[FairfieldLife] Finally, there has been a definitive test of astrology

2010-06-27 Thread TurquoiseB
And it was the French World Cup team. 

For those Americans who haven't been following the World
Cup, France could not have *possibly* enhanced its already 
shaky image worldwide less. First, it lost consistently to 
teams it should have been able to beat while asleep. Then,
when its star player reacted to the latest idiotic strategy
being imposed on them by coach Raymond Domenech by suggest-
ing that he was a "fils d'une pute" (translation in the 
article), the coach and the French federation sent him home
in disgrace. The next day, the French team protested by 
refusing to practice under Domenech's guidance. Finally,
losing again to a far weaker team, Domenech refused to
shake the other team's coach's hand, and they all headed 
back to France for good, where hopefully they will be 
pelted by brie and written off as Belgians merely posing
as French for the rest of their lives.

And the SECRET of all of this? ASTROLOGY.

Here's an article about Domenech's reliance on his proven,
game-winning astrological strategies. Domenech is quoted
in the article as reacting to a reporter by saying, "If 
these are all the questions you are going to ask me, I 
am going to leave you, we are not from the same world."
Now that's honest. I'm sure that a few on this forum 
live in his world, though, so perhaps they can tell us
what went wrong with his astrological strategies. Perhaps
his head was up Uranus.


[FairfieldLife] "Truth" -- Consider The Source

2010-06-27 Thread TurquoiseB
Noticing that no one really followed up on the Seeker-Skeptic
dialogue I posted yesterday about "the origins of the myths
about what happens to you when you criticize a spiritual 
teacher," I'll follow up myself, because it seems to me to
be a classic example of a larger phenomenon -- seekers being
unable to remember where the things they hold as true (or
Truth) *came from*, and who taught these things to them.

Anyone who has paid their dues in the TMO has heard the 
admonitions about how Bad it is to doubt one's spiritual
teacher, and the Bad Things that will happen to them if they
dare to criticize their spiritual teacher or repeat stories
about them that are...uh...less than in accord with that
teacher's public image. (Anyone who hasn't heard such stories
was so on the periphery of the TMO or so at the bottom of its
power pyramid that no one thought they were worth telling
such stories to.)

Such stories abound in hyperbole. "Dissing one's spiritual
teacher is the worst karma imaginable." "Do it and you will
end up in the Hell Worlds forever." "Do it and you are all
but guaranteeing rebirth as a cockroach." "Do it and your
dick will fall off." OK, I made up the last one, but you
get the picture, because you've heard these things yourself.
You've probably even believed a few of them.

But where did they COME FROM? Who TAUGHT these things 
that you've believed in the past and possibly still believe 
today TO you?

The spiritual teachers themselves, that's who. Or the trad-
itions from which they came, which have a *vested interest*
in keeping their followers from ever being able to view the
actions of those teachers or those traditions critically.

Every day on some Internet forum I see people repeating 
these "words of wisdom" about how karmically terrible it is
to criticize or doubt one's spiritual teacher, much less to
repeat a story about them that suggests that they are either
less than ethical or outright criminals. Occasionally on
these forums I ask the people saying these things how they
know that these things they're repeating as if they were
true or Truth *are* true, and where they *came from*.

None of them can remember. Or they claim not to be able to. 
When asked how they "know" that dissing their spiritual 
teacher is going to cause the critic to do hard time in the 
hell worlds, they claim to just "know" it, as if it were 
"self evident," or as if they were born believing this. 
When I trot out actual quotes from the *teacher himself* 
saying the things they've just said in a lecture, using 
the exact same words, they claim never to have heard that 
lecture. Instead, they say they "read it in a scripture," 
or heard it elsewhere. 

It's a complete mental disconnect, as if once seekers have
been convinced of the need to "protect the perfect rep of 
the perfect teacher," they can at that point no longer
remember that it was the teacher himself or other teachers
in his tradition who taught them to protect him in the 
first place. 

Now look at the Catholic Church, and them now dealing with
the karma of centuries of doing exactly this same thing. It
was just *not permissible* to criticize fellow priests or
or Bishops or Cardinals or the Pope and thus lend any 
credence to tales that they were diddling little boys or 
each other. Doing so could get you excommunicated and earn 
you a one-way ticket to Hell. And the result? Centuries of 
abuse, not only tolerated but *supported* by the systematic 
silence. Discoveries of one of the Pope's own head ushers 
running a gay prostitution ring of rent boys recruited 
from the ranks of choir boys *from the Vatican*. 

All I'm sayin' is the next time you trot out one of these
Truths, it might be a good thing to try to remember who
TAUGHT you that it was "Truth," and what might have been
"in it for them" to convince you that it is.

[FairfieldLife] Next stock market crash?

2010-06-27 Thread cardemaister

I'm "afraid" the next stock market crash is within a few weeks.


"Because" Saturn, Uranus and Pluto shall form a very
accurate T-cross in Cardinal Signs during the first half of
next August, I believe... 

I seem to have proven to myself I'm a better "astrologer" than
those of the French Soccer Team! ;)

[FairfieldLife] Re: Next stock market crash?

2010-06-27 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, cardemaister  wrote:
> I'm "afraid" the next stock market crash is within a few weeks.
> Why? 
> "Because" Saturn, Uranus and Pluto shall form a very
> accurate T-cross in Cardinal Signs during the first half of
> next August, I believe... 
> I seem to have proven to myself I'm a better "astrologer" than
> those of the French Soccer Team! ;)

Following up because you used the phrase "proven to 
myself," Card. With all due respect, you don't exactly
have a track record of "yourself" being that difficult
to "prove" things you'd like to believe to.

So how 'bout a little hard data here. 

DEFINE "stock market crash." What scale or measure are
you using to define the "stock market" -- the Dow, some
European or Asian system, what? How many points of a 
drop on this scale constitutes a "crash," and do world-
wide economists agree with you on this definition?

Define "within a few weeks." Put a set of dates on this,
with a definitive start date and end date for the time
you see this "crash" being "caused" by your Big Bad T
In The Sky.

Finally, after having done all this, after the dates have
passed FOLLOW THE FUCK UP and tell us how you did.

You won't, of course, any more than JohnR will ever put
his claims of the supposed accuracy of Jyotish predictions
by making any, with a similar degree of specificity and

[FairfieldLife] 'Psychic' octopus predicts Germany victory over England

2010-06-27 Thread cardemaister

A "psychic" octopus is said by its aquarium owners to have predicted the 
country's football team will knock England out of the World Cup.

When consulted, Paul the octopus chose a mussel from a jar with the German flag 
on it ahead of one in a similar jar bearing the cross of St George.

The two-year-old cephalopod has a record of predicting past German results in 
this manner, his owners say.

Paul has so far correctly predicted all of Germany's results in South Africa.


[FairfieldLife] American democracy ?

2010-06-27 Thread nablusoss1008


[FairfieldLife] Re: American democracy ?

2010-06-27 Thread nablusoss1008

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008  wrote:


As Raj Patel points out, what we call democracy is a joke.
"Democracy" as we know it is finished, it will have to go together with it's 
cousin "capitalism". 

This is the Age of Enlightenment, be ready for great changes.

"Damn democracy"
- Maharishi

[FairfieldLife] Raj Patel on the needs for change

2010-06-27 Thread nablusoss1008
The sound is somewhat difficult so you have to focus.


Another angle against capitalism from Raj Patel:


Raj Patel on the shack dwellers in South Africa and the World Cup 


[FairfieldLife] Re: 'Psychic' octopus predicts Germany victory over England

2010-06-27 Thread TurquoiseB
Synchronicity. I performed a similar experiment on the beach
today, and with the same results -- Germany should win.

My prediction mechanism was sparked by the sudden and unex-
plained invasion of Sitges by young German women. They're
on the beach and on the streets in unseasonable numbers.
So I walked by the beach with my dogs and tried to predict
the outcome of the World Cup match today by seeing who got
more attention on the beach from the already-drunk-at-noon 
guys leaning on the railings watching them -- the topless
English women or the topless German women. 

Based on this scientifically-proven-as-100%-accurate (since
I've never used it before and we won't know the real winner
for several more hours) prognostication device, the Germans
will win. Betcher boobies. Even the drunk English guys pre-
ferred the German women.

Caveat: The gangs of drunk guys are as much of a tourist
phenomenon as the German booby babes. They're all Not From
Here. Locals, on the whole, neither get drunk during the
day nor even tend to notice the topless gals on the beach,
much less stop and leer at them. The English are the worst,
both in terms of public drunkenness and leering at boobs
as if they've never seen them before, and are marveling
that they come in pairs.

"I contend that a far better prognositcator of the 
future than astrology or crystal balls is the hotel 
mini-bar. You can gaze into it and see what a can 
of Coke will cost in 2020." -- some comic, somewhere

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, cardemaister  wrote:
> A "psychic" octopus is said by its aquarium owners to have 
> predicted the country's football team will knock England 
> out of the World Cup.
> When consulted, Paul the octopus chose a mussel from a jar 
> with the German flag on it ahead of one in a similar jar 
> bearing the cross of St George.
> The two-year-old cephalopod has a record of predicting past 
> German results in this manner, his owners say.
> Paul has so far correctly predicted all of Germany's results 
> in South Africa.
> http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/world/europe/10420131.stm

[FairfieldLife] Re: Visiting the Saints

2010-06-27 Thread Buck
"Healing by sending energy through the hands, ,,is based on the healer's 
ability to connect with and consciously direct the cosmic energy of God. The 
body lives in an omnipresent sea of this vibratory power. This energy sustains 
life and recharges the vitality of the body as it becomes depleted by physical 
and mental activity." ,,, 

-Paramahansa Yogananda
Discourse 25 
Healing the Sick
The Second Coming of Christ

> Nice day in Fairfield today with Karunamayi, one of the lady saints.
> Karunamayi met with folks at the new Fairfield Civics Center.
> The meeting started this morning with a real nice led meditation
> and short talk about some of the maha-mantras.  
> Then the meeting
> switched over to having individual darshan.  She was very generous
> with her time.  That program went on for hours with a lot
> of folks coming in for it. Several hundreds.  
> Obviously a large influx of folks after the
> dome morning program had finished and at noon again when the Invincible 
> America course folks
> got out.  She went until late in the afternoon giving darshan and then met 
> with the remaining
> group of folks and talked afterwards.
> Was a lot like being with MMY during the late 60's and early 70's sitting and 
> talking about things spiritual.
> Buck in FF
> >
> > "That is `The department of the Almighty does it`.
> > It is not the individual - it is the department. And it is only one way, it 
> > is not two ways. The help is not given, it is received. It is received by 
> > our ability to attune with that.
> > 
> > And that ability develops with devotion, surrender and service. These three 
> > things - automatically one is elevated to that level. And help doesn`t come 
> > from outside, it comes from right were we are, from our own being.
> >  
> > But those unaware of one`s own being have this mechanics to help them. And 
> > this is true for all the saints in all the times through out the world."` 
> > 
> > Question: Guru Dev must have been fully enlightened. Now after leaving the 
> > body nothing remains in the relative - just absolute. Then how do we invoke 
> > and to whom? And if there is nobody to be invoked, then what is the use?
> > 
> > MAHARISHI: Some such similar question I asked Guru Dev once. What happened 
> > was, naturally people came to the ashram from all over India to pay respect 
> > to Guru Dev, once or twice a year according to their own convenience. And 
> > when they were come, they were narrating all sorts of stories: the child 
> > was sick, they had a lawsuit, all sorts of difficulties. And then, thinking 
> > of Guru Dev, that thing disappeared.
> > 
> > Hearing all these things for a long time one night I asked Guru Dev: `What 
> > is this? These people don`t even write to Guru Dev. Guru Dev doesn`t know 
> > they are in difficulty on the surface of life. And then, how do they report 
> > they had a vision or some thought of Guru Dev and from that time everything 
> > started to be smooth? If they wrote a letter and the difficulty came to the 
> > notice of Guru Dev and then they got out of their difficulties, I could 
> > understand it. But they don`t write letters, they just have the devotion to 
> > Guru Dev and they have some thought of Guru Dev.`
> > And Guru Dev`s reply was: `It`s the department of the Almighty, and he does 
> > it.`
> > 
> > It took me about two years to understand - because I quite remember the 
> > time - what was meant by `It is the department of the Almighty`.
> > How I understand it was this: We have the picture of Guru Dev as when we do 
> > Puja. That form, that photo, that picture is the physical expression of the 
> > form which had a mind which was fully enlightened and omnipresent.
> > 
> > So once we see the form, our eyes associate with the form very naturally, 
> > because the physical and the mental run parallel. And once the form is in 
> > our vision, in our awareness, then naturally our mind gets in tune with the 
> > mind which occupied that form once upon a time.
> > The form was occupied by a mind, that mind is an all time reality, eternal. 
> > The barriers of time are no barrier for it - continuum.
> > The body is no more, but the form is there.
> > And once we tune our eyes, perception, vision and cognition to that - 
> > because that was held up by a mind that was enlightened - naturally our 
> > mind gets in tune.
> > 
> > And because that mind was and is and will for ever be omnipresent, 
> > immediately our mind gets in tune with the omnipresent. And right away the 
> > help comes from where we are. Help comes from absolute being, which is the 
> > nature of our own mind.
> > 
> > But that image, that picture becomes a positive and concrete medium to have 
> > that mechanics performed for our mind. So help comes from our own being 
> > because it comes through that form naturally our devotion to that. That is 
> > `The department of the Almighty does it`.
> > It is not the individual - it is the 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Ken Wilber on Trivedi

2010-06-27 Thread Buck
Went to the one-day retreat in FF w/ Trivedi.
About 180 people.

Trivedi and Fred Poneman as the retreat m-c spent much of their
time responding and positioning themselves relative
to this mixed praise by Wilber.  Justifying why Trivedi
can and should be able to act the way he does. That he
is justifiably different.
That he is not just a healer but is transformational, gets his
instructions from the Divine which puts him beyond criticism.

Evidently the ladies who were fronting him have stopped because he is so 
volitile and abusive in personality.

Om Samskaras.

That said, he definitely has things to say in his way and is determined that 
way by force of character. Was quite a 'spiritual experience' meeting, as in 
that Genesis quote sort of way from John.

Marketing, the 'transformational' aspect on material things is something they 
are trying to figure a name for, and evidently trademark as his. Naming the 
universal Genesis energy in nature as 'Trivedi' in some way.  The Poneman brain 
for movement marketing/building at work the whole time.

Seemed to be a formative meeting.  

Om Samskaras,
-Buck in FF  

> http://www.kenwilber.com/blog/show/637
> Next weekend's one-day retreat in Fairfield --
> http://www.trivedifoundation.org/fairfield-retreat

[FairfieldLife] The Buzzunit Rating System (was Re: Visiting the Saints)

2010-06-27 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Buck"  wrote:
> "Healing by sending energy through the hands, ,,is based on 
> the healer's ability to connect with and consciously direct 
> the cosmic energy of God. The body lives in an omnipresent 
> sea of this vibratory power. This energy sustains life and 
> recharges the vitality of the body as it becomes depleted by 
> physical and mental activity." ,,, 
> -Paramahansa Yogananda

Having experienced it, I do not deny one's ability to 
get a "hit" off of someone else's energy and boost one's 
subjective sense of vitality and well-being for a while. 
My concern is the ratio between how much one pays for 
the hit of shakti and how long the buzz lasts.

I've always thought that there should be some kind of
government-run rating system for healers and dispensers 
of the cosmic energy of God. Instead of Miles Per Gallon,
it could measure Buzzunits Per Dollar. The lower the 
Buzzunit Rating -- the number of dollars spent getting 
the buzz divided by the number of days the buzz lasts -- 
the better the psychic or shakti provider, and the 
better your ROSI (Return On Spiritual Investment). 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Desperation to fill the Domes

2010-06-27 Thread It's just a ride
 Does anyone know why it takes so long for them to tally up the IA numbers?


It's because they have to make phone calls not just to other official
groups, but to homes, trailers, hovels on campus.

One of my friends on IA and I were discussing the numbers "problem".  He
asked why they don't just make a form to fill out on the Internet or have a
mechanized toll free number just as is set up for people to vote from home.
The numbers could jump to a higher level quickly because there are people
doing their TM/TMSP program at home in FF at about the same time as in the
Dome or could/would do their program at the same time as in the Dome.  It's
inconvenient for me to do morning program because they fly so very late.
But I do my evening program to coincide with the Domes and I'm only a day
and a half drive away.  Consciousness is everywhere except certain parts of
Oklahoma, Louisiana, South Carolina and Mississippi, after all.

[FairfieldLife] Re: "Truth" -- Consider The Source

2010-06-27 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB  wrote:
> Noticing that no one really followed up on the Seeker-Skeptic
> dialogue I posted yesterday about "the origins of the myths
> about what happens to you when you criticize a spiritual 
> teacher,"

Maybe nobody followed up because we've all seen this same
sermon from you umpty times before?

[FairfieldLife] Re: "Truth" -- Consider The Source

2010-06-27 Thread authfriend
No kidding, Barry, are you even aware how *repetitious*
your "raps" are?

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB  wrote:
> >
> > Noticing that no one really followed up on the Seeker-Skeptic
> > dialogue I posted yesterday about "the origins of the myths
> > about what happens to you when you criticize a spiritual 
> > teacher,"
> Maybe nobody followed up because we've all seen this same
> sermon from you umpty times before?

[FairfieldLife] Re: "Truth" -- Consider The Source

2010-06-27 Thread WillyTex

> No kidding, Barry, are you even aware how 
> *repetitious* your "raps" are?
Apparently Barry is unaware that his posts,
at least from 1995 on Usenet, all say the
same thing: he believes in the reincarnation 
of the soul. That's his religion. Why he
would deny it hundreds of times on FFL is 
beyond me! You have to consider the source - 
it's the same 'reincarnation' theory that 
Rama wrote about in his book. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Raj Patel: G20: Illegitimate, Incompetent and Out of Control

2010-06-27 Thread raunchydog
The G20 protesters marched peacefully in Toronto during the day. The police 
didn't see any action. Move along folks, nothing to see. But later in the day, 
almost as if on cue, a group of vandals,'Black Bloc' anarchists, started 
rioting and smashing windows and the police allowed it. They even abandoned a 
couple of police cars for the rioters to set on fire. Oh boy! Now suddenly, 
after having sat on their duffs all day, the media have a flashy story and the 
police have an excuse to beat the shit out of every protester in sight,and 
justify their billion dollar price tag. 

Chaos is profitable. Contracts for militarized police gear, security systems, 
weapons, bombs and contracts to rebuild cities destroyed by bombs, are all 
about making a buck. Adding insult to injury, as the G20 summit works to 
globalize our economy and privatize every last shred of our commons, we the 
taxpayers get to foot the bill for security enterprises designed to suppress 
our freedom. How convenient. 

Eyewitness account of the riots in the comments:

"At Queen and Spadina, for probably close to an hour, the group of vandals 
dressed in black, were getting ready to do something, right out in the open. 
People watching the crowd could see them in a group. They were right in the 
middle of the crowd, getting their covering gear on, talking, and getting ready.

Even untrained regular people could see that. Near to the time they were ready, 
one of them held up a roman candle fireworks.

They then charged east on Queen, and the police simply just let them pass. The 
police had uncrossable police lines to protect the "fence" to the south, but 
left the east flank on Queen wide open...

That appears to be the new police strategy. Hide behind fences, let a few 
teenage vandals run amok for a while and smash windows and attack the city, 
then suppress all the peaceful protestors with aggressive violence."



--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Bhairitu"  wrote:
> Mz Factoid, try doing a search on police infiltration of protest groups or 
> are you getting too senile to recall they use such tactics?
> - Reply message -
> From: "authfriend" 
> Date: Sat, Jun 26, 2010 7:35 pm
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Raj Patel: G20: Illegitimate, Incompetent and 
> Out of Control
> To: 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "shukra69"  wrote:
> >
> > policeman kicked a protester in the groin for saying something
> > obnoxious to them. also shoved a deaf young black man onto
> > their bicycles lying on the ground when he did not obey fast 
> > enough. these things before any violence from the protester
> > side.
> If you're a deaf person, it's probably a good idea to 
> avoid situations in which police are likely to be giving
> you orders, especially if they're on edge because they're
> expecting trouble.
> And it's *always* a good idea to refrain from saying
> obnoxious things to police. Again, especially if they're
> expecting trouble.
> I'm not excusing unnecessary police violence. But it's a
> fact of life, and in many cases if you play it smart, you
> can avoid being the target.
> Besides, as Bhairitu points out, these unruly protesters
> were undoubtedly plainclothes cops planted in the crowd
> as agents provocateurs.
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> > >
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB  wrote:
> > > >
> > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "shukra69"  wrote:
> > > > >
> > > > > first hand experience,- its like a police state, police 
> > > > > searching everyone on the slighted pretext and throwing 
> > > > > people to the ground and arresting them for looking dirty 
> > > > > and poor
> > > > 
> > > > That's the way it seems. I was suspicious at first,
> > > > because the National Post is a radical newspaper, 
> > > > but in this case a radical *conservative* paper.
> > > > Either that or maybe the reporter just couldn't
> > > > handle his caffeine. But then I checked the Toronto 
> > > > Star and other more mainstream papers and they are
> > > > full of similar stories. So it looks as if the tales
> > > > of a near-military clampdown are true. Sad. 
> > > 
> > > Looks like the police knew what they were doing. There
> > > were violent riots in Toronto today, windows smashed,
> > > cars torched, bottles thrown. It appears that the
> > > violence was planned by certain groups; the other
> > > demonstrators were peaceful.
> > > 
> > > http://www.salon.com/news/feature/2010/06/26/cn_world_summit_protests/index.html
> > > 
> > > http://tinyurl.com/2dxm8bk
> > > 
> > > > As I said originally, I find this fascinating given
> > > > the recent meeting in Sitges of the Bilderberg Club,
> > > > which is another group of world financial and power
> > > > wizards.

[FairfieldLife] The Buzzunit Rating System (was Re: Visiting the Saints)

2010-06-27 Thread WillyTex

> I've always thought that there should be some kind of
> government-run rating system for healers and dispensers 
> of the cosmic energy of God...
Sarlo's Guru Rating Service:

Frederick Lenz 1949-1998 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Next stock market crash?

2010-06-27 Thread cardemaister

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, cardemaister  wrote:
> >
> > I'm "afraid" the next stock market crash is within a few weeks.
> > 
> > Why? 
> > 
> > "Because" Saturn, Uranus and Pluto shall form a very
> > accurate T-cross in Cardinal Signs during the first half of
> > next August, I believe... 
> > 
> > I seem to have proven to myself I'm a better "astrologer" than
> > those of the French Soccer Team! ;)
> Following up because you used the phrase "proven to 
> myself," Card. With all due respect, you don't exactly
> have a track record of "yourself" being that difficult
> to "prove" things you'd like to believe to.
> So how 'bout a little hard data here. 
> DEFINE "stock market crash." What scale or measure are
> you using to define the "stock market" -- the Dow, some
> European or Asian system, what? How many points of a 
> drop on this scale constitutes a "crash," and do world-
> wide economists agree with you on this definition?

Let's say e.g. DJIA below 9000 points. I have no idea
what's the possible "official" definition of a crash.

> Define "within a few weeks." Put a set of dates on this,
> with a definitive start date and end date for the time
> you see this "crash" being "caused" by your Big Bad T
> In The Sky.

10 weeks max. Prolly between August 1st and September 1st!

> Finally, after having done all this, after the dates have
> passed FOLLOW THE FUCK UP and tell us how you did.

I sure will! :)

> You won't, of course, any more than JohnR will ever put
> his claims of the supposed accuracy of Jyotish predictions
> by making any, with a similar degree of specificity and
> falsifiability.

I don't believe I take astrology as seriously as John...
What I write, regarding astrology, for instance on the Stocks forum of 
Kauppalehti(http://www.kauppalehti.fi/en/home/), is mostly total BS from the 
top of my head.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Ken Wilber on Trivedi

2010-06-27 Thread WillyTex

Rick Archer:
> http://www.kenwilber.com/blog/show/637
Apparently Trivedi is able to cause physical
change at will. If so, then this will be a 
'Copernican Revolution' in science and in 
physics. Anyone that is able to cause the
properties of an object to change, using a 
purely mental technique, would be considered 
to be a magician of the highest caliber!

"Mr. Trivedi has an empirically demonstrated 
capacity to alter the atomic and molecular 
structure of phenomena simply through his 
conscious intentionality..." - Ken Wilber

[FairfieldLife] Re: Raj Patel: G20: Illegitimate, Incompetent and Out of Control

2010-06-27 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Bhairitu"  wrote:
> Mz Factoid, try doing a search on police infiltration of
> protest groups or are you getting too senile to recall
> they use such tactics?

Bhairitu, I'm well aware such tactics have been used.

So that wasn't what I was laughing at. What else do you
think it might have been that struck me funny?

> - Reply message -
> From: "authfriend" 
> Date: Sat, Jun 26, 2010 7:35 pm
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Raj Patel: G20: Illegitimate, Incompetent and 
> Out of Control
> To: 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "shukra69"  wrote:
> >
> > policeman kicked a protester in the groin for saying something
> > obnoxious to them. also shoved a deaf young black man onto
> > their bicycles lying on the ground when he did not obey fast 
> > enough. these things before any violence from the protester
> > side.
> If you're a deaf person, it's probably a good idea to 
> avoid situations in which police are likely to be giving
> you orders, especially if they're on edge because they're
> expecting trouble.
> And it's *always* a good idea to refrain from saying
> obnoxious things to police. Again, especially if they're
> expecting trouble.
> I'm not excusing unnecessary police violence. But it's a
> fact of life, and in many cases if you play it smart, you
> can avoid being the target.
> Besides, as Bhairitu points out, these unruly protesters
> were undoubtedly plainclothes cops planted in the crowd
> as agents provocateurs.
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> > >
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB  wrote:
> > > >
> > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "shukra69"  wrote:
> > > > >
> > > > > first hand experience,- its like a police state, police 
> > > > > searching everyone on the slighted pretext and throwing 
> > > > > people to the ground and arresting them for looking dirty 
> > > > > and poor
> > > > 
> > > > That's the way it seems. I was suspicious at first,
> > > > because the National Post is a radical newspaper, 
> > > > but in this case a radical *conservative* paper.
> > > > Either that or maybe the reporter just couldn't
> > > > handle his caffeine. But then I checked the Toronto 
> > > > Star and other more mainstream papers and they are
> > > > full of similar stories. So it looks as if the tales
> > > > of a near-military clampdown are true. Sad. 
> > > 
> > > Looks like the police knew what they were doing. There
> > > were violent riots in Toronto today, windows smashed,
> > > cars torched, bottles thrown. It appears that the
> > > violence was planned by certain groups; the other
> > > demonstrators were peaceful.
> > > 
> > > http://www.salon.com/news/feature/2010/06/26/cn_world_summit_protests/index.html
> > > 
> > > http://tinyurl.com/2dxm8bk
> > > 
> > > > As I said originally, I find this fascinating given
> > > > the recent meeting in Sitges of the Bilderberg Club,
> > > > which is another group of world financial and power
> > > > wizards.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Raj Patel: G20: Illegitimate, Incompetent and Out of Control

2010-06-27 Thread WillyTex

> Chaos is profitable. Contracts for militarized 
> police gear, security systems, weapons, bombs and 
> contracts to rebuild cities destroyed by bombs, 
> are all about making a buck...
So, you're thinking that the World Trade Center 
was brought down by government infiltrators and 
so the U.S. sent the U.S. Military into Afghanistan
to make a buck? You're not making any sense.

"Some of the organizations state that there is 
evidence that individuals within the United States 
government may have been either responsible for 
or knowingly complicit in the September 11 attacks..."


[FairfieldLife] Re: Raj Patel: G20: Illegitimate, Incompetent and Out of Control

2010-06-27 Thread WillyTex

> > Mz Factoid, try doing a search on police 
> > infiltration of protest groups or are you 
> > getting too senile to recall they use such 
> > tactics?
> > 
> What else do you think it might have 
> been that struck me funny?
"Many adherents of the 9/11 Truth movement 
suspect that United States government insiders 
played a part in the attacks, or at the very 
least knew they were coming and let them occur 


[FairfieldLife] Re: Visiting the Saints

2010-06-27 Thread WillyTex

> Unfortunately, most of the Neo-Advaitins 
> sever their ties with the transmission of 
> Shakti...
So, you are thinking that Sudhamani Idamannel, 
(Amma) is a 'Neo-Advaitin'? Go figure.



[FairfieldLife] Re: Raj Patel: G20: Illegitimate, Incompetent and Out of Control

2010-06-27 Thread raunchydog
WillyTex, you're not making any sense bringing a 9/11 conspiracy theory into 
the conversation. The budget breakdown for 2011 defense related spending is 
$1.003–$1.223 trillion. Seems to me somebody is making a buck. Military 
contractors, perhaps? 

A bomb is only profitable if it explodes. A military contractor gets paid to 
clean up the mess from an exploding bomb, and then a military contractor gets 
paid to make another bomb to explode, making another mess for another 
contractor to clean up. The body count doesn't matter to soulless war 
profiteers. Just bulldoze the corpses out of the way and rebuild, bomb and 
rebuild, bomb and rebuild. 


"In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of 
unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial 
complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and 
will persist. We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our 
liberties or democratic processes. We should take nothing for granted. Only an 
alert and knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge 
industrial and military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods and 
goals, so that security and liberty may prosper together.

Akin to, and largely responsible for the sweeping changes in our 
industrial-military posture, has been the technological revolution during 
recent decades. In this revolution, research has become central, it also 
becomes more formalized, complex, and costly. A steadily increasing share is 
conducted for, by, or at the direction of, the Federal government.

Today, the solitary inventor, tinkering in his shop, has been overshadowed by 
task forces of scientists in laboratories and testing fields. In the same 
fashion, the free university, historically the fountainhead of free ideas and 
scientific discovery, has experienced a revolution in the conduct of research. 
Partly because of the huge costs involved, a government contract becomes 
virtually a substitute for intellectual curiosity. For every old blackboard 
there are now hundreds of new electronic computers. The prospect of domination 
of the nation's scholars by Federal employment, project allocations, and the 
power of money is ever present -- and is gravely to be regarded.

Yet, in holding scientific research and discovery in respect, as we should, we 
must also be alert to the equal and opposite danger that public policy could 
itself become the captive of a scientific-technological elite."


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "WillyTex"  wrote:
> raunchydog:
> > Chaos is profitable. Contracts for militarized 
> > police gear, security systems, weapons, bombs and 
> > contracts to rebuild cities destroyed by bombs, 
> > are all about making a buck...
> >
> So, you're thinking that the World Trade Center 
> was brought down by government infiltrators and 
> so the U.S. sent the U.S. Military into Afghanistan
> to make a buck? You're not making any sense.
> "Some of the organizations state that there is 
> evidence that individuals within the United States 
> government may have been either responsible for 
> or knowingly complicit in the September 11 attacks..."
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/9/11_Truth_movement

[FairfieldLife] Re: 'Psychic' octopus predicts Germany victory over England

2010-06-27 Thread Hugo

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, cardemaister  wrote:

And at the final whistle it's 4-1 to the Germans! A proper

The only lesson to be learned from this is: Don't doubt the
psychic octopus! 

> A "psychic" octopus is said by its aquarium owners to have predicted the 
> country's football team will knock England out of the World Cup.
> When consulted, Paul the octopus chose a mussel from a jar with the German 
> flag on it ahead of one in a similar jar bearing the cross of St George.
> The two-year-old cephalopod has a record of predicting past German results in 
> this manner, his owners say.
> Paul has so far correctly predicted all of Germany's results in South Africa.
> http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/world/europe/10420131.stm

[FairfieldLife] Re: Finally, there has been a definitive test of astrology

2010-06-27 Thread Hugo

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB  wrote:
> And it was the French World Cup team. 
> For those Americans who haven't been following the World
> Cup, France could not have *possibly* enhanced its already 
> shaky image worldwide less. First, it lost consistently to 
> teams it should have been able to beat while asleep. Then,
> when its star player reacted to the latest idiotic strategy
> being imposed on them by coach Raymond Domenech by suggest-
> ing that he was a "fils d'une pute" (translation in the 
> article), the coach and the French federation sent him home
> in disgrace. The next day, the French team protested by 
> refusing to practice under Domenech's guidance. Finally,
> losing again to a far weaker team, Domenech refused to
> shake the other team's coach's hand, and they all headed 
> back to France for good, where hopefully they will be 
> pelted by brie and written off as Belgians merely posing
> as French for the rest of their lives.
> And the SECRET of all of this? ASTROLOGY.
> Here's an article about Domenech's reliance on his proven,
> game-winning astrological strategies. Domenech is quoted
> in the article as reacting to a reporter by saying, "If 
> these are all the questions you are going to ask me, I 
> am going to leave you, we are not from the same world."
> Now that's honest. I'm sure that a few on this forum 
> live in his world, though, so perhaps they can tell us
> what went wrong with his astrological strategies. Perhaps
> his head was up Uranus.
> http://www.salon.com/life/this_week_in_crazy/index.html?story=/mwt/feature/2010/06/26/this_week_crazy_french_soccer_coach

>From the article:

""All parameters have to be considered and I have added one by saying there is 
astrology involved."

"When I have got a Leo in defence, I've always got my gun ready. I know he's 
going to want to show off at one moment or another and cost us."

Asked point blank if a player's star sign would affect his chances of making 
the team, Domenech acknowledged that it enters into the equation "at the end of 
the selection process when it is a question of choosing between players of 
equal ability." Woe unto Scorpios — Domenech doesn't trust them." 

Stick with the psychic octopus is my advice, at least we *know*
that works.

[FairfieldLife] Collapse Documentary

2010-06-27 Thread Bhairitu
The documentary arrived in the mail yesterday from Netflix so I watched 
it last night.  I was struck by how it reminded somewhat of Rick's 
BatGap efforts especially if you watch the Bonus features and hear some 
of Rupert's spiritual philosophy.   Rupert discuss the increase of world 
population, peak oil and the effect on the economy.   Well worth a watch.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Ken Wilber on Trivedi

2010-06-27 Thread Hugo

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Buck"  wrote:
> Went to the one-day retreat in FF w/ Trivedi.
> About 180 people.
> Trivedi and Fred Poneman as the retreat m-c spent much of their
> time responding and positioning themselves relative
> to this mixed praise by Wilber.  Justifying why Trivedi
> can and should be able to act the way he does. That he
> is justifiably different.
> That he is not just a healer but is transformational, gets his
> instructions from the Divine which puts him beyond criticism.

> Evidently the ladies who were fronting him have stopped because he is so 
> volitile and abusive in personality.
> Om Samskaras.
> That said, he definitely has things to say in his way and is determined that 
> way by force of character. Was quite a 'spiritual experience' meeting, as in 
> that Genesis quote sort of way from John.
> Marketing, the 'transformational' aspect on material things is something they 
> are trying to figure a name for, and evidently trademark as his. Naming the 
> universal Genesis energy in nature as 'Trivedi' in some way.  The Poneman 
> brain for movement marketing/building at work the whole time.
> Seemed to be a formative meeting.  
> Om Samskaras,
> -Buck in FF  
> >
> > http://www.kenwilber.com/blog/show/637
> >  
> > Next weekend's one-day retreat in Fairfield --
> >  
> > http://www.trivedifoundation.org/fairfield-retreat

$150 for one session. Trademarking names of "energies".
beyond criticism due to connection with the divine. This 
all sounds depressingly familiar. As does the 5000 
scientific studies carried out at research centres all 
over the world.

Still, with the FF crowd he won't have to explain or justify
anything as they'll be well used to being fleeced in a
similar manner.

Can't help thinking there should be an element of "once 
bitten twice shy" about all this, I mean if the first 
technique they tried that was supposed to bring "all glories 
of the divine" into life had just left them a bit pale and 
tired, why would anyone willingly go through it again? 

Still, you can't doubt the optimism but it doesn't say much 
for long practise of TM if anyone in FF feels the need to go 
here and risk being banned from the dome (if they still go,
which also doesn't say much about TM).

Re: [FairfieldLife] Next stock market crash?

2010-06-27 Thread Bhairitu
cardemaister wrote:
> I'm "afraid" the next stock market crash is within a few weeks.
> Why? 
> "Because" Saturn, Uranus and Pluto shall form a very
> accurate T-cross in Cardinal Signs during the first half of
> next August, I believe... 
> I seem to have proven to myself I'm a better "astrologer" than
> those of the French Soccer Team! ;)

Try just standing back and look at the trends.  You don't need astrology 
to do that.  All astrology does is show you the propensity for something 
to happen like "clouds are coming in so there is a likelihood of rain on 
Monday."   The arrow was shot into the air a long time ago to watch it 
fly and where it is about to land.  Think about that phrase "making 
money" which is what the derivatives rats have been doing creating it 
out of thin air.  That is a VERY unsustainable model.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Ken Wilber on Trivedi

2010-06-27 Thread feste37

What do you mean by Wibur's "mixed" praise? Based on the link here provided, 
Wilbur's endorsement of Trivedi is not "mixed" at all. It is 100% positive. 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Buck"  wrote:
> Went to the one-day retreat in FF w/ Trivedi.
> About 180 people.
> Trivedi and Fred Poneman as the retreat m-c spent much of their
> time responding and positioning themselves relative
> to this mixed praise by Wilber.  Justifying why Trivedi
> can and should be able to act the way he does. That he
> is justifiably different.
> That he is not just a healer but is transformational, gets his
> instructions from the Divine which puts him beyond criticism.
> Evidently the ladies who were fronting him have stopped because he is so 
> volitile and abusive in personality.
> Om Samskaras.
> That said, he definitely has things to say in his way and is determined that 
> way by force of character. Was quite a 'spiritual experience' meeting, as in 
> that Genesis quote sort of way from John.
> Marketing, the 'transformational' aspect on material things is something they 
> are trying to figure a name for, and evidently trademark as his. Naming the 
> universal Genesis energy in nature as 'Trivedi' in some way.  The Poneman 
> brain for movement marketing/building at work the whole time.
> Seemed to be a formative meeting.  
> Om Samskaras,
> -Buck in FF  
> >
> > http://www.kenwilber.com/blog/show/637
> >  
> > Next weekend's one-day retreat in Fairfield --
> >  
> > http://www.trivedifoundation.org/fairfield-retreat
> >

[FairfieldLife] Re: Ken Wilber on Trivedi

2010-06-27 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Hugo" 
> $150 for one session. Trademarking names of "energies".
> beyond criticism due to connection with the divine. This
> all sounds depressingly familiar. As does the 5000
> scientific studies carried out at research centres all
> over the world.
> Still, with the FF crowd he won't have to explain or justify
> anything as they'll be well used to being fleeced in a
> similar manner.
> Can't help thinking there should be an element of "once
> bitten twice shy" about all this, I mean if the first
> technique they tried that was supposed to bring "all glories
> of the divine" into life had just left them a bit pale and
> tired, why would anyone willingly go through it again?



RE: [FairfieldLife] Collapse Documentary

2010-06-27 Thread Rick Archer
From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:fairfieldl...@yahoogroups.com]
On Behalf Of Bhairitu
Sent: Sunday, June 27, 2010 11:19 AM
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Collapse Documentary
The documentary arrived in the mail yesterday from Netflix so I watched 
it last night. I was struck by how it reminded somewhat of Rick's 
BatGap efforts especially if you watch the Bonus features and hear some 
of Rupert's spiritual philosophy. Rupert discuss the increase of world 
population, peak oil and the effect on the economy. Well worth a watch.

Thanks. I added it to my queue.

[FairfieldLife] Theresa Olson needs a tenant

2010-06-27 Thread Rick Archer
Theresa Olson: Hi Everyone! We just found out that our tenant at 2167 Key
Blvd wants to break the leasing contract so that she can go out to
California. So our home is now for rent! 5 acres, 1 acre pond, ranch with
finished basement, 3-4 bedrooms, well water, furnished, central heat/ac,
north facing, quiet, pet friendly. No smokers. Contact me at
 theresaolson...@gmail.com Available in
two weeks. 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Collapse Documentary

2010-06-27 Thread Bhairitu
Rick Archer wrote:
> From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:fairfieldl...@yahoogroups.com]
> On Behalf Of Bhairitu
> Sent: Sunday, June 27, 2010 11:19 AM
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Collapse Documentary
> The documentary arrived in the mail yesterday from Netflix so I watched 
> it last night. I was struck by how it reminded somewhat of Rick's 
> BatGap efforts especially if you watch the Bonus features and hear some 
> of Rupert's spiritual philosophy. Rupert discuss the increase of world 
> population, peak oil and the effect on the economy. Well worth a watch.
> http://www.collapsemovie.com/
> Thanks. I added it to my queue.

One might wonder listening to his use of the Laws of Thermodynamics 
where he picked that up as well as the 100th Monkey thing which 
resonates with the ME.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Raj Patel: G20: Illegitimate, Incompetent and Out of Control

2010-06-27 Thread Bhairitu
And a lot of the peaceful protest groups hate the anarchist groups that 
show up. Those are highly suspect as being intel planted or controlled.

Now the one things the cops can't do anything about would be Mother 
Nature who blessed Toronto with a 5.0 earthquake Thursday BEFORE the 
lunar eclipse yesterday morning. As we know new and full moons lead to 
earthquakes due to gravity's displacement of tectonic plates. This is 
even more true around eclipses. So there is a distinct possibility that 
the 5.0 was a prequel to a bigger quake in the area even though I noted 
the path for the eclipse went right up the west coast so it would more 
likely trigger one here.

raunchydog wrote:
> WillyTex, you're not making any sense bringing a 9/11 conspiracy theory into 
> the conversation. The budget breakdown for 2011 defense related spending is 
> $1.003–$1.223 trillion. Seems to me somebody is making a buck. Military 
> contractors, perhaps? 
> A bomb is only profitable if it explodes. A military contractor gets paid to 
> clean up the mess from an exploding bomb, and then a military contractor gets 
> paid to make another bomb to explode, making another mess for another 
> contractor to clean up. The body count doesn't matter to soulless war 
> profiteers. Just bulldoze the corpses out of the way and rebuild, bomb and 
> rebuild, bomb and rebuild. 
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Military_budget_of_the_United_States
> "In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of 
> unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial 
> complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and 
> will persist. We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our 
> liberties or democratic processes. We should take nothing for granted. Only 
> an alert and knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the 
> huge industrial and military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods 
> and goals, so that security and liberty may prosper together.
> Akin to, and largely responsible for the sweeping changes in our 
> industrial-military posture, has been the technological revolution during 
> recent decades. In this revolution, research has become central, it also 
> becomes more formalized, complex, and costly. A steadily increasing share is 
> conducted for, by, or at the direction of, the Federal government.
> Today, the solitary inventor, tinkering in his shop, has been overshadowed by 
> task forces of scientists in laboratories and testing fields. In the same 
> fashion, the free university, historically the fountainhead of free ideas and 
> scientific discovery, has experienced a revolution in the conduct of 
> research. Partly because of the huge costs involved, a government contract 
> becomes virtually a substitute for intellectual curiosity. For every old 
> blackboard there are now hundreds of new electronic computers. The prospect 
> of domination of the nation's scholars by Federal employment, project 
> allocations, and the power of money is ever present -- and is gravely to be 
> regarded.
> Yet, in holding scientific research and discovery in respect, as we should, 
> we must also be alert to the equal and opposite danger that public policy 
> could itself become the captive of a scientific-technological elite."
> http://en.wikisource.org/wiki/Eisenhower%27s_farewell_address
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "WillyTex"  wrote:

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[FairfieldLife] Interesting talk by the editor of Skeptic Magazine

2010-06-27 Thread Rick Archer
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Subscription address: humor-subscr...@searchsummit.com 
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[FairfieldLife] Aussie 60 Minutes Report on BP Spill

2010-06-27 Thread Bhairitu
Grab it while you can as it was pulled before at the request of BP.  
BTW, if you don't already have it get the Download Helper plugin which 
will let you save off YouTube videos.

[FairfieldLife] Paul does it again

2010-06-27 Thread nablusoss1008
Paul -- an octopus at the Sea Life public aquarium in Oberhausen,
western Germany -- has so far correctly predicted the outcome of each of
Germany's World Cup matches. On Tuesday, Paul contemplates Wednesday's
match between Germany and Ghana.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Aussie 60 Minutes Report on BP Spill

2010-06-27 Thread brian64705

Just watching Kindra Arnesen - she mentions this video. She has had 
unprecedented inside access to BP's "cleanup" operations which she calls a 
coverup. Watch it here:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu  wrote:
> Grab it while you can as it was pulled before at the request of BP.  
> BTW, if you don't already have it get the Download Helper plugin which 
> will let you save off YouTube videos.
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NcvzkrPL9C4

[FairfieldLife] Francis Thicke

2010-06-27 Thread brian64705
This just takes a few clicks...


Fairfield's Francis Thicke is running for Iowa's Secretary of Agriculture and 
is only 5 people away from being second on the this list. Help him get national 
exposure and support.

[FairfieldLife] Guru puurNimaa at Voionmaa!

2010-06-27 Thread cardemaister

This place shall be made aakaashic by Yffers during the
next Guru puurNimaa:


* Voionmaa: voi[,] on maa!? (oy, [it] is land? or: butter is land?)

[FairfieldLife] Re: Ken Wilber on Trivedi

2010-06-27 Thread Buck

> What do you mean by Wibur's "mixed" praise? Based on the link here provided, 
> Wilbur's endorsement of Trivedi is not "mixed" at all. It is 100% positive. 

That is interesting.  Wilbur or someone
evidently re-edited the blog and took out the parts
that gingerly reflected about Trivedi's guru status, personality and behavior.
Faint praise on that account seemed more honest and noteworthy in its way in 
the original.

Regardless, the retreat was a lot about that.

> >
> > Went to the one-day retreat in FF w/ Trivedi.
> > About 180 people.
> > 
> > Trivedi and Fred Poneman as the retreat m-c spent much of their
> > time responding and positioning themselves relative
> > to this mixed praise by Wilber.  Justifying why Trivedi
> > can and should be able to act the way he does. That he
> > is justifiably different.
> > That he is not just a healer but is transformational, gets his
> > instructions from the Divine which puts him beyond criticism.
> > 
> > Evidently the ladies who were fronting him have stopped because he is so 
> > volitile and abusive in personality.
> > 
> > Om Samskaras.
> > 
> > That said, he definitely has things to say in his way and is determined 
> > that way by force of character. Was quite a 'spiritual experience' meeting, 
> > as in that Genesis quote sort of way from John.
> > 
> > Marketing, the 'transformational' aspect on material things is something 
> > they are trying to figure a name for, and evidently trademark as his. 
> > Naming the universal Genesis energy in nature as 'Trivedi' in some way.  
> > The Poneman brain for movement marketing/building at work the whole time.
> > 
> > Seemed to be a formative meeting.  
> > 
> > Om Samskaras,
> > -Buck in FF  
> > 
> > 
> > >
> > > http://www.kenwilber.com/blog/show/637
> > >  
> > > Next weekend's one-day retreat in Fairfield --
> > >  
> > > http://www.trivedifoundation.org/fairfield-retreat
> > >
> >

[FairfieldLife] Thank You MIU

2010-06-27 Thread pod127b
Hi All, my name is Don Miller.

I've been a TM meditator for 35 years.

For three years, from 1979 to 1982 I had the good fortune to pass my time in 
Fairfield working on MIU and Capital staff.  In 1979 I was 19 years old, had 
been meditating and involved in my local TM center in Orange CA for several 
years, and I was on a road trip whose objective was as fluid as the wind, not 
sure where I would stop, but passed through Fairfield to visit my California 
buddies at MIU, and decided to stay on.

During my time in Iowa I had many personally astounding experiences; countless 
instances of very profound transcendence beyond all space and time; something I 
later found out was the "blue pearl" experience; controlled dreaming; and all 
sorts of intuition related experiences, but perhaps what I appreciate more than 
anything are the many friends I made back in a time when the movement was more 
fluid and not so structured.

At first an old acquaintance from California, Garry Bernhardt, invited me to 
live in his pod building with him.  They were housing units with 15 main 
dwellings, and most of them were empty at that time.   In those times there 
were a lot of empty dorms from the Parsons day, and one could choose where one 
wanted to live on a whim, and rummage around and scavenge all the goodies that 
they could use.  There were a number of campus kitchens where one could eat all 
they wanted without showing any ID.  In any case after a few weeks they got 
officially onto staff working on the men's dome, which was just a framework in 
a mud patch when I arrived.

After a week or two on the dome crew, the leader, Eric Stackland, called us 
together to assign new work groups.   He asked if anyone knew anything about 
sheet metal and air-conditioning.  I was the only one to step forward, having 
worked in my grandfather's sheet metal shop for a few years.  Eric put me in 
charge of the new team, with a very complex large curved duct system to be 
fabricated and installed.  I called my grandfather in a panic and he explained 
some basic geometry principals that were always over my head before, but in 
just a half hour on the phone sunk in.  We took over a year to do what 
professionals might have done in a month, but no one knew any better and the 
work schedule was so lax and free that it was a real godsend of a job 
opportunity for me at such a young age.  One of the "high stress" TM career 
persons in an office, Don Krieger, got the credit for my work creativity and 
bumblings, and later became an anti-TM preacher to my understanding.

I remember in my circle of friends I remember Sean Murphy, a young fun loving 
lad out to experience the world at its fullest, and his buddy the intense Mark 
Della Russo both from Boston.  

There was Jim Michaels also from California, who I would later share musical 
and other interests with after Iowa.  

There was Gary Dunkle from Fresno, a former obese but then slim long distance 
runner, who I would go running with far from Fairfield.  

There was Steve Estrada, a short very intellectual mexican-american Gemini, who 
could even keep an animated conversation going even if everyone else was asleep 
and only he was talking.

There was Brian Herring, uptight kitchen purchasing agent, very young but with 
a BA in chemical engineering and management, who enjoyed our antics tongue in 
cheek, but started loosing his cool in an episode where we started stealing 
cheesecakes from the Pie in the Sky cheesecake factory in major quantities and 
binging on them like pigs.

There was Paul Talley, the king of the most laid back stress free environment, 
magically fabricated in a 15 meter perimeter of his holy countenance.

There was our supposed pod leader, Ron Pleasant, a truly pleasant guy, who 
would do his best to turn a blind eye to our OTP activities, kind of in the 
vein of Sgt. Schultz of Hogan's Heros.

And one of the most charismatic and flamboyant of all was "Sri" Peter Melody of 
Chicago.  Peter was the ace master of esoteric Vedic and other knowledge.  We 
went on trips with Peter to visit banned TM people like Charlie Lutes and the 
like.  One midnight, with new rudraksha beads, deer skins, silks, and other 
adornments fresh off the boat from India, we went out on the lawn in front of 
our pod to do a little puja and meditate under the full moon, and the next 
morning we were all called in by the thought police administration and berated 
for this off-the-program activity.  Some who were more mainline TM types were 
worried and even crying about how this could damage their reputation, and 
others like me just smirked and laughed at the audacity of those pompus 
ass-holes.  My favorite story from Peter is how he stole his mom's car on a 
whim, and sold it for a pack of cigarettes.  Last I heard, a very long time 
ago, Peter went running off after some female Bhakti yoga guru…

A few other people who stand out in my memory, was the dark quiet and brooding 
piscies Brian Hin

[FairfieldLife] Re: Theresa Olson needs a tenant

2010-06-27 Thread sgrayatlarge
Wanted : "Hermit in the House"

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rick Archer"  wrote:
> Theresa Olson: Hi Everyone! We just found out that our tenant at 2167 Key
> Blvd wants to break the leasing contract so that she can go out to
> California. So our home is now for rent! 5 acres, 1 acre pond, ranch with
> finished basement, 3-4 bedrooms, well water, furnished, central heat/ac,
> north facing, quiet, pet friendly. No smokers. Contact me at
>  theresaolson...@... Available in
> two weeks.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Thank You MIU

2010-06-27 Thread wayback71
Welcome, Don.  I thoroughly enjoyed hearing about your time at MIU, your 
thoughts on the people you knew in FFld, and just your general attitude.  
Thanks.  You've had an interesting time of it, and your memories triggered 
mine, and put an upbeat, more lighthearted spin on even the less than pleasant 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "pod127b"  wrote:
> Hi All, my name is Don Miller.
> I've been a TM meditator for 35 years.
> For three years, from 1979 to 1982 I had the good fortune to pass my time in 
> Fairfield working on MIU and Capital staff.  In 1979 I was 19 years old, had 
> been meditating and involved in my local TM center in Orange CA for several 
> years, and I was on a road trip whose objective was as fluid as the wind, not 
> sure where I would stop, but passed through Fairfield to visit my California 
> buddies at MIU, and decided to stay on.
> During my time in Iowa I had many personally astounding experiences; 
> countless instances of very profound transcendence beyond all space and time; 
> something I later found out was the "blue pearl" experience; controlled 
> dreaming; and all sorts of intuition related experiences, but perhaps what I 
> appreciate more than anything are the many friends I made back in a time when 
> the movement was more fluid and not so structured.
> At first an old acquaintance from California, Garry Bernhardt, invited me to 
> live in his pod building with him.  They were housing units with 15 main 
> dwellings, and most of them were empty at that time.   In those times there 
> were a lot of empty dorms from the Parsons day, and one could choose where 
> one wanted to live on a whim, and rummage around and scavenge all the goodies 
> that they could use.  There were a number of campus kitchens where one could 
> eat all they wanted without showing any ID.  In any case after a few weeks 
> they got officially onto staff working on the men's dome, which was just a 
> framework in a mud patch when I arrived.
> After a week or two on the dome crew, the leader, Eric Stackland, called us 
> together to assign new work groups.   He asked if anyone knew anything about 
> sheet metal and air-conditioning.  I was the only one to step forward, having 
> worked in my grandfather's sheet metal shop for a few years.  Eric put me in 
> charge of the new team, with a very complex large curved duct system to be 
> fabricated and installed.  I called my grandfather in a panic and he 
> explained some basic geometry principals that were always over my head 
> before, but in just a half hour on the phone sunk in.  We took over a year to 
> do what professionals might have done in a month, but no one knew any better 
> and the work schedule was so lax and free that it was a real godsend of a job 
> opportunity for me at such a young age.  One of the "high stress" TM career 
> persons in an office, Don Krieger, got the credit for my work creativity and 
> bumblings, and later became an anti-TM preacher to my understanding.
> I remember in my circle of friends I remember Sean Murphy, a young fun loving 
> lad out to experience the world at its fullest, and his buddy the intense 
> Mark Della Russo both from Boston.  
> There was Jim Michaels also from California, who I would later share musical 
> and other interests with after Iowa.  
> There was Gary Dunkle from Fresno, a former obese but then slim long distance 
> runner, who I would go running with far from Fairfield.  
> There was Steve Estrada, a short very intellectual mexican-american Gemini, 
> who could even keep an animated conversation going even if everyone else was 
> asleep and only he was talking.
> There was Brian Herring, uptight kitchen purchasing agent, very young but 
> with a BA in chemical engineering and management, who enjoyed our antics 
> tongue in cheek, but started loosing his cool in an episode where we started 
> stealing cheesecakes from the Pie in the Sky cheesecake factory in major 
> quantities and binging on them like pigs.
> There was Paul Talley, the king of the most laid back stress free 
> environment, magically fabricated in a 15 meter perimeter of his holy 
> countenance.
> There was our supposed pod leader, Ron Pleasant, a truly pleasant guy, who 
> would do his best to turn a blind eye to our OTP activities, kind of in the 
> vein of Sgt. Schultz of Hogan's Heros.
> And one of the most charismatic and flamboyant of all was "Sri" Peter Melody 
> of Chicago.  Peter was the ace master of esoteric Vedic and other knowledge.  
> We went on trips with Peter to visit banned TM people like Charlie Lutes and 
> the like.  One midnight, with new rudraksha beads, deer skins, silks, and 
> other adornments fresh off the boat from India, we went out on the lawn in 
> front of our pod to do a little puja and meditate under the full moon, and 
> the next morning we were all called in by the thought police administration 
> and berated for this off-the

[FairfieldLife] Post Count

2010-06-27 Thread FFL PostCount
Fairfield Life Post Counter
Start Date (UTC): Sat Jun 26 00:00:00 2010
End Date (UTC): Sat Jul 03 00:00:00 2010
110 messages as of (UTC) Mon Jun 28 00:11:56 2010

18 TurquoiseB 
15 nablusoss1008 
11 Rick Archer 
10 Bhairitu 
 9 authfriend 
 9 WillyTex 
 6 Buck 
 4 cardemaister 
 3 raunchydog 
 3 brian64705 
 3 Hugo 
 3 Alex Stanley 
 2 shukra69 
 2 feste37 
 2 It's just a ride 
 1 wayback71 
 1 sgrayatlarge 
 1 pod127b 
 1 merlin 
 1 m2smart4u2000 
 1 hermandan0 
 1 emptybill 
 1 anatol_zinc 
 1 John 
 1 Joe 

Posters: 25
Saturday Morning 00:00 UTC Rollover Times
Daylight Saving Time (Summer):
US Friday evening: PDT 5 PM - MDT 6 PM - CDT 7 PM - EDT 8 PM
Europe Saturday: BST 1 AM CEST 2 AM EEST 3 AM
Standard Time (Winter):
US Friday evening: PST 4 PM - MST 5 PM - CST 6 PM - EST 7 PM
Europe Saturday: GMT 12 AM CET 1 AM EET 2 AM
For more information on Time Zones: www.worldtimezone.com 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Thank You MIU

2010-06-27 Thread Joe
Great stories and wonderful photos Don. Thanks for sharing and welcome!!

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "wayback71"  wrote:
> Welcome, Don.  I thoroughly enjoyed hearing about your time at MIU, your 
> thoughts on the people you knew in FFld, and just your general attitude.  
> Thanks.  You've had an interesting time of it, and your memories triggered 
> mine, and put an upbeat, more lighthearted spin on even the less than 
> pleasant ones.
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "pod127b"  wrote:
> >
> > Hi All, my name is Don Miller.
> > 
> > I've been a TM meditator for 35 years.
> > 
> > For three years, from 1979 to 1982 I had the good fortune to pass my time 
> > in Fairfield working on MIU and Capital staff.  In 1979 I was 19 years old, 
> > had been meditating and involved in my local TM center in Orange CA for 
> > several years, and I was on a road trip whose objective was as fluid as the 
> > wind, not sure where I would stop, but passed through Fairfield to visit my 
> > California buddies at MIU, and decided to stay on.
> > 
> > During my time in Iowa I had many personally astounding experiences; 
> > countless instances of very profound transcendence beyond all space and 
> > time; something I later found out was the "blue pearl" experience; 
> > controlled dreaming; and all sorts of intuition related experiences, but 
> > perhaps what I appreciate more than anything are the many friends I made 
> > back in a time when the movement was more fluid and not so structured.
> > 
> > At first an old acquaintance from California, Garry Bernhardt, invited me 
> > to live in his pod building with him.  They were housing units with 15 main 
> > dwellings, and most of them were empty at that time.   In those times there 
> > were a lot of empty dorms from the Parsons day, and one could choose where 
> > one wanted to live on a whim, and rummage around and scavenge all the 
> > goodies that they could use.  There were a number of campus kitchens where 
> > one could eat all they wanted without showing any ID.  In any case after a 
> > few weeks they got officially onto staff working on the men's dome, which 
> > was just a framework in a mud patch when I arrived.
> > 
> > After a week or two on the dome crew, the leader, Eric Stackland, called us 
> > together to assign new work groups.   He asked if anyone knew anything 
> > about sheet metal and air-conditioning.  I was the only one to step 
> > forward, having worked in my grandfather's sheet metal shop for a few 
> > years.  Eric put me in charge of the new team, with a very complex large 
> > curved duct system to be fabricated and installed.  I called my grandfather 
> > in a panic and he explained some basic geometry principals that were always 
> > over my head before, but in just a half hour on the phone sunk in.  We took 
> > over a year to do what professionals might have done in a month, but no one 
> > knew any better and the work schedule was so lax and free that it was a 
> > real godsend of a job opportunity for me at such a young age.  One of the 
> > "high stress" TM career persons in an office, Don Krieger, got the credit 
> > for my work creativity and bumblings, and later became an anti-TM preacher 
> > to my understanding.
> > 
> > I remember in my circle of friends I remember Sean Murphy, a young fun 
> > loving lad out to experience the world at its fullest, and his buddy the 
> > intense Mark Della Russo both from Boston.  
> > 
> > There was Jim Michaels also from California, who I would later share 
> > musical and other interests with after Iowa.  
> > 
> > There was Gary Dunkle from Fresno, a former obese but then slim long 
> > distance runner, who I would go running with far from Fairfield.  
> > 
> > There was Steve Estrada, a short very intellectual mexican-american Gemini, 
> > who could even keep an animated conversation going even if everyone else 
> > was asleep and only he was talking.
> > 
> > There was Brian Herring, uptight kitchen purchasing agent, very young but 
> > with a BA in chemical engineering and management, who enjoyed our antics 
> > tongue in cheek, but started loosing his cool in an episode where we 
> > started stealing cheesecakes from the Pie in the Sky cheesecake factory in 
> > major quantities and binging on them like pigs.
> > 
> > There was Paul Talley, the king of the most laid back stress free 
> > environment, magically fabricated in a 15 meter perimeter of his holy 
> > countenance.
> > 
> > There was our supposed pod leader, Ron Pleasant, a truly pleasant guy, who 
> > would do his best to turn a blind eye to our OTP activities, kind of in the 
> > vein of Sgt. Schultz of Hogan's Heros.
> > 
> > And one of the most charismatic and flamboyant of all was "Sri" Peter 
> > Melody of Chicago.  Peter was the ace master of esoteric Vedic and other 
> > knowledge.  We went on trips with Peter to visit banned TM people like 
> > Charlie Lutes and the like.  One midnight, with new ru

[FairfieldLife] Re: Theresa Olson needs a tenant

2010-06-27 Thread parsleysage
I thought it sounded nice,very much so. Is it east facing?
I have a place tho. If i was looking for a place, i would check that out.

Hermits are good i guess-? They stay there and keep renting?I think that low 
ball went right over my head, son, over my head.
A pond...I wonder if a window overlooks it, an artists inspirational view

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, sgrayatlarge  wrote:
> Wanted : "Hermit in the House"
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rick Archer"  wrote:
> >
> > Theresa Olson: Hi Everyone! We just found out that our tenant at 2167 Key
> > Blvd wants to break the leasing contract so that she can go out to
> > California. So our home is now for rent! 5 acres, 1 acre pond, ranch with
> > finished basement, 3-4 bedrooms, well water, furnished, central heat/ac,
> > north facing, quiet, pet friendly. No smokers. Contact me at
> >  theresaolson108@ Available in
> > two weeks.
> >

[FairfieldLife] Re: Francis Thicke

2010-06-27 Thread brian64705
he just moved into the number 2 spot - 43 more supporters needed to get him 
into the number 1 spot in the nation. See 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, brian64705  wrote:
> This just takes a few clicks...
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B9-bhEo_BRA
> Fairfield's Francis Thicke is running for Iowa's Secretary of Agriculture and 
> is only 5 people away from being second on the this list. Help him get 
> national exposure and support.

[FairfieldLife] Peter Wallace receiving a Maharishi Award June, 2010, youtube

2010-06-27 Thread ditzyklanmail

[FairfieldLife] kid with oil stuck on her! Destin Beach, Florida

2010-06-27 Thread ditzyklanmail

[FairfieldLife] The Trivedi Conundrum -- asking for explanations

2010-06-27 Thread TurquoiseB
Not having seen this guy (and with no desire ever to),
just following some of the discussions of him on FFL
and BATGAP, I'm curious as to whether anyone can explain
to me why they pay money to see him, or pay even more 
money to talk to him in private or on the telephone.

Is it really just the "buzz?" Is buzznessitude both so
lacking in your life and so important to you that paying
a stranger for a hit of it is important enough *to* pay
them?  I'm asking because, despite my joke about the 
Buzzunit Rating System yesterday, I've been away from
the "Going to see a visiting teacher/saint/healer for
the buzz" thang for so long I don't really remember or
value the attraction of it. Can someone who still feels
that attraction explain it to me, and what the perceived
"payoff" is?

Also, I get the impression reading the things said about
this particular buzz-seller that he's a bit of a loose
cannon, and (based on the reports) can accurately be 
assigned to the group of teachers some would call 
"chronic abusers." In the sense of the classic child- 
or spouse-abuse cycle (abuse and lash out, later apolo-
gize and get forgiven, abuse again, repeat) as opposed
to the "There is no spoon" abuse cycle (abuse, not only
never apologize but say it's the Self doing it so there
is no abuse).

Again, I've never seen the guy and will never, so I'm 
asking those on FFL who have ponied up the cash to see
him to explain in more detail what it was like and what
they feel they got out of the experience. If you feel
like it. I think this would help me to balance some of
the things being said on BATGAP, where the general 
tendency is to make excuses for the guy's outbursts,
from one point of making-excuses view or another. The
fact that many of the people (especially women) who
flocked to him as groupies in the beginning now can't
stand to be around him actually seems sometimes as if
it's being presented as the women's problem, not his.

I'm just fascinated by this tendency towards occasional
abuse in those who set themselves up as spiritual 
teachers or shakti-sellers. I've seen it in action in
Rama - Frederick Lenz in its classic abuse cycle ("The
self made me do it") variant, and in Maharishi in a 
different kind of abuse cycle ("The Self made me do 
it"), but I keep seeing it.

So I'm wondering who here on FFL might have also seen
this tendency towards abuse and "acting out" in Trivedi,
what their "take" is on it (because on the whole I trust
the accuracy of the perceptions of people here more than
I do the people on BATGAP), and their take on "What's in
it for me" when they see him. Thanks in advance...