[FairfieldLife] Re: Why Bother with FFL?

2010-05-05 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Buck"  posted
a "fan letter," seemingly to suggest that he has some:
> > Why do you keep interacting with Fairfield Life
> > (primarily with Curtis and Barry Turq)?
> > With all your involvement with the variety of saints and teachers,
> > with the growth  you are having (I am basing that on from my reading
> > here on FFLife - as a lurker) why do you bother with FFLife? You
> > MUST have better things to do. I suggest it's an addiction and one
> > you can do without!

Since "Buck" used this screed -- real or not -- as a springboard from
which to state his reasons for enjoying Fairfield Life, I guess I'll
a few minutes to do the same. Fair is fair.  :-)

I agree with his assessment that FFL is one of the few places, on the
Internet or anywhere else, where one can go to get a somewhat
balanced view of the TM organization. That organization lies, and
lies, and lies, and then lies some more. That's essentially ALL that
it does, and has done for over 40 years. Shedding a little light on
those lies is in itself of value, even if one has a lingering affection
for it.

But one of the reasons I like to hang out on Fairfield Life is for the
occasional opportunity to comment on the *assumptions* that
underlie some of the posts here, assumptions that the posters seem
unaware that they have, and even more unaware that these assump-
tions rule and control their lives.

Three of those assumptions are present in this exchange, faux though
it may be. The first I would characterize as "spiritual community as
an Elitism Feedback Mechanism," otherwise known as "If we just
don't have anything to do with people who don't believe the things
we believe, we can keep pretending that we're better than they are."

That, after all, is the position being advanced by the possibly-faux
author of the fan letter. He's berating "Buck" (who doesn't exist
either, and is a fiction dreamed up to avoid signing the author's
real name to what he writes) for soiling his pristine aura by mixing
with the likes of Curtis and myself. One suspects that the faux
author believes that a better course of action would be to "hole up"
in reclusive, elitist TM communities and only speak to people who
will parrot the same beliefs that he/she believes.

I'm pretty sure that "Buck" wouldn't agree with me, given his oh-so-
elitist stance here, but I think that spiritual elitism is one of the
phenomena on the planet, and one of the worst things a spiritual
seeker could possibly do for his or her own evolution. The *moment*
you start to believe that your philosophy/dogma/tradition/teacher/
technique is "the best" and that as a result you are *one* of "the
you have IMO started down a slippery slope that ends in imprison-
ment in an ego that deserves every moment of its incarceration.

The second assumption that "Buck" harps on endlessly, and that the
TMO has made millions from, is that "the past was better than the
present, and should be revered and aspired to." Maharishi and the
TMO drone on endlessly about a glorious "Vedic period" that history
can find no trace of, and teach people to march mindlessly "Forward,
into the past" in an attempt to recapture what never existed except
in the imaginations of those making a buck from selling imaginary

"Buck" does exactly the same thing with his obsession with past spir-
itual movements in the US, like the Shakers and the transcendentalists
and others he has trotted out here as examples of "spiritual commun-
ities" worthy of reverence. The thing he doesn't ever seem to realize
is that all of these spiritual communities are as dead as the people
who lived in them. Their very elitism and desire to distance themselves
from a world they were too "special" for imprisoned them in a cloister
of their own self-importance, where they died and passed into the dim
footnotes of history. So will it be with those who similarly imprison
themselves in the self-important bubble of believing that as TMers or
as Sidhas they are "better" than those around them, and that they
somehow "soil themselves" or "lower themselves" by even associating
with the riff-raff and playing in the "mud."

I've got a clue for fictional "Buck" and his possibly fictional fan --
mud wins.

History has a sure and never-varying way of dealing with communities
that feel that they can lock themselves away from the rest of the world
and live out their lives "unsoiled" within the bubble of self importance
they erect around their "specialness." The "karma of history" ensures
that they do just that -- live out their lives in the bubble, and then
forgotten by all but those who pour over footnotes hoping for meaning.

The third assumption that "Buck" voices -- and keeps voicing over and
over in his "blogs" here, is the self-reinforcing elitist belief that
who doesn't share his views is "lacking in spiritual experience."

I would react to that by posing to "Buck" the question I passed along

[FairfieldLife] Slick Operator: The BP I've known too well, by Greg Palast

2010-05-05 Thread TurquoiseB
I've stayed out of this whole oilspill slimefest and egofest, because 1)
I think that every time America gets a taste of what its dependence on
oil costs it...and the world...the world is a better place for that, and
2) I have no interest in the petty egosquabbles here (a bunch of
armchair do-nothings crying "My experts are better than your experts and
if you don't agree you're stupid and just haven't read what I wrote and
besides you're stupid"), and 3) I have even less interest in the drama
queen hysterics of people like Edg who milk such events for faux
emotions to trot out and wear on his oh-so-greasy sleeve and act out
over to replace the real emotions he doesn't feel any more.

That said, I'm not above pouring a little fuel on the fire of ego, in
the spirit of the "firemen" from Bradbury's "Fahrenheit 451." Burn,
baby, burn.

Slick Operator: The BP I've known too well,
by Greg Palast

I've seen this movie before.  In 1989, I was a fraud investigator hired 
to dig into the cause of the Exxon Valdez disaster.  Despite Exxon's 
name on that boat, I found the party most to blame for the destruction 
was ... British Petroleum. That's important to know, because the way BP 
caused devastation in Alaska is exactly the way BP is now sliming the 
entire Gulf Coast.

Tankers run aground, wells blow out, pipes burst.  It shouldn't happen 
but it does.  And when it does, the name of the game is containment.  
Both in Alaska, when the Exxon Valdez grounded, and in the Gulf over a 
week ago, when the Deepwater Horizon platform blew, it was British 
Petroleum that was charged with carrying out the Oil Spill Response 
Plans ("OSRP") which the company itself drafted and filed with the 

What's so insane, when I look over that sickening slick moving toward 
the Delta, is that containing spilled oil is really quite simple and 
easy.  And from my investigation, BP has figured out a very low cost way
to prepare for this task:  BP lies.  BP prevaricates, BP fabricates and 
BP obfuscates.

That's because responding to a spill may be easy and simple, but not at 
all cheap.  And BP is cheap.  Deadly cheap. To contain a spill, the main
thing you need is a lot of rubber, long  skirts of it called "boom." 
Quickly surround a spill or leak or burst,  then pump it out into
skimmers or disperse it, sink it or burn it.Simple.

But there's one thing about the rubber skirts:  you've got to have lots 
of it at the ready, with crews on standby in helicopters and on 
containment barges ready to roll.  They have to be in place round the 
clock, all the time, just like a fire department; even when all is 
operating A-OK. Because rapid response is the key. In Alaska,  that was
BP's job, as principal owner of the pipeline consortium  Alyeska.  It
is, as well, BP's job in the Gulf, as principal lessee of  the deepwater
oil concession.

Before the Exxon Valdez grounding, BP's Alyeska group claimed it had 
these full-time oil spill response crews.  Alyeska had hired Alaskan 
Natives, trained them to drop from helicopters into the freezing water 
and set boom in case of emergency. Alyeska also certified in writing 
that a containment barge with equipment was within five hours sailing of
any point in the Prince William Sound. Alyeska also told the state and 
federal government it had plenty of boom and equipment cached on Bligh 

But it was all a lie.  On that March night in 1989 when the Exxon Valdez
hit Bligh Reef in the Prince William Sound, the BP group had, in fact, 
not a lick of boom there.  And Alyeska had fired the Natives who had 
manned the full-time response teams, replacing them with phantom crews, 
lists of untrained employees with no idea how to control a spill.  And 
that containment barge at the ready was, in fact, laid up in a drydock 
in Cordova, locked under ice, 12 hours away.

As a result, the oil from the Exxon Valdez, which could have and should 
have been contained around the ship, spread out in a sludge tide that 
wrecked 1,200 miles of shoreline. And here we go again. Valdez goes

BP's CEO Tony Hayward reportedly asked, "What the hell did we do to 
deserve this?"

It's what you didn't do, Mr. Hayward. Where was BP's containment  barge
and response crew?  Why was the containment boom laid so damn  late, too
late and too little?  Why is it that the US Navy is hauling in  12 miles
of rubber boom and fielding seven skimmers, instead of BP?

Last year, CEO Hayward boasted that, despite increased oil production in
exotic deep waters, he had cut BP's costs by an extra one billion 
dollars a year.  Now we know how he did it.

As chance would have it, I was meeting last week with Louisiana lawyer 
Daniel Becnel Jr. when word came in of the platform explosion.  Daniel 
represents oil workers on those platforms; now he'll represent their 
bereaved families.  The Coast Guard called him.  They had found the 
emergency evacuation capsule floating in the sea and were afraid to open
it and disturb the coo

[FairfieldLife] Re: Video: Canadian Couple Arrested at US Border

2010-05-05 Thread lurkernomore20002000

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu  wrote:
> I actually had the Canadian border folks pull me and another TM
> in for questioning when we crossed the border to see a Paul Horn and
> Larry Domash thing in Vancouver BC. The teacher I was with just *had*
> to say "we're teachers on our way to a meeting" before I could say
> visiting" which was more pertinent. However the Canadian officers were
> not harsh nor rude. They were just concerned we were going up to steal
> teaching jobs away from Canadians. Boy did I yell at that idiot
> after they let us go. TM made some people really lame.
So,  the moral we are to take  away from this story is these TM teachers
are so lame because a Canadian border control agent asked them where
they were going, and they gave a simple straightforward answer instead
of divining what might have been in the back of the border control
agent's mind regarding the employment picture of Canadians?  And I
presume this happend 35 years ago? I'm not getting.  I'm afraid it says
a lot more about you  Bhairtu.  Like it might be getting close to the
end of the day, and you haven't gotten enough TM bashing in. 

[FairfieldLife] Why Bother with FFL?

2010-05-05 Thread Buck
Why do you keep interacting with Fairfield Life 
>(primarily with Curtis and Barry Turq)? 
>With all your involvement with the variety of saints and teachers, >with the 
>growth  you are having (I am basing that on from my reading >here on FFLife - 
>as a lurker) why do you bother with FFLife? You >MUST have better things to 
>do. I suggest it's an addiction and one >you can do without!

Dear One,

Actually my attachment here is way less than my pen-name appearance might 
And what of yours?  You moved away from Fairfield and dropped to posting hardly 
at all on FFL after some while.  Yet you keep coming back to read it.  Your 
addiction keeps you coming back, obviously.

As far as me, Curtis and Turq, I am interested academically in what they have 
to say.  

The same kinds of criticism Curtis and Turq make was leveled at other 
transcendentalists before.  Like Mother Anne both before and after her death, 
and at the Shaker org after her death as their next generations took over.  
Also at Emerson in his career as a teaching lecturing transcendentalist, he 
would get this same criticism, a contending & attack by deniers wanting to 
dispute POV and doctrine.  Same again against Elias Hicks in his time.  
Spiritual experience vs doctrine devoid of spiritual experience.   

Curtis and Turq are interesting because they are smart, well written, 
fallen-away, and deniers.  Classic sophists & to nearly the point of Pharisaic 
in their indictments.   I like them in that it is interesting to see it for 
what is by contrast.  That is my blog interest in it.  Is simply as 
exploration.  Like Chapter II Gita.   

I appreciate that folks write things often as an exploration of somethings.  A 
consideration.  There is a lot of that on FFL.  
Curtis and Turq are quite good at it & I like them a lot for that and actually 
don't take it personally.  The thing they lack is spiritual experience, that is 
all.  Their POV's often point in the right direction.  I like that they are 
spirited in their points of view even if wrong & then also they are not really 
bad like some.  

Is interesting that you picked up on that thread.  You never know who really is 
reading here.

And Fairfield?  I live here still and like it very much for many reasons.  I 
miss that you are no longer here and do not post much to FFL either.  I 
appreciate that you took the time to write to me out of concern directly about 
this.  Really I don't spend much time at all on FFL.  Most of what I might 
write I may text or jot down while I am out doing farm work as something occurs 
to me as I'm doing other things.  A lot of times I am four or five posts ahead 
waiting for a thread to develop in a direction.  As it always has been, it is 
incredibly easy to edit and lead FFL in directions depending on content.  I 
think it is great that Rick has kept this place as a blog to be used.  Some 
call it Rick's list, I look at it as a place for one of my blogs.  I write a 
lot otherwise too.  

In fact, FFL, Fairfield and the TMmovement discussions often are useful to the 
community here.  The sex, money & power, it all gets mitigated in ways and 
folks behave a little more accountably when brought (may be even flushed or 
dragged) out in the open.  That continues to be a power with the internet and 
in FFL as forum.There is a reality to that as, "you got to know the 

The communal value is that FFL still can serve as a place in the community 
where truth can get rendered down more quickly as things come up.  Like 
recently with Raja Nadar Tony and his wife.  FFL readership evidently goes up 
and down but becomes substantial and important when stuff like that happens 
simply because the movement.org is not inclined to tell the whole truth left to 
its own.  That is left to FFL for the benefit of those of us who do live here.  
Discovery is still the real value of FFL  & thanks to Rick and the other FFL 
moderators for hosting it.

Jai Adi Shankara,
-Buck in FF 


[FairfieldLife] Re: t r u t h o u t | Things Fall Apart

2010-05-05 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu  wrote:
> authfriend wrote:

> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu  wrote:
>  It's not necessarily about exaggeration either.  In this
>  case even I heard that by a number of credible sources the
>  rig fell on the well. How do you know that what you read
>  was *not* propaganda from BP or the oil bastards
> >>> You mean, the article titled "Mother of all gushers
> >>> could kill Earths oceans" could be propaganda from BP
> >>> or the oil bastards?
> >>>   
> >> No, these were calls from folks who work in that industry
> >> and know what is going on.  Sometimes you have to fight
> >> fire with fire.
> >
> > Man, sometimes you can be dense!
> You're the one who is about 45 degrees of course from what 
> I'm saying. But that's okay people often tell me I talk over 
> people's heads. ;-)

No, you just don't think you have to pay attention to
get what someone else is saying. 

Try reading that exchange again, see if you can figure
out why it made no sense to suggest it was all BP's

> >> You mean like the twin towers should have fallen over
> >> rather than on their footprint?
> >
> > They sank in the ocean?
> Good example right here.  You're supposed to be an editor
> but missed that "like" was the active word in my sentence.
> Of course I was also ribbing you.

And you didn't get that I was mocking your exceedingly
lame attempt to rib me. That's on top of your idiotic
notion that the rig would have fallen one mile straight
down--which you fell for because your "credible sources"
told you so, but you didn't think it through.

[FairfieldLife] Fwd: While Oil Slick Spread, Interior Department Chief of Staff Rafted with W...

2010-05-05 Thread WLeed3
If some blame is to be shared here may be one to share some with

 From: wle...@aol.com
To: wle...@aol.com
Sent: 5/5/2010 10:43:34 P.M.  Eastern Daylight Time
Subj: While Oil Slick Spread, Interior Department  Chief of Staff Rafted 
with Wife on "Work-Focused" Trip in Grand Canyon -  Political Punch


This  message was sent by wle...@aol.com via http://addthis.com.  Please 
note  that AddThis does not verify email addresses.

Make sharing easier with  the AddThis Toolbar:   

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: t r u t h o u t | Things Fall Apart

2010-05-05 Thread Bhairitu
authfriend wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu  wrote:
>> authfriend wrote:
>>> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu  wrote:
 authfriend wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu  wrote:
>> authfriend wrote:
>>> Not that this isn't all horrendously dire, but it really
>>> doesn't help to exaggerate it.
>> Or maybe it does.  I've said before it's a tug-a-war and
>> sometimes you have to exaggerate to win or just pull
>> things back into reason.
> It's *way more* than bad enough to do that just by
> reporting it accurately. That's my point.
 It's not necessarily about exaggeration either.  In this
 case even I heard that by a number of credible sources the
 rig fell on the well. How do you know that what you read
 was *not* propaganda from BP or the oil bastards
>>> You mean, the article titled "Mother of all gushers
>>> could kill Earths oceans" could be propaganda from BP
>>> or the oil bastards?
>> No, these were calls from folks who work in that industry
>> and know what is going on.  Sometimes you have to fight
>> fire with fire.
> Man, sometimes you can be dense!

You're the one who is about 45 degrees of course from what I'm saying.  
But that's okay people often tell me I talk over people's heads. ;-)
>> You mean like the twin towers should have fallen over
>> rather than on their footprint?
> They sank in the ocean?

Good example right here.  You're supposed to be an editor but missed 
that "like" was the active word in my sentence.  Of course I was also 
ribbing you.

[FairfieldLife] Re: t r u t h o u t | Things Fall Apart

2010-05-05 Thread shukra69

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine  wrote:
> On May 5, 2010, at 1:32 PM, Bhairitu wrote:
> > It is no wonder that the ancients of India put business people on the 
> > third rung of the ladder just above the the blue collar folks.  They 
> > aren't bright enough to run anything much more than a vegetable cart.
> Yeah, the "ancients" of India were so successful at
> creating a fully equal, scrupulously honest society
> with little poverty or starvation, weren't they?
yes they did
> > As for oil we should have start moving away from that messy, dirty 
> > industry over 30 years ago.  We *do* have the brains and techologies to 
> > do so.
> Agreed.  Maybe this will do it.
> Sal

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Bloomberg speculates that Times Square car bombing because of health care bill

2010-05-05 Thread Bhairitu
I'm pitta/kapha consitution too.  A lot of Americans are according to 
Chopra.  I'm 5'8" and supposedly big boned according to my trainer but I 
might dispute that as being medium boned.   With one diet in the 1970s I 
went down to 140 lbs which was too skinny and vata aggravated.  The ND 
who put me on that in the summer would have done well to adjust it come 
autumn as I started to notice the cold weather more.  Dr. Robert Svoboda 
said we eat for our minds and not our bodies which is why so many people 
fail on diets because they often can't do their work when on them.  I 
know several people who told me their doctor put them on a diet and when 
they started losing their judgment skills they dropped it like a hot potato.

Mike Dixon wrote:
> I'm pretty much Pitta/Kapha. 5'11", medium bone,185. By the time I had lost 
> 170 lbs, I'm sure a significant part of that was muscle, thus the current 
> weight training program I'm following. In January, I was 19% body fat at 198 
> lbs., probably about 15-16% body fat at 185, as of now.< Losing muscle mass 
> will slow the metabolism down, the body thinks it's starving and finds a way 
> to slow the process down. Gaining muscle stimulates the metabolism and helps 
> burn calories faster. I think people on vegetarian diets will lose muscle, 
> thus slow their metabolisms down, making it harder to lose unwanted pounds.
> From: Bhairitu 
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> Sent: Wed, May 5, 2010 11:41:05 AM
> Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Bloomberg speculates that Times Square car 
> bombing because of health care bill
> Yes, congrats on that. I've been fighting the battle of bulge much of 
> my life. However I also been going for jogs or walks daily since the 
> 1970s. My thighs are very muscular from supporting the extra weight. 
> I'm curious about how tall you are and are you also big boned? That 
> would make a difference as to how you were perceived as being 
> overweight. In my case I just look husky to a lot of people.
> Losing weight is not easy except to those vata types who have never had 
> to do so and they often think it's all a matter of taking in less 
> calories. What often happens with some folks if when they reduced 
> calories they lose energy and hence no weight loss. There really are 
> people who can gain weight on a fast.
> I also think for some people meditation can be fattening because it 
> reduces the metabolism and some folks don't need their metabolism 
> reduced any further. In fact for those folks one chiropractor who was a 
> TM'er and wrote a book I read back in the early 1980s strongly believed 
> that these folks need to do exercise instead of meditating (or at least 
> balance the meditation with exercise).
> Mike Dixon wrote:
>> Thank God I don't have one(pace maker)! Dr. Shahzad just keeps an eye on my 
>> blood pressure which is pretty good after losing 170 lbs.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Bloomberg speculates that Times Square car bombing because of health care bill

2010-05-05 Thread Bhairitu
anatol_zinc wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Mike Dixon  wrote:
>> . I think people on vegetarian diets will lose muscle, thus slow their 
>> metabolisms down, making it harder to lose unwanted pounds.
> please watch :
> hthttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yG-1otuCgF4
> tp://www.emilyboller.com/transformation.htm 
> Joel Fuhrman MD: Curing with the vegan diet 
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8XIMotCQ1MY 
> Dr. Fuhrman Cures Diabetes - But Drug Companies Object 
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=46_GInjBeQU 
> Russell Simmons on his vegan diet, Obama and yoga 
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Ag5wDXEsX8
> Reverse Type Two Diabetes With a Vegan Diet
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o3Bu6MJZbW0
> be veg, go green, save the planet

Vegan diets may only help people of a certain metabolic type and then 
only temporarily.   It may only work long term if you have about 8 
generations of vegans in your family.  The detoxification from  the 
vegan diet will make people feel healthier but as they start to lose 
muscle tone they may not feel so good.  Just because you may feel good 
now on an ayurvedic diet doesn't mean you will a year from now.  I've 
been down that road before.  The vegan diet is also a conspiracy to make 
the masses weak and submissive. ;-)

[FairfieldLife] Re: Bloomberg speculates that Times Square car bombing because of health care bill

2010-05-05 Thread anatol_zinc
sorry, here's the correct links( first two):


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "anatol_zinc"  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Mike Dixon  wrote:
> >
> >. I think people on vegetarian diets will lose muscle, thus slow their 
> >metabolisms down, making it harder to lose unwanted pounds.
> > 
> > 
> please watch :
> hthttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yG-1otuCgF4
> tp://www.emilyboller.com/transformation.htm 
> Joel Fuhrman MD: Curing with the vegan diet 
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8XIMotCQ1MY 
> Dr. Fuhrman Cures Diabetes - But Drug Companies Object 
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=46_GInjBeQU 
> Russell Simmons on his vegan diet, Obama and yoga 
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Ag5wDXEsX8
> Reverse Type Two Diabetes With a Vegan Diet
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o3Bu6MJZbW0
> be veg, go green, save the planet

[FairfieldLife] Re: Bloomberg speculates that Times Square car bombing because of health care bill

2010-05-05 Thread anatol_zinc
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Mike Dixon  wrote:
>. I think people on vegetarian diets will lose muscle, thus slow their 
>metabolisms down, making it harder to lose unwanted pounds.


please watch :


Joel Fuhrman MD: Curing with the vegan diet 

Dr. Fuhrman Cures Diabetes - But Drug Companies Object 
Russell Simmons on his vegan diet, Obama and yoga 

Reverse Type Two Diabetes With a Vegan Diet

be veg, go green, save the planet

[FairfieldLife] Post Count

2010-05-05 Thread FFL PostCount
Fairfield Life Post Counter
Start Date (UTC): Sat May 01 00:00:00 2010
End Date (UTC): Sat May 08 00:00:00 2010
265 messages as of (UTC) Thu May 06 00:08:15 2010

34 WillyTex 
33 authfriend 
29 TurquoiseB 
28 Bhairitu 
19 lurkernomore20002000 
19 Rick Archer 
13 Yifu Xero 
12 "do.rflex" 
11 Duveyoung 
 8 wle...@aol.com
 8 Mike Dixon 
 6 nablusoss1008 
 6 cardemaister 
 6 John 
 5 Buck 
 3 guyfawkes91 
 3 ditzyklanmail 
 3 andrasayer 
 3 Sal Sunshine 
 2 tartbrain 
 2 raunchydog 
 1 yifuxero 
 1 wayback71 
 1 sgrayatlarge 
 1 paultrunk 
 1 merlin 
 1 liliensteinbalmelli 
 1 azgrey 
 1 anatol_zinc 
 1 FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 1 Dick Mays 
 1 David Hawthorne 
 1 Alex Stanley 

Posters: 33
Saturday Morning 00:00 UTC Rollover Times
Daylight Saving Time (Summer):
US Friday evening: PDT 5 PM - MDT 6 PM - CDT 7 PM - EDT 8 PM
Europe Saturday: BST 1 AM CEST 2 AM EEST 3 AM
Standard Time (Winter):
US Friday evening: PST 4 PM - MST 5 PM - CST 6 PM - EST 7 PM
Europe Saturday: GMT 12 AM CET 1 AM EET 2 AM
For more information on Time Zones: www.worldtimezone.com 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Bloomberg speculates that Times Square car bombing because of health care bill

2010-05-05 Thread Mike Dixon
I'm pretty much Pitta/Kapha. 5'11", medium bone,185. By the time I had lost 170 
lbs, I'm sure a significant part of that was muscle, thus the current weight 
training program I'm following. In January, I was 19% body fat at 198 lbs., 
probably about 15-16% body fat at 185, as of now.< Losing muscle mass will slow 
the metabolism down, the body thinks it's starving and finds a way to slow the 
process down. Gaining muscle stimulates the metabolism and helps burn calories 
faster. I think people on vegetarian diets will lose muscle, thus slow their 
metabolisms down, making it harder to lose unwanted pounds.

From: Bhairitu 
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Wed, May 5, 2010 11:41:05 AM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Bloomberg speculates that Times Square car 
bombing because of health care bill

Yes, congrats on that. I've been fighting the battle of bulge much of 
my life. However I also been going for jogs or walks daily since the 
1970s. My thighs are very muscular from supporting the extra weight. 
I'm curious about how tall you are and are you also big boned? That 
would make a difference as to how you were perceived as being 
overweight. In my case I just look husky to a lot of people.

Losing weight is not easy except to those vata types who have never had 
to do so and they often think it's all a matter of taking in less 
calories. What often happens with some folks if when they reduced 
calories they lose energy and hence no weight loss. There really are 
people who can gain weight on a fast.

I also think for some people meditation can be fattening because it 
reduces the metabolism and some folks don't need their metabolism 
reduced any further. In fact for those folks one chiropractor who was a 
TM'er and wrote a book I read back in the early 1980s strongly believed 
that these folks need to do exercise instead of meditating (or at least 
balance the meditation with exercise).

Mike Dixon wrote:
> Thank God I don't have one(pace maker)! Dr. Shahzad just keeps an eye on my 
> blood pressure which is pretty good after losing 170 lbs.


[FairfieldLife] Re: t r u t h o u t | Things Fall Apart

2010-05-05 Thread authfriend

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu  wrote:
> authfriend wrote:
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu  wrote:
> >   
> >> authfriend wrote:
> >> 
> >>> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu  wrote:
> >>>   
> >>>   
>  authfriend wrote:
> >>> 
> >>>   
> >>>   
> > Not that this isn't all horrendously dire, but it really
> > doesn't help to exaggerate it.
> >   
> >   
>  Or maybe it does.  I've said before it's a tug-a-war and
>  sometimes you have to exaggerate to win or just pull
>  things back into reason.
> >>> It's *way more* than bad enough to do that just by
> >>> reporting it accurately. That's my point.
> >>>   
> >> It's not necessarily about exaggeration either.  In this
> >> case even I heard that by a number of credible sources the
> >> rig fell on the well. How do you know that what you read
> >> was *not* propaganda from BP or the oil bastards
> >
> > You mean, the article titled "Mother of all gushers
> > could kill Earths oceans" could be propaganda from BP
> > or the oil bastards?
> No, these were calls from folks who work in that industry
> and know what is going on.  Sometimes you have to fight
> fire with fire.

Man, sometimes you can be dense!

The "Mother of all gushers" article was the one in which
the references to the rig falling on the well were *crossed
out* because they were inaccurate. This is on a Web site
that promotes alternative sources of energy; it's anti-
Big Oil.

That's how I know it wasn't BP propaganda.

> > Maybe you want to go back and read my post again...
> >   
> I'm not concerned enough to bother.  My discussion anyway
> is about casual talk and abstract discussion.

Common sense is always good.

> > Actually, what you should have learned is that your
> > sources weren't as credible as you assumed, at least
> > on that point.
> >
> > Do you have any idea how big that rig was? The idea
> > that it would have sunk a mile straight down through
> > the ocean and landed neatly on top of the wellhead
> > makes no sense just on its face. It's not like
> > dropping a pebble into a pond.
> >   
> You mean like the twin towers should have fallen over
> rather than on their footprint?

They sank in the ocean?

Come on, man! Use the old bean!

> >>> What you really need to do is build *trust* by being
> >>> scrupulously accurate and doing your bit to debunk
> >>> unrealistic alarmism. Then folks are much more likely
> >>> to pay attention to your recommendations, rather than
> >>> dismissing them out of hand.
> >>>   
> >> Why is it so important for someone to have folks *pay
> >> attention* to their recommendations?  Is it about
> >> *the ego?*
> >
> > First you say you need to exaggerate to get people's
> > attention, now you say their attention isn't important
> > and it's egotistical to want it. Better do a little
> > rethinking here...
> No, it's to  *counter* the propaganda.  That has nothing
> to do with ego.  But being concerned about your position
> does.  Sometimes we just throw out things for the sake of
> argument.

"Here's the real skinny, don't listen to their propaganda"
is what I'd call a recommendation.

That's the whole point. If you distort and exaggerate
instead of giving the real skinny, folks aren't going to
trust you when you say the oil bastards are distorting
and exaggerating.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Video: Canadian Couple Arrested at US Border

2010-05-05 Thread Alex Stanley

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu  wrote:
> Well it's actually the audio but the couple was able to record
> the whole thing.  Welcome to US folks!  Speaks poorly of the US
> doesn't it?
> http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=815_1272954615

I think it speaks a lot more poorly of the Canadian guy. Sure, the border 
control agent was a power-tripping douchebag, but only a complete fucking idiot 
would mouth off like that to someone in that position of authority. If he had 
just calmly answered the questions instead of objecting to them, he and his 
wife would probably have driven through without incident. 

I'm more shocked about the recent incident in Baltimore, where a worthless 
shitbag of a cop arrested a Virginia couple for the serious crime of getting 
lost and asking the police for directions.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Video: Canadian Couple Arrested at US Border

2010-05-05 Thread Bhairitu
WillyTex wrote:
> Bhairitu:
>> Well it's actually the audio but the couple was able to 
>> record the whole thing.   
>> http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=815_1272954615
> Another crack-pot video link?
>> Welcome to US folks! Speaks poorly of the US doesn't it?
> You just couldn't resist posting at least one America-bash
> today could you?

And you actually listened to the video?  What was the name of the mall 
they were going to go shopping at?

I actually had the Canadian border folks pull me and another TM teacher  
in for questioning when we crossed the border to see a Paul Horn and 
Larry Domash thing in Vancouver BC.  The teacher I was with just *had* 
to say "we're teachers on our way to a meeting" before I could say "just 
visiting" which was more pertinent.   However the Canadian officers were 
not harsh nor rude.  They were just concerned we were going up to steal 
teaching jobs away from Canadians.  Boy did I yell at that idiot teacher 
after they let us go.  TM made some people really lame.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: t r u t h o u t | Things Fall Apart

2010-05-05 Thread Bhairitu
authfriend wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu  wrote:
>> authfriend wrote:
>>> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu  wrote:
 authfriend wrote:
> Not that this isn't all horrendously dire, but it really
> doesn't help to exaggerate it.
 Or maybe it does.  I've said before it's a tug-a-war and
 sometimes you have to exaggerate to win or just pull
 things back into reason.
>>> It's *way more* than bad enough to do that just by
>>> reporting it accurately. That's my point.
>> It's not necessarily about exaggeration either.  In this
>> case even I heard that by a number of credible sources the
>> rig fell on the well. How do you know that what you read
>> was *not* propaganda from BP or the oil bastards
> You mean, the article titled "Mother of all gushers
> could kill Earths oceans" could be propaganda from BP
> or the oil bastards?

No, these were calls from folks who work in that industry and know what 
is going on.  Sometimes you have to fight fire with fire.
> Maybe you want to go back and read my post again...
I'm not concerned enough to bother.  My discussion anyway is about 
casual talk and abstract discussion.
> Actually, what you should have learned is that your
> sources weren't as credible as you assumed, at least
> on that point.
> Do you have any idea how big that rig was? The idea
> that it would have sunk a mile straight down through
> the ocean and landed neatly on top of the wellhead
> makes no sense just on its face. It's not like
> dropping a pebble into a pond.
You mean like the twin towers should have fallen over rather than on 
their footprint?

>>> What you really need to do is build *trust* by being
>>> scrupulously accurate and doing your bit to debunk
>>> unrealistic alarmism. Then folks are much more likely
>>> to pay attention to your recommendations, rather than
>>> dismissing them out of hand.
>> Why is it so important for someone to have folks *pay
>> attention* to their recommendations?  Is it about
>> *the ego?*
> First you say you need to exaggerate to get people's
> attention, now you say their attention isn't important
> and it's egotistical to want it. Better do a little
> rethinking here...

No, it's to  *counter* the propaganda.  That has nothing to do with 
ego.  But being concerned about your position does.  Sometimes we just 
throw out things for the sake of argument.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: t r u t h o u t | Things Fall Apart

2010-05-05 Thread Bhairitu
Sal Sunshine wrote:
> On May 5, 2010, at 3:40 PM, Bhairitu wrote:
>> Sal Sunshine wrote:
>>> On May 5, 2010, at 1:32 PM, Bhairitu wrote:
 It is no wonder that the ancients of India put business people on the 
 third rung of the ladder just above the the blue collar folks.  They 
 aren't bright enough to run anything much more than a vegetable cart.

>>> Yeah, the "ancients" of India were so successful at
>>> creating a fully equal, scrupulously honest society
>>> with little poverty or starvation, weren't they?
>> Are you speaking of around 600-1000 AD?
> What's the difference?  Up until very recently,
> it's always been the same story over there.
> Sal

No, it hasn't been the same.  You might like to watch the PBS series on 
India.  That's why I asked about those dates.  Those were periods of 
high civilization in India.  This was before the hordes invaded 
including the European ones.   The caste system was developed to help 
people find their dharma and was not meant to be repressive.  Kinda like 
you might do better being a musician than a basketball player.  The 
caste system is explained in either episode 1 or 2.

[FairfieldLife] Jeffrey Smith's Talk on Hazards of GMO Now Online at KHOE.org

2010-05-05 Thread Rick Archer
Jeffrey Smith's Talk on Hazards of GMO Now Online at KHOE.org

The talk given by Jeffrey Smith, on the hazards of GMO in Dalby Hall on the
campus of Maharishi University of Management last Thursday, April 29th is
available to listen to on the KHOE website, www.khoe.org.

Listen to the first full presentation given in Fairfield by best-selling
author Jeffrey Smith. What to know, what to do and what not to do to keep
you, your family and the world free from genetically modified foods. A very
good talk.

Just click on the icon in the upper right corner of the home page of KHOE's
website - http://www.khoe.org

[FairfieldLife] Protect Yourself from Psychic Interference - Workshop May 15th

2010-05-05 Thread liliensteinbalmelli
Protect Yourself from Psychic Interference

-Saturday, May 15th, 2010-

 As the world heads into the 2012 era and as the speed of celestial evolution 
ramps up, 'Light Workers' can expect greater interference and more pressure 
being placed upon their shoulders and individual lives... 


Rev. Brian Keneipp (Executive Director of The Aetherius Society America) and 
Luis Minero (Director of the International Academy of Consciousness - 
California) join forces for this timely seminar in Southern California. They 
will lecture on the metaphysics behind psychic interference and how you can 
recognize it and what to do when it is detected in your life. During this 
seminar you will also learn several advanced techniques of mind training to 
detect and avoid such interferences.
As you need protective clothing and devices in physical combat, so too in 
psychic combat. The tools needed are mental and psychic.
If properly protected, 'Light Workers' can more proficiently perform the 
Spiritual Service so needed on Earth in these days.

Date: Saturday, May 15th from 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Cost: $15 advanced - $25 at the door

Location: The Aetherius Society,  6202 Afton Place, Los Angeles, CA 90028

Info: (323) 465-9652 or email i...@aetherius.org


To purchase tickets: http://psychicinterference.eventbrite.com

Luis Minero has been an instructor and researcher with IAC (International 
Academy of Consciousness) since 1996. He has over 20 years of personal 
experience with paranormal phenomena, and is interviewed regularly on radio and 
TV programs throughout the world. He is currently the director of IAC's 
California Office, and is the Administrative Director of IAC globally.
For further infomation on the IAC, please visit: http://www.iacworld.org

Brian C. Keneipp is the editor of the New Age journal Cosmic Voice. He has 
lectured in the United States and Great Britain on a wide variety of New Age 
subjects, and is the author of "Operation Earth Light: A Glimpse Into The World 
Of the Ascended Masters."  He is currently the Executive Director of The 
Aetherius Society in America, and is an International Director of The Aetherius 
Society worldwide. With a background in science and corporate management, he 
retains a balanced, common sense approach to the sometimes mysterious world of 
For further information on The Aetherius Society, please visit: 
For more information on Brian, visit: http://briankeneipp.com 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: t r u t h o u t | Things Fall Apart

2010-05-05 Thread Sal Sunshine
On May 5, 2010, at 3:40 PM, Bhairitu wrote:
> Sal Sunshine wrote:
>> On May 5, 2010, at 1:32 PM, Bhairitu wrote:
>>> It is no wonder that the ancients of India put business people on the 
>>> third rung of the ladder just above the the blue collar folks.  They 
>>> aren't bright enough to run anything much more than a vegetable cart.
>> Yeah, the "ancients" of India were so successful at
>> creating a fully equal, scrupulously honest society
>> with little poverty or starvation, weren't they?
> Are you speaking of around 600-1000 AD?

What's the difference?  Up until very recently,
it's always been the same story over there.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Catalan Surveillance Comedy

2010-05-05 Thread nablusoss1008

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 
> Raj PatelWebsite and Blog of writer, activist and academic, Raj Patel
> * Home 
> * Raj 
> * Books 
> * Blog 
> * Events 
> * Videos 
> * Academic 
> * Int'l 
> « Passion's fruit
>  Catalan
> Surveillance ComedyBy Raj  on
> 05/4/2010 in Uncategorized

> [http://rajpatel.org/wp-content/uploads/2010/05/pl-george-orwell.jpg]
> http://rajpatel.org/wp-content/uploads/2010/05/pl-george-orwell.jpg

[FairfieldLife] Re: t r u t h o u t | Things Fall Apart

2010-05-05 Thread WillyTex

> > Yeah, the "ancients" of India were so successful at
> > creating a fully equal, scrupulously honest society
> > with little poverty or starvation, weren't they?
> >   
> Are you speaking of around 600-1000 AD?
Sal probably has no idea what period of Indian history 
she's referring to - it's an India-bash. Sal is obviously
prejudiced against Indians. Why would she care if it was
600-1000 AD or not? She hates the Maharishi - that's
enough to cause her to hate all Indians as a group. Judy
says Sal is pretty stupid, so go figure.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Video: Canadian Couple Arrested at US Border

2010-05-05 Thread WillyTex
> Well it's actually the audio but the couple was able to 
> record the whole thing.   
> http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=815_1272954615
Another crack-pot video link?

> Welcome to US folks! Speaks poorly of the US doesn't it?
You just couldn't resist posting at least one America-bash
today could you?

[FairfieldLife] Re: t r u t h o u t | Things Fall Apart

2010-05-05 Thread WillyTex

Rick Archer:
> "You have to figure President Obama is kicking 
> himself, and his advisers, for making that 
> ill-timed announcement about opening up offshore 
> oil drilling..." 
"The Interior Department exempted BP's calamitous 
Gulf of Mexico drilling operation from a detailed 
environmental impact analysis last year, according 
to government documents, after three reviews of 
the area concluded that a massive oil spill was 

Read more: 

By Juliet Eilperin
Washington Post Staff Writer
Wednesday, May 5, 2010

[FairfieldLife] Video: Canadian Couple Arrested at US Border

2010-05-05 Thread Bhairitu
Well it's actually the audio but the couple was able to record the whole 
thing.   Welcome to US folks!  Speaks poorly of the US doesn't it?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: t r u t h o u t | Things Fall Apart

2010-05-05 Thread Bhairitu
Sal Sunshine wrote:
> On May 5, 2010, at 1:32 PM, Bhairitu wrote:
>> It is no wonder that the ancients of India put business people on the 
>> third rung of the ladder just above the the blue collar folks.  They 
>> aren't bright enough to run anything much more than a vegetable cart.
> Yeah, the "ancients" of India were so successful at
> creating a fully equal, scrupulously honest society
> with little poverty or starvation, weren't they?

Are you speaking of around 600-1000 AD?

[FairfieldLife] Re: t r u t h o u t | Things Fall Apart

2010-05-05 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu  wrote:
> authfriend wrote:
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu  wrote:
> >   
> >> authfriend wrote:
> >> 
> > 
> >   
> >>> Not that this isn't all horrendously dire, but it really
> >>> doesn't help to exaggerate it.
> >>>   
> >> Or maybe it does.  I've said before it's a tug-a-war and
> >> sometimes you have to exaggerate to win or just pull
> >> things back into reason.
> >
> > It's *way more* than bad enough to do that just by
> > reporting it accurately. That's my point.
> It's not necessarily about exaggeration either.  In this
> case even I heard that by a number of credible sources the
> rig fell on the well. How do you know that what you read
> was *not* propaganda from BP or the oil bastards

You mean, the article titled "Mother of all gushers
could kill Earths oceans" could be propaganda from BP
or the oil bastards?

Maybe you want to go back and read my post again...

Actually, what you should have learned is that your
sources weren't as credible as you assumed, at least
on that point.

Do you have any idea how big that rig was? The idea
that it would have sunk a mile straight down through
the ocean and landed neatly on top of the wellhead
makes no sense just on its face. It's not like
dropping a pebble into a pond.

> > What you really need to do is build *trust* by being
> > scrupulously accurate and doing your bit to debunk
> > unrealistic alarmism. Then folks are much more likely
> > to pay attention to your recommendations, rather than
> > dismissing them out of hand.
> Why is it so important for someone to have folks *pay
> attention* to their recommendations?  Is it about
> *the ego?*

First you say you need to exaggerate to get people's
attention, now you say their attention isn't important
and it's egotistical to want it. Better do a little
rethinking here...

[FairfieldLife] Re: t r u t h o u t | Things Fall Apart

2010-05-05 Thread Duveyoung
It's true, 50% of Earth's oxygen comes from phytoplankton.  Google it.

I can easily justify telling 80,000 oil workers to find other jobs if they're 
going to be part of a criminal enterprise that murders the Earth.  What kind of 
person would I be not to warn my neighbors about a mistake they are making that 
they may not have taken the time to get clear about?

Today's headlines say that this gusher could -- maybe any second now -- start 
spewing oil at a rate equal to that of the the Exxon Valdez EVERY FOUR DAYS.  

One pint of oil makes 250,000 gallons of seawater poisonous to living creatures 
in it.

I find myself aghast that Willy has come up with an even more evil stance than 
his imperialism.  Personally speaking, if they start lynching Oil Folks in the 
streets because they killed the oceans, I'll twitter until my fingers bleed to 
get the word out that Willy's a sympathizer.

I'll take a million more Turqs sniffing bicycle seats being on the planet if we 
but could throw Willy and his murderous mind into some prison cell for the 
crime against humanity that even his breathing seems to constitute.


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "WillyTex"  wrote:
> Duveyoung:
> > Kill the oceans and there goes 50% of the world's oxygen 
> > created by the single cell plants, phytoplankton, therein...  
> >
> Oh fer chrissakes, Edg, get some perspective! You sound like
> a crack-pot liberal with a cob up your ass. What's got into
> you (besides the cob), or have you always been such a radical
> fear monger? You're way over the top!
> "As for the environmental damage caused by Deepwater Horizon, 
> Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar deserves commendation 
> for reminding everybody over the weekend that off-shore 
> drilling is remarkably safe considering its scope and 
> importance to the nation. 
> There are presently more than 4,000 active rigs employing an 
> estimated 80,000 people on the U.S. outer continental shelf, 
> with the large majority of those operating in the Gulf of 
> Mexico..."
> Read more:
> 'Time for some oil spill perspective'
> Washington Examiner, Editorial, May 5, 2010
> http://tinyurl.com/266cl6r

[FairfieldLife] Catalan Surveillance Comedy

2010-05-05 Thread nablusoss1008
Raj PatelWebsite and Blog of writer, activist and academic, Raj Patel
* Home 
* Raj 
* Books 
* Blog 
* Events 
* Videos 
* Academic 
* Int'l 
« Passion's fruit
Surveillance ComedyBy Raj   on
05/4/2010 in Uncategorized 

[FairfieldLife] Re: t r u t h o u t | Things Fall Apart

2010-05-05 Thread WillyTex

Sal Sunshine: 
> Yeah, the "ancients" of India were so successful at
> creating a fully equal, scrupulously honest society
> with little poverty or starvation, weren't they?
Yeah, we couldn't go through a single week without at
least one bash against the ancients of India!

But, why you'd want to be prejudiced against the 
Indians for an oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico is 
beyond me. 

There is probably no need to 'clean up' the oil spill 
in the Gulf of Mexico. You guys are in a panic. The 
ocean will clean itself up. Oil is as natural as sea 
water itself.  

"While the BP oil geyser pumps millions of gallons 
of petroleum into the Gulf of Mexico, President Barack 
Obama and members of Congress may have to answer for 
the millions in campaign contributions they've taken 
from the oil and gas giant over the years..."

Read more:

'Obama biggest recipient of BP cash'
Posted by Erika Loveley
Politico, May 5, 2010

[FairfieldLife] Re: Oil Spills and Earthquakes Due to Mars

2010-05-05 Thread John

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, cardemaister  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "John"  wrote:
> >
> > Mars is still transiting its debilitation sign of Cancer.  In jotish, Mars 
> > is angry and furious to be in his weakest point in the zodiac.  Thus, we've 
> > seen oil spills and earthquakes in the very recent past.
> > 
> > In technical terms, Mars owns Scorpio a significator of oil wells among 
> > other things.  Mars also is a significator or karaka for earthquakes, 
> > storms and floods.
> > 
> > On a good note, Mars will enter the sign of Leo on May 27, 2010.  So, there 
> > should be some improvements in the world front and the natural order.
> > 
> > JR
> >
> FWIW, tropical Mars seems to be at almost 15 degrees of Leo at the moment...
> 15 Degrees of Leo is one of the worst degrees in the zodiac. Either natally 
> or in prediction. Prominent in the charts of serial killers, felons serving 
> life sentences, hard luck, etc. Helen Keller- blind/deaf had her chart 
> co-ruler, Mars at 15 degrees of Leo, along with no air signs. (Air signs are 
> communication). 
> http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Degrees.html

Vedic astrology uses the sidereal method of plotting the locations of the 
planets.  "Sidereal" means the background stars in which we view the course of 
the planets.  It is recognized that the sidereal method is more accurate since 
it accounts for the retrogression of the earth's axis, or the wobble of the 
earth.  At the present time, there is a difference of about 23 degrees between 
the tropical and sidereal methods.

[FairfieldLife] Re: t r u t h o u t | Things Fall Apart

2010-05-05 Thread WillyTex

> Kill the oceans and there goes 50% of the world's oxygen 
> created by the single cell plants, phytoplankton, therein...  
Oh fer chrissakes, Edg, get some perspective! You sound like
a crack-pot liberal with a cob up your ass. What's got into
you (besides the cob), or have you always been such a radical
fear monger? You're way over the top!

"As for the environmental damage caused by Deepwater Horizon, 
Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar deserves commendation 
for reminding everybody over the weekend that off-shore 
drilling is remarkably safe considering its scope and 
importance to the nation. 

There are presently more than 4,000 active rigs employing an 
estimated 80,000 people on the U.S. outer continental shelf, 
with the large majority of those operating in the Gulf of 

Read more:

'Time for some oil spill perspective'
Washington Examiner, Editorial, May 5, 2010

[FairfieldLife] Re: Oil Spills and Earthquakes Due to Mars

2010-05-05 Thread cardemaister

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "John"  wrote:
> Mars is still transiting its debilitation sign of Cancer.  In jotish, Mars is 
> angry and furious to be in his weakest point in the zodiac.  Thus, we've seen 
> oil spills and earthquakes in the very recent past.
> In technical terms, Mars owns Scorpio a significator of oil wells among other 
> things.  Mars also is a significator or karaka for earthquakes, storms and 
> floods.
> On a good note, Mars will enter the sign of Leo on May 27, 2010.  So, there 
> should be some improvements in the world front and the natural order.
> JR

FWIW, tropical Mars seems to be at almost 15 degrees of Leo at the moment...

15 Degrees of Leo is one of the worst degrees in the zodiac. Either natally or 
in prediction. Prominent in the charts of serial killers, felons serving life 
sentences, hard luck, etc. Helen Keller- blind/deaf had her chart co-ruler, 
Mars at 15 degrees of Leo, along with no air signs. (Air signs are 


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: t r u t h o u t | Things Fall Apart

2010-05-05 Thread Sal Sunshine
On May 5, 2010, at 1:32 PM, Bhairitu wrote:

> It is no wonder that the ancients of India put business people on the 
> third rung of the ladder just above the the blue collar folks.  They 
> aren't bright enough to run anything much more than a vegetable cart.

Yeah, the "ancients" of India were so successful at
creating a fully equal, scrupulously honest society
with little poverty or starvation, weren't they?

> As for oil we should have start moving away from that messy, dirty 
> industry over 30 years ago.  We *do* have the brains and techologies to 
> do so.

Agreed.  Maybe this will do it.


[FairfieldLife] Re: t r u t h o u t | Things Fall Apart

2010-05-05 Thread WillyTex

> > If you know any of them -- hate them openly, 
> > despise them openly, shame them openly, shame 
> > their families, shame their kids...
> > 
> We've now had 30 years of this kind of criminal 
> thinking...
You two bigots don't seem to be concerned that 
eleven men died in the explosion. In your zeal to 
discredit Bush and Cheney, Kennedy Jr. and Edg have
made themselves look like hypocrites. You're not
looking much better than Edg in this respect. When
are you two going to sell your car and your house
and start putting your money where your mouth is?

[FairfieldLife] Re: t r u t h o u t | Things Fall Apart

2010-05-05 Thread Duveyoung

Kill the oceans and there goes 50% of the world's oxygen created by the single 
cell plants, phytoplankton, therein.  

Of course, life is so interwoven that we should not ever think of the oceans 
have edges -- they are part of the land -- proof?ask an grizzly bear what 
the ocean's yearly gift of millions of tons of salmon meansor ask the land 
plants aside these rivers of fish how much they appreciate the fertilizing bear 
poop.  The intimacy of ocean to land is seamless, and the web of life is as 
delicate as it can be -- even a single species going extinct can cause a 
cascade of other species to die out and the land/sea boundary is pretty much 
non-existent to that process.

Here we are worrying about the Iceland volcanoes which total only a fraction of 
the number of oil rigs out there that could be as damaging as any of volcano 
has ever been -- even historically.


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rick Archer"  wrote:
> From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:fairfieldl...@yahoogroups.com]
> On Behalf Of Duveyoung
> Sent: Wednesday, May 05, 2010 12:18 PM
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: t r u t h o u t | Things Fall Apart
> If we don't get that gushing oil stopped, and this is not a lie, ALL THE
> OCEANS WILL DIE, and so will we in short order. 2012 has arrived early. That
> gusher can turn out to be as lethal as an incoming comet or super-volcano or
> gamma ray burst. 
> Why is that? If the oceans were to die, couldn't we still grow things on the
> land?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Bloomberg speculates that Times Square car bombing because of health care bill

2010-05-05 Thread WillyTex

> ...these folks need to do exercise instead of 
> meditating (or at least balance the meditation 
> with exercise).
Maybe so, but I've read that it's almost impossible
to lose weight by exercising. You can burn off a
few calories, but you'd have to stay on a bicycle
for hours to burn off the equivalent of a single
Coke. Exercising builds muscles and muscle tone,
but your weight probably will not be reduced.

Researchers have concluded that exercise training 
does not not lead to significant changes in body 
weight and body composition.

> > Thank God I don't have one(pace maker)! Dr. 
> > Shahzad just keeps an eye on my blood pressure 
> > which is pretty good after losing 170 lbs.
> >

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: t r u t h o u t | Things Fall Apart

2010-05-05 Thread Bhairitu
Edg, I grew up watching my older brother, a corporatist who went to 
school with rich sons of really big corporate heads, run his businesses 
unscrupulously.  To my horror I noticed in the 1980s and 90s that the 
next generation of business bumps were just like him or even more so.  
It was taking Nike's "just do it" to the extreme and adding "whether it 
is legal or ethical or not."  We've now had 30 years of this kind of 
criminal thinking.

We need to take away the oil companies "golden geese" because they have 
proven they can't take care of them.  It's like giving a little brat a 
puppy and the kid never takes care of it and you wind cleaning up after 
it and feeding it.  What does a good parent do?  They take it away from 
the kid.   Not only have the oil companies proven they're too bratty to 
run things but also so have the banks, telecoms, insurance companies,  
media companies, and so on.  Any company to big needs to be broken into 
a thousand pieces.

It is no wonder that the ancients of India put business people on the 
third rung of the ladder just above the the blue collar folks.  They 
aren't bright enough to run anything much more than a vegetable cart.

As for oil we should have start moving away from that messy, dirty 
industry over 30 years ago.  We *do* have the brains and techologies to 
do so.

Duveyoung wrote:
> If we don't get that gushing oil stopped, and this is not a lie, ALL THE 
> OCEANS WILL DIE, and so will we in short order.  2012 has arrived early.  
> That gusher can turn out to be as lethal as an incoming comet or 
> super-volcano or gamma ray burst.  
> Am I afraid?  YOU FUCKING BET I AM.
> I feel like the villagers helping toddler Krishna hold up the mountain with 
> sticks.  And with such obvious impotency relative to that of the Divinity, 
> one finds oneself wanting to at least use a bigger stick or wave it harder or 
> something -- ANYTHING -- to show one's emotions about the demonic-storm that 
> Krishna's mountain umbrella thwarts.
> Just so, the BigOil monster that we'd all at least symbolically want to try 
> to fight, DESERVES our exaggerations and, at this stage, our outright lies 
> about them.  Why not fight fire with fire?  BP's billions (trillions?) are 
> being protected by a mindfully constructed web of lies and obfuscations.  
> They simply do not deserve an "honest look-see" by the likes of us.  
> Our best tools are our blind outrage and our over-the-top knee-jerking hatred 
> of their environmental thuggery.  And do not discount the ire of the masses 
> having at least the power to make BP think a little harder next time it plans 
> to install drilling rigs without the safety equipment they had in Europe and 
> elsewhere, or, hopefully, to get something passed by congress NOW.
> I say that anyone who gases up at a BP station is abetting BP.  
> Drive 'em out of business, sez moi, and to those who are employed by BP -- 
> sorry, go get a job that isn't the equivalent of bashing fur seal pups.  And 
> that's NOT a lie or an exaggeration -- ask any Gulf pelican about the torture 
> of oil and see if it wouldn't rather have a fast death by clubbing.  And all 
> you other BigOil employees, yeah, it's not just BP, so you too.  
> These oil companies are owned by monsters, and these owners AND THEIR 
> EMPLOYEES are those that that need to be hunted down to the person -- not the 
> corporation -- the actual human beings doing this shit.  Hunted down and 
> stared at like you'd stare at someone standing over a body with a smoking gun.
> If you know any of them -- hate them openly, despise them openly, shame them 
> openly, shame their families, shame their kids, shun them, cut them no break, 
> yell at them, point at them as you would at a robber running from a bank, cuz 
> each and every one of them needs to see that they're the guards at the 
> concentration camp who are saying that they don't smell any smoke.  Rip off 
> their vile masks of denial about what they may right now doing to help a few 
> rich mofos kill our world -- KILL OUR WORLD.
> Yeah, the history of BigOil has been a slow-motion kind of murder so far, but 
> if we dodge this Gulf bullet, nay, this Gulf Extinction Level Event, then 
> shame shame shame on us if we don't do to these monsters what everyone thinks 
> should be done to Osama Bin Laden.  Take their money, take their status, take 
> their lives if that's the only way, send some flying drones into their 
> mansions, stop them, stop them, stop them.  These are terrorists in our midst 
> openly killing us, killing the Gulf, killing the world.  
> I'd rather have the FAR LESSER EVIL of, say, the KKK winning the next 
> election and making all non-whites wear a Star of David than have any BigOil 
> owner allowed the powers right now being used against the world.  Even the 
> fact that 10,000 children will die today from dirty water is not a sin as 
> great as what this Gulf Disaster may turn out to be.  Even ali

[FairfieldLife] Re: t r u t h o u t | Things Fall Apart

2010-05-05 Thread WillyTex

> Most here have long *sublimated their egos* to 
> the extent they are just interested in the ideas 
> not the *exact* facts...
The White House is in a panic over the oil spill,
and that's a fact. The interior secretary said that 
the industry "...has been conducted in a very safe 
manner. Blowouts occur but the safety mechanisms 
have been in place."

"Despite this current disaster, offshore oil 
drilling remains a risk well worth taking..."

Read more:

'Weighing the Benefits & Costs of Offshore Drilling'
By Ronald Bailey
Reason, May 4, 2010

[FairfieldLife] Re: t r u t h o u t | Things Fall Apart

2010-05-05 Thread WillyTex

> I'd rather have the FAR LESSER EVIL of, say, 
> the KKK winning the next election and making 
> all non-whites wear a Star of David than have 
> any BigOil owner allowed the powers right now 
> being used against the world
Informants on FFL, like Edg, won't pass a day 
without at least one Bush-bash, a queer joke or 
two, and at least one Jew-bait, and a Texas 
smear. Edg probably burned at least a gallon of
BP originated fuel this morning!

"From an environmental perspective, off-shore 
oil drilling is far safer than Mother Nature. As 
the Wall Street Journal noted yesterday, oil that 
seeps naturally from the ocean floor puts 47 
million gallons of crude into U.S. waters 
annually. Thus far, Deepwater Horizon has leaked 
about three million gallons..."

Read more:

'Time for some oil spill perspective'
Washington Examiner, Editorial, May 5, 2010

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Bloomberg speculates that Times Square car bombing because of health care bill

2010-05-05 Thread Bhairitu
Yes, congrats on that.  I've been fighting the battle of bulge much of 
my life.  However I also been going for jogs or walks daily since the 
1970s.  My thighs are very muscular from supporting the extra weight.  
I'm curious about how tall you are and are you also big boned?  That 
would make a difference as to how you were perceived as being 
overweight.  In my case I just look husky to a lot of people.

Losing weight is not easy except to those vata types who have never had 
to do so and they often think it's all a matter of taking in less 
calories.  What often happens with some folks if when they reduced 
calories they lose energy and hence no weight loss.  There really are 
people who can gain weight on a fast.

I also think for some people meditation can be fattening because it 
reduces the metabolism and some folks don't need their metabolism 
reduced any further.  In fact for those folks one chiropractor who was a 
TM'er and wrote a book I read back in the early 1980s strongly believed 
that these folks need to do exercise instead of meditating (or at least 
balance the meditation with exercise).

Mike Dixon wrote:
> Thank God I don't have one(pace maker)! Dr. Shahzad just keeps an eye on my 
> blood pressure which is pretty good after losing 170 lbs.

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: t r u t h o u t | Things Fall Apart

2010-05-05 Thread Rick Archer
From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:fairfieldl...@yahoogroups.com]
On Behalf Of Duveyoung
Sent: Wednesday, May 05, 2010 12:18 PM
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: t r u t h o u t | Things Fall Apart
If we don't get that gushing oil stopped, and this is not a lie, ALL THE
OCEANS WILL DIE, and so will we in short order. 2012 has arrived early. That
gusher can turn out to be as lethal as an incoming comet or super-volcano or
gamma ray burst. 
Why is that? If the oceans were to die, couldn't we still grow things on the

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: t r u t h o u t | Things Fall Apart

2010-05-05 Thread Bhairitu
authfriend wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu  wrote:
>> authfriend wrote:
>>> Not that this isn't all horrendously dire, but it really
>>> doesn't help to exaggerate it.
>> Or maybe it does.  I've said before it's a tug-a-war and
>> sometimes you have to exaggerate to win or just pull
>> things back into reason.
> It's *way more* than bad enough to do that just by
> reporting it accurately. That's my point.

It's not necessarily about exaggeration either.  In this case even I 
heard that by a number of credible sources the rig fell on the well.  
How do you know that what you read was *not* propaganda from BP or the 
oil bastards worried about losing their golden goose *which* IMO needs 
to be taken from them anyway because they act like a bunch of spoiled brats.

> When you exaggerate, and people catch you at it, they're
> liable to stop believing even accurate reports, because
> they assume they're exaggerated too.
Many of us speak abstractly.  We don't have the time nor *the ego* to 
care about digging up *the facts* and even then I would be careful of 
those sources.  Being *overly exactist* about *the facts* might indeed 
lead to even more embarrassment to those who have yet to *sublimate* 
their egos if proven wrong later.  Most here have long *sublimated their 
egos* to the extent they are just interested in the ideas not the 
*exact* facts.  We'll leave those to a court of law. ;-)

> What you really need to do is build *trust* by being
> scrupulously accurate and doing your bit to debunk
> unrealistic alarmism. Then folks are much more likely
> to pay attention to your recommendations, rather than
> dismissing them out of hand.

Why is it so important for someone to have folks *pay attention* to 
their recommendations?  Is it about *the ego?*

[FairfieldLife] Oil Spills and Earthquakes Due to Mars

2010-05-05 Thread John
Mars is still transiting its debilitation sign of Cancer.  In jotish, Mars is 
angry and furious to be in his weakest point in the zodiac.  Thus, we've seen 
oil spills and earthquakes in the very recent past.

In technical terms, Mars owns Scorpio a significator of oil wells among other 
things.  Mars also is a significator or karaka for earthquakes, storms and 

On a good note, Mars will enter the sign of Leo on May 27, 2010.  So, there 
should be some improvements in the world front and the natural order.


[FairfieldLife] ET Contact: Dr. Steven Greer

2010-05-05 Thread do.rflex

Dr Steven Greer gives an extensive (2 hr) interview by George Noory on Coast to 
Coast AM

Dr Greer reveals his early experience with ET's as he reviews the context and 
details of his CSETI and Disclosure Projects. 

As a reported TM teacher he also discusses the relationship of consciousness 
with the trans-dimensional technologies of the ET's and his experiences of 
Cosmic and God Consciousness.

He also discusses the hows, whos and whys of the well-orchestrated propaganda 
efforts to generate fear of ET's by, among many other programs of control and 
infiltration of civilian ET investigative groups, and the use of advanced 
technologies to fake frightening abduction events.

Much more is included in this interview... 

Follow the links to hear the whole thing -

ET Contact: Dr. Steven Greer Pt.1 

= = =

-Dr Steven Greer the TM Teacher-

According to Greer, he enrolled in Appalachian State University in Boone, North 
Carolina, but in 1974 he "left traditional college at Boone to enter teacher 
training at Maharishi International University". - 

Prior to becoming a physician, Dr. Greer worked extensively as an instructor of 
meditation and was president of the International Meditation Society in the 
- http://earthportals.com/Portal_Messenger/greer.html

[FairfieldLife] Re: t r u t h o u t | Things Fall Apart

2010-05-05 Thread Duveyoung
If we don't get that gushing oil stopped, and this is not a lie, ALL THE OCEANS 
WILL DIE, and so will we in short order.  2012 has arrived early.  That gusher 
can turn out to be as lethal as an incoming comet or super-volcano or gamma ray 


I feel like the villagers helping toddler Krishna hold up the mountain with 
sticks.  And with such obvious impotency relative to that of the Divinity, one 
finds oneself wanting to at least use a bigger stick or wave it harder or 
something -- ANYTHING -- to show one's emotions about the demonic-storm that 
Krishna's mountain umbrella thwarts.

Just so, the BigOil monster that we'd all at least symbolically want to try to 
fight, DESERVES our exaggerations and, at this stage, our outright lies about 
them.  Why not fight fire with fire?  BP's billions (trillions?) are being 
protected by a mindfully constructed web of lies and obfuscations.  

They simply do not deserve an "honest look-see" by the likes of us.  

Our best tools are our blind outrage and our over-the-top knee-jerking hatred 
of their environmental thuggery.  And do not discount the ire of the masses 
having at least the power to make BP think a little harder next time it plans 
to install drilling rigs without the safety equipment they had in Europe and 
elsewhere, or, hopefully, to get something passed by congress NOW.

I say that anyone who gases up at a BP station is abetting BP.  

Drive 'em out of business, sez moi, and to those who are employed by BP -- 
sorry, go get a job that isn't the equivalent of bashing fur seal pups.  And 
that's NOT a lie or an exaggeration -- ask any Gulf pelican about the torture 
of oil and see if it wouldn't rather have a fast death by clubbing.  And all 
you other BigOil employees, yeah, it's not just BP, so you too.  

These oil companies are owned by monsters, and these owners AND THEIR EMPLOYEES 
are those that that need to be hunted down to the person -- not the corporation 
-- the actual human beings doing this shit.  Hunted down and stared at like 
you'd stare at someone standing over a body with a smoking gun.

If you know any of them -- hate them openly, despise them openly, shame them 
openly, shame their families, shame their kids, shun them, cut them no break, 
yell at them, point at them as you would at a robber running from a bank, cuz 
each and every one of them needs to see that they're the guards at the 
concentration camp who are saying that they don't smell any smoke.  Rip off 
their vile masks of denial about what they may right now doing to help a few 
rich mofos kill our world -- KILL OUR WORLD.

Yeah, the history of BigOil has been a slow-motion kind of murder so far, but 
if we dodge this Gulf bullet, nay, this Gulf Extinction Level Event, then shame 
shame shame on us if we don't do to these monsters what everyone thinks should 
be done to Osama Bin Laden.  Take their money, take their status, take their 
lives if that's the only way, send some flying drones into their mansions, stop 
them, stop them, stop them.  These are terrorists in our midst openly killing 
us, killing the Gulf, killing the world.  

I'd rather have the FAR LESSER EVIL of, say, the KKK winning the next election 
and making all non-whites wear a Star of David than have any BigOil owner 
allowed the powers right now being used against the world.  Even the fact that 
10,000 children will die today from dirty water is not a sin as great as what 
this Gulf Disaster may turn out to be.  Even alien space monsters landing 
tomorrow to use us as cattle is not as great a sin as killing the whole fucking 

Rise up now, or die like a pelican.


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu  wrote:
> >
> > authfriend wrote:
> > > Not that this isn't all horrendously dire, but it really
> > > doesn't help to exaggerate it.
> > 
> > Or maybe it does.  I've said before it's a tug-a-war and
> > sometimes you have to exaggerate to win or just pull
> > things back into reason.
> It's *way more* than bad enough to do that just by
> reporting it accurately. That's my point.
> When you exaggerate, and people catch you at it, they're
> liable to stop believing even accurate reports, because
> they assume they're exaggerated too.
> What you really need to do is build *trust* by being
> scrupulously accurate and doing your bit to debunk
> unrealistic alarmism. Then folks are much more likely
> to pay attention to your recommendations, rather than
> dismissing them out of hand.

[FairfieldLife] Re: t r u t h o u t | Things Fall Apart

2010-05-05 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu  wrote:

> The opposition in this case would "see it isn't so bad after
> all so we don't need more regulation on this kind of drilling"
> and thus letting them continue to get away with careless
> practices.

BTW, in this case, from what I've been reading, it's not
just a matter of careless practices needing regulation.
With this super-deepwater drilling, they're playing with
fire. There's no way for them to be careful *enough*,
because they don't really know what they're dealing with
that far down; they're having to play it by ear.

In any case, whatever's going to happen will happen. Maybe
BP will pull off a miracle with the containment dams until
they can get another well dug to close off the one that's
gushing; maybe the "laws of nature" will kick in and seal
off the well through natural processes (not a woo-woo
possibility). And if the worst happens, it'll be all too
clear why they shouldn't have been messing around at that
depth in the first place.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Nutbag America - North Korea torpedoes Gulf Oil Rig

2010-05-05 Thread WillyTex
> > Nutbag America..
> >
> "Nutbag" is right...
You and John are obsessed with the fact that Bush 
lives in Texas - it's obvious. Why you'd resort to 
calling Americans 'tea baggers' and America 'Nutbag' 
is beyond me, since Alex already told you what that 
term means. You should apologize. That's what I 

[FairfieldLife] Re: t r u t h o u t | Things Fall Apart

2010-05-05 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu  wrote:
> authfriend wrote:

> > Not that this isn't all horrendously dire, but it really
> > doesn't help to exaggerate it.
> Or maybe it does.  I've said before it's a tug-a-war and
> sometimes you have to exaggerate to win or just pull
> things back into reason.

It's *way more* than bad enough to do that just by
reporting it accurately. That's my point.

When you exaggerate, and people catch you at it, they're
liable to stop believing even accurate reports, because
they assume they're exaggerated too.

What you really need to do is build *trust* by being
scrupulously accurate and doing your bit to debunk
unrealistic alarmism. Then folks are much more likely
to pay attention to your recommendations, rather than
dismissing them out of hand.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: t r u t h o u t | Things Fall Apart

2010-05-05 Thread Bhairitu
authfriend wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rick Archer"  wrote:
>> Disturbing worst case scenario article about the oil spill
>> and other matters.
>> http://www.truthout.org/things-fall-apart59152
> BTW, the quote from the engineer's letter from Pure Energy
> Systems has one crucial fact wrong: the sunken rig is *not*
> sitting on top of the wellhead. It landed quite a distance
> away and isn't an impediment to getting at the well.
> On the Pure Energy Systems site, those references have
> been crossed out. The date of the post with the letter
> is May 2.
> http://pesn.com/2010/05/02/9501643_Mother_of_all_gushers_could_kill_Earths_oceans/
> http://tinyurl.com/39xyqur
> William Rivers Pitts's piece on truthout is dated May 4.
> Why did he leave those mistaken parts in?
> He also does not quote a commentary from Pure Energy Systems
> on the engineer's letter that's considerably less overwrought.
> Not that this isn't all horrendously dire, but it really
> doesn't help to exaggerate it.

Or maybe it does.  I've said before it's a tug-a-war and sometimes you 
have to exaggerate to win or just pull things back into reason.  The 
opposition in this case would "see it isn't so bad after all so we don't 
need more regulation on this kind of drilling" and thus letting them 
continue to get away with careless practices.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Bloomberg speculates that Times Square car bombing because of health care bill

2010-05-05 Thread authfriend
*Very* good to hear. Must be a terrific feeling!

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Mike Dixon  wrote:
> Thanks Judy! I just got back from my cardiologist and having an echo 
> cardiogram with great results. My heart is no longer enlarged and the 
> thickening in the walls has returned to normal. I guess those hours in the 
> gym are paying off!

Re: [FairfieldLife]Blame Obama,nation for the BP Oil Spill&the slow fed responce

2010-05-05 Thread WLeed3
Oceanographic  ships 2 still NOT sent 1 in Miami @ present. Why must  blame 
be assigned any way action is what is desired. Remediation is what is to  
be done ASAP & capping the well head etc. NOT blame, however the buck stops  
where now?
In a message dated 5/5/2010 11:35:54 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  
raunchy...@yahoo.com writes:


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[FairfieldLife] Re: t r u t h o u t | Things Fall Apart

2010-05-05 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rick Archer"  wrote:
> Disturbing worst case scenario article about the oil spill
> and other matters.
> http://www.truthout.org/things-fall-apart59152

BTW, the quote from the engineer's letter from Pure Energy
Systems has one crucial fact wrong: the sunken rig is *not*
sitting on top of the wellhead. It landed quite a distance
away and isn't an impediment to getting at the well.

On the Pure Energy Systems site, those references have
been crossed out. The date of the post with the letter
is May 2.



William Rivers Pitts's piece on truthout is dated May 4.
Why did he leave those mistaken parts in?

He also does not quote a commentary from Pure Energy Systems
on the engineer's letter that's considerably less overwrought.

Not that this isn't all horrendously dire, but it really
doesn't help to exaggerate it.

[FairfieldLife] Blame Bush not Obama for the BP Oil Spill

2010-05-05 Thread raunchydog

[FairfieldLife] t r u t h o u t | Things Fall Apart

2010-05-05 Thread Rick Archer
Disturbing worst case scenario article about the oil spill and other

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Bloomberg speculates that Times Square car bombing because of health care bill

2010-05-05 Thread Mike Dixon
Thanks Judy! I just got back from my cardiologist and having an echo cardiogram 
with great results. My heart is no longer enlarged and the thickening in the 
walls has returned to normal. I guess those hours in the gym are paying off!

From: authfriend 
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Wed, May 5, 2010 7:26:56 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Bloomberg speculates that Times Square car bombing 
because of health care bill

Man, that's a tough call, Mike. Congrats for getting on
top of it. Stay in good shape, please!

--- In FairfieldLife@ yahoogroups. com, Mike Dixon  wrote:
> Yeah, they do have high efficiency standards and it was hard. Their motto is 
> "we run the tightest ship in the shipping business". I thought it should have 
> been "we CAN get blood out of a turnip". As a delivery driver I was expected 
> to make about 18 stops per hour, regardless of whether each stop only had 1 
> small light package or 100 packages up to 150 lbs. I usually  made that 
> quota or close enough due to good area knowledge and skilled methods learned 
> over my career, use your mind, not your body. However, my last year was in 18 
> wheelers. Now that was easy, no lifting or quotas, just safety. Hook up a 
> trailer or two, drive to Dallas or some other city, drop off the trailer and 
> hook  up one or two more to bring back. I thought I would last another 6 
> or 7 years. After slipping off the top step of my tractor one night and 
> falling backwards flat on my back, lumbar across a curb, an orthopedic doctor 
> found that I had Ankylosing Spondolitis and
 refused to
> let me return to work, said I was a liability to anyone that would hire me 
> and said another accident like that could kill me. Anyway I'm currently 185, 
> plastic surgeon told me not to lose anymore. 
>  _ _ __
> From: lurkernomore2000200 0 
> To: FairfieldLife@ yahoogroups. com
> Sent: Wed, May 5, 2010 4:37:23 AM
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Bloomberg speculates that Times Square car 
> bombing because of health care bill
> Wait, something not making sense. I thought you were a retired UPS driver? 
> So, if you lost 170 lbs., and if I speculate that you now weigh about 200 
> lbs., how were you a UPS driver scrambling around and maintaining their 
> efficiency ievels?
> --- In FairfieldLife@ yahoogroups. com, Mike Dixon  wrote:
> >
> > Thank God I don't have one(pace maker)! Dr. Shahzad just keeps an eye on my 
> > blood pressure which is pretty good after losing 170 lbs.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> >  _ _ __
> > From: authfriend 
> > To: FairfieldLife@ yahoogroups. com
> > Sent: Tue, May 4, 2010 12:39:20 PM
> > Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Bloomberg speculates that Times Square car 
> > bombing because of health care bill
> > 
> >   
> > --- In FairfieldLife@ yahoogroups. com, Mike Dixon  wrote:
> > >
> > > It's not supposed to?
> > 
> > Right up until just before it goes off... You want to
> > worry if it *stops* ticking.
> > 
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@ yahoogroups. com, Mike Dixon  
> > > wrote:
> > > >
> > > > I think I just heard that 8 people have been arrested in Pa- ki- 
> > > > stan as accomplices of Shahzad. Damn, that's my cardiologists name!
> > > 
> > > If your pacemaker starts ticking, I'd be worried... :-)
> >


[FairfieldLife] Re: Dr Steven Greer responds to Stephen Hawking's 'Aliens are Dangerous'

2010-05-05 Thread WillyTex

> > Cracks you up more than the 'malware' link he tried to
> > get you to click on?
> >
> He didn't try to get me to click on any link, as you know.
You need to stop the lying, Judy - I know no such thing.

You're the idiot that tried to argue against the author of 
the obvious hoax, and you're the idiot that clicked on the 
link posted by John, and almost got 'malware' on your 

Texas Fred knew it was a hoax, but you and John didn't. 
That's what cracks me up. 

Now I'm cracking up even more because you two actually 
think that a hoax posted on Euro Times makes America 
'Nutbag America'. 

You two are the scumbags that hate America. You're both 
prejudiced against Texans and Jews. And you both lie all 
the time about Americans. You two are trolls, that's what 
I think.

"This remark is the equivalent of using the 'n' word. It 
shows contempt for middle America, expressed knowingly,
contemptuously, on purpose, and with a smirk. 

It is indefensible to use this word. The president knows 
what it means, and his people know what it means. The 
public thought we reached a new low of incivility during 
the Clinton administration. 

Well, the Obama administration has just outdone them..."

Read more:

'Strong Brew'
By Jennifer Harper
Inside the Beltway, May 5, 2010

[FairfieldLife] Re: Bloomberg speculates that Times Square car bombing because of health care bill

2010-05-05 Thread authfriend
Man, that's a tough call, Mike. Congrats for getting on
top of it. Stay in good shape, please!

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Mike Dixon  wrote:
> Yeah, they do have high efficiency standards and it was hard. Their motto is 
> "we run the tightest ship in the shipping business". I thought it should have 
> been "we CAN get blood out of a turnip". As a delivery driver I was expected 
> to make about 18 stops per hour, regardless of whether each stop only had 1 
> small light package or 100 packages up to 150 lbs. I usually  made that 
> quota or close enough due to good area knowledge and skilled methods learned 
> over my career, use your mind, not your body. However, my last year was in 18 
> wheelers. Now that was easy, no lifting or quotas, just safety. Hook up a 
> trailer or two, drive to Dallas or some other city, drop off the trailer and 
> hook  up one or two more to bring back. I thought I would last another 6 
> or 7 years. After slipping off the top step of my tractor one night and 
> falling backwards flat on my back, lumbar across a curb, an orthopedic doctor 
> found that I had Ankylosing Spondolitis and refused to
>  let me return to work, said I was a liability to anyone that would hire me 
> and said another accident like that could kill me. Anyway I'm currently 185, 
> plastic surgeon told me not to lose anymore. 
> From: lurkernomore20002000 
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> Sent: Wed, May 5, 2010 4:37:23 AM
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Bloomberg speculates that Times Square car 
> bombing because of health care bill
> Wait, something not making sense. I thought you were a retired UPS driver? 
> So, if you lost 170 lbs., and if I speculate that you now weigh about 200 
> lbs., how were you a UPS driver scrambling around and maintaining their 
> efficiency ievels?
> --- In FairfieldLife@ yahoogroups. com, Mike Dixon  wrote:
> >
> > Thank God I don't have one(pace maker)! Dr. Shahzad just keeps an eye on my 
> > blood pressure which is pretty good after losing 170 lbs.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> >  _ _ __
> > From: authfriend 
> > To: FairfieldLife@ yahoogroups. com
> > Sent: Tue, May 4, 2010 12:39:20 PM
> > Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Bloomberg speculates that Times Square car 
> > bombing because of health care bill
> > 
> >   
> > --- In FairfieldLife@ yahoogroups. com, Mike Dixon  wrote:
> > >
> > > It's not supposed to?
> > 
> > Right up until just before it goes off... You want to
> > worry if it *stops* ticking.
> > 
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@ yahoogroups. com, Mike Dixon  
> > > wrote:
> > > >
> > > > I think I just heard that 8 people have been arrested in Pa- ki- 
> > > > stan as accomplices of Shahzad. Damn, that's my cardiologists name!
> > > 
> > > If your pacemaker starts ticking, I'd be worried... :-)
> >

[FairfieldLife] Re: Dr Steven Greer responds to Stephen Hawking's 'Aliens are Dangerous'

2010-05-05 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "WillyTex"  wrote:
> Judy:
> > Cracks me up...
> > 
> Cracks you up more than the 'malware' link he tried to
> get you to click on?

He didn't try to get me to click on any link, as
you know.

 Apparently John thought that the
> article was written by Texas Fred,

No, he didn't. He knew, as you know, that only the
introductory paragraph was written by Texas Fred.
Everything else was pasted in from eutimes.net.

 so he keyed in the
> subject line, 'Nutbag America', which you fell for.

As you know, "Nutbag America" refers to the fact that
Texas Fred fell for this absurd story from eutimes.net.

> Cracks me up!
> John: 
> > > Nutbag America...
> > >
> Judy: 
> > Be careful of this link, folks. I got a malware warning;
> > not sure if it was from my antivirus program or if the
> > warning itself was malware; I closed both immediately...
> >
> So, Manning tried to get you to go to a site that had a
> 'malware' link.

No, he didn't do any such thing, as you know. Texas
Fred pasted the story from eutimes.net into his blog
post, including that link, and the do.rk pasted in
Texas Fred's entire post. It's the link at the end
that may be to a troublesome page on eutimes.net.

 Are you surprised? I'd say it was a 
> 'Nutbagger down in Brazil' that sent you this link, not a 
> 'Nutbag America'.
> This story was apparently written by Sorcha Faal, aka 'The 
> Queen of Internet Hoax' stories. This is entirely fabricated 
> and is meant to stir up controversy and hysteria by John.

Willytex, it's pointless for you to lie about this 
(not that it damages your credibility any more than
it's already been damaged). The post in question is
#247200; anybody can check it out and see that you're

Texas Fred is obviously a right-wing nutbag, as the
do.rk noted in his subject heading. And you're a
scumbag for trying to lie about the do.rk's post.

> The EU Times seems to have plagiarized this story:
> http://www.whatdoesitmean.com/index1367.htm

[FairfieldLife] Re: Dr Steven Greer responds to Stephen Hawking's 'Aliens are Dangerous'

2010-05-05 Thread WillyTex

> Cracks me up...
Cracks you up more than the 'malware' link he tried to
get you to click on? Apparently John thought that the
article was written by Texas Fred, so he keyed in the
subject line, 'Nutbag America', which you fell for.

Cracks me up!

> > Nutbag America...
> >
> Be careful of this link, folks. I got a malware warning;
> not sure if it was from my antivirus program or if the
> warning itself was malware; I closed both immediately...
So, Manning tried to get you to go to a site that had a
'malware' link. Are you surprised? I'd say it was a 
'Nutbagger down in Brazil' that sent you this link, not a 
'Nutbag America'.

This story was apparently written by Sorcha Faal, aka 'The 
Queen of Internet Hoax' stories. This is entirely fabricated 
and is meant to stir up controversy and hysteria by John. 

The EU Times seems to have plagiarized this story:

[FairfieldLife] Re: Arizona's Immigration Mistake

2010-05-05 Thread WillyTex

> Law enforcement did not ask for and does 
> not need this new tool...
Producing a driver's license is not a 'new
tool', John. 

"When we board an airplane, we are asked to 
produce a government-issued photo ID, usually 
a driver's license. When we make some credit - 
or debit-card purchases in department stores, 
we are asked to produce a driver's license. 

When we enter many office buildings, both 
private and government, security guards 
often ask us to produce a driver's license. 

When we go to doctors' offices and hospitals, 
we are asked to produce a driver's license. 

When we check into hotels, we are asked to 
produce a driver's license. When we purchase 
some over-the-counter drugs, we are asked to 
produce a driver's license. 

If we go to a bar or nightclub, anyone who 
looks at all young is asked to produce a 
driver's license. 

And needless to say, if we have any encounter 
with police or other authorities, we are 
asked to produce a driver's license..."

Read more:

What America is Michael Gerson living in?
By Byron York
Washington Examiner, April 28, 2010

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Bloomberg speculates that Times Square car bombing because of health care bill

2010-05-05 Thread Mike Dixon
Yeah, they do have high efficiency standards and it was hard. Their motto is 
"we run the tightest ship in the shipping business". I thought it should have 
been "we CAN get blood out of a turnip". As a delivery driver I was expected to 
make about 18 stops per hour, regardless of whether each stop only had 1 small 
light package or 100 packages up to 150 lbs. I usually  made that quota or 
close enough due to good area knowledge and skilled methods learned over my 
career, use your mind, not your body. However, my last year was in 18 wheelers. 
Now that was easy, no lifting or quotas, just safety. Hook up a trailer or two, 
drive to Dallas or some other city, drop off the trailer and hook  up one or 
two more to bring back. I thought I would last another 6 or 7 years. After 
slipping off the top step of my tractor one night and falling backwards flat on 
my back, lumbar across a curb, an orthopedic doctor found that I had Ankylosing 
Spondolitis and refused to
 let me return to work, said I was a liability to anyone that would hire me and 
said another accident like that could kill me. Anyway I'm currently 185, 
plastic surgeon told me not to lose anymore. 

From: lurkernomore20002000 
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Wed, May 5, 2010 4:37:23 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Bloomberg speculates that Times Square car bombing 
because of health care bill

Wait, something not making sense. I thought you were a retired UPS driver? So, 
if you lost 170 lbs., and if I speculate that you now weigh about 200 lbs., how 
were you a UPS driver scrambling around and maintaining their efficiency ievels?

--- In FairfieldLife@ yahoogroups. com, Mike Dixon  wrote:
> Thank God I don't have one(pace maker)! Dr. Shahzad just keeps an eye on my 
> blood pressure which is pretty good after losing 170 lbs.
>  _ _ __
> From: authfriend 
> To: FairfieldLife@ yahoogroups. com
> Sent: Tue, May 4, 2010 12:39:20 PM
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Bloomberg speculates that Times Square car 
> bombing because of health care bill
> --- In FairfieldLife@ yahoogroups. com, Mike Dixon  wrote:
> >
> > It's not supposed to?
> Right up until just before it goes off... You want to
> worry if it *stops* ticking.
> > --- In FairfieldLife@ yahoogroups. com, Mike Dixon  wrote:
> > >
> > > I think I just heard that 8 people have been arrested in Pa- ki- 
> > > stan as accomplices of Shahzad. Damn, that's my cardiologists name!
> > 
> > If your pacemaker starts ticking, I'd be worried... :-)


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Bloomberg speculates that Times Square car bombing because of health care bill

2010-05-05 Thread Mike Dixon
Thanks!:) Couldn't have done it(again) without the by- pass. When portion sizes 
are that of a six year old, I don't expect it to gain it back! In fact, I have 
to down a high calorie protein drink almost everyday to maintain since getting 
into weight training.

From: TurquoiseB 
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Wed, May 5, 2010 4:12:48 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Bloomberg speculates that Times Square car bombing 
because of health care bill

--- In FairfieldLife@ yahoogroups. com, Mike Dixon  wrote:
> Thank God I don't have one(pace maker)! Dr. Shahzad just keeps 
> an eye on my blood pressure which is pretty good after losing 
> 170 lbs.

That's a pretty remarkable achievement. Congratulations.

>  _ _ __
> From: authfriend 
> To: FairfieldLife@ yahoogroups. com
> Sent: Tue, May 4, 2010 12:39:20 PM
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Bloomberg speculates that Times Square car 
> bombing because of health care bill
> --- In FairfieldLife@ yahoogroups. com, Mike Dixon  wrote:
> >
> > It's not supposed to?
> Right up until just before it goes off... You want to
> worry if it *stops* ticking.
> > --- In FairfieldLife@ yahoogroups. com, Mike Dixon  wrote:
> > >
> > > I think I just heard that 8 people have been arrested in Pa- ki- 
> > > stan as accomplices of Shahzad. Damn, that's my cardiologists name!
> > 
> > If your pacemaker starts ticking, I'd be worried... :-)


[FairfieldLife] Re: Bloomberg speculates that Times Square car bombing because of health care bill

2010-05-05 Thread lurkernomore20002000
Wait, something not making sense.  I thought you were a retired UPS driver?  
So, if you lost 170 lbs., and if I speculate that you now weigh about 200 lbs., 
how were you a UPS driver scrambling around and maintaining their efficiency 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Mike Dixon  wrote:
> Thank God I don't have one(pace maker)! Dr. Shahzad just keeps an eye on my 
> blood pressure which is pretty good after losing 170 lbs.
> From: authfriend 
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> Sent: Tue, May 4, 2010 12:39:20 PM
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Bloomberg speculates that Times Square car 
> bombing because of health care bill
> --- In FairfieldLife@ yahoogroups. com, Mike Dixon  wrote:
> >
> > It's not supposed to?
> Right up until just before it goes off... You want to
> worry if it *stops* ticking.
> > --- In FairfieldLife@ yahoogroups. com, Mike Dixon  wrote:
> > >
> > > I think I just heard that 8 people have been arrested in Pa- ki- 
> > > stan as accomplices of Shahzad. Damn, that's my cardiologists name!
> > 
> > If your pacemaker starts ticking, I'd be worried... :-)

[FairfieldLife] Re: Bloomberg speculates that Times Square car bombing because of health care bill

2010-05-05 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Mike Dixon  wrote:
> Thank God I don't have one(pace maker)! Dr. Shahzad just keeps 
> an eye on my blood pressure which is pretty good after losing 
> 170 lbs.

That's a pretty remarkable achievement. Congratulations.

> From: authfriend 
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> Sent: Tue, May 4, 2010 12:39:20 PM
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Bloomberg speculates that Times Square car 
> bombing because of health care bill
> --- In FairfieldLife@ yahoogroups. com, Mike Dixon  wrote:
> >
> > It's not supposed to?
> Right up until just before it goes off... You want to
> worry if it *stops* ticking.
> > --- In FairfieldLife@ yahoogroups. com, Mike Dixon  wrote:
> > >
> > > I think I just heard that 8 people have been arrested in Pa- ki- 
> > > stan as accomplices of Shahzad. Damn, that's my cardiologists name!
> > 
> > If your pacemaker starts ticking, I'd be worried... :-)

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Bloomberg speculates that Times Square car bombing because of health care bill

2010-05-05 Thread Mike Dixon
Thank God I don't have one(pace maker)! Dr. Shahzad just keeps an eye on my 
blood pressure which is pretty good after losing 170 lbs.

From: authfriend 
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Tue, May 4, 2010 12:39:20 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Bloomberg speculates that Times Square car bombing 
because of health care bill

--- In FairfieldLife@ yahoogroups. com, Mike Dixon  wrote:
> It's not supposed to?

Right up until just before it goes off... You want to
worry if it *stops* ticking.

> --- In FairfieldLife@ yahoogroups. com, Mike Dixon  wrote:
> >
> > I think I just heard that 8 people have been arrested in Pa- ki- 
> > stan as accomplices of Shahzad. Damn, that's my cardiologists name!
> If your pacemaker starts ticking, I'd be worried... :-)


[FairfieldLife] Re: Rite Of Spring

2010-05-05 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, azgrey  wrote:
> It is a great joy for me to share in this charitable and
> spiritual event tonight. It is a great joy and warms the
> heart that older members of the community are
> welcomed with such exuberance. 
> http://www.ktar.com/?nid=6&sid=1290850
> http://www.asuundierun.com/event-info/
> In my capacity as a duly ordained Minister of the Universal Life 
> Church I have been in contact with the organizers of this event 
> with hopes that I will be  officially declared the Chaplain of 
> this event. What can I say? Its my way of giving back to the 
> community. :-) That official capacity might mean making bail will 
> be eased should that unlikely event present itself. 
> Proper vestments are a must. I wish to thank Turquoise B for the 
> enlightened inspiration he always provides. 
> http://images6.cafepress.com/product/41189636v2_480x480_Front_Color-Black.jpg
> http://img166.imageshack.us/img166/3735/picture25fb.png
> Silk boxers are a bit warm for this time of year, but I have a 
> pair in the colors of the Mexican flag as a show of solidarity 
> with the Latina students. I'm selfless like that sometimes. :-) 

Selfless or not, the more I think about this, the
more worried I get for you, dude.

I mean, this *is* Arizona we're talking about. This
whole event might be a sting operation to detect and
deport illegal immigrants.

Say you're running along clad in only your...uh...
Mexican flag boxers and some cop sees "I went to
Tijuana and all I've got to show for it is this 
lousy tattoo" inked into whatever part of your
anatomy you foolishly had it inked into?

The cop's gonna ask for "your papers," and unless
you're using them to pad your boxers, rock star-
style, you won't have them on you, and the next
email we get from you is going to be posted 
*from* Tijuana. 

I'd stick to your Chaplain duties and being the
designated drover of souls if I were you...  :-)

[FairfieldLife] Re: Sanskrit for vajranaathas: 'aadi' in the meaning 'etc', part 1

2010-05-05 Thread cardemaister

Perhaps it should be kept in mind that MaharSi Kapila:

  smR^ityanavakAshadoShaprasaN^ga iti 
   chennAnyasmR^ityanavakAshadoShaprasaN^gAt.h OM || 2\.1\.1||

...and MaharSi Patañjali:

  etena yogaH pratyuktaH OM || 2\.1\.3||

...were "arch-enemies" of MaharSi BaadaraayaNa, 
the author of Brahma-suutras!  ;D

[FairfieldLife] Re: Rite Of Spring

2010-05-05 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, azgrey  wrote:
> Proper vestments are a must. I wish to thank Turquoise B for the
> enlightened inspiration he always provides.
> http://img166.imageshack.us/img166/3735/picture25fb.png

Curse you, you immodestly-attired Arizona devil !

I went to the cafepress site and wound up ordering seven
Firefly/Serenity T-shirts! Including the one I've been looking for for
years now:

Many thanks. May the Reavers think that you are just space junk and pass
you by.

Here's one for the TM crowd that somehow ended up in the same "related"

   [Women's T-Shirt]

[FairfieldLife] The Value of Nothing with Raj Patel (Part 1 - 3)

2010-05-05 Thread nablusoss1008

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3
Questions and answers with Raj Patel

[FairfieldLife] Re: Meditating

2010-05-05 Thread nablusoss1008

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "John"  wrote:
> This is an excellent reminder for everyone.

Agreed. Especially now as Maharishi's prophecy  "... the next to go is 
capitalism" is hitting the world with full force.

> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Buck"  wrote:
> >
> > 
> > If we are all strong, stable, we can set our sail with any wind in the
> > world that comes along. If we are not strong, we are like a leaf in the
> > wind. So we meditate, every day, regularly, and gain transcendental
> > being in our everyday life and then we are strong.
> > - — Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
> >