

He would keep a list of people who support each member financially. A
call to each to tell them to get the vote of that representative.

He would have Billy Graham calling Baptists, Cardinal Cushing calling
Catholics, Dr. Martin Luther King calling blacks, Henry Gonzales
calling Hispanics, Henry Ford and David Rockefeller calling

He would get Jack Valenti to call the Pope if it would help.

He would have speeches written for members for the Congressional
Record and hometown newspapers.

He would use up White House liquor having nightcaps with the leaders
and key members of BOTH parties.

Each of them would take home cufflinks, watches, signed photos, and
perhaps even a pledge to come raise money for their next election.

He would be sending gifts to children and grandchildren of members.

He would walk around the South Lawn with reporters telling them why
this was important to their own families.

He would send every aide in the White House to see every member of the
House and Senate. He would send me to see Sen. Richard Russell and
Rep. Carl Vinson because I am a Georgian.

He would call media executives Kay Graham, Frank Stanton, Robert
Kintner, and the heads of every network.

He would go to pray at six different churches.

He would do newspaper, radio and TV interviews -- especially with
Merriman Smith, Hugh Sidey, Sid Davis, Forrest Boyd, Ray Scherer,
Helen Thomas, Marianne Means, Walter Cronkite, Phil Potter, Bob Novak.

He would threaten, cajole, flirt, flatter, hug -- and get the health
care bill passed.

The opinions expressed in this commentary are solely those of Tom Johnson.

[FairfieldLife] Re: What would LBJ do? This one's a hoot

2009-08-24 Thread shempmcgurk
Oh, and you forgot one other thing that LBJ would do:

Use the n word.

In order to pander to his fellow southerners that he knew to be bigots, LBJ 
wouldn't hesitate to liberally use the n word.

We know this to be true because you can hear him doing exactly that on the very 
same tape system that a few years later brought down Richard Nixon.


And this wasn't an isolated incident.  Just google the n-word along with 
lyndon johnson and tapes.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, It's just a ride 
bill.hicks.all.a.r...@... wrote:

 CNN) -- LBJ would:
 Have a list of every member of Congress on his desk.
 He would be on the telephone with members (and their key staffers)
 constantly: Your president really needs your vote on this bill.
 He would have a list of every special request every member wanted --
 from White House tours to appointments to federal jobs and
 He would make a phone call or have a personal visit with every member
 -- individually or in a group. Charts, graphs, coffee. They would get
 the Johnson Treatment as nobody else could give it.
 He would have a willingness to horse-trade with every member.
 He would keep a list of people who support each member financially. A
 call to each to tell them to get the vote of that representative.
 He would have Billy Graham calling Baptists, Cardinal Cushing calling
 Catholics, Dr. Martin Luther King calling blacks, Henry Gonzales
 calling Hispanics, Henry Ford and David Rockefeller calling
 He would get Jack Valenti to call the Pope if it would help.
 He would have speeches written for members for the Congressional
 Record and hometown newspapers.
 He would use up White House liquor having nightcaps with the leaders
 and key members of BOTH parties.
 Each of them would take home cufflinks, watches, signed photos, and
 perhaps even a pledge to come raise money for their next election.
 He would be sending gifts to children and grandchildren of members.
 He would walk around the South Lawn with reporters telling them why
 this was important to their own families.
 He would send every aide in the White House to see every member of the
 House and Senate. He would send me to see Sen. Richard Russell and
 Rep. Carl Vinson because I am a Georgian.
 He would call media executives Kay Graham, Frank Stanton, Robert
 Kintner, and the heads of every network.
 He would go to pray at six different churches.
 He would do newspaper, radio and TV interviews -- especially with
 Merriman Smith, Hugh Sidey, Sid Davis, Forrest Boyd, Ray Scherer,
 Helen Thomas, Marianne Means, Walter Cronkite, Phil Potter, Bob Novak.
 He would threaten, cajole, flirt, flatter, hug -- and get the health
 care bill passed.
 The opinions expressed in this commentary are solely those of Tom Johnson.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Denied, to Invincible America

2009-08-24 Thread bob_brigante

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com , dhamiltony2k5
dhamiltony...@... wrote:

 Folks saying good-bye.  The last few days I learned that five
long-time friends are leaving Fairfield now.  From different circles. 
Long-time meditators.  From different parts of the meditating community.


Jefferson County unemployment rate is 7.9%, higher than Iowa's 6.5%:



It might be that some people simply can't make it in FF anymore --
either they lost their job, or their business is not going well because
of the lack of paying customers.

Unemployment rate is nearly 15% where I am in SoCal, so FF's 8% looks
pretty good -- although in a town of 9500 people, work is sparse anyway,
regardless of the unemployment rate.

[FairfieldLife] Re: What would LBJ do? This one's a hoot

2009-08-24 Thread authfriend
Oh, man, makes me want to weep.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, It's just a ride 
bill.hicks.all.a.r...@... wrote:

 CNN) -- LBJ would:
 Have a list of every member of Congress on his desk.
 He would be on the telephone with members (and their key staffers)
 constantly: Your president really needs your vote on this bill.
 He would have a list of every special request every member wanted --
 from White House tours to appointments to federal jobs and
 He would make a phone call or have a personal visit with every member
 -- individually or in a group. Charts, graphs, coffee. They would get
 the Johnson Treatment as nobody else could give it.
 He would have a willingness to horse-trade with every member.
 He would keep a list of people who support each member financially. A
 call to each to tell them to get the vote of that representative.
 He would have Billy Graham calling Baptists, Cardinal Cushing calling
 Catholics, Dr. Martin Luther King calling blacks, Henry Gonzales
 calling Hispanics, Henry Ford and David Rockefeller calling
 He would get Jack Valenti to call the Pope if it would help.
 He would have speeches written for members for the Congressional
 Record and hometown newspapers.
 He would use up White House liquor having nightcaps with the leaders
 and key members of BOTH parties.
 Each of them would take home cufflinks, watches, signed photos, and
 perhaps even a pledge to come raise money for their next election.
 He would be sending gifts to children and grandchildren of members.
 He would walk around the South Lawn with reporters telling them why
 this was important to their own families.
 He would send every aide in the White House to see every member of the
 House and Senate. He would send me to see Sen. Richard Russell and
 Rep. Carl Vinson because I am a Georgian.
 He would call media executives Kay Graham, Frank Stanton, Robert
 Kintner, and the heads of every network.
 He would go to pray at six different churches.
 He would do newspaper, radio and TV interviews -- especially with
 Merriman Smith, Hugh Sidey, Sid Davis, Forrest Boyd, Ray Scherer,
 Helen Thomas, Marianne Means, Walter Cronkite, Phil Potter, Bob Novak.
 He would threaten, cajole, flirt, flatter, hug -- and get the health
 care bill passed.
 The opinions expressed in this commentary are solely those of Tom Johnson.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: What would LBJ do? This one's a hoot

2009-08-24 Thread It's just a ride
On Mon, Aug 24, 2009 at 4:23 PM, shempmcgurkshempmcg...@netscape.net wrote:
 Oh, and you forgot one other thing that LBJ would do:

 Use the n word.

 In order to pander to his fellow southerners that he knew to be bigots, LBJ 
 wouldn't hesitate to liberally use the n word.

 We know this to be true because you can hear him doing exactly that on the 
 very same tape system that a few years later brought down Richard Nixon.


 And this wasn't an isolated incident.  Just google the n-word along with 
 lyndon johnson and tapes.

And your point about a southerner, a Texan who used to drive from
Johnson City to Austin in his pajamas to buy beer using a then very
common word ( do you donate to the United Negro College Fund? ) is?
LBJ was Mr. Civil Rights.  He grew up very poor (KLBJ and the Johnson
spread come from Lady Bird's family) and he knew about being down and
out.  Plus of course, he knew that those n's would vote Democrat and
he was creating a Democrat legacy for years to come (he thought).

Tell me the history of the Dixiecrats.  Aren't they the forefathers of
the Blue Dogs?

[FairfieldLife] OMG !! --- Michael Jackson's death ruled homicide !

2009-08-24 Thread off_world_beings

OMG !!   --- Michael Jackson's death ruled homicide !

http://tinyurl.com/mcqzkh http://tinyurl.com/mcqzkh


[FairfieldLife] Re: Rajas

2009-08-24 Thread babajii_99
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, It's just a ride 
bill.hicks.all.a.r...@... wrote:

 On Mon, Aug 24, 2009 at 9:27 AM, Rick Archerr...@... wrote:
  Does any one have the e-mail address of all or any of TM movement Rajas?
  Tom Stanley: stanl...@...
  John Konhaus: rajajohnkonh...@...
  Rogers Badgett: rogersb...@...
  Kingsley Brooks is on Facebook.
 Do you have the address of the Nazi?  I want to send him fan mail.

`All Correspondence can be sent to:

Bevan Morris aka Joseph Goebbels, at 

The Third Reich Reichstag
Berlin, Germany...

Att/ Bevan Morris.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Should you be forced to get the Swine Flu Vaccination?

2009-08-24 Thread bob_brigante

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer r...@... wrote:

 I don't even know if I'd be eligible for a flu shot. There's a
shortage, and
 I don't think I'm in a high risk category. 59 yrs. old. Not pregnant.


Probably only the most at-risk people should get the flu vaccine, based
on recent experiences with flu vaccination:


Indiscriminate use of antiviral medications to prevent and treat
influenza could ease the way for drug-resistant strains of the novel
H1N1 virus, or swine flu, to emerge, public health officials warn --
making the fight against a pandemic that much harder.

Already, a handful of cases of Tamiflu-resistant H1N1 have been reported
this summer, and there is no shortage of examples of misuse of the
antiviral medications, experts say.

People often fail to complete a full course of the drug, according to a
recent British report -- a scenario also likely to be occurring in the
U.S. and one that encourages resistance. Stockpiling is rife, and some
U.S. summer camps have given Tamiflu prophylactically to healthy kids
and staff, and have even told campers to bring the drug to camp. Experts
anticipate more problems in the fall as children return to school and
normal flu season draws nearer.

Influenza viruses mutate frequently and any viral resistance could be
acquired easily, said Dr. Anne Schuchat, director of the National
Center on Immunization and Respiratory Disease at the Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta. It won't surprise us if we
see resistance emerge as a bigger problem in the fall or in the years

Prescribed in pill form, Tamiflu (oseltamivir) works by preventing the
flu virus from leaving infected cells and spreading to new ones. Because
a vaccine against pandemic H1N1 influenza will not be widely available
for several months, Tamiflu and to a lesser extent Relenza (zanamivir),
an antiviral that acts similarly, are key medical tools for fighting the
pandemic in the meantime.

On Friday, however, the World Health Organization advised doctors that
even those who are sickened with swine flu do not need to be given
Tamiflu or Relenza if they are only mildly or moderately sick and are
not in a high-risk group (such as children under 5, pregnant women and
those with an underlying health condition).

Both drugs can help prevent illness in people exposed to the virus and
reduce illness severity in people already sickened with it. On Aug. 14,
after U.S. national soccer team forward Landon Donovan was diagnosed
with H1N1 flu, players, coaches and support staff of the U.S. and Galaxy
teams were advised to take Tamiflu as a preventive measure.

Tamiflu was chosen a few years ago for stockpiling by the federal
government to deal with future pandemics.

Health authorities in the United States and elsewhere are keeping a
sharp eye on prescriptions of the drug as they prepare for a surge of
H1N1 cases in the fall. The U.S. government has issued detailed
guidelines http://www.cdc.gov/h1n1flu/recommendations.htm  on
prescribing antivirals. But health professionals may not follow the
recommendations or may give in to patients who pester them for
prescriptions that are ill-advised, said Dr. Robert Schechter, acting
chief of the immunization branch of the California Department of Public

These medicines can be very helpful to those who could get very sick,
Schechter said. But excessive use will accelerate the development of
resistance and lead to the lack of a medication for everybody.

Anxiety over indiscriminate use is growing, and taking the medications
cavalierly is not without consequence. British health authorities
reported Aug. 2 that cases of side effects from Tamiflu had doubled in
the prior week, coinciding with the July 24 launch of a program in
England to provide antivirals to anyone with H1N1 influenza who requests
it over the phone or online.

In the first three days of the program, 150,000 packets of Tamiflu were
dispensed and 293 cases of side effects were reported. Tamiflu can cause
vomiting, diarrhea and mild neuropsychiatric effects.

Some U.S. health authorities have also expressed concern over misuse of
the medications. Last month, the CDC urged directors of summer camps to
stop handing out Tamiflu to healthy campers.

Americans are known to hoard antivirals: A 2006 study showed that
heightened anxiety over a possible avian flu pandemic caused Tamiflu
prescriptions to soar 300% in 2004 and 2005.

Just as with antibiotics, of central importance to antivirals' success
is taking them properly, including completing the recommended course.

However, a study published in late July found poor adherence among
children in London who took Tamiflu for prevention of pandemic H1N1 in
the spring.

Less than half of the grade-school-age children and only 76% of the 13-

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Should you be forced to get the Swine Flu Vaccination?

2009-08-24 Thread It's just a ride
On Mon, Aug 24, 2009 at 5:23 PM, bob_briganteno_re...@yahoogroups.com wrote:
 Indiscriminate use of antiviral medications to prevent and treat influenza
 could ease the way for drug-resistant strains of the novel H1N1 virus, or
 swine flu, to emerge, public health officials warn -- making the fight
 against a pandemic that much harder.

 Already, a handful of cases of Tamiflu-resistant H1N1 have been reported
 this summer, and there is no shortage of examples of misuse of the antiviral
 medications, experts say.

Remember Cipro, the wonder drug of 2001 everybody stocked, available
in the US via shady mail order?  Recently had a UTI.  The doctor said
Cipro was out of the question.  To many bugs are now resistant to it.

[FairfieldLife] Re: WillyTex REALLY IS is a RAGING SOCIALIST !

2009-08-24 Thread off_world_beings

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com , WillyTex no_re...@... wrote:

   Well, I fail to see the connection between my
   group policy and my elderly parents. They have
   private insurance and Medicare and Medicaid...
  I see, so you are happy they have government run
  medicare and medicaid, paid for by the taxpayers,
  so that you do not have to look after them
  and pay for them.
 My parents both have private insurance and like
 everyone else, Medicare and Medicaid. But the
 Medicare and Medicaid are supplements to the
 private insurance. I'm am glad my parents had
 good jobs and a good group policy: the USAF.


Your parents are ENTIRELY supported by tax payers. They were ENTIRELEY
supported by tax payers when they were workling, and are STILL entirely
and UTTERLY supported with tax payers money.  I, Tom Barlow, a Brit, PAY

Go ask them if they think the tax-payer should stop paying for the
military and military pensions? Go ahead WillyTex, let's see what they

YOU ARE A RAGING SOCIALIST ! And your parents are too.

My Dad was in the The Royal Airforce as a navigator in the British
equivalent of a B52 (except the British planes were far superior and
world record-breaking high flying aircraft) , and later he was in the
Air Traffic Control. My Dad, like your parents, also has a very good
government pension, only much better that theirs, and endless healthcare
- more than even people in America who pay for insurance can get. Much
more, much better. And he is all for healthcare for everyone. He is all
for caring about others in society when they need it. Like the majority
of people in the civilised world, he thinks that the government should
make sure that happens, and that everyone should chip in for it.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Should you be forced to get the Swine Flu Vaccination?

2009-08-24 Thread bob_brigante

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, It's just a ride
bill.hicks.all.a.r...@... wrote:

 On Mon, Aug 24, 2009 at 5:23 PM, bob_briganteno_re...@yahoogroups.com
  Indiscriminate use of antiviral medications to prevent and treat
  could ease the way for drug-resistant strains of the novel H1N1
virus, or
  swine flu, to emerge, public health officials warn -- making the
  against a pandemic that much harder.
  Already, a handful of cases of Tamiflu-resistant H1N1 have been
  this summer, and there is no shortage of examples of misuse of the
  medications, experts say.

 Remember Cipro, the wonder drug of 2001 everybody stocked, available
 in the US via shady mail order?

Recently had a UTI. The doctor said
 Cipro was out of the question. To many bugs are now resistant to it.



[FairfieldLife] Fed-Ex and UPS are FUNDED BY TAX-PAYERS ! ------ was//Feds can NOT run the mail

2009-08-24 Thread off_world_beings

Re: Feds can NOT run the mail

Bullshit. Fed-Ex and UPS are FUNDED BY TAX PAYERS !
They are supposed to be self-sufficient private businesses !  They are
in debt to the banks like most businesses.  The banks are in debt to
their UberBanks, and he UberBanks ARE IN DEBT TO THE TAX PAYER. Fed-Ex
and UPS are unfair competition for the Post Office because they are
ILLEGALLY funded by  the tax payer and people don't even realise it. All
tax payers money should be recalled from Fed-Ex and UPS.

We, the tax payer, want ALL OF OUR MONEY BACK from Fed-Ex and UPS.


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com , wle...@... wrote:

 Keep the federal government out of the bed rooms of America. Keep them
 of health care its an individual responsibility  a state
 not federal one except for veterans. They can NOT even balance a
 except  for debt thanks to the Chinese buying that debt along with
the Japanese
 gov  to finance this debt. The feds can not collect taxes well not
that they
 should  on  on . when they can do well the above  or address the
 security problem with its finance balance a or one budget then let
states do
  health care till then its an individual job under our constution.

 In a message dated 8/24/2009 4:36:15 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,
 no_re...@yahoogroups.com mailto:no_re...@yahoogroups.com  writes:

 raunchydog wrote:
  Keep up the pressure for the public  option..,
 We don't want a public option - that's just one
 more  insurance company to be subsidized by the
 government. We want the cost of  medical care to
 be reduced, so we can afford our own medical
 care.  Without a reduction in costs, there are
 no choices.

 We don't want  the federal government subsidizing
 any insurance companies, public or  private,
 without any cost containment, period.

 We want to be able  to buy discount prescription
 medications. The politicians need to get some
 smarts, before it's too late, and get out of bed
 with the insurance  companies and stop getting
 paid off by the big pharmaceutical  companies.

 Keep up the pressure for lower health care  costs.

 Don't vote for any politician that accepts
 donations from  insurance companies or big
 pharmaceuticals. Up to and including Barack  Obama.

 Kick the bums out - don't vote for any of them
 until they do  their job of protecting the U.S.
 consumer. At present, I see almost none of  them
 doing that - all they are doing is trying to
 protect their own  backside and get  re-elected.


 To  subscribe, send a message  to:

 Or go to:
 and click 'Join This  Group!'Yahoo! Groups Links

[FairfieldLife] Re: What would LBJ do? This one's a hoot

2009-08-24 Thread shempmcgurk
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, It's just a ride 
bill.hicks.all.a.r...@... wrote:

 On Mon, Aug 24, 2009 at 4:23 PM, shempmcgurkshempmcg...@... wrote:
  Oh, and you forgot one other thing that LBJ would do:
  Use the n word.
  In order to pander to his fellow southerners that he knew to be bigots, LBJ 
  wouldn't hesitate to liberally use the n word.
  We know this to be true because you can hear him doing exactly that on the 
  very same tape system that a few years later brought down Richard Nixon.
  And this wasn't an isolated incident.  Just google the n-word along with 
  lyndon johnson and tapes.
 And your point about a southerner, a Texan who used to drive from
 Johnson City to Austin in his pajamas to buy beer using a then very
 common word ( do you donate to the United Negro College Fund? ) is?
 LBJ was Mr. Civil Rights.  He grew up very poor (KLBJ and the Johnson
 spread come from Lady Bird's family) and he knew about being down and
 out.  Plus of course, he knew that those n's would vote Democrat and
 he was creating a Democrat legacy for years to come (he thought).
 Tell me the history of the Dixiecrats.  Aren't they the forefathers of
 the Blue Dogs?

I'm sorry, Bill, I'd like to respond to the above but I don't understand much 
of the rambling.

Could you please reword your questions in a form I'll understand?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Fed-Ex and UPS are FUNDED BY TAX-PAYERS ! ------ was//Feds can NOT run the mail

2009-08-24 Thread Mike Dixon
Oh well, I guess UPS will just have to cancel that contract with those 200,000+ 
teamsters! Do those unemployed teamsters go in August or Septembers unemployent 

--- On Mon, 8/24/09, off_world_beings no_re...@yahoogroups.com wrote:

From: off_world_beings no_re...@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Fed-Ex and UPS are FUNDED BY TAX-PAYERS ! -- 
was//Feds can NOT run the mail
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Date: Monday, August 24, 2009, 10:47 PM


Re: Feds can NOT run the mail 
Bullshit. Fed-Ex and UPS are FUNDED BY TAX PAYERS ! 
They are supposed to be self-sufficient private businesses !  They are in debt 
to the banks like most businesses.  The banks are in debt to their UberBanks, 
and he UberBanks ARE IN DEBT TO THE TAX PAYER. Fed-Ex and UPS are unfair 
competition for the Post Office because they are ILLEGALLY funded by  the tax 
payer and people don't even realise it. All tax payers money should be recalled 
from Fed-Ex and UPS.
We, the tax payer, want ALL OF OUR MONEY BACK from Fed-Ex and UPS.
--- In FairfieldLife@ yahoogroups. com, wle...@... wrote:

 Keep the federal government out of the bed rooms of America. Keep them  out 
 of health care its an individual responsibility  a state responsibility  
 not federal one except for veterans. They can NOT even balance a budget 
 except  for debt thanks to the Chinese buying that debt along with the 
 gov  to finance this debt. The feds can not collect taxes well not that they 
 should  on  on . when they can do well the above  or address the social  
 security problem with its finance balance a or one budget then let states do 
  health care till then its an individual job under our constution. 
 In a message dated 8/24/2009 4:36:15 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  
 no_re...@yahoogroup s.com writes:
 raunchydog wrote:
  Keep up the pressure for the public  option..,
 We don't want a public option - that's just one 
 more  insurance company to be subsidized by the 
 government. We want the cost of  medical care to 
 be reduced, so we can afford our own medical 
 care.  Without a reduction in costs, there are 
 no choices. 
 We don't want  the federal government subsidizing 
 any insurance companies, public or  private, 
 without any cost containment, period. 
 We want to be able  to buy discount prescription 
 medications. The politicians need to get some  
 smarts, before it's too late, and get out of bed 
 with the insurance  companies and stop getting 
 paid off by the big pharmaceutical  companies.
 Keep up the pressure for lower health care  costs.
 Don't vote for any politician that accepts 
 donations from  insurance companies or big 
 pharmaceuticals. Up to and including Barack  Obama.
 Kick the bums out - don't vote for any of them
 until they do  their job of protecting the U.S.
 consumer. At present, I see almost none of  them
 doing that - all they are doing is trying to
 protect their own  backside and get  re-elected.
  - - --
 To  subscribe, send a message  to:
 FairfieldLife- subscribe@ yahoogroups. com
 Or go to:  
 http://groups. yahoo.com/ group/FairfieldL ife/
 and click 'Join This  Group!'Yahoo! Groups Links


[FairfieldLife] Re: Should you be forced to get the Swine Flu Vaccination?

2009-08-24 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, bob_brigante no_re...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer rick@ wrote:
  I don't even know if I'd be eligible for a flu shot.
  There's a shortage, and I don't think I'm in a high
  risk category. 59 yrs. old. Not pregnant.
 Probably only the most at-risk people should get the flu
 vaccine, based on recent experiences with flu vaccination:

Oy, Bob, this story is NOT about the flu vaccine.

It's about Tamiflu and Relenza, antiviral medications
you take in pill or nasal spray form to *treat* the flu.
Nothing to do with the vaccine AT ALL.

PLEASE don't confuse the issue!!!

[FairfieldLife] Re: Fed-Ex and UPS are FUNDED BY TAX-PAYERS ! - MIKE DIXON is a SOCIALIST !

2009-08-24 Thread off_world_beings

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com , Mike Dixon mdixon.6...@...

 Oh well, I guess UPS will just have to cancel that contract with those
200,000+ teamsters! Do those unemployed teamsters go in August or
Septembers unemployent numbers?

So you support this Socialist system? The post office is under threat
because of unfair competition by private businesses WHO ARE SUPPORTED by
Do you want the 800,000 postal workers to become unemployed while
letting a private company leach off the Taxpayers?


 --- On Mon, 8/24/09, off_world_beings no_re...@yahoogroups.com
mailto:no_re...@yahoogroups.com  wrote:

 From: off_world_beings no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Fed-Ex and UPS are FUNDED BY TAX-PAYERS !
-- was//Feds can NOT run the mail
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Date: Monday, August 24, 2009, 10:47 PM

 Re: Feds can NOT run the mail
 Bullshit. Fed-Ex and UPS are FUNDED BY TAX PAYERS !
 They are supposed to be self-sufficient private businesses !  They are
in debt to the banks like most businesses.  The banks are in debt to
their UberBanks, and he UberBanks ARE IN DEBT TO THE TAX PAYER. Fed-Ex
and UPS are unfair competition for the Post Office because they are
ILLEGALLY funded by  the tax payer and people don't even realise it. All
tax payers money should be recalled from Fed-Ex and UPS.
 We, the tax payer, want ALL OF OUR MONEY BACK from Fed-Ex and UPS.

 --- In FairfieldLife@ yahoogroups. com, WLeed3@ wrote:
  Keep the federal government out of the bed rooms of America. Keep
them  out
  of health care its an individual responsibility  a state
  not federal one except for veterans. They can NOT even balance a
  except  for debt thanks to the Chinese buying that debt along with
the Japanese
  gov  to finance this debt. The feds can not collect taxes well not
that they
  should  on  on . when they can do well the above  or address the
  security problem with its finance balance a or one budget then let
states do
   health care till then its an individual job under our constution.
  In a message dated 8/24/2009 4:36:15 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,
  no_re...@yahoogroup mailto:no_re...@yahoogroup  s.com writes:
  raunchydog wrote:
   Keep up the pressure for the public  option..,
  We don't want a public option - that's just one
  more  insurance company to be subsidized by the
  government. We want the cost of  medical care to
  be reduced, so we can afford our own medical
  care.  Without a reduction in costs, there are
  no choices.
  We don't want  the federal government subsidizing
  any insurance companies, public or  private,
  without any cost containment, period.
  We want to be able  to buy discount prescription
  medications. The politicians need to get some
  smarts, before it's too late, and get out of bed
  with the insurance  companies and stop getting
  paid off by the big pharmaceutical  companies.
  Keep up the pressure for lower health care  costs.
  Don't vote for any politician that accepts
  donations from  insurance companies or big
  pharmaceuticals. Up to and including Barack  Obama.
  Kick the bums out - don't vote for any of them
  until they do  their job of protecting the U.S.
  consumer. At present, I see almost none of  them
  doing that - all they are doing is trying to
  protect their own  backside and get  re-elected.
   - - --
  To  subscribe, send a message  to:
  FairfieldLife- subscribe@ yahoogroups. com
  Or go to:
  http://groups http://groups . yahoo.com/ group/FairfieldL ife/
  and click 'Join This  Group!'Yahoo! Groups Links

[FairfieldLife] Re: Should you be forced to get the Swine Flu Vaccination?

2009-08-24 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer r...@... wrote:

 I don't even know if I'd be eligible for a flu shot.
 There's a shortage, and I don't think I'm in a high
 risk category. 59 yrs. old. Not pregnant.

No, you probably won't be able to get a swine flu shot
with the first batches they release. But later on there'll
be more available, quite possibly for those not in high-
risk groups. And you should get the seasonal flu shot, of
which there'll be plenty.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Feds can NOT run social secuerity the mail or much else except military

2009-08-24 Thread shempmcgurk
The U.S. Mail has, actually, become one of the few government enterprises that 
does quite a good job.  If you're a subscriber of Netflix, as I am, you see 
this on a daily basis whenever you order movies online and notice how quickly 
and consistently they are delivered.  In a way, the Netflix/Post Offica 
alliance is probably the best advertising/publicity the Post Office could ever 
hope for.

And my experience in shipping packages cross-country is quite satisfactory as 
well.  Not so once things have to be shipped internationally, such as to Canada.

However, much of that success -- if not all of it -- is due to competition.  It 
wasn't until the advent of competitors such as UPS and Fed-Ex infringing on 
their territory that the Post Office got off their butt and started to do 
things efficiently. Same with the advent of email which has cut out so much of 
the need for personal correspondence by mail that it has made the post office 
become a glorified door-to-door distributor of advertising flyers for local 
businesses. Well, that's what makes up about 80% of MY daily mail.

So, yeah, let's have a government health plan compete with the private ones.  
want to opt out can and should be allowed to.  What's sauce for the goose, Mr. 
President, is sauce for the gander. So don't tell us that the private sector 
shouldn't be afraid to have competition from government when you aren't willing 
to extend that principle to other areas.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, wle...@... wrote:

 Keep the federal government out of the bed rooms of America. Keep them  out 
 of health care its an individual responsibility  a state responsibility  
 not federal one except for veterans. They can NOT even balance a budget 
 except  for debt thanks to the Chinese buying that debt along with the 
 gov  to finance this debt. The feds can not collect taxes well not that they 
 should  on  on . when they can do well the above  or address the social  
 security problem with its finance balance a or one budget then let states do 
  health care till then its an individual job under our constution. 
 In a message dated 8/24/2009 4:36:15 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  
 no_re...@yahoogroups.com writes:
 raunchydog wrote:
  Keep up the pressure for the public  option..,
 We don't want a public option - that's just one 
 more  insurance company to be subsidized by the 
 government. We want the cost of  medical care to 
 be reduced, so we can afford our own medical 
 care.  Without a reduction in costs, there are 
 no choices. 
 We don't want  the federal government subsidizing 
 any insurance companies, public or  private, 
 without any cost containment, period. 
 We want to be able  to buy discount prescription 
 medications. The politicians need to get some  
 smarts, before it's too late, and get out of bed 
 with the insurance  companies and stop getting 
 paid off by the big pharmaceutical  companies.
 Keep up the pressure for lower health care  costs.
 Don't vote for any politician that accepts 
 donations from  insurance companies or big 
 pharmaceuticals. Up to and including Barack  Obama.
 Kick the bums out - don't vote for any of them
 until they do  their job of protecting the U.S.
 consumer. At present, I see almost none of  them
 doing that - all they are doing is trying to
 protect their own  backside and get  re-elected.
 To  subscribe, send a message  to:
 Or go to:  
 and click 'Join This  Group!'Yahoo! Groups Links

[FairfieldLife] Re: 'The Republican Agenda'

2009-08-24 Thread nelsonriddle2001
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, babajii_99 babajii...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nelsonriddle2001 nelsonriddle2001@ 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, babajii_99 babajii_99@ wrote:
   Anti-Constitutional and want to establish a monied Monarchy..

   Because they are: 'Of the Money, by the Money, and for the Money...
   Simple, huh?
   Money first, second and third...the people last on the list...
   If you have no money, to the Republicans, you just don't count...as a 
   human being...
   Kind of demonic, don't ya think?
As an opinion, I think the present administration trying to rewrite the 
  first and second amendment is a problem. (amongst others)
 And, How are they trying to do that? Is that something you heard on 

  No, it is  various legislation like H.R. 45 and others that the anti second 
amendment majority in Washington are trying to put thru.
  With the latest supreme court pick, things have gotten even worse.

[FairfieldLife] Re: 'Does This Story 'Ring' True?'

2009-08-24 Thread nelsonriddle2001
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robert babajii...@... wrote:

 'JFK's (CIA) Driver pulled the trigger!'
 A few years ago, met someone in Sedona, AZ...
 Who said his father was a CIA guy, and he had been also...
 He invited me to see a ‘Secret CIA’ film he had, to show me:
 Of who really winged the murder shot, 
 That killed President Kennedy, in broad day light.
 And why the limo slowed down, and why Jackie Kennedy tried to escape from the 
 The whole thing, seemed to ‘Dark and Spooky’ at the time, so I never took 
 him up, on his offer...
 Anyway, I was curious to see, what he had told me, would be documented on the 
 But, it makes sense, in that it seems this dark shadow government has been 
 pulling the strings behind the scenes, since that day, in Dallas, 
 Texas...(‘Bush Terror-tory’)
 From that day on, we have been ‘At War’ with something, or other...
 First their was the Viet Nam war.
 The War on Poverty.
 The war on MLK
 The war on RFK
 The adoption of the ‘Southern Stategy’...war on liberals.
 The War on Drugs.
 The War on the Middle Class’
 The War on People like John Lennon(Nixon’s hope to deport John)
 Reagan’s war on government, war on the poor, to scheister everything to the 
 top, and expect it to ‘Trickle Down?’...what a joke he was! Hollywood 
 movie actor, reading his lines, for you know who...
 Secret dealing with the Iranians, to sell weapons, sway the election, 
 Contra/Drug running...flooding the market with cocaine.
 Big Biz Takeover of all media...
 Supreme court elects President, illegally.
 Cheney strengthens the ‘Shadow Government, with secret dealings..
 More and more manipulation of the Wall St. dealings...
 Strengthening the grip of the military/ corporate takeover of America.
 Outsourcing of jobs, for cheap overseas labor...
 Invading Iraq, for oil, and not worrying about the 100,000’s people killed, 
 maimed and terrorized.
 As he, like his friends are psychopaths, or one having no conscious, 
 The creation of war vehicles, to be sold to the general public(Hummers)
 A liar President who manipulated the Corporate owned media, to do his 
 The false price gouging of the oil companies, to $4.50 a gallon.
 The stealing of 700 billion from the US treasury, as their last act in 
 office, after they bankrupted the country..
 The war on Liberal and Progressives by the Corporate[CIA] 
 ‘’Christian-Reich Wing Media, like Fox, and all the rest of the 
 ‘Brainwashed Soul-less Zombies’...
 Add your own

 All this time I thought you were anti conspiracy theory wow.

[FairfieldLife] Re: 'The Republican Agenda'

2009-08-24 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nelsonriddle2001 nelsonriddle2...@... 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, babajii_99 babajii_99@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nelsonriddle2001 
  nelsonriddle2001@ wrote:
 As an opinion, I think the present administration
   trying to rewrite the first and second amendment is
   a problem. (amongst others)
  And, How are they trying to do that? Is that something
  you heard on Fox(CIA)News?
   No, it is  various legislation like H.R. 45 and others
 that the anti second amendment majority in Washington are
 trying to put thru.

Um, there is no anti second amendment majority in 

[FairfieldLife] Re: 'The Republican Agenda'

2009-08-24 Thread nelsonriddle2001
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer r...@... wrote:

 From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:fairfieldl...@yahoogroups.com]
 On Behalf Of nelsonriddle2001
 Sent: Sunday, August 23, 2009 5:31 PM
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: 'The Republican Agenda'
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 mailto:FairfieldLife%40yahoogroups.com , babajii_99 babajii_99@
  Anti-Constitutional and want to establish a monied Monarchy..
  Because they are: 'Of the Money, by the Money, and for the Money...
  Simple, huh?
  Money first, second and third...the people last on the list...
  If you have no money, to the Republicans, you just don't count...as a
 human being...
  Kind of demonic, don't ya think?
 As an opinion, I think the present administration trying to rewrite the
 first and second amendment is a problem. (amongst others)
 Might be if they were, but you're just expressing the usual right-wing habit
 of getting all wee-weed up (Obama's expression) over fabricated, unfounded

 Being a bright lad, I expect you noticed that everyone in Washington is 
seriously anti second amendment. (name any of the top players)
  Do you think it is accidental?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Should you be forced to get the Swine Flu Vaccination?

2009-08-24 Thread Bhairitu
authfriend wrote:
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer r...@... wrote:
 I don't even know if I'd be eligible for a flu shot.
 There's a shortage, and I don't think I'm in a high
 risk category. 59 yrs. old. Not pregnant.

 No, you probably won't be able to get a swine flu shot
 with the first batches they release. But later on there'll
 be more available, quite possibly for those not in high-
 risk groups. And you should get the seasonal flu shot, of
 which there'll be plenty.

Why should Rick bother with the seasonal shot if he rarely if ever gets 
the flu?  People who meditate should be able to recognize the early 
invasion of a virus in the body.  Way earlier than a non-meditating 
person would.   If you have a still mind then it is easy.  That's one of 
the things we learned meditation for.  As soon as you notice it there 
are a number of things one can do.  Even MAPI has some flu 
recommendations on their site.   And for the ayurvedic challenged, flu 
usually occurs when one has a kapha imbalance and because of the excess 
mucus the virus has a lot goo to play around in.  Dry up the goo and see 
what happens.  BTW, that is how many cold medicines work is to dry you 
out.  That's what pseudo-ephedrine does which now the government makes 
you register if you want some tablets with it in it.  Of course you can 
grow the herb ephedra in your garden.  It grows wild all over the US.  
Your kitchen cabinet contains many cold and flu relief items already.   
I highly recommend Vasant Lad's The Complete Book of Ayurvedic Home 
Remedies to learn what those are.

[FairfieldLife] Re: 'The Republican Agenda'

2009-08-24 Thread do.rflex
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nelsonriddle2001 nelsonriddle2...@... 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, babajii_99 babajii_99@ wrote:


 As an opinion, I think the present administration trying to rewrite the 
   first and second amendment is a problem. (amongst others)
  And, How are they trying to do that? Is that something you heard on 
   No, it is  various legislation like H.R. 45 and others that the anti second 
 amendment majority in Washington are trying to put thru.
   With the latest supreme court pick, things have gotten even worse.

More paranoid horse shit from the loser wingnuts:

As was the 2007 version of Blair Holt's Firearm Licensing and Record of Sale 
Act, the current version has been referred to the House Subcommittee on Crime, 
Terrorism, and Homeland Security, and the fact that the bill does not have even 
a single co-sponsor makes it unlikely that it will ever be brought to a vote 
before Congress, much less passed. 

ESPN Outdoors correspondent Wade Bourne summed up the bill's chances of passage 

So, how likely is the Blair Holt bill's chance for passage? Pro-gun activists 
are vigilant but don't seem overly worried about it. They point out that the 
bill's failure to attract co-sponsors is an indication of a lack of enthusiasm 
for it among other congressmen...


[FairfieldLife] Re: Should you be forced to get the Swine Flu Vaccination?

2009-08-24 Thread nelsonriddle2001
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jst...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozguru@ wrote:
  authfriend wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer rick@ wrote:
   I've never had a flu shot and I think I only got the
   flu once bad enough to have to lay low and just read
   a book for a few days. Most years I don't get sick
   at all, and if I do get a mild something or other
   after the sleep deprivation and crowds of an Amma
   event, it's usually not bad enough that I can't work
   or do normal things.
   Yebbut...that you've been sick with flu only once before
   doesn't tell you anything about whether you'll get it
   again--especially the current swine flu, which is new
   and different, so people don't have antibodies to it.
   (And if you're able to work and do normal things, that
   probably isn't the flu anyway, of any type.)
   The real point is, though, that even if you're not
   worried about catching the flu yourself, you should
   get the shot; because if you do catch it, you can
   spread it to other people who haven't had the shot
   (even before you actually start having symptoms), and
   who may be more vulnerable to getting *very* sick
   if they catch it. You wouldn't just be protecting
   yourself, in other words.
  Yebbut?  A friend who is a psychology professor and
  former TM'er himself says that TM'ers for some reason
  respond with yes, but.   He therefore calls them
  yesbutts.  ;-)
 Um, Yes, but... is a common phrase used in any
  Folks are beginning to wonder if Judy has Baxter stock.
 Oh, yeah, right.
  The flu spread argument is a straw dog.
 Google herd immunity. It's a well-established
 epidemiological principle.
  She's trying to make you feel guilty.
 Translation: Bhairitu feels guilty.
 Many people don't know about the herd immunity
 principle and don't realize that their personal
 decision about whether to get a flu shot doesn't
 affect just them.
 There's no reason to feel guilty about not knowing
 about herd immunity. But once you *do* know about
 it, you have a different perspective on whether to
 get a shot--again, because it isn't something that
 affects only you.
  be really odd if there was a flu epidemic but those
  who survived were the ones who didn't get the shot.
 Yes, that *would* be really odd.
  Reminds me of a science fiction story
 Me too. Do you usually make decisions about your
 health based on science fiction stories?
  where the rulers on this distant planet decided it was 
  overpopulated and wanted to reduce the population so they said there was 
  a big epidemic coming and told their populace to get vaccinated.  But it 
  was actually the vaccine that killed off the populace.

 I would guess that, in this case, there might be some odds that it might not 
be science fiction.

[FairfieldLife] Post Count

2009-08-24 Thread FFL PostCount
Fairfield Life Post Counter
Start Date (UTC): Sat Aug 22 00:00:00 2009
End Date (UTC): Sat Aug 29 00:00:00 2009
248 messages as of (UTC) Tue Aug 25 00:12:28 2009

28 authfriend jst...@panix.com
25 raunchydog raunchy...@yahoo.com
24 WillyTex no_re...@yahoogroups.com
23 off_world_beings no_re...@yahoogroups.com
15 Bhairitu noozg...@sbcglobal.net
14 Vaj vajradh...@earthlink.net
13 do.rflex do.rf...@yahoo.com
12 shempmcgurk shempmcg...@netscape.net
12 babajii_99 babajii...@yahoo.com
12 It's just a ride bill.hicks.all.a.r...@gmail.com
 9 dhamiltony2k5 dhamiltony...@yahoo.com
 9 Rick Archer r...@searchsummit.com
 7 nelsonriddle2001 nelsonriddle2...@yahoo.com
 7 nablusoss1008 no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 4 cardemaister no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 4 bob_brigante no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 4 TurquoiseB no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 3 wgm4u wg...@yahoo.com
 3 Sal Sunshine salsunsh...@lisco.com
 3 Robert babajii...@yahoo.com
 3 Mike Dixon mdixon.6...@yahoo.com
 2 Jason jedi_sp...@yahoo.com
 1 sgrayatlarge no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 1 seekliberation seekliberat...@yahoo.com
 1 ruffedgrousepa ruffedgrous...@yahoo.com
 1 michael vedamer...@yahoo.de
 1 hugheshugo richardhughes...@hotmail.com
 1 gullible fool ffl...@yahoo.com
 1 eustace10679 no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 1 azgrey no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 1 Zoran Krneta krneta.zo...@gmail.com
 1 wle...@aol.com
 1 Damjan Jovanovic dj...@yahoo.com
 1 min.pige min.p...@yahoo.com

Posters: 34
Saturday Morning 00:00 UTC Rollover Times
Daylight Saving Time (Summer):
US Friday evening: PDT 5 PM - MDT 6 PM - CDT 7 PM - EDT 8 PM
Europe Saturday: BST 1 AM CEST 2 AM EEST 3 AM
Standard Time (Winter):
US Friday evening: PST 4 PM - MST 5 PM - CST 6 PM - EST 7 PM
Europe Saturday: GMT 12 AM CET 1 AM EET 2 AM
For more information on Time Zones: www.worldtimezone.com 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Should you be forced to get the Swine Flu Vaccination?

2009-08-24 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozg...@... wrote:

 authfriend wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer rick@ wrote:

  I don't even know if I'd be eligible for a flu shot.
  There's a shortage, and I don't think I'm in a high
  risk category. 59 yrs. old. Not pregnant.
  No, you probably won't be able to get a swine flu shot
  with the first batches they release. But later on there'll
  be more available, quite possibly for those not in high-
  risk groups. And you should get the seasonal flu shot, of
  which there'll be plenty.
 Why should Rick bother with the seasonal shot if he
 rarely if ever gets the flu?

Because having gotten it rarely if ever in the past
says NOTHING about whether you'll get it in the

It's like saying, I've never had an auto accident,
so why should I bother with a seat belt?

The whole thing with the flu virus is that it keeps
*changing* every year--that's why they have new
shots every year, because the previous ones don't
give you immunity to the most recent virus.

It's especially important not to get the seasonal
flu this year because we'll have a double dose of
flu virus, so a lot more people are going to get
sick. This is going to strain health care resources,
hospitals and doctors and clinics and emergency
rooms. Anything we can do to *minimize* that number
will be to the good.

 People who meditate should be able to recognize the
 early invasion of a virus in the body. Way earlier
 than a non-meditating person would.   If you have a
 still mind then it is easy.  That's one of the things
 we learned meditation for.

I'm sorry, but this is utterly irrelevant as a
basis for not getting a flu shot, seasonal or
swine type. The point is NOT TO GET INVADED IN THE

 As soon as you notice it there are a number of things
 one can do.  Even MAPI has some flu recommendations
 on their site.   And for the ayurvedic challenged,
 flu usually occurs when one has a kapha imbalance and
 because of the excess mucus the virus has a lot goo
 to play around in.  Dry up the goo and see what happens.
 BTW, that is how many cold medicines work is to dry you

Sorry, Bhairitu, but you're as ignorant of medical
facts as the town-hall shouters are about health

Drying up your secretions is *not* going to prevent
you from getting the flu. In fact, it may make you
more vulnerable.

And of course once you've noticed it, via woo-woo
or because you start to feel lousy, it means you've
been spreading the virus around already for several

Sure, there are lots of things you can do to make
yourself feel somewhat better once you've come down
with it, but the point is NOT TO GET IT IN THE

Once you've been infected--which will very likely be
well before you notice--you'll be shedding the virus
throughout the illness and for up to a week after all
your symptoms have disappeared.

Look up HERD IMMUNITY, please.

BTW, drying up your secretions is not a good way
to deal with an ordinary cold. The best way is to
*push fluids*, especially *warm* fluids, to dilute
the secretions so they'll drain more easily, and
because the cold virus doesn't like higher

[FairfieldLife] Re: 'The Republican Agenda'

2009-08-24 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nelsonriddle2001 nelsonriddle2...@... 
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer rick@ wrote:

[Nelson wrote:]
   As an opinion, I think the present administration
   trying to rewrite the first and second amendment is
   a problem. (amongst others)
  Might be if they were, but you're just expressing the
  usual right-wing habit of getting all wee-weed up
  (Obama's expression) over fabricated, unfounded
  Being a bright lad, I expect you noticed that everyone
 in Washington is seriously anti second amendment. (name
 any of the top players)

PSST. Being for stricter gun control is NOT THE SAME
as being against the Second Amendment.

[FairfieldLife] Re: 'The Republican Agenda'

2009-08-24 Thread nelsonriddle2001
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jst...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nelsonriddle2001 nelsonriddle2001@ 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, babajii_99 babajii_99@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nelsonriddle2001 
   nelsonriddle2001@ wrote:
  As an opinion, I think the present administration
trying to rewrite the first and second amendment is
a problem. (amongst others)
   And, How are they trying to do that? Is that something
   you heard on Fox(CIA)News?
No, it is  various legislation like H.R. 45 and others
  that the anti second amendment majority in Washington are
  trying to put thru.
 Um, there is no anti second amendment majority in 

 The president,Pelosi, Fienstien, Shumer, Holder, Clinton, The recent supreme 
court pick--cant think of the rest now and, I believe, no second amendment 
proponent will be appointed for anything in the present administration.

[FairfieldLife] Re: 'The Republican Agenda'

2009-08-24 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nelsonriddle2001 nelsonriddle2...@... 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
  Um, there is no anti second amendment majority in 
  The president,Pelosi, Fienstien, Shumer, Holder, Clinton, The recent supreme 
 court pick--cant think of the rest now and, I believe, no second amendment 
 proponent will be appointed for anything in the present administration.

These are people who FAVOR STRICTER GUN CONTROL, not
who oppose the Second Amendment. Two different things.

What you're suggesting is like the notion that being
in favor of Medicare paying doctors for end-of-life
counseling is the same as being in favor of euthanasia.

Come to think of it, you probably believe that too.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Who is Tom Barlow ------------- was////Willytex is on Medicare

2009-08-24 Thread Vaj

On Aug 24, 2009, at 7:50 AM, seekliberation wrote:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, off_world_beings  
no_re...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com , Vaj vajradhatu@ wrote:
  On Aug 22, 2009, at 5:54 PM, off_world_beings wrote:
   I am 47 years old. I swim 80 lengths of butterfly most days -  
   is when I am not literally running up mountains, or cross- 
   skiing at the lodge. In winter, I drive to the lodge, ski for  
   3 hours, then work in a local cafe for about 4-5 hours, then  
go ski
   or swim for about 1-2 hours, then go home or go out with  

  God, are you a little Vata or what?

Actually, anything requiring that kind of endurance described by  
'Off is not a vata trait, it's more kapha.

I was looking more at the pattern of behavior in his real life and  
the space-cadet life he lives here. If I saw a good picture, I could  
type him right off (please, no off_list pictures).

Kapha doesn't necessarily mean lazy. It may indicate a resistance to  
activity up front, but once it gets going.it doesn't stop, and  
it gives the staying power to go to the end. I think a typical vata  
wouldn't have the endurance to go as long as offworld is describing  

Fired and fueled by a high-vata, most likely some weird vegetarian- 
based diet, in an alleged Scot? Hell yes, it's exactly what I'd  
expect. Although he seems more English to me. ;-)

Offworld's case may be a little different though. He was a  
competitive swimmer for several years. I was too, and I can tell you  
80 laps at a comfortable pace at any stroke is easier than all the  
sprinting you do during district or state trials. 80 laps is  
probably a warm up for him, a way to wake up.

Swim team? Interesting, but hardly convincing in terms of dosha. You  
can't be an off world being and be of this earth silly.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Should you be forced to get the Swine Flu Vaccination?

2009-08-24 Thread raunchydog
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozg...@... wrote:

 authfriend wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer rick@ wrote:

  I don't even know if I'd be eligible for a flu shot.
  There's a shortage, and I don't think I'm in a high
  risk category. 59 yrs. old. Not pregnant.
  No, you probably won't be able to get a swine flu shot
  with the first batches they release. But later on there'll
  be more available, quite possibly for those not in high-
  risk groups. And you should get the seasonal flu shot, of
  which there'll be plenty.
 Why should Rick bother with the seasonal shot if he rarely if ever gets 
 the flu?  People who meditate should be able to recognize the early 
 invasion of a virus in the body.  Way earlier than a non-meditating 
 person would.   If you have a still mind then it is easy.  That's one of 
 the things we learned meditation for.  As soon as you notice it there 
 are a number of things one can do.  Even MAPI has some flu 
 recommendations on their site.   And for the ayurvedic challenged, flu 
 usually occurs when one has a kapha imbalance and because of the excess 
 mucus the virus has a lot goo to play around in.  Dry up the goo and see 
 what happens.  BTW, that is how many cold medicines work is to dry you 
 out.  That's what pseudo-ephedrine does which now the government makes 
 you register if you want some tablets with it in it.  Of course you can 
 grow the herb ephedra in your garden.  It grows wild all over the US.  
 Your kitchen cabinet contains many cold and flu relief items already.   
 I highly recommend Vasant Lad's The Complete Book of Ayurvedic Home 
 Remedies to learn what those are.

The point about everyone getting a flu shot is that it protects everyone's 
health, not just yours. I hope this discussion will help people make a choice 
for the greater good. If you're in favor of a single payer system health care, 
it means you're interested in health care for all. Getting a flu shot would 
just be a practical demonstration that your political values match your ethics. 

Your best protection for yourself and others is to wash your hands frequently, 
if you sneeze, cover your mouth in the crook of your elbow, stay home if you 
feel sick, and get a flu shot. Ayurvedic Remedies may help strengthening your 
immune system, but we still don't know how much the H1N1 virus will mutate, or 
how virulent by the time flu season hits or how resistant even the most hardy 
of us will be.  

[FairfieldLife] Re: 'The Republican Agenda'

2009-08-24 Thread nelsonriddle2001
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jst...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nelsonriddle2001 nelsonriddle2001@ 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
   Um, there is no anti second amendment majority in 
   The president,Pelosi, Fienstien, Shumer, Holder, Clinton, The recent 
  supreme court pick--cant think of the rest now and, I believe, no second 
  amendment proponent will be appointed for anything in the present 
 These are people who FAVOR STRICTER GUN CONTROL, not
 who oppose the Second Amendment. Two different things.
  Most of these people favor a total ban which I would think would qualify as 
anti second amendment.
  I guess we will find out soon enough and, I hope you are right.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Denied, to Invincible America

2009-08-24 Thread dhamiltony2k5
Thanks Hugo, thoughtful response.  These are all parts of it.  I do wish them 
well and hope for the best for them. 

The TMmovement  won't  come to an end any time soon or move away from Fairfield 
tomorrow.  Nor is the larger meditating community of Fairfield going anywhere 
soon.  Yet the TMovement evidently is in a chronic defense mode from its own 
scorched -earth policy and guidelines which date back some years.  They've 
behaved badly some.  

They have made their own kind of trouble in their way of being.
Kind of isolated now in the market place and from a lot of their meditating 
community otherwise with their own kind of spiritual arrogance.

All in all, FF is still extremely vital as a spiritual place to be in.  Is 
Fairfieldlife.  Is a pretty special place that way.

-Doug in FF


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, hugheshugo richardhughes...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, dhamiltony2k5 dhamiltony2k5@ wrote:
  Folks saying good-bye.  The last few days I learned that five long-time 
  friends are leaving Fairfield now.  From different circles.  Long-time 
  meditators.  From different parts of the meditating community.

  Used to be folks figured how to come to FF to be in the domes for group 
  meditation .  The sacrifice and excitment was about being in the domes 
  meditating in group. 
  Seems lot of you writing here don't seem to live close to Fairfield.  Some 
  kind of interest in Fairfieldlife but not living here in FF.
  Not being here you may not see the complexion of the meditating community 
  in FF.  Fact is there are a lot more FF meditators in town outside of the 
  domes than inside the domes.  With people out and dome numbers chronically 
  down, that gathering impetus is less.  Has been for some while.  Too many 
  turned out who are here as meditators is a number that does eats at the 
  dome community.  An administrative problem evidently that is the  status 
 I can see why you'd be annoyed at the TMO screwing up the 
 running of the domes and people leaving town because of it,
 but you do have to see the TMOs side of it, they are a
 fundamentalist religious sect and like all religions they
 do practise a No other God but me approach to their
 gatherings. And you can see why, if people go about saying
 that such and such Guru is just as good as Marshy then people
 might start asking questions like Could I be doing better 
 with my choice of meditation? and they don't want that!
 The trouble is the TMO insists that it's a secular group and
 the stuff about doing puja to Hindu Gods is really just 
 enlivening aspects of the laws of nature. People are genuinely
 fooled by that and actually act as though they aren't religious
 despite the fact they do yoga and meditation for hours every day,
 follow a prescribed diet and even say grace before every meal! 
 That's not even getting into the weird belief system (and it is 
 weird, you may just be so used to it you've forgotten how the 
 rest of the world is - easily done in a closed group). Finding
 out that their are some serious control freak issues at the heart
 of the TMO comes as a shock to most and drives most people away,
 I don't know many without some sort of horror story about bad
 management. If they were straight with you from the start would
 there be all this trouble?
 But help is at hand. I sense you are concerned with the effect
 on collective consciousness and that the people currently being 
 refused dome entry are going to have some sort of negative
 impact on world affairs. Regardless of whether the Maharishi 
 Effect even exists (I think not - but then I always argue 
 according to evidence and not what I'm told to think) the 
 greater amount of people doing prog outside the domes will make
 up for the fewer people inside the domes. If it's a field effect
 (as claimed) then there must be 4000 doing prog and adding their effect (if 
 any) to the official number. I think Hagelin and the
 boys at MUM should take the numbers of ALL people doing the 
 siddhis in FF and add that to  their calculations. Of course, 
 they'd then have to explain why it STILL isn't having any effect ;-)
   Trouble in FF,
 Trouble in FF.
 Well, evidently meditator FF folk recently re-registering are being 
 asked at registration if they have 'seen' other saints.  Responding 
 'yes', these TM meditators are denied re-registration on the spot.  
  Raja John Hagelin is aware of this?  Its consequent in the 
 meditating community just by word of mouth on the numbers of people 
 who could be doing program in the domes?

Does Hagelin know?

Would seem like Hagelin is getting stabbed in the back by his dogmatic 
doctrinal types within TMmovement administration.  

Must be mighty frustrating in there for Hagelin while his dome 

[FairfieldLife] Re: 'The Republican Agenda'

2009-08-24 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nelsonriddle2001 nelsonriddle2...@... 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nelsonriddle2001 
  nelsonriddle2001@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
Um, there is no anti second amendment majority in 
The president,Pelosi, Fienstien, Shumer, Holder, Clinton, The recent 
   supreme court pick--cant think of the rest now and, I believe, no second 
   amendment proponent will be appointed for anything in the present 
  These are people who FAVOR STRICTER GUN CONTROL, not
  who oppose the Second Amendment. Two different things.
   Most of these people favor a total ban

No, they don't. Somebody's feeding you a line of bullsh*t.

 which I would think would qualify as anti second amendment.
   I guess we will find out soon enough and, I hope you are right.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Should you be forced to get the Swine Flu Vaccination?

2009-08-24 Thread Bhairitu
authfriend wrote:
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozg...@... wrote:
 authfriend wrote:
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer rick@ wrote:
 I don't even know if I'd be eligible for a flu shot.
 There's a shortage, and I don't think I'm in a high
 risk category. 59 yrs. old. Not pregnant.
 No, you probably won't be able to get a swine flu shot
 with the first batches they release. But later on there'll
 be more available, quite possibly for those not in high-
 risk groups. And you should get the seasonal flu shot, of
 which there'll be plenty.
 Why should Rick bother with the seasonal shot if he
 rarely if ever gets the flu?

 Because having gotten it rarely if ever in the past
 says NOTHING about whether you'll get it in the

 It's like saying, I've never had an auto accident,
 so why should I bother with a seat belt?

 The whole thing with the flu virus is that it keeps
 *changing* every year--that's why they have new
 shots every year, because the previous ones don't
 give you immunity to the most recent virus.

 It's especially important not to get the seasonal
 flu this year because we'll have a double dose of
 flu virus, so a lot more people are going to get
 sick. This is going to strain health care resources,
 hospitals and doctors and clinics and emergency
 rooms. Anything we can do to *minimize* that number
 will be to the good.

 People who meditate should be able to recognize the
 early invasion of a virus in the body. Way earlier
 than a non-meditating person would.   If you have a
 still mind then it is easy.  That's one of the things
 we learned meditation for.

 I'm sorry, but this is utterly irrelevant as a
 basis for not getting a flu shot, seasonal or
 swine type. The point is NOT TO GET INVADED IN THE

 As soon as you notice it there are a number of things
 one can do.  Even MAPI has some flu recommendations
 on their site.   And for the ayurvedic challenged,
 flu usually occurs when one has a kapha imbalance and
 because of the excess mucus the virus has a lot goo
 to play around in.  Dry up the goo and see what happens.
 BTW, that is how many cold medicines work is to dry you

 Sorry, Bhairitu, but you're as ignorant of medical
 facts as the town-hall shouters are about health

 Drying up your secretions is *not* going to prevent
 you from getting the flu. In fact, it may make you
 more vulnerable.

 And of course once you've noticed it, via woo-woo
 or because you start to feel lousy, it means you've
 been spreading the virus around already for several

 Sure, there are lots of things you can do to make
 yourself feel somewhat better once you've come down
 with it, but the point is NOT TO GET IT IN THE

 Once you've been infected--which will very likely be
 well before you notice--you'll be shedding the virus
 throughout the illness and for up to a week after all
 your symptoms have disappeared.

 Look up HERD IMMUNITY, please.

 BTW, drying up your secretions is not a good way
 to deal with an ordinary cold. The best way is to
 *push fluids*, especially *warm* fluids, to dilute
 the secretions so they'll drain more easily, and
 because the cold virus doesn't like higher

More nonsense prattling from the old bitty from New Jersey.   Whose ego 
is so important her head is about to burst just like in the movie 
Scanners.  :-D

[FairfieldLife] Re: Should you be forced to get the Swine Flu Vaccination?

2009-08-24 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozg...@... wrote:

 authfriend wrote:
  Sure, there are lots of things you can do to make
  yourself feel somewhat better once you've come down
  with it, but the point is NOT TO GET IT IN THE
  Once you've been infected--which will very likely be
  well before you notice--you'll be shedding the virus
  throughout the illness and for up to a week after all
  your symptoms have disappeared.
  Look up HERD IMMUNITY, please.
  BTW, drying up your secretions is not a good way
  to deal with an ordinary cold. The best way is to
  *push fluids*, especially *warm* fluids, to dilute
  the secretions so they'll drain more easily, and
  because the cold virus doesn't like higher
 More nonsense prattling from the old bitty from New Jersey.
 Whose ego is so important her head is about to burst just
 like in the movie Scanners.  :-D

Translation: Bhairitu's ego got trampled by a bunch
of solid medical knowledge he can't refute. So he
resorts to insults--just like the town-hall shouters.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Should you be forced to get the Swine Flu Vaccination?

2009-08-24 Thread Bhairitu
raunchydog wrote:
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozg...@... wrote:
 authfriend wrote:
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer rick@ wrote:
 I don't even know if I'd be eligible for a flu shot.
 There's a shortage, and I don't think I'm in a high
 risk category. 59 yrs. old. Not pregnant.
 No, you probably won't be able to get a swine flu shot
 with the first batches they release. But later on there'll
 be more available, quite possibly for those not in high-
 risk groups. And you should get the seasonal flu shot, of
 which there'll be plenty.
 Why should Rick bother with the seasonal shot if he rarely if ever gets 
 the flu?  People who meditate should be able to recognize the early 
 invasion of a virus in the body.  Way earlier than a non-meditating 
 person would.   If you have a still mind then it is easy.  That's one of 
 the things we learned meditation for.  As soon as you notice it there 
 are a number of things one can do.  Even MAPI has some flu 
 recommendations on their site.   And for the ayurvedic challenged, flu 
 usually occurs when one has a kapha imbalance and because of the excess 
 mucus the virus has a lot goo to play around in.  Dry up the goo and see 
 what happens.  BTW, that is how many cold medicines work is to dry you 
 out.  That's what pseudo-ephedrine does which now the government makes 
 you register if you want some tablets with it in it.  Of course you can 
 grow the herb ephedra in your garden.  It grows wild all over the US.  
 Your kitchen cabinet contains many cold and flu relief items already.   
 I highly recommend Vasant Lad's The Complete Book of Ayurvedic Home 
 Remedies to learn what those are.


 The point about everyone getting a flu shot is that it protects everyone's 
 health, not just yours. I hope this discussion will help people make a choice 
 for the greater good. If you're in favor of a single payer system health 
 care, it means you're interested in health care for all. Getting a flu shot 
 would just be a practical demonstration that your political values match your 

What a load of bull!  So now if we're going to be a progressive we have 
to prove by taking a shot that might make us ill, might even kill us?  
Give me a break.  You're being so superficial you give progressives a 
bad name!  Before I'd take any shot I would want a full listing of what 
is in it.

 Your best protection for yourself and others is to wash your hands 
 frequently, if you sneeze, cover your mouth in the crook of your elbow, stay 
 home if you feel sick, and get a flu shot. Ayurvedic Remedies may help 
 strengthening your immune system, but we still don't know how much the H1N1 
 virus will mutate, or how virulent by the time flu season hits or how 
 resistant even the most hardy of us will be.  
Ayurvedic remedies can do more than just strengthen immune system.  
There are ways of killing off bugs and viruses with it.  How that works 
is beyond the scope of this discussion group.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Should you be forced to get the Swine Flu Vaccination?

2009-08-24 Thread raunchydog
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozg...@... wrote:

 raunchydog wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozguru@ wrote:

  The point about everyone getting a flu shot is that it protects everyone's 
  health, not just yours. I hope this discussion will help people make a 
  choice for the greater good. If you're in favor of a single payer system 
  health care, it means you're interested in health care for all. Getting a 
  flu shot would just be a practical demonstration that your political values 
  match your ethics. 

 What a load of bull!  So now if we're going to be a progressive we have 
 to prove by taking a shot that might make us ill, might even kill us?  
 Give me a break.  You're being so superficial you give progressives a 
 bad name!  Before I'd take any shot I would want a full listing of what 
 is in it.

Progressives supposedly care about other people. Refusing to get a flu shot 
proves you're a Republican. Come on, take one for the team. Judy's cybug fact 
checker is getting to you. Relax. I'm sure you can find out exactly what's in a 
flu shot on the internet and you'll still think it's going to kill you no 
matter how much you know about it. 

  Your best protection for yourself and others is to wash your hands 
  frequently, if you sneeze, cover your mouth in the crook of your elbow, 
  stay home if you feel sick, and get a flu shot. Ayurvedic Remedies may help 
  strengthening your immune system, but we still don't know how much the H1N1 
  virus will mutate, or how virulent by the time flu season hits or how 
  resistant even the most hardy of us will be.  
 Ayurvedic remedies can do more than just strengthen immune system.  
 There are ways of killing off bugs and viruses with it.  How that works 
 is beyond the scope of this discussion group.

Do tell.

[FairfieldLife] What does this mean for the world???

2009-08-24 Thread off_world_beings

What does this mean for the world??? The mind boggles.

The 5th largest bank in the world is The Bank of China. Its second
largest shareholder, after the Chinese government, is The Royal Bank of
Scotland Group, which is the largest company in the world by assets. The
RBS Group owns Citizens Financial Group, the 8th largest bank in the
USA, as well as National Westminster Bank; Ulster Bank among others.

The Royal Bank of Scotland Group is now 70% owned by the UK Government.

The mind boggles.


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