[FairfieldLife] Re: 373 audio recordings of Maharishi.

2009-11-12 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Premanand"  wrote:
> See statement on the website:
> http://spiritualregeneration.org/Statement.html
> I think there is currently a gap in the clouds, as links are 
> presently working to http://spiritualregeneration.org/
> but I would not take this to mean that the situation is sorted out.

Anyone who was ever privy to the inner workings
of TM movement "revisionist history" knows the
*real* reason for such control-freak actions on
the part of the TMO. 

On the surface it's about protecting copyrighted 
material. Scratch the surface and its about the
desire to someday sell this copyrighted material --
for a profit and *heavily edited* to take out any-
thing said by Maharishi in the past that would be
perceived as embarrassing to the present-day move-
ment and how it wants to present itself.

While working at MIU Press during the first court
trial about whether TM was religious and thus not
teachable in schools I saw this same process in
action. Books were sent to the presses and printed,
only to be "recalled," heavily edited to *remove
Maharishi's own words*, and reprinted. Repeat this
process several times, burning thousands of copies
of previously-printed books each time, every time 
lawyers in the court trial pointed out something 
Maharishi said that made it clear that TM was a 
religious practice.

That is what the TMO wants to "reserve the rights
to do" with all of Maharishi's talks. It makes them
very, very uneasy to know that the unedited talks
are freely available to meditators who would be
interested in them, but also equally available to
TMO critics who could use them to demonstrate the
false way that the TMO presents itself to the public
and -- more important -- to schools and governments.

As a religious sociologist, this is one of my primary
areas of fascination. I have ZERO interest myself in
ever listening to a Maharishi talk ever again; I'd
sooner yank out my own teeth. But one can rarely learn
more about a spiritual organization than by studying
the things it feels it has to censor and perform 
"revisionist history" on.

I saw the same thing happen in the Rama trip. He was
so self-obsessed and narcissistic that when he told
his students to burn certain audio tapes from the past,
he assumed that "the past was dust" and he never had
to worry about being called on stupid shit he'd said
in the past. That backfired on him big-time when he
went on TV and denied saying things and then had the
interviewer play a section from one of his own tapes
saying exactly the thing he'd just denied ever having

*That*, IMO, is why the TMO wants to sue this website
out of existence. The copyright issue is a smokescreen.

> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "BillyG"  wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Premanand"  wrote:
> > >
> > > For those who took heed of Rick's instructions, you are now 
> > > the custodians of these recordings as things have moved on 
> > > and the website has been shut down, is now GONE.
> > 
> > Did the TMorg muscle them to shut it down? Too bad I really 
> > > enjoyed the lecture on 'glow'.
> >

[FairfieldLife] Digby won't pay for your wood

2009-11-12 Thread raunchydog
"I have a moral objection to paying for any kind of erectile dysfunction 
medicine in the new health reform bill and I think men who want to use it 
should just pay for it out of pocket. After all, I won't ever need such a pill. 
And anyway, it's no biggie. Just because most of them can get it under their 
insurance today doesn't mean they shouldn't have it stripped from their 
coverage in the future because of my moral objections. (I don't think there's 
even been a Supreme Court ruling making wood a constitutional right. I might be 
wrong about that.)

Many of the men who are prescribed this medication are on Medicare, so I think 
it should be stripped out of that coverage as well. And unlike the payments for 
abortion, which actually lower overall medical costs (pregnancy obviously costs 
much, much more) banning tax dollars from covering any kind of Viagra would 
result in a substantial savings:

The price of Pfizer's Viagra has doubled since it was launched, according 
to a list of wholesale acquisition costs paid by pharmacies...

I don't want my tax dollars touching even one milimeter of that overly engorged 

I realize that many people disagree with my moral objections to men getting 
erections which God clearly doesn't want them to get, but my principles on this 
are more important to me than theirs are to them. So too bad. If you want a 
boner, pay for it yourself.

And I think those noxious advertisements for the drugs should be banned as 
well, if only for aesthetic reasons. Having to watch my baby boomer fellows 
wail "Viva Viagra" is offensive to anyone who has any taste in music."


[FairfieldLife] Religion's idea of "priorities" and Christ's teachings (w/ scripture)

2009-11-12 Thread TurquoiseB
The Catholic Church, not content with having inserted
an anti-abortion amendment into the proposed health
care legislation, is now threatening to stop all social
services it provides in the D.C. area unless the district
changes a proposed same-sex marriage law.

In other words, the primary organization representing
a teacher who built his entire teaching on helping the
poor and underprivileged is threatening to throw a
"dogma tantrum" and *stop* providing help to 68,000
people in the city, including one-third of D.C.'s  homeless


I'm waiting for them to cite the New Testament to
justify this:

Hypocrises 20:12 -- And Jesus spake unto them, saying
Perform good works for the unfortunate and do unto them
as you would have them do unto you, but not if there are
any among them who might do naughty things with their
naughty bits to those of their own gender. If we let them
get away with this godless activity, who knows what they
might want to do to you with their naughty bits. There-
fore use the poor and unfortunate as a bargaining chip in
a larger holy game of Do Whatever We Say Or Else, and
if they have to suffer a little bit until we get our way that's
just what God wants. They're poor, after all, so fuck 'em.
Thus spakest the Lord, raising his middle finger on high
to the poor and spitting on the perverts.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Soldiers are supposed to die for their country, not live in it

2009-11-12 Thread off_world_beings

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 , Mike Dixon 
> Um Vaj, they don't have to go to the VA. But it's there if they don't
have any other insurance. What did they do to deserve being taken care
of the rest of their lives? They risked theirs so we could live ours>>

There is more chance of a civilian being run over by a bus, than a
soldier being killed in the military. 99.9% of all war deaths in modern
warfare are innocent civilians.

US has worst health care for veterans in the civilized world.


[FairfieldLife] Republicans Dishoner Vets on Veterans Day --------was---//Soldiers are supposed

2009-11-12 Thread off_world_beings

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 , "authfriend" 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 , Mike Dixon 
> >
> > Um Vaj, they don't have to go to the VA. But it's there
> > if they don't have any other insurance. What did they do
> > to deserve being taken care of the rest of their lives?
> > They risked theirs so we could live ours, but you want
> > any schlepp to have the same benefit without any
> > sacrifice. Offering one's life and limbs in defense of
> > the nation deserves something a little more than the
> > average person who doesn't.
> How about if the "little more" involves everybody else
> paying more for the benefits than the vets do?

Exactly, but the Republicans do not support the troops. They never have,
and now it turns out that US Veterans have the worst health coverage in
the civilized world. What a meess !

America will go bankrupt without a massive overhaul. then the Vets will
get even less coverage


[FairfieldLife] Re: 373 audio recordings of Maharishi.

2009-11-12 Thread Premanand
Three audio files have been zapped from http://spiritualregeneration.org/ 

Two 12th January broadcasts, from 1993 and 1994. The third audio is merely a 
fragment of a broadcast, a recording of Maharishi on 14th May 2003, which was 
until recently available as:-

This a short recording of Maharishi answering a question delivered via John 
Hagelin. Maharishi's answer lasts for less than a minute and in it he stated 
clearly that he understood that there were teachers of TM who are teaching 
outside of the TM organisation, not calling it Maharishi's TM, but that it 
doesn't matter.

Now why would anyone want to take the issue of copyright over a question which 
was publically aired? In fact, once there has been such a public sharing of 
information surely it becomes 'news' and is within the public domain?

Is there not a transcript somewhere here on FFL? I am sure it has been 
mentioned here, used to defend independant teachers.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Premanand"  wrote:
> >
> > See statement on the website:
> > http://spiritualregeneration.org/Statement.html
> > 
> > I think there is currently a gap in the clouds, as links are 
> > presently working to http://spiritualregeneration.org/
> > but I would not take this to mean that the situation is sorted out.
> Anyone who was ever privy to the inner workings
> of TM movement "revisionist history" knows the
> *real* reason for such control-freak actions on
> the part of the TMO. 
> On the surface it's about protecting copyrighted 
> material. Scratch the surface and its about the
> desire to someday sell this copyrighted material --
> for a profit and *heavily edited* to take out any-
> thing said by Maharishi in the past that would be
> perceived as embarrassing to the present-day move-
> ment and how it wants to present itself.
> While working at MIU Press during the first court
> trial about whether TM was religious and thus not
> teachable in schools I saw this same process in
> action. Books were sent to the presses and printed,
> only to be "recalled," heavily edited to *remove
> Maharishi's own words*, and reprinted. Repeat this
> process several times, burning thousands of copies
> of previously-printed books each time, every time 
> lawyers in the court trial pointed out something 
> Maharishi said that made it clear that TM was a 
> religious practice.
> That is what the TMO wants to "reserve the rights
> to do" with all of Maharishi's talks. It makes them
> very, very uneasy to know that the unedited talks
> are freely available to meditators who would be
> interested in them, but also equally available to
> TMO critics who could use them to demonstrate the
> false way that the TMO presents itself to the public
> and -- more important -- to schools and governments.
> As a religious sociologist, this is one of my primary
> areas of fascination. I have ZERO interest myself in
> ever listening to a Maharishi talk ever again; I'd
> sooner yank out my own teeth. But one can rarely learn
> more about a spiritual organization than by studying
> the things it feels it has to censor and perform 
> "revisionist history" on.
> I saw the same thing happen in the Rama trip. He was
> so self-obsessed and narcissistic that when he told
> his students to burn certain audio tapes from the past,
> he assumed that "the past was dust" and he never had
> to worry about being called on stupid shit he'd said
> in the past. That backfired on him big-time when he
> went on TV and denied saying things and then had the
> interviewer play a section from one of his own tapes
> saying exactly the thing he'd just denied ever having
> said. 
> *That*, IMO, is why the TMO wants to sue this website
> out of existence. The copyright issue is a smokescreen.
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "BillyG"  wrote:
> > >
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Premanand"  wrote:
> > > >
> > > > For those who took heed of Rick's instructions, you are now 
> > > > the custodians of these recordings as things have moved on 
> > > > and the website has been shut down, is now GONE.
> > > 
> > > Did the TMorg muscle them to shut it down? Too bad I really 
> > > > enjoyed the lecture on 'glow'.
> > >
> >

[FairfieldLife] Re: 373 audio recordings of Maharishi.

2009-11-12 Thread Premanand
There were a couple of video files which were also zapped:-

"The Individual and Cosmic Consciousness" 

"Accelerating the Growth of Consciousness"

Perhaps these were zapped merely to distract attention from the zapping of the 
one minute of Maharishi mentioned in the previous post here.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Premanand"  wrote:
> Three audio files have been zapped from http://spiritualregeneration.org/ 
> Two 12th January broadcasts, from 1993 and 1994. The third audio is merely a 
> fragment of a broadcast, a recording of Maharishi on 14th May 2003, which was 
> until recently available as:-
> http://www.spiritualregeneration.org/audios/20030514_Teaching_Quote.mp3  
> This a short recording of Maharishi answering a question delivered via John 
> Hagelin. Maharishi's answer lasts for less than a minute and in it he stated 
> clearly that he understood that there were teachers of TM who are teaching 
> outside of the TM organisation, not calling it Maharishi's TM, but that it 
> doesn't matter.
> Now why would anyone want to take the issue of copyright over a question 
> which was publically aired? In fact, once there has been such a public 
> sharing of information surely it becomes 'news' and is within the public 
> domain?
> Is there not a transcript somewhere here on FFL? I am sure it has been 
> mentioned here, used to defend independant teachers.
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB  wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Premanand"  wrote:
> > >
> > > See statement on the website:
> > > http://spiritualregeneration.org/Statement.html
> > > 
> > > I think there is currently a gap in the clouds, as links are 
> > > presently working to http://spiritualregeneration.org/
> > > but I would not take this to mean that the situation is sorted out.
> > 
> > Anyone who was ever privy to the inner workings
> > of TM movement "revisionist history" knows the
> > *real* reason for such control-freak actions on
> > the part of the TMO. 
> > 
> > On the surface it's about protecting copyrighted 
> > material. Scratch the surface and its about the
> > desire to someday sell this copyrighted material --
> > for a profit and *heavily edited* to take out any-
> > thing said by Maharishi in the past that would be
> > perceived as embarrassing to the present-day move-
> > ment and how it wants to present itself.
> > 
> > While working at MIU Press during the first court
> > trial about whether TM was religious and thus not
> > teachable in schools I saw this same process in
> > action. Books were sent to the presses and printed,
> > only to be "recalled," heavily edited to *remove
> > Maharishi's own words*, and reprinted. Repeat this
> > process several times, burning thousands of copies
> > of previously-printed books each time, every time 
> > lawyers in the court trial pointed out something 
> > Maharishi said that made it clear that TM was a 
> > religious practice.
> > 
> > That is what the TMO wants to "reserve the rights
> > to do" with all of Maharishi's talks. It makes them
> > very, very uneasy to know that the unedited talks
> > are freely available to meditators who would be
> > interested in them, but also equally available to
> > TMO critics who could use them to demonstrate the
> > false way that the TMO presents itself to the public
> > and -- more important -- to schools and governments.
> > 
> > As a religious sociologist, this is one of my primary
> > areas of fascination. I have ZERO interest myself in
> > ever listening to a Maharishi talk ever again; I'd
> > sooner yank out my own teeth. But one can rarely learn
> > more about a spiritual organization than by studying
> > the things it feels it has to censor and perform 
> > "revisionist history" on.
> > 
> > I saw the same thing happen in the Rama trip. He was
> > so self-obsessed and narcissistic that when he told
> > his students to burn certain audio tapes from the past,
> > he assumed that "the past was dust" and he never had
> > to worry about being called on stupid shit he'd said
> > in the past. That backfired on him big-time when he
> > went on TV and denied saying things and then had the
> > interviewer play a section from one of his own tapes
> > saying exactly the thing he'd just denied ever having
> > said. 
> > 
> > *That*, IMO, is why the TMO wants to sue this website
> > out of existence. The copyright issue is a smokescreen.
> > 
> > 
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "BillyG"  wrote:
> > > >
> > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Premanand"  
> > > > wrote:
> > > > >
> > > > > For those who took heed of Rick's instructions, you are now 
> > > > > the custodians of these recordings as things have moved on 
> > > > > and the website has been shut down, is now GONE.
> > > > 
> > > > Did the TMo

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: 373 audio recordings of Maharishi.

2009-11-12 Thread Vaj

On Nov 12, 2009, at 4:19 AM, TurquoiseB wrote:

*That*, IMO, is why the TMO wants to sue this website
out of existence. The copyright issue is a smokescreen.

All the better reason to torrent and seed the files en masse at  
Demonoid (supposedly temporarily down) and Pirate's Bay.

[FairfieldLife] Re: 373 audio recordings of Maharishi.

2009-11-12 Thread do.rflex

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Premanand"  wrote:
> See statement on the website:
> http://spiritualregeneration.org/Statement.html

In my view, censorship and control of information by the TMO as indicated in 
that statement, is a sign of a self-revealing lack of faith in the message as 
it was given by Maharishi. 

It's also characteristic [particularly in the context of spiritual growth], of 
the counter-productive tactics of an overbearing authoritarian ideology. 

> I think there is currently a gap in the clouds, as links are presently 
> working to http://spiritualregeneration.org/
> but I would not take this to mean that the situation is sorted out.
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "BillyG"  wrote:
> >
> > 
> > 
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Premanand"  wrote:
> > >
> > > For those who took heed of Rick's instructions, you are now the 
> > > custodians of these recordings as things have moved on and the website 
> > > has been shut down, is now GONE.
> > 
> > Did the TMorg muscle them to shut it down? Too bad I really enjoyed the 
> > lecture on 'glow'.
> >

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: 373 audio recordings of Maharishi.

2009-11-12 Thread Vaj

On Nov 12, 2009, at 6:38 AM, Premanand wrote:

There were a couple of video files which were also zapped:-

"The Individual and Cosmic Consciousness"


"Accelerating the Growth of Consciousness"

Perhaps these were zapped merely to distract attention from the  
zapping of the one minute of Maharishi mentioned in the previous  
post here.

Or perhaps they'd be good money makers. TMers love to talk about  

[FairfieldLife] Re: Final draft of "my" article on MSV

2009-11-12 Thread dhamiltony2k5

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "ShempMcGurk"  wrote:
> You asked for any ideas for improvement on the article.  Here's one:
> Unless this article is only intended for the already-converted (ie., TM true 
> believers), lay off on the "perfect health" claims.
> Qualify your cult-addled statements, as I demonstrate above, or else no one 
> in the real world will take you seriously.

Yeah, reads pretty slow and mind numbing even for conservative meditators.   
Could make outsiders wonder if this experience of reading it is spiritually 
anything like TM transcendence?  Who are they writing this for?  A public 

[FairfieldLife] Re: 373 audio recordings of Maharishi.

2009-11-12 Thread Premanand
Okay, a link was posted a long while back, but there is no trace of that days 
questions online now, though a lot of other days from that era are still 

Mention was made at FFL in the following messages which include a partial 

Message #46099 of 234394  

May 24, 2003 Press Conference


Maharishi: What I have taught, because it has
it's eternal authenticity in
the vedic literature and you should know that,
how many? 30 - 40 thousand
teachers of TM I have trained and many of them
have gone on their own and
they may not call it Maharishi's TM but they are
teaching it in some
different name here and there. So there's a lot
of these, artificial things
are going on, doesn't matter, as long as the man
is getting something useful
to make his life better, we are satisfied. 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Premanand"  wrote:
> Three audio files have been zapped from http://spiritualregeneration.org/ 
> Two 12th January broadcasts, from 1993 and 1994. The third audio is merely a 
> fragment of a broadcast, a recording of Maharishi on 14th May 2003, which was 
> until recently available as:-
> http://www.spiritualregeneration.org/audios/20030514_Teaching_Quote.mp3  
> This a short recording of Maharishi answering a question delivered via John 
> Hagelin. Maharishi's answer lasts for less than a minute and in it he stated 
> clearly that he understood that there were teachers of TM who are teaching 
> outside of the TM organisation, not calling it Maharishi's TM, but that it 
> doesn't matter.
> Now why would anyone want to take the issue of copyright over a question 
> which was publically aired? In fact, once there has been such a public 
> sharing of information surely it becomes 'news' and is within the public 
> domain?
> Is there not a transcript somewhere here on FFL? I am sure it has been 
> mentioned here, used to defend independant teachers.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Finally saw "V"

2009-11-12 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu  wrote:
> Second episode didn't do too well in the ratings:
> http://www.thrfeed.com/2009/11/abc-v-ratings-second-episode-.html

And with reason. :-)

Even the "lech factor" sucks. Elizabeth Mitchell
is very attractive, but isn't given much to work
with as an actress; she got better lines in "Lost."

And Moreena Baccarin? One of the greatest babes 
*ever* as Inara in "Firefly?" I'm trying to figure
out whether the fact that even *I* don't care about
seeing the Anna character naked is because the 
writing is so bad or because Moreena's lost all 
of her sex appeal in only five years. 

I'm gonna go for the bad writing theory and try to
stop watching the show, but it does have a kind of
"trainwreck" quality about it that makes it like
watching an Ed Wood movie, so I may not succeed.

[FairfieldLife] US judge bans Christian car plate

2009-11-12 Thread do.rflex

US judge bans Christian car plate

  [A mock-up of a similar number plate prepared for use in Florida] 
South Carolina's plate was similar to the one rejected for use in
A US judge has ordered South Carolina not to issue a vehicle number
plate with a Christian image and slogan.

The state legislature had approved a licence plate with a cross in front
of a stained glass window and the words "I Believe" written along the

District Judge Cameron Currie said that the plate violated the First
Amendment, which enshrines the separation of church and state.

A similar bid by a group in Florida last year did not pass state


The case was brought by Americans United, which backs the separation of
church and state, on behalf of several individuals and Hindu and
American-Arab groups.

It began after Lt Governor Andre Bauer helped pass legislation allowing
the number plate in early 2008.

Describing it as a "freedom of speech issue", he argued that given the
state already permitted 103 speciality vehicle plates it was
"ridiculous" that there was not one for Christians.

According to local media reports, several hundred people had registered
to buy the plate.

But Judge Currie ruled that the law amounted to state endorsement of a
particular religion.

And she hit out at Mr Bauer, saying: "Whether motivated by
sincerely-held Christian beliefs or an effort to purchase political
capital with religious coin, the result is the same.

"The statute is clearly unconstitutional and defence of its
implementation has embroiled the state in unnecessary (and expensive)


[FairfieldLife] Re: Soldiers are supposed to die for their country, not live in it

2009-11-12 Thread WillyTex

> > So you do support socialized medicine.
> >
raunchydog wrote: 
> Does Mike support socialized roads, police 
> and fire departments, public schools as well 
> as VA hospitals?
Maybe, but I doubt it. Socialized medicine infers 
that there is universal and free health care paid 
for by the federal government. Police and fire
departments are supported by state income tax.

But Medicare is not a free service - certain 
deductibles, premiums and co-pays are required for 
hospital care and entitlement is subject to prior 
eligible employment criteria. in order to get VA
care you have to serve in the military.

A better term for the current health insurance 
reform plan would be "mandatory health insurance 
paid for with income taxation". In a socialist 
state there are no taxes and no personal income.

[FairfieldLife] Re: New warning on 'perfect vaginas'

2009-11-12 Thread Jason
FDA: Too much skin-numbing cream can kill
By Andy Dworkin, The Oregonian 
January 20, 2009, 6:00AM
People who use too much anesthetic cream can suffer serious side effects, such 
as seizures and comas, and may even die, the U.S. Food & Drug Administration 
The FDA first warned consumers about the dangers of topical anesthetics in 
2007, after two young women died from overdoses. The women had rubbed the 
anesthetic cream on their legs and wrapped them in plastic wrap to speed the 
numbing, before getting laser hair-removal treatments.
The new warning follows a new study that looked at a similar treatment using 
anesthetic cream and plastic wrap to prevent mammography pain. While that study 
didn't show any bad side effects, FDA officials said they're still worried 
"about the potential for topical anesthetics to cause serious and 
life-threatening adverse effects when applied to a large area of skin or when 
the area of application is covered."
Topical anesthetics contain a variety of drugs, such as lidocaine, that numb 
pain. But if you apply too much cream, or heat the skin, it can drive excess 
medicine into the blood stream, causing an overdose. The FDA recommends doctors 
and patients use the minimum dose of pain-killer possible and try to avoid 
wrapping or heating drug-treated skin.
- Andy Dworkin; andydwor...@news.oregonian.com

--- On Thu, 11/12/09, do.rflex  wrote:
Subject: [FairfieldLife] New warning on 'perfect vaginas'
Date: Thursday, November 12, 2009, 5:41 AM

[ Is 'vagina vanity' like 'penis vanity' ?   -jrm ]

New warning on 'perfect vaginas'

Labioplasty involves cutting excess tissue that protrudes from the vagina
Women are undergoing surgery to create perfect genitalia amid a "shocking" lack 
of information on the potential risks of the procedure, a report says.
Research published in the British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology also 
questions the very notion of aesthetically pleasing genitals. 
Operations to improve the appearance of the sex organs for both psychological 
and physical reasons are on the rise. 
But surgeons said the report overplayed the risks of an established procedure. 
Researchers from University College London reviewed all the existing studies on 
cosmetic labial surgery - which generally involves reducing the amount of 
tissue that protrudes from the lips which cover the vagina. They found there 
had been little work to document any longer-term side effects. 
Labioplasty, as it is known, costs about £3,000 privately and is offered for a 
variety of reasons: some women complain that wearing tight clothes or riding a 
bike is uncomfortable, while others say they are embarrassed in front of a 
sexual partner. 
But consultant gynaecologist Sarah Creighton and psychologist Lih-Mei Liao 
challenged the ethics of offering women surgery to address such insecurities, 
suggesting it was adverts for a "homogenised, pre-pubescent genital appearance" 
which created these anxieties in the first place. 
They also suggested that any pain apparently caused by protrusion may well have 
a psychological root - noting that male genitalia protrude far further without 
causing major discomfort. 
Counselling and support could therefore be a preferable alternative to surgery, 
they argue. 
Female circumcision
The number of women undergoing labioplasty nationwide is unknown as the 
majority of the operations are performed privately, but last year procedures on 
the NHS increased by 70% on the previous year to 1,118. 
In studies dating back to 1950, examined by the researchers, dissatisfaction 
with the way the vagina looked was the primary reason for surgery, with 
patients also speaking of low self-esteem and sexual difficulties. 
But rather than curing sexual problems, Dr Creighton suggested surgery might 
exacerbate them by damaging the nerve supply to the area, impairing sexual 
sensitivity and satisfaction. 
She also suggests that women who undergo this procedure might experience 
similar problems in childbirth as those who have experienced female genital 
mutilation, in which parts of the vagina are ritualistically removed. 
It is now well documented that women who have undergone such circumcision are 
more likely to experience significant tearing and bleeding after labour and 
even the death of their babies, problems which are overcome by Caesarean 
"Labial surgery needs to be rigorously evaluated in future, and for longer 
term," said Dr Creighton. 
"Furthermore, quality research is needed to improve our understanding of the 
psychological drivers behind women's decision to sacrifice sexually sensitive 
tissue that contributes to erotic experiences, for a certain genital appearance 
that used to be an obligation only for some glamour models." 
'Terrorising' patients
Douglas McGeorge, past president of the the British Association of Aesthetic 
Plastic Surgeons, rejected the comparison with female circumcision, arguing it 
was a relatively 

[FairfieldLife] Dollhouse is officially toast

2009-11-12 Thread TurquoiseB
Not that the cancellation is any surprise, but the
least that the Hollywood Reporter could have done
was to get the plot right in the last sentence. While
Eliza Dushku could possibly have had something
altered, I don't think it was her DNA. :-)

Joss Whedon's 'Dollhouse' canceled
Sci-fi series expected to finish its 13-episode order
By Nellie Andreeva
Nov 11, 2009, 03:20 PM ET
Updated: Nov 11, 2009, 08:39 PM ET
"Dollhouse" is closing its doors at Fox.

The network has canceled Joss Whedon's cult fave, which in May beat the
odds   with
a second-season pickup despite low ratings. The sci-fi series, which is
filming episode 11, will finish its 13-episode order.

"Yes. Canceled. Sad but true," tweeted Maurissa Tancharoen, a writer on
"Dollhouse" who is married to Whedon's brother Jed Whedon, also a writer
on the show.

Beating the odds after a very slow start last spring, "Dollhouse" was
renewed for a second season. But with a dismal performance this fall --
and despite getting a ratings bump  from DVR viewing
  -- the show starring Eliza Dushku was
benched for November sweeps after four episodes.

Fox plans to air all produced episodes of "Dollhouse," which will return
with originals Dec. 4  as planned
 . Whedon is working on giving the series a proper ending with a
big finale.

"I feel the show is getting better pretty much every week, and I think
you'll agree in the coming months," Whedon wrote on Whedonesque.com.
"I'm grateful that we got to put it on, and then come back and put it on

The cancellation of "Dollhouse" may spell good news for fans of Whedon's
Web short "Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog."
Whedon, who had been rumored to be working on a sequel to the
Emmy-winning Internet project, said on Wednesday he is "off to pursue
internet ventures/binge drinking" following the end of the Fox series.

"Dollhouse" stars Eliza Dushku as a DNA-altered woman who gets implanted
false memories for various missions and tasks.

[FairfieldLife] Re: TM and Blood Pressure

2009-11-12 Thread WillyTex

> > There has been no scientific evidence, so far, that any
> > mental technique can alter a person's physiology. If you
> > could cause physical change with a thought, you would be
> > famous by now, for creating a Copernican revolution in
> > physics!
> >
Robert wrote:
> This is not true, because every thought, which you have,
> changes your physiology...
Can you cite any scientific evidence that a thought can
change a physical property?

> That is why, in brain-washing techniques, fearful thoughts 
> can be produced, which does change the physiology...
Brainwashing, as a coercive technique, has been debunked many 
times, Robert. If brainwashing was an effective technique for 
producing mind control, we would have used in prisons on 
convicts many years ago.

> Fearful thoughts cause all kinds of problems with the 
> physiology
Maybe so, but there's no change in the physiology, only
in the perception. For example, you see a thief in the night,
but in the morning you realize it was just a pole. The pole
was always a pole, nothing else - the thief was just a 
illusion  an appearance only. It's the perception that is 
altered, not the physical object of perception.

> Transcending changes the physiology, because of the nature 
> of 'Subtle Thought Process', and the complete transcendence 
> of thought, altogether...
Mental thinking doesn't cause change in physical properties. 
If it did, we could bend spoons with our mind. It's the level 
of perception that is altered, not the physical properties 
of the brain. 

In Reality there is no change - one substance cannot change 
into another substance. It's not the property that changes - 
it's the mind's perception that is altered. The gunas, born
of nature, do not change, but their relationship is altered.

This is according to the Advaita Vedanta.

For example, you perceive a snake in the dark but when it 
gets daylight you realize that what you saw was just a rope.
The rope was always a rope - it's the perception that is
altered. The rope is not real, yet not unreal either - it is

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: TM and Blood Pressure

2009-11-12 Thread Vaj

On Nov 12, 2009, at 9:57 AM, WillyTex wrote:

> > There has been no scientific evidence, so far, that any
> > mental technique can alter a person's physiology. If you
> > could cause physical change with a thought, you would be
> > famous by now, for creating a Copernican revolution in
> > physics!
> >
Robert wrote:
> This is not true, because every thought, which you have,
> changes your physiology...
Can you cite any scientific evidence that a thought can
change a physical property?

Vipassana meditation has been shown to thicken areas of the cerebral  
cortex. It was published in a major journal, as it is a major  
finding. Similar findings, of physical changes in the brain, have  
also been found in jugglers and taxi drivers. Take a gander at the  
previously posted BBC special on meditation, it has a segment on it.

[FairfieldLife] Re: "Snapping pussy" revisited :-)

2009-11-12 Thread authfriend
Translation: "Ooops! Now, how do I get out of this
incredibly embarrassing howler? I know--I'll pretend
*I* was satirizing digby's satire!

"(Of course, it doesn't help that I have a long
history on FFL and alt.m.t of taking satires
seriously...but maybe I can get away with this

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB  wrote:
> It's like shooting fish in a barrel.
> Satirize a pseudofeminist's satire and the
> pseudofeminist who posted the original
> can't even tell its a satire. I'll add more
> than two smiley faces next time I set her
> up, and she won't recognize she's being
> set up to rant like a madwoman then,
> either.  :-) :-) :-)

[FairfieldLife] ATT: BillyG (was Re: A reminder for those complaining about Apple's operating

2009-11-12 Thread authfriend
There's an excellent rundown of the Windows 7
upgrade situation here:



Bottom line, there's no difference between the 
upgrade and the full versions. There's absolutely
no need to pay extra for the full version.

And don't try an in-place upgrade:

"...I strongly recommend that people perform a custom
(clean) install. Yes, that entails reinstalling programs
and re-entering your custom system settings, but it's
still my advice — even if you have a PC that can
accommodate an in-place upgrade.

"Sticking Win7 on top of an old copy of Windows is like
building a new house on old landfill. You never know
what's going to come to the surface, or where, or when.
A very large percentage of the problems people are
having with Windows 7 installations occur with in-place

The writer (Woody Leonhard) says some folks are having
problems with the installation stalling partway through,
and that he'll be dealing with that and other glitches
in future columns, so stay tuned...

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "BillyG"  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj  wrote:
> > 
> > On Nov 11, 2009, at 6:38 AM, BillyG wrote:

> > > FYI, I attempted to install it 6 times (the upgrade
> > > version) and it stalled at 27% everytime!! I reformatted
> > > and went back to XP, I got screwed on Vista too!
> > 
> > Get outta here! I thought they really had it worked out
> > this time. I'll keep XP on my Mac till I hear otherwise.
> Only get the full version, which is what EVERYBODY SHOULD
> GET for the $119.00. At any rate, wasting people's time
> with the upgrade version is just a marketing gimmicIMO.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Final draft of "my" article on MSV

2009-11-12 Thread Hugo

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rick Archer"  wrote:
> -Original Message-
> From: Michael Jansen Jr. [mailto:jansenmc1...@...] 
> Sent: Wednesday, November 11, 2009 1:39 PM
> To: Michael Jansen Jr.
> Subject: Final draft of "my" article on MSV

> An Ancient Twist to Modern Architecture
> The importance of coherence and invincibility through the establishment of
> an ideal vastu is described in the ancient literature of Sthapatya Veda,
> which maintains that, by virtue of the internal orderly structure of the
> vastu, all negative influences must remain at the outskirts of the city, or
> beyond the vastu demarcation.
> An example of this was seen during California fires in recent years. Some
> vastu homes were completely untouched, while everything around them, right
> up to the vastu fence, was destroyed. In one case, even though the flames
> were leaping 10 feet into the air, the vastu fence wasn’t even scorched.

I ploughed through that lot hoping they'd mention the 
California fires nonsense, and they did. Knee-jerk 
scepticism? No. Allow me to explain

When I first heard the story that SV homes had been 
spared destruction in a forest fire because of the 
"infinite power of natural law" to protect from evil 
influences my bullshit detector hit maximum. I went 
straight online and found the nearest local paper 
(Ramona Sentinel I think it was)to the settlement and
wrote to a journalist who covered the blaze, sending 
him a copy of the TM newsletter and asking what he 
thought about the TMO making claims of invincibility 
for their houses He was as sceptical as me, and wrote 
back words to the effect of:

The fires were behaving strangely all over the town
due to the rapidly shifting winds, it seemed almost 
personal the way that some homes in a street were picked
out by the flames rushing one way then the other and
leaving neighbouring homes untouched, the fire appearing
to leapfrog them.

He obviously couldn't say that the concept of SV homes 
is nonsense but he thought the houses were most likely 
spared for the above reasons, and also due to the fact 
they were the newest plots on the development and had
no landscaping so the fire couldn't jump from tree to
house. Bottom line, the SV homes weren't the only ones 
to survive in a manner that looked spooky.

(Lost his original e-mail but that's pretty much it)


When I read the TM newsletter I was amazed they'd be so
stupid as to make such easily checkable claims but also
because it's a bit callous to say that your home survived
because it faces east and has a little picket fence round
it that wards off all bad influences, especially as people 
died in the blaze. Unfortunately this is what passes for 
evidence in the TMO, dubious hearsay becomes legend very

[FairfieldLife] "Airplane abducted by UFO", yeah, right!

2009-11-12 Thread cardemaister



[FairfieldLife] Re: Digby won't pay for your wood

2009-11-12 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "raunchydog"  wrote:

> Neither Digby nor I hate men. Barry in projecting. It is
> Barry who hates women. Why else would he constantly
> accuses his female critics of hating men? Projection,
> much? Either Barry intentionally twisted Digby's satire
> or his woman hating screed in "Snapping pussy revisited"
> is nothing more than an excuse to vent his bile on women.
> I don't know, maybe it's just that vagina dentata has
> been giving him nightmares lately and he's trying to
> assuage his angst by obsessively writing about it.

Bingo. And as I pointed out earlier, because his
biggest critics here are both feminists, he's being
forced to take increasingly right-wing, anti-woman
positions in his attempts to get back at us.

I mean, when you have to call digby, of all people,
a "faux feminist" in order to get off a putdown,
you've really jumped the shark.

Part of it, of course, is sheer envy; digby has 
received more acclaim for her writing than Barry
can even dream of.

What is it called, I wonder, when a woman inspires
penis envy in a man?

And a little bonus, something I stumbled upon as I
was looking for something else in the archives 
(this was addressed to you):

"NOTHING you could could *possibly* say about
me can affect me. TRYING to affect me by
saying the nastiest things you can think of
to say about me is as ineffectual as a gnat
trying to disturb the meditations of a buddha."

--Barry, 7/26/09

Compare and contrast:

"I was commenting yesterday on another forum
how pleasant it was there to log on and find
zero stalkers. Try to imagine what a change
that is for me. *Sixteen years*, and I know
that no matter what I do, every week a sizable
portion of the posts on FFL will be spewing
hatred at me."

--Barry, 11/9/09

Some gnat, eh?

[FairfieldLife] Letterman: Message from the Mayan People About 2012

2009-11-12 Thread do.rflex

Watch: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kjNj20WuYh4

[FairfieldLife] ATT: BillyG (was Re: A reminder for those complaining about Apple's operating

2009-11-12 Thread BillyG
Thanks for that important information, though, I did a clean install and it did 
the same thing, stalled at 27%.

My upgrade version would not install even with just XP, I had to put in SP2 
before it would allow me to proceed. I'm assuming the full version would let 
you install from a clean formatted hard drive.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> There's an excellent rundown of the Windows 7
> upgrade situation here:
> http://windowssecrets.com/2009/11/12/02-Fully-install-Windows-7-from-the-upgrade-disc/#story1
> http://tinyurl.com/yjb489x
> Bottom line, there's no difference between the 
> upgrade and the full versions. There's absolutely
> no need to pay extra for the full version.
> And don't try an in-place upgrade:
> "...I strongly recommend that people perform a custom
> (clean) install. Yes, that entails reinstalling programs
> and re-entering your custom system settings, but it's
> still my advice — even if you have a PC that can
> accommodate an in-place upgrade.
> "Sticking Win7 on top of an old copy of Windows is like
> building a new house on old landfill. You never know
> what's going to come to the surface, or where, or when.
> A very large percentage of the problems people are
> having with Windows 7 installations occur with in-place
> upgrades."
> The writer (Woody Leonhard) says some folks are having
> problems with the installation stalling partway through,
> and that he'll be dealing with that and other glitches
> in future columns, so stay tuned...
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "BillyG"  wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj  wrote:
> > > 
> > > On Nov 11, 2009, at 6:38 AM, BillyG wrote:
> > > > FYI, I attempted to install it 6 times (the upgrade
> > > > version) and it stalled at 27% everytime!! I reformatted
> > > > and went back to XP, I got screwed on Vista too!
> > > 
> > > Get outta here! I thought they really had it worked out
> > > this time. I'll keep XP on my Mac till I hear otherwise.
> > 
> > Only get the full version, which is what EVERYBODY SHOULD
> > GET for the $119.00. At any rate, wasting people's time
> > with the upgrade version is just a marketing gimmicIMO.

[FairfieldLife] ATT: BillyG (was Re: A reminder for those complaining about Apple's operating

2009-11-12 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "BillyG"  wrote:
> Thanks for that important information, though, I did a
> clean install and it did the same thing, stalled at 27%.

Well, keep checking back at the site, because he said
he'll address that very problem. Whether he'll provide
a solution is another question, but at least if *he*
can't, you'll know there isn't one. (You know who
Woody Leonhard is, right?)

> My upgrade version would not install even with just XP,
> I had to put in SP2 before it would allow me to proceed.
> I'm assuming the full version would let you install from
> a clean formatted hard drive.

The *upgrade* version will allow you to do that,
according to him. Do read the whole thing.

> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> >
> > There's an excellent rundown of the Windows 7
> > upgrade situation here:
> > 
> > http://windowssecrets.com/2009/11/12/02-Fully-install-Windows-7-from-the-upgrade-disc/#story1
> > 
> > http://tinyurl.com/yjb489x
> > 
> > Bottom line, there's no difference between the 
> > upgrade and the full versions. There's absolutely
> > no need to pay extra for the full version.
> > 
> > And don't try an in-place upgrade:
> > 
> > "...I strongly recommend that people perform a custom
> > (clean) install. Yes, that entails reinstalling programs
> > and re-entering your custom system settings, but it's
> > still my advice — even if you have a PC that can
> > accommodate an in-place upgrade.
> > 
> > "Sticking Win7 on top of an old copy of Windows is like
> > building a new house on old landfill. You never know
> > what's going to come to the surface, or where, or when.
> > A very large percentage of the problems people are
> > having with Windows 7 installations occur with in-place
> > upgrades."
> > 
> > The writer (Woody Leonhard) says some folks are having
> > problems with the installation stalling partway through,
> > and that he'll be dealing with that and other glitches
> > in future columns, so stay tuned...
> > 
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "BillyG"  wrote:
> > >
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj  wrote:
> > > > 
> > > > On Nov 11, 2009, at 6:38 AM, BillyG wrote:
> > 
> > > > > FYI, I attempted to install it 6 times (the upgrade
> > > > > version) and it stalled at 27% everytime!! I reformatted
> > > > > and went back to XP, I got screwed on Vista too!
> > > > 
> > > > Get outta here! I thought they really had it worked out
> > > > this time. I'll keep XP on my Mac till I hear otherwise.
> > > 
> > > Only get the full version, which is what EVERYBODY SHOULD
> > > GET for the $119.00. At any rate, wasting people's time
> > > with the upgrade version is just a marketing gimmicIMO.
> >

Re: [FairfieldLife] Soldiers are supposed to die for their country, not live in it

2009-11-12 Thread Mike Dixon

From: Vaj 
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Wed, November 11, 2009 12:59:02 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Soldiers are supposed to die for their country, 
not live in it


On Nov 11, 2009, at 12:45 PM, Mike Dixon wrote:

Um Vaj, they don't have to go to the VA. But it's there if they don't have any 
other insurance. What did they do to deserve being taken care of the rest of 
their lives? They risked theirs so we could live ours, but you want any schlepp 
to have the same benefit without any sacrifice. Offering one's life and limbs 
in defense of the nation deserves something a little more than the average 
person who doesn't.

So you do support socialized medicine.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Soldiers are supposed to die for their country, not live in it

2009-11-12 Thread Mike Dixon
No, I don't support socialized roads other than interstate highway system. 
Eisenhower pushed for that to be able to mobilize the military and move it 
quickly. He got the idea from Germany. Roads, police, fire departments, 
education should be left to the states to decide for themselves without federal 
mandates or bloated beauracracies. Read your tenth amendment.

From: raunchydog 
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Wed, November 11, 2009 1:28:24 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Soldiers are supposed to die for their country, 
not live in it


--- In FairfieldLife@ yahoogroups. com, Vaj  wrote:
> On Nov 11, 2009, at 12:45 PM, Mike Dixon wrote:
> > Um Vaj, they don't have to go to the VA. But it's there if they don't have 
> > any other insurance. What did they do to deserve being taken care of the 
> > rest of their lives? They risked theirs so we could live ours, but you want 
> > any schlepp to have the same benefit without any sacrifice. Offering one's 
> > life and limbs in defense of the nation deserves something a little more 
> > than the average person who doesn't.
> So you do support socialized medicine.

Does Mike support socialized roads, police and fire departments, public schools 
as well as VA hospitals? Thom Hartman talks about the commons, infrastructure 
that benefits everyone, which should include hospitals and health care, of 
course. Glenn Beck uses the word "socialism" as a pejorative to heighten fears 
of an evil overarching government ravenous for power and total control of our 
lives. Baloney. Vaj, is taking a poke at Mike's conservative values and on this 
point, and probably the only point, Vaj and I can agree.



Re: [FairfieldLife] 'The Practice of Loving Kindness'

2009-11-12 Thread Mike Dixon
Yeah, pick up on it, bud! Then when you're burned out on loving kindness, call 
them a bunch of greedy, nazi bastards full of hate!

From: Robert 
To: Lisa ; babajii...@yahoo.com
Sent: Wed, November 11, 2009 8:40:17 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] 'The Practice of Loving Kindness'

"The practice of Loving Kindness was first taught by Buddha as an antidote to
fear. He sent a group of monks to meditate in a forest that was inhabited by
tree spirits. The spirits resented the presence of the monks and tried to drive
them away by appearing as horrible visions. The monks were terrified and ran
back to Buddha, begging him to send them to a different forest. He said; 'I am
going to send you back to the forest, but I will provide you with the only
protection you need.' He then gave the first teaching on metta, loving-kindness.
When the monks returned to the forest and practiced loving-kindness, the tree
spirits were so moved by the loving energy that filled the forest that they
resolved to care for and serve the monks in whatever way they could." —Sogyal

All the great spiritual traditions emphasize the need for compassion and
unconditional love. Buddhists call this "boddichitta" --the awakened 
is the aspiration for others to be happy and free from suffering. It is the
essence of enlightenment, the heart of enlightened activity. True compassion is
called the "wish-fulfilling jewel" because it has the power to give each person
precisely what he or she most needs to release suffering and be happy. But how
can you cultivate it? Here are some traditional methods for practicing loving

Develop an attitude of equanimity. Practice going beyond your fixed ideas of
friends and enemies. The idea is to develop a sense of spaciousness, letting go
of rigid ideas. Over the years, anyone who has once been an enemy may now have
turned into a friend, and vice-versa. Everything is impermanent and constantly
changing. Step back and observe the dance of life with detachment. This lays the
ground for the practice of loving kindness.

Reflect on the kindness of others. This will help you see the positive side of
any situation, regardless of how difficult. Contemplate what other people have
done for you in both large and small ways. Focus on a specific friend or family
member, and remember all the good they have done. You might want to begin by
remembering the love and devotion of your mother or father or grandparents, and
then move on to everyone you know. If you are open to the idea of reincarnation,
consider that anyone could have been your mother, father, sister or brother in a
previous life, so reflect on how they might have nurtured and supported you.

Remember an experience of love that someone gave you. Reflect on how it really
moved you. Remember vividly that feeling of love and let it arise again in your
heart, filling you with gratitude. Let your heart open and allow your love to
flow out to others. See yourself unsealing a spring of love within you that
flows out to friends, family, neighbors, all those you like, all those you
dislike, to every person around the world, and to all sentient beings. Let your
love deepen and become boundless.

Repay the kindness of others. Take the perspective that many, many people (as
well as many plants, animals, etc.) have helped you. Everyone you meet may have
helped you in some way, directly or indirectly. Every encounter becomes an
opportunity to repay someone's kindness. This attitude can change your life.
Traditionally, it's called "the great activity" because it is so vast that it's
difficult to imagine.

Contemplate the positive qualities of others. If you care for someone, you
naturally see their delightful qualities and usually ignore their negative
qualities. Extend this perspective to everyone, one person at a time. Generate
loving kindness towards each person and the wish for him or her to be happy.
This can help transform negative emotions such as anger or jealousy.

Consider others the same as yourself. Reflect on another person, not in their
role as a relative or friend, but simply as another "you", with the same
feelings as you--the same desire for happiness, the same fear of suffering. This
will give you greater insight into how to truly help someone. It will also aid
in opening up your relationships and giving them deeper meaning.

Meditate on compassion. Contemplate on both the essence and expression of
compassion. Reflect on the benefits of compassion and the effects of its
opposite. See compassion as empathy, based on understanding the universal nature
of suffering. Each of us suffers when our ego is self-centered and grasping.
Offer a blessing of kindness to all who suffer, helping them transform their
pain, and awaken to the boundless love that dwells within their own heart.

Loving-kindness meditation can be brought in to support the practice of 'bare
attention' to help keep the mind open and sweet. It 

[FairfieldLife] Maddow with Sy Hersh: New developments on Obama Afghan choices

2009-11-12 Thread do.rflex

Obama Has Rejected All Options For Sending More Troops To Afghanistan

Rachel talks with Sy Hersh about some of the players and what's involved. 

Watch: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qqEBdJjuQXo

[FairfieldLife] South Park Mocks Glenn Beck

2009-11-12 Thread do.rflex

Take a look: http://moxnews.com/?p=84 

[FairfieldLife] Re: TM and Blood Pressure

2009-11-12 Thread WillyTex
> > Can you cite any scientific evidence that a thought 
> > can change a physical property?
> >
Vaj wrote:
> Vipassana meditation has been shown to thicken areas of 
> the cerebral cortex. It was published in a major journal, 
> as it is a major finding. Similar findings, of physical 
> changes in the brain, have also been found in jugglers 
> and taxi drivers. Take a gander at the previously posted 
> BBC special on meditation, it has a segment on it.
Can you cite any scientific evidence that a thought can
change a physical property?

[FairfieldLife] Obama to purge all Republicans from federal bureaucracy...

2009-11-12 Thread BillyG
So, for example, when George Bush became President in 2001, a number of Clinton 
political appointees became civil service employees. As a result, they became 
subject to civil service hiring and firing rules, which meant they could no 
longer be replaced simply for having been a Democratic appointee.

Barack Obama is changing that. He intends to purge all Republicans from the 
federal bureaucracy retroactive to five years ago.

Under his new rules, made retroactive for five years, the Office of Personnel 
Management will examine civil service employees who got their start as 
political appointees in the Bush administration and terminate those employees. 
The order is retroactive to 2004, that moment when a number of Republican 
congressional staffers and others sought to embed into the second Bush 
administration right after the election.

According to John Berry, the Director of OPM:

Beginning January 1, 2010, agencies must seek prior approval from OPM 
before they can appoint a current or recent political appointee to a 
competitive or non-political excepted service position at any level under the 
provisions of title 5, United States Code. OPM will review these proposed 
appointments to ensure they comply with merit system principles and applicable 
civil service laws. I have delegated decisionmaking authority over these 
matters to career Senior Executives at OPM to avoid any hint of political 

The memorandum goes on to apply this change to civil servants who were 
political appointees in the last five years, in effect freezing these employees 
out of other positions, denying them promotions, and forcing them out of their 

No one is allowed to stand in the way of Barack Obama's agenda, including his 
own bureaucracy. This is what happens in third world kleptocracies and 
totalitarian regimes.

This is scary stuff.

Just for perspective: remember the Democrats threatened to throw Bush 
administration people in jail for firing United States Attorneys who happened 
to be Democrats. In that case, it was clear as crystal that U.S. Attorneys 
serve at the pleasure of the President and he can fire them whenever he wants. 
In this case, these people are now civil service employees who do not serve at 
the pleasure of the President and cannot be fired just because they are 
Republicans. in fact, the law is very clear on that point.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Maddow with Sy Hersh: New developments on Obama Afghan choices

2009-11-12 Thread WillyTex

John wrote:
> Obama Has Rejected All Options For Sending 
> More Troops To Afghanistan...
That's weird, didn't Robert Gibbs just say 
that all options are on the table and that 
no decision has been made? 

Why would the President announce to the 
Taliban and al Qaeda that sending more troops 
to Afghanistan is not an option? 

And how would Sy Hersh be knowing what is 
going on inside the President's own mind?

"I don't know that it's annoying as much as it 
is generally amusing to watch somebody or some 
group of people decide they know what only the 
president knows." - Robert Gibbs, November 12

LONDON — Allied countries are pledging to send 
more help to Afghanistan before a much anticipated 
decision from President Barack Obama on whether 
to send more troops, NATO's secretary-general 
said Thursday...

Read more:

'NATO chief confident of more Afghan assistance'
By Paisley Dodds
Associated Press, November 12, 2009

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: TM and Blood Pressure

2009-11-12 Thread Vaj

On Nov 12, 2009, at 12:24 PM, WillyTex wrote:

> > Can you cite any scientific evidence that a thought
> > can change a physical property?
> >
Vaj wrote:
> Vipassana meditation has been shown to thicken areas of
> the cerebral cortex. It was published in a major journal,
> as it is a major finding. Similar findings, of physical
> changes in the brain, have also been found in jugglers
> and taxi drivers. Take a gander at the previously posted
> BBC special on meditation, it has a segment on it.
Can you cite any scientific evidence that a thought can
change a physical property?

Yes, I had previously posted one for you. Apparently you never  
bothered to even read it.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Email from a fellow film critic related to recent FFL posts

2009-11-12 Thread authfriend
(Barry keeps six months of mail in his inbox?? I
guess he needed to save this one for reassurance.)

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB  wrote:
> Back in June, a fellow critic I met at the previous year's
> Sitges Film Festival wrote me a great email about the
> movie "Teeth" and how it was being discussed on a film
> forum he hosts. I did a search for it in my InBox (approp-
> riate, eh? :-) and finally found it. I think he nailed it...  :-

'Fraid not. The myth goes back *way* before Freud;
it's genuinely ancient. And we know who created,
passed on, and recorded cultural myths in ancient
patriarchal societies: it wasn't the women.

Of course not all men are consumed, like Barry,
with castration anxiety. But it's a sure bet that
those who are unable to laugh at themselves--to
the point where they have to pretend the vagina
dentata myth was originated and perpetuated by
women--are a lot more likely to be subject to it.

Freud, cocaine-addled though he may have been, was
at least honest enough to recognize that the myth
was a male one (although not quite honest enough to
realize that he claimed *all* men were subject to
castration anxiety as a way of making his own seem

)  :-) 
> :-)
> Are all women as strung out on cocaine as Freud was?
> What a lot of hooey about the DVD release of Teeth on the list lately,
> eh? Did you notice that most of it came from women who insist that all
> men are terrified of having their wangers bitten off during sex? Not a
> single man posting about the film had even heard of the concept of
> vagina dentata before this movie came out but every woman posting
> claimed that all men have this fear. What I thought was funniest was
> that several of the women sited Freud as an expert to support that all
> men have this fear and that this makes it true. But when I pointed out
> to them that the same deranged cocaine addict (Freud) said that all
> women suffer from penis envy suddenly Freud was not an expert any more.
> Makes me think that the women on my list are snorting the same stuff he
> was.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Obama to purge all Republicans from federal bureaucracy...

2009-11-12 Thread do.rflex

Billy reads and believes the crap he finds on the right wing blogs. The claim 
that "Obama intends to purge all Republicans from the federal bureaucracy 
retroactive to five years ago" is totally false!

According to the ACTUAL MEMO ITSELF below from John Berry, the Director of OPM, 
he says NOTHING about purging anyone. 

"OPM will review these proposed appointments to ensure 
they comply with merit system principles and applicable 
civil service laws. I have delegated decision making 
authority over these matters to career Senior Executives 
at OPM to avoid any hint of political influence."

You can read the complete Office of Personnel Management memo here [pdf]:  
http://snipurl.com/t7cxi   [www_cpms_osd_mil] 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "BillyG"  wrote:
> So, for example, when George Bush became President in 2001, a number of 
> Clinton political appointees became civil service employees. As a result, 
> they became subject to civil service hiring and firing rules, which meant 
> they could no longer be replaced simply for having been a Democratic 
> appointee.
> Barack Obama is changing that. He intends to purge all Republicans from the 
> federal bureaucracy retroactive to five years ago.
> Under his new rules, made retroactive for five years, the Office of Personnel 
> Management will examine civil service employees who got their start as 
> political appointees in the Bush administration and terminate those 
> employees. The order is retroactive to 2004, that moment when a number of 
> Republican congressional staffers and others sought to embed into the second 
> Bush administration right after the election.
> According to John Berry, the Director of OPM:
> Beginning January 1, 2010, agencies must seek prior approval from OPM 
> before they can appoint a current or recent political appointee to a 
> competitive or non-political excepted service position at any level under the 
> provisions of title 5, United States Code. OPM will review these proposed 
> appointments to ensure they comply with merit system principles and 
> applicable civil service laws. I have delegated decisionmaking authority over 
> these matters to career Senior Executives at OPM to avoid any hint of 
> political influence. 
> The memorandum goes on to apply this change to civil servants who were 
> political appointees in the last five years, in effect freezing these 
> employees out of other positions, denying them promotions, and forcing them 
> out of their jobs.
> No one is allowed to stand in the way of Barack Obama's agenda, including his 
> own bureaucracy. This is what happens in third world kleptocracies and 
> totalitarian regimes.
> This is scary stuff.
> Just for perspective: remember the Democrats threatened to throw Bush 
> administration people in jail for firing United States Attorneys who happened 
> to be Democrats. In that case, it was clear as crystal that U.S. Attorneys 
> serve at the pleasure of the President and he can fire them whenever he 
> wants. In this case, these people are now civil service employees who do not 
> serve at the pleasure of the President and cannot be fired just because they 
> are Republicans. in fact, the law is very clear on that point.

[FairfieldLife] Re: "Snapping pussy" revisited :-)

2009-11-12 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB  wrote:
> It's like shooting fish in a barrel.
> Satirize a pseudofeminist's satire and the
> pseudofeminist who posted the original
> can't even tell its a satire. I'll add more
> than two smiley faces next time I set her
> up, and she won't recognize she's being
> set up to rant like a madwoman then,
> either.  :-) :-) :-)

It's amazing to me. I *tell* them that I'm
going to mark every setup intended to get them
to rant like madwomen with three smiley faces
to indicate that it *is*, in fact, such a setup, 
and then I tell them that they're so stupid and
obsessed that they'll fall for the setup anyway.

Then I do it -- twice, 3 smileys prominently 
displayed each time -- and how do they react?
They rant like madwomen. 

What do you think? Should I do it again? 

:-)  :-)  :-)

[FairfieldLife] Re: TM and Blood Pressure

2009-11-12 Thread WillyTex

> > > Vipassana meditation has been shown to thicken areas of
> > > the cerebral cortex. It was published in a major journal,
> > > as it is a major finding. Similar findings, of physical
> > > changes in the brain, have also been found in jugglers
> > > and taxi drivers. Take a gander at the previously posted
> > > BBC special on meditation, it has a segment on it.
> > >
> > Can you cite any scientific evidence that a thought can
> > change a physical property?
> >
Vaj wrote:
> Yes, I had previously posted one for you. Apparently you 
> never bothered to even read it.
Vaj, the term 'Vipassana' isn't even a scientific term - it 
has no defined meaning. And there's no evidence that the 
historical Buddha taught or practiced 'vipassana'. 

But, if you have any scientific evidence that a thought can 
cause a physical change, you should probably be sending that
evidence to to the Amazing Randi.

The Amazing Randi Paranormal Challenge:

[FairfieldLife] A message to all members of Veda Tradition Himalaya

2009-11-12 Thread nablusoss1008

A message to all members of Veda Tradition Himalaya
Namaskar, friends!

We thank our dear Finance Minister, Swami Trilochana-ji, who has created
a brand new website for our US based "Institute for Promotion of
Vedic Education, and Culture", and to have set up a PayPal button on
the main page.

Here is an easy way for you to make donations to support the ashram,
since several of you have expressed their desire to participate.
"These are the days for fulfilliment of desires!"

(This PayPal account is a dollar account, best for donations made in
North America).

Please visit (and donate): http://www.vediceducation.org/

We are in the midst of major constructions, including guest houses to
accomodate you when you come, and our school need monthly income to be
able to continue, and to grow.

An option is to sponsor a student with a monly donation of $ 100 (USD).

This is a call we do not want to make too often, but please, hear it

Thank you for your support.

God bless you.

Jai Guru Dev!


PS: another website (for now, in French only(, is online, with a
donation page ready, with several options (Swiss Bank account, Swiss
Postfinance & PayPal in Euro).

Please visit : http://www.vedic-science.org/fr/

To go directly to the donation page :

Visit Veda Tradition Himalaya at: http://vedatradition.ning.com

[FairfieldLife] Re: Final draft of "my" article on MSV

2009-11-12 Thread nablusoss1008

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Hugo"  wrote:
> The fires were behaving strangely all over the town
> due to the rapidly shifting winds, it seemed almost 
> personal the way that some homes in a street were picked
> out by the flames rushing one way then the other and
> leaving neighbouring homes untouched, the fire appearing
> to leapfrog them.

What is wind if not a natural law ?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Obama to purge all Republicans from federal bureaucracy...

2009-11-12 Thread BillyG
Mr do reads and believes the crap he finds on the left wing blogs

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "do.rflex"  wrote:
> Billy reads and believes the crap he finds on the right wing blogs. The claim 
> that "Obama intends to purge all Republicans from the federal bureaucracy 
> retroactive to five years ago" is totally false!
> According to the ACTUAL MEMO ITSELF below from John Berry, the Director of 
> OPM, he says NOTHING about purging anyone. 
> "OPM will review these proposed appointments to ensure 
> they comply with merit system principles and applicable 
> civil service laws. I have delegated decision making 
> authority over these matters to career Senior Executives 
> at OPM to avoid any hint of political influence."
> You can read the complete Office of Personnel Management memo here [pdf]:  
> http://snipurl.com/t7cxi   [www_cpms_osd_mil] 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "BillyG"  wrote:
> >
> > So, for example, when George Bush became President in 2001, a number of 
> > Clinton political appointees became civil service employees. As a result, 
> > they became subject to civil service hiring and firing rules, which meant 
> > they could no longer be replaced simply for having been a Democratic 
> > appointee.
> > 
> > Barack Obama is changing that. He intends to purge all Republicans from the 
> > federal bureaucracy retroactive to five years ago.
> > 
> > Under his new rules, made retroactive for five years, the Office of 
> > Personnel Management will examine civil service employees who got their 
> > start as political appointees in the Bush administration and terminate 
> > those employees. The order is retroactive to 2004, that moment when a 
> > number of Republican congressional staffers and others sought to embed into 
> > the second Bush administration right after the election.
> > 
> > According to John Berry, the Director of OPM:
> > 
> > Beginning January 1, 2010, agencies must seek prior approval from OPM 
> > before they can appoint a current or recent political appointee to a 
> > competitive or non-political excepted service position at any level under 
> > the provisions of title 5, United States Code. OPM will review these 
> > proposed appointments to ensure they comply with merit system principles 
> > and applicable civil service laws. I have delegated decisionmaking 
> > authority over these matters to career Senior Executives at OPM to avoid 
> > any hint of political influence. 
> > 
> > The memorandum goes on to apply this change to civil servants who were 
> > political appointees in the last five years, in effect freezing these 
> > employees out of other positions, denying them promotions, and forcing them 
> > out of their jobs.
> > 
> > No one is allowed to stand in the way of Barack Obama's agenda, including 
> > his own bureaucracy. This is what happens in third world kleptocracies and 
> > totalitarian regimes.
> > 
> > This is scary stuff.
> > 
> > Just for perspective: remember the Democrats threatened to throw Bush 
> > administration people in jail for firing United States Attorneys who 
> > happened to be Democrats. In that case, it was clear as crystal that U.S. 
> > Attorneys serve at the pleasure of the President and he can fire them 
> > whenever he wants. In this case, these people are now civil service 
> > employees who do not serve at the pleasure of the President and cannot be 
> > fired just because they are Republicans. in fact, the law is very clear on 
> > that point.
> >

[FairfieldLife] Re: Obama to purge all Republicans from federal bureaucracy...

2009-11-12 Thread do.rflex

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "BillyG"  wrote:
> Mr do reads and believes the crap he finds on the left wing blogs

Billy, will you or will you not admit that the claim that "Obama intends to 
purge all Republicans from the federal bureaucracy retroactive to five years 
ago" was bogus? 

> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "do.rflex"  wrote:
> >
> > 
> > 
> > Billy reads and believes the crap he finds on the right wing blogs. The 
> > claim that "Obama intends to purge all Republicans from the federal 
> > bureaucracy retroactive to five years ago" is totally false!
> > 
> > According to the ACTUAL MEMO ITSELF below from John Berry, the Director of 
> > OPM, he says NOTHING about purging anyone. 
> > 
> > "OPM will review these proposed appointments to ensure 
> > they comply with merit system principles and applicable 
> > civil service laws. I have delegated decision making 
> > authority over these matters to career Senior Executives 
> > at OPM to avoid any hint of political influence."
> > 
> > 
> > You can read the complete Office of Personnel Management memo here [pdf]:  
> > http://snipurl.com/t7cxi   [www_cpms_osd_mil] 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "BillyG"  wrote:
> > >
> > > So, for example, when George Bush became President in 2001, a number of 
> > > Clinton political appointees became civil service employees. As a result, 
> > > they became subject to civil service hiring and firing rules, which meant 
> > > they could no longer be replaced simply for having been a Democratic 
> > > appointee.
> > > 
> > > Barack Obama is changing that. He intends to purge all Republicans from 
> > > the federal bureaucracy retroactive to five years ago.
> > > 
> > > Under his new rules, made retroactive for five years, the Office of 
> > > Personnel Management will examine civil service employees who got their 
> > > start as political appointees in the Bush administration and terminate 
> > > those employees. The order is retroactive to 2004, that moment when a 
> > > number of Republican congressional staffers and others sought to embed 
> > > into the second Bush administration right after the election.
> > > 
> > > According to John Berry, the Director of OPM:
> > > 
> > > Beginning January 1, 2010, agencies must seek prior approval from OPM 
> > > before they can appoint a current or recent political appointee to a 
> > > competitive or non-political excepted service position at any level under 
> > > the provisions of title 5, United States Code. OPM will review these 
> > > proposed appointments to ensure they comply with merit system principles 
> > > and applicable civil service laws. I have delegated decisionmaking 
> > > authority over these matters to career Senior Executives at OPM to avoid 
> > > any hint of political influence. 
> > > 
> > > The memorandum goes on to apply this change to civil servants who were 
> > > political appointees in the last five years, in effect freezing these 
> > > employees out of other positions, denying them promotions, and forcing 
> > > them out of their jobs.
> > > 
> > > No one is allowed to stand in the way of Barack Obama's agenda, including 
> > > his own bureaucracy. This is what happens in third world kleptocracies 
> > > and totalitarian regimes.
> > > 
> > > This is scary stuff.
> > > 
> > > Just for perspective: remember the Democrats threatened to throw Bush 
> > > administration people in jail for firing United States Attorneys who 
> > > happened to be Democrats. In that case, it was clear as crystal that U.S. 
> > > Attorneys serve at the pleasure of the President and he can fire them 
> > > whenever he wants. In this case, these people are now civil service 
> > > employees who do not serve at the pleasure of the President and cannot be 
> > > fired just because they are Republicans. in fact, the law is very clear 
> > > on that point.
> > >
> >

[FairfieldLife] Re: Final draft of "my" article on MSV

2009-11-12 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Hugo"  wrote:
> I ploughed through that lot hoping they'd mention the 
> California fires nonsense, and they did. Knee-jerk 
> scepticism? No. Allow me to explain
> When I first heard the story that SV homes had been 
> spared destruction in a forest fire because of the 
> "infinite power of natural law" to protect from evil 
> influences my bullshit detector hit maximum. I went 
> straight online and found the nearest local paper 
> (Ramona Sentinel I think it was)to the settlement and
> wrote to a journalist who covered the blaze, sending 
> him a copy of the TM newsletter and asking what he 
> thought about the TMO making claims of invincibility 
> for their houses He was as sceptical as me, and wrote 
> back words to the effect of:
> The fires were behaving strangely all over the town
> due to the rapidly shifting winds, it seemed almost 
> personal the way that some homes in a street were picked
> out by the flames rushing one way then the other and
> leaving neighbouring homes untouched, the fire appearing
> to leapfrog them.
> He obviously couldn't say that the concept of SV homes 
> is nonsense but he thought the houses were most likely 
> spared for the above reasons, and also due to the fact 
> they were the newest plots on the development and had
> no landscaping so the fire couldn't jump from tree to
> house. Bottom line, the SV homes weren't the only ones 
> to survive in a manner that looked spooky.
> (Lost his original e-mail but that's pretty much it)
> ---
> When I read the TM newsletter I was amazed they'd be so
> stupid as to make such easily checkable claims

Er, Hugo, you do realize that SV homes not being the
only ones to survive doesn't mean the SV homes
weren't spared by "the invincible power of natural
law," right?

Plus which, unless you sent the reporter a list of
SV homes which he then checked against a list of the
homes that survived, you don't even know that there
*were* non-SV homes that survived.

So in fact, you haven't yet actually checked the
claims you say are so easily checkable, much less
found them wanting.

Now, if you found that some SV homes somehow missed
out on the divine protection, you'd have something.

Otherwise, the TMO can't prove its claim, and you
can't disprove it. Not really the best use of your

(Caveat for the terminally literal-minded: No, I
don't think the SV houses were spared by "the
invincible power of natural law." I'm just pointing
out to Hugo that his methodology isn't exactly
airtight, so it's a bit premature for him to do his
Dance of Triumph.)

 but also
> because it's a bit callous to say that your home survived
> because it faces east and has a little picket fence round
> it that wards off all bad influences, especially as people 
> died in the blaze.

Agree with you there.

 Unfortunately this is what passes for 
> evidence in the TMO, dubious hearsay becomes legend very
> quickly.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Finally saw "V"

2009-11-12 Thread Bhairitu
TurquoiseB wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu  wrote:
>> Second episode didn't do too well in the ratings:
>> http://www.thrfeed.com/2009/11/abc-v-ratings-second-episode-.html
> And with reason. :-)
> Even the "lech factor" sucks. Elizabeth Mitchell
> is very attractive, but isn't given much to work
> with as an actress; she got better lines in "Lost."
> And Moreena Baccarin? One of the greatest babes 
> *ever* as Inara in "Firefly?" I'm trying to figure
> out whether the fact that even *I* don't care about
> seeing the Anna character naked is because the 
> writing is so bad or because Moreena's lost all 
> of her sex appeal in only five years. 
> I'm gonna go for the bad writing theory and try to
> stop watching the show, but it does have a kind of
> "trainwreck" quality about it that makes it like
> watching an Ed Wood movie, so I may not succeed.

This last episode washed over me like I never watched it. That 
definitely is a sing of weak writing.

For some reason the stupid idiots that run the networks thought that 
sci-fi would be a big seller this season. It is but only if it is GOOD 
sci-fi. Sci-fi fans are VERY finicky and will dump a show like a hot 
potato if it is too dumb. Why on earth would anyone want to resurrect 
"V"? People already notice we have corporate fascism underway in the US.

Though I would argue that we may have the US being covertly being turned 
into a Chinese Republic since China owns us. That's why we see civil 
rights and the Constitution still trampled on even with a supposedly 
"liberal" president in office.

(nǐ huìbúhuì jiǎng guóyŭ/huáyŭ/pŭtōnghuà?) :-D

Re: [FairfieldLife] Dollhouse is officially toast

2009-11-12 Thread Bhairitu
There is no indication of Dushku being a diva but the show would make 
people think she is especially the title sequence.  Problem one.

The concept was probably a bad one in the first place and difficult to 
rescue. Problem two.

Shows on broadcast TV are so constrained that a show with this concept 
had to be dumbed down too much.  Problem three.

Hollywood is run by idiots.  Problem four.

TurquoiseB wrote:
> Not that the cancellation is any surprise, but the
> least that the Hollywood Reporter could have done
> was to get the plot right in the last sentence. While
> Eliza Dushku could possibly have had something
> altered, I don't think it was her DNA. :-)
> Joss Whedon's 'Dollhouse' canceled
> Sci-fi series expected to finish its 13-episode order
> By Nellie Andreeva
> Nov 11, 2009, 03:20 PM ET
> Updated: Nov 11, 2009, 08:39 PM ET
>   [hr/photos/stylus/109337-dollhouse_341x182.jpg]
> "Dollhouse" is closing its doors at Fox.
> The network has canceled Joss Whedon's cult fave, which in May beat the
> odds   with
> a second-season pickup despite low ratings. The sci-fi series, which is
> filming episode 11, will finish its 13-episode order.
> "Yes. Canceled. Sad but true," tweeted Maurissa Tancharoen, a writer on
> "Dollhouse" who is married to Whedon's brother Jed Whedon, also a writer
> on the show.
> Beating the odds after a very slow start last spring, "Dollhouse" was
> renewed for a second season. But with a dismal performance this fall --
> and despite getting a ratings bump  from DVR viewing
>  b26dae96f6367a4412347c44da858d50>  -- the show starring Eliza Dushku was
> benched for November sweeps after four episodes.
> Fox plans to air all produced episodes of "Dollhouse," which will return
> with originals Dec. 4  as planned
>  s.html> . Whedon is working on giving the series a proper ending with a
> big finale.
> "I feel the show is getting better pretty much every week, and I think
> you'll agree in the coming months," Whedon wrote on Whedonesque.com.
> "I'm grateful that we got to put it on, and then come back and put it on
> again."
> The cancellation of "Dollhouse" may spell good news for fans of Whedon's
> Web short "Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog."
> Whedon, who had been rumored to be working on a sequel to the
> Emmy-winning Internet project, said on Wednesday he is "off to pursue
> internet ventures/binge drinking" following the end of the Fox series.
> "Dollhouse" stars Eliza Dushku as a DNA-altered woman who gets implanted
> false memories for various missions and tasks.

[FairfieldLife] From my Droid

2009-11-12 Thread Bhairitu
Thought I would send a message from my Android phone if not for any other 
reason than to see if this  email program will add FFL to list.

Sent from my Verizon Eris Wireless Phone

[FairfieldLife] You're Invited to a Public Introductory Presentation in HRM

2009-11-12 Thread nablusoss1008

[FairfieldLife] Democrat party now the Santa Claus party.

2009-11-12 Thread BillyG

Imagine getting a present that was paid for by YOUR credit card!  This is the 
democrat party today!!  Modern day Robin' HOODS...

[FairfieldLife] Re: Democrat party now the Santa Claus party.

2009-11-12 Thread do.rflex

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "BillyG"  wrote:
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MiBaMPdQvLw&feature=player_embedded
> Imagine getting a present that was paid for by YOUR credit card!  This
is the democrat party today!!  Modern day Robin' HOODS...

Billy keeps buying the lies from the wingnut blogs.

The both the House and Senate Health Care Bills are deficit neutral.
That means they DO NOT add to the deficit.

CBO: House healthcare bill is deficit neutral
House Democrats' newly unveiled healthcare reform bill will cost about
$894 billion over the next 10 years -- but a combination of tax
increases and spending cuts keep the bill deficit neutral, the
Congressional Budget Office revealed on Thursday.

http://snipurl.com/t7fwa   [thehill_com]

Senate Healthcare Reform Bill Would Reduce Deficit, CBO SaysA heavily
amended healthcare reform proposal before the Senate Finance Committee
would cost $829 billion, but it would ultimately trim the federal
deficit by $81 billion through 2019, according to an analysis released
yesterday by the Congressional Budget Office...

After 2019, cost savings and added revenues are expected to grow more
rapidly than the cost of expanding coverage, which would continue to
reduce the federal deficit over the following 10 years, according to the

[FairfieldLife] Re: Democrat party now the Santa Claus party.

2009-11-12 Thread WillyTex
John wrote:
> Billy keeps buying the lies from the wingnut 
> blogs.
Americans who choose not to pay the bill's new 
individual mandate tax are subject to numerous 
civil and criminal penalties, including criminal 
fines of up to $250,000 and imprisonment of up 
to five years. That's enough to make anyone want
to join in a 'Tea Party' protest! Why aren't you
out there protesting, John?

Read more:

'PELOSI: Buy a $15,000 Policy or Go to Jail'
Committee On Ways & Means Republicans:

[FairfieldLife] Global Family Chats November 2009

2009-11-12 Thread nablusoss1008

* Archives 
* Podcasts 
* Global Family Chats 2009
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Family Chats 2008
  * Global
Family Chats 2007
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Family Chats 2006
  * Special
* Press Conferences 2007
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Conferences 2006 
* Press Conferences 2005
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Conferences from 2004
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Conferences from 2002
  * World
Peace Parliaments

Global Family Chats 2009
To download the Windows Media Player files, right click on the link and
select 'save target as'.
The link for any day should be working approximately 24 hours after the
chat finishes.
Global Family Chats

November 11th - replay of October 31st
November 10th - replay of November 9th
November 9th   Today is
the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin wall. Raja Emanuel
explained how the governments at the time, and even now, had no idea
what caused such a momentous change. He showed very clearly how it was
the rise of coherence in the collective consciousness created by Sidhas
and meditators in 60 centres around Germany, plus 7000 Vedic Pandits
performing Yagyas in India, that caused the peaceful fall of the wall.
Col. Gunter Chasse put the transformation in terms of Maharishi's
Invincible Defence Technology. The rise of unity in collective
consciousness was reflected in the chant 'We are one people' at the
demonstrations preceding the fall. Even though the government decided to
put down the demonstrations by force, everything took place completely
peacefully. This episode in the history of Germany and Europe shows the
power of administration through silence to shape the destiny of the
country for all good.
November 7th   The
profound and entertaining inaugural address at the opening of the Centre
for Leadership Performance, 70 Broad Street, New York, by Raja Hagelin.
Raja Hagelin described the effects of TM in developing total brain
functioning, and went on to cover the research in health and
performance, particularly in the context of business.
November 6th   English
Governors Charles Cunningham and Norma Sullivan described the success of
offering TM and MAV at the recent Yoga Fair in London. Visitors reacted
very warmly, the Governors enjoyed giving out the knowledge, and it was
financially worthwhile.
Raja Peter described the great success of the recently held Maharishi
Yoga Asana Course, and gave an inspiring insight into the latest edition
of the high quality TM News magazine.
November 5th Replay of November 3rd
November 4th part1 
November 4th part2 
The press in Norway has enthusiastically received news of the
publication of a research paper by Dr Harald Harung, Dr Fred Travis and
others on brain integration and higher consciousness in the journal
Management Decision
The paper identifies brain integration and higher consciousness as the
core causes of success among top leaders in business and sport. Dr
Harung showed that among top leaders brain integration correlates with
moral development, peak experiences and good luck.
As world consciousness has risen with large groups of yogic flyers, Dr
Harung has found people have become very open and enthusiastic about
developing brain integration and higher consciousness. He feels that
since Maharishi has put us at the forefront of these two areas, this
will be an excellent opportunity to inform the press in every country
about this publication and speak more about these concepts.
November 3nd
   Raja Luis described
the sweet, natural feeling of the state government of Rio de Janeiro's
inauguration of its project for 1.5 million students to receive
Consciousness-based Education. The Secretary for Education was there in
support, and many top artists told of their good experience with TM, and
with a feeling of parental guidance they encouraged the fortunate
students to practice regularly. David

[FairfieldLife] Re: Democrat party now the Santa Claus party.

2009-11-12 Thread WillyTex
BillyG wrote:
> Imagine getting a present that was paid for 
> by YOUR credit card!  This is the democrat 
> party today!!  Modern day Robin' HOODS...
Yeah, Billy, go out and use your credit card 
to borrow money to pay off your credit card. 

This is really brilliant!

'Conservatives continue to outnumber moderates 
and liberals in the American populace in 2009, 
confirming a finding that Gallup first noted in 
June. Forty percent of Americans describe their 
political views as conservative..."

Read more:

'Conservative Still'
Posted by Jennifer Rubin
Commentary, October 26, 2009 

[FairfieldLife] The Sattwa programme for Germany initiated by Maharishi

2009-11-12 Thread nablusoss1008


November 9'th, 2009

[FairfieldLife] Child protection or censorship? Library employees lose jobs over book

2009-11-12 Thread do.rflex

Child protection or censorship? Library employees lose jobs over
book  By Amy Wilson
- awils...@herald-leader.com 

NICHOLASVILLE — Sharon Cook is either a hero or a villain.

She is either due your thanks for doing everything in her power to
protect children from obscenity or she is due your disdain for wantonly
taking away the constitutional rights of the people of Jessamine County.

She never meant to do the latter. She absolutely meant to do the former.


Sharon Cook, left, and Beth Boisvert were fired
after acting together to withhold from the
public a book they considered objectionable and
inappropriate for children.   [JessLibrary]  
   Charles Bertram
The Jessamine County Library Board held a special meeting on
Nov. 4 at which it said residents could voice their concerns at a
Nov. 18 meeting. At right is an inside page from The League of
Extraordinary Gentlemen, Volume IV: The Black Dossier. 
   Charles Bertram
The book in question is The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, Volume
IV: The Black Dossier.
   Charles Bertram
The Jessamine County Library Board held a special meeting on
Nov. 4 at which it said residents could voice their concerns at a
Nov. 18 meeting. At right is an inside page from The League of
Extraordinary Gentlemen, Volume IV: The Black Dossier. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Child protection or censorship? Library employees lose jobs over book

2009-11-12 Thread do.rflex

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "do.rflex"  wrote:
> Child protection or censorship? Library employees lose jobs over
> book  By Amy
> - awils...@... 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Episcopal Bishop Spong writes off the time-wasters

2009-11-12 Thread Sal Sunshine

On Nov 11, 2009, at 2:24 AM, TurquoiseB wrote:

Quite a find, Barry.  It's all great, but this part really

I will particularly ignore those members of my own Episcopal Church  
who seek to break away from this body to form a "new church,"  
claiming that this new and bigoted instrument alone now represents  
the Anglican Communion.  Such a new ecclesiastical body is designed  
to allow these pathetic human beings, who are so deeply locked into  
a world that no longer exists, to form a community in which they can  
continue to hate gay people, distort gay people with their hopeless  
rhetoric and to be part of a religious fellowship in which they can  
continue to feel justified in their homophobic prejudices for the  
rest of their tortured lives. Church unity can never be a virtue  
that is preserved by allowing injustice, oppression and  
psychological tyranny to go unchallenged.


[FairfieldLife] Got a Light, Mac?

2009-11-12 Thread michael

Got a Light, Mac?
The Sun - London,UK
The Light make their US debut on Saturday at a show organised by film director 
DAVID LYNCH at the Maharishi University in Iowa.

Do You Yahoo!?
Sie sind Spam leid? Yahoo! Mail verfügt über einen herausragenden Schutz gegen 

[FairfieldLife] Men’s lives will flourish

2009-11-12 Thread nablusoss1008
The Master's article for
Share International magazine, November 2009 

Men's lives will flourish
by the Master –, through Benjamin Creme, 11 October 2009

When men more fully realize the extent of the damage done to their lives
by the economic and financial collapse of recent years, they will find
it impossible to revert, as many hope will be the case, to the old
system. That economy was shattered by greed, selfishness and separation,
but essentially by the action of the energies of the new time. Already,
more than men are aware, the energies of Aquarius work their magic on
Earth. Increasingly people are being drawn together in consciousness;
the energies of synthesis are performing their beneficent work. Already,
many are responding in a new way, as if relieved of a deadening weight,
looking forward to a world simplified but more united.

When We see this, We too are gratified and strengthened in Our belief in
the qualities of man. Our hope for the future is renewed as We see men
search and respond to the new. The `star' has not been alone in
changing the atmosphere of Earth from despair to hope, but is proving a
potent factor in this transformation. More and more the Aquarian
energies will create in men the desire for unity and oneness, and even
now are sowing the seeds of future transformation.

Maitreya, meanwhile, waits patiently for the day on which His face may
be seen by men. That day is not far off. Already arrangements are being
made for His initial interview, the first of many such. Do not be
surprised if reactions to His statements are quiet or subdued. Have no
doubt that in future appearances Maitreya will speak loudly and boldly
for the suffering poor of the world, for an ending of war, for a world
in which justice and sharing enfold men in their beneficent grace. Much,
very much, is expected of Maitreya, but few can realize the vast extent
of His generosity of spirit. People will come to know and love Him as a
friend and as a teacher, and will willingly respond to His words.
Maitreya will evoke from men their own hearts' love for justice,
sharing and peace, perennial jewels in the hearts of all men.

Now comes the time of a further flowering of these divine attributes as
men reconsider the faults and inadequacies of the past. Under the
guidance of Maitreya and His Group, men's lives will flourish as
never before; raising men from their past state of ignorance and fear
into the expression of a divinity until now almost unknown.

(Read more articles by the Master)

[FairfieldLife] Questions to Mr. Benjamin Creme, November 2009

2009-11-12 Thread nablusoss1008

Questions and Answers
Q. Some people who have seen the `star' report that they seem to
experience an energy emanating from it. Does this really happen?

A. Yes. The `star' (all four of them) does indeed radiate
energy, the quality which we would usually associate with love, which is
why some people say that they actually love the `star' and hold
it in awe as something sacred.

Q. I don't think I have seen the `star' but would like to
very much. If someone strongly desires to see it, is it possible that it
would show itself in response?

A. Yes. Several people have reported this phenomenon. What we have to
remember is that the `star' is a Spaceship with people inside it
and it is They who pick up the desire and respond.

Q. I saw the `star' on 2 March 2009, which was confirmed in
Share International magazine. (1) Do sightings of the `star'
happen according to a person's karma, responsibility to inform or
other reason? (2) What would be the most effective way to inform people,
and therefore accelerate the first interview of Maitreya and eventually
the Day of Declaration?

A. (1) No. Anyone can see the `star'. (2) Contact media with
what you have seen and ask them to ask questions about this unusual

Q. A short while ago I sent an e-mail to Share International to ask if
the `star' had appeared over Glasgow yet and received an e-mail
from I assume Mr Creme himself whereby he stated he would try and
arrange for the `star' to make an appearance over my area and
commented `jovially' that he had very fond memories of Glasgow
since of course this is his birthplace. I was absolutely delighted that
he had returned my e-mail, it wasn't expected.

I was wondering if the `star' has already appeared over Glasgow
recently because I fear I may have missed it, as I was on holiday
recently. It's not that I am that desperate to see it, it's just
that I told my children that it would be appearing soon and I would hate
to disappoint them. I wish to put no pressure on anybody, least of all
those who are flying the `crafts'.

I thank you for your patience and understanding and wish all who work
for Share International well. Keep up the good work.

A. Keep your eyes on the skies.

Q. What is the difference between true and false hope?

A. True hope emanates from the soul and is therefore a spiritual
quality. It fills the person with the desire to seek and visualize an
aspiration for future betterment and is therefore a driving force for
evolution itself. That is why, for humanity, hope is an essential aspect
of life.

False hope, on the other hand, is the expression of an emotional desire
for belief, help and security. It is essentially the outcome of fear and
frequently leads to disappointment.

Q. There is a program called `Destination Truth' on the SYFY
Channel in the US. It is a non-fiction program about a team of
investigators, led by explorer Josh Gates, who travel the world
investigating unexplained mysteries.

On the episode that debuted on 7 October 2009 the team was in Chile to
investigate claims of the paranormal surrounding an abandoned mineshaft
that is alleged to involve beings from outer space. Local Chileans were
also seeing anomalous lights in the sky.
After spending a night in the mineshaft, where they encountered some
strange occurrences, several members of the team exited the mineshaft.
They almost immediately saw and filmed a very bright white star which
the team leader Josh Gates described as "bugging out and dancing
around". It was also referred to during the broadcast as a
"star". After a few moments it faded very quickly.

Their parabolic dish (audio enhancing equipment) started making strange
noises which the team could not explain, especially considering the dish
was not plugged into anything and is designed to passively receive sound
and not emit anything.

(1) Was the `star' indeed the `star' (one of the 4 UFOs)
that are the modern day `Star of Bethlehem' or a
`normal' UFO? (2) Did the `star' or the Space Brothers
have anything to do with the few bizarre occurrences the team
experienced while inside the mineshaft?

A. (1) It was the `star'. (2) Yes. The Space Brothers do use the

Q. Who are the `Forces of Light'?

A. We think of the Forces of Light as the Esoteric Hierarchy: the Christ
and His group of Masters, Who make up, with all of Their disciples, the
Forces of Light of our planet. There are 63 Masters including three
Great Lords, one of Whom is Maitreya, connected with the human
evolution. They are gathering together a host of people from all over
the world to work with Them in this coming time. Some are already
working with Them, others will come. There is a huge new group formed by
Maitreya in 1922, called the New Group of World Servers. There is no
outer address where you can join. You are picked according to your
attitude to life. There are 4 to 5 million people

[FairfieldLife] Re: Democrat party now the Santa Claus party.

2009-11-12 Thread raunchydog

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "WillyTex"  wrote:
> John wrote:
> > Billy keeps buying the lies from the wingnut 
> > blogs.
> > 
> Americans who choose not to pay the bill's new 
> individual mandate tax are subject to numerous 
> civil and criminal penalties, including criminal 
> fines of up to $250,000 and imprisonment of up 
> to five years. That's enough to make anyone want
> to join in a 'Tea Party' protest! Why aren't you
> out there protesting, John?
> Read more:
> 'PELOSI: Buy a $15,000 Policy or Go to Jail'
> Committee On Ways & Means Republicans:
> http://tinyurl.com/ykhk3k3

Willytex, if the Democrats had any balls at all they would had pushed for 
single payer which the CBO says is the most cost effective way to have REAL 
health care reform. But no, they compromised with big pharma/insurance hoping 
to get a bipartisan bill which Republicans will never vote for no matter what's 
in it. It's a crappy bill. I hope it tanks. I agree a mandate without a strong 
public option or single payer is nothing more than a give away to Congress 
critters' corporate masters and an oppressive tax on the little guy. Now that 
the Senate will probably adopt some form of the Stupak amendment, I REALLY hope 
it tanks.

[FairfieldLife] Re: "Snapping pussy" revisited :-)

2009-11-12 Thread WillyTex

> > > It's amazing to me. I *tell* them that I'm
> > > going to mark every setup intended to get them
> > > to rant like madwomen with three smiley faces
> > > to indicate that it *is*, in fact, such a setup, 
> > > and then I tell them that they're so stupid and
> > > obsessed that they'll fall for the setup anyway.
> > > 
> > Troll - A person who sends duplicitous messages 
> > to get angry responses. 
> >
raunchydog wrote:
> Which of the two faces of Barry should we believe? 
> The troll who after stupidly missing Digby's satire 
> tries to cover his ass by saying he was just setting 
> up his critics or the troll who attempted to set up 
> his critics and failed?
Or, the schizo-troll who once posted this:

"The discussions have to be based on the assumption 
that we are discussing matters of *opinion*.  No one 
is "right," no one is "wrong."

References to past statements by either poster are 
limited to the current thread.

Ad hominens and insults are similarly verboten.

Many of the "rules" above are in place and work well 
on other spiritual forums that I participate in, and 
seem to accomplish the seemingly impossible -- creating 
a high-vibe environment in which to discuss spiritual
topics without flaming..."

From: Uncle Tantra
Subject: Re: An Orwellian redefinition of "leaving" 
Newsgroups: alt.meditation.transcendental
Date: 2003-11-22 02:53:19 PST 

> > Subject: Troll FAQ
> > From: Willytex
> > Newsgroups: alt.meditation.transcendental
> > Date: Fri, Jan 21, 2005
> > http://tinyurl.com/4xtzej
> >

[FairfieldLife] Martha Coakley is a Shoo-in for MA Senate

2009-11-12 Thread raunchydog

"House Speaker Nancy Pelosi will be endorsing Rep. Michael Capuano in
the Massachusetts Senate special election, choosing her House colleague
over Attorney General Martha Coakley, who is seeking to become the first
female senator in the state."

Pelosi will be heading to Boston tomorrow morning to make the formal
Martha Coakley is a Shoo-In for the Massachusetts Senate Nomination!!
Posted on November 12, 2009
by bostonboomer
Breaking News from Politico:
  Pelosi Endorses Capuano!

In her statement, Pelosi noted Capuano's support for the historic
health care legislation that she shepherded through the House. Coakley
said she opposed the legislation that passed through the House because
it contained a provision restricting federal funds from going to
abortion providers.
Martha Coakley for President!! **

Coakley was way ahead of all the other candidates anyway, but now that
sex-traitor* Nancy Pelosi has endorsed her challenger, Martha can't
possibly lose!"

Go Martha Go!!  You can contribute to Coakley's campaign here.


Nancy Pelosi "Sex-Traitor"

* h/t Dakinikat for the "sex-traitor" terminology
** h/t Quixote for the "Martha Coakley for President" idea

[FairfieldLife] Post Count

2009-11-12 Thread FFL PostCount
Fairfield Life Post Counter
Start Date (UTC): Sat Nov 07 00:00:00 2009
End Date (UTC): Sat Nov 14 00:00:00 2009
417 messages as of (UTC) Fri Nov 13 00:05:18 2009

49 authfriend 
43 raunchydog 
38 nablusoss1008 
36 TurquoiseB 
35 Vaj 
29 WillyTex 
29 "do.rflex" 
28 Bhairitu 
14 dhamiltony2k5 
11 ShempMcGurk 
 9 off_world_beings 
 8 PaliGap 
 8 Mike Dixon 
 8 BillyG 
 7 sgrayatlarge 
 7 ruthsimplicity 
 7 jpgillam 
 7 cardemaister 
 6 shukra69 
 5 Premanand 
 4 Robert 
 4 John 
 4 It's just a ride 
 4 Hugo 
 3 Rick Archer 
 3 Duveyoung 
 2 azgrey 
 2 wle...@aol.com
 2 Sal Sunshine 
 1 michael 
 1 m 13 
 1 jessie 
 1 Jason 
 1 Alex Stanley 

Posters: 34
Saturday Morning 00:00 UTC Rollover Times
Daylight Saving Time (Summer):
US Friday evening: PDT 5 PM - MDT 6 PM - CDT 7 PM - EDT 8 PM
Europe Saturday: BST 1 AM CEST 2 AM EEST 3 AM
Standard Time (Winter):
US Friday evening: PST 4 PM - MST 5 PM - CST 6 PM - EST 7 PM
Europe Saturday: GMT 12 AM CET 1 AM EET 2 AM
For more information on Time Zones: www.worldtimezone.com 

[FairfieldLife] One really fine picture

2009-11-12 Thread It's just a ride

I don't suggest anyone order yagnas from these people.

Add one drop of wine to sewerage and you get sewerage.  Add one drop of
sewerage to wine and you get swwerage.

[FairfieldLife] Digby won't pay for your wood revisited

2009-11-12 Thread raunchydog
"Yesterday I wrote a satirical post
  calling for the exclusion of erectile dysfunction treatments
in the health care plan because of my moral objections to men defying
God's edict to stay flaccid. It created a good chuckle around the
blogosphere, my favorite being General JC Christian's post "First they
came for the boners
 " (and his hilarious comment section
  --- "They'll pry my
boner from my cold dead hands.")

But as is so often true these days, satire is no longer operative with
the right wing having retired the concept of hypocrisy. Howie sent me
this post
  with a real life provision which I quite seriously
object to having my tax dollars spent for:
A few days ago the L.A. Times reported on a provision slipped into the
Senate bill that "would require insurers to consider covering Christian
Science prayer treatments
  as medical expenses." Orrin Hatch is behind the
provision, but he was aided by Kennedy and Kerry, the senators from
Massachusetts, which is where Christian Science has its world
The measure would put Christian Science prayer treatments -- which
substitute for or supplement medical treatments -- on the same footing
as clinical medicine. While not mentioning the church by name, it would
prohibit discrimination against "religious and spiritual healthcare."...
Phil Davis, a senior Christian Science Church official, said prayer
treatment was an effective alternative to conventional healthcare.

"We are making the case for this, believing there is a connection
between healthcare and spirituality," said Davis, who distributed 11,000
letters last week to Senate officials urging support for the measure.

"We think this is an important aspect of the solution, when you are
talking about not only keeping the cost down, but finding effective
healthcare," he said.Let's not kid ourselves about this. It's a
boondoggle. And if it passes, I'm done fighting all this. I'm going to
start a "spiritual healing center" and become a millionaire. And I won't
just be stealing your tax dollars to do it, I won't have to pay taxes
myself. It's brilliant."
digby 11/12/2009 05:00:00 PM
   Comments (15) | Trackback (0)

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "raunchydog" 
> "I have a moral objection to paying for any kind of erectile
dysfunction medicine in the new health reform bill and I think men who
want to use it should just pay for it out of pocket. After all, I won't
ever need such a pill. And anyway, it's no biggie. Just because most of
them can get it under their insurance today doesn't mean they shouldn't
have it stripped from their coverage in the future because of my moral
objections. (I don't think there's even been a Supreme Court ruling
making wood a constitutional right. I might be wrong about that.)
> Many of the men who are prescribed this medication are on Medicare, so
I think it should be stripped out of that coverage as well. And unlike
the payments for abortion, which actually lower overall medical costs
(pregnancy obviously costs much, much more) banning tax dollars from
covering any kind of Viagra would result in a substantial savings:
> The price of Pfizer's Viagra has doubled since it was launched,
according to a list of wholesale acquisition costs paid by pharmacies...
> I don't want my tax dollars touching even one milimeter of that overly
engorged expense.
> I realize that many people disagree with my moral objections to men
getting erections which God clearly doesn't want them to get, but my
principles on this are more important to me than theirs are to them. So
too bad. If you want a boner, pay for it yourself.
> And I think those noxious advertisements for the drugs should be
banned as well, if only for aesthetic reasons. Having to watch my baby
boomer fellows wail "Viva Viagra" is offensive to anyone who has any
taste in music."

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Finally saw "V"

2009-11-12 Thread Bhairitu
Bhairitu wrote:
>>> Judy mentioned the book that inspired the series and here is the 
>>> Wikipedia entry for it:
>>> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/It_Can%27t_Happen_Here
>>> I may look around for it and see if I can find a copy.
>> http://www.amazon.com/Cant-Happen-Here-Sinclair-Lewis/dp/045121658X/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1257975899&sr=1-1#noop
>> http://tinyurl.com/yzmvwzq
>> New $10.20; used from $3.20.
> The local B&N has it in stock though I may go to a couple of the local 
> used bookstores that may have it too.
Found it at a local used bookstore for $3.95 in mint condition.

Finding "Shadow on the Land" is proving very difficult.  Looks like 
whoever has the rights shuts down torrents, etc which is strange for a 
film few people would be interested in.

[FairfieldLife] Re: A message to all members of Veda Tradition Himalaya

2009-11-12 Thread JohnY

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008  wrote:
> A message to all members of Veda Tradition Himalaya
> Namaskar, friends!
> We thank our dear Finance Minister, Swami Trilochana-ji, who has created
> a brand new website for our US based "Institute for Promotion of
> Vedic Education, and Culture", and to have set up a PayPal button on
> the main page.
> Here is an easy way for you to make donations to support the ashram,
> since several of you have expressed their desire to participate.
> "These are the days for fulfilliment of desires!"
> (This PayPal account is a dollar account, best for donations made in
> North America).
> Please visit (and donate): http://www.vediceducation.org/
> We are in the midst of major constructions, including guest houses to
> accomodate you when you come, and our school need monthly income to be
> able to continue, and to grow.
> An option is to sponsor a student with a monly donation of $ 100 (USD).
> This is a call we do not want to make too often, but please, hear it
> now!
> Thank you for your support.
> God bless you.
> Jai Guru Dev!
> Pierre
> PS: another website (for now, in French only(, is online, with a
> donation page ready, with several options (Swiss Bank account, Swiss
> Postfinance & PayPal in Euro).
> Please visit : http://www.vedic-science.org/fr/
> To go directly to the donation page :
> http://www.vedic-science.org/fr/page6/page9/page17/page17.html
> Visit Veda Tradition Himalaya at: http://vedatradition.ning.com

I have 2 questions: 

1. Who are these folks? 


2. Is that a Vedic PayPal Button?
